itp251 chptr6


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Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Presentation Plus

Review slides & practice before

Never start until you have all eyes on you

Speak loud and clearly

Never rush

Scan the room as you are presenting

Make your closing slide powerful

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The Evil Don’ts

Never put all information on slides

Try not to read from Q cards

Stay away from Tech terms, dumb it down

Wait until the end to address minimal Q & A, there is always somebody who thinks they know more and might test you.

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Existing DFDs

I see nothing wrong with the DFD models of prior. They are simple and anyone can follow them.

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Mr. Jeremy

I was made aware that you asked for a little more insight on the financial analysis tools used in the presentation. The 3 tools are called Return on investment, Payback analysis and Net present value. Return on investment measure how much how have to put out compared to what it gave back. Just as the name says what I got in return for what I invested. Payback analysis is a time measure and shows how long it will take for something purchased to pay for itself. So if you spend $100 to buy a tool, how much faster that tool will help you do jobs in order to have paid for itself. Last is Net present value is total value of the benefits minus the total value of the costs. I hope this information is helpful.

Thanks, Keven

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Mr. Hon

Outsourcing is a very big thing and has been for the past few years. It can cut some of your domestic rates by almost %50. It can be done in places like India and Ukraine. Hundreds of major companies have outsourced their software development and the numbers are continuing to grow. They offer clients maximum project control at any stage of implementation and also have payment plans.

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Evaluate System RequirementsPrepare RFPIdentify Vendor or Outsourcing OptionsEvaluate AlternativesPerform Cost Benefit AnalysisPrepare RecommendationsSystem Requirement DocumentationPresentation to ManagementImplementPrepare for System Design Tasks

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Grouping Tasks

Identify Vendor or Outsourcing Options & Evaluate Alternatives can be done at the same times.

Prepare Recommendations & System Requirement Documentation also can be done at the same time