ivgulf daily news monday, 27th why we try harder

celebrates it's 27th anniversary celebrates it's 27th anniversary M illions of people around the world recognise the Avis brand. The ‘We Try Harder’ slogan is one of the world’s most successful and famous advertising campaigns ever produced. It is the core of the company’s cul- ture and it highlights the ambitions and ideals that Avis represents. The ‘We Try Harder’ slogan was the result of a necessary change in the early 1960s, a time when Avis was unprofitable. Other competitors were bigger and had the financial strength to match. Unless Avis changed, it wouldn’t have survived and thus the new slo- gan was created. The idea had genius because it identified that Avis people make the vital difference in a fast-paced and constantly changing service industry. It was an original and genuine promise, that said that Avis people would work harder than their com- petitors to know what made their cus- tomers happy and deliver it every time. ‘We Try Harder’ told customers that the company’s culture was to do things better today than they did yes- terday. As a result, not only did more cus- tomers rent their cars, but the staff were inspired by the advertising and made sure they lived up to the promise. The slogan gives a sense of pur- pose to who avis is and what they do. Living up to their promise of ‘We try harder,’ is the culture of Avis, and the company believes that it is vital that its brand communication rein- forces the vision of what Avis stands for. Avis understands that it serves mil- lions of customers every year at Avis locations worldwide, and Avis has to mean the same to all of them. Everyone who works for Avis has an important part in achieving worldwide consistency for the Avis brand. Avis is today a very successful business and although it has achieved financial strength, it faces a world of increasingly intense competition. The Avis brand became famous because customers knew it guaran- teed higher standards of service. Today’s customers have become more sophisticated and their expecta- tions are even greater. They expect and demand total quality, as compromise is no longer acceptable. Behind the promise, are the values of the brand, empathy - that involves understanding customers on a human level, honesty - ensuring customers that they can expect integrity, fair- ness, simplicity and good value, and humanity- which means putting the customer first. Avis staff believe that the essence of the slogan is to put the customer first, taking a unique approach to cus- tomer service and offering better ser- vice than competitors on the things that matter most to customers. Why we try harder... IV Gulf Daily News Monday, 27th November 2006 A n early celebration of the 27th Anniversary of Avis Bahrain was held at the Avis (Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa) EAMEA Country Conference held in Budapest, Hungary, from October 9 to 13. Avis Europe chief executive Murray Hennessy, presented a cer- tificate to Avis Bahrain business head Gregory Rodrigues at the event and the company’s future strategies were discussed and the past year reviewed. Avis was also named the Middle East’s Best Car Rental Company in 2006-2007 by Business Traveller Magazine, a further testimony to Avis being one of the world’s leading car rental companies. Avis Europe chief executive Murray Hennessy, right, congratulates Mr Rodrigues at the Avis EAMEA Country Conference, and inset, the Business Traveller Award. Why we try harder...

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celebrates it's 27th anniversarycelebrates it's 27th anniversary

Millions of people around theworld recognise the Avisbrand.

The ‘We Try Harder’ slogan is oneof the world’s most successful andfamous advertising campaigns everproduced.

It is the core of the company’s cul-ture and it highlights the ambitionsand ideals that Avis represents.

The ‘We Try Harder’ slogan wasthe result of a necessary change inthe early 1960s, a time when Aviswas unprofitable.

Other competitors were bigger andhad the financial strength to match.

Unless Avis changed, it wouldn’thave survived and thus the new slo-gan was created.

The idea had genius because itidentified that Avis people make thevital difference in a fast-paced andconstantly changing service industry.

It was an original and genuinepromise, that said that Avis peoplewould work harder than their com-petitors to know what made their cus-tomers happy and deliver it everytime.

‘We Try Harder’ told customersthat the company’s culture was to dothings better today than they did yes-terday.

As a result, not only did more cus-tomers rent their cars, but the staffwere inspired by the advertising andmade sure they lived up to thepromise.

The slogan gives a sense of pur-pose to who avis is and what they do.

Living up to their promise of ‘Wetry harder,’ is the culture of Avis, andthe company believes that it is vital

that its brand communication rein-forces the vision of what Avis standsfor.

Avis understands that it serves mil-lions of customers every year at Avis

locations worldwide, and Avis has tomean the same to all of them.

Everyone who works for Avis hasan important part in achievingworldwide consistency for the Avisbrand.

Avis is today a very successfulbusiness and although it has achievedfinancial strength, it faces a world ofincreasingly intense competition.

The Avis brand became famousbecause customers knew it guaran-teed higher standards of service.

Today’s customers have becomemore sophisticated and their expecta-tions are even greater.

They expect and demand totalquality, as compromise is no longeracceptable.

Behind the promise, are the valuesof the brand, empathy - that involvesunderstanding customers on a humanlevel, honesty - ensuring customersthat they can expect integrity, fair-ness, simplicity and good value, andhumanity- which means putting thecustomer first.

Avis staff believe that the essenceof the slogan is to put the customerfirst, taking a unique approach to cus-tomer service and offering better ser-vice than competitors on the thingsthat matter most to customers.

Why we try harder...IVGulf Daily News Monday, 27th November 2006

An early celebration of the 27thAnniversary of Avis Bahrainwas held at the Avis (Europe,

Asia, Middle East, Africa) EAMEACountry Conference held inBudapest, Hungary, from October 9to 13.

Avis Europe chief executiveMurray Hennessy, presented a cer-tificate to Avis Bahrain businesshead Gregory Rodrigues at the eventand the company’s future strategieswere discussed and the past yearreviewed.

Avis was also named the MiddleEast’s Best Car RentalCompany in 2006-2007 byBusiness Traveller Magazine, a

further testimony to Avis beingone of the world’s leading carrental companies. Avis Europechief executive Murray Hennessy,right, congratulates Mr Rodrigues

at the Avis EAMEA CountryConference, and inset, the BusinessTraveller Award.

Why we try harder...