idf dairy brochure

Worldclass Scientific Expertise for the Global Dairy Sector International Dairy Federation

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IDF Dairy Brochure


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Worldclass Scientific Expertise for the Global Dairy Sector

International Dairy Federation

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The promotion of quality, nutrition and health through the whole dairy chain is expressed in the mission of IDF:

‘To represent the dairy sector worldwide and provide the best global source of scientific expertise and knowledge in support of the development and promotion of quality milk and dairy products to deliver consumers with nutrition, health and well-being.’

2 I Worldclass Scientific Expertise for the Global Dairy Sector

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Dairy is a strategic sector worldwide. It has an important influence on the long-term welfare of society and a highly beneficial impact, given the unique nutritional value of milk and milk products.

We live, however, in challenging times within a complex and fast changing environment and very differentiated needs, tastes and lifestyles. Globalization, sustainable economic growth, adequate and balanced nutrition for all and unfair competition from substitutes to dairy products are among the most pressing questions. IDF brings the world’s experts together for the dairy sector to address these issues scientifically.

We are a modern, dynamic and forward looking federation, with a record of achievements and fully prepared for the new challenges of dairy in the future.

IDF has a clear focus on:

Coordinating worldwide activities, fosteringtheimportantroleofmilkandmilkproductsinnutritionandhealth.

Developing international regulation andstandards for milk and milk products andrelated analytical methods, in close co­operation with our partner organizationsCodexAlimentarius,OIEandISO.

Achieving good dairy farming practices,animalhealthofmilkinganimalsandhygieneandsafetyofmilkandmilkproducts.

Advancingdairy scienceand technologyandcreatingplatformstodiscussthelatesteconomicthinkingandmarketingdebates.

As the international platform of the dairy sector for steering science-based pre-competitive and outcome-driven research, IDF is dedicating efforts to add value and maximize results for all stakeholders, “from farm to fork”, at all stages across the dairy chain.

With a new emphasis on communications, our objective is to build greater recognition of innovation within the sector and of the benefits of dairy products to diet and healthy lifestyle. IDF is known for its relevant, reliable and authoritative output of publications, surveys, proposals, submissions and specialized events while still improving our visibility and recognition, especially in countries with emerging dairy sectors.

Access to strategic information related to our extensive collaboration with key international organizations is also widely appreciated by the dairy sector.

Our focus on new membership is not only to increase geographical spread but also to inform and motivate younger generations starting out in the dairy sector. We are actively encouraging them to join and participate in our exciting projects and work.

If your country is not already part of IDF, I would like to encourage you to consider joining us to take maximum advantage of the many benefits from membership.

Christian Robert IDF Director General

Preparing for Tomorrow’s Dairy Industry I 3

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4 I Worldclass Scientific Expertise for the Global Dairy Sector

IDF Priorities and Achievements

Promote and defend, on the basis of science, the important role of milk and milk products for human nutrition and as part of a healthy life-style through publication of scientific articles in peer-review journals;

Develop on behalf of the dairy sector scientific-technical input to the standard-setting activities of ISO, Codex and OIE;

Provide guidelines and recommendations to the dairy sector on good dairy farming practices, animal welfare in milk production, prevention and control of diseases affecting milking animals;

Monitor and provide accurate statistics and forecasts of worldwide production, consumption and trade in milk and milk products;

Provide assistance to IDF member countries in terms of setting national regulations and standards for milk and milk products;

Strengthen the role of science and provide latest up-dates on research activities around the world through a number of topical symposia, conferences, congresses and other events that enable and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and close cooperation between industry and academia;

Provide advice to IDF members on how to manage emerging issues through a worldwide communication and dairy expert network.

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IDF serves all stakeholders in the dairy sector worldwide. It is the centre for dairy expertise, developing scientific knowledge, exchanging information, addressing global developments and facilitating contacts within and outside the sector. IDF addresses all levels from the specialist working away behind the scenes to the government negotiator seeking international agreements to protect human health and facilitate exchange of goods.

The Leading Global Dairy Organization I 5

Science, tradition and development

Aiming at progress in the dairy chain and involving dairy farmers, milk processors, industry suppliers, academics, scientists, nutritionists and governments, IDF is the pre-eminent source of scientific and technical expertise benefiting all stakeholders of the dairy chain. Governments and legislators use IDF’s expertise to develop policy and regulation.

In this way IDF provides new benefits to members and meets challenges. With its long tradition of pushing forward the frontiers of research, IDF is also developing further ways to communicate and disseminate knowledge within the dairy sector as well as to the external stakeholders who shape policies and legislation on agriculture, animal health, dairy products, consumption and nutrition.

A solid heritage and dynamic innovation

IDF was established in 1903. Today, it is the authoritative body for science on dairy matters based on objectivity and unrivalled quality of unbiased information. It is also one of the strongest sector federations with an outstanding reputation for fostering development and innovation.

Wide representation and increasing geographical scope

The national dairy communities that constitute IDF account for some 75% of current total milk production worldwide.

Membership covers some 50 countries and is growing. All types of market situation and consumption pattern are being addressed, as well as all milk categories, such as cow, camel, goat, sheep, etc.

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Services to the Global Dairy Sector IDF aims at adding the highest value for members through its various work activities.

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IDF provides a permanent source of authoritative scientific and other information on the whole range of topics relevant to the dairy sector.

This is regularly published in the form of newsbriefs, review papers, bulletins, best practice guidelines, statistical digests and standard methods of sampling and analysis. Publications are made available in electronic format upon release. A complete catalogue of IDF publications is available on the website.

IDF further stimulates the global information flow by managing multiple international events and through the IDF Extranet.

Expert Advice

More than 1,200 experts are active in IDF. They form the backbone of the organization as permanent working groups or task forces and cover an exceptionally wide range of expertise, including:

Nutrition and health Food standards Methods of analysis and sampling Animal health and welfare Food safety and hygiene Farm management Environmental matters Dairy science and technology Dairy policies and economics Marketing

In 2006 IDF launched its Marketing Awards to highlight the dynamism and competitiveness of the dairy market by celebrating exceptional achievements in the marketing of dairy products.

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IDF is a key partner for decision-making bodies around the world, representing the dairy sector’s interests by providing scientific and technical advice to governmental and non-governmental organizations such as:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) World Health Organization (WHO) International Organization for Standardization

(ISO) Codex Alimentarius Commission and in

particular the Codex Committee on Milk and Milk Products – IDF is the only private organization that has formal status in Codex with regard to developing draft standards for a group of food commodities.

Events and Networking

IDF promotes the exchange of new ideas with fellow specialists across national borders, helping resolve issues and spreading best practice. Its working groups provide experts with a platform to meet and jointly develop scientific knowledge and applications in industrial practice.

IDF organizes an annual World Dairy Summit and high-level international symposia as well as numerous seminars and workshops. These contribute to progress and understanding of dairy issues worldwide and offer unrivalled opportunities for networking with peers, sharing experiences and establishing contacts for future use.

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8 I Worldclass Scientific Expertise for the Global Dairy Sector

Current actions and initiatives IDF is a proactive organization that is constantly evolving, setting targets, innovating and looking for ways to increase efficiency based on continuous improvements.

Reinforcing the Role of Science

Sound science is crucial for good decisions. IDF experts are involved in research and leading events in dairy science and technology, such as the annual IDF Dairy Science and Technology Week, IDF/ISO Analytical Week and the IDF Award, which celebrates remarkable contributions made to progress in international dairying.

IDF science events cover topics as diverse as:

Cheese ripening Enzymes in milk Recombination Fermented milks Lactose and its derivatives Extended shelf-life milk Functional foods Milk genomics

IDF reaches out to universities and technical institutes to encourage young scientists to join IDF working groups. This ensures that it remains an exceptional forum for the exchange and exploration of new ideas in dairy science.

Building Awareness on Nutrition

Dairy products play a central role in a healthy, balanced diet, which alternatives cannot replace. Through scientific studies, IDF contributes to expanding the body of knowledge that shows the vital importance of milk in providing nutrients. IDF has published several review papers, for example in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, on weight, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies and lactose intolerance, and organized seminars on probiotics and milk genomics. IDF’s input helps improve the quality, relevance and scientific basis of food legislation and policies around the world.

Gaining Recognition for Excellence

The dairy sector is dynamic and competitive with many exceptional achievements in science and other areas. In marketing, for example, IDF launched Marketing Awards in 2006 to highlight dynamism and innovation.

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Increasing Value to all Stakeholders

IDF is committed to delivering maximum value to all dairy stakeholders, in particular by:

Increasing the body of knowledge and its transfer on dairy issues.

Optimizing working relationships and participation with all significant international bodies and events of importance and relevance to the dairy sector.

Maintaining and expanding efficient and representative networks of experts and professionals.

Boosting external communication efforts on nutrition and promotion by the dairy industry.

Making available detailed statistical information and forecasts.

Increasing Participation of Milk Producers

The needs of milk producers are permanently on the agenda of IDF. For example, IDF issues a ‘Guide to good dairy farming practice’ to ensure that milk and milk products are safe and suitable for their intended uses. Some of the areas covered are:

Animal health and welfare. Milk hygiene. Environmental stewardship. Milking equipment and methods.

Extending Membership

Membership is steadily increasing around the world. IDF is exploring membership for smaller countries, particularly among emerging dairy nations and countries in economic transition showing dynamic growth of milk and dairy consumption.

Advancing Sustainable Development

IDF supports the principles of sustainable agricultural practices in milk production and the adoption of environmentally friendly manufacturing practice for milk products through its worldwide network of experts.

Ensuring Traceability

People are concerned about identifying in detail the provenance of consumer products. IDF contributes to the definition of principles on legal requirements and to collecting examples to show the performance and limits of traceability systems. These form the basis for guidelines, traceability and product tracing.

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10 I Worldclass Scientific Expertise for the Global Dairy Sector

Recent Developments

Preparing IDF thinking for tomorrow’s challenges by refocusing work according to core priorities for dairy;

Refocusing the publication of the results of IDF scientific work in the areas of nutrition and dairy science and technology to high reputation peer-review journals;

Creating new awards for best marketing practices and outstanding scientific and technical discoveries to the benefit of the dairy industry;

Lending support to and advancing the development of newer areas of scientific research, such as milk genomics and probiotics;

Strengthening the role of dairy farmers in IDF by refocusing and expanding the work programme in the areas of dairy farming and animal health and welfare in order to produce practical guidance in these areas.

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Contact Us For more information about the IDF, please contact:

Christian RobertDirectorGeneralThe International Dairy FederationDiamant Building80, Boulevard Auguste Reyers1030 BrusselsBelgium

E-mail: [email protected]: +32 2 733 98 88Fax: +32 2 733 04 13


Advantages of Joining IDF

IDF membership offers tangible and immediate advantages which support knowledge, understanding and ultimately sustainable performance based on innovation and healthy competition.

The main benefits are:

Access to unrivalled scientific and technical knowledge and expertise.

I nformation on and input into the setting of global standards.

Access to a forum for exchange of knowledge and best practice.

Educational information about the role and impact of nutrition on health.

Organization of seminars/workshops of international, regional or local interest.

Opportunities to participate in worldclass expert working groups.

Opportunities for involvement in collaboration with key international bodies

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The International Dairy Federation

Worldclass Scientific Expertise for the Global Dairy Sector

Diamant Building80, Boulevard Auguste Reyers1030 Brussels - Belgium