july 27, 2011 - collierschools.com

July 27, 2011 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Dr. Kamela Patton, Superintendent FR: Cheng Ang, Director Assessment and Data Management RE: Advanced Placement Test Results 2010-2011 The AP program gives students an opportunity to study a subject in greater depth, complete college-level courses, and gain college-level credits while still in high school. The examinations are a blend of multiple-choice questions and a free-response (essay or problem solving) section, designed to measure the full range and depth of each student’s knowledge in each subject area. Many colleges and universities use AP results as evidence of students' abilities and achievement when deciding whether or not to grant credit and/or advanced placement. Over 1,400 institutions of higher education in the United States grant a full year's credit to students who present satisfactory scores (3 or higher) on AP exams, where 5is the highest score and 1is the lowest. The AP results are provided in the attached tables. Tables 1a-1g show the district-level results, while Tables 2a-9d show the individual high school results. Some highlights of the AP results follow: Table 1a shows that a total of 2,659 students took 4,880 Advanced Placement (AP) exams, compared to 2,619 students taking 4,710 exams last year. Table 1b shows that compared to last year, the percent scoring 3 or above increased, as well as the actual number of exams with 3 or higher. Table 1c shows the distribution of AP exams in FY11. For exams with more than 25 students, Spanish Language had the highest percent of students scoring at 3 or higher with 84.0%, followed by Art 2D Studio Design with 82.5%. Table 1d shows that Gulf Coast High School has the highest mean scores and percent 3 or higher while Barron Collier High School has the highest number of test takers. Table 1e shows that participation rates increased in all racial/ethnic groups. Tables: 2b-9b show results for individual high schools. Compared to last year, four high schools, Barron Collier High School, Gulf Coast High School, Golden Gate High School, and Naples High School, had more students scoring 3 or higher.

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July 27, 2011


TO: Dr. Kamela Patton, Superintendent

FR: Cheng Ang, Director

Assessment and Data Management

RE: Advanced Placement Test Results 2010-2011

The AP program gives students an opportunity to study a subject in greater depth, complete

college-level courses, and gain college-level credits while still in high school. The examinations

are a blend of multiple-choice questions and a free-response (essay or problem solving) section,

designed to measure the full range and depth of each student’s knowledge in each subject area.

Many colleges and universities use AP results as evidence of students' abilities and achievement

when deciding whether or not to grant credit and/or advanced placement. Over 1,400 institutions of

higher education in the United States grant a full year's credit to students who present satisfactory

scores (3 or higher) on AP exams, where “5” is the highest score and “1” is the lowest.

The AP results are provided in the attached tables. Tables 1a-1g show the district-level results,

while Tables 2a-9d show the individual high school results. Some highlights of the AP results


Table 1a shows that a total of 2,659 students took 4,880 Advanced Placement (AP) exams,

compared to 2,619 students taking 4,710 exams last year.

Table 1b shows that compared to last year, the percent scoring 3 or above increased, as well

as the actual number of exams with 3 or higher.

Table 1c shows the distribution of AP exams in FY11. For exams with more than 25

students, Spanish Language had the highest percent of students scoring at 3 or higher with

84.0%, followed by Art 2D Studio Design with 82.5%.

Table 1d shows that Gulf Coast High School has the highest mean scores and percent 3 or

higher while Barron Collier High School has the highest number of test takers.

Table 1e shows that participation rates increased in all racial/ethnic groups.

Tables: 2b-9b show results for individual high schools. Compared to last year, four high

schools, Barron Collier High School, Gulf Coast High School, Golden Gate High School,

and Naples High School, had more students scoring 3 or higher.

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Table 1a

District Advanced Placement Participation Rates* and Challenge Index**

Year Total Seniors

# of AP Students

# of AP Exams

Challenge Index

Participation Rate

1998 1294 410 676 0.52 32%

1999 1333 407 617 0.46 31%

2000 1497 477 807 0.54 32%

2001 1551 741 1086 0.70 48%

2002 1748 873 1402 0.80 50%

2003 1887 1113 1903 1.01 59%

2004 2050 1410 2394 1.17 69%

2005 2206 1499 2645 1.20 68%

2006 2525 1879 3358 1.33 74%

2007 2586 1801 3160 1.22 70%

2008 2656 2136 3572 1.34 80%

2009 2750 2567 4751 1.73 93%

2010 2836 2619 4710 1.66 92%

2011 2819 2659 4880 1.73 94%

*Participation rates-- total # of AP Students who took at least one exam divided by the total # of seniors **Challenge Index-- total # of AP Exams divided by the total # of seniors

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Table 1b District Advanced Placement Results by Year of 3 Percent or Above, Mean Scores

# Scoring at Each Level

Total # of Exams (# of Test-takers)

# of Exams 3 or above (# of Students with Exams 3 or above)

# of Exams 3% or above

Mean Score

YEAR 1 2 3 4 5

98 3 22 36 24 16 676 (410) 508 75 3.27

99 8 10 31 26 25 617 (407) 503 81 3.49

00 8 21 32 23 17 807 (477) 568 71 3.19

01 118 257 312 218 181 1086 (741) 711 65 3.08

02 144 306 408 288 256 1402 (873) 952 68 3.15

03 244 480 539 356 284 1903 (1113) 1179 62 2.98

04 424 562 645 418 345 2394 (1410) 1408 59 2.87

05 548 643 642 529 283 2645 (1499) 1454 55 2.76

06 876 866 756 537 323 3358 (1879) 1616 48 2.57

07 677 720 779 608 376 3160 (1801) 1763 56 2.77

08 890 751 841 667 423 3572 (2136) 1931 54 2.71

09 1622 1016 984 719 410 4751 (2567) 2113 45 2.43

10 1687 1038 947 723 315 4710 (2619) 1985 42 2.35

11 1571 1193 1005 744 367 4880 (2659) 2112 (1368) 43 2.41

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Table 1c FY11 District Advanced Placement # Scoring at Each Level

Total % 3 or Above and Mean Scores by Each Exam

AP Subjects

# Scoring at Each Level Total # of Exams

# of Exams 3 or Higher

% of Exams 3 or Higher

Mean Score

1 2 3 4 5

Art History 0 2 2 1 0 5 3 60.0 2.80

Art Studio Drawing 0 7 8 1 2 18 11 61.1 2.89

Art-2D Studio-Design 0 7 17 12 4 40 33 82.5 3.33

Art-3D Studio-Design 0 1 2 1 0 4 3 75.0 3.00

Biology 93 52 39 40 27 251 106 42.2 2.43

Calculus AB 48 21 25 24 22 140 71 50.7 2.65

Calculus BC 5 3 3 0 6 17 9 52.9 2.94

Chemistry 70 27 27 16 6 146 49 33.6 2.05

Computer Sc A 3 1 1 0 0 5 1 20.0 1.60

Economics Macro 129 28 11 9 2 179 22 12.3 1.47

Economics Micro 88 5 5 6 1 105 12 11.4 1.35

Eng Lang/Comp 48 186 173 65 19 491 257 52.3 2.64

Eng Lit/Comp 73 116 93 41 14 337 148 43.9 2.43

Envir. Science 135 139 61 94 19 448 174 38.8 2.38

European History 14 1 12 4 0 31 16 51.6 2.19

French Lang 4 3 7 4 1 19 12 63.2 2.74

German Lang 0 0 1 0 2 3 3 100 4.33

Gov/Politics US 173 71 41 15 14 314 70 22.3 1.81

Human Geography 116 86 99 69 47 417 215 51.6 2.63

Music Theory 21 12 8 3 0 44 11 25.0 1.84

Physics B 43 20 13 4 3 83 20 24.1 1.84

Psychology 238 110 109 127 50 634 286 45.1 2.43

Spanish Lang 13 25 43 80 77 241 199 84.0 3.77

Spanish Lit 4 3 2 1 0 10 3 30.0 2.00

Statistics 72 30 37 22 4 165 63 38.1 2.13

US History 80 107 63 38 17 305 118 38.7 2.36

World History 101 130 103 67 27 428 197 46.0 2.51

ALL Test 1,571 1,193 1,005 744 364 4,880 2112 43.3 2.41

Notes: Many students took more than one exam. A total of 2,659 students took 4,880 exams.

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Table 1d

FY11 Advanced Placement Results by School % 3 or Above, Mean Scores and Participation Rates


# Scoring at Each Level Total # of Exams

# of Exams 3 or Higher

% of Exams 3 or Higher

Mean Score

# of Total Seniors

#of AP Students

Challenge Index

Part. Rate

1 2 3 4 5

BCH 389 403 341 232 106 1471 679 46 2.50 401 717 3.67 179%

GCH 106 139 183 198 97 723 478 66 3.06 469 442 1.54 94%

LHS 128 74 68 37 20 327 125 38 2.23 318 192 1.03 60%

NHS 200 227 211 158 73 869 442 51 2.63 352 440 2.47 125%

IHS 189 74 26 6 6 301 38 13 1.56 282 156 1.07 55%

PRH 185 155 125 65 37 567 227 40 2.32 378 333 1.50 88%

GGH 227 80 39 32 20 398 91 23 1.84 329 206 1.21 63%

LWH 146 40 12 15 5 218 32 15 1.59 108 169 2.02 156%

*Participation rates-- total # of AP Students who took at least one exam divided by the total # of seniors. Because many students took their AP exams prior to their senior year, there is a likelihood the participation rate will be over 100%. **Challenge Index -- total # of exams divided by the total # of seniors ***Everglade City School only had 2 students who took 2 AP exams; due to low participation the information was not included.

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Table 1e

District Advanced Placement Participation Rates* by Racial/Ethnic Group

Comparison of Students in Grades 9 – 12 Who Took At Least One AP Exam

Black Hispanic White All Students

YEAR # Students % # Students % # Students % # Students %

06 93 5.34 391 6.39 1351 18.23 1918 12.29

07 81 4.59 419 6.70 1258 17.30 1842 11.74

08 128 7.08 552 9.01 1395 20.25 2176 14.29

09 174 10.19 691 11.79 1613 24.45 2610 17.88

10 167 9.25 780 14.07 1596 24.66 2666 18.67

11 142 9.36 780 16.41 1513 26.61 2659 21.41

*Computed based on the total # of students who took at least one exam divided by the total #

of students in grades 9-12 according to survey 3

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Table 2a FY11 Barron Collier High School Advanced Placement Results for Each Test

Total % 3 or Above and Mean Scores

AP Subjects

# Scoring at Each Level # of Exams

# of Exams 3 or Higher

% of Exams 3 or Higher

Mean Scores

1 2 3 4 5

Art History 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 100 3.00

Art Studio Drawing 0 0 3 0 0 3 3 100 3.00

Art Studio 2-D 0 0 2 4 0 6 6 100 3.67

Art Studio 3-D 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 50.0 2.50

Biology 21 10 7 9 5 52 21 40.4 2.37

Calculus AB 6 9 6 11 10 42 27 64.3 3.24

Calculus BC 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 100 5.00

Chemistry 5 4 5 2 2 18 9 50.0 2.56

Computer Sc A 3 1 1 0 0 5 1 20.0 1.60

Economics Macro 77 14 2 2 1 96 5 5.2 1.29

Economics Micro 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 100 4.00

Eng Lang/Comp 5 59 51 20 4 139 75 54.0 2.71

Eng Lit/Comp 7 16 20 10 5 58 35 60.3 2.83

Envir. Science 29 45 29 42 3 148 74 50.0 2.63

European History 14 1 12 4 0 31 16 51.6 2.19

German Lang 0 0 1 0 2 3 3 100 4.33

Gov/Politics US 39 33 16 5 5 98 26 26.5 2.02

Human Geography 18 28 59 40 25 170 124 72.9 3.15

Physics B 9 7 7 1 2 26 10 38.5 2.23

Psychology 72 32 30 28 11 173 69 39.9 2.27

Spanish Lang 2 2 4 9 11 28 24 85.7 3.89

Statistics 21 24 20 15 2 82 37 45.1 2.43

US History 37 63 28 14 7 149 49 32.9 2.27

World History 24 54 35 14 9 136 58 42.7 2.49

ALL Test 389 403 341 232 106 1471 679 46.2 2.50

*Many students took more than one exam. A total of 717 students took 1,471 exams. ** 399 or 55.6% of AP students received a 3 or higher on at least 1 exam.

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Table 2b Barron Collier High School Advanced Placement Results by Year

% 3 or Above and Mean Scores


# Scoring at Each Level # Of Exams

# of Exams 3 or above

% of Exams 3 or above

Mean Score YEAR 1 2 3 4 5

BCH 97 15 27 27 19 11 411 237 58 2.85

98 1 21 37 24 16 334 258 77 3.33

99 3 10 35 26 26 235 204 87 3.62

00 29 61 103 49 44 286 196 69 3.06

01 37 100 93 59 51 334 203 60 2.96

02 45 132 163 90 74 504 327 65 3.03

03 93 187 184 110 82 656 376 57 2.85

04 117 166 244 132 122 781 498 64 2.97

05 176 209 226 179 92 882 497 56 2.78

06 224 216 231 163 106 940 500 53 2.69

07 121 147 174 163 106 711 443 62 2.98

08 160 173 231 183 129 876 543 62 2.94

09 327 250 264 215 120 1176 599 51 2.62

10 312 273 289 239 95 1208 623 52 2.61

11 389 403 341 232 106 1471 679 46 2.50

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Table 2c Barron Collier High School Advanced Placement Participation Rates*

And Challenge Index**

Year Total Seniors

# of AP Students

# of AP Exams

Challenge Index

Participation Rate

1997 417 224 411 0.99 54%

1998 437 189 334 0.76 43%

1999 389 141 235 0.60 36%

2000 305 167 286 0.94 55%

2001 308 229 334 1.08 74%

2002 355 269 504 1.42 76%

2003 420 370 656 1.56 88%

2004 365 437 781 2.14 120%

2005 423 485 882 2.09 115%

2006 480 500 940 1.96 104%

2007 386 407 711 1.84 105%

2008 404 504 876 2.17 125%

2009 392 634 1176 3.00 162%

2010 361 629 1208 3.35 174%

2011 401 717 1471 3.67 179%

*Participation rates-- total # of students who took at least one exam divided by the total # of seniors. Because many students took their AP exams prior to their senior year, there is a likelihood the participation rate will be over 100%. **Challenge Index-- total # of exams divided by the total # of seniors

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Table 3a FY11 Gulf Coast High School Advanced Placement Results for Each Test

Total % 3 or Above and Mean Scores

AP Subjects

# Scoring at Each Level # of Exams

# of Exams 3 or Higher

% of Exams 3 or Higher

Mean Score

1 2 3 4 5

Art Studio Drawing 0 1 0 1 1 3 2 66.7 3.67

Art History 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 100 4.00

Art-2D_Studio-Design 0 5 9 6 0 20 15 75.0 3.05

Art-3D Studio-Design 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 100 4.00

Biology 12 13 6 13 5 49 24 49.0 2.71

Calculus AB 13 4 4 2 3 26 9 34.6 2.15

Chemistry 15 7 9 6 3 40 18 45.0 2.38

Economics Micro 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 100 4.00

Economics Macro 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 100 3.00

Eng Lang/Comp 0 11 32 18 8 69 58 84.1 3.33

Eng Lit/Comp 2 7 21 14 3 47 38 81.0 3.19

Envir. Science 20 18 11 20 9 78 40 51.3 2.74

Gov/Politics US 1 7 4 4 5 21 13 61.9 3.24

Human Geography 5 13 14 12 15 59 41 69.5 3.32

Physics B 11 8 6 1 1 27 8 29.6 2.00

Psychology 9 20 25 46 20 120 91 75.8 3.40

Spanish Lang 2 3 2 10 11 28 23 82.1 3.89

Spanish Lit 4 3 2 1 0 10 3 30 2.00

Statistics 9 5 7 5 1 27 13 48.1 2.41

US History 1 6 5 11 4 27 20 74.1 3.41

World History 2 8 25 25 8 68 58 85.3 3.43

ALL Test 106 139 183 198 97 723 478 66.1 3.06

*Many students took more than one exam. A total of 442 students took 723 exams. ** 317 or 71.7% of AP students received a 3 or higher on at least 1 exam.

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Table 3b Gulf Coast High School Advanced Placement Results by Year

% 3 or Above and Mean Scores


# Scoring at Each Level Total # of Exams

# of Exams 3 or above

% of Exams 3 or above

Mean Score

YEAR 1 2 3 4 5

GCH 99 2 9 24 24 41 54 48 89 3.93

00 9 14 34 20 16 93 70 75 3.22

01 9 37 67 50 40 203 157 77 3.34

02 19 68 97 59 57 300 213 71 3.22

03 19 64 123 90 68 364 281 77 3.34

04 60 128 172 121 92 573 385 67 3.1

05 106 141 156 139 71 613 366 60 2.88

06 145 218 194 152 87 796 433 54 2.77

07 118 164 180 153 66 681 399 59 2.83

08 106 102 161 163 89 621 413 67 3.04

09 185 131 178 162 112 768 452 58.9 2.85

10 168 145 196 175 75 759 446 58.8 2.79

11 106 139 183 198 97 723 478 66.1 3.06

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Table 3c Gulf Coast High School Advanced Placement Participation Rates* and Challenge Index**

Year Total

Seniors # of AP

Students # of AP Exams

Challenge Index

Participation Rate

1999 127 45 54 0.43 35%

2000 297 68 93 0.31 23%

2001 330 144 203 0.62 44%

2002 389 174 300 0.77 45%

2003 446 212 364 0.82 48%

2004 536 352 573 1.07 66%

2005 383 323 613 1.60 84%

2006 407 431 796 1.96 106%

2007 431 405 681 1.58 94%

2008 442 392 621 1.40 89%

2009 424 435 768 1.81 100%

2010 475 467 759 1.60 98%

2011 469 442 723 1.54 94%

*Participation rates-- total # of students who took at least one exam divided by the total # of Seniors **Challenge Index-- total # of exams divided by the total # of Seniors

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Table 4a FY11 Lely High School Advanced Placement Results for Each Test

Total % 3 or Above and Mean Scores

AP Subjects

# Scoring at Each Level # of Exams

# of Exams 3 or Higher

% of Exams 3 or Higher

Mean Score

1 2 3 4 5

Art Studio Drawing 0 3 3 0 0 6 3 50.0 2.50

Art-2D_Studio-Design 0 1 1 2 2 6 5 83.3 3.83

Biology 5 4 3 2 3 17 8 47.1 2.65

Calculus AB 5 4 6 2 2 19 10 52.6 2.58

Economics Macro 24 2 0 0 0 26 0 0 1.08

Eng Lang/Comp 0 8 11 5 0 24 16 66.7 2.88

Eng Lit/Comp 2 7 6 2 1 18 9 50.0 2.61

Envir. Science 14 10 3 1 0 28 4 14.3 1.68

Gov/Politics US 24 3 8 0 0 35 8 22.9 1.54

Human Geography 1 6 4 1 4 16 9 56.3 3.06

Psychology 11 12 12 9 5 49 26 53.1 2.69

Spanish Lang 3 1 4 10 3 21 17 81.0 3.43

Statistics 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 100 3.00

US History 15 2 1 0 0 18 1 5.5 1.22

World History 24 11 5 3 0 43 8 18.6 1.70

ALL Test 128 74 68 37 20 327 125 38.2 2.23

*Many students took more than one exam. A total of 192 students took 327 exams. ** 84 or 43.8% of AP students received a 3 or higher on at least 1 exam.

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Table 4b Lely High School Advanced Placement Results by Year

% 3 or Above and Mean Scores


% at Each Score Level # of Exams

# of Exams 3 or above

% of Exams 3 or above

Mean Score YEAR 1 2 3 4 5

LHS 97 19 25 27 16 13 165 92 56 2.79

98 8 29 31 20 13 119 76 64 3.02

99 14 11 27 26 22 81 61 75 3.32

00 8 25 30 29 17 109 76 70 3.20

01 20 28 35 30 35 148 100 68 3.22

02 41 53 51 38 38 221 127 57 2.90

03 32 81 61 31 38 243 130 53 2.84

04 56 68 64 59 48 295 171 58 2.92

05 56 75 58 48 29 266 135 51 2.70

06 72 90 67 35 16 280 118 42 2.40

07 98 97 88 40 18 341 146 43 2.36

08 117 67 63 31 16 294 110 37 2.19

09 140 116 66 31 14 367 111 30 2.08

10 237 111 77 41 16 482 134 28 1.94

11 128 74 68 37 20 327 125 38 2.23

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Table 4c Lely High School Advanced Placement Participation Rates* and Challenge Index**

Year Total

Seniors # of AP

Students # of AP Exams

Challenge Index

Participation Rate

1997 304 96 165 0.54 32%

1998 302 86 119 0.39 28%

1999 269 64 81 0.30 24%

2000 314 72 109 0.35 23%

2001 319 124 148 0.46 39%

2002 326 168 221 0.68 52%

2003 392 155 243 0.62 40%

2004 371 214 295 0.80 58%

2005 346 171 266 0.77 49%

2006 365 176 280 0.77 48%

2007 347 186 341 0.98 54%

2008 272 176 294 1.08 65%

2009 332 218 367 1.11 66%

2010 336 270 482 1.43 80%

2011 318 192 327 1.03 60%

*Participation rates-- total # of students who took at least one exam divided by the total # of Seniors **Challenge Index-- total # of exams divided by the total # of Seniors

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Table 5a FY11 Naples High School Advanced Placement Results for Each Test

Total % 3 or Above and Mean Scores

AP Subjects

# Scoring at Each Level # of Exams

# of Exams 3 or Higher

% of Exams 3 or Higher

Mean Score

1 2 3 4 5

Studio Art 2-D 0 1 4 0 2 7 6 85.7 3.43

Studio Art 3-D 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 100 3.00

Art Studio Drawing 0 3 2 0 1 6 3 50.0 2.83

Biology 6 17 18 12 11 64 41 64.1 3.08

Calculus AB 14 1 7 7 2 31 16 51.6 2.42

Calculus BC 4 3 2 0 4 13 6 46.1 2.77

Chemistry 34 9 7 6 1 57 14 24.6 1.79

Economics Macro 4 5 4 3 0 16 7 43.8 2.38

Economics Micro 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 50.0 3.00

Eng Lang/Comp 10 45 37 12 4 108 53 49.1 2.58

Eng Lit/Comp 1 11 18 11 4 45 33 73.3 3.13

Envir. Science 11 31 7 22 7 78 36 46.2 2.78

French Language 2 1 3 1 0 7 4 57.1 2.43

Gov/Politics US 5 6 5 2 0 18 7 38.9 2.22

Human Geography 12 9 11 7 1 40 19 47.5 2.40

Music Theory 18 5 5 3 0 31 8 25.8 1.77

Physics B 23 5 0 2 0 30 2 6.7 1.37

Psychology 29 31 32 38 14 144 84 58.3 2.84

Spanish Lang 4 6 3 3 9 25 15 60.0 3.28

Statistics 7 1 7 2 1 18 10 55.6 2.39

US History 7 9 14 8 4 42 26 61.9 2.83

World History 9 27 24 18 8 86 50 58.1 2.87

ALL Test 200 227 211 158 73 869 442 50.9 2.63

*Many students took more than one exam. A total of 440 students took 869 exams.

** 260 or 59.1% of AP students received a 3 or higher on at least 1 exam.

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Table 5b Naples High School Advanced Placement Results by Year

% 3 or Above and Mean Scores


# Scoring at Each Level # of Exams # of Exams 3 or above

% of Exams 3 or above

Mean Score YEAR 1 2 3 4 5

NHS 97 4 22 31 28 15 227 168 74 3.27

98 4 18 36 25 17 223 174 78 3.33

99 9 10 31 28 21 234 189 81 3.43

00 17 70 89 84 57 317 230 73 3.30

01 26 75 112 78 54 345 244 71 3.17

02 16 43 88 92 81 320 261 82 3.56

03 81 131 163 121 81 577 365 63 2.98

04 140 179 158 102 77 656 337 51 2.69

05 130 142 142 113 54 581 308 53 2.69

06 138 153 145 110 66 612 321 52 2.69

07 63 113 161 127 100 564 388 69 3.16

08 71 119 164 176 113 643 453 70 3.22

09 224 211 230 149 65 879 444 51 2.57

10 180 197 183 146 51 757 380 50 2.59

11 200 227 211 158 73 869 442 51 2.63

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Table 5c Naples High School Advanced Placement Participation Rates* and Challenge Index**

Year Total

Seniors # of AP

Students # of AP Exams

Challenge Index

Participation Rate

1997 305 143 227 0.74 47%

1998 367 137 223 0.61 37%

1999 357 141 234 0.66 39%

2000 364 168 317 0.87 46%

2001 365 214 345 0.95 59%

2002 429 216 320 0.75 50%

2003 421 318 577 1.37 76%

2004 381 332 656 1.72 87%

2005 286 293 581 2.03 102%

2006 300 307 612 2.04 102%

2007 303 286 564 1.86 94%

2008 332 361 643 1.94 109%

2009 342 425 879 2.57 124%

2010 377 399 757 2.01 106%

2011 352 440 869 2.47 125%

*Participation rates-- total # of students who took at least one exam divided by the total # of Seniors **Challenge Index-- total # of exams divided by the total # of Seniors

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Table 6a FY11 Immokalee High School Advanced Placement Results for Each Test

Total % 3 or Above and Mean Scores

AP Subjects # Scoring at Each Level # of

Exams # 3 or Higher

% 3 or Higher

Mean Score 1 2 3 4 5

Eng. Lang/Comp 2 17 8 1 1 29 10 34.4 2.38

Eng. Lit/Comp 18 33 3 0 0 54 3 5.5 1.72

Envir. Science 23 16 3 3 0 45 6 13.3 1.69

Human Geography 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.00

Gov/Politics US 53 3 0 0 0 56 0 0 1.05

Economics Micro 53 1 1 0 0 55 1 1.8 1.05

Psychology 12 2 3 0 0 17 3 17.6 1.47

Spanish Lang 0 2 8 2 5 17 15 88.2 3.59

Statistics 27 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 1.00

ALL Test 189 74 26 6 6 301 38 12.6 1.56

*A number of students took more than one exam. A total of 156 students took 301 exams. ** 37 or 23.7% of AP students received a 3 or higher on at least 1 exam.

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Table 6b Immokalee High School Advanced Placement Results by Year

% 3 or Above and Mean Scores


# Scoring at Each Level # of Exams # of Exams 3 or above

% of Exams 3 or above

Mean Score YEAR 1 2 3 4 5

IHS 99 77 15 8 - - 13 1 8 1.31

00 2 - - - - 2 0 - 1.00

01 25 15 2 - 1 43 3 7 1.53

02 23 10 9 9 6 57 24 42 2.39

03 19 15 8 4 15 61 27 44 2.69

04 51 20 6 4 6 87 16 18 1.78

05 25 16 14 10 6 71 30 42 2.38

06 112 21 10 1 1 145 12 8 1.33

07 60 25 18 17 8 128 43 34 2.13

08 69 52 13 5 8 147 26 18 1.85

09 134 47 24 16 7 228 47 21 1.75

10 224 43 20 15 7 309 42 14 1.50

11 189 74 26 6 6 301 38 13 1.56

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Table 6c Immokalee High School Advanced Placement Participation Rates* and Challenge Index**

Year Total

Seniors # of AP

Students # of AP Exams

Challenge Index

Participation Rate

1999 162 13 13 0.08 8%

2000 181 2 2 0.01 1%

2001 191 29 43 0.23 15%

2002 203 46 57 0.28 23%

2003 167 56 61 0.37 34%

2004 249 74 87 0.35 30%

2005 212 62 71 0.33 29%

2006 226 109 145 0.64 48%

2007 252 95 128 0.51 38%

2008 252 120 147 0.58 48%

2009 273 154 228 0.81 56%

2010 296 179 309 1.04 60%

2011 282 156 301 1.07 55%

*Participation rates-- total # of students who took at least one exam divided by the total # of Seniors **Challenge Index-- total # of exams divided by the total # of Seniors.

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Table 7a FY11 Palmetto Ridge High School Advanced Placement Results for Each Test

Total % 3 or Above and Mean Scores

AP Subjects # Scoring at Each Level # of

Exams # 3 or Higher

% 3 or Higher

Mean Score 1 2 3 4 5

Art History 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2.00

Biology 28 7 4 4 2 45 10 22.2 1.78

Calculus AB 1 1 2 2 5 11 9 81.8 3.82

Chemistry 8 4 3 1 0 16 4 25.0 1.81

Economics Macro 23 7 4 4 1 39 9 23.0 1.79

Economics Micro 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 50.0 3.50

Eng Lang/Comp 2 18 22 8 2 52 32 61.5 2.81

Eng Lit/Comp 2 18 21 3 1 45 25 55.5 2.62

Envir. Science 24 16 8 5 0 53 13 24.5 1.89

French Language 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 100 5.00

Gov/Politics US 8 16 8 4 4 40 16 40.0 2.50

Human Geography 25 10 6 6 2 49 14 28.5 1.98

Music Theory 3 7 3 0 0 13 3 23.0 2.00

Psychology 43 11 6 4 0 64 10 15.6 1.55

Spanish Lang 0 5 10 13 14 42 37 88.0 3.86

Statistics 8 0 2 0 0 10 2 20.0 1.40

US History 3 15 12 5 2 37 19 51.3 2.68

World History 7 18 14 6 2 47 22 46.8 2.53

ALL Test 185 155 125 65 37 567 227 40.0 2.32

*Many students took more than one exam. A total of 333 students took 567 exams. ** 164 or 49.2% of AP students received a 3 or higher on at least 1 exam.

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Table 7b Palmetto Ridge High School Advanced Placement Results by Year

% 3 or Above and Mean Scores


# Scoring at Each Level # of Exams

# of Exams 3 or above

% of Exams 3 or above

Mean Score YEAR 1 2 3 4 5

PRH 05 36 43 33 35 27 174 95 55 2.85

06 76 101 67 55 23 322 145 45 2.53

07 98 122 125 89 38 472 252 53 2.68

08 105 150 156 78 37 526 271 52 2.60

09 159 143 164 104 46 616 314 51 2.57

10 157 152 143 67 46 565 256 45 2.46

11 185 155 125 65 37 567 227 40.0 2.32

Table 7c Palmetto Ridge High School Advanced Placement Participation Rates* and Challenge Index**

Year Total

Seniors # of AP

Students # of AP Exams

Challenge Index

Participation Rate

2005 147 119 174 1.18 81%

2006 247 214 322 1.30 87%

2007 325 276 472 1.45 85%

2008 404 296 526 1.30 73%

2009 409 313 616 1.51 77%

2010 370 310 565 1.53 84%

2011 378 333 567 1.50 88%

*Participation rates-- total # of students who took at least one exam divided by the total # of Seniors **Challenge Index-- total # of exams divided by the total # of Seniors

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Table 8a FY11 Golden Gate High School Advanced Placement Results for Each Test

Total % 3 or Above and Mean Scores

AP Subjects

# Scoring at Each Level # of Exams

# of Exams 3 or Higher

%of Exams 3 or Higher

Mean Score

1 2 3 4 5

Art 2D Studio Design 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 100 3.00

Biology 21 1 1 0 1 24 2 8.3 1.29

Calculus AB 9 2 0 0 0 11 0 0 1.18

Calculus BC 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 50.0 2.00

Chemistry 8 3 3 1 0 15 4 26.7 1.80

Economics Macro 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.00

Economics Micro 28 2 4 2 0 36 6 16.7 1.44

Eng Lang/Comp 5 16 12 0 0 33 12 36.4 2.21

Eng Lit/Comp 29 20 4 1 0 54 5 9.3 1.57

Envir. Science 13 3 0 1 0 17 1 5.9 1.35

French Lang 2 2 4 3 0 11 7 63.6 2.73

Gov/Politics US 31 2 0 0 0 33 0 0 1.06

Human Geography 8 4 1 3 0 16 4 25.0 1.94

Psychology 47 2 0 2 0 51 2 3.9 1.16

Spanish Lang 0 3 6 18 19 46 43 93.5 4.15

US History 7 10 2 0 0 19 2 10.5 1.74

World History 17 10 0 1 0 28 1 3.6 1.46

ALL Test 227 80 39 32 20 398 91 22.9 1.84

*A total of 206 students took 398 exams.

** 75 or 36.4% of AP students received a 3 or higher on at least 1 exam.

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Table 8b Golden Gate High School Advanced Placement Results by Year

% 3 or Above and Mean Scores


# Scoring at Each Level # of Exams

# of Exams 3 or above

% of Exams 3 or above

Mean Score YEAR 1 2 3 4 5

GGH 05 19 17 13 5 4 58 22 38 2.28

06 109 67 42 21 24 263 87 33 2.18

07 116 51 32 19 40 258 91 35 2.29

08 245 82 48 25 28 428 101 24 1.85

09 382 98 51 28 37 596 116 19 1.72

10 314 97 29 26 15 481 70 15 1.61

11 227 80 39 32 20 398 91 22.8 1.84

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Table 8c Golden Gate High School Advanced Placement Participation Rates* and Challenge Index**

Year Total

Seniors # of AP

Students # of AP Exams

Challenge Index

Participation Rate

2005 207 46 58 0.28 22%

2006 242 142 263 1.09 59%

2007 297 142 258 0.87 48%

2008 321 253 428 1.33 79%

2009 301 296 596 1.98 98%

2010 284 257 481 1.69 90%

2011 329 206 398 1.21 63%

*Participation rates-- total # of students who took at least one exam divided by the total # of Seniors **Challenge Index-- total # of exams divided by the total # of Seniors

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Table 9a FY11 LWH High School Advanced Placement Results for Each Test

Total % 3 or Above and Mean Scores

AP Subjects

# Scoring at Each Level

# of Exams

# of Exams

3 or Higher

% of Exams

3 or Higher

Mean Score 1 2 3 4 5

Economics Micro 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 1.00

Eng Lang/Comp 24 12 0 1 0 37 1 2.7 1.41

Eng Lit./Comp 12 4 0 0 0 16 0 0 1.25

Gov/Politics US 12 1 0 0 0 13 0 0 1.08

Human Geography 46 16 4 0 0 66 4 6.1 1.36

Psychology 15 0 1 0 0 16 1 6.2 1.13

Spanish Lang. 2 3 6 14 5 30 25 83.3 3.57

US History 10 2 1 0 0 13 1 7.7 1.31

World History 18 2 0 0 0 20 0 0 1.10

ALL Test 146 40 12 15 5 218 32 14.7 1.59

*A total of 169 students took 218 exams.

** 31 or 18.3% of AP students received a 3 or higher on at least 1 exam.

Table 9b LWH Advanced Placement Results by Year

% 3 or Above and Mean Scores


# Scoring at Each Level # of Exams

# of Exams 3 or above

% of Exams 3 or above

Mean Score YEAR 1 2 3 4 5

LWH 09 71 20 7 14 9 121 30 25 1.93

10 95 20 10 14 10 149 34 23 1.82

11 146 40 12 15 5 218 32 14.6 1.59

Table 9c

LWH Advanced Placement Participation Rates* and Challenge Index**

Year Total

Seniors # of AP

Students # of AP Exams

Challenge Index

Participation Rate

2009 -- 92 121 -- --

2010 114 109 149 1.31 96%

2011 108 169 218 2.02 156%

*Participation rates-- total # of students who took at least one exam divided by the total # of Seniors **Challenge Index-- total # of exams divided by the total # of Seniors.