ignite the magic in your business. by angella...

by Angella Johnson ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. Ignite the magic in your business.

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  • by Angella Johnson©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc.

    Ignite the magic in your business.

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 2

    Welcome. This is dedicated to you...

    ... the rebel

    ... the misfit who never quite fit in (thank goodness)

    ... the dreamer who’s been told to be responsible, focus, and to be “realistic.”

    ... the artist who finds it impossible to color inside the lines.

    ... the magic-maker who KNOWS you can create more, even if you doubt it from time to time.

    ... the entrepreneur who refuses to settle, will not back down, and is here to change the world.

    I’m glad you’re here.

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 3

    The fine print. If you are looking for a magic pill, this isn’t it.

    If you are looking for a formula that will solve all of your problems overnight, this isn’t it.

    This is a new possibility - one that you can choose to step into or not.

    Caution: This may ignite magic in your business (and bank ac-count) and cause people to worry about you because you’ll be happier and making money doing what you love.

    I can’t guarantee your results or outcome. I provide the tools, you apply the action. YOU can create what ever you desire.

    Giving Credit Where Credit is Due:I’m a certified ambassador in the Alignment Archetype Grid by Beth Grant, which I’ve renamed (with permission) the Marketing Archetypes™.

    I also use Access Consciousness® tools. At the time of publish-ing this, I’m a few months away from becoming a certified facili-tator in this amazing body of work.

    To learn about The Clearing Statement®, go to www.theclearingstatement.com and to hear my explanation of it, go to www.soulvisionbusinessschool.com/resources

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 4

    Meet Angella. Frequently referred to as a “marketing genius” by her clients and colleagues, Angella Johnson is on a mission to liberate visionary entrepreneurs from the marketing traps they often find themselves in.

    Angella’s unique blend of strategy and intuition come together in her Intuitive Marketing Method™, which restores self trust while teaching strategies that create real results.

    Get free trainings and connect with Angella at www.AngellaJohnson.com.

    2008. Got fired. Started being an official entrepreneur. I was broke, stuck, and scared.

    2009. Hosted my first live event and lost $40,000.

    2010. Had my first 6-figure year and thought I “made it.”

    2012. Almost to multiple 6-figures and completely burned out. I burned down my business and started over.

    2012-2014. Reconnected to my spirituality and intuition and quickly rebuilt my business to over 6 figures but without the hustle.

    2014. Completely rebuilt my relationship with money and finally started paying myself.

    2015. Discovered two power tools that changed everything in my life, business, and bank account: Access Consciousness® and the Marketing Archetypes™.

    2016. Developed the Intuitive Marketing™ Method and taught it around the world.

    Present. Happy. Joyful. Profitable. Magic. Global business that gets better and better.

    The magic continues...


  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 5

    The Five Marketing Traps If you don’t know where you are, you don’t know how to get to where want to go.

    Identifying these five marketing traps will assist you to see that first, you are not alone. I’ve seen these with thousands of entrepreneurs I’ve taught over the years, myself included.

    Second, marketing is really here to support and nurture you. It’s not something you have to avoid, dislike, or begrudgingly do.

    Third, somewhere along the way, you created the trap and put yourself in it with your thoughts, beliefs, and patterns. This is GREAT news, because that means you can get out of it!

    Once you see the pattern, you can change it.

    Remember, what you judge you cannot change. So be kind to yourself. Take an honest and loving look at this and simply notice what you notice. Be willing to laugh at yourself and acknowledge how far you’ve come!

    Review these five traps then we’ll move onto the Intuitive Marketing Method™.

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 6

    The Five Marketing Traps Trap #1: “Meditate-Your-Way-To-Money”

    This can sound like, “If I just get my money mindset right, then this will all work out.”

    After years of reading books, meditating, and doing your affirmations just right, things still aren’t working. While I love my spiritual communities, I see this trap, along with #3 as the most common, in that world.

    Again, this is not a “problem to fix,” it’s an awareness to see so you can create change. Resist the temptation to fixate on fixing a problem vs creating what you desire.

    Truth: You don’t have to fix your money-mindset completely before you can start making money.

    Also, you likely don’t have a money-mindset problem, you have a message and marketing misalignment.

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 7

    The Five Marketing Traps Trap #2: “Bust-Your-A$$-Marketing”

    This can sound like, “I’ll just work a little harder, a little longer...”“If I want it bad enough, I have to be more focused!”

    You miss out on family functions, you stop taking care of your body, and energizing yourself with caffeine and lack-of-sleep are common. You’ve been rewarded for making things happen for so long that you don’t know if you can trust ease and flow as much as you can creating results through pushing yourself harder.

    Truth: If you build your life around your business, you will always have a job. (You didn’t start a business to have a job did you?)

    Have the courage to build your business around your LIFE.

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 8

    The Five Marketing Traps Trap #3: “Avoider Marketing”

    “I can market myself better than I can market other people.”

    You often spend your time with the details and getting things “ready” so you can be “ready” to put yourself out there.

    Confusing if you “feel” ready with being willing to take action is where this trap usually starts. You may never “feel” ready. Are you willing to trust what you desire and KNOW?

    Truth: Avoiding the money-making actions in your business will not get easier with time, it usually gets harder. Trust that people will want what you have and will be glad to pay for it when you market yourself in alignment.

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 9

    The Five Marketing Traps Trap #4: “Build-It-and-They-Will-Come” (also known as “Perfection-itis Marketing”)

    “If I just get the perfect website, head shots, and brand, then people will find me.”

    You spend time, energy, and money on building the products, programs, website(s), etc. before you have any customers. It gives the illusion of having a business because you have all of the components, except the consistent clients.

    The other side of this trap is the brand, website, message, and whatever else you have created, often evolve quickly into something else once you start working with people so you have to redo everything all over again.

    Truth: Done is better than perfect. You don’t have to have a website, business cards, or a brand to get paying clients. People want YOU.

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 10

    The Five Marketing Traps. Trap #5: “Cash-Injection Marketing”

    “How can I make money this month?”“How can I make money in the next 30 days?”

    This becomes the norm and you never create consistent income. You always feel like you are behind. While the adrenaline rush can be fun, it eventually takes its toll on you and burnout or defeat is right around the corner.

    Truth: Creating a marketing plan will create freedom for you, even if you think it will limit your creativity or free spirit.

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 11

    Intuitive Marketing™ MethodThis is four simple steps.

    Simplicity brings power. Simplicity creates clarity. Clarity is the path to clients, money, alignment, and joy.

    In this playbook, we are focusing on steps #3 and #4.

    Why? That is where the action happens. I don’t want this to be one more thing you learn about, but something you IMPLEMENT and get results with.

    Step #1: Know your Marketing Archetype™.Go here and use the code bliss to get the full program at a drastically reduced cost. http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/marketing-with-soul

    Step #2: Choose Your Target. Write your target here:

    Step #3: Clear it! (Clear your points of view, conclusions, judgments, expectations, beliefs, and blocks.)

    I use The Clearing Statement by Access Consciousness® for this. This tool clears the actual molecules of energy that are in the way of you creating change and what you desire. Go to TheClearingStatement.com to learn about it. Or you can check out my explanation for how this at SoulVisionBusinessSchool.com/resources.

    http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/marketing-with-soulhttp://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/marketing-with-soulhttp://www.TheClearingStatement.com http://www.SoulVisionBusinessSchool.com/resourceshttp://www.SoulVisionBusinessSchool.com/resources

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 12

    Intuitive Marketing™ MethodStep #4: Ask Questions, Follow the Energy, and Take Action(These three are together because they work in tandem with each other.)

    Questions create possibilities. Questions will create more magic than planning ever will.

    These expansive questions change the energy field around you and start opening you up to more possibilities.

    At first, your brain will want to come up with the perfect answer and to-do list.

    You will get specific inspiration as you ask these questions, but more importantly, the questions open you up to receive the things you are asking for.

    With these questions, ask from the energy of curiosity, and watch what shows up in your world. These questions also expand your awareness so your intuition will be more clear. Pay attention to the ideas and inspiration that show up - this is how the universe is conspiring with you to create magic.

    Examples of questions: (I often call these expansive questions.)

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 13

    What would be really fun for me to create right now?

    Program, Product, Event, Business, what would you like to charge?

    Program, how many people would you like to play with?

    What would it take for $______ to show up right away?

    What energy, space, and consciousness can I BE to receive 10 clients right away?

    Event, how many people/paying bodies would you like to host?

    If I could create any way to work with people, what would like me up? How much money would be fun to charge?

    Business, how can we play together to create more magic and money?

    Business, what is required to share this program with the world?

    What would it take to have a new client show up right away?

    How much fun can I have creating $_______ right away?

    What joy can my business and I be today?

    What else is possible?

    How does it get better than that?

    What magic can my business and I be today?

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 14

    How much money can I receive today by having fun and being me?


    (True Story) For a few weeks, I asked “What energy, space, and consciousness can I BE to be invited to share my message with thousands of people every month?”

    Within several weeks of asking this and just forgetting about it, I was contacted to speak at two different events and invited to be a radio show host on an network that has a million listeners a month.

    I asked the question and it showed up!____________________________________________________

    There are THOUSANDS of questions you can ask. The key with asking questions to create, is to get in the habit of asking questions and trusting your awareness.

    It may feel awkward at first or as if you aren’t working hard enough. That’s the illusion. You’ve actually been over-working and getting in the way of what is possible with all of that “hard work” and struggle.

    If you have been wondering if there is an easier way to create magic in your life and business, this is it.

    Asking questions is not a new concept, but it can be life-changing like it was for me. I was really good at working REALLY hard.

    Now, I create magic with the universe and I’m amazed at the things that show up with ease.

    Can I assist you to implement Intuitive Marketing™ in your business? Explore some options on the next page >>

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 15

    Resources To join the conversation, ask questions about any of the tools I’ve provided here, including what your Marketing Archetype™ is, join my private Facebook group here: Intuitive Marketing™ for SOULpreneurs:www.facebook.com/groups/alchemywithangella/

    To receive support for your business, here are a few options:

    Intuitive Marketing™ Workshop:This is a 2-hour virtual workshop with no more than eight attendees so I can focus on your individual business.

    You leave with your next steps to grow your business and having

    experienced the Intuitive Marketing Method™ so you know how to use these tools to create more money and magic in your business. Explore an upcoming workshop here: http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/intuitive-marketing-workshop

    IGNITEThis is my signature 3-day annual event where we merge the world of strategy and marketing with magic.

    For three days, you create the next possibility in your business. This isn’t

    a lecture-style event, or sales pitch after sales pitch. It’s designed to create transformation in your life, business, and bank account.

    Explore IGNITE here: http://angellajohnson.com/events/ignite

    http://www.facebook.com/groups/alchemywithangella/http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/intuitive-marketing-workshop http://angellajohnson.com/events/ignitehttp://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/intuitive-marketing-workshophttp://angellajohnson.com/events/ignite

  • ©2017 Soul Vision Business, Inc. | www.AngellaJohnson.com | Page 16

    Resources Book a Strategy Call With Me:If you are looking for a coach who deeply cares and will kick your butt when needed, we may be a fit to work together. You can explore how I work with people here: http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me

    You can fill out an register for a session with me here: http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/lets-chat


    Facebook Group: Intuitive Marketing™ for SOULpreneurs:www.facebook.com/groups/alchemywithangella/

    Marketing Archetype™ Training: http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/marketing-with-soul

    The Clearing Statement® by Access Consciousness®:TheClearingStatement.com


    Intuitive Marketing™ Workshop:http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/intuitive-marketing-workshop

    IGNITE: http://angellajohnson.com/events/ignite

    http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-mehttp://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/lets-chathttp://www.facebook.com/groups/alchemywithangella/ http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/marketing-with-soul http://www.TheClearingStatement.com http://www.SoulVisionBusinessSchool.com/resourceshttp://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/intuitive-marketing-workshop http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/intuitive-marketing-workshop http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/intuitive-marketing-workshop http://angellajohnson.com/work-with-me/intuitive-marketing-workshop