inside of the digipak

Using the rule of thirds. Inside of the Digipak CHOSEN IMAGE

Upload: beth-saunders

Post on 27-May-2015




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  • 1. Inside of the DigipakUsing the rule of thirds.CHOSEN IMAGE

2. Editing the imageFirst of all I started by cropping the Image using therule of thirds concept. This image will be on theinside of my Digipak. I chose to use the rule ofthirds so it could stretch across all three panels ofthe Digipak.Then using the Clone Stamp tool I erased the handout of the image as it was too distracting. This makesit look more professional.When shooting these images, I used the Tungstenlighting in the white balance as the photos keptcoming out in a extremely orange colour. I thenfigured that if I used and orange filter on it, it willcancel out the blue making the background look white. 3. Editing the image I then increased the brightness andcontrast. This brought the model out ofthe image. The brightness alsobleached the background making itlook whiter and more professional. I added in into the template of myDigipak, keeping my original concept ofthe rule of thirds. I have decreased theopacity just so I can see what it lookslike on the template. I think theextreme close up works well to create aunique yet sophisticated image. 4. This is the final edited image of my Digipak inside, although when Ifit it to the template it gives an extreme close up and crops out herbody. I like this as I feel her torso is in an odd position. I have alsoplayed around with the straightening as her hair is more effectivehigher up. 5. To edit this image, first of all I cropped it tothe standard Digipak dimensions. I wantedthe chair to be featured on the right handthird as I feel the rule of thirds creates aunique image, it also works well as I haveused it a lot in my video and in my photos.This creates a distinct theme.I then proceeded to erase the fence outof the background with the clone stamptool. I did this because I felt it wasnatural enough to fit in the photo, italso looked unprofessional and was alittle distracting. 6. I then practised a skill that Iacquired in my photographylessons. This enables me tochange the image so it has morepastel tones. I did this but addinga white and a pink solid fill layer,then changing the over lay to softlight. I then changed the opacityso it is not as strong with pinktones as the top screen grab. Thepastel tones give the image amore girly and sophisticated feelwhich matches my artist and mytarget audience of females agedbetween 17-25. 7. This is the final image, I feelthat the rule of thirds combinedwith the pastel tones and thescreen glare, all work togetherto create a unique, dreamlikeimage.The image to the right is what itwill look like as the inside pageon my Digipak. 8. Digipak back coverFirst of all Image to the required measurements.I decided to use her stepping across the ruleof thirds as if gives the sense of movement,as if she is stepping across the image. I alsochose to place her like this as the left handthird will be the blank space that I will put mytitles that will go on my back cover. I then proceeded to use the clone stamp tool to edit out the helpers hand, as I got her to throw the dress in the air as the model stepped forward. I opted for a silhouette shot as it has strong links to the music video and i feel that it is a more dramatic and mysterious image. 9. I then increased the contrast of the image as itmade the colours richer, it also deepened thephoto, removing some of the grass that wasvisible and making the model stand out of theimage.I then found another image where Ipreferred the skirt movement, but didnt likehow she was stepping, so I decided to usemy skills that I have acquired in Photoshopto combine the two skirts. This has allowedthe image to look more professional and 10. This is a screen shot of after I combined the twoskirts together, I like how it has made it looklonger.I then noticed that there was a part of the skirtthat i had cut out which was too sharp andunrealistic at the bottom of the image, so usingthe polygonal selection tool, I selected thetriangle, removed it and smoothed it off usingthe clone stamp tool. Finally I smoothed the bump at the top of thedress to make it flow more and make it lookmore genuine. Elongating the dress has given a sense of floatingand dreaminess, it also shows her on a journeyto find someone and the idea of the wind makesit feel as if she is battling the elements. Placingher in the rule of thirds also shows how lonelyshe is which links to the lyrics of the song. 11. This is thefinished backcover before I puttext on it, I feelthat the skirtwith the extralength to its addstogether to makea more effectiveand eye catching. 12. First of all using the Gaussian blur I blurredthe background, this gave it more depth offield and allowed her face to stand out ofthe image, showing that she is the mostimportant part of the front cover. Here I looked at using a de-saturatedcolour tone although I feel like completelyblack and white will not work with the restof the digipak. I then selected her pupils and with theUnsharp Mask I played around with thesharpening of the eyes. I did this to makethem stand out and give more of a wowfactor; enticing the audience in. 13. Here I played around with the curveslike Rhiannas album but i feel like thecurves do not work as well as theoriginal colour tone is too harsh. I thinkI will stick to a slightly de-saturatedcolour tone. With the typefont I overlaid it and witha bit of time managed to get aoverlapping effect wanted by entwiningthe two fonts together and playingabout with the positioning of the layers.I feel that it looks more professionalwith this type of editing work.