“let earth receive…” - first united methodist church ...€¦ · advent devotional writers...

Advent Devotional 2016 “Let Earth Receive…” LOVE Week 1 November 27December 3

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Advent Devotional


“Let Earth Receive…”


Week 1

November 27—December 3

Advent Devotional Writers 2016

Sunday—Peggy Gamble moved with her husband, Vale, to

Bella Vista from Clarendon Hills, Illinois in 1986.

Their twins, Joel and Jeffry, and their older sons

John and Scott, were through college and located

elsewhere. Peggy is part of the Chancel Choir, the

Prayer Ministry, and loves to share her writings

from the Lord. She has traveled far and near, but

there is no place like America! Praise God!

Monday—Gretchen Magee is an audiologist and owner of

Better Hearing and Balance Connection at two locations in Northwest Arkansas including one in the Town Center of Bella Vista. She and her husband Les have been married since 2004 and now live in the Highlands. They are active with various community organizations or events and also manage several properties in the Village. You may often see Gretchen chasing after her three boys Keagan, Layton, and Preston or find

her taking them to school or sport activities. Gretchen and her family attend The Well service and are faithful volunteers at VBS every year.

Tuesday— Keith Prueitt moved to Bella Vista with his wife,

Lynn, in 1995 from Des Moines, Iowa. Keith was Vice President of Claims for Statesman Group Insurance in both Des Moines and Birmingham, Alabama, for 30 years. The Prueitts joined the church in January of 1996. Keith sang in the choir for 12 years, served as President of United Methodist Men for two terms, three years as Chairman of the Finance Committee, and has served on various other committees. He was an avid golfer for much of his time in Bella Vista and is very proud of the fact that he has had 3 holes-in-one during his golf career. Keith and Lynn together have 4 children, 9 grandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren.

Wednesday—Marilyn Hertel has been writing

devotionals for many years. She was our Prayer Steward

before health concerns interfered with her commitment in

that area, but she was also Prayer Steward

at her previous church. Marilyn and

husband Duane enjoy their home and had

welcomed their grandson and his wife to

live with them for about 7 years; but Ryan

was offered a job in Texas and he and

Diana moved to Lufkin, TX to take

advantage of the opportunity. But lest they

get lonely; their oldest son has joined

them in their home here in Bella Vista.

Thursday— Jeneda Mickelson grew up in Wisconsin,

but she and her husband Marv moved to Bella Vista from

Minnesota in January of 1998. She and Marv have 7

children between them; she brought 3 children and he

brought 4 to their marriage in 1970. Her

greatest adventure was a trip to Egypt

where she saw the Aswan Dam, took a

boat ride on the Nile, shopped in the

Cairo downtown bazaar, and stepped

into a Muslim Mosque in Alexandra. She

has worked outside of the home all her

married life, mostly in banking and

computer parts assembly. She only fully

retired in August of 2013. After Marv’s death, she

transferred her membership from Highlands UMC to FUMC

and loves all of this church family. She enjoys bazaar

workshops, leading the Prayer Shawl Ministry, and helping

with fundraisers. She loves her doggie, but will abandon

dog and housekeeping (but not meals) for a good book.

Friday — Maryann Johnson moved to Bella Vista in 1997

from Washington State. Prior to moving to Arkansas,

Maryann was in elementary school education

for 10 years, 7 years as Administrative Asst. K

-7th grade and 16 years as Assistant

Superintendent K-12. She received the

Educator of the Year for the Washington State

Association for Supervision and Curriculum

Development and completed her doctorate at

Washington State University. Maryann has worked diligently

to assist with programs at FUMCBV. She has served as

Missions Steward, Grief Support Team Leader, Evangelism

Steward, Grief Support Small Group Leader, and Lay Leader

for the past three years and co-chairs the Soaring Solos.

Maryann is currently studying in the Disciple 3 class. She

enjoys spending time with family, friends and pets, traveling,

reading and studying when she has time.

Saturday — Wanda Williams writes, "I follow

grandbabies; thus, have lived in Montana, Arkansas (4 times) and South Carolina. I was raised in the beautiful mountains of Colorado and God speaks loudest to me in nature, whether it is in colorful aspen trees, the waves at the ocean or the bird songs I hear. Raised a Methodist, I have attended church everywhere I live but it feels like home to be back at BVUMC. I have done some creative

writing in the past, and look forward to sharing my faith and stories this Advent season."

The FIRST Sunday of Advent

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Scripture: John 1:14 (NRSV) And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.

Thus sayeth the Lord, Notice what I declare for Advent and these end-times: Acquaint yourselves with my Word—so much so that you proclaim my Word. I wait for you to do this so that the authority I bestow on you may bring about freedom from disease, protection for you, quietness and confidence in me, warfare against your enemies and strength which is a result of God-given love and joy. In this season you will be aware of my presence—it will flow from one and of the room to another—not unlike waves—you will be given my anointing in a large importation. My love is ready to absolutely engulf you for my promises are yes and amen to my glory! About my glory: I look upon many of you and wonder—do you want my glory? I long to pour it out upon you so that you experience needed deliverance and fullness of the precious Holy Spirit. Remember that your congregation will experience the Holy Spirit in an unmistakable flood. You will be amazed to be so empowered in “Holy Spirit” gifts! Look unto me—I will bless you more than you have expected. You are my beloved people!

I Love You! Prayer: Dear Lord, we cry out for your empowerment, for guidance and wisdom. You fill our hearts with love and we know you are a shield to all who put their trust in you! We behold your glory which is full of grace and truth. Our praise and thanks to you most high! Amen. Given to me by God!

Peggy Gamble

Monday, November 28, 2016 Scripture: Philippians 2:1-2 ( New King James)

Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy,

Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

Choose Joy As the Christmas season approaches, are you making your list and checking in twice like Santa Claus would? Are you determining who has been naughty and nice this year or who you are going to top with a bigger gift or donation? You may see it in the lines at Wal-Mart or other stores especially with Black Friday desires. You rush to get to the shortest line before everyone else does or grab the latest electronic gadget. You may have plans for keeping other people from getting "your seats" at a Christmas event or family dinner. Maybe you are similar to one of the main characters in the novel Christmas with the Kranks where it is believed that you really aren’t having a proper holiday without meeting the community standards of the best greeting cards, house decorations, holiday food, etc. These are all signs of our aggressiveness where we are functioning out of selfish ambition. The only person we are truly concerned about is ourselves. Ultimately, our actions lead us into a trap where. . .

we publicize good deeds so that others applaud us. we perform our actions so the world will notice us, we gravitate to those who can enhance our position and

move away from others that detract. we monopolize a conversation so the focus will stay on

us. we argue as to why God should give us what we want.

Paul says if these people are true believers, they will work

together. They will love and serve each other. We must all

strive to conquer a greater degree of servanthood. A servant

attitude is the key to our unity and the best display of our

love. The Bible tells us that the servant is the one who is

most exalted and honored by God. In addition, this is also the

person who is most likely to reach others with the gospel.

Despite our temptations and natural ambitions this

holiday as we put Christ first in the coming weeks and

celebrate the true meaning of the season.

Prayer: Lord, may I just for a moment, hold this special time

of joy in my heart. Help me to remember the immense love

you have for each of us. With each gift that is opened and at

each event I may attend, let me feel again the many ways

you gift us through your many blessings each day.

Gretchen Magee

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Scripture: Philippians 2: 3-4

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Paul was the kindergarten teacher of the people of

Philippi. The fact most of them were Gentiles rather than

Jews did not dissuade him from giving them everything they

needed to know, sometimes in person, but also in letters

from prison. Their progressive understanding of the many

requirements of their religion naturally reached the point of

teaching about selflessness and about being humble in their

relationships with others.

There is a huge lessen to be learned here that we need to

listen to and heed as each of us continues to grow and

understand what "being in Christ" requires in our daily

lives. Many of our readers are retired so the "push" to

succeed is no longer part of our schedule. For those still in

the daily grind, think of being competitive and competent

rather than cut-throat in whatever ladder is being climbed.

Whatever lessons we learn from reading about Paul's love of Christ can only help us prepare for His coming again. Hallelujah. Prayer: Dear Lord, as we begin our early preparation for Advent, let our thoughts and actions reflect our reverence for this special Holy birth. Amen Keith Prueitt

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mark 1:14-18 After John was put in prison, Jesus went to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. ‘The time has come,’ he said. ‘The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!’

As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake for they were fisherman. ‘Come, follow me’, Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fisher’s of men. ‘At once they left their nets and followed him.”

Jesus had been baptized by John and been in the dessert where he was tempted by Satan and ministered to by angels. Meanwhile, John’s ministry has come to an end and he has been arrested and placed in prison, where he will be executed upon the order of Herod, the king.

In Galilee, Jesus is preaching, proclaiming, as our

Scripture tells us, “the good news of God”. What is this “good

news”? Well, it was the same then as it still is today, that the

long awaited Messiah has come to break the power of sin and

begin God’s personal reign on earth.

The time had come for him to gather to himself the

group of men whom he will teach and train to carry the

message, the “Good News”, forward when his earthly ministry

was over and it is time to return to his Father. So on this

occasion, as we walked near Capernaum, in the area of the Sea

of Galilee, he came upon Simon and Andrew, brothers who

were fishing. Jesus called to them to come to him, to follow

him and he would make them fishers of men. And straight

away they left their tasks and boat and followed him. Let me

repeat that. “At once” they dropped their nets, left their boat

(their livelihood) and followed him. And if memory serves me

so it was with all of the 12; they dropped what they were

doing, left jobs and families and followed him.

Did they know at the time that he was the Messiah, the

promised one? I don’t think they did, because much later

Jesus asks them who they think he is and only Peter is certain

enough to answer. So what was so compelling about Jesus

that these men left everything they knew to follow him. They

did not even ask, “Where are you going?” These are men who

have most likely never been farther away from home than to

Jerusalem for Passover, possibly unable to read or write,

certainly were not rich. Yet, they were willing to trust the

message Jesus was preaching and willing to take a chance,

leave their comfort zone and follow him. Amazing.

Would you? Have you? Advent is the season of expectation. He

is coming. It is the time when we remember his first coming as

a baby, and anticipate his return as King of Kings. It is time to

renew our commitment if we have made one or reach out to

him and make one if we have not. Time for us to heed his call.

. .”Follow me”.

Prayer: Father God we come before you heeding the call

of our Lord Jesus Christ to follow him. Direct our paths,

guide us into the life you would have us to live. Send to us

an abundance of your Holy Spirit to reside in our hearts

and minds enabling us to answer our Lord’s call saying,

“Yes Lord, I will follow you, I will follow to love and serve

as you taught us by word and example.”

Fill our hearts with love for one another as we

remember the love you have shown us by sending your

only begotten Son so many years ago to redeem us from

sin and death; for it is in his name we ask it. Amen.

Marilyn Hertel

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Luke 18 11:13 (King James Version)

(The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector)

To some who were confident of their own righteousness

and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable:

“Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee

and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and

prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not

as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even

as this publican.

I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so

much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast,

saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.


(I rely on Matthew Henry’s Commentary to get a better

feeling of what much of scripture content could mean other

than what seems so evident to me on just reading it. I

queried my Bible study friends as to their reaction to these

verses also.)

It seems the Pharisee was telling God of his virtues rather

than praying to God. He was able to get closer to the

temple on the hill because of his status than the publican

could. This let others observe and hear his “prayer”. He no

doubt was a good person in his behavior. He did lack in


The publican however felt so bad he couldn’t even look up

the hill toward heaven. He confessed being a sinner and

begged for mercy.

I’m sitting here trying to fathom if I pray like this; if I feel

I am a better person than others. It’s true I have never

been in trouble with the law or cheated others or on my

taxes for example. (I even identify with the brother who

stayed home and took care of his father’s property rather

than the prodigal son.) Do you ever feel a little jealous of

the prodigal?

Prayer: Lord God, please accept my prayer of

supplication. I want to be more humble in my daily

interaction with others and when I pray.

Sometimes this is really difficult to do. Help me to be

aware of You in my daily walk. Thank you for sending

Jesus to instruct us and to save us so we are assured of

acceptance to Your kingdom if we will just believe in

Him. Amen

Jeneda Mickelson

Friday, December 2, 2016

Scripture: Galatians 3:26-28

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,

for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed

yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile,

slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all

one in Christ Jesus.

Jesus loves the children and we are like children

when we come to Christ Jesus. We are washed white as

snow when Jesus washes our sins away. Jesus loves the

little children including all the children of the world. He

doesn't care what color, age, or other characteristics we

may have either. It is a wonderful feeling to be clothed in


He is our Shepherd too and when we are lost He will

search for us until He finds us. It doesn't matter how far

we have wandered away because He wants us to be safe

within the fold, How do we learn more about the strength

and love of Jesus? We have His word in the Good Book we

call the Bible,

Prayer: My precious Lord Jesus thank you so much for

saving all who come to you in sincerity asking you to wipe

away our sins. Please forgive us if we fail to thank you for

our many blessings every day. Help us to serve you as we

walk this earth working to be a disciple for you Lord! Let

us share your love as we try to do your will. We ask all of

this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

Maryann Johnson

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Scripture: Luke 10:33-37 (KJV)

But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was:

and when he saw him he had compassion on him. And went to

him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set

him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took

care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took

out two pence, and gave them to the host and said unto him

‘Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I

come again, I will repay thee.’ Which now of these three,

thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that fell among the


Most children grow up with required reading in

school. I wish adults would be required to have the above

scripture as their required reading. Every Facebook page

would show this story, every TV channel would have this

scrolling across the bottom, every cell phone would have

this as their screensaver. The world has forgotten this

important story. We have gotten so cynical, so wrapped up

in what we perceive as justice, so believing in righting what

we think is wrong that our world has become a “ME” world.

How many of us would do as the Samaritan did if we

found a person of a different color, a woman wearing a

hijhab or even someone who didn’t vote for our candidate

lying in a gutter or alley? Yes, look at the riots, the hatred,

the people that still can’t realize that the American people

voted in a free election and they chose a new president.

It doesn’t matter what our political party or views

are. What does matter is that we have compassion for one

another. “…came to where he was and when he saw him,

he had compassion on him. And he went to him…..and

took care of him.” It is easy to say we have compassion

and act as neighbors during this holiday season. Yes,

we get angel tree gifts, we donate to food banks, we

put our dollars in the red kettles. But after the great

celebration is over, will we continue to act as the good

Samaritan or will we act like the priest and the Levite and

pass those who need us on the other side? Let us take

this Advent Season to put compassion in our hearts and

spread this out until no one is passed by.

Prayer: Lord, open our hearts this Advent Season to all

– to those who look different than we do, to those that

worship differently than we do, to those that have differ-

ent political views than we do, and to those that are dif-

ferent in every way. Let us remember that we can all be

the Samaritan every day of our lives and be the true

neighbor to all. Amen

Wanda Williams

First United Methodist Church of Bella Vista

20 Boyce Drive, Bella Vista, AR 72715

479-855-1158 fax 479-855-0850

[email protected]

