jabber journal

GRAFTON U3A OCTOBER 2017 PAGE 1 JABBER JOURNAL GRAFTON U3A INC. (UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE) PO Box 688 Grafton NSW 2460 www.grafton.u3anet.org.au “Sharing our knowledge, skills and experience in a friendly convivial way” OCTOBER 2017 OCTOBER JABBERFEST GUEST PRESENTER –– HELEN TUCKER “THE MUSIC IN MY LIFE” NEW LIFE CHURCH CENTRE - ARTHUR STREET GRAFTON 10.00AM - 9 OCTOBER 2017 Music has always played a special role in the life of our guest presenter Helen Tucker. Introduced to the ukulele as a 5-yr-old, it was a natural progression to guitar and ultimately, in high school, the cello. Recounting her musical experiences over the years, Helen will perform three songs composed by her father. Born in Freshwater (Sydney) in the 1950’s, upon leaving school Helen worked in the ABC’s Classical Music Department whilst studying at the Sydney Conservatorium. After travelling extensively overseas, Helen settled in NZ, finally returning to Australia in 1991. At that time, string teachers in the Clarence Valley were scarce. Helen set up her music studio in Yamba, teaching cello, guitar, ukulele and singing, moving her studio to Grafton in 1994. Helen is a foundation member of the Clarence Valley Orchestra (CVO), under the inspirational leadership of Greg Butcher. Formed in 2014, the volunteer membership is comprised of music teachers, music students, amateur and professional musicians aged from 12 to 84. The CVO’s intention is to provide the Valley with a musical flagship to promote twice a year classical and popular concerts on a grand scale. Helen will take you on a trip down memory lane, with DVD excerpts from several concerts. The CVO’s next concert is Sunday 29 th October. Encouraging her students to play an instrument rather than listen passively to music, Helen’s motto is ‘Making Music for the Sheer Joy of It’!

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PO Box 688 Grafton NSW 2460 www.grafton.u3anet.org.au

“Sharing our knowledge, skills and experience in a friendly convivial way”




Music has always played a special role in the life of our guest presenter Helen Tucker. Introduced to the ukulele as a 5-yr-old, it was a natural progression to guitar and ultimately, in high school, the cello. Recounting her musical experiences over the years, Helen will perform three songs composed by her father. Born in Freshwater (Sydney) in the 1950’s, upon leaving school Helen worked in the ABC’s Classical Music Department whilst studying at the Sydney Conservatorium. After travelling extensively overseas, Helen settled in NZ, finally returning to Australia in 1991. At that time, string teachers in the Clarence Valley were scarce. Helen set up her music studio in Yamba, teaching cello, guitar, ukulele and singing, moving her studio to

Grafton in 1994. Helen is a foundation member of the Clarence Valley Orchestra (CVO), under the inspirational leadership of Greg Butcher. Formed in 2014, the volunteer membership is comprised of music teachers, music students, amateur and professional musicians aged from 12 to 84. The CVO’s intention is to provide the Valley with a musical flagship to promote twice a year classical and popular concerts on a grand scale. Helen will take you on a trip down memory lane, with DVD excerpts from several concerts. The CVO’s next concert is Sunday 29th October. Encouraging her students to play an instrument rather than listen passively to music, Helen’s motto is ‘Making Music for the Sheer Joy of It’!



SEPTEMBER JABBERFEST WRAP After updates from Vice President Alysan Pender, long time member David Abrahams presented a Clarence River Odyssey of the historic journey undertaken by his brother John and good friend Ric Mulhearn in 1946 in lightweight Canadian style canoes commencing at Buccarumbi and heading for Lilydale. Above Jackadgery at the New Zealand Falls, they had the misfortune to lose their canoes and the bulk of their supplies, walking away with hastily acquired knowledge of what was required to undertake such a trip on the mighty Nymboida River and enjoy the experience. Over many years following, John, his family and friends have traversed the great waterway on many occasions together with David himself on several of their journeys. In 2013, a group of five including John’s sons Steve and Alex walked from the very source of the Nymboida River near Dorrigo, hiking and clambering down steep terrain to Platypus Flat where their canoes were then their method of progress paddling all the way to Main Beach at Yamba. At points along the way they were joined by other paddlers from previous trips and the 355km Odyssey journey raised $25,000 for worthwhile charities. Later this month, the same team will be reprising the Odyssey commencing from the Clarence River source at Boonoo Boonoo near Tenterfield. After an enjoyable morning tea, our guest presenter Lois Robinson then spoke of her preparations for and the actual undertaking of her trek on the famous Kokoda Trail. Lois, by her own admission, is a self-professed crazy woman who has changed from a person who hated exercise and sport and did nothing physical to becoming a personal trainer, specialising in exercise for seniors. She has completed numerous charity walks – Byron to Ballina (3), Moonee to Coffs (2) and Brooms Head to Yamba (3). In April 2015, accompanied by her son she set out to tackle the 96km Kokoda Trail. However, in preparation for the task she first undertook a very strenuous program involving a 96km trek being required to complete the distance in an allotted time plus additional activities such as walking up Mt Warning three times in one day and repeating the exercise the following day. Lois’s slide presentation of her experience on the Kokoda Trail provided an insight into the difficulties encountered, weatherwise and with continuous mud, mud, mud. What an incredible experience for Lois and her son and what an insight into the conditions with which our soldiers had to contend in their battles to save Port Moresby from being taken by the Japanese forces. As well as our two guest presenters, there was a static display set up by Maree Burrows of the “Wraps with Love” rugs and wraps that have been provided by the organisation for distribution to needy people both here in Australia and to countries around the world. We also had a short presentation and video from Michelle Child, North Coast co-ordinator of “Operation Christmas Child”. For those who have taken a shoebox for to be filled are reminded that the boxes need to be returned for collection at October Jabberfest. President David also reminded members of the Special General Meeting to be held at the October Jabberfest. Brian Carter CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON - Mark it on your calendar today.

Date: Monday 27 November 2017

Where: Grafton District Services Club, Mary Street Grafton

Time: 12 noon.

Cost: $26.00 per person


There will be two courses with tea and coffee available. The bar will be open for you to purchase your own drinks.

Names and monies will be collected at October and November Jabberfest. Do get your thinking caps on for your "Best Dressed" Christmas outfit. There has been a high standard set in past years. Enquiries – Carole Cairns 662 4615 or Alysan Pender 6644 5397



PRESIDENT’S REPORT….Dear Members The most recent Jabberfest was full on with a short video and talk by Melissa Child sharing about the Christmas boxes and her trip to Cambodia. A special thanks goes to the Mens Shed and especially David Abrahams for making and donating some 65 small blackboards to fit the Christmas boxes. Boxes will be collected at the next Jabberfest. A donation of $10 will cover the cost of sending a box. A short break for morning tea was followed by an interesting talk by David Abrahams on canoeing/boating down the Clarence/Nymboida Rivers by members of his family and friends. Maree Burrows provided a large display of rugs made up of numerous

squares/triangles sown together. “Wraps For Love” provides rugs for people in need in Australia and overseas. Anyone who can knit or crochet squares and would like to help, please contact Maree. The highlight of the day was the presentation by Lois Robinson on her participation in the Kokoda Challenge on the Gold Coast Hinterland (96 kms in 36 hours). A number of troubled teenagers also participated. Each group walked in teams of 4 and all members had to finish the Challenge. This exercise was in preparation for her trip along the Kokoda Trail in New Guinea. Thank you to all who helped on the day as we gradually work out any hiccups at our new venue. Members are reminded that we will be taking bookings and monies for our Christmas luncheon and also voting on the amendment to our constitution extending the period by which the executive can hold their positions from three to six years. David Thompson Phone – 6644 7782



Seminar Title Description Coffs Hbr Grafton Kempsey

Understanding your Pension

How income and assets are assessed Centrelink assessment issues

Concessions and other services

27 Sep 17 3:30 – 5:00

4 Oct 17 3:30 – 5:00

11 Sep 2017

Estate Planning Financial Planning

Guardianship and power of attorney Intestacy and wills, insurance

27 Sep 17 5:30 - 7:00

4 Oct 17 5:30 – 7:00

11 Sep 17

Understanding Income Streams

How income streams work Transition to retirement

25 Oct 17 3:30 – 5:00

1 Nov 17 5:00 – 6:30

9 Oct 17 3:30 – 5:00

Understanding Superannuation

Contribution and access rules Taxation

Recent budget changes

25 Oct 17 5:30 – 7:00

1 Nov 17 5:00 – 6:30

9 Oct 17 5:30 – 7:00

Aged Care Fees and Charges

Determining aged care needs Fees and charges

Options for the former home Pension and taxation implications

1 Dec 17 5:30 – 7:00

29 Nov 17 10:30 – 2:30

16 Nov 2017 3:00 – 5:00

Venues/Bookings - (essential)

Ring 136 357 or email [email protected]

118 Park Avenue

Grafton Library

9/10 The Hub

16/11 library



MIDWIVES - Early days of the Clarence Author Robyn Higham has advised that she will have copies of her book available for purchase at October Jabberfest at a cost of $20. Enquiries to Robyn on 6643 3196.

NEW/RETURNING MEMBERS We welcome new member Delores Close and returning member Libby Notaras. We trust that you enjoy your association with Grafton U3A and take the opportunity to avail of the various courses/interest groups on offer.

EXHIBITION* HERE COMES THE BRIDE The Slim Dusty Centre and the Macleay River Historical Society are presenting another great exhibition in the Nulla Nulla Gallery at the Slim Dusty Centre. The exhibition showcases bridal gowns from the Macleay River Historical Society’s collection across the decades, including a gown from 1864! Gowns and photographs have also generously been loaned to the exhibition by our Macleay community members. Objects on display include wedding photographs from the Angus McNeill Collection, community family and Slim & Joy’s own wedding! Wedding gowns, stories, photographs

and more, reflecting the richness of the Macleay community. The exhibition is open until Sunday 5 November. For further details, contact Julia Morrell on 65626533 or email [email protected]

SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING As previously advised in the September edition of the Jabber Journal, members are reminded that this meeting will take place at the commencement of October Jabberfest.

Contributed by Judy Page

“INDISPENSABLE ARITHMETIC” Q7. Three thousand workmen strike for an advance of ½d an hour. Find the sum that would be required weekly to concede to the demand, counting a working day as 9 hours. Q8. If a garrison of 1,800 men has provisions for 12 weeks, how long will the provisions last if 600 additional men are introduced, but the daily allowance for each man is reduced by 3

1 Answers Q5 – 52 Q6 – 10 miles 479 yards

COURSES/INTEREST GROUPS ARMCHAIR TRAVEL At our next meeting set down for 2.00pm on 24 October at the U3A Rooms, Mike Gillespie will be talking about his European River Cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest. All members are welcome and any enquiries should be directed to Magda Mussared 6644 9309. Alysan Pender

EDITOR CONTACT Contributions to the Jabber Journal are welcome. We reserve the right to edit or refuse material submitted for publication. Closing date for the November edition is Monday 30 October 2017 Editor Dennis Kelly [email protected]