jamie murray- design portfolio

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Course & InstructorComm 130

Section 4Ben Pingel






Jamie Murray


225 Amy Lane

Mur12022 byui.edu

Table of ContentsImaging


Event Advertisement


Business Card

Letter head




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Programs  I used a Nikon 3200 camera to capture the image,

and Adobe Photoshop to design the project.

Course & Instructor

Comm 130- Section 4Ben Pingel

Description The purpose of this exercise is to marry the art of photography with clean designing. This

is an piece produced with my own image. The design incorporates the monochromatic

color scheme of red values.

ObjectivesI was going for a subtle and feminine feel, all while seeking to keep the mood of the

piece an uplifting one. The colors of red evoke emotions of seriousness and passion,

to reflect the meaning and message of the quote. In my design, I was trying to reach

 young to middle-aged women. I achieved this through the color scheme, and the font


ProcessI have always loved to take pictures, but putting the design skills I have learned into

my pictures really stretched my creativity. But I feel li ke I really learned the power of

formulating a plan in this exercise. I had to have something in mind when I went to

take the picture, or I would have never gotten the right image for my design.

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ProgramsAdobe Illustrator, Indesign, and /Photoshop

Course & InstructorComm 130- Section 4

Ben Pingel

Description This is a brochure I created to market my photography business. The brochure folds up

into a camera, and gives information on my style and skills.

ObjectivesI took the angle of a personal bio for this project. I wanted to let people know what

I loved, and how I acquired my skills and passion. I also included some images for

display. I wanted to reach people of a younger generation, who were looking for a

photographer. The design was more modern and clean to achieve that.

ProcessI started by designing a new logo in Adobe Illustrator, and using Adobe Photoshop

to touch up the images. I then went to Indesign to start fleshing out the mechanics.

I worked hard to get everything to line up, and then spent some time on the artistic

elements of the design to make it l ook nice. I printed multiple times to get the margins

to line up, and was grateful for rulers in Indesign! I carefully folded it into shape, and

my idea became a reality!

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 Event Advertisement


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ProgramsMicrosoft Word

Course & InstructorComm 130- Section 4

Ben Pingel

Description[In this project, I scanned in this image of the chocolates,

and designed a promotional poster for this company’s bake sale.

Objectives The message I was going for was to bring them in with the big logo and chocolate, and

then bring them down to who the benefit was for, as well as the company who was

putting on the benefit. I was looking to reach middle age women, going for a more

classy feel and an upper end bake sale. I tried to achieve this with the font I used with

“Bake Sale” as well as the clean lines of chocolate and the deep red color scheme.

Process This project was completely designed i n Microsoft Word, using the publishing v iew.

It was an eye opening experience to learn all the versatile tools that Word offers. I

scanned in the chocolate image, and designed around it. I worked a lot with alignment

with this project, and learned a lot. I had no idea Mircosoft word was so powerful.

Bake Sal

Saturday, February 7th 

 Adams Elementary

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ProgramsAdobe Illustrator

Course & InstructorComm 130- Section 4

Ben Pingel

Description This is a series of logos I designed. The company I am advertising for is my photography

business, Lens of Light Photography.

Objectives The message I was going for i s elegant, while still trying to portray a casual feel. This

is the way that I try to portray my work as a photographer. Middle aged woman, who

will more than likely be the ones making the decision on which photographer is used.

ProcessI used adobe illustrator to complete this activity, after brainstorming the color scheme

and the icon possibiities. I enjoyed the creative aspect of this project. Working with

the shapes and effects in Illustrator was a good change of pace. I found it difficult add

the title to the icon. It was a further level of designing the logo.

L     L

Lens of Light Photography

Lens ofLight

   Lens of


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 Business Card



ProgramsAdobe Ilklustrator and Indesign

Course & InstructorComm 130- Section 4

Ben Pingel

Description This is a business card I designed to be part of a branding package for a law firm. It is a

doublesided card, with an inverted accent logo on the back.

ObjectivesI was looking for a clean, crisp look that still maintained a level of professionalism. I

wanted a logo that would be easily recognized, and had an authoritative feel, I carried

that feel on with the font choice and the simple color scheme.

ProcessI started by designing the logo in Illustrator, and then took that into Indesign for

better control of the layout. But before I could do that, I had have a good conversation

with the client, and learn what he wanted his message to be. Then I did lots of research

to figure out how to achieve that feel. It was difficult for me not to overdesign this one,

but simplicity was key in this design.

Blake M. Murray attorney at Law

Phone: 208.201.2000Email: [email protected] S. Woodruff Ave.

Blake M. Murray Attorney at Law

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 Letter Head



ProgramsAdobe Illustrator and Indesign

Course & InstructorComm 130- Section 4

Ben Pingel

Description This is the second part of the branding package I created to market a law firm. Leaving

the majority of the room for body copy, The logo is the dominant element.

ObjectivesI was striving to achieve a continuation of the branding that originated in the business

cards. I kept the same clean lines and colors, and the same professional feel and font.

ProcessI started with the same logo from Adobe Illustrator as I used for the business card, and

finished up with indesign. I created the bulk of the design, and added the clean border

shape to really bring in the design. This one was also hard not to overdesign, but the

simple logo helped with that. I also found that the information across the bottom

added good weight to the design.

Blake M. Murray 

Phone: 208.201.2000

attorney at Law

770 S. Woodruff Ave. . [email protected] Blakemurra

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ProgramsAdobe Photoshop

Course & InstructorComm 130- Section 4

Ben Pingel

DescriptionUsing four different images, I used photoshop to create this montage image using a

spiritual theme to drive this piece. I used masking and special effects on small parts of

the images to create the desired feel.

Objectives To get the message of the Savior’s redemption across, I drew a parallel from Jesus Christ

to a guiding light house. I also chose an image where His hands were reaching out, so as

to communicate His invitation to come to Him. I was playing to christian people who

want to put their trust in Him. The rustic feel might also play to the older generation.

ProcessI used images from the internet ( student= copyright exemption) and Adobe Photoshop

to complete this project. I also used masking techniques to create the blended look.

I applied a mask to the lighthouse and gave it a subtle cut out effect. This helped it

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ProgramsAdobe Indesign

Course & InstructorComm 130- Section 4

Ben Pingel

Description This is an informational flier, advertising for a Graduate Leadership Conference put on

by Vouant. It is designed to be professional and inviting.

Objectives The objective of this design is to invite people to attend the conference. The goal was

to come across in a professional and informative way, and still remain inviting. To

execute these things, I tried to stay with sharp lines, and orderly alignment. I also

chose a friendly picture, that still had professional characteristics.

ProcessI designed mainly with indesign, but there was some touch up in photoshop. I took the

images given to mee, as well as the copy and created a design that would markey this

event in an appealing way. I also worked to make the copy not look overwhelming.

I also wanted to depict that i s a sponsored event without it detracting from the design.

Do you want to have the competitive edge in

Come learn how at Vouant Communication’s

Graduate Leadership Conference.

Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomor

leaders gain essential leadership skills in the workpla

this dynamic three-day seminar, attendees will meet

executives of Vouant Communications to discuss bre

leadership techniques, while cultivating attributes ofthat will market to any employer.

Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space

Registration and more information available at


October 21

8 a.m. – 5 p.m.Lincoln Convention Center

Graduate Leade


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Programs Text Wrangler and Adobe CSS

Course & InstructorComm 130- Section 4

Ben Pingel

Description This is a screenshot of a website that is intended to show off the logo had previously

designed. It is a combination of hand coding and styling.

Objectives This page is intended to be simple, and have most of the attention to the logo image.

 This would be used to market both my design skills on the logo and as well as the web

design, possibly to a potential employer or client.

ProcessFor this project, I started by making the HTML in Text Wrangler, and then adding

CSS to do some styling to the page. I definitely had a learning curve with these

programs. But by the end, I enjoyed working with them. I also used Photoshop to place

my screenshot. I feel like this process really refined my skill.

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 Image Editing




Course & InstructorComm 130

Section 4

Ben Pingel

Description This is an image I captured, and touched up in photoshop.

It was part of a photoshoot for an album cover.

Objectives With this image, I wanted it to have a slightly edgy feel, but also be soft and calm.

I wanted to edit it in such a way that it wasn’t going to take away from her natural

beauty, while still enhancing the image.

ProcessI took this image into photoshop, and worked with the levels, as well as creating a

better depth of field and contrast. I cropped out a few things that were distracting

from her.