importance of multimedia by zubair yaseen

Subject: Multimedia Submitted to: Mam Sobia (Lectr). Submitted BY : Zubair Yaseen Bs(it) 6 th eve. 3005. University of education Okara Renala campus

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Page 1: Importance of Multimedia BY Zubair yaseen

Subject: MultimediaSubmitted to: Mam Sobia (Lectr).

Submitted BY : Zubair Yaseen

Bs(it) 6th eve.3005.

University of education Okara Renala campus

1-Importance of MultimediaThere are many importance of multimedia

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the use of multimedia increases students' motivation; Multimedia facilitates active learning; Multimedia facilitates experiential learning; the use of multimedia is consistent with student-centred learning; Multimedia leads to better learning.


The introduction of multimedia technology into the education process in higher education not only provides an opportunity to reconsider teaching strategies to be adopted but also requires such a reconsideration. This reconsideration should address the opportunities for promoting the efficiency and effectiveness of learning through the use of this new technology. It is argued in this paper that the development of computer aided learning (CAL) and multimedia packages for use in higher education in recent years has generally been driven by the desire to increase teaching efficiency. 

The use of multimedia increases efficiency

The emergence of CAL and multimedia technologies has been set against a background of increasing student numbers and decreasing resources, increased administration burdens for teachers, and increased demands for research output. Using CAL and multimedia courseware and thereby reducing the amount of teacher-student contact time appears to offer the scope for significant efficiency savings. However, the claim that multimedia technology leads to increased efficiency is somewhat exaggerated, for two reasons. Firstly, the claim is based on the relatively low marginal cost incurred each time such courseware is used. This ignores the considerable up-front development costs involved, which when accounted for may mean that the courseware must be used a great many times before any efficiency gains are realised. Secondly, efficiency defined solely from the educator's perspective fails to recognise students' involvement in the learning process. For example, a one hour lecture which is replaced by a poorly designed CAL or multimedia product which requires four hours of work per student to achieve an equivalent level of understanding should not be regarded as efficient learning. In other words, efficient teaching is not necessarily efficient learning.


The use of multimedia increases students' motivation

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It is often claimed that multimedia technology offers a more stimulating and motivating learning environment than that associated with traditional teaching methods. The validity of this claim is examined in relation to some established motivation theories. The motivation to learn is an important aspect of effective teaching The presence of hygiene factors does not provide a motivating force, but their absence demotivates.

There is a temptation to overplay the motivational capability of multimedia. CAL and multimedia packages are not necessarily more stimulating methods of learning. Indeed, the so-called page-turning CAL and multimedia products, which are little more than textbooks plus flashing lights, can be particularly tedious and dull. We must therefore specify how multimedia can be used to motivate students to learn.

Multimedia facilitates active learning

CAL and multimedia technology can provide opportunities for active learning. Courseware can involve built-in questions, problems and tests, which encourage some thought and action on the part of the student. The interactive and non-linear capabilities of multimedia technology provide two important advantages in this context.

First, the technology offers a means of ensuring the desired learning activity is performed. When active learning approaches are introduced in conventional lectures and tutorials (except perhaps when teaching very small groups of students), it can be very difficult for the teacher to check that each student is engaged in the desired activity in the manner intended. Multimedia courseware, however, can be designed so that progress through the package is dependent on the completion of a number of required tasks. Also, different problems can be posed for different students, reducing the scope for freeloading or copying. A note of caution is required, however. Just because the student provides an answer to a problem does not necessarily mean that any thought, let alone the desired thought, has gone into the response given. Also, too many problems can make the package tedious to work through.


Multimedia facilitates experiential learning

Related to active learning is the notion that students learn well by doing for themselves. This has been described as experiential learning and is one of the four key elements in Kolb's learning cycle..

Multimedia technology offers the opportunity to simulate reality and therefore can facilitate experiential learning. Through video and sound, a real-life scenario can be conveyed and then the interactive and non-linear access capabilities of multimedia can enable the student to explore the situation as if for real. The student makes decisions and can see the consequences of those decisions. These capabilities of multimedia technology mean that it can be used for the application of previously learned concepts, or for a more inductive approach to learning .

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There are limitations, however, insofar as the complexity of a real life situation can never be replicated with total accuracy. Care must be taken to ensure the package is not unrealistic, and the social implications must also be considered. Students may become proficient in interacting with a computer, but less able to interact with real people .

The use of multimedia is consistent with student centered learning

Student centered learning recognises that students learn well when they take responsibility for their own learning, and also that different students have different     learning styles and different learning needs

`We cannot teach another person directly: we can only facilitate his learning.'

Advocates of CAL and multimedia courseware have claimed that these are consistent with the student-centred learning approach, because the technology offers flexibility in terms of what is studied, when it is studied, the pace at which it is studied, the order in which it is studied, and so on. Also, the interactive capabilities mean that the courseware can adapt to the specific abilities of the student. The student centred approach to learning is premised on the learning process being directed towards meeting student needs. This is not achieved by courseware which cedes no responsibility to students, other than the opportunity to study in their own time. This merely translates the traditional linear learning process into a new environment without utilising any of the capabilities of that environment.


Multimedia leads to better learning

In order to assess the effectiveness of multimedia courseware in the learning process we must first define the educational objectives which higher education seeks to achieve. Educational objectives can be broadly classified into subject-specific objectives and more general transferable skills.

In terms of subject-specific learning objectives, recall and recognise specified information;

comprehend and digest the information; apply what they have learned; Analys the subject, with an understanding of the component parts and

their interrelationships; synthesize the subject, taking an overview;

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The limitations of multimedia in terms of its ability to promote the achievement of the above objectives must be recognised by the designers and users of the technology. CAL and multimedia courseware has generally focused on the first three of the above objectives and some, arguably, do not even progress far beyond just the first objective.

Many CAL and multimedia packages have an in-built student assessment facility. A gain, the attraction of this feature may stem more from a desire for reduced teacher involvement, rather than concerns regarding the quality of education. The use of such assessment in multimedia packages has serious limitations from a learning effectiveness perspective, as such packages can only test objectively.

2-Application of Multimedia in Different Field

There are a number of fields where multimedia could be of use.Examples are:-

Business Education Entertainment Home Public Places


Use and Application Sales / Marketing Presentation Trade show production Staff Training Application Company Kiosk

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EducationUse and Application

Courseware / Simulations E-Learning / Distance Learning Information Searching

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Entertainment- Use and Application

Games Movies Video on Demand Online


Use and Application

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Television Satellite TV SMS Services (Chat, Voting).

Public Places- Use and Application

Information Kiosk Smart Cards, Security

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We all are living in the world of media and in the future world everything will be based on Multimedia

3-How do you integrate multimedia In your softwares

MultimediaA combination of text, audio, animation, video, images/graphics, and interactivity define multimedia.  Each appeals to a human sense.  The degree and manner to which each is used has the potential to increase learning.  According to Szuprowicz, Fetterman, and Gupta, humans retain only 20% of what they see, from 20% to 30% of what they hear, and about 40% to 50% of what they both see and hear. And they can retain up to 80%

of what they see, hear, and do at the same time.

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Multimedia integrate in different softwares

• The basic tool set for building a multimedia project can be divided into five categories:

Painting and Drawing Tools

– 3-D Modeling and animation tools– Image editing tools– Sound editing tools– Animation Video– Digital Movie tools

Painting and Drawing Tool

Painting and drawing tools generally come with a graphical user interface with pull down menus for quick selection.

You can create almost all kinds of possible shapes and resize them.

Drawing file can be imported or exported in many image formats like .gif, .tif, .jpg, .bmp, tec.

A good drawing software – “Corel Draw

3D Modeling tools

Realism means that you depict things in the way they actually are.

It tools the objects that appear in perception in your project can look realistic.

These tools offer features like multiple windows to view your design in each dimension.

Tools provide drag and drop menu.

A good 3D modeling tool is “3D Studio Max”.

Image editing tools

These tools are used to edit existing bitmap images and pictures.

They are similar to painting and drawing tools as they can also create images from scratch.

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It is also capable of converting the image data type file format.

It is used usually for reinventing and recreating the image.

Image process software – Adobe Photoshop & Paint Shop pro.

Sound editing tools

Sound editing tools let you hear sound as well as visualize it.

You can cut/copy and paste sound edit it with great accuracy.

You can integrate sound into your multimedia project very easily by using sound editing tools.

A good sound editing software is “Cool Edit” and “Sound Forge”.

Animation, Video and digital movies editing tools

Animations are graphic scenes played back sequentially and rapidly.

These tools enable you to edit and assemble video clips captured from camera, animations and other sources.

The completed clip with added transition and visual effects could be played back.

Adobe Premiere and Media Shop Pro are two good example of these tools.

Choosing Software:Usability

Should have a capability to deal with a variety of text, images video and sound formats with precision and ease.


Should have wide ranging capabilities in terms of interactive simulations, media support, animated buttons, illustrations ,maps , etc.


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– Should have anti-aliasing feature, meaning that all letter and image edges are smooth.


Should have integration capabilities with a wide range of software used for different jobs like Real, ActiveX, Shockwave, Flash, QuickTime, Photoshop and other applications.


Should be able to develop one piece of content for delivery on different media types.

User friendliness

Should be the easiest, most versatile, and have the most pre-built models .

4-Fonts Created different outputsBefore inputs:

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After OUputs

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