jal charcha जल चचा · 2019-06-17 · tehri dam is an earth & rockll dam. its spillway...

Vol. 1. No. 5 Fih Issue May 2019 Tehri Dam Reservoir

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  • Vol. 1. No. 5

    Fi�h Issue


    जल चचा� May 2019

    Vol. 1. No. 5

    Fi�h Issue

    May 2019

    Tehri Dam Reservoir

  • Call for applications

    National Water Mission Awards



    Interested applicants may

    submit their applications at


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    +91 9717212233

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    Comprehensive Water Data Base in Public Domain

    Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources

    Promotion of Citizen and State Action for Water Conservation, Augmentation and Preservation

    Focused Attention to Vulnerable Areas Including Over-exploited Areas

    Increasing Water Use Efficiency by 20% for Local Individuals/Farmers/Citizens

    Increasing Water Use Efficiency by 20% for Water Users Associations (WUA)/ Self Help

    Groups (SHGs)/Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs)

    Increasing Water Use Efficiency by 20% for Public Agencies (ULBs/Cities, Govt. Organisations)

    Increasing Water Use Efficiency by 20% for Industries/Corporate

    Increasing Water Use Efficiency by 20% for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises)

    Promotion of Basin Level Integrated Water Resources Management

    National Water Mission

    Ministry of Water Resources,

    River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation

    Government of India

    Entries open for National Water Mission Awards in the following categories


    Chief Editor : Nitishwar KumarEditor : Girraj GoyalSub-Editor : Mohit SharmaDesign & Comm. Team : Fusion Corporate Solutions Pvt. Ltd.Photographer : Arvind Singh TomarPublisher : Amit Kumar Singh[as Under Secretary (IEC), Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga RejuvenationShram Shakti Bhawan, Ra� Marg, New Delhi -110001]Printer : Krishna Enterprises2070/5, Chuna Mandi, Paharganj, New Delhi - 110055

    Reproduction in any form is prohibited without wri�en permission.Any dispute related to the content of the magazine should beaddressed to the publisher.

    Please write your letters and suggestions to [email protected]

    VOL.1. NO.5

    Website: mowr.gov.in | Facebook: | Twi�er: twi�er.com/mowrrdgrwww.facebook.com/mowrrdgr

    — River Basin - Mahanadi

    — मु� संपादक की कलम से

    — International Co-operation

    — Know Zone

    — CSR

    — In Newspaper

    — Ground Water Profile of Drought-prone


    — Ground Water Training Program in


    — News In Brief

    — The Water Warrior

    — NGO

    — Institutes

    — PMKSY - A Run Through

    — Know Your Dam

    — Namami Gange
















    TEHRI DAM, U�A�KHAND Page No: 4


  • mowr.gov.in


    �जय जल

    मु� संपादक की कलम से

    2| |May 2019 mowr.gov.in

    “ “आने वाले मह�ने हमारे �लए बहत मह�वपण � है। अगर हम थोड़ा-थोड़ा �यास कर�, और हम सब इस तरह से �फ टॉप रेन वाटर हारवेि�टंग ूु

    शहर� म� श� कर�, तो कम से कम हर शहर म� काफ� सारा पानी संर��त होकर, �रस-�रस कर जमीन के नीचे जाएगा। मझ ेउ�मीद है �क हम इस ु ु

    बात को महसस कर� �क जल हम संर��त कर सकत ेह�, और संर��त भी कर�। संर�ण के बाद अपनी उ�ह�ं आव�यकताओ ं क� प�त � कर�, िजतनी ू ू

    हमारे पास जल क� उपल�धता है।

    अब बात यह है �क मन�य क� जो आकां�ाएं ह�, लालसाय � ह�, वो अनंत ह� और जो संसाधन ह� वो सी�मत ह�, एक दायरे म� ह�, और उस दायरे ु

    को �यान म� रख कर ह� अपनी लालसाओ ं क� प�त � के बारे म� हम� सोचना चा�हए। अथश� ा�� के �ाता इसे allocation of resources कह�गे। इसको ू

    थोड़ा और �व�तार देत ेहै और बात ऐसे श� होती है �क जो मन�य है वह खश रहना चाहता है और खश रहने के �लए अपनी जो अ�भलाषाएं ह�, ु ु ु ु

    उनक� प�त � के �लए �यास करता है। इस �यास म� हमम� से बहत सारे लोग यह भल जात ेह� �क हमारे जो �ाक�तक संसाधन ह�, �मसाल के तौर पर ू ू ृु

    पानी, वह बहत सी�मत है। अब, अगर पानी सी�मत है, और हम� य�द पानी से संबं�धत लालसाओ ं क� प�त � करनी है-चाहे वह पीने के �लए हो, चाहे ूु

    वह पशओ ं के �लए हो या वह खेती के �लए हो- यह ज�र� है �क हम यह देख ल� �क हम� पीने के �लए �कतने पानी क� आव�यकता है, पशओ ं के �लए ु ु

    �कतने पानी क� आव�यकता है, खेती के �लए �कतने, और उ�योग� के �लए �कतने पानी क� आव�यकता है। �फर हम� उस �हसाब से यह देखना

    होगा �क जो हमारे पास जल संसाधन उपल�ध ह�, तो �या वो हमार� सार� अनंत लालसाओ ं क� प�त � कर सकत ेह�। अब य�द प�त � नह�ं कर सकत ेह�, ू ू

    तो हम� इन सब म� एक-एक करके कमी करनी होगी। कहां-कहां से पानी के उपयोग म� कटौती हो सकती है या अगर बबा�द� है तो उसे रोकना होगा।

    उ�योग� म� अगर हम अनाव�यक पानी बबा�द कर रहे ह�, �रसाइ�ल�ंग नह�ं हो रह� है, तो इसे रोकना होगा। मतलब अगर कह�ं हम ज�रत से �यादा

    खच � कर रहे ह� तो वहां कटौती करनी होगी। ये सार� चीज� मह�वपण � ह�।ू

    अब ये दोन� काम बड़ ेमह�वपण � ह�। दरअसल यह demand-supply management है। आने वाले दो-तीन मह�ने मह�वपण � ह� �य��क ू ू

    बा�रश का समय आने वाला है। हम शहर� म�, या गांव� म� जहां भी ह�, �फलहाल, हम� जल संर�ण क� बहत आव�यकता है। शहर म� िजतने लोग ह� ु

    उनम� से अ�धकांश लोग, अगर कहा जाये �क �फ टॉप रेन वाटर हारवेि�टंग के मा�यम से जल संर�ण कर�, तो यह कोई बहत मि�कल काम नह�ं ुु

    है, �य��क इसम� बहत �यादा खच � नह�ं आता है। 10-15 हजार �पये से �यादा खच � नह�ं आता है। अगर हम� इस बात का एहसास हो जाये �क हम� ु

    कम से कम पानी बचाने के �लए अपनी िज�मेदार� पर� करनी है, तो इस बा�रश म� हम �फ टॉप रेन वाटर हारवेि�टंग पर 10-15 हजार �पये खच �ू

    कर�। इससे जो भी बा�रश क� बंदे आपक� छत� पर �गर�गी वह संर��त होकर जमीन के अदंर जाएंगी। ठ�क इसी तरह से अगर कोई गांव म� रहता है ू

    और उसको अगर लगता है �क सरकार क� बहत सार� अलग-अलग �क�म� म� जो धनरा�श उपल�ध होती है, उसके मा�यम से अगर तालाब या इस ु

    तरह के दसरे जल संर�ण के साधन तयैार कर सकत ेह� जसेै �क चेक डमे, परकोलेशन ट�क आ�द तो अव�य पहल कर�। इन सबसे एक तो आपको ू

    �सचंाई के �लए पानी �मलता है और दसरा जो पानी वहां पर आपने रोका है, वो धीरे-धीरे, �रस-�रस कर जमीन के अदंर जाता है, जो उस समय काम ू

    आता है जब सतह पर उपल�ध जल समा�त हो जाता है, और आप भजल क� तरफ जात ेह�।ू

    रह�म साहब अपने दोह� से बड़ ेकाम क� बात कह गए ह�। उनके सारे दोहे बड़ ेअनभव पर आधा�रत ह�। �फलहाल, हम उनके एक दोहे क� एक ु

    पंि�त क� बात कर�गे, िजसम� वो कहत ेह� �क “तते ेपाँव पसा�रये, जेती लंबी सौर”।

    तो आइये इस आने वाले बा�रश के मौसम म� हम यह ठान ल� �क हम अ�धक से अ�धक जल का संर�ण कर�गे, और खासकर शहर� लोग

    �फ टॉप रेन वाटर हारवेि�टंग �स�टम लगायग� े।

    अब दसरा प� देखत ेह�। ये तो हो गई �क हमारे पास जो पानी उपल�ध है उसी के �हसाब से अपनी आव�यकताय � पर� कर�। ले�कन जो ू ू

    उपल�धता है, वो कैसे बढ़ायी जाये। आप जानत ेह� �क हम पानी बना नह�ं सकत।े जो पानी बा�रश म� हम� उपल�ध होता है, उसका हम अ�धक से

    अ�धक संर�ण कर�, िजससे तालाब आ�द म� पानी संर��त हो जाये तथा परकोलेशन के �वारा �ाउ�ड वाटर के �प म� भ�म के अदंर सं�चत हो ू



    mowr.gov.in 3| |May 2019


    Ÿ �e catchment area of the basin extends over major parts of Chha�isgarh and Odisha and comparatively smaller portions of Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.

    Ÿ �e Tel rises in village Jorigam of Koraput district of Odisha and drains 22818 sq. km of four districts namely Koraput, Kalahandi, Bolangir and Phulbhani districts of Odisha. Six other small streams between the Mahanadi and the Rushikulya draining directly into the Chilka Lake also form the part of the basin.

    Ÿ �e average annual runoff of Mahanadi is 66.9 Billion Cubic Meter. �e basin receives uneven rainfall thus drought is prevalent in some districts. Total fourteen districts in the basin are covered under Drought Prone Area programme.

    Ÿ �e Mahanadi basin is the 8�� largest basin in the country having total catchment area of 139681.51 sq. km which is nearly 4.28% of the total geographical area of the country.

    Ÿ �e Jonk rises in the Khariar hills of Naupada district of Odisha and another tributary Hasdeo rises in Koriya district of Chha�isgarh. �e Hasdeo �ows for about 340.25 km to join Mahanadi. Its main tributary is the Gej River. �e Mand �ows for a total length of 260.01 km before its con�uence with Mahanadi near Chandarpur district of Maharashtra.

    Ÿ �e Mahanadi basin is divided into 3 sub basins, namely upper, middle and lower Mahanadi.

    Ÿ �e Ib rises in Raigarh and drains 12447 sq. km of Raigarh district of Chha�isgarh and Sundergarh & Sambalpur districts of Odisha.

    Ÿ �e Mahanadi is one of the major east �owing peninsular rivers in India, originating in Dhamtari district of Chha�isgarh and draining into Bay of Bengal. �e total length of the river from origin to its outfall is 851 km.

    Ÿ �e three major tributaries namely Seonath, Ib on the Le� Bank and Tel on the Right Bank together constitute nearly 46.63% of the total catchment area of the river Mahanadi.

    Ÿ �e Seonath is the longest tributary of Mahanadi which rises in the midst of numerous small groups of hills in Rajnandgaon district of Chha�isgarh. It drains an area of about 30761 sq. km which is nearly 25% of the Mahanadi basin.

    Ÿ �e river is bounded in the north by Central India hills, in the south and east by the Eastern Ghats and in the west by Maikal hill range.

    Ÿ Districts Jagatsinghpur, Puri and Kendraparha which are situated near coastal parts of Mahanadi face water logging problem.

    L eng th of Mahanadi and its tributaries are summarized below:

    S.No. River / Tributary

    Total flowing length (km)

    1 Mahanadi 851

    2 Seonath 365.76

    3 Hasdeo 340.25

    4 Tel 307.23

    5 Ib 269.25

    6 Mand 260.01

    7 Ong 215.46

    8 Jonk 197.92


    River Mahanadi


    Ÿ Besides providing much needed power to the Northern Grid and irrigation bene�ts to command areas, the project also supplies drinking water to Delhi and UP.

    Tehri dam is the highest dam in India and fourth highest dam in the world. It is around 260.5 metre high and 592 metre long. It is part of the Tehri Dam & Hydro Power Project (the �rst multi-purpose river valley project) taken up for construction on River Bhagirathi to tap its vast potential for irrigation and hydro-electric purposes. It consists of an underground power house located on the le� bank having 1000 MW capacity (4 units of 250 MW each). Construction and operation of dam & power house was entrusted to Tehri Hydro Development Corporation (THDC). �e project was commissioned in 2006-07 and all four units of Tehri Power Station are under commercial operation. Some of its bene�ts are:

    Ÿ �e project is intended to provide additional irrigation in 2.70 lakh hectares in the command area of Lower Ganga, Parallel Lower Ganga, Madhya Ganga Stage - I and Agra Canal system.

    Role of Central Water Commission in Tehri DamŸ �e design, engineering and consultancy including construction drawings for dam and appurtenant structures

    such as Chute Spillways, Sha� Spillways and Intermediate Level Outlets etc. were provided by Central Water Commission(CWC).

    Ÿ It stabilizes irrigation in 6.04 lakh hectares in the existing command.

    Ÿ CWC is also rendering consultancy for recommending remedial measures for various post-commissioning problems related to civil structures of the project.

    Tehri dam is an earth & rock�ll dam. Its spillway system consists of chute spillway (consisting of three spillway radial gates) and four sha� spillways. It is designed for Probable Maximum Flood(PMF) of 15540 cumec and a drop of 220 m. �e reservoir has gross storage capacity of 3540 MCM and effective storage capacity of 2615 MCM.

    Ÿ CWC has been advising THDC and Ministry of Power on safety aspects of Tehri Dam. National Commi�ee on Seismic Design Parameters with its secretariat in CWC is advising on seismic issues related to the dam.

    Tehri Dam, U�arakhand

    mowr.gov.in4| |May 2019


    Tehri Dam, U�arakhand

  • 5| |May 2019

    M r. S u r t i s t a r t e d h i s w a t e r conservation initiative in 2007 single-handedly which has become a

    global campaign today. Talking about the funding of the NGO, he says – “Before launching in 2007, I had to contemplate about the problem of funding and within a couple of weeks I received Lifetime Achievement Award for my Hindi literature, Rs. 1,00,000. When you honestly set out to do good for others, the whole universe is there to back you. Not only that, God becomes your fund raiser.”

    Our team interviewed Mr. Surti and he's de�nitely someone to get inspired from.

    Every Sunday morning, a man rings the doorbells, asking a simple question from the residents: "Do you have a leaking tap in your home?"

    Conversation with Aabid Surti

    In the �rst year, February 2007 to February 2008, he visited 1666 houses, �xed 414 leaking taps free of charge, and saved about four lakhs and fourteen thousand liters of

    water. Approximately it comes to 10 million liters till date. His campaign to save every drop started from a small town and today it has reached m a s s e s . O n t h e r e a c h o f h i s campaign, Mr. Surti says “Not just Mira road, not just Mumbai or Maharashtra, not just India, it's a Global movement.”

    His message for water conservation is simple but efficient – “If you save a few drops every day, you can save a river in your lifetime. It's so simple, so easy for anyone to do it. It's time to pay back to the society and do something for our country. If I can, you can.”

    Water is fundamental to life. But the availability of this precious natural resource is decreasing by the day. It is in t a l e s l i k e t h e s e c o m m u n i t y participation �nds strength and hope for water conservation efforts live.

    “One day, as I was reading my morning paper, I came across an article on water. It explained - if one drop drips in a second, in a month one thousand liters of water goes down the drain. I imagined a thousand bo�les of drinking water poured into the sewage. �is thought was the birth of my water conservation initiative - One Man NGO or Drop Dead Foundation,” says Mr. Surti.

    Aabid Surti has no plans to stop his e ff o r t s h e r e ; h e h a s s t a r t e d motivating school children and is planning to release a series of 4 books on water conservation for children. “Each dripping drop of water is more precious than gold,” he says. And with this thought, he recently wrote a play – “Blue Gold”, highlighting the importance of water. He is further planning to introduce a fresh campaign – “Save Water Says God”, targeting all to save water. �e 83 years old Mr. Surti is truly a Water Warrior.

    Aabid Surti, national-award winning author of 80 books and a man with multiple creative talents, is the founder of Drop Dead Foundation, a water conservation initiative in Mumbai that started in 2007.

    You started repairing leaks of every house, accompanied by a plumber and a volunteer. How the idea to conserve water in this way struck your mind?

    Next we asked Mr. Surti about his childhood memories related to water and he mentioned – “My grandmother used to walk miles to fetch water �om the well, today when I turn the tap on, Ganga �ows out of it.”




    “A Drop Saved Today Can Secure a River Tomorrow”


  • mowr.gov.in6| |May 2019

    With an area of 3, 07, 713 sq. km, Maharashtra State receives annual rainfall of 1433 mm across its 35 districts. About 85% of the State is covered by Deccan basalts whereas the rest of the State is covered by Quaternary alluvium - Gondwanas, Cuddapahs, Kaladgis, Vindhyans, Dharwars and Archaeans (occur in the northeast and as isolated patches in the Sindhu durg and Ratnagiri districts). Large part of the State is underlain by Basaltic hard rocks where dug wells are predominant.

    Based on the hydro geological properties of different rock formations, the State can be divided into three major groups namely Unconsolidated, Semi-consolidated and Consolidated groups. �e yield of dug wells in Deccan trap varies from 0.2 to 30 m³/hr whereas in Vindhyans, Cuddapahs and Kaladgi, it varies from 1.12-10 m³/hr. In Archaean, yield is just 3-4 m³/hr. In the semi consolidated formations, which consists of coastal sedimentaries, intra-trapeans and Gondwanas, the dug wells yield between 6-12m³/hr. In unconsolidated formations, the dug wells yield between 0.5-20m³/hr.

    �e central part of Maharashtra which is highly drought prone receives very less rainfall i.e. from 400 to 700 mm, but the geology is favourable for the ground water recharge. Hence, in this area the dependency on ground water is very high. Two-third of irrigation wells are from this area only. �is primarily includes parts from Dhule, Nashik, Jalgaon, Ahmednagar, Pune Satara, Sangli, Solapur, Osmanabad, Beed and Aurangabad districts.



    �e summary of the dynamic ground water resources, ground water development, ground water quality and ground water regulation in the State of Maharashtra is given below:

    Annual Replenishable Ground water Resource

    Net Annual Ground Water Availability

    Ground Water Assessment Unit

    Ground Water Development & Management

    Dynamic Ground Water Resources

    Over Exploited

    Annual Ground Water Dra�

    Stage of Ground Water Development


    Semi- critical


    1531 numbers of watersheds in the State and subsequently apportioned to Talukas level as

    assessment units (Total 353 number of Talukas)

    31. 48 BCM

    17. 07 BCM

    33.19 Billion Cubic Meter (BCM)

    54 %


    Number of Assessment Units




    Way Ahead: Arti�cial recharge to Ground Water resources have been planned for Maharashtra as an effective way to conserve water and to tide over the crisis. A total number of 9961 Percolation Tanks, 26924 Check Dams, 6442 Recharge Sha�s, 1500 Gabian Bunds, 12000 Nala Bunds/Cement Plugs, 1520000 Roof Top RWH (House) and 80000 RTRWH (Govt.& Inst.Buildings) will be able to harvest 2846 MCM of water.

  • Shri U.P. Singh, Secretary, MoWR, RD & GR took part in the World Bank nd thWater Week held in Washington DC, USA during 2 to 4 April 2019. �e Indian delegation also included Shri Parameswaran Iyer, Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation. During the event, he spoke about the recent developments in India in the �eld of water management: the Namami Gange project, the positiveness of Hybrid Annuity Mode (HAM), implementation of micro-irrigation and opting for participatory groundwater management. He also emphasised the best practices that could be followed to manage the demand-supply gap in the water sector and also spoke in a session on 'Innovative Financing'.

    World Bank Water Week, Washington DC

    �e World Bank Water Week was meant to promote global learning and dialogue designed around the three strategic pillars of Sustaining Water Resources, Delivering Services, and Building Resilience.

    International Co-operationShri U.P. Singh, Secretary, MoWR, RD & GR addressing at the World Bank Water Week, Washington DC.

    Shri U.P. Singh, Secretary (MoWR) addressing the audience at a session upon ‘Innovative Financing’

    T ndhe 72 meeting of India-Bangladesh Joint Commi�ee on sharing of Ganga waters at Farrakka was successfully held at thDhaka on 29 April 2019. Both sides put forth their perspective on various issues related to joint observation and water sharing, followed by detailed deliberations. Shri J. Chandrashekhar Iyer, Commissioner, FM wing, Mo WR, RD & GR headed the Indian delegation while Bangladesh delegation was headed by Shri KM Anwar Hussain, Member, Joint Rivers Commission, Government of Bangladesh.

    India-Bangladesh Joint Commi�ee Meeting

    mowr.gov.in 7| |May 2019


    India-Bangladesh Joint Commi�ee meeting


    mowr.gov.in8| |May 2019


    National Mission for Clean Ganga has been awarded Distinction Public Water Agency of the Year by Global Water Intelligence at the Global Water Summit in

    t hLondon on 9 April 2 0 1 9 . E x e c u t i v e Director (Projects) Shri G.Asok Kumar received the Award on NMCG's b e h a l f . � e G l o b a l Water Summit is the m a j o r b u s i n e s s conference for the water industries worldwide.

    On the occasion of World Health Day, National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) organized a cleanliness drive at Kalindi Kunj

    thghat, New Delhi on 7 April 2019. Lots of students from different colleges/schools and members of some local foundations joined the NMCG staff in cleaning the Yamuna ghat of solid waste. NMCG has adopted Kalindi Kunj ghat as part of its clean Yamuna initiative and organizes regular cleanliness drives there.

    Sarai 14 Million Litres per Day (MLD) Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at Haridwar, is the �rst project undertaken under Hybrid Annuity Mode (HAM). �e project has been completed before time in April 2019. In HAM, adopted for the �rst time in water sector in India, both the Operation & Maintenance pay ments are l inked to the performance of the STP to ensure continuous performance of the assets created.

    Photograph of Sarai 14 MLD STP projects at Haridawar.

    Shri G.Asok Kumar receiving Distinction Public Water Agency Award

    Cleanliness drive at Kalindi Kunj Ghat


    mowr.gov.in 9| |May 2019


    Namami Gange in collaboration with PTC Financial Services th Limited organized the 4 Consultative Meeting on 'Development of

    Sewage Treatment Plants through Hybrid Annuity Mode (HAM) thon 30 April 2019 at India Habitat Centre, Delhi. Shri U.P. Singh,

    Secretary, Mo WR, RD & GR talked on development of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) through Hybrid Annuity Mode (HAM). Shri Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, DG, NMCG also shared his views.

    On the occasion of World Earth Day, National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) along with Wildlife Institute of India organized a session with “Bal

    ndGanga Praharis” on 22 April 2019 in Dehradun.

    �ird meeting of Monitoring Commi�ee on "Generation of High Resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Geographic Information System (GIS) ready database for part of river Ganga for

    NMCG" held on 15�� April 2019 at the office of Surveyor General, Dehradun under Chairmanship of Shri Rajiv Rajan Mishra, Director General, NMCG. It was co-chaired by Lt. General Girish Kumar, VSM, Surveyor General, Survey of India.

    Ÿ Project Engineer agency contract for 20 MLD CETP was awarded to Tamil Nadu Water Investment Company on 9�� March 2019.

    thContract agreement signed on 9 May 2019.

    Ÿ 20 Million Litres per Day (MLD) Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) at Jajmau at an estimated cost of Rs. 617 crores sanctioned in 19�� Executive Commi�ee meeting of NMCG.

    Status of Jajmau Tannery Cluster

    Ÿ Project awarded and contract agreement signed on 11th April 2019.

    3rd meeting of monitoring commi�ee

    A stake holder consultation was held with members of the FICCI Water Mission on 30th April 2019. �e gathering was addressed by Shri U.P. Singh , Secretary, Mo WR, RD & GR and Shri Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, DG, NMCG in the presence of Ms. Naina Lal Kidwai and Shri Mukund Vasudevan of FICCI. �e topics discussed during the interaction included concerns about re-usability of treated wastewater and sludge, tweaking required in the framing of RFP by NMCG and apprehensions about the scale of the project in Namami Gange vis-a-vis the investment both in terms of resources and time among others.

  • Ÿ In Tier-II (State level) training programmes, state/district level officials are trained. It is a three day training programme which gives working knowledge of hydrogeology, basic aquifer mapping and water quality to participants.

    In public domain, ground water resource is increasingly being exploited on a large scale that has led to sharp decline in its levels and deterioration of water quality in major parts of India. Realizing the need to provide trainings to ground water professionals and other stake holders, the institute has embarked upon a three tier training program. �e objective of these trainings are to develop a pool of trained resource personnel who would be working towards sustainability of ground water resource, which is also one of the requirements of the National Project on Aquifer Management (NAQUIM).

    R thajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training & Research Institute (RGNGWTRI) was established during IX Five Year Plan at Raipur (Chha�isgarh) in 1997 as a training Institute of Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India. It is envisaged to function as a ̀ Centre of Excellence' in training ground water resources personnel.

    �e Institute Conducts Tier-I, II and III Training Programmes for Groundwater

    Ÿ In Tier- I (National Level) training programme, a total of 42 specialist courses of different duration are conducted for state and central level ground water professionals at Raipur. Major subjects covered under Tier-I training include Ground Water Survey and Aquifer Geometry Delineation, Ground Water Regime Monitoring, Analysis and Interpretation of Water Level Data, Ground Water Exploration and Aquifer Parameter Evaluation, Water Well Drilling Techniques, Ground Water Quality Monitoring, Assessment and Management, Ground Water Resource Estimation and Management, Ground Water Resource Augmentation through Arti�cial Recharge, Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Ground Water Studies among others.

    Since inception, this institute has conducted 1094 training courses and trained 75056 people, including foreign nationals (up to March, 2019).

    Ÿ In Tier-III (Block level) training programmes, the training is provided to grass-root level stake holders in basic skills of ground water data collection, local ground water issues and disseminating awareness for participatory ground water management. �is course is conducted at block level by ground water professionals of CGWB.

    Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training & Research Institute

    During training for foreign nationals

    mowr.gov.in10| |May 2019




    Shri U.P. Singh, Secretary, Mo WR, RD & GR reviewed the progress of works of projects from Special Package on Maharashtra along with Shahpur Kandi Dam Project and Relining of R ajasthan Feeder- Sirhind Feeder on 23�� April 2019. Shri Singh also reviewed the project-wise status of works in PMKSY prioritized projects and RRR-SMI

    thschemes on 25 April 2019.

    S h r i K u s h v i n d e r V o h r a , ndCommissioner, SPR on 22 April

    2019 took stock of the progress of a GIS-based application and a mobile application being developed by Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Applications and Geo-informatics (BISAG) with an aim to monitor the PMKSY prioritized projects and geo-tag them.

    S h r i K u s h v i n d e r V o h r a , Commissioner, State Projects

    th(SPR) chaired a meeting on 12 April 2019 to review the progress of Project Management Unit (PMU) set up for PMKSY prioritized projects.

    Ÿ �e central assistance (CA) and State's share released under PMKSY-AIBP during 2018-19 is Rs. 2849.07 crore and

    Funds release under PMKSY

    Ÿ �e central assistance and State's share released under PMKSY-CAD during 2018-19 is Rs. 593.21 crore and Rs. 8.25 crore respectively.

    Ÿ �e central assistance of Rs. 500 crore has been released under the Special Package for completion of Irrigation Projects to address agrarian distress in Vidarbha and Marathwada Districts and other chronically drought prone areas of Maharashtra for 2018-19.

    Ÿ �e central assistance of Rs. 750.00 crore has been released under Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP) component of PMKSY during 2018-19. �ese include Rs. 725.2046 crore for Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI) and Rs. 24.7954 crore for Repair Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies Scheme.

    Rs. 8300.55 crore respectively.

    Fast Track Proforma Clearance (F T P C) w a s a c c o rd e d to 5 p r i o r i t i z e d p r o j e c t s u n d e r PMKSY-AIBP during the month of March & April: Tarali Irrigation Project (Major) which has an estimated cost Rs.1367.2 crore and K u d a l i I r r i g a t i o n P r o j e c t (Medium) with an estimated cost o f R s . 6 3 5 . 4 6 c r o r e f r o m Maharashtra; �otapalli Barrage Project (estimated cost Rs.1127.6 crore) and Tarakarama Teertha Sagaram Project (estimated cost R s.471.3 crore) from Andhra Pradesh; and Sri Ram Sagar Project from Telangana (estimated cost Rs.1241.04 crore).

    mowr.gov.in 11| |May 2019



    जल संसाधन मं�ालय, �ी मान एवं �ीमती क� काट�न �ंखला श� करने जा रहा है। िजसका म�य उ�दे�य जल ू ु ुबँदू

    संर�ण के �लए जनता को जाग�क करना है।

    इस �ंखला म� नीर बँद और अ�ब बँद, जल संर�ण क� ��त�ा लेकर शाद� के बंधन म� बंधने जा रहे है।ू ू ू

    � भगवान और प�व� जल को सा�ी मानत ेहए नीर और अ�ब जल संर�ण क� ��त�ा लेत ेहै और इसे आजीवन इसे ूु�नभाने का वादा करत ेहै।

    �ीमान एवं �ीमती बँद जल को सा�ी मानकर यह ��त�ा लेत ेहै �कू

    जल संर�ण से हम अपने जीवन को ताकतवर बनायग� े

    जल संर�ण के सर समाधान का �ह�सा बन�गे

    जल क� हर बँद को बचाने का आजीवन �यास कर�गेू

    हम अपने जीवन क� तरह जल क� हर बँद को मह�व द�गेू

    हम �मलकर जल संर�ण के �लए लोग� को जाग�क कर�गे और उनक� मदद के �लए हर संभव �यास कर�गे।

    अपने प�रवार को जल संर�ण के �लए जाग�क कर�गे

    अपने ब�च� और उनके भ�व�य के �लए जल संर�ण कर�गे

    5 मह�ने पहले... आगे है...

    यह सब कैसे श� हआ? नीर और अ�ब कैसे �मले? आगे क� कहानी जानने के �लए like & follow कर�ु ूु



    �e seminar was chaired by Shri Masood Hussain, Chairman, Central Water Commission. Smt. T. Rajeswari, Addl. Secretary, MoWR, RD and GR, Shri N.K. Mathur, Member D&R, CWC, Shri S.L. Gupta, Director Central Soil and Materials Research Station and Shri Anuj Kanwal, Director, R&D Division, MoWR, RD and GR also a�ended the seminar. Chairman CWC released the “Practice Manual on use of Technical Textile in Water Resources Works”.

    A Technical Seminar was organized by Ministry of WaterResources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation on “Use of Technical Textiles in Water Resources Works” in thNew Delhi on 29 April 2019. �e Seminar highlighted various

    application areas, best practices and mechanisms for encouraging larger usage of Technical Textile in Water Resources Sector and provided a platform for all the concerned stakeholders for brain-storming and creating a roadmap to take the Technical Textiles usage to the next level.

    NilKamal Plastic Group, Pune, analysed nearly 60-70% women from rural areas, who were spending close to 4 hours while fetching water for household purposes, and found that in most cases they have to walk nearly 2 kms to get water.To reduce their drudgery, NilKamal introduced the rotating plastic cans, which can easily carry 45 liters of water.

    mowr.gov.in 13| |May 2019

    Rotating Plastic Can

    L to R: Sh. Anuj Kanwal, Smt. T.Rajeswari, Sh. N.K.Mathur, Sh. S.L.Gupta & Sh. Masood Hussain

    NilKamal Introduced Rotating Plastic Cans


    Seminar on Use of Technical Textiles in Water Resources Works

  • Sunni H.E. Project, Himachal PradeshCentral Soil and Materials Research Station rock mechanics team visited Sunni H.E. Project, Himachal Pradesh (380 MW) to conduct �eld investigations for assessing the deformability and shear strength parameters of rock mass in right bank dri� at dam axis.

    Rock Mechanics Investigations:

    Soil Mechanics Investigations:

    CSMRS team comprising Dr. Rajesh Khanna, Scientist 'C' and Shri R. K. Bharti Scientist 'B' visited the project site as per agreement under MoU and carried out quality assurance tests for soil. Soil team conducted four tests for dry density, moisture content and open end �eld permeability at right bank and two tests at le� bank on newly compacted layer of soil to assess the quality of the construction.

    Bhaunrat Dam Project, U�ar Pradesh

    Polavaram Project, Andhra PradeshRock�ll Material Investigations:

    CSMRS team comprising Dr. N.P. Honkanadavar, Scientist 'E' and Shri Sandeep Dhanote, Scientist 'C' visited Polavaram Irrigation Project, Andhra Pradesh to carry out prototype gradation analysis for assessing the suitability of rock�ll material to use in the D/s Coffer dam and quality assurance work of rock�ll material for U/s and D/s Coffer dams. �e team evaluated the test results and suggested for improvement of quality wherever needed.

    Swacchata Hi Sewa Abhiyan:As a part of Swacchata Hi Sewa Abhiyan, CSMRS officials cleaned the stretch of Yamuna River near Geeta Colony, Gandhi Nagar, New Delhi on 27�� April 2019.

    mowr.gov.in14| |May 2019

    The major renovation and special repair work for more than 40 years old Prestressed Concrete bridge road over 2.2 km long Farakka Barrage, a very busy National Highway (NH 34) stconnecting the North East, was successfully completed on 31 March

    2019. �is Herculean task, steered by Farakk a Management Wing of the Ministry, could be timely accomplished by Farakka Barrage Project within stipulated four months period under the leadership of Shri Saibal Gosh, General Manager of Farakka Barrge Project.�e work of replacing 108 expansion joints, lane by lane, allowing light motor vehicles in one lane, with a busy railway track, was rather challenging. �e transport, police and administration departments of Government of West Bengal extended all cooperation.



    Field investigations of rock mass

    Quality assurance tests of Rock�ll Material

    Farakka Barrage


    Central India Hydrology Regional Centre (CIHRC) of NIH, Bhopal has recently installed a latest state-of-the-art sensor for automatically measuring soil moisture viz. Cosmic-ray based Soil Moisture Sensor (COSMOS) along with the air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure and rainfall sensors. �ese installations have been done at the research farm of the Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR), Sehore, Madhya Pradesh.

    A team headed by Dr. V C Goyal from NIH Roorkee organized a site visit under the Action Research on IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Management) Plan for water security in identi�ed villages of western U.P. A team lead by Shri. Anuj Kanwal, Director R&D, MoWR, GR & RD, Government of India, visited loacation during 1�� April 2019 to 3�� April 2019. �e team inspected the work done on rejuvenation of ponds and prepared the future plans for work to be done for achievement of identi�ed objectives.

    Site Visit for Review of Project Entitled “Action Research on IWRM Plan for Water Security in Identified Villages of Western U.P.”

    mowr.gov.in 15| |May 2019

    NEWS IN BRIEFCOSMOS Installation at CIHRC, Bhopal

    Ganga Quest ( ), a competitive knowledge-building platform, an awareness initiative and scienti�c www.gangaquest.combaseline determination exercise to assess the knowledge gaps and a�itude orientation about Ganga and Rivers, was

    nd thlaunched online on 22 April, 2019, World Earth Day. Registration of the quiz has already started on 8 April 2019 and ndwill remain open online till 22 May 2019.

    Mascot – Tarini Dolphin: Ganga River Dolphin is the national aquatic animal of India and are the only species of freshwater dolphins that are not yet extinct. �ey are the �agship species of river Ganga and signify the river health. �ey are currently under threat and their population is continuously declining.

    Ganga Quest

    stEligibility: Anyone above the age of 10 years as on 31 of March 2019 can participate and there is no upper age limit for participation. Adults and senior citizens are also eligible to participate in this quiz.

    Details of Rounds: It has three rounds where �rst two rounds are qualifying rounds, and winners will be decided based on the performance in third round. For every wrong or right answer, you get to know interesting facts related to the question by your companion Tarini Dolphin!

    th�e winners of the Ganga Quest will be awarded on 5 June, World Environment Day by NMCG.

    State-of-the-art sensor at IIPR, Sehore

    Site visit under IWRM Plan for water security

  • NGO

    mowr.gov.in16| |May 2019

    Water is collected �om different ponds for natural �ltration and the raw water is used for different purposesexcept drinking.

    Water coming into the main reservoir a�er �lteration

    STP at Santhigiri Ashram, Palakade

    SANTHIGIRI ASH�MSanthigiri Ashram - Water Resources And Managements Systems, Trivandrum

    K ar una Sudd haja lam i s a c o m p r e h e n s i v e r a i n w a t e r harvesting project implemented by Santhigiri Ashram in 1996 to meet its need for fresh water. Shri Navajyothisree Karunakara Guru, founder of the Ashram, instructed his devotees to make rain pits in the Ashram compound to reap the bene�ts of groundwater recharging. A n a b a n d o n e d q u a r r y w a s converted into a rainwater


    Ÿ Fully meeting the irrigation and laundry requirements of water from the project.

    � e w a t e r o f P a r a m a d a

    Reservoir is used during conditions of drought. �e water storage capacity of the reservoir is more than 5 cr. liters. �is project was started more than 10 years back. It uses one 15 Horse P o w e r p u m p f o r p u m p i n g w a t e r t o different locations.

    Palakkade Sewage Treatment Plant

    harvesting tank with a capacity of 50 lakh liters. �e project not only led

    to the end of the water shortage in the Ashram but also helped to recharge the groundwater level in the surrounding areas.

    Ÿ Daily water requirement of more than 5.5 lakh litres is being met from more than 9 rain water pits and different ponds.

    Ÿ Replicable model for rainwater harvesting in the state.

    Paramada Reservoir

    Santhigiri Ashram, Central Office Trivandrum, Kerala was adjudged the third prize winner in the category of Best R e l i g i o u s , R e c reat i o n a l a n d Tour i sm Water Usage in the National Water Awards 2018, instituted by the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and G a n g a R e j u v e n a t i o n . � e organization maintains water conservation structures and also have two STPs (Sewage Treatment Plants). While one is situated at Ayurvedha Hospital in Palakkade d i s t r i c t , t h e o t h e r o n e i s i n Trivandrum Ashram itself.

    Karuna Suddhajalam

    Ÿ Annual water bill savings is Rs.10 lakh.

    Ÿ Recharging of 16 wells around the Ashram.

    Two pumping lines are c o n n e c t e d i n t h e

    har vesting system - Paramada reservoir pumping system and another raw water well pumping system with a pumping capacity of 28000 liters per hour. �e �ltered water is collected in a 1.25 lakh liters capacity overhead tank which is situated in the Santhigiri Siddha Medical College Hospital. �e raw water is then used for agricultural and gardening purposes.

    Many ra i n w ater p i t s are situated at Spiritual Zone area of Santhigiri Ashram, Trivandrum (�amara Parnasala). Rain water is collected in the rain water pits. �e sewage treatment has 150 KLD capacity. �e �ltered water is used for agricultural purposes.

    Paramada Reservoir Pumping System

  • The need to spread awareness on the importance of water conservation has never been more urgent. Keeping this in mind, scores of schools and other institutions from every corner of the country have been working earnestly especially over the last decade to contribute as much as possible to the cause of water conservation.

    1) Poster mak ing and e s s a y w r i t i n g compet i t ions were organized on topics r e l a t e d t o w a t e r conservation.

    3) �e Social Service Initiative Club of the school organized a Green School Drive to spread the a w a r e n e s s o n a ff o r e s t a t i o n a n d w a t e r conservation.

    4) Workshops/ Sessions on Energy and Water Conser vation are conducted regularly by representatives of Tata Power Energy Club.

    6) Environment Club, with the help of a plumber and maintenance staff placed plastic bo�les �lled with water in the cisterns to prevent water wastage in washrooms.

    7) �e civil construction department of the school has taken the following measures to save water in the school premises:

    Ÿ Waste water from all the bathrooms are being treated and reused.

    An extensive water conservation project has been initiated by DPS Dwarka school in Delhi which was adjudged the

    rdBest School (3 Prize) in the National Water Awards 2018, instituted by the Ministry of Water Resources, River D ev e l o p m e n t a n d Ga nga Rejuvenation.

    2) Debate competitions on ‘Technology can avert water crisis in India’ and speech competition on 'Swachh Jal, Swachh Jeevan' were organized.

    5) Special assemblies are conducted periodically by

    students of various classes on themes like water conservation, save earth etc.

    �e following work was done by the school:

    Ÿ Daily inspections in the washrooms are carried out by the supporting staff a�er school hours to rectify leakages/ close the running taps.

    Ÿ W a t e r l e v e l indicators are installed in all overhead water tanks.

    Ÿ Well maintained Rain Water Harvesting pits are in service.

    Ÿ Providing water to plants through water cans and not with pipes.

    Ÿ Instr uctions are given not to clean the �oors/ vehicles with running water.

    Ÿ Instr uctions are circulated to not � u s h u n w a n t e d mater ials in the toilet pots.

    mowr.gov.in 17| |May 2019

    Scope of Replicability:Ÿ �e sewage treatment model is easy enough to replicate.Impact:Ÿ Students have developed a habit of reporting leaky pipes and any such incident.Ÿ Students have started collecting rainwater to water gardens and lawns.Ÿ Applied water conservation techniques in their households as well.


    DPS DWAR� Water Conservation Efforts of DPS Dwarka School


    mowr.gov.in18| |May 2019



    In Newspaper

    mowr.gov.in 19| |May 2019


  • CSR


    Coca-Cola India Foundation, Anandana partnered with the Lupin Human Welfare & Research Foundation to build a check dam in the Dholpur area. �is was further enhanced by building another check dam in partnership with Rajputana Society of Natural History to create a water potential of more than a billion litres. Since the implementation of the project, t h e g ro u n d w ate r l e v e l h a s improved by 8-10 feet in most of the open wells, which will bene�t 11,000 people across 5 villages.

    Jhansi, U�ar Pradesh

    I n J h a n s i , U � a r P r a d e s h , Anandana has partnered with International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ( I C R I S A T ) , w a t e r s h e d commi�ees and v i l lagers to develop watershed areas of nearly

    40,000 metric cube of storage capacity by constructing 8 water h a r v e s t i n g s t r u c t u r e s . � i s watershed covers 1250 hectares of three villages named Parasai, Chataarpur and Bachauni.

    Ÿ F o d d e r a v a i l a b i l i t y h a s drast ica l ly increased and t h e r e f o r e m i l c h a n i m a l

    population has also increased by 30% within three years of project start.

    Ÿ Cropping intensity increased by 30% . �is resulted in extra source of the income for the farmers.

    At Coca-Cola India, water has an important place in terms of its sustainability

    approach. �rough �e Coca-Cola India Foundation, Anandana, Gurugram, Haryana, several water conservation initiatives are being taken in the rain shadow area of Central India where recurring d r o u g h t s h a v e r e s u l t e d i n migration of people to the urban centres. One such landmark initiative is the watershed project in Dungar pur, R ajasthan by Anandana, in collaboration with the Jan Shik sha Evam Vikas Sangathan (People’s Education and Development Organization, PEDO). Under this initiative, 10 villages of Dungarpur district were i d ent i � ed f o r an i nteg rated watershed development project. �e project spreads across 2850 hectares. So far, nine check dams and �ve farm ponds have been c o n s t r u c t e d a l o n g w i t h refurbishing of four old ponds to create a storage capacity of 87,340 m³ of water.

    Ÿ Productivity of post-monsoon crop especial ly wheat has increased from 1500-1800 kg per ha to 3500-4000 kg per ha a � e r t h e w a t e r s h e d interventions.

    Dholpur, Rajasthan

    Impact of watershed interventionŸ Water can be seen in the

    adjoining wells at a depth of 4.5-5 meters.

    Ÿ It is estimated that Watershed i n t e r v e n t i o n s e n h a n c e d average annual family income substantially.

    Water Shed Development in Dungarpur

    Water Shed Structure in Jhansi ,U�ar Pradesh

    mowr.gov.in20| |May 2019

    Madaripura village, Dholpur District, Rajasthan

    Dungarpur, Rajasthan

  • अ�ेय �ा जु�ं �ो�ा��ीषोमा�ां �ा जु�ं �ो�ा�म. दै�ाय कम�णे शुंध�ं देवय�ायै य�ोशु�ा: पराज�ु�रदं व��ंुधा�म।।

    �थम अ�ाय

    हे जल देव! हम देव संबंधी य� काय� के �लए आप को श�ध करत ेहै। य� के अश�ध ु ुउपकरण भी �हण करने यो�य नह�ं होत ेहै। अश�ध जल भी य� म� �हण नह�ं �कया जाता। ु(१३)

    हे य�जल! आप अ�द�त (प�वी) को सींचत ेह�। हे �तप के आकार वाले कशो! देवताओ ं के ू ुृ�लए नरम (कोमल) आसन के �प म� आप को फैलाया जाता है। हे यजमानो! आप देवताओ,ं प�वीप�त, प�वीपालक और �ा�णय� आ�द के �लए आह�त अ�पत� क�िजए।ृ ृ ु

    प�व�े �ो वै��ौ स�वतुव�: �सव उ�ुना����णे प�व�ेण सूय�� र���भ:।

    देवीरापो अ�ेगुवो अ�ेपुवो �ऽ इमम� य�ं नयता�े य�प�त सुधातुं य�प�त � देवयुवम्।

    हे जलसमह! अ�न, घत, दध तथा फल�-फल� म� आप रस �प म� �व�यमान ह�। अतः अमत ू ू ूृ ृके समान सेवनीय तथा धारक शि�त बढ़ाने वाले है। इस�लए हमारे �पतगण� को आप त�त ृ ृकर�।।२.३४॥

    ऊज� वहंतीरमृंत घृतं पयः क�लालं प�र�ुतं।

    यु�ा इं�ोवृणीत वृ�तूय� यूय�म�� मवृणी�ं वृ�तूय� �ो��ता: �ं।

    हे जल देव! इं� ने व� का नाश करने के �लए (सहयोग हेत) आप को चना। आप ने व�ासर के ु ु ुृ ृनाश म� इं� का वरण �कया। आप ने व�ासर के नाश म� इं� का सहयोग �कया। आप अि�न के ुृ��य ह�। हम अि�न के �लए आप को प�र�कत (श�ध) करत ेह�। आप सोम के ��य है। हम ुृसोम के �लए आप को प�र�कत करत ेह�। हम देवताओ ं से स�बं�धत काय� के �लए आप को ृश�ध करत ेह�। (12)ु

    ��तीय अ�ाय

    अ�द�ै �ुंदनम�स �व�ो: �ुपो�ूण���दसं �ा �ृणा�म �ास�ां देवे�ो भुवपतये �ाहा भुवनपतये �ाहा भूतानांपतये �ाहा ॥२.२॥

    �धा � तप�यत मे �पतॄन्॥

    यजव�द म� जल के मह�व का वणन�ु

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