let's help winnie kwan - a promising planner簡 介 : about when she carried high hope of...

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Page 2: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

簡 介 : About

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If you are

● a CUPEM or HKU alumni or staff; ● a planner; ● passionate about conservation issues; or ● a kind hearted person who wants to give a hand to a cancer patient,

we want to appeal for your participation in a campaign to raise funds for Winnie Kwan, a graduate from CUPEM who suffered from cancer two years ago and has had a relapse recently. Currently, she is having oral chemotherapy treatment.

Winnie Kwan - A brilliant and diligent student

Despite her illness, Winnie Kwan is an excellent student and a born planner. She is a nature lover, a talented artist, a hardworking researcher who cares about heritage conservation and sustainability issues in Hong Kong. In the second and final year of her masters degree, she got straight 'A' s for all the courses she took and received a high distinction for her dissertation. She will definitely pass the M.Sc. degree with distinction. For those who can read Chinese, you can visit her website at: http://www.geocities.com/wwykwan/

Winnie Kwan needs help in paying for her medical expenses

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Page 3: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

簡 介 : About

When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed with metastasis of the cancer cells to her lung. She underwent a more than 6-hour operation in early July to remove the cancerous tumor in her lung. As she already had the strongest chemotherapy drug in the public hospital system last round, she has to pay for her own medicine this time. As the public hospital does not provide PET scan to monitor the effectiveness of the drug, she has to pay for the scan in a private hospital. Coupled with the fact that her father, the only bread winner in the family as her elder brother has his own family, will retire soon, she needs help in paying for the medical expenses.

It is estimated that for two years of oral chemotherapy drugs and regular 3-6-month PET scans (depending on her reaction to the drug), we need to raise about HK$200,000. We hope you can give us a hand!

You can help our fund-raising campaign by

Showing your artistic talent by drawing a picture on ‘heritage conservation and revitalization’ and at the same time, use your charm to solicit sponsors;

Bidding for the final products in an auction; or●

Making money donations to Winnie Kwan via the University of Hong Kong. You can also donate to sponsor those producing art works for the action.

We chose the theme “heritage conservation and revitalization” because it also symbolizes our best wishes for Winnie Kwan’s revitalization of her body and health. In fact, Winnie Kwan’s excellent dissertation is also related to conservation and regeneration issues. However, participants in the drawing activity are free to choose their own theme.

Please take action!

If you want to exercise your planning imagination in revitalizing Hong Kong and help raise funding for Winnie Kwan’s medical expenses, please fill in the participant form and download the sponsorship form to start soliciting support for this meaningful endeavour.

❍ Submissions can be paintings, sketches, photos, photomontage, or any form of art work.

❍ You are encouraged to mount and frame the artwork at your own expense. ❍ Should you require us to mount and frame your artwork, please note that submissions are

preferably not larger than A4 size. ❍ Please turn in the final work and money raised (in the form of a cheque) to

Miss Arlene Chan, CUPEM on or before October 29, 2004 (Friday). ●

If you want to donate* to Winnie Kwan via the University of Hong Kong’s account, please write a cheque to ‘The University of Hong Kong’ and specify at the back “Donation for Winnie Kwan” or “sponsorship for which artist”. Please send the cheque to CUPEM, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong.

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簡 介 : About

*Please note that the money donated will not be tax deductible

Do join the auction

We aim at organizing an online auction of the completed work. After collecting all the final work, we will put them on the web for bidding. We invite you all to the auction and help Winnie Kwan!

本 網 內 容 版 權 所 有 All right reserved (C) 2004 Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Hong Kong

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Page 5: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

檔 案 : Profile

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她 的 故 事 Her story

擁 有 著 生 命 , 是 一 種 福 氣 。

活 著 , 是 一 種 藝 術 。

能 活 出 一 個 平 淡 的 生 命 , 更 是 一 門 高 深 的 藝 術 。

我 坦 然 的 告 訴 您 ﹕ 縱 然 健 康 、 金 錢 、 學 業 、 愛 情 、 事 業 都 暫 時 一 無 所 有 , 但 我 仍 然 活 著 , 活 得 如 此 簡 單 自 然 。

我 的 生 命 故 事 是 何 等 單 純 、 何 等 美 麗 , 不 是 單 單 用 語 言 就 能 表 達 出 來 的 。 請 大 家 以 愛 來 衝 破 語 言 界 限 , 以 感 覺 來 互 通 , 欣 賞 著 用 「 愛 的 疤 痕 」 編 織 出 來 的 一 個 生 命 小 故 事 … …

二 十 多 年 前 是 我 身 上 第 一 道 、 亦 是 最 祟 高 的 一 道 「 愛 的 疤 痕 」 誕 生 之 時 。 它 標 誌 著 我 的 出 現 , 是 我 還 在 媽 媽 暖 暖 的 體 內 時 , 供 應 著 這 小 生 命 養 份 的 臍 帶 所 留 下 的 印 記 。 這 位 「 愛 的 疤 痕 」 「 哥 哥 」 , 正 正 代 表 著 我 和 媽 媽 血 脈 的 連 繫 , 也 代 表 著 一 位 慈 祥 的 母 親 對 其 女 兒 無 私 的 溺 愛 。

小 天 使 見 「 愛 的 疤 痕 」 「 哥 哥 」 實 在 太 孤 單 了 。 所 以 一 個 月 後 , 便 賜 予 他 一 個 「 愛 的 疤 痕 」 「 弟 弟 」 。 弟 弟 的 誕 生 , 是 為 了 輸 血 而 留 下 的 , 亦 見 證 著 一 位 不 知 名 的 好 心 人 給 我 的 愛 。 從 此 這 兩 兄 弟 , 便 陪 著 我 快 快 樂 樂 地 成 長 , 陪 著 我 上 小 學 、 上 中 學 、 上 大 學 , 也 陪 著 我 與 家 人 共 度 歡 樂 的 歲 月 。

也 許 小 天 使 見 我 已 經 長 大 成 人 , 於 是 便 給 我 一 個 大 考 驗 。 正 當 我 二 十 出 頭 時 , 「 愛 的 疤 痕 」 「 孿 生 姐 妹 」 突 然 出 現 。 這 對 孿 生 姐 妹 , 是 我 主 診 醫 生 的 傑 作 , 我 也 接 受 了 。 可 是 , 令 人 嘆 息 的 是 , 醫 生 又 「 賜 」 給 我 「 愛 的 疤 痕 」 「 弟 弟 」 , 他 的 出 現 , 斷 了 我 的 憧 憬 , 令 我 傷 心 失 望 至 極 點 , 令 我 游 離 於 愛 恨 之 間 。 雖 然 我 心 有 不 甘 , 但 他 們 , 提 醒 了 我 是 如 何 的 渺 小 , 教 懂 了 我 什 麼 東 西 都 是 曇 花 泡 影 , 什 麼 東 西 都 會 輕 易 流 走 ; 亦 教 曉 了 我 唯 有 天 父 , 才 是 生 命 的 主 宰 。 祂 再 一 次 燃 點 起 我 的 生 命 與 希 望 , 把 至 深 的 痛 苦 驅

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檔 案 : Profile

走 。

一 年 半 後 , 突 如 其 來 的 事 情 又 再 發 生 , 就 是 「 愛 的 疤 痕 」 「 三 胞 胎 」 的 出 現 。 上 回 學 會 了 放 手 , 從 痛 苦 中 得 到 釋 放 ; 如 今 縱 然 她 們 的 出 現 使 我 又 再 度 歷 盡 悲 與 憂 , 但 也 懂 得 凡 事 不 刻 意 追 求 , 以 喜 樂 的 心 情 去 面 對 一 切 不 能 控 制 的 事 。

「 愛 的 疤 痕 」 便 是 如 此 緊 緊 地 鎖 著 我 的 經 歷 … …

簡 單 生 活 , 才 是 活 著 的 藝 術 。 憑 信 活 著 , 才 算 是 豊 盛 的 生 活 。心 中 富 有 , 才 算 是 精 彩 的 人 生 。讓 患 難 之 子 蛻 變 成 生 命 的 勇 士 , 將 生 命 中 的 悲 劇 化 為 凱 歌 !

Life, is a gift;   And, Life is a blessing;

Living, is a series of lessons;   And, Living is an unfathomable Art;

Mystery of a beautiful life, is Living in a simple way;   And, A Beautiful Life must be lived to be understood.

Even though I am a young lady without a healthy body nor a career, I am still alive and can live a simple yet full life which is even better than many healthy bodies!

I am delighted to have the privilege of sharing my life story with you—a plain, pure but beautiful life story which can hardly be expressed through language. From my hearts to yours, you can try understanding my life by love, my episode and experience by empathy.

My life story is all about my scars—A metaphor of love…

My first “Scar of Love”, which is the most important one in my life, was born some twenty years ago. It was the reminder of my nice mother protecting me and feeding me with her shared nutrients when I was still a fetus inside her womb.It witnesses my existence in this world and symbolizes an intimate connection and an unconditional love between a kind mother and her lovely daughter.

One month later, a little angel realized the loneliness of the first “Scar of Love” and tried to find a companion for him. This induced the creation of “Scar of Love the second”—during an incident of blood transfer and representing a kind of love from an anonymous man who had saved me. Since then, these two “siblings” were the best friends of mine, together we have lived in a comfortable home and together we have gone through a happy life.

Perhaps, a fallen angel envied me and put me into a test when I was in my 20s. Unexpectedly, my specialist sent me two more “Scars of Love” in this challenge. Even

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檔 案 : Profile

though these twins handed out to me the unimaginable, I did accept the contingency of life. However, it came up with an unanticipated incident again a few months later which startled me—my specialist sent me another “Scar of Love” again.

“Life is absurd!”

This was what popped up in my mind. I grieved once again; the sadness invaded me again; and the sorrow raged me again. I wrestled with myself and craved to hear the reason for my suffering. Nonetheless, the “Scars of Love” told me that it was pointless to quest for the rationale behind, reminded me to get rid of my emotional turmoil and taught me to pull myself together.


A voice came out of my inner self. I woke up from self-depreciation; my sadness was beginning to fade and I told myself, “I will never be sad again.” I started to dwell in God’s love and cradled in His arms. He hugged me tightly but soothed me gently.

“Don't look back, but keep looking forward! There is always a way out!”

He started my hope again.

One and a half-year later, the nightmare returned. This might strike other people but certainly thankfully not me. It has not struck me disastrously nor made me sad. In the past, I was ignorant and shallow but now I have learnt the trick of letting go. This attitude has helped me build up an ability to control my sentiment and prepare me to pass through this ordeal. Although at times the challenge is so great that I cannot help bursting into tears, I know the only right way to confront with adversity is—to live in peace and joy; I am confident that I can overcome these difficulties.

The “Scars of Love” are the storehouse of my life experience…

You cannot imagine how simple a beautiful life is:The key to a meaningful life is to live in a simple way;Living your life to the fullest by faith;Striving for excellence by having riches in heart;Transforming a tragedy into a triumph;Changing your role as a victim to a winner.

她 的 心 路 歷 程 Her open diary

請 按 Please press http://wwykwan.netfirms.com/cgi-bin/pdiary/pdiary.cgi

我 們 對 她 的 感 覺 Our thoughts on her

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檔 案 : Profile

Feeling from her sister by her sister, KWAN Wing-shan 撰 寫 : 她 的 妹 妹 關 詠 珊

笑 , 是 姊 姊 其 中 一 個 標 記 。

雖 然 我 覺 得 她 有 時 會 像 一 個 稚 氣 未 脫 的 大 孩 子 般 活 潑 愛 玩 , 可 是 作 為 一 個 姊 姊 , 卻 又 沒 半 分 毫 像 個 孩 子 。

她 有 的 , 是 給 予 人 一 種 值 得 令 人 信 賴 和 依 靠 的 感 覺…

她 很 疼 鍚 我 , 很 有 耐 性 地 聽 我 說 話 , 也 喜 歡 跟 我 分 享 她 的 東 西 , 她 身 邊 所 發 生 的 事 ~ 記 得 從 前 , 我 是 個 很 橫 行 霸 道 的 人 , 但 她 卻 能 對 我 處 處 忍 讓 , 這 絕 非 一 個 沒 氣 量 的 人 所 能 做 到 的!

她 面 對 自 己 所 有 的 病 , 是 非 常 勇 敢 和 令 人 佩 服 的 行 為 ,

I am so proud of her!

能 有 這 樣 的 一 個 她 來 當 我 的 姊 姊 , 我 很 高 興 , 也 很 幸 運 ~

On My Student Winnie Kwan by her teacher, Dr. Mee Kam NG, Associate Professor, CUPEM, HKU 撰 寫 : 她 的 老 師 伍 美 琴 博 士 , 副 教 授 , 香 港 大 學 城 市 規 劃 及 環 境 管 理 中 心

Although I am the Centre’s admissions tutor, I have to confess that I usually cannot remember who’s who in the first two months of class. However, I did remember Winnie Kwan because I accidentally pumped into her in October 2001 at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology where I reside. She was holding her friend’s arm who obviously had just celebrated her happy graduation. Not too long afterwards, I got the bad news that Winnie had cancer at a rather advanced stage. In a way, I saw Winnie going through that very difficult operations and treatment period with a lot of pain, frustration and sadness. However, she also displayed determined courage and brevity in fighting the disease. When she regained her health in 2002, she resumed her studies with full gear. She really impressed me greatly in one incident. She handed in a paper in her portfolio on planning theories. She wrote her paper on Beijing (I cannot remember the exact contents or title) which I considered as too descriptive and lacked analytical depth, etc. The next day, she sent me a revised version addressing all the comments that I had made. Winnie Kwan is really a dream student any teacher would love to have: a determination to do her best and achieve excellence! She is a credit of life and she deserves our love and help!

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Page 9: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

檔 案 : Profile

A Prayer for Winnie by her teacher, Dr. Roger, C. K. CHAN, Associate Professor, CUPEM, HKU 撰 寫 : 她 的 老 師 陳 掁 光 博 士 , 副 教 授 , 香 港 大 學 城 市 規 劃 及 環 境 管 理 中 心

For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Luke 11:10

Lord, you provide every good gift and bless us with the overflowing abundance of the earth. You invite us to enjoy those gifts, but also to be good stewards of them. Help us today to be generous and compassionate to all who need help. May we never use our giving or service to others to pretend that we are superior to them, but rather remain humbly aware that we are no less needy in our own ways. Amen.


Feeling from her teacherby her teacher, Dr. Sujata S. GOVADA 撰 寫 : 她 的 老 師 Sujata S. GOVADA 博 士

Winnie Kwan is an excellent student and a pleasant person. She is always eager to learn and overextend herself to produce an output that is truly remarkable. Winnie was a joy to teach and know as an individual. I wish her well and pray for the best future.

Feeling from her teacherby her teacher, Betty HO 撰 寫 : 她 的 老 師 Betty HO

Winnie 是 我 Urban Planning Workshops 的 學 生 , 她 溫 文 爾 雅 , 經 常 掛 著 微 笑 , 做 presentation 時 表 露 充 份 的 準 備 功 夫 。 我 完 全 看 不 出 她 的 疾 病 。

最 令 我 印 象 深 刻 的 是 Winnie 的 投 入 和 積 極 的 態 度 。 學 期 完 結 時 , 當 她 知 道 長 春 社 可 能 會 做 一 個 以 文 物 保 護 政 策 為 主 題 的 市 民 參 與 活 動 時 , 她 主 動 地 表 示 樂 意 幫 忙 , 一 般 人 對 義 務 工 作 , 往 往 說 過 就 忘 記 了 。 可 是 Winnie 卻 積 極 跟 進 , 充 份 表 現 了 她 的 熱 誠 。 可 惜 當 長 春 社 得 到 政 府 撥 款 , 準 備 展 開 工 作 時 , 她 卻 要 入 院 未 能 參 與 。 對 於 一 個 熱 誠 、 肯 承 擔 、 有 抱 負 的 年 青 人 , 我 希 望 盡 力 扶 她 一 把 , 期 望 她 早 日 康 復 , 為 香 港 作 出 更 大 的 貢 獻 。

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檔 案 : Profile

Cheer Up - KWUN!!by her friend, Agnes CHU 撰 寫 : 她 的 朋 友 Agnes CHU

3 年 前 , 得 知 道 KWUN 患 上 癌 病 • • •

那 時 , 我 們 剛 完 成 了Bachelor Degree , 我 正 忙 於 適 應 新 工 作 , 她 亦 開 始 繼 續 她 的 Master Degree , 大 家 各 有 各 忙 , 朝 著 自 己 的 目 標 努 力 。

突 如 其 來 的 癌 病 , 讓 大 家 措 手 不 及 • • •

KWUN 不 得 不 暫 時 放 下 學 業 , 馬 上 接 受 治 療 。 治 療 令 她 的 身 體 一 天 比 一 天 衰 弱 。 在 醫 院 其 間 , 我 曾 目 睹 化 療 的 副 作 用 在 折 磨 她 的 身 心 , 使 她 痛 苦 難 耐 。 我 們 除 了 默 默 在 旁 支 持 , 也 不 知 道 可 以 幫 到 什 麼 。 相 信 當 事 人 比 我 們 這 些 旁 人 有 更 深 的 體 會 。

那 一 刻 , 我 深 深 感 受 到 有 些 事 是 我 們 無 法 掌 握 的 • • •

而 KWUN 在 面 對 逆 境 時 , 仍 然 保 持 樂 觀 和 積 極 , 確 實 令 我 十 分 佩 服 。 每 次 跟 她 見 面 , 她 都 表 現 得 很 開 朗 、 很 有 活 力 , 談 論 著 她 的 新 手 工 、 逛 公 園 的 遭 遇 等 , 根 本 不 可 能 找 到 一 點 點 病 人 的 影 子 。

經 過 一 年 的 治 療 及 休 養 , 她 終 於 可 以 重 返 校 園 , 完 成 了 Master Degree 的 課 程 。

今 天 , 她 再 一 次 面 臨 癌 病 的 威 脅 。 對 於 健 康 狀 況 已 大 不 如 前 的 KWUN , 相 信 這 一 次 需 要 更 大 的 努 力 和 勇 氣 去 面 對 。

請 大 家 珍 惜 現 在 所 擁 有 的 , 並 把 握 這 個 機 會 , 齊 心 支 持 和 鼓 勵 KWUN , 陪 伴 她 走 過 這 段 艱 難 的 路 !

Feeling from her friend by her friend, Cindy CHAN 撰 寫 : 她 的 朋 友 Cindy CHAN

不 經 不 覺 , 我 和 關 詠 儀 已 經 相 識 了 十 二 年 , 在 中 二 那 年 已 經 認 識 她 , 不 過 一 直 不 是 同 班 , 直 到 中 六 那 年 , 在 機 緣 巧 合 之 下 , 我 們 竟 成 為 同 班 同 學 。 也 許 是 性 格 及 喜 好 相 近 吧 , 我 倆 一 見 如 故 , 很 快 已 經 很 混 熟 了 。 在 我 腦 海 之 中 , 關 詠 儀 確 實 帶 給 我 很 多 很 多 的 歡 樂 回 憶 。

在 我 心 目 中 , 關 詠 儀 是 一 個 很 開 朗 和 很 積 極 的 人 , 她 得 知 自 己 患 病 之 後 , 仍 然 能 夠 樂 觀 及 用 正 面 的 態 度 去 面 對 。 她 好 學 不 倦 , 努 力 不 懈 完 成 了 碩 士 課 程 。 雖 然 我 倆 年 紀 相 約 , 但 她 確 實 有 很 多 方 面 值 得 我 去 學 習 , 在 她 面 前 我 常 常 有 自 愧 不 如 的 感 覺 。

我 很 榮 幸 能 夠 認 識 關 詠 儀 這 位 好 朋 友 , 亦 希 望 隨 著 歲 月 增 長 , 關 詠 儀 可 以 在 我 的 生 命 線 上 留 下 更 多 更 多 的 腳 印 。

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檔 案 : Profile

Feeling from her friend by her friend, Winnie LAW撰 寫 : 她 的 朋 友 Winnie LAW

When I first met Winnie, it was very obvious to me that she was rather like a kid – although she was quiet most of the time, she was playful and always needed companionship. However, as I saw her experiencing the painful process of chemotherapy, I realised that Winnie has a great hidden personality that not many people would have – a sense of humour even under the most adverse circumstances. She remained cheerful throughout the whole recovery process and worked extra hard on her study and part-time job after the chemotherapy. Such momentum demonstrates that Winnie is a gifted person. She is also a caring person. I know that Winnie prayed for others’ needs even when her own body was weak. She is one of the lovely angels in my life.

My Encounter with our Heroine "Winnie KWAN"by her ex-colleagues, Terry CHAO, Town Planner 撰 寫 : 她 的 前 同 事 Terry CHAO, 城 市 規 劃 師

The name "Winnie KWAN" used to be quite "remote" to me when she worked as a summer student in Lantau & Islands District Planning Office, Planning Department about a year ago. At that time, I met her only a couple of times in a cell group gathering and a hallway setting, saying those routine "hi and bye" (my confession here!!).

Not until April 2004 when Winnie sent her sharings to one of our cell group members, I started to pay my special "heed" to this wonderful Christian girl and my impression upon her could be highlighted as follows:

A very Courageous Girl "Man, if I were you, I’d be down like a dead dog!!" I once shared this feeling with Winnie. Winnie's "boldness" to share her breast cancer, her pain, her faith and confidence in God with others has really inspired me to the utmost. To a youngster like her in terms of her chronological age and Christian walk, Winnie’s “boldness and trust in HIM” have excelled thousands including me of course.

A very Trustworthy Faithful My understanding of Winnie relies heavily on my past visit (with Dr. Kenneth TANG) to hospital, regular e-mails and calls, personal visits to her home and yeah our gatherings at "Starbucks". Not only I've found out that Winnie's special delight is a simple "hot chocolate", but also her aspiration for God's Guidance and Comfort is just mind-boggling to comprehend. Her diligence to search for Divine messages from some simple given stuff like Christian CDs and CDs have proven one simple truth: "Sweats and tears always co-exist in some faithfuls!!"

Be "Love Weavers" in return for Eternal Blessings Romans 8:28 states very clearly: "For God causes all things to work together for good (not much I could recite..hey sorry for my shallowness!!)" The coming two years will be a "Big Fight" for Winnie both physically and spiritually. As one of her friends, may I invite/encourage all people whether be Christians or non-Christians to join hands together and cultivate our Love for Winnie, i.e. be Love Weavers, by some practical actions including your financial support for her substantial medical expenses. If we pour out our honest hearts to help the needy, God's abundant blessings will be showering upon every single person at His

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timing. Soli Deo Gloria.

Winnie Kwan – God’s Masterpiece I Knowby her former supervisor, Rowena, Town Planner 撰 寫 : 她 的 前 上 司 Rowena, 城 市 規 劃 師

“You are the potter and I am the clay. Mould me and make me, this is what I pray.” This is the lyrics of a hymn that we are all familiar with.

Winnie has undergone tremendous pain and adversaries in the past three years since I first knew her. Nonetheless, she maintains a positive perspective and a tender heart. Her positive outlook towards life has been a motivation to her peers. This is why they have created this web site and hold the compassionate auction to help Winnie through this difficult moment in her life.

Winnie was a student of my good friend. We prayed for her strength to endure the hardship during her first fight against cancer three years ago. During the difficult moments, she came to know Christ and became a very devoted Christian.

Like clay being mould by a potter, Winnie went through periods of worries to peace, exhibiting some of the unique qualities inherent in her. Winnie is now very mature and resilient with a youthful heart. Her trust and faith in Christ has certainly made her a stronger and more steadfast person in striving to live her life to the fullest.

After she has recovered, I met Winnie when she worked as a summer student in the Planning Dept. On many occasions, we shared our views and experiences about our work, further studies and our religious belief. She also shared with me her dream – which was bringing revitalization to rundown urban areas, an issue which she later chose to work on for her MA dissertation. An important theme for the present compassionate auction.

Life is not always rosy. Winnie has recently suffered from yet another blow – she has been diagnosed as having lung cancer. Thank God! She came through the operation with her positive outlook and perseverance.

I believe, with our help and support, she would have a speedy recovery so that she could from then on commit herself towards the worthy pursuit of the betterment of our urban landscapes.

Are you willing and ready to give a helping hand to our talented town planner?

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檔 案 : Profile

Feeling from her classmateby her classmate, Annie WONG 撰 寫 : 她 的 同 學 黃 杏 兒

Winnie 是 一 個 滿 有 恩 賜 的 女 孩 。 她 天 資 聰 敏 , 成 績 優 異 , 寫 作 妙 筆 生 輝 ;她 才 藝 超 卓 , 創 意 無 限 , 繪 畫 栩 栩 如 生 ;她 活 潑 開 朗 , 笑 聲 嘹 亮 , 積 極 勇 往 直 前 。

即 使 經 歷 了 數 次 手 術 , 活 在 百 般 的 試 煉 中 , Winnie 仍 然 努 力 面 對 種 種 的 挑 戰 。 因 為 她 深 知 道 她 所 信 靠 的 天 父 是 信 實 無 變 , 就 如 同 她 最 喜 愛 的 詩 歌 所 描 述 一 樣 - 縱 然 人 生 會 有 「 困 苦 、 壓 逼 、 憂 心 、 掛 念 」 , 但 神 的 愛 是 「 必 不 停 斷 」 , 更 是 「 終 不 改 變 」 。

我 也 確 信 「 神 未 曾 應 許 天 色 常 藍 , 人 生 的 路 途 花 香 常 漫 ; 神 未 曾 應 許 常 晴 無 雨 , 常 樂 無 痛 苦 , 常 安 無 虞 。 神 卻 曾 應 許 生 活 有 力 , 行 路 有 光 亮 , 作 工 得 息 , 試 煉 得 恩 助 , 危 難 有 賴 , 無 限 的 體 諒 , 不 死 的 愛 。 」 願 神 的 愛 大 大 的 充 滿 Winnie 。

Feeling from her friend by her secondary school friend, Vivien LAM 撰 寫 : 她 的 中 學 同 學 林 慧 敏

打 從 小 學 二 年 級 開 始 , 我 已 經 認 識 關 詠 儀 了 , 相 識 了 差 不 多 二 十 年 ! 可 能 身 高 及 學 號 的 原 故, 很 多 時 候 我 都 在 她 附 近. 更 巧 的 是: 我 們 也 住 在 同 一 條 街 道 上 . 因 為 這 種 種 原 因 , 我 們 很 快 便 稔 熟 起 來 , 我 也 經 常 到 她 家 玩 耍 , 放 學 也 在 一 起. 但 自 從 我 搬 家 後 , 我 們 便 很 少 聯 絡 了!

升 中 派 位 公 佈, 很 高 興 我 們 升 讀 同 一 間 中 學, 學 校 編 班 也 是 同 班 呢 , 就 這 樣 我 們 由 小 二 到 中 二 , 做 了7 年 的 同 班 同 學, 很 奇 怪 的 是 : 我 們 吃 飯 不 是 一 起, 玩 耍 也 不 是 一 群 , 但 我 們 並 沒 有 因 此 而 疏 遠 , 心 裡 也 當 對 方 是 知 心 朋 友 呢! 過 了 幾 年, 一 次 在 ICQ 看 見 她 , 她 說: " 我 有 些 問 題, 請 你 為 我 祈 禱! " 當 時, 她 沒 有 告 訴 我 是 什 麼 一 回 事, 只 是 說 遲 一 點 會 知 道 ! 那 時 我 還 以 為 是 什 麼 大 不 了, 並 沒 有 想 過 她 得 的 是 : 癌 症

怎 麼 要 選 她 , 真 是 一 百 萬 個 不 明 白 ! 她 的 生 活 比 我 們 每 一 個 都 正 常 , 沒 有 什 麼 不 良 嗜 好, 家 裡 也 有 一 個 好 媽 媽 照 顧 , 真 是 不 明 白 呢..

到 她 真 的 要 到 醫 院 治 療 時 , 我 探 過 她 好 幾 次 , 看 到 她 的 臉 容 很 蒼 白 , 瘦 得 見 骨, 我 相 信 沒 有 一 個 人 不 心 痛 ; 看 到 她 面 有 難 色 時, 就 知 道 手 術 及 藥 物 給 她 的 折 磨 ! 她 總 是 強 忍 她 的 痛 楚 , 淚 水 及 情 緒 , 相 識 這 麼 久 也 沒 有 看 見 她 哭 的 樣 子 , 我 覺 得 她 很 堅 強 , 但 我 相 信 她 心 裡 一 定 很 難 受.

我 們 有 時 得 了 傷 風/ 感 冒, 也 辛 苦 得 要 命, 說 什 麼 死 了 便 算 ! 我 們 有 沒 有 想 過 其 實 生 命 是 多 麼 可 貴 呢 ?! 我 在 這 裡 祝 願: 疾 病 快 點 離 開 關 詠 儀, 讓 她 有 一 個 健 康 快 樂 的 人 生!

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檔 案 : Profile

Feeling from her friend by her church friend, John CHENG撰 寫 : 她 的 教 會 朋 友 John CHENG

I am thankful for the privilege to be in the same cell group with Winnie for a little more than half a year. For all the time I have known Winnie, she is positive, energetic, encouraging and courageous. I have to thank her especially for generously sharing her life with us – be it wonderful moments that she spent with her classmates who all come from different parts of the world, adventurous trips to the countryside, her upbringing, how she got to know and believe in Jesus, and last but not the least, her battle with cancer.

I remember when I first learned about Winnie’s health crisis, I wondered why such misfortune happens to a young, lively sister in Christ. Yet Winnie demonstrates extraordinary courage. Doubts and anxieties there may be, yet I have never heard Winnie complain. With perseverance, Winnie completed her masters’ program despite facing uncertainties regarding her health. With courage and faith, she paid visits to clinics for body checks, went through the pain of a big surgery, and is going through two-year chemotherapy.

Prayer support has become the most important tie we have with Winnie throughout this half-year period. As a cell group, we humbly learn how to support one another through prayers and actions when anyone of us is facing difficult situations. For several consecutive weeks, our cell group held weekly prayer meeting, and together we specifically pray for Winnie’s surgery and recovery. And in prayers, we felt the comfort and power from the above.

Despite all the challenges Winnie was encountering, I was so grateful that she has not forgotten to support me in prayers and give me encouragement so that I could sustain through one of my difficult moments in preparing for an exam while working like crazy at the same time.

God has turned what seems to be a misfortune in Winnie into a blessing and encouragement to many. May Winnie continue to be a courageous witness of Jesus. May the Holy Spirit continue to move and touch our hearts so that we can continue to learn how to love and care for one another in prayers and in concrete actions.

Feeling from her friend by her friend and classmate, Ryan CHAN 撰 寫 : 她 的 朋 友 和 同 學 Ryan CHAN

The world is full of challenges, difficulties and uncertainties. We know these from our childhood, school time and the real society. I know you also reflect that we should insist on what we trust and treasure because many people had already worked it out, like our parents. Let us to share your challenges, difficulties and uncertainties, I often pray for you Winnie.

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檔 案 : Profile

Feeling from her friend by her friend, Jacqueline 撰 寫 : 她 的 朋 友 Jacqueline

Winnie has been really tough and strong during her fight against the disease. She has run a good marathon and she deserves our applause and continuous support. I would also like to thank God for what He has done on Winnie. He has made everything possible in His time.

Feeling from her friend by her friend and classmate, Jon MAK 撰 寫 : 她 的 朋 友 和 同 學 Jon MAK

Winnie and I worked together in a number of workshops and planning projects. In addition to her being reliable, hard-working, productive, efficient and creative, she is also a wonderful friend to chat with. When I wasn't available to meet she worked alone without a word of complaint; where I couldn't go for site visits she went on my behalf; what I couldn't draw with my clumsy hands she drew and returned with completed renderings and perspectives. She is the perfect work partner and a great pal. Best wishes and get well soon!

Feeling from her friend by her friend and classmate, Jennifer LAI 撰 寫 : 她 的 朋 友 和 同 學 Jennifer LAI

認識Winnie是在Year 1 Psy的tutorial, 整個tutorial只有十個不夠的學生, 雖然我與她不太相熟, 但直覺她是一個很nice的同學, 整天的笑, 那個semester過得很快,我們好像沒有交換什麼電話及電郵地址已經是新學期了.

再遇上應是在年多前一個CUPEM的semester, 看到她戴著帽子, 有一種不安的感覺. 其後我們再在Lib相遇, 她才告訴我她患了cancer, 化療使她的頭髮都脫落了.

期後她給了我她的網址, 我用了一段時間把她的經歷都讀過, 從此以後, 我們便經常在ICQ裡'見面'傾訴, 因為看了她的網頁, 激起了我想擁有自己網頁的念頭,她真的很好, 我起初不懂upload那些files, 是她替我弄好的, 網址都是她為我改的.

之後每天都留意她的網頁她的近況, 知道她可以脫掉帽子的時候很替她開心, 有時候在campus遇上會她看到她很累的樣子覺得她很辛苦, 但唯一不變的, 是她的笑容.

幾個月前她有一次給我ICQ message說她肺裡長了腫瘤, 不知是惡性還是良性, 希望我為她祈禱. 最後她告訴了我她要再動手術, 我已經失去了方寸, 只希望她可以好起來.

雖然Winnie經歷過一次又一次的難關, 她仍然勇敢面對, 她仍然愛笑. 我一直被她的堅強鬥志所感動, 雖然我的能力不多, 我只可以在ICQ碰上她時給她一點支持.

但我知道, 她一定會像從前一樣, 打一場漂亮的勝仗.

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生 活 : Life

• ?

她 的 學 校 生 活 照 片 Her school life photographs

社 區 工 作 坊 Community workshop

生 日 會 Birthday celebration

聖 誕 節 派 對 Christmas party

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生 活 : Life

演 講 Presentation

行 山 活 動 Hiking activities

行 山 活 動 Hiking activities

她 的 圖 畫 作 品 Her artwork

快 將 完 成Coming soon

本 網 內 容 版 權 所 有 All right reserved (C) 2004 Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Hong Kong

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下 載 : Download

• • •

各 份 表 格 Campaign's forms

電 子 捐 款 箱e-Donation Box

捐 款 表 格Donation Reply Form

參 加 表 格Participant Form

贊 助 表 格Sponsorship Form

※ 表 格 檔 案 為 Adobe Acrobat 格 式 ※Forms are in Adobe Acrobat format

宣 傳 Publicity

小 冊 子Pamphlets

本 網 內 容 版 權 所 有 All right reserved (C) 2004 Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Hong Kong

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Page 27: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

名 冊 : Guestbook

姓名 Name: 留言版版主 留言 Message:祝 Winnie Kwan 早日康復 姓名 Name: Your Full Timer 留言 Message:My dear full time~~~~~you add oil ar~~~~~~~~~~~~i'm supporting you ga, in the way you don't know =)Just let me know if there's anything i could help la ^_^May God Bless YOU!!! 姓名 Name: Carie Ma 留言 Message:Hi, this is Carie. Now, I am in San Francisco. But anyways, I hope you will get well soon. Best Wishes!!! 姓名 Name: Jennifer Lai 留言 Message:留留言, 為妳打氣, 快點康復啊! :) 姓名 Name: Hazel Lee 留言 Message:

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Page 28: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

名 冊 : Guestbook

Hi Winnie, My name is Hazel Lee and I am also a christian. Very touched by your email as I know GOD gave you a lot of friends who loves u so much. I am encouraged by the message written in the profile.I seldom have that much of time to read a long email(Profile). I think this is not an coincident. Somehow GOD uses your life to encourage me. I am a insurance agent and while I am sitting in my office asking GOD why HE called me to be an insurance agent since last year, I started to read your mail. And now i know not only the poor but also student needs insurance as well. HOnestly speaking, I know God calls me to meet his people and execute his job.... Sometimes waiting is killing me..... I am still learning. Winnie, I pray to GOD that you are light of GOD and your smile can heal a lot of lost soul. TRust him even sometimes you feel uneasy..... Keep on praising and worship HIM. Jesus is forever our saviour. To know GOD is the most precious thing in life we should treasure. I do hope that I can meet you and pray with I pray to GOD that I am able to make contribution for your medical expenses once I get pay mid next month. PLs take care and GOD is always be with u. (Tel 98029890) 姓名 Name: a sacred heartist 留言 Message:Always take pride in you for your outstanding achievement as well as your courage in facing and enduring the painfulness brought by your illness. I, myself, could never be as outstanding as you but I am touched by your story and that, it is you who make me have a deep reflection on life and know to cherish everything. We somehow are disappointed by reality but life is a continuous story and so whatever shall be we should never give in-- get well soon and I look forward to hearing from your contribution to society. 姓名 Name: Michelle Wong (黃敏珊) - Toronto, Canada 留言 Message:Hi Winnie, Still remember me? I haven't seen you since Grade 6. (I didn't go to SHCC...) I'm really really sorry to hear what happened to you. Be strong and be brave! I'll keep you in my prayer everyday. May the Lord be with you always. 姓名 Name: Sister Bernadette Au 留言 Message:My dear Winnie, Joyce Cheng your classmate gave me this website and I came to realize what you have gone through. Keep up the good fight for this illness is to manifest the glory of God in His Winnie who is fully alive at all times. Be assured that sister is near you always, in my humble prayer and daily toils. 姓名 Name: Lucia Leung 留言 Message:Dear Winnie, Being your classmate and friend, I'm feel so proud and lucky. You did a great job at school, and also in facing your life. Your genuine and friendly character make you special and lovable. Wish you recover asap and be always happy and healthy! You're always in my prayer. God Bless You! 姓名 Name: Connie 留言 Message:My dear Winnie, Vanessa and I will always support you...=) 姓名 Name: Paul

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Page 29: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

名 冊 : Guestbook

留言 Message:Remember to keep faith in life~ Good luck and recover soon~ Hope the blessing from this stranger will come true! 姓名 Name: Margaret Chan 留言 Message:Let me introduce myself. I was a SHCC graduate in 1973 (F.7) and currently, the Secretary of the SHCC Alumni Association in Toronto, Canada (www.hkshcc-toron.org). I understand that fighting with cancer is a tough uphill battle. My mother had suffered 2 bouts of cancer in the last 10 years and she's still alive. She's now 85. So, keep up the spirit and we will always include you in our prayers. Regards, Margaret Chan 姓名 Name: Betty Lau 留言 Message:雖然我現在身在遠方﹐在你痛苦的時候,未能表達我對你的關心,但是我在這兒都一直為你打氣,希望你能快些渡過這個難關。我會一直支持你。 姓名 Name: Dorothy Tang 留言 Message:When i noticed your illness from Vivien, i really feel very sad. However, this sadness only last for a short while, as i noticed that your strong and brave character can sure overcome everything. I really hope that you can get well very soon and continue to be stronge for your future. 姓名 Name: wanda 留言 Message:'"We have no superhuman High Priestvto whom our weaknesses are unintelligible - He Himself has shared fully in our experience " (Hebrews 4:15) It is this assurance that gives us the grounds for our hope and our healing."' D. A. Seamands (1986) You are strong though you seem to be vulnerable. You are on my mind , in my prayers, as usual, dear Winnie. 姓名 Name: Planners Hikers 留言 Message:Dear Winnie, We're a group of nature lovers (same as you) and hikers from PlanD, planners and friends (Planners Hikers in brief). We are eager to share with you our thoughts, photos, cards, etc. Here's a message from Patrick, photo by Ah Lam and photo touch-up by one of us. WARNING! There will definitely be more to come. Be prepared psychologically and physically (like upgrade your computer, etc.). 姓名 Name: Patrick 留言 Message:

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Page 30: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

名 冊 : Guestbook

Dear Winnie, I must say that I don't know you. We've never met. I know of your story through a number of HKIP friends, nature lovers, hikers and training-to-be-Trialwalkers, and the fund raising campaign website and then the website of your own. I came to realise a true story of courage and hardship, passion and suffering, love and life ! Though I don't know you, I must say that I'm touched by your passion in life, your love in nature, and your courageous fight against adversities ! Still we've never met, but a group of hikers/planners/nature lovers/friends, including me, are touched by you and your life, and we've decided to show our earnest supports and concerns for you, me too, financially and spiritually ! While we've been training hard for the Trailwalker event, I think that you're really a Super-Lifewalker ! I couldn't say for my friends, but I can speak the true hope from my heart that I hope that you would be STRONG ! Be HAPPY ! And LIVE your LIFE ! Knowing you to be a real nature lover, I also wish to share with you some of the photos we took during our recent trips, though they are not taken by me, I must confess ! I think we all would hope that you would also share with our joys with the great mother nature and perhaps you would be able to join us in our future trips too ! Keep going ! Get well ! 姓名 Name: Wong Yuk Shuen (Sandra Ho/Mrs. Ho) 留言 Message:Dear Winnie, Do you still remember me? I am your school teacher in Sacred Heart Canossian School. I got your news from Michelle Wong in Toronto. I have moved from Vancouver to Hong Kong since August 2004. I am now working in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I would like to visit you if you don't mind. My family and I will pray for your recovery. May God strength you in times of trouble. My office # is 2609-6756 and my cell phone is 97704065. Please reply. 姓名 Name: Lawrence Chau 留言 Message:I noticed Winnie's smiles when I first met her. Now, after knowing your profile, I must say I am really impressed by your courage and spirit. Just keep it up! You have a bright future. 姓名 Name: Goldie Wong F4D 留言 Message:Hi Winnie... It's me, Goldie! I don't know if you remember me or not, as we are studying in the same class in Form 4Dog,...well, long time ago... how are you? I don't know what I can do for you, but I want to say, please don't feel alone when you'r sick, as there were lots of people are praying for you...hard times will be over very soon. Just stay happy all the time and your sickness will go away. Trust me, that's always true :-) 姓名 Name: Kitty Wong 留言 Message:Hi Winnie! I am really touched by the overwhelming responses received since the launch of the campaign. It's really a BIG encouragement for all of us in CUPEM and I am sure you can also feel the "Love" and "Support" that are out there, from people who you know and don't know of. I would like to wish you a speedy recovery and hope you'll be able to join our class gathering again very soon. You know, our gathering is not really the same when you're not around. I'll pray for you! P.S. Let's go meet our monkey and gorilla friends some times : ) 姓名 Name: Ann Ling 留言 Message:Winnie, I know you have been doing a very good job. Really admire the courage you have. I believe all the Sacred Heartist are being proud of you. Sweetie, I know you will recover soon. We love you so much. You will be in my everday's prayer.

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Page 31: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

名 冊 : Guestbook

姓名 Name: Vibha Bhattarai 留言 Message:Dear winnie, Hope you will be fine very soon and be as cheerful and energetic as you always were. We will always be praying for you. Vibha 姓名 Name: Anna Tso 留言 Message:Winnie, never give up! God will always stand by you. 姓名 Name: Irene 留言 Message:Winnie, I am not sure whether I have taught you before but I can hardly forget your lovely smile. You are always so happy. I can't imagine you have suffered that much in these few years. When I read your story, I felt so impressed and touched. There are really a lot I can learnt from you especially your faith in God. Yes, God always has the best plan for us while we may not understand. With God's love, you are so strong in facing difficulties. May God continous to grant you peace and joy. Get well soon. 姓名 Name: Jacqueline Yuen 留言 Message:Dear Winnie, 還記得我嗎?我是你在SHCC時的PE老師。突然收到您患病的消息,實在感到很痛心。希望您能堅持下去,

我會默默地祝福您!Get well soon 姓名 Name: Wanda 留言 Message:Hello, How's your progress in art works? 姓名 Name: Joyce 留言 Message:Winnie, Don't be afraid! God always with you... You will be overcome soon. God Bless and all the best. 姓名 Name: Ada 留言 Message:

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Page 32: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

名 冊 : Guestbook

Winnie is one of my most important friends in my life since we knew each other in SHCC Form 1. We entered into HKU Bachelor of Arts together in September, 1998. Even though we have different majors, we still keep a good friendship between us. I was surprised that she tried to hide away from me when I called her a few times in 2001. After almost half a year, in Easter 2002, she finally confessed that she had breast cancer. It was a shock for me and for all the dear ones of Winnie. However, I find that I have discovered another side of Winnie since then. I can't imagine how she can go through all these with so much courage and faith. She used to be a soft spoken person in secondary school. Winnie, I really learn a lot from you. You are always like a hot bright sun that lighten up all the darkness, even in your most difficult times. I also learn a lot from all those who love you and people who support this campaign. I'm certainly touched by each one of the messages here and the good people who run this campaign for you. I think you all deserve great respect for your generosity! Also to my surprise, I found a lot of messages here from our previous principal, teachers and schoolmates in SHCC. We are all here to support you, Winnie! 姓名 Name: Myra 留言 Message:Winnie, You'll stay as our urban revitalization requires your input. The Creator bless. 姓名 Name: Viola Fan 留言 Message:Winnie, Never never give up. I have already asked my group in San Francisco and LA to help you. Eventhough we have only been in the same class for a short year at SHCC, I believe you can make through this. May God bless you and please let me know if I can further help. Praying for you across the Pacific. Love, Viola My contact is: [email protected]. 姓名 Name: Winnie Kwan 留言 Message:Hi Winnie, I am so surprised that we have exactly the same name. My name is Winnie Kwan too. I currently live in San Francisco, USA, but originally I come from HK. I studied in Precious Blood Primary School in Happy Valley before I immigrated to USA. I met Viola Fan half years ago, and we have become a good buddy to each other. Regards to your life story, all friends of Viola are trying to help as much as possible. Regardless all of us are christians or not, we all pray for you every day. Take care, Winnie 姓名 Name: Cherry 留言 Message:I'm the graduate of MHM. Keep up and never give up!! May God Bless you. 姓名 Name: Theresa Sit 留言 Message:I will pray for you. 姓名 Name: 主與你同在! 留言 Message:

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Page 33: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

名 冊 : Guestbook

姓名 Name: Theresa Sit 留言 Message:I will pray for you.主與你同在! 姓名 Name: 留言 Message: 姓名 Name: HKU Alumini 留言 Message:我從一個很久沒見的朋友的 email 看到這個 website, 你要加油呀! 姓名 Name: wanda 留言 Message:Congratulations for your graduation and the recent auction. When will you visit a cafe with me again? What about during X'mas? 姓名 Name: Maggy 留言 Message:Dear Winnie, 姓名 Name: Christmas is around the corner. Christmas is all about giving with our hearts. I am giving you the warmest wishes, wishing you well and be ready to make stunning plans for Hong Kong! 留言 Message: 姓名 Name: Queenie 留言 Message:Dear Winnie, 姓名 Name: 留言 Message: 姓名 Name: How you are ? Congratulation for the success of the fund raising for your medical fee. Though there are many factors leading to the success, I believe your caring and warm character must be one of the reasons. 留言 Message:

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Page 34: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

名 冊 : Guestbook

姓名 Name: 留言 Message: 姓名 Name: Hope you get better and better daily and be a great planner in future. 留言 Message: 姓名 Name: 留言 Message: 姓名 Name: Meantime wish you a peaceful Christmas and a fruitful year 2005 and all the years ahead. 留言 Message: 姓名 Name: 留言 Message: 姓名 Name: Queenie 留言 Message: 姓名 Name: 留言 Message:

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Page 35: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

圖 畫 : Artwork

• •

Auction Procedures

The online auction period is now over. On behalf of Winnie Kwan, we would like to thank all the kind artists and bidders for their participation in this auction.

圖 畫 作 品 Artwork Gallery (click on image to enlarge)

Limited Edition of the HKU Main Building Model (20 pcs.)

Donated byDevelopment & Alumni Affairs Office, The University of Hong Kong

Final Bids

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Page 36: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

圖 畫 : Artwork

A Spring Corner (Recovery)

Medium Acrylic on textured paper

Artist Winnie Law

Dimensions 42cm x 30cm

Final Bid $2000

Historic, Contemporary,Vibrant, Tranquil

Medium Photomontage

Artist Annie Wong

Dimensions 49cm x 37cm


These photos show the uniqueness of Central where it is the heart of

business centre with rich city fabric. It is a

place mixed of old and new with both heritage buildings and modern

high rises. Moreover, it is a place of vibrancy and tranquility. You

can go for parties and drinks; you can also sit

down silently at the corner of a street

Final Bid $900

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Page 37: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

圖 畫 : Artwork

Wellington Snapshots I & II

Medium Photomontage/Sketch

Artist Kitty Wong

Dimensions 51cm x 60cm

Final Bid $1000

Neo Murray Building

Medium Soft Pastel

Artist Jannie Leung

Dimensions 30cm x 46cm

Final Bid $800

My name is Mr Dolly

MediumComputer Printout on images of acrylic painting

Artist Lok So Fun, Rosa

Dimensions 130cm x 43cm

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Page 38: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

圖 畫 : Artwork

Young Girl

Medium Bronze Sculpture

Artist Li Xue Xun

Dimensions 12x43x8cm

Details Background on Mr. Li Xue Xun

Final Bid $6800

Love @ Dusk A portrait of Tai O

Medium Oil Pastel

Artist Winnie W.Y. Kwan

Dimensions 59cm x 49cm

Details Message from the Artist

Final Bid $900

Kid's Category

Western Market

Medium Watercolour

Artist Park Hin Yeung, Age 11

Dimensions 51.5cm x 40cm


Park Hin Yeung drew this picture of Western Market because this building features prominently in Winnie's MSc. dissertation.

Hong Kong Skyline

Medium Pencil

Artist Nickson Ip, Age 13

Dimensions 52cm x 41cm

Final Bid $1000

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Page 39: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

圖 畫 : Artwork

Final Bid $1000

Hong Kong - a humble beginning!

Medium Charcoal

Artist Arun K. Govada, Age 14

Dimensions 40cm x 30cm

Final Bid $600

Glimpse of Hong Kong Today

ArtistArun K. Govada, Age


Dimensions 45cm x 21cm

Final Bid $600

Last updated: December 22, 2004

本 網 內 容 版 權 所 有 All right reserved (C) 2004 Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Hong Kong

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Page 40: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

關 於 : About

• ?

關 於 我 們 About us

Winnie Kwan was diagnosed with cancer in 2001. She regained her health in 2002 and completed her master degree with flying colours this year. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with metastasis of the cancer cells to her lung earlier this year and underwent a major operation in July. As she already had the strongest chemotherapy drug in the public hospital system last round, she now has to pay for the expensive oral chemotherapy drugs. Since the public hospital does not provide PET-scans for patients to monitor the effectiveness of the drug, Winnie Kwan has to patronize a private hospital. It is estimated that the total medical expenses for two years will amount to HK$200,000. Winnie needs help because her father, the only bread winner in the family, will retire soon.

Professor Peter Hills, Director of the Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management (CUPEM), came up with the idea of organizing a fund-raising campaign for Winnie. The organizing committee involves a group of classmates, teachers and friends who love Winnie and are concerned about Winnie’s pressing financial needs to meet her medical expenses. As a group of urban planning-related students and teachers, we also want to use the campaign to advocate about urban planning concepts that are dear to Winnie Kwan’s heart — urban revitalization, heritage conservation and sustainable development. These concepts also capture our best wishes for Winnie: that her body and soul can be conserved, revitalized and sustained. We sincerely hope that by being part of this campaign, you will be touched by Winnie’s life and her passion about urban planning. We invite you to accompany her in her courageous battle against cancer and walk with her towards revitalization, towards recovery.

聯 絡 我 們 Contact us

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Page 41: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

關 於 : About

You may contact Miss Arlene Chan for further enquiries about the fund-raising campaign:

Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 2859-2721 Fax: (852) 2559-0468 Mailing address: Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental

ManagementThe University of Hong Kong8/F., Knowles BuildingPokfulam RoadHong Kong

本 網 內 容 版 權 所 有 All right reserved (C) 2004 Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Hong Kong

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Page 42: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

Winnie Kwan Appeal We have now come to the end of our Appeal Campaign for Winnie. The Campaign has been a great success and I am very happy to say that we have collected more than $270,000 through donations and our on-line auction. The money that we have raised will certainly cover Winnie’s medical expenses in the next two years and means that she and her family will be spared the problem of worrying about meeting these costs. On behalf of everyone in the Centre I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you that have donated to the Appeal. We have been amazed by the response. It is good to know that there are so many caring and generous people within the University and in the wider community. Winnie’s situation has brought us all closer together. There are many people within the Centre who have worked very hard to support our fund raising for Winnie and I would personally like to thank of all them. I would also like to thank the University’s Finance and Enterprise Office for managing Winnie’s Appeal Fund Account for us and the E-Business Technology Institute for setting up an online donation website. Once again, a big “Thank You” to everyone that has contributed to Winnie’s Appeal Campaign. Winnie is a very courageous young woman and I cannot think of anyone who is more deserving of our support and generosity.

Professor Peter Hills Director 31 December 2004

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姚思 教授 香港大學城市規劃及環境管理研究中心 主任 二○○四年十二月三十一日

Page 44: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed


List of Contributors and Donors 捐獻者及捐助者名單

Mr. Mallik Akram Hossain

Ms. Cecilia Au

Mr Chi Wai David Au

Chin Pang Au

Belinda, Heather, Amanda

Mr. Adams Bonlacher Bodomo

Bonnie Lee and others

Ms. Dolores Butterworth

Ms. Beatrice Chan

Mr. Bosco Bun Pui Chan

Mr. Chiu Wah Chan

Mr. Chun Fung Chan

Mr. Dick Sang Philip Chan

Mr. Felix Chan

Ms Jan Chan

Miss Kai Chau Chan

Mr. Lok G Chan

Ms. Louisa Chan

Ms. Rosangela Chan

Ms. Sandy Chan

Miss Shui Ying Ceclia Chan

Mr. Stephen Chit Kwai Chan

Ms. Suet Ying Carmen Chan

Mr. Tsun Leung Chan

Miss Wing Yee Chan


Yat Chung

Desmond Chan

Miss Yuen Yi Chan

Mrs. Mabel Chau

Miss Maggie Chau

Mr Clement Cheng

Mr. Eureka Cheng

Ms. Wan Ying Johanna Cheng

Ms. Ada Cheung

Ms. Alice Cheung

Miss Josephine Cheung

Mr John Fook Wing Cheng

Miss Noel Cheung

Mr. Sze Keung Cheung

Mrs. Wendy Chiang

Miss Lai Har Rebecca Chiu

Mr. Thomas Chiu

Mr. Chi Fai Chow

Wing Sun Chow

Ms. Jessica Chu

Ms. Teresa Chu

Mr. Wai Kin Chui

Ms Amy Chung

Mrs. Susan Chung

CUPEM 1994 and 1995 Graduates

CUPEM 1998 MSc Graduates

CUPEM Alumni 2003 Part-timers

Development & Alumni Affairs Office, HKU

Miss Kin King Fong

Sum Yee Sally Fong

Mr. Bosco Fung

Miss Brigit Fung

Ms. Sau King Fung

Ms. Wing Sze Fung

Mr. Allen Gam

Mr. Arun Govada

Page 45: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed


List of Contributors and Donors 捐獻者及捐助者名單

Dr. Sujata Govada

Mr. Bernie Harrad

Professor Peter Hills

Ms. Betty Ho

Mr. Chun Ming Chris Ho

Ms. Chung See Ho

Miss Jane Man Wai Ho

Justin Ho

Miss Ka Yin Clara Ho

Mr. Kam Wing Ho

Miss Mei Yi Ho

Miss Wing Yin Winnie Ho

Hong Kong Alumni Club (SF)

Mr. T.C. Hui

Ms. Linda Hui

Mr. Nickson Ip

Mr. Mason Hung

Mr. Wing Tat Hung

Ms. Yet Hing Irene Hung

Mr. Hiroshi Ikeygaya

Miss Gail Kendall

Miss Man Yee Ko

Kwai Chun Kong

Mr. Mike Kwan

Ms. Mary Kwok

Ms. Yee Fun Rowena Kwok

Ms Fanny Kwong

Mr. Kwong Tak Albert Lai

Mr Timothy Lai

Ms. Yammy Lai

Mr. Andrew Lam

Mr. Chui Wan Lam

Ms. Connie Lam

Mr. Hok Bun Robin Lam

Ms. Josa Lam

Ms. Rita Lam

Mr. Sing Kwok Lam

Ms. Siu Ping Lam

Mr. Tak Ming Lam

Mr. Tat Yan Lam

Vivien Lam

Miss Wai Kei Agnes Lam

Lantau & Islands District Planning Office

Mr. Chi Fai Stanley Lau

Mr. Chi Ting Lau

Grace Lau

Miss Wai Man Lau

Ms. Po Lin Pauline Law

Mrs. Monet Law

Ms. Winnie Law

Ms. Yuk Yin Lee

Mr. Herman Lee

Miss Kai Chuk Lee

Miss Kar Yee Clare Lee

Mr. Kin Man Lee

Mr Michael Lee

Mr. Tak Keung Lee

Mr. Wing Lim, Edwin Lee

Ms. Winnie Lee

Miss Yuen Chi, Carina Lee

Ms. Annie Leung

Page 46: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

List of Contributors and Donors 捐獻者及捐助者名單

Miss Jannie Leung

Mr JC Leung

Mr. Jimmy Leung

Mr. Kiu Pong Leung

Miss Lok Yin Patricia Leung

Miss Man Ling Teresa Leung

Miss Mei Chi Leona Leung

Ms. Mei Ling Leung

Miss Mina Leung

Miss Ping Hoo Leung

Mrs. Stephanie Leung

Mr. Wai Man Raymond Leung

Miss Wai Yee Leung

Mr. Chi Kwong Li

Ms. Eyvonnie Li

Mr. Xue Xun Li

Mr. Kenneth John Li

Ms. Hiu Yan Ann Ling

Ms. Candice Liu

Lulu Liu

Ms. Sina Lo

Wing Yee Lo

Miss Rosa So Fun Lok

Mr. David Ma

Mr. Lee Tak Ma

Dr. Kerrie MacPherson

Miss Yuet Yan Mak

Mr. Chi Sum Man

Master of Housing Management (2004)

Mr. Stephen Matthews

Mr. Sik Keung Gilbert Mo

Mr. Chun Wing Ng

Dr. Meekam Ng

Rachel Ng

Miss Liu Ching Ngo

Mr. Michael Pang

Miss Wai Man Elaine Pang

Cheuk Kei Pau

PlanD STGO Cell Group and colleagues

Planner Hiking Team

Planners Hiking Team

Ms. Yuen Yee Pong

Miss Fung Ping Pun

Mr Bill Ruccius

Mr. Nicholas Sallnow-Smith

Ms Winnie Shek

Mrs. Ming Chit, Janet Shum Ma

Mr. Tat Wing So

Mr. Ying Leung So

Staff's Contribution Soveriegn Trust (HK) Ltd.

Mr. Chor On Sung

Professor Paul Tam

Miss Siu Ying Iris Tam

Miss Yuen Man Tam

Ms Kim Hung Tang

Mr. Roger Tang

Miss Tsz Ying Ezena Tang

Mr. Wai Pong Tang

Three Geography Graduates 1996

Ms. Shirley To

Mr. Frankie Tong

Page 47: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

List of Contributors and Donors 捐獻者及捐助者名單

Mr. Ivan Tse

Marissa Tse

Mr Martin Tse

Anna Tso & Family

Ms. S.F. Tso

Lei Chun Wa

Mr. Richard Welford

Angie Wong

Miss Annie Wong

Miss Celina Wong

Chi Keung Wong

Ms. Hoi Yan Goldie Wong

Mr. Hong Ming Wong

Mr. Ki Sui Wong

Miss Kitty Wong

Mr. Kwok Wai Andy Wong


Lai Ngun

Katherine Wong

Mr. Lap Ki Wong

Miss Linda Wong

Mr. Mario Wong

Mr. Max Wong

Ms. Michelle Wong

Mr. Shi Kai Wong

Mr. Wai Hong Wong


Wai Man

Raymond Wong

Mr. Wai Yin Wong

Mr. Wellman Wong

Ms. Wendy Wong

Professor Yuk Shuen Wong

Mr. Xixiong Wu

Ms Jennifer Wu

Miss Oi Hing Wu

Miss Siu Ngan Rhoda Wu

Mr. Wing On Yeung

Mr. Ben Yeung

Mr. Dit Yan Yeung

Ka Wai Yeung

Mr. Park Hin Yeung

Miss Hong Nien Yick

Amy Yip

Ms. Man Wah Yip

Frances Yiu

Miss Mau Ping Yiu

Mr. Wai Kit Raymond Yu

Miss Yang Yue

Mr. Kwan Yik Yuen

Mr. Hau Hong Yung

Mr Dian Zhang

Mr. Philos Zhou

Page 48: Let's Help WINNIE KWAN - A Promising Planner簡 介 : About When she carried high hope of entering the profession as she completed her last term of the academic year, Winnie was diagnosed

List of Contributors and Donors