,lume v il. m ontana st t c oll e ge , f r ida y april...

,LUME Vil. MONTANA ST ATE C OLL E GE , FRIDAY APRIL 7, 1916. NU MBER 30. H ORS T RIM FRESHMEN IN OPENNING GAME OF INTERCLASS ! BASEBALL I THRI FT CAMPAIGN TO BE INAUGU R AT ED SERIES I The ye:u 191 6 marks the o ne hun- 1 dredth anniversary of the Savi:lgs FAC ULTY BAL L SE RIE sl DEBATE TONIGHT CLOSES SCHEDULE HERE The fac ulty volley ball team KELLEY AND LUCE MEET DAKOTA NEXT WEEK defeated th e c ity and county ofCtc1 als ) ORS DECISIVELY DEFEAT FRESHMEN BY SEVENTH INNING WITH SCORE 7 TO 6. JUNIORS LEAD IN HITS, RUNS, AND ERRORS, BOBERG, HAM I LTON AND NOBLE STAR FOR FROSH, REDDICK AND BULLOCK FOR JUNIORS I Bank In the United States. To pro- mote sa.,1ngs the Ameri can Banlrnrs association t ogether with the Y. M. C. A has inaugurated a nation-wide "Thrift " campaign . St.udents who are soon to ente r upon their life work .f ind it well worth th eir to team at the Y . M . C. A . gymnasium last Friday night ther . by clinchi ng the cit;· champions hi p. The faculty LE E PA RK , RO BT. G RA Y, AND D AVID GRAY WILL R EP RESENT MON - woo th e first three games. The firsl TANA AG AI N FT TH E UNIVERSITY OF ID AHO T ONIGHT. ID AHO game wa s very close but the last two SA ID TO HA VE S TR ONG TEAM . MON T ANA HAS ONE OF ST R ONG- garueR we re a walkaway for th e pro- EST T EA MSIN HISTO R Y; AS YET U ND EF EATED. fessor s. 'fhe men on the coll ege team Stud y thi s pi·oblem which h as as great we re Pr ofessors Alfr ed Atkin son, B. !old 'em Daddy Batter 11 p .At-a· o:i secoud. a upon their financial sue- W. \Yhitlock, J. R. Pa rker, J. C. Park s, l:lcore 7 _ 10 cess as Uie regular prescri bed studi es. ""· ff'. nrewe r. and E.W. Jah:ike . ).-lomana State will meet the Uni· Both these me:l han" bPPn .. ruNtoR rRoM sET FoR lcoUNm MEETING oF and NINETEENTH OF MAY I SEN ATE HELD TUESDAY hard and a good can be C'<· pected from them. Th e other debater l or the college ver sity or Cd aho t onight In debate. The question is : Res oh·ed, that a <'o mpulsory voti:lg la w shou ld be es· tabli shed In the United Sta t es. Thh:i nef>dS no introduction to of is one of the important debates of :\[ontana S tate. Park is a veter;.m the year and s hould be well attended 1 debater who ha s made a very cred- br the s tudent s. Th e men who will i !table showing in all the debat es in represent the college in thi s debate I which he has participated. Park and are Robe rtz Gray, David Gray, and Luce r ecentl v defeated the strong Lee Park. The men on the team rep- I Gonzaga Unh:ersity team a resenting the Unive r sity of Idaho are una nimou.H decision They also de- 1',rank Koch, Bertram Bingle. and "iVaJ. (t>atecl 1he North Dakota ae tnclement elements. :S-obody The ha\·e ten clt!an hits, Retl- I rt->d for the howe\"er, )Ian- di<'k. Gallon 2. 2. 2. ---- ---- Bullcx·k and wen• witbb Strand Bnllock, and Cannon. How- Ba ll W ill Be Held at the Elks Home- Sanit ary Drinking Cups f ol" Dances. rii"'h1I1<.'(' au,1 when they were eY+>r lhe?I llaH· 12 PrrcHs C'halke<l up No Flowers to be Sent-In- Cap and Gown to nlayers or forfeit the agabst tht:>m I gram T rack Capt . I Discu s sed .. the,· hot·footed it th_e The Lin e Up ___ I ---- in Th of material Fn·shmen I ter 1 year. men from l'aCh were <lraYes. C: Hamilton lst B: :'\oblt'. I .-\1 a rather poorly attended Juuiorl A council meeting of the :·enate was ed to st rt the game. and start j ''d B :\! "d B '.\l . D 11 las1 )(onday It was dec.ided held last Tuesda;\" for lh . e ·urpose of -r l -. & . ·J·I .' lo hold thP Junior ball thi vea. the <.onsidering the providi:lg ol ente rtain - 1 _n · . , . i.. <l r j · :::;, ,. lf'l' er, ' · • · "'· . · . : s · 1 ment for the debating from rda- e field treachuou. nn P I R l'. J,. F', Tay- l!nh O[ '.\fay It possible to secure the 1 _ , . . . 11 h rc01. t 11 for the numer- 1 . l' ,. s.v H r 'ho. Lee This debate will be the first ap- The ltlaho team debated this same question with the Utah Aggies beforP herP. The of this 1le· pearance of both Robertz Gray and DaYid Gray in an intercollegiate de- bate. HoweYer they ha\·e both had bate is not yet known. They will de-- e.xperien(·e in debate work. Robertz bate wiih Gonzaga 011 lhP return u; 11 Grar ig i:\ former Gallatin high speaker Thf> jude;es for the debaie are. who ghowect his ability in th e Fresh· .Judge \\'illinm T. Pigott or Helen<1, m;.rn-Sophonwre debate. He ls 'a Judge Theo<lore Brantley. who is C'hief forC'eful speaker. especially justice of the :\Tontana Supreme Court strong on rebuttal. David Gray was at Helena. and a third ma:-i "·ho has w 1 c a · . _ o:i. ·. · .. n,, · : hall at rhat dale it will be held at Park commissioner of Jnterestc:t errors: of llrn .Tumors com .Junwrs . ed tbt Jong wimlell Gatton. <' R lst U: Saltz, 2 tl B: the . . Literary and Fore1isic. f c:ro"'s cou:1t ·;. :--pir:tnb tail moY Joi <•r :=:::trand. Cannon. S.: Bullock, Aller a Inrlc OYer as· Heretofore the i.i;nglish departmenl he ba.srs c r a-part that !hey :M B. & ·;ind, R F. RC'd sessrncnts it <le<'ided to of thr C'ollege has furnh;hed funds ln't mike t e i c 1 1t without get hrk. c F. Hanst'n & :\lon· ,, 11 L. F' ead 1 mPmher of the lWo dollars I for t hf:' entertainment of the Yil;iting . .,.,he f·e!'hmt•n won the 1 2 4 ;; Ii i-R H E. and a ball Contrary to the usual team-.: but ai:; it is not doing; so also a member or the freshmen de· 1and chose the field. u .-, n :{ ::! I- 111 tn 12 cuistom then· will Ue no flower:-: sent I year rhe C'offee dub asked pennis- thl::; ypru· The ,·ario11s <·ommittees for sio;i to gh·e a (Jr.nee for the enter- not yet been chosen. bating: team and made a very credit- able showing in the interclass debate . Th..- tlel.Jatl..! will be held in the 1 Fre:-0hmen I :; 2 11 1 ft 11 thP been appointe'l and taimnent of the \'isitors after tht> de- --------------- are: 1 bate. Any surplus funds were to go l·:dwi;i Ronne, chair- towarrl <lefraying lhe expenses of this M S ( GRADUATE hall on the. third noor of Jfon- tana Hall at O-C'lork tonight A First Inning 1e...J.es \\lie ler a.ud e game by mnings I hnnq11Pt been arrane-Pd for the Hock , 1 11 1 '4.eldirk both IMPRESSIVE ADDRESS n "as stopped at first ha"'· r J man; Renan Dec:amp. Lawrence Saltz. I or some later debne. Permission to and their c·oaches to l>e held Snow, C. B. :\farrl1 giYe the dnnrt' wa8 r-ranted but it was it thf' Rnngalow aft.er the debate. antl Gatton . I BY HEINZMAN 'l1i1'on scorPd the run 01 1hP n <;ran?"S f-lnned: out '.\l1;:rle;old, c1Hl Grace :iiclYer. later decided not to hold it D RAWS GOOD POSITION Thf' c:ollege- another debate \hrnic- Roy Strand, chairman: Eu· Th e coun<'il voted that hereafter all scheduled which will rake at genP Ha1 1 aiz. Jannelle Lund. organizations gi\'ing entertainments in 1 S<Suth Dakota. on the fif Jn,·itatinn Chas. Cook. the drill hall proYide sanitary Alonzo Bur kett Accepts Posit ion With ke:nh of this month. Lleweilyn Luce teal rom t \\' Personal Relataed by Mr. left field. \ Helnzeman . Sacrifices Made Are Kretlow. EYerett :\lcSpadden. I c-ups. the T hree Fo rk s Cement and J D. Ke11ey will the Second Inni ng tteries -Hamilton and GraYes. ltz nie1t out to Jeft field. She-rr on in tie Id tap bet \Yt.>en lirst and nd. Hice tteries -Bn'lork ancl Gatton. >ble. and ":"ip.; Taylnr Burgess ranned Boberg walks: ilto:i first· GraYeF. flied to right field. Hamilton <'aught Th ird Inning ltt,eries-Boberg and Gra\·es. Jolley out to ":\lonson fanned: Bui- and Gatton. heeler and MacDonald both $COr· .. n this in:iinc.. Xoble out on pop to 9tSto p. :\fac).lillan to center field. .r; r eal'hed first but Taylor retired :;side. ·ore f).11 RPfreshmPnLs Ruth XoblP chair· Hamilton suggested 1hat Compa ny I college there against the South Dakota man; \\"hu :'.\fa;rning Ada. Beerste· 1 the matter of requiring to j A!!ricultural team. The Almost Unbelievable 1 cher.. wea1- <.'RP and gown at assembly be Alonzo Burket. 'J:J, has res ign ed hb tinn for <lisrnsslon that Americ-:ins do nol realize tlw sat·· 1 :'llanfred Snow and .Janelle Lund by the council After dis· llOl">ition as a::;sistant 111 the chemistry a short ballot woulc.1. be conduci\·e dfiC"es which war clemana,s or the na 1 were appointed to see about secur- cussion it was dedded not to act upon to the hest interests of the people. of. r;urop ... , was the new ex· ing the hall thi nt il tho llPXt meeting. How· depanment the College of Agri· ).fontana State can feel confident ot hy "'.\.Tr 11 L. the At the of the meeting an e,-er the of the council was <'ulture and "'.\Jechanic to accep1 the which two men will . . elertlon for track manager was hef'd I that the minority of tbe cla&i should a !Jetter position in industrial make as they both have excellent renu· inlC'rnational student ReC'rPlary of the and Craig lngram was to lead do as the majority wished in the He 00 i;;,·ednesday. April iJth ta.tions as l)nblic speakers. L ure bas Y. :'of. C'. A., at thP special j the Junior track men this seaso:t. I ma. ter. ro a position in the laboratory partiripated in both of the debates F'rlday morning. )fr Heinzman rP-1 of the Portland Cement whirh the college has won this year <'ently returned lrom the F:uropean Compan,·, at Tridellt. and work He i!; a. stro;ig, rouvincing speaker war front and in his address hP told I CONGRESS DEBATES DRJLL REQUIREMENTS will be the direction of Mr. \Y. whose whirlwind rebuttals have , ... on of i-;ome of hi' Rnrl im- H. Andrews. Chief Chemist. : many debates. Kelley won the state STATE COLLEGES ' D EMANDS ARE HEEDED oratorical contest at :\fi ssoula last presslons. )Ir Burket graduated from the lo- spring. This ts hi" first appea rance I le i:oaid that war de"·eJoos a c·a11a· du-;Lrinl Chemistry cour::\l' wH11 the in imereolle_giate debate but bis ex- <·ity fo r sal·rifktl which is almost 11n- class of Hll:i. On graduation he de- pt>rient't-' in other lines or pubuc speak- helie\'able. In many of the shops and I Hay Military Bill Passes House-Now Being Debated In Senate . Two ciclecl 10 acceμt an offer to remain should make l.im .i hard man rn hotels of Enghnd the work is done Years of Drill W ill Be Requ i red -Fo ur Years Dr ill and Si x Months hf'at entirely by women · who ar t> taking Act ive Servtce To Give Commi ssion In Reser ve Co r ps . Go ver nment in tht> departments of Chemistry anU ELLIOTT AND GRIFFIN SPEAK AT the place::; 01 men who ha' e gone to I I To Furn is h . All Arms, Uniforms and Equipme nt. :'.1r Burket has been an ef· SHORT COURSE COMMENCEMENT the front In England alone therP ficient and popular worker in the are eight hundred thousand women Chemistry Department and pro· F'o11rtet'•n young tne;t di plo· worlllng Ill mumt1011 faetoncs \\'Jule . , . . . . . mmion b a mutter of con::-ide-rablt\ ma::: from the Srhool o( Agri culture this countr) ::;eJt Heveral mi111on dol-1 1 he det.u ls or tbe new military Equipment Furn ished . Fourth Inning satisfa('tion to his friends and c•olle-l!e la:st wPek. H. P. Griffin. editor of the \\' and Jars to tlw relier 01 Be lgium yet Eng. bill effeding the e nti re- military or- The SeC'retary or \Va r abo associates. I Jtontana r.·armer was the pr in cipa l llteriPs es. edd ick Gatton also scored n uU In deep C'enter Sherry scar· 111 two bagger. Rice called out on hed ball. rand safe on first; w to bleac-hers caught off SP<·o:itl man fanned. attertes-Saltz and Gatton. land ten rlollarn to every one at I ga111za11011 ot thf' L"Illt\'d Statei-; ha,·e a11tho11zPcl to t!:'sue tn institutions I 1 speaker In his. he laid es ours :.rr Heinzman ga,·e many other J11st been re(e1,·ed by Prt:-8ident Hamil- marntaing dllll, arms, uniforms, and DAVIDSON TO INSPECT WATER 11ednl rmphasis on the fat·t th:tt the PxamplPs to the sacrifices which I ton The measure. the I-la)· Bill in· other equipment, including animal::) in ---- t;.,i·m is the grPate:->t fiPltl of OJl!lOr were berng made b \· the people of In ortler that the Surgt\on Gpnt'l'i.tl I t\IDil\" for tht' new generntion. l'hnn lh " "atTt'ri" 11 .,t 1011 •• I troclm.'€'d mto Thi.'.' of Hepres- of ca,·alry. 1 . "'" "" « "' ..\. 1 1 r 1 1 of the l'nited may haYe proper I rellor 1-:<lward r Ellio1 al!?-o madt> a emath e:-. ol Congr€'!-'S h\ Congress- . I t 1e (l fl<. o I wo YC"Ul'S, l IOSf" w 10 Tn relating somp of the thmgs which . . . · I n·a<"h a n'l lnin iiroficien<.·y and rle- !(11arantee- that lht' water ::;ent•d to few rtimarks in \\ hit.'h ht=- sail f. ··Lean1 be saw whUe in Mr. Hef:lz. m.rn Il a). c ha1rmd11 ot lhe s1rt• lo go on wilh ctrill, c.•an do !30 i1y 11ns::;t->11ger:-. on itllennate pas!:;pnger tht> yuu uePt.l nntl c.·:.rn use a:ul man told of thP great numbers or on .\ l1ilta1y Aflairs. <:onta1ns an am-I up for rh"e houra per week trains is pure and wholesonw. thl:" kf't.•p your knowing and your doing at amilton flied ont to <'enter field; wounded men whiC'h he saw on e\•ery mE:>ndmen1 t>m1Jor1;ring the vroYisiom; for two years. This ad,·anced cour::;e Stale Roanl of Health has unt> tht" same pa ves out on first by spc::1ctacular play sidC' .. are se,·enteen hundred I in rega1.·d to military drill desired by is per:-;crihe<I by the Secreta.t·y of \\'ar. of it::; inspeC'wr s. Lynd all lln,·idson Following i:-- of graduate::; 3alt 7. who 1hrew from po..;. hosp11als Ill En.t:land fo r the care of !ht> Assodation or Land Grant Col· I who is also authorize<l to issue to the ·i ;, 10 lhe western 11a.n of to 1 \\" JI . .Jcsst;l' Kenneth. Rich Bobere: struck out. her wounded I nwn their subsisten('e, an amount not inspt•c·t a.ll water for in anl ,\taier . ..\rlhur Rowland.' Frank "'ore ti-3. .:\tr. Heinzman condemned l\'ar i.1 The ahorP hill pasi;ed lbe hou!:'e on to exc·eed the amount issued iu the t erstnte sC'n-ke. The sam-1 SulliYan. Claren('e 1·ow. Raymon d Fifth Inning t t H ·d h t t 1 I Tl · · 1 f II pl es taken will l.>e brought to noze- Tow, O::;c·nr Starz. Burdette \\" ohlf r om \'ery s rong e sat t a uere rhe t.\\'e nt_r -fonh of )i!arch and is now ar army. 11s pro\"lc es or a 1 "' atteriel:l-Burt{PSJ'; and GraYet:i. is no such r hmg as C'ivl lized war. All I being leiJ i 1 . Lb S t Tl 1 expen ses. board, clothing- and so man to the C'hembu·y. Detmrtment. Haroltl Reld e:-i .. John HliC'kensderfer ullock out on left fie1d fly; Hed- war is murder and when civi li zation l'tttl ',"the tlena e. tere . 1 " 1 ' forth. which does lhl:\ analyUC'al "ork tor UPYt:'rly Coc k rell e < Ill at le measure \\'I the . tate Board of H ealth. I __ _ giYen a base and scores on tn- goes out murder comes In Lite be-J Retired to Reserve. d hit by Saltz: Gatton scores so <-11eHp thal it iR .not worth pass wit hin the n ext few weeks. The I A1 th e co mpl tion of four years l:nder tht:." regulations of lh t:" l·ni!t"tl SUMMER SCHOOL BULLETIN · bill <·outains all the prov-isions o[ the I . e nfor ced for tht> re" 'Nl.I':-. I rry out on se<'oncl and Rice 00 trying to keep it. I new military policv including regu ln· dnll any man who hns reached th e trams must C'onform to l.lef111ite :-.tnn· The lJul h-"" t in for the Summer School l. On th e other hand. however. he Lion ol' in <' r ease of the age of twenty-one "·ill, if he so de- dard of JlllrllY. and th<' 1 e,po n >1b iht ) " '"" nnd i> for dbtribulion atteries- Rice a:id Gatton. that there were certain things regular a nn,-. an(] the na.tio nal guard sirt>s, be gi\'eu u. or seco nd fo r t·crlifying U1is to tlw b"etl erril A new re:uure in any of thP bulletin:-: •'heeler and :\tacUonald out at first which war developed which are a good on ly a 1 >o rti on being cle,·oteci lieutenant In the_ regu lar army. panmeut re!".ts with the Stnte Board nf "ill lw notil-t:"d n:-o as the Jlamph Infi eld tapt;, Xoble walks. st ea ls thing. l fo was i mpressed by the J ack to the <.frill in coll ege:-;. The sections I he ha s six months. reeeinng li l\Rllh. Th e samples taken h.Y :\t1·. IN is upe11t.>tl. [ht• pagl' brim.:, Jnd and waltzes home 00 over· of artificiality of the m en who go to under di s<'us:-iion han• no beating on lli:-i e xpem:iel:l and one hundred dollar::; will be brou g ht to th e lab or- t:riH'n lH"t:'l' tn a notit'e t·nm•erninK thl· JWS. st ru ck out. the front. Ther lack the s ham and Ule ('Ol leges. so it is ::;afe to predi<.- t atorr here for e:\n.minn.tion. bolh us 1.·nm11anPm pan:-; ur t hf" l'ni core T·:;. Sixth Inning prelen"se which. he s aid, cha ra rte ri ze tha1 the final draft will IJ e es:-ie ntially He will be. allowed to use the rank to th (' l'he-mical a nd haC'teriologit:HI •. \ Tile ilwntion and and Grave l3. the average Am er ican as fo llowof seco nd li eute nan1 on all !)roper oc- ih e latt er work donll' <'on..,,rPd in Pa<'h part art:' g-in•n, IL' .a.isen out on liner to thi rd base. A war suC' h as 1b r pr sent one welds Two Years Required. caH io ns. nnd is liRblc:- fot· se rvi ce at by the lab orator) or th e with the duw or estab lbhmen1 lDd scores. Snow out on stea l a t a na. ion "' · ,.., An) 111 s utuuon statt.• or pnv:lt(', the t'all or th e Sec1eta1 y of \\'ar. "'t°' t . tog•tl 1 er n 1 ore than anvthinv I •ol l"ue !\IHI 1he or pn\sident •:>nd. Bullock flies to short atop. e!Re ro11ld do acrording to the spe ak- whil'11 C'an one huudr ed or Tho:;.e who (.)o nOl to follow 10 tlw t·a le nda r atteries- Re<ldick ancl Gatton. er. 'T'h e men at the front do n ot more for military trrunrng, and w11l I this u1> have their nam es entere<l on H. 1\1. Shea, of th e State F'ooll I tht:" will open o n tht" tanl ey and Boberg out on third think of self but th e ir only thought is agret> to maintain drill if esiah lish ll d a. list and a.re at any tim e e lig11Jl e to La.horntory o[ tlH' DepnnmC'nt ol :!rnl \If .l1111t:' and ''Ill 1.·on tinnt\ till £::hi ts, Bullock to Ri ce. Hamilton of the natio::i . as com1H1hmry t'or two years !or nil appornlment as Hecond li eutenant, If ('hpmi.str). has to th e .July:!:!. when th1;1 annunl tlip thrn11_g-h 'to center fi eld. Mr. Helnzman ·s addreRs was \re ry who are phy sically fit t•n n ap· I (•a n pa:-;s the re quir ed evn mlna· 11art or tlw nn un I tlh' '\ t>lln wsll'.ne will he m:ul_l\ effecti ve and held the undivided ply to 1he \Yar Dt.>pa rtrn r nt ror a drill I trip for th e Staie Board 01 llealth Tht· hullPtln t.:-1\·t's tht> YHrwu:-. corR, 'i·fi. I a tt e ntion of hi R audie n re. offi cf'r. Tho IH'nse11t Jllnn is bei ng worked work hn i-; ehicfly to do with rlruK t offered :tnll a short of Seventh Inning "' / atler1 es-Taylor and Graves . J 1 Pre>stdent Hanuhon announc-e<l th e Tlw Se<•rc tnry oC \\'n r out with 1he idea or er a ,·olun - inspP<.' Lion in ron nN:tlon with the- e n - I ea<'h and w 11 with Cam· edd1 ck wa lk s. Gatton safe on first. ,, orf'h\> stra assembly for thi s morning the 1·ouri;o of training, two hours of t eer army, and th ere Is nothing co m fon•L\mt:'nt or th C' State Food nnd l>ru,!! pus and Summt·r .z out on center field fly. Ca nnon and an assemb ly in honor or Shake· drill and one hour of lectur a mini· pnhmry in any of th e provisions. ln:w. Pro )I art in 01 th e <lniry cl t- part Reddi ck and Gatton on two spc are two weeks from toda) ·. He· mum of three hours J}{>l' week. Affl- SEN I OR CR AC KS RI B M bi:; Olin ' Kint;ella wi.11 I mem lws l't'l"t>ht•d butter !? h it. Cannon scores on Rice's I also r;tated that the firRt assembly i:'l arE' assig n ed from thC' regular Strand scores; Dullock caught ).t ar would be given over to th e gleE' army. thC' a\·allable number fo r such 1 l;-r ed Homan or the Senior dass Is :\l bs .Jensen to \\"ibnu .... ne:\t "e<>k rrom fiflPen t'l'l·am('ries in th<' stRt it-1orne plate La i.;t man fans . c lubs 1m1·pose b e- Ing raised from one hnn · 1 t .rnrs ing n rib ns the 1:esult of wh ero th ey will i d\'e a l'OUrt-ie of in· 1 to Bill Fluhr the deimtY I d1· NJ to thr ee hundred 1'11C'se of· lhrown from th e ,·es t1bule of st r11cliou to th('I wome n. The sec- clniry <·ommlst-0io1wr is e xpN'tNI w ar a'teri es 'anno11 and Gatton . The s1>ea kel' introduced by C C. hll 11 t ond .vear c·ourse will be gh-en nt that iu noz("man toda: to ass!Rt Mr .raves out on fly to second , \Vh ee ler Ho lt , president of the coll ege Y. M. ficers will ha.\' e the title, ProfeS!30t' the s lree c ar w e on ts way O ;;;'1 ·<ght at homf> plate. MacDonnld ou t C. A. of . \Tilitary training and 'l'nrtiC's. the College on Tuesday. plac{". ! '.' \Iartln in this work.

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Post on 23-May-2018




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SERIES I The ye:u 191 6 marks the o ne hun-1 dredth anniversary of the Savi:lgs


The fac ulty volley ball team ~g.ai n ' KELLEY AND LUCE MEET DAKOTA NEXT WEEK defeated the city and county ofCtc1als


I Bank In the United States. To pro­

mote sa.,1ngs the Ame rican Banlrnrs

association together with the Y. M.

C. A has inaugurated a nation-wide

"Thrift" campaign. St.udents who are

soon to enter upon t heir life work

.find it well worth t heir ~·hll e t o

team at the Y . M . C. A . gymnasium

last Friday night ther. by clinching the cit;· championship. The faculty LE E PA RK, ROBT. GRA Y, AND DAVID GRAY WILL REP RESENT MON-woo the first three games. The firsl TANA AG AI NFT TH E UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO TONIGHT. IDAHO game was very close but t he last two SAID TO HAVE STRONG TEAM. MONTANA HAS ONE OF STRONG-garueR were a walkaway for the pro- EST TEAMS IN HISTORY; AS YET UNDEFEATED. fessors. 'fhe men on the college team

Stud y this pi·oble m which has as great were Pr ofessors Alfred Atkinson, B.

!old 'em Daddy Batter 11 p .At-a· o:i secoud. a beari~g upon their financial sue- W . \Yhitloc k , J . R. Pa rker, J . C. Parks,

l:lcore 7_10 cess as Uie regular prescribed studies. ""· ff'. nrewer . and E.W. Jah:ike . ).-lomana State will meet the Uni· Both these me:l han" bPPn work.in~

El~:!.~: :~:F.::~~=: E::;~_::.:<r::.~2::::·: .. ruNtoR rRoM sET FoR lcoUNm MEETING oF :~~n;othbee c~~: :!;;::.dr:::rd~:~: ~:~:.n t~i~\~~~~·=s e~:r:fa(')\lllan and NINETEENTH OF MAY I SENATE HELD TUESDAY

hard and a good showin~ can be C'<·

pected from them.

The other debater lor the college

versity or Cda ho tonight In debate .

The question is : Resoh ·ed, that a

<'ompulsory voti:lg la w shou ld be es·

tabli shed In the United States. Thh:i nef>dS no introduction to ~tuden ts of

is one of the important debates of :\[ontana S tate. Park is a veter;.m

the year and should be we ll attended 1 debater who has made a very cred­

br the s tudents. The men who will i !table showing in all the debates in

represent the college in thi s debate I which he has participated. Park and

are R obertz Gray, David Gray, and Luce r ecentl v defeated the strong

Lee Park. The men on the team rep- I Gonzaga Unh:ersity team gabin~ a

resenting the University of Idaho are unanimou.H decision They also de-

1',rank Koch , Bertram Bingle. and "iVaJ. (t>atecl 1he North Dakota Ag~eR 1.111~

ae tnclement elements. :S-obody The junior~ ha\·e ten clt!an hits, Retl- I rt->d for the ~amP, howe\"er, )Ian- di<'k. Gallon 2. ~berry 2. ~now 2. ---- ----

Bullcx·k and Grave~ wen• witbb Strand Bnllock, and Cannon. How- Ba ll W ill Be Held at the Elks Home- Sanitary Drinking Cups fol" Dances.

~ rii"'h1I1<.'(' au,1 when they were eY+>r lhe?I llaH· 12 PrrcHs C'halke<l up No Flowers to be Sent-In- Cap and Gown ~ule

to ~upply nlayers or forfeit the agabst tht:>m I gram T rack Capt. I Discussed

.. the,· hot·footed it nroun~ th_e The Line Up ___ I ----~~ in ·~ea Th of material ~utf1- Fn·shmen I ter Sa~gelius. 1 year.

men from l'aCh clafl~ were ~oon <lraYes. C: Hamilton lst B: :'\oblt'. I .-\1 a rather poorly attended Juuiorl A council meeting of the :·enate was

ed to st rt the game. and start j ''d B :\! •'.\(Ii~ "d B '.\l . D 11 1111..~<.~ting las1 )(onday It was dec.ided held last Tuesda;\" for l h. e ·urpose of

- r l ~ -. & ~I a\~ . ~~~· ·J·I ~.Sa<:~ ~nal/ .' lo hold thP Junior ball thi vea. the <.onsidering the providi:lg ol entertain-

~ 1 _n · . , . i.. <l r j ~ · :::;, "· ,. lf'l' er, ' · • · ~ "'· • . · . : s · 1 ment for the debating te~1m from rda-

e field wa~ treachuou. nn P I Hur~Pss, R l'. Hober~ J,. F', Tay- l!nh O[ '.\fay It possible to secure the 1 • _ , . . .

11 h rc01. t 11 for the numer- 1 . l' ,. s.v H r· • r 'ho. Llt.!"ell)nLu(e~ubsu1ute<lf01 Lee

This debate will be the first ap- The ltlaho team debated this same

question with the Utah Aggies beforP

C'omin~ herP. The re~mlt of this 1le·

pearance of both Robertz Gray and

DaYid Gray in an intercollegiate de­

bate. HoweYer they ha\·e both had bate is not yet known. They will de-­

e.xperien(·e in debate work. Robertz bate wiih Gonzaga 011 lhP return u;11

Grar ig i:\ former Gallatin high speaker Thf> jude;es for the debaie are.

who ghowect his ability in the Fresh· .Judge \\'illinm T . Pigott or Helen<1,

m;.rn-Sophonwre debate. He ls 'a Judge Theo<lore Brantley. who is C'hief

gtron~. forC'eful speaker. especially justice of the :\Tontana Supreme Court

strong on rebuttal. David Gray was at Helena. and a third ma:-i "·ho has

w 1 c a · . _ o:i. ·. · .. n,, · : Stanie~ hall at rhat dale it will be held at Park a~ commissioner of Jnterestc:t

errors: ~ill1lt of llrn .Tumors com .Junwrs .

ed th~ tbt Jong wimlell Fre~h Gatton. <' R lst U: Saltz, 2tl B: the .1 ·~lb: hot~w. . . Literary and Fore1isic.

f c:ro"'s cou:1t ·;. :--pir:tnb tail moY Joi <•r :=:::trand. Cannon. ~ S.: Bullock, Aller a Inrlc d1~cu&;1on OYer as· Heretofore the i.i;nglish departmenl

he ba.srs ~o c r a-part that !hey :M B. ~hl'rr~ & ~~t ·;ind, R F. RC'd sessrncnts it wa~ <le<'ided to asses~ of thr C'ollege has furnh;hed funds

ln't mike t e i c 11t without get hrk. c F. Hanst'n & :\lon· ,,11

L. F' ead1 mPmher of the cla~rn lWo dollars I for t hf:' entertainment of the Yil;iting

\\-iorl~d . .,.,he f·e!'hmt•n won the 1 2 ~ 4 ;; Ii i-R H E. and a ball Contrary to the usual team-.: but ai:; it is not doing; so thi~ also a member or the freshmen de·

1and chose the field. .lnnrnr~ u .-, n :{ ::! I- 111 tn 12 cuistom then· will Ue no flower:-: sent I year rhe C'offee dub asked pennis-

thl::; ypru· The ,·ario11s <·ommittees for sio;i to gh·e a (Jr.nee for the enter-

not yet been chosen. bating: team and made a very credit-able showing in the interclass debate . Th..- tlel.Jatl..! will be held in the a~


Fre:-0hmen I :; 2 11 1 ft 11 thP l~\-ent lwn~ been appointe'l and taimnent of the \'isitors after tht> de-

--------------- are: 1 bate. Any surplus funds were to go

DP~orntion l·:dwi;i Ronne, chair- towarrl <lefraying lhe expenses of this M S ( GRADUATE

semlJI~· hall on the. third noor of Jfon-

tana Hall at ~ O-C'lork tonight A First Inning

1e...J.es \\lie ler a.ud Grave~.

e game by mnings

I hnnq11Pt ha~ been arrane-Pd for the

Hock ,1 111 '4.eldirk both fann~11. IMPRESSIVE ADDRESS

n "as stopped at first ha"'· r J man; Renan Dec:amp. Lawrence Saltz. I or some later debne. Permission to • • • ieam~ and their c·oaches to l>e held

~[anfred Snow, C. B. Sherr~-; :\farrl1 giYe the dnnrt' wa8 r-ranted but it was it thf' Rnngalow aft.er the debate.

~t!~i:,~;lterry antl Gatton . I BY HEINZMAN 'l1i1'on scorPd the fir~t run 01 1hP

n <;ran?"S f-lnned: \\"lit~eler. out

'.\l1;:rle;old, c1Hl Grace :iiclYer. later decided not to hold it DRAWS GOOD POSITION Thf' c:ollege- ha~ another debate

\hrnic- Roy Strand, chairman: Eu· Th e coun<'il voted that hereafter all scheduled which will rake plnc~ at

genP Ha11aiz. Jannelle Lund. organizations gi\'ing entertainments in 1 Brooking~. S<Suth Dakota. on the fif

Jn,·itatinn Chas. Cook. chairman~ the drill hall mu~t proYide sanitary Alonzo Burkett Accepts Posit ion With ke:nh of this month. Lleweilyn Luce

teal rom t r~t; \\' ~Tat~Donnld, Personal E xp~riences Relataed by Mr.

left field. \ Helnzeman . Sacrifices Made Are ~fary Kretlow. EYerett :\lcSpadden. I drinki:i~ c-ups. the T hree Forks Cement and J D. Ke11ey will repre~ent the

Second Inni ng tteries -Hamilton and GraYes.

ltz nie1t out to Jeft field. She-rr

on in tie Id tap bet \Yt.>en lirst and

nd. Hice rann~d. tteries -Bn'lork ancl Gatton.

>ble. ~Iac~fillan and ":"ip.; Taylnr

~d Burgess ranned Boberg walks:

ilto:i make~ first· GraYeF. flied

to right field. Hamilton <'aught

Th ird Inning

ltt,eries-Boberg and Gra\·es. Jolley out to

":\lonson fanned: Bui-

tteries-~traud and Gatton.

heeler and MacDonald both $COr·

.. n this in:iinc.. Xoble out on pop to

9tStop. :\fac).lillan to center field.

.r; real'hed first but Taylor retired

:;side. ·ore f).11

RPfreshmPnLs Ruth XoblP chair· Pre~ident Hamilton suggested 1hat Company I college there against the South Dakota

man; \\"hu :'.\fa;rning Ada. Beerste· 1 the matter of requiring ~eniors to j A!!ricultural rolle~e team. The que~ Almost Unbelievable

1 cher.. wea1- <.'RP and gown at assembly be Alonzo Burket. 'J:J, has res igned hb tinn for <lisrnsslon h~: Re~01\"ed. that

Americ-:ins do nol realize tlw sat·· 1 :'llanfred Snow and .Janelle Lund con~1'lered by the council After dis· llOl">ition as a::;sistant 111

the chemistry a short ballot woulc.1. be conduci\·e

dfiC"es which war clemana,s or the na 1 were appointed to see about secur- cussion it was dedded not to act upon to the hest interests of the people.

tiun~ of. r;urop ... , was the new ex· ing the hall thi nt il tho llPXt meeting. How· depanment o~ the College of Agri· ).fontana State can feel confident ot

pres~ed hy "'.\.Tr 11 L. Ht.~inzrnan. the At the ron<'lu~ion of the meeting an e,-er the se~ti~e:'lt of the council was <'ulture and "'.\Jechanic Art~. to accep1 the ~howing which the~e two men will

. . elertlon for track manager was hef'd I that the minority of tbe cla&i should a !Jetter position in industrial line~. make as they both have excellent renu·

inlC'rnational student ReC'rPlary of the and Craig lngram was cho~en to lead do as the majority wished in the He lea,-e~ 00 i;;,·ednesday. April iJth ta.tions as l)nblic speakers. L ure bas

Y. :'of. C'. A., at thP special a~~embly j the Junior track men this seaso:t. I ma. ter. ro ac'("~IH a position in the laboratory partiripated in both of the debates

F'rlday morning. )fr Heinzman rP-1 of the Thre~ Fork~ Portland Cement whirh the college has won this year

<'ently returned lrom the F:uropean • Compan,·, at Tridellt. and hi~ work He i!; a. stro;ig, rouvincing speaker

war front and in his address hP told I CONGRESS DEBATES DRJLL REQUIREMENTS will be ~mder the direction of Mr. \Y. whose whirlwind rebuttals have , ... on

of i-;ome of hi' experienf'e~ Rnrl im- H. Andrews. Chief Chemist. : many debates. Kelley won the state

STATE COLLEGES' DEMANDS ARE HEEDED oratorical contest at :\fissoula last

presslons. )Ir Burket graduated from the lo- spring. This ts hi" first appearance

I le i:oaid that war de"·eJoos a c·a11a· du-;Lrinl Chemistry cour::\l' wH11 the in imereolle_giate debate but bis ex-

<·ity for sal·rifktl which is almost 11n- class of Hll:i. On graduation he de- pt>rient't-' in other lines or pubuc speak-

helie\'able. In many of the shops and I Hay Military Bill Passes House-Now Being Debated In Senate. Two ciclecl 10 acceµt an offer to remain in~ should make l.im .i hard man rn

hotels of Enghnd the work is done Years of Drill W ill Be Requ ired-Four Years Drill and Si x Months ~~~i~~n~~:t;i~~r~ui~~:a~~·~c~t~~tea:.0~.~ hf'at

entirely by women ·who art> taking Act ive Servtce To Give Commission In Reserve Co rps. Government in tht> departments of Chemistry anU ELLIOTT AND GRIFFIN SPEAK AT the place::; 01 men who ha' e gone to I

I T o Furn is h . All Arms, Uniforms and Equipment . Pbyi;:.ic~. :'.1r Burket has been an ef· SHORT COURSE COMMENCEMENT

the front In England alone therP ficient and popular worker in the

are eight hundred thousand women Chemistry Department and hi~ pro· F'o11rtet'•n young tne;t recei~ed di plo·

worlllng Ill mumt1011 faetoncs \\'Jule . , . . . . . mmion b a mutter of con::-ide-rablt\ ma::: from the Srhool o( Agriculture

this countr) ::;eJt Heveral mi111on dol-1 1 he det.u ls or tbe new military Equipment Furn ished . Fourth Inning

satisfa('tion to his friends and c•olle-l!e la:st wPek. H. P. Griffin. editor of the

\\' ~rac·l>onald and Jars to tlw relier 01 Belgium yet Eng. bill effeding the enti re- military or- The SeC'retary or \Va r i~ abo associates. I Jtontana r.·armer was the principal

llteriPs es.

edd ick sC·~rf--'s, Gatton also scored

n uU In deep C'enter Sherry scar·

111 two bagger. Rice called out on

hed ball. ~t rand safe on first;

w to bleac-hers caught off SP<·o:itl

man fanned. attertes-Saltz and Gatton.

land ~ent ten rlollarn to every one at I ga111za11011 ot thf' L"Illt\'d Statei-; ha,·e a11tho11zPcl to t!:'sue tn institutions I 1 speaker In his. addre~s he laid es

ours :.rr Heinzman ga,·e many other J11st been re(e1,·ed by Prt:-8ident Hamil- marntaing dllll, arms, uniforms, and DAVIDSON TO INSPECT WATER 11ednl rmphasis on the fat·t th:tt the

PxamplPs to ~how the sacrifices which I ton The measure. the I-la)· Bill in· other equipment, including animal::) in ---- t;.,i·m is the grPate:->t fiPltl of OJl!lOr

were berng made b \· the people of In ortler that the Surgt\on Gpnt'l'i.tl I t\IDil\" for tht' new generntion. l'hnn

lh" "atTt'ri" 11 .,t1011

•• • I troclm.'€'d mto Thi.'.' lf ou~e of Hepres- ca~e of ca,·alry. 1 .

"'" "" « "' ..\. 1 1 r 1 1 of the l'nited State~ may haYe proper I rellor 1-:<lward r Ellio1 al!?-o madt> a

emath e:-. ol Congr€'!-'S h\ Congress- . I t 1e (l fl<. o I wo YC"Ul'S , l IOSf" w 10

Tn relating somp of the thmgs which . . . • · I n·a<"h a n'l lnin iiroficien<.·y and rle- !(11arantee- that lht' water ::;ent•d to few rtimarks in \\ hit.'h ht=- sailf. ··Lean 1

be saw whUe in ~~ngland Mr. Hef:lz. m.rn Il a). c ha1rmd11 ot lhe comm1ttl·~· s1rt• lo go on wilh ctrill, c.•an do !30 i1y 11ns::;t->11ger:-. on itllennate pas!:;pnger tht> thin~ yuu uePt.l nntl c.·:.rn use a:ul

man told of thP great numbers or on .\ l 1ilta1y Aflairs. <:onta1ns an am-I ~ugnrng up for rh"e houra per week trains is pure and wholesonw. thl:" kf't.•p your knowing and your doing at

amilton flied ont to <'enter field; wounded men whiC'h he saw on e\•ery mE:>ndmen1 t>m1Jor1;ring the vroYisiom; for two years. This ad,·anced cour::;e Stale Roanl of Health has ~cnt unt> tht" same pa ~e ."

ves out on first by spc::1ctacular play sidC' .. Th~rp are se,·enteen hundred I in rega1.·d to military drill desired by is per:-;crihe<I by the Secreta.t·y of \\'ar. of it::; inspeC'wrs. Lynd all lln,·idson Following i:-- ~. h~t of th~ graduate::;

3alt7. who 1hrew from ~:l:iin~ po..;. hosp11als Ill En.t:land fo r the care of !ht> Assodation or Land Grant Col· I who is also authorize<l to issue to the ·i ;, 10 lhe western 11a.n of ~tontana to 1

\\" JI llod~t'on . .Jcsst;l' Kenneth. Rich

Bobere: struck out. her wounded I l egP~. nwn their subsisten('e, an amount not inspt•c·t a.ll water ~upplies u~ed for in anl ,\taier . ..\rlhur Rowland.' Frank

"'ore ti-3. .:\tr. Heinzman condemned l\'ar i.1 The ahorP hill pasi;ed lbe hou!:'e on to exc·eed the amount issued iu the terstnte 1ms~C'nger sC'n-ke. The sam-1 SulliYan. Claren('e 1·ow. Raymon d

F ifth Inning t t H ·d h t t 1• I Tl · · 1 f II pl es taken will l.>e brought to noze- Tow, O::;c·nr Starz. Burdette \\" ohlfrom

\'ery s rong e~·ms. e sat t a uere rhe t.\\'ent_r-fonh of )i!arch and is now ri:>~u ar army. 11s pro\"lc es or a

1 "' atteriel:l-Burt{PSJ'; and GraYet:i. is no such r hmg as C'ivl lized war. All I being leiJ i 1

. Lb S t Tl 1

expenses. board, c lothing- and so man to the C'hembu·y. Detmrtment. Haroltl Re ld e:-i .. John HliC'kensderfer

ullock out on left fie1d fly; Hed- war is murder and when civi li zation l'tttl 'loul",,~1' ',"the tlena e. tere .1"1' forth. which does lhl:\ analyUC'al "ork tor UPYt:'rly Coc k rell

e < Ill at le measure \\'I the . tate Board of H ealth. I __ _

giYen a base and scores on tn- goes out murder comes In Lite be-J Retired to Reserve.

d hit by Saltz: Gatton scores <'ome~ so <-11eHp thal it iR .not worth pass within th e next few weeks. The I A1 the compl tion of four years l:nder tht:." regulations of lh t:" l·ni!t"tl SUMMER SCHOOL BULLETIN

· bill <·outains all the prov-isions o[ t he I . statl~!-i. e nforced for tht> la ~t re" 'Nl.I':-. I r ry out on se<'oncl and Rice 00 trying to keep it. I new military policv including regu ln· dnll any man who hns reached the trams must C'onform to l.lef111ite :-.tnn· The lJul h-"" t in for the Summer School

l. On the other hand. however. he Lion ol' en ll stmen~. in <' rease of the age of twenty-one "·ill, if he so de- dard of JlllrllY. and th<' 1 e,pon >1biht ) " '"" nnd i> r~ad)· for dbtribulion

atteries- Rice a:id Gatton. ~aid that there were certain things regular a nn,-. an(] the na.tional guard sirt>s, be gi\'eu u. c·ommi~8 100 or second fo r t·crlifying U1is to tlw b"etlerril l>t~-1 A new re:uure in any of thP bulletin:-:

•'heeler and :\tacUonald out at first which war developed which are a good only a sm~ll 1>ortion being cle,·oteci lieutenant In the_ regu lar army. ~r.te r panmeut re!".ts with the Stnte Board nf "ill lw notil-t:"d n:-o ~on as the Jlamph

Infield tapt;, Xoble walks. s tea ls thing. l fo was impressed by the Jack to the <.frill in college:-;. The sections I he has ~ervell six months. reeeinng li l\Rllh. The samples taken h.Y :\t1·. IN is upe11t.>tl. [ht• fir~t pagl' brim.:,

Jnd and waltzes home 00 over· of artificiality of the m en who go to under di s<'us:-iion han• no beating on lli:-i expe m:iel:l and one hundred dollar::; Da,·id~on will be brought to th e labor- t:riH'n lH"t:'l' tn a notit'e t·nm•erninK thl·

JWS. :\fac.·~flllan struck out. the front. Ther lack the s ham and Ule ('Ol leges. so it is ::;afe to predi<.- t :~=~·ei~~u~~;. 1>11 ~r c~~ri~:rsre'~\1~~1~u~o P~~~ atorr here for e :\n.mi nn.tion. bolh us ,·ariou~ 1.·nm11anPm pan:-; ur t hf" l'ni

core T·:;. Sixth Inning prelen"se which. he s aid, ch a rarterize tha1 the final draft will IJ e es:-ie ntially He will be. allowed to use the rank to th(' l'he-mical a nd haC'teriologit:HI vpr~J •. \ Tile ilwntion and ~·ourse:;

atterie~-Stanley and Grave l3. the average Am erican as follows· of second lieutenan1 on all !)roper oc- qualiti C'~. ihe latt er work beiu~ donll' <'on..,,rPd in Pa<'h part art:' g-in•n, IL'

.a.isen out on liner to thi rd base. A war suC'h as 1b r pr sent one we ld s Two Years Required. caHions. nnd is liRblc:- fot· service at by the l>a<'te rio lo~ica l laborator) or the ~Pt her with the duw or establbhmen1

lDd scores. Snow out o n steal a t a na. ion "' · ~ ,.., An) 111s utuuon statt.• or pnv:lt(', the t'all or th e Sec1eta1 y of \\'ar. ~ "'t°' • t . tog•tl1er n1or e than anvthinv I •ol l"ue !\IHI 1he pre~ilh.' tlt or ;w1 i n~ pn\sident

•:>nd. Bullock flies to short atop. e!Re ro11ld do acrording to the speak- whil'11 C'an mn~ter one huudred or Tho:;.e who (.)o nOl c~ue to follow .\l·<·urdin~ 10 tlw t·a le nda r ~iven

atteries- Re<ldick ancl Gatton. er. 'T'h e men a t the front do not more for military trrunrng, and w11l I this u1> have their nam es entere<l on H . 1\1. Shea, of th e State F'ooll I tht:" ~u111mt-r H·~sion will open on tht"

tanley and Boberg out on third think of self but th e ir onl y thought is agret> to maintain drill if esiahlis hlld a. list and a.re at any tim e e lig11Jle to La.horntory o[ tlH' DepnnmC'nt ol :!rnl \If .l1111t:' and ''Ill 1.·on t innt\ till

£::hi ts, Bullock to Ri ce. Hamilton of the natio::i . as com1H1hmry t'or two years !or nil appornlment as Hecond li eutenant, If ('hpmi.str). has gonl~ to th e \\'t~~tern .July:!:!. when th1;1 annunl tlip thrn11_g-h

'to center fi eld. Mr. Helnzman ·s addreRs was \re ry thos~ who are phy s ically fit t•n n ap· I thl')~ (•a n pa:-;s the required evn mlna· 11art or tlw ~tu h• nn un il~ ~ J l('(· tlon I tlh' '\ t>lln wsll'.ne Pt~rk will he m:ul_l\

effective and h~ held t he undivided ply to 1he \Yar Dt.>pa rtrn r nt ror a drill I tion~. trip for th e Staie Board 01 llealth Tht· hullPtln t.:-1\·t's tht> YHrwu:-.

corR, 'i·fi. I a ttention of hiR audien re. o ffi cf'r. Tho IH'nse11t Jllnn is bei ng worked Bi~ work hn i-; ehicfly to do with rlruK t cours~s offered :tnll a short reYi~,,. of

Seventh Inning ~, "'

/ atler1es-Taylor and Graves. J1 Pre>stdent Hanuhon announc-e<l th e Tlw Se<•rctnry oC \\'nr pres('ribt.~s out with 1he idea or er atin~ a ,·olun- inspP<.' Lion in ronnN:tlon with the- e n- I ea<'h and 1 ~ w 11 illu~trnted with Cam·

edd1 ck w a lks. Gatton safe on first.,, orf'h\>stra assembly for thi s morning the 1·our i;o of training, two hours of teer army, and there Is nothing com fon•L\mt:'nt or th C' State Food nnd l>ru,!! pus and Summt·r ~l'hool Yil~ws

.z out on center field fly. Ca nnon and an assembly in honor or Shake· drill and one hour of lectur a mini· pnhmry in any of the provisions. ln:w. Pro )I art in 01

the <lniry cl t- part

~es Reddi ck and Gatton on two spcare two weeks from toda)·. He· mum of three hours J}{>l' week. Affl - SEN IOR CRACKS RI B M bi:; Olin' Kint;ella wi.11 a<' <'Omp.an~ I mem lws l't'l"t>ht•d butter ~am.pies

!? hit. Cannon scores on Rice's I also r;tated that the firRt assembly i:'l cer~ arE' assigned from thC' regular

Strand scores; Dullock caught ).t ar would be given over to th e gleE' army. thC' a\·allable number fo r such 1 l;-red Homan or the Senior dass Is :\lbs .Jensen to \\"ibnu .... ne:\ t "e<>k rrom fiflPen t'l'l·am('ries in th<' stRt

it-1orne plate Lai.;t m a n fans. c lubs 1m1·pose be-Ing raised from one hnn· 1 t.rnrsing n hrok~n rib ns the 1:esult of whero they will id\'e a l'OUrt-ie of in· 1 to ~t·nrt> Bill Fluhr the ~rnw deimtY


d1·NJ to three hundred 1'11C'se of· beln~ lhrown from the ,·est1bule of str11cliou to th('I women . The sec- clniry <·ommlst-0io1wr is e xpN'tNI w ar

a'teries 'anno11 and Gatton . The s1>ea kel' wa ~ introduced by C C. hll 11 t ond .vear c·ourse will be gh-en nt that rln~ iu noz("man toda: to ass!Rt Mr

.raves out on fly to second, \Vh eeler Holt, president of the coll ege Y. M. ficers will ha.\' e the title, ProfeS!30t' the s lree car w e on ts way O

;;;'1 ·<ght at homf> plate. MacDonnld ou t C. A. of .\Tilitary training and 'l'nrtiC's. the College on Tuesday. plac{". ! '.'\Iartln in this work.


- - -· --- - cht.-erfu l. looking up ond not Uow?. ' f --- NT 'e~l womanhood Everythi;t).!" in life d remerubeJ· v.e are ou r brothers

THE W EEH.L Y EXPO NE is compensated ror. and .you ca~·t :eper. and lend a hand \\.(.lr k is \Ye wi..;h to call to tht..• attention

that •i Uub-. and

I be& the game. He '\\~ho lie~ to rum ol ---------- - ----------==---- ----== back or it al l. All liar:-< n.~·e D , . I I thr rbaracter of another, bis soul is ca ught. but all lian; are pu01shed .

so ~unken in tlte mi.re that the angels

I I uld -Ex. with the :\'orth Pole as a evPr l'O

ESTABLISHED JANUARY 1, 1910. (Outgrowth or Monthly E.xponent, Establish ed Janu&ry 1, 1895.)

r not pry him out. There a.r~ some ............... ----- - --====-========:---==---=====- 11oople ~o di:"honest thf' ~ will try to !! :: :: :: !1 :: :: 1! :: - .... - .... •• ;; I cheat t h emselYE~·s trying to 1-1 l n~ a I; O FFICE- ROOM 1, REP U BL ICAN.COU RIER B UI LDING.

TELEPHONE NUMBER 127.J. !!ame of solitaire. f! "L.et us feel that there !s a new


•ronight-Uebatc> .:\L S. C \~ Idaho.

era roming; an era or love and not The ·weekly Exponent is 8trictl y a studen t enterprise. Jt•s enter purpose ficrc~ ('O:J.tt_)nlion: lel us be oplimistic

Is to present to its read e rs, each week, an accurate and complete r ecord of

•• Toml1rrow nigh· - Clwr.fr;tr:.· :t :: Club. U

\1iril J!I Ch·ic; L:"3J!llC. R ... '\lilh ~ I


, f'l'r sen· ice 111 preparing deliciou~ pq.1che~ ior .n.')ur every w i"'h.

Prices Right

in:n:t?n dantie'.


The Bungalow the developments fn college af!airs during that period and to exert its lnflu- ======= ==== ==="' P:lrlette.

ence for the upbutldlng of Montana State Coliege. The paper Is the res ul t of l PATRDNlzr nuR •ovERTISEAS ;:· )lay :.-Orutoric~l \tJOll'St :: ~§~~§§~§§~~§§§§§§§~§§~~§§~~§§ voluntan Pf[ort put torth by tbe students .,,·bo compose the sta ff. [ U I\ / :: April i;. l>e-b~.te, )l $. C. n:. :: :

----------- :: Somh Dakot'l.. m Brooki:lg~. ~~ .-Published eYery Friday or the college year by a ~ taff chosen from the 11 I ;; :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::: :: :-: :: :: :_: ~ 1 I

students or the Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, B B -of the rnJYersity of Montana, Bozeman, Montana. ase a I

I, o,·,·,"'.,.r.ne'.' .•. ' .. 'h~ "~'~.:n~~'~' S<'U,Oll '"'" Entf'rcd AB second-class matl matter at Bozeman , Montana, under the Act or: " . ... , Co11gress of ?!larch 3, 1879. J oh. P'-trPmt>lY legF-. · J

11 r 1 1..·\\ I in l: i u-..1 111. J J

I 1 wa1n a loaf of bread. /I SUBSCRIPTION RATE: Ten Cents F"er Copy T v.·o Dollars Per Year.

We Will Have an .1hundano..·l. 11i Lilil· .... and all other a1 pn pnati f Ji \\ cr­l~a ... ter udl'· thl..' ar ... · iirn.·-,:011 -..Jinu1d ... ~ ... · l il·m.

LAN GOHR' J~aJI .... 1:a1:--, I 1h1\ t>. 'lit .... Cni-

1 "\\"lt!te 01· ~raham<>·· !


!1 i1inn .... I· tt.· Doe~n't mutLt>r. it·~ lllr .i hlind JIS Tracy Aven ue S Phone 95'

I' woman ~I;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Studems become subscribers upon pa).·ment ot the regurnr activity ree.

"l''l. STAFF

RUBERT STREETS, 'lS I l ~ I Jl \.' I ' I .1 n I I

A Touc hing Appeal = T S. Sr X Y.

I $. 0. $ .. ~ . TI. ::3. Y P .• P D. Q i ll1..• -You l~l·d to ~a~· thPrt· was !

Er>ITOR-l~·ClllEF H. AROLD DICK!:lO:" 'l I nt·s1'.\:ESS lllA'.\:AGER .. I

FRED WALl,.\l'E. 'lS I A~SISTA):T Hl"81XE8S M.AXAGEH HOHEnT S)llTll l!I ~A~s~"~1 ~_'T.:_A~:--:_T_r_1_R_r_t_·1_,A_·_r_1o_~_·_)r_:"_··_a_R_. _______________ I

GENERAL REPORTORIAL STAFF. j j r.<1rdon Sewell, 'J' .Johll \\ \linnr I~ I ROSE DRUG co ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I •

~umr1hini.: al11111t ~lh' yon lil\t•d . I' an":::;\\ Th er• was hut )'Oll'\ ,. sJwlll ll I!

A. G. McKEE The Printer

T HE WEEKLY EXPONENT FRIDA Y , APRIL 7, 1916. I '7"L ~- .. - ,,,, -----\,! .1.ne .J\-.em

\\".1.., Jwr iathl'I 'iolent '' h1•n 'ou 11 a~kt.•11 !nm IOr her hand?

Store. ·\Ya.., ht• 1 l thought hP'fi ~hakP mr 1------------- 107 WE ST M A IN STR EE

SUPPORT THE TEAM. ~-------------• A larC.t' lll\lllht.•r of tht sll\dl'llls <1l' )lontana ~talt· Colll'£::l' ,1 ·e not _j\ ing

hl· q1}kg-t' 1 bt·ii l ntir• coo1•1.. .1lil111 :i hi su1 pOl l fhl'M ' lldi' 1d11ab

•Jtl undouhtt.·111:. n• ... t>nt any 1n:-:int1al 011 that tbt.~Y ladicll ollt :.:.~ "l trit

hn1 this 1s t\ll' 10 a ,grl·alt'I' 01 h.•:<:-;t' " dn.:n.·~.

Thi· c:lanionr ;llHI 1h1 :-;how mlh'n·nt to <111 athh•tk ·ontt ~t '' 111 almost

1, aria ht~· ,1 ·oust.• snffkh·nL ,.nlhu:.-lilStn 10 start a r~1lly, a parad1• or l·an 11 111 tlw hand. Tlwn 1ltt.• <H tion, the 11..1 nst• situatinn:o. and tht~ spt.'<'11.\l'llln

1J,n ~ "ill ;Jl'(HIM' rhL 1110~1 passi\ t' to unsriuting ;:.UJ!port 10 tht 1':1111.

Jn 11ther brnnrht's of col\(-g"-.; aetiYit)' 1h s ('0111l l1011 clol'S not E•xbt

1,, J, ha or. who:-:t• 1r1inin~ of .111r1..•mitti11~ ha.ntl work iasts prall ('al~ I

Shoes I that will not lel the reet <et we j "·:.:::,·· ,:'.:":,;·:~.~, '';:,:. ::~·d:.::·. I

rn• S1•pletnht;r 11nt 1 .Ju1w, rt>1,,'ei\ t.'~ :-:C':int rl'c.-0i:nitio11 'f'ht'l"~ fl•llow:-:

'\\ 10 haunt hl Ji bra··~ fo1 "l't·k~. h1 rn mi1lnigln oil. and lOil !or moulhs I '1 ~ 1 ilw Jll'l')laraii<1n of a shnrt sJlt'\'t.'h. lasting pt•rhap:-. fiftt·t·n nlinlltl·~ II

n all, art.• a~ \\Orlh~ 01 your sup11ort a:-: any at lil'lP whc t'\PI' dolllll'd

1 j1..•1 ~f'\ Tlwy work ,\lon1!, with ~l·.Hn .. • a \\ ortl of enn1111 cH!'t·llll·IH; 1( I"

l:lf)M f1•\\ km\\ tilt'\' nie wnrku1g- at al a111l ..,t·l IPWt'l' know t 11• nrn t':-<t:->

" F rench Oiled Calf" I I

I I ' I ht>tl I t •• llH ~1 Ill 11 •t 1l"'La.ft..: d.

I ht tit. Mt <1HIJ.:ht .we! rla• Olll' llt':'\t \\t'Pk \\Ith

hrin n a dust 1111 nrf'M'lll "*..':!:->Oil Tht1 lt·am~ our nw1: ''ill 111t•t·l art!

''01·1hy op]10111 111s Intl 1h1• k11owil·dg,l' that tlwy han• tlll' suppol'l ol th1~ I •'It ,. 111d1·nt hotl~ ,,.ill <onu1 )P:tYil~ Lor t111r llh'll in the c·onlt·sl toni~ht.

ha' t• t" 11 'll orit•.., to our l'l Pclit. :.rnd a~ Wt' h:t\"l' Jl(>\'ti'I' m1..·t Idaho ancl


more lo\·i:ii:: they an-' mol'l' srn~ihle, I lh1.:~· arP mrHh.• of finer dn~ . . 11111 I

bPlit.•\'f' al'tt>r the <'n:ator ma(h• !he

moon. ~till ;ind thP stars. Ile made

ont' 11101t splt•111tiil t>ffort and <Tt:atcd It hns ht•en 1lw <01istn111 for thP fir~t wom1·n Tht.•n• arc difft~rcm kind~

nnd H'l·on,1 year ,.,\'ii t>11~inPers to take o( liars. Thert are 1 ho:-.t• who tPll

a two wet:k~ fieltl trip t·a<'h ~Jlrin,c:- "hile lir-s, and thO:-<l' who 11'11 fibs.

11 onlPr 10 gel mor .. pr;\t·lkal t\· tlwn• art:' posili\'l'). ancl n1..·gntht• lie~ there are new~pnper liar~; and lhOsl:'

il'f'h.·m·1• in the wur\,. This year the \\ho lit• ior gain. a nil tlll'rt• is the

Walsh's! Exclusive Agents. I


hand 11ff ·

TOO MANY •'CUTS" ~h :-:tt1dti11ts wen• dro111ied from thc­

l"nh·1•rsitY of Illinois for l·ntting cl.1s,.;p,.; . TwPntY·fh·-= more w1..·rP put on 1roha1ic111 Thi." reC'11Td~ ~huw that thrt><>·h1111clrP1l !-;tudent~ haYc cwer-C"nt dn~ses ;tll'eadr

The Barometer lu 1.11r- Cl•lumu Tlw l"xpoo•·ut will

pnhlish "iJ.{1l!'d ('1•11trih11tiu11 ... t1·linini-: tu m·lttt•f ... of 11111.lit" i<Jter•''I T!tt' r.litor oJ,., o: n••I 111'4..'•' .1ril1 endor ... ~ tht' ~1rtit·le!< pul1\i-hed hot re-t•rH•,.. tliP rii.:11t tco n· kct 1111~- tHtid~ 1101 "uit,1hlr ft•r puhli 1·atin11 n 11!1" 1•111wr

lkl<:na . .\lont \pr :1 11;

Hozl•man. \lnnt D1;.·a, ~it ..

On n•n.>i\'ing- my la=--t <·011y ol the E:\pom•nt 1 wa~ ,-er~· muc·h !"llqirisetl

and paint.:d tu nott1 lhe l':>.l('llsin.~ changl· in your suu1 I had ..... ad ol th1~ new 1la11 for c:hoosin~ an Pdiwr and had noa•d thm l·han~t.· had been madP through th~ ~llHlent t>h•ttion

As an alumnus. I will ha' P to t'Oll·

[1..•..,s lh:.n I am nor in tOU('h with ::;tu·

denl alfair~ at Bozeman and am not i.u·quainted \\ ilb mot.i\·e::; Ht'llHlling s11l'i1 whole-:sale ehange~. .:-\1 lhe same time. s1Kh a whule'Sall• drnnJ.rc> ~eem'S to l"how thut lhe staff of •hE- Ex­ponent \\as 1ldih1..•rall•ly quittin.~ with sonw ullt·rior nhje<:I in Yil•\\

It is 1his ~pirit "hich has moYed me to 1:ti'"l• Yt~n1 to some of my idea~

on thl' snbJt•t·t Ir 'St·t'llll:l to lllt.' C'·

~r(•twhh• that :-.lll1l1;.•nts of snl.'11 an in· stitution a~ \\·1~ IH1,·i: m tht.\ \lontana ..\~ricultur~\I t'ollt·g~ 'Shnuhl splfi'Shly plan~ tlwir O\\ n (t>elin~s. tht"ir own

!l<'ll.' jealo11~iPs, ahead of tht.· g-ood ol lht.• l~olkl!t'. S11C'h s.11al1..)nts an~ not worthy uf tht.l name. not ''orthy or !he tiffor1 tha1 1lw stale is 1111t1ing • fonh in tllt.'il' hphalf.

Thpy han• ht•t>n put ltl 1lw ll·~t aml found wanting, and lt would M·t•m that r

Montana State College of Agricultur and Mechanic Arts

Practical courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical E o !'?:ineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy, Horti· cultural. Hom e Economics, Industria l Chemistry

Econ0mic Biology, Music and Art.

Beautiful grounds, commodious culldings. complete 'll.'OOd and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms. music and art studio.


W. E . O E AN.

Osteopath ic Ph}'W'Tclan Michigan Bldg.

Bozema n, Mont.





Ever: tlung in the line cream and punche,.


Judevine & Sons . I I ' •I

Trail Creek Coal I Bear .. .. I 'A'ood Ice I

Frank Kyle

College &ys

The \ '"J·: j .... lht._· 11lacc

J::' r' ,er Shop -!'e ha ,.. Cl 1



olll..'g:t• has made anangf>menb with Jon:.:·\\ udi·d hPro wlw!"t• lies do not lw J'c'~rad<· Comml'tTial duh to ~nr dn m11d1 lwrm ThPl'C' b thl' woman

\t.:Y '.non acrl'S of l:md n<·ar BekradP who li1·s lb01u th._• < hild 1-' ag1• nu tilt' The l'luh nail the farmers near Bel· -.1ter·t ear. an,1 thert• i!" !he t'lllltluctor -r.1d1• will pay all ('XJH'lls1·!-> 111 tlw 011 till' 1111in wlw liPs Ile 1·01lpc·ts tr JI in r1>111rn wr llw desin·d inturmn· tit 1y c·p1n~. e-01':-; into thl' ha.~g-;.1~1" l·ar lion about 1he lnnd Thl· boys ~·•ill Lhrow!" lh1· c·oin into 1h1 air, :rnll if lt•a\1 ht'rc llll 'la)· :!I tor tht.~ field u !"til·k~ to lhP llf•ll ropp ii bdongs nt';1r l\Plgr:11l1• Thi•~ will im e-..tigarr> 111 thP c·ompauy tilt' :--wam11 us to tht> ndyl..,ahility of n Ito'' n1a:ly uf us i\n :!:11ilo 111

\kt r \\ l' h:l\ e l.''\al111lll'd hl' }'l'l' ..... thl'\ an: ll' .... tl'd \\ ith pr p­l'f 11..·11..;.l"''" the:n \H' -..upply ~PHl iit ._:Ja:--..,l'S \\1th \\ hi~h .\Ill\ t.: lll :--t·i.: ... ·karh

the \·otP c1f .\'(Jiff :->tndf'lll hod.\' in dis· ~hone 328. 46 E Main St. l'h1 I l' ~2

<'lainiing llw land tor farm JlUrpos ... ·~ littlP 1hin~s '''"' l':tn 1·0' 1 r np 1)~ A com11ll'l<' matl oi tlw lan1l ''ill hl~ l'ltPatinJ!'? 11 m~ans t·illlt'r sm·1·e!"S made- ~mhotlying tht• data t"Olk1·t1·tl. j 111· t'ailnn>. ! lnnC:'sty must ht• 1le\'el· 'l'hiR land lits :rnrth Of l h~li-:rat11• ;1 1 011~ np1·d i11 an a1mospherP 0 honesty lhe bottom of lhe l·:ast llallatiu r;, t'T, ThPl'1 nn• studentl" who 1·hl'at in.

1 and i1' so locat1..·'1 ;1)'> to lir vt•n \al11- thP•r t''-illllinations in Ullle.c;~. They abJc lf it cnn L>e rP1Hl....t·l·11 lit f~r t·nl· art• c lwa1in~ rhemsel\'cs and don't ti nit ion.

Tlw fi('ld work this Yt'ar is u1ah•r tht clirectiC"n ot' Professor L. 11. Conkling nnd As~l8tant Pruft•ssor I· (' ::;now of lhe ci\'i l l'ng-intM:>ri ng d11par1 ment

know it Dt>:.;tiny is wnitb~ around tht· cornf'I' with a Htuffed l'iuh for tht.• c·lwatt'1'. anrl ··~nmt•\\ hen•. some time. "'onw how, you han• gol lo 11ay the pr if't'.' You can't nHonl w c·hent: wlwn you c·heat , yon ln~l· your r..c l f·

"SOME LIAR S I HA V E MET" lrf'SPC<'l. and you can't ~llc't'f'l•d when 'The Good Book snys all mt>n an you lose )·our respe1·t for your~elf

liars, but all wonwn att' not liar~. Tlw diploma you gf't 1rom rollegc they are bf'ltE"r than men 1lwy arP I rt'PTPsents honest manhood nntl hon-


Will 52

Save You per Cent on I



Wall Paper " I• ' ----~'

l J

H. A. Pease & Co. Jewel e rs ar.d Optomet rlata.

The Ha llm a rk Store.

r·ardin~ 1h1..•111_ ''a~ a wbe mu,·1..•. • .\s l l"t:llPil alJoYe, I am nnt familiar

\\i11l t'otulitions in Bozeman. 1 h:tn" ! ~n·:Hl'l" lamilinrity with lh e> 1-:,ponC'nt a~ a n1011th ly thnu a weekly. But if I am rnist.akpn in my \iews a~ hc>rt:" set forrh, I \\ill ht' 0111.'- too i.rlnd to say su.

Thanking you for your <'onsider· I alion. 1 am

When You Write Relatives \\II\ ll<>I cnclo<c the hail>·,


Thi-.. _,11u l"an du ii .'11u lia\l



111 .'1111r h111tlt.; l·a .... , 111111HT:ttt.:

-111t''\j)l.'ll"'1' c. \"all :ind ""l'1..


Roecher's Drug Store

Copela nd Lumber Co ..

11. J,. l ;tvcna.h. \la nag-er.

W. C. Dawe.,


Martin Blocll:

man . - . . Mon!&

I Ors. Ca.v id son &. CocK,



Ii Commerclol ~n 'I 1'~~~: ~

~======~;;:;;::;:;;; r:. W , E . MOXLEY,


Office-Golden Rul e Block.

Phon-omce 97 W Residence. 601 W .

FR I DAY, APRll. .7• .\91~,.. ,

Quality : Our $20 Tailored To Order Suits an: better than an\· S2;.oo n..:adv-madc ... ,·ou can bu'. \\'t..·"11 he.: glad t o iJrOYC Lhis i.o y<)u 1i you -come in .. \\ c al..:1) h;_\"C a l111L' oi ~ uit!' , Lhe very best taiic)ring p1p .. ..;,jhle. rang-1ng- 111 ,JffiCl frum ~25 I ll $.ts.

I Consider= 1;

Ce1 your Easter ~ui t ne<w.

ed II Profef.sor and ~\fn.. F C. Snow en- in all. The members are :\lisseR :\Iar- HANK'& ED. 1

tertrtined at cbarmin~ dinner parties jorie (~aw. Azalia Linfielfl, ~\·elyn

ooTu-~a~Thura~••ni~-~ ~~~~~~~ h~,~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~=====~===================~--~= \\"L' a l' '!H· rhcapv··l ... turt in


• · srhool girls, Olive E:i.ms and Flor nee ;r --- --0f tl1is "e~k. The yellow l"olor !-iCheme Switzer.

I·\ l'f.\'lhltlg \\ (' -.cll musl l was l':ll' r.ied out in 1Ue de_lidous fiye- Thelen & Hanley 1 1·t Inv..: it t-ourse Umner as well as m the table r :\Ir and :\In; G I Martin arc lbe For " QUALITY' '. the latest s ty les and the largest assort1nent

n· ~111 " or we ~\uI ~ l ldt'<·ora.tion!-;. The <'e:11er pie<.'4! wa:i a lpr~u~ paren.ts <~f a~1 ~·pound $011, born

'flit. rc.h•rL' ;t t..;, g·uarantl'cd to I lar~~ bouq11<.·t 111 Yt~llow jon11uil~ and Saturdav. A lri l i

thf' tPllO\\ l'l'S wt:>ri<> also USl•cl as f;\ n1rs. · l

Livery, Saddle Hor1ea and Auto For H ire.

Phone 57.

of best known linen stationery in boxes.


We can p lease you

thl c\.ln.'ln~ of °'.'.'atis- j l'<•\t.>l'I" \\l'l°t' laid for t\\t•IH• 011 liuth

1 "'n.-11i11g:-. Thi !-;t1<•:-.t,... Tut•Mln~ l'\"t·Uiug Wl·n· (1ean and )Ir::.;. Hicht1.•r, Profes·

:\1 rs. Alden O,rim 0 s of Butte spent

Bozeman. I :\fii-;s lh..1roth) :\lil1<.:, leaYing for Iler EXTENSION NOTES I Geo. H. Willson Co.

" Quality Stat ione rs" Ia~t wel!k as the guest of b(>I' sist r.1 11 \I

1 ~, " btg , a m iii a 1 I ~~,'.~-"~'.;1";:'.';;r~;~.~:,





. home R1111dny afternoon "he was 1 he ' '==============.'. 1.

· t p ·I t 11 It 1 1 th 11 u <.:' ~nest 01 honor at s11 reads p;iYen by ...:. ·------------------------------...;. ...:.".• r ,. 1.\- \la.r:--.: ...,, It •

1"l'" 111·11 .imt on .t H l os ·s l)f1~s S\\+ nt ancl '.\fiss Stanley on [•~ri- j • muthfr '.\lrs. ldlbl~l't. ·1 h11r"d~1\ 1,;\Pll

Hollow~y's l ib!:. the g\h'~t,.. Wl'rP 1·1ofl~"'"o1 ~ind ~~,·~-', .. ,~11<~1l11ttt·1:',· • .',',.',,:,1at1t111rclla1·:~,. l'1'1011n111111~g herl ===============================

I I "''"',.. " oe- '.\!is~ 1'\atlwrilll' Jeni-;t·n assil-'lPll lJ\ I I~--------------.

i T\ .. \l'.,'!'lnta' '<1hl• "h I 'r •le'''"' ·""' \ rs

.'.\lr mil '.\Ir~ . .I H P1rkl•r. Alli1·ria llortlrnkk Is ·ontlnl·Tiu~ ,1 IF YOU WANT FIRST- I lll1l '1rs. l C \\ id1•1ll'r .\ \. :\liss \lil<lrf•d Stewart was hoste~~ shpn l'll\ll"sP in ITonw l·:n1no111i1·..; fo1 CLASS WORK DONE II Viol•'" FLOWERS l

Schaffner &Marx ('1u-rit r n111l .:\Ir:-; G hcrt. I at a dinner pan,· Tue~day cYeniug-. !ht· :-.1aclbo11 ('minty wonw11 thi:-. Wl'Pk I ; Hart, Till• (·olor~ . .\"Pllow and whilr-. wrrt> rar· Tht•Y will rel\lrn to Bou·man Sat11rdar. I Ciiml' tCl our shop >: 0 thmg Swet!t Peas t

Ready To Wear Clothes 1 1 ried out in tlw Plaboratt.> ml'nll and Aiiril \lh. I D bl D · · l

rhe l<tst k1 l'luh mem. >c.rs wt>rl' t'n1· on tht."' iilHC't' larcls wer•-' limhraux ol h u: ltrst da~.., workmen em· I ou e atste'i

1 \ (' ' 11!• 1·ed 1 Carnations t.• .ll1lt d hy .\lb'" . lal']orw ,Ila\\ ~ 1hl' guf'~ti-; prp:-;pm. C"on~rs were laid ll1·. \\'. Hanma 11 i<.: pla1111111c l >. • I l

\ 2 u1 u .. ual a_ ray Ji lll:L. \\are

u.li11l' ..... h.., spnng.

There •, sttch a ,·aric-ty to

\\ 111 pn)ve an

a-..)- mat• er : J iind l>t:'-

tylt..., at 25i:: to ._2.00

l h111 11-•0ll Sa HrnJ,· .tftprnoon 111 lor t•ll~n•n '."trkth· <;,,1n11~r' a1111

tlJY~ I ' hnnor ) \fr-.; \hlt'tl l~rilllt'"· torm1·rly :-; 11dy nl 11n•\"l'lltahle lin• :o;10l k loss1 s I dat(>. ~ ~ Tracy .

I in the Yt>llow:-tmw Yalh·~ this :-;um 11 l ~C.ss (~\\Pn :\l11b, ex. 'lti "JJ11:.. gir .\ Ii

:\ti~s Yt.•rn Cannon s11e:11 a wet.:k I mer. II+> will \Pa\"(• Bo;·Pnrnn altt·r tlH' NE•VES' BARBER SHOP SJlt.,.lll 11 f>llJO).thJt> Hlll'l'lltlOll \\!ti•

l l l 1 \l"'lllll~ friends in Helena returning mails ha\(.1 hPt'fllllf' sp(l\pcl FRED HINMAM Greenhouses I their nt:1 dlt. " 01 k .tlll'r" lli 1 l w 10

" I to hl'r sdrnol duties "·ednesday I I lt""'" ... , r t cl r1.unt~ , l-'11 f"·dllnl Ill:-; Manager I

h'l: •. '.' •.. ',,·,d ~ ',. ,·, 1

'.·I· ,,,',',',,inlsao! 1tl1'1·~.· .. iJ 1,,.,j,1·11~ 11 ,11111 ~.r

I The dandng 11art,· ~··hen in the Ag· -~u _, ,.. . oe- Phnne .+fi .

".\Ci:Z~ \1 b('rta Ro1thwfrk '"l 1Pnt tlw, . . " · • I '

, .. e•k "' r .. ;u nr•iloe' >Sbuno ~Ii" :::;~ 1~;~;'\;:·~\:i~;:-."::~~,/~~~~\;',~.~;:'.;11

:~;·•;::'.u','."'" 11" in ·'111111"'"

1" '"ttlinc ! Et~"~ ~M~ ~~ rl'l n 1 llonw E1·onumi1 shott Prof. ancl :\fr:-;. Snow. and Prof and I --=t ~..;, J ~-;~·1 , o1 :--e ~h1• i-.. t>X i1.<tPd to rt"tiirn .:\fr:-;. Bogue wa:-; Yery muc:h enjoyefl ll1 '1 - ~ -~1F'-'O\R•H• E~ R - ~:-- 11 --~-,--------------

S1Jncla~ by the 8l'YPnte n couples prt.>sent. ThP II Enginee ring :\J1s:- Jia\111• Ll·h!Plclt an1l 'liss Ada hall was lwautifnlly decorated in blue- Notes 1' \\IH.:tht•r -.,he j .... '"lll 111.1th 1 I 11


I and gold l'Olors. with hanging bas· .a

Heer .... t1•<.ht-.'1• e:a'e a :->m:11rist'.ll<Ht~v in kPt:-. au<l palmi-; and pnrt ot th(> hall ... ,...,ll.'r i1r ... \\Clthcart. rl t! l1l · 11 ········· .. tht. .. f1•r111 of a ... pi t·ud tor "'Ilss f<Aflth •

wa~ latti<'Pcl off for fl <'OZY corner I that ... ud1 art1dc ... :1... 1 -1-~owlcr \tonday evP111ng, l·nmplinwn· I

P11:-1ch w.1s sen·e1J thro11gho111 th I s ·1 I G Id 1 I r.uy w hci bl thtla~ Fourtcc1 g:irb e\'euing anil Innc·h wa~ -:erYefl at a LasL \\t-ek th" :.ronta1u, \\ 1scons1 \ t t ver to1 et sets, o iewe ry. I l wen· pn·-.enl late hour .\lu111ni assoc ation heifl lh annu.tl I Diamond pi.ns. V anity sets \ : ,,[__

lllP ting, in B11tle. HP\1rP"'l"ntatnes make th1..: ~lit-.. ·11.' r 11 ~ ... i t ,--~

.\liss Haiti~ .Arn~son was plea!-tnntly \\·pn1 presl•llt from all 11att!-" .of the j apprc.:i~ttl·d and t11 1 ~ \\ill I I • suri 11·isetl 011 her bil,Uulay by the ~talc Thl· n:-.socia1ion has rn the


n .. 'tarn thL·tn al\\""~''.... ti

Sophomore g-irls of Hamilton llall at 11cighl1orhoud of two h11nrtred fifty - : J H. HARRIS &. J. E, LANG

rnses wPro ust:>d in thf" <·olor sd1enw J abom fifty wt•ff:> pre~ent. Profeti· ., U The Shoe Men . I 1

The- Initiation dinllt'l" ;...in•n thl--1 Y.

\\' t' .\_ offll'('l"S and nwmlwrs l•'1·i·

1 da~ e\ ning hy tlw Fa(·ully wonwn or"

the ollh!t• w. <.: au t>\:l'l"JH wnally ile--

1 Jidntul .lt 1 nir The yu1111:... ladk" wen_·

I seate~ at small taUle~ "hkh ~\·ere pn-·t11ly dt;>cPraLt"ll 111 uasturuums

while hnlllllh:t!:> of jonqnili-; (tistinguish·

ed tht• offif'crs tablP$ :\[iss Rrewer

wa~ n11~t ~P~~ . of cere1~1onies and the I 111·~uy 1:i1tuttmn --.en1c:e took pla1·P

a SJlt"Pacl Th11r~1lay mornill.g'. Red mt<mbers and llllt t)l tbiR ,111111.H•r L:i,s1·1e E. {!age :I 1',

wl1h llahuy plan,• <:ar<ls to mat<:h I sor H.irhter was electe1l pre~ident of I 11

I the or~:rnization for thf" 1.::ns11ingo yea. r JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. 1 I Sh f C ll

r;===============., nnd .J. \\. \\'arner of tlH' East B11llf' I oes or 0 ege students t

I 1mmt'11l.n~I) 1olk"' rng thl" del111011~


The Redheaded club helil thc1r tOI t

nightly mPeting T11ei:iclay E'rening. A'::i

is c-nstomary th(.)y auendecl the "rum·

ie!ii" firs1. aflt>r which th PY rt:.>turned

to th~ homf" uf ) l is:-; :\l;1rjorie Qnaw

I and faculty to satisfy.

Alumnl. and E l'O}l}ler \lining Co. was elected to

X • the offi<"e of sf_•eretnr).

After an «lahorate banquet sHeral CUSTOMERS WIN ALL I members res}loniled to to.isis. Chan· ARGUMENTS ll <·ellot Elliott was present and re·

A clean sanitary place for ! J H Harris '& Co studenth to ge t their work • ' • done You get better senice I BETTER SHOES. at the FASHION.


Students ·============-===-~- s11mule1l to tht:> toast ":\fonta:l.a."

Professor!" Hichter an1l Conkltng .'.\lrs. Honlt'r :\lilligan is ,.h•itln~ wi1h

ht>r Jl;H'Pnt~. :\Ir. and '.\!rs. J (' \\"ill


-.. ~ ro when~ rl:'frp:-.bment~ were senP11. The

HAM BERS:-:-.i} SH ER~' membership of thi' dub is very eX·


will attend tht> nwPting of the ~Ion·

tana SOC'iPty of en~inecrs The meet· ing will bt> held in He-lf"na April ti, I -;, nnd ~

- I SHOP 11 I ~-ALWAYS RELIASLE--..,.. I clu~iYE'. there just btin~ six memOOrs

•IShare the fun of the Outing with Others

The little scenes and incidents that interest and amuse rou, come home to delight friends and o ther members of the amily.

\\ l' l'.arn a iull line 111 K11dak ... and ·Brownie Camera .....

I Gallatin Drug Co ..


H.\1th llinman ·12. who is ti'ac-hing

a, Thn•p Forks. spent Saturda) ~unday in Bozeman.

l\athh·l~n \\'il~on l'.'"1, 81Jl)llt Satllr·

I clay and ~ .. 'nclay Yi:>itin,£! f,.iends in

I Bozeman .\ .; \ 1 on h- 1 1<'hing in


Al Ebtrlc I;--,_ now I H ·reef at

\\"illow Creek . .'.\lontH .. wh•rc he i~

thP siin.·e!'sful managPr ol :.1 large s J(" ran<'h

":\l an·h 2~ arnl 29 Profes~or Conkling·

~noke in the i:neresr of ~ood roads at

Roundup and Lewistown 1-{00rl roads


All rollt>~e students are invited to t

a ti.end the ·first aid for clrowning" ! demonstrations at the Y )f C. _.\ . building. ThP partitipants will be in

groups or two. one person ";11 act as I sub je<'t and the othPr 11erson will give I ·t h e trP:nnw:1t. The dt:>monstration

~,-ill bl• Ire<' 10 all and will he of ~reat prnC't ica l val11P. The demonstration

f-'isf'l1J. PX 1:: O! Ill· Pila, aml will bpgin at ~ · 30 this evening.

c; act- I or1 \lonrnna, of NOTICE : TENNIS SHARKS

C·I f~ l!J;.tl"ril d II I la\ ;1 \"i'l'l'llllY

All Sophomore wii!h!crs of th~

\\ \\"hitltil'k, ~ll)1f-'1 intt·11cl<.•n1 or ratkl·t an,. rPque!-\ ted t o re11ort at o:H'C J

th e graiu laho1atrtry \\a~ ~kk a lt->w I to 1J•e ma1w.ger in onlPr that a t~)am <lays hb WP,~k may lw sl·lPded to do battle wilh J

lhe l•"'rosh Notice.

LJ,l>\\"ELLY~ LlTF:, Mgr.


This i!; thp Ja~n c-al l for mC>n to "How l o PreYent Grain Smut::; by

turn out. for tlrn State Orawrka l Con· I the l ~se or ~"'ormalin. I lot \\'a1e r a nd

t st and the State l~xtemvoraneouB C'Oi>IH.-'I' Sulphate Solmion" is th<.• su l/.

Contest. Both contests will be h eld j ec t of lh l' Jeaflt' t just h1sued b y the

in Bozeman on :\ lay fith and the l0<·al d1;:partm en t or Uotany :rl(f Bacterio­

contest for the selectio11 ot' lh E-> man logy.

to represent. the college will probah l y

l.ADIES' FASHION NOTES be held 011 April 28th. Professor

Duddy, who is in charge or tho co n· I it.est thi s year. will furnish cleta.ils J.'resh ~tir sel!'ms to be JlOirnlar this

and rules of the tontest. \summer Bodi<'es will omi t thei r baeks

I to th e ·w:-.i st line. \\" PxpeC't a nm

FL UNKING ' EM OUT IN THE on che!-it JJrotec tors hefore the sea.·

ORIENT son's over. Skirts are l'U t in all direc·

8vC'n the oldest Mosle m unh•ersity. stuff s t r:tight from l\frs. VoguC'.)

Al .Azhar. wa s not nn ouch ed by th e

wav of progress. The Sheikh de·

un~:~Tasall:t,~ ... ;,:~,s~ank. j The Schlechten ---------':· Studio

Klassy Kicks


(.'ollege ~len and \\"omen

Reed's Bootery

11 Black Avenae.


nf (tty and college views and EFFECTS· I I P<>"l cartb ·tt ,-ale at the



Coal, Wood Lumber

I Kenyon=Noble Lumber Co. 320 Welt Main St.


AND SERVICE TO CORRE'SPO·ND vou ca n ha ,·e both at

. THE MODEL GROCERY Phone 88 227 West Main

--George Bartz, Prop.--Prompt Delivery

Bell Phone 88 - I lions to,qu·ds the flare. (\\~e got thi !i

creed that all students who h ad been --------·-----------------------------------studying th er e for O\'e1· se venteen

years must leave it if th<'Y failed in

th e ensuing examinatio~L-Jn1erna·

1ionaJ Revi ew ol' ).fissions.

HIGH COST OF EDUCATION I Statistics rt> t·e~ tly published at Yal r

show that 1he tost of sendi n~ :~2'.'"1 sen-1

iors through ('Oll cg ... waH a trllle over I a million dollars. m a kin g an inerage

for tile in<Jhidual of about S l ,1J73 for

1 he fo11r yrars.-r•:x.

TRY LEE'S EGG MAKER For the Worth While Egg.

tlia1 no matter \\'hat .' 011 an~ icl1 cling" and rclla n llc ....... 11f the 111t1llhl'r of eggs ynu arc g-ctting- at lhl' prc~ent time. if Lee's Egg Maker is added It• the tlai!) rati11 11 made a pnrtintt pf 1t the i11rrca:o:;e l'g·g yie ld n~ttlting· therl'fn1111 will m nn' th:i.11 pa_, lill· cos t of th1.: Fgg- ~I ak l'r . rn..;l 11f b.bllr re1p1irt.'d. and roo per cent profit nn said lahor




,,'derable abilltY bul the dark hor•es /SHORT COURSE CLUBS I EFFIC I ENCY IN BOY L I F E I .tre Stfll under cove r . I A I M O F~ F IV E CLU BS

I ARE GREAT SUCCESS BO'"l:i in their early teens a.re taking "A" STU DENTS AT CH ICAGO a ke~n intere_st in the "self-g~,·erulng" \.

Although n•lthini;- defioit~ ha." bePn · T l l I done 06

Yel \I onian" ~tat• will iirob- On!~· oino w1den<s al the Unl\·ersity clubs which ::;eeretai~y A . R. Ult e ."~ a!J\i· haw " t••nni team th?J year o( Chica~o. one of America's larges t Averag e Cost Per Month Is $14.50 rnau~ ·iued at the '· )I. l. A.

1"" r.ollege~. ret.·d,·ed A" grades in every Me nu s Are Varied and Tast eful clulJi:; "ith a total member~hill of ;,~ I

.The wam:- n1 the pas t b.tve alway~ I I lt.h suhject durine- the quarter just past. Much Credi t Du e M r s. Price boys art: e:-igaged in lh P te~~ w 1

roadf' a • r1·rliltiblE' show i"l~ and with c C. ll olL Hal Stewart. C. B. Sherry, Oi:!cnbnrl.! Ulll Liiti: reor;Jamln:.: rrolll EARN S IG MON EY S. L. Hedrick. Pau l Campbell and Eu·


· ' Students \\Orking thetr \\3,. at the \l Tutt.le'~ general ~upen-is ion rham1n011-:111r tt"u~ "ere.- ~l'hlOm C . d ''O<"I .,~ 3 01. A.~rwulture Boardmg c lub has re· · r .. .. 1 . k

GOLDEN GLOW STEEL CUT COFFEE perfect cup. ri ch 111 na,·ur and g1)lden 1Il c ~tor

peril-ct cup. rinch in ila\'C r and ~nkkn 111 cnlor· Packed in a double ..... eall'cl l·an.

.:? pound net "ei_g-ht t pL1und net wei!;!"hl last \car!;

1 t:'am the pro:-.pe<·t... r01 a I For the pa 8t t wo ) eurs the School I gene Roberts in charge or them under I

bri htt·r La .... t ",, 10 ~ .i te.un com l'nn-ers1t) of hacago earnc .. · ·-v · . . I Thesl" r lubs meet week:y Int 1e1r ~\·or· g 1 la.st vear It i ... a ~olt:'nm thought that dlH ·tl 1ht" cCk-it of boa.id ancl ioom to under the Stantlarcl Etlll'tenC'y lests. poqrd uf t) ... ..,:ibrt1~ .rnri! Romnle; lb)la)l· this i~ m('ITl" than the total endovm1e:-it I It"' mernberl:' to about one-halt the wh1C'b test ou t the roung lad s along b TH OS H RE A - CO • d a C'IO"'' ... ..-ne-s Y.Hh) 1~so11u .1 Y. 1! i I 1 t linec: • • ot some or the inst1tutlons knO\\n as ·3t ~ La--t H!i.\r the a\eragl" ph):.->iln. mentn and ruon\ ~ I Ph fA.'(ull"tl m tlw Llf'll'~tl ot ~lontllla IC'olleges l~\.\eiag~ 1• t: • • ~ 11 Saturday n Lr,1ck mel~t \\:lS held one 24. ~Late In .1 -.ui.tll n.l.rglu l'Os t to meml.Jers W3" ., 11 .1 per monlh I 1:1 LhP g-vmnas.111m bv the boys in the1rl --------------------------1 Be<au·w of thl' unsettlt.!tl ,. t""3.the1 I DEF EAT HONOR S YSTE M for board, room laundry; t bi s )e:tr tl I ph)Sn·a l. testi:;.. wh1d~ inc!uded competi- ============================~~ tb"' l.l ... t IP\\ ~..-E>l.s 1ew 1 :""\C' bPPn . • _ .. t :i Two houses ha\e been uve :'eats .is f~llo"s· Pu~h-u1>, 1.ble lo \'. ork ont on the cou r t::i :,O \ re~oluuon to adopt the hono1 s~ s- ts ., l-1 . 1· stand111~ and running broad JUUlJ). I lutlP 1s known abou t thP strent;Ut I t•.m as nppliPd to nil pxaruinatlo:is at mainrn.i:i~d and thnt en tailed e,._ trn ex· (en ce ,.at~.L.. high jump and ~0.-yn.rd

-ot tllf• Frt"~hmt>n. 'l'ht> So1>hs arc coo- O A. ('. was defeated in n general iwnse. dash. \\ 1lham Mc l>on ell. b' er:tt . ·~dcd tn h;\\·1 !"-everal l'llll or cou sl11dt:'nt body assembly last weel' Exi-,en~es hn'e been reduC'ed by Lewis. \\'illiam \\'alls and Harold\\ Y· lie were the winne rs . I


If vnur hum lq account amounts to $2.00 or more you can saYC 10 per cent h)· walking d1"lwn to the laundry on or before tlw roth 0f e3.rh m•111th :ind pay·m~ 5amc. \\" e haye 110 ag-cnt .. or solicitor~ hut do hu..;,ine:-.s with vou direct. Those desiring lcd_Q·cr an.·ounb· pka~c call at nffi~'e anci nrnke arrang-ement.::;

II'< can please you.

careful. discri m inating buying in quan·

lltie~ and b)· e liminnting unnece.s· 1 I I snr)· ~verhend charges 'file food has AWKWARD SQUAD JS bE:'C>n sufficient in quantity and vnnet) I I a=id excellent in. character so that NOW DRILLING HARD during the two years no complaints have been made. but on the other ___ \ hand. the members ha,·e been well .-\ µ;oocl·siz(>cl squad of men attl-'nded t

l . · fi'etl ~he following menus rt re . I sa. 1~ · 1 . I the firnt dnll held ye~terday alter-• honestly reprc:-.entntin.' X('ept that noon. Twcnt)" ·< 1\e of the reven ty : Sunday and holiday dinners "er e bet· men who hnn• ~igned up for rlrill have


W e have just w hat you want. Sec them--$5.00 to $20.00

The Hub Ed. and L ou How ard, Proprietors

W alk-Ove r Shoes Stetso n HaU 1lter . had military <.lrill ht..•tore and 1he

I. Dinner Menus . ~qua.cl~ were ph.u·t.~cl in l'haq~e o[ thes~

Pork ('hO\l~ and Grn \Y . lmen The drill was t..'Htirely sq11:u1j ··==============================

I Bolled Poti\toto~ Butter drill and <·onsbtPd C'hicUy ot drill in 11-----------------------------6a1Jatin Laundry Company - --- ---- ---------------------- l!Clt Ro'ls Brow:1 Bread . . . ; ... n errv Pit> the fa('lll~t'i a:ltl marrhrng~ .:\o g:un:-; I ~!fi~!fj~!fj!)IF!;J;~~~!fj;§[!;J;~!;f;~~y;!!!li'!:fi~!![!fj~ ,oga b · will be used for a time uutil the re

Hoast Rcet and Brown <ir~n~ t·ruit~ attain ~ome rlegree Clf 11rofi· 1 ~ y; 'l'"hed Potat1>P> cien"Y in the rrnlimentary pritlt'iple>.

WARDROB E T RUNH.S \\ '-' are ... ti 1\\ mg l ll'. 1111,...t ~ijn ple:tt: lml', ,!fi~uc: FREE !!Jffi~n t'rt>i\mE;-d ('arrut" Ht.•lish There will prohably ht.• no st:ltint..:: •tr t 2JlJ :n 1101 Roll~ Brt1Wn nrl~ad l'X('l'l'b<:!:>. 1 f

Apple Pie :\o offtcert' will be tho~en unttl tbe I 1' htl\'L' 1.:YCr had. ~ !;J; I Butter Tea PIHi ol' the term l·:a('h man will h<l\C

~ rP- au .·h~olutely ec1ual chan«e as the ap-

11 c A SPRI GER FOLDING IRONING BOARD ~ BollP1l He··f and l:ra') n! ::n \\'hicl'.' ~nil Unmn Bread pointme1H::i will be given ro the nwn !fi WITH EVERY HOT POINT ~I \la,hc·<l 1•,,tatm» l'reame<l Pea> who staad the highest.

l.C~2Juuffl Ele ctr1· c I r on :by;~ 1 ll111ter Tapioca Pudding 'f .. a ""~::.~::·.:~:;/;;!;~;a~.~[\:~::\::· ;)ll:l:h:.hr.~11'.~1; II and ~cl tht: pnct.' .. ;n .-J n!" the {lrill. I It.- has had l·onsiderable Lunch Menus ex1wril.•1He bot h 111 «OllC~H.' mil1t.ary I

!:I; ~ \ l.:'..:.t-'lllhle Su1u• l'r~wker~ tlrill and 1hP nntional guanf. Profes· D D SMITH ::t1 BEGINNING M ARCH FIFTEEN. ;:in1 Cold Slaw 1Ii-11ar1111"111 ' "isting him ! I • •

~~·"ijj PURCHASED FROM US DURING THIRTY DAYS ~!;f;:c.n I na•e1I Potatoes. 1a·.,·y ,,,,. J 1t l'arkt>r of tlw »11t1>1111•lngy :

Hrown nnd Corn Brend MILITARY MEETING !:fi s s I . 0 w· d ~~ Huter <'fll)kics . .\hollt St•\(•lH.\ llll'll \\t'l't' Jll"P~1~111 al ~~~~~~:;~;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~;;;;~~------------- · I.-' ee amp es lfl Uf ill OW }c il'ater a 111eeti11>: la't T11esd11' 11igl11 of t " ~ y; men "ho ha\'e vuh111tt>t..·n·d for 111ili·

~ G t d . I" ~ ~ uaran ee not to "wigg e under hardest usage.. ::n <.. rt>.tlll Tomato ~oup

Hot H.oll..;. Hr wn nreao 1ary drill !"or llw n·maillllt>r nf tlw sdwol ~·t'ar Pn,.~idl'lll l lamiltnn onl· li11t•1l tht..• p\un of the work to he dmll' I le ~iatP1t that tilt:' flrill would bt• c·on-~ Cash With Order· ~

Butter Haketl Potatue~

GrngerhrcJd Tea

!:fi :\'oodl.:- ~pup, Crackers

rh11·tt>d hy Prol\•ssor I·: . !.. ('nrriPr <b-sh-ll'1l hy Prore~sor .1, H. Parli.l'I' Lit>llt1•1iant 1111111111\11. uf the re-~11lar

Butt r army who is srntimi~d at Hele::i.a has

The Weather Man Says--



~ \\.hill· and Bnnvn Bre~ul ::n Hoiled Pornwt..•:oi Hominy s!: . .rnil'icfl his rntention 01 assii::.ting in '---------------------------------! The Mon tan a i ll t',1•l;'10\1'.·.k1·11·,e~:i:~:~~·::1dM~-~~=m Water II :~·l~::::~~sls7~:.;':~1;i,~;~·~1~1\:~·~·h.'~ ::\\·•1:.:.1

~ ::n . Gt•nis But.er marn, in whkh he 0111li 1ll'cl some or

;;J'l ~an1zanon 01 the body 01 nu•:1 mto a

The Gallatin Lumber Co. h-adquunt~r~ for 1hC> f;\mOll:-. 0\\'I. CREEK and PBERL1":SS HEAR

C R E E i'< COA LS .- Y(llll' trtulp will hP .q1preda\f'd Qppositp ('nun rtnusC' Phone :!H. ~

~ Power CO. !lJ}\]!!Jffi~y;u...11 I Fri•~.~;~:toes ::::""·~,~~:;~~~;~ ·;1;":"\1:.'.;'.:·~ml~:::'.;1 :.!I~ I Forina 1.111cl CrC>am trained body of su"chers. Ho~ Bb<'nil~ Butter All the gtuden~ who had eH.•-r had '---- ---------- ----------------- D

!fi 60 East Main Street ~ I $(),'l1'·',,'1I1'an1.'!11cl111n•C\o!!ifl~··e any military <!rill WCl'l' as!;ed lo re· -----=-= -=-----------------------U ~ :n . ·' !

11 _ ...

1 m.1i11 and plans were nrnde wht'rehy l fiiiii!i!iilii!!ii!iiiii!iili!!!!!!i!!ill!!!!!l!!!!!'!!i!ii!!iili!iiiiiiii!iii!l!iiiiii!iii!ii!!ii!ii!i!iJ !fi ~ the:sl:' men would ban~ drnrge or the ~~!;J;~!;J;~!;J;~!;J;~!:f;~!;J;~~!;J;~!:fi,:11ij!;J;~!;J;!!ffi] !;J;~ Buttl'r Frenrh Toa•! S:cni,i 'q11111\' for a time until the rudim nts I



.a..1t<1 dollars make rlcbee,-lt'a &11

I In a syt-tematic sav1ag ot a certain sum weekly.

52 \H•aks or sa .. ·ing at our bank will give you a. better sta.::idiog than I &£ v. eek or spendJng

Try It and see. Gatlatin Trust& Savings Bank.


Get a County Scale Ticket wi th every order. ---

P H ON E 25l>.

P h one 253



I I f

Coffel:! I of th1• ta<:tk:s were learned hy those ('Oll\"t;:>n1enrr"' wer>J not J:'l' iiP l l~f'lh I wt~'.' ha'e had i~o prcvio1~s experit-nC't:'.

hoti"'•'~ wPr t> sUl)J1IL•1l wal~ both hot '.ht• regular lllllt:' ol dnlling \\as HOl pntl i·old water: t.'.P<"tri:· ligh s ;rn,t <ll'l rnitl.:'ly tle<"idt·tl on hut "a:-; h.•(1 to tdt.=-11honp:; . l~arh !~Ol!M' \\;1 :-''Jli•I. •d I bt•. dt'll.'rminP'I at tht .1ext met>tin~ with au .• lt.'l"tlie iro:1 •. nti \'ll·:o~lll~ wlut'\1 wa~ lwl!l l"hur~1la! aftt'rnnon :n hoard and tht• bo~ lt><1:·-1t..•J to I n·~s ·' o'do1"k. ThE'rt> will hl' iwo d rill Jlt.-'l"· j tlwir own dolhes io1l:-; a \\'ct'\\ ol an hour each. .\ II

Thl' t111h has bt>l·n 11.1tlt•1 th•' Jlr- ~nphom1ffps anti ln·shnwu who are Pl"l :-.upeni .. ion of l'riiwq,·~I .1 H. cnrollt:>d in tht· nimpany art:> t>xempt llolsr. ).fr~. \V. A. Prii·c w~~ mrilnm t'rom th1.: J1h)::ii1.:al t>tluullic11 now rt'· and •'IJOk at thP ~":;pq•nth avcm1v house quirPd, •H'1·nrding tu 1·rl:'sidt>nt llam- 1 and :\tr:-. H '-'· Young was m;ltron at ilton

Ith(• Bl~C'k _nH·nue !ltwse. H(>:.t<:;unahle



,-----------------------~===========: rlllt.•s ror stu1ly and 1·ondun were en- IN WO RLD I IClr<'Pd, amt l is a 110tr-.llle fn«t tL ·t I . . . I not one of the twt•nty-nine nwmhtr=->. 1 l~t' wnrld s Itu·gl'.'~t ?'in:.;le·nnit

l I C eretana Means Qualit

IN F LOU R AND ROLLED OATS- T RY THEM TO DAY. y Th~ Bozem a n Milling Company

I I faih'd in his u11lic .Tt>ssp Ken;)i•,h· ! tl.irbuw is to ht· ~l'en at th!.! \\"ater-1 was bookkl"t?Jlcr and fi\'e other ho·:~ sHll' Station. of the .:-\py Yor_k Et1i~on I I Wt.'rt• paid trcm '$' to ~111 11er 111011-:.11 con:pan~-~ It. is .utty·~t'\l'.ll feet 1

I f: · work !n tht' c·:uh tht1:-. makinir it long. lWt:IH) lCt>l \\Hit> and tourteen

I pos:;;iblt• for them to t•tmti· 111 , in ft'l'.l hiJ!.h \\~eig. bing ni:te hunclred


=:============~~;;;;:;:;;;:;;;:;:;:;;;:;;;:;:;:;;;:;;:;~ Rdioo l and seventy-fiyp thousand 11ou1Hb. it ~ :\l1~1·h of thl-' l'redit for t'.I(> lll('t•·s d~\Plop~ fort~ th1msand horse-ot th• l"ll:'} b due '.\lrs. Pnt·e wtu WI· power. The great eng111t> OJU.:•rate~ a t dt•r.aa.nds et· nomi<:al m:tna.-.en.t..•lll. is a ~ti.<>ecl Of fiftet..•n hunclrt>d r('Yo l ution~ an t•x1·c1n ion al i·m:.,, ,. 1111 .H u1:11ron. a mmute, bu1 PYen at 1hls A: rel\ l speed

I do the best Heating a nd Plumb-Ing j obs In town. If you want the

beat, 1ee D. H . B U OD CO .

Central Avenue. Phone 300 J.


E. w. Thompson I BARB E R SHOP. I

l"nder Nalion:it Bank or Gallatin 11

ValJt,,, . I College St;dento a Spechftr.

-Commercial l ·

National Bank 11

C~PIT " L ST•>CK H5o.ooo I Sl RPI l'S aa.J PROFITS _J250 .1Jt)t) I

J .'"i. B 1 ~"°·"· Cashier. BOZ~:MAN • MONTANA I



TO MOVE won 1lw n~:-.ii•·ct and t>stl·.-u• fif t•\••r: is almost no ise1'3ss. Ex m1·mber. · A baromPler is an in::;lruml~nt '' h il'lt 1

'l'hl' naiting list I'nr thl· <·lulJ i:-. ·l- n•,g:ulates the weather """" o"ll attl'lllpt 1 .. -lq1 it '"'l' \t'I) 1.trgo, ' II>\ '·""" • 11\11.1- I

iitlt~:·. '.:".i,:1 ~1~111 ,till hankr anti ;<-ar. ~~'~o·~:"~~~··~~~le:~1

~ """ 1· ~~~~i~::~;r~~~~:;:,1

,;::;~1~0~1;~:~~:1~~;~ i>crhap- '!'"" lte and temper: ""Y or. the wage ea rn er o1 t hat \n,li· I

Tbert- are l)raCtiC'ally no eligible lut1on is hard. Y l Inst yenr th~ s tu -1 l'IH..Tt' an· ll< • ln•11hlt:-.11I thi:-. a !Jle bodied men in attendanl't- at Ox·/Uent~.ear;1ed .,103,0111 .. \\1tat seem~

ford L' niver}lil'". art·ordi n,, , . . ~o ha\ e been a. ~omewhnt wide·s 11read l kind \\ hl·11 \'11u ll..,l. !Jl\r '1111 ir· . . . .¥. to cl stor) ir . not popular occupation was that

l1111d" liarl l1tlllt11l.

'!'hi.:: ' ... t 1 _;r l·ath ~11

The W iJison Co.

I .mted 111 the ).[(Gill Dail)· 111 mnny o t hloo\l trnn::ifusion at !! :i an ou nce I 1 ot the t\\O dozen <·olle¥.e:-; and halls Some !aught dancing-. others uslH\ rPd .

there :i rt~ ~c·~rc·e ly an l'H'n do1e:1 pn- ~lher8 motored. and 01 her:-; just tt'ndcl~ .rolled 1 h_c old n•rger!;, mo11ln~ furnace~. Tutoring positions how-

1 ·~rounll the t\"}. ('On~red ar<'hwar~. u8. ever han• always Jl:.lid bt':H a t lhis s;n tl.:at ~JY ~·.:t8ll'r both Oxford and ins1it11tion. l:iOllH:'limt.•s rangin~ a~ ll lg- h

I ( nmhtlflg1 \\Ill hnYe to t•lo~e their a~ sou a ~u nun er-T;:x. doors until the war is 0 ,.t:>r. The quads and <'orridors. whic'h in times \ ·oke for a bov1t-\\-ha t '~ thl' m:.llH•r. of Pt'ace \\Prt· <11! nµ,og with mnru.r· ).lnry? Dues:1'l th at yo1111g man know

1 boards find llap11ing go\·, ns. :lre- now ho\\ to say goodnight ?

• s a summer re· . nry lthrill l'll 1 :\Imm. 1 should I Us de>stlt11te of life I 'I --------------J son in winter. Ex SD) he dot's.

The Smoke of the Active! There"s one fashion that n ever changes-the re·

freshin g, ' ':holeso:::c. youthful, spirited fashion of "rolling your own" for a lively smoke with good old " Bull" D u rham.

In no othe r way C::\n you get a cigaret te so fresh a nd fra­grant, so full o f '"l~0r, e71f'tgy and action . T h e man "'"·ho " rolls his own" wi h "Bull' ' Durh am has the taste of a connoisseur.



The w onde rful mildness nf "Bull" Durham s e ts it a p art from all o~her t ob.1ccur. , and it~ uniq ue mellow -sweet Raver g ives dis t inc t i,·e enjoymen t tn a c igar e tte.

"Bull " D urham is made of " b right" Vi rginia-North Carolina le a f - ti,,. choic~,1 t ~at g cows . It is smooth, nch, nio st .. ::it.~f;-• ng - and r:o:!2.

Start "rcll=·1-:: you:- cw," ·with "Bull" Dur~"-:' no::'. "·I you'll put yoursell- o t th e one ri !!h t road lo genu111c E.·;. ... '~ . i:1g sati~fo.ction .