




SERIES I The ye:u 191 6 marks the o ne hun-1 dredth anniversary of the Savi:lgs


The fac ulty volley ball team n ' KELLEY AND LUCE MEET DAKOTA NEXT WEEK defeated the city and county ofCtc1als


I Bank In the United States. To pro­

mote sa.,1ngs the Ame rican Banlrnrs

association together with the Y. M.

C. A has inaugurated a nation-wide

"Thrift" campaign. St.udents who are

soon to enter upon t heir life work

.find it well worth t heir ~·hll e t o

team at the Y . M . C. A . gymnasium

last Friday night ther. by clinching the cit;· championship. The faculty LE E PA RK, ROBT. GRA Y, AND DAVID GRAY WILL REP RESENT MON-woo the first three games. The firsl TANA AG AI NFT TH E UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO TONIGHT. IDAHO game was very close but t he last two SAID TO HAVE STRONG TEAM. MONTANA HAS ONE OF STRONG-garueR were a walkaway for the pro- EST TEAMS IN HISTORY; AS YET UNDEFEATED. fessors. 'fhe men on the college team

Stud y this pi·oble m which has as great were Pr ofessors Alfred Atkinson, B.

!old 'em Daddy Batter 11 p .At-a· o:i secoud. a beari~g upon their financial sue- W . \Yhitloc k , J . R. Pa rker, J . C. Parks,

l:lcore 7_10 cess as Uie regular prescribed studies. ""· ff'. nrewer . and E.W. Jah:ike . ).-lomana State will meet the Uni· Both these me:l han" bPPn

El~:!.~: :~:F.::~~=: E::;~_::.:<r::.~2::::·: .. ruNtoR rRoM sET FoR lcoUNm MEETING oF :~~n;othbee c~~: :!;;::.dr:::rd~:~: ~:~:.n t~i~\~~~~·=s e~:r:fa(')\lllan and NINETEENTH OF MAY I SENATE HELD TUESDAY

hard and a good showin~ can be C'<·

pected from them.

The other debater lor the college

versity or Cda ho tonight In debate .

The question is : Resoh ·ed, that a

<'ompulsory voti:lg la w shou ld be es·

tabli shed In the United States. Thh:i nef>dS no introduction to ~tuden ts of

is one of the important debates of :\[ontana S tate. Park is a veter;.m

the year and should be we ll attended 1 debater who has made a very cred­

br the s tudents. The men who will i !table showing in all the debates in

represent the college in thi s debate I which he has participated. Park and

are R obertz Gray, David Gray, and Luce r ecentl v defeated the strong

Lee Park. The men on the team rep- I Gonzaga Unh:ersity team gabin~ a

resenting the University of Idaho are unanimou.H decision They also de-

1',rank Koch , Bertram Bingle. and "iVaJ. (t>atecl 1he North Dakota Ag~eR 1.111~

ae tnclement elements. :S-obody The junior~ ha\·e ten clt!an hits, Retl- I rt->d for the ~amP, howe\"er, )Ian- di<'k. Gallon 2. ~berry 2. ~now 2. ---- ----

Bullcx·k and Grave~ wen• witbb Strand Bnllock, and Cannon. How- Ba ll W ill Be Held at the Elks Home- Sanitary Drinking Cups fol" Dances.

~ rii"'h1I1<.'(' au,1 when they were eY+>r lhe?I llaH· 12 PrrcHs C'halke<l up No Flowers to be Sent-In- Cap and Gown ~ule

to ~upply nlayers or forfeit the agabst tht:>m I gram T rack Capt. I Discussed

.. the,· hot·footed it nroun~ th_e The Line Up ___ I ----~~ in ·~ea Th of material ~utf1- Fn·shmen I ter Sa~gelius. 1 year.

men from l'aCh clafl~ were ~oon <lraYes. C: Hamilton lst B: :'\oblt'. I .-\1 a rather poorly attended Juuiorl A council meeting of the :·enate was

ed to st rt the game. and start j ''d B :\! •'.\(Ii~ "d B '.\l . D 11 1111..~<.~ting las1 )(onday It was dec.ided held last Tuesda;\" for l h. e ·urpose of

- r l ~ -. & ~I a\~ . ~~~· ·J·I ~.Sa<:~ ~nal/ .' lo hold thP Junior ball thi vea. the <.onsidering the providi:lg ol entertain-

~ 1 _n · . , . i.. <l r j ~ · :::;, "· ,. lf'l' er, ' · • · ~ "'· • . · . : s · 1 ment for the debating te~1m from rda-

e field wa~ treachuou. nn P I Hur~Pss, R l'. Hober~ J,. F', Tay- l!nh O[ '.\fay It possible to secure the 1 • _ , . . .

11 h rc01. t 11 for the numer- 1 . l' ,. s.v H r· • r 'ho. Llt.!"ell)nLu(e~ubsu1ute<lf01 Lee

This debate will be the first ap- The ltlaho team debated this same

question with the Utah Aggies beforP

C'omin~ herP. The re~mlt of this 1le·

pearance of both Robertz Gray and

DaYid Gray in an intercollegiate de­

bate. HoweYer they ha\·e both had bate is not yet known. They will de-­

e.xperien(·e in debate work. Robertz bate wiih Gonzaga 011 lhP return u;11

Grar ig i:\ former Gallatin high speaker Thf> jude;es for the debaie are.

who ghowect his ability in the Fresh· .Judge \\'illinm T . Pigott or Helen<1,

m;.rn-Sophonwre debate. He ls 'a Judge Theo<lore Brantley. who is C'hief

gtron~. forC'eful speaker. especially justice of the :\Tontana Supreme Court

strong on rebuttal. David Gray was at Helena. and a third ma:-i "·ho has

w 1 c a · . _ o:i. ·. · .. n,, · : Stanie~ hall at rhat dale it will be held at Park a~ commissioner of Jnterestc:t

errors: ~ill1lt of llrn .Tumors com .Junwrs .

ed th~ tbt Jong wimlell Fre~h Gatton. <' R lst U: Saltz, 2tl B: the .1 ·~lb: hot~w. . . Literary and Fore1isic.

f c:ro"'s cou:1t ·;. :--pir:tnb tail moY Joi <•r :=:::trand. Cannon. ~ S.: Bullock, Aller a Inrlc d1~cu&;1on OYer as· Heretofore the i.i;nglish departmenl

he ba.srs ~o c r a-part that !hey :M B. ~hl'rr~ & ~~t ·;ind, R F. RC'd sessrncnts it wa~ <le<'ided to asses~ of thr C'ollege has furnh;hed funds

ln't mike t e i c 11t without get hrk. c F. Hanst'n & :\lon· ,,11

L. F' ead1 mPmher of the cla~rn lWo dollars I for t hf:' entertainment of the Yil;iting

\\-iorl~d . .,.,he f·e!'hmt•n won the 1 2 ~ 4 ;; Ii i-R H E. and a ball Contrary to the usual team-.: but ai:; it is not doing; so thi~ also a member or the freshmen de·

1and chose the field. .lnnrnr~ u .-, n :{ ::! I- 111 tn 12 cuistom then· will Ue no flower:-: sent I year rhe C'offee dub asked pennis-

thl::; ypru· The ,·ario11s <·ommittees for sio;i to gh·e a (Jr.nee for the enter-

not yet been chosen. bating: team and made a very credit-able showing in the interclass debate . Th..- tlel.Jatl..! will be held in the a~


Fre:-0hmen I :; 2 11 1 ft 11 thP l~\-ent lwn~ been appointe'l and taimnent of the \'isitors after tht> de-

--------------- are: 1 bate. Any surplus funds were to go

DP~orntion l·:dwi;i Ronne, chair- towarrl <lefraying lhe expenses of this M S ( GRADUATE

semlJI~· hall on the. third noor of Jfon-

tana Hall at ~ O-C'lork tonight A First Inning \\lie ler a.ud Grave~.

e game by mnings

I hnnq11Pt ha~ been arrane-Pd for the

Hock ,1 111 '4.eldirk both fann~11. IMPRESSIVE ADDRESS

n "as stopped at first ha"'· r J man; Renan Dec:amp. Lawrence Saltz. I or some later debne. Permission to • • • ieam~ and their c·oaches to l>e held

~[anfred Snow, C. B. Sherr~-; :\farrl1 giYe the dnnrt' wa8 r-ranted but it was it thf' Rnngalow the debate.

~t!~i:,~;lterry antl Gatton . I BY HEINZMAN 'l1i1'on scorPd the fir~t run 01 1hP

n <;ran?"S f-lnned: \\"lit~eler. out

'.\l1;:rle;old, c1Hl Grace :iiclYer. later decided not to hold it DRAWS GOOD POSITION Thf' c:ollege- ha~ another debate

\hrnic- Roy Strand, chairman: Eu· Th e coun<'il voted that hereafter all scheduled which will rake plnc~ at

genP Ha11aiz. Jannelle Lund. organizations gi\'ing entertainments in 1 Brooking~. S<Suth Dakota. on the fif

Jn,·itatinn Chas. Cook. chairman~ the drill hall mu~t proYide sanitary Alonzo Burkett Accepts Posit ion With ke:nh of this month. Lleweilyn Luce

teal rom t r~t; \\' ~Tat~Donnld, Personal E xp~riences Relataed by Mr.

left field. \ Helnzeman . Sacrifices Made Are ~fary Kretlow. EYerett :\lcSpadden. I drinki:i~ c-ups. the T hree Forks Cement and J D. Ke11ey will repre~ent the

Second Inni ng tteries -Hamilton and GraYes.

ltz nie1t out to Jeft field. She-rr

on in tie Id tap bet \Yt.>en lirst and

nd. Hice rann~d. tteries -Bn'lork ancl Gatton.

>ble. ~Iac~fillan and ":"ip.; Taylnr

~d Burgess ranned Boberg walks:

ilto:i make~ first· GraYeF. flied

to right field. Hamilton <'aught

Th ird Inning

ltt,eries-Boberg and Gra\·es. Jolley out to

":\lonson fanned: Bui-

tteries-~traud and Gatton.

heeler and MacDonald both $COr·

.. n this in:iinc.. Xoble out on pop to

9tStop. :\fac).lillan to center field.

.r; real'hed first but Taylor retired

:;side. ·ore f).11

RPfreshmPnLs Ruth XoblP chair· Pre~ident Hamilton suggested 1hat Company I college there against the South Dakota

man; \\"hu :'.\fa;rning Ada. Beerste· 1 the matter of requiring ~eniors to j A!!ricultural rolle~e team. The que~ Almost Unbelievable

1 cher.. wea1- <.'RP and gown at assembly be Alonzo Burket. 'J:J, has res igned hb tinn for <lisrnsslon h~: Re~01\"ed. that

Americ-:ins do nol realize tlw sat·· 1 :'llanfred Snow and .Janelle Lund con~1'lered by the council After dis· llOl">ition as a::;sistant 111

the chemistry a short ballot woulc.1. be conduci\·e

dfiC"es which war clemana,s or the na 1 were appointed to see about secur- cussion it was dedded not to act upon to the hest interests of the people.

tiun~ of. r;urop ... , was the new ex· ing the hall thi nt il tho llPXt meeting. How· depanment o~ the College of Agri· ).fontana State can feel confident ot

pres~ed hy "'.\.Tr 11 L. Ht.~inzrnan. the At the ron<'lu~ion of the meeting an e,-er the se~ti~e:'lt of the council was <'ulture and "'.\Jechanic Art~. to accep1 the ~howing which the~e two men will

. . elertlon for track manager was hef'd I that the minority of tbe cla&i should a !Jetter position in industrial line~. make as they both have excellent renu·

inlC'rnational student ReC'rPlary of the and Craig lngram was cho~en to lead do as the majority wished in the He lea,-e~ 00 i;;,·ednesday. April iJth ta.tions as l)nblic speakers. L ure bas

Y. :'of. C'. A., at thP special a~~embly j the Junior track men this seaso:t. I ma. ter. ro ac'("~IH a position in the laboratory partiripated in both of the debates

F'rlday morning. )fr Heinzman rP-1 of the Thre~ Fork~ Portland Cement whirh the college has won this year

<'ently returned lrom the F:uropean • Compan,·, at Tridellt. and hi~ work He i!; a. stro;ig, rouvincing speaker

war front and in his address hP told I CONGRESS DEBATES DRJLL REQUIREMENTS will be ~mder the direction of Mr. \Y. whose whirlwind rebuttals have , ... on

of i-;ome of hi' experienf'e~ Rnrl im- H. Andrews. Chief Chemist. : many debates. Kelley won the state

STATE COLLEGES' DEMANDS ARE HEEDED oratorical contest at :\fissoula last

presslons. )Ir Burket graduated from the lo- spring. This ts hi" first appearance

I le i:oaid that war de"·eJoos a c·a11a· du-;Lrinl Chemistry cour::\l' wH11 the in imereolle_giate debate but bis ex-

<·ity for sal·rifktl which is almost 11n- class of Hll:i. On graduation he de- pt>rient't-' in other lines or pubuc speak-

helie\'able. In many of the shops and I Hay Military Bill Passes House-Now Being Debated In Senate. Two ciclecl 10 acceµt an offer to remain in~ should make .i hard man rn

hotels of Enghnd the work is done Years of Drill W ill Be Requ ired-Four Years Drill and Si x Months ~~~i~~n~~:t;i~~r~ui~~:a~~·~c~t~~tea:.0~.~ hf'at

entirely by women ·who art> taking Act ive Servtce To Give Commission In Reserve Co rps. Government in tht> departments of Chemistry anU ELLIOTT AND GRIFFIN SPEAK AT the place::; 01 men who ha' e gone to I

I T o Furn is h . All Arms, Uniforms and Equipment . Pbyi;:.ic~. :'.1r Burket has been an ef· SHORT COURSE COMMENCEMENT

the front In England alone therP ficient and popular worker in the

are eight hundred thousand women Chemistry Department and hi~ pro· F'o11rtet'•n young tne;t recei~ed di plo·

worlllng Ill mumt1011 faetoncs \\'Jule . , . . . . . mmion b a mutter of con::-ide-rablt\ ma::: from the Srhool o( Agriculture

this countr) ::;eJt Heveral mi111on dol-1 1 he det.u ls or tbe new military Equipment Furn ished . Fourth Inning

satisfa('tion to his friends and c•olle-l!e la:st wPek. H. P. Griffin. editor of the

\\' ~rac·l>onald and Jars to tlw relier 01 Belgium yet Eng. bill effeding the enti re- military or- The SeC'retary or \Va r i~ abo associates. I Jtontana r.·armer was the principal

llteriPs es.

edd ick sC·~rf--'s, Gatton also scored

n uU In deep C'enter Sherry scar·

111 two bagger. Rice called out on

hed ball. ~t rand safe on first;

w to bleac-hers caught off SP<·o:itl

man fanned. attertes-Saltz and Gatton.

land ~ent ten rlollarn to every one at I ga111za11011 ot thf' L"Illt\'d Statei-; ha,·e a11tho11zPcl to t!:'sue tn institutions I 1 speaker In his. addre~s he laid es

ours :.rr Heinzman ga,·e many other J11st been re(e1,·ed by Prt:-8ident Hamil- marntaing dllll, arms, uniforms, and DAVIDSON TO INSPECT WATER 11ednl rmphasis on the fat·t th:tt the

PxamplPs to ~how the sacrifices which I ton The measure. the I-la)· Bill in· other equipment, including animal::) in ---- t;.,i·m is the grPate:->t fiPltl of OJl!lOr

were berng made b \· the people of In ortler that the Surgt\on Gpnt'l' I t\IDil\" for tht' new generntion. l'hnn

lh" "atTt'ri" 11 .,t1011

•• • I troclm.'€'d mto Thi.'.' lf ou~e of Hepres- ca~e of ca,·alry. 1 .

"'" "" « "' ..\. 1 1 r 1 1 of the l'nited State~ may haYe proper I rellor 1-:<lward r Ellio1 al!?-o madt> a

emath e:-. ol Congr€'!-'S h\ Congress- . I t 1e (l fl<. o I wo YC"Ul'S , l IOSf" w 10

Tn relating somp of the thmgs which . . . • · I n·a<"h a n'l lnin iiroficien<.·y and rle- !(11arantee- that lht' water ::;ent•d to few rtimarks in \\ hit.'h ht=- sailf. ··Lean 1

be saw whUe in ~~ngland Mr. Hef:lz. m.rn Il a). c ha1rmd11 ot lhe comm1ttl·~· s1rt• lo go on wilh ctrill, c.•an do !30 i1y 11ns::;t->11ger:-. on itllennate pas!:;pnger tht> thin~ yuu uePt.l nntl c.·:.rn use a:ul

man told of thP great numbers or on .\ l 1ilta1y Aflairs. <:onta1ns an am-I ~ugnrng up for rh"e houra per week trains is pure and wholesonw. thl:" kf't.•p your knowing and your doing at

amilton flied ont to <'enter field; wounded men whiC'h he saw on e\•ery mE:>ndmen1 t>m1Jor1;ring the vroYisiom; for two years. This ad,·anced cour::;e Stale Roanl of Health has ~cnt unt> tht" same pa ~e ."

ves out on first by spc::1ctacular play sidC' .. Th~rp are se,·enteen hundred I in rega1.·d to military drill desired by is per:-;crihe<I by the Secreta.t·y of \\'ar. of it::; inspeC'wrs. Lynd all lln,·idson Following i:-- ~. h~t of th~ graduate::;

3alt7. who 1hrew from ~:l:iin~ po..;. hosp11als Ill En.t:land fo r the care of !ht> Assodation or Land Grant Col· I who is also authorize<l to issue to the ·i ;, 10 lhe western 11a.n of ~tontana to 1

\\" JI llod~t'on . .Jcsst;l' Kenneth. Rich

Bobere: struck out. her wounded I l egP~. nwn their subsisten('e, an amount not inspt•c·t a.ll water ~upplies u~ed for in anl ,\taier . ..\rlhur Rowland.' Frank

"'ore ti-3. .:\tr. Heinzman condemned l\'ar i.1 The ahorP hill pasi;ed lbe hou!:'e on to exc·eed the amount issued iu the terstnte 1ms~C'nger sC'n-ke. The sam-1 SulliYan. Claren('e 1·ow. Raymon d

F ifth Inning t t H ·d h t t 1• I Tl · · 1 f II pl es taken will l.>e brought to noze- Tow, O::;c·nr Starz. Burdette \\" ohlfrom

\'ery s rong e~·ms. e sat t a uere rhe t.\\'ent_r-fonh of )i!arch and is now ri:>~u ar army. 11s pro\"lc es or a

1 "' atteriel:l-Burt{PSJ'; and GraYet:i. is no such r hmg as C'ivl lized war. All I being leiJ i 1

. Lb S t Tl 1

expenses. board, c lothing- and so man to the C'hembu·y. Detmrtment. Haroltl Re ld e:-i .. John HliC'kensderfer

ullock out on left fie1d fly; Hed- war is murder and when civi li zation l'tttl 'loul",,~1' ',"the tlena e. tere .1"1' forth. which does lhl:\ analyUC'al "ork tor UPYt:'rly Coc k rell

e < Ill at le measure \\'I the . tate Board of H ealth. I __ _

giYen a base and scores on tn- goes out murder comes In Lite be-J Retired to Reserve.

d hit by Saltz: Gatton scores <'ome~ so <-11eHp thal it iR .not worth pass within th e next few weeks. The I A1 the compl tion of four years l:nder tht:." regulations of lh t:" l·ni!t"tl SUMMER SCHOOL BULLETIN

· bill <·outains all the prov-isions o[ t he I . statl~!-i. e nforced for tht> la ~t re" 'Nl.I':-. I r ry out on se<'oncl and Rice 00 trying to keep it. I new military policv including regu ln· dnll any man who hns reached the trams must C'onform to l.lef111ite :-.tnn· The lJul h-"" t in for the Summer School

l. On the other hand. however. he Lion ol' en ll stmen~. in <' rease of the age of twenty-one "·ill, if he so de- dard of JlllrllY. and th<' 1 e,pon >1biht ) " '"" nnd i> r~ad)· for dbtribulion

atteries- Rice a:id Gatton. ~aid that there were certain things regular a nn,-. an(] the na.tional guard sirt>s, be gi\'eu u. c·ommi~8 100 or second fo r t·crlifying U1is to tlw b"etlerril l>t~-1 A new re:uure in any of thP bulletin:-:

•'heeler and :\tacUonald out at first which war developed which are a good only a sm~ll 1>ortion being cle,·oteci lieutenant In the_ regu lar army. ~r.te r panmeut re!".ts with the Stnte Board nf "ill lw notil-t:"d n:-o ~on as the Jlamph

Infield tapt;, Xoble walks. s tea ls thing. l fo was impressed by the Jack to the <.frill in college:-;. The sections I he has ~ervell six months. reeeinng li l\Rllh. The samples taken h.Y :\t1·. IN is upe11t.>tl. [ht• fir~t pagl' brim.:,

Jnd and waltzes home 00 over· of artificiality of the m en who go to under di s<'us:-iion han• no beating on lli:-i expe m:iel:l and one hundred dollar::; Da,·id~on will be brought to th e labor- t:riH'n lH"t:'l' tn a notit'e t·nm•erninK thl·

JWS. :\fac.·~flllan struck out. the front. Ther lack the s ham and Ule ('Ol leges. so it is ::;afe to predi<.- t :~=~·ei~~u~~;. 1>11 ~r c~~ri~:rsre'~\1~~1~u~o P~~~ atorr here for e :\n.mi nn.tion. bolh us ,·ariou~ 1.·nm11anPm pan:-; ur t hf" l'ni

core T·:;. Sixth Inning prelen"se which. he s aid, ch a rarterize tha1 the final draft will IJ e es:-ie ntially He will be. allowed to use the rank to th(' l'he-mical a nd haC'teriologit:HI vpr~J •. \ Tile ilwntion and ~·ourse:;

atterie~-Stanley and Grave l3. the average Am erican as follows· of second lieutenan1 on all !)roper oc- qualiti C'~. ihe latt er work beiu~ donll' <'on..,,rPd in Pa<'h part art:' g-in•n, IL'

.a.isen out on liner to thi rd base. A war suC'h as 1b r pr sent one we ld s Two Years Required. caHions. nnd is liRblc:- fot· service at by the l>a<'te rio lo~ica l laborator) or the ~Pt her with the duw or establbhmen1

lDd scores. Snow out o n steal a t a na. ion "' · ~ ,.., An) 111s utuuon statt.• or pnv:lt(', the t'all or th e Sec1eta1 y of \\'ar. ~ "'t°' • t . tog•tl1er n1or e than anvthinv I •ol l"ue !\IHI 1he pre~ilh.' tlt or ;w1 i n~ pn\sident

•:>nd. Bullock flies to short atop. e!Re ro11ld do acrording to the speak- whil'11 C'an mn~ter one huudred or Tho:;.e who (.)o nOl c~ue to follow .\l·<·urdin~ 10 tlw t·a le nda r ~iven

atteries- Re<ldick ancl Gatton. er. 'T'h e men a t the front do not more for military trrunrng, and w11l I this u1> have their nam es entere<l on H . 1\1. Shea, of th e State F'ooll I tht:" ~u111mt-r H·~sion will open on tht"

tanley and Boberg out on third think of self but th e ir onl y thought is agret> to maintain drill if esiahlis hlld a. list and at any tim e e lig11Jle to La.horntory o[ tlH' DepnnmC'nt ol :!rnl \If .l1111t:' and ''Ill 1.·on t innt\ till

£::hi ts, Bullock to Ri ce. Hamilton of the natio::i . as com1H1hmry t'or two years !or nil appornlment as Hecond li eutenant, If ('hpmi.str). has gonl~ to th e \\'t~~tern .July:!:!. when th1;1 annunl tlip thrn11_g-h

'to center fi eld. Mr. Helnzman ·s addreRs was \re ry thos~ who are phy s ically fit t•n n ap· I thl')~ (•a n pa:-;s the required evn mlna· 11art or tlw ~tu h• nn un il~ ~ J l('(· tlon I tlh' '\ t>lln wsll'.ne Pt~rk will he m:ul_l\

effective and h~ held t he undivided ply to 1he \Yar Dt.>pa rtrn r nt ror a drill I tion~. trip for th e Staie Board 01 llealth Tht· hullPtln t.:-1\·t's tht> YHrwu:-.

corR, 'i·fi. I a ttention of hiR audien re. o ffi cf'r. Tho IH'nse11t Jllnn is bei ng worked Bi~ work hn i-; ehicfly to do with rlruK t cours~s offered :tnll a short reYi~,,. of

Seventh Inning ~, "'

/ atler1es-Taylor and Graves. J1 Pre>stdent Hanuhon announc-e<l th e Tlw Se<•rctnry oC \\'nr pres('ribt.~s out with 1he idea or er atin~ a ,·olun- inspP<.' Lion in ronnN:tlon with the- e n- I ea<'h and 1 ~ w 11 illu~trnted with Cam·

edd1 ck w a lks. Gatton safe on first.,, orf'h\>stra assembly for thi s morning the 1·our i;o of training, two hours of teer army, and there Is nothing com fon•L\mt:'nt or th C' State Food nnd l>ru,!! pus and Summt·r ~l'hool Yil~ws

.z out on center field fly. Ca nnon and an assembly in honor or Shake· drill and one hour of lectur a mini· pnhmry in any of the provisions. ln:w. Pro )I art in 01

the <lniry cl t- part

~es Reddi ck and Gatton on two spcare two weeks from toda)·. He· mum of three hours J}{>l' week. Affl - SEN IOR CRACKS RI B M bi:; Olin' Kint;ella wi.11 a<' <' I mem lws l't'l"t>ht•d butter ~am.pies

!? hit. Cannon scores on Rice's I also r;tated that the firRt assembly i:'l cer~ arE' assigned from thC' regular

Strand scores; Dullock caught ).t ar would be given over to th e gleE' army. thC' a\·allable number fo r such 1 l;-red Homan or the Senior dass Is :\lbs .Jensen to \\"ibnu .... ne:\ t "e<>k rrom fiflPen t'l'l·am('ries in th<' stRt

it-1orne plate Lai.;t m a n fans. c lubs 1m1·pose be-Ing raised from one hnn· 1 t.rnrsing n hrok~n rib ns the 1:esult of whero they will id\'e a l'OUrt-ie of in· 1 to ~t·nrt> Bill Fluhr the ~rnw deimtY


d1·NJ to three hundred 1'11C'se of· beln~ lhrown from the ,·est1bule of str11cliou to th('I women . The sec- clniry <·ommlst-0io1wr is e xpN'tNI w ar

a'teries 'anno11 and Gatton . The s1>ea kel' wa ~ introduced by C C. hll 11 t ond .vear c·ourse will be gh-en nt that rln~ iu noz("man toda: to ass!Rt Mr

.raves out on fly to second, \Vh eeler Holt, president of the coll ege Y. M. ficers will ha.\' e the title, ProfeS!30t' the s lree car w e on ts way O

;;;'1 ·<ght at homf> plate. MacDonnld ou t C. A. of .\Tilitary training and 'l'nrtiC's. the College on Tuesday. plac{". ! '.'\Iartln in this work.


- - -· --- - cht.-erfu l. looking up ond not Uow?. ' f --- NT 'e~l womanhood Everythi;t).!" in life d remerubeJ· v.e are ou r brothers

THE W EEH.L Y EXPO NE is compensated ror. and .you ca~·t :eper. and lend a hand \\.(.lr k is \Ye wi..;h to call to tht..• attention

that •i Uub-. and

I be& the game. He '\\~ho lie~ to rum ol ---------- - ----------==---- ----== back or it al l. All liar:-< n.~·e D , . I I thr rbaracter of another, bis soul is ca ught. but all lian; are pu01shed .

so ~unken in tlte that the angels

I I uld -Ex. with the :\'orth Pole as a evPr l'O

ESTABLISHED JANUARY 1, 1910. (Outgrowth or Monthly E.xponent, Establish ed Janu&ry 1, 1895.)

r not pry him out. There a.r~ some ............... ----- - --====-========:---==---=====- 11oople ~o di:"honest thf' ~ will try to !! :: :: :: !1 :: :: 1! :: - .... - .... •• ;; I cheat t h emselYE~·s trying to 1-1 l n~ a I; O FFICE- ROOM 1, REP U BL ICAN.COU RIER B UI LDING.

TELEPHONE NUMBER 127.J. !!ame of solitaire. f! " us feel that there !s a new


•ronight-Uebatc> .:\L S. C \~ Idaho.

era roming; an era or love and not The ·weekly Exponent is 8trictl y a studen t enterprise. Jt•s enter purpose ficrc~ ('O:J.tt_)nlion: lel us be oplimistic

Is to present to its read e rs, each week, an accurate and complete r ecord of

•• Toml1rrow nigh· -;tr:.· :t :: Club. U

\1iril J!I Ch·ic; L:"3J!llC. R ... '\lilh ~ I


, f'l'r sen· ice 111 preparing deliciou~ pq.1che~ ior .n.')ur every w i"'h.

Prices Right

in:n:t?n dantie'.


The Bungalow the developments fn college af!airs during that period and to exert its lnflu- ======= ==== ==="' P:lrlette.

ence for the upbutldlng of Montana State Coliege. The paper Is the res ul t of l PATRDNlzr nuR •ovERTISEAS ;:· )lay :.-Orutoric~l \tJOll'St :: ~§~~§§~§§~~§§§§§§§~§§~~§§~~§§ voluntan Pf[ort put torth by tbe students .,,·bo compose the sta ff. [ U I\ / :: April i;. l>e-b~.te, )l $. C. n:. :: :

----------- :: Somh Dakot'l.. m Brooki:lg~. ~~ .-Published eYery Friday or the college year by a ~ taff chosen from the 11 I ;; :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::: :: :-: :: :: :_: ~ 1 I

students or the Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, B B -of the rnJYersity of Montana, Bozeman, Montana. ase a I

I, o,·,·,"'.,'.' .•. ' .. 'h~ "~'~.:n~~'~' S<'U,Oll '"'" Entf'rcd AB second-class matl matter at Bozeman , Montana, under the Act or: " . ... , Co11gress of ?!larch 3, 1879. J oh. P'-trPmt>lY legF-. · J

11 r 1 1..·\\ I in l: i u-..1 111. J J

I 1 wa1n a loaf of bread. /I SUBSCRIPTION RATE: Ten Cents F"er Copy T v.·o Dollars Per Year.

We Will Have an .1hundano..·l. 11i Lilil· .... and all other a1 pn pnati f Ji \\ cr­l~a ... ter udl'· thl..' ar ... · iirn.·-,:011 -..Jinu1d ... ~ ... · l il·m.

LAN GOHR' J~aJI .... 1:a1:--, I 1h1\ t>. 'lit .... Cni-

1 "\\"lt!te 01· ~raham<>·· !


!1 i1inn .... I· tt.· Doe~n't mutLt>r. it·~ lllr .i hlind JIS Tracy Aven ue S Phone 95'

I' woman ~I;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Studems become subscribers upon pa).·ment ot the regurnr activity ree.

"l''l. STAFF

RUBERT STREETS, 'lS I l ~ I Jl \.' I ' I .1 n I I

A Touc hing Appeal = T S. Sr X Y.

I $. 0. $ .. ~ . TI. ::3. Y P .• P D. Q i ll1..• -You l~l·d to ~a~· thPrt· was !

Er>ITOR-l~·ClllEF H. AROLD DICK!:lO:" 'l I nt·s1'.\:ESS lllA'.\:AGER .. I

FRED WALl,.\l'E. 'lS I A~SISTA):T Hl"81XE8S M.AXAGEH HOHEnT S)llTll l!I ~A~s~"~1 ~_'T.:_A~:--:_T_r_1_R_r_t_·1_,A_·_r_1o_~_·_)r_:"_··_a_R_. _______________ I

GENERAL REPORTORIAL STAFF. j j r.<1rdon Sewell, 'J' .Johll \\ \linnr I~ I ROSE DRUG co ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I •

~umr1hini.: al11111t ~lh' yon lil\t•d . I' an":::;\\ Th er• was hut )'Oll'\ ,. sJwlll ll I!

A. G. McKEE The Printer

T HE WEEKLY EXPONENT FRIDA Y , APRIL 7, 1916. I '7"L ~- .. - ,,,, -----\,! .J\-.em

\\".1.., Jwr iathl'I 'iolent '' h1•n 'ou 11 a~kt.•11 !nm IOr her hand?

Store. ·\Ya.., ht• 1 l thought hP'fi ~hakP mr 1------------- 107 WE ST M A IN STR EE

SUPPORT THE TEAM. ~-------------• A larC.t' lll\lllht.•r of tht sll\dl'llls <1l' )lontana ~talt· Colll'£::l' ,1 ·e not _j\ ing

hl· q1}kg-t' 1 bt·ii l ntir• coo1•1.. .1lil111 :i hi su1 pOl l fhl'M ' lldi' 1d11ab

•Jtl undouhtt.·111:. n• ... t>nt any 1n:-:int1al 011 that tbt.~Y ladicll ollt :.:.~ "l trit

hn1 this 1s t\ll' 10 a ,grl·alt'I' 01 h.•:<:-;t' " dn.:n.·~.

Thi· c:lanionr ;llHI 1h1 :-;how mlh'n·nt to <111 athh•tk ·ontt ~t '' 111 almost

1, aria ht~· ,1 ·oust.• snffkh·nL ,.nlhu:.-lilStn 10 start a r~1lly, a parad1• or l·an 11 111 tlw hand. Tlwn 1ltt.• <H tion, the 11..1 nst• situatinn:o. and tht~ spt.'<'11.\l'llln

1J,n ~ "ill ;Jl'(HIM' rhL 1110~1 passi\ t' to unsriuting ;:.UJ!port 10 tht 1':1111.

Jn 11ther brnnrht's of col\(-g"-.; aetiYit)' 1h s ('0111l l1011 clol'S not E•xbt

1,, J, ha or. who:-:t• 1r1inin~ of .111r1..•mitti11~ ha.ntl work iasts prall ('al~ I

Shoes I that will not lel the reet <et we j "·:.:::,·· ,:'.:":,;·:~.~, '';:,:. ::~·d:.::·. I

rn• S1•pletnht;r 11nt 1 .Ju1w, rt>1,,'ei\ t.'~ :-:C':int rl'c.-0i:nitio11 'f'ht'l"~ fl•llow:-:

'\\ 10 haunt hl Ji bra··~ fo1 "l't·k~. h1 rn mi1lnigln oil. and lOil !or moulhs I '1 ~ 1 ilw Jll'l')laraii<1n of a shnrt sJlt'\'t.'h. lasting pt•rhap:-. fiftt·t·n nlinlltl·~ II

n all, art.• a~ \\Orlh~ 01 your sup11ort a:-: any at lil'lP whc t'\PI' dolllll'd

1 j1..•1 ~f'\ Tlwy work ,\lon1!, with ~l·.Hn .. • a \\ ortl of enn1111 cH!'t·llll·IH; 1( I"

l:lf)M f1•\\ km\\ tilt'\' nie wnrku1g- at al a111l ..,t·l IPWt'l' know t 11• nrn t':-<t:->

" F rench Oiled Calf" I I

I I ' I ht>tl I t •• llH ~1 Ill 11 •t 1l"'La.ft..: d.

I ht tit. Mt <1HIJ.:ht .we! rla• Olll' llt':'\t \\t'Pk \\Ith

hrin n a dust 1111 nrf'M'lll "*..':!:->Oil Tht1 lt·am~ our nw1: ''ill 111t•t·l art!

''01·1hy op]10111 111s Intl 1h1• k11owil·dg,l' that tlwy han• tlll' suppol'l ol th1~ I •'It ,. 111d1·nt hotl~ ,,.ill <onu1 )P:tYil~ Lor t111r llh'll in the c·onlt·sl toni~ht.

ha' t• t" 11 'll orit•.., to our l'l Pclit. :.rnd a~ Wt' h:t\"l' Jl(>\'ti'I' m1..·t Idaho ancl


more lo\·i:ii:: they an-' mol'l' srn~ihle, I lh1.:~· arP mrHh.• of finer dn~ . . 11111 I

bPlit.•\'f' al'tt>r the <'n:ator ma(h• !he

moon. ~till ;ind thP stars. Ile made

ont' 11101t splt•111tiil t>ffort and <Tt:atcd It hns ht•en 1lw <01istn111 for thP fir~t wom1·n Tht.•n• arc difft~rcm kind~

nnd H'l·on,1 year ,.,\'ii t>11~inPers to take o( liars. Thert are 1 ho:-.t• who tPll

a two wet:k~ fieltl trip t·a<'h ~Jlrin,c:- "hile lir-s, and thO:-<l' who 11'11 fibs.

11 onlPr 10 gel mor .. pr;\t·lkal t\· tlwn• art:' posili\'l'). ancl n1..·gntht• lie~ there are new~pnper liar~; and lhOsl:'

il'f'h.·m·1• in the wur\,. This year the \\ho lit• ior gain. a nil tlll'rt• is the

Walsh's! Exclusive Agents. I


hand 11ff ·

TOO MANY •'CUTS" ~h :-:tt1dti11ts wen• dro111ied from thc­

l"nh·1•rsitY of Illinois for l·ntting cl.1s,.;p,.; . TwPntY·fh·-= more w1..·rP put on 1roha1ic111 Thi." reC'11Td~ ~huw that thrt><>·h1111clrP1l !-;tudent~ haYc cwer-C"nt dn~ses ;tll'eadr

The Barometer lu 1.11r- Cl•lumu Tlw l"xpoo•·ut will

pnhlish "iJ.{1l!'d ('1•11trih11tiu11 ... t1·linini-: tu m·lttt•f ... of 11111.lit" i<Jter•''I T!tt' r.litor oJ,., o: n••I 111'4..'•' .1ril1 endor ... ~ tht' ~1rtit·le!< pul1\i-hed hot re-t•rH•,.. tliP rii.:11t tco n· kct 1111~- tHtid~ 1101 "uit,1hlr ft•r puhli 1·atin11 n 11!1" 1•111wr

lkl<:na . .\lont \pr :1 11;

Hozl•man. \lnnt D1;.·a, ~it ..

On n•n.>i\'ing- my la=--t <·011y ol the E:\pom•nt 1 wa~ ,-er~· muc·h !"llqirisetl

and paint.:d tu nott1 lhe l':>.l('llsin.~ changl· in your suu1 I had ..... ad ol th1~ new 1la11 for c:hoosin~ an Pdiwr and had noa•d thm l·han~t.· had been madP through th~ ~llHlent t>h•ttion

As an alumnus. I will ha' P to t'Oll·

[1..•..,s lh:.n I am nor in tOU('h with ::;tu·

denl alfair~ at Bozeman and am not i.u·quainted \\ ilb mot.i\·e::; Ht'llHlling s11l'i1 whole-:sale ehange~. .:-\1 lhe same time. s1Kh a whule'Sall• drnnJ.rc> ~eem'S to l"how thut lhe staff of •hE- Ex­ponent \\as 1ldih1..•rall•ly quittin.~ with sonw ullt·rior nhje<:I in Yil•\\

It is 1his ~pirit "hich has moYed me to 1:ti'"l• Yt~n1 to some of my idea~

on thl' snbJt•t·t Ir 'St·t'llll:l to lllt.' C'·

~r(•twhh• that :-.lll1l1;.•nts of snl.'11 an in· stitution a~ \\·1~ IH1,·i: m tht.\ \lontana ..\~ricultur~\I t'ollt·g~ 'Shnuhl splfi'Shly plan~ tlwir O\\ n (t>elin~s. tht"ir own

!l<'ll.' jealo11~iPs, ahead of tht.· g-ood ol lht.• l~olkl!t'. S11C'h s.11al1..)nts an~ not worthy uf tht.l name. not ''orthy or !he tiffor1 tha1 1lw stale is 1111t1ing • fonh in tllt.'il' hphalf.

Thpy han• ht•t>n put ltl 1lw ll·~t aml found wanting, and lt would M·t•m that r

Montana State College of Agricultur and Mechanic Arts

Practical courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical E o !'?:ineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy, Horti· cultural. Hom e Economics, Industria l Chemistry

Econ0mic Biology, Music and Art.

Beautiful grounds, commodious culldings. complete 'll.'OOd and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms. music and art studio.


W. E . O E AN.

Osteopath ic Ph}'W'Tclan Michigan Bldg.

Bozema n, Mont.





Ever: tlung in the line cream and punche,.


Judevine & Sons . I I ' •I

Trail Creek Coal I Bear .. .. I 'A'ood Ice I

Frank Kyle

College &ys

The \ '"J·: j .... lht._· 11lacc

J::' r' ,er Shop -!'e ha ,.. Cl 1



olll..'g:t• has made anangf>menb with Jon:.:·\\ udi·d hPro wlw!"t• lies do not lw J'c'~rad<· Comml'tTial duh to ~nr dn m11d1 lwrm ThPl'C' b thl' woman

\t.:Y '.non acrl'S of l:md n<·ar BekradP who li1·s lb01u th._• < hild 1-' ag1• nu tilt' The l'luh nail the farmers near Bel· -.1ter·t ear. an,1 thert• i!" !he t'lllltluctor -r.1d1• will pay all ('XJH'lls1·!-> 111 tlw 011 till' 1111in wlw liPs Ile 1·01lpc·ts tr JI in r1>111rn wr llw desin·d inturmn· tit 1y c·p1n~. e-01':-; into thl' ha.~g-;.1~1" l·ar lion about 1he lnnd Thl· boys ~·•ill Lhrow!" lh1· c·oin into 1h1 air, :rnll if lt•a\1 ht'rc llll 'la)· :!I tor tht.~ field u !"til·k~ to lhP llf•ll ropp ii bdongs nt';1r l\Plgr:11l1• Thi•~ will im e-..tigarr> 111 thP c·ompauy tilt' :--wam11 us to tht> ndyl..,ahility of n Ito'' n1a:ly uf us i\n :!:11ilo 111

\kt r \\ l' h:l\ e l.''\al111lll'd hl' }'l'l' ..... thl'\ an: ll' .... tl'd \\ ith pr p­l'f 11..·11..;.l"''" the:n \H' -..upply ~PHl iit ._:Ja:--..,l'S \\1th \\ hi~h .\Ill\ t.: lll :--t·i.: ... ·karh

the \·otP c1f .\'(Jiff :->tndf'lll hod.\' in dis· ~hone 328. 46 E Main St. l'h1 I l' ~2

<'lainiing llw land tor farm JlUrpos ... ·~ littlP 1hin~s '''"' l':tn 1·0' 1 r np 1)~ A com11ll'l<' matl oi tlw lan1l ''ill hl~ l'ltPatinJ!'? 11 m~ans t·illlt'r sm·1·e!"S made- ~mhotlying tht• data t"Olk1·t1·tl. j 111· t'ailnn>. ! lnnC:'sty must ht• 1le\'el· 'l'hiR land lits :rnrth Of l h~li-:rat11• ;1 1 011~ np1·d i11 an a1mospherP 0 honesty lhe bottom of lhe l·:ast llallatiu r;, t'T, ThPl'1 nn• studentl" who 1·hl'at in.

1 and i1' so locat1..·'1 ;1)'> to lir vt•n \al11- thP•r t''-illllinations in Ullle.c;~. They abJc lf it cnn L>e rP1Hl....t·l·11 lit f~r t·nl· art• c lwa1in~ rhemsel\'cs and don't ti nit ion.

Tlw fi('ld work this Yt'ar is u1ah•r tht clirectiC"n ot' Professor L. 11. Conkling nnd As~l8tant Pruft•ssor I· (' ::;now of lhe ci\'i l l'ng-intM:>ri ng d11par1 ment

know it Dt>:.;tiny is wnitb~ around tht· cornf'I' with a Htuffed l'iuh for tht.• c·lwatt'1'. anrl ··~nmt•\\ hen•. some time. "'onw how, you han• gol lo 11ay the pr if't'.' You can't nHonl w c·hent: wlwn you c·heat , yon ln~l· your r..c l f·

"SOME LIAR S I HA V E MET" lrf'SPC<'l. and you can't ~llc't'f'l•d when 'The Good Book snys all mt>n an you lose )·our respe1·t for your~elf

liars, but all wonwn att' not liar~. Tlw diploma you gf't 1rom rollegc they are bf'ltE"r than men 1lwy arP I rt'PTPsents honest manhood nntl hon-


Will 52

Save You per Cent on I



Wall Paper " I• ' ----~'

l J

H. A. Pease & Co. Jewel e rs ar.d Optomet rlata.

The Ha llm a rk Store.

r·ardin~ 1h1..•111_ ''a~ a wbe mu,·1..•. • .\s l l"t:llPil alJoYe, I am nnt familiar

\\i11l t'otulitions in Bozeman. 1 h:tn" ! ~n·:Hl'l" lamilinrity with lh e> 1-:,ponC'nt a~ a n1011th ly thnu a weekly. But if I am rnist.akpn in my \iews a~ hc>rt:" set forrh, I \\ill ht' 0111.'- too i.rlnd to say su.

Thanking you for your <'onsider· I alion. 1 am

When You Write Relatives \\II\ ll<>I cnclo<c the hail>·,


Thi-.. _,11u l"an du ii .'11u lia\l



111 .'1111r h111tlt.; l·a .... , 111111HT:ttt.:

-111t''\j)l.'ll"'1' c. \"all :ind ""l'1..


Roecher's Drug Store

Copela nd Lumber Co ..

11. J,. l ;tvcna.h. \la nag-er.

W. C. Dawe.,


Martin Blocll:

man . - . . Mon!&

I Ors. Ca.v id son &. CocK,



Ii Commerclol ~n 'I 1'~~~: ~

~======~;;:;;::;:;;; r:. W , E . MOXLEY,


Office-Golden Rul e Block.

Phon-omce 97 W Residence. 601 W .

FR I DAY, APRll. .7• .\91~,.. ,

Quality : Our $20 Tailored To Order Suits an: better than an\· S2;.oo n..:adv-madc ... ,·ou can bu'. \\'t..·"11 he.: glad t o iJrOYC Lhis i.o y<)u 1i you -come in .. \\ c al..:1) h;_\"C a l111L' oi ~ uit!' , Lhe very best taiic)ring p1p .. ..;,jhle. rang-1ng- 111 ,JffiCl frum ~25 I ll $.ts.

I Consider= 1;

Ce1 your Easter ~ui t ne<w.

ed II Profef.sor and ~\fn.. F C. Snow en- in all. The members are :\lisseR :\Iar- HANK'& ED. 1

tertrtined at cbarmin~ dinner parties jorie (~aw. Azalia Linfielfl, ~\·elyn

ooTu-~a~Thura~••ni~-~ ~~~~~~~ h~,~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~=====~===================~--~= \\"L' a l' '!H· rhcapv··l ... turt in


• · srhool girls, Olive and Flor nee ;r --- --0f tl1is "e~k. The yellow l"olor !-iCheme Switzer.

I·\ l'f.\'lhltlg \\ (' -.cll musl l was l':ll' r.ied out in 1Ue de_lidous fiye- Thelen & Hanley 1 1·t Inv..: it t-ourse Umner as well as m the table r :\Ir and :\In; G I Martin arc lbe For " QUALITY' '. the latest s ty les and the largest assort1nent

n· ~111 " or we ~\uI ~ l ldt'<·ora.tion!-;. The <'e:11er pie<.'4! wa:i a lpr~u~ paren.ts <~f a~1 ~·pound $011, born

'flit. rc.h•rL' ;t t..;, g·uarantl'cd to I lar~~ bouq11<.·t 111 Yt~llow jon11uil~ and Saturdav. A lri l i

thf' tPllO\\ l'l'S wt:>ri<> also USl•cl as f;\ n1rs. · l

Livery, Saddle Hor1ea and Auto For H ire.

Phone 57.

of best known linen stationery in boxes.


We can p lease you

thl c\.ln.'ln~ of °'.'.'atis- j l'<•\t.>l'I" \\l'l°t' laid for t\\t•IH• 011 liuth

1 "'n.-11i11g:-. Thi !-;t1<•:-.t,... Tut•Mln~ l'\"t·Uiug Wl·n· (1ean and )Ir::.;. Hicht1.•r, Profes·

:\1 rs. Alden O,rim 0 s of Butte spent

Bozeman. I :\fii-;s lh..1roth) :\lil1<.:, leaYing for Iler EXTENSION NOTES I Geo. H. Willson Co.

" Quality Stat ione rs" Ia~t wel!k as the guest of b(>I' sist r.1 11 \I

1 ~, " btg , a m iii a 1 I ~~,'.~-"~'.;1";:'.';;r~;~.~:,





. home R1111dny afternoon "he was 1 he ' '==============.'. 1.

· t p ·I t 11 It 1 1 th 11 u <.:' ~nest 01 honor at s11 reads p;iYen by ...:. ·------------------------------...;. ...:.".• r ,. 1.\- \la.r:--.: ...,, It •

1"l'" 111·11 .imt on .t H l os ·s l)f1~s S\\+ nt ancl '.\fiss Stanley on [•~ri- j • muthfr '.\lrs. ldlbl~l't. ·1 h11r"d~1\ 1,;\Pll

Hollow~y's l ib!:. the g\h'~t,.. Wl'rP 1·1ofl~"'"o1 ~ind ~~,·~-', .. ,~11<~1l11ttt·1:',· • .',',.',,:,1at1t111rclla1·:~,. l'1'1011n111111~g herl ===============================

I I "''"',.. " oe- '.\!is~ 1'\atlwrilll' Jeni-;t·n assil-'lPll lJ\ I I~--------------.

i T\ .. \l'.,'!'lnta' '<1hl• "h I 'r •le'''"' ·""' \ rs

.'.\lr mil '.\Ir~ . .I H P1rkl•r. Alli1·ria llortlrnkk Is ·ontlnl·Tiu~ ,1 IF YOU WANT FIRST- I lll1l '1rs. l C \\ id1•1ll'r .\ \. :\liss \lil<lrf•d Stewart was hoste~~ shpn l'll\ll"sP in ITonw l·:n1no111i1·..; fo1 CLASS WORK DONE II Viol•'" FLOWERS l

Schaffner &Marx ('1u-rit r n111l .:\Ir:-; G hcrt. I at a dinner pan,· Tue~day cYeniug-. !ht· :-.1aclbo11 ('minty wonw11 thi:-. Wl'Pk I ; Hart, Till• (·olor~ . .\"Pllow and whilr-. wrrt> rar· Tht•Y will rel\lrn to Bou·man Sat11rdar. I Ciiml' tCl our shop >: 0 thmg Swet!t Peas t

Ready To Wear Clothes 1 1 ried out in tlw Plaboratt.> ml'nll and Aiiril \lh. I D bl D · · l

rhe l<tst k1 l'luh mem. > wt>rl' t'n1· on tht."' iilHC't' larcls wer•-' limhraux ol h u: ltrst da~.., workmen em· I ou e atste'i

1 \ (' ' 11!• 1·ed 1 Carnations t.• .ll1lt d hy .\lb'" . lal']orw ,Ila\\ ~ 1hl' guf'~ti-; prp:-;pm. C"on~rs were laid ll1·. \\'. Hanma 11 i<.: pla1111111c l >. • I l

\ 2 u1 u .. ual a_ ray Ji lll:L. \\are

u.li11l' ..... h.., spnng.

There •, sttch a ,·aric-ty to

\\ 111 pn)ve an

a-..)- mat• er : J iind l>t:'-

tylt..., at 25i:: to ._2.00

l h111 11-•0ll Sa HrnJ,· .tftprnoon 111 lor t•ll~n•n '."trkth· <;,,1n11~r' a1111

tlJY~ I ' hnnor ) \fr-.; \hlt'tl l~rilllt'"· torm1·rly :-; 11dy nl 11n•\"l'lltahle lin• :o;10l k loss1 s I dat(>. ~ ~ Tracy .

I in the Yt>llow:-tmw Yalh·~ this :-;um 11 l (~\\Pn :\l11b, ex. 'lti "JJ11:.. gir .\ Ii

:\ti~s Yt.•rn Cannon s11e:11 a wet.:k I mer. II+> will \Pa\"(• Bo;·Pnrnn altt·r tlH' NE•VES' BARBER SHOP SJlt.,.lll 11 f>llJO).thJt> Hlll'l'lltlOll \\!ti•

l l l 1 \l"'lllll~ friends in Helena returning mails ha\(.1 hPt'fllllf' sp(l\pcl FRED HINMAM Greenhouses I their nt:1 dlt. " 01 k .tlll'r" lli 1 l w 10

" I to hl'r sdrnol duties "·ednesday I I lt""'" ... , r t cl r1.unt~ , l-'11 f"·dllnl Ill:-; Manager I

h'l: •. '.' •.. ',,·,d ~ ',. ,·, 1

'.·I· ,,,',',',,inlsao! 1tl1'1·~.· .. iJ 1,,.,j,1·11~ 11 ,11111 ~.r

I The dandng 11art,· ~··hen in the Ag· -~u _, ,.. . oe- Phnne .+fi .

".\Ci:Z~ \1 b('rta Ro1thwfrk '"l 1Pnt tlw, . . " · • I '

, .. e•k "' r .. ;u nr•iloe' >Sbuno ~Ii" :::;~ 1~;~;'\;:·~\:i~;:-."::~~,/~~~~\;',~.~;:'.;11

:~;·•;::'.u','."'" 11" in ·'111111"'"

1" '"ttlinc ! Et~"~ ~M~ ~~ rl'l n 1 llonw E1·onumi1 shott Prof. ancl :\fr:-;. Snow. and Prof and I --=t ~..;, J ~-;~·1 , o1 :--e ~h1• i-.. t>X i1.<tPd to rt"tiirn .:\fr:-;. Bogue wa:-; Yery muc:h enjoyefl ll1 '1 - ~ -~1F'-'O\R•H• E~ R - ~:-- 11 --~-,--------------

S1Jncla~ by the 8l'YPnte n couples prt.>sent. ThP II Enginee ring :\J1s:- Jia\111• Ll·h!Plclt an1l 'liss Ada hall was lwautifnlly decorated in blue- Notes 1' \\IH.:tht•r -.,he j .... '"lll 111.1th 1 I 11


I and gold l'Olors. with hanging bas· .a

Heer .... t1•<.ht-.'1• e:a'e a :->m:11rist'.ll<Ht~v in kPt:-. au<l palmi-; and pnrt ot th(> hall ... ,...,ll.'r i1r ... \\Clthcart. rl t! l1l · 11 ········· .. tht. .. f1•r111 of a ... pi t·ud tor "'Ilss f<Aflth •

wa~ latti<'Pcl off for fl <'OZY corner I that ... ud1 art1dc ... :1... 1 -1-~owlcr \tonday evP111ng, l·nmplinwn· I

P11:-1ch w.1s sen·e1J thro11gho111 th I s ·1 I G Id 1 I w hci bl thtla~ Fourtcc1 g:irb e\'euing anil Innc·h wa~ -:erYefl at a LasL \\t-ek th" :.ronta1u, \\ 1scons1 \ t t ver to1 et sets, o iewe ry. I l wen· pn·-.enl late hour .\lu111ni assoc ation heifl lh I Diamond pi.ns. V anity sets \ : ,,[__

lllP ting, in B11tle. HP\1rP"'l"ntatnes make th1..: ~lit-.. ·11.' r 11 ~ ... i t ,--~

.\liss Haiti~ .Arn~son was plea!-tnntly \\·pn1 presl•llt from all 11att!-" .of the j apprc.:i~ttl·d and t11 1 ~ \\ill I I • suri 11·isetl 011 her bil,Uulay by the ~talc Thl· n:-.socia1ion has rn the


n .. 'tarn thL·tn al\\""~''.... ti

Sophomore g-irls of Hamilton llall at 11cighl1orhoud of two h11nrtred fifty - : J H. HARRIS &. J. E, LANG

rnses wPro ust:>d in thf" <·olor sd1enw J abom fifty wt•ff:> pre~ent. Profeti· ., U The Shoe Men . I 1

The- Initiation dinllt'l" ;•n thl--1 Y.

\\' t' .\_ offll'('l"S and nwmlwrs l•'1·i·

1 da~ e\ ning hy tlw Fa(·ully wonwn or"

the ollh!t• w. <.: au t>\:l'l"JH wnally ile--

1 Jidntul .lt 1 nir The yu1111:... ladk" wen_·

I seate~ at small taUle~ "hkh ~\·ere pn-·t11ly dt;>cPraLt"ll 111 uasturuums

while hnlllllh:t!:> of jonqnili-; (tistinguish·

ed tht• offif'crs tablP$ :\[iss Rrewer

wa~ n11~t ~P~~ . of cere1~1onies and the I 111·~uy 1:i1tuttmn --.en1c:e took pla1·P

a SJlt"Pacl Th11r~1lay mornill.g'. Red mt<mbers and llllt t)l tbiR ,111111.H•r L:i,s1·1e E. {!age :I 1',

wl1h llahuy plan,• <:ar<ls to mat<:h I sor H.irhter was electe1l pre~ident of I 11

I the or~:rnization for thf" 1.::ns11ingo yea. r JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. 1 I Sh f C ll

r;===============., nnd .J. \\. \\'arner of tlH' East B11llf' I oes or 0 ege students t

I 1mmt'11l.n~I) 1olk"' rng thl" del111011~


The Redheaded club helil thc1r tOI t

nightly mPeting T11ei:iclay E'rening. A'::i

is c-nstomary th(.)y auendecl the "rum·

ie!ii" firs1. aflt>r which th PY rt:.>turned

to th~ homf" uf ) l is:-; :\l;1rjorie Qnaw

I and faculty to satisfy.

Alumnl. and E l'O}l}ler \lining Co. was elected to

X • the offi<"e of sf_•eretnr).

After an «lahorate banquet sHeral CUSTOMERS WIN ALL I members res}loniled to to.isis. Chan· ARGUMENTS ll <·ellot Elliott was present and re·

A clean sanitary place for ! J H Harris '& Co studenth to ge t their work • ' • done You get better senice I BETTER SHOES. at the FASHION.


Students ·============-===-~- s11mule1l to tht:> toast ":\fonta:l.a."

Professor!" Hichter an1l Conkltng .'.\lrs. Honlt'r :\lilligan is ,.h•itln~ wi1h

ht>r Jl;H'Pnt~. :\Ir. and '.\!rs. J (' \\"ill


-.. ~ ro when~ rl:'frp:-.bment~ were senP11. The

HAM BERS:-:-.i} SH ER~' membership of thi' dub is very eX·

will attend tht> nwPting of the ~Ion·

tana SOC'iPty of en~inecrs The meet· ing will bt> held in He-lf"na April ti, I -;, nnd ~

- I SHOP 11 I ~-ALWAYS RELIASLE--..,.. I clu~iYE'. there just btin~ six memOOrs

•IShare the fun of the Outing with Others

The little scenes and incidents that interest and amuse rou, come home to delight friends and o ther members of the amily.

\\ l' l'.arn a iull line 111 K11dak ... and ·Brownie Camera .....

I Gallatin Drug Co ..


H.\1th llinman ·12. who is ti'ac-hing

a, Thn•p Forks. spent Saturda) ~unday in Bozeman.

l\athh·l~n \\'il~on l'.'"1, 81Jl)llt Satllr·

I clay and ~ .. 'nclay Yi:>itin,£! f,.iends in

I Bozeman .\ .; \ 1 on h- 1 1<'hing in


Al Ebtrlc I;--,_ now I H ·reef at

\\"illow Creek . .'.\lontH .. wh•rc he i~

thP siin.·e!'sful managPr ol :.1 large s J(" ran<'h

":\l an·h 2~ arnl 29 Profes~or Conkling·

~noke in the i:neresr of ~ood roads at

Roundup and Lewistown 1-{00rl roads


All rollt>~e students are invited to t

a ti.end the ·first aid for clrowning" ! demonstrations at the Y )f C. _.\ . building. ThP partitipants will be in

groups or two. one person ";11 act as I sub je<'t and the othPr 11erson will give I ·t h e trP:nnw:1t. The dt:>monstration

~,-ill bl• Ire<' 10 all and will he of ~reat prnC't ica l val11P. The demonstration

f-'isf'l1J. PX 1:: O! Ill· Pila, aml will bpgin at ~ · 30 this evening.

c; act- I or1 \lonrnna, of NOTICE : TENNIS SHARKS

C·I f~ l!J;.tl"ril d II I la\ ;1 \"i'l'l'llllY

All Sophomore wii!h!crs of th~

\\ \\"hitltil'k, ~ll)1f-'1 intt·11cl<.•n1 or ratkl·t an,. rPque!-\ ted t o re11ort at o:H'C J

th e graiu laho1atrtry \\a~ ~kk a lt->w I to 1J•e ma1w.ger in onlPr that a t~)am <lays hb WP,~k may lw sl·lPded to do battle wilh J

lhe l•"'rosh Notice.

LJ,l>\\"ELLY~ LlTF:, Mgr.


This i!; thp Ja~n c-al l for mC>n to "How l o PreYent Grain Smut::; by

turn out. for tlrn State Orawrka l Con· I the l ~se or ~"'ormalin. I lot \\'a1e r a nd

t st and the State l~xtemvoraneouB C'Oi>IH.-'I' Sulphate Solmion" is th<.• su l/.

Contest. Both contests will be h eld j ec t of lh l' Jeaflt' t just h1sued b y the

in Bozeman on :\ lay fith and the l0<·al d1;:partm en t or Uotany :rl(f Bacterio­

contest for the selectio11 ot' lh E-> man logy.

to represent. the college will probah l y

l.ADIES' FASHION NOTES be held 011 April 28th. Professor

Duddy, who is in charge or tho co n· I it.est thi s year. will furnish cleta.ils J.'resh ~tir sel!'ms to be JlOirnlar this

and rules of the tontest. \summer Bodi<'es will omi t thei r baeks

I to th e ·w:-.i st line. \\" PxpeC't a nm

FL UNKING ' EM OUT IN THE on che!-it JJrotec tors hefore the sea.·

ORIENT son's over. Skirts are l'U t in all direc·

8vC'n the oldest Mosle m unh•ersity. stuff s t r:tight from l\frs. VoguC'.)

Al .Azhar. wa s not nn ouch ed by th e

wav of progress. The Sheikh de·

un~:~Tasall:t,~ ... ;,:~,s~ank. j The Schlechten ---------':· Studio

Klassy Kicks


(.'ollege ~len and \\"omen

Reed's Bootery

11 Black Avenae.


nf (tty and college views and EFFECTS· I I P<>"l cartb ·tt ,-ale at the



Coal, Wood Lumber

I Kenyon=Noble Lumber Co. 320 Welt Main St.


AND SERVICE TO CORRE'SPO·ND vou ca n ha ,·e both at

. THE MODEL GROCERY Phone 88 227 West Main

--George Bartz, Prop.--Prompt Delivery

Bell Phone 88 - I lions to,qu·ds the flare. (\\~e got thi !i

creed that all students who h ad been --------·-----------------------------------studying th er e for O\'e1· se venteen

years must leave it if th<'Y failed in

th e ensuing examinatio~L-Jn1erna·

1ionaJ Revi ew ol' ).fissions.

HIGH COST OF EDUCATION I Statistics rt> t·e~ tly published at Yal r

show that 1he tost of sendi n~ :~2'.'"1 sen-1

iors through ('Oll cg ... waH a trllle over I a million dollars. m a kin g an inerage

for tile in<Jhidual of about S l ,1J73 for

1 he fo11r yrars.-r•:x.

TRY LEE'S EGG MAKER For the Worth While Egg.

tlia1 no matter \\'hat .' 011 an~ icl1 cling" and rclla n llc ....... 11f the 111t1llhl'r of eggs ynu arc g-ctting- at lhl' prc~ent time. if Lee's Egg Maker is added It• the tlai!) rati11 11 made a pnrtintt pf 1t the i11rrca:o:;e l'g·g yie ld n~ttlting· therl'fn1111 will m nn' th:i.11 pa_, lill· cos t of th1.: Fgg- ~I ak l'r . rn..;l 11f b.bllr re1p1irt.'d. and roo per cent profit nn said lahor




,,'derable abilltY bul the dark hor•es /SHORT COURSE CLUBS I EFFIC I ENCY IN BOY L I F E I .tre Stfll under cove r . I A I M O F~ F IV E CLU BS

I ARE GREAT SUCCESS BO'"l:i in their early teens taking "A" STU DENTS AT CH ICAGO a ke~n intere_st in the "self-g~,·erulng" \.

Although n•lthini;- defioit~ ha." bePn · T l l I done 06

Yel \I onian" ~tat• will iirob- On!~· oino w1den<s al the Unl\·ersity clubs which ::;eeretai~y A . R. Ult e ."~ a!J\i· haw " t••nni team th?J year o( Chica~o. one of America's larges t Averag e Cost Per Month Is $14.50 rnau~ ·iued at the '· )I. l. A.

1"" r.ollege~. ret.·d,·ed A" grades in every Me nu s Are Varied and Tast eful clulJi:; "ith a total member~hill of ;,~ I

.The wam:- n1 the pas t b.tve alway~ I I lt.h suhject durine- the quarter just past. Much Credi t Du e M r s. Price boys art: e:-igaged in lh P te~~ w 1

roadf' a • r1·rliltiblE' show i"l~ and with c C. ll olL Hal Stewart. C. B. Sherry, Oi:!cnbnrl.! Ulll Liiti: reor;Jamln:.: rrolll EARN S IG MON EY S. L. Hedrick. Pau l Campbell and Eu·


· ' Students \\Orking thetr \\3,. at the \l Tutt.le'~ general ~upen-is ion rham1n011-:111r tt"u~ "ere.- ~l'hlOm C . d ''O<"I .,~ 3 01. A.~rwulture Boardmg c lub has re· · r .. .. 1 . k

GOLDEN GLOW STEEL CUT COFFEE perfect cup. ri ch 111 na,·ur and g1)lden 1Il c ~tor

peril-ct cup. rinch in ila\'C r and ~nkkn 111 cnlor· Packed in a double ..... eall'cl l·an.

.:? pound net "ei_g-ht t pL1und net wei!;!"hl last \car!;

1 t:'am the<·t... r01 a I For the pa 8t t wo ) eurs the School I gene Roberts in charge or them under I

bri htt·r La .... t ",, 10 ~ .i te.un com l'nn-ers1t) of hacago earnc .. · ·-v · . . I Thesl" r lubs meet week:y Int 1e1r ~\·or· g 1 vear It i ... a ~olt:'nm thought that dlH ·tl 1ht" cCk-it of ancl ioom to under the Stantlarcl Etlll'tenC'y lests. poqrd uf t) ... ..,:ibrt1~ .rnri! Romnle; lb)la)l· this i~ m('ITl" than the total endovm1e:-it I It"' mernberl:' to about one-halt the wh1C'b test ou t the roung lad s along b TH OS H RE A - CO • d a C'IO"'' ... ..-ne-s Y.Hh) 1~so11u .1 Y. 1! i I 1 t linec: • • ot some or the inst1tutlons knO\\n as ·3t ~ La--t H!i.\r the a\eragl" ph):.->iln. mentn and ruon\ ~ I Ph fA.'(ull"tl m tlw Llf'll'~tl ot ~lontllla IC'olleges l~\.\eiag~ 1• t: • • ~ 11 Saturday n Lr,1ck mel~t \\:lS held one 24. ~Late In .1 -.ui.tll n.l.rglu l'Os t to meml.Jers W3" ., 11 .1 per monlh I 1:1 LhP g-vmnas.111m bv the boys in the1rl --------------------------1 Be<au·w of thl' unsettlt.!tl ,. t""3.the1 I DEF EAT HONOR S YSTE M for board, room laundry; t bi s )e:tr tl I ph)Sn·a l. testi:;.. wh1d~ inc!uded competi- ============================~~ tb"' l.l ... t IP\\ ~..-E>l.s 1ew 1 :""\C' bPPn . • _ .. t :i Two houses ha\e been uve :'eats .is f~llo"s· Pu~h-u1>, 1.ble lo \'. ork ont on the cou r t::i :,O \ re~oluuon to adopt the hono1 s~ s- ts ., l-1 . 1· stand111~ and running broad JUUlJ). I lutlP 1s known abou t thP strent;Ut I t•.m as nppliPd to nil pxaruinatlo:is at mainrn.i:i~d and thnt en tailed e,._ trn ex· (en ce ,.at~.L.. high jump and ~0.-yn.rd

-ot tllf• Frt"~hmt>n. 'l'ht> So1>hs arc coo- O A. ('. was defeated in n general iwnse. dash. \\ 1lham Mc l>on ell. b' er:tt . ·~dcd tn h;\\·1 !"-everal l'llll or cou sl11dt:'nt body assembly last weel' Exi-,en~es hn'e been reduC'ed by Lewis. \\'illiam \\'alls and Harold\\ Y· lie were the winne rs . I


If vnur hum lq account amounts to $2.00 or more you can saYC 10 per cent h)· walking d1"lwn to the laundry on or before tlw roth 0f e3.rh m•111th :ind pay·m~ 5amc. \\" e haye 110 ag-cnt .. or solicitor~ hut do hu..;,ine:-.s with vou direct. Those desiring lcd_Q·cr an.·ounb· pka~c call at nffi~'e anci nrnke arrang-ement.::;

II'< can please you.

careful. discri m inating buying in quan·

lltie~ and b)· e liminnting unnece.s· 1 I I snr)· ~verhend charges 'file food has AWKWARD SQUAD JS bE:'C>n sufficient in quantity and vnnet) I I a=id excellent in. character so that NOW DRILLING HARD during the two years no complaints have been made. but on the other ___ \ hand. the members ha,·e been well .-\ µ;oocl·siz(>cl squad of men attl-'nded t

l . · fi'etl ~he following menus rt re . I sa. 1~ · 1 . I the firnt dnll held ye~terday alter-• honestly reprc:-.entntin.' X('ept that noon. Twcnt)" ·< 1\e of the reven ty : Sunday and holiday dinners "er e bet· men who hnn• ~igned up for rlrill have


W e have just w hat you want. Sec them--$5.00 to $20.00

The Hub Ed. and L ou How ard, Proprietors

W alk-Ove r Shoes Stetso n HaU 1lter . had military <.lrill ht..•tore and 1he

I. Dinner Menus . were ph.u·t.~cl in l'haq~e o[ thes~

Pork ('hO\l~ and Grn \Y . lmen The drill was t..'Htirely sq11:u1j ··==============================

I Bolled Poti\toto~ Butter drill and <·onsbtPd C'hicUy ot drill in 11-----------------------------6a1Jatin Laundry Company - --- ---- ---------------------- l!Clt Ro'ls Brow:1 Bread . . . ; ... n errv Pit> the fa('lll~t'i a:ltl marrhrng~ .:\o g:un:-; I ~!fi~!fj~!fj!)IF!;J;~~~!fj;§[!;J;~!;f;~~y;!!!li'!:fi~!![!fj~ ,oga b · will be used for a time uutil the re

Hoast Rcet and Brown <ir~n~ t·ruit~ attain ~ome rlegree Clf 11rofi· 1 ~ y; 'l'"hed Potat1>P> cien"Y in the rrnlimentary pritlt'iple>.

WARDROB E T RUNH.S \\ '-' are ... ti 1\\ mg l ll'. 1111,...t ~ijn ple:tt: lml', ,!fi~uc: FREE !!Jffi~n t'rt>i\mE;-d ('arrut" Ht.•lish There will prohably ht.• no st:ltint..:: •tr t 2JlJ :n 1101 Roll~ Brt1Wn nrl~ad l'X('l'l'b<:!:>. 1 f

Apple Pie :\o offtcert' will be tho~en unttl tbe I 1' htl\'L' 1.:YCr had. ~ !;J; I Butter Tea PIHi ol' the term l·:a('h man will h<l\C

~ rP- au .·h~olutely ec1ual chan«e as the ap-

11 c A SPRI GER FOLDING IRONING BOARD ~ BollP1l He··f and l:ra') n! ::n \\'hicl'.' ~nil Unmn Bread pointme1H::i will be given ro the nwn !fi WITH EVERY HOT POINT ~I \la,hc·<l 1•,,tatm» l'reame<l Pea> who staad the highest.

l.C~2Juuffl Ele ctr1· c I r on :by;~ 1 ll111ter Tapioca Pudding 'f .. a ""~::.~::·.:~:;/;;!;~;a~.~[\:~::\::· ;)'.~1; II and ~cl tht: pnct.' .. ;n .-J n!" the {lrill. I It.- has had l·onsiderable Lunch Menus ex1wril.•1He bot h 111 «OllC~H.' mil1t.ary I

!:I; ~ \ l.:'..:.t-'lllhle Su1u• l'r~wker~ tlrill and 1hP nntional guanf. Profes· D D SMITH ::t1 BEGINNING M ARCH FIFTEEN. ;:in1 Cold Slaw 1Ii-11ar1111"111 ' "isting him ! I • •

~~·"ijj PURCHASED FROM US DURING THIRTY DAYS ~!;f;:c.n I na•e1I Potatoes. 1a·.,·y ,,,,. J 1t l'arkt>r of tlw »11t1>1111•lngy :

Hrown nnd Corn Brend MILITARY MEETING !:fi s s I . 0 w· d ~~ Huter <'fll)kics . .\hollt St•\(•lH.\ llll'll \\t'l't' Jll"P~1~111 al ~~~~~~:;~;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~;;;;~~------------- · I.-' ee amp es lfl Uf ill OW }c il'ater a 111eeti11>: la't T11esd11' 11igl11 of t " ~ y; men "ho ha\'e vuh111tt>t..·n·d for 111ili·

~ G t d . I" ~ ~ uaran ee not to "wigg e under hardest usage.. ::n <.. rt>.tlll Tomato ~oup

Hot H.oll..;. Hr wn nreao 1ary drill !"or llw n·maillllt>r nf tlw sdwol ~·t'ar Pn,.~idl'lll l lamiltnn onl· li11t•1l tht..• p\un of the work to he dmll' I le ~iatP1t that tilt:' flrill would bt• c·on-~ Cash With Order· ~

Butter Haketl Potatue~

GrngerhrcJd Tea

!:fi :\'oodl.:- ~pup, Crackers

rh11·tt>d hy Prol\•ssor I·: . !.. ('nrriPr <b-sh-ll'1l hy Prore~sor .1, H. Parli.l'I' Lit>llt1•1iant 1111111111\11. uf the re-~11lar

Butt r army who is srntimi~d at Hele::i.a has

The Weather Man Says--



~ \\.hill· and Bnnvn Bre~ul ::n Hoiled Pornwt..•:oi Hominy s!: . .rnil'icfl his rntention 01 assii::.ting in '---------------------------------! The Mon tan a i ll t',1•l;'10\1'.·.k1·11·,e~:i:~:~~·::1dM~-~~=m Water II :~·l~::::~~sls7~:.;':~1;i,~;~·~1~1\:~·~·h.'~ ::\\·•1:.:.1

~ ::n . Gt•nis marn, in whkh he 0111li 1ll'cl some or

;;J'l ~an1zanon 01 the body 01 nu•:1 mto a

The Gallatin Lumber Co. h-adquunt~r~ for 1hC> f;\mOll:-. 0\\'I. CREEK and PBERL1":SS HEAR

C R E E i'< COA LS .- Y(llll' trtulp will hP .q1preda\f'd Qppositp ('nun rtnusC' Phone :!H. ~

~ Power CO. !lJ}\]!!Jffi~y;u...11 I Fri•~.~;~:toes ::::""·~,~~:;~~~;~ ·;1;":"\1:.'.;'.:·~ml~:::'.;1 :.!I~ I Forina 1.111cl CrC>am trained body of su"chers. Ho~ Bb<'nil~ Butter All the gtuden~ who had eH.•-r had '---- ---------- ----------------- D

!fi 60 East Main Street ~ I $(),'l1'·',,'1I1'an1.'!11cl111n•C\o!!ifl~··e any military <!rill WCl'l' as!;ed lo re· -----=-= -=-----------------------U ~ :n . ·' !

11 _ ...

1 m.1i11 and plans were nrnde wht'rehy l fiiiii!i!iilii!!ii!iiiii!iili!!!!!!i!!ill!!!!!l!!!!!'!!i!ii!!iili!iiiiiiii!iii!l!iiiiii!iii!ii!!ii!ii!i!iJ !fi ~ the:sl:' men would ban~ drnrge or the ~~!;J;~!;J;~!;J;~!;J;~!:f;~!;J;~~!;J;~!:fi,:11ij!;J;~!;J;!!ffi] !;J;~ Buttl'r Frenrh Toa•! S:cni,i 'q11111\' for a time until the rudim nts I



.a..1t<1 dollars make rlcbee,-lt'a &11

I In a syt-tematic sav1ag ot a certain sum weekly.

52 \H•aks or sa .. ·ing at our bank will give you a. better sta.::idiog than I &£ v. eek or spendJng

Try It and see. Gatlatin Trust& Savings Bank.


Get a County Scale Ticket wi th every order. ---

P H ON E 25l>.

P h one 253



I I f

Coffel:! I of th1• ta<:tk:s were learned hy those ('Oll\"t;:>n1enrr"' wer>J not J:'l' iiP l l~f'lh I wt~'.' ha'e had i~o prcvio1~s experit-nC't:'.

hoti"'•'~ wPr t> sUl)J1IL•1l wal~ both hot '.ht• regular lllllt:' ol dnlling \\as HOl pntl i·old water: t.'.P<"tri:· ligh s ;rn,t <ll'l rnitl.:'ly tle<"idt·tl on hut "a:-; h.•(1 to tdt.=-11honp:; . l~arh !~Ol!M' \\;1 :-''Jli•I. •d I bt•. dt'll.'rminP'I at tht .1ext met>tin~ with au .• lt.'l"tlie iro:1 •. nti \'ll·:o~lll~ wlut'\1 wa~ lwl!l l"hur~1la! aftt'rnnon :n hoard and tht• bo~ lt><1:·-1t..•J to I n·~s ·' o'do1"k. ThE'rt> will hl' iwo d rill Jlt.-'l"· j tlwir own dolhes io1l:-; a \\'ct'\\ ol an hour each. .\ II

Thl' t111h has bt>l·n 11.1tlt•1 th•' Jlr- ~nphom1ffps anti ln·shnwu who are Pl"l :-.upeni .. ion of l'riiwq,·~I .1 H. cnrollt:>d in tht· nimpany art:> t>xempt llolsr. ).fr~. \V. A. Prii·c w~~ mrilnm t'rom th1.: J1h)::ii1.:al t>tluullic11 now rt'· and •'IJOk at thP ~":;pq•nth avcm1v house quirPd, •H'1·nrding tu 1·rl:'sidt>nt llam- 1 and :\tr:-. H '-'· Young was m;ltron at ilton

Ith(• Bl~C'k _nH·nue !ltwse. H(>:.t<:;unahle



,-----------------------~===========: rlllt.•s ror stu1ly and 1·ondun were en- IN WO RLD I IClr<'Pd, amt l is a 110tr-.llle fn«t tL ·t I . . . I not one of the twt•nty-nine nwmhtr=->. 1 l~t' wnrld s Itu·gl'.'~t ?'in:.;le·nnit

l I C eretana Means Qualit

IN F LOU R AND ROLLED OATS- T RY THEM TO DAY. y Th~ Bozem a n Milling Company

I I faih'd in his u11lic .Tt>ssp Ken;)i•,h· ! tl.irbuw is to ht· ~l'en at th!.! \\"ater-1 was bookkl"t?Jlcr and fi\'e other ho·:~ sHll' Station. of the .:-\py Yor_k Et1i~on I I Wt.'rt• paid trcm '$' to ~111 11er 111011-:.11 con:pan~-~ It. is .utty·~t'\l'.ll feet 1

I f: · work !n tht' c·:uh tht1:-. makinir it long. lWt:IH) lCt>l \\Hit> and tourteen

I pos:;;iblt• for them to t•tmti· 111 , in ft'l'.l hiJ!.h \\~eig. bing ni:te hunclred


=:============~~;;;;:;:;;;:;;;:;:;:;;;:;;;:;:;:;;;:;;:;~ Rdioo l and seventy-fiyp thousand 11ou1Hb. it ~ :\l1~1·h of thl-' l'redit for t'.I(> lll('t•·s d~\Plop~ fort~ th1msand horse-ot th• l"ll:'} b due '.\lrs. Pnt·e wtu WI· power. The great eng111t> OJU.:•rate~ a t dt•r.aa.nds et· nomi<:al m:tna.-.en.t..•lll. is a ~ti.<>ecl Of fiftet..•n hunclrt>d r('Yo l ution~ an t•x1·c1n ion al i·m:.,, ,. 1111 .H u1:11ron. a mmute, bu1 PYen at 1hls A: rel\ l speed

I do the best Heating a nd Plumb-Ing j obs In town. If you want the

beat, 1ee D. H . B U OD CO .

Central Avenue. Phone 300 J.


E. w. Thompson I BARB E R SHOP. I

l"nder Nalion:it Bank or Gallatin 11

ValJt,,, . I College St;dento a Spechftr.

-Commercial l ·

National Bank 11

C~PIT " L ST•>CK I Sl RPI l'S aa.J PROFITS _J250 .1Jt)t) I

J .'"i. B 1 ~"°·"· Cashier. BOZ~:MAN • MONTANA I



TO MOVE won 1lw n~:-.ii•·ct and t>stl·.-u• fif t•\••r: is almost no ise1'3ss. Ex m1·mber. · A baromPler is an in::;lruml~nt '' h il'lt 1

'l'hl' naiting list I'nr thl· <·lulJ i:-. ·l- n•,g:ulates the weather """" o"ll attl'lllpt 1 .. -lq1 it '"'l' \t'I) 1.trgo, ' II>\ '·""" • 11\11.1- I

iitlt~:·. '.:".i,:1 ~1~111 ,till hankr anti ;<-ar. ~~'~o·~:"~~~··~~~le:~1

~ """ 1· ~~~~i~::~;r~~~~:;:,1

,;::;~1~0~1;~:~~:1~~;~ i>crhap- '!'"" lte and temper: ""Y or. the wage ea rn er o1 t hat \n,li· I

Tbert- are l)raCtiC'ally no eligible lut1on is hard. Y l Inst yenr th~ s tu -1 l'IH..Tt' an· ll< • ln•11hlt:-.11I thi:-. a !Jle bodied men in attendanl't- at Ox·/Uent~.ear;1ed .,103,0111 .. \\1tat seem~

ford L' niver}lil'". art·ordi n,, , . . ~o ha\ e been a. ~omewhnt wide·s 11read l kind \\ hl·11 \'11u ll..,l. !Jl\r '1111 ir· . . . .¥. to cl stor) ir . not popular occupation was that

l1111d" liarl l1tlllt11l.

'!'hi.:: ' ... t 1 _;r l·ath ~11

The W iJison Co.

I .mted 111 the ).[(Gill Dail)· 111 mnny o t hloo\l trnn::ifusion at !! :i an ou nce I 1 ot the t\\O dozen <·olle¥.e:-; and halls Some !aught dancing-. others uslH\ rPd .

there :i rt~ ~c·~rc·e ly an l'H'n do1e:1 pn- ~lher8 motored. and 01 her:-; just tt'ndcl~ .rolled 1 h_c old n•rger!;, mo11ln~ furnace~. Tutoring positions how-

1 ·~rounll the t\"}. ('On~red ar<'hwar~. u8. ever han• always Jl:.lid bt':H a t lhis s;n tl.:at ~JY ~·.:t8ll'r both Oxford and ins1it11tion. l:iOllH:'limt.•s rangin~ a~ ll lg- h

I ( nmhtlflg1 \\Ill hnYe to t•lo~e their a~ sou a ~u nun er-T;:x. doors until the war is 0 ,.t:>r. The quads and <'orridors. whic'h in times \ ·oke for a bov1t-\\-ha t '~ thl' m:.llH•r. of Pt'ace \\Prt· <11! nµ,og with mnru.r· ).lnry? Dues:1'l th at yo1111g man know

1 boards find llap11ing go\·, ns. :lre- now ho\\ to say goodnight ?

• s a summer re· . nry lthrill l'll 1 :\Imm. 1 should I Us de>stlt11te of life I 'I --------------J son in winter. Ex SD) he dot's.

The Smoke of the Active! There"s one fashion that n ever changes-the re·

freshin g, ' ':holeso:::c. youthful, spirited fashion of "rolling your own" for a lively smoke with good old " Bull" D u rham.

In no othe r way C::\n you get a cigaret te so fresh a nd fra­grant, so full o f '"l~0r, e71f'tgy and action . T h e man "'"·ho " rolls his own" wi h "Bull' ' Durh am has the taste of a connoisseur.



The w onde rful mildness nf "Bull" Durham s e ts it a p art from all o~her t ob.1ccur. , and it~ uniq ue mellow -sweet Raver g ives dis t inc t i,·e enjoymen t tn a c igar e tte.

"Bull " D urham is made of " b right" Vi rginia-North Carolina le a f - ti,,. choic~,1 t ~at g cows . It is smooth, nch, nio st .. ::it.~f;-• ng - and r:o:!2.

Start "rcll=·1-:: you:- cw," ·with "Bull" Dur~"-:' no::'. "·I you'll put yoursell- o t th e one ri !!h t road lo genu111c E.·;. ... '~ . i:1g sati~fo.ction .

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