low salt diet

Low Salt Diet: How much is enough? Cayla Skinner

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Low Salt Diet: How much is

enough?Cayla Skinner

What is Dietary Sodium?

Chemically known as Sodium Chloride, it is a colorless crystalline compound which occurs naturally in seawater and halite. Commonly known as table salt.


• Table salt is not the biggest contributor of sodium intake

• Majority of sodium contributor is found in more than 75% of processed foods and restaurant meals• Bowl of cereal for breakfast = 250mg of sodium

• Cup of soup and one turkey sandwich for lunch = 2,200mg of sodium

• Slice of pizza and salad with light dressing = 710mg of sodium

• 250mg +2,200 + 710mg = 3,160mg of sodium

• The average American is recommended to eat less than 2,300mg of sodium a day.


• Read nutritional labels when buying food and picking food with “low sodium” (140mg or less)(Daily Value 5% or less))

• Can and processed foods are high in sodium for the preservation of shelf life

• More fruit and vegetables

• Low-fat dairy

• Avoid ‘Snack Food’ • Ex. Chips, crackers and pretzels

Nutritional food label

Low Sodium Food

• Fruits and vegetables• Frozen or dried fruit (unsweetened)

• Bread and grains• Unsalted popcorn

• Dressing, oil and condiments • Unsalted margarine and spreads with no trans fat

• Seasoning • Sodium-free, light mayo and light salad dressing

Don’t be salty…

• Look for labels that read: ‘Low sodium’ ‘Reduced sodium’ or ‘No salt added’

• Select ‘fresh’ instead of ‘processed’

• 140mg of sodium or less and daily value (DV) is of 5% or less on nutritional labels

• Alternating from chips and cookies to apples and unsalted snacks could lead to a healthier you


• Centers for disease control. (2012). Get the facts: Sodium and the Dietary Guidelines. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/HealthyDietGoals/Sodium-Salt-or-Sodium-Chloride_UCM_303290_Article.jsp

• U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2015). Low sodium foods: Shopping List. Retrieved from http://healthfinder.gov/HealthTopics/Category/health-conditions-and-diseases/heart-health/low-sodium-foods-shopping-list

• U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2015). Dietary Sodium. Retrieved from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/dietarysodium.html