jobseekers handbook

7/17/2019 Jobseekers Handbook 1/26 Jobseekers Handbook A Guide to Professionals Seeking Job Opportunities in the UAE Produced by: Employment ommittee Pakistan Professionals !orum

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Jobseekers Handbook


Page 1: Jobseekers Handbook

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Jobseekers Handbook 

A Guide to Professionals Seeking JobOpportunities in the UAE

Produced by:

Employment ommittee

Pakistan Professionals !orum

Page 2: Jobseekers Handbook

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Entry-Level Resumes – Points to keep in Mind

 A curriculum vita (or CV) is an essential document in applications for academicemployment. Persons applying for teaching or research positions are expected to

submit a CV along with detailed letters of application and other supportingmaterials.

Differences between a CV and a resume

Some people erroneously use the term CV! and resume! interchangeably but inactual fact the two are different. "he curriculum vitae format is not appropriate for 

 #ob searches outside of academia. $esumes concisely focus more on certaintypes of experience and s%ills in a manner that is appealing to employers outsidethe academic realm.

Length  A curriculum vitae is typically much longer and more detailed thana resume. "he CV generally ranges from two to do&ens of pagesin length' depending upon the extent of ones research record. Aresume on the other hand should be one or two pages only.

Emphasis $ather than focusing on your coursewor% and research' resumeshighlight practical wor% experience and s%ills

ormat and categories to include

*ou want the vita to present you in the best possible light with regard to theposition for which you are applying. +n general' include any and all informationthat is pertinent to your ,ualifications for the position. "he format and categoriesused on vitas can vary among academic disciplines' institutions' and positions sowe recommend wor%ing closely with a graduate advisor in your specific academicdepartment with regard to the details of your curriculum vitae.

EDC!"#$%&'i()li()t *our Education +irst 

"his is li%ely the number one reason you are a ,ualified candidate. -ven if youhave not completed a degree' the courses you have ta%en gives you s%ills thatma%e you a good #ob candidate. escribe the coursewor% you have completed'papers you wrote' and computer s%ills you have developed.

 As your career progresses' you will change the format of your resume toemphasi&e wor% experience more.

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or academic or medical positions' a curriculum vitae (which focuses on study) isappropriate regardless of whether youre a recent graduate or seasonedprofessional.

Courses and !cademic Pro,ects

Some courses are more applicable than others / let this determine the emphasisand placement of the info. or example' lab wor% or independent pro#ects youcompleted for science courses is very relevant for those applying toward biotechcompanies whereas if you!re a sociology ma#or applying for a financial services

 #ob' your classroom wor% will be less relevant.

#f your P! is e.ceptional /012 or better34 make note of it -- $t)erwise leaveit off 

Mention Curriculum 'i()li()ts +f you were on the deans list' graduated with honors' received a scholarship'were a member of any professional associations' played sports or participated inother activities' mention it.

E5PER#E%CE&0any recent grads worry that they don!t have worthwhile experience to list onyour resume. -mployers however are interested to see internships' volunteering'school activities' and other non1traditional wor% on entry1level resumes. on!t sellyourself short by discounting your experience.


+nternships are especially important 1 list these prominently (put them at the topof your resume unless you have other' more relevant experiences to place ahead

of it). +nternships show that you are familiar with a professional environment andthat youve been actively exploring your career options.

 Although many internships involve less1than challenging wor% you want to statethings in a positive tone and to emphasi&e your transferable s%ills.

Volunteer 6ork

ont hesitate to list unpaid volunteer wor% on your resume. +t!s perfectlylegitimate to list unpaid positions.

E.tracurricular !ctivities

-xtracurricular experiences can be valuable' particularly if you occupied aleadership position. 2e sure to show lin%s to s%ills the current #ob re,uires. (i.e.from athletics there are teamwor% s%ills. rom performing or fine arts there arecommunication s%ills' creativity' and the ability to meet deadlines. rom otherphilanthropic wor% there might be leadership' organi&ational' and self1management s%ills).

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7ummer 8obsont underestimate your less glamorous summer #obs. Pic% out the transferables%ills. Camp counselor may not seem li%e a big deal to you' but it shows potentialemployers that you were developing communication and relationship1buildings%ills.

+$RM!"0any students distinguish paid from unpaid wor% on their resumes. 3owever'there is nothing wrong with listing all types of experience under one heading.

*ou may also include extracurricular activities and volunteer wor% under yourexperience heading' but be certain to distinguish between those that are and arenot relevant to your #ob search. Consider dividing your experiences into 4$elated-xperience5 and 46ther -xperience5. +f you have a significant number of relevantacademic experiences' you may want to include a section entitled' 4$elated

 Academic -xperience.5

'#'L#'" !%D 9!%"#+* *$R !CC$MPL#7'ME%"7  A laundry list of past duties is not enough 11 you need to demonstrate how youpositively impacted the environment you were a part of. +t will separate you fromthe pac%.

D$%:" EM;ELL#7'"he temptation to stretch the truth can be great. +f you get caught in a lie you canbe terminated with no ,uestions as%ed and no eligibility for unemploymentbenefits.

PR$$+RE!D *$R RE7ME3ave someone proofread your resume 11 A mista%e on your resume can ta%e youout of the running instantly.

'!VE *$R D$CME%"7 CR#"#9ED7et recruitment professionals to review and criti,ue your resume and coverletter.

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7ample CVs < Resumes

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;!7#C CRR#CLM V#"!E +$RM!"

*our 8ame Address

Phone 8umbers' -mail Address

EDC!"#$%Ph..' ate' 8ame of 9niversity' "hesis "itle' 0entor0aster egree' ate' 8ame of 9niversity' "hesis "itle' 0entor2achelor egree' ate' 8ame of 9niversity' "hesis "itle' 0entor 

EXPERIENCE :ist in chronological order (start with most recent experience)8ote where appropriate' names of mentors or research advisors

RE7E!RC' #%"ERE7"7

State briefly in one or two sentences

PR$+E77#$%!L !C"#V#"#E7 !%D '$%$R7:ist offices held (if any)' type of activity' organisation and dates involvedStart with most recent activities

PR$+E77#$%!L 7$C#E"#E7:ist in alphabetical order or in order of most importance

P;L#C!"#$%7:ist all that you have completed or that you are in the process of completing

$R!L PRE7E%"!"#$%7 :ist significant ones that you have completed or that you are in the process of completing


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Entry Level Resume E.ample&

Mo)ammad !li

P-$0A8-8" A$-SS CA0P9S A$-SS;<= Some St. ;<= Some 6ther St.

Some "own Some 6ther "own(;<=) ;<=1;<=> (=<;) =<;1>=<;


 A position in human resources


9niversity of Somewhere3on. 2.A.' 0ay <??;' 7PA =.=@>.?0a#or Psychology' 0inor 2usiness Administration


3uman $esources 0anagement' 2usiness Policy' 2usiness :aw' and 2usinessStatistics


Human Resources InternHR Associates, Jan. - May !!!1 $eviewed resumes B interviewed applicants

1 Composed #ob openings

Resi"ent Assistant #ni$ersity o% &ome'here, August - May !!( 1 6rgani&ed and developed educational and social activities

1 -nforced college policies for a floor of >? residents

Li%eguar" ) &'im Instructor, June- Ju*y !!!1 6pened and closed pool area1 "aught beginning' intermediate and advanced swimming

C$MP"ER 7=#LL7

-xperience with word1processing pac%ages and :otus ;1<1=.


"reasurer of Sigma Pi for three years

"E!E"E#ES A$A%&A'&E UPO# "E(UES)

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;asic C)ronolo(ical Resume +ormat

%amePermanent Address (B Current Address if not the same)' Phone (   )

$;8EC"#VE& 6b#ectives are optiona* ' but do serve to identify your area of


EDC!"#$%& College@9niversityegree awarded' year (or else date that the degree isexpected)0a#or(s)7.P.A. +f exceptional (overall and@or ma#or)

'$%$R7!%D !6!RD7&  Academic Achievements

Scholarshipseans :ist 3onors

6utstanding Accomplishments (in field) 3onor Societiesetc

6$R=E5PER#E%CE& *our "itle

8ame of Company ates of -mployment

• :ist positions in reverse chronological order 

• 2e concise

• 9se action verbs to describe duties@abilities

• 3ighlight special s%ills

• +ndicate scope of responsibilities

• Duantify your achievements@accomplishments

7PEC#!L7=#LL7& Computer %nowledge' foreign languages' etc

!C"#V#"#E7<!C'E#VME%"7& Campus@Community 6rgani&ations

 Activities (academic' social)(-specially mention activities which highlight leadership,ualities. State position if you are an officer or leader).(6nly list items that are relevant to the position you are

applying to / list only those where you developedtransferable s%ills)

RE+ERE%CE7&  Available 9pon $e,uest(o not list names on your resume. 2e sure to chec% withthese people if it is o% to use them as references +e%ore yougive their names' addresses and telephone numbers to theemployer).

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+unctional Resume +ormat 

%amePermanent Address (B Current Address if not the same)' Phone ( )

$;8EC"#VE 6b#ectives are optiona* ' but do serve to identify your area of interest.

EDC!"#$% @ 9!L#+#C!"#$%7egree awarded' College@9niversity attended*ear (or else date that the degree is expected)0a#or(s)7.P.A. +f exceptional (overall and@or ma#or)

=E* E5PER#E%CE7&1Start each bullet with an action verb describing what you did then follow with a

,uantified result or outcome. Show how you made a differenceE1:ist three to five of your strongest demonstrated s%ills that are essential to thetype of #ob you have in your ob#ective statement.1or each s%ill' summari&e your accomplishments and experiences (be specific indescribing how you have demonstrated your s%ills.)1*ou need not mention specific #obs here 1 you do so in the 4-mployment 3istory5section.

!C"#V#"#E7<LE!DER7'#PDEVEL$PME%" Campus@Community 6rgani&ations

 Activities (academic' social)

(-specially mention activities which highlight leadership ,ualities. State position if you are an officer or leader).(6nly list items that are relevant to the position you are applying to / list onlythose where you developed transferable s%ills)

EMPL$*ME%" '#7"$R*Company' City' ate of -mploymentCompany' City' ate of -mploymentCompany' City' ate of -mployment


 Available upon re,uest.

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Combination Resume +ormat 


Permanent Address (B Current Address if not the same)' Phone ( )

$;8EC"#VE 6b#ectives are optiona* ' but do serve to identify your area of interest.

PER7$%!L "R!#"7<7=#LL7 +n a list' three to five top s%ills you have that relate to your stated #ob ob#ective.

=E* E5PER#E%CE7&1Start each bullet with an action verb describing what you did then follow with a,uantified result or outcome. Show how you made a differenceE1:ist three to five of your strongest demonstrated s%ills that are essential to the

type of #ob you have in your ob#ective statement.1or each s%ill' summari&e your accomplishments and experiences (be specific indescribing how you have demonstrated your s%ills.)1*ou need not mention specific #obs here 1 you do so in the 4-mployment 3istory5section.

EDC!"#$% egree awarded' College@9niversity attended*ear (or else date that the degree is expected)0a#or(s)7.P.A. +f exceptional (overall and@or ma#or)

C$R7E '#'L#'"7 (optiona* category )

EMPL$*ME%" E5PER#E%CE 8ob "itle Company' Cityescription of your duties include the variety of your assignments' amount ofresponsibility' and %ey accomplishments.8ob "itle 

Company' Cityescription of your duties include the variety of your assignments' amount ofresponsibility' and %ey accomplishments.

C$MP"ER 7=#LL7 :ist all software programs about which you are %nowledgeable.

RE+ERE%CE7  Available upon re,uest.

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C)ronolo(ical Resume E.ample&

FClic% here and type addressG FPut Phone' ax and -1mail hereG

Iqbal Ansari

Objective FClic% here and type ob#ectiveG

Experience ;HH?/;HH> "otal 2ottling ubai' 9A-

National Sales Manager 

+ncreased sales from hs I? million to hs ;?? million.

oubled sales per representative from hs I million to hs ;? million.

Suggested new products that increased earnings by <=J.

;HKI/;HH? Sales -xperts +ntl. Abu1habi' 9A-

District Sales Manager 

+ncreased regional sales from hs <I million to hs =I? million.

0anaged <I? sales representatives in L emirates.

+mplemented training course for new recruits M speeding profitability.

;HK?/;HK> Nestern 6rnaments +slamabad' Pa%istan

Senior Sales Representative

-xpanded sales team from I? to ;?? representatives.

"ripled division revenues for each sales associate.

-xpanded sales to include mass mar%et accounts.

;HLI/;HK? 8ew Nare :ahore' Pa%istan

Sales Representative

-xpanded territorial sales by >??J.

$eceived company!s highest sales award four years in a row.

eveloped -xcellence +n Sales training course.

Education ;HL;/;HLI +2A Oarachi' Pa%istan

2.A.' 2usiness Administration and Computer Science.



2oard of irectors 2lood onors Society

Tip: Select the text you would like to replace, and typein your own information.

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;asic +ormat for #" Professional Resumes

%ame "he usual protocol is for 0aster level or above and@or professional

designations to be placed after your name. All other degrees' diplomas' or

certificates are placed in the -ducation section.  Address

"elephone number(s)

-1mail address

9ualifications ;rief 

+nclude mention of total years of experience amount of management experience if any a

couple of %ey s%ills you have and would li%e to focus on in your next role


+nclude items such as 6perating systems' languages@development tools' application areas'79+s' relational databases' and voice data communications (:A8s' NA8s' protocols)' etc.

 Also indicate years of experience with each.

Professional 'istory

se a reverse c)ronolo(ical format1 #ndicate to and from4 mont) and year1

K@HI to Present &enior Proect Lea"er  #" Consultin( +irm ubai' 9A

"ec)nolo(y& list operating systems' languages@development tools' 79+s'hardware' relational databases' and voice@data communication systems that

you have wor%ed with. Put strongest first.

Duties& list the ma#or activities in which you were engaged with mostimportant first' next most important last' and least important in the middle.

!c)ievements& list results of the above activities.

Educational 'istory

@H> ache*or o% &cience 6ayne 7tate university etroit' 0

:ist most senior degrees' diplomas' and certificates first. +ndicate the month and year of

graduation. *ou may' if you so desire' list degrees and designations placed after your nameat the beginning of the resume.

$t)er Education

:ist all other courses' seminars' etc. not included above in reverse chronological order 1 with

dates of completion' or functional (by category) order 1 without dates of completion.

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Professional !ffiliations

:ist all current memberships and associations of a professional nature.

!dditional 9ualifications

:ist additional s%ills' activities' and achievements that demonstrate s%ills needed for the

position you see%.

References available upon re>uest

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#" Professional Resume E.ample&

!dnan 7iddi>uiP.6.2ox ;<=> ubai' 9A- 1 3 (?>) III1;<;< 0 (?I?) III1<;<;


Client Server Systems Architect for a high technology firm.


8ine years of experience in designing' installing' and troubleshooting computingsystems a proven trac% record in identifying problems and developing innovativesolutions.

"EC'%#C!L 7=#LL7

Pro(rammin(& C' CRR' Visual 2AS+C' 6$"$A8' Pascal' SD:' 6S@0otif'98+ Shell Script$peratin( 7ystems& 98+' 0S Nindows' 0S 6S' 0S Nindows 8"' Solaris'3P19' 9ltrix%etworkin(& "CP@+P' 0icrosoft :A8 0anager' 8ovell 8etware' 8' +nternet'-thernet' "o%en $ing!pplications& 0icrosoft 6ffice' 0icrosoft Access' 0icrosoft Visual CRR' 0icrosoftPro#ect' 0icrosoft Publisher 

PR$+E77#$%!L E5PER#E%CE

&ystems Engineer --- Computer Engineering Corporation --- u+ai --- !!/-Present

Provided technical consulting services to the +nternal $esearch and evelopmentept.

Consolidated and documented the "esting' emonstration' and "raining

databases onto a single server  2rought the :aboratory on1line with the +nternet

Successfully integrated and delivered an hs;K?'??? 3P H??;@LI? Server

consisting of ;K?

7igabytes of dis% space and H software systems that re,uired extensiveporting wor% and documentation.

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Computer Systems "echnology Program' $eal State 9niversity-ngineering and Computer Communications 7PA =.>>

2S' 0athematics@Computer Science' 9niversity of :os Alamos' 7PA =.I 0a#or7PA =.=

7PEC#!L#?ED "R!#%#%

-ffective 2riefing "echni,ues and "echnical Presentations -marat and Associates' +nc.


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Cover Letters - Points to keep in mind

+n every case' a generic cover letter is not as effective as one tailored for a specific position /

worth a few extra minutes of your time. or +" #obs' there are some additional points to %eepmind.

;e ;rief +deally' your cover letter should be short enough to fit on a computer screen so that the readdoesn!t have to print it out or scroll down to finish it.

+t is best to use bullet points to ma%e %ey points stand out. Center your cover letter on four tobullet points. A recruiter!s priority is to find those with relevant technology experience' so thebullet point should highlight your experience with the technology listed in the #ob description.

-mphasi&e the depth of your experience. $ecruiters will screen out candidates who seem toonly superficial %nowledge of the technology used by the company.

Consider using one or two bullet points to focus on soft s%ills' such as communication andleadership.

Leave $ff $ld "ec)nolo(y E.perience+f you list very old experience in your cover letter' recruiters may thin% youre not familiar withrecent technology. urthermore' you have a couple of pages for your resume / so don!t wasless relevant and less important items. on!t hide important s%ills in between lesser s%ills. :your experience with older' infre,uently used technology only if it is noted as a #ob re,uireme

;e $pen to $t)er Possibilities+f you!re applying to a larger company with a number of +" opportunities' don!t pigeonhole yowith an overly narrow ob#ective and list of s%ills. 3igh demand for +" professionals means macandidates receive offers for positions they may not have aimed for. At the same time' be clewhat you do want.

'i()li()t %ontraditional E.perience Applicants without an extensive professional +" bac%ground should include School pro#ects which you used technology (especially if any were an internship with a prominent tech comp"echnology experience wor%ing on personal pro#ects' in a family business' or as a volunteer

technical experience in similar industries (to demonstrate relevant business %nowledge).

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;asic Cover Letter "emplate 

 *our %ame*our Address B Phone 8umber


$ecipient!s 8ame' B Tob "itle

 Sub#ect Position or type of wor% you are applying for 


+irst Para(rap)& Start by trying to grab attention without being gimmic%y!. 7ivethe reason you are writing. 8ame the specific position or type of wor% for whichyou are applying. Sometimes it may be a good idea too to also mention how youlearned of the opening.

7econd Para(rap) /and ")ird Para(rap) if needed3& -xplain why you areinterested in wor%ing for this employer in particular then focus in on how you canhelp them by specifying how you are perfect for this position. o not merelyrepeat the information on your resume / highlight %ey points but also feel free togive additional information. *ou may incorporate a column or bullet point formatfor this section of the cover letter.

Last Para(rap)& 0ention your resume is enclosed and indicate your desire tomeet with the employer. *ou may suggest alternate dates and times' or better yetyou can advise them of your flexibility as to the time. "ry to include a statementor ,uestion that will encourage the reader to respond. *ou may want to beproactive and communicate your plan to follow1up. (i.e. you might say that youwill be in the area on a certain date and would li%e to set up a meeting' or youcan say that you will call on a certain date to set up a meeting). inally' than% theemployer for his@her time.


01our &ignature in +*ue or +*ac2 in23

*our name typed out

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"#P7 +$R 8$; #%"ERV#E67

#%"ERV#E6 PREP!R!"#$%

You have an interview, so you know that your experience and background on paper have matchedthe prospective job description. However, a successful interview does not simply mean fitting a jobdescription. It will come through understanding the interview process, trying to plan for everyeventuality, being relaxed and being yourself.

This is essential. ven though you might appear to be the best candidate on paper, a lack ofpreparation before the interview can let you down. !ost interviews will only last one hour, and youmay not get a second chance.

The following guidelines can be seen as the minimum amount of preparation"

#. !ake sure that you know the exact time and location of the interview and allow

plenty of time to get there $a #% minute margin for error is good&.

'. (o you know precisely who will be interviewing you and their job title) Try and ascertain theformat of the interview beforehand and what the overall interview process will consist of as well as

checking the profile of the relevant interviewer via the firm*s website.

+. esearch the organi-ation in as much depth as you can. (epending on the role it might beappropriate to concentrate on the productsservices, competitors, recent business growth and itsplans for the future.

In most cases, your recruitment consultant should be able to assist. However, you can do your ownresearch through"

• The organi-ation*s website / these are fast becoming the best source of material. 0ook

at press releases to make sure that you are aware of recent events such as

ac1uisitionsdisposals and appointments within the company. There may also be arecruitment section and financial information for investors.

• Trade publications are another useful source. 2eep an eye on the press for information

and bear in mind that many publications now have their own websites with archivematerial, such as feature articles on your area of speciali-ation or on the organi-ation


• 3peaking to anybody you know who works within the organi-ation to gain an inside


• 4ithout appearing contrived do try and mention any research you have done during the


4. Think about the questions that you are likely to be asked at interview since some ofthese can be quite predictable. At the end of this page are some examples of interview

questions. If you can think of the answers to the ’worst’ potential questions! this will

help ease any apprehension considerably.

. "irst impressions are vital. #o make sure that you take a fresh bath and groom yourself

well. $ress smartly preferably business suit %even if casual& ’dress down’ is allowed'.

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$on’t forget to polish your shoes(

). *now your own +, - it is amaing how many people fail at interview because theyhaven’t read their +, recently. Keep track of all your jo appl!cat!o"# #o t$at you k"o%

to %$!c$ co&pa"y %$at CV you $a'e #u&!tte() a# #o&e people prefer to ta!lor CV#

accor(!"* to jo re+u!re&e"t# ,%$!c$ !" !t#elf !# a *oo( !(ea-. It is important to be able todiscuss any aspect of your +, such as why you studied a particular course at /niversity!

or the part that you played in a particular pro0ect&deal %also make sure that you can

discuss any overall business aims'. 1ake sure you remember any relevant dates orqualifications.

2. /ltimately the interview is a two way street. As well ensuring that you ’sell’ yourself to

 best effect! you should also be considering questions for the interviewer on aspects of therole! such as prospects for career development and the corporate culture.

3. valuate your strengths and weaknesses.

)HE %#)E"$%E*

emember that it is not just your experience and skill set that is being examined at an interview butalso whether you will fit into the organisation*s culture. 5s well as trying to be yourself it is

important to remember these do6s and don6ts"

$os 5 $onts

• A firm handshake and an engaging smile are vital.

• 1aintain eye contact throughout. 6ooking around the room and avoiding the

interviewers’ eyes gives a bad impression.

• 7e to the point and answer the question succinctly. 7e aware of rambling in your

answers. #top talking when you have answered the question.

• $o not fidget and be aware of your physical communication throughout the

interview and at the same time monitor your interviewer’s body language. This

may give you a clue as to how you are doing e.g. if the interviewer is looking bored or restless perhaps you are digressing too much(

• $o not overly criticise your current employer %despite the fact that you are

looking to leave'.

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• $o not reply to a question with monosyllabic 8yes&no8 answers.

• 7e positive and enthusiastic about the role for which you are being interviewed.

Any reservations you may have should wait until you have received the offerand&or discussed it with your recruitment consultant.

• $o not mention salary in the first interview unless expressly asked. Try and leave

salary discussions until later interviews.

• 5lways ask 1uestions if you have the opportunity to do so.

• (o not say anything that cannot be supported by examples.

• 7e natural. If you obtain an offer by acting then you*ll have to *act* for the duration of

your employment.

• If asked technical 1uestions and you do not know the answer, never guess. Try tohandle the 1uestion as if the interviewer was your client.

• 8irms like confidence 9:T arrogance.

• (ress well.

• Take care of personal hygiene;;;

• 5045Y3 T00 TH T<TH/ that way, you have less to remember.


It is important to leave the interviewer with a positive impression / thank them for the opportunityto meet with them and their time. If you are still interested in the position make sure that they

know. If they ask if you are interested / don6t say 6I6ll think about and get back to you6 / say yes, bepositive.

Immediately afterwards, note down your thoughts on the interview and any 1uestions that you

might have, while they are still fresh in your mind.

8ollow up the interview with an email or letter to your interviewer, again thanking them for theirtime and interest.

=all your recruitment consultant as soon as you can with honest feedback. The sooner you do this,

the sooner your recruitment consultant can speak to the organisation to find out what they arethinking.

5t all times stay in touch with your recruitment consultant who should relay positive or negativefeedback. They will prepare you for the next meeting and give you help and advice at all stages.emember that recruitment consultants will be highly experienced in the complete recruitment lifecycle from interview through to offer, acceptancerejection and resignation. <se all their knowledgeand experience to help you make the most of the recruitment process.

"*P#C!L 9E7"#$%7 !7=ED ;* "'E #%"ERV#E6ER7

These are all deliberately 6open6 1uestions, in other words you cannot answer them with a 6yes6 or


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• 4hy do you want to leave >>> organisation

• 4hy are you interested in joining YYY organisation

• 4hat will you miss most in your current position

• 4hat types of people do you work well withnot work well with

• 4hat would you say have been your greatest successes in your current position

• 4hat would you have done differently in your current position

• ?ive us examples of how your management style has been effective

• 4hat have you learnt over the course of the last @ years

• 4hat have you done that shows initiative in your current position

• How would your team describe you

• 4hat are your career goals

• How are you at prioritising

• ?ive examples of your delegation skills

• 4hat are your hobbies

• 4hat is the most difficult thing you have ever done at work

4ill you be available to travel during the week

• 4hat would your colleagues say about you

7$-A" D9-S"+68S "6 ASOThese are examples of some great 1uestions to ask at an interview.

• 4hy has the position become available

• 4hat is the culture of your organisation

• 4hat is the policy of your company on training and development

• 4hat are the future plans of the company

• 4ho do you regard as your main competitors

• 4hat type of employee is historically successful in your company

• How do you appraise the performance of your employees

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• 4hat would I expect to be involved in during my first +A#' months

• 4hat are the long term prospects for the successful applicant

• Is there a possibility of working overseas

• 5sk the interviewer Bwhat is your backgroundB. Ceople always like to talk aboutthemselves and this gives you the chance to gather your thoughts

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#mportant 6ebsites for 8obseekers

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 Abu habi


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$ana International

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mirates 1anagement Assistance +o.

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