lesson # 2: communist manifesto. warm up definitions communist manifesto the wealth of nations ...

Lesson # 2: Communist Manifesto

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Lesson # 2: Communist Manifesto

Warm up Definitions Communist Manifesto The Wealth of Nations Occupy Wall Street

Page 30: Bell Ringer:

What should a person’s pay (income) depend on? Objective:

Analyze the effects of industrialization and urbanization on social and economic reform

Page 31: Attach “Communist Manifesto” Page 32: Title: Communism v. Capitalism Page 33: Attach Homework

: “Occupy Wall Street”


Spring Break Packet – turn it in by Wednesday!

Tutorial on Thursday This is a mini-unit Only two more units after this Good things?

Define the following words on page 30: You may use your textbook, smart device, or

your mind Opportunity Equality Communism Capitalism

Give an example of each. Think back to the activity we did on the

Thursday before break…

Below your bell ringer… Title: Equality in Business

Give an example of someone who gets paid too much for what they do. Explain why you think so. If you have access to the internet, research this person and his/her salary.

Give an example of someone who gets paid too little for what they do. Explain why you think so. If you have access to the internet, research this person and his/her salary.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Everyone gets an equal share of the profit Workers own the means of production (ie,

the businesses, as opposed to ownership lying within a select few)

The Upper Class becomes Middle Class The Lower Class becomes Middle Class The government has a lot of control Supporters: Karl Marx, China, Cuba

Read through the text and in the space provided to the right, answer the following question:

1) What are examples of class struggles that have existed in history?

2) What is the cause of struggle between the two classes?

3) What do Marx and Engles suggest the working do to overcome their oppressors?

4) What would YOU suggest to the workers?

Write down 3 main ideas from the Communist Manifesto

Who deserves the power: the working class or the wealthy class?

Does this change your opinion? What about this?

Adam Smith

Everyone gets a share of the profit proportionate to the work they do

Entrepreneurs own the business Upper and Lower Classes exist and control different

amounts of the wealth Government involvement is minimal

Read through the text and in the space provided to the right, answer the following question:

1) According to Smith, what is supply and demand?

2) How does the economy regulate itself?

3) How does Smith compare to Karl Marx?

4) Write a quote that you believe Adam Smith would have said.

Read AND annotate the document being provided by Ms. Wrede.

After reading, answer the four questions at the end.

When you finish answering these questions, write four questions of your own based on the reading. These should be open-ended/opinion-

based, not factual/recall questions.

This reading will help form the foundation for our Socratic seminar tomorrow.

If you come to class without the text annotated and the questions answered/written, you will not be participating in the discussion – no exceptions!