jlb jltim hfjflh - university of hawaiithat right to resume hostilities is reserved in event of the...

n Hli ' At), ( ,, i - "" WW nv.,dW(t(VMl)l p JLm x'mh .... ,.ft. VOL. VI , NO. 137 IIONOl.UU', MAW MI TliUUlTORY, KUJ.I?A. VA. A, 1913. -- M-MI UK1KIA WIIOI.K NUMBER 3B29', TURKEY WAITS TO REOPEN STRUGGLE Sultan genres Notice to Powers That Right to Resume Hostilities Is Reserved in Event of the Present Balkan Conflict Extend- ing Into Macedonia. WAR DECLARED BY SERVIA King Peter With Troops at Uskub Receives Strong Aid from Greeks Who Have Taken Sev- eral Strong Positions from Re- treating Bulgarians Servians Capture Fourteen Hundred Bul-gar- (By Federal Wireless Telegraph.) CONSTANTINOPLE, .July 3. (hpc dnl to Tlie Advertiser) Serious dan- ger tint Turkey will lake a lianJ in tlu liulltun struggle between Greece, Ser via nml Ilulgaria became linmineut to ilny when tho Sultan notified the Pow- ers that despite tlio prellininnry peace agreement recently signed, Turkey tlie, right to light if tho new war sprouts into .Macedonia. The impreEsioir lie-- e is that if Tin-Le- finds the former Hilkan Allies arc gre.-itl- ) weakened by their internal strife, blio will oinnniDii all her forces nml strive to retalie sonic of tho Euro pean territory of vvhiilf sho una ile prived liy tho Italltnn victory. DEMED1Y SERVIA (Fly Federal Wireless Tnlograp'n.) VIENNA, July 3. (Specinl to The Advertiser) Ser via formally declared war on Ilulgaria tonight, according Ion despatih received from Uskiib. The Servian army headquarters are at 'Js I. ub mid King Peter und Premier Pa chltih also are there. I (Fly Federal Wireless Telegraph.) I1ELORADE, Scrvia, July 3. (Spe-eia- l to The Advertiser) After two days of the most stubborn fighting, tho Bul- garian, forces, to which tho Servians liavo been opposed, nro retreating along the whole line, according to despatches front tho front which were received, this Afternoon by the war department. It is stated that tho Servians huvo been al- most uniformly successful in tho va- rious engagements and that yesterday they captured fourteen hundred Un- itarian alter a battle in which tho losses were heavy on both sides. ALLIES OF SERINS (I)y Federal Wireless Telegraph.) ATHENS, July 3. (Special to Ths Advertiser) Olhcial advices from the front to the Orcek war office today de- clared tliut tho Orccks, aiding tho Ser- vians, continue their advance, indict- ing heavy lohses on tho Bulgarians and have raptured several Important posi tions. Tim Oroek losses, the despatches rjy, Imve been considerable, but no de- finite figures afe announced, iu nilJitiii to this comes the report that Huinunniu Is mobilizing its forces and plans tu pu( u large army iu tho new. m.h SEE ND NEED TOR illv IVIerul Virlia Tilegrsph ) W h)Ni.TjN, July 1 iHpwinl o Tmi Adiriuir) Tli wavy ilM.'tiiliiiuut lm mg lien u'lvlnd Uut llm Umihu U lli. U" m I our I llnrkir l Itwu hi n i, t piwhuI, licllesM lh iknk nii ih "red mul hf JimiIwiii re Imifi feiii ilni nmmUy at MilMlllul lUtf a lului dul HONOLULU (V TODAYS 9 a. m. Malch Butts, Kakaako. 9:30 a. m. Grounds. Parade . Patriotic M a. m tol 'Grounds.. 2 p. m. Baseball, 2 p. m. Public 2 p. m. Track 3 P- - m. Horse llouolulir todny will celebrate tho l'ouith of July in the good old way, which, singularly enough, was mani- fested tho most, heretofore, during the da)s of tlio monarchy and tho succeed- ing Hepublic. With a "parade, literary exercises, sports iu the afternoon, and a jollification dance in the ovenlng, tho celebration committee believes that there vvill.be enough amusement afford- ed to make this Fourth a r day in Honolulu's history. Tho oLservaneo of the holiday this j car Is under the. nurIecs of tho mer- chants' association, tho general com- mittee being headed by Ed Towsc, with Oeorgo Guild, Charles Frnricr, John 1 Soper and II. von Dnniui as Tho Morning Farads. Tho parade will start from the Capi- tol grounds at half-pas- t nine this morn- ing, with Charles 1'. Cliillingworth ns grand jnnrshal, his aides being Oscar Cox, Jack Fernandez, Henry Hoso and HH' HsBBBIBF . "it IBBBBBBBfti it... Tt:H! BBBBBBBBBlEr s&fJMK J?'Js3 iPWJS M jAI,f Anmi M , ij s HON. ED TOWSE, Chairman f tho General Committee. Bradford Sumner. In tho lino will bo Mounted Police, Decorated Auto Cycles, Decorated Auto Trucks, ltojal Hawai- ian Hand, Knights of Pythias, Uniform Rank, J3oy ScoutB, Catholic Mission Baud, Spanish"War Veterans, Loj.ii Order of Moose, Military Section und Cowboys with Decorated Mounts. Among the firms which havo prom- ised to put in decorated auto trucks, are C. Apau & Company, Hawaiian Ex press Company, Davlcs 4: company, grocery department, Davies & Company hardware department; The Mncfarlaue Company. Hackfeld & Company gro cery department; Aloxander Voung Ho- tel Iluilding Company; Waiaholo Water Company, ilustnco-Peo- & Company, Honolulu Iron Works Company, City Transfer Company, von Hamm-Voun- g Company, Lewors &. Coouc, Honolulu. Construction and Draying Company, E. O. Hall & Son, Honolulu Planing Mill, Coyno Furniture Company and Schuman Carriage Company. Line of March. Tlio lino of march will be from the Capitol ground ulong King street to Nuuauu uveiiue, thence to Berctaulii street, to Miller street and buck to the Capitol, whore the parade disbands. Patriotic Exercises. Patriotic exercises will bo held in tlui fupltul grounds ut eleven o'clock. If there? is ruin the Operu House will bo opened und tlie exureises held there Frederick Turrell, uf the (I, A. It. will preside. The program 1st Invocation Hpv, David Carey Po tersi Oiutluu by the Hun, II P. (Juard'sj Bending of the Drrlarntlon of Inds- - Iii'lidenc", by llou. W. J. Ilubln.ua, Past Hawaiian Tllie No. I( Order of lied Men; Muile by I un Itoyvil IIuwjIJuii llululi fceng, "Slflr Bpmiulwl Itannfr," liy MtmlRrn AU',I. run U Tli Park, At (no oVIimk In I he uflfriiouu I he READY CELEBRATE ,. TRUE AMERICAN FASHION EVENTS Rifle N- - G. H. frmCapitol to Capi-- " !) C A. U. vsaj. A. C. in - Public Baths Kapiolani Park. Prizes. Events, i Races, Kapiolani Park. AasSBBBsHBsKjrf dsHtSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM iSsK9PisHHsViamK!'Ws4 wHsf"MssoW(? ?MujflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl vtwNsBBBBPlBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl SSBBBBB&JbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI bbbbbbHbbbbbbbbIsbbbbbbbbbbbbbs TO IN Shoot, Exercises'-a- t Dancing Pavilion, mv--- f iiiKf' sH .;iiHsH iissssssssssssH ?? iSPf'KRK jlB rZ3HlBilsllllllllllllslisllllH JltiM HfjflH HON. B. P, QUARLES, Orator5 of tho Day. , Jfc HHsfrw.iNJfeiD IIHsw'' w9sBHfl BlllllllslsK llBllHEBllHBflBn HHIIlBHE&k'' AiJkHsisiS HON, OHAS. F. OHILLINaWOKTH, Grand Marshal of the Pnrado, program pf sports will bo started in Kapiolani Park, Tho (list event will be a baseball game between the Chinese Athlctio Union ami tho Jnpaucso Ath- letic Club, Throughout the afternoon there will bo public dancing in tlio Public Baths pavilion, Kapiolani Park, t music fur- nished by the Hawaiian band. Three sots of priys have been offered for tho best dancers. Track events will bo run off on, the Taco track for boys and girls, nml a long and interesting program. of horse races has also been arranged. Committee in Chargo, The committees in charcc of tho celo- - bratiou, assisting tho general commit- tee are; 1'inunce Committee Prod L. Wul-dro- Geo. 0. Guild, Emil A. Uemdt and Geo. V Honklialleecietnry. Boy Scouts Cominisiioucr James A. Wilder; liorso llaces Deuj. Hollliiger; Track Events John C Anderson; Hall Geo. A, Martin; Auto Trucks Chns. 11. Prazier, B, von Damni; HaliitCn Col J. W. Jones; Marathon Nigel Jucksou. Horse Usees, Judges J. 11. Craig, .1 no. O'funuor and t apt. A. I., rotile. Timots-Wal- tur Drake, W. It. Chll ton uiul J. H, Or aio. Clerk of tho Course ciins. Chilling worth, Hturter C. Jl, WiUmi Hudillliirf I'uJdosK Albert Mvduru. SMALLPOX IN SYDNKY. XVUMIV, .Sow kjtiulli V,,s, July I. (Jly AstottityJ i'rM ihM Iu Tlw llMWIItlu;-fJlilli- u, trunmj U veum tei 8j;iv hn tnm vr rel, v mfmt flllS'Kw m, -- l IMHIly (if WllOIll BfH trilirslll III O. i TIIE SPmiT OF 70. HON. W. J. F.OBINSON, Who will read tho Declaration of In dependence. TO COAST J Enlisted Men Will Report at Fort McDowell for Discharge. SC IIOPIEI.D HAltltAPKB, July 3. The following culii-tc- men will pro-ice- to 3un I'muciseo on tho transport bherman scheduled to leave Honolulu tomorrow ut noon, to leport to tho ofiiccr, Fort 2rcl)o)vcil, for discharge, Hospital Corps Privates, first cUss. William D. Bloom, Jeff U. Creel, Homer II. Briloy nnj James Murray. Quartermaster Corps: Privato An- drew King. m Fourth Cavalry. Sergt. AVilllam J. etcclo, Q. 51. Sergt. Win. F. McMnckln, Corporals ltobcit H. Jones, 0. 0. Jen- kins, Trumpeter Samuel II. Cooper; Pri- vates 0. A. Spencer, Waiter Ungates, W. H.Tarincr Jr.. Win. Yutzo. First yield' Artillery: lusician Louts Ilreszovic; Mechnnie F. It. Bradford; Private Chester A. Steere. Twenty-fift- Infnntry: Privates Douglas, Taylor, Leon Lewis, M, II. Wagner, Edward E. Shcppcrd; Corpo- ral Percy Williams; Privates liolllo Williams, Dias liusscll, Oscar U,Ming, Elmer Small, Eddio Johnson,' Jacob Cole, J. 11. Walker. Arthur A. Miller, Howard Fletcher, Will 0. Hylos; Daniel Thompson; .Major Woods; Corporal Howard Novvhom; Privates Hugh Hum. phiey, Edgar Bedding, William Owens, Charlie II. Jenkins, Alphouso Douglas, Elijah Jordan, George Abornathy, It. N. Modesto, MnlcuAtiv Hooves, Win. W. u Meadows, Sloan Young, Leonard Keal, Ous Carpenter, Itoxet Gnrnct, .1. K. Hud gins, Henry Smith, Allen Byrd, Musi-ila- a Walter Jackson, J'rivntes Abie Field, Hubert Woodaril, Win. (I, Tucker, Hosenfleld Lark, John Carter, 'Lloyd IdIiimoii, Lewis J. Baker, Daniel Doug Ins, Chester A. Jenkins, tjuiticy Moore, r.iiiiiuiiel Lewis, Hoger J, Williams, Fred Powell, Charles Lee, Kobcrt Mayes, Liirkln DiivIh, JomhiIi GuiIhIii, tlinrgn Tinker, William White, Musi ' eimi Clifford Thomas; Private Edward Willliims, Adam Htringor, Jim Milehum, Wllllaur' Ilidilnson. Ellsworth Button, Corporal Hlrhurd Hiizel, Privates Win. Jtiuns, Carl Bat emu a. ,Li.oliiTlklll,Kncnifvvr fodlly vnlf yn ' FIGUnitOA REPORTED AS HAVINa BEEN EXECUTED (By IVderul U'irle. T'lufripu) ( ITV 01' MHM o, July (Bslsl I to Tit Aiivwliuir- )- HleJifl t4lln l He HtwUlUili b rdHWl (tsVjM iif rii Aaiirntia nwutm. finff nr in ! il I L.U4 I'M) (yf tiM UI4 J'tMIU'M.t I .Aimers, Hir rwitii uwu iwf fail ) V'l'rpL TARIFF BILL AS REVISED IS APPROVED BY SENATE ii. - WASUINr.TQN, July 1. (By Acsoclatcd Press Cable) Tho ' scnato Democrats In caucus ycEter- - day afternoon approved tho Un- - dcrwood Bill as that tariir moai- - uro has been revised by tho sen- - ate finance committee. - s(. H" if (I'XvKr.Jerat WirnosK Telegraph,) VK.i1Xrar,.ijrmm .il n ri.-i- J toTJiv UiMertiftir) " ifonolului'ivUf stage niio uf tho inojt uttrni'ttvo lleslns tliu Hliinds hnvo over seen nuxi taid James I), Dougherty dl. reitor geiural of the clirniv.il chiiiiult lee, who l here preparatory to tour. nig the I'nited jStates" in searen of novel 'dean und rounding up famous HVvIuiineN for tompetitioii in tho nipiatic sports to bo held at Honolulu. Dougherty Is pning t to ( hlcjgo, whore he will endeavor to Induce sev- eral champion swimmers of the Chicago Athletic ( tub and members of nthur athletic organizations to participate in the events. suffragetTesIrT Rljp TO JAIL (By Federal Wirclf's Telegraph.) liO.N'DO.V, July 3. (Special to The Advertiser) Annie Kenny und Itachuel Barrett, mllituut sulfnigettts, who re lentlv were rele'ised under tho "Cat and Mousu Act," were rearrested kcr6 today and returned to the Hollovvay Jail. THAW SENDS CHECK TO L (By Federal Wirclois Telegraih.) GETTYSBUHG, July 3. (Special to Tim Advertiser) Harry K. Thaw, ho had two uncles in tho Union Army and a near relative who wore tho gray, vvrnto a letter which wus hero today by Chairman Sclioon- - maker ol tho Pennsylvania Commission iu chargu of tho veterans' reunion, and inclose 1 one thousand dollars to sturt fund to pay tho debts of General Sick lis Thaw letter expressed sympathy for gallant I'liiim ollircr who in Ids old age is boned by financial misfortune. " ,,nr ,, " ",m" ""''"' liwi11i.ll, , l.iulttfool. son and law partner or Attru- J P. I.ightroot uf llouoliilii is luimiig home with u luidu. It It un- - """'en nun inn joung niiuriiiiy was mnriied In Hun PrNiirlteo in Mrs, (,'clla Mourn Hiitkiiis. 'Iheir nigunirut whs uiinouin l 'i vis i uiii by Tim Ailvuillser, ut whmli luue I iuIm It twice, sllhgnuh hs niiiiiUeii luislo4 wiik Mnal firiti iii il tuth, wlimb he apptwrs to Luri) deiiii mlraUd, I ili(fwl 1'fl fur tlu ( um. will IU llill'-n- leniii triu,.! i,,r ll. iwlmiktM . ii 1 smi i limn rvtef. - i.Ul I LUliH. ttitk bu bulla llyj lur wrl of mtl muwlh. MARSHALL SPEAKS AT GETTYSBURG Governor's Day Observed at Re- union of Veterans Searching For Knifo Wielders. (By Federal Wireless Telegraph,) t GETTYSnUHfl, July 3. (Special to Tho Advertiser) Today was Govern ors' Day, fourteen governors being present nt the veterans' reunion. Gov ernor Sulrer of Now York nml Gov- ernor Cox of Ohio being uinnug tho principal sponkers. A eongress'onnl delegation, he.nlol by Maishall, Inspected tho Inttlelield boforo the speech-mnklii- started. The ytntn constab.ulary is making every effort to npprnhend the men wliu stabbed seven others hero last night in tho dining room of the Gettysburg Hotel. - ENROUTE TO HONOLULU (By Federal Wireless Telegrnidi.) SAN FHANCISCO, J ulyn3, (Special to The Advertiser) Amon'g tho VH helmliia's pasMingers, leaving for Ho iiolulu today, were many residents uf Honolulu, including .1. F Hackfeld and II. P. Wood. .Mr. Wood, who has been East iu the Interest of the promotion committee, was aci'oinpnuiol by his wife. Among tho passengers also are some local Miisoiis ot high degrie, including W i'llmer. T. J. Baker and II. (I. Iderton. Mrs. Filuier nml Mrs. Baker uccom pimied their husbands. For Captain Johnson this will bo th( Inst trip as uiuimnnder of tho Wilhel nilna. Upon t'uo liner's return ho will go East with Capt. Willlani Mutsou, ptesidoiit of tho coinpnity, to bu pres tut nt the launching uf the big liner Mntrouin, which has been built for tlie Honolulu tervicc. Captain Jolinsdu will'stay with the Mutsonia until tho vessollls ready for sea, when hu will bring" tlie'Huor to this C'oaBt, where he will retain command. M iebbTbe7 7 PLANTS TD SERVE SUFFERING PEOPLE (By Federal Wireless Tileeraph.) CINCINNATI, Ohio, July 3. (Spe clul to The Advertiser) Nine Irt plants, under municipal supervision, to ilny started mnnufucturliig leo for Ciu cltinatl residents. Tlit plants were seized because, no hope of a settlement ofiHiodllfereiiceS between ice iniiuufncturers'v'iiiiil tlioli employes nppcnied iu sight. 1". ...4- - Fi OLD VETERANS SCHOFIELD BAHItACKS, July 3. Itcglmeutul CoinmlsHary Sergeant Gen. Winniger, l'irst Field Artillery, nnd First Sergeant James Honry Lane, Company 1', l'irst Infantry, will bo'pus-scngur- s on tho transport Slicrinun leav- ing fpr the Const tomorrow. These sol- diers huvo coulpleted thirty years' scr vice, und will bo sent to Fort McDow- ell, California, to await action on their applications for retirement. Tho war department order retiring First Sergeant Lane bus just been ro ceived in the mall, and had tho neces- sary papers accompanied tho order, Sor-goa- Lanu would bo retired before leaving Ouhu. reatWdoi (By Federal Wireless Telegraph.) NEW VOIIK, July 3. (Special to The Adviirtber) Nine deaths and six ty prostrations were the result uf lieu. here yesterday. Today Is equally as hot. POSTMASTER F18K REFUSES TO RESIGN HAN HIANflWO, July 3. (By As- sociated Press Cable In Thu Slur lliille tln)"Anntlirr row llireulelis to rem! thu "higher up" in inliiiliiUtrutive vjrsles. Posliuusler (leueriil liurlvstui luis HuliUei) I'uttiiilMter Plsk of this njf thst he must rsslgll in the lulnrtNits oT grelUr elllcleiify Iu the ulllee, nnd mtt has mfusatl U resign, iwnjipliliig sfiiJjr lb nuilMrliy of Die I'rMdlmit, WW tMiMinltNl btw. km tfiun tMi bit win rmm iWfmiimuttt URlm h band to Ills IHfllfttillUM. LAMAR NO USE AS WITNESS N Has Proved Himself Such a Liar, Says Senator Overman, That tho Lobby Committee , Does Not Want to Hear Anything Mor; from Him Will Ask for Hfe Prosecution. MARTIN IIASSENSATI,BS Says Attorney-Genera- l McRey-nold-s Closets Himsolf With Lob. byists of tho Union Pacifla Defends Eamar, Who, Ho Sayj, Is a Public Spirited Citizen-an- ' ' Foe of tho Trusts. (By Fedora) Wireless Telegraph.) WASHINGTON, July icial to The Advertiser) Members ofthe sen-nt- u lot by iirabingjcoininltteoto'lay ad- mitted tlint they ehifaot punish Iapiar for his iiupertonitioirs of publb moa, but piopnsn to ask tho New York prose- cutor to nit, Lamar is still here, but probably Will not borccalled. "I think Lamar has shown simself such a llir(!' said Senator Overman today, "so utterly unbpllovable, thai It would lux useless, to '.recall him.' ., House Will 'Probe. ' Member! of tlio house rules commit- tee today' began drafting n sweeping resolution for n separate probe iritd Mtilhnll's' charges, ,' llenryiHl,' Murtiur secretary of he, Nutlunal Aitti-Trus- t league, told the' lobby investigating comiilitteo, tolay that ho and Lamar were the authors, of thu original resolution authorizing tho Stanley Steel Trust;jiifobe j Martin characterized lainiur as kpubluj-splrite- flll7Cii and a bitte?'i,rW,t,IJe,lkllr'oAd trusty .ffWVi-- ' H ,1 Afraid of . Martin declined to narrie' the mem-bur- s of the National Anti-Tru- League, asserting the business life ofMts trtern' hers vviiuld bo threatened b"y" the trusts If it becaum known that, they wor,B uiemberH of tho league. IIo nssertod thai "tho powers would destroy and blacklist tin-i- and cut off their bank credits." Then hu dotailed Instances where such threnttt had been fulfilled. Martin flatly refused to disclose how tho luiguu's finances nro administered or where thu money comes from. . ' Another "Lobby." Tho witness caused a sensation when hu charge that Judge Lovctt, chair- man uf tho executive board of the Union Pacific It lilroujl, nnd Paul Cra-vat- v.ero engaged last week In "lob- bying" with Attorney Oonernl Mjc-K- nobis. Hu Insisted these officials had been convicted under tlio law, yot they were granted tho privilege of lob- bying. , KATSURA'S CONDITION IS STILL CRITICAL TOKIO, Julv X-Tip- ocial Cable to tho Nippu Jljl) Tho , conditions of i mites .vriionii) iiiiiiagain anil iaro Katsura. thu farmer thn n.trlonf nf tho privy council nnd the latter tho on premier, uuiu aimering, irom stomach trouble, are to duv rnnnrtnrl iiTnnili,illv iiiichnnged. An open admission is made tliut Prluco Kntsuru'a life is still in ifangcr. f- - JAPANESE CURRENCY FOR MANOHURIX TOKIO, July 3. '(Spoclal Cable to the Nippu Jiji) The Vokohtima Spe- cie Bank, which had asked for permis- sion to issue from its Manohurian branches paper currency, only negoti- able, in Manchuria, was today given permission to carry out the plan. Here- after this Jnpanewo currency will be employed throughout that portion ot the Chlneie Hepublic. SHAKV CONDITIONS IN JAPAN BUSINESS OHtOLEB, TOKIO, July L' (Special to the Ha- waii Shlniio) Financial circles and t"? stock exchanges nrn iu n panic'ky con- dition today as thu result of the n of the amalgamation of the Tokio Ehctrle Light Company and the liipnn I lei trie Companywlch' WBI re lentlv iiiiuouiiced by tfco ggvernment. The depreiisioii u nil bujlnesi has beer) mint er rnnlrihiitorysriiUsq to the slinky nml u iiiiiiibniof t,ha smaller luiii.es are n the vnrgejlif lanktipty. SCANDAL IN TpKIO. iKin Jaiv ctl t flirt Vl llllV lUl.ui . t . L. - "IT" " "iii ruuiiifi iq iiv h grmt .iiisiitiuu of HiuiVenr vis cr-I- I 11 lure ti.diiy when ihs pollftb uu artlied ii "moving picture Mliijal." A. ll... . l.l.l.ll lit III., ,.ll..ll.. !. nm - ii inn vriivur ui li" iwnrr .1. . iif mill lrOftUJ of llllivlii(f pletum tii)iirSfyli city w Hfie.tn. 'rhev yflhir litM tr iuvMlHyslion, ivblelj."!! j.'litt., ly lesd iu lliu urr.ls of wjier'"foiiiirjor.

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Page 1: jlB JltiM HfjflH - University of HawaiiThat Right to Resume Hostilities Is Reserved in Event of the Present Balkan Conflict Extend-ing Into Macedonia. WAR DECLARED BY SERVIA King Peter

n Hli ' At), ( ,, i - "" WW nv.,dW(t(VMl)l pJLm x'mh

.... ,.ft.VOL. VI , NO. 137 IIONOl.UU', MAW MI TliUUlTORY, KUJ.I?A. VA. A, 1913. -- M-MI UK1KIA WIIOI.K NUMBER 3B29',




Sultan genres Notice to Powers

That Right to Resume Hostilities

Is Reserved in Event of the

Present Balkan Conflict Extend-

ing Into Macedonia.


King Peter With Troops at Uskub

Receives Strong Aid from

Greeks Who Have Taken Sev-

eral Strong Positions from Re-

treating Bulgarians Servians

Capture Fourteen Hundred Bul-gar-

(By Federal Wireless Telegraph.)CONSTANTINOPLE, .July 3. (hpc

dnl to Tlie Advertiser) Serious dan-

ger tint Turkey will lake a lianJ in tluliulltun struggle between Greece, Servia nml Ilulgaria became linmineut toilny when tho Sultan notified the Pow-

ers that despite tlio prellininnry peaceagreement recently signed, Turkey

tlie, right to light if tho new warsprouts into .Macedonia.

The impreEsioir lie-- e is that if Tin-Le-

finds the former Hilkan Allies arcgre.-itl-) weakened by their internalstrife, blio will oinnniDii all her forcesnml strive to retalie sonic of tho European territory of vvhiilf sho una ileprived liy tho Italltnn victory.


(Fly Federal Wireless Tnlograp'n.)

VIENNA, July 3. (Specinl to TheAdvertiser) Ser via formally declaredwar on Ilulgaria tonight, according Iondespatih received from Uskiib. TheServian army headquarters are at 'JsI. ub mid King Peter und Premier Pachltih also are there.


(Fly Federal Wireless Telegraph.)I1ELORADE, Scrvia, July 3. (Spe-eia- l

to The Advertiser) After two daysof the most stubborn fighting, tho Bul-

garian, forces, to which tho Serviansliavo been opposed, nro retreating alongthe whole line, according to despatchesfront tho front which were received, thisAfternoon by the war department. It isstated that tho Servians huvo been al-

most uniformly successful in tho va-

rious engagements and that yesterdaythey captured fourteen hundred Un-itarian alter a battle in which tholosses were heavy on both sides.


(I)y Federal Wireless Telegraph.)ATHENS, July 3. (Special to Ths

Advertiser) Olhcial advices from thefront to the Orcek war office today de-

clared tliut tho Orccks, aiding tho Ser-vians, continue their advance, indict-ing heavy lohses on tho Bulgarians andhave raptured several Important positions. Tim Oroek losses, the despatchesrjy, Imve been considerable, but no de-

finite figures afe announced,iu nilJitiii to this comes the report

that Huinunniu Is mobilizing its forcesand plans tu pu( u large army iu thonew.



illv IVIerul Virlia Tilegrsph )

W h)Ni.TjN, July 1 iHpwinl oTmi Adiriuir) Tli wavy ilM.'tiiliiiuutlm mg lien u'lvlnd Uut llm UmihuU lli. U" m I our I llnrkir l Itwuhi n i, t piwhuI, licllesM lh iknk

nii ih "red mul hf JimiIwiii reImifi feiii ilni nmmUy at MilMlllullUtf a lului dul



9 a. m. MalchButts, Kakaako.

9:30 a. m.Grounds.

Parade .

PatrioticM a. mtol 'Grounds..

2 p. m. Baseball,

2 p. m. Public

2 p. m. Track3 P- - m. Horse

llouolulir todny will celebrate tho

l'ouith of July in the good old way,which, singularly enough, was mani-

fested tho most, heretofore, during theda)s of tlio monarchy and tho succeed-

ing Hepublic.With a "parade, literary

exercises, sports iu the afternoon, anda jollification dance in the ovenlng, thocelebration committee believes thatthere vvill.be enough amusement afford-

ed to make this Fourth a r dayin Honolulu's history.

Tho oLservaneo of the holiday thisj car Is under the. nurIecs of tho mer-

chants' association, tho general com-

mittee being headed by Ed Towsc, withOeorgo Guild, Charles Frnricr, John 1

Soper and II. von Dnniui as

Tho Morning Farads.Tho parade will start from the Capi-

tol grounds at half-pas- t nine this morn-

ing, with Charles 1'. Cliillingworth nsgrand jnnrshal, his aides being OscarCox, Jack Fernandez, Henry Hoso and

HH'HsBBBIBF . "itIBBBBBBBfti it...



iPWJS MjAI,fAnmi M ,ij s

HON. ED TOWSE,Chairman f tho General Committee.

Bradford Sumner. In tho lino will boMounted Police, Decorated Auto Cycles,Decorated Auto Trucks, ltojal Hawai-ian Hand, Knights of Pythias, UniformRank, J3oy ScoutB, Catholic MissionBaud, Spanish"War Veterans, Loj.iiOrder of Moose, Military Section undCowboys with Decorated Mounts.

Among the firms which havo prom-ised to put in decorated auto trucks,are C. Apau & Company, Hawaiian Express Company, Davlcs 4: company,grocery department, Davies & Companyhardware department; The MncfarlaueCompany. Hackfeld & Company grocery department; Aloxander Voung Ho-

tel Iluilding Company; Waiaholo WaterCompany, ilustnco-Peo- & Company,Honolulu Iron Works Company, CityTransfer Company, von Hamm-Voun- g

Company, Lewors &. Coouc, Honolulu.Construction and Draying Company, E.O. Hall & Son, Honolulu Planing Mill,Coyno Furniture Company and SchumanCarriage Company.

Line of March.Tlio lino of march will be from the

Capitol ground ulong King street toNuuauu uveiiue, thence to Berctauliistreet, to Miller street and buck to theCapitol, whore the parade disbands.

Patriotic Exercises.Patriotic exercises will bo held in

tlui fupltul grounds ut eleven o'clock.If there? is ruin the Operu House willbo opened und tlie exureises held thereFrederick Turrell, uf the (I, A. It. willpreside. The program 1st

Invocation Hpv, David Carey Potersi

Oiutluu by the Hun, II P. (Juard'sjBending of the Drrlarntlon of Inds- -

Iii'lidenc", by llou. W. J. Ilubln.ua, PastHawaiian Tllie No. I(Order of lied Men;

Muile by I un Itoyvil IIuwjIJuii llululifceng, "Slflr Bpmiulwl Itannfr," liy

MtmlRrn AU',I.run U Tli Park,

At (no oVIimk In I he uflfriiouu I he



Rifle N- - G. H.




C A. U. vsaj. A. C.

in - PublicBaths Kapiolani Park. Prizes.


Races, Kapiolani Park.







Exercises'-a- t


mv--- f iiiKf' sH .;iiHsH

iissssssssssssH?? iSPf'KRK jlB rZ3HlBilsllllllllllllslisllllH


Orator5 of tho Day.

, Jfc

HHsfrw.iNJfeiDIIHsw'' w9sBHflBlllllllslsK llBllHEBllHBflBn

HHIIlBHE&k'' AiJkHsisiS

HON, OHAS. F. OHILLINaWOKTH,Grand Marshal of the Pnrado,

program pf sports will bo started inKapiolani Park, Tho (list event willbe a baseball game between the ChineseAthlctio Union ami tho Jnpaucso Ath-letic Club,

Throughout the afternoon there willbo public dancing in tlio Public Bathspavilion, Kapiolani Park, t music fur-nished by the Hawaiian band. Threesots of priys have been offered for thobest dancers.

Track events will bo run off on, theTaco track for boys and girls, nml along and interesting program. of horseraces has also been arranged.

Committee in Chargo,

The committees in charcc of tho celo- -

bratiou, assisting tho general commit-tee are;

1'inunce Committee Prod L. Wul-dro-

Geo. 0. Guild, Emil A. Uemdt andGeo. V Honklialleecietnry.

Boy Scouts Cominisiioucr James A.Wilder;

liorso llaces Deuj. Hollliiger;Track Events John C Anderson;Hall Geo. A, Martin;Auto Trucks Chns. 11. Prazier, B,

von Damni;HaliitCn Col J. W. Jones;Marathon Nigel Jucksou.

Horse Usees,Judges J. 11. Craig, .1 no. O'funuor

and t apt. A. I., rotile.Timots-Wal- tur Drake, W. It. Chll

ton uiul J. H, Or aio.Clerk of tho Course ciins. Chilling

worth,Hturter C. Jl, WiUmiHudillliirf I'uJdosK Albert Mvduru.

SMALLPOX IN SYDNKY.XVUMIV, .Sow kjtiulli V,,s, July I.(Jly AstottityJ i'rM ihM Iu Tlw

llMWIItlu;-fJlilli- u, trunmj Uveum tei 8j;iv hn tnm vrrel, v mfmt flllS'Kw m, -- lIMHIly (if WllOIll BfH trilirslll III

O. i TIIE SPmiT OF 70.

HON. W. J. F.OBINSON,Who will read tho Declaration of In




Enlisted Men Will Report atFort McDowell for



The following culii-tc- men will pro-ice-

to 3un I'muciseo on tho transportbherman scheduled to leave Honolulutomorrow ut noon, to leport to tho

ofiiccr, Fort 2rcl)o)vcil,for discharge,

Hospital Corps Privates, first cUss.William D. Bloom, Jeff U. Creel, HomerII. Briloy nnj James Murray.

Quartermaster Corps: Privato An-

drew King.m

Fourth Cavalry. Sergt. AVilllam J.etcclo, Q. 51. Sergt. Win. F. McMnckln,Corporals ltobcit H. Jones, 0. 0. Jen-kins, Trumpeter Samuel II. Cooper; Pri-vates 0. A. Spencer, Waiter Ungates,W. H.Tarincr Jr.. Win. Yutzo.

First yield' Artillery: lusician LoutsIlreszovic; Mechnnie F. It. Bradford;Private Chester A. Steere.

Twenty-fift- Infnntry: PrivatesDouglas, Taylor, Leon Lewis, M, II.Wagner, Edward E. Shcppcrd; Corpo-ral Percy Williams; Privates liollloWilliams, Dias liusscll, Oscar U,Ming,Elmer Small, Eddio Johnson,' JacobCole, J. 11. Walker. Arthur A. Miller,Howard Fletcher, Will 0. Hylos; DanielThompson; .Major Woods; CorporalHoward Novvhom; Privates Hugh Hum.phiey, Edgar Bedding, William Owens,Charlie II. Jenkins, Alphouso Douglas,Elijah Jordan, George Abornathy, It.N. Modesto, MnlcuAtiv Hooves, Win. W. u

Meadows, Sloan Young, Leonard Keal,Ous Carpenter, Itoxet Gnrnct, .1. K. Hudgins, Henry Smith, Allen Byrd, Musi-ila-

aWalter Jackson, J'rivntes Abie

Field, Hubert Woodaril, Win. (I, Tucker,Hosenfleld Lark, John Carter, 'LloydIdIiimoii, Lewis J. Baker, Daniel DougIns, Chester A. Jenkins, tjuiticy Moore,r.iiiiiuiiel Lewis, Hoger J, Williams,Fred Powell, Charles Lee, KobcrtMayes, Liirkln DiivIh, JomhiIi GuiIhIii,tlinrgn Tinker, William White, Musi '

eimi Clifford Thomas; Private EdwardWillliims, Adam Htringor, Jim Milehum,Wllllaur' Ilidilnson. Ellsworth Button,Corporal Hlrhurd Hiizel, Privates Win.Jtiuns, Carl Bat emu a.,Li.oliiTlklll,Kncnifvvr fodlly vnlf yn '


(By IVderul U'irle. T'lufripu)( ITV 01' MHM o, July (Bslsl

I to Tit Aiivwliuir- )- HleJifl t4llnl He HtwUlUili b rdHWl (tsVjM iif

rii Aaiirntia nwutm. finff nr in !il I L.U4 I'M) (yf tiM UI4 J'tMIU'M.t I

.Aimers, Hir rwitii uwu iwf

fail ) V'l'rpL



ii. -

WASUINr.TQN, July 1. (ByAcsoclatcd Press Cable) Tho

' scnato Democrats In caucus ycEter- -

day afternoon approved tho Un- -

dcrwood Bill as that tariir moai- -

uro has been revised by tho sen- -

ate finance committee.

- s(. H" if

(I'XvKr.Jerat WirnosK Telegraph,)VK.i1Xrar,.ijrmm .il n ri.-i-JtoTJiv UiMertiftir) " ifonolului'ivUfstage niio uf tho inojt uttrni'ttvo lleslnstliu Hliinds hnvo over seen nuxi

taid James I), Dougherty dl.reitor geiural of the clirniv.il chiiiiultlee, who l here preparatory to tour.nig the I'nited jStates" in searen ofnovel 'dean und rounding up famousHVvIuiineN for tompetitioii in thonipiatic sports to bo held at Honolulu.

Dougherty Is pning t to ( hlcjgo,whore he will endeavor to Induce sev-eral champion swimmers of the ChicagoAthletic ( tub and members of nthurathletic organizations to participate inthe events.



(By Federal Wirclf's Telegraph.)liO.N'DO.V, July 3. (Special to The

Advertiser) Annie Kenny und ItachuelBarrett, mllituut sulfnigettts, who relentlv were rele'ised under tho "Catand Mousu Act," were rearrested kcr6today and returned to the HollovvayJail.



(By Federal Wirclois Telegraih.)GETTYSBUHG, July 3. (Special to

Tim Advertiser) Harry K. Thaw,ho had two uncles in tho Union

Army and a near relative who woretho gray, vvrnto a letter which wus

hero today by Chairman Sclioon- -

maker ol tho Pennsylvania Commissioniu chargu of tho veterans' reunion, andinclose 1 one thousand dollars to sturt

fund to pay tho debts of GeneralSick lis

Thaw letter expressed sympathy forgallant I'liiim ollircr who in Ids old

age is boned by financial misfortune."

,,nr ,, " ",m" ""''"' liwi11i.ll,,

l.iulttfool. son and law partner orAttru- J P. I.ightroot uf llouoliilii isluimiig home with u luidu. It It un- -

"""'en nun inn joung niiuriiiiy wasmnriied In Hun PrNiirlteo in Mrs, (,'cllaMourn Hiitkiiis.

'Iheir nigunirut whs uiinouin l 'ivis i uiii by Tim Ailvuillser, ut whmliluue I iuIm It twice, sllhgnuhhs niiiiiUeii luislo4 wiik Mnal firitiiii il tuth, wlimb he apptwrs to Luri)deiiii mlraUd,

I ili(fwl 1'fl fur tlu ( um. will IUllill'-n- leniii triu,.! i,,r ll. iwlmiktM

. ii 1 smi i limn rvtef.- i.Ul I LUliH. ttitk bu bulla llyj

lur wrl of mtl muwlh.



Governor's Day Observed at Re-

union of Veterans Searching

For Knifo Wielders.

(By Federal Wireless Telegraph,)t

GETTYSnUHfl, July 3. (Special toTho Advertiser) Today was Governors' Day, fourteen governors beingpresent nt the veterans' reunion. Governor Sulrer of Now York nml Gov-

ernor Cox of Ohio being uinnug tho

principal sponkers.A eongress'onnl delegation, he.nlol

by Maishall, Inspectedtho Inttlelield boforo the speech-mnklii-

started.The ytntn constab.ulary is making

every effort to npprnhend the men wliustabbed seven others hero last night intho dining room of the GettysburgHotel.



(By Federal Wireless Telegrnidi.)SAN FHANCISCO, J ulyn3, (Special

to The Advertiser) Amon'g tho VH

helmliia's pasMingers, leaving for Hoiiolulu today, were manyresidents uf Honolulu, including .1. FHackfeld and II. P. Wood.

.Mr. Wood, who has been East iu theInterest of the promotion committee,was aci'oinpnuiol by his wife. Amongtho passengers also are some localMiisoiis ot high degrie, including Wi'llmer. T. J. Baker and II. (I. Iderton.Mrs. Filuier nml Mrs. Baker uccompimied their husbands.

For Captain Johnson this will bo th(Inst trip as uiuimnnder of tho Wilhelnilna. Upon t'uo liner's return ho willgo East with Capt. Willlani Mutsou,ptesidoiit of tho coinpnity, to bu prestut nt the launching uf the big linerMntrouin, which has been built for tlieHonolulu tervicc.

Captain Jolinsdu will'stay with theMutsonia until tho vessollls ready forsea, when hu will bring" tlie'Huor to thisC'oaBt, where he will retain command.



(By Federal Wireless Tileeraph.)CINCINNATI, Ohio, July 3. (Spe

clul to The Advertiser) Nine Irtplants, under municipal supervision, toilny started mnnufucturliig leo for Ciucltinatl residents.

Tlit plants were seized because, nohope of a settlement ofiHiodllfereiiceSbetween ice iniiuufncturers'v'iiiiil tlioliemployes nppcnied iu sight.

1". ...4- -


SCHOFIELD BAHItACKS, July 3.Itcglmeutul CoinmlsHary Sergeant Gen.Winniger, l'irst Field Artillery, nndFirst Sergeant James Honry Lane,Company 1', l'irst Infantry, will bo'pus-scngur- s

on tho transport Slicrinun leav-ing fpr the Const tomorrow. These sol-

diers huvo coulpleted thirty years' scrvice, und will bo sent to Fort McDow-ell, California, to await action on theirapplications for retirement.

Tho war department order retiringFirst Sergeant Lane bus just been roceived in the mall, and had tho neces-sary papers accompanied tho order, Sor-goa-

Lanu would bo retired beforeleaving Ouhu.


(By Federal Wireless Telegraph.)NEW VOIIK, July 3. (Special to

The Adviirtber) Nine deaths and sixty prostrations were the result uf lieu.here yesterday. Today Is equally ashot.


HAN HIANflWO, July 3. (By As-

sociated Press Cable In Thu Slur lliilletln)"Anntlirr row llireulelis to rem!thu "higher up" in inliiiliiUtrutivevjrsles. Posliuusler (leueriil liurlvstuiluis HuliUei) I'uttiiilMter Plsk of thisnjf thst he must rsslgll in the lulnrtNitsoT grelUr elllcleiify Iu the ulllee, nndmtt has mfusatl U resign, iwnjipliliigsfiiJjr lb nuilMrliy of Die I'rMdlmit,WW tMiMinltNl btw.

km tfiun tMi bit win rmmiWfmiimuttt URlm h band to IllsIHfllfttillUM.




Has Proved Himself Such a Liar,Says Senator Overman, That thoLobby Committee , Does NotWant to Hear Anything Mor;from Him Will Ask for Hfe



Says Attorney-Genera-l McRey-nold-s

Closets Himsolf With Lob.byists of tho Union Pacifla

Defends Eamar, Who, Ho Sayj,Is a Public Spirited Citizen-an-

' 'Foe of tho Trusts.

(By Fedora) Wireless Telegraph.)WASHINGTON, July icial to

The Advertiser) Members ofthe sen-nt- u

lot by iirabingjcoininltteoto'lay ad-

mitted tlint they ehifaot punish Iapiarfor his iiupertonitioirs of publb moa,but piopnsn to ask tho New York prose-cutor to nit, Lamar is still here, butprobably Will not borccalled.

"I think Lamar has shown simselfsuch a llir(!' said Senator Overmantoday, "so utterly unbpllovable, thaiIt would lux useless, to '.recall him.' .,

House Will 'Probe. '

Member! of tlio house rules commit-tee today' began drafting n sweepingresolution for n separate probe iritdMtilhnll's' charges, ,'

llenryiHl,' Murtiur secretary of he,Nutlunal Aitti-Trus- t league, told the'lobby investigating comiilitteo, tolaythat ho and Lamar were the authors,of thu original resolution authorizingtho Stanley Steel Trust;jiifobe j Martincharacterized lainiur as kpubluj-splrite-

flll7Cii and a bitte?'i,rW,t,IJe,lkllr'oAdtrusty .ffWVi-- ' H,1 Afraid of .

Martin declined to narrie' the mem-bur- s

of the National Anti-Tru- League,asserting the business life ofMts trtern'hers vviiuld bo threatened b"y" the trustsIf it becaum known that, they wor,BuiemberH of tho league. IIo nssertodthai "tho powers would destroy andblacklist tin-i- and cut off their bankcredits." Then hu dotailed Instanceswhere such threnttt had been fulfilled.

Martin flatly refused to disclose howtho luiguu's finances nro administeredor where thu money comes from. . '

Another "Lobby."Tho witness caused a sensation when

hu charge that Judge Lovctt, chair-man uf tho executive board of theUnion Pacific It lilroujl, nnd Paul Cra-vat-

v.ero engaged last week In "lob-bying" with Attorney Oonernl Mjc-K-

nobis. Hu Insisted these officialshad been convicted under tlio law, yotthey were granted tho privilege of lob-bying. ,


TOKIO, Julv X-Tip-ocial Cable to

tho Nippu Jljl) Tho , conditions ofi mites .vriionii) iiiiiiagain anil iaroKatsura. thu farmer thn n.trlonf nftho privy council nnd the latter tho onpremier, uuiu aimering, irom stomachtrouble, are to duv rnnnrtnrl iiTnnili,illviiiichnnged. An open admission is madetliut Prluco Kntsuru'a life is still inifangcr.



TOKIO, July 3. '(Spoclal Cable tothe Nippu Jiji) The Vokohtima Spe-cie Bank, which had asked for permis-sion to issue from its Manohurianbranches paper currency, only negoti-able, in Manchuria, was today givenpermission to carry out the plan. Here-after this Jnpanewo currency will beemployed throughout that portion otthe Chlneie Hepublic.


TOKIO, July L' (Special to the Ha-waii Shlniio) Financial circles and t"?stock exchanges nrn iu n panic'ky con-dition today as thu result of the n

of the amalgamation of theTokio Ehctrle Light Company and theliipnn I lei trie Companywlch' WBI relentlv iiiiuouiiced by tfco ggvernment.The depreiisioii u nil bujlnesi has beer)mint er rnnlrihiitorysriiUsq to the slinky

nml u iiiiiiibniof t,ha smallerluiii.es are n the vnrgejlif lanktipty.

SCANDAL IN TpKIO.iKin Jaiv ctl t

flirt Vl llllV lUl.ui . t . L. -"IT" " "iii ruuiiifi iq iivh grmt .iiisiitiuu of HiuiVenr vis cr-I- I

11 lure ti.diiy when ihs pollftb uuartlied ii "moving picture Mliijal."

A. ll... .l.l.l.ll lit III., ,.ll..ll.. !.nm - ii inn vriivur ui li"iwnrr .1. . iif mill lrOftUJ ofllllivlii(f pletum tii)iirSfyli city

w Hfie.tn. 'rhev yflhir litM triuvMlHyslion, ivblelj."!! j.'litt., lylesd iu lliu urr.ls of wjier'"foiiiirjor.

Page 2: jlB JltiM HfjflH - University of HawaiiThat Right to Resume Hostilities Is Reserved in Event of the Present Balkan Conflict Extend-ing Into Macedonia. WAR DECLARED BY SERVIA King Peter

PTJ jV '&wvart"mtt,r'ti, ,Y-W- - su , wv... r . 4l . 4... '), . ?- - - it-,





Local Democrats Accuse Him of

Treachery, Say Ho Is Solely in

Service of LiuK McCandless andAnnounce That They Will File

Charges Against Him With the

Democratic National Committee,

Asking His Removal.

V .Johnny W.Non, Democratic nationalcommitteeman fiom Hawaii, who has

been repre''in ,g Link MiCandlcssninl ho, It it charged,

forced a nm n just risen from a seriousIllness to inuho the long triple Wash-

ington from Hawaii, for tlio putpose of

destroying, if possible, Watson's'haiices for the governorship, In to be

iivTstig-itc- liv tin- - Democratic. Na-

tional Cominit'co as to his fitness tocontinue further to represent theDemocratic imrrv in Hawaii,

' Falss to Party, Is Charge.

Democratic leaders in tlio city y

announced that. charges wouldbe 'filed with the executive, committeeOf the national organization nj'ninstWilson. Jt mil be illegctl that at no

time since his silection as nationaleimmitteeinan las lie represented theparty, hut has at all times been the,representative of Link JlcCundlcss, anil

of I.inl; alone.It will be charged, it is slated, that

in attempting to further the ambitiousof JlcCnndlcss, WiNon has been guiltyof gross political treachery to his partyIn Hawaii, In that he has attempted totrade oft federal positions in the Is-

lands to win support for his candidate,absolutely ignoring tlio claims of wor-

thy local Democrats to federaland the Ind that he in supposed

to represent the organizations whichput him in offiie.

Attempted Trades Alleged.Specified clarges will be made, it is

(aid, thlt' he openly boasted that hehad sought to secure the support of theOregon delegation for McCandless byUfcring to let them uaiiio tlio UnitedStates district attorney for Hawaii,notwithMaiidfug tin fact that JamesCoke had thu endorsement of bntlicounty and territorial committees, isthe choice not only of tlio bench andbar, and has no opposition here.

It will be further alleged that Wil-toi- l

nttempted to win over California- lungressmeii h offering the, collector-shi-

of customs at 'Honolulu to nthat lie ottered IM. Ingham,

a. former resident of Honolulu, theUnited States u.arshnlshlp If lie. wouldcomo to Honolulu and help McCnndlossorganize a strung machine, and that horepeatedly cwined a vvillingnciis totrade other oflues lor McCandless' sup-port.

It will be furt I'er argued that Wilsonhas made kikIi a pour impression atWashington, that he is of no value tothn party in Hawaii, men should heattempt to n r cut it, Instead of theman who ioiih , him, and that thishas been senwu ,y utterances of off-icials at Washington to the effect thatboth federal nti.l territorial patronagein Hawaii will be refeired to tlio Demoi ratie flernor, when the litter islianud, although it is customary to per-mit the national lommittccman to havelauch to sav regarding appointments.

Attention will alo be called, it ismid, to the fact that Wilsou causedtint naming of two Republicans as post-masters in the Ihlands, and that lie hasto little influence in Washington, thatwhen the appointment of Corbott inpostmaster at lido was held up in thelenate. at the leipiet of Kuhio, Wilron w.i- - ,i , if i pull a single stringIn ntlt - lrieids of Curbctt

'. iiton who, it is said,i' i iiToal l,.- - the senate of

Corbet - i, ointment over tho tele-phone.

"The Epcclracn from Hawaii."Alio nave recently returned

from Washington sav that Wilson'sboast that ho i holding up tho ap-pointment ot roko is ridiculous, andthat around the postotliec department,and the department of justice the

allude to il,on as "tlio speci-men from Hawaii "

Although it is Mini that both Wilsonmill Mi( undless Know that tho Prcl-lou- t

bus iivt-.- t to consider McCand-less as a umbl.ite, tho Hawaiian pa-per owned hi Mil nndlcsfi, It is said,continues each week to uiiiiouneu to itsrenders thit M.i irM ,0 thelipxt (Juvernnr


fil.BAI'M'i n I'.nusvlvMiila, .lune 21."'Mm. ' ''I' i;rel do, wived thelift) of lu mi,M , eu, Qt url,, onuliwo Miuulv in ,, .r, WU(1 y, juttrvan um u m . trip to Jin rk,liwir brie, l,i ulluckiHi h ljjj mltlw

ni .w, ,.,, (0 iri,ID Iksf fr

mi. nun., i, ,,IUf 1 IMjtHI tinfr iie i.i i , ,t,VH, m, tm 'i

ium otr i u .iipimr IM. JMt.WII" jMrawi no lui . lot f mitga vICMW mi,. I I, . I., mtum fiooiOf 1 "'! ki, In bls u Jfi''"' ''! MVtvm 9 I

L m.i i i T'. ZU "'"ftiTsUit

!b mi., i. , , ,M, rlur



Chief Forester Submits Report of

, Work Already. Done in. Hin Division.

I'nst support and encouragement tothe division of forestry of the depart-ment of agriculture has encouraged thodivision 4to plarWo proceed vigorouslywith its work during thn next financialperiod, according to Chief 1'oresterliosmer' latest report tq the boardfiled yesterday.

Kpncinjj operations around govern-ment rekcrves will occupy much 'of thonext six months, ho says, adding:

"In addition to thus providing forbetter protection for tho native forest,it is tba intention of tho division offorestry to continue its regular workof growing ninl distributing trees fromils several nurseries and of giving in-

formation and advice on forest mat-

ters, along thu lines that It lias follow-

ed In tho past few years, The aim oftho division ilf forestry is to bo of di-

rect and practical use to the pcoploof the Territory. Tlio calls that 'aremade on this olliee prove that there isan active demand for such service."

The first resultjr'of the presence ofI.'titor.iologlst I'edcrlcl; llulr. of tho 11.

H. J'. A. in the Orient Is noted In tlioreport of tho territorial entomologist,J!. M. 13trhorn, a. number of aluublopani8llos having been received by theplanters' experiment station from itsrepresentative, 8omo of these have al-

ready been released.Jllany 'Parasites Dostroycd.

Mr, Khrhoru's report for tho monthis Interesting, saying in part:

"J'our largo baskets of sweet pota-toes from Hongkong were found in-

fested with tho sweet potato weeviland worn ordered destroyed. A smalllot of beans from Manila in thu mailwik found infested with the Chinesebran weevil ami was fumigated beforebeing relensed. Two orchids badly in-

fested with mealybugs mid the orchidscale were destroyed. Au ant's nestwith many young Inrvao and pupae wasfound in a bale of moss coming fromI'uglanil. Tho shipment, consisting uf(lireo largo bales, was fumigated forforty-eigh- t hours with earbuu Itisul--phld- o

and after the treatment wo foundthe ants dead.

"A small package of native limesfrom Australia was found in the mall.Thu fruits were infested by a few caterpillars feeding on the peel. Asthese were sent for experimental pur-poses lo( thu U. S. experiment stntion,ue saved tho seeds, put one fruit inalcohol for a sample and destroyed thepulp of the other fruits.

Beetles from Massachusetts."Ono of the Colosnma beetles was

sent to tin) division of entomology byDr. A. 1'. liurgess of tho Cypamoth I.aborutury, Melrose Highlands, Massa-chusetts. This is thn fourth sendingwe lune received and from this lotol tui'iitv-llv- beetles eight were libersited up Mano.i Valley, whero ono ofthe Hill! ,i, Millings wan placed, Thet'ldosoina beetles arc of great benefitus they feed mi cutworms nnd the lar-vae of many injurious insects, it isdoubtful whether or not tho beetleswill become established owing to thegreat ililVerence in climate.

"Two packages of parasitized nphidsrame to ('. II. Kweezy of tho II. 9.I'. A. experiment station from l'redMuir, also of the 11. S. I'. A. experi-ment station, and before these werepassed they were opened in my pres-ence. 1 understand that Mr. Sweeneyhas been able to liberate quite, a fewparasites, which if they become estab-lished will no doubt assist in Keepingin check some of the nphjds which in-

fest our vcgetnhlo and floweringplants." :.


Nine initials, representing hree 1m

posing degrees failed to convince, At-

torney General 'l'haycr jesterday inconsidering the sad case of Charles

the convicted llllo auditor, thatgout was any preventative to makingbig rocks into little ones.

Ho was much surprised to receivefrom High Sheriff Henry a copy of aletter from County I'hysiclaii C. I..Ktow, M.U.C.S., I..U., C.I'.W., of Ha-waii, who stated that Mnguiro has beenunder his care for several years forgout and that In bis opinion tho eonvieted auditor was 'not able to performhard labor.

"It will tabu more Hum that to getMngulro. a siueeiro In .iail," Mild theattorney general, yesterday. "Ho farus I know ho tins never luudii any t

or similar request himself. I donot think U.1t Doctor Slow can changethe court's ilcilnion vvhiili said hardlabor, nnd hard labor it will continueto be."


Nut a printed In dune, I fs(Ui, In I e

tto'i MmjMtfitf him rwirililil by llieVWtkl; of t.U), mA lulude thu tubIwwiyy: The TytttuM of Jip mm wul

aunt of uutJl ift U) lu I'lwi4wi. )jr, Uttiulti U (Mil yl JmuriuII he lieWlMlM, but wiiau kt luD IIIrender ' no iMIHnlllB "OjJ U" JvMil

p with Hli mo ralUt kfluuq, mini uft ' H"i ii'p., ! In liitW, t'pr

! iliuinwurli hm bl mm j melullc brrj-- illili .no! lil imiuuiii linnu-u- i



111! HOGS

Veterinarian Norgaard Files Re-po-rt

Dealinff With Qholera Epi-demi- c

and Eepomraends, ThatShipments From Tim Island, Be

Stopped) Saa pobjonous WeedsAre.Causo of Epidemic AmongHorses on Molokaj.

rurthcf freight embargoes betweenOahii mpl other islands will bo neces-

sary as one result of the nppcaran,coof hog cholera here, according to thureport of Terrltbrinl Veterinarian Nor-

gaard, just innde to the board of agri-

culture nnd 'forestry yesterday. Thovetcrintirinu has drawn up n rule, thepromulgation of which lip usks, whichwill prohibit the shippingiof hogs fromthis to other islands, until further or-

ders. In his report he says,i -"Special iuiiuiiies in regard to tho

prevalence of this disease on the otherIslands have been directeil, to the deputies of this ofllco but from the repliesreceived it would appear that tho pres-ent outbreak is confined to thu islandof Oaliu. Jt'is therefore recommendedthat a regulation be promulgated atonce prohibiting tho shipment of hogsiroiu uuliu to any or the inner islands,temporarily.

"As thu disease seems to have spreadover tho entile island of Oahu, even asfur us vminea ami Knliukii, it iloes notseem possible that anything can be nc- -

complihod by regulations prohibitingthe transfer, interchange or shipping ofhogs from ono port ot this island toanother. On the other hand it wouldbe advisable to cnll the attention ofthe board of health, and the board ofsupervisors to tho fact that hog cholerais previileut mid that tho respectiveboards tuko steps to protect thu publicagainst ho marketing and consumptionot pork Irom hogs vvbich have notpassed n rigid ante, us well as post-mortem inspection, such as is requiredby the federul bureau of animal indus-try.

"Suspicious" Fork Sold."Theso regulatiqus are plain and to

the point, without being onerous, andas it was intimated to' mo only yester-day that pork hud been olfered for saleut rtiliCMlously low prices it is sufo toconclude that such pork originated frompigs that had died from cholera. Thedisease is however not transmissible tohuman beings, nor to any of tlio otheriioniesticntcii iiuimuis, tor vvnicli reasonthe federal regulations permit tho mar-keting of hogs exposed to the infectionqud allow the consumption of the porkas long ns the animals have not de-

veloped tho disease to such nn advanced,degrees as ,to affect the wholcsomeuessof tho pork."

Epidemic Anions Horses.His report also deals extensively with

the epidemic of fcrebru-spiun- l ineniuge-li- s

that is thought to have luokeii outamong horses and mules in thu city.Ills report mentions thu appearance ofthu disease on Molokni, but indicatesthat thu local alarm wits misplaced midthat the symptoms uf thu disease wcrothu result of pols,ouous weeds, itegard-in- g

it ho says:"This highly fatal discako among

horses nod mnlcs has fortunately notspread io the extent that itiwas fearedmight result from the heavy rains fol-lowing a iiroloiiL'ed droneht. The out- -

.break at Kort Shaffer resulting in theileum oi tour mines may possii.ly ueascribed to some other cause, that is,poisoning vvltli a weed contained in thuhay (imported from California) whichwns being fed to theso nniuinls nt tliotime, of their death. Fortunately someof this hay was secured, nnd as willbe seen from the appended letter from-Mr- .

Hock, botanist nt the College ofUawaij, the hay contains not less thanleu per cent of tho poisonous weeds inquestion. What remains of the bale,about forty pounds, is being fed to nruuie in oruer jo ascertain Whether theweed in question could have been thodirect cause of tho death of theso fourmules.

"Oh the other hand Mr. Fitzgeraldreports nn extensive, outbreak of cere-brospinal menlngetis on tlio island ofMolokai with thirty or forty nniuinlsalfected with about ten denths. He alsoreports a number of scattered cases otthe same disease ou the island of Mnui.From Hawaii and Kauai no definite in-

formation nn been received so It Is tobo presumed that, for the present ntleast, the danger of a soyero outlirpalcseems to have passed,"



Mrs. Mary Foster, the principalstockholder of the llul of Ktihuiiu,

bofurr the lax nppial lourttn proleit the figiiriw of the

nflli'e us to ie vulup of herstock in tint hub

Mu. Vtrr oivu ninety two out ofthe 115 shares. The vuriuus ilpoldiulder nindu nlnni on their hublluii'i,timing h lot it I tutae nn tho flugQ nru

of luiU uiiil by tlm lull i uiuetliutillkn iWtHJ. Tlui uhmhV otfiroprumpUy mUivl hi. vnfiu to IISr

uu, WUlHlululiiw Ihul the iYiiw ue"n f"m twin. mi miimiiniii crl In Uu. up lfi Mfcyni.iwifll, Jltf--

tt( ii- - wr MM peti MUlflUilttl,Tto ImMiIuk nMriy 7Uln! utily

i i viiii ine,e.siini,l uf the vi rilii I tlw,'I Kill UUI lull. i, U,


J I i


' MARINE TIDINGS.I ByMercliaiit3' Exchange.

' Tuesday, July 1, 1113.San Francisco Arrived, June n, 11

p. in., 8. S. llonolulan, hence June 23.Yokohama Arrived, Juno 30, H. H.

Sibf-rin- , hence June 18.Smi Francisco Arrived, Julv l 0 a.

m,, S. 8. Ki'ilerprisa, from Hilo, June21. ' .

San Franf iscn Arrived, July i 8 a.ui., 8. SNilcy licnco Juno 2 1.

San Francisco Sailed, July 1, 1:40p. ui, 8. S. 'Chlvo Mum, for Houoliilli.

Seattle--Siile- d. July 1. S. S. Mis- -

solirinn, for Honolulu.J Wednesday, July 2, 11)13.

Ban Sailcdj Julv 1, 4:30 p.m.. 8. S. Ventura, for Honolulu.- -

Smi Francisco Sailed, July 'J, 12:30p. m., S. H. Wilholmllia, for, Honplulii.

I'uget 'Sound Sailed, July 1, sclir,Mnbol Onlc. for Honolulu,

Thursday, July 3, 1!)13.Yuhuhnma Sailed, .Inly 3, 8. S. Tenyo

--Maru for Honolulu. ,


Tuesday, July 1, 11)13.Str. Kilatica', froitj HiIo; via way

Jiorts, fi:2i a. m.II. N, .8. S. liiirJino, Wecdon, frqm

Suit Francisco, 7:30 n. m..Str. '.Maui, froui'Kuual ports, 7;45 a.

nv .

r' Wednesday, July 2, 1)13.Str. y'. (. llallirpiu Knual jiorts,

0:30 a. m. .' ,F, M. S. S. Jilnnclturia,, from San

Frmifisco, 7:13 a. in.Str,', Wailele, froqi Hawaii ports', 8

a. ip,btr. Aiihau, from Kauai ports,, 10 a. in.Schr. Aierl, from I'uget Souiql, 10 a.m.I'. M. A S. 'Mongolia, ISice, from

"okuhumuy Jl p. pi.Thuntday, vjiily 3.

K- B.- - Simla Ilitn, from Fort Harford,11:30 a. m.

S. S. Wm. F. Herrin, from Fort Sanl.nis, 10 a. m.

Str. Claudiue, from Maui ports, a. in., .DEPARTED.

Str. Claudiiic, "for Maui ports, 5 p.m.Str. Noeau, for Kifuni ports, 5 p. in,Str. Mnunu I.oa, for Kona and Kau

ports', 12 noon.A.-I- S. S. Alaskan, for Fort Alien,

Kahului, Hilo mid SuHuu Cruz, p. m.Str. Mokulil, for Oahu ports, 7 a. m.Schr. Ida May, for Oahu ports, U.JU

a. m.Str. Kilauea, for Hilo, via way ports,

10 a. m.(lor. S. S. iiamscs, Vivrth, for Afrien,

CI lie, I! p. in.Yacht Hawaii, for Kahului, 3:30 p.

in.M. N. S. S. Lurlino, for Kahului, C p

in,F. M. S. S. Mongolia, for San Fran-

cisco, 11 a. m.F. M. S. S. Manchuria, for Yoko-

hama and Manila, 12 noon.Str. J. A. Cummins, for O.ihu purts,

11 a. m.Str. Kneua, for Oahu ports, 11a. m.T. K. K. S. S. Anyo Maru, for Hilo,

1 p. in.Str Maul, for Hawaii ports, 12:30

p. inf11k. Androw Welch, for Sau Fran-

cisco, 2 p. m.Am. Schr. I.uka, Cooper, for F.ilmyrn

Island and cruise, 3:30 p. in.Str. W. a. Hall, for Kauai ports, fi

I. in.Str. Claudiuc, for Kahului, 5 p. in.Str. Wailele, for Hawaii ports, p. m.Str. Manna Kea, for Kahului, 10 p.m.


For str, Kilailea from iIilo nnd wayports, July 1. I', lleuve, W- - C. Kretz,A. T. Ituehauun. It. I). I'nrl:. Miss (I.Itickanl, A. Morrison and wife, More.uenii, .las. Henderson, Mrs, K. IT.Hughes, Miss Smith, Miss H. Keelen,Miss C. Flick, Mjss . Hluke, Miss A.Jv'upier, Ilev. J. A. full and wife, --MissN. Xatikaua, Miss Hickcox, W. K.Hergchlch. Miss Shlrrev. Miss House.W. 11. Ilnrrlnger, wife and child, Misdiuuuer, .viaunmu Jimuert, r. r..I'eake, Dr. A. II. Clarke, Dr. 13. I..Uutchiuson, Miss U Hal, .1. O. Favao,Jno, Mattos, ('. NoMitto, It. I.. Ogllvio,Mpck Chew, S. Sato, T. Toynma, A. K.Cathcart, wifo mid child, 1). Jones, MissA. Mcf'ord. Mfss Word. Wm. Kuluht.Miss Caldwell, Mrs. I', fl. WMte, h. ouleiqpsity, 11, K. L'lillllngwuTtli, .Ijio,O'ltonrke, A. N. Taklinoto, J. K. Wil-son, wife am child, V. C. Schoubergand wife, W. F. i, A. Feruaiidez. II.(Jul n ii, A. lleiinnini, wifn nnd child,Miss I,, Heist.

IVr M. X. 8. 8. Lurline. from RanFrunclseo, July 1. Mln Ida Ahlgrcu,lieu Ami rose, F. O. Atheiloii. Mrs.J. II. Alherton, Miss II. K. llleg.rl.Miss Mabel Iloslior, H. I). ( hurch, MissAlice lool.e, C, M, Cooke, F. M. Correa, Dr. (.eland Fiusler, MUs AliceHreen, F. II llellaisli. Mr. and Mrs..1. A Hogg, N, II. Kennian, lleiberlT. Oil urn Mr uml Mrs, II. l, 111 veilliiiruh iii .hlbl, Mrs II. Skiing, A.Wul.h, Mi. I,. J. WmhihiIIi, Mix M.Wnrmulli, i , n. Wlill.

Ifer I'. M ti, H, Maurbiiilu, from Sanl'liiurl..'u, ,uy I, Fur lluiiululu, Mrs,8. Apiislmuu, Uii AMlmoli Mix A. IIUiuipill, Wikfi, lltpilleir, II Iw (i lliuilm Mrs J.V. UUhA, lui. H, tr

lor, ltnyli)lt II. I'utlur, ills lU,)f,tI'mli-r- , Mlw Hli u belli imirr. Mi.IUIIiiihi liritiull, V J I uiislmiiin.lii--r

TII r. M. lyrguson, .1. .. Hcuiiiig. Johu(Jalt, Carter Halt, J.-


U. OarucSu, Mrs.1.. S. (luvst, O. 11. Hansen, Okas. V.Ilanllug, Jlrs. Cliti. F. Hariling, Mrs.I.ou llarrttcr, John Heath, Mrs. JohnHeath, Allen Herbert, Jew Jung Quong,Miss U II. Johnston, Miss A. M. John-ston, M. Jongcueel, Frlucess A. Kawa-nnnnko-

.Mrs. Francis A. Kajip, Mrs.Carrie F. Kennedy. Miss H. .M. Lamb,John I.eupox, A. K. Larimer, J. M.Lewis, Mrs. J. M. Lewis, Mrs. F.mtnctJlay and infant, .las. McClcllan, Mrs.IMa Meflulre, (Jco. II. .Mead, Mrs. flco.II. Mead, J. J. Nelis, K. II. Faxton, Mrs.L. E. Faxton, Miss M. Femberton, M.U Follock, Samuel Hees, Mrs. SamuelFees, Miss L. K. Rees, C. M. Ilcmey,Kenter, Mrs. W. Heuter, Miss K. A. Hob-Inso-

Jliss K. liobinsou. Mrs. S. ltoth.Dr. F. M. Itnmbold, J. C. Senrle, Mrs..i. v. nenrie, jirs. ,i. u. rjeils, Master .1,K. Sells, John I). Slblev. Mrs. John I)Siiriey', W. O. Smith, M. II. Slosson, Dr.T. V. Terfcll, Mrs. Harriett Thomas,Frederick Tower. Mrs. A.V. Tower.w, t - ., .....f ... ,. ... '.mss jajuiso v Hunger, .miss k. i;. Wagner, Miss Mablo F. Walsh, Miss JMltiiHn7cl Waterhouse. K. M. Watson, Mrs.F. M. Watson, (i Mrs. O. H.Wells, X. E. Wliiftemo're, Miss H. W1I- -

.In. AC. Vt'.. TIM, ... r.y"i-- ,

...i--- . huiicii iiiinuu, ..iiss v. luraWilson, Miss Florence Wilson, Miss O.Wilson, .Miss W. Wilsou, Miss SybilWinter, Miss Mean Winter, Mrs. K.Crowley, Sirs. F. M. Itumbold, FrederickMcCormiek, Mrs. 8. 11. Fhllllps,

Wltkowlcz, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.Dickhoff. U. (!. (llllis, Miss AdelaidoOlllis, Misi Dorothy (llllis. For Yoko-hama: Andrcy Ilutkoff, L. J. Orirnme- -

sey, MrS. Thos. Hurley, Thomns Hurley,Jtoliert Mcllreer. Kpr Kobe: Jlrs. B. II.Lnckett, Miss M. K. Jlorgan, T. F. Szc.For Nagasaki: II. A. Haldwin, It. S.Chapman, Hon. Chang Yin Tang, Mrs.Chang Yin Tung, Miss Lily Chang, JlissAlice Chang, Henry K. Chang, Jlrs.Henry K. Chang, two Infants and maid,U. M. Chung, fupt. F. W. Davison,Mrs. yi W. Davison, V. F. Shen, C.Frank' Szc. For Manila: Miss 0. 0.Heiiedict, II. C. Drill, Jlrsf 11. C. Drill,H. J. Hurch, a. H. Canagft, A. II. t,

Dr. C. Cross, Jlrs. C. Cross. Jf. K.Tibberf, J. MeG. Ti Harry h. FisherOuillcrmo II. Efancisco, H. . Oarilincr,l.'. i'. Ullclitl3t, Ucqj W. Ml,Hale, Geo..l(clse, l'. Ij. J,U9Hpani;LjiL,Lepetlt, lyanl Lowell, 'W. ICMctfrecliln,Mr. W. iB, iIcQaePliinj.iiandfant, Master Jantcsi Jlctlaccliin, h,A.1L Mitchell. "NY. B,,0BrIeu, U.M. Bog-Rrs- ,'

i ,6tcclt,i tllaph&el C.

uiiouins. Airs, napnaiil A 'i nonins l.inuinfant. II. M. Wardi IT. II. Weliner. Tt.S. Wilkinson; L Villlanis, I.,n, V. WrUlifKion.auil twtivdatightorh.For llougkopgi Hi .lJiieoji audi sen'ant,J(rs. It. Itacqn, Miss il. natoi4ilaneisM iiifttni aiff. t. Jjuscvi,iisa ll. liassett, Wm. Hi Ucitttic,.M"M. Wu H. Batfie, Dr. M. ;. Hrapdpu;ilrsaiJJBragdun. .Mcrritt C. iirazdaur JriiSUasiEiiz.ubctli Hragdop, MjiI Fiauet Drimdou,

V'i IV Cliung. Mias ,li arepoe", AV.1U.llunnibal,, Mrs. V, Aj UannibU, tAi.iA.llpbbardi G.,Martiui,4. 0.May, HaroldA. ,Mitehell,'3Ira." Harold jAi Jlilchell,Itp'vv loVt. l;hair, (Mrs. iKobl.iEtmir.oK.li. Uierce, O. li'Righiar;tD.r,.J. M. Scan- -

laud, lMMr.1,1 11, Kcanluuil; fllim ,D.Seanland, Jliss B. A. Scanlaud, MissJI. Scanlaud. Y. F. Tan. From Honolulu for Orient; Jliss Murio 0. Church,I. Jl. .Mrs. .1. Jt. Hvans, Jlissncssie it. Hart, .Miss Ado, Jlar),Jlfss Martha McCl;esfty. 1 llWWie,XJr. F-- . ifi'WlutCj.Oeo. 0. .Whitc,,Oro.F. WUitnoy, Mrs.' Cfara J. .Whitny,Miss Orade-C-. Whitney, Jliss" iMaraaretWymdnd.i

Fer V, JI. 8. SJMongolldfroili Oridutliprts, aliily 2. Hongkong to Honolulu:Mrs. Lcong Sheet Sliapgliai )to JIouo- -

iitiii; jixs. a. its .iijvu.siiii, iaj niqiips,.Mrs. it; ai, i.'iiiiuipa. ..ugh ta Jlouolu-in- :

ItuV, S. L. Oulick, Mrs. S. Lt tlhUckJliss . (lulick. Shinier. S. So iflulick.

okuhalua to llatiqhditi L. A, Bepjiian,Miss i.. t:re.veluig,- i;miluln iKltterbkrumlik vop CorureuHi, Jklrn. uSniiljmiUittcr Si;rumilj v"' Cornr elitb, J(iM .raimilla, Jliss Ii D H.JIart-iiianu- ,

(1. II.' Hodge, D. Ilonig, Mrs. 11.

Ilonig Jliss A. Ilnnlg. Dt, W. Hood,Jlrsj 0.. U. Howe, Jl. Kurtr, ,D. F.Youug, Mrs.-Youn- Mrs. DKifftz, (it J.Jtagcr, Mrs. 0,-J- . Jfuger. J3. XJcRie,Jlrs. Ji. Meglo, Mrs. JI. Jlulin, Otov. O.If. .V. Phillips, 11. Uyatr, Mrik B. Byan,1. Jl. Tuljofh, Mrs,, jr. Mi Tullqcli, Dr.S, W. ViqJl0)ise.. Miss AI. B' Wopd-hotis-

Through from Hongkong: Jlrs.D. A. Core, Jlrs. II. H. Olnssell, C. K.Hert, Jlrs. V. I. Kruttschnitt, Jlrs. F.W. JfcCliutock, JIaster P. JlcClintock,Miss It. JlcClintock, JIuu Look Kli, Dr.(1. Ilichter. From Sianghai: Miss A. fl.Hroadlirad, J. A'. Dawes, Jtrs. J. V.Dawes, JIjss JI. Dawes, W. A. Ksles,Master JI. F.stos, Mrs. 0. 11. Forston, J.

S Clallnghcr, Jlrs. J. W. Gallagher, JlrsI. l (larrett. Jliss JI. (larrett, JIasterD. fiurrett, W. H. (lleysteon, Jlrs. W.tl. (lleysteen, 3Jiss A. uleysteen, Mas-ter T. 0. (lleysteen, Mrs. F. J. nail nndservant, JJuster V. Hall, Miss X. Hall,Miss (1. Illrselaiul, 0. H. Jtcryin, Jlrs,.P. F. Jlervip, M'ss R. Prvln,' i:. W.Fayne, W. F. Fatten, Dr. 1,1. T. ShipMs,Mrs. It. T. Shields, Jliss K. T. Shields,Muster K. T. Shields, J. K. Wilkinson,Jliss M. Wilkinson, R. U.Woods, Jlrs.D.W. Wurtsbnugb, Jliss K. Witrtsbaugli,Chw.qug Yen, Chang Yun, Lew l!auLien, Tse. I. Lin. From Kobe: S.

'From Yokohama: E. V.Alexander, Jlrs. E. F. Alexander. JlissA. Alexander. JI. II. D'arrett, V. ' K.Hlrlion. Mrs. F. K. Dlshon. Ol W. Bo'wonF. Colfee, Jlrs. F. Duywalt, Miss E.lKHywmt, .i. t'evolder, ilisl JI. U. Ely,Jliss JI, Fyrc, Mrs. A. A. Henderson,Miss 11. S. Henderson, 0. Hirch, Mrs.II. X. Hoburt, .Mrs. H. L. Hunt, Jlrs. II.8. Husted, Jlrs. W. L. Jones, Miss II.Joues, Jliss I. C, Jordan, Jilts A. L.Jorduii, Jliss L. Jqrilnu, W. IT. Kegley,J. II. 1.1ml, J. F. Jleuring, "Mrs. J. F.Meiirlng, F. Yon Muller, V. A.Testongl,F, llowntree, A, T. Kyduej'-&'mltl- Cup-tai-

li. Fercy-Suiifli- , L. dp Terschnoren,O. Thompson, Mrs, O. Thompson, Mrs.C. W. Thompson, (1. ToJd, Ilev. ir, Top-liin-

mid servant, Mrs, II, Topping,Miss JI. F.. NTcd, tl, U. Wilsou, l vonZeischwltr, Fritz Zmpol,

I'er itr, W. (1. Hull, from Kauaiports, July 2- -V. Chig, A. Akalo, .1.Iiirgensuii I'. II Morse, MUs A. K.Fung, I.. Hidtier, A, L. H, IUIku,.M. C.llughiii, Mis A. rhiiioiii, Mrs. (I. J. II.t'Duny nui rhlbl. Jliss .lordsu, Mrs.(Iiilue, J. V. Tl.oiuou. Mfss ).

lilies, ,1. Wulsoii, h. Hflillllnjf, Jc. .larviu.

D)irtr)I'tt sir. Klni, fnr Kuuti potli, July

I- .- Ml M. Flirfstliiii. MIm II, Hohluii.ielfeiiPlnu, MUs II hl.uw, Ml H, 0.iiiuj'oi). Mil M AimtlfHUif, MIm A,

Olcson, Mlis Kithcr Kolwl, Mlu CeciliaKnpulc. ,

J'or str. Matina I,oa, for Kona and Kr.uports, July 1. Mrs. K. K. 0. Wallace,Mls K. Wallace, JIasters K. and it.Wallace, Mjes JI. drte, Miss D. Orote,Mlis A. drote, Miss U. Pillar, .Miss F.Pillar, Alex. Frltsche, Jliss E. Ting,Jliss A. Ting, Jliss Esther Kopkc, JlissAV. Sifffery, CluiWci T. Oiborne, .Mrs.J. W. Lloyd. Miss 11. Lloyd, JIniter A.Lloyd, Lee Zon, Leo Siii Ylng.

Per str. Kilaupa, for Hawaii andway ports, July 2, H. William andwife, A. JI. Hrown, J. H. Walker. MissII. Weight, Jliss 8. Frcelaiid, Jliss J.C'hoy, Jliss F, Davison, William Knight,S. Kalauia, A. Kalama, II. Hnrado, A.JI. Takamoto, King Chong, E. Mnrpliy,Jl. 11. Feriria and wifo, A. Hnyseldeu,Jlrs. 13. P. Ixiw and son, Jlrs. E. H.f.'ooper, Jliss Cooper, Jliss X. Martin,MUs II. C Hitchcock and maid, JlissE. Warren, Jliss E. Borden, Jliss O.Knmanc, Jliss, A. Lidgate, Miss Iincke,Miss A. Shennen, Jliss L. Anderson,Jliss C. Ahrens, Jlrs. OW. A. Ilapni,It. Wilson, E. Ooiseckt', JIaster Beers,Miss 1 Apoi, 0. K. TaQkabury, C.JIarks, Jliss 'L. Pias, 'JI(ss H. Oliver,Jlrs. Cains, Hiss II. Pnnlnij C. W. Ker-to-

E (1. Jlorford, Irs.'A. Swnrstoh,It. W. Breckons, H. Hobinson, lt. B.Park, J. 0. Poole, IT. 0. Jloby, G. II.Vicars, JIbrioka Tarckia, Jlrs. J. Self,P. lleeve, A. T. Hcchana, Jlrs. A.Xcece, Jlrs. S. Kimura, A. (lartlev.

Per str. Claiidino, for Kalmlui,'-.Tul-3. Miss W, Apo, F. Stnnge, J. J. Ilritt,Jliss I. G. JIcDonald, Jliss 8. Apo, Hob.ert Heen, E. Sanderson, Jlrs F. Kau-new-

Jliss li. Iticliard, Jliss E. Spen-cer, Jlrs. Take, Jliss A. Hripkins, .Mrs.C. Keawenmoku, Miss Aldrich, JlissWilliamson, Miss Z. Breckenridge, JlissW. Post, Mrs. A. H. Square, Miss

Miss E. liarnhard, Jliss S. A.Keo, Jlrs. George Milton, Jos. V.

and wife, J. C. Quinn, JlissFern, Jliss K. Larson, Jliss I. Hoyd,Jlrs. J. J. Sullivan, Dr. G. 1'. Bussolland wifo, Jliss Crlckoard, !Miss JT. K(-ol-

Mrs. E. C. I'nrker, Jliss C. Hutts,Jliss J. Gall, I'. B. llotsuga, Mrs. R.Taylor, JJiss W. Kin!, Ml'I. Klni, I).Crozier, W. Wheford, liss 8. Wheford,II. a Decker, J. Tnvares, I. W. Swunzy,G. T. Judd, Jliss W. Chalmers, I. Bosen-helm- ,

Wm. Jfadoiros, wife and two chil-dren; Jliss 8. C. Sauza, Thomas

S. Komoku, J. K. Knpoi, Jlrs.Kapikn, JIary Kapika, Jlrs, S. Sake,Jliss E. Kama!.

Per I'. JI. S. S. Jlongolla, for SanFrancisco, July 3. Johu J. Tilllughast,MlDs Kmily Tilliughast, Jliss Anna

Jliss Zudcr TiUliiRlisist, Capt.and Jlrs. JleLnchlau, W. Bretnmcr umlwife, W. Duise'nberg, John Waterhouse,nnd wife, Jlrs. Knox, 1). Elmcndorf, F.White, Jlrs. I'rancisco A. Ward, JlissCorpelia Ward, W. C. Walker, J. h.Young, X. X. Concunnon, J, linger,Misses JIary and Charlotte Ayer, J.Iiogic, wife and four childreu, Geo. litis-tar-

Dr. Victor X. Clark, Judge, W. L.Whitney, J. Mnrcalliho, F. R. Landslior-oug-

and wife, J. JI. Laudsborogh, E. J.Erb and wife, W, Jl. Cooper, J. A. Ar-nold, Dr. A. B. Wood, JHss Etta Lee,Jlrs. JIary F. Jlooro, .Mrs. C. L. Hodgo,Jliss JIattio Jordan, Jliss Cvuthin

Jliss E. I.ogun,M(?s Ella Bath, EdwanJ Kitto, Jlis,sJ. Tanof, H- - E. Slaughter and wife,Jtrs. P. J. Pnniel.s, Jliss G. Neustndt,Dr. John Cull ah.l vv'i'fe, Miss E. H.Strickland, Jlrs. M. Paton, Jfs. F. L.Huntex, A. a Klehlcr, wife nnd infndt,Pen. ,y. Hartzel an tvifc, .Miss E. 11.Nichols, Dr. Tl F. Butzow and wifo,Miss tlcrfrudo- - Wfbijter, Jliss A. Ward,Sidney Higgins, Jlrs. Helen Higgins, (!.E. Jackson and wl'fe, Jlrs. N. 8. Jaclt-son- ,

Ed(iar Jncksbn, .Jliss 1. Clibsrti,Jliss K. Kurlandzilt, Jlrs. A. W Jlillor,Mrs. H. Elfkhoff,, Master and MissEicklfofT,,- Ar T. Biichniiau, Hen. Jncobs,Mllss Janet Gaillt, Jliss; Emilia Klock,IT. 0. ilohr, J. Rosenstein, ArchieWong-JVal- , Miss- - Frances Reed, J. C.WesphnU Miss Elizabeth louse, JlissA., Ai MrCord.iW. H. Barringcr, 11. A.I'ettee,, T. D-- lolini, Geo. Adams andWife, Miss vEtqel Shirloy, Jlisa Flora B.

lofc-he- 0. A. Lloyd.Per F. Jl. 8. S. Maucbnrfa, for Yoko-

hama and Orient- - jiorts, July 3. J. li.Suowdep aud wife, V; Hale, F. II.Whitp and wife, Qep. C. White. V. A.Higinjiotliapi, Geor'gpX. Curtis, Jlrs.K Builerv Jliss Hutlpr, Jlrs.,B. K. Hart,jut, hv.-ij-

. 'Jiarr, ,ai. wytnonil. AlarthaJI. 'McCliesney, M. C. Church.

Per Am. bark Andrew Welch, forSan Francisco, July 3. A. Usher. Jlrs.Smith. Jliss Patterson, K. T. Kent,Jlrs,. Kent, Jliss E. Hpuse.

That tourists have been overchargedfor tho use of canoes at tho beach, Is

denied by Dude Miller, ovyucr of tbcanoes. At a meeting of the promotioncommittee yesterday, ActlnR SecretaryJordan presented a complaint to tliiseffect y'hjcli had Wen registered at hisJoffice by n movlng-luctur- man.

Dndo Jliller says that tho movingpicture man in question came to himand wanted tq rent n ennoo and betakun out in tho surf iu order to makepictures. Dude Jliller says ho toldthe inovliiu-pictur- e man that it wasrisky, aud that the latter said ho wouldassume the risk. Jliller says that iuorder to accommodate tho liinn and hisapparatus, he fmd to fake out ills largocsuoo, which reijulrcd more rowurs, andthat hil asked I0 for the service. Thetourist, lie sntd refused to pay thisumoiiut, uud oircred Mm fi, which Mil-ler My lie refused to take.

"It re(ilr m larite fmiou uml p",r"wen tu tuko out uioUux-iiltturt- i iipparii-tps,-

said Miller, "iinil.isinn-iiuiinH-lu Imve tn vluifiia more. A fa; usthul uue, Iliw I'linoe, are a thu bescllfor the purpose uf luiiiiii; nut IUIiIukPHrllim and surf riders, uml, nut Iosccuiiiliiodiilu moling. plcjme urljsUwlm iibje In puyluj fur llib erlcgiven (hem,"

f iml, luiavlshl, who mine hero frum Vu

kpliuiM u cstubilsh itf new ,liitiurrImnk, Mill liHWi fur Jmmii 11 ml tlisuday uu His l hlu iu.' fie Ins liyenmln bail, u ,lupu.iy I he biud nU

llh wblrb h i iiiivv ksoiillfi HeMil b nr,'iiiiuuii;d by Mil luimilihi





Honolulu, Thursday. Inly 3, 1H13.


.MttcinlllcC Uicwrrd Co.. tt.200.ax 1100 3)3

SmUkIGK 17

iinA Aiilcufiuui "!!'s.wn,om2.0AU' 1U0 ,

Iliw. Com. ii bat, Co. I0,(inn,uo3 iSl 2SSHaw. but. Co., iuju,fti 24Sllononiu . IW.UH n iwIloiokia 2.011 uu. :sIlilku ,. l.M.M, ' 'Ilutchin wn Surar Plan-


Co 2.MU.O0O II IJKahuku .,...,.,.., ... i.oua.uco a ...Kekaba Sucar CO .,..'. 800.001 ta tooKolnl boaoooMcBrrde Sur. Co. Ltd. 3,500,000 'JK 3Oihu Sucar Co .uuo,urx ny, uuOnotnta i.oon.ooo 20 .....Olaa Sugar Co. Ltd.. i.ccu,uoo 20Paauha" but. Plan. Co. ooawc 13 .....I'aolic nn ... wI'aia iw .. .. UuPcpcckco ...i 7M.00O 10C iuii .

Pioneer .IU.U0U v IM 19

Waialua Act. Co 4.suautt n ra 70Wailuku Sucar Co..... 3,nu0.ouo 100 IMI 125Wamianalo Z3AUJV 100 141 ...Walmca Sucar Alill . . . . io.ui I'.b


Co. 2,250,000 150 115Haw. kleclnc Co 7bu.W .. 210H R. T. & U Co. ttd.. I.207.60DII. rtT.SL, Co. Com.MutaalTcl-C- 3sbt666O. It. SUCo 5,UU0.1.0v Il8s,.tl5HitoR. R. Co. Pfil lM.S-S- jHilo K. K. Co. Con 2.8OO.UO0 "isHonoltitu Urcwlne &

AlaltmeCo Lid 500.000 22Haw. Irr. Co. Ltd l,2b0.0UUHaw. Pineapple Co ..,, S0U.U0U

(Ilak Ruti. Co 300.000Pihang Rub. Co ' 3i,qou 17

Hon. Oaj Co. PIJll&n. (las Cn. Com....Haiku I'fip Co.. ...... 2yo,H

IIOMIS Ami. Outsundtnc

llaw.Tcr. 4 n c (FIrtv.iairnsj...., II0.UX

Haw. Tir. 4 p c (Re-funding 1U05I C0O.0OC

llaw.Tcr. 4 n c Pub lm l.M.OU0Haw. Ter. 4 p c i,ixxi.au,Haw. Ter. 4! p c i.oouux,Haw. Tcr. 3Hpc IJMJJJJCaL Beet SucS Relin-lu- c

Co. 6s aanftHon. (las Co.. Ltd Si., 3UI.OO0Haw, Com. Sucar Co.

lliloR.'RVfo"(l'i"i'ui' i.24o.ay,

iiAiir i .ooo.ooc 77H'....Hilo R. R. Co. Rcf. I

1.673.00) .io3i ";;..... 100..... 100'' uxi"io ; io3


'..'.', '76"

iro... . I00X

llonokia Sue CoVVpc 6O0.UH0

iiuii. n. I . a l. .o. ope C2l),0u0Kausi R Co. 6s 500.000Kohala Ditch Ccfis.... &J0.0UINatoniai Con. 6s iLboarnoMcUrjdc Sucar Co., 5 2,ij,n)O. R.sLCo.5pc..., 2,000.000


Oahu Sugar Co. 5 p cOlaa Succr Co. Ope, 2.100.001;Pacific Sncar Mill Co

Mo.oaPhn'eefMliiCn.'h'pc!.Waialua Aer. Co. b pc. ais,McHawaiian Irr Co it... suieu'HiwVih Oilrli Co ('.. ?on.nnp

Between Boards.10 Haw. (!. S, S. Co., 2.1.23; 21 Oahu

Sujj. Co., 12.2J; 100 JIut. TUCo., 20.00.Sugar Quotations.

SS Dejr. Analysis Heels, Os 3Hd: iar,ity, 3.U2; U(i Beg. CentiifitRals," 3.48.

Notices.tBy vote of the directors of Pahani;

Itubber Cnmnany, dividends arotill further notice.

Hy vote of tho directors tbq divi-ilen-

of Haw. A1. Co. is reduced from$1.M0 per jnonth to 75c per mbuth,

July ,2p, ,10)3.

Vacation Notice.No sessions of tho Exchange will be

held July inclusive. Vacation.

HUES USLondon Selling Aniciicans piT and

New York Follows Triple,Holiday Depressing.

(Hy Federal Wireless Telegraph.)NEW YORK, July 3. (8pccial to

'flip Advertiser) Stock piarkut oper-

ations during the morning were govpru.ed largely by the course of a Hairsabrpad. The outbreak of serious hos-

tilities iu the Ilalkiins depressed theforeign markets uud American stockssol,) olf iu London.

Triidun, h,ere took their cuo fromEuropeans, who put out small lines ofJtock ut every opportunity.

Approach of the triple holiday re-

stricted trading to nominal .proportionsami after tho slight inovcuicnt of thefirst hour the market remained on alead level. Houds vvcio steady.

Canadian Pacific showed great weak-ness nfter midday but tho remainder oftho list was steadier. The higher con-dition ruvealed iu the government'smonthly report on cotton infused a lit-tl- o

morn strength into the Southernand Southwestern stocks, after thoshowing had produced lower prices forcotton futures.

NEW YORK SUGAR.(Hy Federal Wireless Telegraph.)

Ni:V VOIIIv lull- M Kn..lol InTho Ailvertisei) Haw sugar, firm; inns- -

coviuio, .Mine; ceiitriiugai, a.43c; mo-lasses, 2.73c) refined, firm.

CABLED SUGAR QUOTATIONSSugar quotations received yesterday

by the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association Horn tne iniiioruiu nnd Hawa-iian SiiL'ar Iteflulnir Ciimnuuv aro; llilden. test iciitrifuguU 0!i.3lli hSunulysis beets, 3'yd, 78.S",

BOltN.MIWIIIIY- - In this citv, July 2, llil.t,

tu .Mr. and Jlrs, F, 1), l.unrey ufCollege Hills, 11 top,



rrMiioisio, June 3, Jlrs. ( vlia lluorellusklna. of Hjii I'ruurlsio, Io JosephII. LiiihlfoiJi, i,f lluiiululu.

UKhlMiTiiN-- U 111 Fraunrro ,li up111, IUII, Mr.. l,i)Ulq ll.diuulnu. In--

ius-- 1 niiMimr 111 irs I. nn ,Miui ufHni'olulii u unlive uf Ivniilurky, Mi

Page 3: jlB JltiM HfjflH - University of HawaiiThat Right to Resume Hostilities Is Reserved in Event of the Present Balkan Conflict Extend-ing Into Macedonia. WAR DECLARED BY SERVIA King Peter

" " - v v'i WVrTO'W'''' t- ii,. .'V. " '""" .. v


. 113. -S- EMI WEEKLY.




lirand Army Men Resent Slur- Against Lincoln's Name and a.'(. Brawl Results Seven Menf Dead and a Number or Others

Arc Seriously Injured in thsy Fight.

iTeterans Honor Civil War Heroesiii and tho Memory of Thoie WhoJl Fell in the Three Days' BattleJ1 Is Eulogized by Orators of tho

North and South GettysburgAddress Repeated.


'OETTYSBUKO, Pennsylvania,1 July 2. (Special to Tho Adverri

tlssr) Seven men are dead Jo- -

nijlit in tho dittlitg-roo- of thoGettysburg Hotel, as tho result ofa nrjht Tililch started whan several

- men aroused the anger of a Grandx, Arm? Veteran by abusing Lincoln.

"V Scvcial others aro in a serious Vt, condition at tl.o state hospital.



OKTrVKIll'IiG, I'ciinsvlvnnla, Julyto Tho Advertiser) v

'Heavy Talulitiea among the thousandsilf vetenms gathered hero to comment-oriit-

tlio battle of Gettysburg arotoil, linn's! the hent, which is mah-in- s

their tent .shelters Veritable oveni,nuulcintes. within n few hours.

The hospitals already are overworkedraring for thofe who succumb.

Ouvprnor fox uf Ohio, learning thatmany veterans' from his State lmo not

'bocn provided ' with accommodations,.today personally runted a field near thobnttlo.sci'no, and elected many tents for1 bo o'nvcn!enco of those who Uavo beenllOHSfclCMi. .

r Military Day.' Today wi)s military flay in tho re-

union mid 'herons' Uf Hho Civil Warwere especially honored.

la,j.-(!e- John it. lirookc, oeulogized tho Union ilead, and

.nigl". lolini Scrnborough, of SouthCarolina, spo'kd tlio praises of tho fai-led who 'worn tlio gray.

j J lli.irry llulMcy, as a part of tliospoke Lincoln's (Jottysburg ad-


'.Supervisors Vote to Spend $15,625

in Equipment Figure toSavo Money,


Determined to add to tlio automobileeiiiipment of tlio city anil county, thoboard of supervisors yesterday author-ized by resolution, tlio purchaso of two

' automobiles and two five-to- auto'trucks, thp latter for ubo by the road'department.

Major l'crn and tlio supervisors willbo provided with a 11)13 Cadillac tour-ing cur, for which thu von Ilumm-Youn- g

Cumpany Is. to reccivo $2223.The car now in uso ly tho major andsupervisors v ill bo held fortl.o various depaitmonts of tlio city.

Chief of Detectives McDullio and hismen will he equipped with .1 big new

, Ciialmcrs ear. The present ninchino istoo rmall for them, it is stated. Itwjll i'o repaired ami allotted to Sheriff!

vlarrctt, and his" car will bo receivedin trano lor tho manners, at iuu.Tun sum of 200 will bo exnended'lninquiring tho Chalmers and in renew--

, ii)g thu motor equipment of tho policedepartment.

Two Jive-to- Packard truths capabloof luiuling live-to- trailers will bb d

for iho uso of tho road depart-ment at a coat of $1 1,200. At tho pres-ent tiino the road department is rent-ing twenty seven, mules, one-thir- thouu.iiber of total livestock used, nt acost of $12." a month, wliilo tlio enromid feed of tho niiimuls niako tho.aggregate over $1200. Jt is estimatedthat tho trucks can Lc operated for ntotal of $!)0 a month, including sirper cent uu the investment, ho that

. tho road comiiiilteo felt that tho suv-ji.- g

in tlio futuro would justify thoI rcMiit expenditure.

Hug mid baggage, flnvcriior l'rearUml lu olliro yistorday for tho solaroof t lif mid and is now deep in Koo- -

. Iniiinil.o, wiuifiilrlng with Nature fi.., (In- - gubernatorial i nii,v of itsM'lij.", mid aim looking nfler iiiiio M-r-

iiniiiunt water riftlUg for tho Terri- -

t ryThe Wniulmlq Water ( oinpany, which

- oib puiM luring (he Keoliu mnge,tj loimrt windward tttter Into et-- '

ward pruflls, hiw tontrmhd with th '

T. for lUfln jwr annum fur iir-'

imn ni it water rlgkln. The flnvem i tup la in itiuilMitloll with th"H.M., lf w not iKturii f Uiii

""' uitcruMiH. ami will nat nyuiube in hi. oe mil II luMorniH' nioni- -

""3f..77;: .."uaowr imiiiiu.

in-- ! f iiiiiriDjc fiw unuiiiM uii iihn.'Ii, nt Iwiwllniil iuii Chum

I lib l,i l) lfllltl4,1. Mo lli'M-- l


fl'llf i


--Bu?gfarians in

''' ""--C- T

ttSaflaVLLriartfS m js0QsaBiBBBBBBW' M Jflffcffl 1 V 1 d f

jl if UM.WV4. Ay'fL. - "1"""

f 4 akm fl

Bulgers Lose 6000in Monday's

- Battle.LONDON, July 2. (Spo:.aP'to Tho

Advertiser) Dispatches from Bolgradoto Itcutcr'c news agency rocefved latotonight said that the Bulgarians lostG000 men in the heavy fighting on Mon-da-

PKLGKAnc, Servia, July .2. (Spe-cial to Tho Advertiser) Field dispatch-c- s

from Uskub' received here today saythat the Servian forces aro pursuingtho Bulgarians along the eiiliro

jnd havo secured several im-portant positions.

Scrvin has mobilized three nrinle,.Tho north army numbering 24,000 'men,is on the Dnnubo" between I'iitit andNisch, the south army of 23,000 menis drawn up between Vranja and Kratpvo, and the.' third arny, c,oniiuu'n,al

(Hj- - Federal Wireless TcloniphOWASHINGTON. July 2. (Special to

Tho Advertiser) l)aid lamur, a NowVoTk stock broker, testified boforo thecommittee investigating President Wilpon s "insidious lobby'' today, admit-ting that he hud impersonated congress.men and others of national fame in telephoning to ofhcinls of tlio Ilarrnuanlines on behalf of Kdward Lantcrhueh,an attorney.

Laipar insisted that ho was askedto do ko by friends of Liautcrhach, andthat ho only w'antcd to secure for tholawy'er "perfectly lcg"al employment."Lamar snid ho telephoned to Hobort

chairman of tho board of directors of tho llarriman lines, and I'aulliravnl, tho Now j ork banker, representing to each of them that ho wasa representative of Congressman itibr- -

llan of New York. Ijimar declared thattho opposition of tho Into J. V. Morgauto Lautcrbach led him to telephoneLcdyurd in tho namo of Palmer to findout who inspired tho opposition to

"I found out it was liedyard himself," said Lamar. "I knew, tco, tint

luid a stcnogfapher on the linorecording our talk, and you maj ho sure1 read nearly everything into it I could.I think I ottered tiim the entire government. I may havp left tlio Presi-dent1 out.

".ludgo Lovett's statement," con-tinued Iimar, "that Iautcrbach tried.to blackmail him is untrue. I,auter- -

bach is u little man with a big heart;ho is-- a man who cannot keen a dollarin his pocket because ho cannot boarsuffering. Mr. Chairman, I will tellypu of the greatest' bit of lobbying thoworld has ever known. In 1001 sonicoue forgot the books of tho Union Pa-cific to tlio tunc of 4S2.000.Ontl. 1 donot know who was responsible, but tliatisum was the fulcrum through which tholuosj gigantic combine in the countrywas formed,"

Lamar then detailed a comnlicntcdwhereby it is alleged tho Union

l'.iciflc juggled its assets and then burrowed its full vuliio on" fictitious prop-erty Kcferring to thu Illnrilnn-Ijovct- t

conversation, Lamar said ho used Itior-lluii'- s

iiumo brcauso "it just camoto mo."

Lamar admitloil ho alto umd Congresmiau I'almer's name in teleplioiiiiigIn I.Pill'firil. Ifn Kiilil tin linnnniin.1 tilMa It because Palmer then win in tli j

public eye und lirominent in ndmlnU- -

tratlon nlfaim.-- -

(Hy 1'filnrHl n irt'irps Telegrnph.)WAHIIfNfl'I'ON, .Iply 2. (8peclal to

Tt Aderrtleer) Aiinoiiniroiiieut of theenuu!emiMit of MWt .IomIa WimdrnwWllnon, dHUgliter of I'rraliliMil ami .MmWIon, rriinrm II, Fayre. an ullurmiy hIiii Ji ionnelid Willi tlio oflff ofthe New York dl.lilil itttornui', w

iuaii liUy, Thuy will luarritfd tthe White lw, Hoi Nkivomhur.

4.Tim AmirilJ 1'iw, ruble Utt rl.lil.u wirrM Hie HMHuwiicouiuiit of llw

eiiingtsiieHl of Mli Wihoii, MyliiK lUllir flu mm i I'lurieU Pyit, natltU' t

iiimivi nHomfy or xtw vsik. It1 dijltfb ftel IkMI M IlllklllUi Iiiih li.lit ,i.y i.

.In Um mvw in litJ'i(i.W' TichW Hn,lnt dUlrlrl llrir f

.,rt f I II. 1' ll!

Tim'. t


11 f

II .

VW'iu '


Full Retreat-- f i'Uw I UIIL

i ..ti -


by Crown Prince Alexander, is on thovisions, two of theso arc In and aroundlino between Kunianovo and Uskub. ItSalonlkn and tho olh(rs nt Orphana andis ni,00b btroug. 1 elsewhere.' The Greek army numbors

Hesldes theso armies, Servia V con 128,000 men. Montenegro has eouceii- -

ceiitratcd a division of 12,000 men nearlratcd tlireo Urlgidos-Jiea- lpek, whiclj4. ir..i.iju. uimc uas iiiuuui7.e(L icn ui -


(Ily I'ederal Wireless Telegraph.)NKWPOUT, Hhode Island, July 2.

(Sjietial to Tho Advertiser) Col. Theo-dore Kooscvelt today dealt with un-gloved hands with tho senators andcongressmen win opposo tlio nppropria-tion- s

for at Ica'st two now battleshipsannually, in a ppcech before tho Pro-gressive conference. "Kvery senatoror eongfesumnii, whatever his party,should be regarded as unfaithful to thepublic interest and lalo to his coun-try if lio vfuils heartily', to support theprogram of providing every year fortwo battleships of the most cfllcienttypo and for whatever other csscNnud ammuiiltion aro necessary acces-sories of theso two battleships,"

Hoosevelt.IJo assorted that thcro aro certain

policies so vital to tho welfaro of tliocountry that they rise above questionsof ordinary party differences and in-

sisted that tho upbuilding of the Navyis ono of these questions.

--fHI-- , l'cdprnl Wnless Tclcffrfil'h.)WASHINGTON. July 2. (Special

to Tho Advertiser) angry attho Mulhnll charges of. corruption, ascofo of Itepubllcans bitterly denounc-ed Mnllinll at an indignation meetingof tho hnuso today, Besides tho denunci-nthm- i

Congressmen Neeley of ianas7Nolan of California andVbfrty of Ken-tucky Introduced resolutions ilepiandingan investigation of Mulliall and his ac-

cusations. Hy a oto of 1" to SO tholiouso referred to thu' rules committeeall resolutions demanding a probe.

Accompanied by Lieut. A. L. Humpof the 'lVenty-fift- Infantry, LicenmInspector Fennell yesterdny afternoonpounced upon an alleged blind pig con-

ducted by James A Field at Wahiawa,found a quantity of liquor and consld-l-rnhl-

urmy supplios. and placed Fieldunder arrest. Soon after, as Fennellwas leaving tho place, ho saw n, hackapproaching, in which ho recognized theoccupant as the whito wife of FieliT.

Fennell insperted the hack and dis-covered ton dozen qunrts of beerrtvvoI'lemljohin' fillhl-twit- whiskey iim onodnmijblin fill.'.I with gin. According tolim iinci.nriver, tlio liquor was trio projerty of tho woman. It was confiscated"J"' "HI bo used Ijy IVimcll as evidencoill Vvhllt llO I.elipV'ru U rillo fif tlin wnrsl'nM ",f Mind pigging lie inn yet on- -

rouuierwi.. rieni, wno is a negro, winbrought to Honolulu and lo.ltre.l in iall

Field has diwhHrge papers from theNinth Cavalry, dntisl IIHI'J, uml is rablto hate been following the ipglmiuitover xiuee. IniiiitnliKtoly upon being

roiilit to IpMil 1'ollfo lioHdipmrlunand ehiirl he was placed under arrwt for liivfitiyntioii lv the dHtfrtlvndrMiitnieut fur rumpjirilv in tb iliootliitf nf Waiiliw iluruli'. bv I'rlvulf

Mliiimoiis ()) Uu, Tumity Dllhllifnitlrv Moudt.v wruiiiHK

uu ui.ii iiii'uii h nuiiiPi.r or iiiurtfi.of liiiiii(( uiivi'miiniH piiipritv ftuiukoldleM. Ilia iiin-.- t fur idin I im,utuuhIiih. I ii ,i,i ii,i, ,,r linn ,,ii . in

'" ii ' i'm' 'ii- ban i ii inlinei in t..r I. ,i l.,r i,i,iii in,,, on.1 H

)" - ' Kl l,K II II II, Hi, III. I

i ' ' "m i i i ii i,r 'i in i.iii.- 1. il l ... U i fftoHil Ihw

wl.icl. I, l i.pl I,-- , lif.l III I II' III Mtl

i i. ii it,

are BeingJTXIUIiy JWU.(LI&


WmSmSSMs &&)


ivui cooiivruro with tlio nervtans .,,1. '

(Uy Federal Wjwless Tolcgrajdi.)DOUGLAS, Ariroini, July.

to Tho Advertiser) Ouaymas wasto'day again torn bv, tho contesting

ederal forces aiid Coiistitutionnlists.,i:.irly in tho day General Ojoda of theFederals returned with two gunboatsnnd heavy reinforcements.

Protected by the tiro of creosote gunsfrom tho Federal vessels, GeneralOjeda was able toaccumpllsli u safolanding. Immediately following tholanding of Ojeda 'a forces the populaceof Ouaymas opened uu Indiscriminatetiro upoq the ('DiiMtltufiniiallstH, tem-porarily deinorali.iiig" them. Only (leu.eral Obregon's superb courage and pres-ence of mind saved tho rebels from ut-ter rout. , Obregon rallied his men andlato today a flcrco battle raged witlithe outcome in doubt.

Realizing tho .futility, of Ojedn's.piaa to rctai.e mo entire Htato of Fa-nnin, the forelgnerji 'here .are urginghim, tn abandon his iiroject and leaveGuayinas to the rebels.

, ..(Ily I'ederal Wireless Telegraph,)

LONJION, .iily,2. (Special to TitoAdvertiser) .The breach of promisosuit instituted by Da'isy Markham, anctres, ngalnst the Marquis ofNorth-ntiijitou- ,

ended abruptly luiro today,when Mr LMwnrd Qarjion, Miss Milrk-haiii'- s

nttorney, aniionnied that North-ampton had ngreed to pay tlio actress4250,000. All action against tho noblo-pla-

was the.i withdrawn.Just before tlio suit wjis withdrawn,

Kir IMuard read the Inst letter thoMarquis is alleged tojinvo wrltfeu toMiss Miirkham. It professed lovo fortho actress, but Oeclurcd his father hadconvinced him that hoejety would notreceive Miss Mnrkham ami that themarriage would mal.'o.her life miser-able.

There la a lompenwitlng feature forevery ill, according" to John Leanox,manager for tho'N, H. JJ.iehs Dry floodsCompany, who returned mm n trip tothe mainland on tho steamer Manchuriajosterdny. Thcro is a business dejires-bln- n

throughout tho eoil'iitry at the present time, says Mr. Lennox. Manufaoturers lire after money und rush purcliu.ers visiting thu trade marts In theKm tor n Stales are being given n runslug welcome. Tho remit of thiscoiiilltlou, lie snya Is that mercliaiitswho urn r.HUiiLr.1, fr il.nl- - ,.,.,.,1- - ,getting them for prtW ninel. r.eluwlthose iinlliiHiily quotud. Huchiim ofthis thu N. . Isali lonipiiny mueIieaviiir purrliutes llian umihI ami of iiIiic of amid. hlli,M Im ii,preiutal

' hay,iuu f",w " ?f 1lt"",lul"'' ttm i.rlr. l vvhh w if-w- l our

niiiiiii 11 V I

Vki.irc .,i I... i,i..r inHi. .h.U.I .'.i.l Ii

tliiy ili.njii a

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Mil Ml


s s ITSjMcCandlcss Is Eliminated, Says

Returning Candidate MuchImproved in Health.

iJxccedlng in physical appearance, thoexpectations of even his must xnugulnuIrieiuls I.. M. Watson returned fromWaHilngton jesterday supremely confident that lie will be named as tlio next(iuvernor of t Wlbudn. ,

Although Mr. Watson and tho power-ful senators nnd reiresentatLves whoaic supporting htm, hive hot been dlrcctly infonued by tlio President thatho will appolat Wilson, they have beenInformed by 'tho President that ho willnot appoint some others who aro candidntes, and according to Mr. Watson,tho namo of Link MiLnndlcss, has beenannounced as ono that would not boconsidered.

"Whilo I havo not been informed bytho President directly that 1 wouldbo appointed," said Mr Watson. "1havo been inlormcd by my friends thatthere is no quest iuu ol my success.

rL..uwUl Wilton r.ild tho chairmnn nndI 'cietury of the Democratic emigres- -

iinial coniiiuttco of which 1 am thoii ember from Hawaii, tho names ofthose ho would not consider for thopiace, I,. 1j. McCnndless was oneii.oiii. Using the process of eliminatiuu, it would appear that 1 am aboutthe only caadidato left.

j the iitsidcnt repeatedly intimatedthat the'question of vvhethor my healthvv.iu eli to pel ml t ot mo huldliTgtho ollicc vyns the only thing which wasbeing considered relative to my appuintmc'iit, and I think that the ccrtilicntes of physicians, several of whomarc lilgli in the Army nnd Navy, willsntlsiy him on tho scoro of my healtli.lie retained tho certificates stating hewished to over them carefully, andsaid that he placed great confidenceseveral of the pliysldinns and surgeonsv.hnse names were appended.

"Ily hurried trip to Washington,vvhich havo reason to believe vyasbio'-igh- f jbuut by my "friends" of thoMM Aliillnvu xrnnil r.Kinln.l .... Il.n...The statement had been made, it seemed, tuat ll l was summoned to Washiugton, would not be nblo to maketho trip and tho charge of my

that I was in poor healtli wouldso ho sustained.

"I made tho triji, which it wouldtire a halo strong man to make, andarrived in Washington in such lino con-dition that 1 was abio to call on Secfo'tary I'ino the day nftgr my arrival.'My' health continued to lihprovo duringmy stay, and I havo been assured Ijyphysicians, that within a year I willbo almost good Ii man I overwas, physically,"

Accoiding to Mr. Watson, SenatorJohn Sharp Williams of Mississippi liasproVed of his ablest advocates. Sen.ator Williams is an old friend of Mr.Wntson, nnd when almost at the firstinterview, tho President Intimated thatonly the question of Mr, Watson'shealth was at Issue, Senator Williamssaid, '"Mr. President, 1 am not awarothat tho Oovcrnnr of Hawaii will becalled upon to perform any acrobaticstunts," to which tho President replied,'most nssufedly, tho Clovc'rnor of 11a

waii will not .If you were tho Presidentwould you appoint Mr. Watson, Gover-nor of lliiwail,"

"I certainly would," replied JohnSl(iirp Williams and "I would not havewaited fnutil ho laado a trip from Ha-waii, either."

Asked if it, was likely that changeswould bo mailo in tho other federal qfficcs lu Hawaii, Mr. Watson t,aid, thatho was told timt tho Democrats ot Ha-waii need not worry, that both n collector nf internal revenue nnd a colleclur of cu(itumii 'wo'ulil bo named toEiiciecd tlio present incumbent"1. I

tho nnino ot Colonel 0. .1. Mc-Carthy for tho position now held by l'..II. fctackable," said Mr. Watson and 1

feel certain that ho will bo appointed.Jim Coko will bo named Unified Statesdistrict attorney, 1 believe his frieudsneed have no fear on that point.

Wilson Considered a Joke."1'he present Democratic party

la Hawaii, representedby Johnny Wilson is considered more

less of a tiiflful joke, and the party.it Btands in the Territory is in urgent

neeil or reorganization."Secretary Laao informed mo on tho

ovo of my departuro that ho had madeno recommendations whatever concerning tho Governorship, for tho ery runsim that tho President had informedliiin, t lint ho intended to be personallyresponsible fur tho appointments of thoGovernor of Hawaii, and Alaska anddid not dcslro any recommendationsconcerning tlieso post.

"Taking everything Into consider.iHon, I fee I iiinrn thuii reasonably certain of the sac-e- ss tif my candidacy.,'l'lie appointment may bo minlo lu u

iv muy ueiuyeii tor touiotluie."

nn...nnn ... ...UKUlttiSUlS Uf MAUEKU


(llj Fiwleral Vilelc TelegrHpli.)m:u' (iiii.cavk .iniu h.....h.i

((, Th Advertiser)-IUitch- M reeou'l lure from tiuu Autnnl.i. Thms,

.imi. tlrut Tlmiiiiul mid Julio Mmlem.

(Ily rfyleral Wifalima 'IVlagrupJ, )

wi'Wi'iui'i' iii....i. i. .i i..i m.,..4..,, ,FI,,HI, l,W,Hjrlal lu 'llw Aihlf)'rhf. Ml

jlbuhlp rinHiaadi by ilbpl

diruo.iiii.y-.i- r win uuwe n (toe i0,r, f (in ymntit(m Maoiir Honolulu patron, the beii.il of (ffU( f (Wi . f en t (if Mlw, wrre attackim.ii) rilii.u..ii.," aabl Muiiagrr Uu ,l in u rworl Imfi' Mniulay uluht Julioux .. i.lai lluiu.lul.i i. .la.luiflM(sfu Ii rflmriKd Jl with U fra.-

urli in tin i on flii' iiiNiiilaii'l HMfl 'liniul tknll.

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i'i!tai' BBStHsiBiHK,aVjv9'H4Vsin3HiBHsHA

K ' ' JsisislsisisiHR

slslslH dslEsislslislslsB

Hon. aEonaE r. carter.(I! Federal lrelest Velegraph )

WASlltNdTlN, Julv 2. (Special toThe Adterttser) An open fight on thefloor of the emite against tho Underwood Hill will bo undo leforo It finally

;(ON. OILBERT M. HITCHCOCK,United States Senator from Nebraska,

who has withdrawn from DemocraticcnuciH.

passes that body. This was morestrongly evidenced hero (odny with thoannounced withdrawn! of Senator Gil-be-

M. Hitchcock of Nebraska fromtho Democratic cnucus.

Hitchcock nnnouiiceil his des)ro topresent a detallei) amendment fora graduated tax on tobacco,' Ho is.snldto have received no encoiirngement inthis plan and his withdrawal from theconference followed,

Senator Hitchcock is known to not lien strong advocate of free sugar. Hisadvocacy of u tax on tobacco may alsobo extended to (in effort to retain thopresent duty on sugar.

t(Mul Special (o Tlio Advertiser.)

IIILO,' June 30. A Japanese laborerwas killed at the Ooknla plantationrailroad track north of tho mill campon Thursday, Juno 10. Ilo was workingon tho platform wliero tho bundles ofcane, are received conio downfrom thu upper flelda on a trolley wire,when one ofilho bundles swept him oft"

the platform! Ho fell on his head, frac-lurin-

tho skull.

firy Sj irli',,wr'FJ


PEACEFall upon distractedhouseholds whenCuticura enters.

All that the fondest ofmothers desires for thealleviation of her skin-tortur- ed

and disfiguredinfant is to be found inwarm bcuhs with


SOAPAnd gentle anointingswith Cuticura Ointment.


ai ' m m" -- PTVfm-V


Stomach on a StrikeWo nil oak too much of our

stomachs, l'or day8, weeks andmontlrs wo ent nt Irregular hours,overload our stomaclis, eat toorapidly and aro careless as towhether our foal Is well cooked ordigestible. Bo far rui tlio stomachIs concerned, wosliow it little or noconsideration until one day we findthat tlio stomach lias gono on astrike. 'o At back In despair.Tho stomnch t nAidlloui to the de-

cree In which we havo abused It.No amount of conxipg, careful diet-ing and regular hours for eatinghnvo tho least effect, i

The proper trcalmrntfor stomachtroublo is undorstood by very fewsulTcrcrs. Thogymptoms seom toshow that souictfiuig is wrong withthe stomach. Thotroublo in reality,is doopcr. Tlio loss ol appetite,discomfort alter eating, nausea, gasand pains have little to do with thostomach or food, but nre directlycaused hy flic Wool 'which yourcareless habits have made impure.The projicr treatment then is tobuild up and clcanso tho blood. Athorough trial of

Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsfor Pale People

will do this well. You cr.n tnkethem with every confidence thatthey will make your blood new andpure.

SullcroiTi who liavo tried Dr. Wil-liams' l'itik Pills recommend thementhus'tMtically. A few such en-

dorsements iro given in our dietbooklet, which will bo sent free.It also treats ol const ipatlon.

Dr. Williams' l'ink Mils arc soldhy nil druggists at 50 cents per boxor Rix boxes; for f2.50 or tbejr willbo sent, postpaid, upon receipt ofprico hy tho

Dr. WinisnuMcdlsfno Company.Schcnoctn.li', N. Y. J

Figures rof Doctor Wayson Resultin Confusing Question and aConference' With Directors ofHome Is Decidcd-Upo- n.

Thcro Is. u wlili, djscrepnnry In thoHkI'tch prpsonted by tho trustees of thuI.enhi Homo and those complied by Cityf'hysician Wnyson, vvlth tho result thatthe healtli committee of tho board ofsupervisors last night decided that acoaforenco botweon tho two would bpnecessary in order to coino tp. a properimdenitandinj; of tho financial needs ofthe Home. Until a satisfactory under-Handin- g

is Tcnchcd tlio health commit-tee Is not disposed to increase tho cityappropriation from 50 to $.100.

Tlio apparent difTcrenco caused Super-visor IcClellun to propose that theclt investigatq tlio proposition of atent colony, prooscd by Doctor Way-nu-

which would lessen tho coat ma-

terially to tlio city. DoAor Waysouexpressed tho opinion nt tho inectiurr oftlio committee lasl night tllat an, armymedical officer could probably bo

to assist in biyinp; out u sanitaryeniup for tuborculosis-pnticnts- .

Doctor Wnyson bad gono over thoreport sulimlttod by A. W. T. Bottom-ley- ,

trcntiuor of Leah! Homo and figuredthat thcro were 121 tuberculosis pa-

tients und 18 patientsreceived during tho past year, 'Whilotho I.eahl Homo ligiire-- uppeared to bobased on each patient being thcro for:i(15 days in-- a year, Dr. Wayson statedthat ho found 'from the same repo.rtthat the nvorago number of dnys foreach patient in the institution was seven-

ty-seven days. Ho stated that 121patients, each remaining seventy-seve-

days, would represent a total of P329hospital days. At $1.40 per day, thiswould make n total of $13,000. Thoeighteen patients eachthere seventy-seve- days, would make atotal of 387 hospital days. At $1.40per day, this total would bo about$l!M2. The totnl of both classes wouldrepresent n cost of $115,002. Tlio totalhospital days wasJO,7IO.

The treasurer ot the I.calii Home re-ported Unit tho income, .of tho Institu-tion has beep $2(1,000 a year, of whichabout $11,000 was Ihcomo from investincuts of tie original ondowmont nndtho remainder territorial and countycontributions unij general subscriptions.

Doctor Wnyson said ho was stronglyof tho belief, If Ida method of figuring

correct, that tlio institution doesnot noiwi moro money.

lloth 5IoW. SlcClellnn and Wollcrvvcro of tlin opinion that there wassuch ii illirereuru In the results pf fig

luring lit only u correct answer cqlildbo obbiined by n conference with lilleoncerned. Chairman Wnltcr will askthe trustees to meet with tho healthriiiiiiiilltiNi ut an early duvPOLICE PUT BAlFofl""


(Mall special (u Tlin AdvcrlHer)II I U), .In nn 30-- Iu llielr eagerness

lu nnforrn llio act prohlliltiiig milliiici inildoor ailvirlnu5 (he ihiIIMiluit nivk put (lie bail nil Um poaleraiidvuilUliiir Tlio Ulgp.iiiient nf I "leu,Iho pluy wij,, jJV Orttntuliu i lull nmniiif mi thu piiIiili uf iistt Tlitirday. liia, liuwpvpr, Is no rdleilion onllw ilM', which Wiul b teen luappri'ilateil,

I" Ijie llll Hunii- - nf ihii HtiMarl aiHi'l. buiclmll avrlp. ,i( llmhrm

HviiuImIvi louk be l, in llig u,mil' iHUMitf, Mlili pita ui in iiin r

I ' r I r l M i lf '" aM'l IMUIIIIHl MIIHHI- II M l f ewtt d'l I - I u u a 'l' ll h iirit). ftl I v I i u i

i Hi W a Ll( ud hvihmj itf M, u

Page 4: jlB JltiM HfjflH - University of HawaiiThat Right to Resume Hostilities Is Reserved in Event of the Present Balkan Conflict Extend-ing Into Macedonia. WAR DECLARED BY SERVIA King Peter

-- t"-f J"Pi-..- rwi t, rj.ir ; t. - fVKWi " "

jV1 ,v ' " itWTTjV1 f I rt '







Entered at lb fWoulccnf Honolulu, II. ,'J, Second-Clas- s

matter.Semi-tik- l Issued Tuesdays and Fridays.

Subscription Kates:l'cr Month.., '1..-- 3 l'cr Montli, I J&r,

l'cr Yonr.'.1? 'U.QO Per Vear, Knrelgn fl.OU. 1'ayahle Invariably in Advance.





Former-Governo- r larler nrings n origin iiiunkiiuu to Hawaii m1liis report of liis work and Unit of tins other Hawaiian delegates at"WnshiiiL't in connection with the proposed Tariff Hill, inasmuchus it is liis firm conviction. that, freo, suirnr is far nwav. whether thefree sugar .seiieduh' he enacted, nitq law or not. Thu hill a' it,standsprovides for a tariff cut on raw' sugar of twcnly-fivcpc- r e.cut' afterMarch 1 next and free sugar in May, 1910. According to the bestopinion or Jlr. Carter, who has been in the thick of thu fight, thetwenty-fiv- e per cent cut will come, but the day of, frets Mi gar ismuch farther oil' than provided for in the bill., He advances tworeasons for this. '

One good reason is that there will be a second political revolutionit the United States when the effects of the Democratic' tariff policy

lire felt, a revolution that will .sweep the. Democratic control'lif con-

gress back into the discard in MM, when, in the. state electionsrepresentatives and some senators will ho chosen, (he hitter for-th-

Frst time by direct vole. The election will be, undoubtedly on the(straight turilf issue, and on sueh an issue heretofore (hero, lias beencuily one result, tlie trhmiph oflhc protectionists. - - .

Mr,, Carter's second reason is that, even Under continued Demo-

cratic control of congress, the demand for revenue will force thecontinuance of the one cent tariff, will' make ;iccessiry. Uio defer-ring of the time when sugar shall be fre listed .The, Democraticbudget now calls for a total within a million dollars' of the esti-

mated revenue, ami this does not allow, as Mr. Carlcr-point- s 'old,lor tiie deepening of the public trough on its Southern cid.

Hawaii. Ilien, need not despair, even in the passage of the billas it stands, which catastrophe appearsto bo getting some fartheraway. "What Hawaii must do is to continue its campaign of'e'duca-lion- )

a campaign now well begun, but much behijcd: "An essentialpart of this campaign for the future is the sending, to 'ashingtonof a man able to intelligently represent the Islands, anm'n whocan be found when the need is urgent, a man who can be dependedupon to stand up to his responsibilities and not center his wholeactivities upon the carrying out of personal schemes hntched in thefumes of cocktails. '

Hawaii must get down to business, in politics and otherwise. Itis time to put a stop to the conduct of public affairs on the basis of

'good fellowship, alii.s and hums. .

Ji -

HITCHCOCK DEFKOTION IMPORTANT.The despatch from Washington yesterday that Senator Hitchcock

of Nebraska 1ms declined to consider himself bound by the Demo-cratic caucus on tho Tariff Bill and will vote against .some of theprovisions of that bill is most encouraging and tends to confirm theidea to which this paper has clung, in the face of apparent black'ness, that when it came to the actual rub there woubj not be aI'ennti majority for the free sugar plan. It may very well be thatthe open defection of Senator. Hitchcock, which is unexpected, willhe the commencement of the. deluge, because it is plain thi(t the lreosugar plan of the White House is npt favored by even the Democraticmajority and only the "party whip has

'left Unit' majority in line

so far. ,The defection of Senator Hitchcock means the tying of the vote,

leaving the Vice President to cist the deciding ballot. If any otherone Democrat follows the lead of the Nebraskan, the sugar scheduleof the hill is defeated. Newlands' of' Nevada, Walsh of Montanaand Shafroth of Colorado form the trio upon which the hopes ofHawaii must now turn. If any one of the three is big enough tovote on conviction and against party, Hawaii and her main industrywill he safe and the senate of tho United States will have demon-strated that it is an individual in its own right and not a rubberstamp for White House use.

The country has been awaiting the testing of the senate with adecided interest, watching to see how J'ar it would go in assertingits own rights to hi' a factor in legislation and to vote, accordingto its own'ideas and its own convictions and not those handed to it,read.v made, by President Wilson. The voto upon the Wilson-Underwoo- d

Tariff Hill is the proof of the length, breadth and thicknessof the senatorial backbone.

Jlr. Carter brings back to Hawaii, the personal assurance of morethan enough Democratic senators to- beat the free sugar plan thatthey, are personally opposed to the plan and appreciate its folly,but these same senators also told Mr. Carter that thev wjiiild votefor the Tariff Hill as it stood because it had been, 0. ICfl by thePresident and accepted us a party measure. Slnc the time 'theseremarkable explanations were made, new light has been through onwhat was nlrc-tth- . a plain situation and it would seem,- from thelatest news, that the way has been opened for the senate to reassertitself anil that it probably will.

FRANCE IN THE PACIFIC."Word during the week of the quiet annexation of the Will I is archi-

pelago by Krai scned to call attention, the Tacoma. ledger says,to the fact that that nation must be reckoned among those winchare to have a hand in the future- of the Pacific. The Wall is islandsthemselves are ..r little present importance, their area being some-thing like fort Miun-(- . miles and their population probably notmore than .Mm mi. Hut the hoisting .of the tri-col- over the thatchedhouses or the unlive elnefs mny be regarded as indicative that Francestill intends to he a world, as well as a continental, powe.r.

Reference to a map of Oceania will-sho- that French possessionsin the Pacific, while scattered, are considerable. New Caledonia andits dependencies him- an area of 7(io0 square miles and a populationof 51,110. Other French establishments in oceans bring the. totalto about SU.o sqiiuiv miles and 80,500 population. With most ofthese islands tin- annexation has come about in the same wnv asWith the Wallis archipelago, u profeetornto first being declared.'J lien, at home opportune lime, thu. native chiefs have been pcrstmdedto quietly petition tie French government to relieve them or thecfcri-- of state, ami the French government has as quietly acquiesced.

J'he sleep) Smith s. as, with their coral reefs, their volciinio islands,thflr liaminn .nl groves, their generally happy and ingeni-ous natives s. m the last ,m.(! ; tul world for international'strife,niiil vi-- mwh.K iv to-r- h division of territory holding more

for-- H v n.i ie(.(. of the nations than in the neighbor-hood of the ishiiuik j,..w minused.by France. Hritish, French andiieimiiii )oii Miom, an- .lotted ahfTut w"" '" I'arlimilnr reason forthe different sph.i-- . f inilunnoo mid with no natural Kiouping ofdivision dcin-imimi..- . uh.ii imuli nation shall hold.

Tin' limit d Mai.s is.i, it should 1m renieiiiheri'd, 1ms an tiilrM' "" '"V" ' ,l"1 i""i "f tho world. In Mum, when flic Hmiionngroup wiA parch, i ,, Tutiillu mid wvernl iitlittc wmiill Ulmi--win- iiwur.l. .1 io ii,,-- , ...umry, lim toduy the (lununii, KimlUli mi'Am. riitHii Mm.-- , m, ii,,,,,, alwQtji within siuht of wmh other.

Many of tin ,e - .,!, k,. M,,,, lv H),, iHnbliMi "f 'l4l fill'lHlll'III Iheiii Hud ll the- mil duubtliMM uoine when Until- - ilevuliiom. nlMill In- - piirttii.it svki.ii.diicHlly, J'nulr pinuiuinier and fniiilil iwr- -

Vlli Will Itthe Hi. ,,, nf IMMUIDIuJIbI tISIIIp Htl'HIIIHrii Mini iiilcliuilii.mil nviili) in ill, i.Untia win ninuiiiil to Hiiiliullilnii inorw 'lllrtliciiiiiniiMiiiiiiiiik' - iiiKsiuiiHi')' or while im-rnci'- a l he ynici--jiient's I.. 1. hi i,i 1'i.ui.-- ' nun, kni.,,1. i.r ill. W.ilh, l.lai.iUimiv id' in i i i, ,i m, niitnl i ,v,,ii .in, .1, t. i,.,in, hi


jui'li a proceeding as the seizure anil publication by the senatecoiunilttcp of the letters written to and by the agents of the Meet

Sugar Trust is calculated, says the New York Times, to mouseconsiderable disquietude in the minds even of people who haveno iilfection for organizations pf that kind and who are contentor tfesirons thai all ijs efforts to influence legislation should hebrought to light. '

We nil have an instinctive feeling that private correspondencehas a certain sacredness, the violation of which in any case what-

ever needs ifgood ddnl of explaining and justifying. This is based,not on the eonseiousnvss of us ail that we write things the publicdisclosure of which would he inuriiilinating, hut because we all,if not abnormally cautious, often do put on paper for the readingul a single .person, or very few, things which, though innocentcnougli, in themselves, may cause us to suffer pain, embarrassment,or loss, as the' case may" he, if. they come ti ,the notice or personsfor whom thoy weie not intended. Courteous and hniiorable people,all ovdr Uiu world, therefore, have established mid live up fo acoii vent int'f or agreement that they will not read each other's pri-vate letters ekee.pt by explicit request or permission and againstsuch 'peophfcurSinpcr envelope, even though unsealed, protects apersonal sccn,l-5is- ' effectively asf would a locked steePhox.

That this agreement binds in all cases, or that no circumstanceswarrant' the Ignoring of it, nobody would enntond. lt"is a rule ofmorals, as of 'law, Hint toward publi? efiemies there is no obliga-tion of good faith, and even the suspicion of crime excuses' actionsOtherwise obnoxious to delicacy or (decency. Tliti sjihntiih jn theinstance under 'discussion observed all the forms oflaWj and nobodywill criticize their, action in scizingjhe lelters of tbJiiist lobbyistsif it results in a measurable advancement of the .general, interests.Meanwhile, however, the seizure docs seem tollave been nil her.l'igh-handc- d and more Russian t,!mn 'ulcrimii. -

Not all influencing of legislation is nefarious, and tho rights ofprivacy are nptiHghtly to be infringed. Hut in, these (lays 'any.sort: of privacy kw hard to maintain. The dictograph is. passingfar beyond deteiitives' use, and the newmethods, of writing andliausmission all tend to make hard secrets. In time,apparently, it wilj'iioi to have any a hardship not withoutcompensations, "perhaps, for secrecy lends itself oftuner and 'moreeasily to guilty than to innocent purposes.


Nor are the Porto Ricaus going to let tin; tariff, slashing go with-out protest. The legislature has empowered a .delegation to;go toWashington and they have come loadctl down wifh citnugh factsto stagger any thinking mail. They .are set to this, iiiite of warning:

Tin) result ot the Jrcc sugar clause, coupled with, the1 reductionof the tarill" on citrus fruits would bo four-fold:.- ,''


"(1) Paralysis and destruction of the system oT public, education."('J) Paralysis or .the development oT public wiiIcnii'd s'anitntion." (!t) The throwing into poverty and misery' of '78.000 families

ot laborers representing 100,000 men, women and children."(l) The weakening of the tics of affection existing between the

people of Porto Kico and the people of tho United .States,"Since 1!)02 the assessed vblue of the real property of the island

has increased from $!)(i,4!20,7(i!) to $17!),272,02:i ; the revenues of theisland have increased from 1,180,502 to $(',('50,2:24 last year, andthev will not be less than $'8,000,000 for l!)i:i. The imports and'exports have increased from $17,r00,0)0 to .192,000,000. These in-

creases have largely been "duo to thu tariff by wjiiqli the siigar in-

dustry has been fostered. Por,fo Hioo produced in 1!)02 less than1)2,000 tons of sugar, valued at .io.S'lD.OOO. In 15)12 the sugar pro-duction was over 1170,000 tons, valued at $:tl,544,Op.O. During thepast decndu'wo have increased our sihnol appropriation from $500,-00- 0

to $2,500,000. We have spent $7",OCO,O0O on good roads. Wagesof laborers' in thi! cane fields have risen 100 to 200 per cent. HMtgnr is .placed on the) free .list all. this progress will he destroyedriid, 6ving to the uuavoiditble reduction in the nntenues if thegovernment' and ill the business activities of the island,, Porto Iticutidevelopment would be set back ten years." Louisiana Planter., '


President Wilson did a singularly thing it might evenbe said a singularly discourteous thing when he canceled his appointment with Mr. Carter of JIajyaii.. For, says the-Sai- i FranciscoArgonaut, the imputation was obvious. I he President tf action

that Mr. Carter was in Washington upon an illegitimate or-- i

and. It was intended as a rebuke, 'and it will be so regarded bythose .whose partisanship outweights their sense "of fair play andtheir regard lor the amenities' ot political lile.

Mr. Carter's 'errand was not illegitimate. It wiis both lawful andobligatory. He is an of Hawaii and well known as anauthority upon all public-matter- 'fiscal and otherwise, connectedwith the rslands. Congress is now engaged upon a Turin Hill thatvitally concerns Hawaiian affairs, and that, may work tho gravestdanger upon those affairs. The bill has already passed the house

,(it representatives and is "now in the senate, where Hawaii has no"

voice. IT Mr. Carter has opinions as to tho elleet of the, Tarill Hillupon Hawaiian production and naturally ho has opinions it wasnot only his right but also his very positive duty to communicatethose opinions to the senate. .Hut because be proposed, to do thisin the only way open to him he is made the victim of a presidentialsnub and subjected to the humiliation of ii canceled appointment.It was unmannerly and it was impolitic.

. lint nt least we are helped to understand the' President's inter-pretation or the lobbying that he is ko strenuous and, so untimely indenouncing. It is evident now that lobbying means any kind oTpolitical action in Washington that directed against the ailinfn-ibtratio- n

policies. If the communication jT authentic informationis, prejudicial to those policies then mich presentation becomes atoiiee illegitimate. If large industries will he crippled, by a billwhich is not yet law, which is. still under debate, it is unlawful tosay So in Washington, mid those who .do say so will 'bo brandedus guilty of exercising a furtive and a sinister influence upon legis-lation and legislators. That, a Tarill' Hill should be passed in thedark or without the essential substratum" of vitid fact is quite con.sonant with the presidential ideas. Any one venturing to supplyneeded light or to furnish the facts becomes at once and by infer-ence a kind of malefactor who is bent oi) Subverting a legislativeindependence or suborning a legislative corruption, lint it is safeto say that if Mr. Carter had come to Washington for the purposeof applauding and supporting the Tariff' Hill he wolild not luivobeen denounced for lobbying, nor would his invitation tiHlte WhiteHouse lure been canceled.

No one questions that the practise of lobbying has been, abused.The practise or going to church has been abused. All human rightshave been abused. Hut they continue none the less to he humanrights. Hvery citizen or the,eouutry, every combination of citizens,lias a right to approach congress in any proper and open way anilto communicate facts or opinions germane to any proposed legis-

lation. It is in its essential character the ancient right of petitionwind it is just as valid as ever it was. The principle of the thing isentirely unatlectcd by its. occasional inisuso or even hy the venalityof legislators and lobbyists that hs opened the door to scandal.Wherever nliiises have occurred thoy sluuilil He sternly suppressed,but not by childish methods that would place wool in the iiirs qfI'liugrcMiiiii'ii lest they hear somelhliig JniprnpiT. or surround themvilli a ling feiiue lent they sec snniiilliliig iiudchiriihlc, Mr. Carterlimy be cnliruly wrniitf in his opinions, hut In bus a ribht to e. pressthem. I'robuhly ho knows more uboiil llmvaii and .its,, mule limitthe I'.citidcut ami the coinblliud. That Ii,- - should he repii-niMudti-

litHiMiii hl opinions mid Ills fuels happen to he iqlycrstiio h pMiliciiUr hill it iiultfftiUHihio mid absurd.

An infiilm'shlu minum! pf iiniis.imn Ims of rnurso buuii talltialulmut lobbying. 't Hie mVi to Inilluv Unit it has btuiii the pi'tiu-- I

iHi- mi'HImiii of iii'.'IhI lulttrttklv oi'unntfil and liiiaiiniul Io ilnfuntill' will of "Hie people." lint "(lie people" cm pl'eslllllllbl.V tiltIII. k.iIiii llllliu if III,, ,i, si. Illlllili'l Wll IX I lilllllle lllll llli'lll

' ) i II" ii l"t I" - I 'I Will.. ilh (tl' .!! IIUlM' I

ous enough, not only to force their irresistible decisions upon con-gress, but. utterly to swamp anil annihilate any rorccsjthat thcymaythink to'lic hostile. And yet we lire asked to believe that a fewdozen attorneys and paid agents in the corridors of congress canthwart the wishes of ninety millions of people, who must witnessIbeir betrayal in speechless impotence, and that these ninety miblions of people must be protected from such betrayal hy n presiden-tial fiilmination. Sueh mi idea can be defcinled only upon a hypo-thesis of popular senility.

The President has or course gone much too far. He has himselfexercised mi influence thai can only be described as lobbying in itsworst form, Senators (iallagher and Townsend were strictly withintlie letter oi accuracy when tney said unit lie had exceeded hisprerogatives mid violated the spirit of a Constitution which estab-lished a balance of power in legislative functions and that was

to' prevent the dragooning and tho coercion of one branchof the government by any other branch. Hut it is lime to utter,i protest when usurpation tp" this kind takes the frfrm ofMiration of facts and opinions that should be presented lo con-gies- s

in their entirety, when it attempts to dictate what iiifdnuaiioiimay and mny not be placed' nt the disposal of the nntiotial legislature.


While the decreased iticoinc from sugar, the result of u doublecircumstance of irshort crop and a low average price, has hit Ha-waiian business hard 'in some, directions, as a general thing the Ho-nolulu firms report trade, .gijod and, in many instances, growingtdoittlily. The dfmand for'goml real eslnto has not fallen belowwhat was consideicd more or less of a boom jlenntnd a year ago. andthere are cry Jw vacant houses in the city, despite the hundredsltilif tinvo llnntl .ml un M'iltiiri 11... iiiiuf lu'olvi. mnntliu 'I'ltn funt's that, while some undoubtedly arc seriously affected by the suspen- -

s'ons ot dividends, the average of prosperity is almost as higli mH0116I11I11 today as it has ever been.- - What it may be after theWilsoii-Uliderwdo- d Hill iroos into effect, in March. 1014 if it tinesis another question, although even ill' its worst, Honolulu will coi;limit: io ne cuy., This is duetto the military and naval payrolls and fo (he millionswhich Uncle Sam has been pouring out and will continue 'to, p'ourout for sonic years to como-ti- n fe.dcral projects. The payroll of thecivilians employed, and fo be employed by the federal governmentis and will continue to be. largo; the ainount of cash put into circu-lation by the soldiers, sailors ami marines is in the millions, inaddition to which Is the liirgo amount locally spent by the quarter-- .mister department for quarters, and for food stuff and other suppliesfor the men and their animals.' "in this money, every department oftrade sharesi

In addition to this vast outpouring of federal funds in Honolulu,Ibis city luis. a growing revenue from the tourist tralTic. This hasbeen of fair proportions in tlie past; it will be larger and liirgeilis tho years go by, witty.tlio constantly growing knowledge, abroadof the scenic and climatic clianiis of Hawaii and with the certaintythat the passenger carrying, accommodations between Hawaii andthe mainland will bo increased to meet the growing and alreadypressing demand. In this trade all Hawaii shares, although Honolulu, as is natural, reaps the greatest and immediate benefit.

For these reasons, even in the event of tfiree years of lower sugartariff and a few mouths of fret, sugar until the protectionists areagain in power at 'Wnsliitigton and an American policy is put backinto force Honolulu luis no grounds for any amount of pessimism.'Ibis city will continue to grow; trade in Honolulu will continue toincrease, mid the fircuter Honolulu will come about. Even PresidentWilson and his wreckers cannot prevent that.-

JAPANESE NATURALIZATION.Commenting on the proposal from Hawaii that the right of natur-

alization be grantedvto. thu Japanese, the Springfield Republicansays.r , V .'

t"On account of the long and intimate experience of Hawaii withAsiatics there "is special 'interest in liio address on 'Our Nation'sDuty to Jaiian,' by Dorejnus Scudder, editor of the Honolulu news-paper the Friend, which was delivered in that city on May 18. andis published as a. leaflet. A copy comes ,to us with the indorsementof a number of representative1 citizens of Honolulu, including Presi-dent Griffiths of Oaliu College; John T. (lulick, a retired missionaryof u family distinguished in the mission field; F. S. Scudder, super-intendent of Japanese work for the American board; Riley- II. Allen,editor of the Star-Hullcti- ti ; David Kanulia, formerly territorial sen-ator, and numerous school' principals, professional men and busi-ness men. They unite in deprecating antialicu legislation, and be-

lieve that the differences between America and Japan 'may bo composed with no great difficulty.

"How dillicult it would be, .however, to carry Doctor Scudder'splan- - intq elfect is obvious froin the fact, that the essential partof it is the proposal to grmitthu right u becoming citizens of theI'nitcd States to the Japanese. Hint this proposal would meet.ith formidable objections is certain; that the objections have weight

may be granted without questioning in tho least Doctor Scudder'spraise of the Japanese, whom he knows well. In fact, the issueturns so little on tlieir personal merits that it may suffice to nolo hisanswer to the contention that they arc so loyal to Japan that theycannot become good American citizens. Doctor Scudder tells, onUio contrary, of Japanese of his acquaintance who 'would give any-thing to becdme Americans' because they liave fully identified them-selves with the country.' And ho (notes a remarkable passage, froman address delivered in Honolulu by the Japanese commissioner, Mr.ilattoi'i, on his way to California to investigate conditions there. Mr.Hattori said:

Some Japanese think this w,ouItl be disloyalty to Japatiand that they would sacrifice their national individualityby becoming American citizens. On tlie contrary, they wouldenlarge their national individuality, becoming in effectworld citizens. Mr. Carnegie in becoming an American citizen did not lose his loyalty to Scotland.

"lie raises; too, the question, 'Wlmt would be the duty of a loyalJapanese in ease, of a war between America and Japan' And inanswer he tells how the retainer of a Daimyo who married into thefamily of the Daimyo of another province answered the same hardquestion by saying, 'I will fight for my present chief and by myvalor add' to the glory of the Daimyo who trained uje in the prin-ciples' of the Samurai.' Japan, said Mr. Hattori, lms ever honoredthat hero as loyal to tho principles of 'Bushido.'

"Hut, granting that this is so, the question V naturalization isnot so simple lis it seems, to those who propose it as a solution ofthe Pacific problem. In the-Sout- the United States has one stag--I

ering nice problem; till a solution of that is in sight can it afford totake on another in the West that might prove even more difficult!Could we discriminate against the Chinese? Now, yes. Hut whenChina has become like Japan a strong nation I In so momentous amatter it is needful to proceed with great caution, ami the wiser endlo seek is the establishment of friendly diplomatic, commercial andintellectual relations with the minimum or entanglement. Americaalready has great influence in thu far Hast, and this may he increasedprovided causes or irritation are avoided, Hut it is to he fearedthat Doctor Scudder s solution would only lead to new complica-tions,"


II would be diKiiib'dly agiiiusl good public policy to allow it supiniior n iiwign to nuticpt n position under tho hoard, as is sug-uotil-

In I In uiu.0 of Supervisor llnrdesty and tlio road supttrvisor-hip- ,

A pi'iuimlmit of that kind would open Urn way for ponsihleynivu iilnuiiis.

Hum is Miuii'thilitf for Hie umiliiiimilii'iiiuw: If thu feilenilIiiik a I run i ly ifii! two hundred UuiiiMiiid dollars and has

Milt'il llii'iic hundred thuutmiil more in coiiipli'ti'' iiiiiirters nt Ii-I- .

hiia fur two kqiiiiilriin of t'liviilry, how niui'li will It take mid lmvi.nii.-- mil il lull, iiihI' t ,. D.'iiiM, tuiii' mlminihll'iitmii In gt-- l iiuiiilrix

, "i III. Ili, Un



British Consul Reports Precau-tionary Rules of Ozar'.s

Navy Department

LONDON, .luiio 20. Tlie tiOaf.l 'bftrntlc has rcccivcil from His Majesty'sconsul nt Ilclslngforii tlio followin

translation of rules' for Vosscls cnfcrV1ng I! ii ss in n ports anil meeting IiusstnKnnval squmlrons, and ciilranco to placeswlicro naval squadrons are anchored.

On February J7 last, tlio followingrules respecting entrance to lac'c3,

whore navnl sguadrons .arc anchored,wc"re; confirmed 'by'Uio. hiliest authorl-- 1

ties: !'

It is romctlmes. found necessary to,forliid ships to enter certain places, or-t-

limit their free choice, of- - direction;a. ship entering bays and straits oughttherefore, when observing n imvnlsquadron at anchor, or tho light frontelectric projectors upon tho water, toenter the bay with tho greatest caution,and strictly obey every order RivenFrom tlio gnnnlslilp verbally, or by!means of signs or signals.

When tho gilardsliip is cruising toand fro or at anchor, a special Has(blue, white, blue, in horizontal fields)ta iiu.pii'ii ui. ii, .till, it it'll ii.ii ai mi;iii.

If threo red lights at night, or threflglobes by day are hoisted on a mast)cilher on shoro or on tho guardship. atthe entrance, to tho bay, it is absolutely,forllddcn to enter tho bay; if by daytho flag only Ishoistved, and nt night otto red light, entranceto tho bay is permitted according to',directions given from tho guardsh'nJ:When nt a distance of about one milefrom tho nearest ship in tho squadron,hips approaching tlie squadron must

slacken speed, and wnit, for direction)from tho gunrdi-hip- .

If tho gunrdahip gives signals; witftthe steam whistle or ,tho siren, or fireia can, tho ship has to stop and "layto'T awaiting orders.

If no signal is given from tlio giiardiship, vessels arriving may enter tebay, but must not run lictwccn the

ships, but between tho shorfand tho ship nearest tho shore.

If a ship entering docs not obey thedirections given, tho guardship wiljhave to slop it by firing, a blank iliotlShould the first warning bo disregarded,a loancu snot win no urea, against tnorigging or the fails, and if the shipdoes not stop after this, or leavo thoplace, it will bo fired at or rammed. I

In places wlicro the movements o?'hips nrp limited by tho

rules, traffic, with private .motor,lioatF. hydroplanes and .submarines Isstrictly forbiddon, and if they approachtho lino of the! guardshlps they will, bo.

"shot to pieces." (sondofskjutas).,, . i



LONDON, .Time 18. Tlio kjng willpay a strictly private visit to tho npwbattlo cruiser Australia at Portsmouth '

on Juno 30, prior to her departtno fortho Antipodes. His Majesty's Austra-lian ship Australia has been built id

to tho order or the Common1Wealth government, and lias a, displacement of 18,800 tons or nearly ten thou-

sand less than tho newest typo of bat;tie cruisers. Her main armament 'con-sists of eight guns.

Announcement is mado by thothat the government of Atistra,-li- a

has nppointed Hear Admiral GeorgfKdwin I'aley, M. V. O., who has com-

manded tho second .liattlo squadronsecond division, sinco 1010, to the cominnnd of His Majosty's Australianfleet. This appointment may be .regard;ed as marking tho birth of the Austra-lian fleet as n fighting force. i

Hy tlie mid of August all tho shipsoxcept ono cruiser ordered under tbonaval agreement bf 1000 wil, bo In Austtralmn waters and complete in all re-spects. They comprise tho battlocruiser Australia, two socond-clas- s pro;tectod cruisors, tho Melbourne and Sy.lrney, of 5400 tons, each, and. a flotillaof destroyers, submarines and miscellaneous vessels required to completetlio licet unit. t

Honolulu People Must Rccogniie and

Heed ItKidney ills come mysteriously.Hut nature always warat you.Notico the kidney secretions.See If the color Is unnealtbyIf there are settlings and sediment,Passages frequent, scanty, painful.It's time to use Bonn's Backache

Kidney Pills,To ward oft serious diseases.Hera's proof of their merit.Mrs. M. A. Hoover, 010 8. Mulberry

St., Vlckiburg, Miss, iajrii,"Por two.ty years a member of my family wasafflicted with kidney ,'corapaint andwag suffering from 'mini In be back.Mornings whon first srlilnc, (hit per-- ,

ion Kit io liime as to be hardly ablelo move. The kidney secretions aliocanted inn li annoyance, Dorii'i Hack

die Kidney 1'illa were io hlsbly recommended In the newspaperi that thalruie wai begun, Thli mmejy prof.laittlaraeloryln eveiy way aad ileasrvithe lilgheit emloraeiiirut."

Doan'i Itaokache Kidney Pllli antold by all ilruKKlita n. slnrakraperaat Of) (inli per lux (all hniei '.'.SD)nr will he mailed on ra'elpt nf pn.py Ilia llollltlar Drutf Co., Honolih,wholesale agent! far the Hawaiian IIIami a,

llniueiiiliar lliosaiu. )ou? a nl lalui,iii. in imhii iiuvi Imng uinliT riiiiviih no mbtlllui

Page 5: jlB JltiM HfjflH - University of HawaiiThat Right to Resume Hostilities Is Reserved in Event of the Present Balkan Conflict Extend-ing Into Macedonia. WAR DECLARED BY SERVIA King Peter

-- ...



......... ...! 1 T

HflWfl MhT'' ' SE$.

ur "-'.r.'fl- i wluhhimLj c r&I1L.L.I -

.. ft--- lj. '.BIBBBHI StudcnU Anxious to Continue Q7 gfy&Ar'$!8&'. "v; ' V 'MtiijHBKSm Studies Durinc Vacation Ac' '!SfTm&)' 'i,'?. v.M v-

. t&Bam&Rntn I opportunity. Wr..h.ii i r v ' ' . --ii v. . . v . v ihadc --ni . -IB Vb E .fc . IK. .. . tHTlHKRBiHHFK . .X. J

I' ' .. - . tl- - . - Winn thn V. M. C. A. coiitenni

Though Present Tariff Bill WillPass, Says Former (fovernor

Carter, the Battle Should NotBe Given Up Until Fate of Sugar

Is Finally Determined Atti-

tude of Democrat Far fromFriendly.

Many Hoar and 'Applaud as Rep.ressntativc of People of Terri-

tory Gives Account of the SevenWccta' Fight of Himself andFriends of Hawaii's Chief In-


"Hawaii must keep up its fight.Free sugar is not hero nud will not

fomo. 'I litre Is to be an election uofore the. coming into force of the freeBiigiir Eclidilnlc, nml I Jo not believethat tlio people, ol tne united otatesaro willing to go on any free sugarbasis when they know what that menus.

q must lielp to curry on tno campaignto put the facts before the people. Another thing seems sure: the dcinaudrupon the levcniso will make the postpoueincnt of" the ilate for free sugur,beenii'o there will not bo revenue nutlicient to cany on the business of thegovernment and provide lor the in-

crease in appropriations that will b.demanded by the Southern Stntos.

This, in cilcct, was tho closing stateinent ot tho public report made

to the people of Honolulu byGeorge It. farter, who has been tluoughtho Democratic lire at Washington foltho past soven weeks as tho authorizedrepresentative of people of HawaiiIn the Unlit for tho preservation of thesugar tariff, which' tneautv tho fight fortho preservation.. of tho main industryof tho Islands. Mr. Carter returned bytho Manchuria yesterday morning, and,at ins own request, mailc an early re-

port. Whilo ho had bceii snubbed bytho President, roasted by a section oftho mainland press, grilled as nn "in- -

is dious lobbyist" by a senate subcommittee and been iorced to ioavoWashington witli the idea that tho object of his trip had not been accomplished, Mr. I arler camo homo far frombeing a beaten man. He enme buckfull of fight nnd with hittuuain recommendation to Hawaii 'Of H'flfehting char-acter. '

He naid a hlch tributo to tho earnestness and life ability of those whoworked witli linn Mcss.ru. llallnu, Pax-sou- ,

Walter G. Smith nnd Irwin eachof whom, ho said, had his heart in Ha-

waii nnd Who brought to their tasksomething which could not bo bought.

J Here was u largo number In tlioYoung Hotel pavilion to listen to Mr.Carter nnd applaud his ringing sen-

tences, and there was decided feelingof encouragement alnong his hearersnt the conclusion of tho meeting. Mr.Paxton, who also returned from Washingtou yesterday") was present and reeoived a warm welcome back.

Carter's Address.Mr. Carter plunged directly into Hie

matter for which ho' was sent to Wash-ingto-

On arrival there ho found K.P. Paxton and B. M. Hallou engagedin tho work of presenting material andfacts beforo those who wero going tobe for legislation in con-gress. All the sugar interests in Amer-ica, including Louisiana, Porto IticeMini Hawaii, and tho beet sugar people,had combined as the Domestic SugarProducers.

There wero nine HuwaiiaiiB on handin tho interest of Hawaii's main induxlry. They did not employ any oneoutside, as they wanted only peoplewho had "their hearts in Hawaii."

Ho said 'tho attitude "of tho cabinetofliciaN was rather pcsullar. Tho cominitt.ee ascertained that no ono couldwo i cabinet oflieial unless ho statedbeforehand that ho had no intoiitlonof talking- alout tho tariff. Tho secrotary of each oflieial required tho port-o-

n to always state the nature of thebusiness on which ho intended inter-viewing tho cabinet men.

"It was a surpjisiiig'uttitudo," paidJlr. Carter. "I hail been to Washington at different times under difforeul

and never foud suchmi attitude. "Tin' attitude of tho bciiliters might be described In this way'.My heart is with you", but my voto isagainst ynu. '

"They admitted that freo sugar warnot a wise ami sound Wiley, n.ml didnot 1'cliovo In it, but wero going to fightfor tho bill as requested tho Presi-dent. Henaior Lawrence said ho bollnied the people wanted free sugarand adilelt 'You must admit tho peoplehave a rjght to bo wrong.' That washis attitude."

Hearings Wera Limited.Mr. Carter ,wil. ,the ruqsi Important

quest iuu that arose wit, that of publichearings. There! hn.L hecii no hearingmi this speclfl, 1.(11.' mfJ, the Under-wood Hill enirio Into 'the house therewern no hearings In the l0iie, or inthe loiiinilttees, all, talk's nu tho samewere limited to mm minute. The lispiibliruus wero urging that hearing bepermitted. One Friday afternoon theHawaiian rummitli'ii received k tele,jihouu meiiun from the secretary ofimi riiniiiHHii in uiu M'nuie toiiicniiiinlt

o that hid llin sugur question In handUllng Hint there would , u public

Inuring" fM Mumliiy. .Indue Jlsllnu hud(Unshed ii sugar brief. Curler's wujwl leady

Thev dciidud rtrl In And out whatkind of ii Inuring was in be held. Nuinfnilj iliiin nu ln poi. iim I , ohI a i md 'Hie iI.hiiiiiu'I rvuhl ur wmilJl,l M V'l'll I "si i Huull bi pulilleT


FTy.KTTK. -SB- Mt-WKKKl.y.


nnllT' .ivaaaaaaaaaaaarruavaaaicnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai- s,T t jf.'Vv. VW ar nawV "'l iaWlaMMawlWlllTMrTiMal V

..AaiaaaaMLkBniraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallaaliaWHaaaaBaaaaaaBBaaHBHCaaaaaaaaaaaal--ffxj t, .. conducting n summer school for boysu1ii9Sk '

, this vanuion made iirrhngciuents

rimiMTff-TTrrriBwrrrnn-r rr ---- --

,- irnaiw teacher

Informalthinkstests will

ho :::r:, mmm riiurii, kh m

lwWPnmniKiMrxMaaawMMg K.kilrgfjBafcaaaaaalBaaaaaaaaaaaawiyjBBiaapaaB,gB. 'ttmmi'jgKammSEUm0mUSt-'WiB-an lJlagS SmaKtAamKmJIESMalaeKFwSt-1S- ' jH53iJMhVE3iafcKiaZ-SJ?rWgJwa- y 41 I

iffayfairMTO' uyyayBal!lgJaMaaaiaayaaBglaamlMSix inilus Lioitli of Ililo, This

oast. is reached by a jfowl auto toad, or hy the llilo JtAilroail,

Kvcn though they filed a Irjef, the'chairman could not tell whether itwould bo printed, Jt appeared there ,

IVUUK1 UU 11U lUIHHIIIItJ VI SpCCCH, UIUthat any talks wo'ihl bo constantly interrupted by questions. It was decidedto send n rcpresen,tntivoklrom each ofthe Interests in tho DomesticProducers.

Mr. Wnrren spoko for his clients foran hour and n half, and was routjnually naked whether his people wouldstand for n fifty per cent reduction tittho' tariff bill. ' yVarrin salll ho couldnot answer that, but flnnllv inado' nnadmission' w high ((uilgpiiiiiou,rug compelled to stato ho could not endorse, ,

Judge Ilallnil stated' 'that rfs far as'io Knew, and as filr aV Hawaii was-- oncerned, he preferred the present Ullto nny change. , , , .

Jiulgn Hallou said .he believed, as aresult of this tiirinT'Tcgislutiou therewould bo a political revolution in twoyours, and those liniv. in power wouldnot bo in power m throo yqtrs, juid thatthe turlir would still remain at the cudof four years. 'Tho ienntors did notrelis-I- this statement at 'all.

Tho chairman of th eommlttcc,- - saidMr. Carter, was in u siiciriug moodwhen Hawaii was mentioned. ,ilo even'aid th.it ho always, oppose P Hawaiianinnexation to the United 'States, andf the Islands umV its' industry wero

wiped oil' tho map, ho would not ihreimcli. That wag, lit, attitude- - .Thoother men snfd so fur as Hawaii.vas concerned they J.'ivofed putting nilany further hearing until s after thetarilT bill had pawed,.

".Senator O'iiorniau, Vork,iitggeslcd that I Tnul Letter not men-tion tho matter of their, personal viewsjii tho question lind their publicpolicy," aid Mr Carter,' "nnd tint theesponsibility for tariir results, anyhow,

.voiild ultimately bo placed on Presi-len- tWll-o- Ilo suggested that this

should l,o in deference to senatorialourtesy. 1 replied that I was goingo tell that story of our treatment fromho AtUillie to tho Pacific us nu illiu

Irntion of tho sort of treatment thnttny onf could expect in Washingtonimler n liemocratie ndministrntioif.

"Senator O'Oorinan Miid thut howould give mo a personal suggestionWhy don't you prepare a printed nrguucnt?' ho asked. This was funny.

"It-wa- about this time that Hecre-jir-

Ilryan nny man whofolatcd a political pledge was a crimi-la- l

worst! than an embezzler and nextHorning, in one of our ads in the...rM.ui.n, iiji-ip-

, nun siaiepient nji- -

'learen, mis njqieared in conjunctionvith a. query to tho public how this.tiitomont toniared when It was recog--lined that even refiners admitted thntlorIreo sugar would destroy the sugar in--

lustry of America. next' day-th-

iiiuue ins finteiiieiit nboiitintldlous Jobldes,' , We heard thut Mr.Jryuii did not like our stutmnent. Histateiuent wus that who opposedho tarifl' legislation wero present inivasldiigtmi in greater iiiiiuburH iloiniver iiaforo uud were 'Industrious uudnkimous."We wero delighted when we heard

hat," milled Mr. fuller. "At last we'md done mniething that. M gottenindur the skin of the public men uudml nttrui-te- l their attention. Nextunriilng Henntor I'uiiimiiigs, of the (Iniiihlieifiis, nllered resolution inkinghe Pr.tldent Io present hi evldsiire.The OiiiiuirrnU tltisl this, uud bolliId us kspl nigH,-,iM- things until' thyHtolutimi was griKitlv ehaugsd, liVt It. ii I lis I in earh sunn I or huvldif Ii, take

tlm stMUd nud tmtifjr, It brouuhl out,iiii thing .i'M Mitalur slslisj tliulill printed mniuir, nin even many ll'r uud ewii lti;i")t went Uiu ihsifnle .iwiMr wuskMs tmraail'"ll'ii only ..Htr luu llml llmiiu

HI 'I ,, millurlt .1 ii,, i, ii

nnl i, II uni,.,

rn--r.'. a 4,4,44141 TMlstp.iit.Arf'V

FRUUY. JULY I, 1'H.l ' - ''rfi.i""3 miiiiif r iinn i mn abk thb "

lS'.,. tTrV




. they







nrch is nppnixiinntuly lull' hiimlivil C'i't liigh, initials ono of thoIt

fluting that tho Hnwniiniis' wolconicdan investigation, and that rour rocordswero ut the disposal of nny senate comlUittCO

"It was stated broadly bv7tho Democratic lawmakers thnt Hijwnli, oven 4

with freo sugar, could proijuce siias cheaply as Cuba, llcpjofentatlvellardwick no made thnt sfiitement inins urguuicni, nun scnniurs loin ueabout it. We believed wp Uiouldduct a lumpnigu to touuteruct the"4hiHstatoineiits. '

'fit wus shown tho size of thoin 'Wushington then wns-no- t as

large in former times. Senator IVil-ro-

estimated it was fortyj-.pc- r ceiftless than formerly, or when changeshail been proposeil (luring tho Jfopubliinn udministrntioii," i f

Mr. Carter said tho invVstigntioii,.esieiially when the Hawiilians weroiirongnt beiorn tno investigating coinmittee, wns liko saying a miiii is guiltuntil h is proven inniHent." '

Mr. Carter confesfed that ninny oftho ideals ho had Jortiicd 'as n jousgman of the great nud glorjous Amor-- ,

nun iieiiui ue weio rmiciv snniiereciluring his last visit tn Wushington.Ho had been taught of tho splendid"jf-tei- ot government but found it triit

under the Democrats. The lluwalinns woro cross Miminedfby u not'odcriminnl lawyer, His const.int elTort'van to put answers in tho mouths Joftho men on the stund. Questions weroput. which they wero obliged to linger

ithout modification. Mr. .Carter wason the stnnd throo hou'ri and Vi waslnred when ho finishedij

"Hut I kept on for f knew I wasfighting for the land ofj my birth nnd

'i iroing to fight, to tljo end." (Aptplausc.) r,

"They asked mo wlmt salary Hallouwns paid. i

"1 told them 1 thought it was 1.10,.000 a year. Thoy aked if I didn'tthink thut was ton much,. 1 told themthat when, the Huwniinus wanted ngood man In Washingjoii they paid himwell, nnd I nlso Etutai('tlmt I believedthe lenutors felt wejluul a good manthere.

"As (o myhclf I believe I might (om-par- e

myself with the rusher in tliolootball game, but Hallou wns tho half-linck, and when helid get the ball,lin always. scored. iHis tcstimouv wasreninrkiiblu. lie is man in thounited Mates wiinjiilnycd through ev- -

ery meeting of tin) ,'Hiirdwlck eoiumit- -

lee, vv nen questiops canto up concern- -

the bunch of checks and then withmother retired tti the side of the roomand, rnniuiiinrvd' looking them ovei.They seemed to think they were on thetrack nf tomvtlilug big, nml finally in-

terrupted tho Ihearilig and producingkcvernl checks triuiuphiiiitlv inked Mr.

LUiillou why it wn thut ho wns guiyingout o iuiicii uinpuy in Jir. lliiuseniHii,lliilloil iiuswiTeH eiilmly- - MVIiv, he ismy lu ml lord.' jt produced u l.iiiuli, midhe mnnlors did not nppreemle'lt.

I. Ii,...,,..Piiktiiiiltotd thn inoiniHUe thut" ""' ". r,,"C"JM"L!"r::!!"L



l - I

, , i




'"-"''- I " !''' iH'f IIVII'mhiii any qutluti.

Irwtn Oulet Hut"Ilariy Irwin nf hsil linnu uuiet

He liltlw.he I hem

Nt I I. II, bulllli. .lllllii. io inn, I 111,

ll, tl.lll I... II., t 1,1 HI I I.I I..lulu lb , v.. i,n t, ,,i,,,J l.ut

nill'Hl ii'. Utiiii'4 Ml .fur rvd'.ii lonlj,in ... Tin- rest In wii Ui'IMiki

a ill mi mi r ii ii.iniiii




jiettiii,' oil' at thuQjionit'ii Station.'

President Wilson wasioing to siistalutho .turiir on sugar and tugur wouPl notuu ii question riiikcti ixuq j'cuiucniiieiilmiuistrntion. This was, tho under-standing ut the cunvKntloh'i He told

lut ciinnlnrii frm ntj 1. ii liW Kiwi (iinniirrnl.tin CHI It lll (1 1111I1IJ II lll)V tllll UVkKI iv'witli resnect to MiL'iir. uid'thnt'huasked Undeiwooil who ntjiteil-tha- t thiswas n mutter .that couldtbo safely entrusted to tho DcnioerntsAl He had alsoretclved a letter from SJejIiltor Itrous-ai-

of l.ouisliiIa, whoMIiitl 'SUcn thoPresident, elet, and thomessago hohad from Wilson was thai t,ho sugarpeoplujierd not worry. TJilit informa-tion wns corrobornted. V I

''Ills testimony placed '(his honornbovc his poiticul party, ami stampedIII (II IIS lllllll Willi IS II SUIQI1U1U Clll'Zen." (Applause.) vi

"oHtluiiing, .Mr. Carter Vjiild thatWalter (!. Smith eoiiMilsed the senutorswith mirth.

Kcfuscd a Ilcarlng.iMr. Carter told of his cffult to hob

tho President nud how he Jiad beenrefused interview by Mj.jW.ilson.His first isit to tho White Uruiso wusto Mr. Tumulty. This olliejatlio interview for .Mr. Carter, Wan offlcinl, Lould bo unaiiged. Aiiotuer sec- -

retnry Jomid thnt Mr. Carter iiuciidciltiillcini' iilmnl. thn inrilT. tin pi ..t Mr.Tumulty 'm nttontion to this. 'trllnifiHythen mill that the l'reaiilentHt iiilnilwns inude up on tho iiuestltli ami1It would bo .useless to sen li'imS Mr,


Carter asked to see the President' as u Jv r"""i papains nml suchprivate, citien. Wlicn asked wlittt the ,ltllcr things pigs liko to feed upon,iiuturo of Ids tall; would be, Mr. Carter T"Py 'eel .with world at

it would bo about the tnrllfJffl l"rK',i for thoy know ijot that next Sat-Tli- c

next day ho received a urday they will bo metnmnrphtiedfrom tho AMilto Houso annouiieljmSthut I,orl(j "ni1 ,,in, "I1 I "to nc.it littlo pack-the- .

President refused to rvo ldlii:l Inges of delicious laulaii, Hut parish.... . . . ' ' .lilt !. f, I !..-.- . t..ll.... 1tl.ll. .1. I Iji seems aiiuosi imiiosiuiei to i4ie -

lievo- - that wo have to fight iiottfanlythe refiners but-uls- Whito IMujic,'1laid Mr. Curler. can nny 10114 be-

lieve that a political party led byjjniclimen cnu exist. What thn Democraticargument. It is Hint if you are! eji- -

pigeil in nu industry that is profitable,you don't want protection, if lit isunprofitable, you don't want ItSjpro- -

lerved"President Wilson says thiitcnli we

need down here, lifter wo getfreohiigai, upjdy u little scimiff to

sugar L tohl nireKutorthat already the Hutted State's uiiuran- -

(.Ined iigiiiiist our fruits. Uolmlj tli(unexpected linprvns the bill fns itstands l.s going to" pass, If 1U resultsaro 11 lai are, tno senators nrovso nir




event whicli aswide Interest tu set

HI.wns theiir. Hii, eu

HornI, HenruS? Alexuu

lr Miinar, lr, HUi(iinn duly with










wm ... .v n.

.. .

eventis Miuuifi I'wiuly,

- i -..

iil-- o in V)' , 'IUIJ lllll'

I Is ii I

end Ur IIrlty uf IHMMif I'lirllsii.l '

i.ii r i n uraiiiiiiii'M I Ii i.i Vnujil . I ,. .o.,1 ,H I I iful')i.l ' '


strikiil"; of the llilo





'Mi I'Mernl WirrlMi Telfgrsph.).Inly nl toThe uidy a wco dress.

ed and comely woman of about l.'i ye.irsot ago with head, almost severed,was found today on n loading

in rear of Johnstore, n West Installment house,

woman been iissaultrod, as anil dis-

arranged tho hair clotted witlibtorod,

murderer thrust n knifo twice Intho woman 's neck and it aboutleft two gaping holes. woman worotwo rings an inexpensive necklace.

Wood" thumb murks nn nn Irrmdoor and a knife ore the

clues agtiiust

Two immense pigs wcru safelyover tho last Kil.iuea from South

that of suoiil tribe.With loud shrieks vif thoyjumped ashore, for they had been

,""Ki ""(l R1'"1 l""-'- ",ur, to wulkV," . ' ' '! loddu.l,l"'lr .W ,0""r" 1ror 't w"vcry and each of had to

over pound of materiul"""" i " nm"""..""J vy"K" ,r l'" Dlnch's neat Mlmiiei

"' ",""" Hnp'lst on

i"i" "i iiim-'- I'linu uupicuri.iu visions their dreams

just now.out wliat

laulju, kulolo, uud limu' stnndif they go a. for

nuietit. Those things must bo tast-ed reali.e what they are; but allthese Hawaiian together withpoi, cream, lemonade and Portuguese

will within reach, onowill f.i take Iho Kingstreet up to IV Iload,nnd from there wulk a steps totho place where tho tables bo dressed in Hawaiian style.

iiio Harmonious. strains oi ino until- -

olic Misiiou baud guide the strung,er's steps, and fncilitntn

This the material part of

..r.. ..I UI II... I.. il.n ....u.

for July ioln'the set l'ir .

hhootiiig nlmiikt led A. I, urns totli" li'ili'tf Intlon yiwterdliyA Httln mi part towardhis wife reunited III n hurry forthe nllliels i.ollee say hit piiiutul

uf Hid way before ho shut, which thein dlreellnn of the uuiiriMt

phone. '



OieresliiiK, i rhmije In Hie luiiipeniturn, uiniiv fruit, impuie wnlsram mm. uf I he wiutiw daijhoei.i hkiulx rUiu 's i olis, I'lmlsiiiri.ni'M iii'ii.i.it .m I !..-- . l.nwel dii

il en . - u,il IV. nl I,. II iiKm. t, i I.I.I u,. i.i. I,. i II i

o's iiiiMti-- i iiTriiiuui, r. iiiiuuu spuuu ii luiuu uiu uiuiiiw ami i cspuiisi ii iy uiniuiil ceieiiralloii ot the patron feastup neioru tno ntvMtigatiiig loniuilttee Loll i'lesicient WJlion. W f tho chiireh. It begin""d siid fehturo could is iiiconceivnble to thliilM that y after tho solemn hlgli mass which1' found jingo volume two tho American people will'udopUnfijolicy wj ,e sung with accompanlmeut of

three Of the Hjiidwick hearings of tngar. They want revenue orchestra and begun ut li.ilf-iias- t tentho book wouh bc'oppncd to thnt page If "they find, lifter three yciirn(tl$t tho Sunday morning. Tho beginning

lind parrel' overyonthe-senators-, rid revemio icy want Is not fortln'jiining, f luau bo about nonii. JJo

uunif, ino man, reniariicii: inn nemocrats win (,ntranre fee is but tickets for'Vve, but fhatls.H smart iiinn.' for freo sugar nud contlnuoftlje one- - tlio fiiiiu aro being sold nt fifty cents'"I hey Hallou bring Ids cent basis for rojciiuo. W,ncinl l(ll savory laulau

He did ago and determination to In lit filteeii cents each'""1 '"i'l them him. One of tho every lionorutilu the have 'r, ,n0 f Port Shatter know thateiintors enliiilyvtulked over nicked ui. bemin." K '.i...i - ..i .1

ieH - Ih.hJ






said butt Mini Inld

IIIII, .mm i , ,i,

IK. 1


.I'A lui thepiinl L.r irnri'







assatislied the





is toour'


by., ...,..-- . . . ,iu.- -

,Jl- - M'M l.ill.vtni p, Mliw- -

AN IltANtlStO. .lune..fllAull,r ,....,,, ,,,,,. ,,. ...,,,.cfliue it surpiiigjj mid

of theHiiiioiiiiteinent by

iiii'i i.iiiest uiuirriui tungiigeriienl their diiiuhtiY.MIssiliy I'ulmor, lent -

I'nited Army,ttlin Hie '"lilliTliifMiiliv

l'irlillii, U1Ihp her out

l:i...t:: ,.',,:.,.2:",wr-- j.."...r"er" "" i.,



Uiu eurlv IslhiAiiBM or

.... last

wull Itimwii lilt IIwi,e,e ahd llttlld.'d a

iiiiue ol,, Mil, lllshsrH'ii llwfflpui f this

sul Mts .In mei 'msteu

oi,.. .not m iimlari id !.


,, .i



CilK'AOf), --".(Slice ThoAdvertiser)


platform the Suiytha'sHiilo

Tho evidently hadher clothing wns torn




bloody prin-cipal the murderer.


Koiiu, paradise thepleasure

"crcK. ' ,V


""'' 'JUU lor''."".

tl10 Kaiueliamchii


pleasantStrangers will never find

iilnmihl,lor dictionary



sweetbread iftake tho trouble



willhis npjietite.

will the

tAl... ll....lld.

the occasion, Sunday, (I,

dale tho celebration,


frivolity Illsanil


did, the lei''





will immediate- -

that tills "Iton

and freo nnd),'clock

the willpnsiponoiinrj ilato charged,

told nvcr packages may"hecklnoks and ln'ui'lit

way llghti...v., ......... ......

i"l"tl lliu



ut the Tin- H.'ldlq; will miii m Mini told her tn getNil of

lhKii. Him














vr---" "'rsvrv; tvh,--awrswr


for accommodating twenty boys. Al-

though the school does not start untilMonday morning, lorty, boys havo

cniolled nnd many more, me ninklug Inquiries.

this shows twit n summer school iorhoys who want to miikn up school work,or'vvho are desirous of spending n por-tion of their vacation days gettingahead lias a place in Honolulu. Thoboys who have enrolled so fnr are fromthe following schools:

Ccntinl (Irnmmiir, I'uiiiilioii, Kanhu-tiinnu- ,

Iiovnl, Kniiilaiii nnd McKmleyHigh School.

tome will tnko regular sixth, seventhur eighth giade work, vvhlo others arogoing to bo coached In special studies.It will bo nossiblo to cover, such awide range ITrrausa tho instruction isto be nf nn "Informal, individual na-

ture, although there will be some regu-no- r

class work. The Idea is io helpeach boy In the studies in which his

and nt tho end of the sixnecks' term, nnd u certificate will bogiven each boy stating the progressthat has been made. All tho teachersarc men,

Next Monday morning the lmys willmen in Cooke Hall fur the opening ex-

ercises nt eight-thirt- o'clock. Theopening exercises will Inst fifteen minutes each morning, nnd will Includepractical and popular scientific tftlks,in addition to tho devotional pari. Ateleven-thirt- o'clock each morningschool work will bo finished, nnd thnbn,vs will spend the next halt hour inthe Y. M. C. A. gym and games hadThis will bo followed bv u mil s'lovvbath. Tho boy will than lm free forthe rest of tho diy to do what theirinner natures suggest. Jinny will goon weekly hikes thnt aro planned,-

(Malt Special to The Advertiser,)HilX). Juno SO. William MeCluskey,

cue of tlio most prominent educators inthe Islunds, has decided to leave Hawaii for good. lie does so with regret,

tlio aiivantagcs of an excellent positinn on tho mainland which ho accepted several months ugo, are such that holeeis tmit uu must not overlook the onportiinlly. '

Mr, MeCluskey studied pedagogy atthe University nf Columhiii about ayear ago, uiul hu attracted tho atten-tion ot his Instructors to such u degreeunit when the city of Charlotte, NorthCarolina, applied to tho liurvorslty au-thorities for a capable educator, Mr.MeCluskey was recommended.

While .Mr. MeCluskey hud a confere-nce) In New York with one of thoCharlotte school commissioners, lio didnot accept the posl.lloii definitely untilMarch .'II, when ho cabled his accept-ance. He did not, make this generallyknown, however, ns ho feared It mightinterfere with his work ns supervisingprincipal The department of publicinstruction did what it could to induct!MeCluskey to remain, but ho felt thatho could not back out of thu agreeincnt which ho had mudo with theNorth Cartilinn officials.

"I Intend to leave on the noxt WlllitdniiiiB, about July 12," said Mr. Me-

Cluskey last wiek, "1 will tu'le withmu my liimily, as I have no picient

nf returning to the Islumls. 1

eno Ilnwull with much regret, and I

have not it single kick, not uu objectionto anything hero, I leave because 1 amoffered what I think Is a great oppor-tunity to organize and build up a linoschool orgaiiirution. The school boardIs very liberal, anil promlros to giveme anything that I may wunt for theschools, as tho community is n veryprosperous one, uud thn people feel thatits present poor condition rellccU onthe credit' of the county. Tho roadsthroughout tho county urn cxcellenf,nnd I will be furnished with uu

which I will use for piy Inspectloii work, I will have over throehundred teachers iindtr me, fl, ynu seethere will bo plenty of work to flo.''

Mr, MeCluskey ciimc to Hawaii aboutsixteen years ago, ami has taught schwlhero all that time, witli tho exceptionof about a year when ho was studyingat Columbia. 10 taught first at Ol.ia,then nt the Select School at llilo, thonat ivfKiiun, Kauai, and finally ut

where he remnlnod until he socured his present position ns supervis-ing principal. -

LYMAN TO VISIT HOME.Second I.leut. Charles hyiiinn, United

States Army, a grnduute of tlio IIH3class at Vest I'oint, will nrrivo heruabout July 13 vm his first visit to theislumls sinco he was selected us Ha-waii's representative at the militaryacademy. Ho will visit his old home inII ilo, und wll) also bo the guest of hisbrother, First I.ieut. Clarence I.yiiian,I'ourth Cavalry, at He ho field Hurracks,

'" -- iThe army transports lluferd, Sheri-

dan nud ('rook, which have been un-

dergoing repairs and u general over-hauling, urn expected to return to thearmy transport dotks at the end ufl.iigiinii street Juno 110, says the Call ofliiiin 17.

The first tnii hnvn Iiujii nt MureIsland uud the Crook ut thu UnionIron Works for the repairs slme earlyin March The overhauling ulven them,piirtlriilurly uf the luurhlnrry, was!,,...u.i ..... I............ ..r ii... .1..l. lit r in viiu. ii ii, uiu in- - '

leriiirurtoii which rwulls from lylnie,

The lliifurd bus been nt he dock

iiK'M Ihe i rwn has iien mil or emuwltW'iu for uu even lunger time, uinlthe Ulmriilun bus hud nut. lug duringIho prwent war evispl a lilp In llunululu last January,

II la prubulilM lliul imiis uf Ihi'iswill be pal nn Inter In I Its- rummer lurun I hi eu lure ami Mum In, mi. I

ihnsi' ImaiM in sh 1. e will lie



t-- ,nr


Fertilizersit of no particularInterest to you

To knowi that vre have boon makingFertilizers nil kinds- - or crops forthe Inst twenty joars, liutvlt is Io ynnrlntolest to get the proper'iI'crtilr'er furthe Hist you grow'. 'e knowwhat 1'crlilizor has I eon found mostsuited to that cropand. ino supply youwith it.

Pacific Guano & Fertilizer Co.Honolulu and lUlo, HawaiiSAN FltANOISCO, CAX.


via Urn


tho Famous Tourist Itolite of the. World

In connectionCiiuajlliin.Aiistrii.iliin IIovhI Mail I.in

Fnr tickets and gei'ieml infonoMini.Il'l

THtO.II.DAYIES'&GOiLTOUHiii-rn- l Agents

Canadinn I'liciAe Itly.C'o.

Castle & Cooke Co.; LtdHonolulu T. H.

Commission Merchants .

Sugar Factors. .


Kwa l'lnntstloD C'oi i'

Wnisliin Agricultural Co., I .tilApokas Hugsr (:o.,)jld.r - '" tFill I on Iron Works ol;8t.louisHlsku Htesm I'linips;'?- - riWestern's Centrifugals.',,Dabcock & Wilcox UoIUra.(Ireen's Fuel ncoooruixflr. ..llnrih Hleam I'uinp's' ' 'Matron Navigation Co.Planters' Line Hliipplng.Co.Kohala Hugar

Bank of "HaWrai;MMITBD. . i -

Incorporated Under the Laws. of lbsTerritory of lluwaii.

PAID-U- OAPJTAI. 1600,000.00SUE PLUS '100,000.00UNDIVIDED PROFITS .. . 157.692.(13

OFFigKKS:0. II. Cooke .Preslili.lE.' 1), TcnneyF. Ii. Damon ..,.,,( H.lne.rU. U, Fuller . .. .Assistant ('minertl. McCorriston Assistant Cashier

DIltlXTOItS; C. 11. Fooke B. I'Teiiuey, A, Lewis, Jr., B. K, Hishop,F, W. iMncfarlane, J. A. Mct'an.lli-ss- .

C. II. Atbcrton, Oeo. '. Carter, .F BUanion, F, C. AtherUiii, f. ' A', (,'onkeCOMMEHCIAL AND BAVINOS DF--

DEPAaTMENTS.Strict attention given tq all breaches

of Mnnklng.JUDD Bl.DO., FOUT BT.

Castle 8c Cooke Co., Ltd

Life and FireInsuranceAgents

General Insurrranco Agents, representingNew Uiiglnnd Mutual Lift) lusumocn

'"ompany of Iloston,Aetna Fire Insuninee.Co,

-- ATTENTIOKWe have just accepted th Agncy

for the 'and

The Protector Underwriters of thePlioenlxrof Hartford.

These are alio among the Eoli or


lONoi.t'i.u inJuTwonKR CO. Mahinery uf evnry description made to

order, '


MINIKIN, June .rciirdlii:i figood iinllir-rily- , Androw riiiiiegln lias'rnlimiwH (wm (I n Tlrltaln tl.sI'uilid Hlnles to thu Kuliur to iIIh'iuin ten veur ugreuiiieut for a luiiltullon

lion uf a new Triple Alllunjo tn in. urnIhe peaiu nf thn elvllUm) ,vvnr., It l(,1'iieiullv li'llmeil thut yu( UeurtfJilurliiu icrunt vl, l(Pniiri a wsvfur Mr ' uiiieg.n's iinHii,, Avrdlug to ri'p.'iu here, Hip auri'eiia'Mi wuuhpilii'ii-uli- t I'liilrnl Ihe ileules ur hnit. 11 i n ... Id s sliiirv. ul.ii Mini

Ii HMf Ms eprto, N)l iiin'im'fn

ns return irnui tinmen a ruriur urmsmeiiis umi tno possllilu frrinn

lion the








oi.ii i in ii (i stimuli),

s 'aSMauaj2iSsSBBa!BS'

Page 6: jlB JltiM HfjflH - University of HawaiiThat Right to Resume Hostilities Is Reserved in Event of the Present Balkan Conflict Extend-ing Into Macedonia. WAR DECLARED BY SERVIA King Peter

FXtl.fV .. WtUmHj (tif MV'.il H ?3rgltfcifflWtll




ASHival Garrisons in Salonika Battle

and Northerners Arc Forced to

Surrender After a Brisk FightGreek Forces Then Receive

nn Order to Advanco Ail Along

tho Line.

Greek Foreign Minister Sap Bul-

garians Broke Faith BulgarsSay tho Servians Desired Warand Scrvia Puts Whole Respon-

sibility Up to Sofia by Fonriaily

Adopting Arbitration Flan.

(By Federal Wireless Telegraph.)LONDON', July 1. (Special to Tlic

Advertiser) 'Dispatches from Athensto tlio Uxchangc Telegraph here iodaydeclare tint the Bulgarian garrison inparts of Salonika hn surrendered nmlthat the Greek government has orderednn advance in force alt along the Ilulgnrlan line. Tho (Ireek government la(c--Monday ordered the Bulgarians to sur-render at once, and, upon their failureto' do 'O, the Greeks bombarded theBulgarian position with two machineguns. After tno hours of fighting theittllguriuus surrendered.

Kneli aide accuses the other of hav-ing started the conflict and nil aro mak-ing protect at what they term breachesof faith. Bulgaria accuses Scrvia of try-ing to prevent arbitration am) of tak-ing Hnu steps as to force a fight. TheGlecks and Servians, on tho otherhind, decln-- c that Bulgaria has beenpreparing for war for somo weeks andlli.it tho work pf concentrating itstroops has been 'oiug on steadily.

An official stntrment received n't thoforeign office here today from theGieek foreign minister n"t Athens,

that tho advanco o'f the Greekarmy was ordered only after the

had rcpeitcdly violated the trea-ty by crossing the provisional bpun-daric- s

Teccntly established.The foreign minuter today said that

llr ecu wouhl notify tho Bulgariansthat the war Ins commenced withoutany formal declaration.


(Bv I'cdcral Wireless Telegraph.)IllILOIIADK, Servia, duly . (Spc- -

eial to 'The Adveiticr) -- With tileldain intention of placing th'o door

Tif Bulgaria tho responsibility for thislontlnned war in tho llalkans, parlia-ment here toihy otcd to necept tho( znr's ofTer of arbitration in tho Serbo-Dulgi-

territorial dispute!.



DUUANGO, Merico. Jul) 1. (l)v As-sociate! Pre,. Cable to 'the

It is reported from poluts nearhero that fort fie women hao com-mitted suicide because of gross mis-treatment bj the rebel soldiers.

(Ily Federal Wireless Telegraph.)DOUGLAS, Arirom, July . Spe-

cial to Tho Advertiser) (iniivinas, So-lium, where the last stand of GeneralOjcclas shaticp, lvdcnil forces wasmade Is in (he hands of General Obrc-go-

s invading 'outitntionnlistH."riven baili to the sea, General Ojcdn

'V a ""ant ""'"sand of thfl army,ir win, , kct 01lt fro1, iiorI110?i0rocrnl weeks nKa, m gathered theremnants or In, force together, boardedii trn,nort and mailed fpr the south. Alargo number of wealthy .Mexican citizen.s also took refuge in flight.

It is bellopd in Doughs that peacehas been eipe,lteil bv tho sweeping

-TLp wedding of Lieutenant O'ilara,

Oust AT:iller ( rp,, of 'JVirt Kuger,Mis (.'n.h, fmnnn, wbipl.

mi -- .a rr.inc,co on tho oven-lli- tt

r tin.. .'3, ,0i,, in theSimrr i ' f ., 2(i tli foln(v,.He n.irns", ot Miss '(ilady -

""Slifr ol Mr and, Mrs. ,1. I.J V""1 'id Lieut. IMwiu Joseph

,L!,B.,."'k ll"',, ,at oninu atoghi Uk in Holy Quai ChurchI ' .1 i.il , , , ii , fproptiou at the-r ; lie b i.lf-


parent un lillis

Tli I ride wn, in2i en inurriK bylT "I -- r nud gpwued in Sli ex-'-'' '"uiri, .hiirineiise trliiimt'd'.'' 'I' i. K, wtiri) the Am'"I""!""1 i.l ,.., H.1,1 e.rrlei u' WW 'I'M ,,. f ,, .,.11..,,' ",-, VI. I'lk. in. VJH" in "i Her maid' of 1

liniHi'. M ' m.tr.r ' nllut'liiii, wnfrP , I'M-- llmrfinlise ' HudI ! ii tsr ' i'H'Ii of the fameH'C if . II" lirldeuuuldn, Mls'" ' ' inn ii D.lla Home,, Mlnrtiala Mi, Jills lleur elt0 'Xv.il. urn, m iliiij frc ofJ"1 ' ' V oipr gieeji ikarirniiM Tin ' ' u.su was MiliumI'iIrv. mil ii f KilWMKlC'lWv itvi i, I'tlllhi VllliwOltJ 'Km Vtii,,,, nu,!,' B thv, 111



nil. I.,. i.

N i .

Ii i hi,v ,,i ,ruh

mi yifekt nI'D Nblrl 111

n mv

rnrr fTTrMULES


Third Frotcst Against Allen LandLaw Goes to Washington and IsBeing .Prepared by AmbassadorGhindn for Presentation.

(Hy Federal ViTcles,sTelcgfnph.)WASH1NQT0N, July 1. (BecUl to

s?-- 1 4;i.Tii .rilL. J' Z. : ""!--- - - i

omXijssy at onto begin the trork of ereparing it for presentation to Secretarytryarr..


tUy Federal Wireless Telegraph.)TOKIO, July to The

ciillcj, beforo tioll.lukers' Club list nighty that Japanlias iilsnfHeionilj reilceming Its foreignflet)t pt'oiie riiriion, four million jtn,tho. minister of 'finance, ll.irnn Takaha,-hi- ,

yesterday nBmittod that tlio sizef (he. Indelitedness waa n source of

somo njiirrehcrtflou, iut no cane fornlnrwi ,

Tho dcOine ii) tbn prifc of .Tapanesfcbonds, lir sajd, ;lli not signify a ilq--

Hiiio in thti confidence Ahich Japannbrond.i Tie niqsf feat Iblo scbciifn

for their jnrrcased redomptlon. liettoiilil !o to increase the export

trade,-- .

(IW1 rVi(craIf Tl1rcfss Telegraph.)fJlllpAOOj July (Special, to Tho'

Aihortisor) Hollcf from the heat wao postmastprs for .tho Territory hnvp beenTklitdlL lint rilntlilupit except onn or two nomina- -

thrmighnut'thc inuio West lor llio JSf.rV' lfypast Bix days eamo today with cloudy i"""1 , l"nn "!,,ncather A raiifall b expected before1 i "nnight. The Jcmpcraluro here, .began ".'f1 t.hpro.i U.dropping flt jnidnight, "today's highnlatk lining twpiity (legrecs lower thanjcstenUy's riftnre.

Tnirjy-eigi- i deaths within tho lasttwcnty-toti- f liolirs, Willi reports of infnnt niortalltiea '(ninliif In hnnrlv. occurred lierp. '

Disj'ntihes fecclvcd todnv J'ronishow fifty deaths "in the Mid-di-

West yesterday. 'Mad dogs addedto tho terrors of the-bea- Wave, twenty

ersolis haAing been bitten hero. Ife- -'

ports "recei cd here toddy inhicato thatat least one hundred persons have diedus ti result of tho heat wave,

i 'i


' i(Ily Kpileral Wirness trelegrapli.)Ni:tV YOIIK; . July, 1. (SprclaJ to

The Ailvcrtli.er)4-Th-c heat wave rthiclilias held the MiiUle'West in ita grip forthe. past si days, struck Xow York to-day, tho thermometer Tpgistering oierIM1 degrees. Suffering on tlio xrowdedl:ast Side whs intensp. No iminediatorelief is In sight, according lo weatherjnrccastors. i

, -

nnTTMnn VATi'Acriiur )TTiA'1no.f


TOKTO, June 30. (Stypcinl to tho '

Jlawall Shlnpu)-.Vdip- iral C'Miiit H.Kiibajamn was today appointed presi- -

dent pf the educational commission,Whjch was rstalilishrd by imperial grill-- 1

pnneo on the thirteenth of last month,nid Dr. V, Okudn, present minister oftno iicpartment ot n nentinn. lias beenclfCi ivjcg president.


TOKIO, Juno 30. (Special to thp Ia.Mil Siipq) Lieut. , Oka,

J. TnLpda and M, Sakamoto,llrst throp nil.itfon irradnates.- - were tojlay nyarded their dipjomas." Thesei niie iijiiiuifj Huuprs are inejlirit toboigranteij ii licei'sp in Japaij. Theyhiivij made somp nolalilo iliglits, inwhji.ll the r,mjieror himself has takenh great ien o inlorcst since bis reicn)


(Ily lJerfi) Wireless Telegrapli,).WAr)lllNOTO"N, J). Q,lvijy J.-- (Spe

liil to Th'e Ailiertiscr)-rJ,res.- ent Wilron I6ft today for ii thrt-- diys' "restrrulse" on the. jncht Mayflower.

r.t..'.,'TheMrliH a,nitnnl qnatantlne direct

riTiigaiiifl' hoVs'os find mutw'from otl'ierStntis aid , countries, ft lll to be ro J

pin.n.v"; nr fi Tniu,uif;ii. 111 irfiitriples ,qniJu)VCA un thoj ipainlnpil.

A"y- - o(lifers,ay.,tirrfl ,bas qci ijrliffn ruvliV start jcn. in tlie liorsns fpftip luililjiry ('(itub)Wiitcnt, us ut pr"rnt. The U'st 'Anny , Ait providedtlutt $100,00 (liquid lih , lniinediatej,unUable nn Jli.rrli i. and this has ultoady been expended (u thp pyrcliih'ii i orses ns iar ih il will go, ipsierdsy Ihare was said to to uxatlahlo to

ip 'ar Department for the purchasiof llftlV M, i(IUt 17.,mm. This ftlllnot lil'Uln In filrnlah Hi nuiiiber nfliore Whlelt me rciilrixl, nlilioughthp ulliiatlpii, xi fur na pjlce is eoneeriunl, Is Mi mprvi'ireil oer lastjvyr's condition, il is ilalliied

Msture nirs" ha''o IhMii iibtdlii.-- llately on the innliifaiid for 4lH tn

174. as eumiuiPil with In ilM)Jiist )"nr 'flio Arnfv Is no niM lo

fniil nhoiU U'OO nlrp iureii,Mlilrli iiiilud"! :iT lielonMilil in Hieluttslinii nl llm r'upiipd Hi M Arliliervrvtmii'y urdpirsl from HanlU In Krhofjl llnfisek. 'J'bp Inn' Imllcrl.to

mi ,,,,,.,-,- , H, ,,,,', (lipw " ...nilv ll ipfiid Hie tun.1,11'1 ir llUmv' -- i

!W ' '' "r "' Jiiifatl mils' "r iillJfit In In i lWJr li"ori'. inA M,n i , ll0)(p f,l,in,,JlCf'lj!H frtllipllrt. mi It KPffft'l l

'A' , 'UsId'iMlnii. Iffv n Iho )Uwniiiin' n liui.iSMipuu In be .milt, im.i.(liu h

IIwmiM.. Drmiii It ilicnm' ml i.l.iin., nl II,.. lliln lii.,1. I Iu


I o'





r. U


. l


I mi ipcfiiniiil tiiiiiii, p butI u l'llg?u,rd In tl fUlllU Moll, H 'iilir iimitli

Johnny WilsonSaysgugar Men

Got Fair Dose



By Ernest d. Walker.(M'kU"pail to Tho Advertiser.)WASHINGTON, Jnne 111, Hawaiian

mterrVt herd eciri'Brs still In tKo lobliyihvotliat'lQn, tfurWiatorial cnTuil.latcs

litre cpjfjUy tHtVpitip; away. Committee,mnii ,,pi iimii tttjij-- m ibo srenu huhKiji,Wifll rtay.for oine tlmojct,ho dops. r;t, JinoiV howtlnng. lie wasat tltp White Ijoiisr, otljcet this ntornng,,0.?P, ferctiry Tumulty, lint )!.! not

cn v yrv. ri, t.1

lomironnrp in nils Mem Ity. . .Mr. wn

SIIIJI., , . T"qfUK"Jtril lltaLtlin sugar rcprcen

tntlvcs fit'Ilavraii Jn Waslilnglqn weregetting nhntfthpy piightfexpect. "Thpyarc (rot Trpjnig very eomfiirlablo," ol.served Jlr, ilsou. "If tho moneyspent tp keep a big Hawaiian lobbyhere Jiad Jiepn ciyon toward higherttacfy, it lyoubl ijave, been more

niv.iudgemenl,"oTmor,,)iu,lgc 1'allon s nttunding

eloiely. upon tho hearings bcfqre theeaajp '('ho testimony

has gone far, avfuy froip Hawaii nmfawjijinn Intcrostn i)( rccerit ijnys, bnt,

of confr-- e, jsiol nirtinNiUto all sugar,ei'ilon of tie tljiijed Kta(ps.

Tlio ljnalin;i, testimony undoubtedly,bns rpride tlip ljftst i;piifeision of anyl!ie in eonnrctinn with the sugar

!rnloi)btelly the sulfeoiiim'it-te- o

M go 5iitn,innny rainificntioni qf follm lnl.lit f Wniililiiftln.i ..n.l .!.. .11., cdattention "nlll lip ijvrtel from sugar.llicrp ifvr liig riiUroml lobby here, yearin mitlpflr. out, and other Jntorcst inlegislation avn guarded alertly.

nrni,Pin,. ,i, ,.,ii:,n4 r ..n ,i...

,io"" rtypily, .('omluitteo- -

in iiiiiii', iiujiiiim- -

on tnc.wny, butthins new about tho

r",or territorial olilces, us far as liokno,T!,

"The special report which Tho Ailiertiscr reccned from Washington as lo itthe future of tho naval drjdoek atI'earl Harbor was correct, as far as Itwent," -- aid Hear Admiral Moore, commniulant of tlio minl station, yester-day.'I am not at liberty to diuilgo tnoro"'' uppearod in tho press disiiaichcs

i'om Washington, hut it bears out my forown reiterated ntatemeiita lliata dry tuuook wonm no nuilt there. 1 nm ninroihan plca-c- d that thq reiiort went tliatvay. ,

frho board was fonstitut,cil to. inves-tigate tho legibility pf the situ for alrdodck. That Was tho main proiilem

nutfer by. tlio Ijoard, TliotnjesHou of, tno rpuiiBilnity,or other-wise, nf tlpi contractor for the results oftluj disaster ol February I", is, one of lhwhich I cmi not speak, i nm not crsoilIII the cebnipaliiiUB of this mustioii, 1110

pnd cannot dwell upon it, as that por--11111 nl tho repoit has not jet been mado

jmblic. It may have been mado a partre ri

''I am of the ntdninn ihnt Vanr A.l."ira( btanford, thief ot tho bureau, of

rinfils and docks, when bo left hero forWishiiigton, was of tlio belief that tholo,c, ""1'1 ,,u 'Jnt on tho samo site.

Iheronro eertiiin formations in tlio(")"" ' the dock site nhlcli nro odd,"P'1 thpii0 "" doubt, Avill lmo to boKivo" hvetm consideration in future,v"Tk- - Tl"8 Iioard, by its report, indi- -

to'""" "iivi nil morcoinofW. V. Dillliiehiim. president nf the so

Hawaiian Dredging t.'onipanyj w'ho withtho Han l'ranciscn Hridga Company, isinhrestpd in tho bnildiim of the drv"dQck, stated. j ostcrduy that hp had not itjet seen n tony 0 tho report filed ntWashington by tho nal board. It isPXpo-te- d that a oiy of tbrt report will60011 be, refeicd lo thp conrketirs. Mr.I'liiiiigrinui siaie.i mat tlie two s

were re.ulv lo iro iilie.nl with con.ktinetior' work.

Tho velief pieails here amnpg per-S-o-

who aio more or less associated ofsxitli tl(o uny in contracts un.l otbormsines, that a Mtisfactory adjustment

of Iho liiiiiueial loss due to tho eollapsopf thu dock in I'ebrnary will bo madeby thp government.

.Ilepresentativc iay, of tio plo

tiouso military pominlltoo, is ju'eparing)i bill for the purbosc.of amcndnig thoexisting law relating to 'tho enlistmentperiod o thcirmy. It js belleyiM by tomany tbut thi statuto enactod by thulat congress must be i hanged to avert anthp calamity ol a serious ijcflelciicy lptlio authorised uilistod slreiigtlt'nf theinilitir) aiablihhment. Tho im-scn-t

failure to get uvrults is iittribiitnblo,tu Mr. Hay beleei, t,u the sowuearonjituient period,

Al'I'Hrvntiy, ,iho iixphiuitlnii on lliepart of the rrerniHug oflicois is pf no knvajl. It s claimed there Is a dlslncllna-tlo-

tp iiuike n, contract with.thv gov-ernment tu reru- - eeu jeurs, nltlioiigliinly fpur srp reiulri).) with tho cnlpi's.

Mr. Ha, measure will jirnylde ainiplv.... i.mi,iMr riiiiiirui pprimi, elim-inating the remjrp featiirn nitlroly,

lori Aiuerniiii i'ilm Mi ji fnlurliu

J'oiiipiuiy f (hliHii, whuli ptudiicod"1h .)l nf Hmmi," ,)(U, was

rltlcirpd when iisd,. ur,i u f.wno. iign, iiiit wniuii ,4 i,ouiit.iiiinpimiuee , ,

. ,i,isi 4 jellyduiiiatle production 'iiill'iU ini.i rtuesM" pjirpurl tu dniii.t ii Hid lift. TlwiMiipmi iae, m..r, U.ut iUijilu.) laLmi ( iiiimiIhi ,i ,M, ,f um,a.i llle in the li,u,, wi,,.h iey p.1

mi 1.1 n , ,!, -H,Y 1)(VH ,

111. lede: T"

TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY uJSl0r.ltM"yiia ,r,,,,w

iIhil-jji.- rffiiitili iniy ,i , il- liMVl. ,1 iiLiml ir i it

Il I tm ti nn, mi i ,


TherwIt-Wi- Be Waller, Saja B

CwRlvcnburgU, Fresh From ic

Capital No FederalChangcs.Util Governor HasBcn Named.

Jhat it vHllbe some weeks: jet bofnjcnew Uoernor nf Hawaii is rlninM

hnd tfiSt there will be none of 'tlio I

other feilctal changes mado until' fitter !

tho OoVtrnor to be has been coTltnltcli,about them (s tlio word brongiitf rom (.

Vafhingt911 y 11. q. lliveiibiirglit who I

hbce at tho National t'afnlUI for.tuo past several mouths 111 tho interestqt the cnndidncy if (I, .1. YValldr tor thogo,eTnofrhil and wim, with Irrttiven-burg- h

nml tleir ioung son, retimedHSttnlnj.

He lias I'tflc to p, r --Inl'ir; theparticular ti )t t f I 't mjji youdstating this, i.ij, (ho 1,0 eii.r mil beMr. ,.iK;r Is l.itenin.rsli s 'film opinionj bitted pn his pcrrouur1 comer.sdtions swifh Secretary Lane.

"JilT. iillcr sends, Viiird tn hisifriends 111 Hawaii that hcJs perfectlysatisfied with the quflook,'1' s.ijr Itivnibiirgh.. "He is iiov onjns way back,

Washington, jitter hamg ntteiidtn somo busiile-- s ilnJ, lsiled bin

family on tho (oast.' l',tlio matter ofnppplntinant had been' Joft.tn Kce.rejary Lane, he (lovcmijf would havelCF" named some tirtio, ngp, but it isnow wholly in tho hainfij ot tho I'rpsident and I e, hai plentj of other bigquestions lo look njtor befoie lie gen'nronml to us. '

Trading Hawaiian! Positions.-- ,

"Neither tho President or S'ecret.-i- r

Lane is )ajiiig imyy'attcution'fo tho,Demoor.'itif nrgnnizatlrn In

Hawaii. The) had 'lh.it sired up loiigago. Johnny limit1 ling been tradingsoiiui of the fcdernl"o(lices hero to. getmainland support? for McUandless, but

hasn't raised hint cry much in theopinion of Washington. Ho agreed tosijpporj. 1111 OicgOii'mun t" take Inter--nn- l

Hevemio I oilectnr,Cottlill's place'and itood Californinns whowant to ltnc. a nliforiiiiiu name 1 to.replaep Jjtnl-kalrln- . but L belim.. HintC'ottrill will be allowed to sero out histerm pud Btael.ablc will bo left 11I0110

tuiuo iiinntliM'. ritncknJile'H nttemptpore as a Democrat is amusing tlio

Wanhipgtoniuns honeer.'Governor to Bo Consulted.

"After theij Governor is named, hoWill bo o'dnsiilled nlioul the rest ni tlionpiiiiiitmcnts-iVin- hfs recommenda'tldiiswill linxc ii.'h'vli weight. .1 do not at-tach nncli Aveight lo tho reports thatMr. Watsoiiijis to bo named toon. I

not bolmVe that the President con-siders liimfrong enough physitiillv for

piucc,'aunougn no iinors lilin other-wlt- e

anil Watson; has somo strong menworking fur him."

tSavect Him Trouble.Jtc'fcrrhu to local jinlitical eondi

tions, I.lnbiirgli explores his satisfaction .ii tlio recent action of theDemocrat (unuty lommittee, which

liiBI ot tho ch.iirninnsliiii nmllonferictblit upon "Ibuiana Jack" Ku- -

niKiel.1. "It saxes 1110 tho troublo otlcsigniiig," ho says, "because 1 hadmade iii, my mind to cut loose irnmthat, crovnl altogether. I nper intend

ntt3il another eommitteo meetinglong-ti- that discredited bunch has

nnjthuii' to do with ft."J Congressmen May Como.

Mr.:iinc!iburi:)i is of tlio nnlnion thatwill the time beforesomp. .Secretary....... ,, t ., .

.i.ij.u 5i Jiiin.iu. exprcsseutRjit he lould not visit tlo Islands

now mid get; mu,iiiti'il," says Hivenlmrgll..((but lio lias 11 bit nn Jiix l.nii.Umid HtHJiil, ho will turn towards Alaskanhamllip gets 11 chance tn leae Washihgtmiu If (.'ougrcss udjouriiH earl)enmigl; ( upld will come 1 nek with n lot

cojigiimeii,, nlthoiigh must of themDemocrats A puiuber hau ngiced tocii.tiolifj, thern bo iiuc.

Regarding Sugar."Oiir in Washington, thev vnnt to

kiiowwlt.it is tho mutter with the penofi.3lawnii that wo do not grow

enpiwfmtull to meet the local demandfor fnr.1l. Tluiy1iiarcl at tho fact thatthe frnjh jegelaldes for the local marlct nud' for the usi of the troops have

bet rlupnrted nto Hawaii when, astho Ht.ltiftjcs, show, tlawnii was unco

eK)rter of food stuff andsnieh iih potatoes, 'I hey ask why

we dm not Kpt busy, now that thev aretending 1 great, part of the Army toHonolulu, and inise thuftad stuff fortho i.iou'tinil the fodder for tho horses!When joii talk about tlio suvar tariff,tbat'si'the nnswnr )nu get. Tim siuar

twill mss, just nbout-a- s it wasnjigllialfr written. "MURFH7' REACHES COAST


(Hy Vrd'eral Wireless Telegraph.)BAN , Jul) 1. -(- SpeclnlTho AIW'crtibor)--Harr- v M. Mwarlx,

for leu )s".tSi 11 cnrpnrul in the murinecorps nt t ntifnrnU ln fUsl to llnuiiil'ti lifter 'tlii)jilli'i!Wl liasnii nf a

biigtm (bfyii.M on thu WplUI'nreo Ni.ia.ln Nutlnnsl Hunk i.f Ihis

Hrrn.sl iere ill iHrgu pf Dalei'tivensui uuriviy nil mi' tiuHiiitiiiii iiiiiiiililluu tbu ,ifllllig lie WBt lioninnl atthe pu, iiPuumit ii r I io i, lit l linlIMilU. .ou,t.'k

r-- . t ,... .. ...I..1. it... u.. ii. i n.. Cl.'l" iMIIir ' UP

l4wli m tt(4ft I'flin-- lUttura. whukat Iipiii ill til bl iftimtr mi i.i

T 'IJIM run a muminn uimj iwsu i, , . ii i

i.pn tin' iiu.rtu rinr in.rrltu Ml uijdllijn,IIU eiiuuiJIlriMt I tit" ' I )'

.rii. bin of )Mjll, rp",UI Ht lir4 I peil In i. . hi li- - I t

IH III , .11.

..l III I

j i ri twP i 1 Mill


TJhese Republican Sen'ators Will' Lead 'Hot Fight on Tariff Bill

iiirTiiiyitiifltltlttHtflHHHBt Hl2P''"'T!HHiitttHttBi wEr i3!aHMtlHP' m r hm

ni ImzmmPK t)pi' tmKKm

WuXflltNtlTON, Juno 20. Ilcpubll-in- n

Icado,!! 5n tluf yenato nro .workingharden piennintion for their fightagainst tho latiff lfill now being rqundcd into ehujio for debute. Senator Pen-rose of IJcunsyhaniu, ranking llepubH-ca-

member of tho llnaneo (.oiiim.itcc,is to lead the opposition on tho llooiafter, tin bill is reported. Tho menslire may not reach tho senate itntil tlioend of June.. Senator Smith of Michi

(Hy Wireless Telegraph.)

LONDON, duly 1. (Special lo Tho'Adxcrtlsj-rJ-Th- c discoery of a suffra-gett-

"murder plot," which hithertotaa licem known only to members of tho

Jlome ofltco, is announced here today bytho. Daily j:prpss. it is alleged 'the


virKT'n,'8ilU!:(!, l'enns)lvanla, .Inly

1. (Ily Press Cnblo toTifty-fix- c thousainl Union

an.) ('oiiiVderato ct,erans uro oiuninpodpu tho historic site of tho gre.it battletoday, (lem Dennett Vinng, eoinman-dcr-i-

chief of the fonfederntes, saidIn a speeili that the scene, enacted toda) lire euniplctn evidence of tho perpo-tult-

of theiAnicric.in Ifejiublic and thonlfdit) of North rtn.1 South in one

Country and under one (lag.


(H l'edqral Wirelc--s Telegraph )I'AUIb, .ful) I.- - (S.eti.1l to The Ad

ertiser) Twelvo oPacnls ,if I'm Clen-era- l,( oufederution of Labor wore ar-

rested hero today on thy iln.-g-o of in-

citing soldiers to ilisob-'lcn- .o unit dosertion. The police" reeonth iiiided thoheadipiarters of the libor leaders heroand confiscated ninny bonks and papers.

P.OOHEFORT DIES IN FRANCE(Ily lVder.il Wirolers Telegraph.)

AIX Li:S D'AINS. Prance, July 1.'Spec itil to The Advertiser) Henril.oelicfnrt, prominent for half n centuryin Trench political life db'd ol a com'plicutidn of (Ii1-!- - urs iiere ""

oday at thoago of eighty-tbre- ,cars.

(Ily Pederal Wire-Jes- Telegraph )WAHIIINOTON, July 1. tod

I lio VhertiseijL Tho houso judiciarypiimmiltee today ini.inlmously decidedto transmit to the house tomorrow nil

coirespon lenec'. a'rd papers of thoof justice relating to the

(,'nmihetti Diggs "wvhito slave" and thoWestern I'uel Company caseswith theom option of grand jury evidence, ,,

Tlio committee's repoit Will include a'ritfllution offered i bv lfplrcaciitatlrKahii of C(illforniiifor an imrstisitlonof Attornp) Oeneral .Mclte)iuibls' ncUna in pidenug pintpoucinent ot thesorases, ,

Deciding tint nil libit fo; tho nowdormitory for thu" Olrls' IndustrialSchool, Moiliin, nre oo excesslce,

(nldwelj of tho departmentof public works )estpiday morning re, .... ....f..:..i ..i :..... ri....nvnlv ertlse ! tj, ', .ocillentliii...

'Ihi. bids ...wen! lit fnlloir.t II. Z.irerimmlPfc i.Pitm, IW days; Otto 0s,3?., IIS dtivs, (ieorei It. Lilluuy,m, (10 days. II. II. fin IVImi. WHS,

TO .lay! T. I.. Aivjihw, Mtw, IKlda)-.-

, Acel) lone Light nml AgeneC (kiMil.. Mist. Un ,1, Koalil.r' u,ino'ipiis. oiui'-ii-

. nn navm rreiiiii amiT'WW'iiu, M,!, 00 ily.

--" -

inON'T NliaUJOT VOUH TAMILV.U'lWB IUU f.lll til 11. .1.1.. .,,,,, r..,.,- I"' -

lv Willi a l i ami 'l'l I I.

ul., ' Ii h r ., I'lU'll . 4 Id In , a,I In. ..a ,, ft. ii r l . ... I

'I, III. I. Hill l Ml.,1. i i . .1

ii n ii , i . i III '

hi iIip llllWIM I .lull I). H II III I

Ulu,, II . i II. I I. Mill

gan is preparing to lead tho fightnmiinst 'he ail, it schedule, mid SenatorSuioot will commaii.r tho uuti Ireo wooldebate. Senator I.-- i r'ollctte, who liasamendments which amount practicallyto a now bill, plaps'to niah,o n spo'eclitbnt will extend over a week. Otherswho nro preparing long tariff argiin cutslncludo Senators Jtornh, funimins,Weeks, Lodge. Itoift, Ibirlon, McL'umberand (i.illinger. Tho minority iucnilicof the finance committee nro already atwork on their report.

militants plan to aengo tho death ofan)- - iiiilituiit through self inflicted star-Mitio- n

upon niombers of tho cabinet."Should one o tho militants die," thopublication sa)s, "while under sen-tence, tho llfo of no member of tho

would be safe uii.l tho lics oftwo iironiincnt ministers would lo inthe gi en test Jeopardy."


(Ily IVdernl V.'ireless Telegraph.)SAN PltANCIHCO, July 1. (Special

to The' Advertiser) Attorney 0. V.

Madison appeared today before S'upo-rio- r

'Judge Coficy tp nslv for tho remnvnl ot John 11. Specie ns ceelltorpf tho Trunk J JlcOlinshey estate.Speck ilisnppenrcd. Inst Tuesday andfunds auioupting tn $1.1,000 aro supposed to biij jnissing from tlio estate.Speck 'a counsel, Charles . Slack, notbeing j resent, tho innttcr of tho

was postponed liy Judgo Cqlfoy.- .. ...(Ity Ccjloral Wireless Telegraph.)LONDON, July 1 (Special to Tho

A.lvortiscr) j tenuis geniui" is tlio'description of .Maurice lIcLoughlin, tho1'alitoruinn, in tlio papors hero today,nil of which declare his porvico is won-

derful, Jt is generally predicted Hintthe California!! will win the champion-ship of all Knglanil.

Jliich interest is lieing taken in thq.Miung Californi.ui since it is nbwv as-

sured tint be will-me- Stanley Danst,the Australasian champion, who todaydefeated Oscar ICrentze, the Germanchampion.

(Ily Tedernl Wireless. Telegraph.)SAN J'KANflHCO, Jiiljf 1. (Special

to The Advertiser) Patiolmcb JamesHiiyden and Samuel Orr were' pickedout by tho liiincourcn from a gatheringof twenty pitrnlmen, bailltTs and detec-tives suuimoned to tho olbco of the chiefof police today. Thev lire charged wi(iluiving accepted graft money.

Thoy werp immediately 'ttrlppCtl oftheir badges and ordered suspendedpending; hearings beforo tho policecommission,

This now makes eight additional pa-

trolmen named by Italian swindlers ashaving given protcctitili to tho opera-tions nf tlje bunco ring.

r --r4-W'ASIIJNfiTON, July y. (Ily Asso-eiatn.- l

Press Culilo) Tho activities oftho tenato lobby investigation commit-tee took n new (urn josterday vvhen

it was dpeidcul tn direct tho iniiiirvtntvnrd the nj.erations of alleged paidiiewic biirpiius,

Thu eliurge has been jninle that Interout which 'vill lo nffected by tho pro

fi"i I'lineriino., inn na.vn ihiiu lor tno,?f ,,,0"IH '''''' e"ele,

" t'" hope nf eiitlughi fit Ilium t iinuli.al nrMi.,..,i.l t n t iV a

No Information hat yd htsuu rtweivivlut Die local Army )iaHdiuarltir thatIho great ijnnt ' ttu(thdue,riooniiiiend!! tuniK tune (u, will bsbuilt lint i.i.i Xluui II IVtUb I'hiwih nn iii.r ,i ii,, i. iiiu.iiMintr ,apnitmei't tul.. liiul IIII III' my butI.Vl'll .. i . i 11,1. II nlillllMa'Ho is .f il. .1 Ml l .1 II. vfUf dI .ill III. Ill I'Vl i'V . ili.r iilru.H..II t ' i,, in . l...lltl UU III It I. 1. sl.ll. and all

II,. el . w I.. . I II, .1 . i, inII.




After Consulting American FeSer-p.tio- n

of Labor Leaders" Ho

Drafts a Resolution That No-tion- al

Manufacturers Be Inves-

tigated Says Object of Asso-

ciation Is to Crush Out Organ-

ised Labor.

Mulhall's Charges Mention' DeadVice Provident, Former Presi-

dent Taft, Colo of Ohio andWatson of Indiana Among

Those Who Profitted by the Aidof tho Manufacturers' in TheirCampaigns.

(Hy Tcleral Wireless Telegraph.)WASHINGTON, July 1, (Special

to Tho Advertiser) John J. Nolan,an 'Tranclsco's labor congressman,

jumped into the middle of the commo-tion stirrp.l up hero by the corrfiptlobby iharges.of Jlartin Mulhall whenho announced that tomorrow he willintlodlice in the house u resolution re-

quiring tliu production beforo a con-gressional committee of all books, rec-ords mid office documents of tho Na-tional Manufacturers Association, forivlifch Mulh'ill charges ho Worked foryears.

Nolan 'drafted bis resolution today,afler Consultation with leaders of IhoAmerican Tedc'ration of Labor. Hosaid:

"Wo propose that this aSsociation,which was maintained to ernsh thelabor movement, l(y tho power uf or-

ganized cnpltnl, shall bo iorced to ttdljiov it conducted tho fight. 'Mulhall'scharges surprised no one- - in the labjrworld."

The sennto lobt')' probprs haveto rmish their intestigatioii ot

the wool, siigar nnd Lovctt angclj ofI'leir investigation before beginningiho probe of the charges of Mnl hall.

Among tho statements mado by Mul-hall was a declaration that Vice Presi-dent Sherman wanted CongressmanWaft-o- of Indiann reelected, 'as ho wasmost friendly to tho manufacturers 'association. , A letter, s'aid' to haveIipoii written by .Mlilhnll, also said thatSherman wanted Colo of Ohio electedand that money 'Would bo heeded tohelp him.. '

A letter also Tnentioned tint meet-ing of Tnft and James W. Van Clcavoi'f the Manufacturers' AssoMatiQii inWeshingtnn. Mulhall, in this letter,raid he told Arthur Ynrys (hat, if thoitia'nufafttirers helped Tiaft's campaign,they would want n member of thoManufacturers' Association in tjieTaft(nbinet, as well lis a reprc'entitivc onIho campaign committee.


WASHINGTON, July, 1 (Ily Associated Press Cable tu Hie

Sensational disclosure by Sam-li-

liompers, president of tho Amori-ca- a

Tedcration of Labor, are the latestdevelopments In tho echoes nf tho fightbetween tho National , Association ofManufacturers and labor union circles.

Liompers to.luv miiio ,'i statement sustaining the chargos ol .Mai tin Mulhallthat tho Manufacturers' Associationliad employed Ilroughton Drandenbiirgh,who is now in fcli'K Stng prison lintwho was formerly n wall Unpwn magn-f.in- o

writer, in an attempt to bribe flom-jier- s

toTesign after confessing that hehad betrayed labor. Tho attempt," it isalleged, was mndo after tho McNamaradynamiting revelations.

SAN KKANCISCd, July 1. JohnKlrby and David Parry, former presi-dent of the Manufacturers' association,today conceited reservations that thoyliad made for a trip on the Oceanicliner Ventura, sailing today for Hono- -

lain nn.l Alihtrnlln. uml will rnlnrn InWnshington tonight to testify beforotho senato eommitteo in denial of Gom-per-


An intimation was received fromWashington-yesterda- that Honolulu isJo ho otaBscd ns n closed port as Tarsis ioreigu warsnips arc enncorneu, mim-ing it in tho same, class wjth I'earl Har-bor.

Itear Admiral Moure, commandant oftho Honolulu and Pearl Harbor Navalstations, was ratlitr surprised at tho Interpretatlon which tho nnyy departmeat had placed on the character oftho port of Honolulu, and immediatelywrote thp department asking for furthcr information.

I'earl Harbor is under tho direct antl.orlty of the naval eominur.di.ut and.1ril,.B ,l


i.... promulgatPd. i , .


kuurlne, foreign vuitvls, Including warnips, im vu no right to cuter Hie bar

hoc otrepi under nn express nuthurlMiliuii pf the war department

ft-p- -

H tmtn, Hie utll klniMii Juiiaiiescijiiutinc. a,,i ui i,,i, i, ji ,,)

wiij'j wttwr oi ii iisii'iniiiir, uitiiima Hniili ii worth, arcoriiiMR lo lhmill Sril Hall got Mmruin fiurlppi, vituit ago Hliru i( wtttlutlailu.ir tiw lnuiii.L lli. 11., l..i.l..'"' ".' :i-"-

.- t - . "'i'' ,W,M' 'J" H'OWItfcl l MIHH lip Ml

4bl II i, .mil i,',',i win II

7 " V "' "" ' -- ""'" , j""'' ' ' ' hid navy iippnrwnr-n- res .ecimg iih use''''"'"" , ". ' HnlmiWl Hint tin ro curried out uuer 1,1, orders. No,l,u.'"r' '" "'" 7l0, ,,ln, "'" "r utenmcr. may enter or leave withoutW'1!'1' ";" mIw lifrn have been j,0rnitlon frimi tlio ronlmaudaiit, unci" V H'ir.(mUtUp. nf ditr.ir llg rt,e, ro permlte. to enter pr

" liHluttrlp now gUi'rod here. -- v0 the harbor belweea suutet and

hr ,ii

' I

M (y

i a in i hi ihui In. fiiuiii)' ii-l- Hud In b'nl iilr

ii a i" H i l until' i u rt In if ,i) v'lirr

Page 7: jlB JltiM HfjflH - University of HawaiiThat Right to Resume Hostilities Is Reserved in Event of the Present Balkan Conflict Extend-ing Into Macedonia. WAR DECLARED BY SERVIA King Peter



(ictfoflily Three-fourth- s of the

Democratic Membership in the

Lower Housp Said to Favor the

Measure Outcome Not So Cer

tain in the Senate.

By Ernest O. Walker.'(Mall Special lo Tlio Advertiser.)'wASltlNOTON, June 111. A cur-

rency reform lilll villi pass tho house.

It will go through llying. That much

sljouhl be aald at this juncture, bpcauso

of rpcent days so much stuff andhas been written in tho contrary.

There has novcr beoU any hcrtous. dbubtabout it. Quito three imjirtcrs of thotriumphant Democracy in tho house aroprepared anil' have bieu prepared to

taVu I'jeslcieiit Wilson fat his word. Ilowants, a currency bill. fcuougb said furthem. They will give, him a currencybill, enthusiastically cud In good faith.Furthermore Republicans 1h some num-

bers will be with them, ,I'nrtisan opposition there has been.

It ii rcsponsililc ior somu ii the strangecurrency chronicling that has gone forthfrom Washington of late. A'aturnllyenough lfepuulfcuns would likp a line,

Deinocratic quarrel. Whateasier than lor tnem to nnni iar amiwide" the tidluga tHnl llrvnn had beenllouieilf Tho money devils had gottenthe administration and the commonerwas protesting aui giving tlip word tohis followers, of whom theru aro inaivvin senate ami house, that they shouldprotest with might and main.

Hut inability to see the, correct pro-portion ol things ban alike been respon-sible for much ot the misrepresentation.Alwajs on such occasions there bo

e members of tho house whostand back nnd cry out for caution.They am alifco in the Democratic nndRepublican parties. It is a trait of hu-

man nature und if n proposition goeswrong there is fomiditlon for a claimto prophetic vision and wisdom. SuchDemocrats there hae beeu around thoftipilol during the last fortnight. Writ-ers who tool; their cue from thempenned lugubrious words.

Then there has been Henry HobcrtI((e Henry, Democrat ct Waco, Tai-a-

chairman of the bpuso committee onrules, asjilran.1 for the. speakership ot(he housp, aspirant for a place, in thocabinet erstwhile iordial 'il?on man,but now so cool In his allegiance andso disappointed in his ambition thattkpro is great b'jttemcs in his heuvt.Iteury's following in tho house is notlarge. The house understands him nndhis methods, which includo a rathermarvelous ability tu get his doings pub-Jiel- y

noted, lleury, long chasing themonev dcv'Us, is u bosom friend .ofHryan. "All," wild many a win? one,t Henry is at it, raising u rumpus, tear.ing away nt Wall Street. That nivalisHrjan."

House Will Pass Bill.It did not. , Tho man, who was so con

FiiiciioiislV boomt'd for a cabinet placethat poor old Willio Mooro (formerchipf of buriau, whom Wil-ro- u

promptly discharged for trving to

Piker, had his own masons. Ho has apparently deceived nobody in authorityat Washington furj as. aforesiid, thehouse will pass the X.'urroncy IteformHill with ooilles of votes to spare. Theremay not be great expedition about tin'tafclc. Reasons exist for this. And

et. lipcauxq there is not expeditionmore wilt be, hcird about tremendousdilterpneps mui a likelihood that tho billwill bo Jefcated.

There may be hearings, yet befprothe houso banking and currency com-mittee. That will bo interpreted as aMlipmo for delay. As a inatter of fact,if there are hqirings, covering two orthree or four weeks, these will bo forthe purpose. of giving the country largft opportunity to comprehend what thocurrency measure means, nud of glyingopportunity for suggestions and amend-ments. Public hearings constitute aflno vehiclo for that sort of a thing.The people will likely bo better satis-fied if there is cliau.ro through tho pressand otherwise for various individuals toexpress views of tha bill. It is largelynew. With all the study already

upou its provisions, the effect ofsuch legislation has not beeu entirelyforecasted. True, tDera have been currency hearings galore. Tho monetarycommission, in existed) for yeanseemed to have exhausted tho informa-tion to be had.

Public- - Hearing Probable.Hut tho houso committee hearings, If

lield, will not be for tho purpose of get-ting information, so milch as for ac-

quainting tho public moro with whatthe bl contains and for Inviting

which ran be utilized in per-fecting (hi! pending bill, Members ofthe house would like- to look over tholgunsure morn or less leisurely. Theyvypuhl (0 ioi,)! lie to have a chuucit to eumid hear vtlnU their i oin'tliiieiitu thinkutout fin bill. Many letters of inquirywill bo vrUlrn n them, as tlin subjectIk nplqltcl in thejiri'ss. Your congressmnn would have iippoituiiily towinner these Ifffent They would enutile Mm in.. soiuo'... to

. . thupp willnieiii rttriiug the legltlnlloii in liltr.wii fOUtlHii'iif,

THhi It could nut be uid snun judgmini Hun taken Them Wuuhl lie gu11 I'prvrniife nt full 'll)bi'ullyii, whUli

puiiU fur luimli ivliwi u gffuily sou.limeilxl

.toiilr la 1111 fur diuiibjn Tie

r .1 .t- -

inre'ii) inupu'ib, ill II W llU'llpiM m liMJD, of u mm

tV"U H' wiijwsJ miim ltoId lnnl.liiK tiiil nuriiMf ttQltJiilUMun( iht iKiHtti Mtwiil itrv '(TFIfflBieU'hii, hii full kuutttalgn uf Prwl

Belief Grows That thp LejjlslaturoWilr"sB(j iConyene4 Bary4in,,lhe

Fl Governor, Frear. tp JftyaA,p;tioit,tQ Hjs Successor L.ij.jy '

Thnt tho legislature will bp callcdlinto spccinl session this yenr, nnd prob-ably' early in the Jail, is thp accejittiloplhldn of tcrriioriut officials, flovotlior1'rear, fu a, statement yestj-'rday- , inaJcit apparent that if it were apt for (lie,

impendlhg chnngo in the governorship,au tueciitiyy ardpr summoning thp so1od$ together vould already be in courseof pTcp.itation if not actually Issued,t'luauclnl condltloini in the Territory'will bo tlin motive of the session,

M.Thpi idea uf a special session hasbeon gugKCstcd to- - me and I have ccmsidefe'd it," said OoVprnor l'renr) yes-terday, ('but in view of ihb Ohqnge inotlicn that is imminent 1 wi(l leav'c Hirfor my successor tp decide. 1 am iiowleaving all similar impoitiint businessto htiu and nlldrcssing--mysel- f principally tu tho ordiuary routmei business.

Up to Next Governoi1."An extra session will probably bo

found necessary. I w.o'ulil Vailier, bow-er, permit the next Governor to initiateit as well as to enjoy the aftcrtnath.There are lyuny things that shouldtome before It relating to the financesof tho government. The legislature willprobably find it necessary to reduce impropriations, in some places; possibly toincrease them in others, boifte Miliememust be prepared to enable the Territory to procecil as usual in the faceof changed conTlitious.

"The special funds which now make't Impossiule to meet curicnt expenseswith a larg part of the 111000 in thetreasury will havo to be 'loosentc Tip.These special funds have proved theirworm lor Jlipy liavc enabled us lo passfrom period to period with large cashbalances whero otherwise the moneywould probably havo been spent. Tinsfash balance grevv from $173,(10-1,0- toiFI,fjlT,ss!).us, according to figures

in my last message to the legis-lature.' .

Many Departments Interested.Tho possibility of an extra session is

also interesting all other departments ofgovernment. All of tliem commencedvesterday to draw on tho new apnrofiri- -

attons, most ot tlio old ones jet unspentlapsing-- t'liieiiy cflycted nro the boardof hc.iltn, the department of Uuuiigra-Ho-

and the department of agriculture.The first named is compelled to H'lnodclits salutary force oil much smaller lines,oin' to tho lessor appropriationsawarded it, while the inotiplito force isreduced to sucn n liegllgtU'o (piautlfjthat President 1'rati will jirobab,ly callon all householders to assist the t'lo.irdwith tlicir personal interest, for thMrown benefit. Tho board, however, profits in other Items.

Tho department of immigrationloses tho marketing division, the workof which will bo taken up in part nudpossibly 011 another basis, by the fed-eral agricultural station. The teriitorialdepartment of agriculture already pro-fits by the quarter of tho special in-

come tux fund which was taken awayfrom the depaitment of immigration.

This is the sad, sad tale of the introduction of Urnhmanism to the luscicpnpaia ami its sad results. Any oneWho does not beliovo can satisfy theircredulity by looking at tho polite blotter for yesterday afternoon' which roveals the names ot lada and Saykuma.

In spito of their names, they areHindus, not Japanese. Until yesterdaymorning they were humble forecast! jliamls on the British collier Heathy, butloreeasiie nanus not neing in; accpruauee with tueir lastidio ideas otcaste, they left the ship contrary to lawnud tho immigration authorities.

Tho first sign thereafter hoard or seenof them .was a dismal wail from thercur of tho College of Hawaii. A fewhours of liberty had caused them to b- -lievo mat tlie gods smiled 011 them inpaternal beneficence for thoy ran fulltilt into a Japanese, pipaia orchard oftho coirege. They partook thereof withthe enthusiasm of tho nowly convertedpapaiaologists. '

They ato until they could ent no moreand thou lay down in thp shade to rest.Tho inward manifestation a few min-utes Liter had nothing to do withHnihma, however, and their ad lamentsattracted the attention of the ownerand eventually of the police.,


(Uy IVdpml Wireless Tolegraph.)July 1. (Special to The

Advertiser J Ilomhardler Wplls lastnight successfully defended his title asheavyweight champion of Knglnnd atIhi! National Hportyig CI'iIj by tnoelilugout i'nekey MeC'om-- pf Cirk The fin-ish came in the thirteenth round.

dent Wilson, ore Oisfussluir Hie advlsability of Midi a euurte. TTiere is timelor it. The houso will want 110 moreth.tu a week or ten dujs to reach 11

vofo on currency reform, once tho billhas been reported. Hut It will bit ciij.ilv four or flvn weeks before the senateJ througR with turilf uud ready to takenp furri'liey. Then why mil Imve hear-ings anil thus adopt the bent imirxi forkeeping II u subject liefiinuhB nitinlryfIf, Oil I lie other blind, tilt) lioim prefers

-- 1..1 . ..1 1 ... .. '" ti1' num nneaii umi iium int eurrenrybill, nflir brief loiitrilf ration by lis

'imhiuilUe, it is nIiihiiI u llmt" teuuiu (Liiiuivu will ruudncl ouiu

Mriug and llnis uit in inufniuiiiintl HvvLr l;ul;ll(' iilriyt In U prolwrjin. .j




while.... 'Ilie'sl.

! i ine anuie mtvum 1 in enUllSn U kill) mmma(vil 'Hierf iual Mtti mi MNJSIIi MWUm il fuiiWW WJlTri r, iJielmJHmalu will,


Plans Drawn and


A Aflii ft -

- " T?r -j- .ngwj 1 -- nf- 'Ij sST j I j1




' '

JTT ; i iar,

- -. " . l .."- - ,U

Within tho next two weeks llaronVon Wocllwartli plans to break groundfor the erection of tho Kcolu D'nuita- -

tion do Honolulu Jim "Hie mntiku side ofof lleret.'inia stieei tipposlto ThomasSquare.

With the edmple'tion of the building, to

which Is to o a haud'omo structnroof Iron with n gl.i?s and stone front, fl



Expert Gooding Field of ProbeCommission Finds More


(Mail Special to The Advertiser.)HILO, June ilO. While Ooodtug 1'jeU

had good reason to bo vell satisfied7itli tho result of his fibt,cxpeditlon toiSoitli 41110, 0 itcpiuei to iimue an-

other during the end of last week, liereaped therefrom a harvest, which wasvery important in its' results'.

One of the reasons why Field madehis second trip was to procure evidenceof so strong a charatpr that Its contra-diction would bo wcllnigh impossible.That he had some reason fdr- - exercisingconsiderable euro is shown Xreiu theexperience, which with WpllaqoNaopo, tho road clerk in North llilo,Naopo had been very bitter in his criticism of the manner in which thingswere being run lu his department, rindmado an nflid.ivit to the effect thatho hud not received the larger part ofhis pay for May. This affidavit vvasmade before Manager Moses of the Bar-nard store, who is a notary.

A few davs Jator Naopo came in hothaste to Moes aud demanded the return of the affidavit. Moses told himthat ho did not havo the document.Field hud it. Naope then demanded thatMoses telephone to Field, demandingthat ho destroy the allidavit. Naopesaid it was incorrect. He liad receivedall his wages fpr May, ho claimed.

The allidavit bus not beeu destroyed;nor will it be,

rteld Works Cautiously.With this experience in mind Field

proceeded to nail down his iasei withextra care, lie took with him the of-

ficial pay roll tor the period from January 20 to February 2.1, WIS, for Northllilo. This bore tho O.K. of SupervlorJohn Kcaloha.

Armed with this document, aud withtwo time books which he secured ironlunas worklnir-i- n the North llilo roaddepartment, Field interviewed a laborci,Jiaviu .lf nuDIa, who signed an allidavitstating that diking 'tho period mention-ed ho had worked for l.unu J. V. Ko-ko- a

eight days, and for Ltina 8. Wilianine dajs, making a total of seventeendays, which represented all tho work,which ho did for the. count duringtho period mentioned. This statementIs corroborated by tho time books oftno two lunas, which are now in Fidld spossession. The pay roll elves the s.imuman credit for having 'worked tvveiityldnjg, at 1.C0 u da-- , three i1iih morethan tho man uud his lunas claim howorked. '

Three Days' Discrepancy.John Muikai was another of Field's

new nciiuaintuurcs, wliota cine provedrather eutertniulng, Muikai made an afHdavlt to the effect that ho had work.eJ for I.una Kokoa, during tho periodfrom January 26 to February ', 1012,twenty-one- - mid u Juilf days, aud thatthis was all the work which ho didfor the comity dining that period. Thoofficial jiay roll, which bears tho nilpervlsonul O.K., credits the samewith liuviug worktd, during that namespace or time, twenty-fou- r ami a half '

iluvs, the ilUlcrenco being uguln threedais,

In the ruse nf 1; K. KuIihuwIIuii. another of Field's new found friends, thecircumstances lire much the same usthose mentioned above. Ivalmiinilaii busmuilo nil alllduvlt lo the effect that Innworked for tliu county durlm Ilia periodnleried to, seventeen du, uml nomore. 'i'liit puy roll gives him eredlt furIwtiuty dava, the illlUimire being threeiluvs in this luiluucii uUo

In view uf Ihp Naope lusidnHt FIWillook puillulur ii4iii tu lmv the ullldiivlU l"M'lo lu (We I'tuutwv uf mlUlilnVVIlllVW; uKiAiilc Ihfiri liDing liUlos u ml VVItittA 1"JM LiMMlf mil

I'si) lliu Iwnai link awls It llislmw! m ufkl iLj iiwludi lUr h

him m WW, and imwihj loiviipiHf vi ii'e iuuii uwrnsi

Ground Secured for' Proposed Riding-iLCCLCU 111 JL 1UUU1U1U

r 'V

will tako plnco with thoworld n8 tho homo of a modern riding I

academy and school for the teachinghorsemanship

The ncconinnnvillL' sketch elves ill! .enidea of tlin front uf tho building. It is j tic

bo erected on a lot with 1S3 fpotfrontago and 300 feel 'in depth. Tlinbuilding proper will cover an are,a ofe?fi jfcmliiJ uirTiiTunamT"iit of sic( mut

(eet tour mclies on nerctcnu street (


(Xtnll RpecliTl toThn,AdveitUor.)HIl.O, June HO. After an exceeding

linrd1 fibt, the suit of Antonevs. I'ujiiiioto ended last Satur-

day afti rnoon in n dlsagreeupMit on thepart of the jury. It is reported that0110 juror who stuck out lur a verdictfor the pnlntilr, hung tho jury.

The plnifiti"" vvho is a plasterer f rnmHonolulu, uud vvho was working' forKu.iimoto, vvlfo is a 'lontrnctor.-i- u tliuUntil building, Claimed that as he wasworking, a! Jiipancso eirtplojo of thecontractor knocked away one of thebo.lrds supporting the plastorer's pcaf- -

foldiug, the, result! lioing tliut tlie plaintiff fell to tne gronnd wliure ho sus- -

tuined injuries, as a result of which hisearning capacity had been effected.This was contradicted by tho witnessesror tiio dereiiho:

t. ... .Iiftv'Coming into existuueo nt tln first

hour, jesterday, (l the jmblic utilitiescommission vvhlch,was appointed by tho(JoVernor and niiproved by the somitethree months 'ago, met lu the officeof the secretary of the Territory at twoo'floek in the afternoon uud preparedfor organisation

As its own orgtinizntion is estublishcdby law nnd the lloveriior's appoint-ineuf, tho only tusk in this lino leftto it was to rent and equip oflUcs, pro-vide for olhce, stationery and 11 book-keeping system find uppoint subordiniites. These matters will bo taken uptoday between Chairman Molt Smithnnd Ar. Oigiioux, the only other mem-be- t

present in tho city.The only business yesterday perform

ed was the ullbiat warning, iutinmteilin the meeting itself,, that 11 public util-ities lomiiiissiou ut.lnst existed in tlieTepitory anJ 11 statement of prelimi-nary vprk njid powers was read by theI'halrmnii. j,

Heiir.vO'Sullivap, ,liief clerk pf thesecretary's olllce, acted as temporarysecretary of the commission.

Chairman .Mutt .Smith announced Idsplu 11 of drawing up in the farm oflabor-savinj- r trial baJauees, a coniilethistory of hnauciai development of thecorporation!! under tlio jurisdiction ofthe lommissiou, as taken from theircorporation exhibits fur the past twentyjeurs, now on file lu U10 treasurer's of-1-

'. ,

mong t'lpiw ho nttended tho meet-ing weio (loveruor Frear, Managerlll.iko of the Hawaiian Klectric Com-pany, Vice I'resfdonl 'McLean nnd Seeretutj- - (ledge (if tlni Inter-lslnu- d SteamNhvlgntioit Company, C. 11. Hemenwayand others. ,

-4- --


(Mail Special to flip Ad.irlsrriHII.O, .lime Sn.-'J- 'he fli- -t Ar

the new Itlchiird'cn' streel !i.le."jlwas completeil last vvcel.. It il( nutside the old llnta store, and vvas bullbyno county, which took the matteri hand after the o'wncr, John Ilrown,had.neglccted to obey the notice served011 him to build it As a matter offuct, Ilrown was only one uf manyproperty owners whji disregarded suchnotice, but his strip was taken up firsthcuiuse it winl the liiustexpeuive tomiin, Homo or inn other sidewalk strips

on this street will ut (uimidcruhlf, u:.u

tnoy invoivu ininiii'iiniug.lu the meantime, Supervisor I. nail

l.o 's action in enforcing tho law, whuhhas heretofore, beeu a iliyi'l letter, did11 world of good. The rest uf the properly ovvimrs, noinit'of whom ileriuredsome time ngo tliut they Intended tubuild 110 tldewullo, havo romu downnnd now tliei uruinise to build forthvtllli. It Is reported Hint tln'j have usk

nil to be allow im! Id unit unlit niter'the I'uiirlh of July, ui ttplr (torvheeping ImilniU wuuV) suffer If tlielr placesvvt'rv mtnu iiuitMKHibiu nn I ha J hulldu),nud tkst Oils ru.guubUi rtUet hubeen urunliM '

""Ml fmhiHill Mue VwIfeveJ,

WU). Willi lil'f milklU flUJ Uliithfl. lullHllfi lljIWt (W mlM2S9,Mmt iwiwJtiiwmn

JIllerlt y iiUUmwMlml el i

fll ail JLJSlllllCllCU .

with a depth of 185 feet eight iiirhea.Within the building will bp 1111 arena of

'V "Vu "ct.!i: " a MT"r 8Ur" '

iiThibltioiis nf linrseiiiiiuslilii. nthlf.events and horse shows nud similnr

avcut.Thero will bo flftv .tnll nnd n mod

injured niilmals. There will also bo


(Mall Special to The Advertiser.)HIU), Juno HO, Special Prosecutor!

llreckons ri turned last Sunday frpmHonolulu, bearing with Iiiii glad

le annuunced tint the govern-ment expects to get back every centtliut it lost 111 tlie .vinguiru delinea-tions, as fur as they aril known atpresent. This amount lias been esti-

mated officially lit from $7.1,0llu to fnrd If Interest is lidded it may

o'ome tpiitn dure to the 100,0l)0 mark.As llreckons Is known to bo vory care-ful about talking about what ho willdo, before ho practically has it done,nnd ns there nro probuldy no recordsof his having fallen down In his announced expectations, it s not tuoearly to indulge in the joy of great oxliectiitbins. A

Hretkous will remnin In llilo nh,qulsix weeks or two months. Tho commission will come next week or theweek after, though it is not plain whattliere is lor it to do in JIllo lor somotime lo come. It is likely, however,tl'at the commission will take a triplight around tho island to look Into heroad department tangle, which tlieField investigations, iiltipugli theydnve not boon pprsued vury long, haveshown such nstoundliigly fruitful mu-

ter! 1! for the Investigator.Much Work in Honolulu.

During tliu past few vvepks thorn hasbeen considerable done in Honolulu intho way of arranging for tliu fettlement of the amounts duo to cover theamounts lost by the county in the Maguirp mcijs. The nogotritious withI lie .various pintles involved have lusome mses uihanccd well towards adefinite tetllemeut, while i" otheruises thero Is still somo work to, be,done. The government in determinedthat It must get link tho full amount,

"5,00(1 to SOjIMM. Furthermore,vvliatevor settlements aro made will bin regard to tho defalcations vbipti aroknown uml definitely fixed upon so far,namely those referred to constantly Inthe Mnguiro prosecution. Tlie uncov-ering of further cniberlements, evenif Hose, should involve MngUlre libo,will not be covered In any way by thopresent sittlements.

'I lie government has decided fairlydeli'iitely what ionises of ni tnn itwill take, particularly in regard to thopriniipalj but, dependent on whetherthe county will make a demand or not


(Mflll Special to The Advertiser.)1111.0, June 30 One of tho features

of the Fourth qf July paiudo will be

that it vvill bo led by Miss WilliolinlimWeight, the young woman who has sov

- il II. m. a m,.r.,u.itil ...1 flit- - lhln..,l ,. Itli

im-iii- 11 Ml 11 if 011 lit j s t (iiv-I 'y, riding on n donkey. The plnco offliii monkey Ims been filled, so no oneneed apply.


1'laylng their llrvt gamp ou the mainluml at Hautii lioa, f.'allfurniii, the AH

Fillpluo bull team pounded lur .Moe

klmiin the Joaal jillrher for eight hit"uml fun-oi- l lilru from the box, lie wusreplaced by Allen, who pioved inmostus insv

The Islanders giitherel elghl runs ofour for Die lomln The) niude llvn et,101s, willed vvkih i.poaiil for liliulnf the MuuIn itosa fullles

PflllS CUlini? iri i l id, )AV.

Ui iJflio pjiy paw (,f Hililuj;, (llliul,f&yillM Uf VH14 Oi d icHdaysfl iufliioy rifitiMiPiU Miiu Iii

'",''ut ?."''"l,B


i10"?1i i

',"! '"m' '.'""'''J",', bJ1"' '"B "..'' . H"-- . ' '" I'ru





VUOt Jl ifl I J.UUUrr-- rn

dressing (Hid U'tldup r(ipm for men,and wouion-wlt- h. 11litpdcru apjillanccs.

') mtW Za'tW,!?3l ,"" HP1 !'fiuuiii viii uiau uv 'iHnmnryii vtif ft"ldmis nrn fnllv eninritptldN tlin lense

lot tlin lot Will lie rfosnd'todav nudcontractors svIIV'Tbo invited to bid fortho eiectioli''of ' tho building the latterpnrltif this week. 'It thattho structure will cost in the neighbor- -

hood of $H,00ll.


for the interest on ilia money in (piestion, nil additional large sum may beiuvolvid. It has been estimated atlrom ifirj.qOU to $20,000.

Bondsmen Not Shirking.Sn far tho settlement lieeotlntions

lire being taken lip limluly with thebni.lc and the bondsnieii,rnnd the gov-ernment wishes It emphatically broughtflit that Until Panic nud uoinlsmciihave evidenced it, striking dispositionput to1 shirk uny legal responsibility.They hav,o takeu the attitude tliut, theyare readv to p'ny Vh'St' seems fair andlegal, without attempting .to tnku

nf technicalities.There ,nru several string's to tho

YlovV. unlTno bet will be overlooked in tlie worlc pr recovering tnemoney. Tiio sources frpm yvdlch'lt isIntended to make recovery, lu partfrom nun uml in part' from another, arethe Innk, the boudsnicn"of

f.alukea, tho bondsmen of Treas-urer Swain, Lalnkca himself, SvruiulitiiKell unil, of course, the bondsmenof Mngtiire. Thp government also

to bo ablf to make recovery bythe securlnc of certain pieces ul valuable real estate, now held In the nameof Mrs. Alible Magtiire, which it hopesit vvill be able to. show were boughtby means of money emtcr.7led by Magulre.

Hreckous is iiow gdlur over the gicatvolume of evidence wiiiiih "Kxpert(loading Field has dug up' in tho mat-ter nf the North and South llilo roadfinances. He thinks It is Very valuable.No nctjoit wllj no takeu in tegnril tohriiigiug qhnrges in this connectionright nvvny, but thut charges wjll bebrought when the time )s ripe is cor-tai-

At present Jlrec,kons 'jvlll bringth(i matter before tho board, of silpet-vlsnr- s

in an informal maimer) show-ing just d0v mud whore the Irregular-Itlp- s

oc(ir, and letting them persuo afew (Humiliating figures. He will tlienjenvp it to, t)io supervisors to ilo forthe prejieiit'.iust what they see fit.

The cunitniss'uiii has also decided totako action in ih.e .inatei; of tho Sher-iff Fila mit Jim 'l.owis uutomobiles.It takes till; position that wiile theremay lc no cfni(il ronientt in thesewell Htiowii trsuraetioiis, i flvll liabil-ity exists,. 'as (lemands vere made forst rv, lies npl tfndejed, or other thanthose jflilejt Y'ero iictualy rendered.The Rovcrftiiu,nl,lii,leid4Jo stjuk to itsdenlanI foru refiind-

DRUNKEN BRAWL AT KAILUA' (Mail Special to Thp .Advorflser.)

Jlf 1.0, Jiiue 30;-F- our, Filipinos gotinto a driinlcpn brawl at aifua last'WLek, ending , up in a grand mixup inwllch knives were drawn. One wasseriously injured nni may die. One oftlie others wns arrested on the spot.Thp two others lej, but vvcre caughtthe follow lug mqrulng at four o'clockby Deputy Siierlir Nahuie, who Is saidto' have doiip a good ple(o of- work intrailing them. '

Deilaiing that there 'Was no longernny reiikou for Jlanuel 1'erumider to remain in the Qileeu'x Hospital, City Hliyslcluii WnjKfu yesterday udvised Actlug Hherifl Itohe tii'lium the accusedmurderer removed tu the jail, liversluie Fermilidez shut mid killed hiswife, a school teacher in Kallhl uku,six mouths ugp, lip hai( beep underlueliciil (are ut tlin' Inspilnl, recoveringfrom the fearful wounds he Inllii'teil 011

Mintclf lie still has to feed hluiselfllir'ougli 11 funnel and can pat onlyIliiii food.

Trie pullre ieparnient inu Kept unnlllcer op guynl uvir Mm all the time(mil U glad to be dbl tu rtiuove lilm

"' J"" """ " presnn iniuii nirrj11 1 annul nfori hi plom pieii mi smlilung iuuiii uivuy iruni rrtiuiur uuiy

" - -

UlM Ibnl, the lleihuley wnmuii toWIIUIII le upi iriiiiiry iruies irceinilSH III IV I her (hi1 pokliluii nff I rbmruin ji,i lllimrtrriiM writ

NU HillSfltf I lii oifer uml willUi l1ii!' i"i I'V.r 'in

un 1 lie ijufe sl'ffillrif), tvill beureempauimj by ln'r nipflivt,

mm fob'NEW ROADS

ON 111' '"3

it 4City Engineer .Wnitehouso Mak- -

ing Preparations to Carry on

Extensive Improvement Cam.

.paign ou Highways During the

Next Six Months. "

With nn approiEiatdn of $100,000 toho spuqt during the next nit monthsfor the construction of new roads andbridges, tho city road department, hpadid by Kngiuper li. M. Whitpiiouso IsMaking preparations fpr n strpuuoiis im-

provement, period.The sum nlldlod. It is believed, wheu

expcnicd, vvll give thp V'1' and" C'ouuty of O'lhii, tho beginning of a newcysteiu'Vjt raaus vvuicii win up nuiit tostay, Tlio apnropiintlon Is to bo expend-ed entirely for nev work, another appropriation ot fiuuu liitvmg lieen madelor imilntepunpe of city streets. Thislatter appropriation fur the six months,mst elided was &12,r,n"i but it vvafpund necessary tp use a pait of it fo:other than maintenance vvurk, Fngi-uce- r

Wliltoiouse believes that theamount allotted for the ensuing sixmonths vvill bo sufficient for the pur-pose.

in discussing tho road building pro-gram outlined for the half year toentile, Ijtigiuccr Wliltehouso said yester-day, that It, ipciudod tho constructionaf two miles of corn) road nt Kahukiito cos,t something like Si'Mt a mile.Eventually, a said, six mllps of thischaracter of ioa,d would be built betwoen Vnilukii uud Kahukii, but forthe present but iilduO vlll bo available,l'he coral will lie taken from tho quarryit I mm unci distributed by the O. It.Jl . Oo's liuu along the route to boiuipru,ved.i

It is planned also to Luild one mileaud a half of road to connect tho beltroad contract of Lord & Young whichIs eighty per pent completed with thecounty rond at Wuliilud.

I'ngineer Wliltehouso spent two dnysat week in tho territory where contruction Work is to bo undertaken."I wnnti if possible,-- ho snid, "to

arrungo for doing uwuy vvilh tho hair-pin turn 011 tho Waialua grado. It Is1 duugerous pluce, where sovernl minoriceidertts huvc" occnirod, and it can bellone away, with thrbugh tho construc-tion of an additional half 1111I0 ofroad." '

t(Mhll Special to The Advertiser.)

1111.0, Jlfib30fir.ast Efattirday morn-tu- g

Mrs. liciiida-'A- . Dey'o 'died at herreshtencp, th, rjd Wptmore homesteadan Vitmnil street, heart failure, the reuilt of pxtrpmo old age, being the causeof death. Tjip iecesed had been fill-ing ijiiita noticeably dgriug tho jiasttwit pr throe Mt'eks; still the cud ennuiiv.UU 'unexpected Ruildeiinp.ss.

(rs. IJeyp wus a. native of Now Yorksnil eume to llilo to live with her chil-dren about thirteen ypurtf ago. She leavesto mourn, her loss three daughtersJifs,a Josephine, Louisa uud Mary, andone son, Kyiwuo, who is now on themainland 'on his vvny bark to llilo.

The funeral tpolc place from thehouso nst Sunday ufteruoon, tlio ser-vices beiug conducted by Hoy. Dr. Cull,who spoke. vUli sympathy nud underitandlng, iajinjr. pnrticulur stress ou thorare upfplfishupss which those who werethe frbiuds'iif tho departed knew wellv ps Uff chief characteristic.

r- -

Witlnjr W. iinmoii. n coloredhtatloned at Schofleld llarracks

(oiniolted inprdnred when he shot SantosMotuIos, at 'Wul(ivv.ii, parly yesterdayippmlng' deponds uppu. tho success oftlio Anny doctors, at Schofleld, Theshooting occurred at ' (Jim's," a tolufVouiKtB s.torc nt Vphlavva. and re-

sulted frpiu a three, comere'l quarrelIn vVlilcli 3oo "Mnore-- private of therwru'y-ftfj- Infantry, wus thp thirdparty. ,

Chief JvIuD.uffio iiiid severul of hismen unsyvrrod a telephone call fromvNuhinwii at vpsferday momiiig. On arriving ho found Mooie, theprincipal witness and after getting thawhole stqry out pf him, took him toinc. o!iiuaanug omcer. '

Oh the' vviiy bae Jo Wiihlnwii, theyfound Stminnps uslpep the middle oftho rond with the revolver sticking outof his popk.et. Detective Suudeu dis-armed him and he wns taken down laturn. Lnter dptecttvps vve,re stationedat the village and caught nil the wit-nesses n,s they iucakpd bnck after theshooting. They, also, nre iu the guardlioilsu. It is probable that the Armyiiuthoritles.-wll- l try Simmons.

According to Moore, tho quarrel stnrted over Fortn ltic'au women, Siinmpnstaking offense at 11 remnrk Moralcipassed to him, jroralcs' wife sav thatthe soldier follow i'd her husbi 1 to hishpuse, iollbcrately openc tl'i dour and"fireil three shots r'i. I.i Tu lnilletjwere foiiiul jn tliiHirultiiri- -

The bullet pfiietruted Morales' chestjust belojv the heart.


Ilv uxeeutlvo otiler Nn. 21, KapiolanlI'ark )eterday'vvu's placeil i (loveruorFrear under the. ilirecjloii nf the eltvpf Ifpiiabijn and thy 'pari, rniiimlaaiiniwent opt of enUtpnce after depillng tlioparlj to tM,Terrjtnry In order that tlmnuMfiiM ,'uiihi ne legany niuiip Timsupervisors will ut once tuku enntrol uf(he iu umi luiipct n ijiuku 11 numberuf iiinges uml Improvements


'hiibrMIii CoIIJ, niolem andDiarrhoea ltlheiy needs no ulariiii;heinlliliti In ujlraej fhu public eve ('lielliils latenleiitjilhut nil rliru.lit, sill

It l rnllllrill!Me;v fmnllv knowsil viiliie, M Inm' lieen whmI fur furlyyeiirn hiiiI if hit yiu lis uuuia iiiipls

r nu ,y Jien,6M. ftiuTHi i r 1,1 1

UllvnU for lliwflli

Page 8: jlB JltiM HfjflH - University of HawaiiThat Right to Resume Hostilities Is Reserved in Event of the Present Balkan Conflict Extend-ing Into Macedonia. WAR DECLARED BY SERVIA King Peter

"J L S M$ttKKtoaWWfc


" "Admiral" Gunn, Pilot of Chinese Aerial Navy











San Francisco sw.mnnnj c,erts livetaken lo tlin Hawaiian miners luoa duck takes to v.ntcr ami the Jienclf-pushcr- s

there nr saving nil kind ofnice things iilout Duke Kiihnnainokii,

KredoricJ. Wllholin nn.l the rest of theboys.

The Chronicle, in t.paKinjj of theHawaiian, said in part

"The party of ILiwanans, who aroinvading Hnu Franc sco tor the PacificConst swimming championships on July i

4 anil ."i at Putro Paths spent ill firstday in port in "seeing the town'" amigoing through light paien m

tlnlj, V. M. '. A. iml sntro tanks,splitting tip their tune in n most con-


way,"Two results of the workout w II 1)0

of interest to swimmers Puke in giingafter records, nml the Hawaiian hre'perfectly at home In making turns intlio tank stylo of swimming.

".Mauy followers ot the -- port lavebeen (inuring on the invaders havingtrouble in negotiating the turns, lintfrom the way tliev slum id up yester-day thoy "should woirv "

"The Islanders "ere shown tlin tpoints of interest of Han l'raneisco Inn. sightseeing bus under the juri'dic-tlot- i

of W. .I. Coifman, manager of thebig meet, who report" that the Hawa-iian enjoyed the trip iiiiincnndv. " w

Lifco Frederick Wilhclm. n

Much attention is given toWilhelm of the llealani f'lnli. Inspeaking of linn the all sajs-

"1'i.til two months ago Wilhelninever entcreil n swimming race, an I

today holds the Jlawaiitm record furthe mile mid is cxpecteil to break thohalf tnilo figure at am- - tune Ills

are nil the more remarkable J.from tho fact that ho uses the crawlstro'te the entire distance in his longraces, lie is tin- - present hilf mile andmile champion of the Islands, anil ox

lieds to gne I.udy l.angor, WalterIVneroy and Line .lolm-o- ii a big argil- -

meat. of"Wilhclm is anxious to try tho

(olilen iiate swim, as le is or the oplu--

Young Aviator First of His Raceto Undertake Flights in Bi-

plane Through Air.

The history of acronautus traces bad:lo moro than fifty jeais aud the worldwas astounded early in I!)il3, when theWright Brothers of Alnerira first dem-onstrated the possibilities of flying.Since then, even modem nation hasspent great sums for improvements andudvuiKOiiieut of aerial supremacy.

It was in 1II1U; a nation of 4110,000,-00(- 1

turned their evw. to Tom (Innn,when he represented ( kiua in the Inter-national Aviation meet ut I.os Angeles.His countrymen urn cull him the"Wright of China "

In short, tlunn irnde good, and im-mediately an attractive oiler hub madeliiiu in America to toiti un organizationof professional birdiueii to do specta-cular Hying. Hut his roiintrviueu rattedn large purse us an uidiueiiient to keephim lrom dangerous lc.its, and to con-

tinue bis expcunients lie n.is worthmore to China, tliev said.

Tom continued his experiments, builtmany machines, amounted with thoInnioUs constructors and aviators' ofAmerica mid entered in nil principalinternational meets in the UnitedSUites.

When the revolution broke nut inJill, he was cabled bv Dr. Sun YntHon, the first President of the ltcpuli;fie", for service m lnn.i, with the ideathat a few bombs of gun lottou judi-ciously distributed from the aeroplanewould settle the M.iiuhus dvnaBty

Although fiunn did not get. a realchance to demontrue Iih aluliy howas' roiniun-siouei- l liv the new Ilcpiiblle.

(Innn says he has at i resent tlireomachines of his own design m Hono-lulu and lias a corp m train-I'-

ChlnoM' ineih.iuiii.iiis Since 1011Gunn lui made over eight hundredflights and carried over thVee hundredJlasscngers. Hcvvu" horn and educatedin Pan I'luiuim, ml h, ...ivs ins Mightnt I.eilchua on sumliv vmII ! his lastnppearauco on Aineri m oil' --. t' Manager August M.ira of the I'ortuviicse Atlilctn ( lul. h mors has

the invitation t y Crockettpf (he Wniluku thleti i lul, and willtake Ids team tin re tor a seties ofgames with the ulnLu i lul, July 4ii, nml 0.

J'ullow ilig is the i..,i, ilu , WjiJtnve on the Mamu K. 1 tlnv evening:

V. Jofepli, intihei 1. In, Domingo,Jijlcher; M. Mnri, iin-- t Ii,-,- .. M. 11.gureia, seeond I .as, . r ,.vwl thirdlmsej A. IK-- I'mite, hlioithti,i, ,,

centerii. M him iighttieldimid A. ItO'llgi. I, f Hi, l, v. ',M.mIllClltO win g, ".' u subatltiituilacr.


Jmlju Williu i I ,,,, ii,,, ,r,eult court l.v t,.r n uniaail tilltuoruilii;- - ll vvlll b i m i,,r mvhiIwealvK uinl iih . , ,, ,n vin JjitllO lt lilf'TC II II ,h ,. tg 1f,

uuie bis dot,,4

CAN YOU ArrOBf) the H'K7Wiiio y,.o 1 1, ' 1 Vfft

nttuek ni un, j ,b I' '.' WtM-i,'- .

put n but He ol In I'sUfj'iiuiiru ii nd I'.unio

lit Imi yvlJI i'iruuM iswdH) i i it lUHrtY(n't in H" " Hill liMei;llll CJMM I

Rmiih a u, i n



on that lie can 1 rctkIonicroy's tecor.l of 31 minutes oO seconds. --Man-1

nger Itawlina l.s anxious for tlio boy t'itry tho svvl.ii but will not give his ion- -

sent until after the champ'ous ip meet.Ariniigembnt will probably bi madelor iviiiieim to swim tuu gate on Mmlav. Jiilv fi.

"Another high-clas- s man is l.nvrenci 1 nha, brother of floorgc, andmember of the IlealJiii Cub. Lnwronco

a ilis'ancn swimmer and will enterboth the quarter anil half niles,.i...i:.' .: i. ti.. ..in . --.nan nisi niinu iiciui iii iii m in- -

range with local vvimml,.K orftnn.za- -

tions to wild teanm down to IlonululilI'ebruary to participate in the Ha

wnilati cwinuning cl nnijijonships to beheld in conjunction with the J'lorall'itival.

George Cunh.t Looks Good.Duke is of cofcrco the liig star of tlin

team, but there nre o.thorj who, without lll80 ,)0 a rnco ,ncct ,lt Ku.,aa. Kauaithe international iep of Duke, are.nov--

H t(,ertheless wonderful swimmers. One if U10 ,, ,' lo nrfv a ,,, ,)lowoutthese, uuknnyvii outside the iHlands, Mon j, t, wU, a fif tecu-roim- l e

unha who . 1on m.e -- l.owo.i , b b 8 ,, amlhis wonderful speed bv forcing Duke

Ins limit in the lit ty yants mmmaking him establish a new Americanrecord of IHseconds for n straight-away course.

In this raco Duke just managed ton, inches only H'pnratiliL' .... two I

r n. f'linli-- i will repie ent tha Hea.aniClub.

'I he party that arrived in Ihe Wlllelminn Is as fellows: Mana"cr W. TIfaw'ins, Duke Kahanamok'i. W. II.Miller, I.ukeli Knupiko. 1). Keawe'imnhi, II. Knliele, C. Huntaee. T. Wilhelm, all of the ilui Xalu Clr.b, and(liorue Ciiuha, Lawrence Ciiiilia mid

II. IJghlfoot of the He.ilani (1ulHarvey (lillton aecoui anle.s the leansas trainer mid W. A. J'oltrpll and !'.Kans are is tors

The vntiiin for the 1 ig meet haveben aiinounced by Manager (.'olfniau,and comprise the greatest ugsregation

eenu ne swiinmliig sturs cvir biouglittogether for suib a meet in any 1 tyin Die country.

McGraw's Men Playing; Bang. Up

Ball and Look Like NationalLeague Winners.

(Ily lVilcral Wireless Telegraph,) '.I'niLADni.l'lUA, July 1. (Special

to Tho Advertiser) Philadelphia wassimply demoralized this afteruoaou midthu (Hants had an easy time annexingtlio long end of the score. Score, New. or!, 8, Philadelphia 4.

Following were the results of othergames: At Chicago, Chicago II, Pitts-burgh 1; at Cincinnati, St. l.nuis I),

Uniiuuati I; at lirooU.vn, Hrooklyn1.", Iloston 3.

American League.ST. LOl'IS, July 2. (fcpeelal to Tho

Advertiser) Cleveland was given an-

other setback today, the Ilrowns defeat-ing them in an eloven-luulu- game.Score, St. Louis 2, Cleveland 1.

Following were the results of othorgames: At Iloston, Washington .", Ilos-ton 0; nt New York, Philadelphia S,New York I; at Detroit, Detroit 7,Chicago 5. "

National League.W. L. Pet.

New York 42 23 .OKIPhiladelphia 38 24 .013Hrooklvu 30 2S XMChicago . 34 32 SHiPittsburgh 31 37 ,43tlSt. Louis . 2S 30 .118Iloston . 30Cincinnati 41 .307

American League.W. L. Pct.

Philadelphia 51 17 .7o0Cleveland, . 42 27 .000Chicago . . .U 32 .502Washington 3S 34 .52SHuston . ... 33 33 ,..100St. Louis ... 31 42 .125Detroit . ... 2S JG llWNew York . ia J,

i.w .......,,..

(liv Pederal Wireless Tclesraph.)LOS AN'OKLIM, July 2. (Special to.

The Advirtuer) Venice went uftor 1 IgJ'y Parknis with a vengeance this after-noo-

and hud little trouble defeatingthe downtrodden champions. ScoreVenice tl, Oakland 1. Hatterles; Venice Haum and Klllott. Oakland Parkins and Mitze.

A San l'raucueu, OecannicrPerrltt in a seesaw game mid

the Seals were winners, Score San1'iaiicisco S, Los Angeles .1 ll.itteribs:San l'raneisco Ihcinnlcr and Clark.Iaih Ange'es Perrltt ami lltooks.

At Portland, Lively, for the Solans,hud the best of James, for tho He. i vers,iu a lo'ig driiunout game. Score

7, Portland I. liatteiits:Livelv mid illlss. l'urlliiud

James and I'lsiier.


W. L. I'd.l.P AtiKlist ID IS JtlUSi i'mnilwo ... .17 II .MillrtbjHil If It ifVUHiliienld in Hi ,ISH

Yiile II If ,IM0klH4 10 IS .lib

Week's Hcrlm,'i July I ft PlllBUiI t houiK ll)i

MMruuwaia IVWH yUrt'H". IJiy -V m liftwii lt)i

LkU hi iiuuuu.f JM.yTfl'iiBi WUT) ill (iljlllti


IMMIMiai-s-..-- ""'



Si""1 f a" for, nro, on tlio program for the national holiday. Tor thoji0m,,i folk,, there is to bo the, horse

,wB. athletic meet, baseball, ten-mll-

rnre.iinu iuiiiciuk ai jvnpioiuiuliaiebail will lie played at Moiliili 1'ieldbeginning at three o'clock between St.LBnls Alumni and ' Piiniihou AthleticClub teams. At Kakaako rnngo the Ha- -

lAMiiirtn tf !(1it A buiii in t tmi tttlt l.titil i KtirV '" """ " "" " "'

;,loct ,ur ",an valuable trtn.Wes andmerchandise prizes.

Over on Maui at Spreckels Turk atKahului, there is to bo tho annual racomeet of the Maul, Haclni; Associationconsisting of twelvo events, aentry list of which wqh published inliie Advertiser ot .luno 3U. 'iliere will

Jteu du Mcllo. At W'ailuku, Kama Apomid Young Jack Johnson will box fifteen rounils while Charley Itellly andYoung Kupa will bux ten rounds atKahului.

ho mainland will be tho scene of. . ...

many utliletlc events, tlireo ol menwill Inlerest lliivtnil fnlku. Tiihre 1m tin.

'Pacific Coast cliampijiislilp Kwimmingmutt, the Hlvers and Ititclile (iglit andthe Anderson and Cross fight. Hncr.t-- f

men tn will play :i double-heade- r thatday also mid It is barely possible thatJohnny Williams will pitch one of thosegames.

With the events scheduled on Mauithere will bo a series of baseball gamesat SVuilukii, three in all, between thehome team and tlio P. A. C Jrs. earnlrom Honolulu.

' Kapiolanl Park Proeram.Starli ll at two v 'clock the following

events will take place 011 tho racecourse ut Kunlolanl Park:

Three-eighth- s of a inllo dash, freo forall, n purse of iK)i), with tlO to secondhorse. Kntries Onie (Lincoln A. Achiu)Claru O (Qcoigo Holt, Jr.), Dora D. (.1 at.1. Medoirous).

A ouo-mll- trotting and paeinij'oveiitis second on thu card for Hawaiianbred, best tw.i heats out of three forn purse of tlllii. Lutrics Ivan Holt (it.II, Wood), Carnialita (W. 11. llopuinsj,Treason (John Smith).

Onc-hnl- f milo running raco for Ha-

waiian bred, three to enter and twoto start for n purse of $100 with twen-ty-fh-

dollars to second horse. Hntrlesl'alama Hoy (Oeo. Holt, Jr.), Onio

(L. A. Achiu), i:preas (James P. Stew-

art), Luurina (Sylvester Marks), D'jruI) (J. J. Mcdeirous).

I'onies, fourteen hands anil under,quarter of a mile dash, will furnish

tho fourth event on tho card. Tho purso

California Enthusiasts Will Boo3t if

For International Games atExposition in 1915.

An ellort is being made by members

of the San Mateo Polo lub and otherprominent poloists on tho Pacific Coast

to bring the next international polo

matches to California in lUlfl, and judging from latist repoits from thu Hast,

the plans of tho local enthusiasts ace

apt to bo successful.Walter S. liobart. Diehard M. Tobin,

W. 11. Dcvoreux mid Christine do(luigno Jr., lending players of tho

colony, went east to witnessthe recjcnt championship contests be-

tween tho and llrltishteams, mid while m New York laidtheir plans before the ollleers of theAmerican Polo Association.

I The plans of the peninsula spoilsnieii are still in embryo, but if all goes

., ,i,,i, nr tno niwr tea us in nil.United rjtates, Canada, r.iigland andother foreign countries w II be invito 1

to take part in the biggest polo turiieyever held since the creation of thegame, inure than a century ago

Hawaiians Interested.The scheme of the San Matei Polo

(lub is backed up by the Hawaiianpliivern and the, lending organizationsof outliern California.

Although thu plan for the 101.1 touni.uinent has I ecu fathered by tho plajeisdown the peninsula, it is propose,! tomake tho big event u part of tlio olIU

rlui prosriuu ot spurts iur tne raiiami,.Pacific International IZxiwsitlou. Thelair directors will bo asked to'glve tbeslplan their olll, ial fain't ion, ainl'r-ai- i

l'rttiieiseo will be culled upon to giveit shelter under her materusl wing.

dipt. John IluriiMou mid severalolliur directors and luemliers of thoHun Milleo Polo ( lub have been activein the preparations for the exposition,mid lliev liave received the hiii ideanilh enlhuliiiii.

As the International eXoitiou IsiBmi I'miiilK-u'- s enter, irii, tho

arlglnnlarii of the ilo scliemotitit th iuol linHiitiiiil inatcbes ntIkhsI l,oul,i le mtld iu that ellylitil-Kiil- ,ui h pr(Kl Held tu m preme I in ilo,n (lul Park or Mtsir lbfmr' uronutU Uibr i. iittuuiuiMtulih , ould )' hfld uu tun lit I'W-rft-

Rl PuloMwr lid l'roMv lt4.Jimii lb phhImiiIi, whbk wit hi lt(iftnv ui'e wbfN Hiui Muleu MNialvMwplH (u tyntm of ("'-- ( ir

riil Arf Hit) limIt is iibsmuiu fuel lion b All

4u,llru Imm mhuI H 1,0 lid. f of Hit



will be $25, post entries. Kutries I'lkukc (M. Ferrelra) l'alama Hoy ((5eoHolt, Jr.V

Oiic-inll- cowboy re'aj race, one-hal- f

mile, stretch, post entries for whichtwinty-fiv- e dollars, noes to the winnerKntrles at post.

The last event will bo a one-hal- f miledash, free fnr nil, for a purn' of $10with VMno the second horse. Ilntric- - --

Wet Weather (M. lVrrelra), Onie (liA. Achlu), Dora 1) (J. .r McdeiroJa).

rollowinj; will be the ofticinls of themeet:

Judges J. IT. Craig, John O'Connor,Captain A. I.. Soulo, Timern WjltcrDrake, W. It. Chilton, John & flnicq

iicru OI luc course v uarien ihiiiiiikworth. Starter Charles H. Wilson. Saddling l'addock Albert McOtirn.

Many Athletic Events..Several nthlctic events arc curded be

fore the race meet for winch cash prizeswill lie awarded. Hntrics are unlimitedand will bo received at the track rightup to tho moment before a race or uventcommences and there will no entrancefees,

due of tho big features f the debtmeet arranged by John . Anderson wiM

bo tlio ten mllo rnco starling at tnofield at Moanalua and linisliin ' atmho

. . . . . ' . ... , . i ., ttlio jiulges'' staml at jMipioianintfitr tin. rimners have niieo circled thetrack. The prizes for the winner 'willbo a clasp, lob and n pair of etilf linkswith the Hawaiian coal of arms, nnl i

the samo stylo or n pr re will bo giventhe man finishing recuinl Tliere are abiiiticrchandiejimcs for the third, fourth.ind fifth man.

Several prizes will :ilo be given furthe winner of the wait, and rag in thedancing pavilion.

Excursion to Maul.

Not a few Honolulu people will avail ...themselves of tho excursions of tlio lu

d Steam Navigation Companyto Kahului anil other piinfs mid "'ihave been UookciI to n.ive on tno .viamm Kki from the foot of Nuuaiiustiec't this evening lit ten o'clock.

Automobiles will meet the steamerKahului and those who so desire can

run over to Wniluku 'for breakfast andthen be wisked buck tvi tho raco trackwhere the first event on tho card will

A.start at nine o'clock Tho races nrobilled to finish at four o.'eluck nml thesteamer will leave IC.thului on the re oiturn trip at six o clock.' Tlio Claudinesailing nt fivo o'clock Ath!s afternoonwill nlso enrry a number of passengersto tho raco meet.

Tlio following ollicinls will bo inchargo vif the raco meet nt Kahului:

J. Viiscoucellos, flooding 1'ield and ......Itobert Horner, judges; S. Angus ot

starter; CaptuiuIl.il clerk of thocourse; fleorgo Cununllis, judges' clerk;Joseph Oliveir.1. enslilcr, and DoctorBirch, announcer, I

(Ilv lederul Wireless 'lelegraau.) fLONDON. Julj 2. (Spenal to

The Advirliser) Maurice V. Mc- -

Loughlin of Sail Francisco, theAincricin tenn s champion, todaydefeated Stanley S. Doust, thoArstraliau plaver, In three straightsets, in tlio soiui.fn al round of thegentlemen 's singles tenilis tonrn.i- -

luent. The S.in I'ranciscau tookfirst set (1 I, second 0 I, andthird 7 5.




Members of the Honolulu CricketClub will piny nu eleven atMnkiki field Saturday afternoon,

nt two thirty o'clock.As this will bo tho last opportunity

for the men to pnntiso before tho ar-

rival of II. M. S. New Zealand, allmembers a.e requested to turn out.


ARGENTINA TO SEND TEAM.Parliament, at its last session at

Huenos Ayrcs, Argentina,' voted minisfor the purpose of enabling an Ar-

gentine delegation to compete in theinternational nlle matches to ba heldat I'ainp Perry, Ohio, in September.

tlio recent championship matches, niul..,,, .......... . "- - - ,.'iotii ntoler no tnn.'ill nlilleatiun tu... ...-- .. -- .vves.ern owners oi ""'".ASteCwJi:tor in California, mill while here exprnocsl n wish that tin, next international oveiit u'lttht tnko place neirtlun i'ruticiscii. He is aiding the SituMateo ('lull in lis protunt elloils.

Walter II llo.ii?. ultlrlal rufere oftho B.I n Mil lei) I'olo Club mid ime oftlio lending lm il entlius usts. statedye--t unlay that th. r ,l llltl.- - iloiil I "lilii opinion Mint th U".t big Hint, hi

s ill lio held hie "llHrrv l'. Iliiiii,i(f inuriiniBeiil mini

iier of the ebib. sjtirM tlu sum '

upliiiou, mid the fiflfivvfr of th rtHre Hvvnltlng Hill, Ifpii Miillciwilioi,furtbor word fimn lkt ljnteru rtiilr

HtWHiilU liilosls sAvlkl now runsWilli th lisiilms n layers ul Ihe ireii

HWe. hHtl Hku htm Urn ff the lnWui.Nl lr His nl,, UpU with f.lMIIOil the iiH l"l yiikj II1' duubl ''iiiM is kwuh nil. ilkil. us lnr w.riu llu. Us I wut.l It llvminlaJw I ha I lnii' i iiub IkeFUry uf lb iMnurMfVr bv Mm

Uiian l Untduw ffuol It vuuple ul

tKKKm ywrutwlnH VnffBtlilllll'liTli

HI LLLLfci&Lw ' HSssr liiittiiulilM lluiliiilllitiliitli

Hi tlHiLLLHiH&& SMRSfc.. r. WmH Wti lllliUfitllnliraknlillilllllilt

-- VJI 9 tERiatOTsynt ' sl '?t , , SllvBjl ililllulmllHMIDHkwIlulls It

Chincco Aviator who will volplane,raising stunts in midair at Schofleld

Rev. L. B. Kaumehciwa Chosenas Moderator and Maui Is Se-

lected as Place for Next Meet-

ing Late Session Voted Most

Successful iu Hi3tory of Organ-


if(l'rom Thursday Advertiser.)

Cuupletlng the Kjuvention's business,lie llavvuijuii Lvaugclical Association

jetterday afteriioiin adjourned its an-

nual so lion, after naming Wailukil,Maul, as the scene of thu 101 1 conven-tion. The date l.s iint jet set, but itwill probably bo sou, 11 time in Junu.

Maul-llox- t Meeting Place.The moderator named for the next

((invention e Hoy. L. H. Knuiielm- -

iwa, oastor nt tne ivaamiiuniiu uiiurcu,'. '. ..1 11 11 1...

."T'inVrieiiteitaiiimenU committee, which willothorwUe lm loniposed pf Judgo J. W.Kalua, I!ov. Yee Kill, Mrs. Jcso;.hWelch, Prank Haldwin, Harry Haldwliinml tlo bov. It. 15. Dodge. The latterwill be the tretisurer of the committeeand also chairman ot tha program com-- 1

mitteo. With him on this vvtll serveW. II. ltico, Itev. 'Akaiko Akann, b'ev. a

llowilisb and JmUo .1. W. Kulua.Tl.u feature of yesterday's sossion

was the discussion of tlui afternoon"Hunching the l'ailli," led by tlio

Ilov. A. C, Ilowdish of Maui, P. Ii.Ilfirno oC.tho'Kiiiiieli.iiueha Schools, Dr.Dorcui'is Stud'ler of tlie Central UnionC'hurcii mid J. K. Kaiiepuu. i

Tim sol stiincn of the conclusions otthe tneikcrs was that n nominal Lo'lof V

l..!.. .....:... ....l.l ., I..r.. H... i.lnnt..v.,. .s,. my "-- " "nil nctivo, rea. ia , .. .is ,e ejus

alid teachings; conclusions which r .

ceived the jnicut of the mcetliiR, ' "l

Christian Endeavor Rally.Tho Christian Hndeavor rally and

consecration meeting held last night by J

the Sunday Meliool Association, is tunnext to the last meeting to lo heldbv it. Tho association, which meetsjointly with the Lv angelica) Assuetntion eacli jear, will complete, us nusi-nes- s

at a meeting, this morning, andboth associations will join iu thu clot J

ing services.All momlers of tho association uiiliol

yesterday in stating that the conven-

tion has been ouo of the most success-fil- l

in its history and' that tho deter-mination to proceed with its work isstronger than it has ever been. Whatwas practically adjournment was takenvesterday, with feelings of satisfactionshared in by both the V. angelical As--

soeiation and tho Sunday School Asso-

ciation.-- . ,

According to Humana Officer .T. C,women of easy virtuotrcquoiit

the Kukui street dnnee' hall, trippingtlio light fantastic and miugliug withjuung Hnwalfan girls and girls of othernationalities.

Mr. Anderson, who is now ono of thedance hall inspectors, says ho watchedthe hall at tho last dance on Siturdunight, when one notorious woman fromtlio redlight district entered the hull amisaw her daneing among the other troTptcnters of tho place.

Mr, Anderson embodied this incidentin Ids report to tho humiuio society,

Young Hotel. Mr. Anderson says lie isstrongly of the opinion that tho Kukuistreet dance hall is so openly a traplor innocent girls tills ndlled me-

nace should be stopped. The matter willliroiiiht t ho attention of the po- -

.. ..? .. .......nee. with tno tuat tne'..mcu of tho redlight district be warn- nlnst frequenting thaunee hall,

waltz, do tho dip and other hairrBarracks next Sunday afternoon.

Pacheco Allegea to Have ToldSupervisors to Go to Hades inReply to Command to AttendMeeting Mayor Uses Police

Power. -

i'ar a time yesterday it looked as

the polite department of Honolulir-woul-

bo called upon to require- tliopic-cuci- of members nt a meeting oftho board of supervisors. SupervisorPadiPco was mm of the savants whowas scheduled to be brought into thomeeting with an oflieer holding him byHie nae of the neck if neiessury, andSurervislir llardcsly .would have alsobeen escorted by an ollicer, it is laid,had he fulled to le.siiond. Mayor Kernusing his power prilvided in theso eases,had given ine Mic rvii-ur- s until motvv.tli his (leniaud for their mVsnnee.I'ortunutily, lor Paeheeo ot Ijast, theMirisors vvero present promptly ontime and the police werb not calledupon,

'lids summary action on the- pnrt otthe mayor was brought about by Pa-checo, who i . reported to have, answered

iiussagc asking his preseiuo at themeeting vvitli the reply that the "super-visors (ould go to h ," as fur as .hewas concerned, and that he would notput iu any appearance.

Pettisluicss on tho part of SupervisorInched, due. it is s.iid, to' tlio removalof al btipporter of L. Ii. Mcl'nndlfssironi the load departineut, prevented nin, cling of too loard at noon yester- -

lay. (supervisors Cox and Petrio vvero

'"'111 out ol tlio city, ami .Mnntiiani,tc(.iulml and Wo Iter were the only

.. " ,.,., . ' i,mi, .."V". ". .: .i..:.:.i'.OHO IflOl un t'ltViii-- aa utaouu k

tho meeting, nml he jeturneil with thereport Hint Pneheco had said that tho"supervisors could go to n ,' nstar as lie was eenccrned.

Supervisor HnrdeJty, vvlio Is disgust- -

ed with Ids ollice, had sent word thatlie was ierainug u house and wouldnot be present, mid consequently an ndjouriunent was taken until three o'clock

esterd.iy ntlernooii.llotti Pacl.eio and Hardesty were

present i.t , tho last hour named, forboth had been ofilcinlly notified in writ-ing that they must appear, and thatunder the law. if they refused, theirattendance would be forced, even if itbecame necessary to send policemenafter them.

isido i:o; tdiingiiig in automobilesami motor trueks nml approving thopay roll.', tor the outsnto districts, nobusiness was transacted

Tho city clerk announced thb.t thoi"embprs of the civil service commis-sion, recently appointed, had qualifiedtoforo a notary puld'c. according to law,utid, that their acknowledgements wereun file with him

The uoxt meeting of the suiifrvlsorswill be held Wci1iuim1.iv evening, JulyS, at half-pas- t seven o'clock.

AUTO KITS BICYCLIST.(Mjiil Special to Tho Advertiser.)

II1I.O, Juno 30- V- De Ponte, u youngmachinist from Honolulu who came tollilo after having repaired some, plantation machinery iu Kohnln, last Thitrs-

street vvitli two .viattos nuiomoiuie,Uhlili lio was driving. l)e Ponto wastoming downhill, but turned lu by thoM'nttos storo. The I'iliplno was com-

ing up, ou I' wheel, but thought thatPonte would keep to tlin right, andwas upset, He was not badly hurt,and I'eute immediately took him to n

plush inn

which held a tnectiug yesterday ut tbeTdny ran Into a rilipino ou Wninuueniio




AhsoluioBy PureTito only Baking Powder nintlafrom Royal Grape Oromn ofTartar


An Old and Well Tried RemedyMRS. W1NSL0WS S00TIIING SYRUP

hM iWn tued by mtllton ct motKert (or iheif ttuUrrnvhile tethmj, with pcr(rct tuccra. It tctxtat ike tutni,

lUyi pirn, cunt wind col, ftd h tfi Led rtnrar totAitTbcA. SoU by DrufittU. tit $urQntatkerMrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup

UscU for mvrc than three gencrallgnj

Resignation of J. J. Sraiddy IsAccepted and Other ChangesArc Said to Be Planned byEngineer Whitehouse in Effortto Divorce City Business fromPolitics.

Adopting the policy of divorcing tkocity and ro.ul department from politicsand creating nn efficient WMrklng or-ganization without regard lo whethertho men employed nro Itcpublicans orDemocrats, Kngineer Whitehouse, chiefof tho department, is planning severalchanges both in his office and outsidestaff. Tho resignation of J. J. Smiddyas Toml supervisor was filed yesterdaymvjrning and accepted, and it is under-stood that there will be ono or tw.iother changos in tho ollico and out-side staffs in tho interest of tho public.

Ono report published yesterday after-noon to tho effect that Chief Clerk It.W. Cathcart is to be removed nud his

(position given to U. G--. Illvcnbtirgb,caused tho former to stop working vvhiloho buttonholed various city officials inan effort to learn whether his head wasin Manger. Tho report also caused h

to ijsuo a vigorous deninl thathe had his eyo ou Cathcart 's or anyother person's job.

Itivenburgh Not After Jobs."Tho story is ridiculous," ho said.

".I wouldn't accept a job in the roaddepartment ou a silver pluttor. I amnot looking for a position at this time,and I wish to enter nn emphatic denialto tho reports placed iu circulation totlio effect, that I have been in any wayresponsible for changes in the luud de-

partineut.",1'or somo timo past, it is said, tho

matter of placing the road departineutentirely ou an efficiency basis has beenunder discussion,

Smiddy owed bis plneo as road supernor to Johuuny Wilson, as doesCathcart, and tho charges have beenfrequently made of lato that both menvvete inoie loyal to tlieir political chiefthan to the mcu und6r .whom theyworked.

. Kightly or wrongly, Smiddy has beencharged with attempting to build up apolitical machine with tho road work-ers, in tlio interests of Link McCand-I'ss- ,

and this, jt is said, has caused fric-tion, which it was apparent could notcoutinuo to exist if tho affulrs of thuroad department were not to suffer.

With tlio decision of (ho supervisorsto expend $100,000 during the) next sixmonths in road construction, it was y

determined to reorgniil.o tho de-

partment vvitli tha solo view of securinggvrud men, to carry ou the work, with-out regard to their politics.

HarcXsty Mentioned for Place.So far as known no ouo has as yet

been selected to fill tho pluco vacatedby; fciuidily. Samuel Hardesty, It is said,ha's intimated that he is willing to re-

sign as supervisor if he is given theposition of road supervisor or of sn.perinteudent of Knpiolan! Park. It isnot believed, however, tl?u.t ho wouldsecured either of the offices. Tho mayorand the other supervisors have Btatedthat they would not enter into anyagreement conditional on the resignation of Hardesty, and tliofopinlon hasbeen trungly expressed, that vvhilo tliolaw might nut forbid tho resiguatiou ofa supervisor to accept another ollico Under the city, it would certainly boagainst public policy to sanction suchau arrangement,

Tho Orgauic Act foibids a member oftho legislature from holding any otherterritorial position during the term forwhich ho was elected to office, and thoreason which iudurjod tho passage ofthis law, it 1b declared would apply totho case of n supervisor.

As a matter of fact, It Is said, hiselection as supervisor has worked some-

what of a hardship on Hardesty. Priorto his olection, lio was a stono and cement contractor and did much workfor 'tho city. After his election, ho wasfotbldden by law, to cngngo In anywork for tho city, nnd his business hassuffered severely in consequence, hosays.


Doctor Pratt, president of the boardof health, accompanied by A. W. Hnu-se- n

of the food inspection department.District Sanitary Inspector K. W. Hulland A. It. Keller of the board of health,spent Tuesday investigating the watersupply of Kithaluu.'

Profcsor Hansen made a special In-

vestigation of conditions in and aroundthe immense cannery of tha IJbbv, Mc-

Neill &. Libby company, vvhilo DoctorI'rntt led a party in an exploration tripalong the water ditcli ami to the verysource of tho Kuhulmi water supnlv.'llieir course led up tho mountulnsldnnml over steep larriers that would havetested the climbing ability or nu ncrobat. The water ut tho source of thostream gushes forth from u cleft in therock, pure, elear nnd sparkllne;. Haulpies were tnken at Ihlt plure, us wellns along the rourto of the stream Itis 1 tdieved that the contamination ofthu water occurs somewhere ulnnif thoditch, though this rsuuot he determineduntil tho mniplei nro nualyied

lleumircminU of the amount uf witterIbmiug In the ktreum' weiu alto tukrnll in MllinutiM (lint the llotr umouiilsId about HjlOO.itl l.onii gallons per ilav'I Jie Hiiiwinl of witer use.1 ut Kahuluilis ,v.tuiHl-- i nt oii,utM) gullunn dml)

- - -

In vlev uf th Ih rent of His ,ibilptMisni to sjiut olf ttulrr

inlviUi.' If l'rllij: BUI of hours isnut upie, b diplri!itiil baa beenllaetloi ith suwtlt fat ILti laual I lineTb PR-- il btitir ir from alt In fli'lil

MV'tiUtf ihi ftwit) four lo ) inIu IthoIbv llimwtn WMiimi uud i alifurMm iHrtM I afW liaiHuwu

ijjW2Sik-s- a MWII1lliillMWlii