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Year in Review Issue. We take a look at what 2012 will bring for KNUXX and a look back at one of the biggest upsets for 2011 in local combat sports.


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Page 2 KNUXX of New Mexico For Advertising call 505.750.0222

Predicting the Future

It’s crazy how things change and continue to move forward. I moved back “home” to New Mexico over a year ago. When I moved here I was publishing a paper called Tidbits and KNUXX was just an idea I had for “aggressive outerwear”. I was just learning how to be a

publisher – in fact I had only just learned about the Adobe Creative Suite (this is the software that I use to do the graphic design and layout of the paper). I had no idea what I was getting myself into. By the time you will be reading this it will be 2012! I can’t believe that we are coming up on our fi rst full year of publication. It turns out that KNUXX is a paper that the local fi ght com-munity is falling in love with. Every day I get an email or a letter from you, the reader, telling me how much you enjoy the paper and what it means to read about the local fi ght community. If only I could have predicted the future. I wish I would have started KNUXX when I had a lot more money in the bank – and before I lost it all on a failed business. But had I not experienced those things I wouldn’t have even come up with the idea for KNUXX so I guess it was just an expensive lesson. Sometimes I wonder if fi ghters don’t look back and wish that they too could have predicted the future. In 2011 we saw many titles change hands – on both a national and a local level. We saw fi ghters retire, we saw boxers get knocked out for the fi rst time, we saw fi ghters stay undefeated, and we saw a local fi ghter lose for the fi rst time in many years. Holly Holm is New Mexico’s golden girl and I witnessed her loss in one of the most violent boxing matches I have ever seen – male or female. I wondered at the time if she would have taken the fi ght had she been able to predict the outcome. I wondered if she would have taken the fi ght had she known that she wasn’t just going to lose but that she was going to be knocked out in spectacular fashion. But then I realized that there’s a reason we can’t all see the future. There’s a reason why we lack the capacity to predict the outcome. If we could see the immediate consequences of our ac-tions most of us would live a life that was “much safer”. We would see if we were going to lose. We would see if we were going to win. But here’s the catch – if there isn’t a chance to lose it all then there isn’t a chance to win big. Most of us wouldn’t take risks because we would be able to see the loss that might come. And that, my friends, would be a boring way to live. I look forward to 2012 because I don’t know what it will bring and it’s the opportunity that makes me excited for this year. I hope you enjoy this issue.

Proposed 2012 Content/Publishing Calendar


(may change) Features/Special Section*Artwork/

Content Due Print DateKNUXX 2-1 2011 in Review 0 30-Dec-11 31-Dec-11

KNUXX 2-2 Kids & Youth Abq BJJ, Fit Kidz, Jackson's II, etc. 27-Jan-12 28-Jan-12

KNUXX 2-3 Money Does CS bring $ to NM? & Where? 24-Feb-12 25-Feb-12

KNUXX 2-4 ONE Year Anniversary KNUXX Expo Announcement 30-Mar-12 31-Mar-12

KNUXX 2-5 Fighters in Combat Police 27-Apr-12 28-Apr-12

KNUXX 2-6 Women in Combat Up & Coming Women (profile section) 25-May-12 26-May-12

KNUXX 2-7 Medic! Cage Doctor Interviews 29-Jun-12 30-Jun-12

KNUXX 2-8 School Programs Will MMA become a school sport? 27-Jul-12 28-Jul-12

KNUXX 2-9 Traditional Martial Arts What's available in NM & History? 24-Aug-12 25-Aug-12

KNUXX 2-10 Boxing in NM Best of KNUXX announcement 28-Sep-12 29-Sep-12

KNUXX 2-11 MMA in NM KNUXX 2013 Calendar 26-Oct-12 27-Oct-12

KNUXX 2-12 Gift Guide Best of KNUXX results 23-Nov-12 24-Nov-12

KNUXX 3-1 2012 in Review 0 28-Dec-12 29-Dec-12

*Artwork created/submitted by client

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blishing IncDefined PubbDefi ned Pubblishing, Inc.b905 3rd SStreet NW S

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toll free: 888.908.24879phone: 505.7750.02227


Over 20,000 papers printed and distributed every month to over

250 locations in NM!

Publishers/Owners:Heath & Rachael Holmes

Versatalist & Factotum:Heath Holmes || [email protected]

VP of Business Development:David Miera || [email protected]

Production Manager:Mike Lo Bianco || [email protected]

Master of Internet Presence:TBD - Open position

Contributing Writers:Heath HolmesTrula HoweMike TaddoniDaniel RochaAdam “Chewy” SaenzJosh HugginsGenieve SanchezKelly Tekin Quiroz

Contributing Photographers:Will Fox || thefoxidentity.comJose Castillo || castilloimages.comChris Cozzone ||

Twitter: @KNUXXNMFacebook: KNUXXNM



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Page 3: KNUXX NM 2-1


The snow was falling out-side as the crowd gathered inside to watch what would arguably be the biggest

fi ght in recent women’s boxing history. Holly Holm would take on Anne Sophie Mathis for the middle weight title of both the IBA and WBAN. The night was not only about the ladies, this card was stacked with talented local fi ght-ers for what would be an action packed night. The evenings main event brought the 30-1-3 (9KO), Holly “The Preachers Daughter” Holm of Al-buquerque, NM against the conti-nent traversing, 25-1 (21KO) Anne Sophie Mathis of Dombasle-sur-Meurthe, France. This fi ght would decide the owner of both the IBA and WBAN middle weight titles. Round 1 began with Holm appear-ing faster than Mathis, landing several uppercuts from inside the pocket. Round 2 showcased great combos by Holm. While Holly was out striking Mathis, when she threw them, Mathis’ punches had power and always found their way to the target. Just before the bell Holm lands a punch that seemed to wobble Mathis’ legs just a bit. In round 3 Holm landed an audible body shot, that shook Mathis, and it showed as she winced. Mathis rotated out to put Holm on the ropes and landed a couple of solid hooks. Mathis also began to cut off angles on the “move” portion of Holm’s “stick and move”. Round 4 had several exchanges of left and right hooks. Mathis landing a

couple squarely on Holm. While Holm overall looked better than Mathis for the fi rst four rounds, the tide began to turn slightly in the fi fth. In the 5th round Mathis came out with more aggression than previous rounds. Holm landed a great combo from inside and then carefully ducked out of the long reach of Mathis, but Mathis kept coming... like a truck. While out-struck again by Holm, the punches Mathis landed were starting to do some damage as Holm appeared buckled by one. The 6th round was the beginning of the end. Holm was bleeding from the nose and was dropped by a tight uppercut from Mathis. In a controversial decision, the ref stood Holm back up with no count, she took a couple more punches before the bell. The 7th round brought the fi nish. Mathis caught Holm with a right that landed an out on her feet Holm tangled in the ropes. The ref, again, untangled and stood Holm up, where a right uppercut landed by Mathis had Holm down, out, and nearly through the ropes. Mathis was a gracious and respectful vic-tor bringing her KO total to 22. In the 6 round barn burner of the night, Albuquerque’s own, 5-1-1, Josh “Pit bull” Torrez took on the 3-4-1, Kansas City fi ghter, Joel “Pirata” Vargas. Round 1 had both fi ghters sizing each other up trad-ing left and right hooks. Excited Torrez mentor, Johnny Tapia, was yelling words of wisdom from the fi rst row. A close round 2 began with the jab as the weapon of

Baca vs. Gonzalez - Photo by Will Fox

choice for both fi ghters, and ended with both trading blazing fast 3 punch combos. Round three was marked by a huge body shot from Torrez that hunched Vargas over. Vargas returned the favor, pinning Torrez to the ropes and T’ing off on him. Nothing slowed as the 4th round was still a punch for punch battle, with both fi ghters launching right hooks, Torrez putting Vargas on his heels, and Tapia losing his voice. In the 5th round both fi ght-ers shared ref warnings for low blows and head contact, all were accidental. Knowing the fi ght was nearing the end, Torrez unleashed crushing right hooks on Vargas, and the hay-makers began to fl y. By the time the 6th round began, the crowd was on it’s feet, and both fi ghters were egging each other on. Torrez and Vargas began to time their punches, making them count. Vargas looked a little more tired with his guard at his waist. The sharper Torrez capitalized and pinned Vargas to the ropes, pouring on combos right to the bell. Both fi ghters showed great respect for each other. Judges gave Torrez a 60-53 win. Edgar Zumbia of Hobbs NM, and Antonio Martinez of Espa-nola, NM both went into this fi ght with identical 1-0-1 records. The fi rst round was a body shot battle with both fi ghters using very quick elevation change combos. Zumbia put Martinez on his heels right at the bell. Round 2 opened with both fi ghters trading right hands, Zumbia’s right seemed to have more steam behind it as he dropped Martinez with one. Martinez back on his feet, was rocked again by the right of Zumbia, this time with the ref stepping in with a stoppage. Zumbia got the TKO victory 2:37 into the second round, and went home with the 2-0-1 record these fi ghters fought for. Albuquerque’s Mathew Baca and El Paso fi ghter Daniel Gonzales both made their pro debut as light welter weights. Baca was hard to hit with lightening fast movement. Gonzales was persistent and landed a solid body shot to Baca as well

as a hook, but that would be all he would land. Fighting from close quarters, Baca landed a short right hook that KO’d Gonzales at 2:59 of the 1st round for the evenings fi rst KO. Albuquerque fi ghters Shaun Henson and Cristian Cabral also made their pro debut in this wel-ter weight fi ght. Both fi ghters put on quite a show for all 4 rounds, punching for the KO the whole fi ght. Cabral was aggressive and threw a lot of big uppercuts. Hen-son was tough and a great counter striker, landing several hard hooks. One judge scored the bout 38-38 and the other two were 39-37, de-claring Cabral the victor. In a fl yweight women’s bout, the 0-2 Brandi Montoya took on the 2-6-2 Tonia Cravens. The fi rst two rounds of the fi ght were a back and forth battle. The third round had Montoya the more aggressive of the two fi ghters, displaying a great right hook combined with body shots. Montoya rocked Cravens more than once in the fourth round. Cravens was tough and able to stay standing, but came up short when the judges handed Montoya the win and her fi rst pro victory. Leonard Sanchez and Devon Ser-mons, both of Albuquerque, made their pro debut at bantam weight. Sanchez and Sermons laid it on thick the entire fi ght, right up to the bell of the 4th round. The lightning fast combos, and body shots from Sanchez would earn him the win with the judges decision. The evening got going with Albuquerque’s Yoel Gonzales making his pro debut against Santa Fe’s 1-0 Antonio Garcia. Gonzales was dropped by an uppercut from Garcia early in the fi rst round. Gonzales got up like a man on fi re and fi nished the round strong with Garcia’s face looking worse than his own. Round 2 had Gonzales knocking Garcia down with what appeared to be a right uppercut. The fi ght ultimately went the distance with Gonzales earning the 38-36 win in his lightweight pro debut.

Zubia vs. Martinez - photo by Will Fox

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Page 7: KNUXX NM 2-1


Hooters - Eastside4601 San Mateo Blvd NEAlbuquerque, NM 87109Phone:

Hooters - Westside1708 NM Highway 528Albuquerque, NM 87114Phone:

Uptown Sports Bar/ABQ Brew Pub6601 Uptown Blvd NEAlbuquerque, NM 87110Phone: 505-884-4714,

South Valley Barbershop3315 Isleta Blvd SWAlbuquerque, NM 87105Phone: 505-414-7699

Archetype Dermagraphic Studios529 Adams St Ste AAlbuquerque, NM 87108Phone: 505-265-0972

Max Muscle Rio Rancho2003 Southern Blvd SE Ste 107

Rio Rancho, NM 87124Phone: 505-892-4800

RevVNRGPhone: [email protected]

Max Muscle - Abq4400 Wyoming Blvd Ste BAlbuquerque, NM 87111Phone:

Creative Therapy Services2003 Southern Blvd Ste 133Rio Rancho, NM 87124Phone:

Rosales’ Karate & Kickboxing - Los Lunas634 Hwy 314 SWLos Lunas, NM 87031Phone:

Jack Candelaria Community Center400 San Jose Ave SEAlbuquerque, NM 87102Phone:

Tohkon Martial Arts523 Wyoming NEAlbuquerque, NM 87123Phone:

T-Bones Gym330 N 1st StGrants, NM 87020Phone: 505-285-6758

Superior Fitness6700 Cerrillos Rd #CSanta Fe, NM 87507Phone: 505-920-0760

AKKA Karate USALessons & Supplies1100 Eubank Blvd NEAlbuquerque, NM 87112Phone:

Round One Promotions6600 Menaul Boulevard NE # S4Albuquerque, NM 87110Phone:

Evolution Combat Sports ChampionshipP.O. Box 732Clovis, NM 88102Phone:

SWMMA(Arturo Soliz)Phone:

Caged Fury MMAPO BOX 575Aztec, NM 87410Phone:

Buffalo Thunder Resort & Casino30 Buffalo Thunder TrailSanta Fe, NM 87506Phone:

Route 66 Casino14500 Central Ave SWAlbuquerque, NM

Mean 1 MMA & Fitness-Eastside7610 Carmel Ave NE Ste CAlbuquerque, NM 87113Phone: 505-822-MEAN (6326)

Mean 1 MMA & Fitness-Rio Rancho3301 Southern Blvd SERio Rancho, NM 87124Phone:

FIT NHB110 Lomas Blvd NEAlbuquerque, NM 87102Phone:

Fitness Kicks11601 Montgomery NEAlbuquerque, NM 87111Phone: 505-291-5425www.myfi

Rhino’s Gym1417 Central Ave NEAlbuquerque, NM 87106Phone:

Team Los Vatos Training Facility4506 4th Street NWAlbuquerque, NM 87107Phone:

Team Tapia Gym2500 San Mateo Pl NEAlbuquerque, NM 87110Phone: 505-804-7938

Rosales’ Karate & Kickboxing3208 San Mateo Blvd NEAlbuquerque, NM 87110Phone:


Sports Bars

Tattoos & Barber Shops

Sports Nutrition & Supplements

Round One Promotions6600 Menaul Boulevard NE # S4Albuquerque, NM 87110Phone:

OTM Fight Shop NM2910 San Mateo NE #5Albuquerque, NM 87110Phone: 505-884-8844www.otmfi

Duke City Fight Wear3250 Coors Blvd NW Ste. FAlbuquerque, NM 87120Phone: 505-728-3379www.dukecityfi

Shwag - Custom Screen Printing3300 San Mateo NE Suite CAlbuquerque, NM 87110Phone: 505-712-0138

Damage Control Mouthguards1924 Juan Tabo Blvd NE Suite CAlbuquerque, NM 87112Phone:

Xtreme Ground N Pound Fight Shop1213-C N. Hwy 491Gallup, NM 87301Phone:

Ed Erler’s Shorin-Ryu Karate & Supply533 Louisiana Blvd SEAlbuquerque, NM 87108Phone: 505-255-1328

David Erler’s Westside Shorin-Ryu Karate & Martial Arts Supply6961-A Taylor Ranch Drive NWAlbuquerque, NM 87120Phone: 505-898-1313

Hard Rock Casino11000 Broadway SEAlbuquerque, NM 87105Phone:

Sports Medicine

Apparel & Gear

Gyms & Training Facilities

Event Venues

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