j jefferson township

J JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP AGENDA JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, OHIO BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 17 th , 2017 — 7:00 p.m. I. Welcome / Pledge of Allegiance, President of the Board of Trustees, Trustee Roy Mann II. Moment of Silence To Honor the Military, Firefighters, Road Workers, and Sheriff Deputies as they serve our community here and abroad. III. Call to Order / Roll Call: Roy Mann ( ) James McGuire ( ) Russell Back ( ) IV. Special Presentation: -Montgomery County Fairgrounds — Greg Wallace V. Review/Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes: *If Minutes are Approved/Trustees will sign during Regular Meeting adopting Minutes as part of the Legal Record* 1) Regular Meeting held Tuesday, September 19 th , 2017 © 7:00 p.m. 2) Work Session held Tuesday. October 3 rd , 2017 © 6:00 p.m. 3) Regular Meeting held Tuesday, October 3 rd , 2017 © 7:00 p.m. Motion: 2 nd Motion: Roll Call: Roy Mann ( ) James McGuire ( ) Russell Back ( ) VI. Fiscal Officer Report, Tracey Edwards 1) Financial Report — Update(s) 2) Motion to pay the bills, invoices, appropriations, and warrants. *If Fiscal Report(s) are approved/Trustees will sign the checks, vouchers, and warrants during the Regular Meeting, to pay the bills, invoices, appropriations and warrants as presented by the Fiscal Officer during the meeting* The Fiscal Officer will mail payments out the Next Business Day* 1 5t Motion: 2 nd Motion: Roll Call: Roy Mann ( ) James McGuire ( ) Russell Back ( ) VII. Old Business - Jefferson Township General Operations Levy Discussion VIII. New Business IX. Resolutions for Consideration: *If Resolution is approved/Trustees will sign during Regular Meeting adopting Resolutions as part of legal record * Resolution No. 17-116 Purchase of Commercial Salt Spreaders Resolution No. 17-118 Move Regular Meeting Scheduled November 7 th , 2017 to November 8 th , 2(47 Resolution No. 17-119 Move to Cancel Work Session Regularly Scheduled for November 7 th , 2017 Resolution No. 17-120 Resolution to Remove Junk Motor Vehicles from 4001 Germantown Pike X. Department Reports 1) Sheriffs Department 4) Zoning Department 2) Road Department 5) Fire Department 3) Code Enforcement Department 6) Administrators Report XI. Comments by Citizens: Citizens wishing to address the Board of Trustees "MUST" Complete a Speaker's Form. Comments are limited to 3 minutes to respect the opportunity for all citizens to provide comments. Speakers must also sign the sign-in sheet XII. Trustees' Reports / Comments Trustee Roy Mann Trustee James McGuire Trustee Russell Back Executive Session: ORC 121.22 - 7 Trustees call for an Executive Session for the sole purposes to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee or regulated individual, unless the public employee, official licensee or regulated individual requests a public hearing. Note: If Trustees want to have others to join them in Executive Session, the Trustees must invite them to go into Executive Session with them as part of the motion to go into Executive Session. The Trustees will review the applications for the Road and Cemetery position(s). 1" Motion: 2" d Motion: Roll Call: Roy Mann ( ) James McGuire ( ) Russell Back ( ) XIV. Trustees return from Executive Session XV. Additional business to conduct XVI. Adjourn I" Motion: 2"d Motion: Roll Call: Roy Mann ( ) James McGuire ( ) Russell Back ( ) Note: The next Trustee meeting scheduled for Election Day, November 7 th , has been moved to November 8 th . Budget Work Sessions will be October 19 th @7:00 p.m. , and November 14 th @ 7:00 p.m.

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 17 th , 2017 — 7:00 p.m.

I. Welcome / Pledge of Allegiance, President of the Board of Trustees, Trustee Roy Mann

II. Moment of Silence To Honor the Military, Firefighters, Road Workers, and Sheriff Deputies as they serve our community here and abroad.

III. Call to Order / Roll Call: Roy Mann ( ) James McGuire ( ) Russell Back ( )

IV. Special Presentation: -Montgomery County Fairgrounds — Greg Wallace

V. Review/Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes: *If Minutes are Approved/Trustees will sign during Regular Meeting adopting Minutes as part of the Legal Record*

1) Regular Meeting held Tuesday, September 19 th , 2017 © 7:00 p.m. 2) Work Session held Tuesday. October 3 rd , 2017 © 6:00 p.m. 3) Regular Meeting held Tuesday, October 3 rd , 2017 © 7:00 p.m.

Motion: 2 nd Motion: Roll Call: Roy Mann ( ) James McGuire ( ) Russell Back ( )

VI. Fiscal Officer Report, Tracey Edwards 1) Financial Report — Update(s) 2) Motion to pay the bills, invoices, appropriations, and warrants.

*If Fiscal Report(s) are approved/Trustees will sign the checks, vouchers, and warrants during the Regular Meeting, to pay the bills, invoices, appropriations and warrants as presented by the Fiscal Officer during the meeting* The Fiscal Officer will mail payments out the Next Business Day* 1 5t Motion: 2 nd Motion: •

Roll Call: Roy Mann ( ) James McGuire ( ) Russell Back ( )

VII. Old Business - Jefferson Township General Operations Levy Discussion

VIII. New Business

IX. Resolutions for Consideration: *If Resolution is approved/Trustees will sign during Regular Meeting adopting Resolutions as part of legal record *

Resolution No. 17-116 Purchase of Commercial Salt Spreaders Resolution No. 17-118 Move Regular Meeting Scheduled November 7 th , 2017 to November 8 th , 2(47 Resolution No. 17-119 Move to Cancel Work Session Regularly Scheduled for November 7 th , 2017 Resolution No. 17-120 Resolution to Remove Junk Motor Vehicles from 4001 Germantown Pike

X. Department Reports 1) Sheriffs Department

4) Zoning Department

2) Road Department

5) Fire Department 3) Code Enforcement Department

6) Administrators Report

XI. Comments by Citizens: Citizens wishing to address the Board of Trustees "MUST" Complete a Speaker's Form. Comments are limited to 3 minutes to respect the opportunity for all citizens to provide comments. Speakers must also sign the sign-in sheet

XII. Trustees' Reports / Comments • Trustee Roy Mann • Trustee James McGuire • Trustee Russell Back

Executive Session: ORC 121.22 -7 Trustees call for an Executive Session for the sole purposes to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee or regulated individual, unless the public employee, official licensee or regulated individual requests a public hearing. Note: If Trustees want to have others to join them in Executive Session, the Trustees must invite them to go into Executive Session with them as part of the motion to go into Executive Session. The Trustees will review the applications for the Road and Cemetery position(s). 1" Motion: 2" d Motion:

Roll Call: Roy Mann ( ) James McGuire ( ) Russell Back ( )

XIV. Trustees return from Executive Session

XV. Additional business to conduct

XVI. Adjourn I" Motion: 2"d Motion:

Roll Call: Roy Mann ( ) James McGuire ( ) Russell Back ( )

Note: The next Trustee meeting scheduled for Election Day, November 7 th , has been moved to November 8 th . Budget Work Sessions will be October 19 th @7:00 p.m. , and November 14 th @ 7:00 p.m.



Tuesday, October 17 th , 2017 — 7:00 p.m.

I. Welcome I Pledge of Allegiance, President of the Board of Trustees, Trustee Roy Mann

II. Moment of Silence To Honor the Military, Firefighters, Road Workers, and Sheriff Deputies as they serve our community here and abroad.

III. Call to Order / Roll Call: Roy Mann (X) James McGuire (X) Russell Back (X)

-Woolf: Good evening Trustees, Fiscal Officer, Jefferson Township residents, and staff. In front of you is the agenda we are going to run tonight. We have a special presentation right off the bat from Greg Wallace, the Executive Director of the Montgomery County Fairgrounds and the Fair Board. He would like to address the community tonight. So Greg you have the floor and we thank you for visiting us tonight.

IV. Special Presentation: Montgomery County Fairgrounds — Greg Wallace -Greg: We wanted to give you an update of where we are and hopefully we will be doing this all throughout the project. A couple of things to let you know what has taken place as you are well aware Transportation Improvement District (TID) is doing the Infirmary Road improvements. As we were having meetings with TID and the County and his staff; it came aware that the smart thing would be to turn the entire project over to TID. So we entered into a contract with TID, the Fair Board did, who is now running the construction project on behalf of the Fair Board. What that basically means is because of TID doing it the Fair Board it has shortened the process in getting contracts done and sped up the process. If the Fair Board had not done that they would probably still be in the bidding process. That is one of the advantages. Now Ken Conaway is going to be the full-time supervisor of the job and working for us in TID. That is the number #1 change. We have begun work if you haven't noticed and they have hired a couple of construction companies. The engineering firm that is doing all of the infrastructure is D&M they are from Montgomery County and they have laid out all of the building pads, they are now moving up to the front of the road on the south side. They have started putting in parking lots. We hope that we will be pouring cement sometime the middle of November. They are presently in the process of getting the building permits. The foundation permits have been submitted to the county and we are waiting on those approvals. He wants to thank staff as Chief Sexton has been a help with that as there are somethings he had to do. Of course, you're Administrator, Mr. Woolf. Staff has been very supportive. That is just the first step. Hopefully they will be pouring cement for two of the buildings. Probably right now, the only two buildings that they are going to have up by fair are building 2 and 3, the main events center and one of the barns. Time will not allow them to do any more than that but all of the infrastructure will be put in. They have filed for all of the sewer permits, all the water, the storm sewer that is all in process with the County. They have been impressed about what has been taking place out there. There is a lot of dirt to move. Basically it is lowering it and moving it from one spot to another spot and if you drive out there you will see all of that taking place. We are excited we are on schedule. So far the bids that have come in, they under bid so they are excited about that. It gives them a comfort level as they go into winter. They didn't have a lot of winter contingencies in the budget and now they have a little cushion there. Steel building should be ordered. In fact he will be leaving the meeting going back there to pick out colors and those kinds of things. Hopefully the buildings should be shipped sometime within the next four weeks. Sometime within six weeks we will see buildings going up. The bids went out for Infirmary Road. He thinks those are due in two weeks. Again, we hope that construction will begin sometime in the winter. The goal is that Infirmary Road will be completed sometime early spring. Not only with that include Infirmary Road but it will include our new entrance. Basically that's where we are. A lot of work it going on. Hopefully the next time he is here he can say they have buildings going up. Briden Builders is the contract bid for the buildings and we are excited about working with them. Can he answer any questions anyone may have? There is lots going on, drive by. There is a construction trailer there, Ken Conaway should be there during the day, stop in and talk to him. If you have any questions they would be happy to answer them.

-Steve: Could you clarify TID just for the record?

-Greg: Transportation Improvement District it is a quasi-government entity through the county that basically builds roads. So this is really their first project of this type. We are excited about it and we are working with them.

-Tracey: Will there be detours on Infirmary Road?

-Greg: Yes, there will be detours on Infirmary Road but for a very short period of time. Once we get the contacts in and all of that obviously we will let the administrator know well in advance. There will be a short period of time where it will have to be detoured because of some of the significant roadwork that they are doing. The county has the maximum on that, he thinks, he doesn't want to say. The county is holding them to a very limited time to close that road. For the most part they will try to maintain traffic as best they can. Their construction entrance is right off from Dora Tate if you haven't seen it so that is where all of the construction traffic is coming in. They are keeping all of their trucks off of Dayton Liberty and off of the portion of Infirmary that is not going to be improved. All of the construction traffic is going to be right there. Another reason we have to limit the closing because they need to use that road also to bring more construction traffic in.

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting - Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Page 1 of 10

-Steve: He saw that the address is Infirmary.

-Greg: Their address is 645 Infirmary Road. That is the new address for the Fairground;. Thank you Steve for reminding him of that. Again they are excited. The restaurants are excited to see them; they have prisoners out there every day and are feeding 6-8 people. He has been trying to visit the restaurants on Third Street as he is buying lunches. People that are coming by seem to be excited. It is their goal to be fully operational by the time the Fair comes around in July. Ken Conaway built the Rose Center in Huber Heights, he also built the new fire house in Huber Heights and he built the Aquatic Center and Carriage Trails development. He is a man of great experience and they are lucky to have him on their team. Again, he wants to say that your staff has been exceptional, what the Fair Board needs, the staff is getting. They put Larry on the spot just yesterday he jumped up to bat and was there for them as he has a lot of other stuff to do. He had to approve all of the sprinkler systems and a lot of other stuff. He has a lot of work ahead of him. Any other questions? Hopefully the next time he is here he can give an update on buildings or some dates. Then after they get the bids back the construction of Infirmary Road then he is sure Steve will be with him and then he will give a report of how the construction of Infirmary Road is going to go also. Thank you for your time.

-Woolf: Thanks again Greg very much. We are going to move on with our agenda. This part of the meeting is for the Trustees to review the prior meeting minutes. After you review the prior meeting minutes as prepared you have in front of you. If you would like to make a motion to accept them, please do so.

V. Review/Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes: *If Minutes are Approved/Trustees will sign during Regular Meeting adopting Minutes as part of the Legal Record*

1) Regular Meeting held Tuesday, September 19 th , 2017 © 7:00 p.m. 2) Work Session held Tuesday, October 3rd , 2017 @ 6:00 p.m. 3) Regular Meeting held Tuesday, October 3rd , 2017 @ 7:00 p.m.

-Trustee McGuire moved to approve the minutes held on Regular Meeting held Tuesday, September 19 th , 2017 © 7:00 p.m., Work Session held Tuesday, October 3rd , 2017 6:00 p.m. and the Regular Meeting held Tuesday, October 3rd , 2017 © 7:00 p.m. Seconded by Trustee Back. 1 st Motion: r Motion: Roll Call: Roy Mann (yes) James McGuire (yes) Russell Back (yes)

-Woolf: Those Trustees are signing the minutes so that they become part of the record today and they will be available for public record. The next line item is the Fiscal Offices Report, Tracey Edwards.

VI. Fiscal Officer Report, Tracey Edwards 1) Financial Report — Update(s)

- There are reports for the funds in the back of the room. She passed copies of the appropriations, fund summary, payment listing and the receipt listing. Since we are having a budget meeting on Thursday she is not going to go into any detail. The Trustees can look at that and have their stuff ready for Thursday. If you have any questions then, she can answer those at that time. Does anyone have any questions of her now? (None)

2) Motion to pay the bills, invoices, appropriations, and warrants. *If Fiscal Report(s) are approved/Trustees will sign the checks, vouchers, and warrants during the Regular Meeting, to pay the bills, invoices, appropriations and warrants as presented by the Fiscal Officer during the meeting* The Fiscal Officer will mail payments out the Next Business Day*

-Trustee McGuire motioned to approved the Fiscal Officers Report, pay the bills, invoices, appropriations, and warrants. Seconded by Trustee Back. Roll Call: Roy Mann (yes) James McGuire (yes) Russell Back (yes)

VII. Old Business- Jefferson Township General Operations Levy Discussion -Woolf: He has a couple of things to talk about on the upcoming levy. As anyone can sit down with him and look at this report, the general fund is almost flat. We are going to be lucky to get through not only the end of the year, for those that don't actually know how the funding works; Montgomery County pays disbursements at different times of the year based on tax collections. They are not quarterly they are periodic. Our first draw for 2018 won't happen until February, early March. So we have to budget all the rest of the year 2-3 months and the 2-3 until the next year before we get our first paycheck. The general fund has to survive 4-5 months and it is very, very flat. This levy upcoming is only for the general fund to help it stay alive. The general fund is like all of our savings accounts, if we don't have a savings account, what we have to fall back on. We don't. At the present time the community here does not have anything for a rainy day. If we have issues in other departments, that money is allowed to be used to take care of that problem at the fire level, sheriff level, we have negotiations coming up with the Sheriffs next year. He mentioned before that we have 5 levies between the Fire and the Sheriff that we have to approve even if it is flat, we've got to get them all passed. If there are other controversial issues on the ballot it is awful hard for a voter to go yes five different times. We have a hug challenge on our plate for next year. He has said before, if the voters want to approve this levy it is based on 2017 values of your home. Montgomery County has told us that everybody's homes and values are going up in 2018. So if this levy is not passed and we ask again, which we are going to have to because there is not enough money in the fund just to survive. Then we are going to have to ask for that money on higher values of your homes or businesses. If you give us the nice opportunity to pass it this time it will be on a lower property value. The agricultural crowd, you take on a junk yard that has been

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting - Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Page 2 of 10

sitting there for years, we have huge legal costs. That all has to come out of general fund. When you don't have that money, you will lose almost every case you try to run because they've got deeper pockets. They out run you. So you go back to the same result of the same junk yard that's been there for 20 years. If we want to make an environmental difference here and a cleanup in the neighborhoods you have to do it at the ballot. We can't generate money in the township. We need your help. It is up to you. If you want to invest in yourself you are going to see some difference in the community. Otherwise we are going to struggle, regardless of who works here and who is elected. The community is going to struggle. The levy vote is on Tuesday, November 7 th so mark your calendars.

VIII. New Business -Trustee Mann: No.

-Trustee McGuire: No.

-Trustee Back: Going back to the meeting we had earlier he would like to get an update on the road department work log and any updates on the preventive maintenance of the former equipment.

-Woolf: Randy can you get a report together for both of those things for Mr. Back and copy all three Trustees.

-Randy: Yes.

IX. Resolutions for Consideration: •If Resolution is approved/Trustees will sign during Regular Meeting adopting Resolutions as part of legal record * Resolution No. 17-116 Purchase of Commercial Salt Spreaders -Woolf: He is going to have Randy expand on this resolution. The last meeting we provided the Trustees with three (3) quotes from salt spreader vendors. We have had all of the existing salt spreaders looked at by a certified mechanic and explained what our inherent investment might be on the spreaders and the age that is on them and the rust content that is on those.

-Randy: You have three vendors in front of you and he would like to narrow them down to two; the Henderson and the Salt Dogg. He would like to get one for each of the newer dump trucks. Then the orange one which is the older dump truck he wants to try to get the veed box somewhat working and use that for a backup. He would like to get two of the salt spreaders. The Henderson is what the County uses and it is pretty decent at $3,700 apiece. The Salt Dog is what our mechanic S&J provides that is $4,341. Henderson is about 6 weeks out. He talked to S&J this morning and he said they are pretty much two week turnaround.

• -Woolf: How far do we have to take the trucks to the two vendors?

-Randy: The Salt Dogg we can take up to S&J which is about 6 miles from here on this side of Brookville. To his understanding, Henderson may be able to come and get them. It should be locally because that is what the County uses.

-McGuire: Do you have a recommendation between the two?

-Randy: He would like to stay with S&J who supplies the equipment for the salt dogg. He wasn't impressed with the third quote because he really wanted to sell us a new bed and he wasn't willing to work with us on salt spreader.

-Back: He can't read the quote because it isn't legible for the salt dogg equipment. The bid is not legible. (Conversation on quotes / bids)

-Woolf: The nice thing about this is when you have a pot hole to patch and it is not snowing you can easily get that unit off the back to be able to fill the truck with asphalt and do a pot hole patch. When you have the veed box you have to go through the trouble sliding that huge box out of the back of the bed before you can use the dump truck. He has experience with the Henderson design or the Salt Dogg and they are very easy to use. They are stainless steel do you don't have any rust. It is more that you tilt the bed and the salt comes out of the bed into the distributor and the distributor then distributes it on the road. It is very lightweight so you are not adding a lot of GBW to your vehicle like you are with the big veed box. You are also not adding any height, when you have a veed box you add height to the rear of the truck. Not a big deal but when you have low hanging trees in the community it is a big deal. It is up to you Trustees if it Is Henderson or Salt Dogg. Randy's recommendation is probably because convenience of service. To be able to get it serviced locally

• instead of having to ship it away if something happens to it.

-Back: What is the quote for Salt Dogg? He can't read it?

-Randy: The actual unit itself has a spreader. -McGuire: Motion to approve Henderson Salt Spreader as the choice vendor.

-Back: That is nowhere near the $13K of the Resolution. With the amendment be adjusted to not to exceed $7,500.

-Tracey: Does she change the $13,200 to $7,500?

-Mann: Go ahead and change it to $7,500. Any other questions? (None) May we have a vote please.

Trustee McGuire motion to approved Resolution No. 17-116 the vendor of choice would be the Henderson Salt Spreader. Seconded by Trustee Back. Roll Call: Roy Mann (yes) James McGuire (yes) Russell Back (yes)

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting - Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Page 3 of 10

-Woolf: Tracey how do you want Randy to handle the purchase. Does he fill out a PO or what do you want him to do?

-Tracey: Will they accept a payment or will they invoice us? You have to fill out a PO. She thinks they will take a PO once it gets signed by the Trustees. Then she can do a check. Other companies have it, if you want to verify and let her know. There should be some PO forms in her mailbox on the wall.

-Randy: He will verify and send Tracey an email.

-Woolf: You will also have to get a W9 as a new vendor. If you could get him that form before you leave tonight that way he can get it ordered tomorrow, we'd appreciate that.

Resolution No. 17 -118 Move Regular Meeting Scheduled November 7 th , 2017 to November 8 th , 2017 Trustee McGuire motion to approved Resolution No. 17-118. Seconded by Trustee Back.

Roll Call: Roy Mann (yes) James McGuire (yes) Russell Back (yes)

Resolution No. 17 -119 Move to Cancel Work Session Regularly Scheduled for November 7 th , 2017 Trustee McGuire motion to approved Resolution No. 17-119. Seconded by Trustee Mann.

Roll Call: Roy Mann (yes) James McGuire (yes) Russell Back (yes)

Resolution No. 17 -120 Resolution to Remove Junk Motor Vehicles from 4001 Germantown Pike -Tracey: Have we wrote the prescribed time and everything? Then does the charge that we pay go to their property taxes?

-John: If the Resolution passes we will send the notice to the owner of the property and give him a prescribed time. If he moves them within that time then the situation settles but if he doesn't then we will proceed to have the vehicles towed. He is not sure. His understanding a lot of times the towing companies will take the vehicles in lieu of payment because they will hold on to them long enough and they are salvaged. If not, of course we will pay for them to be towed and then put it on as a lien.

-Back: Have the vehicles already had nuisance papers?

-John: Back in the summer there were probably 8-10 vehicles on that lot. He went out one day and tagged them all. The owner of the property did remove them all but those 2 that are still there. They have been there for sever weeks now we want to move forward and remove them. We have already made contact and he is aware as the sticker that was put on the windshield got his attention so he knows there is a problem.

Trustee McGuire motion to approved Resolution No. 17-120. Seconded by Trustee Mann. Roll Call: Roy Mann (yes) James McGuire (yes) Russell Back (yes)

-Back: He has a Resolution pertaining to the Fire Department. He has spent quite a bit of time getting to know the Fire personnel over the past year. As we have discussed numerous times in the past, our compensation for our Firefighters are one of the lowest in the area. That is one of the reasons we have a difficult time retaining our staff. We don't have issues normally with hiring just with retention due to #1 overall pay rates, and #2 lack of full-time employment opportunities. After talking with several of the fire personnel it has come to his knowledge that it has been at least 7 years since they have had a raise. He personally feels that our fire department has been long overdue for a raise and he is not asking for a substantial increase. Over the past year their job duties, he has noticed have increased. We will now have a Fair coming to Jefferson Township their job duties are going to increase as well. He strongly recommends this. There are quite extensive recommendations came down, the Fire Chief as well. Chief did a study of pay rates for varies fire department in the area. The Trustees were given this recommendation probably 2 1/2 weeks ago. We have all had ample time to review it. With that, he would like to adopt Resolution No. 17-121 Authorizing the Jefferson Township Board of Trustees to increase compensation rates for Jefferson Township Fire Department Employees.

-Mann: He is going to be out of order for a minute. Chief is this what you want. Are there any questions?

Resolution No. 17 -121 Authorizing the Jefferson Township Board of Trustees to increase compensation rates for Jefferson Township

Fire Department Employees

-McGuire: Yes. #1 Without passing the levy, we don't know what the general fund levy is going to do. #2 All the Police and Fire levies are up next year. Have you checked this out and got approval from the Fiscal Officer that this will work and you do realized that probably one of those levies won't pass next fall. That will mean that you will probably have to do something to offset this extra expense.

-Chief: Are you asking me? •

-Back: He brought this Resolution forward. Our Chief did not bring this Resolution forward

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting - Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Page 4 of 10

-Mann: Hang on here a minute, he's got a question. You are not in this. Are you finished. (speaking to Trustee McGuire) He knows who brought it forward.

-McGuire: Yes.

-Mann: Any other questions?

-Tracey: She doesn't have a (copy of the) Resolution, she doesn't know what you are discussing. She doesn't have a copy of it.

-Back: I am sorry Tracey.

-Tracey: She doesn't have anything else. (Verified Resolution No.)

-McGuire: You have no staffing models.

-Mann: Hang on Jim. You are out of order. Tracey.

-Tracey: Mr. Mann did you second the motion?

-Mann: Yes. You have another question Jim?

-Back: There is a motion on the floor Mr. Mann. Questions come after the vote sir.

-Mann: We are asking questions right now. You let me run this.

-McGuire: You are voting on something that you need to bring budget numbers to support this resolution Mr. Back.

- Back: You had plenty of time to review the recommendation.

-Mann: Mr. Back you just hold still for a minute. Are you done with your questions?

-McGuire: He moves to table Resolution No. 17-121 until we go through budget.

-Back: You are out of order. There is already a motion on the floor.

-Tracey: It has been 2 hd , you have to vote on it.

Trustee Back motion to approved Resolution No. 17-121. Seconded by Trustee Mann. Roll Call: Roy Mann (yes) James McGuire (no) Russell Back (yes)

X. Department Reports 1) Sheriffs Department

-Woolf: Normally the Sheriff makes the report on the first meeting of the month. We have representation from the Sheriffs office and Woolf thanked them for being here. (Greetings from Sheriffs Office)

2) Road Department — Randy DeVilbiss -Randy: Since we last met, they have patched more pot holes. In the process of trying to replace signs that have either been broke off due to wear or the winds. They had to patch a tire on the 1 ton and also 2 tires on the lawn mower. Replaced the hydraulic line on the new Holland for the flair motor that broke lose. Continued to mow the roads on Township owned properties. Able to go to a Cemetery Association meeting last week in Hamilton as part of his job duties. He is learning more about that. The road garage roof has been leaking very badly so he is able to get to the point and patch that. They are in the process of doing that as weather and time allows. Taking care of several dead animal calls and working on the leaf schedule. They should be ready to go on that. Cleaning up around the road garage, they took more stuff to the dump and also to be recycled. Was able to get $81.80 and he gave that to Tracey. What we are going to try to do this year is go with Zones for neighborhood leaf pickup. We divided the township up into 4 different zones. Zone 1 will be Diamond Mill to Union, 135 to Dayton Farmersville Rd. Zone 2 would be Union to Dayton Liberty & 135. Zone 3 will be on the southwest corner Diamond Mill, Dayton Farmersville, Weaver, and Union Zone 4 Union, Dayton Farmersville, south of Dayton Liberty and Route 4. We are going to start picking up Zone 1 & Zone 2. They are going to make 2 trips around each zone. Zone 1 & Zone 2 will start the week of Oct. 3e. Zone 3 & Zone 4 will start the week of Nov. 6'. Then the second trip for Zone 1 will be Nov. 13th , Zone 2 Nov. 20 th , Zone 3 Nov. 27

th , Zone 4 Dec. 4th . We did two different things, there is a list where you could go down and

find your road alphabetically and find out what Zone you are in. The second list will tell you the week that we are going to be picking up. A couple of highlights, you need to rake all of your leaves to the curb so that they can get to them. Make sure there are no sticks or rocks or anything in them because if there are they won't be able to pick that pile up. This vac machine is so powerful that if there re sticks or something it can actually penetrate the hos and tear that up and cause injury to the workers. We can't get any closer than 10feet of a parked vehicle, trailer, car, etc. Any questions about the leaf pickup?

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting - Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Page 5 of 10

-Woolf: One of the concerns in the last meeting was the people out west in the rural areas if they rake their leaves to front of their 250-acre farm. One of the things Randy's department has come up with is a very innovative plan to do other things in that area. If the ditches didn't get mowed yet, instead of doing leaf pick up on your zone day or week they are going to be mowing the ditches, digging out the tile so water flows in the winter time through the tile correctly. Or at least cleaning up what people have dumped in the ditches. Doing work in your zone. They will be doing something in your zone and you will physically see them doing it so everybody will get the road department equal serviced just that you have different needs in different area. (Answered a question per resident) He and the Trustees monitor these activities; they look after and make sure that the road department is fulfilling what they should be doing.

-Back: He would like to ask, after the leaf pickup, he realizes that there may be a problem with the storm drains. Do we have anything in place as far as inspection of the storm drains? Is there a certain time of the year that we inspect the storm sewer drains?

-Woolf: Part of the road evaluation is looking at every one of those storm drains that are in the roadways as well as the neighborhoods where the curbs are. We will have an evaluation of the condition of those but also as the road department as they do the leaf pickup they can stop and look at those man hole covers. They probably haven't been addressed for a while; they can pop them and look at them if that's what you want them to do Russ.

-Back: He thinks they need to be surveyed. He has personally gone around and saw four of them were cracked. He has seen some of them where the pavement is cracked and they almost look like they are ready to cave in. He believes it is an issue that is the reason he brought it up and it needs to be monitored and surveyed to see where we stand on that. It poses a real safety hazard when you've got kids walking home from school and some of them are caved in.

-Woolf: That is part of the reason why we included it in that study with Choice One that you approved. So that we get an inventory of what needs repaired, replaced, torn out or whatever, then a plan will be put together on how we are going to address that. He agreed with Russ. He and Randy were in front of Blairwood School that the top piece fell down in the hole. It looked like a vehicle may have backed over it, flipped it and it went on in. That is crushed there and we didn't want children to get hurt so they got out right away and put the top back on. He agrees that they don't appear to have been serviced regularly. And you need to preventive maintenance your drainage as well as your roadways. It is important to do it especially before the spring rain.

3) Code Enforcement Department — Randy DeVilbiss -Randy: Since the last meeting he received 12 phone calls and 2 emails. Mowed 2 more parcels for the nuisance violations. He and John attended a meeting with the Montgomery County Planning Team last week and came up with some good ideas to bring back to Jefferson. Met with 2 neighbors to talk about their continued neighbor complaints.

4) Zoning Department — John Calligan -John: Good evening everybody. He submitted copies of his report in the Trustee packets. They only issued 2 zoning certificates in the last couple weeks. He did inspections on both of those properties before they issued the zoning certificate. Went with Randy to Landsdown Avenue with a report of a couple of open structures that they will be discussing at the next Trustee meeting. Received 7 phone calls and 21 emails from citizens of the township. Have a couple of checks for Tracey for the zoning permits. (inaudible amount)

5) Fire Department — Chief Sexton -Chief: Good evening. Thanked the Trustees for passing the Resolution in reference to the crew. He congratulated the crew and said it has been a long time coming and you deserve it. Hydrants, if anyone has been experiencing any problems with laundry, they have been flowing a lot of hydrants this past month trying to get everything checked and finished up before the cold weather hits. They try not to flow the hydrants and just check the gaskets and make sure that they are well greased so •that you can get the caps on and off without a whole lot of problems. Anytime that you open them up and water is spraying from the hydrant you are required to open it up and flow the hydrant to make sure the drain is working properly. That's really the only way you can check to see if the drain is working properly. They will be concluding that before the end of this month. Immediately following that they are going to start hose and pump testing as he has discussed before. Every year they have to test every hose and appliance on the fire department because it is part of the insurance ratings services when they come in every 3 years and grade you. You have to provide that documentation that all these tests have been done every year. They are getting ready to do their hose and appliance testing right now and soon as they finish that they go into the pump testing because ISO requires; when he refers to ISO it directly relates to all of you because that is a large portion of how your home owners insurance rates are decided by the ISO. Pump tests will occur sometime within the next month. When they get all of that done they will be ready for their next ISO text which should be in 6 months. You really don't know they give you a call and say they will be here the next week to sit down and discuss all of your records. • Officer Smiley just graduated her fire level 1 class so she is now a Firefighter. (applause) One of the things he did was go down and talk to her class when they all graduated and did some recruiting down there and it has paid off. Since he went and talked to them 3 of the other folks that were in her class have graduated also and come out and put in applications. Trustees at one point you had discussed with him trying to get only EMS folks, he does have our first application from EMS only that came in a put in an application. He is not ready to get that to you yet because he has not done the background check or the drug screening yet. That is in the works. They are getting folks coming in and applying. Once again like they have said several times, he feels although it wasn't a huge increase in pay but even a slight increase in pay brings us more in line with the medium pay scale throughout the area that will help us attract people and especially keep the folks here. Thank you very much. Are there any questions?

-McLaughlin: On your hydrant tests, are you strictly just testing to see if it opens and closes and operates? You are not doing a flow or pita test? Down the road do you think we can work together with JWA and have a system that we have to notify the residents that you

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting - Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Page 6 of 10

are doing the flushing because of the ground water. But you know the flow of water dropping in time is an important issue. If we could develop a combined system to do a pita test and know that this hydrant did this much on this date or less, then you would know to do maintenance on the flow.

-Chief: Right, that the caps will come off easily and make sure that the gaskets are on the caps and then they grease the threads. No that is not required, we can if we think it is a problem, we have a pita gauge to check that if necessary but right now it is more of a maintenance type thing to see if they can get the caps off. Lots of times you open a hydrant up and you can see the water inside the hydrant at the level of the gauge. Anytime you see that it indicates that the water is not there, it is part of the hydrant that is a little gravel and a drain down there and that is how the hydrant drains down. If the barrel is full of water when you get to freezing weather it will freeze and snap and that will be a useless hydrant and you won't know it until you get there ready to use it. You always want it to drain properly so if you see water you open it up, flow it for a few minutes and if you believe it or not a tiny little pea gravel stuck in that drain can close it off to where it can't drain and freeze and then there is a hydrant that you can't use. You open it an flow it for a few minutes and flow the gravel out of there and close it back up and you can tell whether it is draining or not. Put your hand over the cap and you can feel suction on the palm of your hand to let you know that it is operating properly. We can develop a schedule with the County also if they want us to flow these hydrants. We try to stay away from that unless it's necessary. The issue with that is in your neighborhoods it stirs up the water in the pipes and all that rust in those lines, the next time you are doing laundry unfortunately lots of times you end up with orange laundry. That is not a good thing but there is a way to take care of that if anybody develops that problem. They try not to flow unless they have to.

-Resident: Just wants clarification about the general fund. With the firefighters increase in salaries come out of the fire fund, it does not come out of the general fund?

-Chief: No, you are correct it comes out of the fire fund.

-McGuire: But if one of those levies doesn't pass, that's where you have to pick up the slack. There is no cushion in there.

-Back: For the records, the fire levy that passed in 2016 was to be applied for (inaudible) and support additional staffing for the fire department.

6) Administrators Report — Steve Woolf -Woolf: He will be brief in his report as the Administrator. First of all tomorrow he has a conference call with two attorneys. Chief had brought to us along with Battalion Chief Wilcox back there a potential opportunity for us. It is an opportunity to go beyond what has always been known as a limitation on the number of hours a firefighter can work in a given year. Part-time firefighters are limited according to the way we have been operating any employee of a public entity, it could be the road department, it could be in the office, could only work "x" amount of hours per year or they reach a threshold where they become full-time. The community can't afford benefits for everyone. They have come up with the potential on the national level with the Labor Relations Board where we may qualify to be able to waive that and be able to exceed that limitation. We are getting our legal advice tomorrow. If it is possible it will open up plenty of hours for all of you. He knows a lot of you have competing schedules and work every 6 th day somewhere else in the fire departments. This will help open up more hours because our goal is to fill both fire stations with enough help so we can respond from both stations. So we hope that this comes through. We will be talking about the results tomorrow. Wants to reintroduce the fact that we are still looking for volunteers to be on the Board of Zoning Appeals, Zoning Commission , there are spots available on both and then the new task force for Property Maintenance that we are just now forming. The last meeting there was a list, someone asked him to go grab it but it was gone. Did any of you by chance take the list of all the names of the people that signed up? Or do you know anybody that has that list.

-Mann: Yes, he can probably get that list.

-Woolf: That is helpful. He wants to make sure that those volunteers get contacted when the task force starts to meet. But we need some volunteers, anybody that lives in the township that is worried about zoning, cleaning up the issues in the township. All it takes is a small letter to the Trustees saying that you would like to serve. If you have a resume, stick it with it. Turn it in and the Trustees will consider it. But we have reached the deadline and we have received no volunteers at this point so our committees are working with less people than they should. Speaking of the committees, there is a training coming up for Zoning Appeals and Zoning Commission as well as Property Maintenance people that would like to learn. Sinclair College annually holds the Miami Valley Planning and Zoning Workshop. It is coming up on December 1 st . Communities send their Boards there for their education because there is really no other way to earn or learn education about how to serve on these Boards except going to seminars. This one is close so he is asking would you consider as long as the Fiscal Officer can find the money to compensate for the entry fee forwhomever on our Boards that would like to go. You are vesting in your people. We have a whole new group of people on both Boards, not full but a lot of new people. And they are asking for we need some education. If you want them to serve the community correctly they need to see and hear from other zoning people in all the other communities. He is asking for the okay to at least ask and invite our Boards to go to this conference at Sinclair College and whatever the expense is prior to committing to that to the people, we will talk to Tracey about how much it is. He thinks it is very positive to invest in your people. You invest in the education of the firefighters and what not; you should do the same thing for your volunteers that are doing it for free. Is it okay to work with Tracey to see if we can find the money in the fund in order to be able to invite these folks to go? It is during the day so he doesn't know how many can go but we are giving them a chance to learn. It is on a Friday, it is the only time in Dayton that there will be seminars here locally and they actually have classes for township related only whereas you go to other places its city related and city doesn't apply to township.

-Back: He thinks it is a good idea but we are going to have to have a resolution.

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting - Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Page 7 of 10

-Woolf: Right but we don't know how many can go yet to bring a resolution to you. Is it okay to invite them at least.

-McGuire: It probably won't be that many that want to go but yes.

-Woolf: Thank you. We have reached the deadline as well on the Auctioneer services that you wanted to advertise for to be able to put Station #61 up for sale. And use that Auctioneer services throughout the year for anything that you want to auction off. You are not obligated to use them and he got one bid back. He didn't want to open it without opening it in front of you guys. It says Dayton Commercial Realty. We have advertised this in the Dayton Daily News. It says concerning 6963 Germantown Pike, Miamisburg Ohio 45342. Dear Sirs, Thank you for giving Dayton Commercial Realty the opportunity to evaluate the above referenced property for a professional and marketed and conducted auction. We realize that you may be considering several auction firms for this auction. We believe we are the most qualified firm for several reasons. I have been a lifetime Dayton Ohio resident and have been involved in all types of commercial real estate since 1978. Our companies have been developers in the Dayton area market since 1949. We currently own and operate over 500K sq. ft. of commercial space. As a commercial real estate broker and as an auctioneer, our firms specialize in only commercial real estate sales. Please let me know if you have any questions about our proposal. All of us at Dayton Commercial Reality look forward to working with you. Sincerely Ric Moddy Commercial Real Estate Broker, Caldwell Banker Commercial Heritage. Located at 2630 W. Dorothy Lane Suite 20, Dayton, OH. Tracey would you be able to make copies for the Trustees with this and let them review this offer: and then the next meeting we can take it up for consideration.

-Tracey: What is she going to make copies on? Didn't you say the copier is messed up.

-Woolf: The copier still works. You just can't put 1,000 copies through it until we get a new one. If not, he can have Adrianne does it tomorrow.

-Tracey: That sounds good.

-Woolf: Okay Trustees, I will have this in your mailboxes tomorrow. Budget meeting is just a reminder, we have a work session this Thursday, 19 th of October. We will be focusing only on the general fund, what you are going to do for next year with what little you have to work with. On the le of November, you will be focusing on the road department, the budgeting and the department head will be here. On the 14th of December, it will be the fire department. Last year we tried to do it all at once and it got very confusing. He didn't start to the end of October and Russ was new. We are going to be doing it the right way, tearing it apart section by section. So by the end of the year hopefully we got what we have is an approved budget we can pass it and approve it otherwise you have to pass what they call a temporary budget and you go into March or April not knowing what your budget is. By the time you get a budget established in March or April you are already one quarter into the New Year and you have no idea where you are. It is very important that we get this budget down. Attached to the agenda is a Thank you letter that came from Karl Keith. (See attachment) We will be posting the letter of thank you on the website. He heard a lot of compliments from people that came in that day that they didn't have to travel all the way downtown to argue about the fact that their property values aren't what they say they were. So that is a service that is invaluable to the people here in Jefferson. He and Chief attended the latest warning siren update, one of our sirens is already approved. It will be established and installed at Station #59. We are working on the second siren that is going to be in the area of the Sheriffs Office / Dora Tate Center / Fisher Park. We are not sure where it is going to end up. By the grant requirements we have to have these installed by February 15 th , 2018 roughly. They may be out there in the snow installing our tornado sirens. By the looks of our maps and all of our jurisdictions that bounder us with their sirens, we think we have 100% coverage for the entire township, whether you live in the country or you live in the urban developed area of Jefferson the siren company has worked very close with us. We will give you More progress as we go. These poles will probably be the highest poles we have in Jefferson when they install them. It's got a rotator on it so it will rotate all the way around 360, they sound, and they have backup batteries that last something like 8 hours without a backup generator, so they will blow. He wanted to give that update since he and Chief attended that meeting. He mentioned it at the last meeting, an application was put in for the Trustees of the township under the More Grant for the insurance company. We have applied for boxes and signs to mount automatic AED resuscitation equipment in both this building as well as Station #59. Because everybody is in those two buildings and there is always a possibility of having a failure of somebodies heart. Hopefully we will get rewarded with that grant and if we do we will be installing what we already own. Trustees you will be able to make your buildings safer because of this grant.

-Back: The signup sheet for the development of a property maintenance code for the township will be placed on the desk in case anyone wants to sign up for it. Sorry to interrupt.

-Woolf: That is okay. The last thing is that from time to time he sits on the State Board of Trustees and they sent out what they call a legislative update and it's what's going on at the State house with every Bill that's been proposed with a Senate Bill or House Bill. He has one copy for somebody that wants it today; he can also tell you where to retrieve this as it comes out once a week. If anybody has interest to see what new bills are being worked on at the State House that might benefit you as a community it's good to see what your State Reps and State Senates are doing. The newspapers don't always accurately report but this here accurately reports everything that went on inside of the capital. If anybody wants to see him afterwards, he will give them this copy. It is on the State House website for the Ohio Township Association. That is all he has for his report. He is going to move on to the next part of the meeting.

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting - Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Page 8 of 10

XI. Comments by Citizens: Citizens wishing to address the Board of Trustees "MUST" Complete a Speaker's Form. Comments are limited to 3 minutes to respect the opportunity for all citizens to provide comments. Speakers must also sign the sign-in sheet

-Speaker 1 - Max Jones: Passed on his comment.

-Speaker 2 - Angela Day: (1307 Blairwood Drive) wanted to discuss the address on Blairwood Drive that is not her address. The Sheriffs Department is gone. She wanted to say as a citizen that they have been so visible and she wanted to thank them for that. It's been a while and they really appreciate that. (applause) She was really glad to hear that you guys went in front of Blairwood School because the property that the township owns is 1307 Blairwood. It's dangerous, there is health and safety issues there, the windows have been broken out for a very long time. She doesn't mean to look at the road department but she doesn't know who is responsible for that. If you ride through the township then it is that house is one that the township owns, is she correct. It's right beside the elementary school. That is why she is here because it is right beside the elementary school. There are glass pieces that are broken up and if the kids were to get into that property it would be a real problem. The township will probably be in a lot of trouble. It's been like that for so long, not only that it is probably; she is exaggerating, thousands of raccoons in there. That is not something that needs to be looked at later on that is an immediate issue. She doesn't know how that has been missed because you have an elementary school right there. Their playground is right adjacent to that and the little kids are right in the back yard that needs to be boarded and taken care of immediately. She thanks you guys for finally removing the refrigerator and stoves that were at the end of Blairwood. This is not the street that she lives on it is just these were safety hazards. This house was a safety hazard and the kids could have gotten into the refrigerators. She understands there are logistics to be able to just do some of these things without a process going throughout with zoning but you guys own the house that she is talking about. It shouldn't be a week that somebody needs to board those windows up.

-Back: We will check and see if that particular property is on the list to be torn down or not.

-McGuire: That maybe in forced foreclosure.

-Day: Doesn't matter she wants those windows closed up. However, there was a time that you guys owned it. That was one of the properties that you guys were going to redo or something. So whatever the logistics are with that somebody has to figure out how to put some boards up there. Congratulations to the firefighters on their raise, you deserve it.

-Mann: We will check that tomorrow and get it done. He needs to set an appointment to see Mrs. Day with Mr. Woolf, whenever you are available. Soon as you get a date, let us know.

-Day: Yes, she thinks she asked for a meeting over a month ago.

-Speaker 3- Burrell Williams: (5059 Culzean) Curious of the new employees that you guys are going to come up with, are you trying to be diverse including the new hires. It seems the little bit of what he has seen of the employees that come in last year they seem to all be the same. He doesn't see any women unless he is mistaken and he doesn't see much color. He is wondering with this being a diverse community why does that not say that we are. Is it being considered?

-Mann: We put an ad in the paper advertising for employees. The applications that were turned in, there was nothing dealing with race on those applications. We don't really know who is coming until we make contact for interviews. As far as different women, people of color, we are looking at that but there are certain things that we can't do from an employment standpoint. We have to wait until we get the applications in and look at those and then we may have to go back out to select another person or 2. We are aware of that.

-Woolf: Thank you for your comments everyone. It is good that the residents have input, that is good.

XII. Trustees' Reports / Comments • Trustee Roy Mann — No report

• Trustee James McGuire — No report

• Trustee Russell Back — No report

-Woolf: He requests that the Trustees consider going into Executive Session under ORC 121.22-7 for the purpose to review the background checks and the drug screening of the applicants that you had identified in the last meeting. You have to make the motion for executive session and announce who you want to go with you. •

-Back: Request to go into Executive Session and asks that the Administrator and Mr. DeVilbiss attend. Stated that the list of the township wide property maintenance code developing property list will be up here. Please do not forget to add your phone number. Hopefully this list is here when he gets back. Thank you.

-Mann: We are going to be gone for a little while, he is not sure how long but you are welcome to stay. Executive Session began at 8:35 p.m.

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting - Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Page 9 of 10

XIII. Executive Session: ORC 121.22 -7 Trustees call for an Executive Session for the sole purposes to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee or regulated individual, unless the public employee, official licensee or regulated individual requests a public hearing. Note: If Trustees want to have others to join them in Executive Session, the Trustees must invite them to go into Executive Session with them as part of the motion to go into Executive Session. The Trustees will review the applications for the Road and Cemetery position(s). 1 st Motion: Trustee Back 2nd Motion: Trustee McGuire.

Roll Call: Roy Mann (yes) James McGuire (yes) Russell Back (yes) XIV. Trustees return from Executive Session

-Mann: Regular Trustee Meeting reconvened at 9:27 p.m. Roll Call: Roy Mann (yes) James McGuire (yes) Russell Back (yes)

XVI. Adjourn

1 St Motion: Trustee Back 2nd Motion: Trustee McGuire Roll Call: Roy Mann (yes) James McGuire (yes) Russell Back (yes)

40 .71- ;It eire. LC/— Russell Back - Trustee

Adopted: 8th day of November, 2017


Tracey M. Edv ds, Fiscal Officer

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting - Tuesday, October 17, 2017• Page 10 of 10


10/16/2017 9:24:48 PM Fund Summary UAN v2017.2

October 2017

Fund # Fund Name Starting

Fund Balance Month To Date

Revenue Year To Date

Revenue Month To Date Expenditures

Year To Date Expenditures

Ending Fund Balance

Current Reserve for

Encumbrance Unencumbered Fund Balance 1000 General $91.316.41 $5,355.15 $369,810.53 $14,567.58 $366,602.10 $82,103.98 $38,921.44 $43,182.54 2011 Motor Vehicle License Tax $102.973.40 $0.00 $22,402.61 $566.73 $11,556.79 $102,406.67 $5,772.63 $96,634.04 2021 Gasoline Tax $138,731.83 $0.00 $45,858.42 $170.13 $9.262.23 $138,561.70 $875.78 $137,685.92 2031 Road and Bridge $494,025.22 $758.51 $286,131.75 $23,815.79 $244,907.04 $470,967.94 $15,875.17 $455,092.77 2041 Cemetery $3,288.64 $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,310.20 $3,288.64 $189.80 $3,098.84 2081 Police District $361,734.11 $0.00 $828,284.83 $355,000.00 $875,045.10 $6,734.11 $15,000.00 ($8,265.89) 2111 Fire/EMS $313,163.86 $7,903.00 $1,021,134.18 $41,341.53 $794,988.68 $279,725.33 $49,754.31 $229,971.02 2231 Permissive Motor Vehicle License Tax $16,026.75 $0.00 $16,026.75 $0.00 $0.00 $16.026.75 $0.00 $16.026.75 2281 Ambulance And Emergency Medical Services $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,379.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2401 LIGHTING DISTRICT $13,484.20 $0.00 $12,332.50 $0.00 $48,182.63 $13,484.20 $1,839.92 $11,644.28 2901 Miscellaneous Special Revenue $1,053.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,053.67 $0.00 $1,053.67 4301 Admin/Fire Building Capital Improvement $24,998.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $24,998.00 $0.00 $24,998.00 9001 Agency $0.00 $0.00 $6,500.00 $0.00 $6,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9751 Private - Purpose Trust $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Report Total: $1,560,796.09 $14,016.66 $2,609,981.57 $435,461.76 $2,367,734.11 $1,139,350.99 $128,229.05 $1,011,121.94

Report reflects selected information.

Page 1 of 1



2017 Leaf Collection Schedule

Schedule is flexible and may vary depending on weather and timing of leaf drop.

Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3 Zone 4 Collection 1 Week of Oct. 30th Week of Oct. 3011 Week of Nov. 6th Week of Nov. 6th Collection 2 Week of Nov. 13th Week of Nov. 20th Week of Nov. 27th Week of Dec. 4th

All Jefferson residential properties located on a public street are scheduled for two collections during the leaf drop season. There are a few things to remember to help make the collection process run smoothly:

• Place only leaves in the leaf piles. Other forms of yard waste such as rocks, pieces of cement, tree branches, twigs, flowers, walnuts, and grass clippings are not acceptable and slow the collection process and damage Township equipment. If the leaf pile contains the above, it will not be picked up.

• Crews will not be able to pick up/ remove leaves that are located within 10 feet of a parked vehicle or trailer. This is to prevent potential damage to the vehicle

• If there are leaves that are not picked up, it is because crews could not reach them with the equipment. Residents will need to move the leaves closer to the street so the crew can collect the leaves on the next pags.

• Have leaves ready for collection on the Sunday preceding the scheduled date of collection in your zone as per the collection schedule.

Leaf Collection Tips Follow these tips to help leaf collection go smoothly.

• Leaf piles should be placed as close to the curb as possible (without obstructing traffic). Township vehicles cannot leave the street, so if the equipment can't reach the leaves we can't pick them up on rural roadways. Leaves are to be placed at the entrance of the driveway and the road where curbs do not exist.

• Property owners without curbs may pile their leaves as close to the street as possible, but should never be placed in the street

• Leaves should not be piled behind parked vehicles, near storm drains, or around telephone poles, sign posts, or mailboxes.

Contact Us: Jefferson Township Administration Office — One Business Park Drive — Dayton, OH 45417

Hours of Operation: 9:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. Telephone Number: (937) 262-3591


October 17, 2017

• Patched pot holes

• Replace road signs

• Patched tires on 1 ton and lawn mower

• Replace hydraulic line on the tractor

• Mowed roads and township owned properties

• Cemetery association meeting in Hamilton

• Patched roof on road garage

• Several dead animal calls

• Worked on leaf schedule

• Continuing cleaning up around road garage

Submitted by Randy DeVilbiss


October 17, 2017

• Since our last meeting, I've received 12 phone calls and 2 emails

• Mowed 2 parcels for nuisance violations

• Attended a meeting with the county planning team

• Met 2 residence to discuss neighbor complaints

Submitted by Randy DeVilbiss

Zoning Administration Report for the Period of September 29, 2017 to October 13, 2017

Zoning Certificates issued:

• 347 Infirmary Road — Modifications to an existing cell tower. • 300 Cherokee Drive — Accessory office trailer replacement.

Zoning Certificate Fees Collected: $200.00

Pre-Issuance Inspections:

• 347 Infirmary Road • 300 Cherokee Drive

Other Inspections:

228 & 288 S. Lansdowne Ave. — Open structures.


Phone calls and Emails:

• Seven phone messages received and responded to. • Twenty-One emails received and sent to citizens and Township staff.

John Calligan Zoning Administrator


Karl L. Keith Montgomery County Auditor 451 West Third Street Dayton, OH 45422

October 6, 2017

Steve Woolf 1 Business Park Drive Dayton, OH 45417

Dear Steve,

On behalf of the Montgomery County Auditor's Office, I would like to thank the staff at the Jefferson Township Offices for hosting our Informal Review sessions, where we held a total of 38 individual appointments with Montgomery County residents to discuss their property values with certified appraisers.

Holding Informal Review sessions at local sites allows our office to come out into the community and meet with constituents face to face. Our office makes community outreach a priority and openly invites community members to get involved in the Triennial Update process. This would not be possible without the gracious hospitality of local organizations in the county like yours.

We greatly appreciate your assistance in helping us deliver this important public service. Thank you all again for making our Informal Review sessions a success. If there is anything I can do for you all in the future, please feel free to contact my office at 937-225-6372.


Karl Keith, Montgomery County Auditor


Or ctiuL,

JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP One Business Park Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45417-8403 * www.jeffersontwp.org * (937) 262-3591 phone*

Jefferson Township, Montgomery County, Ohio Attendance Sheet

Regular Trustee Meeting Tuesday, October 17 th, 2017

Welcome Everyone,

Please sign your name below, feel free to take an Agenda for the meeting, and have a seat where you would like the meeting will begin at 7pm.