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  • 7/28/2019 Journal Lumbar punctures, nila.pptx





    Bilal Majed & Hlne Zephir &

    Valrie Pichonnier-Cassagne & Yazdan Yazdanpanah & Philippe

    Lestavel & Pierre Valette & Patrick Vermersch


    Dipresentasikan oleh :

    Estu Nila Widuri, dr

    Pembimbing :

    Paulus Sugianto, dr, Sp.S

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    LP regularly and effortlessly used in the

    emergency medical epartments (EMD).

    LP use and efficiency have not been fullyexplored in the published literature.


    to assess in a French EMD, the frequency

    of use and the diagnostic efficiency of LP, the

    final diagnoses, and related medical practices

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    all patients who underwent an LP after admission

    to adult EMD 2004 - 2005.

    Patients medical files were reviewed to collect

    clinical and paraclinical features.

    We defined efficient LP as abnormal LP, whichconfirmed a suspected diagnosis in an emergency



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    247 patients

    LP were efficient in fewer than 15% ofcases and confirmed aseptic

    meningitis (8.5%), bacterial meningitis

    (2.4%), Guillain-Barr syndromes(1.6%), subarachnoid hemorrhages

    (SAH, 0.4%), and carcinomatous

    meningitis (0.4%).


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    The principal differential diagnoses wereinfections outside the central nervoussystem (CNS, 30%), noninfectious

    neurological disorders (28.7%), andbenign headaches (14.2%). The mainassumed LP indications were to search forCNS infection (62%) and for SAH (25%).

    LP efficiency decreased dramaticallyaccording to patients age.


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    Brain imaging was performed in 90% of

    patients prior to LP.

    Excessive use of PCR to detect herpes

    simplex in cerebrospinal fluid was


    LP complications found were postdural

    puncture headaches (6.1% of cases).

    The rate of traumatic LP was 17%.


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    Our results are in accordance with the

    few published surveys on this topic.

    LP efficiency is modest but must be

    considered in light of the seriousness

    of suspected diagnoses.

    However, the search for differential

    diagnoses should not be neglected.



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    Efficient diagnosis strategies (usingLP) are required for EMD patientswith suspected meningitis, SAH or

    GBS. LP use and efficiency have not been

    fully explored in the publishedliterature

    none of the published studies usedFrench populations.

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    infrequently supported by LP results

    in the EMD missed diagnoses of

    SAH in the EMD have been reported

    need for further investigations toexplore the use and the efficiency of LP

    performed in the EMD.

    The main associated investigations,

    such as CT of the brain prior to LP, and

    CSF tests, are also important to assess.

    SAH and GBS

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    lack of published literature on the use of

    LP in the EMD

    conducted an observational retrospective study

    frequency of LP use in an emergency setting,

    the diagnostic efficiency of LP,

    and the usefulness of CSF tests.

    also assessed medical practices

    associated with the use of LP, such as

    performing a CT scan prior to an LP; LP

    complications were also investigated

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    Material and methods

    retrospective study

    all patients who underwent an LP in the adultsEMD a general hospital in Arras, in the north of


    Between January 2004 and December 2005.

    during the phase of care in the EMD

    Were collected patients clinical, biological,

    and brain imaging findings.

    Population studied

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    assessed the frequency of LP use in ourEMD compared to the number of

    admissions (in 2004 and 2005)

    We reviewed the medical files of theselected patients.

    Final diagnoses, patients clinical features,

    CSF test findings, and the other paraclinicalexplorations (CT) were assessed and

    entered in a database.


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    assess LP indications and final diagnoses

    using independent examinations ofpatients medical files performed by two

    emergency physicians

    a descriptive analysis to explore

    patients features and to assess

    associations with final diagnoses.

    Efficient LP were defined as abnormal LP,

    which confirmed suspected specific

    diagnoses in an emergency setting

    (infections of the CNS, SAH, and GBS)

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    Proportions were computed with

    confidence intervals of 95% (95% CI) and

    chi-square tests Standard CSF test findings were

    compared according to the type of

    meningitis diagnosed :

    aseptic (lymphocytic) or


    expected modest efficiency of LP in theEMD nonparametric tests were used S-Plus statistical software was used for

    the data analysis.

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    total of247 patients from 46,483

    admissions during January 2004 -

    December 2005

    Monthly the proportion varied widely,

    from a minimum of 0.24% to a maximum of

    0.94%. no significant difference was found that

    could indicate a possible seasonal

    variation in the use of LP (p=0.28).

    Frequency of LP use

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    median age 52 years (3672),

    sex ratio (male to female) 1.12.

    Patients clinical features

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    The main sites reported suggestive

    of infections outside the CNS werepulmonary, urinary, and in the upper

    respiratory tracts

    Pulmonary and urinary sites were

    more frequently observed among

    elderly patients, whilst upperrespiratory tract sites were more

    often reported among young and

    middle-aged patients

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    the youngest patients more

    frequently presented with benign viral

    infections (7.1% of all diagnoses)and benign headaches (30.4%).

    They also presented with fewernoninfectious neurological disorders:

    16% of final diagnoses versus 38%

    among middle-aged patients and30% among elderly patients


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    LP efficiency and CSF tests

    Contributive LP represented 13.4%

    (95% CI: 9.117.6) of the cases and

    varied significantly according topatients age: the proportion of

    efficient LP decreased from 25%

    among young patients to 14.2%among middle-aged patients and to

    less than 5% among elderly patients

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    Table 2 Comparison of biological test characteristics

    (medians) between bacterial and lymphocytic/aseptic

    meningitis (p value according to nonparametric tests)

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    Medical practices and complications

    related to LP use

    Almost all patients underwent a CT prior to the LP

    [89.9% (86.194.6)], independently of LP indications

    (table 1)

    When LP were performed within the first 24 h after

    admission, the median delay between admission and

    cranial CT was 2 h; the median delay for patients

    admitted between midnight and 6 A.M. was 7 h

    The median delay between admission and LP results

    was 6 h, whereas delays of up to 10 h were recorded forsome of the patients admitted between midnight and 6


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    A positive correlation was found between

    the delay before cranial CT and the delay

    before obtaining LP results: the correlation

    coefficient was 0.6 (p

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    Among efficient LP, aseptic (lymphocytic)meningitis was the most frequent diagnosis,

    whereas the search for an infection of the CNS

    was the most frequent indication for LP.

    Thus, patients could benefit from optimaltreatments and strategies of care, based upon

    the results of CSF analyses.

    In cases of ineffective LP, the principaldifferential diagnoses were infections outside the

    CNS, noninfectious neurological disorders

    (seizures and strokes), and benign headaches.

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    Though LP efficiency decreased

    dramatically according to age,

    differential diagnoses (diagnoses foundin cases of inefficient LP) also varied

    substantially according to patients age.

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    Considering the seriousness of meningitis,

    SAH, and acute GBS disorders, which

    may compromise patients functional andvital prognoses, LP represent a consistent

    tool to rule out SAH or meningitis and to

    support a diagnosis of suspected acute

    GBS in an EMD setting

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    Our results were in line with the findings of

    the few published studies exploring LP use

    and efficiency in EMD settings

    Mdol et al.Powers and Warshaw et al.

    Perry et al.s and McGillicuddy et al.s

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    The commonest complication of LP is PDPH,

    more serious complications have exceptionally

    been observed:

    cerebral herniation,

    spinal hematoma,

    iatrogenic spinal tumor,

    induced meningitis.

    The incidence of PDPH after a diagnostic

    LP procedure can vary from 6 to 40%

    Information not reported in patients files andearly discharge from the EMD to home (14% of

    patients) represent potential mechanisms of


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    Significant differences between aseptic and bacterial

    meningitis were found in our study, when standard

    CSF tests were considered

    some authors have suggested that these standard

    tests are only moderately useful in the event of a

    negative Gram-stained smear

    specific CSF and blood serum

    tests have been proposed to

    better appreciate the likelihood

    of bacterial meningitis

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    The usefulness of the occurrence of soluble

    antigens in CSF was limited in our survey;

    however, this CSF test was infrequentlyemployed (6% of CSF) in accordance with

    published data

    the rates of traumatic LP observed in ourstudy were similar to previously published

    data by Shah et al

    Among elderly patients, fewer than 5% of LP

    were efficient, whilst almost four fifths of LP

    were employed to search for a CNS infection

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    Among elderly patients, fewer than 5% of LP were efficient,

    whilst almost four fifths of LP were employed to search for a

    CNS infection

    The majority of infections detected among

    elderly patients were principally located in

    the respiratory or urinary tracts

    Greater yield of LP was found among young (25% of

    cases) and middle-aged patients (a little less than 15%

    of cases).

    Among these subpopulations, efficient LP

    documented primarily infections of the

    CNS (mainly aseptic meningitis)

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    among younger patients

    corresponded to a higherclinical suspicion of meningitis.

    elderly patients to rule out the possibility of a CNS


    LP indications

    Clinical suspicion of CNS infection is assumed to

    have differed widely between these subpopulations

    and can explain the differences observed in LP


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    The usefulness of performing a CT prior to an LP

    depends on the patients clinical condition and the

    suspected diagnosis

    in our study a brain CT prior to LP seems to be

    routinely employed: clinical signs (focal neurological

    signs, seizures, or abnormal consciousness) requiring a

    brain CT prior to the performance of an LP were foundamong less than a third of our population

    Unexpectedly, approximately 90% of patients who

    underwent an LP to search for an infection of the CNS

    had CT prior to LP. Significant delays have been

    observed between admission, the brain CT, and LP

    results, especially when admissions occurred between

    midnight and 6 A.M.

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    When LP are performed in order to search for

    an infection of the CNS, ordering a CT prior

    to an LP can lead to an important delay of theLP procedure.

    Thus, administration of antibiotics may also

    be delayed, compromising the prognosis of

    patients with bacterial meningitis

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    SAH is suspected...??

    SAH diagnoses are more frequently confirmed using brain

    imaging usually performed as the first-line diagnostic


    However, in spite of brain CT enhancement using fifthgeneration CT scanners, which improves the diagnosis of

    SAH, the sensitivity of noncontrast CT imaging may,

    in some cases, remain insufficient

    the use of LP remains necessary to rule out SAH

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    In our study, assumed SAH indications for LP represented

    only 25.5% of the cases and only one case of SAH was

    found using an LP.

    SAH indications were more frequent among middle-aged

    and young patients

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    Several limitations, linked to the

    retrospective nature of our study,must be considered when

    assessing our results.

    LP subsequently performed inhospitalization units after an initial

    admission in the EMD were not

    taken into account, leading to apotential selection bias.

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    In this study, our aim was to assess emergency

    medical practices in relation to patients initial

    characteristics observed in the EMD.

    Classification and information biases can result

    from the retrospective reviewing of patients

    medical files, leading to a more difficultassessment of patients features, indications for

    LP, and final diagnoses.

    Thus, two emergency physicians reviewed

    patients medical files independently and theconcordance of our results with the literature

    data suggests that these biases are limited.

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    A better assessment of the efficiency of LP would

    undoubtedly be achieved in a prospective setting with a

    larger study population

    This would allow a more precise and reliable assessment of

    LP indications, patients features, delivery of anti-infective

    treatments (in cases of suspected meningitis), andoutcomes during a follow-up.

    Missed meningitis and SAH diagnoses, in the EMD, would

    also be appreciated. The assessment of medical practices,illustrated by the use of brain CT prior to LP (in cases of a

    possible infection of the CNS) and herpes simplex PCR

    tests, suggests that the current published guidelines and

    data were not fully taken into account

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    A prospective survey would permit evaluation of

    potential improvements in medical practices after a

    review of current guidelines.

    The assessment of medical practices, illustrated by the

    use of brain CT prior to LP (in cases of a possibleinfection of the CNS) and herpes simplex PCR tests,

    suggests that the current published guidelines and data

    were not fully taken into account

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    1. Apakah terdapat ketersamaan

    dengan Gold Standart?

    Tidak diketahui

    Di dalam jurnal ini tidak dijelaskan

    mengenai sensitivitas, spesifitas, nilai

    prediksi positif, nilai prediksi negatif, dan


    jurnal ini hanya membahas mengenai

    kegunaan dan efisiensi penggunaan LP diEM department dalam penegakkan suatu


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    2. Apakah sampel subyek penelitian meliputi

    spektrum penyakit dari yang ringan sampai berat,

    penyakit yang terobati dan tidak terobati


    Tampak pada Tabel 1 dimana peneliti telah

    mencantumkan secara terperinci mengenaiusia, berbagai macam gejala klinis, dan

    riwayat penyakit sebelumnya dari subyek

    yang diteliti.

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    3. Apakah lokasi penelitian disebutkan

    dengan jelas?


    Lokasi telah disebutkan secara jelas, yaitu

    pada Adult Emergency Medical Department

    di salah satu rumah sakit umum di Arras,Perancis Utara

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    4. Apakah presisi uji diagnosa dan variasi

    pengamat dijelaskan?


    Dalam penelitian ini, variasi pengamat telah

    dilakukan, namun tidak di jabarkan mengenai

    fluktuasi hasil pengukuran/analisa ulang dari LP Tampak pada:

    The retrospective design of our survey led us to

    assess LP indications and final diagnoses usingindependent examinations of patients medical files

    performed by two emergency physicians

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    5. Apakah istilah normal dijelaskan?


    Terdapat penggunaan istilah normal

    dalam pemeriksaan CSF dari LP, namun

    tidak dijelaskan secara terperinci kriteria


    Therefore, despite the modest efficiency ofCSF examinations revealed by our results,

    negative or normal CSF findings can be

    informative and useful

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    6. Apabila uji diagnosis yg diteliti merupakan

    bagian dari suatu kelompok uji diagnosa, apakah

    kontribusinya pd kelompok uji diagnosa tersebut



    LP merupakan suatu bagian dari suatukelompok uji diagnosa. Dalam penelitian

    ini, ada beberapa kasus yang didahului

    dengan pemeriksaan CT scan sebelumdilakukan LP Tabel 1

    7 A k h d t k ik l k k ji

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    7. Apakah cara dan teknik melakukan uji

    diagnosa yang sedang diteliti dijelaskan,

    sehingga dapat direplikasi? Ya

    Dalam penelitian ini telah dijelaskan

    bagaimana melakukan uji diagnosatersebut (LP) dan bagaimana

    menginterpretasikan hasilnya, termasuk

    dijelaskan mengenai komplikasi daritindakan uji diagnosa tersebut (LP)

    8 A k h k ji di

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    8. Apakah kegunaan uji diagnosa yang

    sedang diteliti disebutkan?


    Tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah

    untuk mengetahui kegunaan dan effisiensi

    penggunaan lumbal pungsi di EMdepartment. Kelainan yang dapat diterapi

    dapat terdeteksi, tindakan diagnostik lebih

    lanjut dapat dikurangi, dan dapat menekan

    biaya untuk penggunaan alat radiologi padapasien2 dengan indikasi LP.

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    Conclusion of Critical Appraisal

    This study was not valid enough, but it was

    important and applicable

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