leaflet - eto programme

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    Accredited by theNautical InstituteSince 2013 IMCA Training EstablishmentSince 2013 Lloyds Register QualityAssurance ISO 9001:2008Since 2010Updated: 10.02.2015

  • Copyright 2015 | Romanian Nautical College | All rights reservedROMAN IAN NAUT ICA L COLLEGE Address: os. Chitila Pdure nr.2 bis, 077135 Mogooaia; Tel/Fax: +4(0)213199988;Mobile: +4(0)753535353; Reg,No: 22PJ/2073/94/2010; RO VAT No: 26849221; IBAN Lei: RO22BTRL04801205T99389XX; IBAN Euro:RO94BTRL04804205T99389XX; Banca Transilvania/Chibrit; EU VAT No: RO32348411Page 2


    This leaflet aims to outline the main features of the ELECTROTECHNICAL OFFICER (ETO)programme, which includes key knowledge necessary to attain the necessary competenciesrequired for the Electrotechnical Officer Certificate of Competency.The Romanian Nautical College is fully accredited by the Romanian Naval Authority (Ministryof Transports) and Romanian Qualifications Authority (Ministry of Education)January 2015Bucharest, Romania

  • Copyright 2015 | Romanian Nautical College | All rights reservedROMAN IAN NAUT ICA L COLLEGE Address: os. Chitila Pdure nr.2 bis, 077135 Mogooaia; Tel/Fax: +4(0)213199988;Mobile: +4(0)753535353; Reg,No: 22PJ/2073/94/2010; RO VAT No: 26849221; IBAN Lei: RO22BTRL04801205T99389XX; IBAN Euro:RO94BTRL04804205T99389XX; Banca Transilvania/Chibrit; EU VAT No: RO32348411Page 3

    Programme outlineNAME: ELECTROTECHNICAL OFFICER (ETO)DURATION: 20 monthsPRICE: Foreign students - 6000 Euros (Tuition fee only)ADMISSION REQUIREMENT: High school baccalaureate diplomaSCOPE: To build and develop professional competencies that meet criteria for theofficer in charge of a navigational watch certificate of competency, asprovided by the Manila STCW Code 2010, Tables A-III/6.General features:1. ETO is shaped on IMO Model Course 7.08;2. ETO includes 20 months of theoreticalstudies plus a 10-month seagoing period;3. ETO consists in 5 theoretical modules of14 weeks each, 28 hours per week (1918hours in total), 20 months in total; inRNC, the first ETO programme starts on20 Apr 2015;4. mandatory daily theoretical courses;5. seagoing periods of 10 months (plus 2months equivalent to laboratories in theCollege).ETO end state: International Certificate of Competency (CoC) "Electrotechnical Officer"awarded by the Romanian Naval Authority, upon STCW examination.ETO Competencies (Manila amendments to STCW-Code, Table A-III/6): Monitor the operation of electrical, electronic and control systems Monitor the operation of automatic control systems of propulsion and auxiliary machinery Operate generators and distribution systems Operate and maintain power systems in excess of 1,000 volts Operate computers and computer networks on ships

  • Copyright 2015 | Romanian Nautical College | All rights reservedROMAN IAN NAUT ICA L COLLEGE Address: os. Chitila Pdure nr.2 bis, 077135 Mogooaia; Tel/Fax: +4(0)213199988;Mobile: +4(0)753535353; Reg,No: 22PJ/2073/94/2010; RO VAT No: 26849221; IBAN Lei: RO22BTRL04801205T99389XX; IBAN Euro:RO94BTRL04804205T99389XX; Banca Transilvania/Chibrit; EU VAT No: RO32348411Page 4

    Use maritime English language in written andoral form Use internal communication systems Maintenance and repair of electrical andelectronic equipment Maintenance and repair of automation andcontrol systems of main propulsion andauxiliary machinery Maintenance and repair of bridge navigationequipment and ship communication systems

    Maintenance and repair of electrical, electronicand control systems of deck machinery andcargo-handling equipment Maintenance and repair of control and safetysystems of hotel equipment Ensure compliance with pollution preventionrequirements; Prevent, control and fight fires on board Operate life-saving appliances Apply medical first-aid on board Application of leadership and teamworkingskills

    ETO Teaching syllabus: Theoretical studies: 5 modules, 14 weekseach, 20 months in total Seagoing period: 10 months

    MODULE 1: Engineering Science (Bazele stiinteiingineresti) 56 hrs/ore Mathematics (Matematica) 112hrs/ore Thermodynamics (Termodinamica) hrs/98 ore Industrila Chemistry (Chimieindustriala) 56 hrs/ore Maritime English-part I (Limba englezmaritim - I) 56 hrs/ore

  • Copyright 2015 | Romanian Nautical College | All rights reservedROMAN IAN NAUT ICA L COLLEGE Address: os. Chitila Pdure nr.2 bis, 077135 Mogooaia; Tel/Fax: +4(0)213199988;Mobile: +4(0)753535353; Reg,No: 22PJ/2073/94/2010; RO VAT No: 26849221; IBAN Lei: RO22BTRL04801205T99389XX; IBAN Euro:RO94BTRL04804205T99389XX; Banca Transilvania/Chibrit; EU VAT No: RO32348411Page 5

    MODULE 2: Mechanics (Mecanica) 70 hrs/ore Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics (Bazele electricitatii si electronicii) 56hrs/ore Electrotechnics and Naval Electric Machines-part I (Electrotehnica si Maini electricenavale-I) 70 hrs/ore Computers and Networking-part I (Operare Calculator si sisteme de comunicatii navale (I)42 hrs/ore Prevention of Marine Polution (Prevenirea polurii mediului marin) 28 hrs/ore Leadership and Teamworking Ability (Conducerea si abilitatea de a lucra in echipa) 28hrs/ore Maritime English-part II (Limba englez maritim II) 84 hrs/oreMODULE 3: Electrotechnics and Naval ElectricMachines-part II (Electrotehnica si Mainielectrice navale - II) 56 hrs/ore Electric Equipments-part I (Echipamenteelectrice I) 42 hrs/ore Electronics (Electronica) 56 hrs/ore Naval Electromechanical Automation(Automatizri electromecanice navale) 112 hrs/ore Computers and Networking-part II OperareCalculator si sisteme de comunicatii navaleII) 98 hrs/ore Maritime English-part III (Limba englezmaritim III) 56 hrs/oreMODULE 4: Electrical Systems and Devices-part II (Instalatii si echipamente electrice de bord I) 84hrs/ore Electric Equipments-part II (Echipamente electrice II) 42 hrs/ore High Voltage (Tehnica tensiunilor inalte) 42 hrs/ore Maintenance and Repair of Electric and Electronic equipment in Engine Department partI (Mentenanta si reparatiile echipamentelor electrice si electronice din compartimentulmasina-I) 42 hrs/ore Maintenance and Repair of Electric and Electronic equipment in Deck Department-part I(Mentenanta si reparatiile echipamentelor electrice si electronice din compartimentulpunte-I) 42 hrs/ore Maritime English-part IV (Limba englez maritim IV) 120 hrs/ore

  • Copyright 2015 | Romanian Nautical College | All rights reservedROMAN IAN NAUT ICA L COLLEGE Address: os. Chitila Pdure nr.2 bis, 077135 Mogooaia; Tel/Fax: +4(0)213199988;Mobile: +4(0)753535353; Reg,No: 22PJ/2073/94/2010; RO VAT No: 26849221; IBAN Lei: RO22BTRL04801205T99389XX; IBAN Euro:RO94BTRL04804205T99389XX; Banca Transilvania/Chibrit; EU VAT No: RO32348411Page 6

    MODULE 5: Electrical Systems and Devices-part II (Instalatiisi echipamente electrice de bord II) 84hrs/ore Maintenance and Repair of Electric andElectronic equipment in Engine Department-part II (Mentenanta si reparatiileechipamentelor electrice si electronice dincompartimentul masina II) 112 hrs/ore

    Maintenance and Repair of Electricand Electronic equipment in DeckDepartment-part II (Mentenanta sireparatiile echipamentelor electricesi electronice din compartimentulpunte II) 112 hrs/ore Limba englez maritim (V) 56hrs/ore

    Total Maritime English: 378 hrs/oreGeneral Total: 1918 hrs (1134 hrs course, 784 hrs seminars/ laboratory/ workshop/simulator)

    Detailed information: Webpage: www.nauticalcollege.org / www.colegiulnautic.roDept. Head: [email protected]: 0040741.192.144Thank you for choosing the Romanian Nautical College !