introducing sgmp’s new deputy...

May 2013 SGMP Central Florida Chapter Introducing SGMP’s New Deputy Director! The SGMP national leadership team is thrilled to announce Cindy Simpson, CAE, as the new deputy director. Cindy comes from the Association for Women in Science (AWIS), where she has been the director of programs and external relations. She has served in the role of chief operations officer at AWIS and at the Truckload Carriers Association and brings much association experience in membership and business development. The deputy director will have primary oversight and responsibility in the areas of chapter operations, membership development, and member communications. -Rob Bergeron Congratulations! We received 2 nd Place for Website of the Year! A huge thank you to the Communications Committee and our Web Master, Nate Whidden, for all the hard work they have put into keeping our chapter’s website relevant and attractive. May 2013 Volume 7, Issue 5 What’s in this issue? President’s Message………...2 Upcoming Programs..............2 Past Programs…………..…...3 CMP & CGMP………..……..3 Meeting Industry Article………….………….....3 Committee Reports………. .5 Personal Development Article………………….…….5 Meeting Planning Article…..6 Member Spotlight...……..... .8 Advertising………………….8

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Page 1: Introducing SGMP’s New Deputy Director! · Loader presented “Engagement Marketing” tips, details, and trends


May 2013 SGMP Central Florida Chapter

Introducing SGMP’s New Deputy


The SGMP national leadership

team is thrilled to announce

Cindy Simpson, CAE, as the

new deputy director.

Cindy comes from the

Association for Women in

Science (AWIS), where she has

been the director of programs

and external relations. She has

served in the role of chief operations officer at AWIS and at

the Truckload Carriers Association and brings much

association experience in membership and business development. The deputy director will have primary

oversight and responsibility in the areas of chapter operations, membership development, and member


-Rob Bergeron

Congratulations! We received 2nd Place for Website of the Year!

A huge thank you to the Communications Committee

and our Web Master, Nate Whidden, for all the hard work

they have put into keeping our chapter’s website relevant and attractive.

May 2013 Volume 7, Issue 5

[Pick the date] [Edition 1, Volume 1]

What’s in this issue? President’s Message………...2

Upcoming Programs..............2

Past Programs…………..…...3

CMP & CGMP………..……..3

Meeting Industry


Committee Reports………. .5

Personal Development


Meeting Planning Article…..6

Member Spotlight...……..... .8


Page 2: Introducing SGMP’s New Deputy Director! · Loader presented “Engagement Marketing” tips, details, and trends


May 2013 SGMP Central Florida Chapter

Considering obtaining your

Certified Meeting

Professional certification?

PCMA offers an online prep

course for the CMP exam.

The course includes one

year of unlimited access to

the study materials, 23 study

modules, and 3 full-length

practice exams. Visit for more


Letter from the President

Change is exhilarating. The meeting industry is becoming more automated and people are

being asked to do additional work with less time or resources. I look at this employment

environment as an exciting challenge and a great opportunity. You, as members of SGMP

have already taken the steps to be part of an organization that influences the future education

of our industry.

During this environment of change, I encourage you to become a leader in SGMP. Whether it is serving on the

board or being part of a committee, SGMP has leadership opportunities available and waiting for you. Not

only will SGMP provide excellent learning opportunities to advance your career, but you will also gain skills

and create purposeful relationships with one of the most knowledgeable groups of people central Florida has

to offer.

Each SGMP event that I attend provides me with a new perspective on how to approach the meeting industry,

and to make strategic adjustments in my daily activities that benefit my career. We, as a chapter, have the

ability to make changes and improve our industry based on our leadership, knowledge, skill, and influence. I

look forward to our new fiscal year, and set high expectations for myself and others to take our chapter to the

next level. I encourage your involvement and look forward to meeting new leaders in our industry.


Colleen Flage, CMP


Upcoming Programs

You don’t want to miss the June 20th chapter

meeting at the Florida Museum of Natural History.

We are very happy to have Maggie McGowan,

SGMP National Director and our regional

representative joining us! Ms. McGowan will

speak on risk management preparations for


Page 3: Introducing SGMP’s New Deputy Director! · Loader presented “Engagement Marketing” tips, details, and trends


May 2013 SGMP Central Florida Chapter

Past Programs

The Historic Thomas Center hosted SGMP CFC members on March 21st for a cutting-edge presentation by

Donna Loader from Royal Support Services. Ms. Loader presented “Engagement Marketing” tips, details, and

trends. She taught members how this interactive form of marketing works to create opportunities for your

audience via mobile phones, email, social networking sites, video, and the use of QR codes! On April 18,

members of the Central Florida chapter gathered for a lunchtime meeting at the Harn Museum of Art to hear

Marilyn Tubb, Associate Vice President for Special Projects at Santa Fe College. Ms. Tubb discussed

Leadership and Communications, advising the audience, “I’ve been fortunate to work in leadership roles for

most of my professional and civic engagement career. In my experience, to be effective as a leader or as a

member of a team, you should always be working to improve communications. It’s not rocket science. It’s

harder!” SGMP members were so fascinated by the lecture that the question & answer period extended well

beyond the originally allotted time.

CGMP While the CGMP certification course at NEC in Orlando is over, you can still register for this valuable

certification class. How? There is a training being offered June 13-15 at the SGMP national

headquarters in Alexandria, VA. Register now and take your career to the next level!

Meeting Industry Article

Tips on How to be More Influential By Jason Hensel April 30, 2013

All kidding aside, the topic of influence is a hot one. It’s no stretch to imagine that individuals want to

feel important. And often, you may not feel influential, but rather that you’re the one being influenced. While

that’s a valid feeling, it might not be true, unless you’re a hermit holed up in a cave away from human contact.

Just being alive influences nature…but I digress. Let’s focus, then, on how you can feel more influential.

Author Jeff Goins suggests a simple way to influence people. “Anyone can be a leader—sounds easy, right?”

he said. “Well, it’s not. Because most people aren’t willing to do the one thing to grow their influence. So what

do the world’s best leaders know that the rest of us don’t? And how do you become an influencer without

feeling like a sleazy salesman?”

According to Goins, the answer is simple: Just ask them. “There are leaders out there, waiting for you

to connect with those who are bold enough to ask,” Goins said. “We humans have a bad habit of talking

ourselves out of greatness. We doubt ourselves, thinking we don’t have what it takes. We give in to fear and

sabotage ourselves before we even begin. We are our own worst enemy.”Goins’s best recommendation is that

you don’t think of influence as getting someone to do something for you. Instead, help people. “I slay the

dragon of insecurity and make bold, but humble, asks,” he said. “I invite someone to breakfast or coffee. I ask

for a few minutes to chat on the phone. I listen, smile and thank them.” Helping people falls into the “liking”

Page 4: Introducing SGMP’s New Deputy Director! · Loader presented “Engagement Marketing” tips, details, and trends


May 2013 SGMP Central Florida Chapter

category of Robert Cialdini’s “Six Principles of Influence” research. Through several studies, Cialdini showed

that there are six ways people can influence others:

Reciprocity—return favors, treat others as they treat you

Commitment and Consistency—we desire to be consistent

Social Proof—we are influenced by those similar to ourselves

Liking—we are influenced by people we like and respect

Authority—we are influenced by those in positions of power

Scarcity—we are influenced by limited availability

Read more…

Member Spotlight – Bailey Shields, CMP:

Bailey Shields our newest Supplier Director member of the board and has also served on the Fundraising and

Community Service Committee, the 2013 Education Day Committee. Being in the Government Market, Bailey

is eager to be an active member in SGMP. She was a member of the NatCap Chapter when she handled the

DC Market.

Since 2011, she has represented two unique Holiday Inns in Pinellas County: The Holiday Inn & Suites

Page 5: Introducing SGMP’s New Deputy Director! · Loader presented “Engagement Marketing” tips, details, and trends


May 2013 SGMP Central Florida Chapter

Committee Reports

Communications Committee

We are looking for technology savvy members to assist with the communication committee’s duties. You do

not need to be based in Gainesville to participate since all of our meetings and

communications are via conference call and email. Specifically, we would like help

with updating our Facebook, Twitter, website, and/or checking SGMP

emails. Please contact Colleen Flage ([email protected]) or Brett Kolmetz

([email protected]) if you are interested.

Fundraising (& Community Service) Committee

The Fundraising (& Community Service) Committee is seeking ideas on what

you would enjoy as a fundraising activity for summer/fall. If you have any ideas

and suggestions for some fun fundraising activities please contact Virginia

Hessels ([email protected]).

Program Committee

The program committee is looking for topics and speakers; if anyone would like to volunteer to give a

presentation or would like a particular topic presented please send that information to Lise Cochran, the

Program Committee Chair, [email protected].

The Program Committee is also looking for meeting sponsors; if you are interested please contact Lise.

Scholarship Committee

Congratulations to our 2013 National Education Conference scholarship recipients: Sharon Borneman and

Virginia Hessels.

Personal Development Article

Time Given to Innovation is an Investment in Your Future Ideas Seldom Occur Without This Critical Commitment

All Content © 2011 Robert Evans Wilson, Jr. and Jumpstart Your Meeting design © 2007-2011

WhinWhin Situation Web Solutions

When I was studying Abnormal Psychology in college, I read a case study of an unusual mental illness. It was

so fascinating, that I thought it would be the perfect vehicle for a novel. Thus my idea for a story was born, but

it would be eight years before I felt that I had acquired the writing skill to turn it into a book. During those

eight years, I thought of it many times, and allowed the idea to grow in my head. Then once I started writing,

it took over two years to complete. My point is that an innovation, whether it is a song, electronic gadget, or a

new way of doing business takes time.

Page 6: Introducing SGMP’s New Deputy Director! · Loader presented “Engagement Marketing” tips, details, and trends


May 2013 SGMP Central Florida Chapter

It’s rare that an idea drops fully formed into someone’s head. Even when it seems that way there are countless

hours of experience that paved the way for that idea to form. Most ideas begin with a problem that needs to be

solved. Some problems are obvious and demand your immediate attention. You are forced to make the time to

come up with a solution. Other times you have to seek out the problem. Say, for example, that you need your

company to make more money. Perhaps you require more money to expand, or maybe you simply must have

more money to stay in business. These are certainly problems that demand a solution. However, they are not a

specific enough.

Here’s where you begin spending some time in creative thought. Start by asking why you are not making

enough money. Don’t bother blaming it on the economy, that isn’t going to solve your problem. Focus your

attention on areas where you have control.

Ask questions such as “Do we have enough customers?” If the answer is, “Yes,” then your next question may

be, “How can we get our customers to buy more?” That might lead to a product improvement, a new product

development, or even a customer service idea. Read more……

Meeting Planning Article

Peak-End Rule: Why Conference Endings Are So Important

by Donna Kastner (Donna serves as Director, Education & Engagement at

Velvet Chainsaw Consulting, helping conference and trade show organizers

on a wide range of business improvement initiatives)

The Peak-End Rule was first introduced by Nobel Prize winning psychologist

Daniel Kahneman, who suggested that rather than the sum of all experiences

associated with an event, people lock in on a blend of how it was at its peak

(best moment) and how it ended. Everything else tends to fade away.

As I became more curious about how this might apply to the conference

realm, I indulged in watching a TED Talk Dr. Kahneman delivered in 2010:

The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory. It's fascinating stuff with plenty of

takeaways for conference planners.

For starters, Dr. Kahneman explores two versions of self:

1. The Experiencing Self (who lives in the present)

2. The Remembering Self (who keeps score)

In story after story, he shared how the Remembering Self has far more impact on future perceptions (and

decisions) than the Experiencing Self. For example, you can go on a week-long vacation where things go

miserably for the first five or six days, but if that final day is delightful, you're more likely to remember that

vacation fondly.

Page 7: Introducing SGMP’s New Deputy Director! · Loader presented “Engagement Marketing” tips, details, and trends


May 2013 SGMP Central Florida Chapter

Advertising Rates ½ Page Banner...$75

Quarter Page....$50

Business Card Size ....$35

2013 Newsletter Schedule

Published the first week of:


Checks should be made payable to SGMP &

mailed to

P.O. Box 142094

Gainesville, FL 32614-2049

Artwork should be in jpg format and sent to

[email protected]

Deadline is 3 weeks prior to Newsletter publication

Communications Committee

Members Laurie Brown, CGMP

Erica J. Chatman

Colleen Flage, CMP - Committee Chair

Virginia Hessels, CMP

Barbara Jones, CCMEP

Brett Kolmetz

Are We Giving the Conference Finale Enough Attention?

I don't know about you, but most conferences I've attended start strong, but end with a fizzle. By the final day,

the crowd has thinned down considerably. The energy and buzz is noticeably down. Rarely will you see an A-

List speaker booked for the Closing General Session and at first glance, it's understandable. Some attendees

(particularly senior executives) tend to make early exits. The longer the conference lasts, the more likely you'll

see this staggered departure play out.

Perhaps we'd do better to bookend the conference experience with a strong opener and an even

stronger closer.

Perhaps we'd do better to compress the conference experience over a shorter span of days, so more

people experience the big finish.

Applying this same concept to concurrent sessions, how often do you watch speakers run out of time and race

to the finish line? We need to help our speakers understand how this Peak-End Rule applies to how their

sessions play out and perceived value on the part of attendees. We need to encourage speakers to watch the

clock and make sure they end with a powerful story and message. That's what attendees will remember most.

Ending your conference with a crescendo

experience is critical to grow attendance loyalty.

After all, it will be the attendees' Remembering

Selves that will determine whether they return next


(Retrieved from the Internet at:



Page 8: Introducing SGMP’s New Deputy Director! · Loader presented “Engagement Marketing” tips, details, and trends


May 2013 SGMP Central Florida Chapter

Board of Directors

President– Colleen Flage, CMP

[email protected]

First Vice President - Virginia Hessels, CMP

[email protected]

Second Vice President -Lise Cochran

[email protected]

Treasurer –Jackie Cassarly, CMP

[email protected]

Secretary - Candace Kaswinkel, CGMP

[email protected]

Planner Director - Sharon Borneman, CGMP

[email protected]

Planner Director - Rhonda Rogers-Bardsley,

CGMP [email protected]

Supplier Director – Bailey Shields, CMP

[email protected]

Immediate Past President - Laurel Brown,

CGMP [email protected]

Member Spotlight - Bailey Shields, CMP

Bailey Shields, CMP, is our newest

Supplier Director member of the board

and a member of the Fundraising and

Community Service Committee and the

2013 Education Day Committee. Being

in the government market, Bailey is

eager to be an active member of the chapter. She was a

member of the NatCap Chapter when she handled the D.C.


Since 2011, she has represented two unique Holiday Inns in

Pinellas County: The Holiday Inn & Suites Clearwater Beach,

and another on the Intracoastal Waterway in Indian Rocks

Beach. Both properties feature a Key West atmosphere; the

Indian Rocks Beach property has a 52-slip marina so guest can

arrive by boat!

Growing up in Long Island, she studied Foreign Service and International Politics at Penn State with visions of

working for the CIA or Department of State. She is passionate about the history of the Revolution and War of

1812 and loves to share with others the history behind our July Fourth celebrations. Bailey has a beloved

Golden Retriever, Jack, and 3 cats to keep her busy in her spare time.



NASHVILLE, August 25-28, 2013