if i i i i i i i i i sof i columni new i n inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7d7w674t5c/data/0272.pdf · 2013....

ii i 111 = TIz ± E iz r ± ± E1 uhan County to be Repr entcd nt Jamestown tte stale has been it an eihlbH lor- k unwotown Expos inty writ provldi ro for the purpoi cotton and whoa F at the oxposllien t ul appoltlod vice I dotes of Wnanc i pa of a Utter from 0f Jokwnt- o dwftg the ad r Bo to now work mewl lank C- ome Made Cntnrrh Cure- rljkt i at tome iu kM known utte to Riven to nptiaa It is sup its sMMftnoss In locl i CMM system alrrnal polien < t rt TI pre t rt fires an- ybt r IBHCe FhiM ol r ouMC corn nd rec ounooc Safe p rttta be we Md vie In itrtf wok meal Ire 1ar7ttlusslac s yiiaiilif attfwi iI re tisojtos tf the- net t Ii filter and odn1 iyoicm all wh If col otcuil lI thegha iris- i p oro or up- i rd tey ft at it to a c Rut m- NIIIaFLI repeals r TALK IS CHEAP r newt r RUMAGO ra MAKES PHEUrVATISM GO i Ok Hfc MM I 4W raMe 11 U44K to tr N y T T SWAY TZ- I a I I 1 I Ir 1 AI T l t SALE STLE t it reasonable f No 104 a HEARSE 500 tea ITHE TYPICAL AMERICAN A l Itn Diction v1 l jwOwrily from I I stars until ho t m k ef oflloial t rtrtrrtrlhmty or Eslttrge4 KHtion u rmtfoml Dlollon tOO lukiwl wonln iii OuiottiHir and + ol lluirajhienl I c wuualing had IIU tt r Uw Knglhli Inn E n It Iran 2380 d quart rau with BOOO niuntrn k LotsJon y y Thu sum total er of a wont book n M 11 In tho KnglUh x e FREE ArHtLAroanaeltlooIn Jt AI r t 0C E n IA COwr IIIt11IIIIMSPR d i If I I I I I I I I I I I tot t I I I I I 1 I THE A Sof E COLUMN I + I n > MM M I t I I > ++++ HMM JAMBS 11 SAUHDERS The Unions of Fulton County meet as follows Hickman lit and 3rd Thursday nights Simmons 2nd and Monlgomery2nd Cayce lit and 3d Saturday 3 p ro the nucleus at Hazel Dell meets 1st and 3d Wednesday at 3 pm Every one is cordially Invited to at ¬ tend these meetings I am told that the County Union held a very interesting session last Saturday and elected new officers for all the places except vice presi- dent t Mr Threlkeld was reelected to that place I thank the delegates for their kind feelings toward me but I am cot sure that they have act- ed wisely I fear I shall fall short of their expectation However if I can have the support of the members and friends I shall do the test I can for the oifianltaUon As soon at possible I with to confer with our president get a list of all the mem ¬ hers in the county make out a Ultt sf appointments and begin active op orations Dut while I am nuking those preparations I shall be thank ¬ ful to any member or friend who wM tell me of a good opening to address the people on the subject of better prices In the meantime let every number turn to page 7 Up to Date farming January 15 and road that sago carefully I have before me a liltle paper called The Little Chren ¬ ole for teachers and children It ells of the groat crops ratted by the mertoan farmers It says alrooot svory crop the coofttry raises MI- koA large but core It King The trap is so large that It to almost I I- ptHCWc Int for us to got an Ilea of hir sUe In figures 2962000000 M- Imoll ¬ moans bet Mule to M Most 0 the crop nest Ye tent hi some limB or other ever the grain roads and en the boats to marktt Heres an oxtI ample in arithmetic for you Uup pose all the corn were loaded en a rain how lug would the traits el- AD average our carries about SCO 1 ushels of corn It would require i924000 oars to transport the corn crop to market A freight oar In ItwliHR the coupling Is about Jt fed long This train then would each around the earth at the wjwa or and leave oars enough to Ml a Ide traok running from Chicago to ersla How If this calculation is Correct let us add on oars to haul ar 776J6JOOO bushels of wheat ml the train will circle the globe wine and several mile to spare yet the farmers get 40000000 less for heir grain this year than they did ant year and every banker lawyer lector merchant and mechanic who lives In the grain belt suffers because he farmer was too industrious and rorked too hard An old adage says i It I is the early bird that niches the worm Now is this stage true The farmers rose early anll worked until late They raised 10 much oem and wheat they could not take care of it Thousands ofI I ushels are now rolling in the fields I or being washed away by the floods I The pessimist says we cannot hold our mops and if we continue to raise uch bumpr crops as we did last year they are right Therefore in lead of working so hard to raise a bumper crop this year suppose we ircpare to take care of what we do aise Now is the time to prepare granaries cribs elevators pens or lomethlng to hold our grain Now II the time to plan better roads so we can haul off next years crop when I Ihe price is right regardless of the tcason When the old farmer told l Patrick Henry that the early bird I aught the worm Henry replied that l the worm should not have been out L 10 early and he would not have been aught The farmers should take Henrys advice this year and not get out so early This would pre- vent two more troubles You all re ¬ member the car famine Now sup pose we had stored our grain and waited for the minimum price Then no cars would have been needed to haul the corn and wheat to market The roads could easily have hauled enough to feed the people and car ¬ ried back enough to supply fuel Why must we all rush our crops ti o market at once glut the market nod drain all the money out of the bank so that our president and the banker are worrying over an elastic curren oy Why rush our crops off and make a demand for money and car for which we will pay an exhorbitanl price that they may lay idle for the next eight or nine months You may be sure that when the national banks issue their elastic currency and the transportation companies build their new cars the farmer will pay for it all But let us quote the Little Chronicle once more The grain gamblers tell us that if we hold cur wheat Russia will supply the demand The Chronicle says In the province of which Samara is the capital there are 3000000 pea pIe practically starving to death Crops have failed and the peasants are driven to eating adulterated bread It is made of tour mingled with earth and the ground bark of trees stuff that no human being can eat unless driven to it by raging hunger Bands of peasants arc wandering about in many districts threatening to sack the Lorna unless work and food are given them And Samara is but one province out of many that are visited by amine Yct this Is the country Ihe gamblers toll us will supply the European de ¬ wand If we hold our wheat for a fair price There will be a telephone mooting at Cayce on Saturday the 2nd of February AH persons interested In rural phones are requested to be present If there I is tI oe and op ¬ portunity I shall be glad to address the people at the same time and place on the object of equitable prim for farm products Alt equity people art alto roquMtetl to help to dote sad appointments for the month of Poliuary so we can pub- lish them at Canoe that day Its a pleasure to toll our readers a Cough Cure like Dr Shoops For years Dr Shoop has fought against the use of Opium Chloroform or other unsafe Ingredients common ¬ ly found In Cough remedies Dr Shoop It seems has welcomed the Pure Food and Drug Law recently enacted for he heLl worked along similar lines many years For near ¬ ly 20 years Dr Shoops Cough Cure containers have had a warning prin ¬ ted en them against Opium and ether narcotic poisons He has laws made It possible for mothers to pro- tect their children by simply insist ¬ ing on having Dr Shoops Cough Cure Sold by All Dealers We are in receipt ot a letter from Jno W Davie a Hlokman boywho Is keeping books for the DcLtsle Sup- ply ¬ Co at Portagevllle Me He encloses a dollar for the Courier a year and also requests us to send a little sunshine If we have any in stock i and as Hickman always has some of everything good we sent him- a package WilY should your baby suffer When he is fretful and restless dont experi ¬ meat on him and use any old thing your neighbor recommends Buy a bottle of Whites Cream Vermifuge greatest known worm medicine and cure for all chlldrcns diseases It- s mild in its action builds up tae system makes thin puny babies fat Mrs J C Smith Tampa Fla writoe My baby was thin and sickly could not retain its food and cried all night I used one bottle of Whites Cream Vermifuge and in a raw lays baby was laughing happy and well Sold by Cowgllls Drug- Store and Helm do Ellison To Whom it May Concern I was in Gulfport Miss from Oct 18th lo Nov 1st and found a prosperous town of 7 years old with 13000 busy people 30 miles of dice trio car line running I have some acreage land and town lots listed with me for sale and I think there is a grand speculation to buy now So come and see me and 1 will give of it you a history 2311 J R Drown Lace does not look will on some people neither would one dress a pig In a white vest t UJIt New 3fontball ittlrl1 Art jjift tturl1 By GEORGE L MEYLAN Director Gymnasium Columbia Collcf BJ ills I the approaching end of the first season under tho new football rules thflOllUon is nuked on all sides Has the millibar of injuries been dwrwtwd Tho coaches and medical nlliiidanltt ofn number of tlio loading looms in eastern col loges arc unanimous in answering this question in the affirms ¬ live At Harvard the number of injuries lax been much small IT than last year Tho report from Amherst says Not a man has boon injured suilloiontly to take him out of the game except Crook who has a bad knee that often goes book on him 1 when walking Corholl has a very small list of accidents Tho report for this year given ono dislocated elbow slight several broken nova two or three strained shoulders two ones of water on the fcneo and half a dozen sprained ankles This list of injuries is slightly uuailur than lost year At tho University of Pennsylvania tho number of injuries was mark- edly IBM this year thAn in 1005 when a largo proportion of tho players were on the hospital JiM during the greater part of tho season Another striking proof that nip new football is far loss dangerous i Ulan last year is tho decrease in tho number of delays caused by injury ed to players In several int rcolUgiato gamos title year thoro wax no time taken out on account of injury to players a feature never witnessed in any previous year In the hard foaght PrincetonCornell gnaw limo was eolled throe times to allow scum player to recover his wind after a hard tackle but thorn was not a single player taken out on account of injury Tha number of deaths attributed directly or indirectly to football in 100C was 10 but thus far only eight fatalities have been reported in 190G It appears therefore that the popular demand for a less dangerous game of football has been met in a largo measure by the rules commit tee Tho Improvement has leon secured mainly by three changes in rules l lINt the ten yard rule which makes mass ploys low profitable second the 10rwanll1418 whiih encourages open play and third tho moro severe penalties for brutality and unnecessary roughness 1I flat tIlt Suab- 3Th1r 2Jriu0 By DR NEWELL DWIGHT 1IILLIS COEJI The first gift that a good wife brings to the house is gift of lontmcnt Her mar riago means that she has fully her hus bands house his place his income and his posi- tion or No one made her lento her fathers house Of her own free will she crossed the threshold with her husband and knelt down on her marriage night to yICGrant us 0 God to grow old together i And from that hour criticism of her husbands temperament rebel ¬ lion against his income or opportunity are treason Others may criticise ids modest salary ho may himself rebel against his environmcnt but a it good wife never Another gift that a good wife brings to tho house is order that lends beauty to ovary room Wlwt unity is to the picture that order is to the house As a sphere what the factory tho shop or tho store is to the hue hand the house is to Uio wife No merchant but understands that in the great store everything must be in its place How scrupulously the books B must be kept 11VIlh what accuracy each task trust be fulfilled must be slighted or overlooked Every woman owes it to her husband to bring economy into the house And by title I do not moan that a man has a right to expect a woman to make bread without flour make clothes without doth or pay bills without money Socrates did that and the result wasXnntippeI I it It is a sin for a young woman to study French and Gorman and music unless site can bako better bread pies and cake than any cook that her husbands mosey can hire A girl has no more right to expect to learn is married than her husband has to how to run a house after she young learn how to run a business and find a place after ho is married A man must be a master at some business before he asks a woman tot t marry him and a woman ought to be the absolute master of ovary detail of a houoti before she line a right to marry a man Gather up limo hag incubi That is the law of tho household llltvwd is the woman who hl1lI faculty Then if disaster overwhelm her house and death removes her husband she holds in her resources a ore of ways by which she can conserve the sweets of that honey hive alto tails her home 1tDr litsinm r nf lEturhj i Nztrritgt3B- y PROP ROGER HAMP5ON- B lflum the cond accepted Nothing Let girls marry at 18 and boys at 20 and tlio t world will be relieved of soma of its gravest prob lems Tho great trouble is that men and women marry too lato in life lot t us urge thom to marry earlier Time time lens coino for parents lo realize they havo made some grave mistakes In the first place it is a mistake for a rich father to bring up his son in ignorance of the responsibilities of an inheritance Somo fathers go on as if they expected to live forever Every boy should bo taught how to handle money not mono for his own sake but because ho may somo limo havo charge of other peoples money But a question moro vital still is that of sox There is a tendency among parents nowadays to assume an unwise timidity in speaking of such matters If instead of being timid and obscure in their advice parents would be quite frank it would prevent much evil from which tho world now suffers To many girls the root meaning of marriago is a sealed book and this is largely the fault of their mothers From whom can they bet ¬ ter look for advice than from their mothers Yet the Litter often remain silent because of a want of courage to speak plainly- I say to mothers give your daughters tho bonofit of your own wisdom and when they become women they will not have to accept that servile and ornamental place which mon are wont lo assign to them Society is full of misery due to the blunders of parents in failing to speak out How much of tho evil ia our great cities eemcs from this it would be dismal to contemplate Aa a young man I say to fathers Speak to your sons and remember that the lust cduoatioa a lather caa p L ia tMfIo elWle lids i Mitausippi Boat Race The most interesting excursion I made from Vicksburg way a steam ¬ boat trip in the Elk forty miles down the river We started at noon of a quiet sunny day that was too hot on the land but very comforta ble on the water Another steamer left the city at the same time and each tried to get ahead of its rival but we were gradually left behind Everyone on board was Interested 1n the race and the officers made many excuses for our defeatthe boat was not loaded right for speed some of the paddle blades were broken etc Among the passengers was an oldtime river captain To him the race was puerile By Jove I You ought to see how they did things thirty years ago he said Once I raced all the way from New Orleans to St Louis My boat was beaten and I lost 9000 that I bet on her There was a big lot of money changed hands every ace when the boats were well match In the years just after the war steamboatln was a big thing I made one trip up the Missouri as far as Bismarck that gave the owners of my steamboat a profit of SllOCOO and every man on the boat made all the money he wanted besides We traded with the Indians and you could get 20 worth of furs for a string of beads that cost live cents Exchange CURES BLOOD SKIN TROUBLES CANCER BLOOD POISON GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER FREE If your blood is impure thin hot or full of humors if you have blood poison cancer car ¬ buncles eating sores scrofula ec- zema ¬ itching rising and lumps scabby pimply skin bone pains catarrh rheumatism or any blood skin disease take Botanic BloodI I Balm B B B according to direc ¬ lions Soon all sores heal aches and pains stops the blood is made pure and rich leaving the akin free from every eruption and giving the rich glow of perfect health tq the skin At the same time B B B improves the digestion cures dys ¬ pepsia strengthens weak kidneys Just the medicine for old people as gives them new vigorous blood Druggists Si per large bottle with directions for home cure Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co Atlanta Ga Describe trouble and special free medical ad ¬ vice also tent in sealed letter B B is especially advised for chronic deepseated cases of impure blood and skin disease and cures after all else falls An exchange prints this and tho has gone the rounds of the press the Courier thinks It embodies a world ol truth Not long ago we heard a mLn say I hate children They worry the life out of me I wish I could go to a country where there was not a living squalling brat within one thousand miles Keep this idea up old man and you will finally reach a country where there will be no little pattering feet no meddlesome little hands no out bursts ol baby laughter to annoy you Babies never go to that coun ¬ try It is called hell on the map and Ha the very place you are going lo land inl A Well Known Fact That no skin dlseaset Whether from Internal or external origin can long wltiwtand the two ixmenul gorntieufo ZHMO and BMOTONK they destroy Lire seemed that eau o the disease they JwAjneure Wrllctorn inpl IL11ltoro bite Cu St Louts All1Jruggieteecil lt 1 Fur aide bit IMiu t ItUifen 4 Mr Eugene Naylor of Hickman Ky has accepted a position with the Bryant Mercantile Co He will begin work Feb 15 Mr Naylor is one of the best dry goods and fur ¬ nishing salesmen in West Kenluck and we congratulate Mr Bryant t n his good fortune in securing his ser ¬ vicesEast Prairie Eagle Preaching at Methodist church every Sunday at 11 a m and 7 p i m You are cordially invited S Administrators Notice The creditors of the estate of the deceased T D Harris are notified that I will make a settlement with all the creditors on February 15 and all creditors are notified to file claims on or before that date prop- erly ¬ proven or they will be forever barred A A Fails Admr r 4 A

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  • iii 111 =TIz ± E iz r ±± E1uhan County to be Reprentcd nt Jamestowntte stale has beenit an eihlbH lor-k unwotown Exposinty writ provldiro for the purpoicotton and whoaF at the oxposllient ul appoltlod viceI dotes of Wnancipa of a Utter from0f Jokwnt-o dwftg the ad

    r Bo to now work

    mewl lank C-

    ome Made Cntnrrh Cure-

    rljkti at tome

    iu kM knownutte to Riven to

    nptiaa It is supits sMMftnoss In

    locli CMM systemalrrnal polien< t rt TI pre

    t rt fires an-ybtr IBHCe FhiM

    ol r ouMC cornnd rec ounoocSafe p rttta bewe Md vie In

    itrtf wok meal

    Ire 1ar7ttlusslacs yiiaiilif attfwi

    iI re tisojtos tf the-nett Ii filter andodn1 iyoicm all

    wh If col otcuil

    lI thegha iris-ip oro or up-

    ii rd tey ft at it toa cRut m-

    NIIIaFLI repeals


    r newtr



    i Ok Hfc MM

    I 4W raMe11 U44K to

    tr N yT T SWAY TZ-



    I I 1 IIr1 AI T ltSALE STLE

    tit reasonable

    f No 104a HEARSE 500 tea


    v1l jwOwrily fromII stars until hot m k ef oflloial

    t rtrtrrtrlhmty or

    Eslttrge4 KHtion

    u rmtfoml DlollontOO lukiwl wonln

    iii OuiottiHir and+ ol lluirajhienl Ic wuualing had IIUtt r Uw Knglhli InnE n It Iran 2380d quart rau with BOOO niuntrn

    k LotsJony y Thu sum totaler of a wont bookn

    M11 In tho KnglUhx

    eFREE ArHtLAroanaeltlooIn


    t 0C E n IA COwrIIIt11IIIIMSPR



    If I I I I I I I I I I I tot t I I I I I 1I

    THE A Sof E COLUMNI+ I n > MM MI t I I >++++ HMM


    The Unions of Fulton County meetas follows Hickman lit and 3rdThursday nights Simmons 2nd and

    Monlgomery2ndCayce lit and 3d Saturday 3 p rothe nucleus at Hazel Dell meets 1stand 3d Wednesday at 3 pmEvery one is cordially Invited to at ¬tend these meetings

    I am told that the County Unionheld a very interesting session lastSaturday and elected new officersfor all the places except vice presi-dent t Mr Threlkeld was reelectedto that place I thank the delegatesfor their kind feelings toward mebut I am cot sure that they have act-ed wisely I fear I shall fall shortof their expectation However if Ican have the support of the membersand friends I shall do the test I canfor the oifianltaUon As soon atpossible I with to confer with ourpresident get a list of all the mem ¬hers in the county make out a Ulttsf appointments and begin active oporations Dut while I am nukingthose preparations I shall be thank ¬ful to any member or friend who wMtell me of a good opening to addressthe people on the subject of betterprices In the meantime let everynumber turn to page 7 Up to Datefarming January 15 and road thatsago carefully I have before me aliltle paper called The Little Chren ¬

    ole for teachers and children Itells of the groat crops ratted by themertoan farmers It says alroootsvory crop the coofttry raises MI-

    koA large but core It King Thetrap is so large that It to almost II-



    for us to got an Ilea of hirsUe In figures 2962000000 M-Imoll


    moans bet Mule to M Most

    0 the crop nest Ye tent hi some limBor other ever the grain roads and enthe boats to marktt Heres an oxtIample in arithmetic for you Uuppose all the corn were loaded en arain how lug would the traits el-AD average our carries about SCO 1ushels of corn It would requirei924000 oars to transport the corn

    crop to market A freight oar InItwliHR the coupling Is about Jt

    fed long This train then wouldeach around the earth at the wjwaor and leave oars enough to Ml aIde traok running from Chicago to

    ersla How If this calculation is

    Correct let us add on oars to haul

    ar 776J6JOOO bushels of wheatml the train will circle the globewine and several mile to spare yet

    the farmers get 40000000 less forheir grain this year than they didant year and every banker lawyer

    lector merchant and mechanic wholives In the grain belt suffers because

    he farmer was too industrious androrked too hard An old adagesays i It Iis the early bird thatniches the worm Now is thisstage true The farmers rose earlyanll worked until late They raised

    10 much oem and wheat they couldnot take care of it Thousands ofIIushels are now rolling in the fields Ior being washed away by the floods I

    The pessimist says we cannot hold

    our mops and if we continue to raise

    uch bumpr crops as we did lastyear they are right Therefore in

    lead of working so hard to raise abumper crop this year suppose we

    ircpare to take care of what we do

    aise Now is the time to preparegranaries cribs elevators pens orlomethlng to hold our grain Now

    II the time to plan better roads so we

    can haul off next years crop when I

    Ihe price is right regardless of the

    tcason When the old farmer toldl

    Patrick Henry that the early birdI

    aught the worm Henry replied thatl

    the worm should not have been outL

    10 early and he would not have been

    aught The farmers should takeHenrys advice this year and notget out so early This would pre-

    vent two more troubles You all re ¬

    member the car famine Now sup

    pose we had stored our grain and

    waited for the minimum price Then

    no cars would have been needed to

    haul the corn and wheat to market

    The roads could easily have hauled

    enough to feed the people and car¬

    ried back enough to supply fuel

    Why must we all rush our crops tiomarket at once glut the market noddrain all the money out of the bankso that our president and the bankerare worrying over an elastic currenoy Why rush our crops off andmake a demand for money and carfor which we will pay an exhorbitanlprice that they may lay idle for thenext eight or nine months Youmay be sure that when the nationalbanks issue their elastic currencyand the transportation companiesbuild their new cars the farmer willpay for it all But let us quote theLittle Chronicle once more Thegrain gamblers tell us that if wehold cur wheat Russia will supplythe demand The Chronicle saysIn the province of which Samara isthe capital there are 3000000 peapIe practically starving to deathCrops have failed and the peasantsare driven to eating adulteratedbread It is made of tour mingledwith earth and the ground bark oftrees stuff that no human being caneat unless driven to it by raginghunger Bands of peasants arcwandering about in many districtsthreatening to sack the Lorna unlesswork and food are given them AndSamara is but one province out ofmany that are visited by amineYct this Is the country Ihe gamblerstoll us will supply the European de ¬wand If we hold our wheat for a fairprice

    There will be a telephone mootingat Cayce on Saturday the 2nd ofFebruary AH persons interestedIn rural phones are requested to bepresent If there Iis tI oe and op¬portunity I shall be glad to addressthe people at the same time andplace on the object of equitableprim for farm products Alt equitypeople art alto roquMtetl to help to

    dote sad appointments for themonth of Poliuary so we can pub-lish them at Canoe that day

    Its a pleasure to toll our readersa Cough Cure like Dr Shoops

    For years Dr Shoop has foughtagainst the use of Opium Chloroformor other unsafe Ingredients common ¬

    ly found In Cough remedies DrShoop It seems has welcomed thePure Food and Drug Law recently

    enacted for he heLl worked along

    similar lines many years For near ¬

    ly 20 years Dr Shoops Cough Curecontainers have had a warning prin ¬

    ted en them against Opium andether narcotic poisons He has lawsmade It possible for mothers to pro-

    tect their children by simply insist ¬

    ing on having Dr Shoops CoughCure Sold by All Dealers

    We are in receipt ot a letter from

    Jno W Davie a Hlokman boywhoIs keeping books for the DcLtsle Sup-ply


    Co at Portagevllle Me Heencloses a dollar for the Courier ayear and also requests us to send alittle sunshine If we have any in

    stock i and as Hickman always has

    some of everything good we sent him-

    a package

    WilYshould your baby suffer When he

    is fretful and restless dont experi ¬meat on him and use any old thing

    your neighbor recommends Buy a

    bottle of Whites Cream Vermifugegreatest known worm medicine and

    cure for all chlldrcns diseases It-

    s mild in its action builds up taesystem makes thin puny babies fat

    Mrs J C Smith Tampa Fla writoe

    My baby was thin and sickly

    could not retain its food and cried

    all night I used one bottle of

    Whites Cream Vermifuge and in araw lays baby was laughing happyand well Sold by Cowgllls Drug-

    Store and Helm do Ellison

    To Whom it May Concern

    I was in Gulfport Miss fromOct 18th lo Nov 1st and found aprosperous town of 7 years old with13000 busy people 30 miles of dice

    trio car line running I have someacreage land and town lots listedwith me for sale and I think thereis a grand speculation to buy nowSo come and see me and 1 will give

    of ityou a history2311 J R Drown

    Lace does not look will on some

    people neither would one dress a

    pig In a white vest


    UJIt New 3fontball ittlrl1Art jjift tturl1

    By GEORGE L MEYLANDirector Gymnasium Columbia Collcf

    BJillsI the approaching end of the first season under tho newfootball rules thflOllUon is nuked on all sides Has themillibar of injuries been dwrwtwd Tho coaches and medicalnlliiidanltt ofn number of tlio loading looms in eastern colloges arc unanimous in answering this question in the affirms ¬live At Harvard the number of injuries lax been much smallIT than last year Tho report from Amherst says Not aman has boon injured suilloiontly to take him out of the gameexcept Crook who has a bad knee that often goes book on him 1when walking Corholl has a very small list of accidents

    Tho report for this year given ono dislocated elbow slight severalbroken nova two or three strained shoulders two ones of water on thefcneo and half a dozen sprained ankles This list of injuries is slightlyuuailur than lost year

    At tho University of Pennsylvania tho number of injuries was mark-edly IBM this year thAn in 1005 when a largo proportion of tho playerswere on the hospital JiM during the greater part of tho season

    Another striking proof that nip new football is far loss dangerous iUlan last year is tho decrease in tho number of delays caused by injury edto players In several int rcolUgiato gamos title year thoro wax no timetaken out on account of injury to players a feature never witnessed inany previous year In the hard foaght PrincetonCornell gnaw limo waseolled throe times to allow scum player to recover his wind after a hardtackle but thorn was not a single player taken out on account of injury

    Tha number of deaths attributed directly or indirectly to football in100C was 10 but thus far only eight fatalities have been reported in 190G

    It appears therefore that the popular demand for a less dangerousgame of football has been met in a largo measure by the rules committee Tho Improvement has leon secured mainly by three changes in rulesllINt the ten yard rule which makes mass ploys low profitable secondthe 10rwanll1418 whiih encourages open play and third tho moro severepenalties for brutality and unnecessary roughness

    1Iflat tIlt Suab-3Th1r 2Jriu0



    The first gift that agood wife brings to thehouse is gift oflontmcnt Her marriago means that she hasfully her husbands house his placehis income and his posi-tion


    No one made herlento her fathers house

    Of her own free will she crossed the threshold with her husband and kneltdown on her marriage night to yICGrant us 0 God to grow oldtogether

    i And from that hour criticism of her husbands temperament rebel¬

    lion against his income or opportunity are treason Others may criticiseids modest salary ho may himself rebel against his environmcnt but a

    itgood wife never

    Another gift that a good wife brings to tho house is order that lendsbeauty to ovary room Wlwt unity is to the picture that order is to thehouse As a sphere what the factory tho shop or tho store is to the huehand the house is to Uio wife No merchant but understands that in thegreat store everything must be in its place How scrupulously the books Bmust be kept11VIlh what accuracy each task trust be fulfilledmust be slighted or overlooked

    Every woman owes it to her husband to bring economy into thehouse And by title I do not moan that a man has a right to expect awoman to make bread without flour make clothes without doth or paybills without money Socrates did that and the result wasXnntippeI Iit

    It is a sin for a young woman to study French and Gorman andmusic unless site can bako better bread pies and cake than any cook that

    her husbands mosey can hire A girl has no more right to expect to learnis married than her husband has tohow to run a house after she young

    learn how to run a business and find a place after ho is marriedA man must be a master at some business before he asks a woman tott

    marry him and a woman ought to be the absolute master of ovary detail

    of a houoti before she line a right to marry a man Gather up limo hagincubi That is the law of tho household llltvwd is the woman who hl1lI

    faculty Then if disaster overwhelm her house and death removes

    her husband she holds in her resources a ore of ways by which she can

    conserve the sweets of that honey hive alto tails her home

    1tDr litsinmr nflEturhj iNztrritgt3B-

    y PROP ROGER HAMP5ON-B lflum

    the cond



    Let girls marry at 18and boys at 20 and tlio tworld will be relieved ofsoma of its gravest problems Tho great troubleis that men and womenmarry too lato in lifelott us urge thom tomarry earlier

    Time time lens coino for

    parents lo realize they havo made some grave mistakes In the first place

    it is a mistake for a rich father to bring up his son in ignorance of theresponsibilities of an inheritance Somo fathers go on as if they expected

    to live forever Every boy should bo taught how to handle money notmono for his own sake but because ho may somo limo havo charge of other

    peoples moneyBut a question moro vital still is that of sox There is a tendency

    among parents nowadays to assume an unwise timidity in speaking of such

    matters If instead of being timid and obscure in their advice parentswould be quite frank it would prevent much evil from which tho worldnow suffers To many girls the root meaning of marriago is a sealed book

    and this is largely the fault of their mothers From whom can they bet¬

    ter look for advice than from their mothers Yet the Litter often remain

    silent because of a want of courage to speak plainly-

    I say to mothers give your daughters tho bonofit of your own wisdom

    and when they become women they will not have to accept that servile and

    ornamental place which mon are wont lo assign to them

    Society is full of misery due to the blunders of parents in failing to

    speak out How much of tho evil ia our great cities eemcs from this itwould be dismal to contemplate Aa a young man I say to fathersSpeak to your sons and remember that the lust cduoatioa a lather caapL ia tMfIo elWle lids


    Mitausippi Boat RaceThe most interesting excursion I

    made from Vicksburg way a steam ¬boat trip in the Elk forty milesdown the river We started at noonof a quiet sunny day that was toohot on the land but very comfortable on the water Another steamerleft the city at the same time andeach tried to get ahead of its rivalbut we were gradually left behindEveryone on board was Interested 1nthe race and the officers mademany excuses for our defeattheboat was not loaded right for speedsome of the paddle blades werebroken etc Among the passengerswas an oldtime river captain Tohim the race was puerile

    By Jove I You ought to see howthey did things thirty years agohe said

    Once I raced all the way fromNew Orleans to St Louis My

    boat was beaten and I lost 9000that I bet on her There was a biglot of money changed hands everyace when the boats were well match

    In the years just after the warsteamboatln was a big thing Imade one trip up the Missouri as faras Bismarck that gave the ownersof my steamboat a profit of SllOCOOand every man on the boat made allthe money he wanted besides Wetraded with the Indians and youcould get 20 worth of furs for astring of beads that cost live cents




    If your blood is impure thinhot or full of humors if

    you have blood poison cancer car¬buncles eating sores scrofula ec-zema


    itching rising and lumpsscabby pimply skin bone painscatarrh rheumatism or any blood

    skin disease take Botanic BloodIIBalm B B B according to direc ¬lions Soon all sores heal achesand pains stops the blood is madepure and rich leaving the akin freefrom every eruption and giving therich glow of perfect health tq theskin At the same time B B Bimproves the digestion cures dys ¬pepsia strengthens weak kidneysJust the medicine for old people as

    gives them new vigorous bloodDruggists Si per large bottle withdirections for home cure Samplefree and prepaid by writing BloodBalm Co Atlanta Ga Describetrouble and special free medical ad ¬vice also tent in sealed letter B B

    is especially advised for chronicdeepseated cases of impure bloodand skin disease and cures afterall else falls

    An exchange prints this and thohas gone the rounds of the press

    the Courier thinks It embodies aworld ol truth Not long ago we

    heard a mLn say I hate childrenThey worry the life out of me Iwish I could go to a country where

    there was not a living squalling bratwithin one thousand miles Keep

    this idea up old man and you will

    finally reach a country where there

    will be no little pattering feet nomeddlesome little hands no out

    bursts ol baby laughter to annoyyou Babies never go to that coun ¬

    try It is called hell on the mapand Ha the very place you are going

    lo landinlA Well Known FactThat no skin dlseaset Whether fromInternal or external origin can longwltiwtand the two ixmenul gorntieufoZHMO and BMOTONK they destroyLire seemed that eau o the disease theyJwAjneure Wrllctorn inpl IL11ltorobite Cu St Louts All1Jruggieteecil lt1

    Fur aide bit IMiu t ItUifen 4Mr Eugene Naylor of Hickman

    Ky has accepted a position withthe Bryant Mercantile Co He will

    begin work Feb 15 Mr Naylor is

    one of the best dry goods and fur¬nishing salesmen in West Kenluck

    and we congratulate Mr Bryant t nhis good fortune in securing his ser ¬

    vicesEast Prairie Eagle

    PreachingatMethodist churchevery Sunday at 11 a m and 7 p i

    m You are cordially invited S

    Administrators NoticeThe creditors of the estate of the

    deceased T D Harris are notifiedthat I will make a settlement withall the creditors on February 15and all creditors are notified to fileclaims on or before that date prop-erly


    proven or they will be foreverbarred A A Fails Admr


