jamestown, virginia

Jamestown, Virginia For whom, was the settlement at Jamestown named for?

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Jamestown, Virginia. For whom, was the settlement at Jamestown named for?. What? When?. Jamestown. 1 st permanent English settlement in N. America 1607. WHO?. King James I. became King of England in 1603 succeeded Queen Elizabeth I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Jamestown, Virginia

For whom, was the settlement at Jamestown named for?

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Jamestown • 1st permanent English settlement in N. America

• 1607

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King James I • became King of England in 1603

• succeeded Queen Elizabeth I

• Authorized and financed the translation of the Bible into English

• Granted a charter to the Virginia Company to organize a settlement in Virginia


charter- official document that gives certain rights to an individual or a group

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The Virginia Company • A joint-stock company (investors bought stock in return for a share in profits)

• Hoped to find gold• Hoped to establish a

trade in fish and fur


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The Colonists • 105 Englishmen and boys

• Mostly “gentlemen”

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Motives Reasons


• Mostly to get rich– Gold, iron– Timber– Northwest passage to

Asia• Prevent the Spanish

from settling there– Limit spread of

Catholicism• Convert the natives to

Christianity• Look for Roanoke


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The Voyage • 3 ships– Susan Constant– Discovery– Godspeed

• 144 Days

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Location• Island provided a deep water port (easier

for ships)• Easily defendable because it was

surrounded on three sides by water and swamp on the fourth.

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Major Difficulties ensued…

• Food shortages• Disease and illness• Relationship with the

Powatan• Lack of skilled labor

• Only 4 carpenters, two bricklayers, 1 mason and 1 blacksmith arrived with the first settlers

• 1 tailor, 1 barber, 2 surgeons

After 8 months, only 38 of the original 104 had survived

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Women? – a year later Mistress Forrest and her maid arrived

– Most women who followed were wives of men already there

– 1620, 90 women came to serve as wives with 50 more following in 1621

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Government • first representative assembly in North America

• capitol of Virginia until 1699 when it was moved to Williamsburg.

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Check this out!

• Virtual Jamestown -http://www.virtualjamestown.org/page2.html

• JR - http://apva.org/rediscovery/page.php?page_id=67