kimberly a wigglesworth

Kimberly A. Wigglesworth AKA Truth Email: [email protected] Currently runs two sites: The Truth About Extreme Father’s Rights on Facebook This group routinely attacks fathers. When a woman makes an allegation of a male abusing their child, despite the GLARING contradictions in their stories, she does not do the research as it is her belief that since a woman has a uterus, she is automatically innocent. Has accused MULTIPLE child advocacy groups of being pedophiles, hiding sex trafficking rings and of placing nude pictures of young children on line. Cause on Facebook The sole “Cause” of this group is to libel child advocates, particularly those from STEAM, WACA and OpSafeKids Has placed the photographs of advocates child upon the site, in order to exploit them as she aids in the exploitation of Mila Kimberly on the Posting of the Nude Photos of Mila on the web, by Mila’s Mother (Handrahan) Kimberly is currently screaming from the rooftops that Lori NEVER EVER NEVER posted a nude picture of Mila on the web. Using screenshots that have been provided to the court in addition to posts since 1/27/2012, let’s see how consistent Kimberly has stayed on this point: If there were no pictures ever posted by Handrahan, Kimberly, why would her “following got that pic off her site”? If there were no pictures every posted by Handrahan, Kimberly, why was “she very wrong to put them up…but they are down”? (Kimberly couldn’t figure out for the LONGEST time how to take a screenshot, despite the fact that numerous people tried to teach her how. So for the better part of 2 months we were subjected to pictures taken with her camera and sent to her computer. This is one. Please forgive the graininess.)

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Post on 01-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Kimberly a wigglesworth

Kimberly A. Wigglesworth AKA Truth Email: [email protected] Currently runs two sites: The Truth About Extreme Father’s Rights on Facebook

This group routinely attacks fathers.

When a woman makes an allegation of a male abusing their child, despite the GLARING contradictions in their stories, she does not do the research as it is her belief that since a woman has a uterus, she is automatically innocent.

Has accused MULTIPLE child advocacy groups of being pedophiles, hiding sex trafficking rings and of placing nude pictures of young children on line.

Cause on Facebook

The sole “Cause” of this group is to libel child advocates, particularly those from STEAM, WACA and OpSafeKids

Has placed the photographs of advocates child upon the site, in order to exploit them as she aids in the exploitation of Mila

Kimberly on the Posting of the Nude Photos of Mila on the web, by Mila’s Mother (Handrahan) Kimberly is currently screaming from the rooftops that Lori NEVER EVER NEVER posted a nude picture of Mila on the web. Using screenshots that have been provided to the court in addition to posts since 1/27/2012, let’s see how consistent Kimberly has stayed on this point:

If there were no pictures ever posted by Handrahan, Kimberly, why would her “following got that pic off her site”?

If there were no pictures every posted by Handrahan, Kimberly, why was “she very wrong to put them up…but they are down”? (Kimberly couldn’t figure out for the LONGEST time how to take a screenshot, despite the fact that numerous people tried to teach her how. So for the better part of 2 months we were subjected to pictures taken with her camera and sent to her computer. This is one. Please forgive the graininess.)

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But Kimberly, right here Handrahan herself states that there were pictures posted, although right at THIS second she claims they had digitally placed a box over the vaginal area. Why would she take the time to create this latest lie, if in fact, she never put a picture on the web? Just last week Kimberly was kind enough to repost this for us:

Kimberly, what is that empty grey thing in the middle of that picture and why does Lori state (and this is from her own site) “We had posted the ER photo of this cut next to Mila’s vagina…” if there was never a picture posted by Lori? It is really no wonder that Kimberly gets so confused and throws Lori under the bus constantly. I mean, Lori and her multiple personalities (Willow aka Vicki Montgomery is one of those personalities) have difficulty remembering “their own stories.” We just saw where Lori states that she placed a box over the vaginal area , but what does this say?

In response to the court action to force Lori to cease and desist posting any information about Mila on line, Lori gave this picture to the court. This is her so called black box:

We are still trying to figure out where the scratch “that is only shown” on this picture is, and why the picture of a ruler was so offensive that Lori’s followers demanded it be taken down.

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The reason is exactly what Kimberly has continually stated and then tried to retract, restated then tried to retract over, and over, and over again: Lori posted a picture of her child, spread eagle, completely nude, with the camera focused on her anus and vagina, without a box and it was in that little grey box on the page shown above. So now, trying to keep herself in Handrahan’s good graces and to continue receive pats on the head like a good lap puppy, Kimberly now commits libel – actionable by a lawsuit with which she will be very shortly served:

Kimberly has now, fully knowing this is a lie, with malice and intent to defame, is now accusing child advocates and an attorney of posting nude pictures on the web. Exposing one of the many false ID’s of Handrahan, for which Handrahan banned her about 3 weeks: Kimberly often likes to give herself credit for being smarter than she is. In this case, she did us yet another HUGE favor. Handrahan has dozen upon dozens of fake ID’s that she uses to “Like” her statuses, pretend support she does not have, etc. One such example is this one here:

Now, what is so interesting about this post? It is signed Willow T. (for Willow Tree who is aka Vicki Montgomery who is ALSO Lori Handrahan). “Willow” often posted as Saving Mila because “Lori was yet again banned from” her personal ID

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(always a lie). Note: “He is telling me I don’t see Mila. I don’t have contact with Mila.” Also note the nickname “Muma” which is what Lori refers to herself as, “Muma loves you Mila.” Need more? Here you go:

Here Lori trips up and confirms that she is also Isabella Moreno. “This is what is happening to Mila and I right now.” Inesa Jenza calls her on it immediately. The below two posts are one of the greatest classic interchanges of Kimberly throwing Lori under the bus, while Lori in another ID’s clothes tries to convince her that she is damaging Lori (well of course she is, as she has just revealed that Vickie Keith is yet ANOTHER of Lori’s fake ID’s):

Yet, this was the best part of all, posted by Kimberly (still in her “oh you use a camera and take a picture of the screen days”)

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Yes we imagine Vickie, we mean um Lori, no Vickie…was sitting on her couch crying as Kimberly had just outted the Vickie Keith ID as yet another fake ID. So what did Kimberly do in order to get back into Handrahan’s good graces? Why, she created yet ANOTHER LIE:

Uh no, Kimberly, no we did not. Because TRUTHfully, our time is too valuable to waste on a woman that supports abusers simply because they have a uterus.

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“This is the youtude post were corine and Doug think she got what she deserve.” Sorry for the Kimber-ese, this translates into “This is the youtude (we are not sure what a youtude is) where Corrine and Doug think she got what she deserved.” This refers to Corrine Baker, another worthless piece of shit mother, who allowed her boyfriend to torture her 4 year old son, Dominic Calhoun across a 4 day period. Dominic did not survive. While Dominic’s mother, who was sporting a shiner, claimed around the THIRD day of abuse she threw herself on top of Dominic while her boyfriend was kicking and kicking and kicking him, that is all she did. What else did she do over the course of these 4 days? Went out with her parents (never said a think about Dominic lying dying in the house), had company over (who seeing Dominic said he needed to be taken to the hospital immediately (She declined as she was in violation of probation and didn’t want to be arrested), and went grocery shopping. She did not speak up for her son. She did not call 911. She did not grab her son and run out of the house. She did not get beat unconscious trying to protect him. She did not die for her CHILD. She simply stood by and watched him killed. Yes, Kimberly, you are Lori’s #1 supporter, one of the few real people.

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No, Kimberly, we cannot be bothered to call you, let alone blackmail you. Why? Because as Lori’s biggest supporter, you are also the #1 person that continually slips up and reveals her lies. You are A HUGE HELP to us. Create your hate sites. Our only warning to you is that when you posted photos of our kids on line and attempted to exploit them, you crossed the line from “she’s an annoyance” to “she is endangering our children now.” We won’t put up with it. Neither will most mothers on the web. Mother’s be warned: Kimberly Wigglesworth thinks nothing of sitting her two year old child – the same one who her husband broke 11 bones in his body and fractured his skull when a mere several weeks old – in front of a TV while she conducts her hate campaigns all day. As capable as she is of neglecting her OWN child, she is capable of exploiting YOUR CHILD out of malice. Lock down your sites before talking to her, or your baby’s picture will be next on the web. Kimberly: See this little guy below? Your son? You need to think about the fact that just a couple short years ago, your ex broke 11 bones in his body and fractured his skull. He COULD be a baby angel right now. You were lucky, VERY LUCKY that he survived. SPEND TIME WITH HIM. CHERISH HIM. And remember each day you have with him is one more than what could have been. Turn OFF the TV. Get OFF the computer. And devote yourself to him, rather than what you currently devote yourself to: Lies and Hate from the time you get up until the time you go to bed. Devote yourself to butting a SMILE on that little face, instead of the sad lonely look he is wearing in a picture where he SHOULD be grinning ear to ear in such a silly get up. PUT HIM FIRST!