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Environmental Protection Act 1986 Page 1 of 27 Licence: L8560/2011/2 File Number: 2012/006900 IRLB_TI0672 v2.9 Licence Environmental Protection Act 1986, Part V Licensee: City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Licence: L8560/2011/2 Registered office: 577 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie KALGOORLIE WA 6430 ABN: 63 711 737 609 Premises address: South Boulder Wastewater Treatment Plant Portion of Lot 221 DP217615 and Reserve 42000 Celebration Road, South Boulder as depicted in Schedule 1 BOULDER WA 6432 Issue date: Monday, 20 June 2016 Commencement date: Thursday, 23 June 2016 Expiry date: Tuesday, 22 June 2036 Prescribed premises category Schedule 1 of the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987 Category number Category description Category production or design capacity Approved Premises production or design capacity 54 Sewage facility: premises (a) On which sewage is treated (excluding septic tanks); or (b) From which treated sewerage is discharged onto land or into waters. 100 cubic meters or more per day 20,000 cubic meters per day 61 Liquid waste facility: premises on which liquid waste produced on other premises (other than sewerage waste) is stored, re- processed, treated, or discharged onto land. 100 tonnes or more per year 15,000 tonnes per Annual Period Conditions This Licence is subject to the conditions set out in the attached pages. Date signed: 20 June 2016 .................................................... Steve Checker MANAGER LICENSING (WASTE INDUSTRIES) Officer delegated under section 20 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986

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Environmental Protection Act 1986 Page 1 of 27 Licence: L8560/2011/2 File Number: 2012/006900 IRLB_TI0672 v2.9


Environmental Protection Act 1986, Part V

Licensee: City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder

Licence: L8560/2011/2

Registered office: 577 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie

KALGOORLIE WA 6430 ABN: 63 711 737 609 Premises address: South Boulder Wastewater Treatment Plant

Portion of Lot 221 DP217615 and Reserve 42000 Celebration Road, South Boulder as depicted in Schedule 1 BOULDER WA 6432

Issue date: Monday, 20 June 2016 Commencement date: Thursday, 23 June 2016 Expiry date: Tuesday, 22 June 2036 Prescribed premises category Schedule 1 of the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987

Category number

Category description Category production or design capacity

Approved Premises production or design capacity

54 Sewage facility: premises – (a) On which sewage is treated (excluding

septic tanks); or (b) From which treated sewerage is

discharged onto land or into waters.

100 cubic meters or more per day

20,000 cubic meters per day

61 Liquid waste facility: premises on which liquid waste produced on other premises (other than sewerage waste) is stored, re-processed, treated, or discharged onto land.

100 tonnes or more per year

15,000 tonnes per Annual Period

Conditions This Licence is subject to the conditions set out in the attached pages. Date signed: 20 June 2016 .................................................... Steve Checker MANAGER LICENSING (WASTE INDUSTRIES) Officer delegated under section 20 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986

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Environmental Protection Act 1986 Page 2 of 27 Licence: L8560/2011/2 File Number: 2012/006900 IRLB_TI0672 v2.9

Contents Licence 1 Contents 2 Introduction 2 Licence conditions 6 1 General 6 2 Emissions 11 3 Monitoring 12 4 Improvements 16 5 Information 17 Schedule 1: Maps 19 Schedule 2: Reporting & notification forms 23

Introduction This Introduction is not part of the Licence conditions. DER’s industry licensing role The Department of Environment Regulation (DER) is a government department for the state of Western Australia in the portfolio of the Minister for Environment. DER’s purpose is to advise on and implement strategies for a healthy environment for the benefit of all current and future Western Australians. DER has responsibilities under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (the Act) for the licensing of prescribed premises. Through this process DER regulates to prevent, control and abate pollution and environmental harm to conserve and protect the environment. DER also monitors and audits compliance with works approvals and licence conditions, takes enforcement action as appropriate and develops and implements licensing and industry regulation policy. Licence requirements This Licence is issued under Part V of the Act. Conditions contained within the Licence relate to the prevention, reduction or control of emissions and discharges to the environment and to the monitoring and reporting of them. Where other statutory instruments impose obligations on the Premises/Licensee the intention is not to replicate them in the licence conditions. You should therefore ensure that you are aware of all your statutory obligations under the Act and any other statutory instrument. Legislation can be accessed through the State Law Publisher website using the following link: For your Premises relevant statutory instruments include but are not limited to obligations under the:

Environmental Protection (Unauthorised Discharges) Regulations 2004 – these Regulations make it an offence to discharge certain materials such as contaminated stormwater into the environment other than in the circumstances set out in the Regulations.

Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004 - these Regulations place obligations on you if you produce, accept, transport or dispose of controlled waste.

Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 – these Regulations require noise emissions from the Premises to comply with the assigned noise levels set out in the Regulations.

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You must comply with your licence. Non-compliance with your licence is an offence and strict penalties exist for those who do not comply. Licence holders are also reminded of the requirements of section 53 of the Act which places restrictions on making certain changes to prescribed premises unless the changes are in accordance with a works approval, licence, closure notice or environmental protection notice. Licence fees If you have a licence that is issued for more than one year, you are required to pay an annual licence fee prior to the anniversary date of issue of your licence. Non payment of annual licence fees will result in your licence ceasing to have effect meaning that it will no longer be valid and you will need to apply for a new licence for your Premises. Ministerial conditions If your Premises has been assessed under Part IV of the Act you may have had conditions imposed by the Minister for Environment. You are required to comply with any conditions imposed by the Minister. Premises description and Licence summary The South Boulder Wastewater Treatment Plant (SBWWTP) is located to the south of the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is located approximately 560 kilometres to the north-east of Perth. Environmental receptors: The closest residential receptor to the premises is the town-site of South Boulder, located approximately 1.4 kilometres to the north. The nearest commercial receptor is Total Waste Management located immediately to the north of the premises. The BP Kalgoorlie truck stop is located approximately 500 metres to the north-west of the premises. The nearest major water natural water body is Hannan’s Lake, which is a normally-dry emphemeral-lake located immediately to the east of the premises. Hannan’s Lake is known to be used for recreational uses such as 4WD and pedestrian recreational purposes and may potentially be accessed by stock and/or wildlife. Based on the 1:100,000 topographic map series, a drainage line (i.e. a blue line on the map sheet) is mapped as occurring in the southern third of the premises within the footprint of SBWWTP. This feature was altered by the construction of the SBWWTP. The drainage line drains to Hannan’s Lake. The premises is not located within a Public Drinking Water Supply Area (PDWSA). Hannan’s Lake is not a scheduled PDWSA. Groundwater monitoring results presented in the Licensee’s 2015 Annual Environmental Report indicate that the depth to groundwater is approximately 0.5 to 2.6 metres below the ground surface. Based on the 1:100,000 Kalgoorlie map series, the geology under the SBWWTP is mapped as predominantly Colluvium (map unit: Czc) with Quaternary Alluvium (map unit: Qa) occurring in the southern third and the north-eastern corner of the SBWWTP. Czc is consists of extensive sheets of gravel, sand, silt and clay derived by weathering, erosion and transport of a number of rock types. Qa is confined to present day and recent (i.e. paleo-channels) drainage systems. The Qa unit consists of unconsolidated clay, silt, sand and gravel. There are no registered Aboriginal sites within the premises boundary and Hannan’s Lake is not a registered Aboriginal site (Aboriginal Inquiry System accessed on 31 May 2016).

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There are no registered heritage sites within the premises boundary and Hannan’s Lake is not a registered heritage site (State Heritage Register accessed on 31 May 2016). Wastes received at the premises: The SBWWTP receives the following waste types:

Sewerage from the township of Kalgoorlie-Boulder via a reticulated sewerage system;

Controlled Waste categories K130 (Sewage waste from the reticulated sewerage system) and K210 (Septage Wastes) by road transport. These wastes are received at a designated drop-off pit; and

Condensate from adjacent premises, Total Waste Management (TWM), currently regulated by DER under licence L8572/2011/1.

Waste treatment processes: Sewerage waste received via the reticulated sewerage system during normal operations is treated on the premises via an via an Intermittent Decant Extended Aeration (IDEA) activated sludge plant.. Treated sewerage waste is then either pumped from the IDEA plant offsite to the ‘Old Boulder’ holding ponds (located approximately 500 metres to the north of the premises) or treated further by Wastewater Ponding Lagoons 1, 2 and 3. Controlled Waste categories K130 and K210 drain from the waste receival pit via pipework to Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 1. Reticulated sewerage received at the premises during a power failure or in excess of the hydraulic capacity of the IDEA plant (i.e. surge flows during storm events) are also directed to Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 1. Overflow from Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 1 is directed to Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 2 followed by Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 3. Effluent from Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 3 is either pumped offsite to the ‘Old Boulder’ holding ponds or is discharged via controlled release to Hannan’s Lake. Condensate from TWM is pumped via a pipeline to an evaporation pond and is disposed of via evaporation. This pond is hydraulically isolated from all other on-premises wastewater treatment processes and treatment ponds. Leachate from Sludge Lagoons 1, 2, 3 and 4 is also pumped to the TWM Storage Lagoon and disposed of via the process of evaporation. Wastewater re-use and discharge: Effluent from the ‘Old Boulder’ ponds (located off-site) is chlorinated and pumped to a number of holding ponds and tanks located within the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. Effluent stored within the city storage network is further chlorinated before use for the irrigation of lawns, parks and gardens. The treatment of effluent for the re-use for irrigation is regulated by the Department of Health under the Health Act 1911 via a Recycled Water Scheme Approval (Approval Number: B28/0000). There are two tanker filling stations within the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder which are supplied by effluent derived from the SBWTTP. The re-use of effluent from these locations is required to be regulated by the Department of Health under an approval issued under the Health Act 1911. Effluent may also be pumped from the outlet of the IDEA plant to an on-premises chlorination unit and made available for re-use by the mining industry for process water. Treated wastewater in excess of demand discharges from Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 3 to Hannan’s Lake. This discharge is not a routine method of wastewater disposal and is a disposal option of last resort. Emissions: The main emissions of concern from the premises were identified to be odours from the treatment and de-sludging processes, seepage of wastewater to groundwater from the base and sides of containment and treatment infrastructure and direct discharge of treated wastewater to the Hannan’s Lake.

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There is no recent history of odour complaints associated with the operation of this premises. The premises has a history of shallow groundwater detected within the existing groundwater monitoring-bore network. There is a possibility that containment/treatment infrastructure may be leaking and influencing the local groundwater regime. This licence requires the Licensee to assess key site infrastructure to determine seepage rates. Depending upon the outcome of that assessment, onsite controls for seepage management may need to be reviewed. Mining tenements, titles and leases: The SBWWTP is located on Mining Leases M26/575 and M26/311 (Department of Mines and Petroleum database accessed on 31 May 2016). Petroleum titles: There are no Petroleum titles covering the footprint of the SBWWTP (Department of Mines and Petroleum database accessed on 31 May 2016). This Licence is the successor to licence L8560/2011/2 and includes changes as required to reflect current template and licensing processes. The licences issued for the Premises since 2011 are:

Instrument log

Instrument Issued Description

L8560/2011/2 20/06/2016 Licence re-issued. Updated to reflect current DER templates and licensing processes.

L8560/2011/1 19/06/2015 Licence re-issued for 12 months.

L8560/2011/1 23/06/2011 Licence issued.

Severance It is the intent of these Licence conditions that they shall operate so that, if a condition or a part of a condition is beyond the power of this Licence to impose, or is otherwise ultra vires or invalid, that condition or part of a condition shall be severed and the remainder of these conditions shall nevertheless be valid to the extent that they are within the power of this Licence to impose and are not otherwise ultra vires or invalid.


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Licence conditions

1 General 1.1 Interpretation

1.1.1 In the Licence, definitions from the Environmental Protection Act 1986 apply unless the

contrary intention appears.

1.1.2 For the purposes of this Licence, unless the contrary intention appears: ‘Act’ means the Environmental Protection Act 1986; ‘AHD’ means the Australian height datum; ‘Annual period’ means the inclusive period from 01 July until 30 June in the following year; ‘AS/NZS 2031’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2031 Selection of containers and preservation of water samples for microbiological analysis; ‘AS/NZS 5667.1’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.1 Water Quality – Sampling – Guidance of the Design of sampling programs, sampling techniques and the preservation and handling of samples; ‘AS/NZS 5667.4’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.4 Water Quality – Sampling – Guidance on sampling from lakes, natural and man-made; ‘AS/NZS 5667.6’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.6 Water Quality – Sampling – Guidance on sampling of rivers and streams; ‘AS/NZS 5667.10’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.10 Water Quality – Sampling – Guidance on sampling of waste waters; ‘AS/NZS 5667.11’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.11 Water Quality – Sampling – Guidance on sampling of groundwaters; ‘AS/NZS 5667.12’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.12 Water Quality – Sampling – Guidance on sampling of bottom sediments; ‘Averaging period’ means the time over which a limit is measured or a monitoring result is obtained; ‘CEO’ means Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Environment Regulation; ‘CEO’ for the purpose of correspondence means;

Chief Executive Officer Department Administering the Environmental Protection Act 1986 Locked Bag 33 CLOISTERS SQUARE WA 6850 Telephone: (08) 9333 7510 Facsimile: (08) 9333 7550 Email: [email protected]

‘CFU/100mL’ means colony forming units per 100 millilitres;

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‘Controlled waste’ has the definition in Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004; ‘Freeboard’ means the distance between the maximum water surface elevations and the top of retaining banks or structures at their lowest point; ‘Fugitive emissions’ means all emissions not arising from point sources ‘Geobag’ means a geotextile dewatering bag that allows solids to dewater over time while containing the solid component. ‘Hardstand’ means a surface with a permeability of 10

-9 metres/second or less;

‘In-situ soils’ means soils that are in place and have not been moved from their original place of deposition; ‘Leachate’ means liquid released by or water that has percolated through waste and which contains some of its constituents. ‘Licence’ means this Licence numbered L8560/2011/2 and issued under the Act; ‘Licensee’ means the person or organisation named as Licensee on page 1 of the Licence; ‘mg/L’ means milligrams per litre. ‘NATA’ means the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia; ‘NATA accredited’ means in relation to the analysis of a sample that the laboratory is NATA accredited for the specified analysis at the time of the analysis; ‘Premises’ means the area defined in the Premises Map in Schedule 1 and listed as the Premises address on page 1 of the Licence; ‘Process equipment’ means any wastewater or sludge containment infrastructure or wastewater treatment vessel; ‘Schedule 1’ means Schedule 1 of this Licence unless otherwise stated; ‘Schedule 2’ means Schedule 2 of this Licence unless otherwise stated; ‘Six monthly’ means the 2 inclusive periods from 01 July to 13 December and 1 January to 30 June in the following year; ‘Spot sample’ means a discrete sample representative at the time and place at which the sample is taken; ‘TWM’ means the premises operated by Total Waste Management regulated by iterations of Licence numbered L8572/2011 and issued under the Act; ‘µS/cm’ means micro Siemens per centimetre; ‘Waste Code’ means the Waste Code assigned to a type of controlled waste for purposes of waste tracking and reporting as specified in the Department of Environment Regulation “Controlled Waste Category List” (July 2014), as amended from time to time; and ‘Wastewater ponds’ means any pond or open containment infrastructure for the treatment or storage of wastewater.

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1.1.3 Any reference to an Australian or other standard in the Licence means the relevant parts

of the standard in force from time to time during the term of this Licence.

1.1.4 Any reference to a guideline or code of practice in the Licence means the version of that guideline or code of practice in force from time to time, and shall include any amendments or replacements to that guideline or code of practice made during the term of this Licence.

1.2 Premises operation

1.2.1 The Licensee shall record and investigate the exceedance of any descriptive or numerical

limit in this section. 1.2.2 The Licensee shall only allow waste to be accepted on to the Premises if:

(a) it is of a type listed in Table 1.2.1; and (b) the quantity accepted is below any limit listed in Table 1.2.1; and (c) it meets any specification listed in Table 1.2.1

Table 1.2.1: Waste acceptance

Waste Waste Code

Quantity Limit Averaging period


Sewerage N/A 20,000 cubic meters per day

Annual Period

Accepted through reticulated sewer inflow(s).

Septage waste

Sewage waste



8,000 tonnes per Annual Period (combined)

Annual Period

Received at the premises via road transport and discharged into the Tankered Waste pit as depicted in Schedule 1.

Condensate waste from TWM

N/A 7,000 tonnes per Annual Period

Annual Period

Wastewater derived from the process of condensation at the TWM facility only.

Accepted through piped inflow from TWM and discharged into the TWM Storage Lagoon as depicted in Schedule 1.

Note 1: Additional requirements for the acceptance of controlled waste are set out in the Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004.

1.2.3 The Licensee shall ensure that the wastes accepted onto the Premises are subjected to

the processes set out in Table 1.2.2 and in accordance with any process requirements described in that table.

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Table 1.2.2: Waste processing1

Waste type Process1

Process requirements1

Sewerage (normal operation)

Removal of inorganic material All waste is to pass through the Step Screen.

Anoxic treatment and aeration All waste is to pass through the Anoxic Aeration Tank.

Intermittent aeration All waste is to pass through the Intermittent Aeration Tank.

Balance tank All waste is to pass through the Balance Tank.


Treated effluent to be pumped off-site for industrial re-use may be treated by the onsite chlorinator at Location 3.

Treated effluent to be pumped offsite to the ‘Old Boulder Holding Lagoons’ does not require chlorination.

On-premises storage

Treated effluent from the Balance Tank may be discharged to Wastewater Holding Pond 1, with overflow directed to Wastewater Holding Lagoon 2 and Wastewater Holding Lagoon 3 for storage.

Pumping to offsite re-use Treated effluent may be pumped offsite from either the Balance Tank or Wastewater Holding Pond 3 only.

Sewerage (Storm-water surges in excess of hydraulic capacity of IDEA plant or sewerage received during a power failure)

Primary biological treatment and sludge settlement

Stormwater surge in excess of hydraulic capacity of IDEA plant to be diverted to Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 1.

Biological treatment All waste from Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 1 is to be directed to Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 2 and Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 3 (in order).

Pumping to offsite re-use Treated effluent may be pumped offsite for re-use from Holding Pond 3 only.

K210 Waste

K130 Waste

Primary biological treatment and sludge settlement

All waste is to be directed to Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 1.

Biological treatment All waste from Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 1 is to be directed to Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 2 and Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 3 (in order).

Pumping to offsite re-use Treated effluent may be pumped offsite for re-use from Holding Pond 3 only.

Condensate waste from TWM

Evaporation All condensate waste from is to be disposed of in the Wastewater pond labelled as TWM Storage Lagoon.

Sewage sludge Drying and treatment

Sludge from de-sludging activities is to be stored or treated in de-sludging lagoons 1, 2, 3 or 4 only.

Leachate from de-sludging lagoons 1, 2, 3 or 4 is to be pumped to the TWM Storage Lagoon only.

Notes: 1. Refer to Schedule 1 for the location of infrastructure.

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1.2.4 The Licensee shall ensure that waste material is only stored and/or treated within vessels or compounds provided with the infrastructure detailed in Table 1.2.3.

Table 1.2.3: Containment infrastructure

Vessel or compound


Material Requirements

Wastewater Pond labelled as Aerobic Anoxic Tank

Wastewater Clay lined to a permeability of less than 10-9


Wastewater Pond labelled as Balance Tank

Wastewater Clay lined to a permeability of less than 10-9


Sludge Lagoons 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Sludge leachate and sludge

2 Lined with in-situ soils/strata.

Wastewater Ponding Lagoons 1, 2 and 3

Wastewater Lined with in-situ soils/strata.

TWM Storage Lagoon

Condensate from TWM, leachate from sludge drying processes

Lined with in-situ soils/strata.

Notes: 1. Refer to Schedule 1 for the location of infrastructure. 2. Excludes sludge managed under Condition 4.1.1

1.2.5 The Licensee shall manage all Wastewater Ponds such that:

(a) overtopping of the ponds does not occur; (b) a freeboard equal to, or greater than, 300mm is maintained; (c) the integrity of the containment infrastructure is maintained; (d) vegetation and floating debris (emergent or otherwise) is prevented from

encroaching onto pond surfaces or inner pond embankments; and (e) stormwater run-off from roof and site drainage is prevented from entering the

Wastewater Ponds or Wastewater Treatment vessels.

1.2.6 The Licensee shall immediately recover, or remove and dispose of spills of waste (as defined in table 1.2.1) outside an engineered containment system.

1.2.7 The Licensee shall ensure that discharge to Hannan’s Lake is managed so that

uncontrolled release of wastewater does not occur. 1.2.8 The Licensee shall:

(a) implement security measures at the site to prevent as far as is practical unauthorised access to the site;

(b) undertake regular inspections of all security measures and repair damage as soon as practicable; and

(c) ensure the entrance gates are closed and locked when the site is closed or unmanned.

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2 Emissions 2.1 General 2.1.1 The Licensee shall record and investigate the exceedance of any descriptive or numerical

limit specified in any part of section 2 of this Licence. 2.2 Point source emissions to surface water 2.2.1 The Licensee shall ensure that where waste is emitted to surface water from the emission

points specified in Table 2.2.1 and identified on the map in Schedule 2 it is done so in accordance with the conditions of this Licence.

Table 2.2.1: Emission points to surface water

Emission point reference

1 Description Source including


Location 4 Discharge point to Hannan’s Lake Treated wastewater Notes:

1. Location as depicted in Schedule 1.

2.2.2 The Licensee shall not cause or allow point source emissions to surface water for

parameters in a range outside of the limit value specified in Table 2.2.2.

Table 2.2.2: Point source emission limits to surface water

Emission point Reference

1 Parameter Limit

(including units) Averaging period

Location 4

Faecal Coliforms <1000 CFU/100ml Median of any 5 consecutive samples

pH >5 <9

Spot sample

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5)

<15 mg/L Annual Period

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

<40 mg/L Annual Period

Volume <250 ML/year Annual Period

Notes: 1. Location as depicted in Schedule 1.

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3 Monitoring 3.1 General monitoring 3.1.1 The licensee shall ensure that:

(a) all water samples are collected and preserved in accordance with AS/NZS 5667.1;

(b) all wastewater sampling is conducted in accordance with AS/NZS 5667.10; (c) all surface water sampling is conducted in accordance with AS/NZS 5667.4,

AS/NZS 5667.6 or AS/NZS 5667.9 as relevant; (d) all groundwater sampling is conducted in accordance with AS/NZS 5667.11; (e) all microbiological samples are collected and preserved in accordance with

AS/NZS 2031; and (f) all laboratory samples are submitted to and tested by a laboratory with current

NATA accreditation for the parameters being measured unless indicated otherwise in the relevant table.

3.1.2 The Licensee shall ensure that :

(a) monthly monitoring is undertaken at least 15 days apart; and (b) quarterly monitoring is undertaken at least 45 days apart.

3.1.3 The Licensee shall ensure that all monitoring equipment used on the Premises to comply

with the conditions of this Licence is calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.

3.2 Monitoring of point source emissions to surface water 3.2.1 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.2.1 according to the specifications

in that table.

Table 3.2.1: Monitoring of point source emissions to surface water Emission point reference

1 Parameter Units


Location 4

Volumetric flow rate m3/day Continuous

pH (field) -

Within seven days of commencement of discharge and monthly until flow ceases

Faecal Coliforms CFU/100ml Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5)


Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Total Dissolved Solids

Total Nitrogen

Ammonium Nitrogen



Total Phosphorus








Total Cyanide Notes:

1. Location as depicted in Schedule 1.

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3.3 Monitoring of inputs and outputs 3.3.1 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring of the inputs specified in Table 3.3.1

according to the specifications in that table.

Table 3.3.1: Monitoring of inputs

Waste Location1

Units Averaging period Frequency

Reticulated sewerage

Location 1 Flow meter inflow



Daily Annual Period


K210 Waste Location 2 Tankered Waste Pit


Annual Period Each load K130 Waste m


Condensate waste from TWM

TWM Storage Lagoon m3/year Annual Period Each batch

Notes: 1. Location as depicted in Schedule 1.

3.3.2 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring of the outputs specified in Table 3.3.2

according to the specifications in that table.

Table 3.3.2: Monitoring of outputs

Waste Location1

Units Averaging period Frequency

Industry re-use offtake point

Location 6 Flow meter industry re-use



Daily Annual Period

Continuous Treated effluent

Location 7 Flow meter To Old Boulder

Treated effluent

Location 8 Flow meter To Old Boulder

Notes: 1. Location as depicted in Schedule 1.

3.4 Process monitoring 3.4.1 The Licensee shall undertake monitoring of influent at the locations specified in Table

3.4.1 according to the specifications of that table.

Table 3.4.1: Influent monitoring

Monitoring point reference

Process description

Parameter Units


Location 9. Grab sample within Aerobic Anoxic Tank and Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 1. Grab sample at pipe outlet from K210 and K130 pit

Reticulated sewerage influent and Combined K210 and K130 waste influent

pH (field) - Quarterly

Faecal Coliforms

mg/L Quarterly

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5)

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Total Dissolved Solids

Total Nitrogen

Ammonium Nitrogen



Total Phosphorus








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Total Cyanide

TWM Storage Lagoon (monitoring to be undertaken at TWM premises before transfer of waste)

Reticulated influent

pH -

One sample per batch

Conductivity mS/cm

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5)


Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Total Cyanide






Total dissolved solids

Total suspended solids

Total Phosphorus

Total Kjedahl Nitrogen


















Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (C6-C9)

Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (C10-C14)

Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (C15-C28)

Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (C29-C36)

Hydrocarbons (>C36)

Oil and grease Notes:

1. Location as depicted in Schedule 1.

3.4.2 The Licensee shall undertake monitoring of effluent at the locations specified in Table 3.4.2 according to the specifications of that table.

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Table 3.4.2: Effluent monitoring

Monitoring point reference

Process description

Parameter Units


Monitoring port on outlet pipe

1 from:

Location 7 and Location 8

Treated wastewater

pH (field) - Quarterly

Faecal Coliforms CFU /100ml


Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5)

mg/L Quarterly

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Total Dissolved Solids

Total Nitrogen

Ammonium Nitrogen



Total Phosphorus








Total Cyanide Notes:

1. Location as depicted in Schedule 1.

3.5 Ambient environmental quality monitoring 3.5.1 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.5.1 according to the specifications

in that table.

Table 3.5.1: Monitoring of ambient groundwater quality

Monitoring point reference and location


Parameter Units

Averaging period


SB1 – SB6

Standing water level

m(AHD) m (BGL)

Spot sample


Electrical conductivity (Field)

Spot sample

pH (Field) - Spot sample Total Dissolved Solids

mg/L Spot sample Total Nitrogen

Total Phosphorus

Total Cyanide

Oil and Grease Notes:

1. Location as depicted in Schedule 1.

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4 Improvements 4.1 Improvement program 4.1.1 The Licensee shall complete the improvements in Table 4.1.1 by the date of completion in

Table 4.1.1.

Table 4.1.1: Improvement program

Improvement reference


Date of completion

IR1 The Licensee shall prepare and submit to the CEO a plan outlining a methodology for undertaking a water balance assessment to assess leakage rates from the following infrastructure:

TWM Storage lagoon;

Wastewater holding Lagoon 1;

Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 2; and

Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 3


IR2 The Licensee provide the results of the assessment outlined in the plan specified in IR1 to the CEO.


IR3 The Licensee shall remove all sludge stored outside of the designated sludge containment areas.


Notes: 1. Location as depicted in Schedule 1.

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5 Information 5.1 Records 5.1.1 All information and records required by the Licence shall:

(a) be legible; (b) if amended, be amended in such a way that the original and subsequent

amendments remain legible or are capable of retrieval; (c) except for records listed in 5.1.1(d) be retained for at least 6 years from the date

the records were made or until the expiry of the Licence or any subsequent licence; and

(d) for those following records, be retained until the expiry of the Licence and any subsequent licence: (i) off-site environmental effects; or (ii) matters which affect the condition of the land or waters.

5.1.2 The Licensee shall complete an Annual Audit Compliance Report indicating the extent to

which the Licensee has complied with the conditions of the Licence, and any previous licence issued under Part V of the Act for the Premises for the previous Annual Period.

5.1.3 The Licensee shall implement a complaints management system that as a minimum

records the number and details of complaints received concerning the environmental impact of the activities undertaken at the Premises and any action taken in response to the complaint.

5.2 Reporting 5.2.1 The Licensee shall submit to the CEO an Annual Environmental Report within 60

calendar days after the end of the Annual Period. The report shall contain the information listed in Table 5.2.1 in the format or form specified in that table.

Table 5.2.1: Annual Environmental Report

Condition or table (if relevant)

Parameter Format or form1


Summary of any failure or malfunction of any pollution control equipment and any environmental incidents that have occurred during the annual period and any action taken

None specified

Table 3.2.1 Discharge to Hannan’s Lake

All parameters listed. Where both BOD and COD have been measured, the BOD to COD ratio is to be included in the AER.

Average for Annual Period Graph of historic values.

Table 3.3.1 Monitoring of inputs

Table 3.3.2 Monitoring of outputs

Table 3.4.1 Influent monitoring

Table 3.4.2 Effluent monitoring

Quarterly values Average for Annual Period Graph of historic values.

Table 3.5.1 Ambient quality monitoring

Monthly values Graph of historic values.

5.1.3 Complaints summary: Date, summary of complaint and response actions taken.

Tabular format

Note 1: Forms are in Schedule 2

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5.2.2 The Licensee shall also ensure that the Annual Environmental Report contains an

assessment of the information contained within the report against previous monitoring results and Licence limits.

5.3 Notification 5.3.1 The Licensee shall ensure that the parameters listed in Table 5.3.1 are notified to the

CEO in accordance with the notification requirements of the table.

Table 5.3.1: Notification requirements

Condition or table (if relevant)

Parameter Notification requirement1 Format

or form2

2.1.1 Breach of any limit specified in the Licence

Part A: As soon as practicable as but no later than 5pm of the next usual working day. Part B: As soon as practicable


Note 1: Notification requirements in the Licence shall not negate the requirement to comply with s72 of the Act Note 2: Forms are in Schedule 2

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Schedule 1: Maps Premises map The Premises is shown in the map below. The grid co-ordinates depicted on the plan represent the corners of the Premises boundary in the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA 94) coordinate system.

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Map of waste treatment and containment infrastructure and emission points and monitoring locations The locations of infrastructure defined in Tables 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3 and 1.2.4 are shown in the following plan. The locations of the emission points and monitoring locations defined in Tables 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 are shown in the following plan. The locations of the monitoring points defined in Tables 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 shown in the following plan.

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The locations of the groundwater monitoring points defined in Table 3.5.1 are shown below.

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Schedule 2: Reporting & notification forms These forms are provided for the proponent to report monitoring and other data required by the Licence. They can be requested in an electronic format.



Licence Number:

Licence File Number:

Company Name: Trading as:


Reporting period: ___________________ to ___________________


1. Were all conditions of the Licence complied with within the reporting period? (please tick the appropriate box)

Yes □ Please proceed to Section C

No □ Please proceed to Section B Each page must be initialled by the person(s) who signs Section C of this Annual Audit Compliance Report (AACR). Initial:

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SECTION B DETAILS OF NON-COMPLIANCE WITH LICENCE CONDITION. Please use a separate page for each Licence condition that was not complied with.

a) Licence condition not complied with:

b) Date(s) when the non compliance occurred, if applicable:

c) Was this non compliance reported to DER?:

Yes Reported to DER verbally

Date ___________

Reported to DER in writing

Date ___________


d) Has DER taken, or finalised any action in relation to the non compliance?:

e) Summary of particulars of the non compliance, and what was the environmental impact:

f) If relevant, the precise location where the non compliance occurred (attach map or diagram):

g) Cause of non compliance:

h) Action taken, or that will be taken to mitigate any adverse effects of the non compliance:

i) Action taken or that will be taken to prevent recurrence of the non compliance:

Each page must be initialled by the person(s) who signs Section C of this AACR Initial:

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SECTION C SIGNATURE AND CERTIFICATION This Annual Audit Compliance Report (AACR) may only be signed by a person(s) with legal authority to sign it. The ways in which the AACR must be signed and certified, and the people who may sign the statement, are set out below.

Please tick the box next to the category that describes how this AACR is being signed. If you are uncertain about who is entitled to sign or which category to tick, please contact the licensing officer for your premises.

If the licence holder is The Annual Audit Compliance Report must be signed and certified:

An individual

by the individual licence holder, or

by a person approved in writing by the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Environment Regulation to sign on the licensee's behalf.

A firm or other unincorporated company

by the principal executive officer of the licensee; or

by a person with authority to sign on the licensee's behalf who is approved in writing by the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Environment Regulation.

A corporation

by affixing the common seal of the licensee in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001; or

by two directors of the licensee; or

by a director and a company secretary of the licensee, or

if the licensee is a proprietary company that has a sole director who is also the sole company secretary – by that director, or

by the principal executive officer of the licensee; or

by a person with authority to sign on the licensee's behalf who is approved in writing by the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Environment Regulation.

A public authority

(other than a local government)

by the principal executive officer of the licensee; or

by a person with authority to sign on the licensee's behalf who is approved in writing by the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Environment Regulation.

a local government

by the chief executive officer of the licensee; or

by affixing the seal of the local government.

It is an offence under section 112 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 for a person to give information on this form that to their knowledge is false or misleading in a material particular. There is a maximum penalty of $50,000 for an individual or body corporate.

I/We declare that the information in this annual audit compliance report is correct and not false or misleading in a material particular.

SIGNATURE: ________________________

NAME: (printed) _____________________________

POSITION: __________________________

DATE: ______/_______/________________

SIGNATURE: ________________________

NAME: (printed) _____________________________

POSITION: __________________________

DATE: ______/_______/________________

SEAL (if signing under seal)

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Licence: L8560/2011/2 Licensee: City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Form: N1 Date of breach: Notification of detection of the breach of a limit.

These pages outline the information that the operator must provide. Units of measurement used in information supplied under Part A and B requirements shall be appropriate to the circumstances of the emission. Where appropriate, a comparison should be made of actual emissions and authorised emission limits.

Part A Licence Number

Name of operator City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder

Location of Premises

Time and date of the detection

Notification requirements for the breach of a limit

Emission point reference/ source



Measured value

Date and time of monitoring

Measures taken, or intended to

be taken, to stop the emission

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Part B Any more accurate information on the matters for

notification under Part A.

Measures taken, or intended to be taken, to

prevent a recurrence of the incident.

Measures taken, or intended to be taken, to rectify,

limit or prevent any pollution of the environment

which has been or may be caused by the emission.

The dates of any previous N1 notifications for the

Premises in the preceding 24 months.



Signature on behalf of

City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder


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Decision Document

Environmental Protection Act 1986, Part V

Proponent: City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder

Licence: L8560/2011/2

Registered office: 577 Hannan Street

KALGOORLIE WA 6430 Premises address: South Boulder Wastewater Treatment Plant

Portion of Lot 221 DP217615 and Reserve 42000 Celebration Road, South Boulder as depicted in Schedule 1 BOULDER WA 6432

Issue date: Monday, 20 June 2016 Commencement date: Thursday, 23 June 2016 Expiry date: Tuesday, 22 June 2036 Decision Based on the assessment detailed in this document a decision has been made to issue a Licence. It is considered that in reaching this decision, all relevant considerations have been taken into account.. Decision Document prepared by: Jim Cupitt

Senior Licensing Officer Decision Document authorised by: Stephen Checker

Manager Licensing (Waste Industries)

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Contents Decision Document 1 Contents 2 1 Purpose of this Document 2 2 Administrative summary 3 3 Executive summary of proposal and assessment 4 4 Decision table 7 5 Advertisement and consultation table 18 6 Risk Assessment 19

1 Purpose of this Document This decision document explains how DER has assessed and determined the application and provides a record of DER’s decision-making process and how relevant factors have been taken into account. Stakeholders should note that this document is limited to DER’s assessment and decision making under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. Other approvals may be required for the proposal, and it is the proponent’s responsibility to ensure they have all relevant approvals for their Premises.

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2 Administrative summary

Administrative details

Application type

Works Approval New Licence Licence amendment Works Approval amendment

Activities that cause the premises to become prescribed premises

Category number(s) Assessed design capacity

54 20,000 cubic metres per day

61 15,000 tonnes per Annual Period

Application verified

Application fee paid

Date: 26/04/2016

Date: 30/05/2016

Works Approval has been complied with

Compliance Certificate received

Yes No N/A

Yes No N/A

Commercial-in-confidence claim Yes No

Commercial-in-confidence claim outcome N/A

Is the proposal a Major Resource Project? Yes No

Was the proposal referred to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986?

Yes No

Referral decision No: N/A

Managed under Part V

Assessed under Part IV

Is the proposal subject to Ministerial Conditions? Yes No Ministerial statement No: N/A EPA Report No: N/A

Does the proposal involve a discharge of waste into a designated area (as defined in section 57 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986)?

Yes No

Department of Water consulted Yes No

Is the Premises within an Environmental Protection Policy (EPP) Area Yes No

If Yes include details of which EPP(s) here.

Is the Premises subject to any EPP requirements? Yes No

If Yes, include details here, eg Site is subject to SO2 requirements of Kwinana EPP.

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3 Executive summary of proposal and assessment The South Boulder Wastewater Treatment Plant (SBWWTP) is located to the south of the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is located approximately 560 kilometres to the north-east of Perth. Environmental receptors: The closest residential receptor to the premises is the town-site of South Boulder, located approximately 1.4 kilometres to the north. The nearest commercial receptor is Total Waste Management located immediately to the north of the premises. The BP Kalgoorlie truck stop is located approximately 500 metres to the north-west of the premises. The nearest major water natural water body is Hannan’s Lake, which is a normally-dry ephmeral-lake located immediately to the east of the premises. Hannan’s Lake is known to be used for recreational uses such as 4WD and pedestrian recreational purposes and may potentially be accessed by stock and/or wildlife. Based on the 1:100,000 topographic map series, a drainage line (i.e. a blue line on the map sheet) is mapped as occurring in the southern third of the premises within the footprint of SBWWTP. This feature was altered by the construction of the SBWWTP. The drainage line drains to Hannan’s Lake. The premises is not located within a Public Drinking Water Supply Area (PDWSA). Hannan’s Lake is not a scheduled PDWSA. Groundwater monitoring results presented in the Licensee’s 2015 Annual Environmental Report indicate that the depth to groundwater is approximately 0.5 to 2.6 metres below the ground surface. Based on the 1:100,000 Kalgoorlie map series, the geology under the SBWWTP is mapped as predominantly Colluvium (map unit: Czc) with Quaternary Alluvium (map unit: Qa) occurring in the southern third and the north-eastern corner of the SBWWTP. Czc is consists of extensive sheets of gravel, sand, silt and clay derived by weathering, erosion and transport of a number of rock types. Qa is confined to present day and recent (i.e. paleo-channels) drainage systems. The Qa unit consists of unconsolidated clay, silt, sand and gravel. There are no registered Aboriginal sites within the premises boundary and Hannan’s Lake is not a registered Aboriginal site (Aboriginal Inquiry System accessed on 31 May 2016). There are no registered heritage sites within the premises boundary and Hannan’s Lake is not a registered heritage site (State Heritage Register accessed on 31 May 2016). Wastes received at the premises: The SBWWTP receives the following waste types:

Sewerage from the township of Kalgoorlie-Boulder via a reticulated sewerage system;

Controlled Waste categories K130 (Sewage waste from the reticulated sewerage system) and K210 (Septage Wastes) by road transport. These wastes are received at a designated drop-off pit; and

Condensate from adjacent premises, Total Waste Management (TWM), currently regulated by DER under licence L8572/2011/1.

Waste treatment processes: Sewerage waste received via the reticulated sewerage system during normal operations is treated on the premises via an via an Intermittent Decant Extended Aeration (IDEA) activated sludge plant.

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Treated sewerage waste is then either pumped from the balance tank offsite to the ‘Old Boulder’ holding ponds (located approximately 500 metres to the north of the premises) or treated further by Wastewater Ponding Lagoons 1, 2 and 3. Controlled Waste categories K130 and K210 drain from the waste receival pit via pipework to Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 1. Reticulated sewerage received at the premises during a power failure or in excess of the hydraulic capacity of the IDEA plant (i.e. surge flows during storm events) are also directed to Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 1. Overflow from Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 1 is directed to Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 2 followed by Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 3. Effluent from Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 3 is either pumped offsite to the ‘Old Boulder’ holding ponds or is discharged via controlled release to Hannan’s Lake. Condensate from TWM is pumped via a pipeline to an evaporation pond and is disposed of via evaporation. This pond is hydraulically isolated from all other on-premises wastewater treatment processes and treatment ponds. Leachate from Sludge Lagoons 1, 2, 3 and 4 is also pumped to the TWM Storage Lagoon and disposed of via the process of evaporation. Wastewater re-use and discharge: Effluent from the ‘Old Boulder’ ponds (located off-site) is chlorinated and pumped to a number of holding ponds and tanks located within the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. Effluent stored within the city storage network is further chlorinated before use for the irrigation of lawns, parks and gardens. The treatment of effluent for the re-use for irrigation is regulated by the Department of Health under the Health Act 1911 via a Recycled Water Scheme Approval (Approval Number: B28/0000). There are two tanker filling stations within the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder which are supplied by effluent derived from the SBWTTP. The re-use of effluent from these locations is required to be regulated by the Department of Health under an approval issued under the Health Act 1911. Effluent may also be pumped from the outlet of the IDEA plant to an on-premises chlorination unit and made available for re-use by the mining industry for process water. Treated wastewater in excess of demand discharges from Wastewater Ponding Lagoon 3 to Hannan’s Lake. This discharge is not a routine method of wastewater disposal and is a disposal option of last resort. Emissions: The main emissions of concern from the premises were identified to be odours from the treatment and de-sludging processes, seepage of wastewater to groundwater from the base and sides of containment and treatment infrastructure and direct discharge of treated wastewater to the Hannan’s Lake. There is no recent history of odour complaints associated with the operation of this premises. The premises has a history of shallow groundwater detected within the existing groundwater monitoring-bore network. There is a possibility that containment/treatment infrastructure may be leaking and influencing the local groundwater regime. This licence requires the Licensee to assess key site infrastructure to determine seepage rates. Depending upon the outcome of that assessment, onsite controls for seepage management may need to be reviewed. Mining tenements, titles and leases: The SBWWTP is located on Mining Leases M26/575 and M26/311 (Department of Mines and Petroleum database accessed on 31 May 2016). Petroleum titles:

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There are no Petroleum titles covering the footprint of the SBWWTP (Department of Mines and Petroleum database accessed on 31 May 2016). This Licence is the successor to licence L8560/2011/2 and includes changes as required to reflect current template and licensing processes.

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4 Decision table All applications are assessed in line with the Environmental Protection Act 1986, the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987 and DER’s Operational Procedure on Assessing Emissions and Discharges from Prescribed Premises. Where other references have been used in making the decision they are detailed in the decision document.


Works Approval / Licence section

Condition number

W = Works Approval L= Licence

Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where relevant)

Reference documents

Category N/A As per current licensing protocols, Category 61 was added to licence. This activity was permitted by Licence L8560/2011/1.

Licence template V2.9.

General conditions

L1.1.1 - L1.1.4 Standard conditions in Version 2.9 licence template. These conditions replace condition W4, W5 and W11 in Licence L8560/2011/1.

Licence template V2.9.

Premises operation

L1.2.1 L1.2.2

Emission Description

Emission: Wastewater

Impact: Potential spread of infectious agents or contaminants as a result of either overloading wastewater treatment infrastructure or receipt of unsuitable waste types.

Potential contamination of land that receives wastewater due to receipt of unsuitable waste types.

Potential contamination of surface water drainage systems as a result of loss of containment due to overloading of the wastewater treatment plant.

Controls: Onsite acceptance protocols. Offsite controls and audit protocols. Controlled

Waste tracking legislation.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Major

Likelihood: Likely

Risk Rating: High

Regulatory Controls

Licence application documentation. Historic AERs. Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004

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Works Approval / Licence section

Condition number

W = Works Approval L= Licence

Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where relevant)

Reference documents

Licence condition 1.2.2 outlines the waste types and maximum quantities permitted to be accepted at the premises. Managing waste types and quantities will mitigate risks associated with overloading of the system and acceptance of unsuitable waste types. Licence condition 1.2.1 requires an investigation into the cause of the exceedance any of the above limits. This will assist in identifying root causes of exceedances so that the potential for reoccurrences is limited. Residual Risk

Consequence: Major

Likelihood: Unlikely

Risk Rating: Moderate

Premises operation


Emission Description

Emission: Treated wastewater

Impact: Potential spread of disease as a result of unsuitable wastewater treatment


Controls: Microbial treatment, settlement and pond treatment. Evaporation of TWM


Risk Assessment

Consequence: Major

Likelihood: Likely

Risk Rating: High

Regulatory Controls Licence condition 1.2.3 outlines the treatment processes required to be undertaken on each waste stream. Treatment is limited to the assessed wastewater treatment processes which are considered adequate to mitigate risks associated with unsuitable treatment processes. Stormwater surges in excess of the hydraulic capacity of the

Licence application documentation. Historic AERs.

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Works Approval / Licence section

Condition number

W = Works Approval L= Licence

Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where relevant)

Reference documents

IDEA plant are required to be diverted to Wastewater Holding Pond 1 to ensure that the IDEA plant is not over-loaded. Residual Risk

Consequence: Major

Likelihood: Unlikely

Risk Rating: Moderate

Premises operation

L1.2.4 L 4.1.1

Emission Description

Emission: Wastewater seepage to groundwater.

Impact: Death of vegetation due to rising groundwater. Contamination of groundwater.

Controls: Containment controls.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Moderate

Likelihood: Likely

Risk Rating: High

Regulatory Controls Licence condition 1.2.4 specifies the currently approved containment controls onsite. Licence condition 4.1.1 also requires the Licensee to undertake an assessment of the rate of leakage to groundwater to inform an assessment of the efficacy of the existing controls. Depending upon the outcome of the assessment additional containment controls may be required.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Moderate

Likelihood: Likely

Risk Rating: High

Licence application documentation. Historic AERs. Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004

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Works Approval / Licence section

Condition number

W = Works Approval L= Licence

Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where relevant)

Reference documents

Premises operation

L1.2.5 L1.2.6 L1.2.7

Emission Description

Emission: Wastewater

Impact: Contamination of surface water and land where spills occur. Potential impacts to human and animal health if contact with untreated wastewater occurs. Potential impacts to vegetation due to rising groundwater if treated wastewater discharges in an uncontrolled manner to Hannan’s Lake (i.e. if wastewater continuously discharges).

Controls: Containment controls. Waste recovery protocols. Freeboard protocols.

Discharge controls.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Moderate

Likelihood: Likely

Risk Rating: High

Regulatory Controls Licence condition 1.2.5 specifies the required pond management controls. This condition replaces condition W1 in Licence L8560/2011/1. Licence condition 1.2.6 specifies spill recovery requirements. Licence condition 1.2.7 specifies discharge requirements for the management of discharge to Hannan’s Lake. Condition W6 in Licence L8560/2011/1 was removed to reduce regulatory duplication because offsite management of irrigated wastewater is also regulated by the Department of Health under the Health Act 1911 via a Recycled Water Scheme Approval (Approval Number: B28/0000) and the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

Licence application documentation. Historic AERs. Health Act 1911 Environmental Protection Act 1986

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Works Approval / Licence section

Condition number

W = Works Approval L= Licence

Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where relevant)

Reference documents

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Moderate

Likelihood: Unlikely

Risk Rating: Moderate

Premises operation


Emission Description

Emission: Uncontrolled waste acceptance

Impact: Human health impacts from exposure to contaminated wastewater.

Controls: Site access controls.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Extreme

Likelihood: Almost certain

Risk Rating: Extreme

Regulatory Controls Licence condition 1.2.8 specifies site access protocols to prevent uncontrolled waste acceptance.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Moderate

Likelihood: Possible

Risk Rating: Moderate

Licence application documentation. Historic AERs. Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004

Premises operation

Conditions S1 and S2 of previous Licence (8560/2011/1)

Emission Description

Emission: Sludge. Odour

Impact: Human and animal health impacts from inappropriate disposal of sludge.

Amenity impacts from emission of odour.

Controls: Sludge containment infrastructure. Separation distance to sensitive receptors. Regulation of sludge disposal by Department of Health.

Environmental Protection Act 1986.

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Works Approval / Licence section

Condition number

W = Works Approval L= Licence

Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where relevant)

Reference documents

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Minor

Likelihood: Rare

Risk Rating: Low

Regulatory Controls Conditions S1 and S2 of the previous licence have not been carried over because disposal or reuse of sludge and biosolids is regulated under the general provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1986, the Environmental Protection (Unauthorised Discharges) Regulations 2004, contaminated sites legislation and individual landfill licenses. These conditions are considered to be redundant for the purpose of this premises

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Minor

Likelihood: Rare

Risk Rating: Low

Emissions L2.1.1 L2.2.1 L2.2.2

Emission Description

Emission: Treated wastewater to Hannan’s Lake

Impact: Human and animal health impacts from exposure to contaminated wastewater.

Controls: Wastewater treatment. Wastewater monitoring.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Moderate

Likelihood: Possible

Risk Rating: Moderate

Regulatory Controls

Licence application documentation. Historic AERs ANZECC 2000 guidelines

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Works Approval / Licence section

Condition number

W = Works Approval L= Licence

Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where relevant)

Reference documents

Licence condition 2.1.1 requires any limit exceedances to be investigated. This condition replaces condition G1 in Licence L8560/2011/1. This will assist in identifying root causes of exceedances so that the potential for reoccurrences is limited. Licence conditions 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 specify discharge limits. Faecal Coliform, pH, BOD and TSS values are based on the ANZECC 2000 guidelines for a secondary contact exposure scenario. Discharge limits should be further reviewed after two years when sufficient discharge monitoring data is available at this location.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Moderate

Likelihood: Unlikely

Risk Rating: Moderate

Monitoring L3.1.1 L3.1.2 L3.1.3 L3.2.1 L3.3.1 L3.3.2 L3.4.1 L3.4.2 L3.5.1

Licence conditions 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.4.2 and 3.5.1 outline the environmental monitoring requirements.

Emission Description

Emission: Wastewater (treated and untreated)

Impact: Human and animal health impacts from exposure to contaminated wastewater.

Controls: Wastewater monitoring. Groundwater monitoring.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Major

Likelihood: Possible

Risk Rating: Moderate

Regulatory Controls

Licence application documentation. Historic AERs

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Works Approval / Licence section

Condition number

W = Works Approval L= Licence

Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where relevant)

Reference documents

Licence conditions 3.1.1, 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 specify the required monitoring standards to ensure a standardised approach to monitoring. Licence condition 3.2.1 requires the monitoring of a number of parameters for discharge to surface water. Results should be reviewed annually. Licence conditions 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 requires the monitoring of inputs and outputs. Results should be reviewed at least annually and compared to the capacity of the facility. This condition replaces condition W2 in Licence L8560/2011/1. Licence conditions 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 require that the process of wastewater treatment is monitored. Results should be reviewed at least annually with the view to identify potential inefficiencies. The BOD/COD ratio should be reviewed to detect potential toxic inflows into the wastewater treatment process. If toxic inflows are identified they should be investigated. These conditions replace conditions W3, W6 and W9 in Licence L8560/2011/1. Licence condition 3.5.1 requires the monitoring of ambient groundwater conditions. This condition replaces condition W10 in Licence L8560/2011/1.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Moderate

Likelihood: Possible

Risk Rating: Moderate

Improvements L4.1.1 (IR1) L4.1.1 (IR2)

Licence conditions 4.1.1 (IR1) and 4.1.1 (IR2) require the Licensee to undertake an assessment of the rate of seepage from the main wastewater containment infrastructure on the premises.

Emission Description

Emission: Wastewater (treated and untreated)

Licence application documentation. Historic AERs.

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Works Approval / Licence section

Condition number

W = Works Approval L= Licence

Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where relevant)

Reference documents

Impact: Potential contamination of surface water and land if infiltrated wastewater re-surfaces. Potential impacts to vegetation due to rising groundwater. Potential contamination of groundwater potentially affecting the resource value and/or potential uses.

Controls: Groundwater monitoring. Clay lining to selected wastewater treatment infrastructure.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Moderate

Likelihood: Almost certain

Risk Rating: High

Regulatory Controls The premises has a history of shallow groundwater detected within the existing groundwater monitoring-bore network. There is a possibility that containment/treatment infrastructure may be leaking and influencing the local groundwater regime. Licence conditions 4.1.1 (IR1) and 4.1.1 (IR2) require the Licensee to undertake an assessment of the rate of seepage from the main wastewater containment infrastructure on the premises. Depending upon the outcome of that assessment, onsite controls for seepage management may need to be reviewed and potentially be upgraded. This condition replaces condition W8, W12 and W13 in Licence L8560/2011/1. Once the outcome of the seepage assessment is provided to DER, DER will require a review of onsite controls for seepage management to determine if controls are required to be upgraded.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Moderate

Likelihood: Likely

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Works Approval / Licence section

Condition number

W = Works Approval L= Licence

Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where relevant)

Reference documents

Risk Rating: High

Improvements L4.1.1 (IR3)

Licence condition 4.1.1 (IR3) requires the Licensee to remove sludge stored outside of the designated containment infrastructure.

Emission Description

Emission: Leachate from sludge

Impact: Potential contamination of groundwater potentially affecting the resource value and/or potential uses. Potential impacts to vegetation due to contract with contaminated groundwater.

Controls: Groundwater monitoring. Designated sludge storage area.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Moderate

Likelihood: Almost certain

Risk Rating: High

Regulatory Controls The 2015 Annual Environmental Report identified an increasing trend in total nitrogen in a groundwater bore adjacent to an area utilised for the temporary storage of sludge outside of the designated sludge storage area. It is suspected that the increase in total nitrogen is a result of leachate from the stored sludge waste. Licence condition 4.1.1 (IR3) requires the Licensee to remove sludge stored outside of the designated containment infrastructure.

Risk Assessment

Consequence: Moderate

Likelihood: Unlikely

Risk Rating: Moderate

Licence application documentation. Historic AERs.

Information L5.1.1 Licence conditions L5.1.1 and L5.1.2 are standard information licence conditions to Licence template

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Works Approval / Licence section

Condition number

W = Works Approval L= Licence

Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where relevant)

Reference documents

L5.1.2 L5.1.3 L5.2.1 L5.2.2 L5.3.1

ensure that accurate information is recorded and an Annual Audit Compliance report is provided to DER. These conditions replace conditions G3 and G4 in Licence L8560/2011/1.

Licence condition L5.1.3 requires the Licensee to implement a complaints management system to ensure that complaints are recorded and appropriately managed.

Licence conditions L5.2.1, L5.2.2 and L5.3.1 outline the information that is required to be provided to DER to ensure that DER is appropriately informed in relation to onsite activities and assessment of associated environmental risks. Condition 5.3.1 replaces conditions G2(a), G2(b) and G2(c) in Licence L8560/2011/1.


Licence Duration

N/A The licence has been issued for 20 years in accordance with DER’s Guidance Statement: Licence Duration, November 2014.

DER Guidance statement: Licence duration.

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5 Advertisement and consultation table

Date Event Comments received/Notes How comments were taken into consideration

30/05/2016 Application advertised in West Australian (or other relevant newspaper)

No comments received


17/06/2016 Draft sent to proponent Comments received 20/06/2016 as follows: Minor typographical changes. It was noted that stormwater surges to the wastewater treatment plant and wastewater received during power failure are accommodated by diverting excess hydraulic capacity to Ponding Lagoon 1. Clarification was required as to whether or not containment condition 1.2.4 applied to sludge covered by improvement condition 4.1.1

Typographical changes adopted. Licence was amended to accommodate stormwater surge by-pass and wastewater received during power failure to Ponding Lagoon 1. Sludge covered by condition 4.1.1 is not intended to be covered by condition 1.2.4. Clarification included in the revised licence.

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6 Risk Assessment Note: This matrix is taken from the DER Corporate Policy Statement No. 07 - Operational Risk Management

Table 1: Emissions Risk Matrix