jenkins evolving themes in online learning 2011

Time Learning Theories, Models, Styles Communication Click on each word to learn more about this theme of my online learning experience.

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Learning Theories, Models, Styles Communication

Click on each word to learn more about this theme of my online learning experience.

Page 2: Jenkins evolving themes in online learning 2011

Technical Ability

Using course management systems, web 2.0 and social

networking tools

The theme of technical ability has been threaded throughout each online course. My e-portfolio provides evidence of practicing and gaining confidence using different learning management systems, web 2.0 and social networking tools throughout the UW Stout courses. I am now using these tools in my work environment for collaboration, continuing education, and workforce development.


Nov. 15, 2009 I wrote in my journal:“I was learning about teaching and learning research and theory at the same time I was building my technical ability with learning management systems and web tools. ”

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I realize that becoming consciously aware of my learning history helped me to become more comfortable with testing web 2.0 and social networking tools and using different approaches to teaching and learning. The graphic above is a representation of Vygotsky „s Social Constructivist Learning Theory. He proposed that learning occurs through social interaction. Reaching our full potential (Zone of Proximal Development) is dependent on interaction with experts and peers that can provide scaffolding that supports our learning.My thinking about learning theories, models and styles has also been influenced by the article Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. “The ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill. “(Siemens, 2004, p.3). My approach to teaching and learning incorporates the belief that both the expert and the novice through their interaction stretch each others zones of proximal development and help each other realize the connections that enable critical thinking and creativity.

Learning Theories, Models, S



Nov. 15, 2009 I wrote in my journal:“I had not reflected on my learning style in the past. I became aware through the course, that I was accustomed to the read one, watch one, do one, and teach one method of learning. I was also too dependent on the teacher always having the answer. In this course, I needed to use collaborative learning and electronic resources and test and try out different ways of doing things. I needed to get more comfortable with doing things wrong and self correcting.

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Face to face class discussion versus

asynchronous discussion online

January 23, 2010 I wrote in my journal:

“ I had an epiphany while reading an asynchronous discussion thread between several students. There is an opportunity for exposure to more discussion in asynchronous discussion posts as opposed to the classroom. The reason for this is related to time. In a face to face class, you need to listen to one person at a time. If there are 10 people sharing in the class and they each speak for 5 minutes, the 50 minutes go by and you have heard the thoughts of 10 people. In Asynchronous discussion posts 10 people can think at the same time and post simultaneously. 10 people used 5 minutes of time simultaneously as opposed to 50 minutes. The strength and opportunity with asynchronous discussion boards is exposure to more information and a variety of perspectives. The weakness or threat of the asynchronous discussion board is becoming overwhelmed and experiencing information overload. I am still thinking about the repercussions of this time warp. “

In reflecting on the journal notation, I realize that I was experiencing online discussion forums from the student perspective and thinking about some of the pros and cons of asynchronous online discussion in relation to time. Today I realize that as the instructor, I can arrange the discussion forum to manage the workload for the student and minimize the feeling of information overload. One way to do this is to break classes into smaller discussion groups. Time is valuable and to maximize the value of time spent in the discussion forums, it is also important to create discussion questions that enhance the interaction with course content, stimulate critical thinking, and promote learning.


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Communication Models


Tone / Voice

Synchronous / Asynchronous


Discourse Analysis

Nov. 15, 2009 I wrote in my journal:In the beginning of the course, I was concerned about the appropriate tone to use in the discussions and when it was appropriate to enter in the discussions. I began thinking about types of communication static or interference in on-line teaching and the powerful hidden forces of history and culture. I also reflected about the lack of mirrors in communicating online, and my past relationships with various instructors. It appears after being in the course for eight weeks that there is a different communication and power dynamic when teaching on-line. It has been a great experience going through taking a course before trying to teach one. I thought about the impact of over-stimulation or information overload on communication and the ability to move forward to the next module.

During the courses, I reviewed literature about communication models. Mandelbrot‟s Fractal Model as depicted in the above graphic and described by in Communication Models, provided me with a visual of the richly diverse evolving patterns of communication. The facilitator and learner can face many challenges and opportunities when communicating online. I learned about online netiquette and different types of online communication. My discussion posts evolved through the semesters to more effectively engage my colleagues in the discussion. I learned how to write discussion questions that stimulate critical thinking and facilitate interaction to enhance learning. I practiced with new tools that allow students to hear my voice, like Audacity and Audioboo. I reviewed and analyzed types of discussion posts to improve my skills with communicating online.