lesson 9 a news website is not as personal as a tv news show. 2005 10

Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 怀怀怀怀怀怀怀 怀怀怀 2005 10

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Page 1: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10

Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show.

怀柔区第三中学 赵金丽

2005 , 10

Page 2: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10

What’s this?

Who are they?

Where do you get news about Shen Zhou 6?

Page 3: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10

Where do you get news about what is happening in your city, our country, or other countries ?


Page 4: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10

the media




magazines the Internet


Page 5: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10


This text is…

a)a story.b)a personal

letter.c)a report.

The subject of the text is…

a)a history of news on TV and news on the Internet.b)the differences between news on TV and news on the internet.c)different types of news on TV and on the internet.

Page 6: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10

as recent as

as up-to-date as

as quickly as

the same as

as personal as

too large to

twice as often as

Read and complete.

Page 7: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10


文段结构 段落大意Opening paragraph:the_____ paragraph

Body:the _________________paragraphs



second,the third and the fourth


We can get news in many


The differences between news

on TV and news on the Internet.

It’s hard to say which one is better.

Page 8: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10


General introduction

Let’s compare two types of news.


Advantages of TV news


Disadvantages of TV news


Advantages of the Internet news


Disadvantages of the Internet news


Conclusion It’s hard to say which one is better.

Complete the table with information from the text.

Page 9: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10

Advantages of TV news

1.See and hear real people.

2.The pictures and sound are better.

3.Someone has already chosen the most important news.

Page 10: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10

Disadvantages of TV news

1. TV news is not as recent as the Internet news.

2.TV news programs have ads.

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Advantages of the Internet news

1.You can see them at any time.

2.The news is updated all the time.

3.It’s easy to find similar information.

4.You can comment or join in a discussion.

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Disadvantages of the Internet news

1.The Internet news is not as personal as TV news.

2.The sound and video are not good.

3.There are ads on websites.

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as recent as

as up-to-date as

as quickly as

the same as

as personal as

too large to

twice as often as

Page 14: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10

Work it out

1.It is not as recent as the internet news.

2.They are not updated as quickly as the Internet.

3.A news website is not as personal as a TV news show.

4.TV news shows try to be as up-to-date as possible.

形容词同级比较的肯定句型: as+ 形容词原级 +as

形容词同级比较的否定句型: not as+ 形容词原级 +as

Page 15: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10

1.I look at news websites twice as often as TV programs.

2.This news program is three times as long as the one on the other channel.

形容词倍数比较的句型:… times as+ 形容词原级 +as

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1.These are too large to open.

2.The children are too young to see that movie.

表示结果意义的句型: too+ 形容词原级 +to

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Free talk.

Tell out the media you like or dislike ,compare with the others and tell out the reasons?

I like the Internet news because the news on TV is not as recent as the internet news.

I look at news websites twice as often as TV programs.

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In pairs, practice making comparisons about TV shows, websites, magazines,etc.

A:What do you think of news on TV?

B:I think news on TV is great, but it is not as recent as the Internet news.

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Write a report to introduce news in every media by using “as…as”,”not as…as”,”…times as…as”,or”too…to”.

Group work

Page 20: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10

Magic English Reading ReportDate_______ Class_______ Name________

Unit Topic

Words Time StructuresA B

The New Words or Phrases You Learn

The Sentences You Learn

Your Favorite Expressions or Sentences

The Reading Methods You Used

Page 21: Lesson 9 A news website is not as personal as a TV news show. 2005 10

The best way to improve my English.

Which is the best way to improve your English ,why?

Listen to English songs on radio.

Watch movies in English.

Read books or magazines in English.

Watch English TV programs.

Surf the websites in English.

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作为语言的学习者,在英语学习方面个人有个人的高招,可谓是仁者见仁,智者见智,那么,作为一个语言的学习者,你认为哪种方法对于提高你的英语水平帮助最大呢?请以 The best way to improve my English 为题写一篇 report ,要求选出适合你的方法,利用所学句型进行比较并进行阐述。