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2012 HKM Annual Meeting Page 1 Hmong District 34 th Annual Conference July 1 6, 2012 Hyatt Regency 11999 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840

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2012 HKM Annual Meeting Page 1

Hmong District 34th Annual


July 1 – 6, 2012

Hyatt Regency

11999 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840

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2012 HKM Annual Meeting Page 2


Credential Committee Report

Delegates & Corresponding Count

Delegates 294

Corresponding 142

Alliance Men Delegates 72

Alliance Men Corresponding 21

Alliance Women Delegates 117

Alliance Women Corresponding 93


Guests Count

National Office 1

Australia 4

French Guiana 2

Canada 4

Tocca Falls 2

Simpson 3


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2012 HKM Annual Meeting Page 3

Sermons at the Conference

Day Session Topic Presenter

Sunday, July 1, 2012 Evening The Call to Action Kx. Xeev Neeb Hawj

Monday, July 2, 2012 Morning The Call to Prayer Kx. Nyiaj Vaj Vaj

Monday, July 2, 2012 Evening The Call to Unite the Churches in Christ

Kx. Tswv Txos Thoj

Tuesday, July 3, 2012 Morning The Call to be a Witness Xf. Tswv Foom Yaaj

Tuesday, July 3, 2012 Evening The Call to Action in Discipleship Making

Kx. Ntsab Ntxawg Xoom

Wednesday, July 4, 2012 Morning The Call to Action in Giving Kx. Ntsuab Pov Hawj

Wednesday, July 4, 2012 Evening The Call to Action in Harvest Kx. Ceev Xwm Hawj

Thursday, July 5, 2012 Morning The Call to Action in Spiritual Growth

Kx. Laj Neeb Xyooj

Thursday, July 5, 2012 Evening The Call to Surrender to Christ Kx. Txawj Teeb Thoj

Friday, July 6, 2012 Morning The Call to Action in Commitment

Kx. Vam Neeb yaj


All the workshops took place on Monday morning July 2, 2012. The following were workshops at the conference:

Disciple Making Process (Rev. Del Edwardson)

Constitution, Bylaws, & Policy (Rev. Rosilio Roman) – Kl. Ntsuab Nplooj Vaj

Church Government (Kx. Xeev Neeb Hawj) – Kl. Tubmuas Lis

Church Tax & IRS Law Update (Maiv Hawj) – Kl. VamPhiab

Sunday School (Kl. Tswv Txos Thoj)

Short Term Mission (Kx. Ntshab Ntxawg Xoom) – Kl. Zaam Nplooj Vaaj

OTS (Kl. Xeev Nruag Xyooj) – Kl. Ntsuab Vaj Lauj Kl. VamPhiab Vaj attended the Church Tax & IRS Law Update workshop by Maiv Hawj, Bookkeeper of HKM. Couple of the things I picked up were:

Church Treasurers need to understand and follow tax rules

Make sure they know how to handle Income Tax and Self-Employed Tax for our pastors.

Read and know Publication 15

Know what and when to file taxes to the proper tax authorities (deposits and eFiling)

Go to www.irs.gov for more information

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2012 HKM Annual Meeting Page 4

Kl. Toumoua Lis attended Church Government workshop by Kx. Xeev Neeb Hawj, DS. The following are what Kl. Toumoua picked up from the workshop. Kev tswjfwm huv nplajteb muaj ntau yam; tsis has tswj rua lub tebchaw, los yog tswj rua lub koomhum, los yog tswj rua huv religious los puav leej tseem muaj kev tswj le 7 yaam nuav including nyob rua peb cov church MOOB huv tuab sis:







Theocracy THEOROCRACY: Theocracy is a form of government in which official policy is governed by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided, or is pursuant to the doctrine of a particular religion or religious group

Kev tswjfwm huv pawgntseeg yog:

• Official policy is governed by immediate divine guidance

• Qhov “divine guidance” nuav yog phoo Vaajlugkub (Bible)

• Tug ‘divine” nuav yog Yahweh God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Bible and none others

Cov Tsaavxwm yog:

• Suppose to be guided by God

• Not to do their own will but the will of God

• Puab teg num yog “to serve and not to be served”

• Pride is the most important issue in the leadership of the church

• And sin or destruction comes by way of glory to self and not God Hab ua lawv le Vajlug kub tau qha:

• Romans 13:1-4

• 1 Peter 2:13-17

• Hebrew 13:17 Conclusion:

• Nyob rau peb cov moob church xav kom peb tsis txhob coj li yam 1-6 lawm.

• Yog peb continue coj le hov ntawd ces nyob rau pawg ntseeg yeej continue muaj teeb meem xwb.

• Yog li txij nuav moog qhua hu rau cov pawg ntseeg kuas coj li yam 7 ua yog

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2012 HKM Annual Meeting Page 5

Kl. Ntsuab Nplooj Vaj attended the Constitution, Bylaws, & Policy workshop by Rev. Rosilio Roman, Assistant Vice President/Multicultural and Multiplication Ministries of C&MA. There's no change this year. Regarding church splitting issue and according to DS reports, all the problems will be resolved by local church. If the problems are not resolved by local church, it should be referred to HKM. If the matter cannot be resolved by HKM, the issue will then be referred to C&MA. This is in line what we sent to HKM annual meeting to address this issue. I suggested further to DS and Kx. Chue Chao that in the event that the issue is not resolved from all levels, the involved church should not be split. By not splitting the church, HKM will minimize church splitting. HKM is actually doing what they are saying with Milwaukee church. However, this procedure needs to communicate to all the church in advance so they are well aware of. It is worth to attend every year for the interest of SPHAC and the relation with HKM because there is always something new come up that we need to know or address as well.


International Ministries Structure for Mission C&MA

Annual Conference July 2012 Workshop HYATT HOTEL

Garden Grove, CA

Attended by Zaam Nplooj Vaaj Mission’s goal is Self-Support, Self-Governed and Self-Propaganda. Every mission field in every country has the following:

International Ministries (IM)

National Churches or Adapted National Church


Field (Mission in each country) governed by a Field Leadership Team


Ministry Teams

Short-Term Mission Trip

1. Vision is from God (zeem muag yog tshwm ntawm Vaajtswm lug)

2. Pray and prepare a prayer a team for this vision (thov Vaajtswv hab npaaj ib paab thov

vaajtswv rua lub zeem muag nuav)

3. What is the purpose? (lub homphaj yog dlaabtsi)

Before you go on any Short-Term Mission Trip, you must have a purpose of what is it for (Uantej kws mej yuav moog ib qhov Short-Term Mission Trip twg, mej yuavtsum muaj homphaj has tas mej yuav moog ua dlaabtsi?)

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2012 HKM Annual Meeting Page 6

a) To share the Gospel (Tshaajtawm txujmoo zoo)

b) Help from your heart in projects, such as painting, build churches, medical works,

teach English, ect. (Paab ua dlejnum ntawm tug dlaag zug xws le thaaxim, ua

tuamtsev, khu mob hab qha ntawv miska, moog rua lim yaam.)

4. The mission that you’re going to fulfill may not be your own, but the District’s or members

of the Board’s mission. (Teg dlejnum kws mej yuav moog ua ho tsi yog mej rhawv tawm

ntawm mej lug tabsis yog lug ntawm cov tshaaj vaajtswm txuj moo zoo (Missionaries) lug,

los yog lug ntawm lub Koomhum kws mej yuav moog ua dlejnum rua.)

a) Don’t say we are coming to help you. Ask the Missionaries to see if they have

something we can help. (Xob has tas, peb yuav tuaj paab mej. Nug cov tshaaj

vaajtswv txuj moo zoo [Missionaries] saib puab puas muaj tej yaam kws peb yuav

tuaj paab tau.)

b) Will it help the Missionaries be fruitful in the future? (Yaam ntawd puas paab tau

kuas cov Tshaaj Vaajtswv Txuj Moo Zoo [Missionaries] teg dlejnum nthuav hab

fuamvaam moog ntxiv?)

c) Will this mission going to create any problem for them in the long run? (Yaam kws

mej yuav moog ua ntawm puas yuav ua rua puab muaj teebmeem yaav peg suab?)

d) Will that help the national church growth? (Yaam ntawd paus yuav paab tau lub

tuam tsev tebchaws ntawd kuas muaj kev luj hlub?)

5. When you discovered that you’re going into that country, you have to contact the Hmong

District and the Missionaries that live in that country. (Thaum kws mej paub has tas mej

yuav moog rua lub tebchaws ntawd lawm, mej yuavtswm tau hu Koomhum Moob hab cov

tshaaj vaajtswv txuj moo zoo [Missionaries] kws nyob huv lub tebchaws ntawd.)

a) You go on a Short-Term Mission, you can go with the Short-Term Mission that

provided by C&MA. (Koj moog tau nrug cov Short-Term Mission kws C&MA rhawv

muaj, koj moog tau nrug cov Short-Term Mission npaaj lug ntawm C&MA.)

b) You can also go on a Short-Term Mission with the Short-Term Mission that is

prepared by the Hmong District. (Koj moog tau nrug cov Short-Term Mission kws

twb yeej npaaj tau lug ntawm Koomhum Moob.)

c) You can design your own Short-Term Mission with the Missionaries in that country,

which you will do mission for. (Koj rhawv koj ib qhov Short-Term Mission nrug cov

Missionaries kws nyob rua lub tebchaws kws koj yuav moog ua dlejnum rua.)

Things you need to do before leaving for Short-Term Mission Trip

1. You have to prepare your heart, your mind and your emotion.

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2012 HKM Annual Meeting Page 7

a) Prepare your heart so that you will have the love for the people you going to serve.

You are not going there to do your own things but to love and serve people that

have different culture, language, and worldview. If you’re going to do ministry with

the people speak the same language (Hmong language). Please keep in mind that

they don’t think that they different culture and different worldview as you do.

They are living in a different country and they have their own culture and mindset.

Never force your culture into their culture. They have their own way of doing things.

Prepare your heart so that you will see the people as Jesus sees.

b) Prepare your mind and your emotion. You might encounter things that you may

not expect it. Be open minded so that when you encounter the things you don’t

expect, you know how to handle it. There are many things that could happen when

you least expect it. The weather might be another factor. It can be too hot and the

only place to sleep is on the dirt floor and there might not be any water for wash

up. If you don’t prepare your mind and control your emotion, you might get

irritated and complain about everything. If you don’t control your emotion, you

can affect your team and result in an obstacle to your ministry.

2. Before you go on a Short-Term Mission trip, you have to do an orientation for your team.

Get as much information as possible about the country and the people you going to do

ministry to so you can educate your team about the people in that country.

Short-Term Mission is all about bringing God’s love to people in a different country. At the same time, learn about what God wants you to do so that you can be an instrument God can use during the trip and while you are back at home, so you can support the great commission fund and your missionaries. Before you go on your Short-Term Mission trip, get a book called “Before You Pack Your Bag, Prepare Your Heart” by Cindy Judge. And get your team to do a Bible Study on it. This book contains twelve lessons, which can prepare you and your team for the Short-Term Mission trip.

3. Don’t compare yourself to the people you are going to do ministry to. (Tsi xob muab koj

piv rua cov tuabneeg kws koj moog ua dlejnum rua.)

4. Evaluate what you’re doing. (Us yaam kws tsim nyog xwb.):

a. Don’t buy Air Conditioning, Computer or other electronic devices for them or their

church. There is a good reason behind it. (Tsi xob yuav Air Conditioning, Computer

los yog lwm yaam electronic rua puab hab puab tej church.)

Before you help the people there, always ask the missionary, is it OK to help? (Uantej koj yuav paab cov tuabneeg ntawd, nug cov missionaries, puas paab tau.)

Overall impression of the Annual Meeting?

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2012 HKM Annual Meeting Page 8

Throughout the entire event, personally, I did learned few things from each sermon so I can apply in my own life. What I learned most is the Short-Term Mission workshop. Overall, it was organized in some ways. I like it but not overly impressed. It can be better.

What you see need improvement?

More Praise and Worship bands. Invite one or two guest speakers. Leadership session (it’s a requirement and also provides related materials available for

purchase). How to grow an organization. How to connect and develop good relationships. Break-out session into two groups, men and women and train each group on specific

subject that applies in any area of life. Teach our people to be a “Class Act” organization. Perhaps, shorten the event into 3-4 days max. (This will save everyone money including the

churches and HKM) Is it worthwhile for you? My opinion, I did learn something so it’s worth it.

OTS 2012 Service Report

Vision: Bringing the Hope to the Hmong and Tribal people in Southeast Asian.

Mission: Demonstrating the love of Christ Services: Education. Health. Emergency Assistance and

Economic Development

# Project Discription Location

Completion Date

Continue Comments

1 Water for 120 families Hin Hua Heua, Laos 2012-2013 Need extra fund

2 Church Water Project Vern Kham, Vientiane 6/2012

3 Church Water Project Tha Kok Hai, Vientiane 6/2012

4 Church & Village over 100 families Keow Talon, Luang Prabang 2/2012

5 Church & Community Pinkia, Laocai, Vietnam 1/2012 Last projet

6 Water Tanks for 5 Households Yunnan, China 2011

T1 Cher Teng Vang & Sher Her

1 Hmong Bridge House Yangon, Myanmar 2012-2013 Ongoing Project

2 Hope House Lashio 1 Lashio, Shan State, MM 2012 Minimal help

3 Hope House Lashio 2 Lashio, Shan State, MM 2012

Support by AW Sheboygan,

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2012 HKM Annual Meeting Page 9


4 Hope House Center Kunlong, Shan State 2012 Minimal help

5 Hope House Naung Cho, Shan State 2012 2012 Minimal help

6 Hostel C&MA MM Yango Capital 2011 Discontinue 2012

Switzerland takes over

7 PK Hostel, Thailadn Doisaket, Chiangmai 2012

Newly found by Xf. Txawj Kais

8 Grace House Nan, Thailand 2012

9 Mambri Chlidren Education Houei Yuan, Nan Thailand 2011

Discontinue 10/2011

Thia government

10 Orphanage (Independent) Doisaket, Chiangmai 2012

Newly found by Xf. Txawj Kais

11 High School Hostel Pac Nam County, Bac Kan 2011-2012

12 High School Hostel Na Hang, Tuyen Quang 2012-2013

13 High School Hostel Different county, Bac Kan 2012-2013 Still buy land

1 Scholarship Bible Study Npheev Vaaj BBS, BBK 2010-2013

2 Scholarship Bible Study Kim Vue from Laos, KK 2009-2012

3 Scholarship Bible Study Hanas Hawj, BBC, BBK 2009-2012 One more year

4 Scholarship Myanmar C&MA Bible Students 25 Students in Yangon 2012-2013 On going

5 Scholarship for Music Xeeb Tsab, Hanoi, VN 2010-12

6 Scholarship for Nurse Vam Kim Xyooj's son, Long Tsem Village, VN 2012-2014

7 Scholarship for computer Qhua Xwm Tsab's son in Thai Nguyen, VN 2012-2013

8 English Program 11 Bible students Saigon 2010-2013 First group

1 Leadership Training Hanoi, Vietnam 12/11 Conclude TEE 2012

2 Leadership Training and TEE Hmong Myanmar Church 2011-2012

3 LeadershipTraining Lao Evangelical Church Xieng Khouang 2012

Special Provision

1 Church Building NojLaij Village 4/2011 Great building

2 Church Land 2012 Khai Yuan, Yunnan China 3/2012 Purchase land

1 Medical/Emergency Minority in Hanoi 2012-2013

2 Boxes of Medicines Tribal Village S. Vietnam 2012 With VEC South

3 Medical/Emergency LEC Xieng Khouang, Laos 2012 Partner-CAMA

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2012 HKM Annual Meeting Page 10

4 Bibles & Teaching Material Distributions 1000 bibles in Phnom Penh 2012 KK

Gospel Mission

5 Hmong Bible to Asian 1000 hauled out Chiangmai Thailand 212

with Far East Christians INC.

6 TEE, Misc. Boors and Trainers

Vientnam, Laos and Myanmar 2012

when provide training

7 OTS have Short Term Application Ministries plan and Supplies

Election Results:


• Kl. Ntshablug Xyooj (Sacramento, CA) – Treasurer

• Kl. Vaam Npis Yaaj (St. Paul, MN) – Member

• Kx. Nyiaj Vaj Vaj (Hickory, NC) – Member

• Xf. Vaam Txus Xyooj (Appleton, WI) – Member Men Ministry

• Txooj Neeb Xyooj – San Diego, CA Alliance Women

• N. Xeev Pov Xyooj – Stockton, CA Six General Council Representative

• Num Cawv Xyooj (Auburn, GA)

• N. Nkias Pov Tsab (San Diego, CA)

• N. Ntsablug Xyooj (Sacramento, CA)

• Jabcob Yaaj (St. Paul, MN)

• Xh. Jimmy Yaaj (Wausau, WI)

• Xf. Tsaav Txhaj Hawj (Denver, CO)

Budget Committee: Budget consists of the following members elected by DEXCOM during the conference.

• Ntshablug Xyooj (Chair) – Sacramento, CA

• Tsavntxawg Hawj (Secretary) – Milwaukee, WI

• Txooj Vaj Muas (member) – Leola, PA

• VamPhiab Vaj (member) – St. Paul, MN

• Xh. Albert Vaj (member) – Seatle, WA

• Xf. Vaam Xwm Yaaj(member) – Milwaukee, WI

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2012 HKM Annual Meeting Page 11

• Fwm Thoj (member) – Auburn, GA This committee worked very hard to come up with the budget. As happened in the past, the committee members were appointed by DEXCOM at the conference, not before the conference started. Information was in complete and often the committee has to ask for more information from Maiv, DS, and Treasurer. This committee worked late into the night and during the day when others attending services or business sessions to get the budget ready for discussion and approval from the floor. The committee presented the 2013 Budget $1,698,650 , down 5.3% from 2012 Budget of $1,793,012.

Observations at this year’s conference

• Good attendance

• Not a lot of debates on issues at hand

• Time spent on each issue went a lot smoother

• Not a lot of business items to discuss

• No leadership trainings for the leaders to learn and take home to implement

• Sermons were not strong and connect well with the theme

Next Year’s Annual Meeting Hyatt Regency Schaumburg, Chicago 1800 East Golf Road, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA 60173 Tel: +1 847 605 1234 Fax: +1 847 605 0328 Email: [email protected]