ibp paiiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6459/1/...pallor organs, guitars,-tsn mimi...

'' 'V r"-V?- 7? . V .'."jociN'' i Ibp Paiii 'J&&J' iVlfJI' VOL. VII. NO. 979. HONOLULU, H. 1., MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN I PRINTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEFT SUNDAY BY THE Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd at the orrici 328 ft 328 jierchint St., Honolulu, H. I. BUllSOKIPTION Six Dollars a Year. Delivered In Honolulu at Kirtv Cekts a Month, In advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN -- 16 PUBLISHED -- mVH3R,"JT TTJB3SDAY At Fotm Dollars a Year to Domestic, ami Five Dollars to Foreign Subscribers, payable In advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING honk IN nurERinn style. m 110TH TELEPHONES 5" ' I. O. UOX The Daily Hulletin Is printed and pub- lished by thn Dally Ilullctm Publishing Company, Limited, at Its otUce, Mer-cha- nt street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl- ands. Daniel IiOgan, editor, resides on Alakca street, Honolulu, aforesaid. Address letters lor the paper "Editor Hcllktim," and business letters " Manager Dally lliillctlu Publishing Company." Using a personal address may cause delay In attention. BualnoM Cards. LEWERS & COOKE, ImroRTKRs ani Dealers in I.UMnKR ami ALL KINDS or llUILDIKll MATERIALS. Fort Street, Honolulu. I H. HACKFELD & CO., Ueneril Commission Aiients, Corner Fort nndQileen Streets, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, AucrioNKEnANii General Hitsineks Auent. Mnhukona, Kolmla, Hawaii. WILLIAM FOSTER, AirORNEY-AT-LA- U ANIl NOTARY PUHI.IC. No. 13 Kanhumami St., Honolulu. TUOS. LINDSAY, MAM'KAt'rilRIMI Jkhelkk anii Watch- - MAKER. Kukul juweirv a speclulty. I'artluular attention paid to all kinds of repairs, .Melnerny lllook, Fort Street. 3. J. WILLIAMS. PHOTOGRAPHER The Only Collection of lilmd Vim, C. B. RIPLEY, AKOHITBOT, Complete plans and specifications for every description of bulldlliK. Contracts drawn and caroful siierlntendeuce of con- struction given when required. Call and examine plans. New designs. Modern Uulldlngs. Olllco: Safe DeiKiilt llulldlng lupitulrsj. Mutual Telephone 'Mi. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Hteam Eniiinks, Bcoar Mills, Hoii.krm, Coolers. Iiio.n, IIuaks, anii Lead Oastinos, Machinery of Every Description Made to Order. Funicular attention paid to Ships' UlaaksiiiltliliiK. Job Work executed at Short Not lee. i fcb ILANIWAL" AFIKST-OLAS- H FAMILY JIATIIINU at Walklkl. Trumcurs pass the cate. Hncclnl Hrriniirniiuiiiiu ,,.,, i... made for Family Picnics and EvumIiil. Uutlilng Parties. Os-- tf Cement Sidewalks & Gra- nite Curbing Laid. Esiluiotus given on all kinds of HTONE.CON011ETE ,t I'LABTEK WOUK CO.NCIIBTE A SI'KCIALTY -- l JOHN F. BOWLER CHR. GERTZ, Imported ami Demkii it Gent's Ladles' and Children's Boots, Shoes and Slippers No. 103 Iort Strot. CHAS. GIRDLER. - lilHKI'T INIllllTK.il or -- KNfll.lHII AND CONTINENi'AI. IDry 3-ooci- s No, 16 Kaahumsnii street. WM. G. IRWIN & CO. (Limited.) OFFEK FOH SALE FERTILIZERS ALEX. CROSS A SONS Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures. We are also prepared to take orders tor Mossrs, N. Ohlandt&Oo.'a Fortlllzoi'B, Insuring prompt delivery. BOILED LUCOL IW Tills Is a superior I'alnt Oil. con- - sinning less pigment than Llhved Oil, and giving a IntlliK brilliancy to color. Used with drier It gives a splendid lloor siinnec. Lime, Oement, ItEFINEDSUOAltS, SALMON. Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Bool I fAftArrlXE TAINT I'll. Compounds, Roofing & Papers, Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering. Jarboos' Diamond, Enamel & Ever lasting Paint Especially dcnlgncd for un,n,nsLl FIRE, , LIFE and MARINE i INSURANCE. Hartlord Firo Insurance Co., Assots, 57,109,825.49. London A Lancashire Firo Ins. Co., Assets, S4.317.052. Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co., (Limited) Assots, S6.124.057. Now York Life Ins. Co., Assets, $137,409,108.90. C. 0. BERGER General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. HONOI.rLU. Wm. G. Irwin & Go. (LIMITED) Wm. (1. Irwin, I'resideut unit Mmiuger Clans Spreekels, - - W. M.iiiilard, Secretary and Treasurer Theo. C. Porter Autlilor Siga.r Factors - AND Commission Agents. AOKSTh OF TIIK Oceanic Steamship Company, OF BAN FKANOISCO. CAL. C. BREWER & CO. LIMITED) General Mercantile AMI Commission Agents 1'. C. .lollllK I'n eli'tit II, II, Itolierison, Miiuiig'ir E. F. Illsbop. Seciclitry A 1'ieui ii. r W. F. Allen Auditor 0. M. Cooke . . II. Wiilnilioil-i- i :.. Dlreclor 0. L. Curter JDST ARRIVED ii:k ha.uk "c. d. ijuyast.' e BABY CARRIAGES! 01 or all styles; be Carpets, Rugs and Mats In the Uttost Patterns M u ' HOUSEHOLD Sewing Machines, HAND SEWING MACHINES, Of be on All with tin1 Improvement-- . AUU OX HANI) WKSTEUMAYKIfS Mated Cottec Pianos Pallor Organs, Guitars, - tsn mimi MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FOII SALE ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER CO,, King Street, opH Castle A' Cooke ) If 114 -- 1 ItOTH TELEPHONES fl III IIUSTACE&CO. COAL All kluds- - lu any quantity from a bag lo loo. QHAROOAZ- - From one b.i to any ipiautlty. F'ln.EWOOD In .fi 1,'tiKtl. and Sawed or split from a Iiuk loutiy ipciuilty; also WUITK & IILACK SAND 70 tf lTA.TI03SrjfVTi IRON WORKS QUHJ1HN STK.H3IET. Dutwonn Alakoa and Richards Streots. rpilE UNDEIIHHISED AltE I'ltE-- L pared to make all kinds of Iron, Units, llrolizu, Zinc, Tin and b'nd Cut-Ing- s. Alro a Oi'lieral Keptllr Silir.p for Steam Engine. Itlce Mills, Corn MIIN, Water Win. Is. Wind Mlllt.clr. Miichlues for lln Cleaiiluu' of Collee, Castor Oiln, lleani, llamle, Kisiil, I'lneapple other Fibrous l'lants and I'iiier Slock. Also Miiclilnr.-- - for Exiriu'tliit blareh from the MiiuiiMt, Arrow Hoot, etu. Ul orders promptly attended to WHITE, RITMAN & CO. "Sans Souci" Hotel! Seaside Resort Walkiki. : : : : Honolulu, u (.,ri .;. a Ifnaijimr ilmiif tilth fil'n; n Imrhj ncturri. 'uirt, June illi, rlnn t'tn ii titfr, ii'i'iil J'ihmI unit Untidily tinitrt Im hi unt lifjfntf lilt rijet rienj ilrnimj met the I'm'i-fi- r mill Ihi iliitmit liillt ii llii'i'iimn , trrnm-intui- t him rtirilinlli tn thr "Miii Simri." ituiu.it'r i.m is sri: i y;.A0.v. T. A. SIMPSON, Manager. BEAVER SALOON, The Best Lunch in Town. W llHI'" Tea and OolTee AT A 1.1. II0UK.S THE FlNIiST I1KANDS OF Cigars and Tobacco ai.wvvs us hand "H. .T. 2STOT-.T- E:. Prop, METROPOLITAN MEAT CO,, v i:r .?A 81 KING ST. V.ll" mm: VjJ m cfwAirr r Wholesale and Retail Butchers AMI - NAVY CONTIIACTORS. i O.J. Waller, .UamtKor. 0ceanic Mm Co' Australian Hail Service, For San Francisco: The New And Fine Al filed Steamship "MONOWAI" the Oceanic Steamship Company will duo at Honolulu from Sydney and A tick-lan- d on or about April 5th, Alls and Passengers on or about that date. For Sydney and Auckland: The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship ' "ALAMEDA" the Oceanic Steamship Company will due at Honolulu, Irom San Franclo, or about March 15th, And will have prompt despatch with Malls and Paisengcrs (or the above ports. The undersigned are now prepared to Issut THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. 19" For further particulars regarding Freight or Passage apply to WM . G. IRWIN CO., Ltd., General Agents. ! Oceanic Steamship Go. I Time Table, LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Inive Honolulu from S. F. for 8. F. March 'J I . . March .11 April Ul . .. April & May III . .. .. ...Mny.il June III .. June THROUGH LINE. From San Frani'li-n- i From Sydney for for Sydney. Situ Fruuelsco. ArrUt lltinnltilii. I.rnxr iimi'iiii. ALAMEi.A.Mnr. lA . dAUII'OsA. Mar. i MOXoWAl, Alir. f, Mw.NOWAI, Maj (, AI.AMhDA, ifuy .1 . ' ALAMI'.DA, June 7 MAItll'O.SA.May:)! .'i.miiiM.v, juiv in ,iu." .t I, jiiuuj.1 MONOWAI, Aub. '.'I ALMr.lA,Jtily'.il ' AI..Mi;il.,AuK'.:iO M.Mtll'OHA.A.iK.r. ; MAItll'O.SA.sept.'.'TI MiiMlWAI.Kipl.Ji) MONOWAI Oct. .( ALAMEDA NTOT'TnTr! 1 The PASSENGER DEPARTMENT ' Oceanic Steamship Co. IN SAN FUANOIMO, HasU'i-i- i Itcmoved from :i'J7 Market Street to i 1JW MoNTCJO.MF.ItV .StKEI-.T- , (r.Mii.u nriiiir.sru iioti:i.) IW From this date all eoinmiiniea-tlou- " pertaining to the San Frauc!co llillm- - hhould be rent to thu new Ollice, l:!i Montgomery Slreet. WM. C. IRWK & CO., I'D, (ieneral Agent, Oeeanie SiuanihlilpCo. at " oiioiiiiii. uio im - II. LOSI5, NoTMIt I'l'lll.ir, Olll.l.r.l Milt Mi HlMllU lll'hl.MXt A'ir.NT. sub-age- for Several of the llt- -t i'lltl'. I.NHl'KANCE COMPANIES. I'ati'liteeof Lome's Chi.mh m, CuMhif.Mi for Clarifying I ane Julee. Mutual Telephone H. P. O. llox It'Pt. .Merchant Street, Honolulu. Hit. C. W. MOOKH, HOo Van Nuxs Ave., S. F Cal. Elegant Apartments for Patients. ki icrntt'iTv in NUivur hihkaslh. Dr. Moore oilers luvalltls all the comforti of home uith coustunl ami care- ful treatment. Kefir- - to 11. It. Macfarlaue. tsstf 1)K. .1. TCIIIDA, Physician & Surg'cou No. KI KI'I LANE. :"-xtr.- tei.epii5ste :a:. K. A. JACOIJSOX, ' w ,TCII.MAKi:i: AVI) ilKWKI.r.K wo Fori nireet, Ilouoliilu, II. I. O. Ilox J7. .Muitutl I'ele H. HATAOKA, Japanese Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. N,. .'J IIiiii.i im Sim 1. ll kind- - of i .iliiuei Making and llitllil-ui- g iiinl l!ip.iirii,g i'iiie in br-- i cIm-- h man-i- n r iind nl eeiiiioniii al ruler, liT.'l till INTEH-ISI.AN- 1'ILOTAOE Ml WILLI Wl D.WII'.s ihi: 0 Inn lt'Hn- - "lli!r III- - nervlces n I'llol li inn p'iit or lauding ill the Hawaiian Hot of refcri'lit'ii'. Iiioulie al nib" of J. S. Walker, over bprcckuU' Hank, I ort slreet. Ui7-l- f Canadian - Australia Steamship IN OOWMHOTION WITH - CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. THE FAMOUS TOURIST ROUTE OF THE WOULD. ME $5 SS? f $10 E Less to U.S. Line STEAMSHIP SERVICE MONTHLY. THROUGH TICKETS Uned irom Honolulu to CANADA, UNITED STATES and EUROPE, ;o lo FIJI and SYDNEY. For Fiji and Sydney: STEAM EltS SAIL n EACH MONTH. Freight and Passenger Agents: ' D. Mi'NICOLL, Montreal, Canada. ItOHKIlT KEIMt, Winnipeg Canada M. M. STEUN, San Francl-c- o, t al 0. Mrl. MIOWN, Vaneouvcr, II. C. ' PacifliC Mail S.S. Go. -- AND Tll- K- Occidental and Oriental S. S. Go. For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their u) to the nliv ports on or about the follow lug dales: Ktmr "CHINA" .. April in, MM Stmr"(IAi:i.lC" June .. l'il Utinr "1IKL01C" . ...Julv '. I!il Miiir "CHINA" September .1, lMil hi mr "OCEANIC" ..OctnlxT '.', Is'.U Htmr "CHINA". November -, l'H Htmr "OCEANIC". .Dc emlicr II, I Ml Stmr "CHINA" . January til, Isti'i I Si in r "OCEANIC" IVIiruury III. !!' Stmr "CHINA" Vpril i, i'" For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers of the above Companies Mill call at Honolulu on their way from I Ihiik-kon- i; and Yokohama to the iiIhivi' mrl on oruixiiit the followlui: dales; Ktmr CHINA" Mari'li Ji. IKM GAELIC" Mov It. Ill Stmr CITVoritlnliEJANEIItO" . .. .I.il 10, licit Stmr IIEI.iltC" . AttuiiM .'I, li'H stmr CITVtil' I'EKINI!" . Oitobel II, l.U stmr OCEANIC" November III, Kil stmr CHINA" Iltvember .11. KH I btmr"ll.ELIC" . February in, lifi I Stmr "I'KlcC" Mnreh .".. IMij Slnir "IIAKI.H " . . April '.'s, :o RATES OF PASSAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS: TO YOKO- HAMA. ro iiomi- - KOMI. Cabin . . . . fl.Vl 00 $176 IW Cabin, round trip 4 mouths Z UO ilti Ml Cabin, round trip 11! mouths ... . XU lAi .1111 & EuroK'uu Steeruge an UK) UU W I'ansvugers paying full fare will be allowed ID crreut oil return fare If return- ing within twelve months. For Freight and l'arage apply lo H. HACKFELD & CO., an ti Agents. COACH LINK ItEI'WEEN WAIKIKI, THE I'AIIK, SANSSOUCI, DIAMOND HEAD AND IKINOLCLC. Time Talole. I EWE CM I.HWK I Oil. loltl Ktll'l'l. AMi KIM. Mr. 7:JUu. m. li:ila, in. in:uo " ll:oo " U':i) ilium, l:op m. J;i p. in. i:io i:U) " ,.;IU lll.'ill " 7:W l):Ul ' ll:i) W-Fare- . to Kitlu Itaiige 1 ccnlh. Will- - klkl, HI cents; Sans Solid anil Dinmoiid Heud, l.'i cent; round trip, ." cent uhililrcn under IJ)enrn, half price. b'll-t- l F. SMITH. I'rot.rielnr. SI-IE- LUN, NlMIANf ST. Sext diHir Morcluiut's Ezeliaiice. Merchant Tailor New Goods and Latest Styles ! I'HltKKLT FIT GUAUANTIiKD. 'Ut "HUT- - cillniL' uililitioiiiil .nit- - will receive a reiliittiou of I.'miihI tl o re- duction on puiil". ti.'l ,'iin It C'lli He i el Any day That thu Daily liullctiii Has the Llirgl'hl Cii'culutioii Of any papc: In llonolutu. Line For Victoria and Vancouver B. C: I i STEAMEIIH SAIL April I. Mat I. May 31, July 1, July.'!!, lil. For Tickets mid Uenernl Informs. tlou apply to THEO. H. DAVIES &CO., Aiimttfnr thr wen font hliimh. Wilder's Steamship Co. m i , mi TIME TABLE. W. I!. Wll.liIK, I'll'!!. A. II. Ilo-- S. ' 'IT. J. A. Kimi, 1'ort aupt. ' Stmr. KINAU, CLARKE, Coiumsniler, Will leave Honolulu at 'I i m., touching nl I.iiIiiiiiki, Mauluca Hay and Mukcuii the samcdit), .Miilnikoiia, luuuliue and the tolioulu dnj . arrlvltii: .it llilii in midliiukt. I.EAVKs HiiNol.l'l.l' nl Tui-d- aj . Mlll.ll M rl'lii . Mareli M '1 iie,uiy . . April 10 I'rulii) . . April M i Tiii'ifny Mn I ' I 1' I n .. Mat II iuvsduy ., . Mn l-i I'rld.t . June 1 lue iiay. June I.' l'fnlu . Jlllli' .' I'liewluy . . Jill .1 ' I nda Jul I.I Tit. ftluy . . Jtll -- ! Crl.iiij .. auk, ,i , ttiUMiny . ...Alltf, II I'rid:i . Xll i iieiilit) . Lpt. I ruin) . . ..-.- II Tiiuvlii) .. . . M'pl. I riiluj . . llet. . Tiiviiay. . Oil. Hi 1'rMj) . Hit. .1, Toei-il.iy- . Nov. II I'nd.i . . .Nov. to t oeMiiiy .StiV. .'i I'rld.is Dee. ' TiiVMiiij . ISf. I" l.i'luruliig leaves Hllo, louehiug ut miiR-ilti- ) ; Kiittiulme . i., 10 A. M., Makeim 4 l: ., llunliiiii iluy o i', m.; l.itliiiina n r. u, tin lolloulug diij ; arriving ut lloiiolulu a. v. WV.Iiih.,. diijMind MUurda. AltKIVEM AT llo.Sol.ri.il: S.i to n I :i March 17 WeiliiiiMiii Mareli J Mitunliiy April 7 Wedlli'piln . April l. Saturday April i'a W.dllUrdll, .Nlu li S,iturd.i . ... . Ma Iti Wuilue-dll- V . .. May .10 suliirday .... June :i Weilin filay Jtilitt M saturdii; ... .Juue.iO WcdiwiMlay . ., .Jul) II Saturday . JulyJl fllllCMlll) . Aug. I Saturday . Aug. II Wedui'Mliiy ... .Aug.'.'J .x.itiinlay . . Sept. 1 Wedlie.ilii aept. U' .i.U,inl;i Sept. ! Wvtlnt'Miay Oct. .1 nalmd.iy. . . . Oct. Lt Wedlluda .Oct. '.'I Saturday . . , . Nov. U Wcdno'ta) .. . Nov. II Sutiirdu . Nov. .'I Weillii'filit) lice, h ."aturilay Dec. . WedlieMlii) . Dec. J.. IW No Freight will lir received ufter IJ iiiiiiii mi ia) of .ailing. Stinr. CLAUDINE, CAMCRON. Commander, Will leave Honolulu ever l'lieMlux at j l'. M., touching at Kahultii, lluelo. liana llitmoa aim Kipuliiilu. lleturmiig v. Hi irrive at lloiiolulu ever) Sunday morning. im No Freight will lie reieiveit .ifler i e. m. on mi) of uilmg. CollMgllCCK (II llr-- t lie lit I III' latllltllgK It) receive their Freight, ,i- - e wall not hold uurnelveh reiiMiu-ilil- e after aiinli Freight has laoifed. While Ihe Compsii) Hill e ,lle e ill hmiilllug Live Mink, We .lecllllc Ui immune till) renpoii-lliili- l) inca-eo- f the loin ol same. The Comiimi will not In Killhilile for lonet or JctAcfr ) llllle...'. plaee III t lie cure of I'urhers WAIAKEAKUA NOTICE. LI. I'AKllEh DIIIIIN. I'n 1. 1 li) A miiki iikiui I'.ill- - in .M.ino.i iillev an hiTi'l.j i,'iiieiiei in ultimo i, ieruiis- - lull fpiiii'tlif uiiiteroiglieil. ollierwiM- - lliel will In' ii for trc-pu- .- if found oil the premi-e- n Ultliiiill .Hill periiilimiili. JAh. II. IIOYD. ill llle Lillltl Olliee, hllprclliel ollrl Illlilll- - lllg. Ilieinliilii I'll,.' 17 li'i'l 7VS-- i NOTICE. A LI III LI Dl'i: AilAISnlVlir. HO- - 1 nuliilii It mtt Hoard in Ititurn are re illlc-tet- l to presented ill Ilic ollice of the Ilonl "it. in.nr u lloiioliiiil on the Jiiin ol em li inoiilli, ullierui.r tli,. will lie el eiopl fioiii Unit inolilli'- - anil Ilk l hut to he pant for one or two ninlitli-alte- r ll order of Ihe Holiiiloiil lload lloiird, W. II. CI'MMlMiri. -- I'l.tl Itoad MlHitvlur. Honolulu. V'ie linlhj Hullrtin, i'llUrnti prr month, - s -- , r- -r "r '77 v ... a n WON IN A CARD GAME. Fombina, a Dakota Town, th Stake A Slto which is Now Worth Hundreds of Thousands of Dol- lars. This is a trito story of Low the situ of tlio town of Pombiun, X. D., was won in a gatno of poker by a man who hold I wo deuces. liack iti the lifties, says the Now York World, when the northern or-tio- n of thu Territory of Dakota was hardly more than a bleak waste of uncultivated ground, the town of Pembina was founded by Euos Stutsman. Stutsman was a man as remarkable for his eccentricities as he was for his physical deformity, lie emigrated to Dakota from the huckleberry districts of Connecticut, and located in the tipper Kcd River alley, where he filed and proved upon tt'JO acres of laud. It was the grouud on which I'embiua now stands. He numbered among his close friends a pioneer named Judd La Moure, who owned a line of car coaches running between Grand Forks and Pembina. The advent of the railroads killed Judd's coach lino dually, and ho settled down into a prolitnble grocery busiucss in Pciubiua. It was tlio.o two men who played the stillest game of poker that was ever played in the Territory. The game was played in thu old Luvoo Hotel in Yankton, in lM'i'2, ami it lasted from It) o'clock Friday morning to It o'clock Sun- day morning. During its progress the people of thu town assembled in the hotel and watched the two men ns they fought like bulldogs over thu pile of red, white ntid blue checks. The Legis- - Inture was in session at thu time, ami its .Stutsman, who was chairman if the Council, refused to leave thu game, that branch of thu Legisla- ture adjourned until the following Monthly, mid the member watched the gumu lo thu finish. Slowly but surely Stutsman's chips went over to La Moure's side the table, and work what trick or artifice he would he could not turn them back. ".Iiidd. I tell you what I'll do. You've won 5CMI0 of my money. If you'll put .fltsOO with it I'll slake thu town site of J'emmna against you, and will play for il in a lump to win or lose al otiu deal." The tueti shook hands. Accord- - mil; toaurccmcul thu hand wan to Im dealt by K. A. Williams of Bismarck, the hpeaker of thu House of itepru--- j cental itv. the cards (o Ik thrown on the table face up. Deftly Wil-J- j liaiiin sliullli'd the card, and squar ing them, slipped one from the top of t he pack and laid il down under ItiddV nose. It was a deuce. Stuts- man caught theiiieen of spades. The next card came olf and .Judd caught another deuce. The four-sp- ot of spades turned up under Mtitsmau's nose, and Ins brow wrinkled a little Again thu cards fell and iludd placed the ace of dia- - iiioiiiln hesido hi two ik'iicorf, whilo tlii jack of npiiili's lutikoil up lulu .Sltilniii'iu'H fnco. Otict thu ilttitlor luiii iltiuii thu cnrils, mill ,1111111 olaiiiit'tl tin itii'ou nf clubs, whilo hits oiiuiii'iit ciin'lit ilu aco of Hpnili'.t, Slitthmaii'H fni'c began to bri(litiii. Ho saw u iitis-tiliilii- of cntoliiitg a llttsli, but tho next cunl to him wu a liuarl llowcvor, .lutlil Inn I not butturcil his Instill anil bolil bis iIoucim, ilrauinej tbroo carils. Sttitsuum's frifiiils trietl to provail on bin) to draw four cards to tho nco, but bo wouldn't lislon to tlioin, and, dihcarditih' tho Itoart, bo drttw tiuo card, liopiiig to till tbu llusli. Tbo iitilookorH wiru wild wboti Wil-lintii- throw tlinii cards to .linld. Tboy foil faco up -- tbo ituou of club-- , jack of diaiininils and ton spot of clubs. He bad not holtoriHl bin baud, and hi opponent minimi grimly ah Iio saw bow severely for-liiu- it must snub him now if sho fail- ed lo tiring li i in a winning baud; for if bo paired any of tbo four curds bo held ho must boat .huld's chances besides tliero was n possibility of bin lilliug a llush. Judd bad evidently lost hope, ami bo rested his arms on bis table ami doggedly watched Williams as bo turned to Stutsman and slipped a card from tbo pack. All stretched their necks to catch sight of tbo card, lt was tho eight spot oi clubs. Tbo game was over. Judd bad won. The railroads have since giveu I'eiiiliinii a boom, ami tbo laud that a- - won in IMIJ by two deuces is now uoitb hundreds of thousands of dollars. Stutsman died in 18S0. Ho mis bulled in tin lonely cemetery on the hillside, half n mile north of I'ouibiua. The only monument to his inoiuory is the county of Stuts- man. Ask Your Friends Who lii-n-e taken Hood's Sarsaparillu what they think of it, and tbu replies will be poMtho in Us favor. Simply what Hood's Sarsaparillu does, that tells tbo story of its merit. One has been cuiihI of indigestion or dyspop-sia- , another finds it indispensable for sick headache or biliousness, whilo others report remarkable euros of scintilla, catarrh, rheumatism, salt rheum, etc. Hood's I'ills are purely vegetable. ' A Dog That Was of Ago- - Tbo u Into Maltese ting known as I'iuk, belonging to Mrs. Francis 11. Kti'liitnt- - of this city, died recently a' the loiuarkablo age of 'J I years. I'iuk wa a dog of exceptional hi telligeuco ami fidelity, and in bis prime was widely known for bis tine I appearance and ontertaiuiiiguccoiu- - pliahuiunts. Ilurlurd C'oiininf, I" r i i

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Page 1: Ibp Paiiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6459/1/...Pallor Organs, Guitars,-tsn mimi MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FOII SALE ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER CO,, King Street, opH Castle A

'''V r"-V?- 7? .

V .'."jociN'' i

Ibp Paiii 'J&&J' iVlfJI'





Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd

at the orrici328 ft 328 jierchint St., Honolulu, H. I.

BUllSOKIPTION Six Dollars a Year.Delivered In Honolulu at Kirtv Cekts aMonth, In advance.


-- 16 PUBLISHED --

mVH3R,"JT TTJB3SDAYAt Fotm Dollars a Year to Domestic,ami Five Dollars to Foreign Subscribers,payable In advance.


honk IN nurERinn style.



The Daily Hulletin Is printed and pub-lished by thn Dally Ilullctm PublishingCompany, Limited, at Its otUce, Mer-cha- nt

street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl-ands. Daniel IiOgan, editor, resides onAlakca street, Honolulu, aforesaid.

Address letters lor the paper "EditorHcllktim," and business letters " ManagerDally lliillctlu Publishing Company."Using a personal address may cause delayIn attention.

BualnoM Cards.


ImroRTKRs ani Dealers in I.UMnKR amiALL KINDS or llUILDIKll MATERIALS.

Fort Street, Honolulu. I


Ueneril Commission Aiients,

Corner Fort nndQileen Streets, Honolulu.


AucrioNKEnANii General Hitsineks Auent.

Mnhukona, Kolmla, Hawaii.



No. 13 Kanhumami St., Honolulu.


MAM'KAt'rilRIMI Jkhelkk anii Watch- -


Kukul juweirv a speclulty. I'artluularattention paid to all kinds of repairs,

.Melnerny lllook, Fort Street.


PHOTOGRAPHERThe Only Collection of lilmd Vim,


AKOHITBOT,Complete plans and specifications forevery description of bulldlliK. Contractsdrawn and caroful siierlntendeuce of con-struction given when required. Call andexamine plans. New designs. ModernUulldlngs. Olllco: Safe DeiKiilt llulldlnglupitulrsj. Mutual Telephone 'Mi.


Hteam Eniiinks, Bcoar Mills, Hoii.krm,Coolers. Iiio.n, IIuaks, anii Lead


Machinery of Every Description Made toOrder. Funicular attention paid to Ships'UlaaksiiiltliliiK. Job Work executed atShort Not lee.i



at Walklkl. Trumcurs passthe cate. Hncclnl Hrriniirniiuiiiiu ,,.,, i...made for Family Picnics and EvumIiil.Uutlilng Parties. Os-- tf

Cement Sidewalks & Gra-nite Curbing Laid.Esiluiotus given on all kinds of



CHR. GERTZ,Imported ami Demkii it

Gent's Ladles' and Children's Boots, Shoes

and Slippers

No. 103 Iort Strot.CHAS. GIRDLER.

- lilHKI'T INIllllTK.il or --


IDry 3-ooci- s

No, 16 Kaahumsnii street.





Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

We are also prepared to take orders tor

Mossrs, N. Ohlandt&Oo.'aFortlllzoi'B,

Insuring prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOLIW Tills Is a superior I'alnt Oil. con- -

sinning less pigment than Llhved Oil, andgiving a IntlliK brilliancy to color.Used with drier It gives a splendid lloorsiinnec.

Lime, Oement,ItEFINEDSUOAltS,


Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Bool I

fAftArrlXE TAINT I'll.

Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboos' Diamond, Enamel & Ever

lasting Paint

Especially dcnlgncd for un,n,nsLl


LIFE and



Hartlord Firo Insurance Co.,

Assots, 57,109,825.49.

London A Lancashire Firo Ins. Co.,Assets, S4.317.052.

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assots, S6.124.057.

Now York Life Ins. Co.,Assets, $137,409,108.90.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.HONOI.rLU.

Wm. G. Irwin & Go.


Wm. (1. Irwin, I'resideut unit MmiugerClans Spreekels, - -W. M.iiiilard, Secretary and TreasurerTheo. C. Porter Autlilor

Siga.r Factors- AND

Commission Agents.


Oceanic Steamship Company,




General Mercantile


Commission Agents

1'. C. .lollllK I'n eli'titII, II, Itolierison, Miiuiig'irE. F. Illsbop. Seciclitry A 1'ieui ii. rW. F. Allen Auditor0. M. Cooke . .II. Wiilnilioil-i- i :.. Dlreclor0. L. Curter


ii:k ha.uk "c. d. ijuyast.'



or all styles; be

Carpets, Rugs and MatsIn the Uttost Patterns M




All with tin1 Improvement-- .



Mated Cottec Pianos

Pallor Organs, Guitars,

- tsn mimi



King Street, opH Castle A' Cooke) If



COALAll kluds- - lu any quantity from a

bag lo loo.


From one b.i to any ipiautlty.

F'ln.EWOODIn .fi 1,'tiKtl. and Sawed or split

from a Iiuk loutiy ipciuilty; also




Dutwonn Alakoa and Richards Streots.


pared to make all kinds of Iron,Units, llrolizu, Zinc, Tin and b'nd Cut-Ing- s.

Alro a Oi'lieral Keptllr Silir.p forSteam Engine. Itlce Mills, Corn MIIN,Water Win. Is. Wind Mlllt.clr. Miichluesfor lln Cleaiiluu' of Collee, Castor Oiln,lleani, llamle, Kisiil, I'lneappleother Fibrous l'lants and I'iiier Slock.Also Miiclilnr.-- - for Exiriu'tliit blareh fromthe MiiuiiMt, Arrow Hoot, etu.

Ul orders promptly attended to


"Sans Souci" Hotel!

Seaside Resort

Walkiki. : : : : Honolulu,

u (.,ri .;. a

Ifnaijimr ilmiif tilth fil'n;n Imrhj ncturri. 'uirt, June illi, rlnn t'tnii titfr, ii'i'iil J'ihmI unit Untidily tinitrt Im hiunt lifjfntf lilt rijet rienj ilrnimj met the I'm'i-fi- r

mill Ihi iliitmit liillt ii llii'i'iimn , trrnm-intui- thim rtirilinlli tn thr "Miii Simri."

ituiu.it'r i.m is sri: i y;.A0.v.

T. A. SIMPSON, Manager.


The Best Lunch in Town.



Tea and OolTeeAT A 1.1. II0UK.S


Cigars and Tobaccoai.wvvs us hand


vi:r .?A

81 KING ST. V.ll"mm: VjJ


cfwAirr r

Wholesale and Retail Butchers


i O.J. Waller, .UamtKor.

0ceanic Mm Co'

Australian Hail Service,

For San Francisco:The New And Fine Al filed Steamship

"MONOWAI"the Oceanic Steamship Company will

duo at Honolulu from Sydney and A tick-lan- d

on or about

April 5th,

Alls and Passengers on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship '

"ALAMEDA"the Oceanic Steamship Company willdue at Honolulu, Irom San Franclo,or about

March 15th,And will have prompt despatch withMalls and Paisengcrs (or the above ports.

The undersigned are now prepared to Issut



19" For further particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

WM . G. IRWIN CO., Ltd.,

General Agents. !

Oceanic Steamship Go.


Time Table,LOCAL LINE.

S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Inive Honolulu

from S. F. for 8. F.March 'J I . . March .11

April Ul . .. April &May III . .. .. ...Mny.ilJune III .. June

THROUGH LINE.From San Frani'li-n- i From Sydney for

for Sydney. Situ Fruuelsco.

ArrUt lltinnltilii. I.rnxr iimi'iiii.

ALAMEi.A.Mnr. lA . dAUII'OsA. Mar.i MOXoWAl, Alir. f,

Mw.NOWAI, Maj (, AI.AMhDA, ifuy .1 .'ALAMI'.DA, June 7 MAItll'O.SA.May:)!

.'i.miiiM.v, juiv in ,iu." .t I, jiiuuj.1MONOWAI, Aub. '.'I ALMr.lA,Jtily'.il '

AI..Mi;il.,AuK'.:iO M.Mtll'OHA.A.iK.r. ;

MAItll'O.SA.sept.'.'TI MiiMlWAI.Kipl.Ji)MONOWAI Oct. .( ALAMEDA

NTOT'TnTr! 1



Oceanic Steamship Co.IN SAN FUANOIMO,

HasU'i-i- i Itcmoved from :i'J7 MarketStreet to i


(r.Mii.u nriiiir.sru iioti:i.)

IW From this date all eoinmiiniea-tlou- "

pertaining to the San Frauc!collillm- - hhould be rent to thu new

Ollice, l:!i Montgomery Slreet.

WM. C. IRWK & CO., I'D,

(ieneral Agent, Oeeanie SiuanihlilpCo. at" oiioiiiiii. uio im-

II. LOSI5,NoTMIt I'l'lll.ir, Olll.l.r.l Milt Mi HlMllU

lll'hl.MXt A'ir.NT.

sub-age- for Several of the llt- -t i'lltl'.I.NHl'KANCE COMPANIES.

I'ati'liteeof Lome's Chi.mh m, CuMhif.Mi forClarifying I ane Julee.

Mutual Telephone H. P. O. llox It'Pt..Merchant Street, Honolulu.

Hit. C. W. MOOKH,HOo Van Nuxs Ave., S. F Cal.

Elegant Apartments for Patients.ki icrntt'iTv in NUivur hihkaslh.

Dr. Moore oilers luvalltls all thecomforti of home uith coustunl ami care-ful treatment. Kefir- - to 11. It. Macfarlaue.


1)K. .1. TCIIIDA,

Physician & Surg'couNo. KI KI'I LANE.

:"-xtr.- tei.epii5ste :a:.K. A. JACOIJSOX,

' w ,TCII.MAKi:i: AVI) ilKWKI.r.K

wo Fori nireet, Ilouoliilu, II. I.O. Ilox J7. .Muitutl I'ele


Japanese Carpenter and Cabinet Maker.

N,. .'J IIiiii.i im Sim 1.

ll kind- - of i .iliiuei Making and llitllil-ui- g

iiinl l!ip.iirii,g i'iiie in br-- i cIm-- h man-i- n

r iind nl eeiiiioniii al ruler, liT.'l till


Ml WILLI Wl D.WII'.s ihi:0Inn lt'Hn- - "lli!r III- - nervlces n

I'llol li inn p'iit or lauding ill theHawaiian Hot of refcri'lit'ii'.Iiioulie al nib" of J. S. Walker, overbprcckuU' Hank, I ort slreet. Ui7-l- f

Canadian -Australia SteamshipIN OOWMHOTION WITH -


ME $5 SS? f $10 E Less to U.S. Line




For Fiji and Sydney:


Freight and Passenger Agents:'

D. Mi'NICOLL, Montreal, Canada.ItOHKIlT KEIMt, Winnipeg CanadaM. M. STEUN, San Francl-c- o, t al0. Mrl. MIOWN, Vaneouvcr, II. C. '

PacifliC Mail S.S. Go.

-- AND Tll- K-

Occidental and Oriental S. S. Go.


Steamers of the above Companies willcall at Honolulu on their u) to the nlivports on or about the follow lug dales:

Ktmr "CHINA" .. April in, MMStmr"(IAi:i.lC" June .. l'ilUtinr "1IKL01C" . ...Julv '. I!ilMiiir "CHINA" September .1, lMilhi m r "OCEANIC" ..OctnlxT '.', Is'.UHtmr "CHINA". November -, l'HHtmr "OCEANIC". .Dc emlicr II, I MlStmr "CHINA" . January til, Isti'i I

Si in r "OCEANIC" IVIiruury III. !!'Stmr "CHINA" Vpril i, i'"


Steamers of the above Companies Millcall at Honolulu on their way from I Ihiik-kon- i;

and Yokohama to the iiIhivi' mrl onoruixiiit the followlui: dales;

Ktmr CHINA" Mari'li Ji. IKMGAELIC" Mov It. Ill

Stmr CITVoritlnliEJANEIItO". .. .I.il 10, licit

Stmr IIEI.iltC" . AttuiiM .'I, li'Hstmr CITVtil' I'EKINI!" .

Oitobel II, l.Ustmr OCEANIC" November III, Kilstmr CHINA" Iltvember .11. KH Ibtmr"ll.ELIC" . February in, lifi I

Stmr "I'KlcC" Mnreh .".. IMijSlnir "IIAKI.H " . . April '.'s, :o



HAMA.ro iiomi- -


Cabin . . . . fl.Vl 00 $176 IW

Cabin, round trip 4

mouths Z UO ilti MlCabin, round trip 11!

mouths ... . XU lAi .1111 &EuroK'uu Steeruge an UK) UU

W I'ansvugers paying full fare will beallowed ID crreut oil return fare If return-ing within twelve months.

For Freight and l'arage apply lo


an ti Agents.





Time Talole.I EWE CM I.HWK I Oil. loltl

Ktll'l'l. AMi KIM. Mr.

7:JUu. m. li:ila, in.in:uo " ll:oo "U':i) ilium, l:op m.J;i p. in. i:ioi:U) " ,.;IUlll.'ill " 7:Wl):Ul ' ll:i)

W-Fare- . to Kitlu Itaiige 1 ccnlh. Will- -

klkl, HI cents; Sans Solid anil DinmoiidHeud, l.'i cent; round trip, ." centuhililrcn under IJ)enrn, half price.b'll-t- l F. SMITH. I'rot.rielnr.


Sext diHir Morcluiut's Ezeliaiice.

Merchant TailorNew Goods and Latest Styles !

I'HltKKLT FIT GUAUANTIiKD.'Ut "HUT- - cillniL' uililitioiiiil .nit- -

will receive a reiliittiou of I.'miihI tl o re-

duction on puiil". ti.'l ,'iin

It C'lli He i elAny day

That thu

Daily liullctiii

Has the



Of any papc:

In llonolutu.


For Victoria and Vancouver B. C: I


STEAMEIIH SAIL April I. Mat I. May 31,July 1, July.'!!, lil.

For Tickets mid Uenernl Informs.tlou apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES &CO.,Aiimttfnr thr wen font hliimh.

Wilder's Steamship Co.

m i

, mi

TIME TABLE.W. I!. Wll.liIK, I'll'!!. A. II. Ilo-- S. '

'IT. J. A. Kimi, 1'ort aupt.'

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Coiumsniler,

Will leave Honolulu at 'I i m., touching nlI.iiIiiiiiki, Mauluca Hay and Mukcuii thesamcdit), .Miilnikoiia, luuuliue and

the tolioulu dnj . arrlvltii: .itllilii in midliiukt.

I.EAVKs HiiNol.l'l.l' nlTui-d- aj . Mlll.ll M

rl'lii . Mareli M'1 iie,uiy . . April 10I'rulii) . . April M i

Tiii'ifny Mn I 'I 1' I n .. Mat IIiuvsduy ., . Mn l-i

I'rld.t . June 1

lue iiay. June I.'l'fnlu . Jlllli' .'

I'liewluy . . Jill .1 'I nda Jul I.ITit. ftluy . . Jtll -- !

Crl.iiij .. auk, ,i ,

ttiUMiny . ...Alltf, III'rid:i . Xlli iieiilit) . Lpt.I ruin) . . ..-.- IITiiuvlii) . . . . M'pl.I riiluj . . llet. .

Tiiviiay. . Oil. Hi1'rMj) . Hit. .1,Toei-il.iy- . Nov. II

I'nd.i . . .Nov. tot oeMiiiy .StiV. .'iI'rld.is Dee. 'TiiVMiiij . ISf. I"

l.i'luruliig leaves Hllo, louehiug utmiiR-ilti- ) ; Kiittiulme . i.,

10 A. M., Makeim 4 l: ., llunliiiiiiluy o i', m.; l.itliiiina n r. u, tin lolloulugdiij ; arriving ut lloiiolulu a. v. WV.Iiih.,.diijMind MUurda.

AltKIVEM AT llo.Sol.ri.il:S.i to n I :i March 17WeiliiiiMiii Mareli JMitunliiy April 7Wedlli'piln . April l.Saturday April i'aW.dllUrdll, .Nlu liS,iturd.i . ... . Ma ItiWuilue-dll- V . .. May .10

suliirday .... June :iWeilin filay Jtilitt Msaturdii; ... .Juue.iOWcdiwiMlay . ., .Jul) IISaturday . JulyJl

fllllCMlll) . Aug. I

Saturday . Aug. IIWedui'Mliiy ... .Aug.'.'J.x.itiinlay . . Sept. 1

Wedlie.ilii aept. U'.i.U,inl;i Sept. !Wvtlnt'Miay Oct. .1

nalmd.iy. . . . Oct. LtWedlluda .Oct. '.'ISaturday . . , . Nov. U

Wcdno'ta) .. . Nov. IISutiirdu . Nov. .'IWeillii'filit) lice, h."aturilay Dec.


WedlieMlii) . Dec. J..

IW No Freight will lir received ufterIJ iiiiiiii mi ia) of .ailing.

Stinr. CLAUDINE,CAMCRON. Commander,

Will leave Honolulu ever l'lieMlux at jl'. M., touching at Kahultii, lluelo. lianallitmoa aim Kipuliiilu.

lleturmiig v. Hi irrive at lloiiolulu ever)Sunday morning.

im No Freight will lie reieiveit .ifleri e. m. on mi) of uilmg.

CollMgllCCK (II llr-- t lie lit I III' latllltllgK It)receive their Freight, ,i- - e wall not holduurnelveh reiiMiu-ilil- e after aiinli Freighthas laoifed.

While Ihe Compsii) Hill e ,lle e

ill hmiilllug Live Mink, We .lecllllcUi immune till) renpoii-lliili- l) inca-eo- f theloin ol same.

The Comiimi will not In Killhilile forlonet or JctAcfr ) llllle...'. plaee III t lie cure

of I'urhers


LI. I'AKllEh DIIIIIN. I'n 1. 1 li)A miiki iikiui I'.ill- - in .M.ino.i iillevan hiTi'l.j i,'iiieiiei in ultimo i, ieruiis- -

lull fpiiii'tlif uiiiteroiglieil. ollierwiM- - llielwill In' ii for trc-pu- .- if found oilthe premi-e- n Ultliiiill .Hill periiilimiili.

JAh. II. IIOYD.ill llle Lillltl Olliee, hllprclliel ollrl Illlilll- -

lllg.Ilieinliilii I'll,.' 17 li'i'l 7VS-- i


A LI III LI Dl'i: AilAISnlVlir. HO- -

1 nuliilii It mtt Hoard in Ititurn are reilllc-tet- l to presented ill Ilic ollice of theIlonl "it. in.nr u lloiioliiiil on the Jiiinol em li inoiilli, ullierui.r tli,. will lie eleiopl fioiii Unit inolilli'- - anil Ilkl hut to he pant for one or two ninlitli-alte- r

ll order of Ihe Holiiiloiil lloadlloiird, W. II. CI'MMlMiri.--I'l.tl Itoad MlHitvlur. Honolulu.

V'ie linlhj Hullrtin, i'llUrnti prr month,

- s --, r--r "r '77v





Fombina, a Dakota Town, th StakeA Slto which is Now Worth

Hundreds of Thousands of Dol-


This is a trito story of Low thesitu of tlio town of Pombiun, X. D.,was won in a gatno of poker by aman who hold Iwo deuces.

liack iti the lifties, says the NowYork World, when the northern or-tio- n

of thu Territory of Dakota washardly more than a bleak waste ofuncultivated ground, the town ofPembina was founded by EuosStutsman. Stutsman was a man asremarkable for his eccentricities ashe was for his physical deformity,lie emigrated to Dakota from thehuckleberry districts of Connecticut,and located in the tipper Kcd River

alley, where he filed and provedupon tt'JO acres of laud. It was thegrouud on which I'embiua nowstands.

He numbered among his closefriends a pioneer named Judd LaMoure, who owned a line of carcoaches running between GrandForks and Pembina. The advent ofthe railroads killed Judd's coachlino dually, and ho settled downinto a prolitnble grocery busiucss inPciubiua. It was tlio.o two menwho played the stillest game ofpoker that was ever played in theTerritory. The game was played inthu old Luvoo Hotel in Yankton, inlM'i'2, ami it lasted from It) o'clock

Friday morning to It o'clock Sun-day morning.

During its progress the people ofthu town assembled in the hotel andwatched the two men ns they foughtlike bulldogs over thu pile of red,white ntid blue checks. The Legis- -

Inture was in session at thu time,ami its .Stutsman, who was chairmanif the Council, refused to leave thu

game, that branch of thu Legisla-ture adjourned until the followingMonthly, mid the member watchedthe gumu lo thu finish.

Slowly but surely Stutsman'schips went over to La Moure's side

the table, and work what trick orartifice he would he could not turnthem back.

".Iiidd. I tell you what I'll do.You've won 5CMI0 of my money. Ifyou'll put .fltsOO with it I'll slake thutown site of J'emmna against you,and will play for il in a lump to winor lose al otiu deal."

The tueti shook hands. Accord- -

mil; toaurccmcul thu hand wan to Imdealt by K. A. Williams of Bismarck,the hpeaker of thu House of itepru--- j

cental itv. the cards (o Ik thrownon the table face up. Deftly Wil-J- jliaiiin sliullli'd the card, and squaring them, slipped one from the topof t he pack and laid il down underItiddV nose. It was a deuce. Stuts-man caught theiiieen of spades.

The next card came olf and .Juddcaught another deuce. The four-sp- ot

of spades turned up underMtitsmau's nose, and Ins browwrinkled a little Again thu cardsfell and iludd placed the ace of dia- -

iiioiiiln hesido hi two ik'iicorf, whilotlii jack of npiiili's lutikoil up lulu.Sltilniii'iu'H fnco. Otict thu ilttitlorluiii iltiuii thu cnrils, mill ,1111111

olaiiiit'tl tin itii'ou nf clubs, whilo hitsoiiuiii'iit ciin'lit ilu aco of Hpnili'.t,Slitthmaii'H fni'c began to bri(litiii.Ho saw u iitis-tiliilii- of cntoliiitg allttsli, but tho next cunl to him wua liuarl llowcvor, .lutlil Inn I notbutturcil his Instill anil bolil bisiIoucim, ilrauinej tbroo carils.

Sttitsuum's frifiiils trietl to provailon bin) to draw four cards to thonco, but bo wouldn't lislon to tlioin,and, dihcarditih' tho Itoart, bo drttwtiuo card, liopiiig to till tbu llusli.Tbo iitilookorH wiru wild wboti Wil-lintii-

throw tlinii cards to .linld.Tboy foil faco up -- tbo ituou ofclub-- , jack of diaiininils and ton spotof clubs. He bad not holtoriHl binbaud, and hi opponent minimigrimly ah Iio saw bow severely for-liiu- it

must snub him now if sho fail-ed lo tiring li i in a winning baud; forif bo paired any of tbo four curds boheld ho must boat .huld's chancesbesides tliero was n possibility of binlilliug a llush. Judd bad evidentlylost hope, ami bo rested his arms onbis table ami doggedly watchedWilliams as bo turned to Stutsmanand slipped a card from tbo pack.All stretched their necks to catchsight of tbo card, lt was tho eightspot oi clubs.

Tbo game was over. Judd badwon. The railroads have since giveuI'eiiiliinii a boom, ami tbo laud that

a- - won in IMIJ by two deuces isnow uoitb hundreds of thousands ofdollars. Stutsman died in 18S0. Homis bulled in tin lonely cemetery onthe hillside, half n mile north ofI'ouibiua. The only monument tohis inoiuory is the county of Stuts-man.

Ask Your Friends

Who lii-n-e taken Hood's Sarsaparilluwhat they think of it, and tbu replieswill be poMtho in Us favor. Simplywhat Hood's Sarsaparillu does, thattells tbo story of its merit. One hasbeen cuiihI of indigestion or dyspop-sia- ,

another finds it indispensablefor sick headache or biliousness,whilo others report remarkable eurosof scintilla, catarrh, rheumatism,salt rheum, etc.

Hood's I'ills are purely vegetable.' A Dog That Was of Ago- -

Tbo u Into Maltese ting known asI'iuk, belonging to Mrs. Francis 11.Kti'liitnt- - of this city, died recentlya' the loiuarkablo age of 'J I years.I'iuk wa a dog of exceptional hitelligeuco ami fidelity, and in bisprime was widely known for bis tine

I appearance and ontertaiuiiiguccoiu- -

pliahuiunts. Ilurlurd C'oiininf,





Page 2: Ibp Paiiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6459/1/...Pallor Organs, Guitars,-tsn mimi MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FOII SALE ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER CO,, King Street, opH Castle A



"Will be received nt the Ueiienil lost Olllee

until MONDAY, Mnrch 1!. lS'.K. ut 13

o'clock noon, for furnWIilii),' Mull H.ib for

the Inter-Islan- d Mail Service.Satnjilc of lUm) can be 'cen nt the l'ot

(Mice.The I'ostniasteMieiiiTiil doe" not IjIiuI

himself to accept the loct or nn.v bill.JOS. M. OAT,

97U-.-1t risttiiatiT.(luiiernl.


runTWon In a I'anl (lame.A DogThat vmof Ape.

9E(-lO- l I'VI.K.

Editorial luapiuili.Hie tiiHirtiiv'tioii -- eoiioriHi.Water Works Intension, 1 I'lms.

Wll-o- ii --voir.Water and l'ower editorial.


Marine N'eus.ljoiil ii ml lieneral Item.'I tie lloat I! ace.Jndleliirv .lottlnp-- .'I ho Skating It me.

Hrelii(! Arreted.y loinni paiic.

Our ltnllwiiv Arm).WuMeful Cse of llxlinii-- t yte.un.


She JlrtUM 3CwUttin.

MONDAY, MAIICU I'--'. 18111.

Honolulu is to have ten calls eachway of tho two great lines betweenSun Francisco and Chiua in the nexttwelve mouths. This continuationof the increased mail service of thepast year ought to be well appreciat-ed by our people. Uotweon theOceanic Steamship Co., tho Chinalines, and tho CaiiadtnnAustraliauliue, wo shall have an average olfour mail steamers a mouth from thePacific coast iu the twelve mouths.An cijual number (.IS) will leave fortho same coast, twenty live for theColonies and ton for China.

Saturday's issue of the Adcrticrcontained a partly historical descrip-

tion of the Honolulu Library andHeading IJoom, with a picture ofthe building and an editorial cominoudiug the institution. The namesof several benefactors of the institu-tion, dead and living, are mentionedwithout giving that of the founderand one of tho mot lilieral contribu-tors. That wasthelateCicorgo Lucas,who started the movement, andheaded tho lirit subscription listwith SfAAl. Any historical sketch oftho Honolulu Library and lteadiugKoom without the name of (JeorgcLucts is to use a wellworu compa-risonlike the play of Hamlet with

tho part of the melancholy Daneomitted.

In Friday's issue there was an

item stating that .Mullen, a blue-

jacket from tho Adams, was arrettedat Mo.nnatua on the complaint ofpeople living there that he wa fir-

ing a pistol recklessly. While it appears to bo true that a report reach-

ed the station that Mullen was firing

a rovolwr, the police sent out afterhim found that he had not hocu do-

ing so, and had no pistol iu hisAs the matter is one dial

airects tho man's liberty, we havemuch pleasure iu correcting theitem iu question. There was uoltho slightest intention of catiugany rullectiou on the crew of theAdams, which is one of tho most ordorly and woll-buhaw- d crows ofnational vessels that have otor beenin this port.


Mr. Wilson's letter on the im

provotneut of tho water nupplvhhould be carefully coiiuidorcd btho Govorniuout. There in dangerof making oxpoiittivo blunders himi-la- r

to previous onus mentioned b)him, in every new administration'swasting timo and money iu contriv-

ing schemes they might deem betterthan those of their predecessors,vet never beimr ablu to put any

great improvement into oll'ect. An

to the es jxirtr conclusion of a con-

temporary, that, "This city will

uovor bo run by water-power,- " it

should bo recalled thut the electriclighting of Honolulu's streets bywater-pow- er was sneered at by un-

commonly wise people when lirM

proposed. It camo to pass never! he-lo- ss

ami, although probably thewholo city's machinery will never be

run by water power, thoro is no rea-

son to doubt that a great increasemay bo gained iu tho water supplyfrom tho mountains, which wouldbo capable of utilization iu generat-ing electricity for more than thepresent street-lightin- g system.


While purporting to omloro n

retort against tho Hi li.ktin from ananonymous correspondent, the Advortisor only adds to tho chargesbrought by this paper against thePortuguese colony. It says they de-

cline work otlerod to tlmiu on theplantation and that, while they doso, it is "anomalous, not to say ab-

surd," to send out of the countryfor more of tlmsamo race. Tim i

just what everybody of any sem-- e is

saying and there would bo nothingheard olllcially about trying lo getmore Portuguese were it not thattho I'. Ll. politicians deem it expo

iliuiil togive a littlo tnlfy to tho

"colony" nt litis juncture. On tlu qmlion that tho writors do netother hand, it is trtio, what wo said know what tlm.v oro talkimr aboutbefore, that t ho planters do not want i played out. Sinie of the most

Portuguese labor at a priuo that will v'onii,u",t f tlioiiwlv.. and who

attract that labor or hold it. This wore among the IoikIc.U inis no renVolion on the Poitugueso, at suggestions from the outride, lt- -

vvho would, wo fully believe, b more tides clamoring for the cheapestprofitable to the planters, if handled contrail labor as an ab-nlu- te iiiros


intelligentlv, tu.tn lauor "iiy ir m" im iin-sum- gallons in zt nours u

thev hae'bee.i and, lo a indu-- have lately given them- - nece-sar- y. personal

large extent these nnny .e,,, , uipie.cly away on pub- - Jh -J,- - 'felWovears. The have shown all he platfoun by declaring their read- -' . ' . , ... , . a con- -

thev do not want, in i!'e lo tau ineir cnanccs wiiu irce s)

field or nV.ll, more help than laiwr i.n.l. r auiiexalion to tho L'nil-- 1 cjfdcru. hy t hoy not putin at... I. ...I Ci 1... I ,.. ..I..,,.. ,., r MM .1 llllllll) Ol HlllllCIUIlt L'illliK-Ik- IIIoi c.- a- .. , .......s aiHoluteiy any ..., .v,,i is

that is of maintaining what miicerilj in Midiis known in civilization as the digni- - taking their chances vi

tv of labor. When sugar folded - before .innexaMou.

ly twice as much to them as it does





,',,,capable j . .


uorj,f wolfs,

to-da- the insisted that tl.ey water wonts J xietiHton. '.,,.. t win C0Mhae cheap, cheaper, labor, j1)ITim Htitmv- - i,ir preont, that a fullor ruin with of conn- - ,,mxaiiall Stnr in ;MI, llf and public discussion oltrv was is some ,,, ti, Ptli iti-- t. contains an ar- - "i "r,,,""exeuso for their or what is tide hem.d "A cvr L

, '""' "V '."' ' ""' "'. " ,, 7

called civilized labor, both in the , to" I U" mpportmy vK andnature their indu-lr- y ami in i K;;';" will the ' V '"' '".WL0!.1experience. the uetev 1,m,r,llUltll,1;.vm,I,,u.rnwn,annuo, ol "lie Coast. A strike conducted on a ' dot :smg a plan to in-ti- re a supplyplan with which white men arefamiliar, at a critical period of thecrop, would be calamitous all around.Such lawless demonstrations as liaeoeeu seen iu California when gangsof white loafers went from farm to i

driving white it in

their by threats of -- 'tin V.tl!e. There is now-a-

are a state of atfrrrs that Hawaiianplanters may be pardoned for doingalmost anything to avoid makingpossible on their plantations.

Nothing in tho perennial dieu-sio- u

of tho labor question has beenmore frequently heard than tho as-

sertion that labor cannotstand plantation work iu thi cli-

mate. Tliis wo believe to be one of

lhoe llippautly uttered conclusionswhich are passed from mouth tomouth gencrall J amiaccepted as axiomat ict rut lis wit limitbeing thought worthwhile puttingto the In this case the con-cludo- n

is one that has a dealof evidence to disprove it. Whileplantation overseers have as muchactivity iu exposure to the Hawat

Miu 'indehart'e. usiiall

l""main.ho wh.te

Sup.-ilno.n.l.-- .ampa.guinglie appropriation out

pnour healed foiindiif,

eugii rooms of fuctorioriuud team-r- .

are Murdy and ittroug asthose of their occupations othercountries Carpenters and plumb

I iri, brichlaern and roofcre,palefaces, toil tn miu in

apartmente, I townHonolulu, iol there not alot mice, it h ,afo ny, iu

other town world,white uien'rt wage Hieplantations

n.nni-- i

introduced )ltnscontinually

einplovment(hriftyone'-withoi.lyloomai- o

of the unthrifty -- would notTheir

aspirations and sociable proclivities,together withmen education chil-

dren, drivethis way. Thi would a con-

stant sourcecity's populaiiou, probably

permanent cla.seutiro'y new feature

hintorv Honolulu. No

alltwo clear, 1.


llm-.- n



early Hie

the will laboreisNothing Im

however,f by

larger made forthe


contractplan in

tu furnish happy



should his assistants,

our had proved aloiig-fam- -

f i.,,i..,.,iv






pro-pe- c-t in itiaius

Ire moro as

mil-s- i uorothe



tive seasons of drouth.now a ptimpiter

Makiki. it sendsartesian ucil the main

l.l'J.'i.lHHI water a day.iil v consumes itltoi-- i lici almiitJ,UHMlW I iniiii

.Nulla- -farm workers from puppl.tviolence

sian well of I'A 'cuiie not far frmu the

is a inch bir andiw .Miliiki

well, b Mr.that n well drilledthe barracks lot. 'I whatwanted is a pimipi"g han-

dle the out put of the two Thewould ield about J.oUi.iAK)

gallons a day." Thepti'liii es

waii-- r tweni feci suifacc,and wells be had almostihN'Wioro for the During. i In

j until depth ."iUJ fei, the co'litliinil .: a loot. I .Met. less

(he only boringtin- Mr. llrotvi

a that would bample for so-u- lime mighl be

demand, should hef n a

i .... 1. . .... 'ii... .1. .i ..I..l,,!.,! 11. . .1. 7V '. IIV .

i.pciiseinu as of the laborers t a rn.'uian a fewtheir vet iniitillti ol lie1 dry '! To In

piclme. nilm-- l '"''" I ' ! will b' ar oid'iigo niin- of Hi"

I miiiiv may bo a.d of i.

are cat and f,,r carryruns iu IIiomi island. me- - i la i it plan."chauicx in and



of the(no ami

clone iu lie ofis healthier

of to.my in the (live



iu I'im


iu making


of (o

iu aan

in of













1 ii-- ii no! euiargi' n I'm Ml.ilipie.liou wati r supply

lias for re'd"et I ili'iioliilulaeo natii'ii-.li- t

v, ownnilfi fllbjecl ft m piilinal.e for icg a

it'lie pro mid cons ovi-r-

Tor publicly(lie pr ss before the coiiit- -

i.s vi-- lha' I

iavn lias ln-e-

and they will grow f.it J a cans- - gieat epiire lie pubit the work, hut there ii n coiiM'ipi. m i..sh thatthey would bo the most r.-i- less

-'- """-'" "J rnii.u ami ..vm,oi.ici.iis hax cuiid the

cla.s.s of labor over ih.Mo. I

lf .(lll ,(, ,..,,, ;lurThev hanker- - .may mi

nig (own. and toiighl and ii! '".l is e e

longtho change. hocial

tho regard ofthe their



of the




I,..,,.,. could WnUthan large wj,,,. );auiei

originally in- -


with i,,,.labor iu

pioneers"' from

welNexcel encN

past drift Ic.'di.mous nationalities.

From the foregoing considera-tions,

height of absurdityiu more Portuguese

plantation labor whilehero hold taking em-

ployment on plantationsbest terms Hills' them.

little no prospect aniu plantation

labor situation, whereby bulkwork done In

discourageentertained many,

a opening In

Kuropcau labor plantation.-immediatel- y

would dovolop eli-

mination, or iiisigm-lican- t

minimum, or coolielabor. Thecourse of experiment at Hwa may,


trialplautalions convenient sec

ttons, each to placed understipelilltemlence of a competentwho selectwhich correspondent

readerssuccess in Australia. The

pa.lu-i.-ilio- ns ..,,

lrii.ii tliiriugtlio

th ,(i((!(j,v

or otherThere is plant

When nciesarjfrom


In somce



iutheardbuilding bar-

rack. ItHi about same as the

ll is pinpohed Ilrmvnion-inc- h be on

lieu isto


mi the L- -

cuiite Imihliiig scudalnni- -



coiubiiiitiioiioutlll on leliinils. is

pumping planta.al

eulaigcd on itiinprowil aclih.ery iu good

iii.iitiiiiiiiiiii.i.I......woiiiu iioi iii'uri'ji.

any under !), a.ithev aie

theverv of ur c.-- s


who operating heep I)While

while on



to an




terest the ofeteiy

without exception orur to ai'ipiaiiuaace

(he ce, 1"an ecu.--e oir'i

fit with n-- lo hatingof m'hcihi'


iy is to any iu adopi-iugthei-

It with latterIt luilieitu

of tono doubt 'i'l oti-i- j

of rllnow,,, (lllwould of

afterti.,ernm.-.i- t no






II IIH- - I till Hilllliis 111 a eapuoiis or pel final ppirit

one ol opposition to in--

improve lieeail'ol nil wed-ded lo but simply . Matin,;

bertvied a hi.sioric.il fai-i- .

Kvi-r- new mini-ie- r or n-- t

to In- - own which I ', .' S .J7. ..VV ..r: - . ,i

es i


th'ii of Ills preih eivoi's, and o.

lo him what is and mo I

praclicalne, .'iain rn-- li i to- - iy

epi use ami the previous out lav isapparently as Huowuivvav. to em

i... .i.. ,..,.,. .1 rf.it. ... ..r 1... ......in-- , i but

f c

I mini-rel- place

. i tlic lesull.s oT HIV experience inacy v.ew be demanded .lh(i u.tt.r (). )f 1(,the usintiuico of the vuu,. , ,ay

colony of I'oriugu , will tli.ieon in regard tothcprivtrodticcd a la'.or, which ut lirl ip oM

M,ou into town and now 'Tii.... .Vlllli-t- ei Inli'ilor Illlli-lo- U

the great falling in the pub '

..mn,i,ltr mi(. As thelie and demand for ept-inueul- s eomlui-te- during the

are tho of an iiuciu- - Imuxht chowid the ofployed class that has rapnlly P'I''K I he artesian

. . it . into I he r rvnirs 1 on- -

..vi-.e- .at vour

van .. lMll.(. ;,, 0I

thiiig.s are vi.:It belo bring



o Ho '2.



beof luirooeau race.appealed,

bulii thatmight

onschemes that

the gradual


part at the

fair of .system ofintobo

owna lately in-




tin- -







11'lil IHII-- . ttllll- -

orfor eul

tin-old- .


ltd preioisIm-.-

do notto





luauuiucturei's in the Lulled Stalesrelative to procuring a pumpingplant lo be u-- nl in ca-e- s. of M,ereiliout-'li-l. A suitable plant lo pump;i(KHI,lhi.) gallons daily to a point .liH)

h el lor ni'Ti i above lie Ii vel ofuppl.v eotild Im prociind and erect-

ed at a c-- t of about 0,o;h). Theeien.'so this jilatil would

lie about S'llUW im hi! Iil', working -- 1

liotlisdutiv. )el. Us I In- - exleilnives'oraKe wori.s lor at'iitionai powerlo Hie Kleitiic I 'trill U'oiIim pre-viously lefen I'll to are propo-e- i tob umleri'ikeii, would alservo the dun III" purp i f ensuring

vet i the city n;r.iiiit a wat r nuiuie, ih itworlli wiuie to procure a Jitliupiucplant at pie-iu'.'- Tlcsn ii.im'ii!.itle to lie lutiml on p.'i'e 7i ol theprinted copi s of Al'ti.-e- i Tliurton's to the ofthat vein and fuiil.erof the - III tj. el i.s o to l.e found oilutiles 71, "J and SI of iiiu Miiiio report.

It neems to mo still that Hie samellieii iis"d (the ability to

supply pnvvei as well as water sloi- -'

age) iii;l.es th" ex'etisii.n of the j

eieTVoir sv-'e- m lo I liesolution. There nhould also be a ,.vi,.,sn,ii o't tl.e puuipniu system if

money is av.nl. iiiie lor eitln-- r purpo-- e. 'I lieie is an additional reasonal the present peiiml iif liiiat.cialdist ress our l.'ilioriu' popula-tion in that an i xtciision of the n- -

i rvuir sVleui Would give elitioyiiient a- - I'iiiopt to inan.v ol thopoi.r fat lieis uf f.iiii. lies now out ofWolk. while Hie pumping sc, i. i,i

.ess. .Met, and- -IVlillIll i.llU lli'll III

iliar retort of planlors, in lo j (l, ,r. Voung of Hie foiindiy,uuwspuper disciibsious of tho labor or othur person in llm samo line

nniiilnt-iiir-r tint fiitt nnrmli, nrnitmt.hundreds by tlio other method.

Again may ask why got anotherpumping plant when tho countryhas been put to tho expenseof g tting ono at Makiki whorois tnoro water than tho presentpump apparently can tako away.

ccoruiug to ur. uiuwusunufigures this plant has a capacity ofi,ia.Mniw

From know- -


ant supply of 15 foot depth in thoeither did

necessary abi0

i he present well at Makiki is capableof supplying a,(KX),(XK) gallons daily,if required, without exhausting its

cheapest trustingthat the 'tho

inevitalile. lucre ",":"'" ""."'" ";"", "shyness 'uinping

g''of the


become ixjilxuit












opinion on the subject, 1 remain,oic. Ciias. Ii. WILSON,

Honolulu. March 12, 181)1.

Wu have jtist rccL'ivud an-

other c.'irgo of liny and Grain

by the 'Irmgard," pciwinallyd by our manager in

California ; and iih we buy

I lie best, n word to the wisei siiiuVioiil. l'rompt delivery.

California Feed Co.

Ori'ici:: Corner Queen

and Nttuaiiu 8treet. Both

Telephone's 121.W.iM-:iH)i,.s?- : King street

near O. U. oi L. Co.'s Depot,

liuth Telephones HIJ.

By Lowlo J. iovoy.



TO-MOKKO- W, March i:J,

.vr 1 O'CLOCK

I ll ll nt I'ulil'c Aili'tlnu, nt tliu Wnr- t-liuilx-- , I rr:ir nf llio lliiliili

Iron Works,

SS BALESAlplialfa HayOIkIiiIv iIiiimhu'imI ux liarkciitliin "W. II.

Il'imnul" (rum huii l'runulsio.

Tu ll

Xjw1b J, Lovoy,AtnrTIONKKU.

l!y Jna. 1'. Morgau.


I)Y oi:il;lt OK Mil. M. It. CDLIIlMtN.1) mi i nursiiant tu lln nrovUlnns uf

iinlcrii, i.'twn in i sir.--,

i win miii lo I Mil- - Aiii'll'i'i, (ur iiiti unit of it

i.iv v iiii-iti- nt my .niii'Moiii,-- t irl. Iliiimlnl'i. en SATUKOAY i ,

!l, l!il. ill - ii'e'ink iiimiii, O.nk IIoiisk,iiirnmrly ih" inin'rl) of W C. Arhl: lii- -

hol.by he V' , . :.



' " T " I'.... ...- -

.iliiriMim -- tiiluti'JAB. 1'. MOltOAN,

Auctioneer.Ilinioliilii .Muri'lill, b'll. ti77-l.- lt




"Soft Soaps" & Tallow

is.' .iTUKKT.

BOX 341.U7I-- U

j '"iiercd, n,,lldll,.ft Mllhnl Han.n, fb0Clelythe year, from the of ,.,,;..,

the the












TiiTU'B IS OIVKN THTnil liy tin; iiImivk ini'li- -

urn imjalilu ont i Iu SI. It. A nt Illsiiillrei-oniH- r anil strxils amiiJI llui ii inlimi-i- t nf sniil KeclutV ft-- -

iiiirillnu llin Irri-iiru- r "lioulil Im ilia-u--il

in siilil M. II. A. 1. O. Ilnx 'JI'l. InI M. H. hll.VA,

!!..' It


A T Till: A N N I' V I. M IIKTI NO 01'' 'I II ISI iilll.:lll . IikIiI tills illlV, III tlu nlIli-f-

if linn II. 11.11 l". it II.. tin fill Utt 111!

vvitoi (or tliu year,vU. :

An iltur



whomOlll-U'- l.Man-l- i




IIKItmiYDnill" Nsnit.1

tinlii'-- l sjiii-iut- )

Mt-lrn- .

Kltiuii Mlllor




iillii-ur- s ji'i'tuil uusiilni;

I'ri-M- uit



. . Tle-ii- . II. D.ivliin,....I1'. ,M Hwiiniv,

.W. II. Iluiri,,K. W. Ilnlilsuiiitli,

T. It Kcyuurtli.


Ilniinlillii, K'li. in, islil. M ll n.ov


T TH K ANM Al. M i:i-- : I NO OK I'll KImiii-Iim- i Hii .m NvvniMliiN

i'.imi-nv- , 1. Ml, Mils ilny, tliu follow-ni- t'

imIh-it- s iiml liiiri'ior- - vMiut forllm ensuing L'iir:

W ll iioilfri'vJ linn .' VI cl'ri-sliliiii-

W II. M I.imiii . .. .Si'iTntiiry,.1. I. McLeanT. W. Ilnlii.ui Atulilor.

l.i ii i.i toll-- :

W. II. (iliilflcv, J. Illi'i, II, N. WlluiX. I'. A.Snliiii'fcr, V, (I. Km It Ii.

W. II. Mcl.r.AN,feiiTiitiirv I. 1.8. N. Co., I.M.

Ilinioliilii, II. I., Mnrvli (I, I BUI. WS--

MIh Hardwarfl Co., L'fl

Saturday, March JO, lSMh

The United Slates are flood-

ed with thousands of jimcrackarticles as the result of the ex-

hibits at the World's Fair. Wehave had opportunities for se-

curing the agency for a largenumber of these articles, butthere are so few of them thatare worth anything that we re-

fused to handle them. Onearticle, however, that has cometo our notice we believe will

fill a long felt want.One of the greatest difficul-

ties the housewife or cook hasto contend with is keeping thebread knife sharp. If it is usedfor any other purpose than cut-

ting bread it is bound to be-

come dull. If it happens to beconvenient the cook will use itfor any purpose for which aknife is used, all the placarding

u S andt lit lilt? er ittrMcrrl lit fir. i


..w .tJ ov, ui'v.. .....1,S..,-.,,- ,I Auu....l f nl Oil f '..lllu li!,i..l.

ticlc we have in view to remedyall this trouble is a knife madevery much like a saw, and it

will cut bread without the traceof a crumb; warm bread maybe cut without its becoming j

heavy. Another knife of the.. .... I ..!.... !

same pattern, out smaller, tsadapted for cuttiiifr cake onwhich there is icing. Still an-

other is used as a parer. Thethree are of the finest steel !

with nickle plated handles securely fastened to the bladesso that they cannot possiblycome off. We sell them at $iper set and you get good valuewhen you buy them.

A new lot of clothes wringersvarjing in size from that ordi-

narily used by families to thevery large one used in sugarmills for wringing sugar bags.These we offer you at S.tn j

Prancisco prices.The standard scale iu the

United States is the Fairbanks.The government uses in :

all of its weighing and so favor;ably are they known that peo-ple look with suspicion uponanything weighed tin any otherscali!. We have recently addedto our slock a number of themsuitable for use in stores ormills. Tnere is no secondquality in a Fairbanks andwhen you get one it will lastforever without repairs.

We have a large assortmentof very handsome Callwhich we offer at low prices.

1 his includes Hie plain ding-a-ling-- a

ling sort and the kindthat sounds just as if it hadan electric battery at one end;nickle or silver plated as your

j tastes run and me price won'tI hurt vou no matter which vouselect.

The a nicies mentioned aboveare for use in the home andstore rather than on the plan-

tation or cattle ranch. Foreither of the latter places afence is as necessary as theland itself, and when you arebuying an article like a fence,something which under ordi-

nary circumstances must be re-

paired from time to time, itmight be well to buy the kindthat is constructed on a planthat reduces the wear and tearto a minimum. We have norecollection of ever seeing orhearing of one that embodiesas many really good points asthe Jones Locked. Its cheapness is not the only thing thatcommends it to the public.Its construction is such thatcattle may try as hard as theylike they cannot break it down.The wires will not sag, so thatthere is practically no repair-ing to be done. The growingdemand for the Jones fence isconvincing proof that it is des-

tined to supersede all othermethods ol building wire fence.Its economy brings it withinreach of every one 6 centseach for steel wire stays totake the place of a post thatcosts 1 6 cents or more is anitem for )our cinaleraiioii.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., IfiOionit HHi'i'l(i'lh' lllimK,


TEMPLE OF FAfiillilfl&l

Ooi-ne- r Fort Hotel StroutH,



BIG INDUCEMENTS mI Will be offered to the Public and it will pay you to trade at


... I AM OFFERING NOW ....For Friday and Saturday Only,

ST .TJST Boys' Cambric Fiaiietie Waistst fiilMLj



IIL1I1IV i rOWI l 111111 l Wl V'H'ir' til tat , lltO JJlUlll

.Just Received by last "A Uhlraliii" a Large Stock of


To be old for oxi: vi-:k- om.y at 10e., lliAe., Ue. and lGJo.per vard. CJooilw worth 2oe. a vnrd.



In 10-yn- rd lengths, reduced from $1.00 lo 7:1 eciili.

S. EHRLICH,Corner Fort and Hotel Sts., .... Honolulu, II. I.

ReorganizationThe Drug Business heretofore carried bv Uol-list- er

& Co. has been incorporated under the

inline of the ......Hollister Dm

Having the largest and most complete stock in

our line, we are prepared to off r our eutoniersthe bt'Ht goods at the lowest prices.



583 Fort, 8trRt - "Honolulu, U. T.

TKI.KI'IIONi: im l. o. IIOX ,17a



Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butter

VT ALWAYS ON HAND jftNew Goods Received by Every Steamer from San Francisco.

t0 All Onlcrs faithfully uttcinl tu. Hut Ion umiranti'nl. IMntnl Oiiluiasollulti-i- l anil jacked with care

Lincoln Block. Kino Simxt, IJkt. Fout and Alakiia Stiii:i:t.s.






c lidiii! I



-- I. O. l!0. L"i7


Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesFruab Goods by Every California Stoamcr.

GOODS A SI'KCIALTV.ICU - IIOUSK - - -Islands Oiidimis Solicited. .Mft 1&" S.vtim vhion (jc.viianteed.



1'. O. IIOX 115


Provisions and Feed.Groceries, - - -New liouils ItiM'i'lvml liy Kvi'ry I'mkul f r. llu' ii nii,' ami Kuriic,

niKSll - CALII-'OHNI- - HlOIMVi: - IJY i:T.I5Y - STIiAMKK.

All OnliTs faithfully atli'ii'lisl tu ami li'ni.ls I . li tu nnI'art nf llm City I'lll.l..


i;akt couni:k



Page 3: Ibp Paiiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6459/1/...Pallor Organs, Guitars,-tsn mimi MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FOII SALE ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER CO,, King Street, opH Castle A




Time Table



U. It. A. I).AtM P M p u p Mt

irtruve Honolulu 8:15 1:15 4:.15 6:10Lime 1'carl Cltv !):30 2:30 6:10 6:.VJArrive Kwn Mill 0:67 2:57 6:30 0:22

To Honolulu.O. I). It. A.

M A Mi rM rMLeave Kwn Mill 0:21 10:13 3:43 6:J2lave Pearl City 0:M 11:15 4:16 0:10Arrive Honolulu 1:M 11:65 4:65 0:45

A. HntunUys only. I

II. Dally.(5. SiitHln v exce pled.D. Hattirdnya excepted.

ultc gtiiljj gamin.MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1891.


Arrivals.riiMiw, Mnr. 11.

Hliiir from Hamukiiabtmr Clnitdltic from .Maulhtmr .Ininu- - Makec (mm KuitnlHtmr IV I e from Makawttil


Srsii.w, Mnr. II.II I J M 8 Nutilwu, Mori, for n t rulse round

HavMiliMospay, Mnr. 12.

Kt mi Mokolll for Kaunnknkal, Knmiilo,l'ukoo, Hnlnwn. Wullail. I'clckunii,Kuluiipapu, Olowalu iiinlIjtiml ut ." m

filinr Mlknlmla for Nnwlllwlll, Kclou. Klci.'k-- , Makuwoll, Wnlnu-- a and Kukithti alft l in

HtinrKmila for Wnlnnae, Wnliilun, MitkiiIvln, IjiIo, Kiilmkii uml l'unaluu ut !

n mStinr Kllaiica Hon for Honomiintil Pope-i-

ki'o at I m

VcmoI Loaviui;four Jninc. Mnkrn for llunnmniilu ami

Knt hi ii at I mhlmr Claiiilliiuiiir Knliutiil, Kcmmc, IIiiiiii,

lliinion, Klpahiilti, Nun, Puaiihaii, Kuknlau nt 5 in

Cargoo from Islnutl I'ort.Klmr Pole fOl Imu tT.Hiiur l'liim -'- ."iXJ luir MiK.ir.Slnir Jn Mnkcc XVti lint?- - ulnar.ltmr Ciniiillnu 4CII2 linn Kiiuar, AT'I es

lilt hufin com, :!. hdlr. IiIiIi ,.10 hcinl caltl- -, 10 hog, 10 pk.

PAinoncora.A Mil VA Ml.

1'roin Kiiuai, ivcr linr Ju- - Maker Marcli11- -Hr 11 W Howard nml wife, W Ilia iU'll,J O Walker, J .M H Walker, W A Wch.terami I deck.

From Maul, per --.tmr Cluit.llne, March II11 6 Van Winkle. Ml- -. II Van Wlnkl...

Ml O H Kvltoiri;, Ml lirlitliiii. Mr Pa v.Mm W A MoKny, Ml Unitii. C K Horner,.1 :iii, i; n i kmix-iu- . iivv i r uuia. AiuoyJ 'iikc, Aw mm, Ilo You ntil l.'xlu k.


Tor Kniial, pTtiiiJ Mlkuhuli, arch 12-'- lheo Wiilll", C lliirni'll, Mr- - Kalialo,

VosaolH in Fort.U h S I'lillail(llil.i, llarkt-r- , from I'nllno,

PeruI.' 8 H Admins Nclon, from u erulcH It M H ('liamiloii, ltiHiko, Kmii1iiiiiiiIi

'Am ulilp II I' CIium-V-, Mn-hc- r, from Dp.purl urn Hay

Am lik SI' Allen, Tlionip-o- n. fromrramiUeo

Am lik Matilda, Swumou, from DcpartiucI lav

Am chr Carrier Hove, Hramlt, from New- -fiihlle, N S W

Am liktnu Inward, sohiiil.lt, from Sunr'ninplrti)

Am hktnu H N Ciitle, lliilil'iinl, from SunI'riiiivlrvo

Am wlialint; !rk Horuilo, DuiiuMmui,fro-i- i ban rruucUpn

Aiiilikinu S(l WIMur, Mu.NVIII, from SanI luncli'i'o

Am Iikiiiu W ll Irwin, Wllllam, fromHan l'rniiel.eo

AiiiliKtiiiiiluniiva, Nt'ilMMi.froiu Nuwi-ai-tle- ,

N S W.Mil iikiiip riunier Dow, from Nin l'run.


Am lik CD llr.Mint, fiom 8anKraneli-o-

Am liktup W II Dlmoml NIIoii, fromHau l'r.meiM--

l!r haik Mllalnt, Harlniul, from l.lver- -pool

Ilrlt lik XuiiiIikj, from Neeii-lle- , N h WAm r Anna, Nurliori;, ftom KiiliiilulAm Milir Allen A, heliuo, from hurika

ForoiKn Voasols Expuutod.S H Cliiiiu, Wiinl, from China, iluo Mar'JUIt M ri S Ahiiueilu, More, from !;iu

ilnu Mnr inC A r .S Warrliuoo, I'eriv, from Van-

couver, iluu Mar ZK H Aiictrallu, Hoiulleite, from h'au 1'nin- -

clco. due Mtir'-- 'lO A OH 8 (luellii, reariie, from llniih'koni;

ami Yiikohauia, ilue May IIAm hktnu HUcovory, from tun I'liini'l-c- u,

now ilueAm hk Amy Turner, from New York, Julv


Am bclir U W llnrtlutt, OIm'ii, from New- -ciiitlo, N K W

Am iichr Alohu, ll.iht-l- , from hau Krau- -ilue Mar is

Am hk Ceylon. Calhoun, from hun I'miifl-c- o, due, Mar HI

Am bchr Alice Cooke, I'euhullim, fromban IVuiic-Ihi-i- i

Am hk Allien Ilusao, KrllB, from ttanoIm'o

Am hk Auulc Jolm-oi- ., Itock, for llllo,due MnrM

Am hktnu John llnlKely, Khephenl, forKuhillul, due Mar L'J

Am nulir W V Wll.einau, IVtorMjii, fromhun KraneUen, dun M ir.'m

Am kelir Klntt Cyriih, rhrltliiu-eu- , fromNivvcaMle, S ri W, iIiih Mm lu

Am hk Ncwhlmv, Molluiteii, fiom Nuw- -runtlii, N ii W

Am whr O M Kellofe't;. Ivur-n- n, fromHiNiuiam

Haw hk Helen Itrewer, fiom New York,Mnr.VIU

J.) man I) Koter, lre)or from N I W, IVI.

Kehr Oolilen hhoru, lllrkhulm. from New- -S S W

Am hk Amelia, Ward, from I'liut .iniiudaiii Klilp Mcclituutal, .voru, from II CAm kvh Kalvator, from N K WIlk M Hackfeld, fiom Liverpool, .lime I I.'.Iter hk .1 ! llhule, from Liverpool, Apr I in

Shir-pin- i Nutoa.The uhulliiK Imrk Horatio - .till unelier-c- i

oil' mrlTim liarkeiitlne S. N. Ciille ! nculviii

"UKiir from the Mcuucr I'ele.ThiiNleaiuer Kiluilea Hon left at I o'el. ?l

thU iiflernooii for Hoiioiiiii and IVpickmMale ho.lt h of the hark II. I. Chem v

will uo in. M'cuinl mule on tin- le,iunrl.llulillue.

TlieMiainer Luliiiu Ndiiiuplni; here.iroof Ujar Into the choouer t'airler lionlylliK ill Ihenlrcniii.

'IhiiUrk 11. I. Cheney Inc. .hiftml herher how ImviiiK Kruniidul she

will leave in u few ilu).


Two natives aro under arrest fort of taxes.

Thoro was no mooting of the Ho- -

noiulu baseball rlub to-ila-

Tuonty-tw- o Cliinoso were pulledin by the police yesterday for yam-blin- s.

The Hawaiian Eleetrie Co. willhold its annual ineetinyat HloVIoek

morning.Prof. Koulii'lc. the blifilit man,

will leave on the .S. S. Alaim-d- forthe Colonies on Thursday next.

j The names of additional nulwril)- - '

iorstotho Mutual Telephone Co.'slist appear elsewhere. Cut it out.

The new limn table of the l'aeifieMail nnd Ooeidental and OrientalHteauiihip Cotuoaiiiea nppenrs to- -

day.I'olitieal meetingH mi Sunday have

not been plopped Ity Mr. ISowen'siprotest made al the open Leaguemeeting.

The J. G. band will give its usualconeert al t'lnuia Sipinto this even-ing, when f(it urd. 'a program willbe repeated.

I.. J. Levey wilt eil al auction,at noon, '2Tt bales alfalfa

hay slightly damaged on voyage ofW. II. Dimond.

Manager I'ain, of the HawaiianTramways Co.. is having a bus

be run in oppo-utio- to '

the Smith line.

Don't forget the lecture by Mrs.Cans at Knwaiahao eluireh

evening. The proceeds will goto the church fund. (

H. 1. .1. M. S. Naniwa lift portabout I o'clock Sunday afternoon '

for ililo, Hawaii. Mr. Kujii.for Japan, wa- - a passenger.

Tho crow of the l earner .1. A.Cuminius caught an ulna measuringbetween four and live feet on herway from Waim imln on Saturday.

). M. Oat, I'nstuinitcr-Gcnoral- ,

advert ise. for xealed lenders formail bags fur iiitcr-ndau-

mail service. Samples can be Keen '

at the I'oM Olli.e.A goodly number have viited

Ariou hall to pee the historicalclock of America. 1 1 i a very in-

structive piece of mciaiiisnf andshould be picii to b npprcciati'd.

A genlltMiian in town received ill)in two-cen- t stamps of the now ipuc,in payment for an arlicl.'of jewelry.He 'us about town this fun inniiitrying to get rid of them at facevalue.

It .1. Grcuuo, caio t.iknr of theGovernment buildings, has had ashortcut path Hindu to the front ofthe Judi iary building, with thegate opposite the front corner oflie) Opera HoiiMt

lad: Malonev and Williams werefined SI each Ik .ludgo IiiItI-oi- ifor all'rav. The two had a light infront of the I'acilic Saioou al ll'o'clock Saturday uLJil. A "bobbin"happMiiug aliug ran tleiu in.

A. S. Willi- -, I'. S. Minixl.T lVsi.dent, and wife paid an uili.-ia- l visitto 11. li M. S. CliampiiMi this inoru-iiii.- '.

On rcfiiing at noon a baltite offifteen guus wan lired and the Starand Stripes run up at tin riv.

The llttiugsof the F.lcci"r.'il Kgi-tr- y

aie being tiau-dcrn'- ftuiu tin-n-a-

of the ld Logi-latu- e Hall i

the room of tho Agricultural andImmigration bureaus cIom to ilnfront entrance of the Judiciarybuilding.

William Kilev, engineer on tinsteam wha ler NllVIiroll.liml III-- . Illlelinger eru hlii'il HV nil ecceiitrie miftatuntay, wiule the vei.ei was I.

lie was brought rn andtaken on the I'. S. .. I'hiladelphi.i.where the injured member was at-

tended to. He i now in tie- - Ouci-u'- s

Hospital.Nearly the w hulo of the morning

session of the District Court to-du- y

was occupied by the trial of seventeen Chinese gamblers. Lung John,one of the number, conducted thedefene. At the concluMon sevenwere acipiitted and the ut hers lined.Long John was cutcuccd in pay aline of $20 and his eoufciloiaics'l0each.

I'e(ie ciunini; fi'uin the -- luitinj;rink on .Sntiinluy were tiirtlel lvtliu niipi-arnnc- of uiciuli.u, of theiniiiinieil pat rul with tlioir Klittorine;lnittill. -- t.itinueil ill the alley ujijiu..itn MeKililiiuV Iniie. Sever.'ll eninoupon tho Hpie. mi hinlileillv tlutt iluifule t li'iii jiiiup buck. The ni;hthnvvkrt shuiilil either ilic:inl their

litterin nml hIiuw.v apparel, uriiiovu hack (artln-- r in ilie nlnulnu, uas not to scare po(lotrinu.

ilauio.--t Oilco vvu.x placeil ineler ar-ri'-

itnrilriy sliorll.v after theof the ..teauier .lames .Makce

froui Kauai, as a Mow away, to lie"iVfll his rl. t.)ilce came heieon thn C. A. .S. S. Wnrriniiui, ami insome way reeiirecl rili;e to Kauai,lln letiirueil ycdonlay, tliiukiu thematter had lieu overhmlieil. ami i.8 irry ill coiiMiilUeiice. O.lee vvii re- -

Icum-i- I this afiernn.iii on conditionthat he the dust of Honoluluoil' his feet. Uo will lie given untilthe return of the S. ,S. Warrimoo.

Suspected KirobiiifU AtrcMtid

A hou-- c on the K.ialavv.'ii i,

the other iiie of Ui, me .ml Iliad, theproperty of Autone i"ii, va- - Inirn-oi- l

in the ground la-- t iii,jil, A.who taken care of the pivtn-n- f

and live.-- hand), twonative !ov-- , K'lhanauiii and Kale-ana- ,

of liie 1. 1 I he lioii- -.

Tlie liovs have Ii en arre-li-- d on ti.echaise of arnii. Tln i wn liov werelele.'IM'd llllder iiolld- - I III- - aflel lee ill.

( 'lianil.oi lain'- - Coiuliives the I -- it . lui't u in of any

coiiuh I handle, ami n-- a

M'll.-- r leads ad other piepaini ... - intin- - maiki't. 1 leciiiimieiid H !'-eai- e

it lithe liel lln dicine I . . , rliand ii'd for c. mull-- , old- - and cum p.A. V. Il.ihln.lp, .Mdlei-vill.- .. Id.For hale li all dealers.Smith ,v Co., A yon t foi the llawmInn Islands.



McCandlosa Claims a Foul and StopsRunning.

The skating rink was pretty wellfilled on Saturday evening, the at-

traction being the two-mil- e skatingrace between Charles Lambert, Jas.Spencer, K. .1. McCaudlcs and TomJ'ryce for a prize. J'ryce, havingsprained his ankle the previousnight while practicing, withdrewand the others were son! oirwith avery fair Mart. Lambert and

held the pace even for afew lap, when the latter attunedthe lead. Turning the Waikiki cor-ner Lambert "elbowed" McCandle-- s

oil the track, and shot ahead.threw up his hands and

stopped, claiming a foid.it limingbeen underMiiod that there was tobe no touching. The other twofinished the race, Lambert winningwith Spencer a bad second. Theiewas the usual squabble betweenthe judges as to whether Lamberttouched or pushed his opponent.W. Saviilge refined to give Limb-- rt

the prie until the judges gave theirdecision. As they are evenlv divided,it is probable that the lirt prizewill be run oil" between Lambert andMcCandles.s on Saturday next. Ifnrrnugcd this should beau excitingevent.


Suit for $5000 Dti:nngs A Contos- - '

tod Will.

Johult. Silvaof Honolulu issuingJ. W. Kuaimokii of South Kona, Ha- - i

waii, for violation j

of an ngicemeiit making Silva man- -

ager of a stuck nnd dairy ranch inSouth Kona on the halves. j

Judge Whiting tld morning heard i

the petition of J. F. Hackfeld forthe appoint uieit of an administratorof the cute of the late I). H. Na j

liinii of Jlookun. Hawaii, which isuulebled to II. llnelUeld Co. inthe sum of F. M. Hatchappeared for iietituiner, J. M. l'oo-tio- e

for the widow und other heirs.The Court granted the admini-'ira- -

lion. Imi'g the bond nt .r.Mtkl. but j

uitlile-l- the appointment untilWedncdav next, to nllow the widowtime to find bondsmen.

In the matter of the estate of W.II. Mn. th, bankrupt, three creditorsproved claims amounting to $.'Uil2.J'. and A. W. Carter was appointedasigneo under lnul of "TiM.

l It - nderii'iou .Indue Whiting is.hearing the petition of Al. W. Mann- -


ole for prolmtc of will of C. Alalia j

ole. J. A. Magouii for potitiuner; .

C. W. Adiford for Mr- -. Iiluah.it hHarvey, i'ontelanl. '

"Perhaps you would not think so,but a very large proportion of dis- -

ease? in Now ork comes from care-lessee- s

about catching cold," saysDr. Cyrus IvNou. "It is such a sim-ple thing aud so c immoii that veryfew people, unlesi it is a ease ofpueiiuiotiin. pay any attention to ncold. New York isoneof the heallhi-e- t

places on the Atlantic Coast andyctt hcie are a great tunny cases ofcainrrli and which havetj.eir origin in this neglect of thesimplest piccnut ion of every dav life.The ino-- t advice" is, whenyou have niie gel rid of it as oou a.spo'isible. Ily all means do not neg-lect it." Dr. IvImhi docs not tellvon how to cure a cold but we will.Cake Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,ll will relieve the lung', aid exp,e- -

l'ralion, open tl ciotmn-- . andjimui eir.-c- t a icrinanent cure. li."i

and .'ill cent Imtiles fur sale by nildealers Itctismi, Smith ,V 'Co.,agents for tin Hawaiian Islands.

ft IVfjO k7iK OuTBilR.fiil H ll'S fl 1 D h g I 1" " " --.. w v

Mutual Telephone Co.

T -l oK AlilillH'SAI. I lisritllt.1 J Kit" utel ch iii:- i- .in.- .Inniiiirv.

i ut on and i.Mti- - in O iici.il liireetorv:

"ill Allen, l,eor!i re. I low elt I linei.l. I Mi II. en, r. , I : I i hlrcil near

N'lioolin It'inlford. (' S. ISerci.tuia near

runi'iiiiow I -- iri'.itI. -- I IllueW,.! II, r - l.illlm -- 'reel,Vo-- '' i'iiiii niiio- - IC i. Hlili, I i ahiiiru a Wine i'n. loT i'nri r.-.-iI .1 i .i ,p.-r- . ff II, ..lll.'i mil ii- - l

m .1 A1 il.ea -- i.iti-i.Ii

i.il , .1 I' I', p. Alakca irtei u.-- r

ll.m I

I.'. Collin Mr J I' I'. Hid Nlpp n, Ar- -III Ml"ll llliH'k, Held -- ireel

..' Ii.e Nil. p.. ii, Mr- -. I I' I'l'nll.ico, Ar- -linuten III . k. I'olel -- licet

I, I'o-- ti r. Win, Atmriiey-.il-l.a- Ka- -

.iI.iiiiiiiiiii lr.-- i t17 Iioiiio, Miiiiii.I, re- - Kinuii ur Alnpul

-- llei'l.'III li.iveruo i n Nur-ei- Klny Ulnl

I, i. ii, rrc.o, II I., re lirilt Ljiiii..hi: i Kupii, Mr- - I., Kul.iii. .1

Tot UIiiiiu ',.. Mi reli.iiit, All. n and Ue-l.- i'iia.-- ii-el

. I K.iiuii, - Meieh.itit, lleietuuiii HearMiiiiiii.Im .1 -- IP I i

i, .'I LiIh. --., i'ijiui Miiiiufai lurer, Kiln:I., ur Port iri'i'l

. ,7n Iv.iluiiinUil, llenr.v, reii'li nee Kiiiau-- in , I

o.i l,i,.ep-- r ri W n ldi lie,- li'irdi u l.uuii.1- -, l.iuli:f,H,t, .1, Liiniililo uml

l'iil...i 1

ut, el urine), ,M i.leii.-- Liiiunti reel.on .V No' h I'.i.-ii'-

I'l rut '1 r ('.. K .il inl.'l, I'll I.. 1' , 1. !...-- .1,11.1

:t7l I'i.-iI- -.- 11 on. II I' niter., M.111- -

IILi - U.I11! ..II I Nil til .1 -- trielII. I'll klllll.l, l Hi, le nleliei 'i'll ell

lllel I'Mll. I.li.iwl l.i -

.11., It, -. Man . I, r, d.-nci (iiieell Ilealin- I

In.! l!i,.- - l.i I IIii'iiwiii ', V iiikiLi,'Kjl :; SI. 1. iiivu. , Mi nil ml. WiillliueIII Ti ) I. I , I'uii.-lii- ii - iI.mi I , I'loth- -

ill, le. I orl met II,, 1, - r.Virlcxe, Mou, n. . II. ritaiu.i

-- tint"7 W ..l.-.i- , II, II..iii.ii1i , I. ry Kinui M..U. .1 -- in

, i U 11 iin -- iii, ,n, K il il-- In).1. VI lllll I M, II I. I, IT ,M il.lKI'..'. 'Aid Id, - M, riniinv Niiniiiiu,i .In, I I ',,- -

ii ..11. -. I II I i. nee 'I loir-i..- n

11 ..1 1. '1 11. 1

1.- - -- ..I.iiiuii liauiir, lleii I mid Viuin. n - 'i'.'i II

I'OM SAU-- .

t m Mic 11 in ntvi'iiT-"- . w ri:iti I. I.- - r '1 I,.. Hid .' i ration im'lii,

uiil 1... k, 01 ,,. .inn le .1 1, ,

..... mi . (r hi 11. I'" I III, I' ui 7 1111111--

r I... I Al plv i"1. W. It XWI.INs.

Ilvli Kli. 'jo 1'. M. II" I. till-- 1 HI

The Bont Raco.

There was a fow people on thecity front Saturday afternoon towitness the raco between the six-oar-

juuiors and four-oare- d so iorsof tho Myrtle boat club. Shortlyafter 1:.T0 o'clock tho word "go" wa"s

given aud the boats shot olt, withthe seniors pulling a one and-a-hal- f

to tho junior s one stroke, and takingthe lead. The juuiors settled downto a good stroke aud pa-sin- g theseniors won easily by about tenlengths. The crews were as follows:

Juuiors in the Alice M. (six-oare- d

-- V. Lyle (stroke), X. HaNtead. L.Gilbert, 1'. Lisliinan, 11. Wilder andI'el rie.

Seniors in the Alf Rogers (four-oared)-Ch- a.

Crane (stroke), V. 1).

Armstrong, J. A. Lyle and II. A.Giles.

For seveu years or more Mis. W.I). Louder, of (juiury, Ky., was sub-ject to severe attacks of cramp colic.Mr. S. It. Morse, a druggist of thatplace, recommended Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera and Diarrluei Keiiiedy. which has effected a permanentcure, saving her much suffering be- -sides the trouble nnd expense of

' sending for n doctor, which wasoften ueco.ary. For sale by alldealers. Benon, Smith A:" Co.,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

.1 kimh of Commrrclal Printingpmmpllu rrscxitril nt fnie tnl'f nt thei',,n.il., Ofl'- -



liolilers of the Hvuvh.v.n Kl.ii innfoMCvxv will lie lielil 'll!r.SHAY, Murelill, Isil, at 10 uVlevk v. M , ut the Ullleoof K U. Hall A Sen, of Ollleer

i: o. winri-:- .

Ii7s 21 Sicrctnry 11. K. Co.


roTICK IS HKItr.llV OIVKN THATi.x the follotvliiK iiamisl .er-o- n foruinln cepuMnir-lil- p. inulir the linn imnic ami

t le of "C. W. him Wo.'' tlalilit from Julv"I, I'sl, to carry on a uenvrul nieri'lmiiili-- e

lmliic- - at IjiIiiiIiiii, .MimiI.AH l.i:n (I. Hoiiolu'ti.

li's-l- i' 1.. ACIHiY. Lnlialim


Latest Styles in Millinery- THK I.ATK-M- " I- S-

Wh'.to ami Colored Worstod Goodsrill: MMSTCMMI'I.KTKKTOI'K OK


Drcssmskinii Done by Mrs. Renner.


lit ltHAY in..: MAM itllAY. iroio'.' le Li'ctiK-- e. .; eoml Ilo ir of l'o-le- r

It'iH'l:, Mi mint .lie. t; enlniine on thelime Iciuliu; to reiuiilry.

tST" l'.ook li hi out to r"mlhle nr-Il- o

tn Honolulu, and when priir'I'-ulile- , Inri.lileuiK of the oilier IhIuiuN.

Kleineiit-ir- ri- - In Theieephvwi:isi;iuY i.vr.MS'M.mInirp. in tho l.lhrary Hall. UTT m- -


Agent to Take Acknowledgments

Will .Mteint to Mauauiiment ami Saleof Property ami Collection In

nil ft iirunil- o-

Houses and Land For SaleNortherly comer of Kiuiim ami lltretanla

triutt.mum v ; Mlietloor liclou l.etti J, U'Vev,

I'ori .irmt tiT.' tf"



ciioicK VAiturni:. mi

"Mexican Queens"- AMI

"Tabogo Sugar Loaf"IMI'OKTKO HTUI K.

Fur Sale In Qii'iilitles to Suit Purthiisers.

Jjxs. F1. "M.oy&&.x.!)7.' Iw


'JMVO SICKLY ll'lt-X- .

Itoom- - for fifrlktSckiieiitleiuitii ui No. 4 (i.inleiLane. ni.' tf xmmi&


'IVVM Ml 111,) II li 1 jA, v.I ..1.1. ...1 1.. .... 1. ,'i'.i."lllHIII - .mi 1.1 ulf'iIII., 1 -- in it, oppo-it- e K'iii- - Siitk 111 -- Meet, alum! live mill- -

lite walk from Niiii.iiiii strict car-- . AihI'") al thi ntllcii. ui:t tf


7 VAI.I'AllLi; IMLIT- - OKI ilii).rovid I'lnpertv, In, He. I

in dill' I'.irli .if the uv of t&rrepHolioliilii, all li.iri.Mui- -. p.l)(i.r full 11.11 K'lilarr l.i Mirain.

lilil'i 1. .v A .1. ri:rwitliillT.

a CREOLE,"6Hiicn Uncord

th Hint, !i:ln.

Ura, Stnt'ij E. O'l'ullonof l'liui, o.,i ihet'lir

triune nru A',c.UIms1,trail Inulc ni Itt Ilk ou

Raisod froni iha Dead

Long nnd Tnr..3l3 Illnessfrom Blood PoisoningCoMifefrit Cured by Hood'a

SnrfHi partita.Mrs. Mary K. 0'1'allon, a Tcry Intelligent

lady of rt'iu.i, Ohio", vm roloncJ hlla avtsttnit rtiyslcl.mi at an aulnpiy c years ago,

nnd soon tprrlMe nlrrra tiroke out on bcrhead, arms, luniniA nnd liim.it. Iter hatr allcame out. She welched hut 78 llis.,andiawno prospeet of htlp. At last alio began totiko Hood's S.irvipitllla and at one lmproTedi could soon g':t out ot bed and walk.Bho s.iysi " I beenrno perfectly cured by

Hood's Sarsaparlllaandnm now a well woman. I weigh 118 lbs.,oat cll and do tho work tor a largo family.lv rase sremi a wonderful recovery and

p!iylol.itis ok nt me tn astonishment, aaultnustlllieonn rolled frra Ihx dead."

HCOO'3 PlLLS ihontd l. In tterr ftmilyEnllclut chut. One tiled, tltttfti prtttrrcl.

HOHIUIS, NKWMAN A CO.,Audits for HitNMillan llaiuli.


An Illustrated Lecture!fertile lletielit of the Kmuiliilmo

I'lillli-- I'lind.

On Tuesday Evening, March 13tTi

AT Ts.-tt-i O'CI.MCK.

- IT


Mil. MASS will (ive n brtiire uponbunion, II itorateil with nc., - ili.iu oneI litielr.il iiiHrli Views, l'iaec,iiinl HlMoricid. Iiileii'id) K.

Tbn Finest Stercopllcon VIowb EverShown In Honolulu 1

HW Tlcketi. :) cent; chlMren halfpriee. can he hail al ilie II.Mik-ior- e. etc.

tiTo ."il


iKsecpl Wc.tn.lu ovi.lllli);)

Trom 2 I j 5 P. M. and from 7 to 10 l M.

The Great HistoricalI Mi

Astronomical Clock of AmericaTin Acme of llor iloiileal Kcleiiceaiel

Mcchaulc.il '

niivsn I'Ikm'ksiion or rut.


i vinv i irn.i.v mim ii- -

k-- I hl remark.ilile Clock lnii, II i

fi el Ihe Oiiiuplele ni'iVi'ilielit'. ot niil' '

vet of liiueiiiiitv take nl.,ci ei.iri.-- r

fan hour. An inifri.tini, nml hltrlenl I

ilccrlption will In- - ulleli at Interval

Admission, 25c. CLIIdreu, 10c.


n.T Iw I'roprietorh,


A lti:WAIHl OK f'i) Dill.l.AHr--V will Ik paid to am one uivin infor-

mation a to who ci lint lo I lu- - prellli-e-o- fMr- -. I'. -. I'rutt. ut Waikiki, lu-- l

diiy uieruiiift. "Ti. .it


MY AllsKSCK Till:l)1 Hiiwui'au Mr. I' C. Jonesw II act for mi' under newer of aitornuv inall niatler liiiiilun to inv' 1. rival.

T. MAY.Iletioliilii Mureli -- , l'H. n7il Iw


WniKltLAh MY Wll-T- . IIKI.nSA hasII It ft inv Ih-i- and iKiard Iclvewuru

IllH tluil I will not If ulliv hur willm.it niv w rill. 11 eon-eii- t.

II. IIASM.N.Iwllel, March :t, l!il. u.J-l-



i Iilive 111- 1- .1.1, inlnitlet Mr. IleurI'oiiiiiloii ui I'urtiier ill 111 v .I.1I1M11'' Iinand Spirit llieliir-s- , iiinl in future

will Lu c.irrieil 011 uuiler the nameand t.l)le of 'l'i O1.11M v Wini in," atin" Port htreel, M. I u. tii v llloek.

I. II. IIKL.Holie'illii, II. I., I'eh. I. -!l Il7:i Iw


i 1.1. aim-- : ni:iti;iiY son- -J lied t In t U'linn Cliiuu luu ntin. I Iroui tho linn ol l.e.uiij Ciiiiiik Kit-Co.- ,

-- hoe mmiuf.i. tiner, Nuicuui trei,Heuolillii, Iniviiii! -- nl.l hi- - liitere-i- t In -- milli r in Pi 'I.im li'.ii, -- aid Leoni! c 1 linn:- not re po (or unv li.iliilul.'-- t of -- aid

llrni. I.LllNii i:n CHI Mi.II. uml. ii,), Mureli s, Tii-i-

21,702.f . in Mado ut Stockton, On I ,

Sopt iiii, lHIlii


jmmI'riinil l.T. '."' e Itliie Hull, 7 ' Il.llii. linn 'v ll le.iineer, .' !,, I'r.mptii

- nl-- . ilie -- ... l- . -- i.. Ir.ni-i- l J..VV Wink-r- .' '.', Will.'-- ,--' . ,,iii

.':.'! , 1111. nf tlu Ii.iiii- - lliilliauline, .',17 11 id ViU'.i . '. ' In Jel liiu.'k, oinIliel ttlii..' e.it uml 11 . .li iriH, in fine. Wei-ii- i 1,0.1 mihm i vvr) i)li-h- . hi ulie, u uihiiI nr.Hlii.T' mi I .1 (.'.iiiii' i.ieii liur-- e. Wdl -- tun I for 11 umiied 1111111 Ler ef mureat III TV ti 'M liDI.I.AItS l'OU Till: MIA-O- N, iu.i itile ul lime of .ervlee. Tillli.iriu wa hrcd in 'ii to furtyix uiurcsuiid ed lorty-lw- o eoltn.

umi 1... I). II. DAVIS.


Spring &C21



March 7th,

--LST. s. S


8th and 9th.

Stroet, Honolulu.

Ladies are Cordially

EVt. J3. X-olii Uciliiiison Block, Street.

has receiveda i. itui-- : .s.Mitr.Mi-:s- mi-- -

iiii:nifse silk Crape

IS KVKMS'l .li

Wiilll (iMMlIs,

lii'lia SilK,


Clifcki.'il Kliiiii'lt'Ufs.

Silk ic ,

Slinwli. Etc, Etc.

513 Roblmon


1,,..,. illllt









- -

the I atamm; Hotel

sell lii.s utock of

53? A li ofI A 1 Y X KSK PA PEK

will be sol'l i.kss THAN

cifllo':k, Uotnl StreM.


orr this LINK OK


j. K

,...,.. .....I III lllll r.I'ASh

il Ity l'luntcrp

I'lilm,Wit III hh tn the



IIWIN'i cmmi.i ii;i) Ti) r.M.sKi. null. Vnf CY nil M A I'

iwir.viT.H nii: laws ok thk Hawaiian isi.aniiv

Xi'VZrSA' tliT h.. ---- I

Aa&x'as-iS- j

rnmifTHII- I N I K ll.-- I i X !: 1 II Wl-- i F().ju .,, ,...,.




. L. I L


I lie ureal uiv.iuiiii;i h tu i rived irniii tin u-- c nf 1I1

.Me uml ackmiwl. ilnThe luruc iiuiulit ..( iliiin 111 the

. P. ru, Au-irul- m mil I1c.11

r ""HP





Clearance Sale


Invited Attend.

iES V""


M:.r.prii'torof Hawaiian.









National ShredderCMti.it









N.VTIllS.VI.MiiihiuiKi. tlinroiiyhlv eht.ililifhiilIteiH'Mll),

I'l.iuiii-ubI- ii UnitedViyviitini' liepiililn

.iIhiVc chum.Tlic u-- c n( laritelv .milium- - tlu ipi.iutity of ciinc

ilie mill cm v'rinl fL'.'i lu Ml ,iU.. tin ixti.icimn of juici (." 1.. I2t.li li- - a itrcn -- ifi'nuaril. iii.ikinu kn..wu at mice ihe pncnce nf any

piece, nf ir.-ii- , t.il.f fr Of. ui- niivihiuc, whl-- h Would In lialilc to dnimic,ctin mill, .mil ,illuvviur' aiupli tunc in n lU'ivc mn licioi. 1I.1111, ii;iiii: tin- mill.

'I he iii:iiikii i vi iv iiiiuul) ui eh , ami fiom On- iiiuiiuci i.f it- - opviu-tmi- iii cut ni i. it- - tin i pii'i-- . . ni WI....1 ,,1 11,, n vvitlunii i.iten liii.ikiui: the

Miiii.iiiiKi. ; nml il .111 limit' ineak. it i fiuiply -- ..11 f the knivoi. m culler,whiih cm In- .piu-kl- .1 ml .i mn .ill) Tin SniiKlini-.il- . ac ill-

inium imln no , ti .up tin . .mi n. tn fhr.'iU ( v.uviiik i Iin, pcifccily open-in-it .iml alio wim: 'In null to tloiiiiiKlily .icm-- out the jiiiic vviilnuii ic- -

'luuiit! Hi 111 iv'r.i pnvvi r uicinirv lounml or cruli the whole'nii I In III M'M It po el tin- - -- lilcil.liil con uiiifoiudy and evenly Inll. mill 10II- -, .iml do. .iw.iv Willi tin mcepMtv ot icinllii tin lupn-i-- e livli nil li. iwei 11 lln- mill- - uinn Htillliilnu "lli . Nn rri'iiti r iillintllil tilI...1I. ci,. n ') - Hi.iiiii.l io i.pci.itc In- MtiiKiUihU than iliiit which waiulli. 1. ni t.-- tin mill, mi 1I1. aliuvi- rcii-- i ii- - W, f iiritir-l- i full vvnrkini.

.iiiwiiiw. 1.0 ili. ll in in .a mn iiina,-.- , cii.iLlini; mi) coiiipcicnl enirimir lo -- in 1.11111) 1111. ill ami -- tint liicui.

In noli lllll. Slllll.l-lihl.- . ft. .Ill II. plci-- c M'llil Mllllll hki'ti ll. -- h.'WIIIi: tinli, 01,. ii uml vviiMi nf tin null nil with ivhi- - h SiiiikiiUM' i tn In- - ciinncctcil,al. iin -- nii ti itln iiulit hi li ft li mil an von fice I' oclivcrv Mile nf theno II,, upon wini li ih. nn! limine 1. lociiicil. ,iUo tin IiiikIh Iiu'iii lluor line.. c. ni. .. iroui null i,,ll -- I, nt, . mil ill -- tutu 1 ,, m, (In. flmfi in fiont

"I ' d l.it. Tin -- i Mini 1. in a 11 ri now In ui); il li) I lit- llllo Su'ui.Mel ll.nvi Mill, Koltulii, wlui. ili.) .111 punt; Ki.ut tiiliif.icttuii.

l.HF I'niep ami fiirilui p.irlu iil.n inu.v In hiul Ity applyluu to

ell.' 1 1

WM, G. IRWIN & CO., LU.Su' .lyruui j'vr th f.i inn ni 11 Wuiuli,

Page 4: Ibp Paiiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6459/1/...Pallor Organs, Guitars,-tsn mimi MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FOII SALE ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER CO,, King Street, opH Castle A

jR'-r-f "v-- v



New-Yor- k Life Insurance Co.

JOHN A. MoOALL, President.


Premium Income $ 7

Interest, Hcnts, etc 0,07-1,981- )

Totul Tncomo

Deuth ClaimsEndowments nnd AnnuitiesDividends, Purchased Insurance, etc

Total to Policy Holders

Number of New Policies Issued . . .

Amount of New Insurance Written


Assets $148,700,781 .20Liabilities, 4 per cent Standard Kll.075.lol .03Surplus

.rsumber of Policies in rorce



33,80a,0-I(- ..)."

8,H0,093.'I.2,101,002 . 5)0



Sii.l 11

$228,41 MM 00

17,025,0:50. l.S '

Force 37,i)08


Amount of Insurance in 770,150,078.00

PROGRESS IN ISM.Increase in Benefit to Policy Holders $ 1,043,437.84Increase- in Assets . 11,201,582.22Increase in Surplus 22O.0S2.08Increase in Insurance Written 54,812,044 00Increase in Instiriinep in I'orcn KO.DOS.II Ml tillIncrease in Number of Policies in


increase in Number or rolicies Written in 18U3over IS02 1S.852

Increase in New Premiums Income over that of1802 1 ,082,008 .42

In tho following rospocU tho Now York Llfo, In 1803, haa BROKEN ALLRECORDS ovor mado by Hortolf or any othor Company.

-- o

Fikst Number of policies applied for in 1803 05,500

Second Number of now policies actually written in 1S03". 85,1 1 1

Thikd Amount of now insurance issued in 1893 ...$223,800,000

Fouuth Number of now policies actually paid for in 1803


Fifth Net gain in new business over the previous year$54,812,000

Sixth Net increase in number of policies in force 37,908

Seventh Net gain in insurance in force $89,908,0 49

(tt4-l- m

O. O. BESR.C3-ER.- ,



OF- -

Furniture, GlasswareA2XD




English Wardrobes, Plate Glass Front;Marbletop Wash Stands,

Marblotop Dressing Tables,

Scotch Chests of Diawors,

Dining Hall and Parlor Chairs,

Rattan Suites, Pictures, Etc.

Koyal Worcester Vases,

Royal Worcester Tea Sets,

Dinner Sets, Tea Sets,

Decorated Vases, Tumblers, Glasses,

Claret Jugs, Lamps, Screens,

Iron Bedsteads, Matting,

Eto., Etc, E3tO.


The Prize

Awarded !

I'liiiaueipiiia. i.uo , ireigin-car- s othe fotiutiy in lino would strotcl"''""I Hoston to San Francisco,San back to Uoston,again as far west as Chicago--- a toladistance nf 7028 miles. Allan ta Connilt; .... ...

Anheusor-Busc- h Brewing Co.

Wins the Prize at tho

World's Fair with theirEAGLE" Brand Beor.

St. I,nt ik, Oct. '.", lt'.Mrr. M.t'fni..vK ir Co,, In.,

1 'Hot It 111. II. 1,

PrnrSIr We have you n conynt tin-- lllbc-leiiiicn- tt nlinniltii'liiff tho urciitvictory won liv t lit AMiiTin-lleei- i Ani.cutio.n with their "KAUl.l." llratnl ofliter.

,SlfsniMlANilhl'MUMtUSCH IIIiKWINO A8SO- - i


(Iftrcta! Itrtjuilrh In (lliilifllfniiiiTill.)Wiintl-'- F.ttii, Clin mio, ti.i.., Oct '2ft.

Nn nwirtl lm t'ttrlu'cti tnmli i jmtlfyiiiftoft. I.tml jM'dilo mill o jittly mcrtt-t- l

n tin otic iMVi'ti y by the I'liliiiiililunJury (if the Worl'f- - Fair, coii'litl'i) nf con-nofi-

mill ihttiili f thchipliiM rank,to thi Atilieiior-llit-c- h llrewlng Aoia- -t loll. II V iiM'IImm! oi itlirivn'liii liilllii'nentorpriu. ntul lv ifiiij! lie hct materialtiroilttct'il in America mni i.tiro)"', exciudIII) C(ini nt'it ntliiT mliiltiTalU" or xiirro- - 'cat.-- . ihi,llt!..r...t klinl-iii- f tli. Aiiliiu.jr. j

llilvh beer liiivt i'i'ioiiii iln !

,1... a..,...i,.. ., i.. ,.ii,i I,..,. ,...u-......- .

itcrnl the hiifitt ntvunl In every ptirtUit- -",M '"" " '"' ;'!!'.' ii tin

oltttiiln.111 Jury. 'I In (111 IV. ....tin nwnnl givon todaviivthcji -- .in

thruthe illil'iTi'iit Iii.it rxhiiihtvl iiy tin An. I

lln wltii Int.oil hml tot'linilK'ti' with liitnriil of tin iniKt cxri'l'

tliilnyt of iiiIht hntr. Tim fnctt lint no nthiT ci'iiiTrii liii riTflvoil mitimtiy tHiltit. for the v.irluit nl niiiil-Itl- t"

of (! I Ik.it fotillniii iitit'w the ll'in'niill"ltili ii tho ltniliTiif nil Aiiiurlrittthi't-r- . ntul Mr. Ailoli'hii" IIiim'Ii i'mii filljiroit.l tuvr till m jiifth imriti'd.

, A.

A"vS - 3"3J

-- K0t iM 1. Wr. r ai. T - 'i

i?'''1.3tk "

Y- - V A V'N,i ..'" v.' V .i) j"- -

' 'r:j'r5Tvvrv V Uilv?"'--.VjAyff. Wi kritA,7 M t A A 1 yN.SZ: VU)I.' V. 11 .1.7 I

M .fT.l? -'; t.'lrw

Tip ...&&' WI --yCTIrllllP. lln --v1 "--J --.if l - i

ny The above Is a e oi theLabel of tbc " L'AGLC " Erand wlilcb took


tlie Prize.

Tl. In onliTlni tlilt Iter ho mih- - tonk lor thu i:.V(il.i;" llrniiil.

Macfaiiauc & Co., L'd,M'V-- lf Aiirnh lir lliiiinlliiii lilumtt

Dai Nippon I

Dai Nippon!!

Tin' iiIiovp Siuri' hK rtvt'lvi'il iiinithcrilt.'iiillil liivuli'f of

JapanescSilk & Fancy Goods

Per S. S. "Oceanic."KlMI'IIO-ISl- i

Beautiful Silk and CrapeDltKr-Si;-- .

i'iihliui. Iitiili rovir,I It'll t'ovt'r-- , tiiiuii

I IlllSllrt- -

Embroidered Handkerchiefs

liOIMFu. hi Allls.fsAHlll.'. J At kl.lS,

I'AI'-j- , i:i:i:n,

Silk and Cotton Kimonos


CA K(".'itfa!i) liniti-il- .

"DAI NIPPON"Hotel Street (Arlington Block)

Mrs. J. P. P. Collaco, Proprietress.

WM. DAVIES,Rigger and Stevedore,

"W K, S3 O 1 El 3R. .


The Sclir. 'MAIII.MAN1 "Will rim rruulurh hi'twci'ii thl iort millW'iilalii.i K.iualli.ii. ii, .Mnl;iiliia, Krnui'- -mil iiml I'liulUi mi tli- - of Diihii,For Kri'i(;lit, ttr., Uipl to til" Cjituhl.

'lk-- liniiiri' nt ollli'ii ol .1 S. WiiIKit,

ovtir hiifi'kei- - liunK, run trri'i. ii7 if

NOTICE.Iluvllli: wilil niir r.iltiri- htoi l tn

Messrs. Hoko & zur OevesteOur Slot'k tM'l In- ml'l oui atiialU Iiilnriil ii'( nil Muii'li t ni'M nlirli"lA Itiil uill ft .1 ' l mill U'siirrrnli'il . tin ill i I nn.


Jti lil 'roirlvtrej.



It is as Large as Emperor Willlam'iof Gormany.

It is improssivo to cousiilor thattho moil employed by tho railwaysof tho United States constitute abody as largo as tho active, army iti '

Germany, 73 norcont as largo as tho !

active army of Franco, f3 porreut as fitlargo as the active army of Russia,and larger than tho active army ofItaly. Tlioy are a body largor thanthe standing army of Austro-Uun- -

gary, inoro than six times as largo astho standing army of Great Britainand moro than thirty times as largo;n (ho standing army of tho UnitedStates.

Tho labor performed by this armyof workers is prodigious to contom- -

plate, llio total number of passon- -gors carried in 18!I2 being 060,1)58,211,llio averago journey oi oacn personwas 21 miles. This allows a fraction moro than eight trips for ovorrman, woman and child in tho coun-try. During tho same year 10$ tons i

of freight wero moved for every i

man, woman and child.It is pretty gonorally understood I

that in respect to tho maguitudo ofits railway system tho United States :

is not approached by any other I

I'ouutry on tho faco of tho earth.Our territory is gridironed withmoro than 170,000 miles oi track.This would girdlo the globo uoarly

. ,. .?.. ...seven times or wouiu iraverso us utameter more than twonty-on- o times.it wouiu rcuuiro uoarly lour months(,.M .MM... M.W.M ...II... K.. I.....ii it 1 1. nn, oiAkt liiiius an unittwenty-lou-r hours a Uay, withoutstops to travel from ono end to thoiitlmr

comparison of our railroad mile- -ngo with that of other uatious showsthat wo have six miles to Germany'stint; more iiiau uigui nines 10 ouooiGreat Dritniu; more than seven milesto one of I'ranco; moro than sevenmiles to one of I.tissia; more thantU'ftlltV Itltlna In ritlii .if Ttnlv mill '

KSaSSiTofithe United Statos. if hitchod withtheir tenders in a single lino, wouldmake a tram 337 miles long, extend-ing from I'mton in a straight line toa point thirty-si- x miles south of

i I l.i n i t i i ii



Wa3toful Uso of Exhaust Stoam. j

Ili'onoiiiy from tho uso of exhaustfleam from an engine for honlingpiirit).i's lins bocomo no gouoralljlooked upon ns a mattor of cotirnoI lint it would seom to inanj nlmostlilto rank heresy to question tho ad- -'

visability, in any case, of utilizing booliviuiwly valuablo n '.vasto product-- in fact, to actually rvcoiiiiuotid '

t!irovln;r it awny and substilutiny I

in its plaeo live uteain from a holler.livery oiiKineor known that aftor

Hteaui lias performed its legitimate I

fiiuetiou in a en-gine, ntul has there reached its limitof as a propelling agentbehind tho piston, it still possesses avery considerable amount of heat ,

which can bo profitably extracted '

in a variety of way- - For years, in j

fact, mtiiioiis wore pruauliml, midtiro still being preached, on tho ad-vantages to bo derived from tho sev-eral methods of turning this steamto Mimo account, until, at last, own-ers of boilers ami engines becamoeducated up to that point wherethey recognized that by passing thoexhaust through heating systemsami feed-wat- heaters, instead ofallowing it to escapo directly intothe opou air, thoy could virtuallyget Homothing for nothing.

That iu laying out such systems,however, there aro qualifications tobo obcrv!;d which may make all thodiirerenco between gain and loss I

huouiH to have been overlooked inmany instances, and, as a couse- -quoiiee, suggestive results can bo i

louud iu uuinbers, strikingly show - j

ing that exhaust steam mav some - i

times be profitably allowed to go to i

i, oii'Uriof mention of ono of several .

eases, known to tho writer, may boof interest. The facts iu thu ohohere selected were ascertained iu indicating a proper basis for steamcharges. The back pressure observ-- 1

etl amounted to about 15 pounds perinch, and was due to tho fact

that the exhaust steam was passodthrough a series of coils ofpipe, placed iu a tank which servedas a food-wat- er heater. It was, ofcourse, a question of some interestto tho users whether this way of j

heating tho feed-wate- r was a woodone, or whether bettor results could .

be obtained by pumping wator intothe boiler at its normal temperature I

and allowing the engine to exhaustfreely into tho open air through alarger pipe, thus bringing tho backpressure down to tho atmosphereor, at least, near it. A few simplecalculations showed that, when work-- 1

iug against tho back pressure, the i

engine used about 1100 pounds of j

steam, equivalent to about 120pounds ol coal, more per hour thanwhen exhaust iug freely into tho openair, and this stoam did work iu heat- -

j iug which wouiu have been easilyaccomplished by about 22 pounds ofcoal if burnt directly under the '

boilers. It seems almost needless tosay that tho heater was removed,and that its owner learned some-- ,

thing about exhaust steam usingthat was in tho nature of a rovota-- I

lion. Alhtii Sjiiea in Casnier't Magn- -Jim .

A severe rhoiiinatie pain iu the leftshoulder had troubled Mr. I. JI.Loper, a well known druggist of Dos.Moines, Iowa, for over six months.At timen the jmln was so severe thathe fiiuld not lilt anything. Withall he could tlo ho could not get ridof it until he applied (Jhaiuberlain'sI'ain Halm. "1 only made three ap-plications of It," ho says, "ami havoMiii'o noon free from all pain." Ilonow recommends it to persons sinu- -...I...I.. ..ill:.... .1 i. I ..I i iiuiriy iiuiicien. u in uir saio ny nildealers. Itenson. Smith Ai Co.. aionts

i for the Hawaiian Islands.

Golden Ruie Bazaar.!

W. F. Reynolds, : Prop.

We do not no in for winding outSpectacles and Kyglasses, but we can

you at prices in accordance with the








Needles & Fittings I

liiiiiiinita ,'IICWI

uTin- - Kllic ol All Tywrltrr.

Purses and Card Cases,

Tennis Rackets and Supplies,

Croquet and Baseball Goods,

Supply of Fine Stationery,

Mourning Stationery,

Office Stationery,

Guitars from $4.00 Up.

S Music and Books ordered by

Every Steamer.

Anil ilon't force! (!ASII Ik thiIiii.Im of our liitnci ntul Ii ttlwnyit talks.

lliorou ibrcij Stool


Tin timltw'itni'il olViTi for nlc the follow-lii-

Ilcntitifnl HliK-lc- :

Tin: mi: iioiisk


"Angic A.," "Josio W.,""Sully Bluck" and Colt,

"Yum Yum" unrl Colt,"Ivory," "Violet,"

"Lciluhuu,""ICiipiolniii Oiil,"

"Truo Hluo" nnd Colt,"Uiizimr Filly."

tW I'l'illitreeH of the nlioviifitn honeon iti tiri iiiuii'iii btiiiilc. wiii-r- ni v unaturnm can urraiii:iMl to milt tho tlinun,

Greenfield Stables, : Kaplolanl Park...

W. 11. KIUKAUL).-

Mokuleia Stock Fan

Waialua, E I.'ff'f f !?


$SO EACH."Sonny Boy" Service, S20.


TIIOS. W.037 .iu-- .r bt Maiiaur.

KANEOHE RANCH(looil r.intiiniKu I'V thu iiiiitilli oryi'itr. All

llorM' will ufltirntul kt'it In i.ulilook.

Ill K h TANIIA Ull 1(11 ll lllorriMI MM.UION

Iteeord 'Jill.' in Honolulu,

Will iiiiike tlm nt tlil lliini'h untilJul) 1, ls!U. TIUtMh, .ln.

I)H UII'IIMn: I'uilnl ISMl, lilnoil lniy, IIIIiiuuIk lilith uml ueipln 11.0 .iiuinU.

I'kiih.iiki:: lly "t.r ivi'iior," In "Ail- -

inliiUtrntur," ly "lt.l.k'i Hniiillioniiiii10." Hum hy "Niilwoiiil," rei'oril 'Jtl-t- ;,

For further imrlluular ) ) to

J. I' MKNIlilNCA Kiiiii'ohc,'. IIOIli;, lloiiolnlii.

tnl lin


01' TIIVI'UTH. WATIIltron lioiiinl iJiu.illniii. caeh),

r.,,,,1 i.,..l-- i,,,. ,i i.,L 7.. ,. ...i ..;;.mm inlln Irom the i Oillen ut ") cunts '..u. I a ....ii ,,",,1" "I'l" "

1. N. HAW I.IN8.

usi T.lu. w. i. o. ltu i. 'ma-i-m

'i r. T ;




Notice to Consumers 1

The new uorlcs of the HawaiianElectric Co. being now completed,

notice is hereby given that fromand after January 16th the Com-

pany is prepared to supply incan-

descent electric lighting to cus-


In a few days the Company will

also be prepared to furnish electric

motors for power, and of which

due notice will be given.

The Company further announce

that they are prepared to receive

orders for interior wiring and can

famish fixtures and all fittings in

connection with new service.

Printed rules, regulations andCompany's rates can be had on

application to the Superintendent.


f.'-t- f PltnsinKNT II. E. CO.

Mt'T. -- llri.t 471.V. O. liox 3SI.

Nan-Y- u Shosha



l'cr 8. U. "Oct'aiilf." Den. 1th,


NOVELTIES!Suitable (or Christmas Trade.

COTTON CREPESOf Olll'oront Varieties ami I.uten Patlcrun.



Ktt:., i;ti'., Ktc. ICtc.

Low Prioes !

411 -:- - King-:- - StreetYOKOHAMA BAZAAR

Corner Ilo'el ami Nininnii Ht.

. . MUTUAL TELE. No. 438 . .

Kecclveil cr S. 8. "Oei'inilc"

Silk Dress Goods,I.intle.' uml dents' Bilk llumlkerolilufs,

O-exit- Sillt ShirtsWith Foitr-ln-hmi- il Ties to mutch.

WlmWor Silk Scarfs, extra loan; IjuIIph'uml Genu' 811k .SuhIiux, nil similes;

Japanoso Crope of All Colors,(luntloiut'ti'h Jaiiunese ('ruK Bltlrt. inutltt

in YoUeluiiau perfect tit.I.iuIIch' uml Omits' Kino .Straw l!ttt,

JiiijtU'.s China Tea bets,.luiuiii"-- o Klowur I'ots,

Unlles' Silk ChiiinlsH,Ilamlsuinu Silk Quilts, Ktc.

aT --A. TiL EJ "dXThe llust Food for Infants.

Wu lmvu a lurge niftortiiiont of

Japanese GoodsWhich wt oiler nt Very Keatinulile Prices.



"AIKOKU MARU"Duo here on or about March '.'."th, nnd

uiil lie tluiiiitt!hiil uitli MhII.s andl'iohcitjt'ib fur the above

I'ort on or about

.A-IPPtll--i 2d.

Ctt-- Fur further irtii'iilars ri'iinllnuI'iiuhukii mill 1'rulnlit, uiily tn

K. OGURA & CO.,iWI-Bi- n AUKNT8.

For IjOoiiI Xowk

Kitly pruHuntud

Tako thoMiillutin

EviM'v tiuio.



Are Receiving New Invoices of




Electric Printing Office,


Where they nrc fully prepared to do ullkinds ol work Iu the lntost ntyles,' ut

thu shortest notice ttiul nt thumost Iteasotiahlu liat.

Fine Job Work Id Colors a Specially I


Executed In the Most AttiucllvoMiiutier.




Rend the following pnrthd list of spec-ialties iiml get tho Bulletin's prices be-fore placing your orders. By so doingyou will save both time and uiouey.

Letter Heads,Note Heads,

bill Heads,Memorandums,

Bills of Lulling,Statements,


Agreements,Shipping Contracts,

Check books,Legul blanks,

Calendars,Wedding Curds,

Visiting Cards,Business Curds,

Funeral Cauls,Admitibion Curds,

Fraternal Cards,Time Cards,

Milk Tickets,Meal Tickets,

Theatre Tickets,Scholarship Certificates,

Corporation Certificates,Marriage Certiticutos,

Receipts of all kinds,Plantation Ciders,

I'runiissory N'jtee,Pamphlets,


Labels of every variety,Petitions iu any language,

Envelopes & Letter Circulars,Sporting Scores & Records,

Perpetual Washing Lists,Ceueral Hook Work,

Elc, Ktt., Etc., Etc.,

Printed nnd Mucked when desired.

mUT No Job la allowed to lenvn llm of-ll- co

until It Klves lutmliictioii,
