investigations on the performance of voltage source


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In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree












Dr.P.DANANJAYAN Professor and Head Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Pondicherry Engineering College Pondicherry – 605014.


Certified that this thesis entitled “INVESTIGATIONS ON THE


CONTROLLERS” submitted for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF


ENGINEERING of Pondicherry University, Pondicherry is a record of the original

research work done by Ms.B.GEETHALAKSHMI during the period of study

under my supervision and that the thesis has not previously formed the basis for the

award to the candidate of any Degree, Diploma, Associateship, Fellowship or other

similar titles. This thesis represents independent work on the part of the candidate.




Place: Pondicherry



“Timely help albeit small will ever be greater than the Universe” – Thiruvalluvar

It is time to walk through the lanes of memory and to blissfully acknowledge

the invaluable help of so many people who have contributed to the successful

completion of this research work.

I have great pleasure in acknowledging my indebtedness to

Prof. P. Dananjayan for his benevolent guidance, relentless efforts, keen interest,

constructive control and critical appreciation along with the knack of making the

most difficult task seem so simple. His whole hearted encouragement, acted as a

constant source of inspiration to me throughout the course of this study. I extend my

gratitude to Mrs. Dananjayan, for her warm affection and hospitality which I

enjoyed for countless number of times.

I am profoundly thankful to the learned members of my Doctoral committee,

Prof.K.Manivannan and Prof. Satya Narayana for their valuable guidance and

constant encouragement.

I am grateful to Prof.V.Prithviraj, Principal, Pondicherry Engineering

College and Prof.T.G.Palanivelu, Former Principal, Pondicherry Engineering

College for permitting me to make use of the facilities in the college for the research

work. I express my ingenious, sincere requital to the Professor and Head,

Dr.S.Himavathy, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, for her

immense help and moral support rendered during the course of this research work.

I am indebted to Dr. R.Gnanadass, Dr. Alamelu Nachiappan,

Dr. K.Rajambal, Ms. R.Rajathy, Mr. K.Elanseralathan, Dr.S.Jeevananthan,

Dr.G.Sivaradje, Dr.L.Nithianandan and Dr. Jayanthi for their timely help at

different stages of this research work. I am thankful to Prof.S.Sivamurthy Reddy

and Prof.M.Ramaswamy for the discussions and suggestions rendered by them,

during the course of writing thesis. I am thankful to my students


Mr.P.Sanjeevikumar, Ms.D.Saraswathi, Ms.T.Hajmunnisa, Mr.K.DelhiBabu,

Mr.Naveen and Mr.Karthik for the innumerous help I have received from them at

different times.

Lexicon has no words to give vent to my feelings when I think of the

affection, love and sacrifice of my parents Sri. R. Balakrishnan and

Smt. D.Anandavalli, husband Mr.K.Mohan, kids M.G.Varshni and M.G.Shyam

Sundar and brothers Dr.B.Saravanan and Mr.B.Ravishankar, without which this

study would have never been possible. My profound gratitude is to my husband and

my children for their patience, kind heartedness and moral support offered during

the crucial periods of my research. I express my heartfelt regards to my loving

mother who took pain in bringing me up to this stage and my father whose high

principles and hard work have always been a constant source of inspiration for me

throughout my career.




The progress of a nation is assessed by its economic growth, industrial

development besides technological advancements. The per capita consumption of

electrical energy is treated as a measure to evaluate the overall progress. It is

imperative that the existing resources are fully utilized before venturing to look for

alternatives, in the present energy crisis scenario. However, it is equally important to

realize the rapid depletion of energy sources and contemplate measures to augment

its sustainability.

The field of power electronics has witnessed tremendous development in

recent times. The advent of new power controlled devices has contributed

significantly to an enhanced performance of the existing power converters. The birth

of innovative converter topologies has paved the way for further improving the

overall power quality. It has contributed to build sophisticated utilities and enable

precise control of flow of power over the transmission lines.

The transmission network has expanded considerably stretching over long

distances with a view to reach the dictated requirements through the available power

sources. The use of static var compensators (SVC) at strategic points in the network

has served to regulate the ac system voltages. The stability limit of the power system

is generally raised by offering series capacitor compensation using thyristor

controlled switched capacitor (TCSC). These ac power electronic controllers,

namely static var compensator and thyristor controlled series capacitor have

emerged under the generic name of flexible ac transmission system (FACTS)


The ability of the switching devices with secure turn on and off capabilities

has led to the construction of voltage source inverters (VSI). This switched power

converters have now become a constituent part of FACTS controller and includes in

its fold categories namely static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) and static

synchronous series compensator (SSSC), which when connected back to back with a


common dc link brings out another variety termed unified power flow controller


The extensive use of power converters has a deleterious effect, necessitating

measures to improve the quality of transmitted power. Strategies are proposed in this

dissertation to eliminate the dc link capacitor and accomplish the desired

performance. In addition new converter topologies are built with a view to enhance

the flow of power, mitigate ripple and harmonic contents and enable the complete

use of prevailing facilities.













1.2.1 Static Synchronous Compensator 3

1.2.2 Static Synchronous Series Compensator 4

1.2.3 Unified Power Flow Controller 5











2.3.1 Modulation Techniques 18

2.3.2 Modes of Operation of the Proposed

Scheme of UPFC 23



2.3.3 Performance Evaluation of the Proposed

Scheme of UPFC 25


2.4.1 Switching Algorithm 34

2.4.2 Control Scheme of MC based UPFC 39

2.4.3 Performance Evaluation of the MC based UPFC 41

2.5 SUMMARY 45






3.3.1 Harmonic Analysis 51

3.3.2 Harmonic Neutralisation 54


3.4.1 STATCOM Model 57



3.6.1 Steady State Response 63

3.6.2 Transient Response of the STATCOM

under Variable Load 67

3.7 SUMMARY 71










4.3.1 Fuzzy Logic Controller 75 4.3.2 Closed Loop Control 77

4.4 SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 79 4.4.1 Steady State Response of SSSC 79 4.4.2 Transient Response of SSSC under Variable Load 82

4.5 SUMMARY 87



5.2.1 Line Identification 93 5.3 SIMULATION STUDIES 94

5.3.1 Case I: Power Flow Control Mode 95 5.3.2 Case II: Voltage Control Mode 98 5.3.3 Case III: Simultaneous Control of Voltage and Power Flow 99













1.1 Schematic diagram of two machine power system 2

1.2 Schematic diagram of STATCOM 3

1.3 Schematic diagram of SSSC 4

1.4 Schematic diagram of UPFC 5

2.1 Power system embedded with a conventional scheme of UPFC 17

2.2 Scheme of AC-DC-AC conversion without DC link capacitor 18

2.3a) Carrier signal 20

2.3b) PWM scheme for the first converter 20

2.3c) Switching pulses for the first converter 21

2.4 Space vector diagram 22

2.5 SVM pulses applied to the inverter 22

2.6 Control block diagram of STATCOM 23

2.7 Control block diagram of SSSC 24

2.8 Transmission line voltage and current with UPFC 26

2.9a) Line current THD in the STATCOM side 26

2.9b) Line voltage THD in the STATCOM side 26

2.10 Comparison of DC link voltage and current of the

proposed and existing scheme of UPFC 27

2.11 DC link current of the proposed UPFC scheme with and

and without AC capacitor 28

2.12 VSI output voltages with SVM technique 29

2.13 Series injected voltage with respect to transmission line current 29

2.14 Real and reactive power flow over the transmission line with


2.15 Transient responses for a three-phase fault with UPFC 32



2.16 Proposed scheme of UPFC with matrix converter 33

2.17 Input current SVM 35

2.18 Current vector in sector 1 35

2.19 Output voltage SVM 36

2.20 Voltage vector in sector 1 37

2.21 ISVM switching pattern 38

2.22 ISVM pulses applied to the matrix converter 39

2.23 Closed loop control scheme of UPFC with MC 40

2.24 MC output phase voltage with its fundamental 41

2.25 MC output line voltage with its fundamental 42

2.26 Transmission line current and voltage before compensation 43

2.27 Transmission line current and voltage with shunt compensation 43

2.28 Series injected voltage and transmission line current 44

2.29 Real and reactive power flow over the transmission line

with MC based UPFC 44

3.1 48-pulse voltage source inverter 47

3.2 48-Pulse inverter output voltage 48

3.3 Combined multipulse-multilevel inverter 50

3.4 Diode clamped 3-level inverter 51

3.5 Phase and line voltages of diode clamped 3-level inverter 51

3.6 Three level VSI1 harmonics 55

3.7 Three level VSI2 harmonics 55

3.8 Three level VSI3 harmonics 55

3.9 Three level VSI4 harmonics 56

3.10 24-pulse inverter harmonics 56

3.11 Schematic diagram of STATCOM 57

3.12 Equivalent circuit of STATCOM 58

3.13 Closed loop control scheme of STATCOM 61

3.14 Multipulse-multilevel inverter output voltage and its THD 63



3.15 Transmission line current and voltage with and

without STATCOM 64

3.16 Variation of modulation index – single load 64

3.17 Reactive power injected by the STATCOM – single load 65

3.18 d-q components of STATCOM current – single load 65

3.19 DC side voltage of the inverter – single load 66

3.20 Transmission line voltage – single load 66

3.21 Variation of modulation index under varying load 67

3.22 Reactive power injected by the STATCOM under varying load 68

3.23 d-q components of STATCOM current under varying load 68

3.24 Transmission line voltage under varying load 69

3.25 Transmission line voltage and current under varying load 69

3.26 Variation of phase angle between the line current and voltage 70

3.27 DC side voltage of the inverter under varying load 70

4.1 230 kV sample power system 73

4.2 Scheme of FLC 75

4.3 Adopted membership functions for active power deviation 76

4.4 Adopted membership functions for reactive power deviation 76

4.5 SSSC closed loop control 78

4.6 Phasor diagram of the controller 78

4.7 Modulation index for the PWM modulator – single load 80

4.8 Reference angle for the PWM modulator – single load 80

4.9 SSSC injected voltage and transmission line current – single load 81

4.10 Real and reactive power flow over the line – single load 81

4.11 Transmission line voltage and current under varying load 82

4.12 Phase angle between line current and voltage 83

4.13 Modulation index under varying load 83

4.14 Reference angle for the PWM modulator under varying load 84



4.15 SSSC injected voltage and transmission line current

under varying load 85

4.16 Phase angle between the line current and injected voltage 85

4.17 Real and reactive power flow over the line with FLC 86

4.18 Real and reactive power flow over the line with PI controller 86

4.19 Real and reactive power flow over the line for a three phase fault 87

5.1 Circuit model of UPFC 89

5.2 Flowchart of the power flow algorithm 93

5.3 Power flow over the line L-33 96

5.4a) Active power flow in 30-Bus system with and without

UPFC – PFC mode 97

5.4b) Active power flow in L-33 with and without

UPFC – PFC mode 97

5.5 Bus voltage at each load bus of IEEE 30-Bus system with

and without UPFC – VC mode 98

5.6a) Active power flow in 30-Bus system with and without

UPFC – PFC and VC mode 100

5.6b) Active power flow in L-20 with and without

UPFC – PFC and VC mode 100

5.7 Bus voltage at each load bus of 30-bus system with

and without UPFC – PFC and VC mode 101




2.1 Switch state and the DC voltage in each interval 20

2.2 PI controller parameters of the proposed scheme of UPFC 25

2.3 PI controller parameters of the MC based UPFC 41

3.1 Phase displacement for a 48-pulse VSI 48

3.2 Phase displacement for the combined multipulse-multilevel

inverter 50

3.3 PI controller parameters of the STATCOM 62

3.4 Comparison of analytical and simulated results of the

combined MP-MLI 62

3.5 Dynamic response of STATCOM for load variations 71

4.1 Rule table 77

5.1 Ranking of branches for IEEE 30-bus system 94

5.2 Line loss reduction results for various cases 102

A1 System Parameters in which UPFC Connected 107

B1 Matrix Converter Switching Table 108

C1 System Parameters in which SSSC Connected 109

D1 Line Data of IEEE 30-Bus System 111

D2 Bus Data of IEEE 30-Bus System 112



ac Alternating Current

APFC Automatic Power Flow Control

AVC Automatic Voltage Control

CB Circuit Breaker

CFLC Coordinated Fuzzy Logic Control

CMLI Cascaded Multi Level Inverter

CSI Current Source Inverter

CSR Current Source Rectifier

dc Direct Current

DCMLI Diode Clamped Multi Level Inverter

FACTS Flexible AC Transmission System

FCMLI Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter

FLC Fuzzy Logic Control

GTO Gate Turn Off thyristor

ISE Integral Square Error

ISVM Indirect Space Vector Modulation

ITAE Integral Time Absolute Error

LLRI Line Loss Reduction Index

MC Matrix Converter

MLI Multi Level Inverter

MPI Multi Pulse Inverter

NL Negative Large

NM Negative Medium

NS Negative Small

PCC Point of Common Coupling

PL Positive Large

PLL Phase Locked Loop

PM Positive Medium

PS Positive Small

PST Phase Shifting Transformer


pu Per Unit

PWM Pulse Width Modulation

SPWM Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation

SSSC Static Synchronous Series Compensator

SSV Switching State Vector

STATCOM Static Synchronous Compensator

SVC Static Var Compensator

SVM Space Vector Modulation

TCR Thyristor Controlled Reactor

TCSC Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor

THD Total Harmonic Distortion

TSC Thyristor Switched Capacitor

UPFC Unified Power Flow Controller

VSI Voltage Source Inverter

Z Zero



σ Conduction angle of 3-level diode clamped MLI

θ Instantaneous voltage angle

ω Synchronous angular speed of the network voltage

δ Voltage angle

φ Angle between STATCOM voltage (vs) and bus voltage (vm)

β Small perturbation in θT used to charge or discharge the capacitor

θir Angle between the transmission line voltage and current

θsi Matrix converter input current reference angle

θT Series injected voltage angle

Cdc DC capacitance

Cf Filter capacitance

d Duty ratio

dγ and dδ Duty ratio corresponding to Iγ and Iδ respectively

dz Duty ratio of the zero vector

Iγ and Iδ Switching state current vectors

ia, ib and ic Line currents

id Direct component of current

id* Real current reference

Idc DC current

Iim Maximum input current

Iin Current space vector

Iom Maximum output current

iq Quadrature component of current

iq* Reactive current reference

is STATCOM current

k Ratio between the ac and dc voltage of the inverter

KP Proportional gain


L Transformer inductance

Lf Filter inductance

m Harmonic content

Ma Modulation index

Mai Modulation index of the rectifier stage

P Active power

Pact Actual real power

Perr Active power deviation

Pref Real power reference

Psh Real power flow between STATCOM and bus system

Q Reactive power

Qact Actual reactive power

QC Capacitive reactive power

Qerr Reactive power deviation

Qinj Injected reactive power

QL Inductive reactive power

Qref Reactive power reference

R Filter resistance

Rg Generator resistance

RL Transmission line resistance

S Switching function

T Time period

Tγ and Tδ Switching period corresponding to Iγ and Iδ respectively

Tα and Tβ Switching period corresponding to Vα and Vβ respectively

TI Integral time constant

TS Switching period

Vα and Vβ Switching state voltage vectors

Va, Vb and Vc Phase A,B and C voltages respectively

Vabc Three phase voltage of the bus

Vd Direct component of voltage

VDC DC voltage

Vg Generator voltage


Vim Maximum input voltage

vm Bus voltage at the mid point of the line

Vo Voltage space vector

Vom Maximum output voltage

Vq Quadrature component of voltage

VR Receiving end voltage

VRMS Root mean square value of the bus voltage

VRMS* Reference value of VRMS

Vs Sending end voltage

vs STATCOM voltage

VT Series injected voltage

VZ Zero voltage vector

Xg Generator reactance

XL Transmission line reactance

Xqref Reactance reference

XT Transformer leakage reactance

ψin STATCOM side power factor angle




Electrical energy is the back bone for the development of the society. With

the industrial growth of a nation there is always an increased requirement of

electrical energy. The increased demand for electric energy requires to increase the

transmission capabilities. However, the inherent thermal, dielectric and stability

limits of power system restrict the power transaction, leading to the under utilization

of the existing transmission resources.

Traditionally, fixed or mechanically switched shunt and series capacitors,

reactors and synchronous generators were being used. However, wear and tear in the

mechanical components, large switching transients and slow response were the

problems with these devices. There was a greater need for an alternative technology

based on solid state devices with fast response characteristics. The need was further

fuelled by world wide restructuring of electric utilities and difficulties in getting

permit and right of way for the construction of new overhead transmission

lines [1-3]. This together with the invention of thyristor switch opened the door for

the development of power electronic devices based controllers known as flexible ac

transmission systems controllers [4-6]. It appears to be a promising concept, which

provides a way for the maximum utilization of the existing transmission facilities.

FACTS controllers provide fast and reliable control over the three main

transmission parameters, i.e., voltage magnitude, phase angle and line impedance to

facilitate optimal power system performance. FACTS devices are broadly classified

into two types namely thyristor based devices and voltage source inverter based

devices. Static var compensator, thyristor controlled series capacitor, etc., are the


thyristor based FACTS devices [7-12]. Static synchronous compensator, static

synchronous series compensator and unified power flow controller are the voltage

source inverter based FACTS devices [13-24].

Among the various FACTS controllers, the devices that use a direct current

(dc) - alternating current (ac) inverter are considered superior to those of phase

controlled devices in terms of harmonic performance, dynamic response and ease of

operation. Thus, present day research is being directed to understand the

performance of the voltage source inverter based FACTS devices in a practical

power system [1-3].


The significance of VSI based FACTS controllers is that it does not employ

discrete capacitor or reactor banks as in thyristor based devices, but includes dc-ac

inverters to exchange shunt or series reactive power with the transmission system.

The synchronous voltage source approach to transmission line compensation and

control is illustrated using the simple bus system (Fig.1.1).

Fig. 1.1 Schematic diagram of two machine power system

The power flow P, in a simple two machine power system is given by

S R1 2


V VP = sin(δ -δ )X


where VS, VR are the magnitudes of the sending and receiving end voltages


δ1, δ2 are the angles of the sending and receiving end voltages respectively.

XL is the reactance of the transmission line.


To enhance the power flow over the transmission line the parameters namely

voltage, impedance or angle must be adjusted. The shunt connected compensator

(STATCOM) is used to control the transmission line voltage. The series connected

compensator (SSSC) controls the effective line impedance, XL and the UPFC

controls all variables (voltage, impedance and angle) selectively or concurrently.

1.2.1 Static Synchronous Compensator

STATCOM is a static synchronous generator, operated as shunt connected

static var compensator whose capacitive or inductive output can be controlled

independent of the ac system voltage [1]. The STATCOM model is connected in

shunt with the transmission line using a step-down transformer as shown in Fig.1.2.

Fig. 1.2 Schematic diagram of STATCOM

A STATCOM incorporates a voltage source inverter that produces a set of

three phase ac output voltages, each of which is in phase with, and coupled to the

corresponding ac system phase via a relatively small reactance. This small reactance

is usually provided by the per phase leakage reactance of the coupling transformer.

The ac voltage difference across this transformer produces reactive power exchange


between the STATCOM and the power system at the point of common coupling

(PCC). The exchange of real power and reactive power between the STATCOM and

power system can be controlled by adjusting the amplitude and phase of the

converter output voltage.

1.2.2 Static Synchronous Series Compensator

The static synchronous series compensator is another FACTS controller

connected in series with the transmission line to control the power flow

without generating classical network resonance and oscillations. The

schematic diagram of SSSC is depicted in Fig.1.3.

Fig. 1. 3 Schematic diagram of SSSC

The SSSC has a power electronic-based synchronous voltage source that

generates three phase ac voltages of controllable magnitude and phase angle. This

voltage, injected in series with the transmission line voltage, is almost in quadrature

with the line current and hence emulates an equivalent inductive or capacitive

reactance in series with the transmission line. When the series injected voltage leads

the line current, it emulates an inductive reactance causing the power flow and the


line current to decrease. On the other hand, when the line current leads the injected

voltage, it emulates a capacitive reactance, thereby, enhancing the power flow over

the line.

1.2.3 Unified Power Flow Controller

The unified power flow controller is connected to the power system by two

coupling transformers as shown in Fig.1.4. The voltage source inverter (VSI 1) is

shunt connected and the VSI 2 is series connected to the power system. These two

inverters are operated from a common dc link provided by a dc storage capacitor.

Thus the configuration of UPFC can be considered as a compound system of

STATCOM and SSSC sharing a common dc link capacitor. It can be operated as a

power flow controller, a voltage regulator or a phase shifter depending upon the

control strategy adopted.

Fig. 1.4 Schematic diagram of UPFC

The application of FACTS in electric power system is intended for reactive

power compensation, control of power flow, improvement of stability, voltage

profile management, power factor correction and loss minimization. The

STATCOM is used for reactive power control and voltage control whereas SSSC

helps to enhance the power flow over the line. UPFC has the unique ability of


controlling the real and reactive power flow independently. Depending on the

desired performance requirement of any utility system, appropriate FACTS

controller has to be identified and incorporated.


A brief overview of historical background followed by critical review of

earlier investigations carried out on FACTS controllers are presented here.

Controllers in the electric power utility system are very few. Traditionally, they are

implemented in the generating stations to provide power requirements of the

load [4]. They include speed governors; the field exciter systems in the alternators

and the transformer tap changers. In recent times, there is a growing need for more

and better controllers to cope with the many problems related to extensive ac

interconnections, very long distance transmission, congestions in transmission

corridors and power utility deregulation and restructuring.

As ac interconnections multiplied and ac transmission lines stretched over

distances, the effect of distributed line inductance and capacitance manifest

themselves as over voltages during light loads and voltage sags during heavy

loads [25]. There is a need to regulate ac voltages of transmission line. It is done by

var compensation at strategic points, using thyristor switched capacitors (TSC),

thyristor controlled reactors (TCR) and static var compensators (combination of

TCR-TSC) to provide continuous var control [8, 9]. In principle, all shunt type

controllers inject additional current into the system at the point of common coupling.

An impedance of the shunt controller causes a variable current flow and hence

represents an injection of current into the line. As long as the injected current is in

phase quadrature with the line voltage, the shunt controller only supplies or

consumes variable reactive power [26, 27].

In distant ac transmission lines, the increasing inductive reactance reduces

the transient stability limit. The transient stability limit can be raised by series

capacitor compensation with the capacitor controlled by anti-parallel connected


thyristors, and was named as thyristor controlled switched capacitor [28, 29]. These

ac power electronic controllers, namely SVC and TCSC, are known as FACTS

controllers [6-8]. In addition, the emergence of switching devices with both turn on

and off capability has led to the development of voltage source inverters. Employing

turn off capability semiconductor devices, switching power converters have been

able to operate at higher switching frequencies and to provide a faster response. This

makes the voltage source inverter an important part in the FACTS controllers [13].

Since the late 1980s, the thyristor based power electronic controllers have found new

embodiments as VSI based FACTS controllers:

• Static var compensator as STATCOM [14, 30, 31].

• Thyristor controlled switched capacitors as SSSC [17, 18].

The STATCOM is the first power converter based shunt connected

controller. The concept of STATCOM [1] was disclosed by Gyugyi in 1986. Again

in 1997, L.Gyugyi et al. made an attempt to describe the operating characteristics of

SSSC in comparison with the thyristor based TCSC [17].

The STATCOM and SSSC are connected back to back with a common dc

link to bring out a new FACTS controller named as unified power flow controller.

With this combination, the UPFC inherits all the benefits of STATCOM and SSSC

and maximize the operational region [20-22, 32, 33]. Several researchers attempted

to study the control and operation of the STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC [18, 34 - 43].

The power circuit of UPFC can be viewed as the conventional ac-dc-ac converter.

This dc link capacitor has inherent disadvantages such as more space requirement, limited

life and also expensive. Besides it slows down the transient response of the circuit [44].

Measures were taken to address the problems of ac-dc-ac conversion when applied for

motor control applications [45-52]. Y. Minari et al. have proposed a scheme of

ac-dc-ac conversion eliminating the electrolytic capacitor [50] in which the rectifier

section has been operated using PWM control to achieve the desired output

waveform. It has been reported that the PWM rectifier/VSI without dc link yields a


flexible performance even at low power level. A direct ac-ac energy conversion

device namely the matrix converter (MC) that converts the ac line voltage into

variable voltage arbitrary amplitude, unrestricted frequency without using an

intermediate dc link has been proposed [44, 51, 52]. Similar approaches could be

employed to eliminate the dc link capacitor present in UPFC.

Apart from UPFC, the shunt and the series compensators can also be operated

separately based on the desired compensation. In general, the complete control system of

these FACTS controllers basically consists of two main parts such as external and internal

control. The external control depends on the power system network to which the FACTS

device is connected. However, the internal control mainly depends on the VSI topologies

and should instantaneously respond to a given command, generated by the corresponding

external controller. Different configurations of voltage source inverters can be operated

with the same external control as long as they are connected to the same problematic

network. During the past two decades, exhaustive research was done on external control

of STATCOM [34-37, 53, 54] as well as SSSC [34, 35, 43, 55, 56]. On the other hand,

not much attention was focused on the internal control of the FACTS controllers.

The voltage source inverter, which is a basic building block of these FACTS

devices, generates a sinusoidal output voltage waveform with a desired magnitude

and phase angle demanded by the internal control in synchronism with the

sinusoidal utility system. The traditional two-level VSI produces a square wave

output as it switches the direct voltage source on and off. However for high voltage

applications, a near sinusoidal ac voltage with minimal harmonic distortion is

required. In order to realise higher voltages, each main switch of the 2-level inverter

is formed by connecting many semiconductor devices in a series/parallel fashion. It

is essential that with this arrangement, the electrical and thermal characteristics of

the series and/or parallel connected semiconductor devices should be matched [57].

In response to the growing demand for high power inverter units, multipulse

inverters (MPI) have drawn increased interest in the field of research and industry [58-60].

A multipulse inverter generates a staircase wave closely resembling a sine wave by


connecting number of identical three-phase inverter bridges through phase shifting

transformers (PST). The high power STATCOM commissioned at Sullivan

substation, United States used 48-pulse voltage source inverter in order to obtain

higher operating voltages with less harmonic content [1]. Pavel Zuniga-Haro and

Juan M.Ramirez have developed a static synchronous series compensator using

48-pulse voltage source inverter [61]. In this multipulse inverter topology, eight

PSTs are used which are complex and expensive.

An attractive alternative to the multipulse inverter is the multilevel inverter

(MLI) [62-69] which has evolved in three different topologies namely diode

clamped multilevel inverter (DCMLI), [62, 63] flying capacitor multilevel inverter

(FCMLI) [64] and cascaded multilevel inverter (CMLI) [65, 66]. Among the three

configurations, the CMLI with a separate dc capacitor is widely accepted for

applications in high power drives and utility systems due to its modularized circuit

layout and sufficiently high operating voltage [67]. Though the basic concept of the

CMLI has existed over more than two decades, it was not fully realized until

F.Z.Peng and J.S.Lai [65], patented it and presented its various advantages in 1997.

The CMLI consists of a number of H-bridge power conversion cells with each cell

supplied by an isolated source on the dc side and series connected on the ac side so

as to produce a staircase waveform. A premium quality output waveform can be

achieved with a sufficiently high number of voltage levels. However, the number of

voltage levels is limited due to control complexity and cost. Besides, a large number

of dc capacitors are required whose voltages must be balanced in order to avoid

over-voltages on any particular link. The critical review of literature shows neither

MPI nor MLI is useful on their own. A hybrid inverter topology incorporating the

advantages of both MPI and MLI will be attractive. Thus a detailed analysis of

various inverter topologies is absolutely essential in order to propose a suitable

inverter for power system applications.

In recent years, fuzzy logic control (FLC) [70] began to receive more

attention in power systems. However, the investigation on fuzzy applications in

power system control is confined mainly to excitation control and power system


stabilizer design [71]. Very few researchers worked on the application of fuzzy

control to FACTS devices [72-77]. In the year 2000, L.O. Mak et al. [73] designed a

fuzzy controller for static synchronous compensator to enhance interconnected

power system stability. They developed fuzzy controller for both main control of

STATCOM and supplementary control to regulate voltage and damp inter-area

power oscillation respectively. In 2003, Stella Morris et al. [74] developed a

variable structure fuzzy control algorithm for controlling the reactive component of

the STATCOM current in a power system.

B.N.Singh et al. [75] have developed a closed loop control schemes for

SSSC with a fuzzy sliding mode controller and fuzzy PI controller to improve the

dynamic response of SSSC. S. Kannan et al. [76] have designed a fuzzy logic

controller as a supplementary controller for SSSC to damp power system oscillation

and improve power system dynamic performance. However, V.K.Chandrakar and

A.G.Kothari [77] have used the fuzzy logic controller as a main controller to control

the magnitude and angle of the SSSC injected voltage operated in voltage injection

mode. In a similar perspective FLC could be used in the closed loop control scheme

of SSSC when operated in other control modes namely line impedance

compensation mode or automatic power flow control (APFC) mode.

Presently, the focus is being directed to understand the behaviour of FACTS

devices in a practical power system. For maximum utilization of any FACTS device

in power system planning, operation and control, power solution of the network with

any of these devices is a fundamental requirement. As a result, substantial research

work has been carried out for developing efficient power flow algorithm for FACTS

devices [78-82].

Power flow studies incorporating UPFC requires an accurate mathematical model

[78, 79]. The model includes algebraic equations, which must be solved iteratively. Most

researchers use Newton – Raphson (N-R) method of iterative solution because of its

quadratic convergence properties. Mihalic R. Zunko [80] et al. introduced a UPFC model

based on a single, ideal series voltage source. H. Ambrez Perez et al. [81],


Ghadir Radman and Reshma S. Raje [82] utilizes two ideal voltage sources, one in

series and one in parallel to develop a UPFC steady state model. In 1999, Y.H.Song

et al. [83] proposed a steady state UPFC model and its power injection

transformation had been described in rectangular form. The optimal multiplier

power flow method was applied to implement the UPFC model. A UPFC based

power flow model, derived from two voltage source representations has been

presented in [84]. It is evident from the review of literature that proper methodology

need to be developed for incorporating FACTS devices in the existing three phase

power systems.


With rapid industrialisation and increased standards of living, the demand for

electricity has increased tremendously. The financial and environmental concerns

have prompted to look for ways and means to maximize the utilization of the

available resources and explore measures to enhance the performance of the existing

systems. FACTS devices help to distribute the electrical energy more economically

through better utilization of existing installation, there by reducing the need for

additional transmission lines.

Among the FACTS family, the VSI based FACTS devices have several

advantages such as being small/compact, high response speed and no harmonic

pollution. In the existing scheme of UPFC the key problem is with the dc link

capacitor which is occupying more space, has limited life and also expensive. The

critical review of literature shows that there is ample scope to address the problems

associated with dc link capacitor present in UPFC without compromising its


The harmonics generated on the ac side of the inverter circuits greatly

influence the power quality of the transmission system. While many benefits may be

realized from large scale introduction of power converters into the power grid, it is

essential to have a detailed analysis on the harmonics generated by these circuits and


their impact on power system. It is observed from the critical review of literature

that an exhaustive research work had been carried out in the modeling of these

devices for optimal power flow studies and control analysis. However, much

attention has not been focused on the development of power electronic based

inverter circuits and their control in respect of total harmonic distortion (THD).

Thus, a detailed analysis of various inverter topologies is absolutely essential in

order to propose a suitable inverter for power system applications.

Modern power systems are large, complex, geographically widely distributed

and highly nonlinear. It is not trivial to derive detailed global system model.

Moreover, power system operating conditions and topologies are time varying and

the disturbances are unforeseeable. These uncertainties make it very difficult to

effectively deal with power system stability problems through conventional PI

controller which is based on linearised system model and single operating condition.

The fuzzy logic approach has been emerging in recent years as a complement to the

conventional approach. Thus there is a scope to introduce FLC for enhancing the

dynamic performance of FACTS devices under varying power system operating

conditions. An attempt has been made in the present work to address the aforesaid

issues to improve the performance of VSI based FACTS devices.



The objectives of this dissertation include

i) To build a novel structure of UPFC without dc link capacitor

• To develop suitable modulation techniques and closed loop

control schemes for the series and shunt converters.

• To evaluate its performance and compare with the existing

scheme of UPFC through simulation.

ii) To realize a matrix converter based UPFC, using indirect space

vector modulation (ISVM) technique

• To suggest a suitable closed loop control scheme.

• To study the performance of UPFC with load variations

through simulation.

iii) To develop a STATCOM model using combined multipulse-

multilevel inverter

• To derive a combined multipulse-multilevel inverter

configuration from the existing inverter configurations.

• To construct a closed loop control scheme for operating the

STATCOM in the automatic voltage control (AVC) mode.

• To investigate the performance of the STATCOM under

varying load and fault conditions through simulation.

iv) To design a fuzzy logic controller for SSSC realized through a

combined multipulse-multilevel inverter topology and assess its

performance through simulation in the automatic power flow

control mode under different operating states.

v) To develop a power injection model of UPFC and evaluate its

performance through the standard IEEE -30 bus power system.



An overview of power electronic converters and the need to identify new

inverter configurations with FACTS devices to improve the performance of power

systems is presented in Chapter 1. Review of literature forms a part of the same


The UPFC scheme without dc link capacitor along with the suitable

modulation techniques and closed loop control strategies for the shunt and series

converters are described in Chapter 2. The comparative performance of the proposed

approach with that of the existing scheme is brought out along with the simulation

results. Another scheme of UPFC with matrix converter is realized in the same

chapter. A brief theory of operation of matrix converter along with a suitable

switching strategy and simulation results are explained.

A combined multipulse-multilevel inverter topology suitable for STATCOM

and SSSC applications is proposed in Chapter 3. The performance of the

STATCOM with the proposed inverter configuration and decoupled control strategy

is verified. A detailed discussion on the performance of STATCOM under varying

loads along with the simulation results is presented.

The SSSC is realized with the proposed inverter configuration in Chapter 4.

A detailed elucidation about the fuzzy logic based closed loop controller for

operating the SSSC in the automatic power flow control mode is presented with the

simulation results.

The power injection model for UPFC is developed using Newton’s method

in Chapter 5. The performance of the proposed model is verified through IEEE – 30

bus system by operating the UPFC in its various modes of operation.

The salient features of the work carried out and the major contributions are

summarized in Chapter 6. The scope for further research in the same area is also






The unified power flow controller, which has been recognized as one of the

best featured FACTS devices [20, 38, 40], is capable of providing simultaneous

active and reactive power flow control, as well as voltage magnitude control.

The UPFC is a combination of static synchronous compensator and static

synchronous series compensator which is connected via a common dc link, to allow

bi-directional flow of real power between series output terminals of SSSC and the

shunt terminals of the STATCOM, and is allowed to provide concurrent real and

reactive power compensation.

The UPFC comprises of two voltage source inverters, operated from a

common dc link provided by a dc storage capacitor. The dc link capacitor should be

properly designed so as to substantially reduce the ripple present in the dc

voltage [57]. The ratings of this dc link capacitor bank pose a significant impact on

the cost and physical size of the UPFC. Besides, this capacitor has shorter life when

compared to ac capacitor of same rating. This in turn limits the life and reliability of

the voltage source inverter [50]. Therefore efforts have to be taken to eliminate the

need of the dc link capacitor and still obtain more or less the same performance. It is

in this pretext two different schemes of UPFC without dc link capacitor have been


In the first method the dc link capacitor present in the UPFC is eliminated

and suitable modulation techniques [85, 86] are employed in the converter

configurations so as to operate the UPFC without degrading its performances. The


front end converter is operated through a relatively new PWM scheme that enables

to regulate the dc link voltage, minimize the ripples and improve the shape of the dc

link current. Space vector modulation (SVM) strategy is used to fire the switches in

the VSI.

In the second method a matrix converter is employed in UPFC whereby the

classical ac/dc and dc/ac converter structure with dc link capacitor is replaced by a

matrix converter. The indirect space vector modulation technique is used to control

the matrix converter present in the UPFC. The ISVM algorithm for the matrix

converter has the inherent capability of controlling simultaneously both the output

voltage vector and the instantaneous input current displacement angle [87].

The scope includes evaluating the performance of the proposed schemes of UPFC

on a sample power system, in its different operating modes through MATLAB based

simulation and highlights its ability as a powerful voltage regulator and a power



The scheme of UPFC connected with a simple power system is shown in the

Fig. 2.1. UPFC is placed between two sections B2 and B3 of the transmission line.

The feeding network is represented by a Thevenin’s equivalent circuit [88, 89] at

bus B1 where the voltage source is a 230 kV with a short circuit power level of

10,000 MVA and an X/R = 8. The system parameters are given in APPENDIX-A.

The STATCOM model in the UPFC is connected in shunt with the

transmission line using a step-down transformer having leakage reactance XT and a

three phase IGBT based current source rectifier. The ac voltage difference across

this transformer leakage reactance produces reactive power exchange between the

STATCOM and the power system at the point of interface. The voltage can be

regulated to improve the voltage profile of the interconnected power system. Thus

the main function of STATCOM is to regulate the bus voltage magnitude either by

absorbing or generating reactive power to the ac grid network. The SSSC which is


connected in series with the transmission line through a series transformer enhances

the power flow over the line by emulating a series capacitance. The capacitance

effect in series with the line is brought by injecting a voltage which is lagging the

line current by 90°.

Fig. 2.1 Power system embedded with a conventional scheme of UPFC


The elimination of dc link capacitor results in considerable ripple in the dc

link voltage and current distortions in the ac side. To overcome such problems three

capacitors of much smaller rating and lower cost are used in the STATCOM side.

The first converter present in the STATCOM side is operated as a current source

rectifier (CSR) with a suitable pulse width modulation (PWM) technique.

The objectives of this rectifier are to maintain a fixed dc voltage on the dc link

without the dc link capacitor and to regulate the bus voltage. This CSR is connected

in shunt with the transmission line through a coupling transformer. The converter

present in the SSSC is connected in series with the transmission line through a series

insertion transformer. It is controlled using space vector modulation technique to


enable it to generate synchronous ac voltage of controllable magnitude and phase

angle with reduced harmonics.

The scheme of ac-dc-ac conversion without dc link capacitor is shown in

Fig.2.2. The filter components R, Lf and Cf present at the input side of the first

converter have a significant role in maintaining the dc link current constant and

reducing the distortions at the transformer and CSR interface. The switching

functions of the current source rectifier and voltage source inverter are adjusted to

maintain the average dc side voltage and current constant [45].

Fig. 2.2 Scheme of ac-dc-ac conversion without dc link capacitor

2.3.1 Modulation Techniques

It is assumed that the ac input voltages to the current source rectifier after the

step down shunt transformer are the three-phase balanced sinusoidal voltages. The

expected line currents in the STATCOM side and the fundamental component of the

line voltages injected into the transmission line in the SSSC side are described as

( )a m i in

b m i in

c m i in

i = I cos ω t - ψ

2πi = I cos ω t - ψ - 32πi = I cos ω t - ψ + 3

⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠



where ψin is the STATCOM side power factor angle

su om Tu

sv om Tv om Tu

sw om Tw om Tu

v = V cosθ 2πv = V cosθ = V cos θ - 32πv = V cosθ = V cos θ + 3

⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


where θTu, θTv and θTw are the angle of the expected output voltage vectors.

A Modified PWM Strategy for the CSR

The dc side voltage of UPFC is essentially decided by the switching function of

the first converter present in the STATCOM and the ac input voltage. In one full cycle of

the ac input there are six switching intervals, during which one of the line or phase

voltages will have the maximum absolute value. For example, in the interval 1, Vsa has the

largest absolute voltage and in the interval 2, Vsc has the largest absolute voltage and so

forth in all the intervals of the three phase sinusoidal voltage of a cycle.

Each switching interval is divided into two portions. During the interval 1,

when Vsa has the largest absolute voltage, T1 is held ON with T6 for the first 30o

conduction period and all other rectifier switches remain in the OFF state. The dc

side voltage is Vdc = Vsa-Vsb. In portion 2, for the next 30o conduction period T1 is

held ON with T2 and all other rectifier switches are OFF. The dc side voltage is

Vdc = Vsa-Vsc. The above sequence is applicable for all other intervals. By

providing this switching sequence, dc voltage at the dc link can be maintained with a

constant value.

Table 2.1 shows the states of the rectifier switches and the dc voltage of each

portion for all the six intervals. Fig.2.3a) and Fig.2.3b) depict the carrier waveform

and the PWM scheme applied to the front end converter using sinusoidal pulse width

modulation (SPWM) technique respectively. The carrier which is initially triangular in

nature slowly changes into ramp and serves to reduce the line side THD. Fig. 2.3c) clearly

depicts the switching pulses applied to the switches present in the converter 1.


Table 2.1 Switch state and the dc voltage in each interval

Interval Portion 1 Portion 2 ON switch Vdc ON switch Vdc 1 T1, T6 Vsa- Vsb T1, T2 Vsa - Vsc 2 T2, T1 Vsa - Vsc T2, T3 Vsb - Vsc 3 T3, T2 Vsb - Vsc T3, T4 Vsb - Vsa 4 T4, T3 Vsb - Vsa T4, T5 Vsc - Vsa 5 T5, T4 Vsc - Vsa T5, T6 Vsc - Vsb 6 T6, T5 Vsc- Vsb T6, T1 Vsa - Vsb

Fig. 2.3 a) Carrier signal

Fig. 2.3b) PWM scheme for the first converter


Fig. 2.3c) Switching pulses for the first converter

The first converter switches commutate only at the transition between adjacent portions. The switches are made to commutate with zero current by setting zero voltage vector of the inverter to occur at both the beginning and ending of each portion. A separate synchronizing circuit is required [48] to ensure the occurrence of zero voltage vector of the second converter during the commutation of the first converter switches when conventional sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique is employed. However this need for synchronizing circuit can be eliminated if space vector modulation technique is employed instead of sinusoidal pulse width modulation for the second converter.

SVM Strategy for the VSI

Space vector modulation is essentially an averaging technique that takes into consideration that a three-phase inverter has only eight switch states. Each leg has two switch states. Therefore, 23 states can be obtained for the three independent legs of the inverter. The desired three phase voltages at the output of the inverter, operated in the 180° mode can be represented by an equivalent vector Vo rotating in the counter clockwise direction in a two dimensional (d, q) plane as shown in Fig. 2.4. For example, when the desired line to line output voltage vector Vo is in sector 1, it could be synthesized by the pulse-width modulation of the adjacent state space vectors V4(100) and V6(110). The duty cycle of each being d4 and d6 respectively, with the zero vectors V0(000) or V7(111) of duty cycle d0.


a m in Tu4 64 6

M 3V cos ψ θd V +d V = 2


d0 = 1-d4-d6

where Ma is the modulation index and 0<Ma <0.866

Using the same theory, analogous vectors and respective duty cycles can be

derived when the system operates in other sectors. The SVM train of pulses applied

to the inverter is as shown in Fig.2.5.

Fig. 2.4 Space vector diagram

Fig. 2.5 SVM pulses applied to the inverter


2.3.2 Modes of Operation of the Proposed Scheme of UPFC

Automatic Voltage Control Mode for STATCOM

The controller seen in Fig.2.6 is an integral part of the converter present in

STATCOM to operate it in the automatic voltage control mode. Its function is to

maintain a fixed dc voltage in the dc link without the storage capacitor and ensure

unity power factor in the supply side.

Fig. 2.6 Control block diagram of STATCOM

The reference waveform for the pulse width modulator is derived from the

direct and quadrature components Vd,av and Vq,av respectively. The real power

reference is derived from a dc bus voltage controller and the reactive power is

directly controlled treating iq* as zero, in order to achieve unity power factor

operation [90]. The decoupled control system ensures that a change in the real power

reference can be envisaged without any transient in the reactive power reference and

vice versa. The parameters of the PI controllers used are given in the Table 2.2.

Automatic Power Flow Control Mode for SSSC

The main function of the static synchronous series compensator is to control

the power flow over the transmission line. The control scheme [43] shown in the


Fig.2.7 operates the SSSC in the automatic power flow control mode. The reference

inputs (Pref and Qref) are chosen accordingly.

Fig. 2.7 Control block diagram of SSSC

A phase locked loop (PLL) is used to determine the instantaneous angle θ of

the three-phase line voltage Vabc sensed at bus B2 of Fig.2.6. The active and reactive

power flows over the transmission line are determined from the actual line currents

and voltages. Separate PI controllers with optimal values seen in Table 2.2, are used

in the feedback path to regulate the active power and reactive power. The

modulation index Ma to the PWM modulator is derived as

a a a,seM = ΔM M+ (2.4)

where ( )ia p ref act

KΔM = K + P -Ps

⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

The reference angle θT to the PWM modulator is generated as

Tθ = θ - β (2.5)

where ( )ip ref act

Kβ = K + Q -Q

s⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

The desired compensation is obtained by either adding or subtracting π/2

with β depending upon whether it is inductive or capacitive. The modulation index

Ma and the phase angle θT are applied to the PWM modulator to generate the SSSC

compensating voltage.


Table 2.2 PI controller parameters of the proposed UPFC scheme

PI controllers Kp Ki PI1 0.015 1.6

PI2 0.1 40

STATCOM PI3 0.1 40

PI1 20 2 SSSC

PI2 16 25

2.3.3 Performance Evaluation of the Proposed Scheme of UPFC

Automatic Voltage Control Mode

The proposed model of UPFC is simulated using MATLAB/Simulink.

Fig.2.8 shows the bus voltage and current in the STATCOM side, which are found

to be almost in phase with each other. This explains that the UPFC performs the role

of shunt compensator by either absorbing or supplying the reactive power with the

transmission line. There exists a small phase difference between the bus voltage and

current so as to absorb power from the ac system in order to replenish the operating

losses of the converter.

The THD response of the line current and line voltage in the STATCOM side

given in Figs.2.9 a) and 2.9 b) respectively are found to be very low through a

proper choice of filter components. The dc link voltage and current waveforms of

the proposed scheme of UPFC are compared with that of the existing scheme in

Fig.2.10. Fig.2.11a) shows the distorted dc link current waveform when the dc link

as well as ac capacitors are not present. The steady dc current obtained at the dc link

depicted in Fig.2.11b) emphasizes the necessity of using capacitors on the

ac side.


Fig. 2.8 Transmission line voltage and current with UPFC

Fig. 2.9a) Line current THD in the STATCOM side

Fig. 2.9b) Line voltage THD in the STATCOM side


a) Existing scheme of UPFC

b) Proposed scheme of UPFC

Fig. 2.10 Comparison of dc link voltage and current


a) without AC capacitor

b) with AC capacitor

Fig. 2.11 DC link current of the proposed UPFC scheme

Automatic Power Flow Control Mode

The UPFC is operated with the most powerful control mode namely the

automatic power flow control mode in which the UPFC can directly control the

active and reactive power by controlling the magnitude and angle of the series

injected voltage. The VSI output voltage of the series converter is shown in the

Fig.2.12. This voltage, which is injected in series with the transmission line, lags

the line current almost by 90˚ as seen in Fig.2.13. This reveals that the SSSC

operates in the capacitive mode. The occurrence of a very small deviation of the

injected voltage with respect to the line current is due to the real power losses of the

coupling transformer and the switches in the VSI.


Fig.2.12 VSI output voltages with SVM technique

Fig. 2.13 Series injected voltage with respect to transmission line current


The transient performance of the system is evaluated by suddenly changing

the load at time t = 0.1 s from an initial value of 300 MW, 220 MVAR to a new

value of 270 MW, 220 MVAR. The variation of P and Q over the line is found to

track almost their reference set values irrespective of load variations as depicted in

Fig.2.14 because of the voltage injected in series at an appropriate angle.

Fig. 2.14 Real and reactive power flow over the transmission line with UPFC

A three-phase fault of 50 ms duration is introduced in the transmission line at

t = 0.2 s and is allowed to be cleared at t = 0.25 s. The voltage across the

STATCOM bus suddenly goes to zero as shown in Fig.2.15a). This results in a

corresponding reduction in dc voltage and current magnitudes and the output of the

VSI present in the SSSC side as depicted in Figs 2.15b) and 2.15c) respectively.

However P and Q of the transmission line settles to their reference values within a

small interval of time once the fault is cleared as seen in Fig. 2.15d).


a) Line voltage and current in the STATCOM side

b) DC link voltage and current


c) VSI output voltages in the SSSC side

d) Real and reactive power flow over the transmission line

Fig. 2.15 Transient responses for a three-phase fault with UPFC



Though the proposed scheme of UPFC without dc link capacitor perform

similar to the existing scheme of UPFC a noisy dc link performance is observed due

to the lack of dc capacitor. To overcome this limitation, a matrix converter is

employed in UPFC as shown in Fig.2.16 whereby the classical ac/dc and dc/ac

converter structure with dc link capacitor is replaced by a matrix converter [91].

Matrix converters which have an array of nine bidirectional switches are found to be

more reliable and potential enough to have much longer life, because of the absence

of the dc link capacitor. Besides, it has several advantages such as single stage

conversion, bidirectional power flow, less number of switches and guarantees input

and output sinusoidal voltages and currents with reduced THD [92-95]. The indirect

space vector modulation technique has been used to control the matrix converter

present in the UPFC [94, 95]. The ISVM algorithm for the matrix converters has the

inherent capability of controlling simultaneously both the output voltage vector and

the instantaneous input current displacement angle.

Fig. 2.16 Proposed scheme of UPFC with matrix converter


2.4.1 Switching Algorithm

In matrix converter, each output phase is connected to each input phase

depending on the state of the switches. Considering that each bidirectional switch is

either in the ON or OFF condition, (29 = 512) different states of the matrix converter

can be defined. For safe operation of the matrix converter input phases should never

be short circuited and output phases should never be opened at any switching time.

Hence the number of allowable switching combination is reduced to 27. Out of

these 27 switching combinations 18 active switching vectors and three zero vectors

are used. The MC switching combination is given in the APPENDIX-B.

In the indirect space vector modulation technique, the matrix converter is

considered as a two stage transformation converter: a rectification stage to provide a

constant imaginary dc link voltage per switching period and an inverter stage to

produce three phase output voltages. However it is only the same nine switches that

perform both rectification and inversion.

Input Current SVM

The SVM uses a combination of two adjacent vectors and a zero vector to

produce the reference current vector as depicted in Fig. 2.17. The input currents can

be considered constant during a short switching interval Ts. Then, for the switching

combination from groups II and III in Appendix-B, the input phase current space

vector is defined as

( )120 12023

−= + +j ji a b ci i i e i e (2.6)

It is assumed that there are only seven discrete positions in the complex

plane, called the input current switching state vectors (SSVs), as shown in Fig.2.17.

For example, if the switching combination 1 from the sub group II-A in the

(APPENDIX–B) is used, the input phase currents are Ia = IA, Ib = 0 and

Ic = -IA, producing the SSV I1 if IA > 0 and I4 if IA < 0 switching combination 4


produces the same SSVs but for the opposite polarity of IA. The remaining four

SSVs are produced in a similar manner. All the SSVs have the same magnitude,

which from Fig.2.17 is

k o m2I = I3

kє{1,…6} (2.7)

where om AI = i is the maximum output current

Fig. 2.17 Input current SVM

The desired reference current vector is defined as

i inj(ω t-ψ )in imi = I e (2.8)

where Iim is the maximum input current

ψin is the STATCOM side power factor angle

The input current iin can be approximated by adjacent two switching state

vectors, Iγ and Iδ as shown in Fig.2.18.

Fig. 2.18 Current vector in sector 1


The switching combinations from subgroups II-B and II-C produce SSVs in

same positions but with different magnitudes, given by equation (2.7) and by

Iom = ׀iB׀ and Iom = ׀iC׀ respectively. The switching combinations from group III

result in the zero input current SSV I0. The duty cycles of the SSVs are

γγ ai si


T πd = = M sin - θT 3

⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


δδ ai si


Td = = M sinθT


zizi γ δ


Td = = 1 - d - dT


where Mai is the modulation index of the virtual rectifier stage.

ai0 M 1≤ ≤


om L

2IM =3I cosφ

where Lφ is the displacement angle between the output voltage and current

Output Voltage SVM

The output line voltage space vector is defined as

( )j120 j120o AB BC CA

2V V V e V e3

−= + + (2.12)

which assumes seven discrete positions in the complex plane, as shown in Fig. 2.19.

Fig. 2.19 Output voltage SVM


The reference voltage vector is defined as

( )Tj θ + 30o omv = 3 V e



This vo can be approximated by two adjacent switching state vectors, Vα and

Vβ and the zero voltage vector Vz using PWM technique as shown in Fig.2.20.

βα zvo α β z


TT TV = V + V + VT T T

α α β β zv z= d V + d V + d V (2.14)

where Vo is the sampled value of vo at an instant within the switching cycle TS.

The duty cycle of the active switching vectors for the inversion stage Vα and

Vβ are calculated as

α a svπd = M sin - θ3

⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


β a svd = M sinθ (2.16)

where Ma is the modulation index of the inversion stage a0 M 1≤ ≤


im in

2 VM = 3V cosψ

where Vom is the maximum output voltage

Vim is the maximum input voltage

Fig 2.20 Voltage vector in sector 1


A proper balance between the input currents and the output voltages is

obtained in the same switching period. Each switching pattern of the inversion stage

should include both the active sequence of the rectification stage as shown in

Fig.2.21. In the first active portion of the inversion stage, the durations of the

rectification stage active switching vectors are obtained by the following product:

dαγ = dαdγ

dαδ = dα dδ

In second active portion these durations are calculated as follows:

dβγ = dβ dγ

dβδ = dβdδ

Each duty cycle sequence is a result of the product of the rectification and

inversion stage duty cycles. One switching sequence is completed by the zero

vectors with a duty ratio of

( )z αγ αδ βγ βδd = 1- d + d + d + d (2.17)

The duration of each sequence is found by multiplying the corresponding

duty cycle to the switching period.

Fig. 2.21 ISVM switching pattern

Thus in the ISVM method, the four active states and the zero state to be

applied in each PWM period are determined according to the sector in which the

space vectors of output voltage and input current lie. In order to reduce harmonic

distortion, duty cycles are symmetrically distributed round the zero state duty cycle


as shown in this figure. The train of pulses obtained using ISVM is shown in


Fig. 2.22 ISVM pulses applied to the matrix converter

2.4.2 Control Scheme of MC based UPFC

The closed loop control scheme shown in Fig.2.23 is an integral part of the

matrix converter present in the UPFC to operate the STATCOM part of the UPFC in

improving the power factor and SSSC part to enhance the power flow over the line.

A single closed control strategy has been used for controlling both the input current

displacement angle as well as the series injected voltage, thereby controlling the

power flow. The references derived separately from the STATCOM and SSSC parts

of the UPFC are combined in the ISVM pulse generator. The ISVM pulse generator

in turn generates appropriate control pulses for the matrix converter switches.

The SSSC control is similar to that described in section 2.3.2.

The parameters of the PI controllers are given in Table 2.3. In the shunt control, in

order to achieve unity power factor the real and reactive power components of the

current must be controlled independently. The real and reactive current references


are derived from the instantaneous real and reactive power flow over the line. The

instantaneous real and reactive power can be written in terms of d-q quantities as

( )d d q q3P = V I + V I2


( )d q q d3Q = V I - V I2


From equations (2.18 and 2.19) the real and reactive current references are

derived as follows

ref d ref q*d 2 2

d q

P V + Q V2I = 3 V + V⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


ref q ref d*q 2 2

d q

P V + Q V2I = 3 V + V⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


where Pref is the real power reference

Qref is the reactive power reference

Fig. 2.23 Closed loop control scheme of UPFC with MC

The reactive power reference Qref is set to 0 in order to achieve unity power factor. The derived two phase current commands are converted into three phase quantities using dq-abc transformation. These three phase current references are fed as control signals to the rectifier SVM pulse generator. Similarly the voltage


references derived from series control part are fed to the inverter SVM pulse generator. The MC pulse generator uses the control signals from the rectifier and inverter pulse generators for generating appropriate control signals to the matrix converter switches.

Table 2.3 PI controller parameters of the MC based UPFC

PI Controllers Kp Ki

PI1 20 2

PI2 16 25

2.4.3 Performance Evaluation of the MC based UPFC

The performance of the matrix converter based UPFC is analyzed through MATLAB/Simulink based simulation. The matrix converter output phase and line voltages along with their fundamental components are shown in Figs. 2.24 and 2.25 respectively.

Fig. 2.24 MC output phase voltage with its fundamental


Fig. 2.25 MC output line voltage with its fundamental

The initial load in the system with the ratings of 600 MW, 150 MVAR

connected at load bus B5 through the circuit breaker CB1 is disconnected at time

t = 0.15 s and a second load with ratings of 650 MW, 200 MVAR is connected to

the system. The transmission line current lags the transmission line voltage as

shown in Fig.2.26 in the absence of UPFC. The STATCOM part of the UPFC

maintains the line current almost in phase with the voltage as depicted in Fig.2.27.

This shows that the UPFC performs the role of shunt compensator by either

absorbing or supplying the reactive power for any load variations.

The magnitude of the quadrature voltage injected by the SSSC depending on

the load variations varies as depicted in the Fig.2.28 in order to maintain the real and

reactive power flow over the line to follow the set reference values as shown in



Fig. 2.26 Transmission line current and voltage before compensation

Fig. 2.27 Transmission line current and voltage with shunt compensation


Fig. 2.28 Series injected voltage and transmission line current

Fig. 2.29 Real and reactive power flow over the transmission line with MC

based UPFC



The contribution of this chapter is to propose a novel structure of UPFC to be

connected into the transmission line. Since the cost and space occupied by the dc

link capacitor in the existing UPFC structure are quite large the proposed schemes

eliminate the dc link capacitor. With the proposed scheme 1 a noisy dc link

performance is obtained in the dc link, which is due to the lack of dc capacitor. To

reduce this problem space vector modulation technique is employed for the voltage

source inverter present in the SSSC side. Also another scheme of UPFC is proposed

whereby the classical ac/dc and dc/ac converter structure with dc link capacitor is

replaced by a matrix converter. The indirect space vector modulation technique

effectively used to generate the control pulses for the matrix converter switches.

The performance of the proposed schemes has been analyzed with

MATLAB/Simulink assuming that the UPFC is connected with the 230 kV

transmission line of sample power system. The STATCOM offers a good voltage

regulation and the SSSC controls the magnitude and angle of the injected voltage so

as to maintain the real and reactive power flow over the transmission line to follow

the set reference values in spite of variations in the load and the operating

conditions. The proposed schemes of UPFC interfaced in the sample power system

accomplish a similar performance as that of a traditional system.






Static synchronous compensator is a shunt connected reactive power

compensation device that is capable of generating or absorbing reactive power. The

output voltage of the STATCOM is adjusted to control power factor, regulate

voltage, stabilize power flow and improve the dynamic performance of the power

system. The voltage source inverter is an important part in the STATCOM that

generate a fundamental output voltage waveform with demanded magnitude and

phase angle in synchronism with the sinusoidal system which forces the reactive

power exchange required for compensation.

The traditional two-level VSI produces a square wave output as it switches the direct voltage source on and off. However for high voltage applications, a near sinusoidal ac voltage with minimal harmonic distortion is required. Several high power inverter topologies such as multipulse and multilevel inverters have been proposed for the implementation of FACTS devices.

The key problem with the multipulse inverter is the requirement of magnetic interfaces constituted by complex zig-zag phase shifting transformers which tremendously increases the cost of the complete system [57, 61]. However the multipulse inverter doesn’t have complex control and provides lesser THD. MLI is cheaper than MPI, but requires complex control circuit [57, 96] and produces more THD than MPI. Hence in order to obtain an optimal inverter topology, a trade off between the cost and complexity in control is necessary. Therefore a hybrid topology, involving both multipulse and multilevel inverter configurations extracting the advantages of them will be attractive.



In multi-pulse operation, the harmonic content can be significantly reduced

by using several pulses in each half cycle of the output voltage. The 48-pulse

inverter has low harmonic rate on the ac side and can be used for high power

FACTS controllers without ac filters. The 48-pulse inverter is realized by combining

eight 6-pulse voltage source inverters with adequate phase shifts between them. The

configuration of 48-pulse inverter is depicted in the Fig. 3.1 where each of the VSI

output is connected to the phase shifting transformer. Four of them are connected to

a Y-Y transformer and the remaining four to a Δ-Y transformer. The output of the

phase shifting transformers is connected in series to cancel out the lower order


Fig. 3.1 48-pulse voltage source inverter


To create a 48-pulse waveform with a harmonic content in the order of

m = 48r±1, (where r = 0, 1, 2,...) the eight 6- pulse inverter voltages need to be phase

shifted. This is implemented by introducing appropriate phase shift in the phase

shifting transformer and the gate pulse pattern of individual VSI. Table 3.1 shows

the phase displacements applied to the gate pulse pattern of each VSI and the

corresponding phase shifting transformer. Thus a premium quality sinusoidal

voltage is obtained with the 48-pulse inverter configuration as depicted in Fig.3.2.

Table 3.1 Phase displacement for a 48-pulse VSI

Coupling transformer

Gate pulse pattern

Phase shifting transformer

Y-Y +11.25˚ -11.25˚

Δ-Y -18.75˚ -11.25˚

Y-Y -3.75 ˚ +3.75˚

Δ-Y -33.75˚ +3.75˚

Y-Y +3.75˚ -3.75˚

Δ-Y -26.25˚ -3.75˚

Y-Y -11.25˚ +11.25˚

Δ-Y -41.25˚ +11.25˚

Fig. 3.2 48-Pulse inverter output voltage


It is proposed to build up a forty eight pulse inverter topology through the

twenty four pulse configuration in which each individual two level inverters are

converted to 3-level diode clamped structures. This new topology enjoys the benefits

of both the MPI and MLI configurations and is referred as combined multipulse-

multilevel inverter topology. The harmonic performance of this inverter topology is

evaluated through MATLAB based simulation. It establishes that this structure

almost offers the same response as that of a forty eight pulse inverter in respect of

THD. Further the static synchronous compensator operation is realized using the

proposed high performance, reliable, flexible and cost effective inverter topology.

A closed loop controller based on decoupled control strategy is developed for

effectively operating the STATCOM over a wide range of power system operating



The proposed configuration shown in Fig.3.3 is obtained by combining four

three-level diode clamped multilevel inverters with an adequate phase shifts between

them. The voltages generated by each of the three level inverters are applied to the

secondary windings of four different PSTs. Two of them are Y-Y transformers with

a turns ratio of 1:1 and the remaining two are Δ-Y transformers with a turns ratio of 1:√3.

The primary windings of the PSTs are connected in series and the proper pulse pattern as

tabulated in Table 3.2 is maintained so that the fundamental components of the individual

3-level inverters are added in phase on the primary side.

In this configuration the number of PST requirement is reduced to half of

that needed in 48-pusle operation. Though the configuration is similar to a 24-pulse

inverter, it provides very less THD as that of the 48-pulse inverter. This is possible

by selectively eliminating the 23rd and 25th harmonic components through the

appropriate selection of the conduction angle (σ) of the individual three-level

inverter units.


Fig. 3.3 Combined multipulse-multilevel inverter

Table 3.2 Phase displacement for the combined multipulse-multilevel inverter

Coupling transformer

Gate pulse pattern

Phase shifting transformer

Y-Y +7.5˚ -7.5˚ Δ-Y -22.5˚ -7.5˚ Y-Y -7.5˚ +7.5˚ Δ-Y -37.5˚ +7.5˚

Each unit in the proposed structure is a diode clamped three-level inverter

configuration as shown in Fig.3.4. The dc-bus voltage is split into three levels by

two series connected bulk capacitors, C1 and C2. The output voltage van has three

states namely Vdc/2, 0 and –Vdc/2 when the switch pairs S1 & S2, S2 & S1′ and

S1′ & S2′ are switched ON respectively. In general the conduction angle σ of the

three level inverter is chosen as

1σ = 180° 1 - m

⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


where m is the harmonic component which is to be eliminated.


Fig. 3.4 Diode clamped 3-level inverter

3.3.1 Harmonic Analysis

The phase-to-phase voltage and the phase-to-neutral voltage of a single three

level diode clamped multilevel inverter with conduction angle σ are described in

Fig. 3.5.

Fig. 3.5 Phase and line voltages of diode clamped 3-level inverter


Carrying out the Fourier analysis of the inverter output voltage, the

instantaneous phase-to-neutral voltage is expressed as:

( )man anv t = V sin mωt


∞∑ (3.2)

where m


2VV =

π - σcos m2

⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


Similarly the instantaneous phase-to-phase voltage is expressed as

( )ab abm

πv t = V sin mωt + m6m=1

∞ ⎛ ⎞∑ ⎜ ⎟

⎝ ⎠ (3.4)

where DCab m

4 V mσ mπV = sin cosmπ 2 6


The voltages vbc(t) and vca(t) exhibit a similar pattern except that they are

phase shifted by 120° and 240° respectively. Similarly the phase voltages vbn(t) and

vcn(t) are also phase shifted by 120° and 240° respectively. It contains only odd

harmonics in the order of 6r±1, where r is a numeral can assume values 1, 2, 3,…..

In general star and delta connected windings have a relative phase shift of

30° and the three-level inverters connected to each of these Y and Δ transformers

will give an overall 12-pulse operation and offers a better harmonic performance.

The output voltage will have a twelve pulse waveform, with harmonics of the order

of 12r±1. Thus the twelve pulse inverter will have 11th, 13th, 23rd, 25th,…..

harmonics with amplitudes of 1/11th, 1/13th, 1/23rd, 1/25th,…… respectively of the

fundamental ac voltage.

The relationship between the phase-to-phase voltage and the phase-to-neutral

voltage is expressed as:

( )mm

rab anv = -1 3 v (3.6)

For obtaining 12-pulse inverter the VSI1 output is connected to a Y-Y

transformer with a 1:1 turn ratio, and the line to neutral voltage using equation (3.6)

can be expressed as:


( )( )

abman r1

V1v t = sin mωt3 m=1 -1

∞∑ (3.7)

m = 6r ±1, r = 0,1,2,.....∀

If the VSI2 produces phase-to-phase voltages lagging by 30° with respect to

VSI1 and with the same magnitude, it is given by

( )2 mab abv t = V sin mωt


∞∑ (3.8)

If this inverter output is connected to a Δ-Y transformer with a 1:1/√3 turn

ratio, the line-to-neutral voltage in the Y-connected secondary will be

( )manY an2

v t = V sin mωtm=1

∞∑ (3.9)

Therefore line-to-line voltage in the secondary side is

( )mabY an2

mπv t = 3V sin mωt +6m=1

∞ ⎛ ⎞∑ ⎜ ⎟

⎝ ⎠ (3.10)

The 12-pulse inverter output is obtained by adding the equations (3.4)

and (3.10).

( ) ( ) ( )ab ab abY12 2v t = v t + v t (3.11)

( )12mab ab12

mπv t = V sin mωt +6m=1

∞ ⎛ ⎞∑ ⎜ ⎟

⎝ ⎠ (3.12)

m = 12r ±1, r = 0,1,2,......∀

since 12m m m mab ab an ab V = V + 3V = 2V

∴ ( )mab ab12

mπv t = 2 V sin mωt +6m=1

∞ ⎛ ⎞∑ ⎜ ⎟

⎝ ⎠ (3.13)

Similarly two twelve pulse inverters phase shifted by 15° from each other

can provide a 24-pulse inverter, with much lower harmonics in the ac side. The ac

output voltage will have 24r±1 order harmonics, i.e., 23rd, 25th, 47th, 49th,…..


harmonics, with magnitudes of 1/23rd, 1/25th, 1/47th, 1/49th,…. respectively, of the

fundamental ac voltage. Thus the output voltage of twenty four pulse inverter is

obtained as:

( ) ( )24 m

° °ab abv t = 4 V sin mωt + 22.5 m + 7.5 x


∞∑ (3.14)

( ) ( )24 m

° °an ab

4v t = V sin mωt + 22.5 m - 22.5 x3 m=1

∞∑ (3.15)

where x = 1 for positive sequence harmonics

x = -1 for negative sequence harmonics

m = 24r ±1, r = 0,1,2,......∀

In order to eliminate the 23rd and 25th harmonic components, the conduction

angle of the inverter is set to σ = 172.5° by choosing m = 24 in equation (3.1). This

configuration produces almost a near sinusoidal output voltage since the lowest

significant harmonic component is the 47th harmonic.

3.3.2 Harmonic Neutralisation

The magnitude and phase angle of the harmonic components present at the

outputs of the diode clamped multilevel inverters VSI1 to VSI4 are given in

Figs.3.6-3.9 respectively. Since the harmonic components 5, 7, 17, 19, 29, 31, 41,

43… present in adjacent inverters (VSI1 and VSI2, VSI3 and VSI4) are out of phase

and have the same magnitude, they cancel each other. Similarly the harmonic

components 11, 13, 35, 37…present in the adjacent pairs of inverters are also

cancelled. The harmonic components 23, 25, 47, 49… which are in phase in all the

four inverters add up with each other. This results to a 24-pulse inverter with the

harmonic components in the order of 24r±1. Fig.3.10 displays the harmonic

components of the 24-pulse inverters.


Fig. 3.6 Three level VSI1 harmonics

Fig. 3.7 Three level VSI2 harmonics

Fig. 3.8 Three level VSI3 harmonics


Fig. 3.9 Three level VSI4 harmonics

Fig. 3.10 24-pulse inverter harmonics


The combined multipulse multilevel inverter topology is connected in shunt

with the transmission line using a step-down transformer having leakage reactance

XL as shown in Fig.3.11. The ac voltage difference across this transformer leakage

reactance produces reactive power exchange between the inverter and the power

system at the point of common coupling.


Fig. 3.11 Schematic diagram of STATCOM

The magnitude of the inverter output voltage (vs) is controlled to be greater than the voltage (vm) at the PCC in order to operate the inverter in the capacitive mode. In contrast, the magnitude of the output voltage of the inverter is controlled to be less than that of the power system at the PCC when it is desired to absorb the reactive power from the grid [1, 14, 42, 97]. The inverter absorbs a small amount of real power from the ac system to replenish its internal losses and keep the capacitor voltage at the desired level. The losses can be supplied from the ac system by making the output voltage of the inverter lag the ac system voltage by a small

angle φ. This phase difference φ is achieved by adjusting the phase angle of the

sinusoidal modulating signal in SPWM. 3.4.1 STATCOM Model In order to establish the mathematical model of the STATCOM [34, 35, 54, 55] the following assumptions are made:

i) The system parameters and the system voltages are three phase balanced.

ii) All losses in the STATCOM and transformer are represented by an

equivalent resistance R, while the transformer inductance is represented

by an equivalent inductance L.


iii) Harmonics produced by the inverter are negligible. Hence the inverter

can be represented by sinusoidal voltage sources.

Fig.3.12 shows the equivalent circuit of the STATCOM connected to the

power system. The reactive power supplied by the STATCOM is either inductive or

capacitive depending upon the relative magnitude of fundamental component of vs

with respect to vm. If |vm| > |vs|, the VSI draws reactive power from the ac bus

whereas if |vm| < |vs|, it supplies reactive power to the ac system.

Fig. 3.12 Equivalent circuit of STATCOM

The equations governing the instantaneous values of the three phase voltages

across the two sides of STATCOM and the current flowing into it are given by

sa sa ma sa

sbsb mb sb


sc mc sc

di -R i v -v0 0dt L

di -R 1 = 0 0 i + v -vdt L L

-Rdi 0 0 i v -vLdt

⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠


where is is the STATCOM current

Since the system is assumed to be a balanced one, it can be transformed into

a synchronous d-q-o frame by applying Park’s transformation.


sdsd md sd

sqsq mq sq

di -R i v -vω 1dt L= +di -R L-ω i v -v


⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠


where ω is the synchronous angular speed of the network voltage.

The power balance equation between the dc and ac terminals of VSI is

( )dc dc sd sd sq sq3P = V I = V I +V I2


Since PWM technique is used in STATCOM, and all the voltage harmonics

produced by the inverter are neglected, the equation relating the dc side and ac side

can be written as

sd a dcV = kM V cosφ (3.19)

sq a dcV = kM V sinφ (3.20)

where sq-1


V= tan

V⎛ ⎞

φ ⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

is the angle between the inverter voltage and the system


( )2 2

sd sqa


V +VM =

kV is the modulation index of the PWM inverter

k is the ratio between the ac and dc voltage of the inverter

Vdc is the dc voltage

Substituting Vsd and Vsq in equation (3.18)

( )

( )

( )

dc dc a dc sd a dc sq

adc sd sq

dc adc sd sq

3 V I = kM V cos I + kM V sin I23kM

I = I cos + I sin2

dV 3kM = C = I cos + I sin

dt 2

φ φ

∴ φ φ

φ φ

( )dc asd sq


dV 3kM = I cos + I sin

dt 2 C∴ φ φ (3.21)


Using equations (3.17) and (3.21), the complete system equation could be

expressed in matrix form as follows:

sd a sd md

sq asq mq

a adc

dcdc dc

di -kM-R i vω cosdt L Ldi -kM-R 1 = ω sin i + vdt L L L

3kM 3kMdV cos sin 0 V 02C 2Cdt

⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞φ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟φ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟φ φ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠


Using equation (3.17), the reference input to the PWM modulator is derived

as follows

sdsd md sq sd

dIV =V + LωI - RI + L

dt⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


sqsq mq sd sq

dIV =V -LωI - RI + L

dt⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


The equations (3.23) and (3.24) are realized to establish the STATCOM

operation in the closed loop control scheme.


A complete closed loop control scheme for operating the realized

STATCOM in the automatic voltage control mode is shown in Fig.3.13. The shunt

converter either absorbs or injects reactive power with the ac grid so as to maintain

the transmission line voltage to a reference value at the PCC. The

injection/absorption of reactive power using STATCOM requires two control loops

namely the outer voltage control loop and the inner reactive current control loop.

The outer dc voltage controller sets the real current reference for the inner current

controller. The reactive current reference is determined by the ac bus voltage

regulator. In the inner current controller a decoupled current control strategy is

employed in order to independently control the real and reactive power components.


Fig. 3.13 Closed loop control scheme of STATCOM

A phase locked loop is used to determine the instantaneous angle θ of the

three-phase line voltage Vm sensed at bus B2 of Fig.3.11. The three-phase voltages

sensed at B2 and inverter currents are transformed into two-phase quantities using

Park’s transformation, which gives d – q axis voltage and current for the controller.

The d-axis reference current isd* obtained from the dc voltage controller is compared

with the actual d axis current and stabilized through PI controller to get the

equivalent d axis reference voltage. Similarly the actual q axis current iq is

compared with the reference current isq* derived from the ac voltage controller and

the error so obtained is stabilized through another PI controller to get the equivalent

q axis reference voltage. The parameters of these PI controllers are tuned in order to

minimize the integral square error (ISE) and integral time absolute error (ITAE).

The optimal parameters of PI controllers are tabulated in Table 3.3. Further the

equations (3.23) and (3.24) are realized in the inner current control loop in order to

obtain the reference wave for the PWM modulator.


Table 3.3 PI controller parameters of the STATCOM

PI Controllers Kp Ki

PI1 0.8 8

PI2 2.56 9.2

PI3 0.1 40

PI4 0.1 40


The 24-pulse inverter obtained by combining MPI and MLI is simulated

using MATLAB/Simulink to analyze the harmonics in its output voltage. A dc

source of 2000 volts is used at the input side. The load is a star connected RL load of

10 ohm resistance and 0.1 H inductance connected in series. In order to reduce the

magnitude of 23rd and 25th harmonics the conduction angle of the inverter is set to

σ = 172.5°. The output voltage expressions derived for the 24-pulse inverter are

validated with simulated results and are highlighted in Table 3.4. The combined

multipulse-multilevel inverter configuration produces almost a near sinusoidal

output voltage with a total harmonic distortion of about 3.81% as depicted in


Table 3.4 Comparison of analytical and simulated results of the combined


Peak output voltage (volts) Significant Harmonics

Analytical Simulation 23rd 25.095 25.21

25th 23.087 24.27

47th 187.36 189.56

49th 179.715 183.02


a) Output voltage

b) THD

Fig. 3.14 Multipulse-multilevel inverter output voltage and its THD

The same 24-pulse inverter is used to realize the static synchronous

compensator connected to the sample power system described in Fig.3.11. The

steady state and transient response of the system is evaluated through simulation.

3.6.1 Steady State Response

The initial load in the system is with the ratings of P = 300 MW,

QL = 150 MVAR connected at load bus B3 through the circuit breaker CB1.

The transmission line current lags the voltage by 60° as seen in Fig. 3.15 before

t = 0.4 s resulting in a power factor of 0.5 lag and the bus voltage magnitude is at

0.975 pu as the STATCOM is inactive.


Fig. 3.15 Transmission line current and voltage with and without STATCOM

At t = 0.4 s, the static synchronous compensator, in the capacitive mode is

connected to the power system network by switching on the circuit breaker CB3. The

STATCOM controller increases the modulation index from 0.74 to 0.778 as shown

in Fig.3.16 in order to increase the voltage magnitude to be higher than the bus

voltage magnitude which enables the injection of 0.24 pu of reactive power into the

ac power system as shown in Fig.3.17.

Fig. 3.16 Variation of modulation index – single load


Fig. 3.17 Reactive power injected by the STATCOM – single load

The d-q components of the STATCOM current are shown in Fig.3.18. It draws a

very small amount of real power from the network to compensate for the losses in the

inverter switches and coupling transformer and maintain the dc link voltage constant. This

is apparent from the id component of current depicted in Fig. 3.18.

Fig. 3.18 d-q components of STATCOM current – single load


The dc link voltage is maintained constant at the desired set reference value

as shown in Fig.3.19. It is observed from the Fig.3.20 that the ac terminal voltage

settles to 1 pu. The phase difference between the transmission line current and the

voltage is reduced to 14.5° as described in Fig.3.15 which improves the power factor

of the line from 0.5 lag to 0.968 lag.

Fig. 3.19 DC side voltage of the inverter – single load

Fig. 3.20 Transmission line voltage – single load


3.6.2 Transient Response of the STATCOM under Variable Load

Figs.3.21-3.27 demonstrate the response of the STATCOM when load

variations are introduced at t = 0.4 s and t = 0.6 s respectively. Initially the inductive

Load (P = 300 MW, QL = 150 MVAR) is connected to the bus system through the

circuit breaker CB1. The bus voltage magnitude is 0.975 pu and the phase lag is 60°.

When the STATCOM is switched on at t = 0.2 s, it injects reactive power to the

system thereby increasing the bus voltage magnitude to 0.999 pu and reducing the

power factor to 0.968 lag (φ = 14.5° lag).

An additional inductive load of P = 300 MW, QL = 180 MVAR (Load 2) is

added to the power system at t = 0.4 s by switching ON the circuit breaker CB2. The

new inductive load connected to the bus system requires further reactive power

compensation. Therefore the STATCOM controller increases the modulation index

from 0.778 to 0.83 as shown in Fig.3.21 which provides a total reactive power

injection to 0.49 pu as seen in Fig.3.22. The corresponding variations in the d-q

components of the STATCOM current are clearly depicted in the Fig.3.23. In order

to maintain the dc link voltage to the desired reference value it draws still more real

power from the network and this result an increase in id component of STATCOM


Fig. 3.21 Variation of modulation index under varying load


Fig. 3.22 Reactive power injected by the STATCOM under varying load

Fig. 3.23 d-q components of STATCOM current under varying load


The bus voltage is regulated to 1.002 pu as in Fig.3.24 and the phase angle is

corrected to 15° lag which leads to a power factor of 0.9659 lag. Thus the line

current is almost in phase with the voltage as depicted in Fig.3.25. The phase angle

difference between the line current and voltage is separately highlighted in Fig.3.26.

Fig. 3.24 Transmission line voltage under varying load

Fig. 3.25 Transmission line voltage and current under varying load


Fig. 3.26 Variation of phase angle between the line current and voltage

At t = 0.6 s Load 2 is withdrawn and a capacitive load of P = 300 MW and

QC = 100 MVAR (Load 3) is added to the network in addition to Load 1. Hence

STATCOM injects relatively less amount of reactive power and regulates the bus

voltage to 1.002 pu. The corresponding variations in id and iq are clearly elucidated

in the simulation results. It is evident from Fig.3.27 that the dc link voltage is

maintained constant at the desired set reference value over a wide range of load. The

results are summarized in Table 3.5.

Fig. 3.27 DC side voltage of the inverter under varying load


Table 3.5 Dynamic response of STATCOM for load variations

Duration (s)

STATCOM Load Modulation Index (Ma)

Injected Reactive Power,

Qinj (pu)

φ (lag) Bus

Voltage (pu)

0 – 0.2 Not Connected

P = 300MW QL = 150MVAR - - 60° 0.975

0.2-0.4 Connected P = 300MW QL = 150MVAR 0.778 0.24 14.5° 0.999

0.4-0.6 Connected

P = 300MW QL = 150MVAR P = 300MW QL = 180MVAR

0.83 0.49 15.1° 1.002

0.6-0.8 Connected

P = 300MW QL = 150MVAR P = 300MW QC = 100MVAR

0.76 0.13 15.5° 1.002

It is seen from the Fig.3.25 that there is a dip in the supply voltage and the supply currents are lagging. However when the STATCOM is connected to the power system a uniform voltage profile is maintained and the three phase supply currents are almost in phase with the supply voltage under varying load. Hence it is observed from the simulation results that the STATCOM plays a vital role in improving the power factor and regulating the bus voltage. 3.7 SUMMARY A combined multipulse-multilevel inverter topology suitable for high power applications has been proposed. The pulse pattern and the phase shifting transformer arrangement for harmonic neutralization have been discussed in detail. The analytic expressions for the proposed inverter topology are derived using Fourier series and found to closely agree with the simulated results. This new inverter configuration produces almost three phase sinusoidal voltage and maintains THD well below 4%. It has been used to realize the operation of STATCOM and its performance is evaluated through simulation. The closed loop controller based on decoupled control strategy has been developed and found to be effective over a wide range of power system operating conditions.






The power flow through a transmission line is a function of line impedance,

voltage magnitude and its phase angle. The most effective way to externally

manipulate such a power flow is by injecting some form of additional series

reactance or acting upon the transmission angle. The former is generally known as

series compensation. The first attempts at series compensation were carried out by

inserting fixed capacitance in series with the line in order to decrease the effective

impedance of the line and therefore increase the power flow through it. The

development of power semiconductor devices has allowed the use of thyristors to

control the series capacitors and inductors for performing continuous control [1].

In addition modern switching devices with turn off capability have led to the

development of voltage source inverters suitable for injecting quadrature voltage in

series with the line, allowing power flow control. This voltage source inverter based

series compensator is one of the FACTS controllers and is referred as static

synchronous series compensator.

In this chapter SSSC is realized using the combined multipulse-multilevel

inverter topology proposed in chapter 3. A closed loop control scheme is developed

to determine the magnitude and appropriate angle at which the voltage is to be

injected and there from control the power flow through the line. The PI regulators

suffer from the inadequacies of providing suitable control under parameter

variations, non-linearity and load disturbances over a wide range of power system

operating conditions. The fuzzy-logic approach [98], on the other hand, provides a


model free approach and is suggested for the closed loop control with the view to

enhance the performance of SSSC fed transmission line. The scope includes

evaluating its performance in the automatic power flow control mode through

MATLAB based simulation.


The static synchronous series compensator is a synchronous voltage source

capable of generating ac voltage of controllable magnitude and phase angle. It

emulates an equivalent inductive or capacitive reactance through a series injection of

voltage, in quadrature with the transmission line current [1, 17, 18]. It serves to

enhance the power flow over the line and accomplish the desired reactive power

compensation. The basic schematic diagram of the static synchronous series

compensator with its test system [89] is shown in Fig.4.1. The specifications of

the test system are given in APPENDIX - C.

Fig. 4.1 230kV sample power system

The sample power system is a 230 kV network equipped with the SSSC

connected in series with the transmission system via series coupling transformer.

The feeding network is represented by a Thevenin’s equivalent circuit at bus B1

where the voltage source is 230 kV with a short circuit power level of 10,000 MVA.


The SSSC is placed between two sections B1 and B2 of the transmission line as

shown in this figure. SSSC is rated at ±70 Mvar to provide the required dynamic

series compensation. The compensator is equipped with a combined multipulse-

multilevel inverter, which has the highest performance in providing a nearly

sinusoidal waveform with extremely less total harmonic distortion.


The main function of the static synchronous series compensator is to

dynamically control the power flow over the transmission line. This is possible by

operating the SSSC in the automatic power flow control mode, line impedance

compensation mode, direct voltage injection mode or phase angle regulation

mode [1, 55, 56]. However, the line impedance and automatic power flow modes

are widely employed wherever series compensation is desired. The control scheme

proposed by Anil C. Pradhan and P.W. Lehn [55] is based on the line impedance

control mode in which the SSSC compensating voltage is derived by multiplying the

current amplitude with the desired compensating reactance Xqref. Since it is difficult

to predict Xqref under varying network contingencies, in the proposed scheme, this

controller is modified to operate the static synchronous series compensator in the

automatic power flow control mode.

In this mode the reference input to the controller are Pref and Qref, which are

to be maintained in the transmission line despite of system changes. The

instantaneous real and reactive powers over the transmission line, derived from the

instantaneous power theory [99] is given by

d q d

q d q

V V IP 3 = -V V IQ 2⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟

⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ (4.1)

where P is the instantaneous real power flow over the transmission line

Q is the instantaneous reactive power flow over the transmission line

Vd and Vq are the direct and quadrature components of the transmission line

voltage respectively.


Id and Iq are the direct and quadrature components of the transmission line

current respectively.

4.3.1 Fuzzy Logic Controller

The SSSC target is to stabilize the power flow over the transmission line

where it is installed, by properly injecting a quadrature voltage of specified

magnitude and phase angle. The scheme of the fuzzy logic controller is shown in the

Fig.4.2. Two input variables namely the active and reactive power deviations are

given as inputs to the FLC. The controller variables i.e., the output of the FLC is the

required modulation index Ma and the angle β.

Fig. 4.2 Scheme of FLC

Two trapezoidal and five triangular membership functions are chosen for

both input and output variables. There are seven linguistic variables for each input

variable and output variable namely positive large (PL), positive medium (PM),

positive small (PS), zero (Z), negative small (NS), negative medium (NM) and

negative large (NL). The membership functions are asymmetrical because near the

origin, the signals require more precision. The adopted membership functions for the

active power deviation and reactive power deviation are depicted in Figs. 4.3 and 4.4



Fig. 4.3 Adopted membership functions for active power deviation

Fig. 4.4 Adopted membership functions for reactive power deviation


The control decisions are made on the basis of fuzzified linguistic variables.

There are 49 (7×7) rules for a system with two control variables and seven linguistic

variables as seen in Table 4.1. The min-max inference is applied to determine the

degree of memberships for output variables. Defuzzification of fuzzy decision

inferred from the fired rules is done using bisector method.

Table 4.1 Rule table











in e



4.3.2 Closed Loop Control

In the closed loop control scheme shown in Fig.4.5, the three phase voltages

and currents sensed at B2 of transmission line (Fig.4.1) are transformed into

two-phase quantities using Park’s transformation, which gives d-q axis currents and

voltages for the controller. The actual real and reactive powers are calculated from

these d-q components of currents and voltages, using equation (4.1) and compared

with the desired Pref and Qref respectively. The error components Perr and Qerr so

obtained are stabilized through the fuzzy logic controller. The desired modulation

index Ma of the PWM modulator is derived from the active power control part of the

circuit. The reference angle θT to the PWM modulator is obtained as described in the

phasor diagram [55] of Fig.4.6.


Fig. 4.5 SSSC closed loop control

Fig. 4.6 Phasor diagram of the controller


A phase locked loop is used to determine the instantaneous angle θ of the three

phase voltage vabc sensed at B2 (Fig.4.1). The current components Id and Iq are used to

determine the amplitude of the current⏐I⏐and its angle relative to vabc, called θir.

The required SSSC injected voltage angle is derived as follows:

T irπθ = θ - θ β2

± ± (4.2)

where θ is the instantaneous angle of the line voltage

θir is the angle between the line voltage and line current

β is the small perturbation added to the inverter voltage angle needed to

charge or discharge the capacitor voltage

The angle ±π/2 is included in (4.2), to enable the quadrature injection of

voltage with respect to line current. The angle β is derived from the reactive power

control part of the circuit. Using the modulation index Ma and the angle θT, the three

phase reference values of the injected voltage are expressed as *

Ta a T*

Tb a T*

Tc a T

V = M sinθ

V = M sin(θ + 2π 3)

V = M sin(θ -2π 3)


where VT is the quadrature voltage injected in series with the line current.

These reference waveforms are used in the PWM modulator to generate the

control pulses for the inverter switches.


The performance of SSSC is evaluated through MATLAB based simulation,

when it is operated in the automatic power flow control mode.

4.4.1 Steady State Response of SSSC

The initial load in the system is Load 1 with the ratings of P = 300 MW, Q = 100 MVAR connected at load bus B3 through the circuit breaker CB1. In order to


maintain the active and reactive powers over the line to the set reference values, the closed loop controller generates a modulating reference waveform with a modulation index of

0.65 and reference angle 148° as depicted in Figs.4.7 and 4.8. This enables the SSSC to inject a quadrature voltage as shown in Fig.4.9. Since the injected voltage is lagging the line current; emulates capacitive reactance thereby maintaining the power flow over the line to the set reference value as described in Fig.4.10.

Fig. 4.7 Modulation index for the PWM modulator – single load

Fig. 4.8 Reference angle for the PWM modulator – single load


Fig. 4.9 SSSC injected voltage and transmission line current – single load

Fig. 4.10 Real and reactive power flow over the line – single load


4.4.2 Transient Response of SSC under Variable Load

The various transient disturbances due to faults and load variations are created to

study the performance of the fuzzy logic controller for SSSC. The initial load in the

system is Load 1 with the ratings of P = 350 MW, Q = 75 MVAR and is disconnected at

time t = 0.3 s and Load 2 with ratings of P = 400 MW, QL = 100 MVAR is connected to

the system. The transmission line current is lagging the line voltage by an angle θir as

shown in Fig.4.11. The phase angle difference between the line current and voltage is

separately highlighted in Fig.4.12. Based on the angle θir and the amount of desired real

and reactive power flow over the transmission line, the closed loop controller generates a

modulating reference waveform to the PWM modulator. The variations of the modulation

index (Ma) and the reference angle (θT) of the PWM modulator are depicted in Figs.4.13

and 4.14 respectively for the load variation given at t = 0.3 s.

Fig. 4.11Transmission line voltage and current under varying load


Fig. 4.12 Phase angle between line current and voltage

Fig. 4.13 Modulation index under varying load


Fig. 4.14 Reference angle for the PWM modulator under varying load

Using the reference angle and modulation index the voltage source inverter

generates voltage of desired magnitude and phase angle, and is injected in series

with the transmission line as shown in Fig.4.15. This series injected voltage lags the

line current by an angle (δ) less than 90˚ as described in Fig.4.16 and thereby

provides capacitive compensation.

The series injected voltage with desired magnitude and angle enables the

active and reactive power of the transmission line to track the set reference values

namely Pref = 0.6 pu and Qref = 0.25 pu irrespective of load variations as depicted in

Fig.4.17. However with PI controller for the same load variation given at t = 0.3 s,

the real and reactive power do not follow the set reference values. The real power

reduces to 0.55 pu and reactive power enhances to 0.27 pu as shown in the Fig.4.18.

This proves the robustness of the fuzzy logic controller over the conventional

PI controller.


Fig. 4.15 SSSC injected voltage and transmission line current under varying load

Fig. 4.16 Phase angle between the line current and injected voltage


Fig. 4.17 Real and reactive power flow over the line with FLC

Fig. 4.18 Real and reactive power flow over the line with PI controller


In addition the system performance is evaluated when a three phase fault is

applied at t = 0.3 s and cleared at t = 0.35 s as described in Fig.4.19. P and Q of the

transmission line settle to the reference values within a small interval of time after the fault

is cleared and this proves the transient stability of the proposed FLC for SSSC.

Fig. 4.19 Real and reactive power flow over the line for a three phase fault


A combined multipulse-multilevel inverter has been operated suitably to depict the

behaviour of SSSC. A closed loop fuzzy logic control scheme has been developed

for operating the SSSC in the automatic power flow control mode. The parameters

of the fuzzy controller have been varied widely by a suitable choice of membership

functions and parameters in the rule base.

It is inferred from the results that the FLC is a viable controller for the SSSC

in order to maintain the real and reactive power flow over the transmission line to

follow the set reference values under a variety of transient disturbances including

high and low load conditions.





The industrial growth of a nation necessitates an urgent need for higher

exchange of electrical energy through the existing transmission lines. The

transmission lines are therefore expected to be operated at their maximum capacity.

Efforts are necessary to raise and control the power flow in the system without

losing its reliability. The traditional power flow algorithms appear to be inadequate

to meet the growing challenges and bring out the need for improved strategies.

The growth of solid state technology along with the development of fast

acting switches has paved the way for the era of power electronic based

compensators known as FACTS. The objective of these devices is to provide

reactive shunt compensation in a transmission system with a view to increase the

transmittable power capability from generation to the load, which serves to improve

the steady state characteristics as well as the stability of the system.

A UPFC constituted using two power electronic converters namely a series

converter and a shunt converter cascaded through a common dc link can be operated

as a power flow controller, a voltage regulator or a phase shifter depending upon the

adopted control strategy. The computation and control of power flow for system

embedded with UPFC is a significant requirement in the present day automated

world [81] to provide a scope for effective planning and operation.

It is acknowledged that the system output voltage deteriorates primarily due

to the inability of the system to supply adequate reactive power. Besides, it further


limits the power transfer capability and more often does not meet the demand.

Therefore there is a definite need to develop methods that serve to enhance the

voltage magnitude and increase the allowable flow of power through the line. It is in

this context an algorithm is developed using UPFC and evaluated through a standard

IEEE 30-bus system.


The UPFC injection model is derived enabling three parameters to be

simultaneously controlled. They are namely the shunt reactive power Qinj, the

magnitude VT, and the angle θT of the injected series voltage. Fig.5.1 shows the

model of a UPFC connected to link k-m of an N-Bus power system. The

STATCOM is assumed to operate in the voltage control mode which means that the

STATCOM absorbs proper amount of reactive power from the power system to

keep kV constant for all power system loading within reasonable range. The SSSC

is operated in automatic power flow control mode and modelled as voltage source

VT with adjustable magnitude and angle θT with impedance Zse. Hence the

admittance matrix of the system is modified to include the series source impedance.

This is done by changing the line impedance between bus k and bus m such that

( ) ( )km se seZ R R j X X= + + +

and hence km km kmkm

1Y G jBZ

= = +

Fig. 5.1 Circuit model of UPFC


The power flow equations for all the nodes in the system with UPFC in

place, are the same as those of the system without UPFC except for buses k and m,

which are as follows N

k km k j kj k j kjj=1

P =P V V Y cos (δ -δ -θ )+∑ (5.1)


k km k j kj k j kjj=1

Q =Q V V Y sin (δ -δ -θ )+∑ (5.2)


m mk m j mj m j kjj=1

P =P V V Y cos (δ -δ -θ )+∑ (5.3)


m mk m j mj m j mjj=1

Q =Q V V Y sin (δ -δ -θ )+∑ (5.4)

The network equations (5.1-5.4) are rewritten, incorporating the influence of

UPFC as: 2

km km k k T km k T km

k m km k m km

P =G V V V Y cos (δ - -θ )

- V V Y cos (δ - -θ )

+ θ

δ (5.5)

2km k sh km k k T km k T km

k m km k m km

Q = V I -B V V V Y sin (δ - -θ )

- V V Y sin (δ - -θ )

+ θ

δ (5.6)

2mk km m m T km m T km

m k km m k km

P =G V - V V Y cos (δ - -θ )

- V V Y cos (δ - -θ )


δ (5.7)


mk km m m k km m k km

m T km m T km

Q =-B V - V V Y sin (δ - -θ )

- V V Y sin (δ - -θ )


θ (5.8)

The linearised Jacobian equation is

1 2

3 4



ΔδΔ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ΔΔ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠


where spec calP P PΔ = −

spec calQ Q QΔ = −

ΔP and ΔQ are the real and reactive power mismatches


Δδ and Δ׀V׀ are the errors in phase angles and magnitudes of the voltage to

be minimized.

J1-J4 are the partial derivatives of ΔP and ΔQ with respect to Δδ and ΔV


The equations (5.5-5.8) are inserted in the above equation as follows

old new



Δδ ΔδΔ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟= +⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟Δ ΔΔ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠


where Jold is the normal N-R power flow Jacobian matrix.

Jnew is the partial derivative matrix of the UPFC injected power with respect

to the variables.

The elements of Jnew are described below:

kmk T km k T km


k m km k m km

PV V Y sin (δ - -θ )

+ V V Y sin (δ - -θ )

∂= − θ




kmk m km k m km


P V V Y sin (δ - -θ )∂= − δ

∂δ (5.12)

kmkm k T km k T km


m km k m km

P = 2G V V Y cos (δ - -θ )


- V Y cos (δ - -θ )

∂+ θ



kmk km k m km


P = - V Y cos (δ - -θ )V


∂ (5.14)


k T km k T kmk

k m km k m km

QV V Y cos (δ - -θ )

- V V Y cos (δ - -θ )

∂= θ




kmk m km k m km


Q V V Y cos (δ - -θ )∂= δ

∂δ (5.16)


kmsh km k T km k T km


m km k m km

Q = I -2B V V Y sin (δ - -θ )


- V Y sin (δ - -θ )

∂+ θ



kmk km k m km


Q = - V Y sin (δ - -θ )V


∂ (5.18)

mkm k km m k km


P V V Y sin (δ - -θ )∂= − δ

∂δ (5.19)

mkm k km m k km


m T km m T km

PV V Y sin (δ - -θ )

V V Y sin (δ - -θ )

∂= δ


+ θ


mkm km m k km


P = - V Y cos (δ - -θ )V


∂ (5.21)

mkk km m k km


m T km m T km

P = - V Y cos (δ - -θ )


- V V Y cos (δ - -θ )




mkm k km m k km


Q = V V Y cos (δ - -θ )∂δ

∂δ (5.23)

mkm k km m k km


m T km m T km

Q- V V Y cos (δ - -θ )

- V V Y cos (δ - -θ )

∂= δ




mkm km m k km


Q = - V Y sin (δ - -θ )V


∂ (5.25)


km m k km m k kmm

T km m T km

Q-2B V V Y sin (δ - -θ )


- V Y sin (δ - -θ )

∂= − δ



With the help of equations (5.11 – 5.26) the power flow Jacobian matrix is

modified and the power flow solution is obtained using N-R method. The flowchart

of the proposed power flow algorithm is shown in Fig.5.2.


Fig. 5.2 Flowchart of the power flow algorithm

5.2.1 Line Identification

It is essential to locate the UPFC optimally in a power system. The optimal

placement of UPFC in the transmission system is determined using the performance

index (PI) given in the equation (5.27).





S =

S⎛ ⎞⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


where Si-j is the apparent power flow in the line i-j.

Si-jmax is the maximum rated capacity of the line i-j.


n is the exponent and taken as 1.

Wm is a real nonnegative weighing coefficient.

PI is small when the line flows are within their limits and attains a high value

when there are overloads [100]. Thus it provides a good measure of severity of the

line overloads for a given state of the power system.


The feasibility of the proposed technique is investigated by conducting

power flow studies on IEEE 30-bus system [101]. The system data are given in

APPENDIX – D. The value of PI is determined from the equation (5.27) using the

power flows and de-rated limits of the transmission lines. The branches ranked

according to their corresponding PI values, are tabulated in the Table5.1*.

Table 5.1 Ranking of branches for IEEE 30-bus system

Rank Line Number Between Buses PI 1 33 24-25 0.0053 2 20 14-15 0.0072

3 39 29-30 0.0104

4 40 8-28 0.0140

5 35 25-27 0.0142

6 22 15-18 0.0176

7 32 23-24 0.0181

8 11 6-9 0.0209

9 26 10-17 0.0220

10 36 28-27 0.0320

11 17 12-14 0.0347

12 34 25-26 0.0354

13 12 6-10 0.0366 * Remaining branches which have higher PI value are not tabulated


It is evident that the UPFC can be operated in different modes to suit specific

requirements. The structure of UPFC can be tailor made to function in different

constituent entities, without in any way affecting the operation of the system. It can

be either independently operated as STATCOM/SSSC or made to function in a

combined STATCOM/SSSC form. The various modes of operation are:

Case I: Power flow control mode (STATCOM disabled and SSSC enabled)

Case II: Voltage control mode (STATCOM enabled and SSSC disabled)

Case III: Simultaneous control of voltage and power flow (both STATCOM

and SSSC enabled).

5.3.1 Case I: Power Flow Control Mode

The objective of UPFC when operated in SSSC mode is to control the active

power flow between two buses. Table 5.1 shows that the line 33 between buses 24

and 25 is less loaded and hence has the least performance index. The line 33 is

chosen as the best location to place the UPFC when it is operated in the power flow

control mode (STATCOM disabled) for active power enhancement. Uncompensated

real and reactive power flow on line L-33 are 1.543 MW and 0.572 MVAR

respectively, while the total real and reactive transmission losses are 7.616 MW

and -17.125 MVAR respectively.

When the UPFC is incorporated in L-33, the total power loss of the system is

reduced to 6.237 MW i.e. reduced approximately by 18%. Fig. 5.3 shows the real

power regulation of line L-33 against variations in the series injected voltage and its

angle for a fixed value of Ish = 0 (STATCOM inhibited). The series injected voltage

is varied in a rotational manner having constant magnitude VT = 0.03 pu and varying

the angle Tθ between 0° and 360°. Upon completion of a full circle of the angle Tθ ,

the magnitude VT is changed in steps of 0.01pu up to 0.1pu.


Fig. 5.3 Power flow over the line L-33

The power flow in the line is 1.543 MW without UPFC. By inserting

maximum value of the magnitude VT (0.1pu), the active power can be increased to

2.762 MW, if the angle Tθ is appropriately adjusted. The maximum active power

flow condition occurs at around 86°. Fig. 5.4a) depicts the active power flow over

each line of the bus system under consideration with and without the UPFC. It is

seen that the real power is significantly improved in the line L-33 since the UPFC is

connected to that line along with enhancement in some other lines. The enhancement

of power flow in the line L-33 is separately highlighted in the Fig. 5.4b). These

results are obtained over a small variation of bus voltages.


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45








Line Number




er fl

ow (M


Without UPFCWith UPFC

Fig. 5.4a) Active power flow in 30-Bus system with and without UPFC – PFC mode

Fig. 5.4b) Active power flow in L-33 with and without UPFC – PFC mode


5.3.2 Case II: Voltage Control Mode

The focus of UPFC when operated in STATCOM mode is to regulate the bus

voltage under light and heavy load conditions. To identify the location of UPFC

when operated in voltage control mode (SSSC disabled), apart from PI calculations

the buses having voltage profile out of acceptable limits (0.95 pu < VB < 1.05 pu)

need to be considered. The voltage of the load bus 12 shoots up to 1.062 pu without

FACTS device and it is desired to regulate the voltage of bus 12 at 1.00 pu under all

operating conditions. Hence the developed UPFC model (with SSSC disabled) is

incorporated in the Line 17 between bus 12 and bus 14. The voltage of the bus 12 is

reduced from 1.06 pu to 1.0 pu, which is 5.6% drop after incorporating the FACTS

device. The shunt compensator absorbs an inductive current of 0.24 pu.

The voltage profile of the load buses with and without UPFC is shown in

Fig.5.5. The voltages at the load buses 9 and 12 were out of acceptable

limits (>1.05 pu) without UPFC and are regulated nearer to unity with the UPFC

installed along with a noticeable regulation in most of the load buses.

0 5 10 15 20 25 300.8








Bus Number

Without UPFCWith UPFC

Fig. 5.5 Bus voltage at each load bus of IEEE 30-Bus system with and without

UPFC – VC mode


5.3.3 Case III: Simultaneous Control of Voltage and Power Flow

The best location for UPFC when operated in both voltage control mode and

power flow control mode is in the line 20 between the buses 14 and 15. Because the

line 14-15 (L-20) is less loaded, it has relatively lesser performance index and the

corresponding bus voltages shoot up.

Uncompensated real and reactive power flow in the line L-20 are1.835 MW

and 0.549 MVAR respectively, while the total real and reactive transmission losses

are 7.616 MW and -17.125 MVAR respectively. When UPFC is incorporated in

L-20, the total power loss of the system is reduced to 5.812 MW ie reduced

approximately by 24%. The UPFC injects a voltage of 0.1 pu at an angle of 86° and

absorbs inductive current of 0.132 pu.

Fig. 5.6a) depicts the active power flow over each line of the bus system

under consideration with and without UPFC. It is seen that the real power is

enhanced in most of the lines and the enhancement is significant in the line L-20

since UPFC is connected to that line. The enhancement of power flow in the line

L-20 is separately highlighted in the Fig. 5.6b).

The voltage profile of the load buses with and without UPFC is shown in

Fig.5.7. The voltage of the bus 14 is reduced from 1.047 pu to 1.035 pu and that of

15 is reduced from 1.042 pu to 1.0277 pu, after incorporating the FACTS device.

The voltages at the load buses 9 and 12 are out of acceptable limits (>1.05 pu)

without UPFC. By incorporating UPFC in L-20, these bus voltages are regulated

closer to acceptable limits along with a noticeable regulation in most of the load

buses. The shunt compensator absorbs an inductive current of 0.132 pu.


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45








Line Number




er fl

ow (M


Without UPFCWith UPFC

Fig. 5.6a) Active power flow in 30-Bus system with and without UPFC – PFC

and VC mode

Fig. 5.6b) Active power flow in L-20 with and without UPFC – PFC and VC mode


Fig. 5.7 Bus voltage at each load bus of 30-bus system with and without

UPFC – PFC and VC mode


An important benefit achieved with the installation of UPFC is the

enhancement of power transmission capacity of the line which ultimately reduces

the line losses. The benefits of operating the UPFC in a particular mode of operation

is analysed using the line loss reduction index (LLRI). The LLRI quantifies the

improvement in the reduction of line losses [102] with the inclusion of UPFC. The

line loss reduction index is defined as the ratio of the total line losses in the system

with FACTS device to the total line losses in the system without FACTS device and

it is expressed as:





where LLW/F is the total line losses in the system after incorporation of FACTS device

LLWO/F is the total line losses in the system without FACTS device.


Based on the above definition, the following attributes are considered:

LLRI < 1: FACTS device has reduced line losses

LLRI = 1: FACTS device has no impact on system line losses

LLRI > 1: FACTS device is not beneficial.

The reduction in line losses is evident after connecting FACTS device which

is depicted in Table 5.2. It indicates the reduction in line losses with the installation

of UPFC for various cases. The line loss for the base case without UPFC installation

is calculated by load flow solutions and is found to be 7.616 MW. The line loss

reduction is indicated by means of LLRI and a maximum reduction of 23.68% is

obtained when the UPFC is operated in the simultaneous voltage and power flow

control mode.

Table 5.2 Line loss reduction results for various cases

Cases Line loss (MW) LLRI % Reduction

Base case 7.616 - -

Case I 6.237 0.8189 18.1

Case II 7.038 0.9241 7.58

Case III 5.812 0.7631 23.68


The power flow algorithm has been built with the UPFC structure with the

view to enhance the system voltage and improve the power transfer capability of the

system. The proposed model has been evaluated through the standard IEEE 30-bus

power system. The role of UPFC in minimizing the line losses, besides enabling the

required reactive power support and augmenting the flow of real power over the line

has been illustrated.




This chapter concludes the present work with a summary of research

contributions and explores the role of voltage source inverter configurations and

PWM techniques while integrating the FACTS devices into power systems.

The construction of new transmission lines has adverse impact on the

environment. FACTS devices help to distribute the electrical energy more

economically through better utilization of existing installation, thereby reducing the

need for additional transmission lines. They provide high quality electricity supply

including constant voltage and frequency which is the mandatory requirement for

modern industries. Besides, the application of FACTS in electric power system is

intended for reactive power compensation, control of active power flow, voltage

profile management, power factor correction and loss minimization. Among the

various FACTS controllers (SVC, TCSC, STATCOM, SSSC, UPFC), the devices

that use a dc-ac inverter are considered superior to those of phase controlled devices

in terms of harmonic performance, dynamic response and ease of operation. Hence

investigations in this work are directed to improve the performance of the VSI based

FACTS devices in a practical power system.


A novel structure has been suggested for UPFC, with a view to eliminate the

need for dc link capacitor. The front end converter has been operated through a

relatively new PWM scheme that enabled to regulate the dc link voltage, minimize

the ripples and improve the shape of the dc link current. The performance of the

proposed scheme has been analysed through MATLAB based simulation assuming

that the UPFC is inserted in a 230 kV transmission line of a sample power system.


It is inferred from the simulation results that the STATCOM offers a good voltage

regulation and SSSC controls the magnitude and angle of the series injected voltage

in order to maintain the real and reactive power over the transmission line to follow

the set reference values inspite of variations in the load and operating conditions.

Another scheme of UPFC has been explored in which the classical ac/dc and

dc/ac converter structure with dc link capacitor is replaced by a matrix converter.

The indirect space vector modulation technique has been effectively used to generate

the control pulses for the MC switches. The MC with its ability to exercise control

over the input current and/or the output voltage is preferred in UPFC structure since

a single control strategy can perform the control of the input current displacement

angle (for maintaining unity power factor) and series injected voltage, in order to

maintain the desired flow of power. The proposed schemes of UPFC interfaced in

the system accomplish a similar performance as that of a traditional system with dc

link capacitor.

A combined multipulse-multilevel inverter topology has been proposed for

STATCOM and SSSC applications. The performance of this inverter topology is

evaluated through MATLAB based simulation. The analytic expressions for the

proposed inverter topology have been derived using Fourier series. It is observed

that the theoretical results coincide closely with the simulated results. This new

configuration generates a premium quality three-phase sinusoidal voltage and

maintains THD well below 4%.

A static synchronous compensator has been realized using the proposed high

performance, reliable, flexible and cost effective inverter topology. A closed loop

control based on decoupled control strategy has been developed and found to be

effective over a wide range of power system operating conditions.

The combined multipulse-multilevel inverter has been operated suitably to

depict the behaviour of SSSC. A closed loop fuzzy logic control scheme has been

developed for operating the SSSC in the automatic power flow control mode. The


parameters of the FLC have been widely varied by a suitable choice of the

membership functions and parameters in the rule base. It is inferred from the results

that the FLC is a viable controller for the SSSC in order to maintain the real and

reactive power flow over the transmission line to follow the set reference values

under a variety of transient disturbances including high and low load conditions.

The computation and control of power flow for system embedded with

UPFC is a necessary requirement in the present day automated world to provide a

scope for effective planning and operation. It is in this context the power flow

algorithm has been developed with the UPFC structure. The proposed model has

been evaluated through the standard IEEE 30-bus power system. The role of UPFC

in minimizing the line losses, besides enabling the required reactive power support

and augmenting the flow of real power has been illustrated.

Since the dc link capacitor present in UPFC structure has inherent

disadvantages such as more space requirement, limited life and also expensive,

attempts has been made to overcome these issues. Further a new inverter

configuration with a very less harmonic component has been proposed for

integrating the shunt and series FACTS devices into power system. Also power

flow modeling and analysis of the UPFC which inherits the features of STATCOM

and SSSC have been done with a view to highlight its ability as a powerful voltage

regulator and a power controller.


There are several interesting open problems while integrating power

electronic converters into power grid requiring further study. Some of them are

discussed here in brief.

The proposed inverter configuration can be employed to realize other

recently budding FACTS devices such as C-UPFC, G-UPFC, interline power flow

controller etc., All the investigations in this thesis are focused on the analysis of


STATCOM in the automatic voltage control mode and SSSC in the automatic power

flow control mode though it is pointed out that other operating modes such as

voltage injection mode, impedance control mode are possible. It will be interesting

to study the performance of the FACTS devices in other possible operating modes.

The parameters of the PI controllers used in the closed loop control scheme are

tuned using trial and error procedure. Instead artificial intelligence techniques such

as genetic algorithm or fuzzy neural network controllers may be employed to tune

the parameters of the PI controllers.



Table A1 System Parameters in which UPFC Connected

Power system parameters Values

Rated voltage 230 kV

Frequency 50 Hz

SC level 10,000 MVA

Base voltage 230 kV

Three phase ac source

X/R 8

Resistance per unit length 0.01755 ohms/km

Inductance per unit length 0.8737 mH/km

Capacitance per unit length 13.33 nF/km

Transmission line

Line length 180 km

Nominal power 100 MVA

Frequency 50 Hz

Primary voltage 230 kV

Secondary voltage 25 kV

Magnetization resistance 500 pu

Shunt Transformer

Magnetization reactance 500 pu

Rated voltage 42 kV/14 kV

Rated power 70 MVA

Magnetization resistance 200 pu

Series Transformer

Magnetization reactance 800 pu

Internal resistance 0.001 Ω

Snubber resistance 0.1 MΩ IGBT switches

Snubber capacitance Infinite



Table B1 Matrix Converter Switching Table

Group No. A B C ABV BCV CAV aI bI cI ON Switches

1 a b c abV bcV caV AI BI CI SAa SBb SCc

2 a c b caV− bcV− abV− AI CI BI SAa SBc SCb

3 b a c abV− caV− bcV− BI AI CI SAb SBa SCc

4 b c a bcV caV abV CI AI BI SAb SBc SCa

5 c a b caV abV bcV BI CI AI SAc SBa SCb


6 c b a bcV− abV− caV− CI BI AI SAc SBb SCa

1 a c c caV− 0 caV AI 0 AI− SAa SBc SCc

2 b c c bcV 0 bcV− 0 AI AI− SAb SBc SCc

3 b a a abV− 0 abV AI− AI 0 SAb SBa SCa

4 c a a caV 0 caV− AI− 0 AI SAc SBa SCa

5 c b b bcV− 0 bcV 0 AI− AI SAc SBb SCb


6 a b b abV 0 abV− AI AI− 0 SAa SBb SCb

1 c a c caV caV− 0 BI 0 BI− SAc SBa SCc

2 c b c bcV− bcV 0 0 BI BI− SAc SBb SCc

3 a b a abV abV− 0 BI− BI 0 SAa SBb SCa

4 a c a caV− caV 0 BI− 0 BI SAa SBc SCa

5 b c b bcV bcV− 0 0 BI− BI SAb SBc SCb


6 b a b abV− abV 0 BI BI− 0 SAb SBa SCb

1 c c a 0 caV caV− CI 0 CI− SAc SBc SCa

2 c c b 0 bcV− bcV 0 CI CI− SAc SBc SCb

3 a a b 0 abV abV− CI− CI 0 SAa SBa SCb

4 a a c 0 caV− caV CI− 0 CI SAa SBa SCc

5 b b c 0 bcV bcV− 0 CI− CI SAb SBb SCc


6 b b a 0 abV− abV CI CI− 0 SAb SBb SCa

1 a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 SAa SBa SCa2 b b b 0 0 0 0 0 0 SAb SBb SCb


3 c c c 0 0 0 0 0 0 SAc SBc SCc



Table C1 System Parameters in which SSSC Connected

Parameters Values

Rated Voltage 230 kV

MVA SC 10×103 MVA

Resistance 0.1 pu

Reactance 0.3 pu

Base Voltage 230 kV

Transmission line XL 0.25 pu

Transmission line RL 0.05 pu

DC Voltage 1 kV

Capacitance 750 μF

Series Transformer-Rated Voltage 6.6 kV/48 kV

Series Transformer-Rated Power 70 MVA



The one line diagram of an IEEE 30-bus system is shown in Fig.D.1. The

line data and bus data are given in Table D.1 and D.2 respectively. The data is on

100 MVA base.

Fig. D.1 One line diagram of IEEE 30-bus system


Table D1 Line Data of IEEE 30-Bus System

Bus E Bus B R pu

X pu

1/2 B pu Line Code

1 2 0.0192 0.0572 0.02640 1 1 3 0.0452 0.1852 0.02040 1 2 4 0.0570 0.1737 0.01840 1 3 4 0.0132 0.0379 0.00420 1 2 5 0.0472 0.1983 0.02090 1 2 6 0.0581 0.1763 0.01870 1 4 6 0.0119 0.0414 0.00450 1 5 7 0.0460 0.1160 0.01020 1 6 7 0.0267 0.0820 0.00850 1 6 8 0.0120 0.0420 0.00450 1 6 9 0.0000 0.2080 0.00000 0.978 6 10 0.0000 0.5560 0.00000 0.969 9 11 0.0000 0.2080 0.00000 1 9 10 0.0000 0.1100 0.00000 1 4 12 0.0000 0.2560 0.00000 0.932 12 13 0.0000 0.1400 0.00000 1 12 14 0.1231 0.2559 0.00000 1 12 15 0.0662 0.1304 0.00000 1 12 16 0.0945 0.1987 0.00000 1 14 15 0.2210 0.1997 0.00000 1 16 17 0.0824 0.1923 0.00000 1 15 18 0.1073 0.2185 0.00000 1 18 19 0.0639 0.1292 0.00000 1 19 20 0.0340 0.0680 0.00000 1 10 20 0.0936 0.2090 0.00000 1 10 17 0.0324 0.0845 0.00000 1 10 21 0.0348 0.0749 0.00000 1 10 22 0.0727 0.1499 0.00000 1 21 22 0.0116 0.0236 0.00000 1 15 23 0.1000 0.2020 0.00000 1 22 24 0.1150 0.1790 0.00000 1 23 24 0.1320 0.2700 0.00000 1 24 25 0.1885 0.3292 0.00000 1 25 26 0.2544 0.3800 0.00000 1 25 27 0.1093 0.2087 0.00000 1 28 27 0.0000 0.3960 0.00000 0.968 27 29 0.2198 0.4153 0.00000 1 27 30 0.3202 0.6027 0.00000 1 29 30 0.2399 0.4533 0.00000 1 8 28 0.0636 0.2000 0.0214 1 6 28 0.0169 0.0599 0.065 1


Table D2 Bus Data of IEEE 30-Bus System

Load Generator Bus No

Bus Code

Voltage Magnitude

Angle Degree MW MVAR MW MVAR Qmin Qmax

Injected MVAR

1 1 1.06 0.0 0.00 0.00 173.848 0.0 0 0 0 2 2 1.043 0.0 21.70 12.70 49.998 0.0 -20 100 0 3 0 1.00 0.0 2.40 1.20 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 4 0 1.06 0.0 7.60 1.60 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 5 2 1.01 0.0 94.20 19.00 21.386 0.0 -15 80 0 6 0 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 7 0 1.00 0.0 22.80 10.90 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 8 2 1.01 0.0 30.00 30.00 22.630 0.0 -15 60 0 9 0 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 10 0 1.00 0.0 5.80 2.00 12.929 0.0 -6 24 19 11 2 1.082 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 -10 50 0 12 0 1.00 0.0 11.20 7.50 12.000 0.0 0 0 0 13 2 1.071 0.0 0.00 0.00 25.000 0.0 -15 60 0 14 0 1.00 0.0 6.20 1.60 0.000 0.0 -20 80 0 15 0 1.00 0.0 8.20 3.50 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 16 0 1.00 0.0 3.50 1.80 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 17 0 1.00 0.0 9.00 5.80 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 18 0 1.00 0.0 3.20 0.90 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 19 0 1.00 0.0 9.50 3.40 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 20 0 1.00 0.0 2.20 0.70 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 21 0 1.00 0.0 17.50 11.20 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 22 0 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 23 0 1.00 0.0 3.20 1.60 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 24 0 1.00 0.0 8.70 6.70 0.000 0.0 0 0 4.3 25 0 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 26 0 1.00 0.0 3.50 2.30 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 27 0 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 28 0 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 29 0 1.00 0.0 2.40 0.90 0.000 0.0 0 0 0 30 0 1.00 0.0 10.60 1.90 0.000 0.0 0 0 0



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International Journals

1. “Investigation of performance of UPFC without dc link capacitor”, Electric

Power Systems Research, Elsevier, Vol. 78, No.4, pp.736-746, 2007.

2. “Fine tuning of cascaded of d-q axis controller for ac-dc-ac converter without dc

link capacitor using artificial neural network”, Songklanakalarin Journal of

Science and Technology, Vol.30, No.1, pp.85-92, January–February 2008.

3. “A fuzzy logic controller for enhancing the transient stability of 48-pulse

inverter based SSSC”, Journal of Electrical systems, ELEKTRIKA,

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Vol.10, No.2, pp.53-58, 2008.

4. “A combined multipulse – multilevel inverter based STATCOM for

improving the voltage profile and transient stability of power system”,

International Journal of Power Electronics, Inderscience (In Press).

International Conferences

1. “Comparing and evaluating the performance of SSSC with fuzzy logic

controller and PI controller for transient stability enhancement”,

Proceedings of 2006 IEEE India International Conference on Power

Electronics, IICPE 2006, Chennai, India, pp.140-143, 2006.

2. “Performance analysis of ac-dc-ac converter as Matrix converter”,

Proceedings of 2006 IEEE India International Conference on Power

Electronics, IICPE 2006, Chennai, India, pp.57 - 61, 2006.


3. “A current source rectifier with leading power factor”, Proceedings of IEEE

International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy

Systems, PEDES - 2006, New Delhi, 3A-20, 2006.

4. “An analytic approach to harmonic analysis of 48-Pulse voltage source inverter”,

Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and

Drive systems, PEDS 07, Bangkok, Thailand, pp.417-422, 2007.

5. “Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of SSSC Based on 48-Pulse Inverter”,

Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Power Engineering Conference,

IPEC 07, Singapore, pp.720-724, 2007.

6. “Performance evaluation of three phase cascaded H-bridge multilevel

inverter based on multi carrier PWM techniques”, Proceedings of IEEE

International Conference on Advances in Energy Research,

ICAER 2007, Mumbai, India, pp.537-542, 2007.

7. “A combined multipulse-multilevel voltage source inverter configuration for

STATCOM applications”, Proceedings of IEEE Power India Conference,

POWERCON 2008, New Delhi, pp.1-5, October 2008.



B.Geethalakshmi was born in Chennai, India in 1974. She received her B.E

degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and bagged gold medal from

Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, India in 1996. Also she received ME

degree in Power Electronics and Drives and bagged gold medal from the same

University in 1999. Presently she is working as Senior Lecturer in the Department of

Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College,

Pondicherry, India. She has published 15 papers in national and international

conference proceedings and journals, inclusive of the ones listed. Her area of interest

includes Power Converters and Power Electronic Applications in Power Systems.