lebert fitness nation - athletic youth group flyer

Lebert Fitness NATION Athletic Youth Group Training Program Lebert Fitness NATION (LFN) is owned and operated by veteran club owners/trainers Marc Lebert and Donovan Prendergast. Marc is the developer of the Lebert EQUALIZER™ and Lebert BUDDY SYSTEM™. Through these teaching-based programs, your child will discover how to develop: - Superior coordination - Dominating strength and power - Enhanced speed and agility - First step quickness and explosiveness - Injury reduction through mobility and flexibility - Weight training and bodyweight training techniques - Fundamental nutritional knowledge - Mental preparation - Boxing and group exercise Click on these videos to learn about some of the tools used to enhance speed, agility, strength and power through in LFN’s Athletic Group Training Program: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7DcrhFkMkQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4ouHoKWJWY Youth Conditioning Specialist David Kittner leads the Athletic Youth Group Training Program at LFN. David is a passionate, caring and dedicated individual with over 15 years experience working with children who truly understands the unique sciences associated with child development and the practical means by which those must be applied to any fitness or sport-based venture.

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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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Lebert Fitness Nation - Athletic Youth Group Training Program


Page 1: Lebert Fitness Nation - Athletic Youth Group Flyer

Lebert Fitness NATIONAthletic Youth Group Training Program

LLeebbeerrtt FFiittnneessss NNAATTIIOONN ((LLFFNN)) iiss oowwnneedd aanndd ooppeerraatteedd bbyy vveetteerraann cclluubb oowwnneerrss//ttrraaiinneerrss MMaarrcc LLeebbeerrtt aanndd DDoonnoovvaann PPrreennddeerrggaasstt.. MMaarrcc iiss tthhee ddeevveellooppeerr oofftthhee LLeebbeerrtt EEQQUUAALLIIZZEERR™™ aanndd LLeebbeerrtt BBUUDDDDYY SSYYSSTTEEMM™™..

TThhrroouugghh tthheessee tteeaacchhiinngg--bbaasseedd pprrooggrraammss,, yyoouurrcchhiilldd wwiillll ddiissccoovveerr hhooww ttoo ddeevveelloopp::

-- SSuuppeerriioorr ccoooorrddiinnaattiioonn-- DDoommiinnaattiinngg ssttrreennggtthh aanndd ppoowweerr-- EEnnhhaanncceedd ssppeeeedd aanndd aaggiilliittyy-- FFiirrsstt sstteepp qquuiicckknneessss aanndd eexxpplloossiivveenneessss-- IInnjjuurryy rreedduuccttiioonn tthhrroouugghh mmoobbiilliittyy aanndd fflleexxiibbiilliittyy-- WWeeiigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg aanndd bbooddyywweeiigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg tteecchhnniiqquueess-- FFuunnddaammeennttaall nnuuttrriittiioonnaall kknnoowwlleeddggee-- MMeennttaall pprreeppaarraattiioonn-- BBooxxiinngg aanndd ggrroouupp eexxeerrcciissee

CClliicckk oonn tthheessee vviiddeeooss ttoo lleeaarrnn aabboouutt ssoommee ooff tthhee ttoooollss uusseedd ttoo eennhhaannccee ssppeeeedd,,aaggiilliittyy,, ssttrreennggtthh aanndd ppoowweerr tthhrroouugghh iinn LLFFNN’’ss AAtthhlleettiicc GGrroouupp TTrraaiinniinngg PPrrooggrraamm::



YYoouutthh CCoonnddiittiioonniinngg SSppeecciiaalliisstt DDaavviidd KKiittttnneerr lleeaaddsstthhee AAtthhlleettiicc YYoouutthh GGrroouupp TTrraaiinniinngg PPrrooggrraamm aattLLFFNN.. DDaavviidd iiss aa ppaassssiioonnaattee,, ccaarriinngg aanndd ddeeddiiccaatteedd iinnddiivviidduuaall wwiitthh oovveerr 1155 yyeeaarrss eexxppeerriieennccee wwoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh cchhiillddrreenn wwhhoo ttrruullyy uunnddeerrssttaannddss tthhee uunniiqquuee sscciieenncceess aassssoocciiaatteeddwwiitthh cchhiilldd ddeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd tthhee pprraaccttiiccaall mmeeaannssbbyy wwhhiicchh tthhoossee mmuusstt bbee aapppplliieedd ttoo aannyy ffiittnneessss oorrssppoorrtt--bbaasseedd vveennttuurree..

Page 2: Lebert Fitness Nation - Athletic Youth Group Flyer

Lebert Fitness NATIONAthletic Youth Group Training Program

RROOGGEERR MMAAKKHHLLOOUUFF:: Roger is a Canfitpro Certified Personal Trainer with a strongpassion for weight training and athletic conditioning. Roger has been activelyengaged in many aspects of sports and fitness since a young age, participatingin hockey and baseball, and developing an affinity for the sport of boxing. Healso played football for 10 years, including 5 years at the University of Toronto.He continues to further advance his skills by participating in Taekwondo. Rogercoached youth Football for 3 years, and he continues to teach boxing, weight lifting, strength and conditioning, and Lebert Training Systems.

DDAAVVIIDD KKIITTTTNNEERR:: David is certified as a Youth Conditioning Specialist, Speedand Agility Specialist, and a Youth Nutrition Specialist with the InternationalYouth Conditioning Association, as well as being a Can-Fit Pro Certified FitnessProfessional.David is among the leading authorities of more than 2,500 YouthFitness Specialists that make up the International Youth Conditioning Association, the premier international authority with respect to athletic development and youth participant based conditioning.

FEE: Team or group pricing as low as $10 per athlete for each session!

LOCATION: Lebert Fitness NATION is located at 991 Matheson Blvd. East in Missis-sauga, Units 11 & 12 (southwest corner of Matheson and Tomken)

For more information or to register, CONTACT:


David KittnerLebert Fitness NATIONe-mail: [email protected]

Patrick Kerre-mail: [email protected]