jumc happenings ocus - jonestownumc.org · jumc happenings ocus in luke chapter 1 we read of...

JUMC happenings ocus In Luke chapter 1 we read of Gabriel, sent by God, visiting Mary, a virgin who lived in Nazareth and who was pledged to marry Joseph. Gabriel said to her, “You have found favor with God, you will have a son named Jesus and He will be called the Son of the Most High, receive the throne of David, reign over the house of Jacob forever. And His kingdom will never end.” She had one question: “I’m a virgin, how can this happen?” Gabriel explained, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, the power of the Most High will overshadow you and his holy child will be called the Son of God.” Mary considered this. What will Joseph think and do? What will the residents of Nazareth say? And then Mary responds to Gabriel, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” As we study God’s Word, hear it proclaimed, and hear Him give us direction through the Holy Spirit, how do we respond? With positive immediate action? I need time to consider? I don’t believe it was for me? Church Events Dec 17, 6:00pm Adult Dinner Night Out Dec. 18 Angel Tree deadline December 18, 9:45am Children’s Christmas Program December 24, 6:00pm Contemporary Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 8:00pmTraditional Service JONESTOWN UNITED METHODIST PO Box 750, 109 West Market Street Jonestown, Pa 17038 Phone: (717) 865-4369 Email: [email protected] Web: www.jonestownumc.org Facebook: Jonestown United Methodist Church MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF JONESTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH DECEMBER 2016

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Page 1: JUMC happenings ocus - jonestownumc.org · JUMC happenings ocus In Luke chapter 1 we read of Gabriel, sent by God, visiting Mary, a virgin who lived in Nazareth and who was pledged

JUMC happenings


In Luke chapter 1 we read of

Gabriel, sent by God, visiting Mary,

a virgin who lived in Nazareth and

who was pledged to marry Joseph.

Gabriel said to her, “You have found

favor with God, you will have a son

named Jesus and He will be called

the Son of the Most High, receive

the throne of David, reign over the

house of Jacob forever. And His

kingdom will never end.”

She had one question: “I’m a

virgin, how can this happen?”

Gabriel explained, “The Holy Spirit

will come upon you, the power of

the Most High will overshadow you

and his holy child will be called the

Son of God.”

Mary considered this. What will

Joseph think and do? What will the

residents of Nazareth say?

And then Mary responds to

Gabriel, “I am the Lord’s servant.

May it be to me as you have said.”

As we study God’s Word, hear it

proclaimed, and hear Him give us

direction through the Holy Spirit,

how do we respond?

With positive immediate action?

I need time to consider? I don’t believe it was for me?

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Church Events

Dec 17, 6:00pm –

Adult Dinner Night Out

Dec. 18 Angel Tree


December 18, 9:45am –

Children’s Christmas


December 24, 6:00pm —

Contemporary Christmas

Eve Candlelight Service



JONESTOWN UNITED METHODIST PO Box 750, 109 West Market Street

Jonestown, Pa 17038 Phone: (717) 865-4369

Email: [email protected] Web: www.jonestownumc.org Facebook: Jonestown United Methodist Church

Dec 15th – Pastors



Page 2: JUMC happenings ocus - jonestownumc.org · JUMC happenings ocus In Luke chapter 1 we read of Gabriel, sent by God, visiting Mary, a virgin who lived in Nazareth and who was pledged

Christmas is fast approaching, and with it comes the traditional gift giving and re-gifting. Re-gifting is the act of taking a gift that has been received and giving it to someone else. Emily Post, the etiquette guru, says that re-gifting is perfectly acceptable as long as certain rules are applied. Here are a few of those rules. The gift should make sense, be in its original packing, and be something the recipient needs or wants. Each week of Advent (the four weeks preceding Christmas Day) focuses on a specific gift that is applicable

But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little

among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall

come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose

goings forth are from of old, From everlasting.

Micah 5:2

to everyone on your list from Aunt Mary to Uncle Joe, Cousin Susie to little Tommy. These gifts can be re-gifted many times over. They are the gifts of hope, joy, peace, and love. They are gifts that make sense for everyone and are gifts that we all need on a daily basis. These gifts come in the original package—namely, Jesus Christ. He is the perfect gift given to us by God. Think of four people you know who need what Jesus has to offer. During each week of Advent go deeper to enrich their life. Pray for them daily. Pray also for opportunities in which you may brighten their holiday season by offering them the hope, the joy, the peace, and the love that is ours through Jesus Christ. Be intentional. Journey deeper in your devotional time by reading 1 Corinthians 13 every day during the Twelve Days of Christmas (Dec. 25-Jan. 5). Remember LOVE came down at Christmas and LOVE is the greatest gift of all!

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vocabularium. Li lingues differe solmen in li grammatica, li pronunciation e

li plu commun vocabules. Omnicos directe al desirabilita; de un nov lingua

franca: on refusa continuar payar custosi traductores. It solmen va esser

necessi far uniform grammatica, pronunciation e plu sommun paroles. Ma

quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del resultant lingue es plu simplic e

regulari quam ti del coalescent lingues. Li nov lingua franca va esser plu

simplic e regulari quam li existent.

YOUR STORY, GOD'S STORY Why is Christmas such a magical time of year? I think it’s because everyone is expecting a miracle at Christmas. Consider all the popular movies. Each one has a miracle as it's central plot. Whether it's a boy hoping his parents get back together, a shop-owner hoping he can keep his business running, or a town who needs a new hero to help "save Christmas." You might be reading this and wishing for your own miracle this Christmas. It's probably much smaller than what makes a holiday movie. But it is important to you. Maybe you're hoping our prodigal comes home. Maybe you're wishing for a job. Some are yearning for a special someone to sit next to you by the fire. 2,000 years ago, a couple hoped for their own miracle. But like many, they had long given up on this dream. Zacharias and Elisabeth prayed for a child (Luke 1), but year after year, that prayer went unfulfilled. So, they gave up on the dream. But this couple didn't give up on God. They stayed faithful. Then, one ordinary day, the

extraordinary happened. An angel told Zacharias that he and his wife, Elisabeth would have a son after all. This all sounded impossible to Zacharias. Not the miracle itself—that Jesus would come, that John would be the forerunner. He just had a hard time thinking God could use silly old him. After all, he and his wife were well past the child-bearing age. But, true to His word, God performed this miracle in the lives of Zacharias and Elisabeth. Zacharias and Elisabeth had given up on the dream God had planted in their hearts—the dream of having a son. So maybe today, like Zacharias, you're letting God know that there is something too big for Him. Something even He can't fix. We believe in the big things of God but when it comes to littler miracles, we limit Him. We say, “Yes, God can create the earth in six days, be born of a baby, and send us to Heaven, but He can't possibly change me, fix a relationship, get me a job.” The biggest miracle has already been done—Jesus. Everything else is small to God. And the story of Zacharias tells us that there is nothing too hard and that God is still in the business of doing miracles. Even in your own life. (Daniel Darling, crosswalk.com)

Page 3: JUMC happenings ocus - jonestownumc.org · JUMC happenings ocus In Luke chapter 1 we read of Gabriel, sent by God, visiting Mary, a virgin who lived in Nazareth and who was pledged

Pastor’s Pen

Join us during Advent as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ! This Advent/Christmas season we will journey through a series entitled, “God Bless Us Everyone: The Redemption of Scrooge,” based on one of our culture’s greatest stories, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens and Matt Rawle’s book, The Redemption of Scrooge. This series will be a meaningful worship experience looking at how living in “God’s economy of grace and justice is the antithesis of the life-threatening addiction to money, success, exclusion, and looking out for ourselves. The chimes of the clocktower bells in Dickens' classic, ‘A Christmas Carol’ provide a wake-up call for Ebenezer Scrooge and turn him from his resentment, fear and isolation. Just as God’s presence was born anew into this world, we too can be born anew, woken up and redeemed into renewed life, joy, passion, generosity, humility and love.” This will be a great opportunity to invite your friends for not just Christmas Eve, but for the Advent season leading into Christmas with a different Advent worship experience with nontraditional and traditional expressions, including pop culture drama, praise music, carols, hymns and Scripture. Christmas is an invitation into relationship with God, through Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. When Christ’s invitation is accepted, we discover that we have been redeemed. We neither earn it nor deserve it. It is a gift from God, calling us to respond in the world with love. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh

On Sunday night, December 4, the church is invited to attend a showing of “A Christmas Carol” starring Jim Carvey. Free pizza at 6:00pm and the showing at 6:30pm. If you are wondering how this will all fit into our Advent/Christmas worship, all the more reason to come each Sunday. The series at 8:30am Traditional services, and 11:00am Contemporary services:

Nov. 27 “Bah Humbug! Making Change”

Dec. 4 “The Remembrance of Christmas Past:

Hope from Heartbreak” Dec. 11

“The Life of Christmas Present: Look Upon Me”

Dec. 18 “The Hope of Christmas Future:

Death-Defying Acts” Then join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight services, either at 6:00pm Contemporary Worship, or 8:00pm Traditional worship with “The Redemption of Scrooge: Keeping Christmas Well.” Since Christmas falls on Sunday we will have one special service at 10:00am entitled, “God Bless Us – Every One!” Blessings in Christ, Pastor Susan 1 Worship Design Studio, Marsha McFee

Page 4: JUMC happenings ocus - jonestownumc.org · JUMC happenings ocus In Luke chapter 1 we read of Gabriel, sent by God, visiting Mary, a virgin who lived in Nazareth and who was pledged

FOR TO US A CHILD IS BORN Have you been on YouTube lately? Last year, 2015, was their 10th anniversary. The most viewed video ever is “Gangnum Style.” It has been viewed 2.2 billion times since it was uploaded in 2012. Katy Perry, Eminem, Shakira, Justin Bieber, and “Charlie bit my finger!” are in the top ten most viewed, all receiving 100’s of millions of views. It is a place of tremendous influence among students and young adults.

You should search out “C.S. Lewis doodle.” Look up his take on our culture and the Christian impact upon society. Lewis writes about the truth of the Christian worldview: God’s truth versus man’s truth. We live in an age that is almost entirely secular. It is even so in the church. You can visit churches which do not believe in miracles. Modern teaching places high value on our ability to describe the world on our own terms. These must, by definition, be limited, but are ascribed supreme authority and power. For instance, as we approach Christmas, we will hear the story of the virgin who was with child:

The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David, and He will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; His kingdom will never end.” “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” Luke 1:28-34

The world may concede that Jesus was a good teacher, but must be skeptical about the appearance of the angel and the virgin who was with child. These are supernatural events which can only be explained by a miraculous God who can manipulate nature as He pleases. This notion has become obsolete to modern man.

In another video Lewis discusses “the right to happiness” that Mrs. B and Mr. A think they deserve, and the divorce and remarriage that was only fair. Opinions on marriage and happiness flood the information age, and the biblical view of marriage is lost or discarded as we find work-arounds to make our happiness the priority. The Church is, and shall continue to be, pushed around by a culture that no longer cares for her opinion. It is, after all, found in a Book that is labeled a bronze-age relic. It is no longer applicable. What of its direction?

“But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate” Mark 10:6-9.

Friend request on Facebook: Tom Robinson or follow on Twitter: @unatheist

Page 5: JUMC happenings ocus - jonestownumc.org · JUMC happenings ocus In Luke chapter 1 we read of Gabriel, sent by God, visiting Mary, a virgin who lived in Nazareth and who was pledged

wood splitting The leadership at Gretna Glen needs our help cutting,

splitting and stacking fire wood for year-round use.

thursday, december 1 9- noon and/or 1-4 Please bring your lunch.

saturday, december 3 9-noon and/or 1-4

Breakfast 8am & lunch at noon will be provided. Any questions call David Gray (865-3997) or (418 3480).

LCCM noon meal friday, december 2, 10:00am

At Lebanon County Christian Ministries If you can help, please contact Amanda Robinson

(865-7061) or Bob Hillegas (865-7478).


and scrapbooking friday, december 2, 6:00-10:00pm

Bring your craft/scrapbook projects or see what everyone is working on.

Take-out is ordered for those interested. For information call Karen Bene (717-861-3113).

christmas open house

december 11, 6:00-9:00pm

Dawn and Gary Miele will host a Christmas Open House at their home, 3 Township Line Drive, Fredericksburg,

directly behind Northern Lebanon Middle School entrance. Join them for an evening

of good fellowship and holiday treats.

angel tree

The Christmas tree in the narthex will be decorated with angels by November 27. Each angel lists a gift needed

for a boy or girl. Please consider taking an angel, buying the needed gift, wrapping it, and returning it

under the tree by Sunday, December 18. When all the angels are taken from the tree, we hope to redecorate it with socks, hats, and gloves. Contributions will be given

to Lebanon Co. Christian Ministries.

children’s christmas

program practices sunday, december 4, 4:00pm sunday, december 11, 4:00pm

music schedules

Children’s Choir Rehearsals every other Sunday, 6:00pm

under the direction of Gary Miele.

Bell choir Rehearsals every other Sunday, 6:00pm

under the direction of Norma Artz. Senior Choir

Rehearsals Wednesdays, 6:30pm under the direction of Norma Artz.

Praise Team Rehearsals weekly Wednesdays, 7:15pm

prayer breakfast

friday, december 16, 8:30am Farmer’s Wife Restaurant

Page 6: JUMC happenings ocus - jonestownumc.org · JUMC happenings ocus In Luke chapter 1 we read of Gabriel, sent by God, visiting Mary, a virgin who lived in Nazareth and who was pledged

do you want a poinsettia?

Please use the envelopes on the windowsills in the sanctuary to place your order for poinsettias, available in red or white, for the Christmas season. The cost is $6.50 a plant. Poinsettias may be taken after either

Christmas Eve service.

adult christmas dinner out

saturday, december 17, 6:00pm

Country Fare Restaurant, Myerstown Open to all adults in our congregation and friends.

A buffet dinner will be served in the Cottage, and we will enjoy games and music.

The buffet menu is posted in the east entryway. Sign-up by December 11 and pay Pam Gray.

Cost: $20 each.

january newsletter deadline sunday, december 18

Baskets with copies of the current newsletter are in the rear of the sanctuary, in the narthex. Read it on our website www.jonestownumc.org.

It looks so much better in color!

children’s christmas program sunday, december 18, 9:45am

In the fellowship hall the children will present their annual Christmas program entitled, “The ABC’s of Christmas.” Please plan to attend and show your support for the children.


celebrate christmas eve

with candlelight services saturday, december 24

6:00pm —contemporary service 8:00pm—traditional service

join confirmation class?

january If you have a child 12 or older you would like to start in class, or have any questions, please contact Pastor Susan (610-562-0902).

can you help us clean? In the new year several people are needed to

commit one or two hours per week to clean areas of the church. We hope to continue this through volunteer help and not put a strain on our budget to pay for a service. If you want to

serve and would like information, please contact Amanda Robinson (717-813-7314) or Pat

Sheehan (717-202-5639).

use of church building If you use any portion of the building for activities

outside of normal Worship and Sunday School and need heat or air conditioning, please

contact Frank Baird (717-821-1507) or email [email protected] at least one week prior so

the thermostats may be programmed. When you leave the building, please return everything to the way it was when you arrived. Turn off all

lights and lock all doors.

thank you Anna Mae Fessler and family would like to express

their appreciation and gratitude to all who participated in Donald Fessler's

Memorial Service, and for the memorial gifts, cards, calls, and visitations.

Page 7: JUMC happenings ocus - jonestownumc.org · JUMC happenings ocus In Luke chapter 1 we read of Gabriel, sent by God, visiting Mary, a virgin who lived in Nazareth and who was pledged

parsonage open house

sunday, january 8 All are welcome anytime between 5-8pm.

Not to worry, Abby, my goldendoodle puppy, will not be there.

puppeteers & propateers wednesdays, 6:30pm

Would you like to be a script writer, set designer, sound,

lighting, video manager, seamstress or crafter? Please contact Lori Jackson (717) 926-4572.

wednesday night

bible study wednesdays, 7:30pm

A study of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ teaching to His disciples and to all Christians

and an outline of behavior for the citizens of the Kingdom.

At the home of Lewis and Eleanor Artz 201 Highland Drive, Jonestown

You are welcome! Bring your Bible and a thirst for the words of Jesus!

The holidays are coming. A gift card to a local store or

restaurant makes a great gift. See Karen Bene (673-2734) to order yours. Get a list of all the gift cards available from the JOY table in the narthex. Thanks for your contributions

to JOY!! Your caring makes a BIG difference!

need exercise? Each Monday Kick/Punch is at 5:45pm,

and Ripped at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.

coffee fellowship time sundays, 8:30-11:00am

Stop by the table in the narthex for light snacks and

beverages and a few minutes of fellowship. To make this event a success, we need people to bake each

week or provide a store-bought snack. Please contact Maria Shuey (865-4426) to sign up for a week!

new flower chart for 2017

The flower chart for 2017 is hanging in the narthex. If you want to provide flowers, please sign up on the

chart and use the envelopes next to the chart for payment and information about the flowers. The cost

remains $25 per vase. If you plan on taking your flowers, please put a star sticker next to your name

on the chart.

helping hands ministry We need helpers for minor construction projects.

To volunteer contact Bob Hillegas (865-7478). We need people with skills in plumbing, electric, roofing, painting, siding, etc. We are also looking for minor construction projects. If you know of anyone who

needs gutters repaired, a window replaced, painting or wall work done, or other minor construction

projects, contact Bob Hillegas (865-7478).

Page 8: JUMC happenings ocus - jonestownumc.org · JUMC happenings ocus In Luke chapter 1 we read of Gabriel, sent by God, visiting Mary, a virgin who lived in Nazareth and who was pledged

december greeters 4 8:30am Jeff & Judy Reichl, Will Major, Colin Crouse 4 11am Ginger Krissinger, Jeff & Diana Waltermyer, Dawn Miele 11 8:30am Charles & Nancy Kohr, Cheryl Major, Colin Crouse 11 11am Ginger Krissinger, Jeff & Diana Waltermyer, Dawn Miele 18 8:30am Ernie & Elaine Shuey, Brenda Rudy, Colin Crouse 18 11am Ginger Krissinger, Jeff & Diana Waltermyer, Dawn Miele 25 10:00am Pat & Lorna Sheehan, Colin Crouse

december liturgists 4 8:30am Jeff Reichl 11am Jeff Waltermyer 11 8:30am Cheryl Major 11am Dawn Miele 18 8:30am Shirley Fortna 11am Sallie Meyer 25 10:00am Pat Sheehan

december nursery 4 8:30am Brenda Rudy 11:00am Michelle & Travis Unger 11 8:30am Tish Baird 11:00am Jen Snader 18 8:30am Gail Anderson 11:00am Lori Jackson 25 10:00am Gail Anderson

december flowers Cost: $25/vase 4 Artz / Fake 11 Reichl 18 R. Major / Clark 25 Sheehan

care team Week of Dec. 4 Kay Horner Week of Dec. 11 Ralph & Cheryl Major Week of Dec. 18 Karen Bene Week of Dec. 25 Nancy Rautzhan

[Grab your reader’s attention with a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box

december birthdays 4 Keith Rudy 7 Jeff Reitz 8 Jeremiah Showers 9 Lewis Artz 9 Dylan Fahler 12 Janelle Adams Storm 12 Diana Waltermyer 12 Natalie Rudy 13 Stephanie Brooks 16 Katie Major 17 Stephen Dubeck 18 Teri Light 19 Bryce Deiter 19 Jennifer Snader 20 Mary Jane Rhen 21 Seth Clark 23 George Rautzhan 23 Kayden Showers 27 Nathan Hillegas

december anniversaries 3 Robert and Linda Fake 21 Pat & Lorna Sheehan 30 Bob & Blanche Wonderly 31 Storm & Sylvia Kline

Page 9: JUMC happenings ocus - jonestownumc.org · JUMC happenings ocus In Luke chapter 1 we read of Gabriel, sent by God, visiting Mary, a virgin who lived in Nazareth and who was pledged

Announcements why not try giving

electronically? We encourage you to support the ministries of this

church even when you are unable to attend.

Decide ahead of time the amount you want to give each Sunday,

and your commitment is honored electronically, similar to what you may use for financial payments.

There is no fee to use E-giving. Go to the church website: www.jonestownumc.org

and click on E-giving at the top right. Follow the instructions to set up your account.

If you have difficulty, contact the Financial Secretary, Carvel Keiser, at [email protected].

want a cd of the

8:30 worship service?

Audio CDs are available of the 8:30am service each Sunday. If you or someone you know have missed a Sunday and would like to have a CD, please call Jeff Reichl (865-0315). If you can donate blank CDs to record services, see Jeff Reichl.

Search for "Jonestown United Methodist Church."

Don’t forget to “Like” us.

pictures or information

for the church website www.jonestownumc.org

If you would like to provide information or digital pictures, please submit items to Jeff Reichl ([email protected]). Jeff, our webmaster, oversees changes and updates to the website.

To redeem the tapes, you must use your Save-a-Tape or gas card at the time of purchase.

We need the entire tape with the portion showing the price-based points for that day at the bottom. The tape will display either “Today’s Contribution”

or “Today’s total price-based points” or “Today’s Save-a-Tape Total.”

If the tape doesn’t have one of these lines at the bottom, we cannot redeem them.

Boxes for the tapes are at each entryway. If you have questions, call Elaine Shuey (865-2523).

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Friends and members of our church may activate the PRAYER CHAIN by calling the pastor or one of

the team leaders indicated by a star (*). PRAYER CHAIN TEAMS

Team 1 *Lewis & Eleanor Artz 865-3447 John & Nancy Rhen 865-4317

Teri Light 865-3849 Team 2

*Larry Major 865-3442 Jeff & Diana Waltermyer 865-5675

Rick & Wendy Kline 865-4363 Ernestine Fahler 865-4381

Team 3 *Doris Crouse 865-5554 Judy Mowry 279-0809 Kay Horner 865-5538

George & Nancy Rautzhan 865-3061 VERY IMPORTANT! Calls may be started by anyone

by calling one of the following people: Pastor Susan 865-4369; 865-2883; 610-562-0902;

Lewis Artz 865-3447; Larry Major 865-3442; Doris Crouse 865-5554

Saturday, December 20th Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh

euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum