june 2011

RAAF Vietnam Veterans Association (Vic) ABN 34 550 672 219 NEWSLETTER June 2011 www.raafvva.org.au

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RAAFVVA Quarterly Newsletter: June 2011


Page 1: June 2011

RAAF Vietnam Veterans

Association (Vic)

ABN 34 550 672 219


June 2011 www.raafvva.org.au

Page 2: June 2011



The official journal of the RAAF Vietnam Veterans Association (Vic), a Sub-Branch of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia Victorian Branch Incorporated.

(Reg. No. A0029247G. ABN 34 750 672 219)

Patron: Air Vice Marshal E. M. Weller AM

PRESIDENT Lee Scully Phone (03) 9827-8313

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Nick LeRay-Meyer AM Phone (03) 9386-6961

VICE PRESIDENT Gareth Davis Phone (03) 9878-7940

SECRETARY Rick Holmes PO Box 462

Ascot Vale Vic 3032

Phone (03) 9317-7304

[email protected]

TREASURER Maree Jongkryg PO Box 73

Melton Vic 3337

Phone (03) 9743-1273

[email protected]

WELFARE OFFICER Lee Scully Phone (03) 9827-8313

ASST SEC/MEMBERSHIP Gareth Davis Phone (03) 9878-7940

[email protected]

COMMITTEE MEMBER Alan White Phone (03) 9598-1007

COMMITTEE MEMBER Pieter Jongkryg Phone (03) 9743-1273

COMMITTEE MEMBER Bob Brackin Phone (03) 5261-2630

COMMITTEE MEMBER Andy Lapins Phone (03) 9511-4693

COMMITTEE MEMBER Geoff Rose Phone (03) 9372-7709

COMMITTEE MEMBER Neil Morgan Phone (03) 9687-8871

COMMITTEE MEMBER Peter Raymant Phone (03) 9583-1053

WEBMASTER Anthony (Tony) Pahl OAM [email protected] SPECIAL PROJECTS Nick LeRay-Meyer AM Phone (03) 9386-6961


Bill Wiltshire (Advocacy, Pensions & Welfare) Melton Phone (03) 9746-9582

Ron McMullen (Pensions & Welfare - information only) Laverton Phone (03) 9746-9582

David Taffe (Welfare & Pensions) Kilmore Phone (03) 5782-2779

Lee and Ellen Scully (Welfare) Melbourne Metro Area Phone (03) 9827-8313

Gill Coughlan (Welfare) Melbourne Area Phone 040 850 3986

Andy Lapins (Welfare) Melbourne Area Phone (03) 9511-4693


Western Suburbs Veterans and Services Centre Phone (03) 9746-9582 Fax (03) 9746-9583

Melbourne Veterans and Services Centre Phone (03) 9282-3518 Fax (03) 9282-7854


The material, comments and/or extracts of articles appearing in the “RAAF VIETNAM VETERANS NEWSLETTER” is of a

general nature only and neither purports to be, nor is intended to be, advice on any particular matter. No person should act on the

basis of any material contained in the NEWSLETTER without considering, and if necessary, taking appropriate professional advice

upon their circumstances. The RAAFVVA Committee, the authors and publisher expressly disclaim all and any liability to any

person, in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance, whether whole or partial, upon the whole or

part of the contents of the “RAAFVVA NEWSLETTER”. Any member of the RAAFVVA, or other veteran organisation or any

interested party may submit articles, letters, and advertisements for publication in the NEWSLETTER. The Committee and

Publisher reserve the right to veto any such article, letter or advertisement.


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In the U.S., the ducks fly South for winter, while in Australia the Grey Nomads hitch up the caravans and head North. This year for the first time we are following the Yankee ducks and staying here – I can now well understand the attraction of the warm North!

Our ANZAC Day activities continue successfully with a good March turn-out this year, and a well-attended and cheerful reunion lunch following. At the May 2011 ANZAC Day Commemorative Council Meeting in Melbourne, we were advised that some 35–40,000 people attended the Dawn Service, with around 9000 veterans marching. (The March participation was down somewhat from prior years, thought due to the Easter/School Holidays co-inciding.) The revised March procedures worked well, with our Association stepping off on time (we were actually chasing our Banner down Flinders Street), and the March finishing at the scheduled time.

Critical comment continues about the ABC March Commentary for the Navy and RAAF, despite written summaries being provided to the ABC prior to the March. The Council has agreed to resurrect previously declined plans by the ABC to supply expert commentators for Navy and RAAF during the March. I hope that the ABC will come to the party with this plan for 2012.

RAAF VVAA (Vic) and Air Force Association (Victorian Division) amalgamation proposals are well advanced, and further explanation of the process is outlined elsewhere in the Newsletter. Your Committee supports the proposed amalgamation, and please give this important issue, for our future, serious consideration.

Congratulations to Alan White, Committee Member, who was elected to the AFA Board at the AGM on 18/05/ 2011. He now joins Nick Leray-Meyer (AFA vice-President) on the Board.

Sad news of the closure of Duckboard House, Melbourne RSL, which has ceased trading due to financial difficulties, with probable sale to follow. Check the Website Blog, and Rick‟s emails about dates/venues for future lunches.

We had the privilege of attending a pre-ANZAC Service at the historic War Memorial, Tahara, on 17/04/2011, following an invitation from the Glenelg Shire Council. This was arranged to honour Flt. Lt. Cliff Dohle DSM MID, RAAF (deceased), who grew up in the area, where his brother still farms. It was a very moving ceremony, attended by Cliff‟s family members, our Committee Members and partners, and many Vietnam Veterans from the local area. (Photos and further cover elsewhere in the Newsletter)

The 90th Anniversary of the formation of the RAAF held at AFA Headquarters, Hawthorn, on 07/04/2011 was very well attended, with lots of grey hair in evidence.

A section of the RAAF Band provided background music, and speeches were short. I hope we will still be around to celebrate the 100th Anniversary!

Stay warm and well this winter.


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Reminders for Membership Renewal have been posted in previous Newsletters. Payment was due on 1st January 2011. The AGM has passed, ANZAC Day has passed, and now, half way to the next renewal period, twenty four membership renewals remain outstanding.

Our Association was established, and continues, as a welfare organization for RAAF Vietnam Veterans. Annual Membership Fees assist to fulfil our aim. Of course, if your reason for not renewing membership is due to financial considerations, please do not hesitate to contact any of your committee members. Your Association exists to help you.

However, if renewal has simply slipped your mind (and we all know how easily that can happen), another 2011 Membership Renewal Form is included with this Newsletter. This means you are identified as currently being „unfinancial‟, and therefore, we would greatly appreciate receiving your completed Form, with Subscription, as soon as possible.

On the other hand, this notice will be the final reminder. Your RAAFVVA Committee has concluded, that to reduce publication and postage costs, persons who do not renew annual membership will have their name removed from the mailing list for our RAAFVVA Newsletter.


The Trust was set up initially from a „bounty‟ paid to the Australian Government after an RAAF Sunderland crew „captured‟ a German vessel on the high seas during WWII. The modest bounty, given to the RAAF for its exclusive use for members, has now grown into millions of dollars, and is administered by the Trust to purchase and maintain a number of residential properties (mainly one and two bed room self-contained apartments) throughout Australia that are made available to needy ex RAAF veterans at very low rentals.

RAAFVVA has been advised that some units may become available in the near future at the RAAF Veterans‟ Residence Trust site in Sandringham, a southeastern, bayside suburb of Melbourne.

Any member interested in this type of accommodation, or if you know of a colleague who may be finding times and accommodation a little tough, please contact the Trust directly to be included on the „Waiting List‟.

Further information about the operation of the Trust, including eligibility and Applications for Tenancy, can be obtained from the Trust‟s website:


Or contact: RAAF Veterans' Residences Trust

Ground Floor - Building L474 RAAF Williams


Tel: (03) 9256 0003 Fax: (03) 9256 0004

Email: [email protected]

Page 7: June 2011



Yes, it is that time again! Three selling points will be active during the week prior to V.V. Day:

Sunbury Square Shopping Centre Thursday 11th and Friday 12th August Highpoint Maribyrnong Thursday 11th and Friday 12th August Bunnings, Mentone Store Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th August (3 Nepean Hwy, Mentone)

Again, we are seeking volunteers to man (person) our stalls. It would be greatly appreciated if you are able to offer just a small amount of time on any of those days. It does not matter how long, just a few minutes would provide assistance. Please call Rick Holmes (on Ph: 9317 7304) so he may commence the „Duty Roster‟.

VIETNAM VETERANS DAY – Thursday, 18th August Members are asked to gather at the RAAF Vietnam Plaque in the Shrine’s Garden of Remembrance at 1030 hrs. As per recent years, we will hold a short Commemorative Service before moving to the assembly area for the march, which begins at 1100.

RAAFVVA Monthly Luncheon

The unfortunate closure of Melbourne RSL‟s Duckboard Club has forced us to seek other suitable venues for our regular monthly luncheons. The Duke of Kent Hotel - located at 293 Latrobe Street, City has been recommended. Reports indicate a „very veteran friendly attitude‟. The Hotel is a venue for TPI Association gatherings and is also situated directly opposite the „Argus Centre‟, the home of DVA‟s Melbourne offices.

Wednesday, June 15th will be our first get-together at the Duke of Kent, but unfortunately, you will not receive this notice before then, so I hope you have checked the RAAFVVA website „Blog‟ and kept up to date with the latest news. Generally, our monthly luncheons are planned for the third Wednesday of each month. All being well, we will continue with the Duke of Kent Hotel, so the next monthly luncheon is planned for Wednesday, 20th July. Dates for the remainder of the year are yet to be finalized, but will be posted on our website as soon as available.

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Despite perfect autumn weather in Melbourne, numbers (both spectator and marchers) were down on previous years - probably due to the Easter long-weekend. However, approximately 50 RAAF Vietnam veterans marched, with the contingent being led by RAAFVVA President and Vice President, who were honoured to be accompanied by the widow and daughter of former RAAFVVA member, Harry Willmore.

Vice President, Gareth Davis with Banner Carriers, Neil Boulton and Gary Jarvis

Despite several distractions, e.g. accepting the contact card from a curb-side photographer, marchers were a study of concentration as they strived to keep in step along St Kilda Road.

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After the march, members gathered for a short commemoration service at the RAAF Vietnam Plaque, located in the Shrine‟s Garden of Remembrance

Neil Boulton and Gary Jarvis at the RAAF Vietnam Plaque

„The Good, The Bad and The Ugly‟, or „The Magnificent Seven‟ (you decide) waiting with other ex RAAF mates at the „Garden of Remembrance‟ before the RAAFVVA Commemoration Service. Then it was down to the Citro Restaurant on St Kilda Rd for the after march reunion.

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RAAFVVA covered the cost of beverages at Citro and some of those who eagerly accepted the offer are pictured below.

Peter Clemmens, Gary Jarvis, Mick Mutton and Jim Hoggart

Paul Dent, Ken Ewin, Ray Appleford and Peter Raymant

All enjoyed the after march get-together, including Ron Douglas, Graeme Dodd and Lee Scully

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It was great to see the younger generations coming along to support their ‘oldies’.

Ray Appleford and son, Christopher Marion Willmore and daughter, Renee

Three generations of our Vice President‟s family: grand-daughter Brenna, daughter Cheryl and

wife Kay Davis.

It‟s in the blood! Brendan Lynch, with Grandson, Matthew, currently in the Army Engineers - recently returned from Timor Leste, Grand-daughter, Jaymee, wearing medals awarded to Brendan‟s sister, Meredith, an ex-RAAF Nursing Sister, who participated in medivac flights from Vietnam, and son Phillip, completed 8 years Army service and is an original member of RAAFVVA.

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Tahara is a locality on the Condah Coleraine Road in the Glenelg Shire, south western Victoria, approximately 290 km‟s west of Melbourne. The Tahara War Memorial Cairn is situated beside the road. It‟s a lonely spot.

On 17 April 2011, members of the Vietnam veteran community, including RAAFVVA representatives, joined the Glenelg Shire Mayor, Councillors, local residents and Cliff Dohle‟s extended family, to attend a Memorial Ceremony, honouring Cliff‟s service, and to witness the unveiling of Cliff‟s newly inscribed name on the Cairn‟s Roll of Honour.

LAC Bryan Rowe, wearing his RAAF WW2 uniform, seated in front of RAAFVVA members.

Some of the 60+ attendees at the roadside location of the Tahara War Memorial

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RAAFVVA President Lee Scully‟s address provided a meaningful and significant insight into No 9 Squadron operations in Vietnam and especially to the efforts of Bob Grandin, Cliff Dohle and crews during the battle of Long Tan. Lee also pointed out the difference of the Distinguished Flying Cross under the old Imperial Award System and the new Australian Distinguished Service Medal, awarded to Cliff posthumously. RAAFVVA members laid a wreath on behalf of all RAAF Vietnam veterans. Max Dohle, grandson of Cliff unveiled the Memorial in memory of his grandfather. Of significant note was the attendance of LAC Bryan Rowe who joined the RAAF in 1942 and (in full uniform of the day) raised the Ensign from Half Mast to the Full position during the Rouse.

The Memorial unveiling combined with the local ANZAC Day tribute, conducted by members of the Casterton RSL Sub-Branch, made for a significant occasion.

Lee Scully with members of Cliff Dohle‟s extended family, including brother, James (a long-time Tahara resident), grandson Max Dohle, and the Mayor of Glenelg Shire, Councillor Bruce Cross

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Scholarships for Children of Veterans intending Tertiary Studies in 2011 In 2011 the Australian Veterans‟ Children Assistance Trust (AVCAT) are expecting to give financial assistance for up to 65 students under many different scholarship schemes. All schemes help the selected children in need of the Australian veteran community with the costs of tertiary education.

Applications open on 18 August 2010. To apply you must be:

a. Within the means test. That is eligible on assets and income grounds for Youth Allowance benefits for full - time education.

b. Enrolled, or planning to enrol in a full-time course of tertiary education in Australia by attendance at a university, TAFE or college. The course must be of one or more academic years in length and at undergraduate level.

c. The child or grandchild of a person who has operational service with the Australian Navy, Army or Air Force, or if not has three or more year‟s continuous full-time service as a member of the Australian Defence Force.

d. Under the age of 25 when applying, unless exceptional circumstances related to veteran‟s service exist.

The largest scheme is the Long Tan Bursary funded by the Australian Government. There are 50 new bursaries each year. They are valued at $9,000 each which is paid at $3,000 per year for three years. There are selection quotas for each State and Territory. To apply you must be the child of an Australian Vietnam Veteran, be resident in Australia, be entering any year of tertiary study, having not previously received a Long Tan Bursary. The other national schemes are the AVCAT Bursary, the two RSL Scholarships, three Vietnam Veterans‟ Peacekeepers and Peacemakers Scholarship and the Defence Force Welfare Association Scholarship. George Quinsey Scholarships directly pay tuition fees for economics, commerce and accountancy studies. There are also regional scholarships. In NSW, there are three from Brisbane Water Legacy covering Gosford/Wyong NSW and one from the NSW TPI Association. Some private donors offer two scholarships to resident NSW applicants. In SA, the VVAA also offers a scholarship. Schemes vary between $3,000 and $5,000 per year each. Some are restricted to location of residence or studies. Most require veteran service in Vietnam but others are broader in eligibility criteria. Most schemes continue payments for later years of study. In addition to the above there is one grant per year to assist a handicapped eligible veteran‟s child or grandchild with special extra costs of transition to tertiary studies or employment To receive an Application Form please call 1800 620 361. Children and grandchildren of Vietnam veterans should do so now, as should any others who believe that they are eligible. If not sure, ask: Applications close on 31 October each year.

AVCAT PO Box K978, Haymarket, NSW 1240 FAX: 02 9213 7307, Email: [email protected]

Web: www.avcat.org.au

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Information from Bob Elworthy

The Victorian Branch of the VVAA offers a William Hacking Bursary to assist the children of Victorian based Vietnam Veterans with the costs of tertiary education. The bursary is currently valued at $3000 per year for three years; the continuity of the bursary is conditional on satisfactory educational achievement.

The William Hacking Bursary is subject to similar qualifications to the Long Tan Bursary, and occasionally AVCAT will contact us to see if we are interested in offering a Bursary to a Victorian dependant who has not been successful in obtaining a Long Tan Bursary. The application process for Long Tan bursaries is outlined on the previous AVCAT page.

All applications are considered on merit, and in the absence of any other applications, we may decide to offer a bursary to an applicant who was unsuccessful with the Long Tan Bursary. Applications for a William Hacking Bursary are not as strictly administered in respect of application cut off times: we are happy to receive applications at any time of the year, and we are also happy to consider applications from students who are already part way through studies and are having financial difficulty. Obviously, if seeking assistance for the start of the year, it is sensible to have indicated interest in applying for a bursary as soon as possible and certainly by the end of November. This then gives us time to do the necessary follow up.

Expressions of interest in applying for a William Hacking Bursary should be sent, in the first instance, to the State Secretary, Peter Bright.

Telephone: 9747 8125 Mobile: 0438 597 932

Email: [email protected]

On receipt of an expression of interest the Secretary will seek additional information from the applicant and sub-branch as necessary. Applications are assessed on merit, following Long Tan Bursary guidelines, but with less emphasis. We are more about helping a dependant where possible rather than slavishly applying strict criteria.

It should be understood that the awarding of a William Hacking Bursary is also dependant on the level of funds available within the state education account.

In recent times we have managed to run two bursaries concurrently, but that was an exceptional circumstance rather than the norm. We are also in the position from time to time of being able to consider providing one-off grants where we are unable to provide a full bursary, or the application does not meet the criteria.

The state branch will be offering one William Hacking Bursary commencing in 2012. Potential applicants are encouraged to apply for the Long Tan Bursary, and if unsuccessful seek assistance from the state branch and their relevant sub-branch.

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Special Deal for Current and Ex Members of the ADF

Carnival Australia has introduced a new program onboard its fleet to pay tribute to serving and former members of the Australian and New Zealand Defence Forces. Under the program, all Defence Force personnel including discharged and retired servicemen will receive an onboard credit of up to $250 when booking a cruise with P&O Cruises Australia, Princess Cruises or Cunard. The program is eligible to all three branches of the Defence Force, including the Royal Australian Navy, Air Force and Army. Carnival Australia Senior Vice President Jenny Lourey said the company was extremely proud to introduce the program. “We think it‟s a great way of acknowledging the men and women who give so much for their countries,” Ms Lourey said. To receive the benefit, servicemen simply need to provide documentation at the time of booking, demonstrating their service in the Australian or New Zealand Defence Force.

Tell all your family/ friends/ business acquaintances... in fact tell everybody about this! The FREE Telstra Directory Assistance Number

For anyone contemplating using the Sensis directory service number, 1234 - DON'T! Sensis, as you may or may not know, is a subsidiary of Telstra. The 1234 number is replacing the Telstra 12456 directory assistance number, but this time with outrageous costs attached: 40c to call the number, then 4c A SECOND! By law, Telstra must provide a FREE directory assistance number. They choose however not to pass this number on to the public. The free number is 1223 Thumbs down to Telstra for finding a way to 'charge', for a service that is supposed to be provided for free. Ben Hardwick, Lawyer Commercial Litigation Department Slater & Gordon, GPO Box 4864VV, Melbourne, Vic, 3001

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Was it really that long ago – 45 years?

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Doing Anger Differently Veterans Programs Dandenong Program: 18 Jul – 26 Sep 10am–12:30pm Ringwood Program: 18 Jul – 26 Sep 2pm–4:30pm Morwell Program: 19 Jul – 27 Sep 6pm–8:30pm Wodonga Program: 5 Oct – 14 Dec 11am–1:30pm

Beating the Blues Veterans Programs Wangaratta Workshop: 4 – 5 Aug 9am-3:30pm Mornington Program: 13 Oct – 15 Dec 10:30am-1pm

Changing the Mix Veterans Program Melbourne Metro Program: 11 Oct – 29 Nov 6pm-8:30pm

Mastering Anxiety Partners Programs Wodonga Program: 12 Oct – 14 Dec 2:30–5:00pm

Anger Management Sons & Daughters Melbourne Metro Program: 19 Jul – 20 Sep 6pm-8:00pm

Operation Life Melbourne Metro Safetalk: 7 July - 9:30am – 3:00pm Melbourne Metro Safetalk: 14 July – 9:30am – 3:00pm Melbourne Metro ASIST: 11 – 12 Aug 9am – 5:00pm

Heart Health Areas During 2011

Geelong, Warragul, Knox, Preston, Bendigo, Whittlesea, Horsham, Wonthaggi, Sunbury Hastings

Residential Lifestyle Veterans and Partners Flowerdale: 21 – 26 Aug Flowerdale: 20 – 25 Nov

Couple Enhancement Veterans and Partners Bendigo Program: 21 Oct – 9 Dec 1pm–3:30pm

Sleeping Better Veterans and Partners Horsham Workshop: 15 – 16 Aug 9am-3:30pm Ballarat Program: 19 Oct – 30 Nov 1pm-3:30pm Warrnambool Program: 20 Oct – 1 Dec 1pm-3:30pm Echuca Workshop: 27 – 28 Oct 9am-3:30pm

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Hi all

Not receiving any emails from the RAAFVVA lately?

Not surprising, I still receive approximately 10 returned emails

each time I send out an email that is important to you.

In regards to ANZAC Day I thank all who turned out, numbers

were down due to the clash with the Easter break but some 50

odd attended and enjoyed lunch at CITRO after the March. Pity

the ABC couldn‟t get the commentary right once again but we are

working on them.

I also commend those members who turned out at Tahara for the

Cliff Dohle Memorial Inscription unveiling. It was a moving

ceremony. See elsewhere in this Newsletter.

For the 18th of August we plan to hold a short ceremony at our Plaque at the Shrine of

Remembrance at 1030 hours followed by the main Ceremony at the Shrine. The Guest Speaker at

this year‟s service is planned to be Warrant Officer John (Snow) Coughlan CGM (who I might add

has promised to keep it short and sweet). Lunch will this year be at CITRO due to the Palmerston

being unavailable.

Elsewhere in this Newsletter you will see a list of Group Programs run by VVCS, including the

Heart Health Program. As a participant of Heart Health I cannot recommend strongly enough that

it is a magnificent program which in my view should be compulsory for all elderly veterans.

Register - it may just add a few years to your life. Many other things to offer but space precludes

so to you all stay healthy and live well.

Finally my thanks go to all who send me many interesting emails that I simply cannot send on due

to their size. Keep them short and sweet and we can send to all members.

Regards to you all


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One of the most popular authors in America today is

Dr Max Lucado. In one of his books he answers

this question of Faith like this....... “Faith is more

than a belief in God. It is a way of life. Heroes of

faith, although imperfect, trusted God and gave their

lives to Him.”

Faith is the belief that God is real and that God is

good. It is a choice to believe that the One who

made it all hasn’t left it all and that He still sends

light into the shadows and responds to gestures of


Faith is the belief that God will do what is right.

“Blessed are the dirt poor, nothing-to-give, trapped-

in-a-corner, destitute, diseased.” Jesus said, “for

theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. (Matthew 5:6,

my translation)

God says that the more hopeless your circum-

stances, the more likely your salvation. The greater

your cares, the more genuine your prayers. The

darker the room, the greater the need for light.

God’s help is near and always available, but it is

only given to those who seek it. Nothing results

from apathy.

Compared to God’s part, our part is minuscule, but

necessary. Write a letter. Ask forgiveness. Call a counsellor. Confess. Call Mum.

Visit a doctor. Be baptised. Feed a hungry person. Pray. Teach. Go.

Do something that demonstrates faith. For faith with no effort is no faith at all. God will

respond. He has never rejected a genuine faith - never.

In the Bible, the New Testament book called Hebrews - chapter 11, you will be encouraged

by the reports of peoples’ faith. These examples will encourage you. Step out now.

Encourage somebody by sending a letter or card. Make a phone call. I know God will

bless you in every effort you make.

As ever,

George G.

(Rev) George G. Ashworth OAM

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George Francis DOAK

HQ RAAF Contingent Vung Tau – Aug 68

HQ AFV, RAAF Element - Mar 69 to Apr 69


March 2011

RAAF Vietnam Veteran

Charles William WALFORD

9 Sqn – Jun 68 to Jun 69


April 2011

A few words from Rick Holmes

Although not one of our members Charles (Charlie when I

knew him) Walford went to Vietnam as an LAC Engine Fitter

on the 11th June 1968, posted to 9 Sqn (Same flight as me).

I was Block NCO and knew him well. Charles went on to an

illustrious career as an ENG O and did a lot of good work for 9

Sqn reunions.

I believe he finished his Air Force service as Wing Commander.


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What a Ride!

Every year, Bill (an ex-9 Sqn man) and his wife Blanche went to the air show.

Every year, Bill would say, "Blanche, I'd like a ride in that helicopter".

Blanche always replied, "I know Bill, but that helicopter ride is fifty bucks, and

you know, fifty bucks is fifty bucks!"

Finally, Bill was determined. He said, "Blanche, I'm 75 years old. If I don't

ride in that helicopter, I might never get another chance " To this, Blanche

replied, "Bill, that helicopter ride is fifty bucks, and you know, fifty bucks is

fifty bucks".

Fortunately, the helicopter pilot overheard the couple and said, "Folks I'll make

you a deal. I'll take the both of you for a ride. If you can stay quiet for

the entire ride, and don't say a word, I won't charge you a cent! But if you

say one word, it's fifty dollars." Bill and Blanche agreed - and up they went.

The pilot did all kinds of fancy manoeuvres, but not a word was heard.

He did all his daredevil tricks, but still not a word...

When they landed, the pilot turned to Bill and said, "By golly, I did everything I

could to get you to yell out, but I didn't hear a thing. I'm impressed! "

Bill replied, "Well, to tell you the truth, I almost said something when Blanche

fell out, but you know, fifty bucks is fifty bucks!"

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What did you do at the Party, Darling?

A couple was invited to a swanky costume party. Unfortunately, the Mrs got a

terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone.

He, being a devoted husband, protested, but she argued and said she was going

to take some aspirin and go to bed and there was no need for his good time to

be spoiled.

So he took his costume and headed off. The wife, after sleeping soundly for

about an hour, awakened feeling good, and as it was still early enough, decided

to go the party.

Since her husband did not know what her costume was, she thought she would

have some fun by watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not

with him.

She joined the party and soon spotted her husband cavorting around on

the dance floor, dancing with every nice woman he could, and copping a little

feel here and a little kiss there.

His wife sidled up to him and being a rather seductive babe herself, he left

his current partner high and dry and devoted his time to the new babe that had

just arrived. She let him go as far as he wished... Naturally, (since he was

her husband).

Finally, he whispered a little proposition in her ear and she agreed. So off

they went to one of the cars and had a quickie.

Just before unmasking at midnight, she slipped away, went home, put the

costume away and got into bed, wondering what kind of explanation he would

make for his behaviour.

She was sitting up reading when he came in, and she asked what kind of a time

he had. He said: "Oh, the same old thing. You know I never have a good time

when you're not there."

- "Did you dance much?"

- "You know, I never even danced one dance. When I got there, I met Pete,

Bill Browning and some other guys, so we went into the den and played poker all


But you're not going to believe what happened to the guy I loaned my costume


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At last – a book that will help you understand women better!

Do you reckon this could be ‘Snow’?

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The VVAA Victorian Branch is a registered charity which means that all of the 30 sub-branches can

raise funds from public donations and provide Tax deductable receipts for all donations over $2,

providing the funds are used for welfare. Some VVAA members have already adopted our Association as their family charity. All that is

needed is to make out a cheque payable to the Sub-branch Welfare Fund and forward it to the

Treasurer who will provide the Tax deductable receipt by return mail. Even the smallest donation is

very much appreciated.


Making a Will is good planning. It provides you and those for whom you care with peace of mind,

ensures the security of you family, and enables bequests to be made to those charities that represent

your ongoing interests and concerns. Bequests and Legacies are gifts of specifically identified possessions or specified sums of money

gifted to a person, a group of people or an organization. If the VVAA is your charity then the

correct title of the charity is Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia Victorian Branch

Welfare Patriotic Fund Please consider our Association as a charity. Remember, one day the person in need of assistance

may be you or a member of your family. VVCS - VETERANS and VETERANS FAMILIES COUNSELLING SERVICE

(A Service Founded by the Vietnam Veterans) Normal Hours: 86408700

Crisis Line (after hours) 1800 011 046


Normal Hours: 9284 6000

Country/Regional: 1800 555 254

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In Hospital or Convalescing at Home? Like us to know about it and/or have someone to visit to assist or just chat? Name:…………………………………………………………………………………..….......... Address:……………………………………………………………………………………........ Preferred Contact details:……..…………………………………………………………..........

Post or Email your request to the Secretary or give him a call on 9317 7304 and we will try

and arrange a visit on your behalf.