judaism vs christianity a school essay

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 Judaism andChristianity

What’s the diference, and how do we help to guide them to the truth?



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# %&daism and Christianit'( two of the world)s largest religio&s gro&ps( almost ever'one *nows

something a+o&t ea,h( +&t how m&,h do we reall' *now ow different are the' reall' from

ea,h other nd how m&,h are the' the same

et)s start off with %&daism( starting with a list that ,ontains some of their general +eliefs( held

 +' some( +&t ,ertainl' not all %ews.

  hat od alone is ,reator 

  hat e is a+sol&tel' one

  hat e has no +od' or +odil' shape

  hat e is the first and the last

  hat onl' to im ma' we pra' and to no other.

  hat the words of the prophets are tr&e.

  hat the prophe,' of oses is tr&e( and that he is the father of all prophets.

  hat the orah was given +' oses.

  hat this orah is not s&+4e,t to ,hange( and there will never +e another orah from the


  hat the ,reator *nows all the tho&ghts and deeds of man.

  hat e rewards and p&nishes a,,ording to the deed.

  hat the essiah will ,ome5 tho&gh e tarr'( 6 will epe,t im dail'.

  hat the dead will +e res&rre,ted.

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gain( those are the +asi, +&ilding +lo,*s of the %ewish +elief( and not all are +elieved +' ever'

%ew. or eample in the three %ewish +ran,hes( the 9rthodo( the reform( and the ,onservative(

the reform %ews do not even +elieve that there will +e a essiah( and instead a time of pea,e on

earth that does not involve the essiah)s ,oming to earth. he ,onservative %ews hold a wide

variet' of views on od( even as to whether or not e eists( whi,h wo&ld ,ertainl' seem to

,ontradi,t the first of the list of +eliefs. 6t 4&st goes to show how var'ing the +elief s'stem is in

the %ewish ,&lt&re( as it is in o&r own.



 Religious study 15, unit 7 lesson 1

Title: A spectator’s Guide to World religions: an introduction to the big five Author: !ohn "ic#son $ages %& ' 1(%

 ;ow let)s t&rn to Christianit' and see what a general list of +eliefs on their end loo*s li*e( along

the wa' 6 will +e mar*ing in red the areas that ,ontradi,t the %ewish list of +eliefs.

  Christians +elieve that there is onl' one od

  Christians +elieve in the rinit'

  Depending on what denomination 'o& loo* at( it is either +elieved that od has a +odil'

form in one wa' or another.

  Christians +elieve that od is the irst and the ast <Revelations 1: 8 =6 am lpha and

9mega( the +eginning and the end( saith the ord( >hi,h is( and >hi,h was( and whi,h

is to ,ome( the lmight'?. @%AB

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  >e ma' worship <and th&s pra'B onl' to one od

  >e +elieve in what the prophets have written

  >e +elieve that what oses) wrote was tr&e

  >e +elieve that oses did write the first " +oo*s of the i+le

  >e +elieve that the i+le is not s&+4e,t to ,hange <Revelation 22:18-1 or 6 testif' &nto

ever' man that heareth the words of the prophe,' of this +oo*( 6f an' man shall add &nto

these things( od shall add &nto him the plag&es that are written in this +oo*: nd if an'

man shall ta*e awa' from the words of the +oo* of this prophe,'( od shall ta*e awa'

his part o&t of the +oo* of life( and o&t of the hol' ,it'( and from the things whi,h are

written in this +oo*. @%AB

  >e +elieve that od *nows +oth man)s tho&ghts and his heart. <1 Eam&el 1!:7 &t the

ord said &nto Eam&el( oo* not on his ,o&ntenan,e( or on the height of his stat&re5

 +e,a&se 6 have ref&sed him: for the ord seeth not as man seeth5 for man loo*eth on the

o&tward appearan,e( +&t the ord loo*eth on the heart. @%A and Fsalm 13:1- 9 lord(

tho& hast sear,hed me( and *nown me. ho& *nowest m' downsitting and mine &prising(

tho& &nderstandest m' tho&ght afar off. ho& ,ompassest m' path and m' l'ing down(

and art a,&ainted with all m' wa's. or there is not a word in m' tong&e( +&t( lo( 9

ord( tho& *nowest it altogether. @%AB

  Depending on the denomination( we +elieve that od neither rewards nor p&nishes &s for

o&r deeds to the etent that it is ta*en( od either helps and g&ides 'o&( or 'o& ref&se

im and allow satan to =help? and =g&ide? 'o&( however od does p&nish &s when o&r

deeds +e,ome so evil that there is no good left in &s( as e did in Eodom and omorra(

and as e did to the people the 6sraelites were ,on&er. <Fsalm 103: 8 G 11 he ord is

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mer,if&l and gra,io&s( slow to anger( and plenteo&s in mer,'. e will not alwa's ,hide:

neither will he *eep his anger for ever. e hath not dealt with &s after o&r sins5 nor

rewarded &s a,,ording to o&r ini&ities. or as the heaven is high a+ove the earth( so

great is his mer,' toward them that fear him. @%AB

  >e +elieve that the essiah has ,ome alread'( and the name of that essiah was %es&s(

we also +elieve that e will ,ome again at the ,lose of pro+ation to gather is people.

<%ohn 1:1-3

 et not 'o&r heart +e tro&+led: 'e +elieve in od( +elieve also in me. 6n m' atherHs

ho&se are man' mansions: if it were not so( 6 wo&ld have told 'o&. 6 go to prepare a pla,e

for 'o&. nd if 6 go and prepare a pla,e for 'o&( 6 will ,ome again( and re,eive 'o& &nto

m'self5 that where 6 am( there 'e ma' +e also. @%AB

  >e to +elieve that the dead will +e res&rre,ted at the time of %es&s) ,oming

s 'o& ,an see there aren)t that man' areas that the two religions disagree5 however the points

that it does disagree &pon are ,ertainl' ma4or ones. i*e the +elief( or dis+elief in Christ +eing

the foretold savior.







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  @ing %ames Aersion i+le

  Religio&s st&d' 1"

 ;ow that we have given a general ,overage to the +eliefs of ea,h side( let)s fo,&s in on what

%&daism is a+o&t in regards to od( and what the' thin* %es&s a,t&all' was. s well as a ,loser

loo* at the three ma4or +ran,hes of %&daism( and what ea,h +elieves in regards to the a+ove


%&daism and od( what do the' +elieve he' +elieve a lot of things that are similar to o&rs(

he' +elieve in there is a od that eists( and that e is the onl' one that does eist( there is no

other( and there are not m&ltiple entities of od and is merel' man)s finite mind attempting to

eplain the infinite. 6t is +elieved that od is the ,reator of ever'thing( in,l&ding evil and that

satan was instead not the ,reator of evil. hat altho&gh the i+le spea*s of attri+&tes of od(

s&,h as hands <6saiah :1-1!(B feet et,. that sin,e none of these were ph'si,all' o+served +'

the prophets of the i+le( that od m&st then +e a spirit with no +odil' form( and all of these

des,riptions are instead h&man error tr'ing to des,ri+e od to ma*e it easier to &nderstand od)s

wor*( along with this that od is also neither male nor female( +&t is onl' des,ri+ed in feminine(

or mas,&line terms for simpli,it'. od is also +elieved to +e ever'where at all times( as well as

all powerf&l( e,ept for the a+ilit' to for,e 'o& to do something( that e is said to not +e a+le to

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do. e is also ,apa+le of *nowing all( past( present and f&t&re( as well as o&r tho&ghts. od is

 +oth 4&st and mer,if&l( +oth +alan,ed in perfe,t harmon' as well as eternal( od is( was( and

what is to +e( e is ol' and perfe,t.

hat s&ms &p the general +eliefs a+o&t od that are held +' man'( +&t of ,o&rse not all %ews.

 ;ow however let)s see their views on %es&s( what e was( and wh' the' don)t a,,ept im.

enerall' %es&s is viewed as either a false essiah or false prophet( e is viewed this wa' d&e to

the =fa,t? that %es&s did not f&lfil the essiani, prophes'( e was s&pposed to re+&ild the third

temple( ret&rn the %ews +a,* to their homeland from whi,h the' were s,attered to( end hatred and

 +ring world pea,e( as well as spread the word of od to all h&manit'( &niting h&man *ind as one.

s well e did not meet the prere&isites for +eing the essiah( sin,e e is said to have +een

 +orn a virgin +irth( e has no father( whi,h wo&ld go against the prere&isite that e is to +e a

des,endant from @ing David. s well( it is said that e did not o+serve the =orah?( and

fre&entl' went against the ,ommandments ,laiming them to +e not important in o+serving

them( as well sin,e the general +elief is that od is =one?( %es&s ,laiming e is the Eon of od is

 +lasphem'( and also ,a&ses im to +e ,laimed a false prophet.

owever %es&s isn)t f&ll' tho&ght of this wa' all aro&nd( e is sometimes tho&ght of as a good

g&' who helped lead the people ,loser to orah o+servan,e.






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  Religio&s st&d' 1"( &nit 7 lesson 1

 ;ow that we have ,overed the general +eliefs of %&daism( and %&daism)s views on od( lets over

ea,h of the three asso,iations of %&daism( listed from oldest to newest5 9rthodo( Reform(

Conservative( 6 will +e writing a +rief over view of histor' of ea,h and the general +eliefs of

ea,h( as well as ea,h asso,iations views of od. s for their view of Christ( ea,h holds

 pra,ti,all' the same view( so 6 will not +e enlarging on that at this time.

  9rthodo( dates +a,* to 2nd and "th ,ent&ries( was the onl' version of %&daism &ntil

approimatel' the 18th ,ent&r'( generall' attempts to maintain the traditions of old( and

generall' +elieves that the orah was given to man from od dire,tl'. elieves that od

is a spirit with no form( e is omnipotent( omnipresent( eternal( person and


  Reform( Dates to the late 18th ,ent&r'( it was loo*ing to moderniMe %&daism( and th&s

stem the threat of assimilating &pon %ewr' in erman'. enerall' +elieves that the orah

a re,ord *ept +' man to preserve the histor'( ,&lt&re( legends and hope of the people.

elieves that there ,an +e m&ltiple views of the god ,on,ept( ranging from nat&ralists to

m'sti,s( from s&pernat&ralists to religio&s h&manism( +elieves that =the tr&th is that we

do not *now the tr&th.?

  Conservative( dates +a,* to the 1th ,ent&r' following the etremel' assimilation of the

%ews d&ring the olo,a&st attempting to +e a middle gro&nd +' adopting some modern

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 +&t *eeping some traditional views. he olo,a&st was a time in histor' in whi,h %ews

among others ra,es and nations were ro&nded &p( ,on,entrated in areas then either *illed

 +' gas ,ham+er( shooting( +&rning( among other forms of m&rder( or sent to la+or ,amps

and *illed later( most &s&all' +' starvation / la,* of n&trition( or the gas ,ham+er when

the' no longer were a+le to prod&,e. his is a ma4or point in %ewish histor' as it not onl'

was a ver' diffi,&lt time +&t it also showed to the world the great residen,e of the %ewish

faith. here is no definite n&m+er to &ote as to how man' %ews died d&ring this time(

 +&t it has +een estimated to +e at least ! million( however some sa' there ,o&ld +e more(

and others less( all that is apparent is that it was sad time in +oth %ewish and non-%ewish

histor'( that 6)m s&re we all pra' will never happen again. Conservative %ews hold the

 +elief that the orah was given to man +' od( +&t was interpreted +' man( and th&s has

a h&man element to it. od is viewed in a flei+le wa'( +&t not as m&,h as reform is( e

is also viewed in a non-dogmati, view5 however od is viewed in a non-person( ineffa+le

 point of view.




 Religious study 15, unit 7 lesson 1

Title: A spectator’s Guide to World religions: an introduction to the big five Author: !ohn "ic#son $ages %& ' 1(%

Eo after hearing their +eliefs( 'o& wo&ld ma'+e ,ome to the ,on,l&sion that if left to their own

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devi,es the' sho&ld still +e a ver' &aint and pea,ef&l ,o&ntr' right >ell( not &ite( the ,&rrent

state of 6srael is one of &ite a +it of t&m&lt and povert' stri,*en( man' 'o&ng +o's have tro&+le

even finding wor*( the ,ost for +asi, goods ,ontin&es to rise and +arel' an' one ,an even afford

them from da' to da'. ;ot to mention that ,&rrentl' the' are at odds with Falestine( and it is

t&rning into an all-o&t =war? to a degree +etween the two nations.



>ith all of that said( the &estion ,omes &p( =so how sho&ld we a,t towards %ews? from the

Christian ,omm&nit'. 6 will attempt at this point to answer this with the +est of m' a+ilit'( and

the +est of m' *nowledge. 6 personall' feel that how we sho&ld a,t towards %ews is the same

wa' we wo&ld( or sho&ld a,t towards ea,h other as Christians. No& sho&ld treat them no different

as 'o& wo&ld to 'o&r fellow Christian5 <1 Feter 3:1"-17 &t san,tif' the ord od in 'o&r hearts:

and +e read' alwa's to give an answer to ever' man that as*eth 'o& a reason of the hope that is

in 'o& with mee*ness and fear: aving a good ,ons,ien,e5 that( whereas the' spea* evil of 'o&(

as of evildoers( the' ma' +e ashamed that falsel' a,,&se 'o&r good ,onversation in Christ. or it

is +etter( if the will of od +e so( that 'e s&ffer for well doing( than for evil doing. @%AB the' are

all od)s people whether or not the' are on the =right? path. heir religio&s views are ver' ,lose

to o&rs( as well( the'( li*e we sho&ld also( have st&died the i+le ver' thoro&ghl'( and have most

li*el' grown &p with it +eing a part of their dail' lives. 6t will most li*el' a ver' deepl' rooted(

in their dail' lives( simpl' tr'ing to ,onvin,e them of wh' their religion is wrong( or wh' the'

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have +een ta&ght a partial lie all of their lives will not wor*. 6f their +eliefs were that easil'

,hanged( the' wo&ld not have made it thro&gh the olo,a&st. Onless 'o& provide an arg&ment

with a thoro&gh reinfor,ed with s,ript&re arg&ment to them( the' will not even +egin to listen to

'o& +e,a&se 4&st a so&r religion has +een pro+a+l' o&r onl' wa' of life( so has theirs( and 'o& are

literall' as*ing them to give that all awa' to go with something foreign that has no g&arantee of

=s&,,ess?. nd d&ring this entire time( 'o& will +e needing to pra' a lot for od)s g&idan,e and

for is help in helping this person to &nderstand what 'o& are sa'ing( not to mention lots of

 patients for that person as the' are going thro&gh a ver' tho&gh time d&ring this( whi,h will +e

,a&sing a lot of &estions and ,on,erns to +e ,oming to mind that 'o& will +e needed to give

answers to all of them >ith a heart f&ll of @indness <Pphesians :32 - nd +e 'e *ind one to

another( tenderhearted( forgiving one another( even as od for ChristHs sa*e hath forgiven 'o&.

@%AB. s hard as this ma' seem( it is o&r d&t'( and o&r privilege to do this <ar* 1!:1" - nd he

said &nto them( o 'e into all the world( and prea,h the gospel to ever' ,reat&re. @%AB( as we

need to tr' o&r hardest to +ring people to od)s word +efore it is too late to do so.






  @ing %ames Aersion i+le

  Religio&s st&d' 1"( &nit 7 lesson 1

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Title: A spectator’s Guide to World religions: an introduction to the big five Author:

 !ohn "ic#son $ages %& ' 1(%  )ing !a*es +ersion ible


  http://www.++,.,o.&*/religion/religions/,hristianit'/+eliefs/+asi,s_1.shtml   http://www.4ewfa.org/g-d.htm




20LversionI@%A   https://www.+i+legatewa'.,om/passage/sear,hIFsalmJ13K31-

LversionI@%A   https://www.+i+legatewa'.,om/passage/

sear,hI1JEam&elJ1!K37LversionI@%A   https://www.+i+legatewa'.,om/passage/sear,hIFsalmJ103LversionI@%A





sear,hIRevelationJ1K38LversionI@%A   https://www.+i+legatewa'.,om/passage/

sear,hIPphesiansJK332LversionI@%A   https://www.+i+legatewa'.,om/passage/





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 Religious study 15, unit 7 lesson 1

 Religious study 15