let’s build a smarter planet smarter water management

© 2011 IBM Corporation Let‘s Build a Smarter Planet Smarter Water Management George Mattathil - 10/14/2011

Post on 12-Sep-2014




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Smart is: Developing and integrating processes to improve operations, deepen insight and enhance value delivered to customers


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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Let‘s Build a Smarter Planet Smarter Water Management

George Mattathil -


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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Let‘s build a smarter planet: Government – Smarter Water Management


Executive Summary

The Need





Water -a critical resource that affects every major global system in the world, will eventually reach an era

of scarcity. Balancing water "supply" and "demand" in the coming decades will be a painful process –

Hence management, preservation and long term sustainability of water is essential

There is also a need to manage availability of accurate water information, prevent wastage of water and

prevent disasters like stormwater overflow, floods through effective water management

Therefore, there is an unprecedented imperative to leverage new technologies to build

intelligence in the way the world manages a natural resource like water

The three key imperatives that water management agencies have to consider are:

Ensure data on water is accurate and available real-time to improve intelligence in water

management operations

Develop and integrate processes to improve operations, insight and customer experience

Use the right tools to manage water systems, monitor quality and protect water resources

Our differentiation in the Water Management Space:

Solid base of Smarter Planet References

Centers of Excellence in water management (5 centers in different water solution areas)

IBM‘s water conservation and treatment experience is based on its in-house manufacturing systems

Strong Water Ecosystem (strong base of business partners, innovations from IBM Research,

participation with environmental groups, partnership with universities, our open standard approach with

leading groups/agencies)

Ability to apply and adapt business processes and technical architecture based on needs of client

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Compelling facts on usage of water today!

It takes more than 2.5 gallons of water to make one sheet of paper!

It takes almost 39 gallons of water to make one cup of coffee!

It takes 172 gallons of water to make one pound of wheat!

It takes 2,868 gallons of water to make one pair of jeans!

It takes 2,048 gallons of water to make one pound of beef!

Source: IBM S & D Solution Brief – IBM Water Management Overview – Who thinks about Water? You should and IBM does!,

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Inefficient water use, inadequate infrastructure, access to safe water are key issues in water management

~60% of 2500 trillion

Global agriculture wastes an

estimated 60% of the 2,500

trillion liters it uses each year

Municipalities lose as much

as 50% of their water

supply through leaky


50% loss

1.4 million deaths

Waterborne diseases cause nearly 1.4

million deaths in children every year

~2.8 billion people

The UN estimates that by 2025,

forty-eight nations, with

combined population of 2.8

billion, will face freshwater

―stress‖ or ―scarcity

~1 billion people

Nearly one billion people lack access to

safe water

In reality 97% of all the earths water is saltwater, 2% is held in snow and icebergs leaving only 1%

available for human consumption, therefore it is imperative that we get smarter at managing water

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Smarter approaches to the management, operations and long-term sustainability of water is critical

Growing urban populations increasing the stress on supplies and infrastructure

Customers and Regulators are demanding improved operational efficiency, better service and

greater accountability

Economic growth and water use planning are disconnected

Gaps in Services




Legacy Assets/

Managing cost of


Insufficient intelligence on water and water systems resulting in:

– Fragmentation of information; inaccurate, incomplete, redundant data and reports

Reliance on manual processes reduces efficiency and increases costs

Increasing regulatory requirements also drives up costs

Assets and infrastructure have aged to such a degree that maintenance costs are rising faster

then revenue

Budget pressures are forcing agencies to lower the cost of operating and while maintaining

service levels


Significant need to enhance long term provisioning of water for public and commercial use

Allocation of water must be managed to ensure conservation

Integrated data must be available to support intelligence based decisions on water allocation

Threats to public health are making the management of waste water a high priority

Significant urban growth makes proactive storm water management a vital necessity

Waste Water Treatment,

Stormwater Overflow

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Water management agencies are focusing on five key imperatives to manage water and ensure sustainability

Optimize water usage, monitor quality and protect water

resources (optimize and protect other resources like energy too)

Develop processes to ensure accurate data on water usage

is accessible and available

Enhance theunderstanding, measurement. provisioning

and management of water so that regulatory requirements

and demands can be met

Revitalize water delivery infrastructure

Protect the supply and delivery of water for citizens

and industry


Pain Points

Lack of data/ water



monitoring and


Upgrade of legacy


Gaps in Services

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Technology can make water management simpler and smarter!

Issue Description How tech can enable Smarter Water

Climate change Downscaled Climate models

Fragmentation of water

resource management/ data

“Collaboration platforms” - Integrate multiple sensor networks and

data sets

Application and data integration

Surface Water Contamination,

Ground Water Contamination

Availability of water

Water flow and quality, run-off management sensing & systems

Groundwater resource mapping

Land-use tools

Water accounting systems

Agricultural practices Precision irrigation

Run-off management sensing and systems

Social attitudes, water pricing

Smart metering for water (to enable differential pricing)

Leakage, losses

Leak detection and management systems

Loss of water because of theft or miscoded customer (commercial

customer not paying commercial rates because of mistake)

Risk of levee failure

Storm surges

Sensing for structural health – “smart levees”

Topological models

High resolution weather forecasting

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What can we do better today? Seize the opportunity to leverage new technologies and adopt collaborative approaches to build intelligence in the way we manage water

Smarter Water Management Solutions: IBM’s offerings

are designed to assist water agencies in the management,

preservation and efficient allocation of water resources

“Smart” imperatives




Our expertise: Substantiated through our work with clients, Smarter

Water resources, and Water Centers of Competency

Ensure data on water is

accurate and available


Develop and integrate


Manage water systems

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SMART IS Developing and integrating processes to

improve operations, deepen insight and

enhance value delivered to customers

SMART IS Ensuring data on water is accurate and

available real-time to improve intelligence

in water management operations

Smarter Water Management:

1 2

3 SMART IS Using the right tools to manage water systems,

monitor quality and protect water resources

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How will you… Receive accurate/up-to-date system status and resource utilization reports in a timely manner to make

informed fast decisions?

Model scenarios and do what-if analysis to understand the financial and operational impact of decisions?

Ensure visibility in to water usage and revenue variances?

Comply with regulatory issues with respect to water use, water treatment? What percentage of water is

being accounted for?

Manage the rising cost of operating and maintaining your assets?

Reduce your asset and system downtime?

Smart is: Ensuring data on water is accurate and available real-time to improve intelligence in water management operations 1

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Intelligent Water Operations Center:

Solutions manage, protect, process and

analyze unprecedented volumes of

structured and unstructured data - creating

insight that drives innovation and business


IBM water management solutions offer innovative capabilities for supplying intelligence ‗when and where‘ needed

Information Agenda for Water:

Comprehensive array of solutions to

support the management of entire natural

water systems, levee systems, water

infrastructure, water utilities and water

treatment facilities.

Water Asset Management (Maximo):

– Single software platform for managing assets

that is designed for transmission and distribution

– Manages important aspects of asset‘s life cycle

(acquisition, work management, inventory control,


– Facilitates regulatory requirements

Ensure data on water is accurate and available real-time

Customer Information System:

- Optimizes processes and activities

- Unified, up-to-date and accurate views of

information real-time

- Direct simultaneous access to dynamic

business intelligence through a single window


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Smart is: Responding quickly to demands for accurate, complete, actionable information

Establish End-to-End Vision & Business-Driven Value

Align People, Process & Information

Accelerate Projects for Short & Long-Term ROI

Architect an Extensible Information Infrastructure

Discover & design trusted

information with unified tools and

expertise to sustain strategic value

of information over time…

Accelerate information-

intensive projects aligned with

the strategy to speed return

on investments…

Establish an information-driven strategy & objectives to enable

business priorities…

Deploy open and agile technology and leverage existing information assets for speed and flexibility…

Information Agenda for Water


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Smart is: Assisting in the Visibility and Management of Assets









Ability to Adapt

Investment Accuracy

Resource Allocation

Modern, Standards-based


Cost and Complexity




For example: County Department of Public Works

improves service for 10 million residents with

Maximo Asset Management

County agency responsible

for roads, bridges, airports,

sewers, flood control and

water facilities.

The Challenge:

Strategic system robust enough to accommodate

the wide variety of facilities and maintenance work

Scale on one database and multi-asset flexibility

The Benefits:

Increased planned work from 30% to 66%

Reduced employee training cost

Saved labor costs by balancing contractor &

staff work

IBM Asset Management

Water Asset Management MRO


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Smart is: Enabling Intelligent Water Operations with Visualization and Advanced Analytical Tools

Intelligent Water Operations Center

The extended Collaboration Platform supports multiple Emergency

Operations areas:


Communications and Information Management

Resource Management

Command and Management

– Incident Command System, Multi-agency Coordination

Systems and Public Information Systems

Ongoing Management and Maintenance

Operator Chat Planned outages,

maintenance and important

information (Operator

updated text)



Weather Icon – click on it to get

forecast details



Numerical Data will be

displayed wherever

appropriate. (River

levels, tank levels, etc).

Screen to be refreshed

automatically every 15-30


The current operating

conditions of the system

(Operator Updated text)

Current Collaboration Platform Extended Collaboration Platform


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Clients improve water operations with improved response times, enhanced reporting metrics and greater visibility into operations

Smarter Water Infrastructure Asset Management:

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), is

using IBM software to help reduce pollution in water

SFPUC has improved visibility into their maintenance

operations and physical infrastructure

Near real-time status, allowing them now to resolve

issues within 24 hours

Customer Information Systems:

Denver Water implemented Cognos solutions resulting in:

Uniform reporting to water board

Improved project management; budgets and rolling

forecasts, automatic calculation and reporting, cost overrun


Improved collaboration across groups (engineering,

budgeting, and construction management)

Smarter Water Infrastructure Asset Management:

Cape Fear works with IBM and IBM Business Partner ESRI to

implement IBM Tivoli Maximo Asset Management software

Reduced turnaround on pump station run time; meter reading

collections reduced 99 percent - from 4 days to 30 minutes

Improved system uptime and minimized disruptions to

customers using preventative maintenance

Reduced overall costs

Water Information Exchange:

Sonoma County Water Authority used a single portal integrating

SCADA systems of SCWA, Santa Rosa, Cotati and Rohnert

Park resulting in benefits:

Data from the intelligent meters can be analyzed to help lower costs,

adopt efficient and sustainable consumption patterns, and

improve usage

By addressing water issues as a system, citizens can make

smarter decisions about how and when they use limited water resources


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Obtain real-time data on water consumption?

Identify areas for energy efficiency related to water?

Address leakage or water theft detection?

Create and use an optimization model to yield cost reductions?

Ensure easy detection of anomalies, understand behavioral models and provide usage predictions?

Smart is: Developing and integrating processes to improve operations, deepen insight and enhance value delivered to customers 2

How will you…

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Implementing processes to manage costs and operations

Intelligent Water Management:

Understand usage patterns and detect

anomalies on leakage, theft or faulty meters

Explores ―optimal‖ location of leak(s); creates

optimization model to yield cost reduction

Use of optimization model to find the optimal number

of valves, to enable the effective pressure


Smart Water Analytics:

Offers granular data on usage trends

Accurate meters aids in capital & operational

investment decisions

Provides alerts on immediate and longer term


Develop and integrate processes to improve operations

Analytics Driven Asset Management (ADAM):

Leverages advanced analytics and optimization

technologies to turn the vast amounts of EAM /

Metering /Sensor data into actionable insight,

foresight and prescriptions


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Smart is: Enabling homes/businesses with advanced devices to track and report water consumption data

Install advanced

wireless meters in homes

and businesses

Meters report as frequently as

every 15 minutes either via

cellphone or Wimax, or less

frequently via short range protocol

to a drive-by reader

IBM installs or provides as a

service the main billing

system, or can run the entire

billing service on an

outsourced basis

IBM Maximo / SAP enables

meter management and

maintenance - meter

performance and failure

can be tracked remotely

Meters can provide the home or

business owner with immediate

data on water consumption.

This is known to promote water


The system as a whole provides

more granular data on usage

trends and can alert of immediate

and longer term problems

More accurate meters provide

better information in assets to

inform capital & operational

investment decisions

Smarter Water Meter Management

The offering can be cloud-based or premise-based


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Smart is: Detecting leaks and thefts via optimization models to reduce operational costs and wasted resources

Leakage or Theft Detection at

the Residential Level

Understand usage patterns and detect

anomalies for low and high consumption

to detect leakage, theft or faulty meters

Leakage Detection at the

Network Level using optimization

Find ―optimal‖ location of leak(s) to explain

difference between actual measurements and

model predicted measurements

Leakage Reduction using

Dynamic Pressure Control

Create optimization model to adjust the

pressure dynamically so that only the

required flow will be supplied yielding cost

reduction in energy and water achieved

Optimal Valve Placement for

Pressure Reduction

Use an optimization model to find the optimal

number of valves, and their location, so as to

enable the most effective pressure management

Intelligent Water Management


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Smart is: Leveraging analytic platforms to deliver insights and predict outcomes in asset management

Analytics Driven Asset Management (ADAM) Addresses three key challenges in asset management


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IBM - partnering with clients to increase efficiency in operations

Smarter Water and Energy Metering:

With Enemalta, IBM is developing a new smart grid with

250,000 meters that integrates both water and power systems

- Allows utilities to more intelligently plan their investments in

the network, increase operational efficiency, and reward

customers who consume less energy and water

Smarter Water Meter Usage Analytics

City of Dubuque implements a new, smarter system that will

analyze data collected from more-sensitive water meters and

other devices to alert consumers via the Internet on issues like

water waste and enable them to take corrective measures -

resulting in cost and resource savings

Smarter Water Workforce Optimization Analytics

DC Water worked with IBM and its business partners to modernize

infrastructure management and gain greater visibility

into critical operations

Resulting in 36% reduction in customer calls

Increase percentage of emergency investigations dispatched in

10 minutes

Significant reduction in asset downtime

Smarter Water Use and Energy Efficiency: IBM itself has realized dramatic economic and sustainability

benefits implementing advanced water management systems.

Using Green SigmaTM methodologies, IBM has implemented a

smarter water management solution in IBM Burlington‘s

Semiconductor Fab that allowed us to realize $3 million in cost

savings and reduce water consumption by 27% while

increasing production.


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Proactively obtain information on watersheds and pending issues in order to take timely actions?

Generate maps, gather weather statistics with specifics on potential impacts due to stormwater


Detect weather fluctuations, mitigate storm water impact and proactively take measures for the

prevention of natural disasters?

Smart is: Using the right tools to manage water systems, monitor quality and protect water resources 3

How will you…

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Using the right tools to manage water systems, monitor quality and protect

water resources

Using advanced analytics to predict, and prevent uncontrollable situations and optimize water consumption

Intelligent Wastewater and Stormwater Management:

Detects sewer flow levels

Manages maintenance requests

Generates accurate flood maps with specifics on

impact areas, quick actions through advanced analytics

for flood avoidance

Natural Water Systems Management:

Draws on real-time monitoring systems to

predict and mitigate situations before

they occur

Deep Thunder Weather Modeling:

Generates local, high-resolution weather

predictions customized to business applications for

weather-sensitive operations days ahead of time


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Smart is: Leveraging sensor and communications technology for real-time decision making

Innovative wireless


Dynamically adjustable

collection system

Large numbers of


Aggregation of


Predict outcomes with

large scale models

Fraction of the cost of

traditional solutions



Innovative technology

merges with existing


Key decisions based

on fact not assumptions

Controls react

real time for optimal


Natural Water Systems Management


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Smart is: Mitigating flooding incidents and managing wastewater effectively

All assets of the same

type in this area

highlighted in blue

Search for all assets of the

Type „natural channel‟ with

condition = 3 in this area.

Results are highlighted in


Wireless network links monitoring devices to central command center

Sewer system data can also be linked with asset & workflow tools to manage any specific maintenance requests

Innovative technologies such as Smart Manhole Covers are used to detect sewer flow levels

Data can also drawn from more traditional SCADA/sensors systems.

High resolution weather and flooding models are used to generate accurate flood maps with specifics on impact areas

Advanced analytics and optimization engines generate recommended actions for flood avoidance

Stormwater Management Command Center

Valves, pumps or inflatable dams are controlled dynamically to balance inline sewer storage and avoid potential overflows.

Intelligent Wastewater/Stormwater Management 3

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Smart is: Integrating forecasts in to decision-making to optimize business processes

Issue: Weather-sensitive business operations are often

reactive to short-term (3 to 36 hours), local conditions (city,

county, state) due to unavailability of appropriate predicted

data at this scale

Solution: Application of reliable, affordable, weather

models for predictive & proactive decision making &

operational planning

– Numerical weather forecasts coupled to

business processes

– Products and operations customized to

business problems

– Competitive advantage – enhanced efficiency, safety,

security and economic & societal benefit

Deep Thunder – Forecasts for

Weather-Sensitive Operations


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Clients worldwide have gained benefits through water management prediction and protection

Real-time Monitoring System :

Galway Bay uses real time monitoring system, sensors and

computational technology to collect and disseminate

information on coastal conditions, marine life, pollution levels,

and is able to better predict weather threats, rogue waves,

and provide pollution alerts

Smarter River and Estuary Protection :

Working with the Beacon Institute, IBM is helping enable

minute-to-minute monitoring of New York's Hudson River via

an integrated sensor network, robotics, and computational

technology throughout the 315-mile river to understand and

predict the effects of global warming, the movements of

migrating fish, and transport of pollutants

Smarter Levee Management and Flood Control:

In Netherlands, IBM is working with partners to build smarter

levees and flood management solutions that enable

authorities to monitor infrastructure and changing flood

conditions, utilize advanced decision tools to help prevent

avoidable flooding incidents

Smarter Weather Management:

IBM is applying high resolution weather forecasting capability

called Deep Thunder to predict damage ahead of time and

optimize processes so that they can better mobilize resources,

reduce restoration time, communicate more accurately, and

reduce emergency management costs


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IBM provides assetsto leverage customer-preferred Geographical Information System

(GIS) applications.

Why IBM?

IBM understands both thebusiness processes and the technical architecture required

for an effective Smarter Water Management program

Breadth and depth of resources: Advanced analytics, real-time monitoring systems,

sensors resolve the ―world‘s most complicated water management problems‖ (For Example:

Deep Thunder Weather Modeling, World Community Grid, Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland)

IBM has expanded water management capabilities around the world by establishing

Centers of Excellence (COE) for Water Management

IBM has built establishing a Smarter Water Ecosystem with leading partners on sensing

technologies, software models, engineering consulting expertise, other innovations

IBM has recognized that its solutions be tailored to smaller organizations through

cloud technology and application of open standards approaches

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IBM‘s experience includes working with water, electric and gas utilities across the globe

Galway Bay

Flood Control,


Hudson River

IBM Burlington: IBM itself has realized dramatic economic and sustainability benefits implementing advanced water management systems. Using

Green SigmaTM methodologies, IBM has implemented a smarter water management solution in IBM Burlington‘s Semiconductor Fab that allowed us

to realize $3 million in cost savings and reduce water consumption by 27% while increasing production.

In a pioneering research project, for the first time,

scientists at IBM and the University of

Aberdeen have collaborated to ―see‖ the structure

of a marine compound from the deepest place on

the Earth using an atomic force microscope (AFM).

The results of the project open up new possibilities

in biological research which could lead to the faster

development of new medicines in the future.

IBM Electric and Gas Utility Implementations

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Our solutions portfolio is complemented with our thought leadership studies, the Centers of Excellence…

Smarter Water Management Solutions Home Page


GIO Report on Oceans and Water


IBM Water Management Pains Summary Report



Thought Leadership

COE (Centers of Excellence)

COE Smarter Water

Management Areas

CoE Netherlands Flood Management

CoE Ireland Marine Environment and

Water Quality

CoE Burlington US Industrial water

CoE Montpellier Using supercomputers for

water flow modeling

CoE Venice Tourism & Water

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…and the expertise of our business partners!

IBM and SAP deliver a

refreshing solution for

Fairfax County

Customer Care and Billing/Intelligent

Metering - Combination of Oracle

Siebel and Revenue Management

application with IBM services to provide

efficiencies in meter reading, rating and


City of Austin

Sydney Water

IBM is developing complementary solutions

with expertise in areas such as architecture

and water management, devices including

video cameras and smart meters, and city

services software – Among the Business

Partners working with IBM are AECOM,

Badger Meter, esri, Telvent, Veolia Water

North America and VirtualAgililty

Terna deployed a unified communications and

collaboration solution with IBM and IBM BP

Cisco that provides tools to help employees

efficiently communicate and share information from

disparate locations

eMeter EnergyIP software

bundled on the IBM WebSphere

Application Server running Tivoli

Monitoring helping companies on

Smart Grid application

IBM and ESRI deliver Smarter Water Management solutions

integrating advanced analytics w/ Maximo asset management

software with the Esri GIS mapping applications

Cape Fear Public Utilities

DC Water Authority

City of Corpus Christi

Sacramento Area Sewer District

IBM has developed

Interfaces into Badgers

wireless meter reading and

leak detection applications

to be used at a customer

location, or in a cloud with IOC Business


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Innovations from IBM – Leveraging the power of Community

Cures from the deep Creek Watch: Smarter Water

through Citizen Science

Exploration into using mobile

devices to capture ―citizen

science‖ data/photos

Collect simple environmental

data about waterways

IBM Research developing

application in consultation with

the California Water Board and

volunteer watershed groups

Scientists at IBM and the

University of Aberdeen can "see"

the structure of a marine

compound from 35,814 feet

below sea level, using an atomic

force microscope

Partnering with University of Virginia

model to predict effects of

commercial development, fishing

and agriculture on Chesapeake Bay

Developing effective & efficient

water filtering by simulating flow

through carbon nanotubes with

Tsinghua University (China)

Enabling Inforium Bioinformatics &

FIOCRUZ-Minas (Brazil) to seek

cures for schistosomiasis

A global network of PCs

Connected citizens contribute – and that can make many things smarter!

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Let‟s work together to drive real

progress in our world!

We‘ve only just begun to uncover what is possible in a Smarter Planet

The world will continue to become smaller, flatter and

smarter. We are moving into the age of the globally

integrated and intelligent economy, society and planet.

By systemically managing water and energy use, as well

as carbon emissions, smart organizations will realize true

sustainability while achieving real business benefits—

driving growth at the individual, organizational and

population levels.

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Trademarks and notes

IBM Corporation 2011

IBM, the IBM logo and ibm.com are registered trademarks, and other company, product

or service names may be trademarks or service marks of International Business

Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. A current list of IBM

trademarks is available on the Web at ―Copyright and trademark information‖ at


Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, the PostScript logo, Cell Broadband Engine, Intel,

the Intel logo, Intel Inside, the Intel Inside logo, Intel Centrino, the Intel Centrino logo,

Celeron, Intel Xeon, Intel SpeedStep, Itanium, IT Infrastructure Library, ITIL, Java and

all Java-based trademarks, Linux, Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, the Windows logo,

and UNIX are trademarks or service marks of others as described under ―Special

attributions‖ at: http://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml#section-special

Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of


References in this publication to IBM products or services do not imply that IBM intends

to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates.

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The bottom line is still top priority

Although the global economy is on the road to recovery,

many organizations may still be:

Concerned about the high cost of acquiring and

maintaining technology

Keeping a close watch on their IT investments

Demanding that every investment provide a quick


Conserving capital wherever possible

Favoring short-term over long-term initiatives

“The economic downturn has rewritten the rules of IT investment, and IT organizations will need

more-rigorous investment management practices in order to adapt. Only then can IT organizations

meet the business requirement to continue to improve IT efficiency, while increasing the value

delivered to the enterprise.”

—Gartner Research, New Realities of IT Investment, September 27, 2010

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IBM Global Financing can help

IBM Global Financing helps companies

acquire the IT solutions they need, more

easily and cost-effectively, so they can:

– Preserve cash for strategic business


– Obtain the solutions they need—

potentially without cutting back

We are the world‘s largest technology

financier, providing services in more than

55 countries

We work with more than 125,000 clients,

from small businesses to large enterprises,

including roughly 80% of the Fortune 100

Our decades of IT expertise give us an

exceptional understanding of a company‘s

technology and financial needs

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Let‘s build a smarter planet: Government – Smarter Water Management


Support for your vision

IBM Global Financing delivers the IT financial expertise and capabilities you need today to support your vision for tomorrow

We are well positioned to assist you with not only financing but also IT life-cycle management challenges

We can help accelerate the implementation of innovative solutions or projects such as cloud computing or business analytics