l14d timid


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Post on 20-Jan-2015




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Page 1: L14d Timid
Page 2: L14d Timid

her·mither·mit (noun)- A person who lives alone and apart from others: The hermit lived in a small cabin deep in the mountains. Synonyms: loner, recluse.

Where would you be more likely to find a hermit –

in a forest or on a busy city street? Why?

Where would you be more likely to find a hermit –

in a forest or on a busy city street? Why?


Page 3: L14d Timid

fas·ci·natefas·ci·nate (verb)- To attract with extreme interest, as by being new or different. When you are fascinated by something, you are very interested in it and pay close attention to it: The skyscrapers fascinated the tourists. Synonyms: enthrall captivated, riveted, spellbound.

Would you want to read a book that you are fascinated with? Why or

why not?



Page 4: L14d Timid

oc·ca·sion·al·ly oc·ca·sion·al·ly (adverb)- occurring now and then, once in a while. I occasionally visit my grandparents, but they live too far away to visit often. Synonyms: sometimes, sporadically, intermittent. Antonyms: often, frequently, regularly.

Does a clock tick occasionally or at regular intervals? Explain.

Page 5: L14d Timid

tim·id tim·id (adjective)- fearful, hesitant, or shy; unsure of oneself. My little sister is very timid around people she does not know. Synonyms: fearful, shy, bashful, timorous.

How would you expect a timid person to act?


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Page 7: L14d Timid

pe·cul·iarpe·cul·iar (adjective)- oddly different from the usual; strange: Your cat has peculiar eyes; one is green, and the other is blue. Synonyms: odd, strange, weird, abnormal, unusual.

Would you eat a sandwich that smelled peculiar?

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drabdrab (adjective)- dull in appearance or quality; lacks color: She brightened up the drab room with colorful curtains.. Synonyms: dull, plain, dreary. Antonyms: colorful, vivid

Which thing looks drab – a rainbow or a mud puddle?


Page 10: L14d Timid

trem·ble trem·ble (verb)- to shake, as withagitation, fear, weakness, or cold. If something is trembling, it is shaking slightly: I was trembling in the cold while waiting at the bus stop. Synonyms: wobble, shake, quivering. Antonyms- steady, still.

If you hand was trembling, could you draw a perfectly straight line?




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dashdash (verb)- to rush; if someone dashed away, they quickly and suddenly ran away.: The children dashed out onto the playground. Synonyms: hurry, run. Antonyms- sauntered, stroll, meander. .

Name one reason why someone might suddenly dash out of the room.


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