l| ml earnestly benei...

* (foii the banner.) THE BROKEN RING. i to miss e. av. c. i 1 often saw a ring of gold, * Of virgin gold, that richly shone, And asked no gem of price untold To lend a lustre to its own. , 'Twas aiways on the small, soft hand Of one so faultless and so fair, She must have sprung, from some bright land That floats above this liquid Air: I ever thought her soma pure sprite, Who'd left her fragrant bowers awhile And wandered to this world, to light Its darkness with her Rosy smile: And ever feared she would not stay, To cheer us long with those soft eyes, Whose melting, dazzling, tender, ray Should only beam to bless the skies. / I often thought how soon she'd learn That this false world was filled with pain, A _J II. C. ! 1 1 *- aiiu sauiy iroiu 11s Doruers turin*. To seek ner sijnny bowers again. But that plain Ring.from childhood's dawn * ' To woman's bloom she always wore, And as her joyous years sped on She only prized and cherishcd more. Not for bright jems that round it shone. Not for the pearl's or diamond's glow. She prised it for the sake alone Of friends who loved her long ago. Instead of Jewels round it placed 1 Of those dear friends the simple names Were in the golden circle traced As mem'ry's token." Maiiy James." Npw for my soul I cannot tell How any one could be so cruel, So heartless as to break the spell That lingered round that cherished jewel. And yet alas! it has been done. The charm is gone,the spell is broken; A thoughtless, wanton, reckless one, In twain has snapt the precious token. Oh ! for this careless, wicked thing, I pray he may forever smart: And as he's brok'n tho fair one's Ting, I only hope she'll break.his heart. Lumplar^fSa., 184G. Alpiieus. Typographical.-.The' following beautiful Toast was given recently at a" celebration of the anniversary of the Baltimore Typographical Society. 'The words in italic are technical terms Well known to the craft:. Woman. The sweetest type updh-the earth, The sweetest forvis, the fairest /aces, Theloveliest /Zo7i'cr5 that e'er had birth, - That ever clung to maS em-braces. .. I. «fci Governor Martin, of Alabajna, hafs vetoed the Bill for the t6Tief of Hon. Wra. L. Yancy, the object of which was to remove his disability to hold office under the State, created by his duel with Clingman, of North Carolina. It is thought however, that the Legislature will re-pass the bill over His Excellency's head. "Hpn.Jas. Buchanan..The rumor which were afloat last week, that\thc distinguished statesman who so ably fills the office of Secretary of State wiw about retiring from the cabinet,,are totally unfounded. The happiest understanding exist between him and the. President. The withdrawal of such a ^ man as Buchanan from the councils of- the nation at this peculiar juncture in^J our national affairs, would be tan evftSt* j tp be deplored by the whole country^ » His ability_as a statesman, his pj\triotisny J and far-seeing sagacity could not safe}/ * be dispensed with..>iV. Globe. , One may live as a conqueror, a mug, or a magistrate, Dutfte must die a man..The bed of death ^brings every man to his pure indi- . viduality to the intense contemplation. of that deepest of all relations, the relation between the creature and his Creator..Webster. ypaaaeu resorqpiojMH gTOvnm& ipni the placing injiljJBjjt tate Hous<£t\vo marble statue^One of ' Washington, < the -othe^o# ; Jitcfeson. CThey appropriate 15,-^ is 00d dollars'/or the purpose. *h **£ V * jetiSQv " , < g. Washington s Gkave..A gentlenan who has recently visited the $rave oi' Washington at Mount Vernon, says :. "It grieved* me to tfie soul to witness the utter neglect which is visible around this- consecrated Snot. Thft rtinlfpsf. ttrwl fnnlpet weeds are permitted to grow and liourish above and around it. A lew scattering cedars in all the wilderness of' uncultivated nature, are the only trees to be seen in the vicinity of the grave; while around it in every c|i)'ection the eye rests upon dilapidated rail fences, broleen rails and scattered brushwood. The roads leading to it are washed into impracticable ravines covered with filth and presenting nought that is agreeable, but everything-/that is offensive to the eye and uncongenial to the hallowed spot."~:: Intrepid Jews..On a late occasion the Emperor of Russsia was reviewing his fleet, when two 3*ilors particular)' excitbd his at*» tention, bc^hvby the precision with whi'ch* t h ey-pprformed several difficult manoeuvres, and by the agU lity and daring which, they dfe- played. 1 lie Emperor was so much pleased that he immediately promoted one to be a captain ; the other he apposed lieutenant on the spot. The mei^however, were Jews, and there is atfukas forbidding Jews to wear an epaulette. The admiral of the fleet, who stood by, IcKowing that-they were Jews stated the difficulty to his imperial Majesty. * Pshaw cried the Emperor, " that does not signify in the least.they shall immediat ely embrace the Greek religion of course." When this determination was communicated to the two young men, knowing thakremonstrarice or refusal would be in vain, they requested the Emperor's perv mission to exhibit still more of their manoeuvres, as he-had not seen all they cotfld do. This being grafted, they ascendedthe topmast, embraced, and locked in each other's arms, uirew themselves in to the sea and disappeared forever. It is stated in ths National Intelligencer that tiie Rgman Caitholics of Washington have it in contemplation to erect ill the metropolis a church edifice of magnificent dimensions, something after the manner of the most extensive, cathedrals of Europe.: It is intended to appeal for aid in.this undertaking to every congregation of their denomination in tie United States. It is estimatefTthat the structure will cost about seveiftyfive thousand dollars." ; It speaks wel-I".There arc? 1555 newspapers and pcriodicals in the. TT«U-J 1 i ' 11 uujicu omics, unu out i'/yi in Blithe world besides. - ' , .rfjr " n A coxcomb, talking* of the transmigration of souls said, " In 111 e t.i111(no doubt hod ;otheP6, def'efts.. ^Partition, Refil Estate, Jane Bouche 1\ Ion, deceased, .ggh- it appearing to my MUisfdcUon that Isaac Bouchillon,Joseph Bullott and Elizabeth, his wife, Defendants, in, 'ihfsi base, reside without the limitb^oF' t his'State:. I? is therefore Ordered, thai, they do appeal ilid object to.the divisioQ yrsrkle of tljp Reul Estate of JaneJBoupKulph, deceased, on or before the fimJfaondjiy ii) May next, or their conseng. will&e filtered on jrecprd, Feb 4,49 13t E^UESLY, Ord'ry. ' * ,r'» V . :V V, .. : " By Order of'jlie Court of Ordinary. J. BoucheMgn,W; ijps. L-> Ronchellon^and olheTS.^Pariilion.' * . .. Will be 8o14« on the first Moadtfy March nejttvthe REAL ESTATE of Jeftv-itaucbellofr, dcccaeed, /or Partition, containing Oni£ Honored. Acref», on»/wat6ra of Little River, Adjoining lands -of Jo^ B. JTitt and othehs, on cre4»t-to OcV*bf*,nr-xt. U>eb47,4»4t pjj^.' 'j^rTT*ro^'' x' ' on -*£utb instant, ivy! mpttt iti' guit. r *? ; . TH0e.%ifv!S0f<.Tro»«.v;' , 10 3t tmr^ memm, ; *,t " M**& >' . . : VaSp^/ ' & , v4 WMl To Country Merchants. ROWLAND <fc~CASKIN, Importers unci Dealers iu Dry Goods, CIIAKLESTON, S. C. Would inform Country Merchants, that their SPRING STOCK is inprogresa of suipmeiu, anu win receive, uuriug mo season as LARGE und COMPLETE STOCK as can be found in any similar establishment. They will sell on the most accommodating terms. 200 North-East Comer King and, Market-Streets. Jan * JJO 8t Valuable Town Property FOR SALE ! nr. The subscriber intending to 'tsm roove to thn'country, oflers for i2S&sal'-' ',is HOUSl'J and LOT in Village of Abbeville* situated on the Public Square. Tne House is a comfortable and commodious one, apd in collection with it, are two LAW OFFICES, which can be n-nted at fair prices. All the out buildings and fencing are new, and the Dwelling House ha3 bren recently PAINTED. Any person wishing such property, would do well to call and sr>e me. Dec 17 42tf ' J. RAMEY ~~ notice! All persons indebted to me as Guardian, Administrator or otherwise,.are earnestly requested to pay up their honds and notes, on or before tlio 20tli February next, to Edward Noble, Esq.-, who is my authorized Attorney during1 my absence from the State. E. P. NOBLE. . Jan 21 47 5t _ Cotion Gifts. ri^HE subscriber is prepared to make .1 Cotto« Saw Gins, of the latest irn-» provment, and out of the best materials, warranted inferior to none now made for making fine Gntton ;.iwentv-five cents per saw cheaper than they can ro bought in this State or Gorgia. Person wanting new gins would do well to cull and examine for themselves and have them made to order. Reparing done in all its various branches. J. A. HUNTER. Abbeville, Feb. 22, 1845. 52 tf * Abbeville Sheriff Sales. By virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facias to me directed, will be sold, at Abbeville Court House, on the first Mondav in March next, the following properly.. ^<850 Acres of Land, more or lesss, levied on as the property of William Ware ads William Burmore and others. 375 Acres of Land, more or less, levied on as the property of John Lyon ads Samurl P Learti for Moses Jones et al. 250 Acres of Land, more or less,bounded by Richard Maddox and others, levied on ns the property of N M Ware ads John « n r\«1* lifirr V V A UOCJ UUU WIU1.JO. 80 Acres of Land, more or less, levied on as the property of W W x\nderson ads Iteubin Robertson. 50 Acres of Land, more or less, levied on as the property of John Rosamond ads Charles Culhns. 316 Acres of Land, more or less, levied on as tiie property of John- Pratt ads James Emmersons 175 Acres of.Land, more or less,bounded by Robert llichev and others, levied on as the property of John Ri'chey ads Win Barmore and others. 1 5 Negroes, levied on as the property of James M Vamlivcr ads Charlrs B Fou*» ghee, McKinney Thomas, and others. 1 Negro, levied on as the property of Sanders Williamson ads^Wm C Hill, by next friend, 1 Mare, Saddle and Bridle, levied on as the property of George O Morrow ads -Jas Tnggart. 1 Negro, levied on as the property of Francos Herron ads R C Gordon eial. 1 Negro,* levied'on as the property of Jehu Mouchitt ada*Nat.han Brown. , 1 Negro man, Arrhstrong, a good carpenter, levied on as the property of Thos Hinton ads Thos C Stewart, ExW. 1.Negro woman, Susan, ^fid.child, ' Cfbey, levied on ;ns the property of Surah AArcher ads Wade Speed. . 1 Negro, man, Lark in, a good blacksmith, levied on as the property of Wm H Simpston uds Jumes E Robertson, Guard'n 1 Negro boy Philip, levied on as the property of Jehu Mouchet ads N. Brown. 1 Negro girl, levied on as the proper? ty of Joshua Watts ads T E Suggs, et al. 1 Negro girl, levied on as the property of James Pert ads Win Eddins, et al. I Mare, levied on as the property of Alex Donald ads H»rvy Nelson. 1 Negro man. Mike, levie<Lon as the property of N M Ware uds J H Cobb.et al x ncgiu yii i, iuvjuu l»ii as ine.property of A. Arnold ads H A Jones, Coni'r, 15 Negroes, Henry, Briss, Fort, Jim. ' Milly, Nelly, Elhck, Edmund, D.dsli, Mary, Teria, £)ice, Mitche.'l, Kfrh, W>sley, le~ jjied < n na the property of Wro Ware ads Sfimu' l L Hill, Jas H.Cobb, and others. Terms Cosh. ' J,aRAMEY, Sh'ff. -ifebrunry 3, 1646.Sale of** Land.For Partition. .By Ord'J* of tfie Court of Ordinary for Abbeville District, 1 will sell, on the first Monday iri March next, for Partition, the REAL ESTATE of Robert.Cozby, decensed, containing One Hundreii and Twenty .nin* Acres, jpore or less, on wa« tcrs of Rocky Rivor, and bounded bj lands or Maj^Cohiwell* Joseph :-F- Bwker, and others, on a credit till, 6rstJ&nuary 1847. Purchase) to pay ths costs in cash, boqd. with sscurity find mortgage if feeCesstfy. Jan 30 40 4t RAMEV, Sh'ff . [ ' *C ' '* ' " VC -V - , '* Hjawlmcfl SEIitoevttacfflewtfl. "HOWARD & GAHMANY, (HAMBURG S. C.) The customors of the firm of HOWARD & GAIlMAQi if, will phrase come forward and settle ut the earliest possible conveni- The firm will have.been dissolved one year, in January next, by which lime I earnestly desire to have the business cloaed. I am at all times to be found a* the old stand, with all thn Notes and Accounts of the firm. G. W. GARMANY. Dec. 2- 7t H. L. JEFFERS, General Agent and Commission Merchant, 1IAMKURG, S. V. Still offers his services to his friends and the public, and he will devote his undivided attention to the .Selling of Cotton and Flour, Receiving and Forwarding Goods. Buying Goods for Planters or Merchants, or attend to a mi business that man be com nulled lo his care. Ho embrace this opportunity of tendering bis thanks for their liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, and by tndlisiry and elose attention to business, Ire hopes to merit, and continue to rec»*ive,>ibe same. It shall be his aim to make all his, charges as light as possible, knowing tliftt will be? lo his interest to closely observe the interest ot bis friends. Liberal advances will be made if required, on produce, sent, to him for sale or store. Cotton sent to him by Boats, will be received free of jivharfage. All produce sent to him lor sale, will be promptly sold on arrival, if so ordered, aupr 6 23 tf Warehouse and Commission Business, hamrukg, s. c. WALKER.& PEARSOJV, ^oThankl'ul to our friends for :/.V<$> JH*be liberal patronage hitherto WES^SSG^SSfl rpccive^jwv? respectfully snJ^MBflBHSgfa licit a continuance of the same, at our old WATER-PROOE- WAREHOUSE, where we will cqptinue to "* Receive, Store, and Sell COTTOJW AIViD OTHER PRODUCE, Receive and Forward MERCHANDISE, &c., A&QIoderale Charges. We will give undivided attention to any business in our line, entrusted to our cure, except the buying of col Ion, which we refuse to do on either our oivn account or that 'f others,believing it lo be difficult to please in tne united capacity of both buyer and seller. From the. Ions' experience of our senior partner, anil by prompt and devoti d attention to all matters of business confided to us, we hope to merit a share of public patronage. Sept 24 30 Oin Warehouse and Commission Merchant, HAMBURG, S. <* ^ ^ - The subscriber continues at <$> Wtiic old stand ofH L JeflVrs &, Co., and will «|ifrv on the VV ARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND FORWARDING BUSINESS, ns lu re, tolore, but in his own name and on his own account. lie promises strict nnd punctual attention to oil Consignments and orders, and respectfully solicits the continued patrounce of his former friends. je 25 17 3m J F GRIFFIN. r ROSPECTUSV*v V Of the Fourth Volume Of the Sptttftcr.tt cuittba tor, A MONTHLY JOURNAL, Devoted to the Improvement .of Southern Agriculture, j Edited by~lMES~lMAK, of Mhcus,' Gu, In submitting to the ^Southern Public the Prospectus for the-F'i»\irtli Vqlume of the.Southern CultiVfftflr,jj^bnich may now be regarded qs pemiaperitfy, established, the Publishers doom it unnecessary to (idvert to tli? bigrh chnracefr'tlie -Work has attained under the edit&ria] control of Mr. Camak, and therefore mako a?direct appeal to the. Pin liters and JFrien^s of Agriculture tliroi^hofet^bu- Sau^berg Slates, to aic mem in sustaining a^^MflicWion devo*. ted exclusively to the caii.de,of Agriculture. The 'advantages and^bcqeiils resulting from Agricultural Periodicals, have been felt and acknowledged b^tlie intelligent andieflecting tillers of the "feoil in all civilised naliono ; to be most useful, therefore, they should be extensively circulated among all classes of Agriculturists; if jjossible, they should be in the hands of every man who tills an acrp of land, and to (his end we myoke the airfiot every one who feels an interest in-the improvement of the Agriculture of the South. It is published monthly, in Quarto form; each number contains 16 pages of matter, 9 by 12 inches square. TERMS, One copy, one year^ '*_ =$1.00 Six copies, " 5.00 Ttventy-frve copiii^rte year, 20.00 n«A hnnffwuT " " < v 7ZCin The cosh dystem'wili be rigidly en forced. The casJi ojust always accompany the order ' J. W.& W. S/JONES. Augusta, Ga^ Nov., 18j6/ SlOtlWi ; The subscriber reapecttolly requests those persons who are indebted tohifn, to coine forward And settle up to Jet initent. ,/>' Jaril '0 xM^ p.lROCHE. . » *',V; . * " 'if T v/ u '$ ; . J * :. mmi / STATE IS SOUTH CAROLINA," ' Abbeville District. t In tie Covimon Picas. Silas Ajider/on, who is in tho custody of »l>n I : n- k" A L| Ml T-V? . . I . n.^ ununn »t nuucvine uistrici, oy virtue of finul proiess at the suit of the State of South Caiblina, haying this day filed his petition \uth a schedule ot his whole estate, lor We purpose ot obtaining the beneI fit of thqActs of Assembly, called the Insolvent Debtor's Act." Public notice is' 1 herebyiriveil, that the petition of the^id Silas Anderson, will be heard at the Court of Coi/imon Pleas, for Abbeville District, nt Aboevillc Court House, on the third Monday of October", 1840, or such other day thereafter as the Court may order, duri'iy tji° term commencing at the same' place, on the day aforesaid. And all the creditors of the said Silas Anderson are hereby notified, personally, or by attorney, to tie and appear, then mid there, in the said Court, to show causc. if nnv thev run- j / why the benefit of the said Acts should not be grunted to 1 ho said Silas Anderson, upon his taking the oath and making the assignment required by law. J NO. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk. Clerk's Office, 23d Jan. 1846 493m STATE OF SOUTH~CAROLINA, Abbeville District.In the Court of Common Pleas. JOHN WIIITF., who is in the custody of the Sheriff'of Abbeville District, by vir* t.ue of final process at the suit of William Smith, having this day filed his Petition, with a schedule of his whole estate, for the purpose of obtaining the benefit of the Acts of Assembly, called the "Insolvent Debtors' Act." Public notice is hereby given, that the Petition of the said John White will be heard at the Court of Coramofi PIoqh for Abbevillo District; at. Ahha« villi; Court House, on Monday, the 16th day of March, 1846, or such other day thereafter as the Court may order, during the term, commencing at the same place on tho day aforesaid. And all the credit lors of thi-! said John White arc hereby notiffed, personally or by attorney, to be and appear, then and there, in thS said Court, to show cause, it anv tliev can. whv said Ads should not be granted to the said John "White, upon Lis taking the oath and making I'm? assignment required by law. JNO. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov 21,1845 39 3tn STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA AIUILVILLE DISTRICT. In the Common Pleas. Geo W Pressly, 1 vs >Decl'iionin Attacbm't. Rob'i YildelL S (jcor<re \V Press!y, the Plaintiff, having jhis day filed his Declaration in the Office *of the Ch-rk of said District, aguinst Robert Yeldel!, the Dofeiidunt, who is said to bu absent from and without the limits of this State, and who has neither wile nor Attorney known, on whom a cony of* ihis Declaration with a rule to plead can be \ served: Ordered that the said Defendant \ do appearand plead thereto within a year filial fl ilnif *1«» f ^ ' « * * -1 '* '' ** I»..m M «ih.j nuiii into unit-, vji juu<!IIIU1IL UJ default will bo entered njainpt him. JKO F LIVINGSTON, Cler»\ Clerk's Office, IOili Sept, 1845 Sept 17 29 ly STATii OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Abbeville District, In the Common Pleas. Allies Kingsmore, Adm'x. } Decl'u. in v. > Foreign Francis Henderson. Attachm't. The Plaintiff having filed his Declaration in my office, and the Defendant having no wife or Attorney, known to he within the State, on whom a copy of the same, with a rule to plead, can be served : It is Order- ed that the Dcfendunb- plead to the said D eclaration witliiri a year and a day, or final and absolute judgment will be given against him. J. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov 19,1845 ly STATE~OF~S6UTH CAROLINA, Abbeville District.In the Court of Common Pleas. £ ! Joseph W. W. Marshall, bearer, vs. * Francis Henderson, sen'r..DecVn. in i Attach't. on Promtry. Note. / Whereas, the Plaintiff in this action did, ^ on this day, file his Declaration aapinst the Defendant, who is absent from and J without the limits of this State, as it is j said, and having neither wile nor attorney known, upon whom n copy of the abovo Declaration, with n rule to plead thereto, on or before the Twenty-second day ot November next, otherwise, final and absolute judgment will be then given and awarded against the Defendant. JNO. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov 22, 1645. 39 ly STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. Isaac Bouchelon, appl'nt., vs.. Joseph L. Bouchelon, et al, def'ts. It appearing- to my satiMfactiori that Joseph 1 Belott and Elizabeth, his wile,DefepdajdUt reside without this State: It is ihereford Ordered, that they do appear and object to the division or sale of the Real Estate of Joan Bouchelon, on or before the 1st Mon» , day in May next, or their consent tfr the ' same will bo entered of record. DAVID LESLY, Ordinary. January 14,1846 13t." - mi. Notice in Equity. > * Trustees and Guardians who'are'accountable to the Office Of Commissioner fiti kEqui for Abbeville District, Will TAKIS NOTICE to n#uke their returns .on, or before. the first day of .April next ;,.qtherw|g«i they will be dealt with according to tiw.'. H. A. e;a. J Com'rs. Office, Dec. 29th Iitt*.'' 44tf' ; ) & ..

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Page 1: L| Ml earnestly beneI Insolventchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026944/1846-02-18/ed-1/seq-4.pdf(foii the banner.) THE BROKEN RING. i to miss e. av. c. i 1 oftensawaringofgold,


(foii the banner.)THE BROKEN RING. i

to miss e. av. c. i1 often saw a ring of gold, *

Of virgin gold, that richly shone,And asked no gem of price untoldTo lend a lustre to its own.

, 'Twas aiways on the small, soft handOf one so faultless and so fair,She must have sprung, from some

bright landThat floats above this liquid Air:

I ever thought her soma pure sprite,Who'd left her fragrant bowers awhileAnd wandered to this world, to lightIts darkness with her Rosy smile:

And ever feared she would not stay,To cheer us long with those soft eyes,Whose melting, dazzling, tender, rayShould only beam to bless the skies./

I often thought how soon she'd learnThat this false world was filled with

pain,A _J II. C. ! 1 1 *-aiiu sauiy iroiu 11s Doruers turin*.To seek ner sijnny bowers again.But that plain Ring.from childhood's

dawn * '

To woman's bloom she always wore,And as her joyous years sped onShe only prized and cherishcd more.

Not for bright jems that round it shone.Not for the pearl's or diamond's glow.She prised it for the sake aloneOf friends who loved her long ago.Instead of Jewels round it placed 1

Ofthose dear friends the simple namesWere in the golden circle tracedAs mem'ry's token." Maiiy James."

Npw for my soul I cannot tellHow any one could be so cruel,So heartless as to break the spellThat lingered round that cherished

jewel.And yet alas! it has been done.The charm is gone,the spell is broken;A thoughtless, wanton, reckless one,In twain has snapt the precious token.Oh ! for this careless, wicked thing,I pray he may forever smart:And as he's brok'n tho fair one's Ting,I only hope she'll break.his heart.

Lumplar^fSa., 184G. Alpiieus.

Typographical.-.The' followingbeautiful Toast was given recently at a"celebration of the anniversary of theBaltimore Typographical Society. 'Thewords in italic are technical terms Wellknown to the craft:.Woman.The sweetest type updh-the earth,The sweetest forvis, the fairest /aces,Theloveliest /Zo7i'cr5 that e'er had birth,

- That ever clung to maS em-braces... I. «fci

Governor Martin, of Alabajna, hafsvetoed the Bill for the t6Tief of Hon.Wra. L. Yancy, the object of which wasto remove his disability to hold officeunder the State, created by his duel withClingman, of North Carolina. It isthought however, that the Legislaturewill re-pass the bill over His Excellency'shead.

"Hpn.Jas. Buchanan..The rumorwhich were afloat last week, that\thcdistinguished statesman who so ablyfills the office of Secretary of State wiwabout retiring from the cabinet,,are totallyunfounded. The happiest understandingexist between him and the.President. The withdrawal of such a ^man as Buchanan from the councils of-the nation at this peculiar juncture in^Jour national affairs, would be tan evftSt* jtp be deplored by the whole country^ »His ability_as a statesman, his pj\triotisny Jand far-seeing sagacity could not safe}/ *

be dispensed with..>iV. Globe., One may live as a conqueror, amug, or a magistrate, Dutfte mustdie a man..The bed of death^brings every man to his pure indi- .

viduality to the intense contemplation.ofthat deepest of all relations,the relation between the creatureand his Creator..Webster.

ypaaaeu resorqpiojMHgTOvnm& ipnithe placing injiljJBjjttate Hous<£t\vo marble statue^Oneof 'Washington, < the -othe^o# ;Jitcfeson. CThey appropriate 15,-^ is00d dollars'/or the purpose. *h

**£V * jetiSQv


< g.Washington s Gkave..A gentlenanwho has recently visited the$rave oi' Washington at MountVernon, says :."It grieved* me to tfie soul to

witness the utter neglect which isvisible around this- consecratedSnot. Thft rtinlfpsf. ttrwl fnnlpetweeds are permitted to grow andliourish above and around it. Alew scattering cedars in all thewilderness of' uncultivated nature,are the only trees to be seen inthe vicinity of the grave; whilearound it in every c|i)'ection theeye rests upon dilapidated railfences, broleen rails and scatteredbrushwood. The roads leading toit are washed into impracticableravines covered with filth andpresenting nought that is agreeable,but everything-/that is offensiveto the eye and uncongenial tothe hallowed spot."~::

Intrepid Jews..On a late occasionthe Emperor of Russsia was

reviewing his fleet, when two3*ilors particular)' excitbd his at*»tention, bc^hvby the precision withwhi'ch* they-pprformed several difficultmanoeuvres, and by the agUlity and daring which, they dfe-played. 1 lie Emperor was somuch pleased that he immediatelypromoted one to be a captain ; theother he apposed lieutenant onthe spot. The mei^however, wereJews, and there is atfukas forbiddingJews to wear an epaulette.The admiral of the fleet, who stoodby, IcKowing that-they were Jewsstated the difficulty to his imperialMajesty. * Pshaw cried theEmperor, " that does not signifyin the least.they shall immediatelyembrace the Greek religion ofcourse." When this determinationwas communicated to the twoyoung men, knowing thakremonstrariceor refusal would be in vain,they requested the Emperor's pervmission to exhibit still more oftheirmanoeuvres, as he-had not seen allthey cotfld do. This being grafted,they ascendedthe topmast, embraced,and locked in each other'sarms, uirew themselves in to thesea and disappeared forever.

It is stated in ths National Intelligencerthat tiie Rgman Caitholicsof Washington have it in contemplationto erect ill the metropolisa church edifice of magnificentdimensions, something afterthe manner of the most extensive,cathedrals of Europe.: It is intendedto appeal for aid in.this undertakingto every congregation oftheir denomination in tie UnitedStates. It is estimatefTthat thestructure will cost about seveiftyfivethousand dollars."

; It speaks wel-I".There arc? 1555newspapers and pcriodicals in the.TT«U-J 1 i ' 11uujicu omics, unu out i'/yi in Blitheworld besides. -


,.rfjr "

nA coxcomb, talking* of the

transmigration of souls said, " In111e t.i111(no doubt

hod ;otheP6, def'efts..^Partition, Refil Estate, Jane Bouche1\Ion, deceased, .ggh-

it appearing to my MUisfdcUon that IsaacBouchillon,Joseph Bullott and Elizabeth,his wife, Defendants, in, 'ihfsi base, residewithout the limitb^oF' this'State:. I? istherefore Ordered, thai, they do appeal ilidobject to.the divisioQ yrsrkle of tljp ReulEstate of JaneJBoupKulph, deceased, onor before the fimJfaondjiy ii) May next, ortheir conseng. will&e filtered on jrecprd,Feb 4,49 13t E^UESLY, Ord'ry.

' *,r'» V .:V V, .. : "

By Order of'jlie Court of Ordinary.J. BoucheMgn,W; ijps. J» L-> Ronchellon^andolheTS.^Pariilion.' * . ..

Will be 8o14« on the first Moadtfy Marchnejttvthe REAL ESTATE of Jeftv-itaucbellofr,dcccaeed, /or Partition, containingOni£ Honored. Acref», on»/wat6ra ofLittle River, Adjoining lands -of Jo^ B.JTitt and othehs, on cre4»t-to OcV*bf*,nr-xt.U>eb47,4»4tpjj^.' 'j^rTT*ro^'' x' '

on -*£utb instant, ivy! mpttt iti' guit. r *?

; . TH0e.%ifv!S0f<.Tro»«.v;',

10 3t

tmr^memm,; *,t " M**& >'

.. : VaSp^/ ' &

, v4 WMl

To Country Merchants.ROWLAND <fc~CASKIN,

Importers unci Dealers iu Dry Goods,CIIAKLESTON, S. C.

Would inform Country Merchants, thattheir SPRING STOCK is inprogresa ofsuipmeiu, anu win receive, uuriug mo seasonas LARGE und COMPLETESTOCK as can be found in any similarestablishment. They will sell on the mostaccommodating terms.200 North-East Comer King and,Market-Streets.

Jan * JJO 8t

Valuable Town PropertyFOR SALE !

nr. The subscriber intending to'tsm roove to thn'country, oflers fori2S&sal'-' ',is HOUSl'J and LOT in

Village of Abbeville* situatedon the Public Square. Tne House is acomfortable and commodious one, apd incollection with it, are two LAW OFFICES,which can be n-nted at fair prices.All the out buildings and fencing are new,and the Dwelling House ha3 bren recentlyPAINTED. Any person wishing suchproperty, would do well to call and sr>e me.Dec 17 42tf



notice!All persons indebted to me as Guardian,Administrator or otherwise,.are earnestlyrequested to pay up their honds and notes,on or before tlio 20tli February next, toEdward Noble, Esq.-, who is my authorizedAttorney during1 my absence from theState. E. P. NOBLE.. Jan 21 475t

_ Cotion Gifts.ri^HE subscriber is prepared to make.1 Cotto« Saw Gins, of the latest irn-»provment, and out of the best materials,warranted inferior to none now made formaking fine Gntton ;.iwentv-five cents persaw cheaper than they can ro bought in thisState or Gorgia. Person wanting newgins would do well to cull and examine forthemselves and have them made to order.Reparing done in all its various branches.J. A. HUNTER.Abbeville, Feb. 22, 1845. 52 tf *Abbeville

Sheriff Sales.By virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Faciasto me directed, will be sold, at AbbevilleCourt House, on the first Mondav inMarch next, the following properly..^<850 Acres of Land, more or lesss, leviedon as the property of William Wareads William Burmore and others.

375 Acres of Land, more or less, leviedon as the property of John Lyon adsSamurl P Learti for Moses Jones et al.250 Acres of Land, more or less,boundedby Richard Maddox and others, levied

on ns the property of N M Ware ads John« n r\«1* lifirrV V A UOCJ UUU WIU1.JO.

80 Acres of Land, more or less, leviedon as the property ofW W x\nderson adsIteubin Robertson.

50 Acres of Land, more or less, leviedon as the property of John Rosamond adsCharles Culhns.

316 Acres of Land, more or less, leviedon as tiie property of John- Pratt adsJames Emmersons175 Acres of.Land, more or less,boundedby Robert llichev and others, levied on

as the property of John Ri'chey ads WinBarmore and others.

1 5 Negroes, levied on as the propertyof JamesM Vamlivcr ads Charlrs B Fou*»ghee, McKinney Thomas, and others.

1 Negro, levied on as the property ofSanders Williamson ads^Wm C Hill, bynext friend,

1 Mare, Saddle and Bridle, levied onas the property of George O Morrow ads-Jas Tnggart.

1 Negro, levied on as the property ofFrancos Herron ads R C Gordon eial.

1 Negro,* levied'on as the property ofJehu Mouchitt ada*Nat.han Brown. ,1 Negro man, Arrhstrong, a good carpenter,levied on as the property of ThosHinton ads Thos C Stewart, ExW.

1.Negro woman, Susan, ^fid.child,' Cfbey, levied on ;ns the property of SurahAArcher ads Wade Speed.. 1 Negro, man, Lark in, a good blacksmith,levied on as the property ofWm HSimpston uds Jumes E Robertson, Guard'n

1 Negro boy Philip, levied on as theproperty of Jehu Mouchet ads N. Brown.

1 Negro girl, levied on as the proper?ty of Joshua Watts ads T E Suggs, et al.

1 Negro girl, levied on as the propertyof James Pert ads Win Eddins, et al.I Mare, levied on as the property of

Alex Donald ads H»rvy Nelson.1 Negro man. Mike, levie<Lon as the

property of N M Ware uds J H Cobb.et alx ncgiu yii i, iuvjuu l»ii as ine.propertyof A. Arnold ads H A Jones, Coni'r,15 Negroes, Henry, Briss, Fort, Jim.

' Milly, Nelly, Elhck, Edmund, D.dsli, Mary,Teria, £)ice, Mitche.'l, Kfrh, W>sley, le~jjied < n na the property of Wro Ware adsSfimu' l L Hill, Jas H.Cobb, and others.Terms Cosh.


J,aRAMEY, Sh'ff.-ifebrunry 3, 1646.Sale

of** Land.For Partition..By Ord'J* of tfie Court of Ordinary forAbbeville District, 1 will sell, on the firstMonday iri March next, for Partition, theREAL ESTATE of Robert.Cozby, decensed,containing One Hundreii andTwenty .nin* Acres, jpore or less, on wa«tcrs of Rocky Rivor, and bounded bj landsor Maj^Cohiwell* Joseph :-F- Bwker, andothers, on a credit till, 6rstJ&nuary 1847.Purchase) to pay ths costs in cash, boqd.with sscurity find mortgage if feeCesstfy.Jan 30 40 4t J« RAMEV, Sh'ff

. [' *C ' '* '

" VC -V -


Hjawlmcfl SEIitoevttacfflewtfl."HOWARD & GAHMANY,

(HAMBURG S. C.)The customors of the firm ofHOWARD& GAIlMAQi if, will phrase come forwardand settle ut the earliest possible conveni-

The firm will have.been dissolved oneyear, in January next, by which lime I earnestlydesire to have the business cloaed.

I am at all times to be found a* the oldstand, with all thn Notes and Accounts ofthe firm. G. W. GARMANY.

Dec. 2- 7t

H. L. JEFFERS,General Agent and Commission Merchant,

1IAMKURG, S. V.Still offers his services to his friends andthe public, and he will devote his undividedattention to the

.Selling of Cotton and Flour,Receiving and Forwarding Goods.

Buying Goods for Planters or Merchants,or attend to ami business that manbe com nulled lo his care.

Ho embrace this opportunity of tenderingbis thanks for their liberal patronageheretofore bestowed, and by tndlisiry andelose attention to business, Ire hopes tomerit, and continue to rec»*ive,>ibe same.It shall be his aim to make all his, chargesas light as possible, knowing tliftt will be?lo his interest to closely observe the interestot bis friends. Liberal advances willbe made if required, on produce, sent, tohim for sale or store. Cotton sent to himby Boats, will be received free of jivharfage.All produce sent to him lor sale, willbe promptly sold on arrival, if so ordered,

aupr 6 23tf

Warehouse and Commission Business,hamrukg, s. c.

WALKER.& PEARSOJV,^oThankl'ul to our friends for

:/.V<$> JH*be liberal patronage hithertoWES^SSG^SSfl rpccive^jwv? respectfully snJ^MBflBHSgfalicit a continuance of the

same, at our oldWATER-PROOE- WAREHOUSE,

where we will cqptinue to"* Receive, Store, and SellCOTTOJW AIViD OTHER PRODUCE,

Receive and ForwardMERCHANDISE, &c.,A&QIoderale Charges.We will give undivided attention to anybusiness in our line, entrusted to our cure,

except the buying of colIon, which we refuseto do on either our oivn account or that'f others,believing it lo be difficult to pleasein tne united capacity of both buyer andseller.From the. Ions' experience of our senior

partner, anil by prompt and devoti d attentionto all matters of business confidedto us, we hope to merit a share of publicpatronage. Sept 24 30 Oin

Warehouse and Commission Merchant,HAMBURG, S. <*

^ ^ - The subscriber continues at<$> Wtiic old stand ofH L JeflVrs

&, Co., and will «|ifrv on theVV ARE HOUSE AND

COMMISSION, RECEIVING ANDFORWARDING BUSINESS, ns lu re,tolore, but in his own name and on his ownaccount.

lie promises strict nnd punctual attentionto oil Consignments and orders, andrespectfully solicits the continued patrounceof his former friends.je 25 17 3m J F GRIFFIN.

rROSPECTUSV*vVOf the Fourth Volume Of the

Sptttftcr.tt cuittba tor,A MONTHLY JOURNAL,

Devoted to the Improvement .of SouthernAgriculture, jEdited by~lMES~lMAK, of Mhcus,' Gu,

In submitting to the ^Southern Publicthe Prospectus for the-F'i»\irtli Vqlume ofthe.Southern CultiVfftflr,jj^bnich may nowbe regarded qs pemiaperitfy, established,the Publishers doom it unnecessary to (idvertto tli? bigrh chnracefr'tlie -Work hasattained under the edit&ria] control of Mr.Camak, and therefore mako a?direct appealto the. Pin liters and JFrien^s of Agriculturetliroi^hofet^bu- Sau^berg Slates, toaic mem in sustaining a^^MflicWion devo*.ted exclusively to the caii.de,of Agriculture.The 'advantages and^bcqeiils resultingfrom Agricultural Periodicals, have beenfelt and acknowledged b^tlie intelligentandieflecting tillers of the "feoil in all civilisednaliono ; to be most useful, therefore,they should be extensively circulatedamong all classes of Agriculturists; ifjjossible, they should be in the hands ofevery man who tills an acrp of land, andto (his end we myoke the airfiot every onewho feels an interest in-the improvementof the Agriculture of the South.

It is published monthly, in Quarto form;each number contains 16 pages of matter,9 by 12 inches square.

TERMS,One copy, one year^ '*_ =$1.00Six copies, "5.00Ttventy-frve copiii^rte year, 20.00n«A hnnffwuT "


< v 7ZCin

The cosh dystem'wili be rigidly en forced.The casJi ojust always accompany the order' J. W.& W. S/JONES.

Augusta, Ga^ Nov., 18j6/SlOtlWi ;The subscriber reapecttolly requests those

persons who are indebted tohifn, to coineforward And settle up to Jet initent.,/>' Jaril '0 xM^ p.lROCHE. .

» *',V;.

* " 'ifT v/ u

'$ ;. J* :. mmi '£


Abbeville District.t

In tie Covimon Picas.Silas Ajider/on, who is in tho custody of»l>n I : n- k" A L| Ml T-V? . . I .n.^ ununn »t nuucvine uistrici, oy virtueof finul proiess at the suit of the State ofSouth Caiblina, haying this day filed hispetition \uth a schedule ot his whole estate,lor We purpose ot obtaining the beneIfit of thqActs of Assembly, called the InsolventDebtor's Act." Public notice is' 1

herebyiriveil, that the petition of the^idSilas Anderson, will be heard at the Courtof Coi/imon Pleas, for Abbeville District,nt Aboevillc Court House, on the thirdMonday of October", 1840, or such otherday thereafter as the Court may order, duri'iytji° term commencing at the same'place, on the day aforesaid. And all thecreditors of the said Silas Anderson arehereby notified, personally, or by attorney,to tie and appear, then mid there, in thesaid Court, to show causc. if nnv thev run-

j /why the benefit of the said Acts shouldnot be grunted to 1 ho said Silas Anderson,upon his taking the oath and making theassignment required by law.

J NO. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk.Clerk'sOffice, 23d Jan. 1846 493m

STATE OF SOUTH~CAROLINA,Abbeville District.In the Court ofCommon Pleas.JOHN WIIITF., who is in the custodyof the Sheriff'of Abbeville District, by vir*t.ue of final process at the suit of WilliamSmith, having this day filed his Petition,with a schedule of his whole estate, for thepurpose of obtaining the benefit of theActs of Assembly, called the "InsolventDebtors' Act." Public notice is herebygiven, that the Petition of the said JohnWhite will be heard at the Court of CoramofiPIoqh for Abbevillo District; at. Ahha«villi; Court House, on Monday, the 16thday of March, 1846, or such other daythereafter as the Court may order, duringthe term, commencing at the same placeon tho day aforesaid. And all the creditlors of thi-! said John White arc hereby notiffed,personally or by attorney, to be andappear, then and there, in thS said Court,to show cause, it anv tliev can. whvsaid Ads should not be granted to the saidJohn "White, upon Lis taking the oath andmaking I'm? assignment required by law.

JNO. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk.Clerk's Office, Nov 21,1845 39 3tn


In the Common Pleas.Geo W Pressly, 1

vs >Decl'iionin Attacbm't.Rob'i YildelL S(jcor<re \V Press!y, the Plaintiff, havingjhis day filed his Declaration in the Office*of the Ch-rk of said District, aguinst RobertYeldel!, the Dofeiidunt, who is said tobu absent from and without the limits ofthis State, and who has neither wile norAttorney known, on whom a cony of* ihisDeclaration with a rule to plead can be \served: Ordered that the said Defendant \do appearand plead thereto within a yearfilial fl ilnif *1«» f^ ' «

** -1 '* '' **

I»..m M «ih.j nuiii into unit-, vji juu<!IIIU1IL UJdefault will bo entered njainpt him.JKO F LIVINGSTON, Cler»\

Clerk's Office, IOili Sept, 1845Sept 17 29ly

STATii OF SOUTH CAROLINA,Abbeville District,

In the Common Pleas.Allies Kingsmore, Adm'x. } Decl'u. in

v. > ForeignFrancis Henderson. Attachm't.The Plaintiff having filed his Declarationin my office, and the Defendant having nowife or Attorney, known to he within theState, on whom a copy of the same, witha rule to plead, can be served : It is Order-ed that the Dcfendunb- plead to the saidD eclaration witliiri a year and a day, orfinal and absolute judgment will be givenagainst him.

J. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk.Clerk's Office, Nov 19,1845 ly

STATE~OF~S6UTH CAROLINA,Abbeville District.In the Court ofCommon Pleas. £! Joseph W. W. Marshall, bearer, vs.


Francis Henderson, sen'r..DecVn. in iAttach't. on Promtry. Note. /

Whereas, the Plaintiff in this action did, ^on this day, file his Declaration aapinstthe Defendant, who is absent from andJ without the limits of this State, as it isj said, and having neither wile nor attorneyknown, upon whom n copy of the abovoDeclaration, with n rule to plead thereto,on or before the Twenty-second day otNovember next, otherwise, final and absolutejudgment will be then given andawarded against the Defendant.

JNO. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk.Clerk's Office, Nov 22, 1645. 39 ly


Isaac Bouchelon, appl'nt., vs.. Joseph L.Bouchelon, et al, def'ts.

It appearing- to my satiMfactiori that Joseph 1

Belott and Elizabeth, his wile,DefepdajdUtreside without this State: It is iherefordOrdered, that they do appear and object tothe division or sale of the Real Estate ofJoan Bouchelon, on or before the 1st Mon» ,

day in May next, or their consent tfr the '

same will bo entered of record.DAVID LESLY, Ordinary.January 14,1846 4® 13t."

- mi.Notice in Equity. > *

Trustees and Guardians who'are'accountableto the Office Of Commissioner fiti kEquity,for Abbeville District, Will TAKISNOTICE to n#uke their returns .on, or before.the first day of .April next ;,.qtherw|g«ithey will be dealt with according to tiw.'.

H. A. e;a.JCom'rs. Office, Dec. 29th Iitt*.'' 44tf'; )

& ..