intro to lit circles

Literature Circles

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Post on 11-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Literature Circles
  • 2. What are Literature Circles? Groups of students gather together once a week to discuss a section of a book they are reading.
  • 3. How do I prepare for literature circles? Each student in the group has a different job to complete each week.
  • 4. What are literature circle roles?
  • 5. Correspondent Points out interesting or important passages within the reading.
  • 6. Word Finder Discusses words in the text that are unusual, interesting, or difficult to understand
  • 7. Connector Finds connections between the book and something outside the text.
  • 8. Illustrator Uses some form of artwork to represent a significant scene or idea from the reading.
  • 9. Discussion Director Creates questions for the group and leads the discussion.
  • 10. What happens during Literature Circles? The Discussion Director leads the discussion using the discussion guide.
  • 11. What does a literature circle sound like?
  • 12. Correspondent Goes First Ask the Correspondent to read his/her letter which summarizes the story. Discuss the summary. Allow other group members to add detail that they may have forgotten. Ask the Correspondent to read two sections of the text they felt were the most interesting and explain why they chose the sections to share.
  • 13. Word Finder Ask the Word Finder to share each of the words they chose one at a time and the sentence or paragraph where the word came. Ask the group to make educated guesses about the meaning of the word or comment about the word. As a group, decided which words are the two most important and interesting to write on your discussion sheet.
  • 14. Connector Ask the Connector to read the connection they made: Explain what kind of connection it was (T-T, T-S, or (T-W) Read the passage of the book where the connection was made. Allow each member of the group to comment and also tell their own connections they made to the book.
  • 15. Illustrator Ask the Illustrator to show the picture they drew: Without commenting on it, let the group individually guess what the picture means. After everyone has a turn to guess, allow the Illustrator to tell the group what the picture means, where it came from, and what it represents.
  • 16. Discussion Director Ask the group the questions you created. Allow each person in your group to participate in the discussion and answer the questions. After you have discussed your questions and answers, allow other team members to present and discuss their questions.
  • 17. Wrap It Up Ask students to make predictions about what will happen next. Fill out Literature Circle Planning Sheet For the first round or two Mrs. Stroh will set the jobs and dates. Once the groups are independent, the members will set the roles and dates.
  • 18. Ways to Have a Good Discussion Be prepared Sit so everyone can see one another. Get started right away. Look directly at the person who is talking. Listen to understand. Ask questions to understand better. Speak clearly but not too loudly. Wait for the speaker to finish. Be sure everyone gets a turn Respect on anothers ideas. Stay on topic. Give examples from the text to support your thinking.
  • 19. Self Reflection: Taking Part in a Group Did I understand what my role was in the group? Did I complete my task to the best of my ability? Did I have my turn speaking? Did I let others have a turn at speaking? Did I listen while others were speaking? Did I offer to help when it was needed? Did I enjoy taking part in the group work? Did I enjoy working with others in my group What were three things that you enjoyed about your role in the group? What is something that you want to do differently next time?
  • 20. ANY CLUNKS?!?!
  • 21. Reading Workshop Today you will practice your roles in your literature circles groups. Please bring: Novel Pencil Completed Role Sheet Clipboard Discussion Guide Literature Circle Planning Sheet After you are finished: Please fill out a Literature Circles Discussion Rubric Hand in your Literature Circles Discussion Rubric and Literature Circle Planning Sheet. HAVE FUN!!