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Official publication of the CHOA


Page 1: Interface Oct 14

OCTOBER 2014ThE OffiCial puBliCaTiOn Of ThE CEnTuRiOn REsidEnTial EsTaTE and COunTRy CluB


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Page 3: Interface Oct 14

INTERFACE October 2014 3

CoNTENTsSecurity report 6

Recycling 7

Madison Flowers 9

Captain's report 14

Lady Captain's report 15

Golf results 16

Upcoming social events 20

Property section 22

Miscellaneous 27

Front cover photo: Graadjie smallView the online version of this issue at:

interface is the official publication of the Centurion Residential Estate

and Country Club. it is published on a monthly basis by the Centurion

home Owners association.

all material is subject to copyright and permission to reproduce may

be obtained from the Centurion home Owners association.

should you wish to contribute any editorial material or advertise with

us, please email us at: [email protected] or fax to:

086 51 55 487

Editorial contributions are welcome and can be sent to the Editor at

[email protected]. all rights in said editorial

contributions, whether it be in the form of a letter or article and

whether it includes graphics or not, will be treated as unconditionally

assigned for the publication and copyright purposes and material will

be subject to interface’s unrestricted right to edit and comment

editorially. interface will place editorial contributions at it’s own

discretion, space allowing. although the greatest care is taken with

all material submitted, interface will take no responsibility for any

damages or loss to such material.

Editorial & advertising booking deadline for november 2014 issue:

30 October 2014.

advertising Tracey Garde 082 460 6007


Security(071) 683-1596 | (012) 665-3601 | (012) 648-9170 | (012) 648-9175

Safety & Security Manager Kobus Blom HOA: 071 609 9149 | [email protected]

acceSS controlAdéle van Deventer - [email protected]

centurion HoMe ownerS aSSociation Tel: 012 665 0506 | Fax: 012 665 0505 [email protected] | [email protected] HOA office hours Monday to Thursday, 07h30 to 16h00 and Friday 07h30 to 15h00. [email protected] (accounts)

general Manager Jaco Venter | 082 852 9977 | [email protected]

BoarD of DirectorS 2013

cHairPerSon Sias de Klerk | [email protected]

Security DirectorVincent Blasl | [email protected]

SPortS & Social cluB DirectorPieter Fourie | [email protected]

infraStructure & aeStHeticS DirectorStephen Peddie | [email protected]

financial DirectorMartie MacDougall | [email protected]

POlice - lyttelton 012 644 8600

MeTrO POlice 012 358 7088

AMBulAnce 10177

uniTAS HOSPiTAl 012 677 8000

Fire BrigADe 012 664 5555

MuniciPAliTy 012 671 7211

BurST WATer MAinS 012 358 3716 (office hours)

012 358 2111 (24hours)

electrical 012 358 9999

Sewerage 012 427 7111

garbage removal 012 308 0557

SPcA 012 664 5644/5

Street lights (toll free) 080 11 11 770

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Spring is here and it’s time to paint! We can help with expert advice and all the quality products you’ll need.

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5 INTERFACE August 2013






mE o








Secure PeacefulLifestyleFamilyFriends Outdoors

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6 INTERFACE October 2014



South African crime Statistics

crime trends for the period 1

April 2013 to 31March 2014 as

recorded by the SAPS.


The number of murders and the

murder rate has increased for a

second consecutive year.

Murder increased from 16 259

murders in 2012/13 to 17 068

in 2013/14. SA’s murder rate

increased from an average

of 45 murders per day to 47

murders per day. SA’s murder

rate is about five times higher

than the 2013 global average

of 6 murders per 100 000.

reported cases of rape

stabilised, with a slight

decrease of 3%, to 46 253 in

2013/14. The Medical research

council has estimated that only

one in nine rapes is reported

to the police. Thus the actual

numbers of rapes in SA is much

higher than numbers recorded

by the police.


There has been an increase

in all categories of robbery

over the past year. These

crimes are referred to by the

police as ‘violent property

crimes’. robberies occur when

armed perpetrators threaten

or use violence against their

victims in order to steal their

belongings. When perpetrators

use a weapon, it is recorded

as ‘aggravated robbery’. The

number of aggravated robberies

increased from 105 888 cases

in 2012/13 to 119 351 cases in

2013/14 (an increase of 13 463

cases, 12.7%). The aggravated

robbery rate increased from

202.6 per 100 000 people

in 2012/13 to 225.3 per 100

000 people in 2013/14, which

represents an increase of

11.2%. Most sub-categories of

aggravated robbery increased

between 2012/13 and 2013/14:

Street or public robberies

increased by 8 598 cases to a

total of 69 074 incidents. This is

14.2% higher than the 60 476

incidents recorded the previous

year. it means that every day

in 2013/14, on average, there

were 189 cases of street


House robberies occur when

people are confronted by armed

gangs while they are in their

homes. This crime increased

by 7.4% to 19 284 incidents

representing an additional 1

334 households being attacked

when compared to the previous

year. On average 53 households

were attacked each day in


Business robberies increased

by 13.7% to 18 615 incidents.

This crime type has consistently

increased in the past eight

years. it is 461% higher now

than it was in 2004/05. There

were an additional 2 238

armed attacks on businesses

in 2013/14 compared to the

previous year.

Vehicle hijacking increased by

12.3% to 11 221 incidents. This

means that 31 motor vehicles

were hijacked every day on

average in 2013/14. Truck

hijacking increased by 5.1%

from 943 incidents in 2012/13

to 991 incidents in 2013/14.

As with vehicle hijacking, this

crime is generally perpetrated

by organised crime syndicates

and the increase in both types

of hijacking suggests that

organised crime is on the rise

in SA.


The term ‘property crime’

refers to crimes in which

property is stolen without

the use of violence or force

(i.e. no direct confrontation

between perpetrators and

victims). Between 2012/13 and

2013/14: residential burglary

decreased by 0.6% (a reduction

of 1 653 reported cases) to

a total 260 460 incidents.

This means that each day, on

average, 714 households were


Business burglary has remained

largely unchanged (a reduction

of 30 reported cases) to a total

of 73 600 incidents. This means

that each day, on average, 202

businesses were burgled.

The number of cases of theft

out of and from motor vehicles

increased by 3% (an additional

4 154 cases) to a total of 143

812 incidents. This means that

each day, on average, 394

vehicles were broken into and

property was stolen.

Dear residents

i guess we can consider ourselves

lucky being able to live in a Secure

environment having one of the best

security records in the country. not

one single incident in more than two

years compared to a constant increase

in crime in South Africa as can be seen

from the statistics provided below.

Our security consists of a number of

layers, namely walls, electric fences,

access control, ccTV systems and the

people protecting us 24/7, 365 days in

a year.

Many years ago, Margaret lee who

is one of our long standing residents

introduced a security reward bonus

whereby residents and the HOA

contribute towards a Xmas bonus for

the people protecting us. Donations will

be divided proportionally to seniority

and duration of service in the estate and

we collected over r60 000.00 last year


Donations are optional and some people

give more than r1 000.00 annually,

some give as little as r100.00, but

every little bit adds to what our guards

have available in the new year when

their kids go to school.

As such as Director of Security i

would like you to consider making a

contribution to say “Thank you” to

everybody involved and let us show

that we appreciate the superb service

received from them over the last year.

Vincent Blasl

Director of Security

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8 INTERFACE October 2014

Most of you have a female employee working in your house. Whether it is as cleaner, housekeeper or child minder, very few households in South Africa don’t have a female employee taking care of certain (if not all) aspects of the housekeeping.

The other reality is that female employees can become pregnant. it is an economic certainty that these pregnant ladies need to continue working for as long as physically possible. And she will return to her place of employment as soon as possible after the birth, some whilst still breastfeeding, not having the economic luxury of a long maternity leave.

From the outset it should be noted that in terms of the constitution of the republic of South Africa, each person has the right to make decisions concerning personal reproduction and the right to health services including reproductive health care. in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), Act 85 of 1993, your employees also have the right to a workplace that is safe and without risk to the health of employees, including their reproductive health.

if you employ a woman of childbearing age, you must assess and control any risks to the health of pregnant or breastfeeding employees and that of the foetus or child. you should do this by identifying, recording and regularly reviewing potential risks.

Through communication and a good relationship, you should encourage your employee to inform you as early as possible about her pregnancy. As soon as you are advised of the pregnancy, you are to take action immediately and asses the risks that the woman might face in the workplace and take appropriate measures to deal with the identified risks. Have a qualified medical professional assess the woman’s physical condition, evaluate her job requirements and the workplace practices and potential workplace exposures that could affect her and/or her unborn child.

if any risks are identified, the employee must be informed and steps must be taken to adjust the employee’s working conditions to remove the risk. These risks include physical hazards, for example exposure to noise, vibration, radiation, electric and electromagnetic fields, working in extreme environments and the thermal environment pertaining to heating and air conditioning. ergonomic hazards must also be considered such as heavy physical work, static work posture, frequent bending and twisting, lifting heavy objects and movements requiring force, repetitive work, awkward position, no rest, standing or sitting for

long periods. Do this in consultation with your employee and her representative. Do take extra care with chemical hazards as some chemicals may cause infertility or foetal abnormalities. remember that chemicals could be inhaled, accidentally swallowed or absorbed through the skin. Should there be any doubt about the risks involved or whether adjustments need to be made, an occupational health practitioner should be consulted. And if the appropriate adjustments can’t be made, then the employee should be transferred to an alternative position in accordance with Section 26(2) of the Basic conditions of employment Act, Act 75 of 1997.

As you would have taken care of your own unborn child, you should also regularly review the risk assessment for expectant or new mothers as the possibility of harm to the foetus change during the different stages of pregnancy. The risks to consider regarding breastfeeding mothers, differs from the risks to pregnant employees.

you, as an employer, are obliged to make arrangements for your pregnant or breastfeeding employee to attend to antenatal and postnatal clinics as required during the pregnancy and after the birth of her child. you are also to ensure that breastfeeding employees have two extra thirty minute breaks, in addition to all other breaks, to express milk or attend to the breastfeeding of the infant, for the first six months of the child’s life.

Many of our households have children, and children can be the carriers of bacteria and viruses from playgroups, schools or other social events. Some of the bacteria and viruses can adversely affect the foetus should the mother be infected during the pregnancy. Do take care of your pregnant or breastfeeding employee regarding these biological hazards as well.

lastly, do note that some natural, common aspects of pregnancy can sometimes adversely affect the work performance of your employee. Morning sickness. Work involving long periods of standing or sitting or manual handling of items can result in backache and varicose veins. regular visits to the toilet will require reasonable access to toilet facilities. The increasing size and discomfort of pregnant women will require a change of protective clothing and changes to work in confined spaces. Her changing body and increase in size can also affect dexterity, agility, co-ordination, speed of movement, reach and balance. The last can make working on slippery, unstable or wet surfaces dangerous. The pregnancy can also increase tiredness which can affect the employee’s

ability to work overtime and in the evenings.

As you and your wife protected herself and cared for her body whilst carrying your child, so too should your employee be entitled to take care of her foetus and her infant. Her economic circumstances might be vastly different from yours, but the hope, joy and love for the expected life remains the same. Our domestic employees are sometimes the primary caregivers to many of us, including our children. And to misquote Koos Kombuis, ensure that your Kytie can be a proper, caring mother to her child as well, from the very start of the pregnancy.

first floor, 457 rodericks road, lynnwood, pretoria 0081po box 13615, Hatfield, 0028telephone 012 348 4375 | facsimile 012 348 4363e-mail: [email protected]


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INTERFACE October 2014 9

I love that quote! Since I was

little I always felt that flowers are

nature’s expression of joy and

affection. Working with flowers

makes me happy, and I think

that is communicated in my


We may think of flowers when

wanting to send something to

somebody special and when

words fail us, a thoughtful

bouquet can be an eloquent

translator - but flowers can do

far more than that. They are the

glitter that finishes off a table

at your dinner party, they add

the differential touch to a show

house, they make your clients

and guests feel welcome and

physically demonstrate your

appreciation of beauty. For those

who would rather spend a little

more but have an arrangement

last up to 6 months, I also offer

the amazing long life roses and

foliage. These natural wonders

of nature come in a variety of

a surprizing colours and allow

us to be more conscientious


I’ve lived in Natal my whole life

and recently relocated to Irene.

Discovering that finding suitable

employment in my chosen field

a bit of a challenge, I decided

to turn one of my favourite

hobbies into a business: Madison

Flowers delivers fresh, interesting

arrangements for corporates, the

hospitality industry and private

homes in the Centurion area.

Did you know that flowers are

not just pretty faces, they really

are eye candy for the soul. A

scientific study done by Professor

of psychology, Dr.Haviland-Jones

proved that being exposed to

the magic of flowers physically

benefits humans. Instant

rewards came in the form of

lifted moods and the long-term

participants reported feeling

less depressed, anxious and

agitated after receiving flowers.

They even demonstrated a

higher sense of enjoyment and

life satisfaction. Flowers were

also found to contribute to

increased emotional bonds and

connections between friends and


I want to make beautiful

arrangements accessible to

everybody because I believe that

flowers are such a large part of

feeling happy and enhancing

interiors. I would rather tailor my

flower selection than say I can’t

work within a clients’ budget.

Simple blooms and creative

supporting foliage and décor

items can work as effectively as

pricey exotic flowers.

Most of us know a few flower

names, but with more than 270

000 different species on our

planet we can be forgiven if

we don’t know all of them. As

love-struck Juliet said, “A rose by

any other name would smell just

as sweet,” and the beauty of a

rose or any other flower can be

enjoyed by anybody - whether it’s

known as a Pansy or a Gesiggie,

or even if you don’t know it’s

name at all!

I’m enjoying meeting the friendly

people of Centurion and hope

that I can bring some beauty into

your world too.

Contact Lydia Stander at


E-mail: Lydia.stander@



❁ Always handle your flowers


❁ Try to keep your flowers out of

the sun and keep the stems

moist until you can get them


❁ As a flower starts dying from

the base of the stem be sure

to cut the stem about an inch

from the bottom at a sharp


❁ remove all leaves that will

be below the water line as

these will cause the water to

deteriorate quicker.

❁ Immediately put them

into fresh water and add

conditioning agents if you


❁ It’s important that the vase

or container used for the

flowers is perfectly clean as

flowers are very susceptible to


❁ We all know that flowers drink

through their stems but what

people don’t know is that they

also absorb moisture through

their petals. With this in mind,

be sure to spray your flowers

with water each day.

❁ Don’t position your flowers

near ripening fruit as this

will adversely affect their


❁ Change water daily and trim

the stem again to ensure the

flowers can draw fresh water


“Earth laughs in flower” Ralph Waldo Emerson

COMPETITION Send us a photo of your favourite flower and stand the chance to win

one of 3 gorgeous bouquets worth r350 each.

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Service offerings:

§ Conveyancing

§ Agreement of sale

§ Transfer process

§ Estimated transfer and bond costs

§ Litigation

§ Antenuptial contracts

Tel: 012 663 5233 • Direct fax: 0865 198 273 J & W HOUSE cnr. Lenchen South & Grit Street, Centurion

Docex No. 2, Centurion, Lodgement number Pta 1150


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14 INTERFACE October 2014

CApTAIN’s reportFirst of all let me say a Big thank you to all our members for their patience while we have been busy upgrading the bridges. The raising of the bridges is to ensure that any increased water flow will travel through as quickly as possible should there be any flooding. Apart from anything else, the drive over the bridges is much quieter for the golfers in the surrounding areas. The opening of the drainage area on the 17th hole and subsequent closing of the drainage on the 9th will ensure that our course is playable much quicker once we do have floods, so all in all, i am sure you will all agree that the disruption is worth it.

i trust that you all read my insert into Jannes’ weekly report as the reasons for the lack of water being sprayed on the course. For those who did not manage to read it, simply put, the quality of water coming down the Hennop’s has not been of a quality that we could use. Had we used the water, we would have had a number of ill people due to the high e-coli and trace elements found in the water. Hopefully by the time you read this, we would have found a solution and our summer rains have arrived!

There have been a number of people who have been critical on the condition of our course of late. i have been fortunate to play a number of rounds on some high profile Johannesburg courses over the last couple of months and i am very proud to say that our course is without doubt, in a better position than most. Our greens are certainly better and despite the lack of water, we are as good as if not better than

the courses i played. it sometimes takes a trip to other courses to be able to compare where we stand relative to other courses. We will not rest on our laurels and i assure you that the advent of rain will change the condition of the course very quickly.

The last captains challenge for 2014, sponsored by Hokaai, will be on 29 november in the morning. Please pop in and support Hokaai and don’t forget that they do deliveries into the estate.

“golf... is the infallible test. The man who can go into a patch of rough alone, with the knowledge that only god is watching him and play his ball where it lies, is the man who will serve you faithfully and well.”

― P.g. Wodehouse

Till next time - enjoy playing!




9 September 20141st Renee Williams 5 920 pts,

2nd Willem de Kok 4 390 pts,

3rd Wim Skinner 4 370 pts.

NEw mEmbERs

Teemu MakiahoRose FlemingPierre Buys

Glen de WaalRuan Brits

Fanie ErasmusTheresia BritsPieter du Toit

Deshika du ToitCharl Lloyd

moNTHLY mEDAL September 2014A DIVISION

1st J Coetzer 65 nett 2nd D Piek 70 nett


1st H Venter 68 nett 2nd I Solomon 70 nett


1st A Omar 70 nett 2nd L vd Bijl 71 nett


1st E Barnard 68 nett 2nd E Visser 79 nett


1st A Oosthuysen 71 nett 2nd C Pretorius 68 Gross

Golfer of the month: Johan Coetzer 68 Gross

cnrlenchen north and embankment road

Prekor centre, centuriontel: 012 663 3103/4fax: 086 615 4098

email: [email protected]


Page 15: Interface Oct 14

INTERFACE October 2014 15

CApTAIN’s reportLadyThe ladies golfing schedule did not taper down after our charity golf Day in August and on 25 September we hosted the centurion country club ladies Open. The event was well supported so a big “THAnK yOu” to all our lady members and the visitors that participated. As always, the day out on the golf course was thoroughly enjoyed by all and ended with a marvellous lunch at prize giving. A special thanks must go out to Amarille and her staff from Kuxuxa Foods.

Just before our ladies open, we played in the annual “chip of the Old Block” tournament on 14 September which is a parent/child Betterball Stableford combo. As luck should have it, myself and my daughter, Tanya Hechter, were the proud victors on the day and now have our names proudly displayed on the trophy.

As always, the hard work that our grounds team put in these past few months has not gone unnoticed and i wish to thank them sincerely. The re-enforced bridges as well as repairs to the bridges have been a tough but successful job. We hope the rains will come soon so we can all appreciate our beautiful golf course again.

By the time this goes to print, the following would have taken place:

• We wish our friend and fellow ladygolfer, elize Visser all the very best for her operation in november and a very speedy recovery back to strength and back to the golf course again.

• S.AWomen’sMid-AmateurChampionshipat irene from 3 to 5 november.

it will be enjoyable to see our centurion ladies playing. good luck to those who entered (age from 35 years)

• Something to look forward to in ourcalendar is the annual Sikkel’s golf day and due to the imminent arrival of little baby Sik, Jannes has scheduled this fun event for 1 november. come-on ladies, let’s show the men how to play proper night golf, if you dare!

• ForourEarlyBirdLadies,pleasesave thedate on your calendar for 27 november as we are scheduling an “away” game.

• RemembertobookfortheCCCMixedopenwhich will take place on 30 november.

Happy golfing to all!

until next month

Tilla Janssen

Best Dressed 4 Ball -Elna,

Rene, Elize & Henriette

Flowers for our Ladies Open

Such a Lovely Lady

Ladies Open Winners A Skinner & W Kuhn

You get bad breaks from good shots, You get good breaks from bad shots - But you have

to play the ball where it lies (Bobby Jones)

Elize Visser & Karen Robinson

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16 INTERFACE October 2014

CCC Ladies open25 september 2014

1 A Skinner; W Kuhn 49 pts

2 H Mendes; D Arroyo 47 o.c.o

3 S Baugh; S Andrew 47 pts

4 e Fourie; r Seidel 42 o.c.o

5 P Vilborn; M Arroyo 42 o.c.o

6 i Badenhorst; B Meyer 42 pts

longest Day A Adelaar; A grace

nearest to the Pin # 17 Hayley Mendes

longest Drive # 5 Susan Andrew

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HoKAAI monthly Captain's Challenge 27 september 2014

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18 INTERFACE October 2014

Our annual Interclub Challenge between Woodhill Country Club, Silver Lakes Country Club and Centurion Country Club was hosted at Centurion and took place on Saturday, 27 September with Silver Lakes winning,

CCC runners-up and Woodhill in third place


1st I Verster 42pts

2nd J v Merwe 35pts

3rd J Fivaz 31pts

ApBCO Junior challenge

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24 September 2014HERITAGE DAY

1st pravin Naidoo 43 pts o.c.o

2nd Althea Oosthuysen 43 pts

3rd Franna Hechter 41 pts o.c.o

4th Herman van papendorp 41 pts

5th Herman Minnie (64 gross) 40 pts

6th Louis van Wyk 39 pts o.c.o

7th Tanya Hechter 39 pts o.c.o

8th Mauro Baldo 38 pts o.c.o

9th Harry Venter 38 pts o.c.o

10th Duncan Ackerman 38 pts o.c.o


1st Gary Lauryssen (SpADE) 37 pts

2nd Colin King 36 pts

3rd peter Roberts 35 pts o.c.o

4th Hilmar Venter 35 pts o.c.o

Nearest to the pin Hole # 8 Vusi Ngwenya

Nearest to the pin Hole # 17 peter Roberts


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20 INTERFACE October 2014

NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2014• 7 November: last Spin and Win for the year. •

• 30 November: Carols by candle light •• 24 December: Christmas Eve Dinner •• 31 December: New Year’s Eve dinner •

FEBRuaRy 2015• Saturday, 14 February: Valentines dinner •

Upcoming Social Events

Page 21: Interface Oct 14

aStraPHoBe: ultimate convenience for lightning protectionTired of replacing expensive internet and telephone equipment destroyed by lightning strikes? South African tech company Jacstech is, so they created a unique product that automatically protects your connected devices when storm clouds gather.

The Jacstech Astraphobe DSl is a small box that attaches to your incoming internet and telephone connection. A smart device that really doesn’t like storms (astraphobia is the abnormal fear of lightning), it automatically detects lightning and disconnects the ADSl and telephone lines. When the storm moves away, the Astraphobe reconnects the line.

The powerful surge of electricity from a lightning strike can travel down the ADSl and telephone lines, destroying sensitive (and

expensive) equipment. And because ADSl lines are typically connected directly to the router and onwards to printers, computers, games consoles, storage systems and other devices, the amount of damage that can be caused by a lighting strike is substantial.

features of the astraphobe include:

Award-winning automatic storm detection system identifies approaching weather at a distance of up to 40km

Disconnects/reconnects ADSl line automatically

computer controlled with user-definable preferences

Maintains activity logs

Simple installation and configuration

icASA approved.

extensively tested over the 2013 storm season, the patent-pending device is proudly made in South Africa. The low-cost Astraphobe is designed for longevity, successfully performing over 180 000 connect/disconnect cycles, which is the equivalent of over 300 years of continuous operation in a storm-prone area.

initially available from, the Astraphobe will also be made available in a selection of retailers and is expected to be priced at r1399 inclusive.

For more information contact [email protected] or see

Page 22: Interface Oct 14

R4 700 000R4 200 000

R3 800 000Beautiful Thatch home with 3-4 bedrooms, 3 living areas, lovely garden and a big pool. Double garage Staff quarters. Rented.

Exclusive and well planned to ensure privacy. Spacious living areas Study 4Bedrooms 3Bathrooms 3Garages Staff Q Pool. Rented

R3 000 000A lovely space to call home. Three lovely bedrooms upstairs, plus a study, three living areas, pool, sq. Strict viewing times, come see for yourself.

R3 925 000Spacious family home in a crescent. 3Living areas Kitchen, Scullery Pantry 4Bedr, 2.5 Bathr Study Garden Patio Pool SQ DG

R3 600 000Attention to detail Quality Cherry woodKitchen Scullery 4Bedr - master bedr down-stairs 3Bathr Study Patio Braai SQ 2.4 Gar. Rented.

Perfect in every way, position and finishes. Wooden flooring, 4Bedrooms, 3bathrooms, 2 en-suite, DG Garden & heated pool.

R3 590 000sole mandate

The perfect address 3Spacious living areas Loads of entertaining 4Bedrooms 3Bath-rooms Study Patio Pool DG Private garden.

R4 800 000Beautiful and private with a view on the fairway! Filled with character and different. 3Living areas 4Bedrooms en suite Patio Pool 4Garages

R2 650 000sole mandate

Extremely popular and rare single level! Pri-vate, spacious living areas 3Bedroom 2Bathr Kitchen Scullery Patio Garden DG. Rented.

R4 100 000sole mandate

Dream home with dream Kitchen, Scullery 4Bedr, 3.5 Bath, Study Patio Pool Garden 2Gar SQ. Ideal for bigger families or to work from hom, flatlet with addition entrance.

sole mandateR3 200 000

Open plan living area, kitchen scullery and pantry. 4 Bedroom family home with a big stand, splash pool, staff quarters, double garage with extra storage.

R3 500 000Practical single level family home 3Bedrooms, 3Living areas Storage Staff Quarters Lapa Pool DG En suite guest room

neW lIstInG - R4 500 000sole mandate

Four bedr home on the fairway with amazing views. Relax and enjoy the peace and security. This home is something special and must be seen to be appreci-ated. Lovely double volume living areas plus a flatlet and so much more. Viewing by appointment only.

R 3 900 000Stunning, sunny and perfect!Flowing living area 4Bedr Extra Lounge 3Bathr Study nook SQ DG Storage Patio Pool

R5 800 000sole mandate

Watch the amazing bird life from your patio. Four bedrooms, three bathrooms, cellar, three living areas, separate bar. You won’t believe your eyes. Come see come sigh.

R2 600 000sole mandate

Private, low maintenance family home. Spacious living areas 3Bedroom 2Bathroom Study Double garage Patio Pool Garden Rented.

Page 23: Interface Oct 14

R7 750 000

The ultimate! Quality, style and perfection. Bigger stand, bigger pool, more garages, 5Bedrooms 5Bathrooms Study Bar and lovely patio and garden.

“Put your property needs in our hands” Your leading agents in Centurion Golf Estate since 1996

Principal Gillian Hills072 831 7117

Principal Marissa Burger072 22 77 270

Principal Rina Hattingh083 412 6800

“Doing what we do best. “

R 8 900 000

R5300 000

Outstanding view on fairway and riverfrontCharming with masterbedroom downstairs 4Bedr Study Wine cellar Patio Pool 3Gar SQ

R 5 200 000

Stand on Pasture with approved building plans.

soUtHdoWns - R2 700 000

Nestled between trees, view of the river and fairway. 3Bedrooms en suite 3Living areas 2Studios 3Garages Staff Q

R 5 150 000

On the fairway. Renovated Entertainers dream. Kitchen Scullery Laundry 5 Bedrooms Study Pool Bar Patio Staff Q 3Gar 3 Carports

R6 200 000

Next to the river with nature on your doorstep. Beautiful and practical living areas 3Bedr Study Studio/Gym Double garage

Modern and renovated home on a corner stand. All the extras Cinema Big living and entertainment areas Comfortable bedrs Pool

R5990 000

Special in every way Design Finishes Riverview 4Bedrooms en suite 3Living areasWine cellar Staff Q Patio Pool Rented.

R 5 000 000

Spectacular view on fairway. 4Living areas 4Bedroom 3Bathroom Kitchen Scullery Laun-dry SQ 3Garages Patio Pool

Perfect for the entrepreneur and extended fam-ily. Suites and en suite bedrooms. Spaciousliving areas SQ Fairway view Pool & Patio

R6 900 000

Fairway view Study Bar 3 Living areas 4 Bedr 3 Bathr Enclosed Patio 3Garages Staff Q Flat:2 Bedr 2Bath Kitchen

R 4 900 000

Spacious and Fairway view. 4Living areas 5Bedr 3Bathr 2Study Home Theatre Sauna Jacuzzi Heated Pool Staff Q UFH 3/4 Garage

R7 500 000


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Lovely 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, double garage

with pool for those hot summer days, No Pets



1 AUGUST 2014


NAOMI 083 461 1231



RAY 082 461 3751

GREAT FOR THE FAMILYThis lovely 4 bedroom, 5

bathroom 3 garages family home in the Golf Estate also

allows you to bring your pet along, it has a beautiful

garden, patio with braai


4 Double sized Bedrooms, 4 top quality Bathrooms, new gourmet Kitchen, 4 sunny Lliving Areas, enclosed Patio, Pool, Servants

quarters, 3 Garages. Many special features in this unique



Unique design with 3 lovely Living Areas leading onto the

garden with stunning river views! 4 Bedrooms (lovely main on

suite), 4 Bathrooms, Pool, Patio, Servants Quarters and Double

Garage (RENTED)

PICTURE PERFECT – JUST MOVE IN!!! Sunny and welcoming

4 Bed. home with everything you need!!, 3 Bath, Study nook, Kitchen (o/plan, Cherry wood &

Granite), 3 L/Areas, covered Patio & Gas braai, Servants Quarters,

Double Garage, beautiful Garden & Pool – A Must See!!

GREAT FOR SMALL FAMILYVery Neat Townhouse in Secure

Golf Estate easily accessible for highways and shopping

centers. No More than 2 pets allowed at property. Pre-Paid electricity Quiet Community.AVAILABLE ANYTIME AND



Close to the Club house. 5 sunny Bedr, 3 Bathr, Study

nook, Kitchen (O/plan, cherry wood & granite), 3 Living

Areas, Covered Patio & gas braai, SQ, DG, manageable garden & pool. A Must See!!

BEAUTIFUL EXCECUTIVE HOME!!! Recently renovated,

immaculate 6 Bedr home, 4 Bathr, beautiful Study,

exquisite Pool/Patio area, open plan Living Areas with

Kitchen, SQ with kitchenette, 4 Garages, Excellent quality

& position!!


lovely entertainment area which flows into the open plan living area and kitchen, all bedrooms on-suite, pyjama lounge with kitchenette, ample cupboards, upmarket finishes, central heating. S.Q. swimming

pool & Jacuzzi on ± 809m² stand- Excellent security in Golf estate, 4 Gar

RENTALR28 000 PM01 DEC 2014

RENTALR14,500 000


SALER5,300 000

SALER5,590 000






Page 26: Interface Oct 14

Your HomeOur Core Business

Global House East298 Glenwood Road

Lynnwood ParkMagde

083 387 3437


R4 700 000


R4 650 000


R2 380 000

COMFORTABLE FLOWGood position + low maintenance plus single level. 3 Open plan reception areas, 3 bedrooms and en-suite flatlet, double drive through garage patio, pool and garden.


R3 490 000

RIVERFRONTEscape to this superb location on the river, entertainers friendly home with 4 en-suite bedrooms, open plan kitchen and reception areas, wine cellar, playroom, staff flatlet and DG.


R5 000 000

BIG FAMILY HOMEOn the 1st fairway with exceptional views and 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, study, SQ and 3 garage, entertainment patio and pool.


R5 300 000

IN MINT CONDITIONOpen plan comfort with main en-suite on ground floor and upstairs, 4 bedrooms, super study with balcony, SQ and DG - all in mint condition.


R5 500 000



R6 900 000



R3 900 000



RENTEDPrivate home with landscaped garden - 3 bedrooms and bathrooms, study, balcony, reception areas with gas fireplaces, open plan kitchen, SQ, DG and double carport.


R3 750 000

CLASSIC HOMESo much to offer in this 4 bedroom home, guest en-suite on ground floor, study, entertainment patio onto sparkling pool, DG and SQ.


R3 900 000

SUPERIOR!Too perfect for words and overlooking fairway - very upmarket and modern home with 3 bedrooms and bathrooms, study, open plan kitchen, large patio and pool, SG and DG.


R4 250 000

Bed and Breakfast with 10 luxury suites, conference facilities for up to 10 de-legates, spacious lounges overlooking 4th fairway. Super finishes throughout - fantastic business opportunity!

012 - 348 0123





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INTERFACE October 2014 27


Property to rent in centurion golf estate. Single level, 2 1/2 bedroom, open plan lounge, dinning room and kitchen, Dg, swimming pool, low maintenance garden. rent r15 500 p/m excluding water and lights as from 1 December 2014. contact Debbie 073 651 9644.


Maria Dlamini has been working on the estate for over 10 years. She is looking for full time sleep-in employment as a domestic worker. She is Afrikaans speaking, extremely reliable and hardworking with a very pleasant personality. She can do basic cooking and is eager to learn. Please contact Maria 072 931 6911 or elmarie 083 285 0949.

Dorothy is looking for domestic work on Fridays. She already works in the estate on the other days of the week. She's a dependable hard worker and gets right down to business. you can contact her on 073 707 2051.

effie is looking for domestic work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. effie is a lovely person, extremely hard working and very reliable. effie already works in the estate 2 days a week. Please contact her on 083 345 0537 or Sone on 083 228 7902 for references.

Frieda has worked for us for 8 years. We are relocating and she is available for a live-in position from Mondays to Fridays from December 2014. She is very reliable and hard working. She is very gentle with kids also. Her number is 076 846 6990. For references, call 082 830 7274.

for Sale

Teak wood dining room suite: round table, six chairs, r1 800. call Mrs Swanepoel 083 308 9179.

For sale - 3/4 size Professional union Billiards Snooker table with all accessories (lights, scoreboard, cues, rests, 2 sets of balls). Owner moving home and snooker table is in storage. Selling price r24 000 including re-installation from union Billiards. contact gillian on 072 831 7117.

For sale: Small petrol motor bike, Suzuki DS80, 2 stroke, very good condition r5 500. Also Trick Bike, Mongoose prostylist r750. contact Jeanie 073 254 2392 or 012 665 2138.


i am germaine Woolf, now retrenched due to company closed down. experienced bookkeeper to Balance Sheet and office administration. i am in good health, reliable, hard working, and will put my hand to most office routines. i have my own transport. Willing to do full, part time or temporary assignments. 082 624 9065.

gas and water suppliers: Pure Flow gas: 9kg/19kg/48kg (bottle exchange), Freshline, Suremix. aZure Water (still/sparkling): 30ml/500ml/1ltr/1.5ltr/5ltr/18.9ltr – Own Business Branding available! Dispensers, rO units. Please e-mail or phone me for our Price list, thank you: [email protected] / Helen 083 338 9895.

Student required for 2 hours a day (Mon - Fri) to collect child from day care at 16h00 and stay with him at home until 18h00. Please contact chanel on 083 752 2180.

Pet Sitting and Dog Socialising for the centurion golf estate residents. going away and need to know that your pets are well looked after? i am available, reliable and nearby. i also offer dog/puppy socialising classes... bring your dogs to play while you are at work. contact colleen 082 896 3821 or [email protected] for details.


PRoPeRtIes to Rent - ContaCt adelle naUde on 083 622 6153

R14 000 R16 000 R20 000 R22 000“Upgraded”, 3 bed, open plan living areas, garden services incl.

“Best location” fully furnished & serviced flatlet, 2 bed.

“Quite open plan”, 3 bed, study, pool, sq, 2 garages.

“Spacious 4bed, study, pool double garage and more.

“Doing what we do best. “

“Put your property needs

in our hands”

let let let

EVELYNE - CELL: 083 276 5003

Urgent - Amazing Value, Irene home, 5 bed, 3 bath (3 beds downstairs) 5 living areas. Pool, SQ & 4 garages. Offers welcome R2,950,000

Loads of Extras – Bonus an extraordinary big flat. House offers 4 beds, 2 bath, big f/room & entertainment. Pool, staff and DG. R3,190,000

Comfortable Single Level – 3 bedrooms, en suite guest room. 3 living areas, storage. Lapa, Pool, SQ and low maintenance.. R3,500,000

Quality Home - Sunny 4 beds, 3 bath, & lovely entertainment areas, study. Sparkling pool with nice patio, storage, staff acc. DG. R3,900,000

Investment Oppurtunity - Three living areas , 3 bed, 2 , study . Patio , pool. DG, golf cart & staff acc. Rented till October 2014 R2,980,000

Simply Stunning - Full title 3 beds laminated, 2 bath cluster. Lounge, dining room, big kitchen. Nice patio, pool. Mint condition R2,450,000

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A dedicated team for all your residential sales and rentals


R15,000 / month R25,000 / month

Secure, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, dbl garage, townhouse, all tiles, pre paid meter, available immediately.

Lovely , spacious Fairway view,4 bedroom , 3 bathroom, flatlet, SQ,3 garages, available 1 Nov. 2014





Single storey, face brick, north facing home. This attractive home offers plenty of extras, pool, lapa, indoor braai, staff accommodation, built-in bar and separate flatlet with own entrance.

Light and bright and in perfect condition, this family home has 5 large bedrooms (2 downstairs). Enclosed private patio leads onto manicured garden with swimming pool. Staff accommodation.

This family home has plenty of space with 3 beds upstairs, plus full flatlet (or office) with lounge, bedroom, bathroom, study nook, kitchenette and balcony. Large erf for children and pets. 3 garages and SQ.

R6,300,000 (neg)



A large home on the fairway, great for entertaining with superb views. Plenty of parking.

This pristine single storey home (only study upstairs) has all a family would ever need and more. 3 bedrooms all en-suite. Entertainer’s patio and pool in well-established and pretty garden.

Situated in a quiet part of the Estate this 4 bed home with study has a large garden, staff accommodation and pool. Don’t miss this one – neat as can be !


A modern home newly renovated. Top finishes throughout. Also available to rent @ R35,000.00 per month. Large pool, games room and cinema room.

R5,350,000NEw LISTINg - R5,150,000 SOLE MANdATE - R5,100,000

A cape-dutch styled home on the first fairway. Gorgeous views of the golf course and river. Outbuildings that could be used as a flatlet, offices and studio and staff accommodation. Private and tranquil.

An executive home on course offering a separate 2 bed flatlet. 4 beds, 3 baths, 3 garages. Swimming pool overlooking the fairway. Good condition.

An exquisite home with all the extras (indoor pool, 15 seater cinema, surround sound, jacuzzi). One of the top homes in the Estate !

LEASE IN pLAcE - R6,800,000


SOLE MANdATE – R3,075,000

SOLE MANdATE – R3,800,000


Life is all about living ! A ‘Top Billing” status home built with passion. The luxurious atmosphere provides a backdrop for incomparable living. Immaculate condition and something extra special !

A home offering plenty of accommodation on the rolling greens. 4 beds, all en-suite, 4 garages and staff accommodation. Beautiful layout with guest house approval by HOA.

Immaculate home, newly renovated. 4 beds (1 downstairs). Low maintenance, plenty of parking. Amazing value !

This red facebrick home is neat and well-maintained. Large loft upstairs, 4 garages and staff accommodation. Entertainer’s patio, pool and built-in braai. Tenant in place till December 2014.

Large family home (10 bedrooms, all en-suite). Exceptional property on fairway, a unique find with solid rosewood finishes. Serious Seller – come make an offer!

A home of distinction ! A very spacious family home with 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms and 3 garages. Situated on the fairway, one of the best addresses. Bold and beautiful!

An alluring home nestled in the trees and near the river. Unique modern design with privacy & top class finishes. Open-plan flowing living areas, jacuzzi, sauna & gym. Exquisite views! Rental in place.


Immaculate home with 4 beds, 3 baths and double garage. Beautiful views of the Estate and Centurion. Pretty garden with heated swimming pool.


A grand home with lots of open-flowing living areas and sunlight. 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, large study/office area, 2 garages and gourmet kitchen. Priced to sell !

NEw LISTINg – R3,050,000R6,900,000

Real value for your money ! Spacious living areas and bedrooms. Small low maintenance garden and splash pool. A true investment in a top Estate.




R24,000 / month cornwall Hill - R32,500 / month Zwartkop golf Estate - R17,000 / month

Spacious home & garden,3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, guest toilet, full flatlet,3 garages, available immediately.

4 bedroom, 3 bathroom plus 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom flatlet, Sale R8.5 Million, Cellar/gym, pool, 10 000 sq m stand.

4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house, dbl storey, built in braai on patio, balcony all round, Sale R2.7 Million

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INTERFACE October 2014 31

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“Put your property needs in our hands” Your leading agents in Centurion Golf Estate since 1996

Principal Gillian Hills072 831 7117

Principal Marissa Burger072 22 77 270

Principal Rina Hattingh083 412 6800

“Doing what we do best. “

sold oFFeR PendInG

oFFeR PendInG

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oFFeR PendInG oFFeR PendInGoFFeR PendInG