tried friends best tutts are a fact r cp rt c i-s the...

I r rT c cP I- S THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS WEDNESDAY JUNE 6 1900 5 t I ID I t j I I h t I j e a 4 I 1H Z 0 I r J I Tried Friends Best Forthirty years Tutts Pills hav proven a blessing to the invalid Are truly the sick mans friend A Known Fact For bilious headache dyspepsia stomachma1ariaconstipa tion and all kindred disease WTTS Liver PILLS AN ABSOLUTE CURE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS WEDNESDAY June 01000 II I i IThe News in Brieti fc444 4444 44444 44443 Sippel sells ice Canned goods at Sippets I Powdered chocolate at Sippels Barrv delivers ico at your residence Edward Whitehead hat Irvington The city council met Monday night r The census enumerators have begun work Babies were plentiful at Irvlnsston 1 Sunday po to Sippela and inspect his line of glassware Mr Jim Smith of Hardlnsburgi8 vie jUng here t 1 harles W Moorman spent Tuesday nlthere I HaTe your picnic bills printed at the NEWS office rH S Hennen Haw vll1e was In towns Sunday t t c Kentucky baa 1318 cenaua enumera i tore at Work f uT PDllIamVoi Patesville was in the city Monday IVirge i Wilson of Louisville was in the city last week There waS a big crowd of people at Irvington Sunday Harry Moorman of Owenaboro was in town last week Cuscadena cream the fineeon the market at Sippela You can always getthe purest con fectlonariea at tiippela SIppel carries a complete assortment of staple and fancy groceries 3Ifss Sue Braahear of Union Star I j spent last week in Louisville Fred Fraize and James R fikilfman were in Louisville last week J Mrs P F Wingert left Monday for Henderson to visit her parents All of Cloverporta pretty young girla have returned from college Willie Mullen of Owensboro visited Ma parents in this city Sunday Editor Clarence Sterett and wife of Hawesville were In town Sunday Ira DeHaven who has been at Frank ¬ fort returned home Sunday night Mire Hattie Reuwe of Tell City Ind spent Sunday with Mrs Wiogort Forest Haynes Alt Heston and Lige Gibson were at Irvington Sunday Mr Charles May Sr shipped to New Orleans I Jfist week 25000 hooppolea JiJeBSe Willis has accepted a position in > Ihe grocery department at F Fralzea West Virginia Democrats will hold I their State Convention at Parkerebufg Ice delivered at your home at the rate of 05 cents per hundred by J A Barry Misses Essie Bohler and Joaie Yeagor are visiting relatives and frienda at Jolly Station Mrs Viola Jackson left Wednesday to be the guest of Mrs Qua Brown at Har 4 dinsbur- gt Mise Mna Harvey of Rockport Ind > la In the city the guest oi her aunt Mrs J Jwauel Ahl JeiaO Bohldr who attended the Re bunion at Louisville returned home Sat nrday night MrsJ P Dltzenbach and aona Louie and J P Jr Were in Loniavllltt last week i visiting relatives Miss Delia Batt and little Alma Him elhaver spent Sunday in Qannelton the v ruts of Mra Slatira Datt IrsE S McAfee returned Sunday fromOwenebQroawhere she has been visiting relatveiand friendS MMNoJa Greenwalt Rockport Ind arrived Saturday evening tobe the guest r of relatives for several weeks Mra George Chick of Mt Sterling reached thia city Sunday night to be with relatives and friends for a fewdaye Mri George W Shbrt of this city at tended the Confederatefleunlon at Lou liville and met many of the prominent generals T pmaaM Gilmore of the filth Ken tkd19irictbM made knOwnUscand < differ the Democratic tiomipaUpri for Gbsgret f I Wr P9 Braihear and Bister Mias olQwepboro were passengers fI 1 MbiTday Henderson route traln6 ton h t- I Smith En gHah teat ho e1tb1hfl parents Mr andMra A 8 English lIe baa bean located at Franklin Tenrii lorthepaityear i Fresh cakes at Slppele- Mra William Hoffius iaqnlte ill Pure creanj cheeeo at Slpprts The Ohio fa titling all the way up Winger makes your clothea to fit Telepone Sippel for your gtocerles A June nse on the Ohio la expected Carl Lichen went to Cannelton Sun dayWalking hate of all kinds at Miss Judith Millers City tax collector Keith wee at Leitch field last week For ribbons chifions and veils eo to Miss Judith Miller Mire Judith Milkr will trim you a hat that ia euro to please you Charles Patterson has commenced tak tag the Census of the town Mrs Abe kn man returned yetter day fom a visit to Webster Mr and Mre Julius Slppel will occupy rooms over the City Bakery Mrs Jese WeatherhoH has gone to Muldraugb to visit her parents Take a walk around to the wharf and see the improvements going on Mr A C Sheldon and wife visited friends and relatives in Tobinsport Sun- day ¬ Mr Dud Wendelkin of Howell md spent Sunday and MOnday with Ills paz eats Hay corn and oats for sale fn any quantitiy at the Star Roller mills AL Oelzs Aguinaldo the Filipino leader iatald to have been killed by troops under Maj March Misses Edna and Rosa Moorman and Mr Norman Hensley were Irvington Sunday Sherman Ball of Hardlnsbnrjj who has been at Louisville returned howe Sunday Arent you in need of a neat fitting suit of clothes If so then contult P F Wingert IThe Golden Rod a U S light house boat was harboiodat Carters landbg Sunday I The John K Speed reached the wharf Sunday She will be the last boat down thie season I If you want to know where to get thIS most stylish summer bate go to Miss Judith Millers Misses Elizabeth and Margaret Skill man went to Louisville Wednesday to mal o a visit Mrs Elvira Babbage who has been seriously ill for the past week has won- derfully ¬ improved Mrs S A Hawley of Birmingham Ala is visIting her aunt Mrs F H Savf yer and family Hon Charles Blanford of Bewleyville left Sunday evening for weniboro to at- tend U S court MIss Lucy Payne of Lodlburgia in the city visiting the family of Mr and Mrs Augustus Gibson Mr and Mrs John Lillard and daught- er Miss Annie went to Louisville last week by way of boat The officials of the Louisville and Evansvlle Mall Llnecompany have made this a division point Emil Nolte ia etill IIi Louisville doipg theReunlpnbuhUrQturn I ia looked forward to this week Mrs John Alexander who has been In Missouri visiting her daughter haa re ¬ turned to her home at Burns Miss Louise Babbage went to Louis vllle Thursday to be the guest of her aunt Mrs David W Fairleigh Low Conner and Dick Newbill recent ¬ ly clerkain the packet service have been transferred to work in Louisville Mr and Mrs Murray Pierce of Color ado Springs are thl parents of a little son who arrived May 15th Mr and Mis Frank Ferry of Stephens portwere in town last week They were visiting his mother Mra F J Ferry MIss Mary Jarboo wOnt to Glon- deaueSCOTTS EMULSIONOF HYPOPHOSPHITES should always be kept In the house for the fol l ¬ lowing reasons FIRST Because If any member of the family has a hard cold It Will cure It SECOND Because If tho cljll drenare delicate and sickly It will make them strong and wll THIRD Because If the father orI mother is losing flesh and becom ¬ ing thin and emaciated It will build them up and give them flesh and strength FOURTH Because tIs t thy standard remedy In all throat and lung affections l No household should be without It It can be taken In summer as well as in winter t yx and ioo all drurkll SCOTT BOWNB Chtroliii N w foih 0 GIRLHOOD WOMANHOOD AND MOTHERHOOD Are thePelvic Mrs Co a Bmly Mrs Eo 0 Hrerly 605 DUraond Street Philadelphia P a aays 1 let1 will aerer felt better t thanks tor your at Uatton and P irnna I will be1ad to do all I oa ia the way of advancing the tale ot your valuable mcdlclno I do think P rna the best mftdloln I have trlfdaiany time Stnco I began taking Fe rpna wofc vo never been without it Read vtftt an eldtrly woman 1141iJa- Woman whohaa pouod tbroogh all the pkaMo aetna iqd xporlenoca of girl hood womaaU xjd and motherhood I really beltavvtiUt every woman in thq world ought io bare Perana on band ill the time for If sho goU tired Porn na refreshes her if abo gets nervous it Bootbes her If despondent it cheers last week She will remain several weeka studying with Prof J MPHe Miss Helen M Gould will arrive in Lour vllle today Wednesday to remain cev eraldavetbncegoingto Mammqth Cave Miss Robin Brashear of Owens ro is spending the summer with her grand ¬ mother Mrs E Wimp of Bran en1urg tIre RJB Pierce and her mother Mrs Susan Duncan of Colorado Sprjngsi iareexpe ted here in June t to visit friends and relatives MraEllza Taylor who returned to Rosetta last week has returned lObe with her mother Mrs Elvira Babbage who Is not so well Cycling has its ups and downs After the downs use Banner Salve If youre cut or bruised It heals the hurt quck ly Moorman d Owen eager Seymour operators of the Home Laundry have dissolved partner ¬ ship The latter buying the half inter ¬ est of the former Miea Mary Giltner of Louisville one of that citys fascloatlrg young ladies will reach Hardlnaburg soon to be the guest of Miss Lila Ford- William Mrs J Mattingly and two daughters Agneta and Mary Jo of lIar lnsb rg are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Tho Lewie Mia M B Conway of LouU yUle reached the city Tuesdav and will be the guest of her aunt Mrs Barnett Fisher at the Fisher homestead Mlea Margaret Bo wmeria spending week at Snelbyvilie her old college town She goes to attend the 75th anni versary of the Science Hill school of which she was a pupil Mrs Frpnia Wedding and son Allen Shacklett of San Antonio Tex are at Rome Ind visiting relatives They will vlsitrelatives and friends In this city before returning home AlrhWrJ Sherman Mrs Char B Sklllman MIss Elizabeth Skillman and Miss Margaret Bowmer left for Shelby vllle last week to attend the Toth annf vorsary of the Science Hill school Little Miss Sue Roberts Watkins of Owensboro assisted at the presentation of the camp banner by the Owensboro Daughters of the Confederacy the old veterans who were leaving for the Re ¬ union Miss Qenae Braahear of Owenaboro passed through here Monday enroute to Louisville She has accepted are sponelble position in that city and her many friends here are glad to hear of her success A program of the Breckenridge County Sunday School Convention which con ¬ venes in this city Thursday June 14 tb appears in this issue Every Sunday school in the county is extended an invita- tion ¬ to be present Fatal mistakes are being made by those who do not heed the earlier symp tons of kidney or bladder trouble that often end In Brighta disease or diabetes When Foleya Kidney Cure makes the kidneya well how foolish It ia to delay Ioo hand Owen ShOuld you wish to improve the quail tyof your bread use the Oeebrated Yeast Foam Nothing like it for pro- ducing ¬ a light sweet nutritious loaf of bread It will retain its moisture and melty flavor longer than bread raised with any other yeast put upon the mat ket Try it Capt Ed Howard of the H wards shipyard at Jefieraonville Ind sent to the water Tuesday afternoon the Steamer Bbatona The Boston 1iaa the largeat and broadest malndeck of f any boal d the Ohio She la 285 feet l Bg and her battery power equlppmeDt Is sufficient enough ib give her tho title of a skipper of the nrs water and intlgorotra It Is a panacea for all pertodIt t motbcri 1 anovwfnlling standby to the nursing mother both for herself and for her child and finally when the hUge of life comes on no medicine on earth if of equal efficacy to the woman in this critical period Surely Porona is the woman friend That catarrh has any relation to bar mtJJyit I This InaldlouB disease penetrates to ertry organ of the body Mrs L M Qrlfflthof mbrtdstNeb84Y81 i Toni medlolnedldme amount of good It cured mo of borrennoea I am thirty yearn old and had nererbornoaay ohlldrenbat I slnco beginning your medlolno Igavebtrthtoatenpound girl She Is now six month old and weighs tw6ntyflT pounds My friends Wore all surprised Some would not believe it until they came to ice me My husband iaya he norwr MW each a change in anyone u there was in me after I hud taken three or tour bottloi of Poruna I am stronger than I hays been since I was quite young Ood bless you and your medicine forever Address Dr Ilortman cTolumbuit O for free catarrh book TOBINSPORT 0 John Simona went to Louisville last week Virgil Polk of SkillmaD war here Sun day t Wallace1 Hayden has returned < from Owensboros I MsiJ Katie WiherboIsp zii Sunday Jn Clovorpdrt Misa Edith Groves and brother WOK here Sunday Rev J Ed Mnrr and wife of Rome were here last weik I Shepherd Lamrrbf Cloverporrvieited his brother Saturday Mrs 0 0 Whitehead returned Fridaj from a visit to Louisville epeQDlonday Miss Jennie McJfaRten tome Indj attended church Sunday night Miss Carrie Cockrell of Cannelton spent Sunday at this place with her par- ent Allie Groves and daughter Miss GUdy of Derby were thtj guests of relativ s Sunday MisseaSalile Gregory and Mabel White head Cloverport visited the famiU ol Mr JORyan Sunday Last Wednesday the lightning struck the dwelling of Mr Clarence Leaf shako ing the inmates slightlyBnd doing little damage to the house Mrs A T Knasel and Miss Lizzie Allen of Hawesville Ky who have been visiting the family of Prof A Pow fill returned home last Sunday A Life and Death Fight Mr W A limes of Manchester Ia writingof his almost miraculous escape from death says Exposure after meaS- les induced serious lung trouble which ended in Consumption I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night anil day AU my dcctora said I must soon die Then I began to use Dr Kings New Die covery which wholly cured me Hun dreds have used it on my advice and nil say it never falls to cure Throat Chest and Lung troubles Regular slza 6Qi and 100 Trial bottles free at Short Haynes drug store p AXTEL We are having nice tobacco eeason Miss Hattie Owen Is very ill at the present time Mr Will Berry was the guest of Mica Bettie Jeflry Sunday Mrs Paul Henlng spent last Monday with Mrs George Berry Mr Sanford Pboland wife spent last Sunday with Mle Nora Lewis Mfa JeffiLewlanpeni last week with her daughter MT8 Wbeatley Misses Nora ah clClaud J Lewis spent Monday with Sllsalsabell Jolly fkoLeyfia and wife spent Saturday and Sunday with hla parents illsa laabell Jolly entertained a large crowd of yonngjfolka Saturday night The weddlnK belts are still ringing I 1 hope they will soon ceas Mr Forest Pool visited his aunt Mra Mattie Glascock Saturday and SunJay MiSses Hattie and Bottle AUon af tended church at tong Lick Sunday Capt John J Martin Dead Mr John 0 Martin whOse death id curredat irniohtowjand an account Qf which appears i In the NEWS was a sourcp of cleepregrot to thecitizengof thia plabf Mr Martin waa A reaidonfbf thlacity at one time having located here in ihe year of 1849 He was a man of Buperlprattainmen BRdof strpng intdlkctual abilities 1L Advertisements inserted under this Mad at the rate of one cent a word each insertion n LEOAI DUNKS Olt xiutk fldaud Mongjt and 4u Knmof l 11701 Illinkf IIItKCJKI IlIUUE NEWS OES ICE TrITlOS T lolL S IECeriflctq in nrvsrt i Strttton J 4 lutlncfi CruIse Loultvlle KY Apply to IKCKKNIIDJK NKWS OFFICE FOIt SUE LAM Iiiodlime Hood lmprovemrit Addrctt M L SHELL MAN Ihh i Star TeX p AtiminUtrutors Notice t II person knowing ihenuflvtf indebted to h- ei1rle ofAlliej MilUr dtccueil am hereby notifieS to call and ette he lame All clam 111nlllI estate must te pert properly povtn fir partrtnl SlfAS MllLRK Admr FOR SALE ENGINES enZIncsj4 plebrndy or whiskey distiller 2 worm 11 Ills corn meal mill and aheller ono thirty threo Inch threhlnir machine and automatic atnclur Inquire or L U ADDlSONAdJIson Ky A NEW THING And A Good Thing for the People pricesfrom Houses SHeDest Choice Rice per pound u 4 Me- Flaktr Holniuy per pound r JjC 250Best c 5528A C II I 46s We handle anything you want in the ttthig1yHarilit4sburg Mrs Bailie Da haui Sample If II subjcttcfinarket ICCoRETS MAKE I AMERICA BEAUTIES n FCCORSET Mads In all the neatest models and esgFSThey genuine corset worth Sendor pur illustrated price list r- KALAVAZOQ CORSET CO Mi IA tr tfataixaioa Viet For Nil ty ll4l4Z1tR Clorport Ky 0 = I rca A TIIOL UONTH1 UlSCIIlrTMM y- eLOUISYIiE TNI TimES THS MIOHTCITANO iMT AfTfUHOO PAPeR IN THC SOUTh Latest Market Quotations Latest State News All the Local News Complete Press Reports Largest Circulation In the South 50 CENTS MONTH Or Ssoo Yar bjl Mall eos FOURTH AvtNut UOUI8VILUE KENTUCKY 4696 Sent To Foreign nisslons The BreckenriJse County Belief Corn mfttee of India with headquarters at Hardlnsburg sent to Philadelphia Tuet day the sum of 1096 saId money will be immediately forwarded to India All persons Interet ted in this work will send their money to Sire Milton Coke liar dlnabnrg which win be sent on A Monster Devil Fish DeBtroyingltaTlctim 1s a typo of cart etlp tlon Tho power b this malady la felt on organs nerves muscles and brain But Dr Kings New Life Pills are a safe and certain tire Beat in the world for Stomach Liver Kidneys and Bowelc Only 25 cents at Short Uaynes drug store i 1i I FOOTWEAR I IThar S andm j dressy footwear As an accompani 1 m ment the y S AAAA w m BOOTS and OXFORDS fulfill m I these requirements an dare also very I I easy on the feet u They are beautiful J m f creations Examine them and the nu- merous 1 m other QUEEN QUALITY styles for indoors and out 8 4 Fashions favorite Iill Queefiy Quality Oxfords S2SQJ4 I mgjiI swell m 8ULZER8 mWmmm mmm m Iri 1 1j1im ij m m m1fa 11 DO yOU WANTSP i DRY GOODS IJj DO YOU WANT I j CLOTHING DO YOUVANT 1 LA WNSt Ii I I MEYER MEYER Burns Ky has ra i abundancei J I Millinery delayz r I ment controlled by Miss Florence Whitean well established 5 desiredi m BURAS KENTUCKY 1ili m F mmmm m Ili dAO u r WORMS WHITES n r For 20 Years Has Ltd all Worm Rams IISOxn DY xaxa- PTeVxed onVGGXBTB JAMES BALLARD St Louis Sub ertbe to The News 100 THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS Additional l Brandenburg Col Bennett H Young mado one of the verv tendereat engojles for Ken- tucky and the imperishable glory of the South that was delivered during tho reunion Ho referred to Louisvilles splendid monument erected by the Con ¬ federacy with those sublime words on it Our Confederate Dead 7eas Ken tucklans are proud it We are proud to know have cared for your dead as well as our own Our hearts swell our eyes are dim as think those who I wifoI ly nobly anti would hot take the oath lot alrtglroco but spurned the offers of I > t I Other Styles for Strict m iI is i CREA- MVERMIFUGE f MettiOnth TbtIOtv lis I a br F of we wo of I their captors Our tears flow as freely as in the llxtl s when we rtflect No mans address at the reunion was more feeling more eloquent more f pa- triotic ¬ more candidor tender than our great southern editor Henry Wattereon He waslntiodnced as Americans great- est editor Dont forget he live in Ken tucky the home of the Clays Slarshalp Breckenridees Bucknere Blackburn Carlisle Lindsay Knott all Illustrious but alar divided and apart in political sentiment and opinion Mr Wattereon says he is ready to go to hio account when pleaseMr Kentucky is out of tho mirel I iI C i- IF I t 4 4

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Page 1: Tried Friends Best Tutts Are A Fact r cP rT c I-S THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS WEDNESDAY JUNE 6 1900 5 t IID I t j I I h t I j e a 4 I 1H Z 0

I r rT ccPI-









t Ij



4 I

1H Z





Tried Friends BestForthirty years Tutts Pills havproven a blessing to the invalidAre truly the sick mans friend

A Known FactFor bilious headache dyspepsiastomachma1ariaconstipation and all kindred diseaseWTTS Liver PILLS



WEDNESDAY June 01000

IIIiIThe News in Brieti

fc444 4444 44444 44443Sippel sells iceCanned goods at Sippets

I Powdered chocolate at Sippels

Barrv delivers ico at your residence

Edward Whitehead hat Irvington

The city council met Monday nightr The census enumerators have begunwork

Babies were plentiful at Irvlnsston1 Sunday

po to Sippela and inspect his line of

glasswareMr Jim Smith of Hardlnsburgi8 vie

jUng heret1 harles W Moorman spent Tuesday


HaTe your picnic bills printed at theNEWS office

rH S Hennen Haw vll1e was In

towns Sundayt t

c Kentucky baa 1318 cenaua enumerai tore at Workf uT PDllIamVoi Patesville was in the

city Monday

IVirgei Wilson of Louisville was in thecity last week

There waS a big crowd of people atIrvington Sunday

Harry Moorman of Owenaboro was

in town last week

Cuscadena cream the fineeon themarket at Sippela

You can always getthe purest confectlonariea at tiippela

SIppel carries a complete assortmentof staple and fancy groceries

3Ifss Sue Braahear of Union Star

Ij spent last week in Louisville

Fred Fraize and James R fikilfmanwere in Louisville last week

J Mrs P F Wingert left Monday forHenderson to visit her parents

All of Cloverporta pretty young girla

have returned from college

Willie Mullen of Owensboro visitedMa parents in this city Sunday

Editor Clarence Sterett and wife of

Hawesville were In town Sunday

Ira DeHaven who has been at Frank¬

fort returned home Sunday night

Mire Hattie Reuwe of Tell City Indspent Sunday with Mrs Wiogort

Forest Haynes Alt Heston and Lige

Gibson were at Irvington Sunday

Mr Charles May Sr shipped to New

Orleans IJfist week 25000 hooppolea

JiJeBSe Willis has accepted a position in> Ihe grocery department at F Fralzea

West Virginia Democrats will holdI their State Convention at Parkerebufg

Ice delivered at your home at the rateof 05 cents per hundred by J A Barry

Misses Essie Bohler and Joaie Yeagorare visiting relatives and frienda at JollyStation

Mrs Viola Jackson left Wednesday tobe the guest of Mrs Qua Brown at Har

4 dinsbur-gt Mise Mna Harvey of Rockport Ind >

la In the city the guest oi her aunt Mrs J

Jwauel Ahl

JeiaO Bohldr who attended the Rebunion at Louisville returned home Sat

nrday night

MrsJ P Dltzenbach and aona Louieand J P Jr Were in Loniavllltt last week

i visiting relativesMiss Delia Batt and little Alma Him

elhaver spent Sunday in Qannelton thev ruts of Mra Slatira Datt

IrsE S McAfee returned SundayfromOwenebQroawhere she has beenvisiting relatveiand friendS

MMNoJa Greenwalt Rockport Indarrived Saturday evening tobe the guestrofrelatives for several weeks

Mra George Chick of Mt Sterlingreached thia city Sunday night to bewith relatives and friends for a fewdaye

Mri George W Shbrt of this city attended the Confederatefleunlon at Louliville and met many of the prominent

generalsT pmaaM Gilmore of the filth Ken

tkd19irictbM made knOwnUscand <

differ the Democratic tiomipaUpri forGbsgret f

IWr P9 Braihear and Bister Mias

olQwepboro were passengers

fI 1 MbiTdayHenderson route traln6 ton

h t-

ISmith En gHah teat ho e1tb1hfl

parents Mr andMra A 8 English lIebaa bean located at Franklin Tenriilorthepaityear


Fresh cakes at Slppele-

Mra William Hoffius iaqnlte ill

Pure creanj cheeeo at SlpprtsThe Ohio fa titling all the way up

Winger makes your clothea to fit

Telepone Sippel for your gtocerlesA June nse on the Ohio la expected

Carl Lichen went to Cannelton Sun

dayWalkinghate of all kinds at Miss

Judith MillersCity tax collector Keith wee at Leitch

field last weekFor ribbons chifions and veils eo to

Miss Judith MillerMire Judith Milkr will trim you a hat

that ia euro to please you

Charles Patterson has commenced taktag the Census of the town

Mrs Abe kn man returned yetterday fom a visit to Webster

Mr and Mre Julius Slppel will occupyrooms over the City Bakery

Mrs Jese WeatherhoH has gone toMuldraugb to visit her parents

Take a walk around to the wharf andsee the improvements going on

Mr A C Sheldon and wife visitedfriends and relatives in Tobinsport Sun-


Mr Dud Wendelkin of Howell mdspent Sunday and MOnday with Ills pazeats

Hay corn and oats for sale fn anyquantitiy at the Star Roller mills ALOelzs

Aguinaldo the Filipino leader iatald tohave been killed by troops under MajMarch

Misses Edna and Rosa Moorman andMr Norman Hensley were IrvingtonSunday

Sherman Ball of Hardlnsbnrjj whohas been at Louisville returned howeSunday

Arent you in need of a neat fittingsuit of clothes If so then contult P FWingert

IThe Golden Rod a U S light houseboat was harboiodat Carters landbgSunday I

The John K Speed reached the wharfSunday She will be the last boat downthie season I

If you want to know where to get thIS

most stylish summer bate go to MissJudith Millers

Misses Elizabeth and Margaret Skillman went to Louisville Wednesday tomal o a visit

Mrs Elvira Babbage who has beenseriously ill for the past week has won-


improvedMrs S A Hawley of Birmingham

Ala is visIting her aunt Mrs F H Savfyer and family

Hon Charles Blanford of Bewleyvilleleft Sunday evening for weniboro to at-

tend U S courtMIss Lucy Payne of Lodlburgia in the

city visiting the family of Mr and MrsAugustus Gibson

Mr and Mrs John Lillard and daught-er Miss Annie went to Louisville lastweek by way of boat

The officials of the Louisville andEvansvlle Mall Llnecompany have madethis a division point

Emil Nolte ia etill IIi Louisville doipgtheReunlpnbuhUrQturn Iia lookedforward to this week

Mrs John Alexander who has been In

Missouri visiting her daughter haa re¬

turned to her home at Burns

Miss Louise Babbage went to Louisvllle Thursday to be the guest of heraunt Mrs David W Fairleigh

Low Conner and Dick Newbill recent ¬

ly clerkain the packet service have beentransferred to work in Louisville

Mr and Mrs Murray Pierce of Color

ado Springs are thl parents of a littleson who arrived May 15th

Mr and Mis Frank Ferry of Stephensportwere in town last week They werevisiting his mother Mra F J Ferry

MIss Mary Jarboo wOnt to Glon-



should always be kept Inthe house for the foll ¬

lowing reasonsFIRST Because If any member

of the family has a hard cold ItWill cure It

SECOND Because If tho cljll

drenare delicate and sickly It willmake them strong and wll

THIRD Because If the father orImother is losing flesh and becom ¬

ing thin and emaciated It will buildthem up and give them flesh andstrength

FOURTH Because tIs tthystandard remedy In all throat andlung affections


No household should be without It

It can be taken In summer as well

as in winter t

yx and ioo all drurkllSCOTT BOWNB Chtroliii N w foih



Are thePelvic

Mrs Co a BmlyMrs Eo 0 Hrerly 605 DUraond Street

Philadelphia Pa aays 1 let1 willaerer felt better t thanks tor your atUatton and P irnna I will be1ad todo all I oa ia the way of advancing thetale ot your valuable mcdlclno I dothink P rna the best mftdloln I havetrlfdaiany time Stnco I began takingFe rpna wofc vo never been without it

Read vtftt an eldtrly woman 1141iJa-Woman whohaa pouod tbroogh all thepkaMo aetna iqd xporlenoca of girlhood womaaU xjd and motherhood Ireally beltavvtiUt every woman in thqworld ought io bare Perana on bandill the time for If sho goU tired Pornna refreshes her if abo gets nervous itBootbes her If despondent it cheers

last week She will remain severalweeka studying with Prof J MPHe

Miss Helen M Gould will arrive in Lourvllle today Wednesday to remain ceveraldavetbncegoingto Mammqth Cave

Miss Robin Brashear of Owens rois spending the summer with her grand ¬

mother Mrs E Wimp of Bran en1urg

tIre RJB Pierce and her motherMrs Susan Duncan of Colorado Sprjngsi

iareexpe ted here in June tto visit friendsand relatives

MraEllza Taylor who returned toRosetta last week has returned lObewith her mother Mrs Elvira Babbagewho Is not so well

Cycling has its ups and downs Afterthe downs use Banner Salve If yourecut or bruised It heals the hurt quckly Moorman d Owen

eager Seymour operators of theHome Laundry have dissolved partner ¬

ship The latter buying the half inter ¬

est of the formerMiea Mary Giltner of Louisville one

of that citys fascloatlrg young ladies willreach Hardlnaburg soon to be the guestof Miss Lila Ford-

WilliamMrs J Mattingly and twodaughters Agneta and Mary Jo of lIarlnsb rg are visiting her parents Mrand Mrs Tho Lewie

Mia M B Conway of LouUyUle reached the city Tuesdav and willbe the guest of her aunt Mrs BarnettFisher at the Fisher homestead

Mlea Margaret Bo wmeria spendingweek at Snelbyvilie her old collegetown She goes to attend the 75th anniI ¬

versary of the Science Hill school ofwhich she was a pupil

Mrs Frpnia Wedding and son AllenShacklett of San Antonio Tex are atRome Ind visiting relatives Theywill vlsitrelatives and friends In thiscity before returning home

AlrhWrJ Sherman Mrs Char B

Sklllman MIss Elizabeth Skillman andMiss Margaret Bowmer left for Shelbyvllle last week to attend the Toth annfvorsary of the Science Hill school

Little Miss Sue Roberts Watkins ofOwensboro assisted at the presentationof the camp banner by the OwensboroDaughters of the Confederacy the oldveterans who were leaving for the Re¬

unionMiss Qenae Braahear of Owenaboro

passed through here Monday enrouteto Louisville She has accepted aresponelble position in that city and hermany friends here are glad to hear ofher success

A program of the Breckenridge CountySunday School Convention which con¬

venes in this city Thursday June 14 tbappears in this issue Every Sundayschool in the county is extended an invita-



to be presentFatal mistakes are being made by

those who do not heed the earlier symptons of kidney or bladder trouble thatoften end In Brighta disease or diabetesWhen Foleya Kidney Cure makes thekidneya well how foolish It ia to delay

Ioo hand Owen

ShOuld you wish to improve the quailtyof your bread use the OeebratedYeast Foam Nothing like it for pro-


a light sweet nutritious loaf of

bread It will retain its moisture andmelty flavor longer than bread raisedwith any other yeast put upon the matket Try it

Capt Ed Howard of the H wardsshipyard at Jefieraonville Ind sent tothe water Tuesday afternoon the SteamerBbatona The Boston 1iaa the largeatand broadest malndeck off any boal d theOhio She la 285 feet lBg and her batterypower equlppmeDt Is sufficient enough ibgive her tho title of a skipper of thenrs water

and intlgorotra It Is a panacea for allpertodIt t

motbcri 1 anovwfnlling standby to thenursing mother both for herself and forher child and finally when the hUgeof life comes on no medicine on earth ifof equal efficacy to the woman in thiscritical period Surely Porona is thewoman friend

That catarrh has any relation to barmtJJyitIThis InaldlouB disease penetrates toertry organ of the body Mrs L MQrlfflthof mbrtdstNeb84Y81 i Toni


amount of goodIt cured moof borrennoea Iam thirty yearnold and hadnererbornoaayohlldrenbatIslnco beginningyour medlolnoIgavebtrthtoatenpound

girl She Is now six month old andweighs tw6ntyflT pounds My friendsWore all surprised Some would notbelieve it until they came to ice meMy husband iaya he norwr MW each achange in anyone u there was in meafter I hud taken three or tour bottloi ofPoruna I am stronger than I haysbeen since I was quite young Oodbless you and your medicine forever

Address Dr Ilortman cTolumbuit O

for free catarrh book

TOBINSPORT0John Simona went to Louisville lastweek

Virgil Polk of SkillmaD war here Sunday t

Wallace1 Hayden has returned<

fromOwensboros I

MsiJKatie WiherboIsp zii SundayJn Clovorpdrt

Misa Edith Groves and brother WOK

here SundayRev J Ed Mnrr and wife of Rome

were here last weik I

Shepherd Lamrrbf Cloverporrvieitedhis brother Saturday

Mrs 0 0 Whitehead returned Fridajfrom a visit to Louisville

epeQDlondayMiss Jennie McJfaRten tome Indj

attended church Sunday nightMiss Carrie Cockrell of Cannelton

spent Sunday at this place with her par-

entAllie Groves and daughter Miss GUdy

of Derby were thtj guests of relativ sSunday

MisseaSalile Gregory and Mabel Whitehead Cloverport visited the famiU olMr JORyan Sunday

Last Wednesday the lightning struckthe dwelling of Mr Clarence Leaf shakoing the inmates slightlyBnd doing littledamage to the house

Mrs A T Knasel and Miss LizzieAllen of Hawesville Ky who havebeen visiting the family of Prof A Powfill returned home last Sunday

A Life and Death FightMr W A limes of Manchester Ia

writingof his almost miraculous escapefrom death says Exposure after meaS-les induced serious lung trouble whichended in Consumption I had frequenthemorrhages and coughed night anil dayAU my dcctora said I must soon dieThen I began to use Dr Kings New Diecovery which wholly cured me Hundreds have used it on my advice and nilsay it never falls to cure Throat Chestand Lung troubles Regular slza 6Qi

and 100 Trial bottles free at ShortHaynes drug store


We are having nice tobacco eeason

Miss Hattie Owen Is very ill at thepresent time

Mr Will Berry was the guest of MicaBettie Jeflry Sunday

Mrs Paul Henlng spent last Mondaywith Mrs George Berry

Mr Sanford Pboland wife spent lastSunday with Mle Nora Lewis

Mfa JeffiLewlanpeni last week withher daughter MT8 Wbeatley

Misses Nora ahclClaudJ Lewis spentMonday with Sllsalsabell Jolly

fkoLeyfia and wife spent Saturdayand Sunday with hla parents

illsa laabell Jolly entertained a largecrowd of yonngjfolka Saturday night

The weddlnK belts are still ringing I1hope they will soon ceas

Mr Forest Pool visited his aunt MraMattie Glascock Saturday and SunJay

MiSses Hattie and Bottle AUon aftended church at tong Lick Sunday

Capt John J Martin Dead

Mr John 0 Martin whOse death idcurredat irniohtowjand an account Qf

which appears iIn the NEWS was a sourcpof cleepregrot to thecitizengof thia plabf

Mr Martin waa A reaidonfbf thlacityat one time having located here in iheyear of 1849

He was a man of BuperlprattainmenBRdof strpng intdlkctual abilities

1LAdvertisements inserted under this Mad at therate of one cent a word each insertion


Olt xiutk fldaud Mongjt and4u Knmof l11701 Illinkf IIItKCJKIIlIUUE NEWS OES ICE


TlolL S IECeriflctq in nrvsrt i StrtttonJ4 lutlncfi CruIse Loultvlle KY Apply toIKCKKNIIDJK NKWS OFFICE


IiiodlimeHood lmprovemrit Addrctt M L SHELLMAN Ihh i Star TeX


AtiminUtrutors Noticet II person knowing ihenuflvtf indebted to h-

ei1rle ofAlliej MilUr dtccueil am herebynotifieS to call and ette he lame All clam111nlllI estate must te pert properlypovtn fir partrtnl SlfAS MllLRK Admr


enZIncsj4plebrndy or whiskey distiller 2 worm11 Ills corn meal mill and aheller ono thirty

threo Inch threhlnir machine and automaticatnclur Inquire or L U ADDlSONAdJIsonKy

A NEW THINGAnd A Good Thing for

the PeoplepricesfromHouses

SHeDestChoice Rice per pound u 4 Me-Flaktr Holniuy per pound r JjC250Bestc5528AC II I 46s

We handle anything you want in thettthig1yHarilit4sburgMrs Bailie Da haui Sample If IIsubjcttcfinarket




FCCORSETMads In all the neatest models andesgFSTheygenuine corset worth Sendor purillustrated price list r-

KALAVAZOQ CORSET COMi IA tr tfataixaioa Viet

For Nil ty

ll4l4Z1tRClorport Ky

0 =







Latest Market QuotationsLatest State News

All the Local NewsComplete Press Reports

Largest Circulation In the South

50 CENTS MONTHOr Ssoo Yar bjl Mall

eos FOURTH AvtNut


4696 Sent To Foreign nisslonsThe BreckenriJse County Belief Corn

mfttee of India with headquarters atHardlnsburg sent to Philadelphia Tuetday the sum of 1096 saId money willbe immediately forwarded to India Allpersons Interet ted in this work will sendtheir money to Sire Milton Coke liardlnabnrg which win be sent on

A Monster Devil FishDeBtroyingltaTlctim 1s a typo of cart

etlp tlon Tho power b this malady la

felt on organs nerves muscles and brainBut Dr Kings New Life Pills are a safe

and certain tire Beat in the world forStomach Liver Kidneys and BowelcOnly 25 cents at Short Uaynes drugstore


IIThar Sandm jdressy footwear As an accompani 1

m ment the yS

AAAA wmBOOTS and OXFORDS fulfill m

I these requirements andare also very I

I easy on the feet u They are beautiful J

mf creations Examine them and the nu-


m other QUEEN QUALITYstyles for indoors and out 8


Fashionsfavorite IillQueefiyQuality


ImgjiI swell

m 8ULZER8mWmmm mmm m

Iri1 1j1im ij m m m1fa 11DO yOU WANTSP i



1 LAWNStIiII MEYER MEYER Burns Ky hasraiabundancei JI Millinerydelayz rI ment controlled by Miss Florence Whitean well established5desiredim BURAS KENTUCKY

1ili m F mmmm m IlidAO u


n rFor 20 Years Has Ltd all Worm Rams

IISOxn DY xaxa-PTeVxed


Sub ertbe to The News


Additional l Brandenburg

Col Bennett H Young mado one ofthe verv tendereat engojles for Ken-

tucky and the imperishable glory of theSouth that was delivered during thoreunion Ho referred to Louisvillessplendid monument erected by the Con ¬

federacy with those sublime words on itOur Confederate Dead 7eas Ken

tucklans are proud it We are proudto know have cared for your dead aswell as our own Our hearts swell oureyes are dim as think those who

IwifoIly nobly anti would hot take the oathlot alrtglroco but spurned the offers of




Other Styles for Strict





MettiOnth TbtIOtvlis Ia

br F


wo of

I their captors Our tears flow as freelyas in the llxtl s when we rtflect

No mans address at the reunion wasmore feeling more eloquent more f pa-



more candidor tender than ourgreat southern editor Henry WattereonHe waslntiodnced as Americans great-est editor Dont forget he live in Kentucky the home of the Clays SlarshalpBreckenridees Bucknere BlackburnCarlisle Lindsay Knott all Illustriousbut alar divided and apart in politicalsentiment and opinion Mr Wattereonsays he is ready to go to hio account whenpleaseMrKentucky is out of tho mirel






