ib prospectus 2018-2019 - hanze...5 part i - ib year 1 and former ibms including 3 year bachelor and...

IB Prospectus 2018-2019 International Business (IB) Full-time Bachelor Study Programmes: three year programmes and four year programme Approved by the Dean of IBS on 31-08-2018 This Prospectus takes effect as of 01-09-2018

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Page 1: IB Prospectus 2018-2019 - Hanze...5 Part I - IB year 1 and former IBMS Including 3 year bachelor and 3 year bachelor Betriebswirtschaft (BW) Applicability of the Prospectus This IB

IB Prospectus 2018-2019

International Business (IB)

Full-time Bachelor Study Programmes:

three year programmes and four year programme

Approved by the Dean of IBS on 31-08-2018 This Prospectus takes effect as of 01-09-2018

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Table of Contents

Part I - IB year 1 and former IBMS Including 3 year bachelor and 3 year bachelor Betriebswirtschaft (BW) ........ 5 Applicability of the Prospectus ............................................................................................................................... 5 List of abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 1. The International Business School – Study programme and organization ..................................................... 9

1.1 Study programme .................................................................................................................................. 9 1.2 Exam Board (EB) and Assessment Committee (AC) ............................................................................... 9 1.3 Admissions Committee ........................................................................................................................ 10 1.4 School Representative Council (SRC) ................................................................................................... 10 1.5 Education Committee (EC) ................................................................................................................... 11

2. Programme Learning Outcomes ................................................................................................................... 12 3. Programme Structure and Planning ............................................................................................................. 16

3.1 Structure of the Programmes, Scheduling and Planning ..................................................................... 16 3.2 The IB Undergraduate Programme major and minor Structure .......................................................... 20 3.3 Study pathways .................................................................................................................................... 20 3.4 Excellence ............................................................................................................................................. 21 3.5 Compulsory Attendance ....................................................................................................................... 21 3.6 Curriculum overview and Course Outlines ........................................................................................... 21

4. IB Curriculum ................................................................................................................................................ 23 4.1 First Year .............................................................................................................................................. 23 4.2 Post-Propaedeutic Phase ..................................................................................................................... 26 4.3 Excellence programme ......................................................................................................................... 33 4.4 Programme components taught in a foreign language ....................................................................... 33 4.5 Graduation programme components .................................................................................................. 33 4.6 Study plan............................................................................................................................................. 34

5. Admission Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 35 5.1 Admission to the First Year for Dutch applicants ................................................................................. 35 5.2 Admission to the First Year for non-Dutch applicants ......................................................................... 36 5.3 Admission to the First Year for ‘mature’ applicants (21 +) .................................................................. 40 5.4 Admission to the Post-Propaedeutic Phase for first year students ..................................................... 40 5.5 Direct Post-Propaedeutic Phase Admission ........................................................................................ 41 5.6 Admission to the Double Degree programme Haaga-Helia, Finland ................................................... 42

6. Credits, Grades and Assessments ................................................................................................................. 43 6.1 Credits, grades and exemptions ........................................................................................................... 43 6.2 Assessment Schemes ........................................................................................................................... 45 6.3 Plagiarism and other irregularities ....................................................................................................... 59 6.4 Rules for the proper conduct of examinations .................................................................................... 60 6.5 Exams ................................................................................................................................................... 60 6.6 Frequency of assessments .................................................................................................................... 61

7. Study advice in the First Year ....................................................................................................................... 65 8. Study Abroad, Placement and Graduation project ....................................................................................... 67

8.1 Study Abroad ........................................................................................................................................ 67 8.2 Placement ............................................................................................................................................ 68 8.3 Rules and procedures for Study Abroad and Placement ..................................................................... 68 8.4 Graduation Project ............................................................................................................................... 71

9. Academic Advice/Study Advice .................................................................................................................... 73 9.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 73 9.2 Assignment of an Academic Advisor/Study Advisor ............................................................................ 73 9.3 Tasks of an Academic Advisor/Study Advisor ...................................................................................... 73 9.4 The study planning process .................................................................................................................. 73

10. Cum Laude .................................................................................................................................................... 74 11. IBS Rules and Regulations ............................................................................................................................. 75

11.1 Class enrolment .................................................................................................................................... 75 11.2 Study plans in Post-Propaedeutic Phase .............................................................................................. 75 11.3 Languages in the 4 Year bachelor programme .................................................................................... 76 11.4 Graduation ........................................................................................................................................... 77

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12. IBS Excellence programmes .......................................................................................................................... 78 12.1 Honours Talent Programme ................................................................................................................. 78

Part II – (Former) International Business and Languages programme, year 2, 3, 4 .................................................... 81 Introduction 82 IBL wordt IB 83 Applicability of the Prospectus ............................................................................................................................. 83 1 Opleiding ........................................................................................................................................................ 87

1.1 Onderwijsvisie en missie ........................................................................................................................... 87 1.2 Exam Board (EB) and Assessment Committee (AC) ............................................................................. 89 1.3 Admissions Committee ........................................................................................................................ 90 1.4 School Representative Council (SRC) ................................................................................................... 91 1.5 Education Committee (EC) ................................................................................................................... 91

2 HBO-niveau domeincompetenties, Programme Learning Outcomes en beroepsperspectief IBL .................. 92 2.1 Competencies and Educational Qualifications IB .................................................................................. 100

3 Opbouw van de studie................................................................................................................................... 104 3.1 Karakterisering van de opbouw: duaal, voltijd, deeltijd ............................................................................ 104 3.2 Afstudeerprogramma’s ......................................................................................................................... 104 3.3 Verkorte studieroute ............................................................................................................................... 106 3.4 Basisvaardigheden ................................................................................................................................... 107 3.5 Curriculumoverzicht ................................................................................................................................ 107 3.6 Beschrijving studieprogramma en curricula ............................................................................................. 110 3.7 Onderwijsjaarplanning IBL 2018-2019 .................................................................................................... 117

4 Studieprogramma ........................................................................................................................................... 118 4.1 Blok- en vakomschrijvingen ...................................................................................................................... 118 4.2 Profilering in de hoofdfase ........................................................................................................................ 118 4.3 Excellentieprogramma’s ........................................................................................................................... 118 4.4 Anderstalige onderdelen in het programma ............................................................................................. 118

5 Toelatingseisen ................................................................................................................................................ 119 5.1 Toelating tot de hoofdfase ....................................................................................................................... 119

6 Tentamenplanning 2018-2019 ....................................................................................................................... 119 6.1 Tentamenrooster ...................................................................................................................................... 120 6.2 Plagiarism and other irregularities ......................................................................................................... 123 6.3 Rules for the proper conduct of examinations ...................................................................................... 124 6.4 Aanvraagformulier extra voorzieningen ................................................................................................ 124 6.5 Voorziening tijdelijke functiebeperking ................................................................................................. 125 6.6 Gelijktijdige tentamens .......................................................................................................................... 125 6.7 Uitslag van tentamen ............................................................................................................................. 125 6.8 Inzage van gemaakt schriftelijk tentamen ............................................................................................. 126 6.9 Adressen en bereikbaarheid tentamenlocaties ..................................................................................... 126

7 Onderwijsprogramma IBL 2018-2019 ........................................................................................................... 127 8 Onderwijsprogramma minoren 2018-2019 ................................................................................................. 127 9 Voortgangsnormen gedurende de opleiding ................................................................................................. 128 Appendix 1 Examination Regulations regarding Bachelor’s Degree Programmes at Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen and Examination Protocol for Students ............................................................................. 134

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Part I - IB year 1 and former IBMS

Including 3 year bachelor and 3 year bachelor Betriebswirtschaft (BW)

Applicability of the Prospectus This IB Prospectus, together with the Course Outlines, Handbooks1 and the Student Charter form the Teaching and Exam Regulations, in Dutch: ‘de onderwijs- en examenregeling, de OER’. All of these documents are digitally available via intranet, (hanze.nl > Education > International Business School), used by the Hanze University of Applied Sciences (UAS), Groningen.

Student Charter

Examination Regulations (Chapter 4)

IB Prospectus, Course Outlines & Handbooks

It is meant to provide a legal document regarding procedures specific to education at the International Business School (IBS) and more generally to the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen as a whole. It describes the study programme, International Business (IB), offered by IBS in English and the various rules and regulations that govern all aspects of studies at IBS. Where necessary, it also provides guidance and advice to students and staff on a variety of topics. All official communication supplied by the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen and the International Business School (IBS) is done via intranet (access www.hanze.nl) including programmes accessible via Hanze.nl (e.g. Blackboard, Osiris). This up-to-date information is easily accessible and each student is required to have read the information published there. The International Business (IB) programme is the result of a merger between the former International Business and Languages (IBL) programme and the former International Business and Management Studies (IBMS) and has a start date of 1 September 2018. Students who start with the first year of IB in September 2018 will follow the new IB curriculum. Students who started with IBL or IBMS in 2017-2018 or earlier will continue with the ‘old’ IBL and IBMS curricula. The former programmes’ year 2 will be offered only in 2018-2019, year 3 will be offered for the last

time in 2019-2020 and year 4 will be offered for the last time in 2020-2021. If a student2 does not pass a course the last time it is offered, he/she will have two more opportunities to do the assessment in the year after, but classes will no longer be offered. If the student has not passed after these extra 1Handbooks for Placement, Graduation Projects, Honours, and First Year projects of the four year IB

programme 2 hereafter ‘the student‘ applies to both male and female students and will be referred to as ‘he‘

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opportunities he/she will have to repair by doing one or more extra courses, most likely in the new IB programme. The former IBL and IBMS curricula have been aligned with the new IB programme learning outcomes (PLOs). Because the former IBL programme is offered in Dutch the Rules and Regulations of the programme are written in Dutch. They can be found in Part II. This edition of the IB Prospectus, 2018-2019, applies to all students who are registered in the academic year 2018-2019. Changes to the programme, as compared with former editions of the Prospectus, do not affect the former study results of students: credits acquired in previous years remain valid. The International Business School reserves the right to declare previously awarded credits or exemptions invalid when the period of enrolment of a student exceeds the period of the nominal duration of the course, plus two years. Please be aware that some rules and regulations apply specifically to either the three year programme BW taught in German (some of the information in this prospectus is therefore written in German), the three year programme taught in English, the four year programme or the former IBL programme, which is taught in Dutch. Likewise, some rules and regulations apply specifically to First Year students as opposed to Post-Propaedeutic Phase students (year two of the four year bachelor programme, year abroad and graduation year). Corrections to any errors and omissions found in this Prospectus, as well as updates and changes made during the academic year 2018-2019 will be published on Hanze.nl (hanze.nl > Education > International Business School> Practical matters).

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List of abbreviations Abbreviation Definition

AA Academic Advisor

AC Assessment committee

EB Exam Board

EC Education Committee

GPJ Graduation Project

HTP Honours Talent Programme

IB International Business

IBL (former) International Business and Languages

IBMS (former) International Business and Management Studies

IBS International Business School

ISD International Service Desk

(N)BSA (Negative) Binding Study Advice

NVAO Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie

MLO’s Module Learning Outcomes

PLM Placement

PLO’s Programme Learning Outcomes

PTGP Permission To Go on Placement

PTGS Permission To Go on Study abroad

SAB Study Abroad

SRC School Representative Council

UAS University of Applied Sciences

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Introduction Welcome to IBS! IBS offers truly international education on a Bachelor as well as Master level. We welcome students of all nationalities and we certainly welcome diversity. Working and studying in an international environment is exciting, challenging and rewarding.

This Prospectus contains information about our School, our Bachelor programme, and the rules and regulations that apply to this programme. With staff and students from so many different cultural backgrounds, it is of extra importance to be clear about the rules and regulations that apply in our school. Please read this Prospectus carefully and use it as your reference in the case of questions about your study and IBS’ rules and regulations.

IBS started in 1988 with the first IB programme in the Netherlands, as the international version of the core economic bachelor programme at that time and is therefore proud to be the first International Business School in a Dutch University of Applied Sciences. The new programme was designed to reflect the Dutch open-mindedness concerning economics and cultures as well as the further development of the global perspective in business. Since its start, the number of students attending yearly has increased from approximately 100 in the beginning, to over 1800 today. The Hanze University is proud to have started the first IB programme in the Netherlands, an initiative that was followed by most other large Universities of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. A few years after starting the successful IB bachelor programme, IBS expanded with master programmes. Currently we offer an international Master in Business Administration (MBA) and a Master International Business & Management (MIBM). As of September 2018 we will be offering a Master of Science in Business Studies – Interdisciplinary Business Professional . An intensive, ground-breaking one-year international Master programme. All our programmes are truly international, in order to prepare you for a successful international business career. At IBS we strongly believe that our students are key stakeholders in our education. We welcome student participation in for example:

evaluation panels with the Heads of Education and coordinators: in these panels students provide valuable input that we need to further improve our education.

the Education Committee (EC): this committee consists of lecturers and students. It advises the Dean on proposed changes to our education and has the right of consent concerning the IBS prospectuses.

the School Representative Council (SRC): this is the formal body approving policy documents such as the School Year Plan and the School Strategic Plan.

the student union ‘IBS-U’

student jobs, such as staffing our Info Desk, or helping with specific projects. I wish you all the best in your study here at IBS. Regards, Drs. P.N. (Paul) Ganzeboom Dean IBS

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1. The International Business School – Study programme and organization 1.1 Study programme

The International Business (IB) programme, offered by the International Business School (IBS) is a full-time undergraduate programme focussing on cultural differences, which are an integral part of the programme. The curriculum is structured so that learning content, tasks and projects are up to date and reflect what happens in today’s international business world. This includes practical assignments for companies/entrepreneurs when possible. IBS offers a four year route and two three year routes for IB. The former IBMS programmes are also offered at present. However, the final year (year 4) of the former programme will be offered for the last time in 2020-2021. Upon successful completion of the programme, IBS will grant a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in International Business. This degree relates to Article 7.11 subsection 1 of the Higher Education and Research Act (in Dutch WHW). The final diploma (supplement) states the major (IB), the graduation minor and the minor the student has achieved. Graduates of the former IBMS programme receive a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in one of the graduation minors mentioned below:

International Marketing

International Finance & Accounting

International Management

International Strategy & Business Development Graduates also receive a grade list including all modules and grades the student has completed. The Exam Board of the International Business School is responsible for conducting the final examination of the full-time study programme: International Business. IBS expects its students to be independent and proactive including being aware of the regulations, responsibilities and possibilities contained in this Prospectus, in the Course Outlines and in the Blackboard sites of the courses they attend. 1.2 Exam Board (EB) and Assessment Committee (AC)

The Exam Board safeguards the level of the study programme by monitoring the assessments and final examinations within IBS with regard to content, procedure and level. It is the task of the Exam Board to determine whether the graduate has attained the end qualifications of the programme as laid down in the Teaching and Exam Regulations. Members of the Exam Board are appointed by the Dean. The composition of the Exam Board can be found on Hanze.nl. (www.hanze.nl>Education>International Business School>Organisation>IBS Committees) The Exam Board contact is: [email protected]. The Assessment Committee is responsible for monitoring the quality of examinations and operates under the supervision of the Exam Board. How to approach the Exam Board Students who wish their case to be discussed in an Exam Board meeting must write/type an appeal letter, sign it and submit it to the Exam Board, either on paper in the pigeon hole of the Exam Board (at the IBS Info Desk) or scanned and sent via email to: [email protected]. Emails regarding Exam Board matters sent to individual Exam Board members, the Secretary or to other members of IBS staff will not be accepted as a formal appeal.

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Appeal letters to the Exam Board must meet the following requirements3: a. Must be dated and signed (scanned signature required for letters that are submitted by email) b. Contain a clear and understandable explanation of the student’s case/complaint in English or German (BW students only – refer to chapter 4.1.3) c. Contain the student’s request and provide a specific action or solution. For example: What does the student

want exactly and why does he think he deserves it?4 d. Refer to the rule/regulation in the IB Prospectus, student charter or elsewhere which the student thinks applies in his case. Include a copy of the rule. e. Contain accurate and up-to-date copies of all relevant supporting documents, copies of emails from teachers or student counsellors, the student’s grade list, etc. f. If the student’s case depends upon extenuating circumstances (see article 4.16 of the Student Charter which is included in this Prospectus as Appendix 1), he must request that the student counsellor sends written confirmation of this to the Exam Board confirming that these extenuating circumstances have influenced the student’s study progress. Please note: if the student is claiming extenuating circumstances he must have spoken to a student counsellor at the time the circumstances arose or his claim will not be accepted. Exam Board meetings take place weekly except during holidays. Please be informed that it could take up to 10 working days to receive an answer from the Exam Board. What if students do not agree with the decision of the IBS Exam Board If students do not agree with the decision of the IBS Exam Board, they can appeal to the Student Appeals Board. The correspondence address of the Student Appeals Board is: Address: Bureau Klachten en Geschillen, Postbus 70030 (ZP7, F308), 9704 AA Groningen E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 050 595 4049 Students should bear in mind that they must appeal within 6 weeks of the situation taking place. Students are advised to consult the Hanze Student Counsellor (F302, Zernikeplein 7, tel. 050 595 4028) to obtain advice regarding the appeals procedure. 1.3 Admissions Committee The Admissions Committee advises the Dean on the admission of students to the study programmes. The Chairman and other members of the Admissions Committee are appointed by the Dean from staff members who are charged with teaching in the study programme(s) concerned. For more information on the Admissions Committee (members and contact details), please refer to Hanze.nl (hanze.nl > Education> International Business School > Organisation> IBS Committees). Information on the admission requirements can be found in chapter 5 of this Prospectus.

1.4 School Representative Council (SRC)

The School Representative Council is the democratically elected committee of the School, representing both staff members and students. The council is composed of an equal number of students and staff members. For more information on the School Representative Council (i.e. members and contact details), please refer to Hanze.nl (hanze.nl > Education > International Business School > Organisation > IBS Committees).

3 Appeal letters which fail to meet these requirements will be returned to the student for completion before being

dealt with by the Exam Board. 4 Please be aware that the Exam Board is only authorized to deal with appeals regarding those matters stated in Appendix

11 of the Student Charter. If a student does not agree with an existing rule, he should consult the IBS Management Team and not the IBS Exam Board.

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1.5 Education Committee (EC) The IBS Education Committee (Study Programme Committee as referred to in Article 10.3c of the Higher Education and Research Act) advises the Dean on all matters relating to the education within the School. Besides giving advice the Education Committee has the right of consent concerning the IBS Prospectuses. The Education Committee is composed of four (Post-Propaedeutic phase) students and four lecturers representing all of the IB graduation minors and the Master programmes. The members are elected. For more information on the Education Committee (members and contact details), please refer to Hanze.nl (hanze.nl > Education> International Business School > Organisation> IBS Committees).

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2. Programme Learning Outcomes International Business profile The Dutch government has requested Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) to reconsider the proliferation of Programmes. This has led to a close cooperation among four leading internationally oriented Dutch Programmes: International Business Management Studies, International Business & Languages, Trade Marketing for Asia and International Business HS Zuyd. These four Programmes “merged” into a new International Business (IB) programme, in accordance with the government’s vision of less and at the same time broader programmes. This momentum was used to develop a new framework for the IB programme.

KSAVE model, Dublin Descriptors, the HEO Standard and IB Programme Learning Outcomes The IB profile is structured according to the KSAVE model. This structure emphasizes Knowledge, Skills, Attitude, Values and Ethics in education. It allows for a more careful balance of generic outcomes and professional learning outcomes, whilst ensuring that all relevant learning outcomes are covered. The model ensures the substance of the International Business Degree Programmes, the Dublin descriptors and the HEO Standard. The elements of KSAVE (knowledge, skills, attitude, values and ethics) are incorporated in the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs). In the IB Framework these elements are not elaborated on any further as the framework assumes that institutes will elaborate on these for every PLO themselves; this then serves as what was formerly known as the ‘Body of Knowledge and Skills (BOKS)’. Several standards are further outlined in national and international higher educational degree expectations. The national expectations are embedded in the Hogere Economische Opleidingen (HEO) Standard and the new IB PLO framework reflects this national perspective. By this means, the study programme ensures that IB graduates possess the following attributes:

1. A solid theoretical basis; 2. Research skills that will enable them to contribute to the development of their chosen profession; 3. A sufficient set of professional skills; 4. A professional, ethical, and social orientation.

The international standard is safeguarded by the European Dublin Descriptors (DD). These descriptors at bachelor level are:

1. Knowledge and understanding: graduates have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that builds upon and supersedes their general secondary education, and is typically at a level that, whilst supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that will be informed by knowledge of the forefront of their field of study (DD1).

2. Applying knowledge and understanding: graduates can apply their knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to their work or vocation, and have competencies typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study (DD2).

3. Making judgments: graduates have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues (DD3).

4. Communication: graduates can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences (DD4).

5. Learning skills: graduates have developed those learning skills that are necessary for them to continue to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy (DD5).

More detailed information about the Dublin descriptors can be found at the website of the NVAO.

With the KSAVE structure, the IB programmes guarantee the quality of the BBA degree of their programme in the future. The IB profile is structured according to the KSAVE model and (inter-) national educational requirements (defined as HEO-standard and Dublin descriptors) are reflected in the PLOs. KSAVE also grants the ability to adjust and add PLOs if needed due to external changes and labour expectations.

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We used the AuCom Model (Bulthuis (2011) to define the required bachelor degree level more precisely. The AuCom Model distinguishes different competence5 levels which are determined by a combination of:

- the degree of autonomy the student or professional shows while performing tasks - the complexity of the tasks and context

For this purpose, three levels were used. According to the European Dublin descriptors Level 3 as defined in this model can be regarded as bachelor degree level. Therefore almost all the PLOs in the IB framework should be accomplished at level 3, with exception of the languages and, for the PLOs of the following four themes in the domain Tools For Working and Management: Marketing & Sales, Finance & Accounting, Operations & Supply Chain Management and Organisation & People. Of these four themes, at least one of the themes should be accomplished on level 3. The other themes should be accomplished on level 2.

Domain Themes PLO No.

Programme Learning Outcomes Level

HEO standard


Ways of Thinking

Critical Thinking WT 1 Use the process of thoughtful evaluation to

formulate a reasonable conclusion deliberately.

3 2 3

Innovation & Creativity WT 2 Create innovative ideas in a changing

business environment systematically. 3

3 2, 3

International Business Awareness

WT 3 Analyze patterns in global macro-economic factors and policies that drive international trade and business development.

3 3 2, 3

Ways of Working

International Business Communication

WW 4 Communicate (business) messages effectively persuasively using advanced English to an (un)informed audience.

3 3 4

WW 5 Optional: Use one or two additional languages in social settings to facilitate international business contacts.

2 3 4


WW 6 Collaborate effectively with different kinds of stakeholders, in different cultural, organizational and political landscapes to contribute to achieving ..


3 4

Management of Information as digital citizen

WW 7 Produce management information from various data sources in an international business environment.


2 3

Living in the world

Personal & Professional Development

LW 8 Express reflections on his personal development with the aim of personal growth.

3 4 3, 5

LW 9 Respond appropriately to an unfamiliar, or unexpectedly changing, business environment.

3 4 3, 5

Ethical & Social Responsibility

LW 10 Formulate own position concerning ethical and social responsibility in a professional environment.

3 4 3, 5

Intercultural Proficiency

LW 11 Mitigate the pitfalls of cultural differences in business and social contexts

3 4 3, 5

LW 12 Display willingness to work with people from other cultures and to work in countries with

3 4 3, 5

5 competence level’ defines a reference point that a professional may have or may not have attained; it is not referring

to the formerly used “Competences”.

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different cultural backgrounds

LW 13 Use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication in an intercultural setting.

3 4 3, 5

LW 14 Assess the effect of cultural differences upon organizational behaviour and strategic choices.

3 4 3, 5

Tools for Working & Management

Marketing & Sales

TWM 15

Develop a well-founded marketing plan to support the creation of value for international customers.

2 1 1, 2

TWM 16

Use appropriate sales techniques in support of durable customer relationships.

2 1 1, 2

TWM 17

Incorporate developments of the digital landscape in a marketing strategy.

2 1 1, 2

Finance & Accounting

TWM 18

Evaluate financial performance of the organization from different stakeholders’ perspectives.

2 1 1, 2

TWM 19

Recommend financing possibilities in a dynamic international environment.

2 1 1, 2

Operations & Supply Chain management

TWM 20

Evaluate the operations processes within and between organizations.

2 1 1, 2

TWM 21

Manage the operations processes within and between organisations.

2 1 1, 2

Organisation & People

TWM 22

Draft the strategic cycle of part(s) of the organisation (process and content).

2 1 1, 2

TWM 23

Assess the impact of change on the organisation.

2 1 1, 2

Business Research

TWM 24

Analyse a complex business problem in an international business setting with use of an adequate research design, resulting in an evidence based feasible solution.


2 1, 2, 3

Table 1 Relation between the 14 themes of the new IB Framework, HEO Standard, Dublin Descriptors and IB Programme Learning Outcomes

Text comes from the new Framework International Business, soon to be found on the website of the Vereniging Hogescholen, section Economy. The Job Market Research among graduates of the former IBMS programme has shown that over 90% of them find a job within two or three months of graduation. Many graduates are offered jobs with their placement company or the company for which they did their final graduation project. International Marketing Graduates with this graduation minor start work as (trainee) managers in international manufacturing or trading companies. Among the job opportunities available to graduates are positions in the fields of export management, international product management, international marketing management, sales management and international advertising. Some of our graduates are Marketing and Communication Managers, Sales Managers, Business Developers and Market Analysts. International Management International Management graduates pursue management careers in international companies, for example in business development management, management consulting and plant/project management. Some of our graduates are now Project Managers, HRM specialists and Plant Managers.

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International Finance and Accounting Finance and Accounting graduates work in a wide range of financial positions at (trainee) management level in international organizations and graduates hold jobs as Investment Bankers, Financial Analysts, Financial Controllers, Project Managers in Finance, Securities analysts and Risk Advisors. International Strategy and Business Development Graduates with a graduation minor in International Strategy & Business Development can work in a wide range of positions at (trainee) management level in international organizations. Furthermore, graduates with this graduation minor can qualify for various jobs, such as consultants, operations managers, compliance & risk managers, controllers, business development professionals, HR managers, change managers, analysts, assistant to CEO/CFO or independent entrepreneurs. Finally, this graduation minor builds a good foundation for Masters programmes in various fields of studies.

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3. Programme Structure and Planning 3.1 Structure of the Programmes, Scheduling and Planning

3.1.1 Structure of the four year bachelor programme Below is an overview showing the structure of the new IB First Year in combination with the former IBMS Second year, Year Abroad and Graduation Year. For more information about the structure of the former IBL programme, see Part II of this Prospectus. The four year IB programme is a full-time programme of 240 ECTS. Each academic year consists of four study periods (two study periods per semester). In 2018-2019 the new IB curriculum of the First Year will start. Of Year 2, 3 and 4 the curricula of the former IBMS and the former IBL programmes are offered. The MLO’s of the former IBMS and former IBL programmes are aligned with the new IB PLO’s. In 2019-2020 the new curriculum of Year 2 will start, in 2020-2021 the new curriculum of Year 3 will start and in 2021-2022 the new curriculum of Year 4 will start. In the first year, semester Modules and Longitudinal Modules are offered. The Semester modules are offered concurrently and interchangeably, so that students may start with either semester. The Longitudinal modules are offered in a set order. The current Second year blocks are offered concurrently and interchangeably, so that students may start with either block. The new Second Year curriculum will have the same structure as the new First year curriculum: Semester Modules in combination with Longitudinal Modules.


Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4

First Year (new

IB curriculum)

Semester 1 Modules Semester 2 Modules

Longitudinal Modules

Second Year (former IBMS programme)

Block 2.1 Modules

Block 2.2 Modules

Block 2.3 Modules

Block 2.4 Modules

Year abroad (former IBMS programme)

Study Abroad semester and Placement semester

Graduation Year (former

IBMS programme)

Graduation minor Semester

Graduation Semester

3.1.2 Structure of the three year bachelor programmes The three year bachelor programmes are full-time studies of 180 ECTS. Each academic year consists of four study periods (two study periods per semester). The curricula of the First year of the three year bachelor programmes have been developed recently. For that reason the first year of these programmes will stay unchanged for now. Because the Year Abroad and Graduation Year is the same as in the four year bachelor programmes, the curricula of these years will change accordingly. The MLO’s of the three year bachelor programmes are aligned with the new IB PLO’s.

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Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4

First Year (former IBMS programme)

Semester 1 Modules Semester 2 Modules

Year abroad (former IBMS programme)

Study Abroad semester and Placement semester

Graduation Year (former

IBMS programme)

Graduation minor Semester

Graduation Semester

3.1.3 Scheduling Lectures at IBS take place from Monday to Friday. Detailed class schedules are provided to students shortly before the start of the period via Hanze.nl (hanze.nl > Quick launch > Digischedule). Lectures are always to start at the exact time mentioned in the schedule below. IBS plans lectures of 60 minutes each, of which 50 minutes are used for classes and 10 minutes for a break. In case of a one-hour class, the 10-minute break is always at the end. In case of a two-hour class, teachers can decide where to put the two 10-minute breaks: either one 10-minute break during the lecture and one at the end, or a 20-minute break at the end of the second lecture hour.

First Year/Post-Propaedeutic phase



1 08:30 - 09:30

2 09:30 – 10:30

3 10:30 – 11:30

4 11:30 – 12:30

5 12:30 – 13:30

6 13:30 – 14:30

7 14:30 – 15:30

8 15:30 – 16:30

9 16:30 – 17:30

10 17:30 – 18:30

Note Students involved in the Excellence programme may also have lectures in the evening. Occasionally other classes may be scheduled during the evening. 3.1.4 First year certificate After a student has completed all 60 credits of his first year Bachelor programme at IBS (four year programme, three year programme taught in English or German), he will be awarded a first year certificate.

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3.1.5 IBS Academic calendar 2018-2019

Month Week calendar

HG- week

Period 1 Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Activities

Sept'18 36 1.1 INTRO 3 4 5 6 7 start Academic Year

Sept'18 37 1.2 week 1 10 11 12 13 14

Sept'18 38 1.3 week 2 17 18 19 20 21

Sept'18 39 1.4 week 3 24 25 26 27 28

Oct'18 40 1.5 week 4 1 2 3 4 5

Oct'18 41 1.6 week 5 8 9 10 11 12

Oct'18 42 1.7 week 6 15 16 17 18 19

Oct'18 43 1.8 Autumn break 22 23 24 25 26 self-study week

Oct/Nov'18 44 1.9 week 7 29 30 31 1 2

Nov'18 45 1.10 exam week 1 5 6 7 8 9

Nov'18 46 1.11 exam week 2 12 13 14 15 16

Month Week


HG- week

Period 2 Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Activities

Nov'18 47 2.1 week 1 19 20 21 22 23

Nov'18 48 2.2 week 2 26 27 28 29 30

Dec'18 49 2.3 week 3 3 4 5 6 7

Dec'18 50 2.4 week 4 10 11 12 13 14 11/12 exam review period 1 exams

Dec'18 51 2.5 week 5 17 18 19 20 21

Dec'18 52 Christmas break 24 25 26

27 28 self-study week / building open only 24 December

Dec/Jan'19 1 Christmas break

31 1 2 3 4 self-study week / building open 2-4 January

Jan'19 2 2.6 week 6 7 8 9 10 11

Jan'19 3 2.7 week 7 14 15 16 17 18

self-study week in period 2; extra exam week in period 4 NO regular classes or activities: languages via Language Center (Chinese and Italian) will continue their classes

Jan'19 4 2.8 exam week 1 21 22 23 24 25

Jan/Feb'19 5 2.9 exam week 2 28 29 30 31 1

Month Week


HG- week

Period 3 Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Activities

Feb'19 6 2.10 INTRO 4 5 6 7 8 self-study week

Feb'19 7 3.1 week 1 11 12 13 14 15

Feb'19 8 3.2 Spring break 18 19 20 21 22 self-study week

Feb/March'19 9 3.3 week 2 25 26 27 28 1

March'19 10 3.4 week 3 4 5 6 7 8 5/3 exam review period 2 exams

March'19 11 3.5 week 4 11 12 13 14 15

March'19 12 3.6 week 5 18 19 20 21 22

March'19 13 3.7 week 6 25 26 27 28 29

April'19 14 3.8 week 7 1 2 3 4 5

April'19 15 3.9 exam week 1 8 9 10 11 12 regular exams and resits of period 1 (block 1 or block 3)

April'19 16 3.10 exam week 2 15 16 17 18 19 regular exams and resits of period 1 (block 1 or block 3)

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Month Week calendar

HG- week

Period 4 Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Activities

April'19 17 4.1 week 1 22 23 24 25 26

April/May'19 18 May break 29 30 1 2 3 self-study week

May'19 19 4.2 week 2 6 7 8 9 10

May'19 20 4.3 week 3 13 14 15 16 17

May'19 21 4.4 week 4 20 21 22 23 24 21/5 exam review period 3 exams

May'19 22 4.5 week 5 27 28 29 30 31

June'19 23 4.6 week 6 3 4 5 6 7

June'19 24 4.7

week 7 = EXTRA exam week year 1 4YB only 10 11 12 13 14

NO regular classes 4YB year 1 11-12 June exams period 4 (block 4 and 2) 13-14 June resits period 3 (block 3 and 1)

June'19 25 4.8 exam week 1 17 18 19 20 21 20/6 exam review period 4 exams (block 4 and 2)

June'19 26 4.9 exam week 2 24 25 26 27 28 resits block 4 and 2

July'19 27 4.10 resit week 1 2 3 4 5

July'19 28 4.11 resit week 8 9 10 11 12 8/7 exam review resits period 3 and 4 (block 1, 2, 3 and 4) because of NBSA

July'19 29 15 16 17 18 19

July'19 30 22 23 24 25 26

July/Aug'19 31 29 30 31 1 2

Aug'19 32 5 6 7 8 9

Aug'19 33 12 13 14 15 16

Aug'19 34 19 20 21 22 23

Aug'19 35 26 27 28 29 30

Sept'19 36 1.1 intro 19/20 2 3 4 5 6

37 1.2 week 1

Academic Year from 3 September 2018 - 30 August 2019 Semester "omslagpunt" 11 Februari 2019

National Holidays, school is closed

HG Educational free period Christmas 25-26 Dec. 2018

Christmas 24 December 2017 - 4 January 2018

New Year 1 January 2019

May break 29 April - 3 May 2018 Good Friday/Easter 19-22 April 2019

Summer break 15 July - 30 August 2018

King's day 27 April 2019 Liberation Day 5 May 2019 Ascension Day 30 May 2019

Start next Academic Year 2 September 2019 Whitsunday 9-10 June 2019

working week for teachers / educational free period for students

leave for all staff, school closed compensation leave teachers / educational free period

leave for teaching staff

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3.2 The IB Undergraduate Programme major and minor Structure

A description of the structure of the IB programme and a general overview of the course content can be found below. The contents of all modules of the IB Programme are described in detail in the separate Course Outlines which can all be found on Hanze.nl (hanze.nl > Education > International Business School> Practical matters> Course Outlines and Prospectuses [current year and previous years]). Credits and assessment schedules can be found in later chapters. Major and minor structure The full-time bachelor study programmes within the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen have a major-minor structure. This means that a student can take one or more minors next to his major (main programme). The major IB comprises 210 ECTS for the four year programme and 150 ECTS for the three year programme while the minor comprises 30 ECTS. Major and (graduation) minor Upon graduation, all bachelor students of the International Business School obtain the major: International Business. Graduation minor A graduation minor is a coherent package of (at least) 30 ECTS, aimed at providing in depth knowledge of, and skills in a specific area within the student’s study programme. IBS offers to students of the former IBMS programme the following four graduation minors in the academic year 2018-2019:

International Marketing

International Finance & Accounting

International Management

International Strategy & Business Development Minors Next to a major and graduation minor, students can get a regular minor. This minor is taken outside the IB major, is aimed at broadening the student’s scope and consists of a coherent semester programme. This minor is mentioned on the diploma supplement. Students can take minors at their own school or externally. In IBS, the regular minor is taken during the Year abroad (Study Abroad semester). For more information about the regular minor / Study Abroad Semester, please refer to Chapter 8. 3.3 Study pathways

3.3.1 Double Degree programme Haaga-Helia, Finland. IBS offers four year bachelor students the opportunity to follow a Double Degree programme at Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Students from the three year bachelor cannot participate in the Double Degree programme. However this may be altered in future academic years. IBS and Haaga Helia have been long-term partners with areas of collaboration ranging from student - and faculty exchanges to programme benchmarking projects. IBS and HH have decided to re-establish the successful Double Degree programme.

The DD programme between HH and IBS has been arranged between the Haaga-Helia “Degree Programme International Business - GloBBA” and the four year bachelor of IBS. The HH programme offers the same degree of “Bachelor of Business Administration” and it is a seven semester, 210 ECTS programme. The 30 ECTS credit discrepancy between HH and IBS is justified in two ways:

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1. both programmes equally lead to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level 6 2. Finnish students accepted at HH enter with a higher secondary education level (equivalent to

Dutch vwo level) and additionally have to pass a competitive entrance examination at HH.

For IBS students going to Haaga-Helia

Only students of the four year bachelor programme can participate in the DD programme with Haaga-Helia

Admission to the Double Degree programme with Haaga-Helia is based on Study Abroad (SAB)/Permission To Go on Study Abroad (PTGS) procedures and rules

Students do two semesters (60 credits) at Haaga-Helia (SAB semester and the graduation minor)

For Haaga-Helia students coming to IBS:

Haaga Helia students will do two semesters (60 credits) at IBS: the harmonisation semester and the graduation minor

Students from Haaga-Helia cannot graduate Cum Laude at IBS See table of credits of the programme in chapter 4.2.6 3.4 Excellence

Hanze University Groningen offers additional challenges to outstanding students. Students, who possess potential to excel not only academically, but also professionally and personally, can apply for admission to one of the IBS Excellence programmes. In 2018-2019 IBS offers the following Excellence programme: Honours Talent Programme The tables of credits for the Excellence programme can be found in chapter 4.3. Other information about the IBS Excellence programmes, e.g. content, admission criteria and selection procedure, can be found in chapter 12. 3.5 Compulsory Attendance

In some modules, formal assessment is linked to class participation. If a student misses less than 20% of classes or assignments, the student will receive an alternative assignment for the missed class and/or assignment. Failure to attend at least 80% of the classes or assignments will lead to failure of the module. Due to the nature of these modules, students can only resit them by taking the subject again the next time it is offered, unless the module is offered only once per academic year, in which case an alternative solution is offered. Please check the Course Outline and Blackboard course of each module for specific details. Course Outlines are available on Hanze.nl (hanze.nl > Education > International Business School> Practical matters> Course Outlines and Prospectuses) Blackboard can be accessed via the Quick launch menu on the homepage of Hanze.nl. 3.6 Curriculum overview and Course Outlines

The curriculum overview of the IB Programme can be found in chapter 4, in the table of credits for each of the years.

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The contents of all modules are described in detail in the separate Course Outlines per year. They can be found on Hanze.nl (hanze.nl > Education > International Business School > Practical matters> Course Outlines and Prospectuses), together with this Prospectus, the several IBS Handbooks, the Student Charter and the Course Outlines form the Teaching and Exam Regulations, in Dutch: ‘Onderwijs- en Examenregeling: OER’. 3.7 Transition schemes Transition schemes of the former IBMS programme can be found on Hanze.nl > International Business School > Practical matters > Transition schemes. 3.7.1 First en second year former IBMS and IBL programme First year former IBMS and IBL programme Students who started with IBMS or IBL in 2017-2018 or earlier and have not completed their Propaedeutic programme before 1 September 2018, have the opportunity to complete the old IBMS or IBL Propaedeutic programme in 2018-2019. Students of the former IBMS programme also have two opportunities per assessment in the first semester of the academic year of 2018-2019. An exception is made for the two IBMS projects (Consultancy Plan Project, CPP and Business Plan Project, BPP). Both projects are offered once in semester 1 and once during the summer period of 2019. See the exam planning IBS and IBL for the actual dates and times of written IBMS exams on Hanze.nl>International Business School>Practical matters>Exam Schedules of IBS. Students who have not completed the former IBMS or Propaedeutic programme before September 1, 2019 need to follow the transition scheme, which states which course(s) they need to do in order to complete their Propaedeutic programme. This transition scheme will be published in the IB Prospectus 2019-2020. Second year former IBMS programme Year 2 of the old IBMS programme will be offered only in 2018-2019. Students who do not pass a course the last time it is offered will have two opportunities to take the exam the next academic year. In case a student has not passed the course after these extra opportunities he will have to repair this by doing one or more extra courses, most likely part of the new IB programme.

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4. IB Curriculum

4.1 First Year The first year of study, the Propaedeutic Phase, lays the foundation for further study. Each subject is designed to provide students with the broad knowledge and basic skills they will need for more specific subjects studied in the Post-Propaedeutic Phase. After a one-week compulsory introduction, the programme continues with the modules listed in the table below. 4.1.1 First Year of the four year bachelor programme Besides substantial knowledge of key business functions (e.g. Marketing, Finance and Operations), students will get a solid grip of 21st century skills such as intercultural sensitivity, collaboration, communication, critical and innovative thinking and information management. To deepen cultural awareness and broaden their international horizons students will learn an additional world language, such as Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch or Chinese. In year 1 students will explore how the changing business environment affects international business and how it responds to it. In addition, students delve into the internal dynamics of a business and try to understand how the business works from the perspective of organizational management, finance, operations, HR, etc. The first year will prepare students for their second year in which the focus will be on the exploration, design and implementation of international business opportunities. In each study semester, in the second block of year 1, students participate in a project: Internal or External Business Environment. The project is linked with modules offered in the first block of the semester. Within both the Internal and the External Business Environment students cooperate in small groups to find answers to complex, practical business-related problems. These small, multicultural groups prepare students for successful communication and cooperation in international business. Professional Skills Development Training and International Business Communications provides academic guidance and teach study skills longitudinally throughout the year. First Year Table of credits (four year bachelor programme)

Block 1.1 Semester theme: External Business

Block 1.2 Semester theme: External Business

Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

Marketing Environment IMK1 International Marketing ECN1 Economics

3 2

External Business Scan Project EBS1 Integrated case in Marketing, Economics and

Financial Accounting


Financial Accounting & Research FAC1 Financial Accounting BRS1 Business Research 1

Global competency Development 1 PSD1 Professional Skills Development 1 BUC1 Intern. Business Communications 1

Language 1 German1/French1/Spanish1/Dutch1/Italian1/Chinese*1

3 2 1 2


Applied Research and Communications 1 BRS2 Business Research 2 BUC2 Intern. Business Communications 2

Global competency Development 2 PSD2 Professional Skills Development 2 ICB1 Intercultural Competence in Business

Language 2 German2/French2/Spanish2/Dutch2/Italian2/Chinese2*

3 2 1 2 2

Total 15 Total 15

Block 1.3 Block 1.4

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Semester theme: Internal Business Semester theme: Internal Business Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

Business Process & Accounting BPS1 Business Processes MAC1 Management Accounting

2 3

Internal Business Scan Project IBS1 Integrated case in Accounting, HRM, Business

Processed and Law


Organizations & Human Capital OHR1 International Organization & HRM LAW1 International Business Law

Global competency Development 3 PSD3 Professional Skills Development 3 BUC3 Intern. Business Communications 3

Language 3 German3/French3/Spanish3/Dutch3/Italian3/Chinese3*

3 2 1 2


Applied Research and Communications 2 BRS3 Business Research 3 BUC4 Intern. Business Communications 4

Global competency Development 4 PSD4 Professional Skills Development 4 ICB2 Intercultural Competence in Business 2

Language 4 German4/French4/Spanish4/Dutch4/Italian4/Chinese4*

3 2 1 2 2

Total 15 Total 15

* It depends on the amount of applicants whether or not this language is offered.

4.1.2 First year of the three year bachelor programme Starting point are the Functional Key Areas: marketing and sales, finance and accounting, supply chain and human resources management. In the Business Labs and the Integrated Cases, students will experience how these areas are interrelated. The Business Labs are simulation environments in which the students work in groups in a business-like set up. Personal development and development of professional related competencies are addressed in the intercultural and professional development modules and the Global Citizenship modules. First Year table of credits (three year bachelor programme)

Block 1.1 Theme: .

Block 1.2 Theme:

Block 1.3 Theme:

Block 1.4 Theme:

Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

PAB1 Principal Areas of Business 1

3 PAB2 Principal Areas of Business 2

3 IHR1 International Human Resource Management

2 OBH1 Organizational Behaviour 1


ICA1 Integrated case 1 3 ICA2 Integrated case 2 3 FIA1 Finance and Accounting 1

2 FIA2 Finance and Accounting 2


REC1 Research, Economics and Communication

3 ECC1 Economics and Communication

2 ISC1 International Supply Chain Management


BLW1 Business Law 1 IMK1 International Marketing


IPD1 Intercultural and Professional Competency Development

2 IPD2 Intercultural and Professional Competency Development

2 GCS1 Global Citizenship 1

3 GCS2 Global Citizenship 2


LAB1 Business Lab 1 4 LAB2 Business Lab 2 4 LAB3 Business Lab 3 3 LAB4 Business Lab 4


Total 15 Total 15 Total 15 Total 15

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4.1.3 First year of the three year bachelor programme Betriebswirtschaft (BW) / Grundstudium

Das erste Studienjahr (das Grundstudium) bildet die Grundlage für das weitere Studium und wird mit einem Zertifikat abgeschlossen. Im ersten Semester ist jedes Fach so gestaltet, daß es den Studenten ein breites Wissen und grundlegende Fähigkeiten, die sie für konkretere Themen im zweiten Semester benötigen, vermittelt. Durch die Module im zweiten Semester werden Fachkenntnisse und professionelle Fähigkeiten vertieft. Des Weiteren werden Studenten auf ein erfolgreiches Auslandsjahr und auf das Graduation Year vorbereitet. Die Unterrichtsform im zweiten Semester wird auch durch das Lernen durch Projekte mit einer Mischung von individueller und Teamleistung gekennzeichnet. Im Modul Supply Chain Management gibt es eine größere individuelle Hausaufgabe. In den Professional Development Modulen üben die Studenten viele unterschiedliche Managementskills und Fähigkeiten, die in ihrem professionellen Leben wichtig sind. Das zweite Semester bereitet auch auf das Auslandsstudium und Praktikum vor. Am Ende des zweiten Semesters beteiligen sich die Studenten an einem integrierten Projekt. Die Studenten arbeiten in kleinen Gruppen, um komplexe, berufspraxisbezogene Problemstellungen zu lösen. Diese kleinen Gruppen bereiten die Studenten auf eine erfolgreiche Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit in der Geschäftswelt vor. Professional Development Training liefert akademische Beratung und unterrichtet Studienfähigkeiten. Nach einer obligatorischen, einwöchigen Einführung wird der Studiengang fortgesetzt mit den Modulen in der Übersicht hierunter.

Übersicht der Studienpunkte (credits) Grundstudium

Block 1.1 Thema:

Block 1.2 Thema:

Block 1.3 Thema:

Block 1.4 Thema:

Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

….* Sprache 3 2 …* Sprache 4 2 ….** Sprache 5 2 …. ** Sprache 6 2

DUG1* Dutch Language & Culture Grundkurs 1

2 DUG2* Dutch Language & Culture Grundkurs 2

2 SCT1 Supply Chain Management

3 IPT1 Integriertes Projekt 5

PRM1 Prozessmanagement

2 OBC1 Organisational Behaviour & Change Management 1

3 BIZ1 Bilanzierung 2 FAZ1 Finanzierung 2

BFG1 Buchführung 2 WFN1 Wirtschaftliche Forschungsmethoden

2 NWN1 Neue Wirtschaft-liche Realitäten

3 IMS1 International Marketing Strategy


KLR1 Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung

3 AST2 Angewandte Statistik 2

2 OBC2 Organisational Behaviour & Change Management 2


PRD2 Professional Development 2


VWL1 Volkswirtschaftslehre

2 ICS1 Intercultural Competences in Business


ETC1 Ethics in Business 2 BEN4 Business English 4 1

AST1 Angewandte Statistik 1

1 MAR2 Marketing 2 1 BEN3 Business English 3 1

MAR1 Marketing 2 PRD1 Professional Development 1


BEN1 Business English 1 1 BEN2 Business English 2 1

Total 15 Total 15 Total 15 Total 15

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*Sprachen: Sprache 3: FRA3,SPA3 or GEA3 for students who do not take Dutch Sprache 4: FRA4,SPA4 or GEA4 for students who do not take Dutch **Sprachen Sprache 5: DUB5, FRA5, GEA5 or SPA5 Sprache 6: DUB6, FRA6, GEA6 or SPA6

4.2 Post-Propaedeutic Phase

The information below concerns the Post-Propaedeutic Phase of the former IBMS programme.

4.2.1 Second Year of the four year bachelor programme The subjects studied in the second year of the four year bachelor programme are dedicated to deepening the knowledge and skills of international business issues and to prepare students for a successful year abroad and graduation year. This second year consists of compulsory business modules, one foreign language (continuation of the First Year courses in Dutch, German, French and Spanish) and Professional skills modules: Professional Development [PRD], Community Credit [CCR], Career Training & Development [CTD] and English Business Report Writing Skills [ERS].

The didactic approach in the second year is oriented toward project learning, allowing students to mix individual performance with team work on practical business related projects. The interpersonal skill-based modules train students for a wide range of professional skills to equip them for their future professional lives.

The aim of the second year is to bring students to an academic level that will allow them to follow their Study Abroad semester in a partner institution abroad. It also prepares students for the professional world they will be exposed to in their Placement semester. During the second year articulation students and many exchange students will follow the same classes as students of the English track. Furthermore, representatives from internationally operating companies will regularly give guest lectures, giving students a more detailed insight into what goes on in the international business world from the companies’ perspective and thus helping them in their preparation for their placement.

Second Year table of credits (four year bachelor programme) Below is the Table of Credits and Transition Schemes for students who began in year 2 in the academic year 2017-2018 or earlier (hanze.nl > Education > International Business School > Practical matters> Course outlines and prospectuses).

Block 2.1 Block 2.2 Block 2.3 Block 2.4 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

LNG3 Language 3* 2 LNG4 Language 4* 2 LNG5 Language 5* 2 LNG6 Language 6* 2

SMK1 Stock Markets 2 BRM1 Business Research Methods

2 NER1 New Economic Realities

4 CBH1 Consumer Behaviour


MAC2 Management Accounting 2

4 STA2 Inductive Statistics

2 ICB1 Intercultural Competence in Business 2

4 IMM1 International Marketing Management


FIF1 Fundamental International Finance

4 BMO2 Behaviour, Management & Organisation 2

4 EIB1 Ethics in Business

2 SCM1 Supply Chain Management


Professional Development 5

2 ERS2 English Business Report Writing Skills 2

3 LAW2 International Business Law

3 CCR2 Community Credit 2


CCR1 Community Credit 1

1 CTD1 Career Training & Development


Total 15 Total 15 Total 15 Total 15

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*Language 3: DUA3, DUB3, FRA3, GEA3, SPA3, SPB3; *Language 4: DUA4, DUB4, FRA4, GEA4, SPA4, SPB4; *Language 5: DUA5, DUB5, FRA5, GEA5, SPA5, SPB5; *Language 6: DUA6, DUB6, FRA6, GEA6, SPA6, SPB6. 4.2.2 Year Abroad (for both the three and the four year bachelor programmes)

In today’s market, the person who is well travelled and knowledgeable about global issues will have the competitive edge. Employers and graduate schools are looking for confident, mature candidates with a global mind-set, with the ability to adapt to new situations. Therefore, all IBS students in the IB programme have to spend a full Year Abroad, one semester studying at one of the IBS partner universities and one semester doing a placement at a company abroad. The purpose of the two semesters abroad is to increase students’ exposure to, and experience of foreign countries. Through both studying and working in a foreign country, students will develop a deep understanding of the country, its language, culture, inhabitants, economy and ways of doing business. Table of credits Year Abroad (Third year for the four year bachelor programme, second year for the three year bachelor programmes) Block 1 + 2 Theme: Study Abroad

Block 3 + 4 Theme: Placement

Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

SAB1 Study Abroad

ICB3 Intercultural Competence in Business 3



PLM1 Placement 30

Total 30 Total 30

International Semester This study semester is for non-Dutch enrolled students staying in the Netherlands, at IBS, for their Study Abroad. By attending and passing all mentioned modules, students can earn a Minor in European Business. Table of credits International Semester

Period 1 Theme: European Business

Period 2 Theme: European Business

Code Educational Unit EC

Code Educational Unit EC

ICB3 Intercultural Competence in Business 3 2 IPC1 International Presentation and Communication


MEX1 Mentoring Exchange students 1 IEX1 Innovation Experience 3

CCR3 Community Credit sem.5 1 IBC1 International Business Cultures 3

IEM1 Introduction to Export Management 3 ARS1 Applied Primary Research Skills 2

EUB1 European Business Environment 3 EBP2 European Business Plan 2 4

ARS2 Applied Secondary Research Skills 2

EBP1 European Business Plan 1 3

Total 15

Total 15

4.2.3 Graduation Year (for both the three and the four year bachelor programmes)

In their final year of IB, students study modules that form their graduation minor and support their graduation project, and they of course do the graduation project itself.

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Students complete one of the following graduation minors during the first semester of the Graduation year: International Marketing, International Finance and Accounting, International Management or International Strategy and Business Development. The second semester of the Graduation year, the Graduation semester, is dedicated to research. During the first period, students follow research workshops which support the design and execution of the Graduation Project. Also, during the first period, students develop a research plan for their Graduation Project and follow the supporting course Reporting Skills, including both written and oral training. After week 7 the students can start executing the research. Period two is fully dedicated to conducting research and finalizing the Graduation Project (GPJ). Table of credits Graduation year The first semester of the Graduation year is the graduation minor semester:

Graduation minor International Marketing Block 1 Block 2 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

MST1 International Marketing Strategy 1 5 IMC1 Integrated Marketing Communication 1 5

IPM1 International Product Management 1 5 ISM1 International Sales Management 1 5

BRD1 Brand Management 1 5 ONM1 Online Marketing 1 5

Total 15 Total 15

Graduation minor International Finance & Accounting, including Energy route Block 1 Block 2 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

FAC2 Financial Accounting 2 5 IFI1 International Financial Management 5

AIF1 Advanced International Finance 5 IAC1 International Accounting 5

CSF1 Capita Selecta Finance and Accounting* 5 PLC1 Planning and Control 5

Total 15 Total 15

*students opting for the ‘Energy route’, take Energy Business (ENB1, 5 ec) instead of Capita Selecta Finance and Accounting (CSF1, 5 ec).

Graduation minor International Management Block 1 Block 2 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

HRM1 Human Resource Management 5 CSR1 Corporate Social Responsibility 5

PMT1 Project Management 5 COS1 Corporate Strategy 5

ENT1 Entrepreneurship 1 3 ENT2 Entrepreneurship 2 3

CSU1 Corporate sustainability 1 2 CSU2 Corporate sustainability 2 2

Total 15 Total 15

Graduation minor International Strategy & Business Development Block 1 Block 2 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

CTG1 Controlling 3 GMS1 General Management Simulation 4

IFA1 International Financial Accounting 3 NER2 New Economic Realities 2 4

GCR1 Governance, Compliance & Risk Management

4 OMA1 Operations Management 3

DHR1 Dynamic Human Resource Management

3 CEN2 Corporate Entrepreneurship2 4

CEN1 Corporate Entrepreneurship1 2

Total 15 Total 15

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The second semester of the Graduation year is the Graduation semester:

Block 3 Block 4 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

GPJ1 Introduction to and start-up of the Graduation Project


GPJ2 Graduation Project continued and finalised


RSK3 Research Skills for GPJ 3

PRD8 Professional Development 8 2

ERS3 English Reporting Skills 3 3

Total 15 Total 15

4.2.4 Shopping students

Shopping students, i.e. students from other Schools at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, can take a minor at IBS. The second language modules 1 and 2 of the four year bachelor programme are also open to Shopping students. These Shopping students, who register for IBS modules via Osiris, will be registered in Osiris by the IBS Administration Staff once their request to take the minor or second language module has been approved by the Academic Advisor (SLB’er) of their own school (not IBS). In Osiris Shopping students can find in which class they are scheduled. Shopping students have only one resit opportunity, which is the first time the assessment is offered following their first assessment opportunity at IBS. If they fail the assessment twice, they have to contact their AA (‘SLB-er’) to discuss an alternative way to fill these credits. In 2018-2019 IBS offers the following minors to Shopping students:

Minor European Business

Minor Sustainable Energy Professional

Minor International Strategy and Business Development

Minor International Finance and Accounting (including Energy route)

Minor International Marketing

Minor International Management Table of credits minors for Shopping students For the minors International Marketing, International Management, International Finance & Accounting (including Energy route) and International Strategy & Business Development, the tables of credits are equal to those of the respective Graduation minors. They can be found above, in chapter 4.2.3. Minor European Business

Period 1 or 3 Period 2 or 4 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

INT3 Introduction 3 1 IPC1 International Presentation and Communication


ENX1 English for Exchange Students 3 IEX1 Innovation Experience 3

IEM1 Introduction to Export Management 3 IBC1 International Business Cultures 3

EUB1 European Business Environment 3 ARS1 Applied Primary Research Skills 2

ARS2 Applied Secondary Research Skills 2 EBP2 European Business Plan 2 4

EBP1 European Business Plan 1 3

Total 15 Total 15

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Minor Sustainable Energy Professional

Period 1 and 2 Code Educational Unit EC

NTP1 The novice transition professional 5

TPD1 The transition professional in development 7

TPA1 The transition professional in action 10

PDP1 Personal development portfolio 8

Total 30

4.2.5 Articulation Programme Table of credits Articulation Harmonisation and Placement semesters* As of September 2016 no new intake is possible for the Articulation Programme. The first semester in the Articulation programme is the Harmonisation Semester. This semester is designed to bridge gaps in prerequisite knowledge and skills. Students need to choose a second language: German or Dutch.

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 +4 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

INT3 Introduction 3 1

LNG1 Language 1** 3 LNG2 Language 2** 3 PLM1 Placement 30

MAC2 Management Accounting 2

4 BRM1 Business Research Methods


IMM1 International Marketing Management

4 STA2 Inductive Statistics


EPS1 English Presentation Skills

2 BMO2 Behaviour, Management and Organisation 2


ERS1 English Business Report Writing Skills 1

2 ERS2 English Business Report Writing Skills 2


Total 16 Total 14 Total 30

* Articulation students get an exemption for the First and Second year (IBVB08EXA, 60 EC). **Language 1: DUA1 or GEA1

**Language 2: DUA2 or GEA2

Table of credits Articulation Programme Graduation year (second and final year) The Graduation year of the Articulation Programme is equal to the Graduation year for regular IB students. Please refer to the ‘Tables of credits Year 4 IB’ under 4.2.3.

4.2.6 Double Degree at Haaga-Helia University, Finland

IBS offers students of the four year bachelor programme the opportunity to follow a Double Degree programme with Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences in Finland. More information about this DD programme can be found in chapter 3.3.2.

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Table of credits Double Degree programme Haaga-Helia, incoming students

Double Degree Haaga-Helia incoming students

Semester 1 + 2 Code Educational Unit EC

Haaga-Helia Foundation Programme 60

Total 60

Double Degree Haaga-Helia Harmonisation, incoming students Block 1 Block 2 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

INT Introduction 3 1 DUT2 Dutch 2 2

DUT1 1 2 MAC2 Management Accounting 2 4

BRM1 Business Research Methods 2 FIF1 Fundamental International Finance 4

STA2 Inductive Statistics 2 IMM1 International Marketing Management


NER1 New Economic Realities 4 ICB3 Intercultural Competence in Business 3 2

ICB2 Intercultural Competence in Business 2 4

Total 15 Total 16

Graduation minor International Finance & Accounting Block 1 Block 2 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

FAC2 Financial Accounting 2 5 IFI1 International Financial Management 5

AIF1 Advanced International Finance 5 IAC1 International Accounting 5

CSF1 Capita Selecta Finance and Accounting 5 PLC1 Planning and Control 5

Total 15 Total 15

Graduation minor International Management Block 1 Block 2 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

HRM1 Human Resource Management 5 CSR1 Corporate Social Responsibility 5

PMT1 Project Management 5 COS1 Corporate Strategy 5

ENT1 Entrepreneurship 1 3 ENT2 Entrepreneurship 2 3

CSU1 Corporate sustainability 1 2 CSU2 Corporate sustainability 2 2

Total 15 Total 15

Graduation minor International Marketing Block 1 Block 2 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

MST1 International Marketing Strategy 1 5 IMC1 Integrated Marketing Communication 1 5

IPM1 International Product Management 1 5 ISM1 International Sales Management 1 5

BRD1 Brand Management 1 5 ONM1 Online Marketing 1 5

Total 15 Total 15

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Graduation minor International Strategy & Business Development Block 1 Block 2 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

CTG1 Controlling 3 GMS1 General Management Simulation 4

IFA1 International Financial Accounting 3 NER2 New Economic Realities 2 4

GCR1 Governance, Compliance & Risk Management

4 OMA1 Operations Management 3

DHR1 Dynamic Human Resource Management

3 CEN2 Corporate Entrepreneurship2 4

CEN1 Corporate Entrepreneurship1 2

Total 15 Total 15

IB Double Degree Haaga Helia, Placement and Graduation semester Block 1 Block 2 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

PLM Haaga Helia Placement* 30 Haaga Helia Graduation semester block 1 15

Haaga Helia Graduation Project 15

Total 30 Total 30

*student can do PLM before he comes to IBS (in his 4th semester) or after he has been to IBS (in his 6th semester).

Table of credits Double Degree programme Haaga-Helia, outging students

Double Degree Haaga-Helia outgoing students Year 1 + 2 + Placement* Code Educational Unit EC

IB First year 60

IB Second year 60

IB Placement 30

Total 150

*Student can go to Haaga Helia before or after his placement

IB Double Degree Haaga-Helia, outgoing students Semester 1 Semester 2 Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

SAH1 Study Abroad Haaga Helia 27 Specialization minor at Haaga Helia** 33

Total 27 Total 33

**Students can choose from: Global Customer Relationship Management and Communication, Financial Management for Global Business, Global Supply Chain Management or Human Resource Management for Global Business

IB Double Degree Haaga-Helia, outgoing students, Graduation semester at IB

Block Block Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

GPJ1 Introduction to and start-up of the Graduation Project


GPJ2 Graduation Project continued and finalised


RSK3 Research Skills for GPJ 3

PRD8 Professional Development 8 2

ERS3 English Reporting Skills 3 3

Total 15 Total 15

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4.3 Excellence programme Hanze University Groningen offers additional challenges to talented and highly motivated students who wish to develop their talents beyond the scope of a regular curriculum. Students, who possess potential to excel not only academically, but also professionally and personally, can apply for admission to one of the IBS Excellence programmes. However, students may only follow one Honours programme.

In 2018-2019 IBS offers the following Excellence programme: Honours Talent Programme The tables of credits for the Excellence programmes are given below. Information about the content, admission etc. can be found in chapter 12.

Students from the three year bachelor programmes cannot apply for the Excellence Programme. If a student from one of the three year bachelor programmes wants to earn an Honours award he can contact IBS management to ask for the possibility to apply for an honours graduation project. 4.3.1 Honours Talent Programme The Honours Talent Programme (HTP) consists of 30 EC for the four year bachelor programme, in addition to credits earned as part of the regular bachelor's degree programme and is to be followed concurrent with the regular IBS study periods. Students from the 4 Year Bachelor start the HTP in the second year of their regular IB programme

In general, the table of credits for the Honours Talent Programme is as follows:

Year 2 EC

Honours Year 1 14

subtotal 14

Year Abroad EC

Honours Year 2 6

subtotal 6

Graduation Year EC

Honours Year 3 10

subtotal 10


4.4 Programme components taught in a foreign language The IB four year programme and three year programme are taught fully in the English language. The first year of the three year BW programme is partially taught in German and partially taught in English, the rest of the programme is fully taught in English. As the IB student body comprises truly international students the language of instruction, English, is essential to the success of this international programme. 4.5 Graduation programme components The curriculum components in which students must demonstrate that they have attained the end qualifications of the former IBMS programme, are the modules of the Graduation year, i.e. the modules of the Graduation minor semester and those of the Graduation semester itself.

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4.6 Study plan As a general rule, when students have a backlog, they should make a study plan with their study advisor. Information about study plans can be found in chapter 11.2.

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5. Admission Requirements

Most requirements with regard to admission are established by the Dutch Government. Such legally established requirements include (among others) prior education, length of enrolment and tuition fees. IBS has its own specific requirements such as English proficiency. The current admission requirements are described in this chapter; the details are subject to change. The Admissions Committee, as appointed by the Dean, advises the Dean regarding all issues related to the admission of students and based on this advice, the Dean formally decides upon admission. The Admissions Committee will also provide full and up-to-date information and guidance on the procedures to applicants. Next to the diploma and English requirements described below, all students must have valid residency status enabling them to study in the Netherlands.

5.1 Admission to the First Year for Dutch applicants 5.1.1 Admission to the First Year of the four year bachelor programme for Dutch applicants

The application deadline for Dutch applicants is May 1st of the year in which the student wishes to commence study. The entrance requirements for Dutch students applying to the First Year are defined in the following table:

VWO-diploma A VWO graduate needs to have the following appropriate profile (profiel) or range of subjects listed below: - Cultuur & Maatschappij: No additional requirements - Economie & Maatschappij: No additional requirements - Natuur & Gezondheid: No additional requirements - Natuur & Techniek: No additional requirements An English grade of 7 or above is strongly advised

HAVO-diploma A HAVO graduate needs to have the following appropriate profile (profiel) or range of subjects listed below: - Cultuur & Maatschappij: No additional requirements - Economie & Maatschappij: No additional requirements - Natuur & Gezondheid: No additional requirements - Natuur & Techniek: No additional requirements An English grade of 7 or above is strongly advised

MBO-diploma Students with an MBO diploma can be directly admitted into the IB four year bachelor programme unless they have completed one of the following domains: 'Techniek en Procesindustrie', 'Voedsel, Natuur en Leefomgeving' and 'Zorg en Welzijn'. In this case an entrance exam is required. More information can be found at www.toelatingstoetsen.nl . An English grade of 7 or above is strongly advised

Other diploma

Any diploma judged by the Ministry of Education to be equal to the ones above. Please see http://www.nuffic.nl for more information.

Study Group Study Group graduates have VWO level and can enter the four year bachelor programme. An English ESUS score of 60% or higher is needed. Applicants who have an ESUS score below 60% requires an additional Toefl/IELTS may also apply

Diploma ‘Voorbereidend jaar’ Alfa college

Students with a diploma of the ‘Voorbereidend jaar’ offered by Alfa college with the IB-programme required subjects Mathematics A or B and Economics can be admitted. Students with a ‘Voorbereidend jaar’ diploma without the required

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subjects can only be admitted after passing a deficiency test for these subjects via www.toelatingstoets.nl.

5.1.2 Admission to the First Year of the three year bachelor programme for Dutch applicants

The application deadline for Dutch applicants is May 1st of the year in which the student wishes to commence study. The entrance requirements for Dutch students applying to the First Year are defined in the following table:

VWO-diploma A VWO graduate needs to have the following appropriate profile (profiel) or range of subjects listed below: - Cultuur & Maatschappij: No additional requirements - Economie & Maatschappij: No additional requirements - Natuur & Gezondheid: No additional requirements - Natuur & Techniek: No additional requirements An English grade of 7 or above is strongly advised

Other diploma

Any diploma judged by the Ministry of Education to be equal to the ones above. Please see http://www.nuffic.nl for more information.

Study Group Study Group graduates have VWO level and can enter the three year bachelor programme. An English ESUS score of 60% or higher is needed. Applicants who have an ESUS score below 60% requires an additional Toefl/IELTS

5.1.3 Admission to the First Year of the three year bachelor Betriebswirtschaft programme for Dutch applicants Zulassung zum Grundstudium Betriebswirtschaft für niederländische Kandidaten

Die Anmeldefrist für niederländische Kandidaten ist der 1. Mai. Die Zulassungsbedingungen für das Grundstudium sind in nachstehender Tabelle festgelegt.

VWO-diploma - Cultuur & Maatschappij (keine zusätzlichen Erfordernisse) - Economie & Maatschappij (keine zusätzlichen

Erfordernisse) - Natuur & Gezondheid mit Ökonomie, Management &

Organisation (M&O) oder eine zweite Fremdsprache - Natuur & Technik mit Ökonomie, Management &

Organisation (M&O) oder eine zweite Fremdsprache Note 7 oder höher in Deutsch und Englisch ist sehr empfehlenswert

5.2 Admission to the First Year for non-Dutch applicants 5.2.1 Admission to the First Year of the four year bachelor programme for non-Dutch applicants To be admitted to the programme, the applicant must meet both the diploma requirements described in this paragraph, and the English requirement described in paragraph 5.2.3.

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It is not possible to specify exactly which diplomas per country are acceptable for admission to the First Year. In general it can be stated that the qualifications must be equivalent to those required from Dutch students. The NUFFIC (Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education) assesses the value of non-Dutch diplomas in terms of the Dutch system and advises IBS of their acceptability. The following list should give an indication to non-Dutch students of the kinds of secondary school education diplomas that are generally accepted for admission to the four year IB programme at IBS:

Country National diplomas Dutch Equivalent

Any country -International Baccalaureate -vwo

Germany -Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife -Fachhochschulreife with proof of both "schulischer und berufsbezogener Teil"

-vwo -havo

United Kingdom -General Certificate of Secondary Education 4 GCSE plus 2 GCE at A/S level (all in academic subjects and with grades A, B or C)


Bulgarian -Diploma za Zavarsheno Sredno Obrazovanie (DZSO) -Diploma za Sredno Spetsialno Obrazovanie

-havo, exact -havo, beroepsgericht

China -Diploma senior middle school (gaozhong) -havo

United States -High School diploma (approved by Nuffic) -havo

Spain -Título de Bachiller -havo-vwo

France -Baccalauréat Général -Baccalauréat Technologique -Baccalauréat Professionnel

-vwo -vwo, sometimes mbo4 -mbo4

Students with a diploma from the International Foundation Year in Business and Management offered by Holland ISC ( www.hollandisc.com; part of StudyGroup) will also be admitted to the programme. Their English requirements are described in paragraph 5.2.3. Students with a diploma of the ‘Voorbereidend jaar’ offered by Alfa college with the IB-programme required subjects Mathematics A or B and Economics can be admitted as well. Students with a ‘Voorbereidend jaar’ diploma without the required subjects can only be admitted after passing a deficiency test for these subjects via www.toelatingstoets.nl. 5.2.2 Admission to the First Year of the three year bachelor programme for non-Dutch applicants To be admitted to the programme, the applicant must meet both the diploma requirements described in this paragraph, and the English requirement described in paragraph 5.2.3. It is not possible to specify exactly which diplomas per country are acceptable for admission to the First Year. In general it can be stated that the qualifications must be equivalent to those required from Dutch students. The NUFFIC (Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education) assesses the value of non-Dutch diplomas in terms of the Dutch system and advises IBS of their acceptability. Below is a table showing two main categories of secondary school education diplomas that are accepted for admission to the three year IB programme at IBS:

Country National diplomas Dutch Equivalent

Any country -International Baccalaureate -vwo

Germany -Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife -vwo

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Students with a diploma from the International Foundation Year in Business and Management offered by Holland ISC (www.hollandisc.com; part of StudyGroup) will also be admitted to the programme. Their English requirements are described in paragraph 5.2.3. Students with a diploma (vwo-level) of the ‘Voorbereidend jaar’ offered by Alfa college with the IB-programme required subjects Mathematics A or B and Economics can be admitted as well. Students with a ‘Voorbereidend jaar’ diploma without the required subjects can only be admitted after passing a deficiency test for these subjects via www.toelatingstoets.nl. A more comprehensive list can be found on the Hanze website (www.hanze.nl), under the admission information for the three year bachelor programme. 5.2.3 English Requirement When applying for the First Year of the IB bachelor programme at IBS, all international applicants need to prove they have achieved a sufficient level of English by submitting the original results from an IELTS or TOEFL (English) test that is not more than two years old. Therefore, one of the following is required:

IELTS score: minimum of 6.0 with no sub-score below 5.5. (Students with a score of IELTS 5.5, with at least 5.0 for speaking and writing and no lower than 4.5 for listening and reading will be referred to the Preparatory course). For details go to: www.ielts.org

Internet-based TOEFL score: minimum of 80 points with no sub-score lower than 10 for Reading and Listening, and no sub-score lower than 18 for Writing and Speaking. . For details go to: www.toefl.org

Successful completion of the Preparatory (Prep) Course offered by the International Business School. Students can be exempted from submitting an extra language proficiency test in the following cases:

students with a diploma allowing admission to IB, which was issued within one of the EEA countries, provided this diploma is listed on the ‘diploma list’ drawn up at the behest of the HEI associations in the Netherlands. This diploma list is published on the ‘Code of Conduct International Student in Dutch Higher Education’ website, http://internationalstudy.nl/sites/default/files/Diplomalijst.pdf .

students with a diploma allowing admission to IB, which was issued in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain or Ireland;

students with a diploma allowing admission to IB, issued outside the EEA countries, if they can submit a statement from the educational institution which issued this diploma that their prior education was taught in English;

students with an International Baccalaureate or European Baccalaureate.

Students with a diploma from the International Foundation Year in Business and Management offered by Holland ISC (part of Study Group), if they have an ESUS score of 60% or higher. If not, an additional Toefl/IELTS test is required, with sufficient scores, not older than two years.

IBS reserves the right to ascertain the truth and correctness of an applicant’s IELTS or TOEFL score by examination. This examination is held in form of a personal, standardised interview, conducted by specially trained IBS staff members and/or representatives, which tests the applicant’s English skills regarding listening, speaking, and writing. Students who meet all admission requirements except for the English requirement, may apply for the Preparatory (Prep) Course offered by the International Business School. Students who successfully complete this Prep Course can be admitted to the IB Bachelor Programme.

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Please note: although for admission to a University in the Netherlands, sufficient knowledge of the Dutch language (NT2-II) is required, IBS students are exempted from this requirement. 5.2.4 Admission to the First Year of the three year bachelor Betriebswirtschaft programme for non-Dutch applicants Zulassung zum Grundstudium für nicht-niederländische Kandidaten Um zum dreijährigen Studiengang Internationale Betriebswirtschaft zugelassen zu werden, muss ein Bewerber sowohl die Anforderungen was das Zeugnis als auch was die Englisch- und Deutschkenntnisse betrifft erfüllen. Es ist nicht möglich, je Herkunftsland präzis die Zeugnisse, die für eine Zulassung zum Grundstudium im IBS-Studienprogramm in Frage kommen, anzugeben. Die Qualifikationen müssen den von niederländischen Studenten geforderten gleichwertig sein. Die NUFFIC (Niederländischer Verband für internationale Zusammenarbeit im Hochschulunterricht) bewertet nicht-niederländische Zeugnisse gemäß den für das niederländische System geltenden Kriterien und berät die IBS in Fragen der Akzeptanz. Die nachstehende Liste der im Allgemeinen von der IBS akzeptierten Zeugnisse sollte ausländischen Studenten als Anhaltspunkt für die Zulassung zum Studiengang Internationale Betriebswirtschaft dienen.

Land Zeugnis

Jedes Land Internationales Baccalaureat

Deutschland Allgemeine Hochschulreife oder Fachhochschulreife mit entweder dem schulischen oder den berufsbezogenen Teil

Großbritannien General Certificate of Secondary Education 4 GCSE plus 2 GCE at A/S level (all in academic subjects and with grades A, B or C)

Bulgarien - Diploma za Zavarsheno Sredno Obrazovanie (DZSO) - Diploma za Sredno Spetsialno Obrazovanie

Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse Darüber hinaus muss der Kandidat zufrieden stellende Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse nachweisen. Für Personen ohne Englisch als Muttersprache wird ein "IELTS" Testergebnis von 6.0, mit keinem Teilergebnis niedriger als 5.5 oder ein TOEFL-Test mit einem Testergebnis von 80, mit keinem Teilergebnis niedriger als 10 für Lesen und Hören und 18 für Scheiben und Sprechen gefordert. Die Testergebnisse dürfen nicht älter als 2 Jahre sein. Die Bedingung eines Testergebnisses gilt nicht für Studenten, falls sie nachweisen können:

Dass das Zeugnis, das Zugang zum Studiengang Internationale Betriebswirtschaft gibt, in einem EWR-Land ausgestellt wurde. Voraussetzung ist, dass dieses Zeugnis auf der Liste der HEI associations in den Niederlanden steht. Diese Liste steht auf der Website „Code of Conduct International Student in Dutch Higher Education“ http://internationalstudy.nl/sites/default/files/Diplomalijst.pdf, ODER

dass die vorherige (Schul-)Ausbildung, die Zugang zum Studiengang Internationale Betriebswirtschaft gibt, englischsprachig war (dies soll von der Schule, die das Zeugnis ausgestellt hat, bestätigt werden).

Personen ohne Deutsch als Muttersprache müssen ausreichende Deutschkenntnisse nachweisen. Folgende Zeugnisse gelten als Nachweis des erforderlichen Niveaus.

• DSH - Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber. • TestDaF - Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache, wenn er in allen Teilprüfungen mindestens mit

dem Ergebnis TDN 4 abgelegt wurde. • Goethe-Zertifikat C2: GDS - Sprachdiplom des Goethe-Instituts.

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• DSD - Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz Stufe II. • oder gleichwertig: B2/C1 Niveau Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

NB Normalerweise ist eine der Zulassungsvoraussetzungen für (Fach)Hochschulen in den Niederlanden der Nachweis von ausreichenden Niederländisch-Kenntnissen (NT2-II). Diese Voraussetzung gilt aber nicht für Studenten, die an der IBS studieren wollen.

5.3 Admission to the First Year for ‘mature’ applicants (21 +) Based on the Student Charter, candidates with a minimum age of 21 who do not meet the admission requirements, may be exempted from these requirements based on further investigation. After a review of their previous education, they will be subjected to an examination and an interview with the Admissions Committee. The Committee will look for sufficient general knowledge; sufficient knowledge of the English language to complete the studies successfully; suitability for HBO studies; enough knowledge of Mathematics (HAVO-finals level for the four year bachelor programme, VWO finals level for the three year bachelor programme). In most cases, the review of previous education will be limited to this admission procedure. Application When applying as a mature student, the prospective student should provide the following information along with his formal application: a current resume outlining his educational and professional career; a letter of motivation (no more than 1 A4), stating why he would like to return to school at this moment in time and why he expects that he will be successful; a list of references; copies of all relevant diplomas he might have. The Admissions Committee will review the application and initiate the 21+ entrance exam procedure. The deadline for this procedure is June 1, for entry in September of the same year. Admission procedure 21+ The admission exam consists of:

an official TOEFL or IELTS test (to be taken by the applicants on their own);

a written mathematics exam;

a computer-based general competencies test (MCT-H);

if necessary a closing interview with the Admissions Committee. The 21+ entrance exam cannot be repeated within 12 months. After that period, a new request will only be considered if the educational situation of the applicant has changed significantly as shown by additional schooling or equivalent practical experience. Rules for admission or rejection When the exam results are sufficient and the interview indicates that the candidate is suitable for the studies, the student can be admitted. The IBS Administration Staff will file the results of the exams, including a brief written report on the interview. The exam results will be forwarded to the participant of the 21+ procedure in writing. When the candidate is admitted, the documents from the admission investigation and a copy of the admission letter will be added to the student file. 5.4 Admission to the Post-Propaedeutic Phase for first year students Students who have earned 48 or more credits in the First Year, after their first year of enrolment, are permitted to take part in modules of the Post-Propaedeutic Phase. Students in the four year bachelor programme can take modules from the Second Year. Students in the three year bachelor programme may proceed with their Study Abroad semester (provided they obtain PTGS, see chapter 8).

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5.5 Direct Post-Propaedeutic Phase Admission

General rules Direct entry into the Post-Propaedeutic Phase of the programme is usually only possible in the context of a recognised programme with a partner university (such as the Articulation programme). In the three year bachelor programmes there is no possibility for direct entry into the Post-Propaedeutic Phase . Students who have obtained an IBMS Propaedeutic certificate can enter the Post-Propaedeutic Phase of the new four year Bachelor IB programme directly, but are not allowed to start with the Post-Propaedeutic Phase of the former IBL programme. Students with an IBL Propaedeutic certificate can enter the Post-Propaedeutic Phase of the new IB programme directly, but are not allowed to start with the Post-Propaedeutic Phase of the former IBMS programme. Students who have started on 1 September 2018 or earlier with the Post-Propaedeutic Phase of the former IBL or the former IBMS programme are not allowed to switch to respectively the former IBMS or former IBL programme. Direct Post-Propaedeutic Phase entrance (four year bachelor programme only) requires specific knowledge, skills and competencies equivalent to those that are acquired during the propaedeutic (First Year) phase of the IB study or the former IBMS programme. Under specific conditions, other applicants may be eligible for enrolment provided they meet requirements equivalent to those for IB students after finishing the First Year, including language requirements. The investigation includes, but is not limited to, the following aspects: the students’ previous education, their project experience, their proficiency in English, and their proficiency in an additional foreign language (other than the official language of their country of origin). It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide all relevant documents to support their request. This would include, but is not limited to, information relating to their previous education, including: name of institute, programme description, certified grade list, course names, course description, textbook information, assessment type etc. All other candidates can only be admitted to the First Year (provided they meet the requirements); if necessary, they will be provided with a personalized study plan including possible exemptions.

Rules for Dutch applicants Dutch applicants need to provide a certificate showing that the applicant has successfully completed the First Year of an NVAO-accredited IB, IBMS or IBL programme at a University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands including the requirements for the second language. All other candidates can only be admitted to the First Year (provided they meet the requirements); if necessary, they will be provided with a personalized study plan including possible exemptions. Rules for non-Dutch applicants Non-Dutch applicants may be admitted directly to the Post-Propaedeutic Phase of the four year bachelor programme if they possess a qualification at least equivalent to that demanded from Dutch students as mentioned above. Certificates, degrees, diplomas, and other documents must be submitted to support the application and to confirm that IBS requirements are met. Documents should be translated into English by an accredited body and copies should be certified. It should be noted that IBS reserves the right to check, both in the Netherlands and abroad, the authenticity of all documents submitted in support of applications. All other candidates can only be admitted to the First Year (provided they meet the requirements); if necessary, they will be provided with a personalised study plan including possible exemptions.

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Rules for Post-Propaedeutic students who want to re-apply for the programme Post-Propaedeutic students who de-enrolled themselves from the programme (this includes students who have not re-enrolled themselves at the start of the new academic year), have to re-apply via Studielink if they want to continue with the IB programme. Entry is only possible per the first day of the next teaching period. An already obtained IBMS or IBL Propaedeutic certificate remains valid. It is important for students from previous cohorts to bear in mind that it may be necessary for them to follow additional courses to meet the learning outcomes of the current curriculum. An appointment with the admission committee may be part of the re-application procedure. 5.6 Admission to the Double Degree programme Haaga-Helia, Finland Students who want to participate in the Double Degree programme will be screened for eligibility for admission by the home institution. Both institutions shall respect the admission requirements and enrolment constraints of the host institution. Participants will be subjected to the standard rules, regulations and enrolling constraints of the host institution. The prerequisites for Haaga-Helia students to enter the Double Degree programme are the following: • successful completion of the first three semesters studies at Haaga-Helia; • English language requirement: IELTS 6.0 (no sub-scores below 5.5) or TOEFL score 80 internet-based test (no sub-score below 17). The prerequisites for IB students from Hanze UAS to enter the Double Degree programme are the following: • successful completion of the first four semesters studies at Hanze UAS; • English language requirement: IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL score 550 paper-based test/ 79-80 internet -based test or equivalent.

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6. Credits, Grades and Assessments 6.1 Credits, grades and exemptions 6.1.1 Credit and grading system The study load is expressed in terms of European Credits (EC): one credit represents 28 hours of work, including contact hours in classes and tutorials, hours spent preparing assignments, independent study and study related activities. Full-time study requires approximately 1.5 credits per week, 60 credits per year. A complete four year bachelor programme at a university of applied sciences consists of 240 credits, a three year bachelor programme consists of 180 credits. Validity Information about the validity of examinations and examination results can be found in article 4.7 of the Hanze Student Charter, see Appendix 1. Grading system Grade Dutch term English term German term pass/fail 10 uitmuntend excellent Exzellent pass 9 zeer goed very good Sehr gut pass 8 goed good Gut pass 7 ruim voldoende amply sufficient Befriedigend pass 6 voldoende sufficient Ausreichend pass 5 bijna voldoende almost sufficient Mangelhaft fail 4 onvoldoende insufficient Ungenügend fail 3 gering low Gering fail 2 slecht poor Schlecht fail 1 zeer slecht very poor Sehr schlecht fail Grade calculation On the scale of 1 to 10, a grade of 5.5 or more represents a ‘sufficient’ grade. Every assessment needs to be sufficient. Please note : courses for which students are exempted (‘EX’) and courses for which students receive a pass/fail (‘P/F’), do not count towards the calculation of an average grade because these grades are not numerical grades. This applies amongst others to the calculation of the average grade for Cum Laude, and the average grade for the division of study places in the Year Abroad. 6.1.2 Grades and Grade Lists Students can view their grades and access their grade list through ‘Osiris’, the Hanze grade registration system (hanze.nl > Quick launch > Osiris ). Students are responsible for checking that their grades are entered correctly into Osiris. Grades for written exams will be published within 10 working days, after the last day of that exam period. Teachers have 15 working days to grade projects and other assignments. If work is assessed more than once, the highest grade is the one that counts. If a grade is missing or if an incorrect grade has been entered on their grade list, students should contact the teacher concerned and following that, if applicable, the Exam Board within 20 working days of the grades being announced.

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Disagreement about a grade The procedure to be followed in case of disagreement about a grade can be found in article 4.11 of the Student Charter, see Appendix 1. Improving sufficient grades Resitting an assessment that a student has already passed, is allowed, except for GPJ, PLM and SAB. Once the First Year certificate for a student is issued, it is no longer possible to resit a First Year exam. 6.1.3 Exam review

IBS offers students the opportunity to review their exam/assignment after it has been graded. Attending an exam review may never lead to the student receiving a lower grade than before the exam review. Written exams There is a central review session (organized by IBS) after every period. During this session, students have the opportunity to briefly review their exam with the teacher and to make an appointment with him/her for a more in-depth review if necessary. During this exam review, students are not allowed to copy or photograph the exam without the teacher’s permission. If the student did not attend the exam review session, it is not possible to make an additional appointment with the teacher. Projects and other assignments To obtain feedback on projects and other assignments, students should make an appointment with the teacher. For this, students must contact the teacher within 10 working days of the grade being announced. For group projects/assignments, groups can only get one appointment (instead of individual appointments per group member). 6.1.4 Exemptions

Exemptions are dealt with in the first two weeks of each period. The procedure for exemptions (how to submit a request etc.) can be found on Hanze.nl (hanze.nl, use the search function and search for ‘Exemption IBS’). Exemptions that are granted, are honoured with an ‘EX’ (Exemption)/ ‘VR’ (in Dutch: “vrijstelling”). This will appear in the student’s grade list in Osiris as soon as IBS has processed the exemption. Important:

As soon as a student has received an assessment for a certain module, he can no longer claim an exemption for this assessment. For further information see the Examination Regulations (Appendix 1).

Because of the nature of the subjects, exemptions for Study Abroad, Placement and courses of the Graduation Year (Graduation Minors and Graduation Project semester) are never granted.

If an exemption is granted and the student takes the examination anyway, one of the following will occur: 1. if the student fails the exam, the ‘EX’/‘VR’ grade will remain in Osiris. 2. if the student receives a sufficient grade, this grade will replace the ‘EX’/‘VR’ grade.

Exemptions do not count towards the calculation of the average grade for cum laude because ‘EX’/’VR’ grades on the Osiris list are not numerical grades.

Exemptions for modules in the First Year do not count towards the calculation of the average grade that is used for the division of study places in the Year Abroad because ‘EX’/’VR’ grades on the Osiris list are not numerical grades.

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6.2 Assessment Schemes The Assessment Schemes per year list the modules of that year. The schemes provide, among others, the following information per module:

assessment components, codes and number of credits

periods in which the module is offered.

Each module comprises one or more assessment components (‘courses’), which have their unique code in Osiris; the Hanze grade registration system. Assessment codes used in ‘Osiris’ are 11 characters long, e.g. LBVP18FAC1A for an assessment of the “Financial Accounting” module in the First Year of the four year bachelor programme. The first three characters define the various programmes. For the First Year and IBV for the Post-Propaedeutic Phase, the code for the English tracks of International Business is ‘LBV’. The fourth character refers to First Year (‘P’) or Post-Propaedeutic Phase (‘B’). The numbers following these first four characters relate to administrative processes. In the Assessment Schemes the first four characters, standard to the programme, have been omitted for clarity and only the remaining characters are shown, in our example: 18FAC1A, where: ‘FAC1’ identifies the module and ‘A’ is the type of assessment. The codes for the different assessment types are: A or E = written exam B = oral exam C, D, F, G or H = assignment which could include e.g. attendance, class activities or portfolio The general rule is that the scheme current at the time a student enrols, either in the First Year or in the Post-Propaedeutic Phase, is the one that applies to that student (for the First Year or the Post-Propaedeutic Phase respectively). If changes are made to the curriculum, a transition scheme is published on Hanze.nl (hanze.nl > Education > International Business School> Practical matters> Manuals > Transition Schemes).

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6.2.1 First Year of the four year bachelor programme IB 2018-2019 Assessment Schemes and Transition Schemes for students who began their studies in the academic year 2017-2018 or earlier, see chapter 3.7.

Modules / Educational units Period Offered

Osiris code (LBVP…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Semester 1

International Marketing: foundations written exam

1.1 or 1.3 18IMK1A 2 5.5

International Marketing: foundations assignment

1.1 or 1.3 18IMK1C 1 pass

Economics 1.1 or 1.3 18ECN1A 2 5.5

Financial Accounting 1.1 or 1.3 18FAC1A 3 5.5

Business Research 1 1.1 or 1.3 18BRS1A 2 5.5

Professional Skills Development 1 Professional Skills Development 1

Basic Skills English Basis Skills Mathematics

1.1 18PSD1 toets 1 (assignment)

toets 2 (written exam) toets 3 (written exam)

1 1 0 0

Pass Pass Pass pass

International Business Communication 1 1.1 18BUC1A 2 5.5

Language 1 (see overview below) 1.1 2

External business Scan 1.2 or 1.4 18EBS1C 5 5.5

Business Research 2 Business Research 2 Applied Math.

Business Research 2 Excel

1.2 or 1.4 18BRS2 toets 1 (written exam) toets 2 (written exam)

3 2 1

5.5 5.5


International Business Communication 2 1.2 18BUC2C 2 5.5

Professional Skills Development 2 1.2 18PSD2C 1 pass

Intercultural Competence in Business 1 1.2 18ICB1C 2 5.5

Language 2 (see overview below) 1.2 2

Subtotal Semester 1 30

Modules / Educational units Period Offered

Osiris code (LBVP…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Semester 2

Business Processes Business Processes written exam

Business Processes assignment

1.3 or 1.1 18BPS1 toets 1 toets 2

2 2 0

5.5 5.5

Management Accounting 1.3 or 1.1 18MAC1A 3 5.5

International Organizations & HRM written exam

1.3 or 1.1 18OHR1A 3 5.5

International Business Law 1.3 or 1.1 18LAW1C 2 5.5

Professional Skills Development 3 1.3 18PSD3C 1 pass

International Business Communication 3 1.3 18BUC3C 2 5.5

Language 3 (see overview below) 1.3 2

Internal Business Scan 1.4 or 1.2 18IBS1C 5 5.5

Business Research 3 Business Research 3 written exam

Business Research 3 assignment

1.4 or 1.2 18BRS3C toets 1 toets 2

3 2 1

5.5 5.5

International Business Communication 4 1.4 18BUC4C 2 5.5

Professional Skills Development 4 1.4 18PSD4C 1 pass

Intercultural Competence in Business 2 1.4 18ICB2B 2 5.5

Language 4 (see overview below) 1.4 2

Subtotal Semester 2 30

Total year 1 60

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Language 1* Period offered

Osiris code (LBVP…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Chinese 1 1.1 18CHN1A 2 pass

Dutch 1 1.1 18DUT1B 2 pass

French 1 1.1 18FRE1B 2 pass

German 1 1.1 18GER1B 2 pass

Italian 1 1.1 18ITA1B 2 pass

Spanish 1 1.1 18SPA1B 2 pass

Language 2*

Chinese 2 1.2 18CHN2C 2 5.5

French 2 1.2 18FRE2A 2 5.5

Dutch 2 1.2 18DUT2A 2 5.5

German 2 1.2 18GER2A 2 5.5

Italian 2 1.2 P18ITA2A 2 5.5

Spanish 2 1.2 18SPA2A 2 5.5

Language 3*

Chinese 3 1.3 18CHN3C 2 5.5

Dutch 3 1.3 18DUT3B 2 5.5

French 3 1.3 18FRE3B 2 5.5

German 3 1.3 18GER3B 2 5.5

Italian 3 1.3 18ITA3B 2 5.5

Spanish 3 1.3 18SPA3B 2 5.5

Language 4*

Chinese 4 1.4 18CHN4C 2 5.5

Dutch 4 1.4 18DUT4A 2 5.5

French 4 1.4 18FRE4A 2 5.5

German 4 1.4 18GER4A 2 5.5

Italian 4 1.4 18ITA4A 2 5.5

Spanish 4 1.4 18SPA4A 2 5.5

* It depends on the amount of applicants whether or not this language is offered.

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6.2.2 First Year of the three year bachelor programme IB English track 2018-2019

Assessment Schemes and Transition Schemes for students who began their studies in the academic year 2017-2018 or earlier, please refer to Hanze.nl.

Modules / Educational units Period Offered

Osiris code (IBVP…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Semester One Principal Areas of Business 1

1.1 15PAB1A 3 5.5

Research, Economics and Communication

1.1 16REC1C 3 5.5

Intercultural and Professional Competency Development

1.1 16IPD1C 2 5.5

Business Lab 1 1.1 16LAB1C 4 5.5 Integrated case 1 1.1 15ICA1A 3 5.5 Principal Areas of Business 2 1.2 15PAB2A 3 5.5 Business Lab 2 1.2 15LAB2C 4 5.5 Integrated case 2 1.2 16ICA2A 3 5.5 Intercultural and Professional Competency Development

1.2 16IPD2C 2 5.5

Economics and Communication 1.2 16ECC1C 2 5.5 Business Law 1.2 16BLW1C 1 5.5

Subtotal Semester 1 30

Semester Two International Human Resource Management

1.3 15IHR1C 2 5.5

Finance and Accounting 1 1.3 15FIA1C 2 5.5 International Supply Chain Management 1.3 15ISC1A 2 5.5 International Marketing 1.3 16IMK1A 3 5.5 Global Citizenship 1 1.3 16GCS1C

Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Assignment 5 Assignment 6

3 0 0 0 0 0


5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5

Pass Business Lab 3 1.3 15LAB3C 3 5.5 Organizational Behaviour 1 1.4 15OBH1A 3 5.5 Finance and accounting 2 1.4 15FIA2A 3 5.5 Global Citizenship 2 1.4 16GCS2C

Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Assignment 4

3 0 0 0

5.5 5.5

Pass Pass

Business Lab 4 1.4 15LAB4C 6 5.5

Subtotal Semester 2 30

Total year 1 60

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6.2.3 First Year of the three year bachelor programme Betriebswirtschaft (BW) 2018-2019

Bewertungskriterien oder Übergangspläne für Studenten, die mit Jahr 1 in 2017-18 oder früher begonnen haben, sind auf Hanze.nl zu finden.

Module/ Unterrichtseinheiten Periode Osiris Kürzel (BTVP…) European Credits


1. Semester

Prozessmanagement 1.1 16PRM1C 2 5.5

Buchführung 1.1 16BFG1A 2 5.5

Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung 1.1 16KLR1A 3 5.5

Volkswirtschaftslehre 1.1 16VWL1A 16VWL1C

2 0

5.5 Bestanden

Angewandte Statistik 1 1.1 17AST1A 1 5.5

Marketing 1 1.1 16MAR1A 2 5.5

Business English 1 1.1 16BEN1B 1 5.5

Dutch Language & Culture Grundkurs 1

1.1 16DUG1A 2 5.5

Sprache 3 (siehe Übersicht unten) 1.1

Organisational Behaviour & Change Management 1

1.2 16OBC1A 16OBC1C

2 1

5.5 5.5

Wirtschaftliche Forschungsmethoden 1.2 16WFN1A 2 5.5

Angewandte Statistik 2 1.2 17AST2A 2 5.5

Angewandte Statistik 2 1.2 18AST2E 0 Bestanden

Intercultural Competences in Business

1.2 16ICS1C 16ICS1D

1 2

Bestanden 5.5

Marketing 2 1.2 16MAR2C 1 5.5

Professional Development 1 1.2 16PRD1C 1 Bestanden

Business English 2 1.2 16BEN2C 1 5.5

Dutch Language & Culture Basic course 2

1.2 16DUG2A 16DUG2B

1 1

5.5 Bestanden

Sprache 4 (siehe Übersicht unten) 1.2 2

Subtotal 1. Semester 30

Module/ Unterrichtseinheiten Periode Osiris Kürzel (BTVP…) European Credits


2. Semester

Supply Chain Management 1.3 16SCT1C 16SCT1D

1 2

5.5 5.5

Bilanzierung 1.3 16BIZ1C 2 5.5

Neue Wirtschaftliche Realitäten 1.3 16NWN1A 16NWN1C

2 1

5.5 Bestanden

Organisational Behaviour & Change Management 2

1.3 16OBC2A 2 5.5

Ethics in Business 1.3 18ETC1C 18ETC1D

1 1

Bestanden Bestanden

Business English 3 1.3 16BEN3A 1 5.5

Sprache 5 (siehe Übersicht unten) 1.3 2

Integriertes Projekt 1.4 16IPT1C 5 5.5

Finanzierung 1.4 16FAZ1A 2 5.5

International Marketing Strategy 1.4 16IMS1A 3 5.5

Professional Development 2 1.4 16PRD2C 2 Bestanden

Business English 4 1.4 16BEN4C 16BEN4D

1 0

Bestanden Bestanden

Sprache 6 (siehe Übersicht unten) 1.4 2

Subtotal 2. Semester 30

Total Grundstudium 60

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Languages First Year

Language 3 Period Offered

Osiris code (IBVP…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

French Language & Culture 3, level A 1.1 16FRA3A 16FRA3C

1 1

5.5 Bestanden

German Language & Culture 3, level A 1.1 14GEA3B 2 5.5

Spanish Language & Culture 3, level A 1.1 16SPA3A 2 5.5

Language 4

French Language & Culture 4, level A 1.2 16FRA4A 16FRA4C

1 1

5.5 Bestanden

German Language & Culture 4, level A 1.2 14GEA4A 2 5.5

Spanish Language & Culture 4, level A 1.2 16SPA4A 2 5.5

Language 5

Dutch Language & Culture 5, level B 1.3 16DUB5A 2 5.5

French Language & Culture 5, level A 1.3 14FRA5C 2 5.5

German Language & Culture 5, level A 1.3 14GEA5A 2 5.5

Spanish Language & Culture 5, level A 1.3 17SPA5A 2 5.5

Language 6

Dutch Language & Culture 6, level B 1.4 16DUB6C 2 5.5

French Language & Culture 6, level A 1.4 14FRA6C 2 5.5

German Language & Culture 6, level A 1.4 14GEA6B 2 5.5

Spanish Language & Culture 6, level A 1.4 14SPA6B 2 5.5

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6.2.4 Assessment Schemes Second Year of the four year bachelor programme IB 2018-2019

Assessment Schemes and Transition Schemes for students who began the Second year in the academic year 2017-2018 or earlier, please refer to Hanze.nl.

Module Period offered

Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Block 1

Stock Markets All periods 17SMK1C 1 5.5

Stock Markets All periods 17SMK1D 1 5.5

Management Accounting 2 All periods 13MAC2A 4 5.5

Fundamental International Finance All periods 15FIF1A 4 5.5

Professional Development 5 All periods 12PRD5C 2 Pass

Community Credit 1 All periods 14CCR1C 1 Pass

Language 3 (see overview below) 2.1 2

Subtotal block 1 15

Block 2

Business Research Methods All periods 11BRM1A 2 5.5

Inductive Statistics All periods 13STA2A 2 5.5

Behaviour, Management & Organization 2 All periods 15BMO2A 15BMO2C

2 2

5.5 5.5

English Business Report Writing Skills 2 All periods 13ERS2C 3 5.5

Career Training & Development All periods 13CTD1C 2 5.5

Language 4 (see overview below) 2.2 2

Subtotal block 2 15

Block 3

Ethics in Business All periods 13EIB1C 13EIB1D

1 1

Pass Pass

International Business Law All periods 16LAW2A 16LAW2C 16LAW2D

1 1 1

5.5 5.5 5.5

Intercultural Competence in Business 2 All periods 15ICB2A 15ICB2C

2 2

5.5 5.5

New Economic Realities All periods 15NER1A 4 5.5

Language 5 (see overview below) 2.3 2

Subtotal block 3 15

Module Period offered

Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Block 4 Consumer Behaviour All periods 15CBH1A

15CBH1C 3 1

5.5 5.5

International Marketing Management All periods 13IMM1A 13IMM1C

2 2

5.5 5.5

Supply Chain Management All periods 13SCM1A 13SCM1C

2 2

5.5 5.5

Community Credit 2 All periods 14CCR2C 1 Pass

Language 6 (see overview below) 2.4 2

Subtotal block 4 15

Total Second Year 60

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Languages Second Year6 PPP = Post-Propaedeutic Phase

Language 3 Period offered Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Dutch Language & Culture 3, level A 2.1 16DUA3A

2 5.5

Dutch Language & Culture 3, level B 2.1 16DUB3A 2 5.5

French Language & Culture 3, level A 2.1 16FRA3A 16FRA3C

1 1

5.5 Pass

German Language & Culture 3, level A 2.1 14GEA3B 2 5.5

Spanish Language & Culture 3, level A 2.1 16SPA3A 2 5.5

Spanish Language & Culture 3, level B 2.1 16SPB3A 2 5.5

Language 4

Dutch Language & Culture 4, level A 2.2 16DUA4A 2 5.5

Dutch Language & Culture 4, level B 2.2 16DUB4A 2 5.5

French Language & Culture 4, level A 2.2 16FRA4A 16FRA4C

1 1

5.5 Pass

German Language & Culture 4, level A 2.2 14GEA4A 2 5.5

Spanish Language & Culture 4, level A 2.2 16SPA4A 2 5.5

Spanish Language & Culture 4, level B 2.2 16SPB4A 2 5.5

Language 5

Dutch Language & Culture 5, level A 2.3 16DUA5A 2 5.5

Dutch Language & Culture 5, level B 2.3 16DUB5A 2 5.5

French Language & Culture 5, level A 2.3 14FRA5C 2 5.5

German Language & Culture 5, level A 2.3 14GEA5A 2 5.5

Spanish Language & Culture 5, level A 2.3 17SPA5A 2 5.5

Spanish Language & Culture 5, level B 2.3 17SPB5A 2 5.5

Language 6

Dutch Language & Culture 6, level A 2.4 16DUA6C 2 5.5

Dutch Language & Culture 6, level B 2.4 16DUB6C 2 5.5

French Language & Culture 6, level A 2.4 14FRA6C 2 5.5

German Language & Culture 6, level A 2.4 14GEA6B 2 5.5

Spanish Language & Culture 6, level A 2.4 14SPA6B 2 5.5

Spanish Language & Culture 6, level B 2.4 14SPB6B 2 5.5

6.2.5 Assessment Scheme Year Abroad IB 2018-2019

Module Period offered

Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Study Abroad 3.1+3.2 or 3.3+3.4

17SAB1C 28 Pass

Intercultural Competence in Business 3

3.1+3.2 or 3.3+3.4

17ICB3 2 Pass

Placement 3.1+3.2 or 3.3+3.4

12PLM1C 30 Pass

Total Year Abroad 60

6 languages are offered in a fixed order for all students: language 3 is offered in period 1, language 4 in period 2,

language 5 in period 3 and language 6 in period 4

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6.2.6 Assessment Schemes Minor European Business IB 2018-2019 (International semester) For non-IBS students (‘shopping students’) and Exchange students

Module Period offered

Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Introduction 3 3.1 or 3.3 06INT3C 1 Pass

English for exchange students 3.1 or 3.3 17ENX1A 17ENX1C

1 2

5.5 5.5

Introduction to Export Management 3.1 or 3.3 15IEM1A 3 5.5

European Business Environment 3.1 or 3.3 14EUB1C 3 5.5

Applied Secondary Research Skills 3.1 or 3.3 14ARS2C 2 5.5

European Business Plan 1 3.1 or 3.3 14EBP1C 3 5.5

International Presentation and Communication 3.2 or 3.4 16IPC1C 16IPC1D

1 2

Pass 5.5

Innovation Experience 3.2 or 3.4 17IEX1C 3 5.5

International Business Cultures 3.2 or 3.4 14IBC1C 14IBC1D

2 1

5.5 5.5

Applied Primary Research Skills 3.2 or 3.4 14ARS1C 2 5.5

European Business Plan 2 3.2 or 3.4 14EBP2C 4 5.5

Total 30

For non-Dutch IBS students The following exam scheme is for non-Dutch IBS students staying in the Netherlands, at IBS, for their study abroad. By attending and passing all mentioned modules, students can earn a Minor in European Business.

Module Period offered

Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Intercultural Competence in Business 3 3.1+3.2 or 3.3+3.4

17ICB3C 2 Pass

Community credit minor 3.1 or 3.3 17CCR3C 1 Pass

Mentoring Exchange students 3.1 or 3.3 12MEX1C 1 Pass

Introduction to Export Management 3.1 or 3.3 15IEM1A 3 5.5

European Business Environment 3.1 or 3.3 14EUB1C 3 5.5

Applied Secondary Research Skills 3.1 or 3.3 14ARS2C 2 5.5

European Business plan 1 3.1 or 3.3 14EBP1C 3 5.5

International Presentation and Communication 3.2 or 3.4 16IPC1C 16IPC1D

1 2

Pass 5.5

Innovation Experience 3.2 or 3.4 17IEX1C 3 5.5

International Business Cultures 3.2 or 3.4 14IBC1C 14IBC1D

2 1

5.5 5.5

Applied Primary Research Skills 3.2 or 3.4 14ARS1C 2 5.5

European Business Plan 2 3.2 or 3.4 14EBP2C 4 5.5

Total 30

For the minors International Marketing, International Management, International Finance & Accounting and International Strategy & Business Development, the assessment schemes are equal to those of the respective graduation minors. They can be found below, in chapter 6.2.7.

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6.2.7 Assessment Schemes Graduation year IB - 2018-2019

For access to Assessment Schemes and Transition Schemes for students who began the graduation year in the academic year 2017-2018 or earlier, please refer to Hanze.nl. The first semester of the Graduation year is the graduation minor semester.

Graduation minor International Management

Module Period offered

Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Human Resource Management 4.1 or 4.3 17HRM1A 17HRM1C

2 3

5.5 5.5

Entrepreneurship 17 4.1 or 4.3 17ENT1C 3 5.5

Corporate Sustainability 18 4.1 or 4.3 14CSU1C 2 5.5

Project Management 1 4.1 or 4.3 12PMT1A 12PMT1C

2 3

5.5 5.5

Corporate Social Responsibility 4.2 or 4.4 12CSR1C 12CSR1D

2 3

5.5 5.5

Corporate Strategy 4.2 or 4.4 07COS1A 07COS1C

2 3

5.5 5.5

Entrepreneurship 27 4.2 or 4.4 17ENT2C 3 5.5

Corporate Sustainability 28 4.2 or 4.4 14CSU2C 2 5.5

Total 30

Graduation minor International Strategy & Business Development

Module Period offered

Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Controlling 4.1 or 4.3 14CTG1D 3 5.5

International Financial Accounting 4.1 or 4.3 17IFA1C 3 5.5

Governance, Compliance, Risk Management 4.1 or 4.3 17GCR1C 17GCR1D

3 1

5.5 5.5

Dynamic Human Resource Management 4.1 or 4.3 16DHR1C 3 5.5

Corporate International Entrepreneurship 19 4.1 or 4.3 17CEN1B 2 5.5

General Management Simulation 4.2 or 4.4 14GMS1C 4 5.5

New Economic Realities 2 4.2 or 4.4 15NER2A 4 5.5

Operations Management 4.2 or 4.4 14OMA1A 14OMA1C

2 1

5.5 5.5

Corporate International Entrepreneurship 29 4.2 or 4.4 17CEN2C 17CEN2D

3 1

5.5 5.5

Total 30

7 group assignment with an individual Component. ENT1 and ENT2 are interlinked. Students therefore need to take both

modules. The group composition for ENT2 is equal to that of ENT1 8 Individual Assignment. CSU1 and CSU2 are interlinked. Students therefore need to take both modules. The group

composition for CSU2 is equal to that of CSU1. 9 CEN1 and CEN2 are interlinked. Students therefore need to take both modules. The group composition for CEN2 is equal to that

of CEN1.

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Graduation minor International Marketing

Module Period offered

Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

International Marketing Strategy 4.1 or 4.3 14MST1A 14MST1C

3 2

5.5 5.5

International Product Management 4.1 or 4.3 14IPM1A 14IPM1C

3 2

5.5 5.5

Brand Management 4.1 or 4.3 17BRD1B 17BRD1C 17BRD1D

2 2 1

5.5 5.5 5.5

Integrated Marketing Communication 4.2 or 4.4 17IMC1A 17IMC1C 17IMC1D

2 2 1

5.5 5.5 5.5

International Sales Management 4.2 or 4.4 17ISM1A 17ISM1C

3 2

5.5 5.5

Online Marketing 4.2 or 4.4 14ONM1C 5 5.5

Total 30

Graduation minor International Finance and Accounting (including Energy Route)

Module Period offered

Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Financial Accounting 2 4.1 or 4.3 12FAC2A 5 5.5

Advanced International Finance 4.1 or 4.3 16AIF1A 16AIF1C

4 1

5.5 5.5

Capita Selecta Finance and Accounting 4.1 or 4.3 15CSF1C 5 5.5

Energy Business10 4.1 or 4.3 16ENB1C 5 5.5

International Accounting 4.2 or 4.4 13IAC1C 13IAC1D

2 3

5.5 5.5

International Financial Management 4.2 or 4.4 18IFI1A 5 5.5

Planning and Control 4.2 or 4.4 04PLC1C 04PLC1D

3 2

5.5 5.5

Total 30

The second semester of the Graduation year is the Graduation semester.

Module Period offered

Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Research Skills for GPJ 4.1 or 4.3 17RSK3C 3 Pass

Introduction to and start-up of the Graduation Project

4.1 or 4.3 17GPJ1C 7 Pass

English Reporting Skills 3 4.1 or 4.3 14ERS3D 3 5.5

Personal Development 8 4.1 or 4.3 14PRD8C 2 Pass

Graduation Project continued and finalised 4.2 or 4.4 12GPJ2C 15 5.5

Total 30

10 students opting for the ‘Energy route’, take Energy Business (ENB1C, 5 ec) instead of Capita Selecta Finance and

Accounting (CSF1C).

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6.2.8 Assessment Schemes Articulation Programme IB - 2018-2019

Harmonisation semester and Placement

Module Period Offered

Osiris code

European Credits

Minimum grade

Harmonisation Semester

Introduction 3 1 IBVB06INT3C 1 Pass

Language 1 (DUA or GEA) 1 IBVP16DUA1A







International Marketing Management


2 2

5.5 5.5

English Presentation Skills 1 IBVP16EPS1C IBVP16EPS1D

0 2

Pass 5.5

English Business Report Writing Skills 1

1 IBVP12ERS1A 2 5.5

Management Accounting 2 1 IBVB13MAC2A 4 5.5

Business Research Methods 2 IBVB11BRM1A 2 5.5

Inductive Statistics 2 IBVB13STA2A 2 5.5

Behaviour, Management and Organisation 2


2 2

5.5 5.5

English Business Report Writing Skills 2

2 IBVB13ERS2C 3 5.5

Language 2 (DUA or GEA) 2 IBVP16DUA2A IBVP16DUA2B



2 1


5.5 Pass


Subtotal Harmonisation Semester 30

Placement Semester

Placement 3+4 IBVB12PLM1C 30 Pass

Subtotal Placement Semester 30

Total Harmonisation and Placement Articulation Programme


Graduation year Articulation Programme The Graduation year of the Articulation Programme is identical to the Graduation year for regular IB students. Please refer to chapter 6.2.7 above.

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6.2.9 Assessment Schemes Double Degree Haaga-Helia

Incoming students

Module Period Offered

Osiris code

European Credits

Minimum grade

Haaga-Helia Foundation Programme

Haaga-Helia Foundation Programme IBVB16HHF1 60 Pass

Subtotal 60

Module Period Offered

Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Semester 1

Introduction 3 3 IBVB06INT3C 1 Pass

Dutch 1 3 LBVP18DUT1B 2 Pass

Business Research Methods 3 IBVB11BRM1A 2 5.5

Inductive Statistics 3 IBVB13STA2A 2 5.5

Intercultural Competence in Business 2


2 2

5.5 5.5

New Economic Realities 3 IBVB15NER1A 4 5.5

Dutch 2 4 LBVP18DUT2A 2 Pass

Intercultural Competence in Business 3

3+4 IBVB17ICB3C 2 Pass

Management Accounting 2 4 IBVB13MAC2A 4 5.5

Fundamental International Finance 4 IBVB15FIF1A 4 5.5

International Marketing Management


2 2

5.5 5.5

Subtotal Double Degree HH Sem1 31

Haaga Helia Graduation Minor

Graduation Minor11 1+2 30

Subtotal Graduation minor semester


Haag Helia Placement

Placement 3+4 IBVB16HPL1C 30 Pass

Subtotal HH Placement Semester 30

Haaga Helia Semester 7

Haaga Helia Graduation semester 1+2 IBVB16HGS1 15 Pass

Haaga Helia Graduation Poject 1+2 IBVB16HGP1 15 Pass

Total HH Semester 7 30

Total Double Degree Haaga Helia Programme


11 The Haaga-Helia Graduation Minors are the same as the IB Graduation Minors. Their assessment schemes can be found in

chapter 6.2.7.

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Outgoing students12

Module Period Offered

Osiris code (IBVB…)

European Credits

Minimum grade

Semester 1

Study Abroad Haaga-Helia 1+2 or 3+4 SAH1 27 Pass

Subtotal Double Degree HH Sem1 27

Specialization minor at Haaga-Helia13

Global Customer Relationship Management and Communication

1+2 or 3+4 SMH1 33 Pass

Financial Management for Global Business

1+2 or 3+4 SMH2 33 Pass

Global Supply Chain Management 1+2 or 3+4 SMH3 33 Pass

Human Resource Management for Global Business

1+2 or 3+4 SMH4 33 Pass

Subtotal Double Degree HH Sem2 33

Total Double Degree Haaga-Helia Programme


12 Scheme only contains the 60 EC done at Haaga-Helia 13 Student chooses one out of four specialization Minors offered

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6.3 Plagiarism and other irregularities

6.3.1 Plagiarism The prevention, detection and punishment of plagiarism are good practice in terms of learning, teaching and assessment. IBS has a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that plagiarism does not happen, or is dealt with appropriately if it does. Simply saying “students should not do it” is not good enough. Definition of plagiarism? It is difficult to give a simple, universally applicable definition. Different disciplines and institutions have varying traditions and conventions: for instance what might be considered ‘common knowledge’ and thus not need referencing by an expert in a subject is different from that same knowledge when cited by a novice first-year student. However, a widely shared understanding is that plagiarism occurs when someone tries to pass off someone else’s work, thoughts or ideas as their own, whether deliberately or not, without appropriate acknowledgement. It is important to recognise that plagiarism does not just apply to written work - whether essays, reports, dissertations or laboratory results - but can also apply to plans, projects, designs, music, presentations or other work presented for assessment. Plagiarism is seen as being particularly harmful because it undermines the whole basis of scholarly academic values, and undermines academic standards and the credibility of awards. Whilst plagiarism is not new, the ready availability of material on the internet and the explosion of information in some areas have raised concerns that students are making extensive use of ‘copy and paste’ functions available to them. A final issue is that, with the growing diversity of students in higher education - whether by age, educational background or national origin (including international students on exchange programmes) - they may have different understandings of what plagiarism is, and not understand what conventions apply and why. Plagiarism procedure As a rule, all written assignments, reports, etc. leading to a grade or a pass/fail for an Osiris code, must be submitted both on paper (in hardcopy) and through Ephorus (a computer application that checks documents for similarities with other sources). To submit the assignment, report, etc. through Ephorus, students need to access Ephorus via the Blackboard course of the specific module. If a teacher suspects plagiarism, he will deal with it: it is cheating! He will inform the Exam Board who will then, after providing the student with an opportunity to be heard, determine if plagiarism was indeed committed and if so, determine the appropriate sanction. The Exam Board classifies the observed plagiarism and other irregularities in one of the following categories: 1. Opportunistic cheating. Opportunistic cheating is understood to mean any act or neglect during examinations that includes obtaining or passing information unlawfully, copying, or giving opportunity to copy. The examination (paper) of a student who is found guilty of these practices will be declared null and void.

2. Premeditated cheating and Plagiarism 2a Premeditated cheating Any premeditated act or neglect during an examination to obtain or pass information unlawfully, such as the usage of forbidden aids or crib notes, giving opportunity to use forbidden aids and crib note. The examination (paper) of a student who is found guilty of these practices will be declared null and void and the student will be barred from taking this examination for (up to) a period of one year. 2b Plagiarism The copying of (parts of) texts from others without proper referencing or intentionally pretending the authenticity of fake interviews or false data from research.

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3. Criminal Fraud (theft, embezzlement, forgery) Any act or neglect intended to obtain or pass on information unlawfully, which is based on any form of theft, embezzlement or forgery; the complete copying of documents from others and offering it for evaluation under one’s own name; the forging of a signature from an assessor; wrongfully indicating or making an indication of presence (e.g. on an attendance list); next to anything the student has done or not done at falsifying the submitted work or the awarded grade result. The student will be punished by being barred from taking examinations for a period of one year. Repeated acts of plagiarism can lead the Exam Board to set a higher penalty within the boundaries of the law. 6.3.2 The use of (parts of) assignments for other assessments

Students are not permitted to submit parts or the entire assignment from one assessment of a module to an assessment of another module. This rule applies to all assignments, study reports, Placement reports (whether produced as a project for the Placement company or to satisfy the regulations for completion of a Placement), project reports and/or Graduation Project. For example, parts of a Placement report may not be used in a Graduation Project; parts or the whole of an assignment report from module ‘X’ may not be submitted to obtain a grade for module ‘Y’. 6.4 Rules for the proper conduct of examinations

Students must be aware of the rules and regulations laid down in the Examination protocol, which is chapter 5 of the Hanze Student Charter. This Examination protocol is added to this Prospectus in Appendix 1. In addition to this, there are some IBS specific rules:

for multiple choice exams, it is not allowed to write the answers on the exam paper itself. Students are only allowed to circle their answer and use the answer sheet. Not sticking to these rules will lead to an Exam Board case.

It is not permitted to go to the toilet during exams.

6.5 Exams 6.5.1 Enrolling for exams Students have two opportunities per assessment per academic year. Enrolling for exams is obligatory. Enrolling for exams is done in Osiris. Students are always responsible for checking their enrolment in Osiris themselves for all exams they would like to take in a period. If a student is not enrolled, he is not allowed to take the exam. At IBS it is not possible for students to enrol themselves for modules in Osiris. The IBS Administration staff enrols students for modules in Osiris based on their programme and Osiris study plan (see chapter 11). If a student has been enrolled by the IBS Administration Staff for a module in Osiris, this student will be automatically enrolled for the first two exams of the module that take place in the period(s) concerned. Enrolment for exams is limited to a maximum of two opportunities per assessment per academic year. It is important that students de-enrol for an exam if they decide not to take the exam in that period after all. If a student does not take an exam and has not de-enrolled for it, it will be listed in Osiris as MO = Missed Opportunity (in Dutch GK: “gemiste kans”) so the student will have one opportunity less for that assessment in that academic year. De-enrolling is possible up to two days prior to the written exam.

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For written exams, the instructions and deadlines for exam enrolment will be communicated via Hanze.nl; students can find them via hanze.nl > Education > International Business School > Practical matters > Exam Schedules. Students can enrol for an exam up to and including the 15th calendar day prior to the exam date. For oral exams, students can find the procedure for enrolling on Blackboard, with the course for that particular module.

6.5.2 Exam dates, times and locations

Exam dates, times and locations for written exams can be found in the exam schedules on Hanze.nl (access www.hanze.nl > Education > International Business School > Practical matters > Exam schedules). Exam dates are set at the start of the academic year; exam times and locations are added later, when the final exam schedule for the period concerned is published. Exams can take place during day time or occasionally in the evenings and students must be able to show a sufficient form of identification (i.e. a valid passport) in order to participate in the exam. Exams are not permitted outside the Exam Board designated times or locations. Students cannot approach IBS staff requesting permission to complete an exam at another time or location, or to receive an alternative type of assessment. This includes students who were not allowed into the exam location (were late for the exam, had insufficient identification), were removed from the exam location or failed the exam. To ensure consistency and fairness to all students, the official IBS policy is that no alternative assessment outside the Exam Board designated assessments (see Assessment Schemes) are permitted.

6.6 Frequency of assessments IBS students have two chances per assessment per academic year. Information about resitting an assessment that a student already has passed can be found in chapter 6.1.2.

6.6.1 First Year modules of the four year bachelor programme In their first year of enrolment, First Year students have two opportunities for assessments. Students who, after their first year of enrolment, meet the requirements to avoid an NBSA (negative binding study advice, see chapter 7), but have not yet obtained all 60 credits from the First Year, have one resit opportunity for the assessments of missing First Year modules in the first semester of their second year of enrolment. For written exams and modules which are not part of one of the longitudinal lines First year of enrolment The resit opportunity in the first year of enrolment is offered:

A. resits of modules offered in period 1: period 3 during exams week B. resits of modules offered in period 2: period 4, week 7 or exams week C. resits of modules offered in period 3: period 4, week 7 or exams week D. resits of modules offered in period 4: period 4, exam weeks

For details about the procedure and deadlines for assessments, other than written exams, please refer to the Blackboard site of the module concerned. Second year of enrolment Students who, after their first year of enrolment, meet the requirements to avoid an NBSA (negative binding study advice, see chapter 7), but have not yet obtained all 60 EC from the First Year, have one resit opportunity for the missing First Year modules in the first semester of their second year of enrolment. The

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resit exam planning 2019-2020 will be published on Hanze.nl in June 2019 (International Business School > Practical matters > exam schedules of IBS) For written exams and modules which are part of one of the longitudinal lines First year of enrolment The resit opportunity in the first year of enrolment is offered:

A. resits of modules offered in period 1: period 2 during exams week B. resits of modules offered in period 2: period 3, week 7 or exams week C. resits of modules offered in period 3: period 4, week 7 or exams week D. resits of modules offered in period 4: period 4, exam weeks

Second year of enrolment Students who, after their first year of enrolment, meet the requirements to avoid an NBSA (negative binding study advice, see chapter 7), but have not yet obtained all 60 EC from the First Year, have one resit opportunity for the missing First Year modules in the first semester of their second year of enrolment. The resit exam planning 2019-2020 will be published on Hanze.nl in June 2019 (International Business School > Practical matters > exam schedules of IBS).

First Year projects There are two projects in the First Year, the External Environment project and the Internal Environment project. During their First Year students will receive information about when and how to resit these projects. 6.6.2 First Year modules of the three year bachelor programme taught in English First year of enrolment In their first year of enrolment, First Year students only have one resit opportunity for modules. For written exams the resit opportunity in the first year of enrolment is offered:

A. resits of modules offered in period 1: period 2, exams week B. resits of modules offered in period 2: period 3, exams week C. resits of modules offered in period 3: period 4, exams week D. resits of modules offered in period 4: period 4, exam weeks

For assessments, other than written exams, the resit opportunity in the first year of enrolment is offered shortly after the first opportunity. For details about the procedure and deadlines please refer to the Blackboard site of the module concerned. After the first year of enrolment Students who, after their first year of enrolment, meet the requirements to avoid an NBSA (negative binding study advice, see chapter 7), but have not yet obtained all 60 EC from the First Year, have to complete their first year programme before they are allowed to start with their Graduation project (GPJ1). Students may resit assessments during their Year Abroad within the framework of rules and regulations in this Prospectus , see Chapter 6.6.6. The resit opportunities in the Graduation Year are offered as follows:

A. one resit opportunity before the start of period 3 to allow students to complete their first year programme in time to start the Graduation project without study delay; This will be implemented as of Academic Year 2019-2020. In 2018-2019 two exam opportunities will still be offered in the first semester, because that was communicated to students who were abroad in 2017-2018.

B. regular resit opportunities in period 3 and 4

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6.6.3 First Year modules of the three year bachelor programme taught in German (BW) Klausuren, mündliche Prüfungen und Assignments, Projekte, etc., welche keine Anwesenheit voraussetzen Das erste Jahr der Immatrikulation Im Grundstudium können Studenten alle Klausuren und die mündlichen Prüfungen wie folgt wiederholen:

a. während der Prüfungswochen in Periode 2 für die Module, wofür ein Student in Periode 1 angemeldet war (einschließlich DUG1)

b. während der Prüfungswochen in Periode 3 für die Module, wofür ein Student in Periode 2 angemeldet war (einschließlich DUG2)

c. während der Prüfungswochen in Periode 4 (Juni) für die Module, wofür ein Student in Periode 3 angemeldet war

d. während der Resitrunde in Periode 4 (Juli) für die Module, wofür ein Student in Periode 4 angemeldet war

Weitere Einzelheiten zur Prozedur und Deadlines sind auf der betreffenden Blackboardseite zu finden. Module/Aufgaben (Assigments), die Anwesenheitspflicht im Unterricht voraussetzen Die Prozedur und Deadlines sind auf der betreffenden Blackboardseite zu finden. Integriertes Projekt im Grundstudium Die Prozedur und Deadlines sind in dem Handbuch für das integrierte Projekt (verfügbar auf Blackboard) zu finden.

6.6.4 Post-Propaedeutic Phase modules Students have two chances per assessment per academic year, so enrolment for assessments in the Post-Propaedeutic Phase is limited to a maximum of two opportunities per assessment per academic year. Students have to enrol themselves in Osiris for resits. Information about resitting an already passed assessment can be found in chapter 6.1.2. Written exams Students can take a written exam every time the module is offered, and in the Post-Propaedeutic Phase resit-round at the end of the academic year. The Post-Propaedeutic Phase resit-round at the end of the academic year consists of several weeks that are separated by the summer break: the Post-Propaedeutic Phase resits take place partly in the last working week(s) before the summer break and partly at the end of August. Languages 3, 4, 5 and 6 Resits of languages 3 and 4 are offered in the exam weeks of the period after the period in which the language module is offered.

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Assignments, projects, etc. that do not require class attendance These assignments can be re-taken every time the module concerned is offered, and in the resit-round after period 4, with a maximum of two assessment opportunities per academic year. Students who want to take a resit, can find the exact information on enrolling, forming of groups etc. on the Blackboard course of that particular module. Please be aware: if the original assignment was a group assignment, the teacher can ask the students to do the new assignment in a group as well. The specific rules concerning the groups (e.g. minimum number of participants, division of nationalities, etc.) will be published on the Blackboard course of the specific module.

Assignments, projects etc. that do require class attendance Projects and assignments that require class attendance, with a maximum of two assessment opportunities per academic year, can only be re-taken by attending classes again. If this is the case, it is mentioned explicitly in the Course Outline by stating the following (or something similar): “Due to the nature of this course/this part of the course, this can only be retaken next time it is offered”. In that case students must send a request for a course resit enrolment to the IBS Administration in the two weeks before the start of the period in which the course takes place again. The IBS Administration will then register the student in Osiris. Second language modules (DUA/DUB, FRA, GEA, SPA/SPB) These languages concern languages 3, 4, 5 and 6. These modules are not offered in both semesters; students can take the assessment in the period in which the module is offered, and in the exam weeks of the period after the period the language module is offered. 6.6.5 Articulation Programme students For Articulation Programme students, First Year modules are part of their programme and thus considered to be Post-Propaedeutic Phase modules. Therefore the resit opportunity rules described under 6.6.1 do not apply. 6.6.6 Shopping students Please refer to chapter 4.2.4. 6.6.7 Resitting assessments during the Year Abroad Students may resit assessments during their Year Abroad within the framework of rules and regulations in this Prospectus. However, it is the responsibility of a student to manage this process, not the responsibility of IBS. Students need consent from their Placement company ensuring that the resit does not interfere with the Placement. If the year planning of the Study Abroad partner institution allows, students may return for a resit. In both cases, students need to be enrolled in Osiris for the assessments they want to resit; see 6.4.1. for details regarding enrolment exams. Students are not allowed to follow courses at IBS next to their Placement and/or Study Abroad.

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7. Study advice in the First Year The Higher Education and Research Act (in Dutch WHW) states that the school must give a negative binding advice to students who do not meet the passing criteria for the First Year. This can be given after one year of enrolment. The student who receives a negative binding study (NBSA) advice must leave the study programme and cannot re-apply at the same school. The following criteria apply to all students starting in the IB programme within the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen in the academic year 2018-2019. For the four year bachelor programme:

1. A student receives a negative binding study advice when he has earned less than 48 of the credits required for the First Year (including the credits for exemptions) at the end of four periods of study (including the resit rounds after two and four periods of study).

2. Students have to complete their first year programme before they are allowed to go on Study Abroad or Placement (PTGS and PTGP, see paragraph 8.3.1 of this prospectus).

The NBSA will be preceded with a written warning: in the first year of enrolment all students concerned will receive a warning after two periods of study. For the three year bachelor programme:

1. A student receives a negative binding study advice when he has earned less than 48 of the credits required for the First Year (including the credits for exemptions) at the end of four periods of study (including the resits offered).

2. Students have to complete their first year programme before they are allowed to start with their Graduation project (GPJ1).

The NBSA will be preceded by a written warning: in the first year of enrolment all students concerned will receive a warning after two periods of study. For all students: A student who has enrolled in September will not receive an NBSA if he is de-enrolled from the IB programme before February 1st of his first year of enrolment. In some cases, upon the basis of ‘personal (extenuating) circumstances’, a student can get extra time to meet the requirements to avoid an NBSA. Details about this can be found in Appendix 1 at the back of this IB Prospectus under Article 4.14 through 4.16. If a student pleads personal circumstances, as referred to in Article 4.16.1, he must inform the student counsellor (tel. 050 - 595 4028, room F302, Zernikeplein 7) of these circumstances as soon as they arise, if possible, and in any case before the study advice is issued. Extenuating circumstances must also be reported in writing to the secretary of the IBS Exam Board. In IBS, informing the Academic Advisor does not suffice. IBS Negative Binding Study Advice Procedure

a. By the end of period 4, after four periods of study, all students who have not yet rounded off the First Year will receive an email stating the intention of the IBS Dean to issue an NBSA to students who do not fulfil the requirements. This email will include an invitation to be heard by the IBS Dean and/or IBS Exam Board. For students in the four year bachelor programme this is repeated before the resit round after six periods of study (see point 2 for this group above).

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b. Based on the outcome of the hearing, the IBS Dean, taking into account the advice of the IBS Exam Board, will decide if an NBSA will be issued or not. Each case will be reviewed under the following guidelines: hearing with the student, and -on request of the student- the input of the Hanze Student Counsellor assigned to the case. Next to this, the student’s Academic Advisor can be involved. If a student claims extenuating circumstances, an NBSA will not be issued if, and only if, the IBS Dean finds that the extenuating circumstances were the main cause of the student’s under-performance (after obtaining advice from the Student Counsellor’s Office where necessary).

c. Students may appeal against rejection decisions with the Student Appeals Board. The correspondence address of the Student Appeals Board is: Bureau Klachten en Geschillen, Postbus 70030 (ZP7, F308), 9704 AA Groningen. E-mail: [email protected] Students are advised to consult the Hanze Student Counsellor (F302, Zernikeplein 7, tel. 050 595 4028) to obtain advice regarding the appeals procedure.

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8. Study Abroad, Placement and Graduation project

In the set-up of the IBS bachelor programme, three major curriculum components take place largely outside the IBS classroom: the Study Abroad semester, the Placement and the Graduation Project. The Study Abroad semester and Placement together form the Year Abroad. For students in the four year bachelor programme this is their third year. For students in the three year bachelor programmes it is their second year. Students who want to start with a Graduation Minor as of September 1, 2018 must have completed all credits from either Study Abroad or Placement before being allowed to start with the Graduation Minor. Furthermore, four year bachelor students need to have at least 50 credits obtained from Year 2. The Graduation Project is designed to be the final assignment of the IBS bachelor programme. It is part of the Graduation semester, the final semester for both the four and the three year bachelor programmes. 8.1 Study Abroad

The Study Abroad semester will be spent at one of the IBS partner schools where students have the possibility to study subjects that are not offered in the IBS programme. Students who plan to start and/or complete their Study Abroad semester during the academic year 2018-2019 should refer to the Study Abroad Course Outline (SAB1) as well as that of the related Intercultural Competence in Business 3 (ICB3) for more specific information. The proposed study programme (course selection) has to be equivalent to 30 credits; this includes 2 credits for the course Intercultural Competence in Business 3 at IBS. Courses offered by partner schools with similar content to the compulsory IB courses will not be approved and if indeed taken, students will not receive an exemption from taking the compulsory IB course. Students may discover, upon arrival at the partner school, that the defined study programme they had in mind is not possible. Scheduling constraints, unexpected changes to academic programmes, or course prerequisites can result in changes to be made to the student’s study plan. Students are expected to select other courses, and propose the changes to their IBS supervisor within the first week of their start of class at the host institution. More details on the Study Abroad semester and the relevant procedures and regulations can be found in paragraph 8.3 of this prospectus and on Blackboard (hanze.nl > Quick launch > Blackboard > Courses > IB - Year Abroad – Study Abroad and Placement). In principal, all students in the 3 Year bachelor programme do their Study Abroad before they do their Placement. Students who do not get Permission to Go on Study Abroad (PTGS) are allowed to do their Placement before their Study Abroad if they meet the Placement requirements by mid-July. Minor Upon fulfilment of the Study Abroad requirements, IBS students will receive a minor if they meet one of the following requirements:

If the student has achieved at least 20 EC at the partner school, the student will acquire a minor in " Business and Culture in……… (country where they studied)".

If the student did a thematically unified study programme while abroad i.e. at least 20 EC were done in one knowledge area, for instance International Marketing, the student may apply for a minor in that knowledge area, e.g. "International Marketing” (which then replaces the minor "Business and Culture in……..").

Upon completion of an entire formal minor at the partner school, the student may apply for recognition of this minor by IBS.

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Please note that the credits have to be earned while abroad and that a student’s minor cannot be the same as his/her graduation minor at IBS.

In all other cases students will not receive a minor, but their grade will state: “Study Abroad in … (country where they studied)”. IBS cannot guarantee beforehand that the student can study a certain minor at the institution abroad. Too many variables, that IBS has no control over, can be in place. For example, changes of study plans and curricula, schedule changes etc. However, it is possible to have the study plan for the Study Abroad checked beforehand for the possibility of earning a certain minor (other than Business and Culture in……..). To obtain approval for this, students should send the proposed study plan, Course Outlines and a note from the IBS Study Abroad Supervisor (responsible for the school the student will be studying at) stating his opinion on the matter, to the Study Abroad coordinator. Please be aware that once students arrive at the institution abroad, they may find that they have to make changes in their study plan. In that case they can do the same again: ask the Study Abroad coordinator and always include the opinion of the IBS Study Abroad Supervisor. Students with a nationality that is not Dutch are allowed to do their Study Abroad semester in the Netherlands. In case of multiple nationalities, the nationality used for admission to the IB programme is the deciding nationality. They can either stay at IBS to earn a minor in European Business, take the minor Sustainable Energy Professional or one of the minors offered by the other Hanze schools. In Osiris all available minors are listed with a remark from IBS as to whether a minor is recommended or not. Students who take a minor at an alternative school at the Hanze should register for this minor in Osiris via www.hanze.nl. Students who take the IBS European Business minor or the minor Sustainable Energy Professional should contact the IBS Administration Staff member for the Year Abroad before June 1st (for September start) or December 1st (for February start).

8.2 Placement

Students are responsible for finding and securing a suitable placement position in a company outside their country of nationality (in case of multiple nationalities, the nationality used for admission to the IB programme is the deciding nationality). IBS regularly releases placement offers, previous student reports and shared experiences of fellow students. In addition, IBS will provide assistance if a student runs into problems (as long as the problems are not of the student’s own making). The duration of a student’s placement should be the equivalent of a full-time workload (i.e. 35-40 hours per week) for a period between five and six months. Students who plan to start and/or complete their placement abroad during the academic year 2017-2018 should refer to the Placement Course Outline (PLM1) and related Blackboard site for more specific information: (hanze.nl > Quick launch > Blackboard > Courses > IB - Year Abroad – Study and Placement). In the 4 Year bachelor programme, one of the second year modules is designed to help students make an adequate resume/CV and application letter, as well as to prepare a placement search strategy. 8.3 Rules and procedures for Study Abroad and Placement

The basic rule for study and placement abroad is the same for all enrolled students: students have to do both their study and their placement semester in a country that is not their home country (country of nationality*) specifically: Dutch students: Must do their study semester in one of the IBS partner schools abroad and must do their placement outside the Netherlands; Non-Dutch students: May stay in the Netherlands or go abroad for both the study and the placement semester as long as it is not in their country of nationality. Non-Dutch students remaining in the Netherlands

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for their Study Abroad may enrol in the IBS Minor European Business (International Semester) or any other approved study programme. 8.3.1 Permission to go on Study Abroad (PTGS) and Permission to go on Placement (PTGP) All students planning to start their Year Abroad are required to keep themselves informed by reading the information available on Blackboard (hanze.nl > Quick launch > Blackboard Learn> Courses > IB - Year Abroad – Study and Placement). Year Abroad procedures for PTGS and PTGP for students who started their Post-Propaedeutic Phase studies before September 2018: please refer to the Prospectus 2017-2018 which is available via the Hanze website (hanze.nl > Education > International Business School > Practical matters > Manuals and booklists). for students in the 4 Year bachelor programme who started their Post-Propaedeutic Phase studies in the academic year 2017-2018, and for students in the 3 Year bachelor programmes who started at IBS in the academic year 2017-2018: Students are only allowed to go abroad when permission is granted, i.e. when students meet the criteria as specified below. Obtaining PTGS/PTGP allows a student to start the Year Abroad (Study Abroad or Placement). Not obtaining PTGS/PTGP can create a serious study delay, as it means that until the PTGS/PTGP criteria are met, a student will not be allowed to go abroad. For students in the 4 Year bachelor programme, PTGS is given when a student has

formally completed the First Year;

received 20 European credits (EC) in the Second Year including the language 3 or 4 (LNG3 or 4) module.

For Study Abroad, there are fixed deadlines before which a student must have received his PTGS.

For students planning their Study Abroad in February, the PTGS must be obtained before mid-September preceding the start of the Study Abroad in February.

For students planning their Study Abroad in September, the PTGS must be obtained before March 1st , preceding the start of the Study Abroad in September of the same year.

Non-Dutch students remaining in the Netherlands for their Study Abroad, receive PTGS when they have:

formally completed the First Year;

received 48 European credits (EC) in the Second Year including three out of the four Second Year language modules.

For students planning their Study Abroad in the Netherlands in the Fall/Autumn semester, the PTGS must be obtained on the first day of week 1 of period 1 (period 3 for students planning to do their Study Abroad in the Netherlands in the Spring semester). Students who stay at IBS for their Study Abroad (Minor European Business or Minor The Transition Professional in Action) need to contact the IBS Administration Staff by email ([email protected]) before June 1st. (for September start) or December 1st (for February start). For students in the 4 Year bachelor programme, PTGP is given when a student has

formally completed the First Year;

received 48 European credits (EC) in the Second Year including three out of the four Second Year language modules.

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For placement, PTGP can be given to a student at any time, when a student who fulfils these criteria applies for it. A student can start looking for a placement before receiving his PTGP. PTGP will be required when the student starts his placement. Students in the Articulation programme do not need to obtain Permission to Go on Placement as they are all at the third year level when entering IBS. For students in the three year bachelor programmes, PTGS and PTGP are given when a student has

not received an NBSA after one year of study;

obtained at least 48 European credits (EC) in his first year.

for BW students only: including three out of four language modules from year 1

All students in the three year bachelor programmes have to do their Study Abroad before they go on their Placement. They apply for Study Abroad before 1 March during their first year of studies. However, a credit check will be done in week 5 of period 3 (after the exam review for the resits of period 2) and if a student has not achieved 20 out of 30 EC from the first year by that time, he will not be able to go on study abroad in September of the next academic year. The PTGS must be obtained before mid-July preceding the start of the Study Abroad in September.

Non-Dutch students remaining in the Netherlands for their Study Abroad, receive PTGS when they have:

not received an NBSA after one year of study;

have obtained at least 48 European credits (EC).

for BW students only: including three out of four language modules from year 1 Students who stay at IBS for their Study Abroad (Minor European Business or Sustainable Energy Professional) need to contact the IBS Administration Staff by email ([email protected]) before June 1st. (for September start) or December 1st (for February start).

For placement, PTGP can be given to a student at any time, when a student who fulfils these criteria applies for it. A student can start looking for a placement before receiving his PTGP. PTGP will be required when the student starts his placement. 8.3.2 Year Abroad procedures for Study Abroad Allocation System Due to the fact that the number of study places at the most popular partner institutions is limited, IBS needs a selection system that allows each student a reasonable chance to obtain a study place of their preference. IBS uses the following system:

Students list up to ten preferred partner schools on the PTGS application form, ranked from 1 to 10. As students can never be guaranteed the study place of their first choice, they are advised to be very careful in listing their subsequent choices as well.

The Study Abroad allocation takes place once per academic year, in March. All study places for the following academic year are then allocated to IBS students. Students who plan to start their Study Abroad in 2019-2020 must apply for their Study Abroad by March 1st 2019, without fail.

All students are ranked 1. According to their academic performance14

14 The academic performance and the weighted average grade:

- for students in the four year bachelor programme, this is based on the credits/grades earned in their first year of enrolment in IBS;

- for students in the three year bachelor programmes, this is based on the credits/grades earned in their first semester of enrolment in IBS. The period 2 resits of Year 1 will not be taken into account for the ranking.

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2. According to the weighted average grade14

The study places will be allocated to students as based on their position on the ranking list. Students highest on the ranking list are students who study within the official time period with no delays and who have the best academic performance. Of this group, the students with the highest weighted average grade will rank highest in the list. An example of the ranking list can be found on Blackboard (hanze.nl > Quick launch > Blackboard > Courses > IB- Year Abroad > Study and Placement). Additional information:

The study place allocation procedure is not related to the PTGS status of students.

Students will receive study places for September and are only allowed to go if they have Permission to Go on Study Abroad (PTGS) in the beginning of March. The exact date will depend on the date of the exam review of the resit exams. The actual date will be published on BlackBoard.

In March, study places for February (four year bachelor programme) are allocated on a provisional basis only; the student will be allowed to go after receiving PTGS by mid-September. The exact date will depend on the date of the exam review of the resit exams. The actual date will be published on BlackBoard. The PTGS status of students will therefore be automatically reviewed in September.

The weighted average grade is calculated from the weighted grades for all modules from the first year / semester of enrolment in IBS (excluding modules graded with a pass ‘P’ (‘V’ in Dutch) and the modules for which the student was granted an exemption), using the number of credits as a weighting factor.

Students in the four year bachelor programme who did not do the (full) First Year at IBS are dealt with individually. The Study Abroad coordinator will calculate the average grade based on other available grades (obtained in or outside of IBS): if a student skipped the First Year, the grades of the Second year will be used; in all other cases the grades of the institution that gave admittance to IBS will be used.

For an example of the average grade calculation, please refer to Blackboard (hanze.nl > Quick launch > Blackboard > Courses > IB- Year Abroad > Study and Placement).

8.4 Graduation Project

The Graduation Project, consisting of GPJ1 and GPJ2, is designed to be the final assignment of the IBS bachelor programme. In this module, students apply their skills and theoretical knowledge to the solution of a business problem. Students are required to complete an individual project (group projects are not an option). The individual research project should be a research/consultancy project for a company or a group of companies, resulting in a written report containing recommendations and a presentation/defence. It is the responsibility of the students to acquire their own projects. The graduation project is worth 22 EC per student, which is equal to a workload of 616 hours (28 hours per credit) to be spent per student. A student in the 4 Year bachelor programme must have achieved 144 credits (EC) of the Post-Propaedeutic Phase including BRM1/WFM1 before being allowed to participate in the Graduation Project. Students in the 3 Year bachelor programme must have completed their First Year and obtained at least 84 credits in the Post-Propaedeutic Phase. Credits for the Excellence programme do not count as part of the 144 / 84 credits. IBS prefers its students to obtain business experience in different companies. Therefore, IBS strongly advises students to do their Graduation Project in a different company than the Placement company. This is an opportunity for students to add to their business experience, making them more valuable to future employers.

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If a student would like to do the Graduation Project in the same company in which they did their Placement, they need to show that the (research) project is different from the activities done during the Placement. Doing a GPJ in the student’s own business. Students who are interested in doing their Graduation Project in their own company, have the possibility to participate in project Value050. Value050 is an organisation that advises on and provides support with the design of a graduation project in which both the required research level of the bachelor thesis and entrepreneurship development are effectively combined. IB students can apply if their Graduation Project meets the international requirements of IBS. Furthermore, the student must have permission from the IBS Exam Board. More information about Value050 and how to apply can be found on the website of Value050. Handbook The IBS Graduation Project Handbook provides important information about the rules, regulations and procedures for the Graduation Project. For the Handbook and other information relating to the Graduation Project, please refer to Blackboard (hanze.nl > Quick launch > Blackboard > Courses > IBS Graduation Project).

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9. Academic Advice/Study Advice 9.1 Introduction IBS offers study mentoring, called academic advice, throughout all phases of the IB programme. In the First Year, academic advice concentrates on following students’ study progress, helping students cope with the transfer to higher education and determining if the IB programme is suitable for the student in general. In subsequent years, the Study Advisor discusses study planning issues with the students and helps them to solve problems and interpret IBS rules. 9.2 Assignment of an Academic Advisor/Study Advisor In Year 1 all students are assigned an Academic Advisor (AA). Students can find out who their AA is via Osiris. Students can make an appointment with their AA by sending him/her an email. In case of emergencies, they can always try to contact their AA directly in his office. As of their second year, students no longer have an allocated Academic Advisor, they can consult one of the Study Advisors via email: [email protected]. Exchange students can contact their supervisor.

9.3 Tasks of an Academic Advisor/Study Advisor

a. Meet with the student to discuss study results; offer advice in the case of a possible Negative Binding Study Advice in the First Year; help answer the question: is IBS really the place for me?

b. Provide help and advice about solving larger problems that are related to the study, the educational system and the student’s general performance. The student can and should solve simpler ‘technical’ or administrative (e.g. applying for an exemption) matters himself by reading the information in this IB Prospectus, on Hanze.nl and Blackboard carefully, as well as obtaining the appropriate forms from the IBS Info Desk.

c. Advise the Exam Board regarding the withdrawal of a Negative Binding Study Advice. d. Alert the Dean and Team Managers about anticipated problems with the direction and content of the

IBS educational programme. e. Provide consultation regarding study planning.

9.4 The study planning process There are three parties involved in the study planning process: The student, his Academic Advisor/Study Advisor, and IBS Administration. Study planning itself consists of: a. Assigning modules, and/or specific classes/groups, to students This can only be done by IBS Administration. Students can never enrol for an IBS module in Osiris themselves. Registration in Osiris for a module means that the student is also enrolled for the first two exams of that module that take(s) place in the period concerned. b. Exam enrolment If the student is registered for a module in Osiris, he is also registered for the first two exams of that module. At all times the student himself is responsible for checking both his Osiris module registration and his Osiris exam registration, and for taking action if necessary. As soon as the course registration is completed an announcement will be placed on the Hanze website. As from that moment students should check their Osiris enrolment. On Monday, one week prior to a new period, students should send an email to IBS Administration ([email protected]) and copy-in their Academic Advisor/Study Advisor, to inform them about mistakes. If a student fails to do so, he might incur a study delay.

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10. Cum Laude For both First Year certificates and final diplomas, the IBS Exam Board can award the distinction of Cum Laude, providing students have completed the following requirements:

a. No more than 1/3 of the total number of credits required for the diploma concerned has been obtained with exemptions;

b. No more than two opportunities were used for each assessment. c. Examinations of units of study to which the pass/fail system is applied, must have been passed within

the nominal duration of studies. d. Where a marking scheme is applied, the average of all results must be at least 8.0, no mark may be

below 7.0 and the student must have completed his studies within the nominal duration of studies. e. Next to this, for the final diploma, the grade for the Graduation Project must be at least 8.0.

The weighing of the separate exams (number of ECs) is taken into account when calculating the average grade. Please note that results from the First Year are not taken into account when determining if the student meets the requirements for Cum Laude for the final diploma. Students in the 4 Year bachelor programme who do not achieve the Cum Laude for the First Year based on the above mentioned rules, may apply to the Exam Board for an exception to the cum laude rules for the First Year when all of the following requirements have been fulfilled:

1. Students have passed one of the projects in the First Year (either IBS or EBS) with a grade between 5.5 and 6.9;

2. Students must have passed all first year assessments within one academic year with no grade below a 7.0 (except for the project concerned), and with no more than two opportunities used for each assessment;

3. Students must have achieved a weighted average grade of 8.0 (without taking the grade for the project concerned into account).

This request must be submitted to the Exam Board within 1 month after obtaining the 60 EC for the First Year. Students in the 3 Year bachelor programmes who do not achieve the Cum Laude for the First Year based on the above mentioned rules, may apply to the Exam Board for an exception to the cum laude rules for the First Year when all of the following requirements have been fulfilled:

1. Students have passed one of the Business Lab modules in the First Year (either LAB1, LAB2, LAB3 or LAB4) with a grade between 5.5 and 6.9;

2. Students must have passed all first year exams within one academic year with no grade below a 7.0 (except for the Business Lab module concerned), and with no more than two opportunities used for each assessment;

3. Students must have achieved a weighted average grade of 8.0 (without taking the grade for the Business Lab module concerned into account).

This request must be submitted to the Exam Board within 1 month after obtaining the 60 EC for the First Year. No student against whom the Exam Board has taken a measure which deprives him the right to take one or more assessments at Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen shall be entitled to the classification ‘Cum Laude’.

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11. IBS Rules and Regulations 11.1 Class enrolment Students will be registered for the respective modules via Osiris, by the IBS Administration Staff. A student is allowed to attend the modules and/or assessments for which he is enrolled in Osiris, provided that the registration was made in line with the rules and regulations laid down in this Prospectus. In Osiris, students can find to which class they have been assigned. Students have the final responsibility for checking their registration and enrolment via Osiris to make sure they are enrolled for the appropriate modules and assessments. If that is not the case, students need to contact the IBS Administration Staff ([email protected]) Students have the right to attend a module only once (unless class attendance is required). A student can submit a request to the IBS Administration Staff to attend a module a second time. The IBS Administration Staff will check if this does not interfere with the rules and regulations and if there is space available in class. If these requirements are met, students will be placed in a class on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. The IBS Management reserves the right

to change a student’s registration prior to the start of classes due to class capacity related decisions.

to cancel a module or offer the module in an alternative way if the number of students is not sufficient.

to remove students from the classes if they do not have an approved study plan. 11.2 Study plans in Post-Propaedeutic Phase As a general rule, when they have a backlog, students should make a study plan with their Study Advisor. 11.2.1 Students in the four year bachelor programme As of their second year of enrolment, students who have incurred a backlog may take up to a maximum of 36 EC per semester (classes and assessments/resits) including missing credits from previous semesters (40 EC for students in the Graduation Year). The main focus should lie in finishing the remaining modules of the previous semesters and the second language (necessary for PTGS an PTGP). Students who, after their first year of enrolment, meet the requirements to avoid an NBSA (see chapter 7), can enter the Post-Propaedeutic Phase (Year 2). They will be registered for Year 2 modules in Osiris by the IBS Administration Staff, who assigns them to a sequence of blocks. Students who, after their first year of enrolment, meet the requirements to avoid an NBSA, but have not yet obtained all 60 EC from the First Year, must make a study plan for their backlog in the First Year. At IBS a student’s Osiris registration is considered as his study plan. Students have to check their Osiris registration overview and if it is not correct, discuss this with one of the Study Advisors. Changes in a student’s study plan will be communicated to the IBS Administration Staff, who will change the student’s registration for the module concerned. Detailed instructions about this procedure will be communicated to students via email and/or Hanze.nl. In normal circumstance these students are allowed to take modules from the Second year next to the modules from the First Year that they still need to pass. However, the total number of credits that these

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students are allowed to take, is limited to a maximum of 36 EC. If a student, for example, still has 12 EC open from the First Year, he can take up to 24 EC from the Second year in the first semester of the second year of enrolment in addition to the First Year credits. The IBS Administration Staff will register the student in Osiris both for the First Year classes that are included in the above mentioned Osiris study plan, and for the Second Year modules that he is allowed to take. Because a new IB programme starts in September 2018, modules of the former IBMS First Year programme will no longer be offered in 2018-2019. For information about how to complete the former IBMS First year programme please see paragraph 3.7 of this Prospectus. Students who, after their second year of enrolment, do not yet go on Placement or Study Abroad, must discuss their study planning with their Study Advisor so that, based on the outcome of that meeting, they can be registered for classes in Osiris by the IBS Administration staff . The Study Advisor will confirm to both the student and the IBS Administration Staff which modules the student can take and when.

Students going on Study Abroad or Placement are not permitted to follow courses next to their Study Abroad courses or Placement. Students who want to start with a Graduation Minor as of 1 September 2018 must have completed all credits from either Study Abroad or Placement before being allowed to start with the Graduation Minor. Furthermore, 4 Year bachelor students need to have at least 50 credits obtained from Year 2. Students returning from their Year Abroad and starting in the Graduation year in September need to give their choice of graduation minor before April 1st. Students starting in February in the Graduation year, will be asked to give their choice of graduation minor before November 1st . 11.2.2 Students in the three year bachelor programmes As of their second year of enrolment, students who have incurred a backlog may take up to a maximum of 36 EC per semester including missing credits from previous semesters (40 EC for students in the Graduation Year). The main focus should lie in finishing the remaining modules of the previous semesters. Students going on Study Abroad or Placement are not permitted to follow courses next to their Study Abroad courses or Placement. Students who want to start with a Graduation Minor as of September 1, 2018 must have completed all credits from either Study Abroad or Placement before being allowed to start with the Graduation Minor. Students returning from their Year Abroad and starting in the Graduation year in September need to give their choice of graduation minor before April 1st . Students starting in February in the Graduation year, will be asked to give their choice of graduation minor before November 1st . Switching between IBS programmes IBS offers three distinct programmes that all lead to a Bachelor of Business Administration: a four-year English-programme, a three-year German-taught programme and a three-year English-taught programme. Given the specific nature of these programmes students are not allowed to switch programmes during an academic year. Switching during an academic year is only possible in the First Year on the first two days of the introduction week in September. 11.3 Languages in the 4 Year bachelor programme Languages are part of the curriculum of the First and Second year of the 4 Year bachelor programme. First year students of the IB programme can choose from one of the following languages: Dutch, German, French and Spanish. Depending on the number of applicants, it is also possible to study Chinese or Italian.

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Second year students from the former IBMS programme can choose from one of the following languages: Dutch, German, French and Spanish. First year students who start with IB in September 2018 were informed about their language options after they had applied to IB in Studielink. They have been asked to give their language choice before June 1, 2018. Once chosen, students cannot change their choice of language. Students are not allowed to choose the official language of their country of origin. 11.4 Graduation 11.4.1 Criteria for Graduation A diploma will be granted to students who have passed each educational unit of the Post-Propaedeutic Phase (minimum grade of 5.5, or a sufficiency where a sufficient/insufficient system is used). This rule should be read in conjunction with the definitions of the appropriate Credits & Assessment Schedule and compliance with the Year Abroad rules and regulations which can be found on Blackboard (hanze.nl > Quick launch > Blackboard > Courses > Year Abroad – Study and Placement). For criteria regarding a ‘cum laude’ qualification, please refer to chapter 10 of this Prospectus and the Hanze Examination Regulations, Art. 4.13 (which can be found in Appendix 1). 11.4.2 How to apply for diploma It is compulsory to apply for diploma. Students who plan to graduate should complete an ‘Application for Diploma Form’ available via the Hanze website (www.hanze.nl > Education > International Business School > Practical matters > Diplomas and certificates > Bachelor diploma deadlines). Please adhere to the deadlines given here. For more information about the Graduation Project, please refer to Blackboard (hanze.nl > Quick launch> Blackboard > Courses >IBS Graduation Project).

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12. IBS Excellence programmes Hanze University Groningen offers additional challenges to talented and highly motivated students who wish to develop their talents beyond the scope of a regular curriculum. Students, who possess potential to excel not only academically, but also professionally and personally, can apply for admission to one of the IBS Excellence programmes. Students can only follow one Honours programme. Students from the 3 Year bachelor programmes cannot apply for the Excellence Programme. If a student from one of the 3 Year bachelor programmes wants to earn an Honours award he can contact IBS management to ask for the possibility to apply for an honours graduation project. In 2018-2019 IBS offers the following Excellence programme: Honours Talent Programme

For the tables of credits of these Excellence programme, please refer to chapter 4.3. Rules of Conduct The prevention, detection and punishment of plagiarism is good practice in terms of learning, teaching and assessment. IBS has a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that plagiarism does not occur or is dealt with appropriately if it does. Simply saying students should not do it, is not acceptable. For full details/definitions about plagiarism, please refer to chapter 6.3. It is important to recognize that plagiarism does not just apply to written work - whether essays, reports, dissertations or laboratory results - but can also apply to plans, projects, designs, music, presentations or other work presented for assessment. Plagiarism is seen as being particularly harmful because it undermines the whole basis of scholarly academic values, and undermines academic standards and the credibility of awards. If a teacher suspects plagiarism, he will inform the Exam Board who will then, after providing the student with an opportunity to be heard, determine if plagiarism was indeed committed and if so, determine the appropriate sanction. If an honours student is found to have plagiarised (in any part of their assessment at IBS), they will no longer be eligible to graduate with the honours title and they will be removed from the honours programme. 12.1 Honours Talent Programme The IBS Honours Talent Programme (HTP) is an opportunity open to IB students who possess potential to excel not only academically, but also professionally and personally. Any student meeting the criteria for the programme may apply. Applications for this programme will be assessed by the Honours admissions committee in June of each year. The Honours Talent Programme commences in the first semester of the Post Propaedeutic Phase of the IB 4 Year bachelor programme and continues for the duration of the study programme. The Honours Talent Programme consists of 30 EC in addition to those earned as part of the regular bachelor's degree programme and is to be followed concurrent with the regular IBS study periods. The IBS Honours Talent Programme centres the activities along three educational lines:

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Professional Depth: The focus of this line is upon deepening understanding in the area of International Business, based on the student’s future professional goals. This will be achieved via Advanced Business Content Projects, Seminars, Mentoring and the Capstone Defence.

Interdisciplinary: Offered every period in conjunction with the Hanze Honours College, students will participate in workshops broadening the participant’s awareness and ability to integrate knowledge from disciplines outside the scope of the IBMS/BW programme. Students will be allowed to choose the workshops which best suit their own professional or personal interest (in agreement with their mentor).

Community: As an Honours student, the student’s essential contribution to society at large, both as an individual and as part of the Honours community, will be a requirement of this programme. Whether abroad or here in Groningen, Honours students will play an active role in the activities surrounding this aspect.

Activities occur both in groups and independently. Some modules require attendance while others are planned according to the student’s individual schedules. Honours students will have the flexibility to create learning opportunities specifically geared to their own professional goals. Admission criteria The IBS Honours Talent Programme is an opportunity open to all IBMS four year bachelor students. Any student meeting the criteria for the programme may apply. Applications for the programme will be accepted if the student:

is, at the time of application, on track to complete the First year of the IB/BW study programme (60 EC). Failing to complete the full First year within one year may result in the withdrawal of the offer into honours. Applications will not be accepted if the student has more than 2 failing grades.

performs with a minimum grade point average of 6,5 in all courses followed at IBS during the First year.

Selection procedure A talented student, who has the motivation and potential to reach high levels of career success, would be described using a number of qualities. Therefore the programme selection will be based on a “total picture” of the candidate encompassing following areas:

academic record

personal motivation letter

verbal reference from First Year AA to the programme coordinator

self-reflection essay

challenge essay

personal and group interview Each aspect will be weighted on a “point scale” corresponding to the above criteria. These weightings will be conducted by the honours admissions committee, comprised of honours mentors and students. The students involved will be asked for their opinions (as a learning opportunity), but the mentors and coordinator will always make the final decisions regarding which students will be offered a place in the programme. The initial assessment of the portfolios is done using a ‘blind’ assessment, with only the coordinator knowing the identity of each applicant. Students who meet all requirements and achieve the highest total score, are invited to the interviews. The students are selected from the interview rounds, based upon a rating of their various competencies and development skills. Students are admitted to the programme on a space-available basis. Currently, enrolment for the programme is limited to 18 students per year (these are approximate figures, depending on the amount of applicants and suitability of these candidates in each round for the programme).

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Visiting Honours students from partner schools may be admitted during their time at IBS, on a space available (non-credit) basis. Removal of a student from the IBS Honours Talent Programme A student will be removed from the Honours Talent Programme if one, or more, of the following occurs:

The student does not show the "right" behaviour/attitude that is expected from an honours student. Behaviour of an honours student should be in line with the ‘Code of Conduct’ as stated in the start of chapter 12 of this prospectus and the Student Charter, chapter 8. Showing any of these behaviours will result in the student being removed from the honours programme.

The student does not perform sufficiently in the Honours Talent Programme (insufficient attendance, failing modules, etc.). An honours student will receive only one repair/resit opportunity for each part of the programme. If the student fails a second time, he will be removed from the programme.

Failure to meet the minimum requirement of completed honours credits may be viewed as insufficient progress within the programme. For the four year bachelor programme it is 12EC in year 2, 6EC in the year abroad, 12EC in the graduation year. If the student falls behind by more than 2EC in honours, he will be removed from the honours programme.

If the student incurs a study delay, and is unable to complete their IBMS bachelor degree within the nominal duration of studies (four years for the four year bachelor programme), he will be removed from the programme.

Students will only be permitted to attend their final Capstone presentation following successful completion of all required main phase credits for their bachelor programme.

If the student feels that there were extenuating circumstances, or disagrees with the decision, he can approach the IBS Exam Board.

Note Students involved in the Honours Talent Programme will also have lectures in the evening. Completion of the Programme Students will receive credits for each completed aspect of the programme. Only upon completion of the entire Honours Talent Programme and graduation from the IBMS bachelor’s programme will students receive an honours notation on the official diploma. Honours credits cannot be used to compensate/replace modules in the regular IB/BW study programme. or each completed aspect of the programme. Only upon completion of the entire Honours Talent Programme and graduation from the IB bachelor’s programme will students receive an honours notation on the official diploma. Honours credits cannot be used to compensate/replace modules in the regular IB study programme.

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Part II – (Former) International Business and Languages programme, year 2, 3, 4 Rules and regulations for academic year 2018-2019

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Introduction Welcome to IBS! IBS offers truly international education on a Bachelor as well as Master level. We welcome students of all nationalities and we certainly welcome diversity. Working and studying in an international environment is exciting, challenging and rewarding.

This Prospectus contains information about our School, our Bachelor programme, and the rules and regulations that apply to this programme. With staff and students from so many different cultural backgrounds, it is of extra importance to be clear about the rules and regulations that apply in our school. Please read this Prospectus carefully and use it as your reference in the case of questions about your study and IBS’ rules and regulations.

IBS started in 1988 with the first IB programme in the Netherlands, as the international version of the core economic bachelor programme at that time and is therefore proud to be the first International Business School in a Dutch University of Applied Sciences. The new programme was designed to reflect the Dutch open-mindedness concerning economics and cultures as well as the further development of the global perspective in business. Since its start, the number of students attending yearly has increased from approximately 100 in the beginning, to over 1800 today. The Hanze University is proud to have started the first IB programme in the Netherlands, an initiative that was followed by most other large Universities of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. A few years after starting the successful IB bachelor programme, IBS expanded with master programmes. Currently we offer an international Master in Business Administration (MBA) and a Master International Business & Management (MIBM). As of September 2018 we will be offering a Master of Science in Business Studies – Interdisciplinary Business Professional . An intensive, ground-breaking one-year international Master programme. All our programmes are truly international, in order to prepare you for a successful international business career. At IBS we strongly believe that our students are key stakeholders in our education. We welcome student participation in for example:

evaluation panels with the Heads of Education and coordinators: in these panels students provide valuable input that we need to further improve our education.

the Education Committee (EC): this committee consists of lecturers and students. It advises the Dean on proposed changes to our education and has the right of consent concerning the IBS prospectuses.

the School Representative Council (SRC): this is the formal body approving policy documents such as the School Year Plan and the School Strategic Plan.

the student union ‘IBS-U’

student jobs, such as staffing our Info Desk, or helping with specific projects. I wish you all the best in your study here at IBS. Regards, Drs. P.N. (Paul) Ganzeboom Dean IBS

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IBL wordt IB De opleidingen IBL en IBMS worden samengevoegd. Dit resulteert in een gemeenschappelijk jaar 1 International Business (IB) Voormalige IBL verhuist met studenten en docenten naar de School of International Business (IBS) Dit betekent dat de structuur voor IBL samenvalt met die van IBS. Bijvoorbeeld de examencommissie voor IBL is nu dezelfde als IBS. Daarom is deze OER gedeeltelijk in het Nederlands en gedeeltelijk in het Engels. De inhoud van de voormalige IBL opleiding wordt zoveel mogelijk hetzelfde gehouden. Applicability of the Prospectus

This IB Prospectus, together with the Course Outlines, Handbooks and the Student Charter form the Teaching and Exam Regulations, in Dutch: ‘de onderwijs- en examenregeling, de OER’. All of these documents are digitally available via intranet, (access www.hanze.nl > Education > International Business School), used by the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen.

Student Charter

Examination Regulations (Chapter 4)

IB Prospectus, Course Outlines & Handbooks

It is meant to provide a legal document regarding procedures specific to education at the International Business School (IBS) and more generally to the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen as a whole. It describes the study programme, International Business (IB), offered by IBS in English and the various rules and regulations that govern all aspects of studies at IBS. Where necessary, it also provides guidance and advice to students and staff on a variety of topics.

All official communication supplied by the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen and the International Business School (IBS) is done via intranet (access www.hanze.nl) including programmes accessible via Hanze.nl (e.g. Blackboard, Osiris). This up-to-date information is easily accessible and each student is required to have read the information published there.

The International Business (IB) programme is a merger of the former International Business and Languages (IBL) programme and the former International Business and Management Studies (IBMS) as from September 2018. Students who start their first year IB in September 2018 will follow the new IB curriculum. Students who started IBL or IBMS in 2017-2018 or before, will continue the former IBL and former IBMS curricula. The former programmes’ year 2 will be offered only in 2018-2019, year 3 will be offered for the last time in 2019-2020 and year 4 will be offered for the last time in 2020-2021. If a student does not pass a course the last time it is offered, het will have two more opportunities to do the assessment in the year after, but classes will no longer be offered. If the student has not passed after these extra opportunities he will have to repair by

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doing one or more extra courses, most likely in the new IB programme. The former IBL and IBMS curricula have been aligned with the new IB programme learning outcomes (PLOs). Because the former IBL programme is offered in Dutch the Rules and Regulations of the programme are partly in written in Dutch. This edition of the IB Prospectus, 2018-2019, applies to all students who are registered in the academic year 2018-2019. Changes to the programme, as compared with former editions of the Prospectus, do not affect the former study results of students: credits acquired in previous years remain valid. The International Business School reserves the right to declare previously awarded credits or exemptions invalid when the period of enrolment of a student exceeds the period of the nominal duration of the course, plus two years. Please be aware that some rules and regulations apply specifically to either the three year programme taught in German (some of the information in this prospectus is therefore written in German), the three year programme taught in English, the four year programme or the former IBL programme. Likewise, some rules and regulations apply specifically to First Year students as opposed to Post-Propaedeutic Phase students (year two of the four year bachelor programme, year abroad and graduation year).

Corrections to any errors and omissions found in this Prospectus, as well as updates and changes made during the academic year 2018-2019 will be published on Hanze.nl (access www.hanze.nl > Education > International Business School> Practical matters).

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Verhouding tussen de Onderwijsregeling (OR) en de Onderwijs- en Examenregeling (OER) Dit is de Onderwijsregeling van de voltijd opleiding International Business and Languages jaar 2, 3 en 4 (IBL) van de school of IBS (SIBS) van de Hanzehogeschool Groningen (HG). Samen met de HG-brede Examenregeling (hoofdstuk 4 van het Studentenstatuut) is dit de Onderwijs- en Examenregeling (OER) van SIBS IB-L. Het Studentenstatuut 2018- 2019 is te vinden op hanze.nl/studentenstatuut (Hanze.nl (inloggen) > Voorzieningen > Studentenstatuut). Toepasbaarheid Deze Onderwijsregeling is vastgesteld door de Dean van SIBS na verkregen advies van de opleidingscommissie en na verkregen instemming door de instituuts-medezeggenschapsraad. Deze Onderwijsregeling is van toepassing voor de uitfaserende opleiding International Business jaar 2 ,3 en 4 (IBL).

Verklaring van gebruikte termen:

Onderwijs- en Examenregeling

Een document waarin alle regels over onderwijs en examens / tentamens worden vastgelegd.

Curriculum Alle onderwijsdelen die samen de opleiding vormen.


Het document waarin alle rechten en plichten van de student

en de Hanzehogeschool Groningen ten opzichte van elkaar zijn vastgelegd.

Graad Bachelor Hbo-diploma, afgekort B gevolgd door het vakgebied waarin men is afgestudeerd.

Economisch domein Alle economische HBO-opleidingen samen.

Hoger Beroeps Onderwijs Alle HBO-opleidingen samen.

Bachelor of Business Administration

Gediplomeerde van een economische HBO-opleiding, afgekort BBA.

Major/uitstroomprofiel Hoofdstroom (210 credits) van een opleiding. Vormt samen met de minor of specialisatie de opleiding.


Verbreding of verdieping in de opleiding (30 credits) in het derde of vierde jaar, samen met de major vormt dit de opleiding.

Honoursminor Verbreding of verdieping in de opleiding (30 credits) in het vierde jaar voor talentvolle studenten.

Opleiding met major- minorstructuur

Hbo-opleiding die keuze aanbiedt voor verbreding of verdieping.

Competentie Het geheel van kennis, vaardigheden en houding.


De competenties in het domein Commerce worden

onderscheiden in drie niveaus van 1 tot en met 3 waarin de complexiteit en mate van zelfstandigheid oploopt.

Beroepscompetentieprofiel Het geheel van kennis, vaardigheden en houding waar een HBO-opleiding voor opleidt.

Domeincompetentieprofiel Het geheel van kennis, vaardigheden en houding waar de set van opleidingen in een domein voor opleidt.

Hbo-competentie Landelijk is een set van competenties afgesproken die alle HBO-opleidingen moeten bereiken.

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Dublin Descriptoren

In de Europese Unie is een set van competenties afgesproken die alle HBO-opleidingen in Europa moeten bereiken. De Dublin Descriptoren worden door de HBO-competenties gedekt.

PD Personal Development / studieloopbaanbegeleiding.


Persoonlijk Ontwikkelings Plan: document waarin de student op gezette tijden moet aangeven wat en hoe hij/zij de competenties verder wil ontwikkelen.


Registratiesysteem van cijfers op studieonderdelen en het systeem waarmee een student zich inschrijft voor alle onderwijsdelen en toetsen die hij/zij het komende jaar gaat volgen.

Credit Studiepunt. Equivalent van 28 uur studie.

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1 Opleiding

Opleiding behorend tot de graad Bachelor of Business Administration De uitfaserende opleiding International Business jaar 2, 3 en 4 (IBL) van de school IBS (SIBS)maakt deel uit van het economische domein International Business vanaf 1 september 2018.

Typering De opleiding die valt onder de Bachelor of Business Administration behoren binnen het Hoger Beroeps Onderwijs tot het Hoger Economisch Onderwijs. Het onderwijs van de opleiding verwezenlijkt de competenties die volgens het IB Framework te vertalen zijn in learning outcomes en de doelstellingen zoals die zijn afgeleid van de standaard BBA, en de beroepsprofielen van de opleiding.

Karakterisering van de opleiding

De opleiding IBL kent één major IBL- Major International Business Een afgestudeerde IBL'er heeft een internationale oriëntatie en een commerciële instelling. Hij beschikt ook over de sociale en communicatieve vaardigheden en de marketingkennis die nodig zijn om in een internationale omgeving, zowel zelfstandig als in teamverband, ter zake kundig en doeltreffend te opereren. Een IBL'er is binnen het Marketing en Salesgebied gericht op de businessrelatie - is in staat zelfstandig en op creatieve wijze een relatie aan te gaan - vorm te geven, uit te bouwen en te beheren en heeft een groot inlevingsvermogen. De IBL’er heeft een talent voor het leren van vreemde talen en kan omgaan met onzekerheid als hij in het buitenland werkt of binnen een andere cultuur zaken doet. Een afgestudeerde IBL’er is maatschappelijk weerbaar en in staat zich zonder moeite aan te passen aan de internationale commerciële omgeving waarin geopereerd wordt. De IBL’er vindt werk op het gebied van export en import en International Sales.

1.1 Onderwijsvisie en missie

IB-L wil studenten opleiden die het marktgericht ondernemen van bedrijven versterken. Bovendien wil IB-L samenwerkingsverbanden aangaan die leiden tot versterking van het marktgericht ondernemen van bedrijven in de regio Noord-Nederland, in het commerciële kennisdomein van marketing en ondernemerschap. De opleiding wil zowel inspirerend en activerend onderwijs bieden als goed, praktijkgericht onderzoek verrichten, waarbij het onderwijs en onderzoek zoveel mogelijk zijn verweven en een verbinding hebben met het toekomstige werkveld. Dit gebeurt in actieve samenwerking met:

het regionale bedrijfsleven

het toeleverend voortgezet onderwijs en middelbaar beroepsonderwijs

nationale en internationale partnerscholen

nationaal en internationaal bedrijfsleven.

Zo verwerft IB-L zich een stevige positie als partner in kennisontwikkeling en -toepassing in marketing en ondernemerschap in Noord-Nederland. De onderwijsvisie van IB-L

is intensief, waarmee we studenten boeien en uitval tegengaan

we ontwikkelen door naar IB-L als kennisgemeenschap en innovatie werkplaats (IWP), waarbij het praktijkgericht onderzoek kennis, en nieuwe inzichten genereert.

centraal staan commercialiteit, marketing, ondernemerschap, zowel vanuit nationale als vanuit internationale optiek.

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Onderwijskader De student wordt opgeleid tot een ondernemende, onderzoekende, innovatieve en verantwoordelijke professional voor tal van commerciële functies in het nationale en internationale werkveld. Deze professional is in staat een bijdrage te leveren aan de verdere ontwikkeling van het inhoudelijke domein en het werkveld. In het onderwijsprogramma van de opleidingen:

staan vanaf het begin van de opleiding beroepstaken uit de commerciële praktijk centraal;

wordt toegepast praktijkgericht onderzoek geïntegreerd in het onderwijsprogramma;

is er directe communicatie met de praktijk; dit betekent dat de beroepspraktijk betrokken is bij onderwijsontwikkeling, bij de uitvoering van praktijkopdrachten en onderzoeksopdrachten;

is leren een proces waarin kennisverwerving en vaardigheidstraining veel aandacht hebben door vanaf het begin beide te integreren in de themablokken;

leren studenten samenwerkend en individueel (individuele beoordelingen binnen groepswerk);

zijn docenten en studenten partners in het ondernemend leren en samen verantwoordelijk voor de studievoortgang;

inspireren docenten en werkvormen tot zelfstandig en innovatief denken.

Uitgewerkt voor de student betekent dit het:

leveren op basis van een gedegen kennisniveau met een ondernemende invalshoek van een bijdrage aan integrale vraagstukken; ze zijn daarbij in staat om vanuit een multidisciplinaire aanpak tot integrale oplossingen te komen.

bepalen voor een deel van hun eigen route door het onderwijs, o.a. ook met speciale programma’s voor de meer getalenteerde studenten.

ontwikkelen van een kritisch reflectieve houding: tonen onderzoekend en ondernemend gedrag: binnen hun opleiding leren studenten te onderzoeken en meerdere alternatieven en varianten te bekijken alvorens met een oplossing te komen.

buiten de huidige kaders te denken en tot innovatieve oplossingen te komen.

het zich profileren tot wereldburgerschap en ambitieus zijn. Het onderwijs is zodanig opgebouwd dat er sprake is van een toenemende complexiteit in de beroepstaken en van opbouw in bijbehorende kennis. Deze loopt parallel aan de toenemende zelfsturing van de student en de afnemende begeleiding van de docent. In de meeste blokken staat een integrale beroepstaak centraal. De kennis- en vaardigheidsonderdelen zijn van deze beroepstaak afgeleid of daaraan gerelateerd. Zo vormt het blok inhoudelijk een eenheid rondom één thema. Alle onderwijsdelen per blok worden beschreven in een studiehandleiding. In de studiehandleiding staat alles over het onderwijs in dat blok vermeld: het thema, de doelstellingen (competenties) van dat blok, de werk- en toetsvormen, de toetscriteria en de planning. Binnen de blokken zijn de volgende leerlijnen te herkennen:

Integrale leerlijn: deze staat centraal via de beroepstaken/de integrale opdrachten/de projecten. Zo mogelijk in de vorm van innovatie werkplaatsen (IWP’s).

Conceptuele leerlijn: ondersteunende kennis/informatie die nodig is voor de beroepstaak in het blok en bijdraagt aan de opbouw van kennis over de blokken heen, zodat aan het eind van de studie voldoende kennis is vergaard door de startende professional.

Vaardighedenleerlijn: oefenen van vaardigheden die nodig zijn voor de beroepstaak in het blok en in volgende blokken, zodat aan het eind van de studie voldoende vaardigheden zijn geleerd voor de startende professional.

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Studieloopbaanbegeleidingslijn (personal development): hierin staat zelfreflectie, studievoortgang en (studie)loopbaanplanning centraal.

Het globale thematische curriculumoverzicht van de opleiding IB-L geeft de samenhang weer. In het uitgewerkte curriculumoverzicht en in het studieprogramma in de studiehandleidingen worden de genoemde leerlijnen met de bijbehorende competenties omschreven. In het onderwijs wordt er veel gebruik gemaakt van digitale leermiddelen. Het dringend advies in het instituut is om je eigen laptop of tablet mee te nemen. Het kan voorkomen dat in een computer tentamen gebruikt wordt gemaakt van filmpjes waar vragen over worden gesteld. Voor een computer tentamen moet je zelf een koptelefoon of oordopjes meenemen.

1.2 Exam Board (EB) and Assessment Committee (AC)

The Exam Board safeguards the level of the study programme by monitoring the assessments and final examinations within IBS with regard to content, procedure and level. It is the task of the Exam Board to determine whether the graduate has attained the end qualifications of the programme as laid down in the Teaching and Exam Regulations. The members of the Exam Board are appointed by the Dean. The composition of the Exam Board can be found on Hanze (access www.hanze.nl > Education> International Business School > Organisation> IBS Committees) The Exam Board contact is: [email protected]. The Assessment Committee is responsible for monitoring the quality of examinations and operates under the supervision of the Exam Board.

How to approach the Exam Board Students who wish their case to be discussed in an Exam Board meeting must write/type an appeal letter, sign it and submit it to the Exam Board, either on paper in the pigeon hole of the Exam Board (at the IBS Info Desk) or scanned via email ([email protected]).

Emails regarding Exam Board matters sent to individual Exam Board members, the Secretary or to other members of IBS staff will not be accepted as a formal appeal.

Appeal letters to the Exam Board must meet the following requirements15: a. Must be dated and signed (scanned signature required for letters that are submitted by email) b. Contain a clear and understandable explanation of the student’s case/complaint in English or German (BW students only) c. Contain the student’s request and provide a specific action or solution. For example: What does

the student want exactly and why does he think he deserves it?16

d. Refer to the rule/regulation in the IB Prospectus, student charter or elsewhere which the student thinks applies in his case. Include a copy of the rule. e. Contain accurate and up-to-date copies of all relevant supporting documents, copies of emails from teachers or student counsellors, the student’s grade list, etc. f. If the student’s case depends upon extenuating circumstances (see article 4.16 of the Student Charter which is included in this Prospectus as Appendix 1), he must request that the student counsellor

15 Appeal letters which fail to meet these requirements will be returned to the student for completion

before being dealt with by the Exam Board. 16 Please be aware that the Exam Board is only authorized to deal with appeals regarding those matters stated

in chapter 11 of the Student Charter. If a student does not agree with an existing rule, he should consult the IBS Management Team and not the IBS Exam Board.

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sends written confirmation of this to the Exam Board confirming that these extenuating circumstances have influenced the student’s study progress. Please note: if the student is claiming extenuating circumstances he must have spoken to a student counsellor at the time the circumstances arose or his claim will not be accepted. Exam Board meetings take place weekly except during holidays. Please be informed that it could take up to 10 working days to receive an answer from the Exam Board. What if students do not agree with the decision of the IBS Exam Board If students do not agree with the decision of the IBS Exam Board, they can appeal at the Student Appeals Board. The correspondence address of the Student Appeals Board is: Bureau Klachten en Geschillen, Postbus 70030 (ZP7, F308), 9704 AA Groningen. E-mail [email protected] Tel. 050 595 4049. Students should bear in mind that they must appeal within 6 weeks. Students are advised to consult the Hanze Student Counsellor (F302, Zernikeplein 7, tel. 050 595 4028) to obtain advice regarding the appeals procedure.

1.3 Admissions Committee

The Admissions Committee advises the Dean on the admission of students to the study programmes. The Chairman and other members of the Admissions Committee are appointed by the Dean from the staff members who are charged with teaching in the study programme(s) concerned. For more information on the Admissions Committee (members and contact details), please refer to Hanze.nl (access www.hanze.nl > Education> International Business School > Organisation> IBS Committees). Information on the admission requirements can be found in chapter 5 of this Prospectus.

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1.4 School Representative Council (SRC)

The School Representative Council is the democratically elected committee of the School, representing both staff members and students. The council is composed of an equal number of students and staff members. or more information on the School Representative Council (a.o. members and contact details), please refer to Hanze.nl (access www.hanze.nl > Education > International Business School > Organisation > IBS Committees).

1.5 Education Committee (EC)

The IBS Education Committee (Study Programme Committee as referred to in Article 10.3c of the Higher Education and Research Act) advises the Dean on all matters relating to the education within the School. Besides giving advice the Education Committee has the right of consent concerning the IBS Prospectuses. The Education Committee is composed of four (Post-Propaedeutic phase) students and four lecturers representing all of the IB graduation minors and the Master programmes. The members are appointed by the Dean. For more information on the Education Committee (members and contact details), please refer to Hanze.nl (access www.hanze.nl > Education> International Business School > Organisation> IBS Committees).

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2 HBO-niveau domeincompetenties, Programme Learning Outcomes en beroepsperspectief IBL Inleiding IB-L heeft in 2005 gezamenlijk tien competenties geformuleerd, waarvan de laatste twee gelden voor alle economische opleidingen. Deze competenties zijn nader uitgewerkt in drie niveaus (zie bijlage 2). Het landelijk overleg waarin de opleidingen zijn vertegenwoordigd, heeft ingestemd met deze niveaus. Vanaf 1 september 2018 gaat de opleiding IBL op in IB. IB heeft een Framework IB dat vanaf die datum geldend is. Het oude IBL-profiel is terug te vinden in het Framework IB. De competenties zijn vervangen door Programme Learning Outcomes. Het Framework IB is mede gebaseerd op de Dublin descriptoren en de Hbo kwalificaties. De oude competenties IB-L vertaald naar de IB Programme Learning Outcomes Hieronder volgen de tien competenties die afgesproken zijn in het landelijk overleg (2005) vergeleken met de Programme Learning Outcomes van IB:

IBL Competenties IB Programme Learning Outcomes


1. Initiëren en creëren van producten en diensten, zelfstandig en ondernemend.

Innovation & Creativity WT2 International Business Awareness WT3 Ethical & social responsibility LW10

WT2 Create innovative ideas in a changing business environment in a systematic fashion WT3 Analyse patterns in global macro- economic factors and policies that drive international trade and business development. LW10 Formulate one’s own position concerning ethical and social responsibility in a professional environment.

2. Uitvoeren, interpreteren, toetsen en evalueren van marktonderzoek.

Critical Thinking WT1 Business Research TWM24

WT1 Use the process of thoughtful evaluation to deliberately formulate a reasonable conclusion. TWM24 Analyse a complex business problem in an international business setting with use of adequate research design, resulting in an evidence-based, feasible solution.

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3. Vaststellen voor een onderneming van enerzijds de sterktes en zwaktes op basis van een analyse van de interne bedrijfsprocessen en – cultuur, als onderdeel van de waardeketen en anderzijds van de kansen en bedreigingen op de lokale, nationale en/of internationale markt op basis van relevante nationale en internationale trends.

Marketing & Sales TWM15, TWM16, TWM 17

TWM15 Develop a well- founded marketing plan to support the creation of value for international customers. TWM16 Use appropriate sales techniques in support of durable customer relation- ships. TWM17 Incorporate developments of the digital landscape in a marketing strategy.

4. Ontwikkelen van marketingbeleid (ondernemingsbeleid) voor een nationaal of internationaal opererende onderneming en het kunnen onderbouwen en

Marketing & Sales TWM15, TWM16, TWM 17

TWM15 Develop a well- founded marketing plan to support the creation of value for international customers.

beargumenteren van gemaakte keuzes.

Finance & Accounting TWE18

TWM16 Use appropriate sales techniques in support of durable customer relation- ships. TWM17 Incorporate developments of the digital landscape in a marketing strategy. TWM18 Evaluate financial performance of the organisation from different stakeholders’ perspectives.

5. Opstellen, uitvoeren en bijstellen van plannen vanuit het marketingbeleid (ondernemingsbeleid).

Marketing & Sales TWM15, TWM16, TWM 17 Operations & Supply Chain management TWM20, TWM21

TWM15 Develop a well- founded marketing plan to support the creation of value for international customers. TWM16 Use appropriate sales techniques in support of durable customer relation- ships. TWM17 Incorporate developments of the digital landscape in a marketing strategy TWM20 Evaluate operations processes within and between organisations. TWM21 Manage operations processes within and between organisations.

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6. Ontwikkelen en onderhouden van zakelijke relaties ten behoeve van inkoop, verkoop en dienstverlening.

Operations & Supply Chain management TWM20, TWM21

TWM20 Evaluate operations processes within and between organisations. TWM21 Manage operations processes within and between organisations.

7. Communiceren in meerdere talen en rekening houdend met culturele verschillen, intern en extern, nationaal en internationaal.

International Business Communication WW4, WW5 Personal & Professional Development LW9 Intercultural Proficiency LW11, LW12, LW13, LW14

WW4 Communicate (business) messages effectively and persuasively using advanced English to an (un)informed audience. WW5 Optional: Use one or two additional languages to facilitate international business. LW9 Respond appropriately to an unfamiliar, or unexpectedly changing, business environment. LW11 Mitigate the pitfalls of cultural differences in business and social contexts LW12 Display willingness to work with people from other cultures and to work in countries with different cultural backgrounds. LW13 Display willingness to work with people from other cultures and to work in countries with different cultural backgrounds. LW14 Assess the effect of cultural differences on organisational behaviour and strategic choices.

8. Leidinggeven aan een bedrijf, een bedrijfsonderdeel, bedrijfsprocessen of een project.

Management of information as digital citizen WW7 Organization & People TWM22, TWM23

WW7 Produce management information from various data sources in an international business environment. TWM22 Draft the strategic cycle of part(s) of the organisation (process and content). TWM23 Assess the impact of change on the organisation.

9. Sociale en communicatieve competentie (interpersoonlijk, organisatie):

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samenwerken in een beroepsomgeving en meedenken over doelen en inrichting van de organisatie, waaruit eisen voortvloeien die betrekking hebben op de volgende kenmerken: multidisciplinariteit en interdisciplinariteit, klantgerichtheid, collegialiteit,

leidinggeven (het sociale deel van de competentie);

Collaboration WW6 WW6 Collaborate effectively with different kinds of stakeholders in different cultural, organisational and political landscapes to contribute to achieving agreed goals.

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communiceren intern op alle niveaus, effectief en in de gangbare bedrijfstaal, veelal in het Nederlands en/of Engels. In termen van beroepstaken omvat dat zaken als het opstellen en schrijven van plannen en notities, informeren, overleg voeren, draagvlak creëren, stimuleren, motiveren, overtuigen, verwoorden van besluiten.

International Business Communication WW4, WW5 Personal & Professional Development LW9 Intercultural Proficiency LW11, LW12, LW13, LW14

WW4 Communicate (business) messages effectively and persuasively using advanced English to an (un)informed audience. WW5 Optional: Use one or two additional languages to facilitate international business. LW9 Respond appropriately to an unfamiliar, or unexpectedly changing, business environment. LW11 Mitigate the pitfalls of cultural differences in business and social contexts LW12 Display willingness to work with people from other cultures and to work in countries with different cultural backgrounds. LW13 Display willingness to work with people from other cultures and to work in countries with different cultural backgrounds.

ontwikkelen van een beroepshouding met ruimte voor normatief-culturele aspecten, respect voor anderen, een beroepscode en ethische principes voor het professioneel handelen; leveren van een bijdrage aan de verdere professionalisering van de branche, publicaties, bijdragen aan congressen, enzovoort.

Ethical & social responsibility LW10 Innovation & Creativity WT2 Critical Thinking WT1 Business Research TWM24 Personal & Professional Development LW9

LW10 Formulate one’s own position concerning ethical and social responsibility in a professional environment. WT2 Create innovative ideas in a changing business environment in a systematic fashion WT1 Use the process of thoughtful evaluation to deliberately formulate a reasonable conclusion. TWM24 Analyse a complex business problem in an international business setting with use of adequate research design, resulting in an evidence-based, feasible solution.LW9 Respond appropriately to an unfamiliar, or unexpectedly changing, business environment.

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10. Zelfsturende competentie (intrapersoonlijk, beroepsbeoefenaar of professional):

sturen en reguleren van de eigen ontwikkeling ten aanzien van leren, resultaatgericht werken, initiatief nemen en

zelfstandig optreden, flexibiliteit;

Personal & Professional Development LW8

LW8 Express reflections on one’s personal development with the aim of person- al growth.

nadenken over, reflecteren op en verantwoording nemen voor eigen handelen wat wijst op betrokkenheid en kritische


Personal & Professional Development LW8

LW8 Express reflections on one’s personal development with the aim of person- al growth

NB: TWM19 Recommend financing possibilities in a dynamic international environment komt niet voor in het IB-L curriculum. In 2013 heeft IBL landelijk haar competenties aangescherpt in het profiel ‘IBL bekent kleur’ met verwijzing naar de competenties van Commerce (zie bijlage 3 en 4). Hbo-kwalificaties Zie het hierna volgend schema ‘Vertaling van Dublin-descriptoren naar de standaard BBA en de generieke kwalificaties HBO-bachelor met de verwijzing naar de Commerce competenties.’ In dit schema wordt een vertaling gegeven van het HBO-niveau dat op de opleidingen wordt beoefend. De competenties sluiten aan bij de HBO-kwalificaties en bij de standaard BBA. Vertaling van Dublin-descriptoren naar de standaard BBA en de generieke kwalificaties HBO-bachelor met verwijzing naar de Commerce competenties

Europese descriptoren

voor de bachelor

Bachelor’s degrees are

awarded to students


Vertaling naar de

omschrijving van

generieke kwalificaties

voor de HBO-bachelor

De afgestudeerde:

Standaard Bachelor of

Business Administration

(HBO-raad november

2011) Zie ook bijlage 1



HBO- bachelor in

het rapport van

de cie. Franssen ( p. 36-37) Met verwijzing

naar Commerce

competenties (C).

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Knowledge and




knowledge and

understanding in a field of

study that builds upon and

supersedes their general

secondary education, and

is typically at a level that,

whilst supported by

advanced textbooks,

includes some aspects that

will be informed by

knowledge of the

forefront of their field of


Brede, multidisciplinaire


is toegerust met actuele

en multidisciplinaire

kennis, inzichten,

houdingen en

vaardigheden teneinde de

taken van een beginnend


zelfstandig te kunnen


Gedegen theoretische


op een aantal


accounting, business law

and ethics, economics,

finance, management

information systems,


organizational behavior,

quantitative techniques,

strategic management

passend bij het

werkveld van de




sering (C 1)




(C 2 t/m 5)

Applying knowledge and


can apply their knowledge

and understanding in a

manner that indicates a

professional approach to

their work or vocation,

and have competences

typically demonstrated

through devising and

sustaining arguments and

solving problems within

their field of study.

Probleemgericht werken

kan relevante


kennis, inzichten,

houdingen en

vaardigheden toepassen

bij het definiëren,

analyseren en oplossen

van complexe problemen

in de beroepspraktijk.

Onderzoekend vermogen

kan d.m.v. reflectie en

evidence based practice

tot te commercialiseren

innovatie van producten

en diensten komen.



is innovatief


ondernemend, bezit


adviesvaardigheden, is

gericht op





werken (C 2

en 3)



toepassing (C 2

t/m 4)

Creativiteit en

complexiteit in

handelen (C 1

en 10)

Making judgements have

the ability to gather and

interpret relevant data

(usually within their field

of study) to inform

judgements that include

reflection on relevant

social, scientific or ethical


Methodisch en reflectief

denken en handelen

is in staat relevante

informatie te verzamelen

en analyseren teneinde

projectmatig te werken

en te reflecteren op het

beroepsmatig handelen,

mede vanuit ethische en

maatschappelijke vragen.

Onderzoekend vermogen

heeft kennis en ervaring

opgedaan met methoden

en technieken van


onderzoek en kan daarop

reflecteren; kan in de

afstudeerfase dit

onderzoekend vermogen

in een concrete


uitoefenen. Verantwoord


Is zich bewust van de


context, weet dat ethisch

handelen tot zijn

professionaliteit behoort.

Methodisch en

reflectief denken

en handelen

(C 5 en 10)

Besef van




jk-heid (C 10)

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Europese descriptoren voor de bachelor Bachelor’s degrees are awarded to students who:

Vertaling naar de omschrijving van generieke kwalificaties voor de HBO-bachelor De afgestudeerde:

Standaard Bachelor of Business Administration (HBO-raad november 2011) Zie ook bijlage 1

Generieke kernkwalificaties HBO- bachelor in het rapport van de cie. Franssen ( p. 36-37) Met verwijzing naar Commerce competenties (C).

Communication can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non- specialist audiences.

Sociaalcommunica-tieve bekwaamheid kan intern en extern communiceren, teamgericht samenwerken, en leidinggeven aan projecten in een multidisciplinaire, multiculturele en internationale arbeidsomgeving.

Professioneel vakmanschap bezit goede adviesvaardigheden, beschikt over goede mondelinge en schriftelijke communicatieve vardigheden, houdt rekening met (internationale) cultuurverschillen, fungeert als sparringpartner zowel binnen als buiten de eigen werkorganisatie.

Sociaal- communicatieve bekwaamheid (C 6, 7 en 9)

Basiskwalificering voor management-functies (C 8 en 9)

Learning skills have developed those learning skills that are necessary for them to continue to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.

Professionalisering heeft de cognitieve vermogens ontwikkeld die hem/haar in staat stellen tot voortdurend professionaliseren van de eigen beroepsuitoefening en tot functioneren in uiteenlopende beroepssituaties.

Professioneel vakmanschap Ontwikkelt voortdurend de eigen professionaliteit en draagt bij aan de ontwikkeling van zijn of haar professie in de breedte.

Transfer en brede inzetbaarheid (C 9 en 10)

Brede professionalisering (C 1, 7, 9 en 10)

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2.1 Competencies and Educational Qualifications IB

International Business profile The Dutch government has requested Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) to reconsider the proliferation of Programmes. This has led to a close cooperation among four leading internationally oriented Dutch Programmes: International Business Management Studies, International Business & Languages, Trade Marketing for Asia and International Business HS Zuyd. These four Programmes “merged” into a new International Business (IB) programme, in accordance with the government’s vision of less and at the same time broader programmes. This momentum was used to develop a new framework for the IB programme. KSAVE model, Dublin Descriptors, the HEO Standard and IB Programme Learning Outcomes The IB profile is structured according to the KSAVE model. This structure emphasizes Knowledge, Skills, Attitude, Values and Ethics in education. It allows for a more careful balance of generic outcomes and professional learning outcomes, whilst ensuring that all relevant learning outcomes are covered. The model ensures the substance of the International Business Degree Programmes, the Dublin descriptors and the HEO Standard. The elements of KSAVE (knowledge, skills, attitude, values and ethics) are incorporated in the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs). In the IB Framework these elements are not elaborated any further as the framework assumes that institutes will elaborate these for every PLO themselves; this then serves as what was formerly known as the ‘Body of Knowledge and Skills (BOKS)’. Several standards are further outlined in national and international higher educational degree expectations. The national expectations are embedded in the Hogere Economische Opleidingen (HEO) Standard and the new IB PLO framework reflects this national perspective. By this means, the study programme ensures that IB graduates possess the following attributes:

1. A solid theoretical basis; 2. Research skills that will enable them to contribute to the development of their chosen

profession; 3. A sufficient set of professional skills; 4. A professional, ethical, and social orientation.

The international standard is safeguarded by the European Dublin Descriptors (DD). These descriptors at bachelor level are: 1. Knowledge and understanding: graduates have demonstrated knowledge and understanding

in a field of study that builds upon and supersedes their general secondary education, and is typically at a level that, whilst supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that will be informed by knowledge of the forefront of their field of study (DD1).

2. Applying knowledge and understanding: graduates can apply their knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to their work or vocation, and have competencies typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study (DD2).

3. Making judgments: graduates have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues (DD3).

4. Communication: graduates can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences (DD4).

5. Learning skills: graduates have developed those learning skills that are necessary for them to continue to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy (DD5).

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More detailed information about the Dublin descriptors can be found at the website of the NVAO.

With the KSAVE structure, the IB programmes guarantee the quality of the BBA degree of their programme in the future. The IB profile is structured according to the KSAVE model and (inter-) national educational requirements (defined as HEO-standard and Dublin descriptors) are reflected in the PLOs. KSAVE also grants the ability to adjust and add PLOs if needed due to external changes and labour expectations.

We used the AuCom Model (Bulthuis (2011)) to define the required bachelor degree level more

precisely. The AuCom Model distinguishes different competence17 levels. Level are determined

by the combination of: - the degree of autonomy the student or professional shows while performing tasks - the complexity of the tasks and

context For this purpose, three levels were used. Level 3 as defined in this model can be regarded as bachelor degree level, compared with the European Dublin descriptors. Therefore almost all the PLOs in the IB framework should be accomplished on level 3, except for the languages and for the PLOs of the following four themes in the domain Tools For Working and Management: Marketing & Sales, Finance & Accounting, Operations & Supply Chain Management and Organisation & People. Of these four themes, at least one of the themes should be accomplished on level 3. The other themes should be accomplished on level 2.




Programme Learning Outcomes


HEO standard


Ways of Thinking

Critical Thinking WT 1 Use the process of thoughtful evaluation to

formulate a reasonable conclusion deliberately.

3 2 3

Innovation & Creativity WT 2 Create innovative ideas in a changing

business environment systematically. 3

3 2, 3

International Business Awareness

WT 3 Analyze patterns in global macro-economic factors and policies that drive international trade and business development.

3 3 2, 3

Ways of Working

International Business Communication

WW 4 Communicate (business) messages effectively persuasively using advanced English to an (un)informed audience.

3 3 4

WW 5 Optional: Use one or two additional languages in social settings to facilitate international business contacts.

2 3 4


WW 6 Collaborate effectively with different kinds of stakeholders, in different cultural, organizational and political landscapes to contribute to achieving ..


3 4

Management of Information as digital citizen

WW 7 Produce management information from various data sources in an international business environment.


2 3

17 ‘competence level’ defines a reference point that a professional may have or may not have attained; it is not referring to the

formerly used “Competences”.

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Living in the world

Personal & Professional Development

LW 8 Express reflections on his personal development with the aim of personal growth.

3 4 3, 5

LW 9 Respond appropriately to an unfamiliar, or unexpectedly changing, business environment.

3 4 3, 5

Ethical & Social Responsibility

LW 10 Formulate his own position concerning ethical and social responsibility in a professional environment.

3 4 3, 5

Intercultural Proficiency

LW 11 Mitigate the pitfalls of cultural differences in business and social contexts

3 4 3, 5

LW 12 Display willingness to work with people from other cultures and to work in countries with different cultural backgrounds

3 4 3, 5

LW 13 Use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication in an intercultural setting.

3 4 3, 5

LW 14 Assess the effect of cultural differences upon organizational behavior and strategic choices.

3 4 3, 5

Tools for Working & Managem ent

Marketing & Sales

TWM 15

Develop a well-founded marketing plan to support the creation of value for international customers.

2 1 1, 2

TWM 16

Use appropriate sales techniques in support of durable customer relationships.

2 1 1, 2

TWM 17

Incorporate developments of the digital landscape in a marketing strategy.

2 1 1, 2

Finance & Accounting

TWM 18

Evaluate financial performance of the organization from different stakeholders’ perspectives.

2 1 1, 2

TWM 19

Recommend financing possibilities in a dynamic international environment.

2 1 1, 2

Operations & Supply Chain management

TWM 20

Evaluate the operations processes within and between organizations.

2 1 1, 2

TWM 21

Manage the operations processes within and between organisations.

2 1 1, 2

Organisation & People

TWM 22

Draft the strategic cycle of part(s) of the organisation (process and content).

2 1 1, 2

TWM 23

Assess the impact of change on the organisation.

2 1 1, 2

Business Research

TWM 24

Analyse a complex business problem in an international business setting with use of an adequate research design, resulting in an evidence based feasible solution.


2 1, 2, 3

Table 1 Relation between the 14 themes of the new IB Framework, HEO Standard, Dublin Descriptors and IB Programme Learning Outcomes

Text comes from the new Framework International Business, soon to be found on the website of the Vereniging Hogescholen, section Economy.

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Beroepsperspectief In onderstaande tabel worden mogelijke beroepen waarvoor de opleiding opleidt genoemd.



Medewerker Export

Medewerker International marketing

Medewerker International relations

International sales Startend Areamanager Startend International accountmanager

Medewerker Internationale inkoop

Medewerker landendesk




International marketingmanager

International relationsmanager

International salesmanager


International accountmanager

Internationaal inkoper

Medewerker landendesk

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3 Opbouw van de studie

IBS biedt voltijd opleidingen gericht op commerciële en ondernemende functies bij bedrijfsleven en overheid van nationaal tot internationaal. De studenten worden opgeleid tot een Bachelor of Business Administration. Het schema geeft een globaal thematisch overzicht van de studieopbouw van de opleiding. De genoemde competenties per blok worden in iedere studiehandleiding achterin in de bijlage vermeld. In de studiehandleidingen zelf staan de competenties in niveaus aangegeven. In de opleiding die gevolgd wordt, komen alle competenties aan de orde door de beroepstaken die in de blokken uitgevoerd worden. Engelse stroom jaar twee IB-L Jaar 2 heeft als keuzemogelijkheid voor IB-L vier Engelstalige blokken, de blokken 5, 6, 7 en 8. De instapvoorwaarde van de Engelse stroom in jaar 2 voor de Nederlandse studenten van IBL houdt in dat de student 50 credits of meer aan het eind van het eerste jaar heeft behaald en dat de student minimaal een 7 heeft voor Bedrijfseconomie en gemiddeld een 7 of hoger voor Engels 1, 2, 3 en 4. Als studenten eenmaal het Engelstalige onderwijs gekozen hebben, kunnen ze niet meer terug naar de Nederlandstalige variant voor deze blokken.

Er mogen geen (her)tentamens in het Nederlands gemaakt worden als studenten de Engelse stroom volgen. De Engelse stroom bestaat voor ongeveer de helft uit buitenlandse studenten van partneruniversiteiten van het instituut. Hierdoor wordt een internationale klas gevormd en is er beperkte capaciteit voor de Engelse stroom. De opleiding bepaalt uiteindelijk wie er wordt toegelaten op basis van de hoogste cijfer gemiddelden bij teveel aanmeldingen. In het gehele curriculum wordt aan de tien competenties Commerce gewerkt. In het derde en vierde studiejaar vindt de hoogste mate van integratie van studieonderdelen en competenties plaats. De relatie met de praktijk wordt intenser en meer complex via de stage en de afstudeeropdracht. Het studieprogramma in jaar 3 en 4 biedt bovendien de mogelijkheid de competenties door majorspecifieke specialisatieblokken te verdiepen. Ook is het mogelijk voor 30 studiepunten buiten het instituut een minor te volgen of een halfjaar in het buitenland te studeren. 3.1 Karakterisering van de opbouw: duaal, voltijd, deeltijd Deze onderwijsregeling betreft alleen de voltijdopleiding van het instituut. De IB-L opleiding wordt alleen in de voltijd aangeboden. 3.2 Afstudeerprogramma’s De opleiding IB-L heeft zijn beroeps- en opleidingsprofiel gerelateerd aan de Domeincompetenties Commerce (DC) vertaal naar de IB Programme Learning Outcomes. Het afstudeerprogramma omvat de kerncompetenties van de opleidingen die in verschillende blokken worden afgetoetst. Het laatste deel van het afstudeerprogramma is de afstudeerfase. In de afstudeerfase van het afstudeerprogramma van de opleidingen – dit zijn de laatste twee blokken -

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worden altijd de ‘kern’competenties Praktijkgericht Onderzoek (DC2) en Bedrijfs-en omgevingsanalyse (DC3) op niveau 2 of 3 volgens onderstaand overzicht behaald –

‘De student kan individueel, binnen de gestelde tijd, elk marketing gerelateerd vraagstuk/probleem uit de praktijk gestructureerd aanpakken en doet dit in de context van en in afstemming met de organisatie e n haar omgeving. De student geeft een aanzet voor implementatie en schrijft van het geheel een adviesrapport. De student kan de resultaten daarvan presenteren. Tenslotte kan de student tegenover derden (beoordelaars) zowel de aanpak als de onderbouwde oplossingen in het Nederlands mondeling toelichten en verdedigen.’ Bron: commissie Wendbaar Afstuderen Instituut voor Marketing Management

Het ‘Ontwikkelen van een Strategie en Marketingbeleid’ (DC4) en het ‘Opstellen, uitvoeren, bijstellen en evalueren van Plannen vanuit marketingbeleid’ (DC5) behoren wel tot het afstudeerprogramma van de opleiding, maar komen alleen in de afstudeerfase aan bod als dat passend is bij het vraagstuk vanuit de organisatie. In schema:

Afstudeerfase IBL


DC1 DC2 2 2 DC3 3 3 DC4 (3) (3) DC5 (3) (3) DC6 DC7 DC8 DC9 X X DC10 X X

EB = Eigen bedrijf,

Het volledige afstudeerprogramma ziet er als volgt uit: Voor IBL is het mogelijk om DC1 – Ondernemerschap op te nemen in de afstudeerfase. DC1 is echter geen ‘kern’competentie voor de opleiding en behoort niet tot het verplichte afstudeerprogramma. Voor IBL behoren de competenties Ondernemerschap DC1, Sales DC 6 en Leiderschap DC8 niet tot het verplichte afstudeerprogramma. De competenties 4, 5, en 7 behoren wel tot het afstudeerprogramma, evenals de IBL-competentie Intercultural Awareness die buiten de domeincompetenties commerce valt. Het ontwikkelen van marketingbeleid, DC4, en het opstellen van marketinggerelateerde plannen, DC5, worden meestal behaald in het afstudeerprogramma, maar in ieder geval in blok 9 en 10. Domeincompetentie 7, Communiceren in meer talen en rekening houdend met culturele verschillen, intern en extern, nationaal en internationaal wordt behaald in de blokken 11 en 12 (stage buitenland) en de blokken 13 en 14 (studie buitenland) De IBL-competentie Intercultural Awareness wordt eveneens gehaald in blok 11 en 12 (stage buitenland)

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kerncompetentie niveau blok Onderwijs- eenheid toetsing

DC 2 (praktijkgericht onderzoek) 2 15-16 ILVB15AO O

DC 3 (bedrijfs- en omgevingsanalyse) 3 15-16 ILVB15AO O

DC 4 (ontwikkelen marketingbeleid)*** 3 9-10 ILVB15AO O

DC 5 (opstellen marketinggerelateerde plannen)*** 3 9-10 ILVB15AO O

DC 7 (communiceren in meer talen/ culturele contexten) 3 11-12, 13-14 ILVB15ET** O/S

DC9 + 10 (Inter- en intrapersoonlijke communicatie) - 15-16 ILVB15AO, ILVB15STG


IBL competentie Intercultural Awareness 11-12 ILVB15STG O

** Eindtoetsen in drie moderne vreemde talen. *** Als DC 4 en 5 niet in het afstudeerprogramma voorkomen is het

eindniveau van deze competenties te vinden bij de onderwijseenheid ILVB14IOP9, ILVB15INB.

3.2.1 Vrije keuzeruimte (minoren) Een minor is een samenhangend aanbod van keuzeonderwijs gericht op verbreding of verdieping. De omvang is 30 studiepunten bestaande uit twee samenhangende blokken binnen een semester. De IBL-student kiest voor een minor bij een buitenlandse partneruniversiteit. Overige vrije keuze Daarnaast bieden de curricula de volgende keuzemogelijkheden en/of majorspecifieke invullingen: Propedeuse IBL: de student volgt een tweede en derde moderne vreemde taal van ieder 6

studiepunten. De combinatie Spaans en Italiaans is niet mogelijk omdat het beide 0-talen zijn. De combinatie Duits en Frans is wel mogelijk, de puntenverdeling per blok wijkt dan 1 EC af, blok 1 heeft dan 14 EC, blok 2 16 EC, blok 3 14EC en blok 4 16 EC.

Tweede jaar IBL: de student volgt een tweede en derde moderne vreemde taal in een doorlopende lijn van periode 1 tot en met periode 4 van 4 maal 3 studiepunten.

De student kan kiezen tussen verbreding, verdieping (honours) of een vrij keuzepakket van onderdelen binnen en/of buiten de opleiding. Studenten van IBL volgen dit in het buitenland. Deze keuzes dienen te worden besproken met de studie coach en te worden verantwoord op basis van het Persoonlijk Ontwikkelingsplan (POP). 3.3 Verkorte studieroute Binnen IBS wordt het studieprogramma zo veel mogelijk aangepast aan het persoonlijke profiel van de student. Studenten met een vooropleiding waarin veel relevante kennis dan wel relevante praktijkervaring is opgedaan, krijgen de faciliteit aangeboden sneller te studeren. Het versnelde studieprogramma van 3 jaar: Tot 1 september 2018 Voor een selecte groep instromers bestaat de mogelijkheid tot deelname aan toelatingstoetsen voor het verkorte studieprogramma, dat wordt aangeduid met tempo assessment-programma.

Voor IB vanaf september 2018 geldt de toelatingsprocedure voor de 3-year Bachelor IBS.

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3.4 Basisvaardigheden

De startkwalificaties (basisvaardigheden) Nederlands (TAVAN), Rekenen/Wiskunde (REKVA) en Engels (ENVA) die behaald moeten zijn voor of tijdens de propedeutische fase, behoren tot het curriculum. De eindtoets REKVA wordt afgenomen aan het eind van blok 2, het resultaat wordt in Osiris onder blok 2 vermeld. De eindtoets ENVA wordt afgenomen aan het eind van blok 3 en het resultaat wordt onder blok 3 vermeld. Voor TAVAN geldt verplichte computertraining in de blokken 1, 2 en 3, met aftekening van het resultaat in die blokken. Zie daarvoor ook het rooster.

De aftekening van de basisvaardigheden vindt dus als volgt plaats:


De (werk)colleges REKVA in blok1 en 2 zijn verplicht voor iedereen die geen wiskunde in het eindexamenpakket op HAVO of VWO-niveau heeft gehad. Voor studenten die wiskunde examen deden op de HAVO of het VWO zijn de lessen facultatief. Alle studenten moeten deelnemen aan de eindtoets.

In de eerste weken van het jaar vindt voor ENVA (Engels) een toets in de colleges plaats. De voldoende resultaten van de studenten worden in Osiris geregistreerd. De overige studenten (zij die het niet hebben gehaald) doen verplicht aan de trainingen ENVA mee als voorbereiding op de toets in het betreffende blok.

3.5 Curriculumoverzicht

Globaal curriculumoverzicht opleiding IB-L Bachelor of Business Administration. Jaar 1 wordt aangeduid met IBL (oude stijl) en vanaf jaar 2 valt de opleiding onder het IB Framework en is IB-L. Jaar 1 - Blok 1.1

Jaar 1 - Blok 1.2

Oriëntatie op markt

Competenties: (1), 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Marktverkenning en basisvaardigheden

De marktgerichte organisatie

Competenties: (1), 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Het ontwikkelen van een marktgerichte onderneming

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Jaar 1 - Blok 1.3

Jaar 1 - Blok 1.4

Jaar 2 - Blok 2.1 en 2.2

Jaar 2 - Blok 2.3

Jaar 2 - Blok 2.4

IB-L - International Sales II / International Sales II

Nederlands- en Engelstalig

Competenties: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Competenties: (1), 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10

Het benutten van marktkansen in een simulatie

IBL - International Sales I

Competenties: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

IB-L - Marktonderzoek / International Marketing Research

Nederlands- en Engelstalig

Competenties: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10

IB-L - Strategische Marketingplanning I / Strategic Marketing Planning I

Nederlands- en Engelstalig

Competenties: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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Jaar 3 - Blok 3.1

Jaar 3 - Blok 3.2

Jaar 3 - Blok 3.3

Jaar 3 - Blok 3.4

*: afhankelijk van de profilering van de student alle

competenties op niveau 2

Jaar 4 - Blok 4.3 en 4.4

IB-L - Studie Buitenland

Competenties: 1 t/m 10*

IB-L - Strategische Marketingplanning II / Strategic Marketing Planning II

Nederlands- en Engelstalig

Competenties: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

IB-L - Internationale Markverkenning

Competenties 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10

IB-L - Internationaal Onderhandelen

Competenties 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

IB-L - Stage Buitenland

Competenties 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 met focus op 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 op minimaal niveau 2

IB-L - Stage Buitenland

Competenties 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 met focus op 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 op minimaal niveau 2

IB-L - (Excellent) Afstuderen

Competenties: 1 t/m 10**

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**: afhankelijk van de profilering van de student minimaal 2 van de competenties op niveau 3

Het globale curriculumoverzicht en de curriculumoverzichten van de majors zijn kader stellend. 3.6 Beschrijving studieprogramma en curricula Hoofdfase IB-L Het eerste blok van jaar 2 begint met marktonderzoek. Hier leg je de basis om een degelijk onderzoek op te zetten. Blok 6 is een salesblok waarin je individueel een salesgesprek leert te houden, in het Nederlands en drie vreemde talen. Blok 7 en 8 hebben als thema: Strategische Marketing I en II. De basis van jaar 1 wordt hier meegenomen om te komen tot de keuze van een marketingstrategie. Studenten van IB-L-opleiding kunnen kiezen om de blokken 5, 6, 7 en 8 Engelstalig te volgen. Studieloopbaanbegeleiding/Personal Development en praktijkpunten hebben een vaste plaats in het tweede jaar. In het tweede jaar hebben studenten elke onderwijsperiode ruimte voor aan de major gerelateerde keuzeonderdelen.

De blokken 7 en 8 van het tweede jaar en de blokken 9 en 10 van het derde jaar vormen een logisch geheel. De studenten van IB-L kunnen de blokken 5, 6, 7 en 8 Engelstalig of Nederlandstalig volgen. Thema’s die daar in ieder geval aan de orde komen, zijn: tactische en operationele marketing. Blok 10 heeft veelal een sterk integratief karakter, waarin onderdelen die eerder aan bod zijn gekomen, worden gecombineerd. De blokken 11 en 12 of 13 en 14 zijn voor stage- of minorstudie buitenland in een land van een van de drie vreemde talen van de student. De stage buitenland vindt in een ander land plaats dan de studie buitenland. In de blokken 15 en 16 werken studenten aan de afstudeeropdracht. De plaats in het curriculum van de stage- en de studiebuitenland kunnen omgewisseld worden. De specifieke elementen per blok

International Business - Languages (IB-L)

Blok 4: International Sales; gericht op operationalisering van het element promotie uit de marketingmix, via een internationale beurs waar alle vreemde talen gebruikt worden.

Blok 5: International Marketing Research; onderzoek in internationaal perspectief. Engelstalig en Nederlandstalig.

Blok 6: Export; een nadere uitwerking van de marketingmix, inclusief sales. Engelstalig en Nederlandstalig.

Blok 7: Strategische Marketingplanning I, een verdieping van de interne analyse ondersteund door bedrijfseconomie en strategische marketing met een stukje HRM (personeelsmanagement)

Blok 8: Strategische Marketingplanning II, het project uit blok 7 wordt vervolgd met een externe analyse, strategische opties (SWOT) worden bekeken, presentatievaardigheden en strategische marketing worden bestudeerd.

Blok 9 en 10 Internationale Marktverkenning en Internationaal zakendoen. De integrale opdrachten van beide blokken krijgen gestalte door een opdracht van een MKB-bedrijf dat zich graag op de buitenlandse markt wil begeven. Studenten onderzoeken diverse buitenlandse markten voor de opdrachtgever waarbij allerlei zaken aan de orde komen, zoals: entreestrategieën, betalings- en leveringscondities, culturele verschillen en de beheersing van de moderne vreemde talen.

Blok 11 en 12 Buitenland stage of buitenland studie. in een land van één van de drie vreemde talen.

Blok 13 en 14. Buitenland studie of buitenland stage, in een land van één van de drie vreemde talen (stage is een ander land dan de studie).

Blok 15 en 16. Afstuderen

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Studiepuntentabel IBL

T (toetsvorm): S = schriftelijk en O = opdracht/overig CW (cijferweging) B (beoordeling): V/O = voldoende/onvoldoende en C = cijfer

Opleiding International Business and Languages

voltijd (IBL) Major International Business

Studiejaar 1 – Periode 1

Blok 1: Oriëntatie op markt * Kerncompetentie(s): 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

onderdeel code EC CW T B

Integrale opdracht 1 - Project (MKT/Onderzoek) MMVP15IOP1 3 1 O C


• Proces 1

• Theorie 1










• Actieve participatie 1 MMVP16CMV1-TOETS-03 • 0 0 O V/O

Marktverkenning - Marketing 1 MMVP15MKT1 2 1 S C

Marktverkenning - Algemene Economie MMVP15AEC 2 1 S C

Bedrijfscommunicatie Nederlands 1 (incl. BCN/TAVAN) MMVP14BCN1 2



• BCN 1 MMVP14BCN1-TOETS-01 • 2 1 C

• TAVAN 1 MMVP14BCN1-TOETS-02 • 0 0 V/O

Engels 1

Vreemde talen (incl. interculturele competentie)

Personal Development 1





2 of 3


1 O




Totaal 14 of 15

* In blok 1 en 2 staat ook een training in Rekenvaardigheden op het rooster. De aftekening daarvan is in blok 2.

* In blok 1, 2 en 3 staat ook een training Engels vaardigheden op het rooster. De aftekening daarvan is in blok 3.

Indien de toetsvorm (T) schriftelijk (S) is, bestaat de beoordeling minimaal uit een schriftelijk tentamen. Zie ook de beschrijvingen in Osiris per studieonderdeel bij de wijze van beoordeling.

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T (toetsvorm): S = schriftelijk en O = opdracht/overig CW (cijferweging) B (beoordeling): V/O = voldoende/onvoldoende en C = cijfer

Studiejaar 1 – Periode 2 Blok 2: De marktgerichte organisatie * Kerncompetentie(s): 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

onderdeel code EC CW T B

Integrale opdracht 2 - Project (MKT/Onderzoek/M&O)

Integrale opdracht 2 - Rekenvaardigheden *












• Proces 2

• Interviewen en presenteren Marktgericht organiseren - Marketing 2 en Organisatiekunde






• 0

• 0 4











Bedrijfscommunicatie Nederlands 2 (incl. BCN/TAVAN)

• BCN 2






• 1

• 0







Engels 2

Vreemde talen (incl. interculturele competentie)

Personal Development 2





3 of 4


1 S




Totaal 15

* In blok 1 en 2 staat ook een training in Rekenvaardigheden op het rooster. De aftekening daarvan is in blok 2.

* In blok 2 of 3 staat ook een Lunaris training op het rooster. De aftekening daarvan is in blok 3.

* In blok 1, 2 en 3 staat ook een training Engels vaardigheden op het rooster. De aftekening daarvan is in blok 3.

Indien de toetsvorm (T) schriftelijk (S) is, bestaat de beoordeling minimaal uit een schriftelijk tentamen. Zie ook de beschrijvingen in Osiris per studieonderdeel bij de wijze van


Opleiding International Business and Languages

voltijd (IBL) Major International Business

and Languages

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T (toetsvorm): S = schriftelijk en O = opdracht/overig CW (cijferweging) B (beoordeling): V/O = voldoende/onvoldoende en C = cijfer

Studiejaar 1 – Periode 3 Blok 3: Marktbewerking Kerncompetentie(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10

onderdeel code EC CW T B

Integrale opdracht 3 - Project (Game/Onderzoek/BEC) MMVP15IOP3 3 1 O C

Integrale opdracht 3 - Excel MMVP15EXC 0 1 O C


• Lunaris * MMVP16CMV3-TOETS-01 • 1 1 O C

• Training 3 MMVP16CMV3-TOETS-02 • 0 0 O V/O

• Actieve participatie 3 MMVP16CMV3-TOETS-03 • 0 0 O V/O

Marktbewerking - Marketing 3 MMVP15MKT3 2 1 S C

Marktbewerking - Bedrijfseconomie 1 MMVP15BEC1 2 1 S C

Bedrijfscommunicatie Nederlands 3 (incl. BCN/TAVAN) MMVP14BCN3 1

• BCN 3 MMVP14BCN3-TOETS-01 • 1 1 O C

• TAVAN 3 MMVP14BCN3-TOETS-02 • 0 1 S C

Engels 3 (ENG/ENVA) MMVP15ENG3 2

• Engels 3 MMVP15ENG3-TOETS-01 • 2 1 O C

• ENVA * MMVP15ENG3-TOETS-02 • 0 1 S C

Vreemde talen (incl. interculturele competentie) ILVP2……. 2 of 3

Personal Development 3 MMVP17PD3 1 O V/O

Totaal 15

• In blok 2 of 3 staat ook een Lunaris training op het rooster. De aftekening daarvan is in blok 3.

• In blok 1, 2 en 3 staat ook een training Engels vaardigheden op het rooster. De aftekening daarvan is in blok 3.

Studiejaar 1 – Periode 4 Blok 4: International Sales I Kerncompetentie(s): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

onderdeel code EC CW T B

Opleiding International Business and Languages

voltijd (IBL) Major International Business

and Languages

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Integrale opdracht 4 (incl. CCM en CMV) ILVP6IOP4 4 1 O C

International Sales / Recht ILVP6ISR 3 1 S C

Communicatie 4 - Engels 4 ILVP15ENG4 2 1 O C

Communicatie 4 - BCN 4 ILVP15BCN4 2 1 O C

Vreemde talen (incl. interculturele competentie) ILVP2……. 3 of 4

Personal Development 4 ILVP17PD4 1 O V/O

Totaal 15 of 16

T (toetsvorm): S = schriftelijk en O = opdracht/overig CW (cijferweging) B (beoordeling): V/O = voldoende/onvoldoende en C = cijfer

Vreemde taal Frans

onderdeel code EC CW T B

Frans 1 ILVP2FRA1 1 1 O C

Frans 2 ILVP2FRA2 2 1 S C

Frans 3 ILVP2FRA3 1 1 O C

Frans 4 ILVP2FRA4 2 1 S C

Totaal 6

Vreemde taal Duits

onderdeel code EC CW T B

Duits 1 ILVP2DUI1 1 1 O C

Duits 2 ILVP2DUI2 2 1 S C

Duits 3 ILVP2DUI3 1 1 O C

Duits 4 ILVP2DUI4 2 1 S C

Totaal 6

Vreemde taal Spaans

onderdeel code EC CW T B

Spaans 1 ILVP2SPA1 2 1 S C

Spaans 2 ILVP2SPA2 1 1 O C

Spaans 3 ILVP2SPA3 2 1 S C

Spaans 4 ILVP2SPA4 1 1 O C

Totaal 6

Opleiding International Business and Languages

voltijd (IBL) Major International Business

and Languages

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Vreemde taal Italiaans

onderdeel code EC CW T B

Italiaans 1 ILVP2ITA1 2 1 S C

Italiaans 2 ILVP2ITA2 1 1 O C

Italiaans 3 ILVP2ITA3 2 1 S C

Italiaans 4 ILVP2ITA4 1 1 O C

Totaal 6

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3.7 Onderwijsjaarplanning IBL 2018-2019

Onderwijsjaarplanning IMM voltijd 2018-2019

Maand Week Periode ma di wo do vr Maand Week Periode ma di wo do vr

35 27 28 29 30 31 10 college 3.4 4 5 6 7 8

sep-18 36 intro/buffelweek 1.1 3 4 5 6 7 11 college 3.5 11 12 13 14 15

37 college 1.2 10 11 12 13 14 12 college 3.6 18 19 20 21 22

38 college 1.3 17 18 19 20 21 13 college 3.7 25 26 27 28 29

39 college 1.4 24 25 26 27 28 apr-19 14 college 3.8 1 2 3 4 5

okt-18 40 college 1.5 1 2 3 4 5 15 tentamens P3 3.9 8 9 10 11 12

41 college 1.6 8 9 10 11 12 16 coll./afronding 3.10 15 16 17 18 19

42 college 1.7 15 16 17 18 19 17 college 4.1 22 23 24 25 26

43 herkansingen 1.8 22 23 24 25 26 mei-19 18 meivakantie 29 30 1 2 3


44 college 1.9 29 30 31 1 2

19 college 4.2 6 7 8 9 10

45 tentamens P1 1.10 5 6 7 8 9 20 college 4.3 13 14 15 16 17

46 coll./afronding 1.11 12 13 14 15 16 21 college 4.4 20 21 22 23 24

47 college 2.1 19 20 21 22 23 22 college 4.5 27 28 29 30 31

48 college 2.2 26 27 28 29 30 jun-19 23 college 4.6 3 4 5 6 7

dec-18 49 college 2.3 3 4 5 6 7 24 college 4.7 10 11 12 13 14

50 college 2.4 10 11 12 13 14 25 tentamens P4 4.8 17 18 19 20 21

51 college 2.5 17 18 19 20 21 26 coll./afronding 4.9 24 25 26 27 28


kerstvakantie 24 25 26 27 28 jul-19 27 herkansingen

P3 4.10 1 2 3 4 5

jan-19 1

kerstvakantie 31 1 2 3 4 28 herkansingen

P4 4.11 8 9 10 11 12

2 college 2.6 7 8 9 10 11 29 15 16 17 18 19

3 college 2.7 14 15 16 17 18 30 22 23 24 25 26


tentamens P2 2.8 21 22 23 24 25 aug-19

31 29 30 31 1 2

feb-19 5 coll./afronding 2.9 28 29 30 31 1 32 5 6 7 8 9

6 herkansingen

P1 2.10 4 5 6 7 8

33 12 13 14 15 16

7 college 3.1 11 12 13 14 15 34 19 20 21 22 23

8 herkansingen

P2 3.2 18 19 20 21 22

35 buffelweek 26 27 28 29 30

mrt-19 9 college 3.3 25 26 27 28 1 sep-19 36 intro/buffelweek 1.1 2 3 4 5 6

Studiejaar van 3 september 2018 t/m 30 augustus 2019 Semesteromslagpunt 11 februari 2019

Nationale Feestdagen/HG gesloten

Verlofdagen voor personeel

Kerst 25 en 26 dec. 2018 collectief verlof voor docenten

Nieuwjaar 1 januari 2019 collectief verlof voor alle medewerkers

Goede Vrijdag/Pasen 19 april t/m 22 april 2019 compensatieverlof docenten / roostervrije periode studenten

Koningsdag 27 april 2019 werkweek voor docenten / vakantie voor studenten


5 mei 2019

Hemelvaart 30 mei 2019 Pinksteren

9 en 10 juni 2019

HG-Onderwijsvrije periodes:

Kerst 24 december 2018 t/m 4 januari 2019 Start studiejaar 2018-2019 op maandag 3 september 2018

Mei 29 april t/m 3 mei 2019 Start studiejaar 2019-2020 op maandag 2 september 2019

Zomer 15 juli t/m 30 augustus 2019

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4 Studieprogramma 4.1 Blok- en vakomschrijvingen De uitwerking van de curriculumoverzichten per blok en per onderwijseenheid staat in het onderwijsplanningssyteem in Osiris.

Voor IB-L is dit het studieprogamma van de hoofdfase en de minor English History and Culture. De studenten IBL volgen in hun vrije ruimte een studie in het buitenland.

4.2 Profilering in de hoofdfase Het studieprogramma van de voltijd opleiding biedt onderstaande mogelijkheden tot eigen profilering: Deelname aan Engelstalig jaar 2 Studie in het buitenland Stage in het buitenland Minoren bij buitenlandse partneruniversiteiten

4.3 Excellentieprogramma’s De informatie over de excellentieprogramma’s, de toelatingsvoorwaarden en de selectieprocedures is te vinden in Osiris.

4.4 Anderstalige onderdelen in het programma Voor de Hanzehogeschool Groningen geldt de gedragscode buitenlandse taal (Studentenstatuut). Deze code is van toepassing op het anderstalig verzorgen van onderwijs in het Nederlandstalige onderwijs.

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5 Toelatingseisen

5.1 Toelating tot de hoofdfase In een beperkt aantal andere gevallen dan hiervoor omschreven, is het mogelijk dat een student rechtstreeks wordt toegelaten tot de hoofdfase van de opleiding. Een student die over een elders behaalde propedeuse beschikt van dezelfde opleiding als waarvoor hij zich heeft ingeschreven, wordt in de regel toegelaten tot de hoofdfase. Studenten die volledig een andere HBO-opleiding hebben behaald, een propedeuse van een verwante HBO- of universitaire opleiding, of een significant aantal punten van een deel van een andere opleiding, kunnen een afspraak maken met leden van de Toelatingscommissie om het studieprogramma door te nemen en eventuele vrijstellingen te bespreken. In een aantal gevallen wordt een aangepast programma aangeboden, waarin een student tot de hoofdfase wordt toegelaten. Dit aangepaste programma wordt gebaseerd op de onderdelen die een student elders heeft behaald, en op de studieduur die met het behalen van die studieonderdelen gepaard is gegaan.

Wel worden eisen gesteld aan de startkwalificaties t.a.v. Nederlands en wiskunde.

Studenten in het bezit van een Propedeuse van het voormalige International Business and Management Studies (IBMS) zijn niet toelaatbaar tot de hoofdfase van het voormalige IBL programma.

6 Tentamenplanning 2018-2019 Een student heeft tweemaal per studiejaar de kans om aan een toets deel te nemen. Indien een student een onvoldoende haalt voor een mondelinge of schriftelijke toets, heeft hij nog tijdens het lopende studiejaar de mogelijkheid de toets te herkansen. Voor de schriftelijke tentamens geldt dat deze mogelijkheid valt in de daartoe bestemde herkansingsweek die in onderstaande tentamenplanningen en in de onderwijsjaarplanning is aangegeven. Een cursuscode bestaat soms uit enkele subonderdelen. Studenten die om gegronde reden een IOP niet hebben gehaald, kunnen na overleg met teamleider en studiecoach, en na goedkeuring door de examencommissie, samengevoegd worden in een nieuw op te starten projectgroep met start in een volgende periode. Dit geldt niet voor jaar IBL oud. IOP jaar 1 die in studiejaar 2017-2018 niet behaald zijn kunnen niet worden herkanst. De student doet een vervangend onderdeel in het IB jaar 1. Afhankelijk van het besluit van de examencommissie kan er ook een individuele opdracht worden verstrekt. Alle tentamens kunnen als herkansing gelden voor studenten uit hogere jaren en zijn dus voor hen toegankelijk.

De resultaten van de toetsen of eindbeoordelingen worden geregistreerd in Osiris onder de daarvoor geldende cursuscodes (zie curriculumoverzicht). De resultaten van deeltoetsen of opdrachten die leiden tot eindbeoordelingen worden gepubliceerd op Blackboard Learn onder de betreffende course. Buffelweken Aan de Buffelwekententamens in week van 35 en 36 2018 mogen alle eerste en tweedejaars studenten deelnemen die op 1 september 2018 geen BSA hebben ontvangen. Daarnaast moeten de betreffende studenten verplicht deelnemen aan tentamentraining in de week van 28 augustus tot en met 1

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september 2018. Voor IB- L studenten is 2018 het laatste studiejaar waarin deelname aan de Buffelweken mogelijk is. Inschrijving Je moet je verplicht inschrijven voor alle tentamens (ook hertentamens) via Osiris (https://osiris.hanze.nl/student).

Tot uiterlijk 2 weken voor de tentamenweek kun je je inschrijven voor de cursussen met een schriftelijk tentamen. Inschrijving voor cursussen zonder schriftelijk tentamen is gedurende het gehele jaar mogelijk. Zie voor de planning en deadlines de IBS-planning. * Een uitzondering zijn de eindtoetsen mondeling en schriftelijk van IBL. Deze deadlines staan in de

tentamenplanning van IBL vermeld. ** Voor de tentamens van periode 4 kun je je beter voor beide kansen inschrijven. Op het moment dat

je cijfer van de eerste kans bekend is, kun je je niet meer inschrijven voor de tweede kans. Bij het behalen van de eerste kans, moet je je uitschrijven voor de tweede kans tot uiterlijk 2 dagen voor de schriftelijke toets.

Uitschrijving Uitschrijven op tentamens en hertentamens is mogelijk bij schriftelijke tentamens tot uiterlijk 2 dagen vóór de toets. Als je dit niet doet, geldt dit als een gemiste kans (GK). Dit kan bij tentamens die meerdere keren worden aangeboden consequenties hebben voor je inschrijving. Je mag je maar voor 2 kansen per jaar inschrijven. Een gemiste kans registratie kan blokkerend werken.

Voor keuzevakken, keuzeblokken, minoren buiten het instituut is het verplicht dat je studie coach dit goedgekeurd heeft in Osiris.

6.1 Tentamenrooster

De roosters met de data van alle tentamens voor het gehele studiejaar worden gepubliceerd op Hanze.nl > site IBL > Praktische zaken > tentamenroosters.

Tentamenplanning IBL 2018-2019 Reguliere student Een student heeft maximaal tweemaal per studiejaar de kans om aan een toets deel te nemen:

- aan het eind van het blok en - in de herkansingsweek in de daarop volgende periode.

Indien je een onvoldoende haalt voor een mondelinge of schriftelijke toets, heb je nog tijdens het lopende studiejaar de mogelijkheid de toets te herkansen. Voor de schriftelijke tentamens geldt dat deze mogelijkheid valt in de daartoe bestemde herkansingsweek die in onderstaande tentamenplanning en in de onderwijsjaarplanning is aangegeven. (Let op: Een cursuscode bestaat soms uit enkele subonderdelen.) Student met openstaande vakken uit voorgaande studiejaren Een student met een openstaand vak uit voorgaande studiejaren heeft maximaal tweemaal de kans om aan een toets deel te nemen:

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- alleen daar waar de term: “herk.” (=afkorting van herkansers) wordt vermeld bij de tentamenplanning op hanze.nl.

Als je het vak al eerder hebt gevolgd en nog onderdelen open hebt staan uit een voorgaand studiejaar kun je je maximaal 2 keer voor een toets gelegenheid inschrijven. In de tentamenplanning op hanze.nl staat dan de term “herk.” achter de klassen waarvoor het bestemd is. Let op: het huidige jaar 1 IBL verdwijnt. In 2018-2019 worden nog twee herkansingen van alle toetsen aangeboden. Iop’s kunnen niet herkanst worden. Na 2018-2019 moeten studenten herkansen in het nieuwe curriculum van IB. Resultaten De resultaten van de toetsen of eindbeoordelingen worden geregistreerd in Osiris onder de daarvoor geldende cursuscodes (zie curriculumoverzicht). De resultaten van deeltoetsen of opdrachten die leiden tot eindbeoordelingen worden gepubliceerd op Blackboard onder de betreffende course. Buffelweken Aan de Buffelweektentamens in de week van 3 tot en met 7 september 2018 mogen alle eerste en tweedejaars studenten deelnemen die op 1 september 2018 geen BSA hebben ontvangen. Daarnaast moeten de betreffende studenten verplicht deelnemen aan de tentamentraining in de week van 27 augustus tot en met 31 augustus 2018. In verband met stage in het tweede semester hebben hoofdfase studenten daarnaast de mogelijkheid om hun tentamens uit periode 3 en 4 van het vorige studiejaar vóór 1 februari 2019 te herkansen. Dit geldt voor:

opleiding IBL, t.b.v. stage in jaar 3: in week 43 kunnen openstaande vakken uit blok 7 en blok 8 worden herkanst.

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Periode Week-

nummer Tentamens Herkansingen

1 36

Blok 1 t/m 4 curriculum 2017-2018 Voor eerste en tweedejaars studenten met openstaande propedeuse vakken die voldaan hebben aan de BSA eis en de tentamen-training in week 35 hebben gevolgd.

1 43 Blok 7 en 8 curriculum 2017-2018 Alleen voor studenten jaar 3/4 IBL

1 45

Blok 1, 5, 9

MVT eindtoetsen schriftelijk en mondeling * Alleen voor studenten jaar 3/4 IBL

2 4 Blok 2, 6, 10

2 6

Blok 1, 5, 9

MVT eindtoetsen schriftelijk en mondeling * Alleen voor studenten jaar 3/4 IBL

3 8 Blok 2, 6

3 15

Blok 3, 7

MVT eindtoetsen schriftelijk en mondeling * Alleen voor studenten jaar 3/4 IBL

4 25 Blok 4, 8

4 27

Blok 3, 7

MVT eindtoetsen schriftelijk en mondeling * Alleen voor studenten jaar 3/4 IBL

4 28 Blok 4, 8, 10 **

* Voor de MVT eindtoetsen schriftelijk en mondeling geldt dat de student zich op tijd moet inschrijven in Osiris en

zich vervolgens zelf aan moet melden bij de talendocent. De MVT eindtoetsen schriftelijk en mondeling betreffen de toetsen uit blok 11, 12, 13 en 14.

Let op: je kunt je maximaal 2 keer per jaar inschrijven voor de MVT eindtoetsen schriftelijk en mondeling ook al worden er 4 momenten aangeboden. Schrijf je alleen in voor de MVT als je ook daadwerkelijk deel gaat nemen. Je dient eerst deel te hebben genomen aan het MVT eindtoets schriftelijk tentamen, voordat je het MVT mondeling kunt afleggen.

** Voor IBL geldt i.v.m. mogelijke studie buitenland dat herkansing blok 10 niet wordt aangeboden in herkansingsweek 08 maar in herkansingsweek 28.

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6.2 Plagiarism and other irregularities

6.2.1 Plagiarism The prevention, detection and punishment of plagiarism are good practice in terms of learning, teaching and assessment. IBS has a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that plagiarism does not happen, or is dealt with appropriately if it does. Simply saying “students should not do it” is not good enough. Definition of plagiarism? It is difficult to give a simple, universally applicable definition. Different disciplines and institutions have varying traditions and conventions: for instance what might be considered ‘common knowledge’ and thus not need referencing by an expert in a subject is different from that same knowledge when cited by a novice first-year student. However, a widely shared understanding is that plagiarism occurs when someone tries to pass off someone else’s work, thoughts or ideas as their own, whether deliberately or not, without appropriate acknowledgement. It is important to recognise that plagiarism does not just apply to written work - whether essays, reports, dissertations or laboratory results - but can also apply to plans, projects, designs, music, presentations or other work presented for assessment. Plagiarism is seen as being particularly harmful because it undermines the whole basis of scholarly academic values, and undermines academic standards and the credibility of awards. Whilst plagiarism is not new, the ready availability of material on the internet and the explosion of information in some areas have raised concerns that students are making extensive use of ‘copy and paste’ functions available to them. A final issue is that, with the growing diversity of students in higher education - whether by age, educational background or national origin (including international students on exchange programmes) - they may have different understandings of what plagiarism is, and not understand what conventions apply and why. Plagiarism procedure As a rule, all written assignments, reports, etc. leading to a grade or a pass/fail for an Osiris code, must be submitted both on paper (in hardcopy) and through Ephorus (a computer application that checks documents for similarities with other sources). To submit the assignment, report, etc. through Ephorus, students need to access Ephorus via the Blackboard course of the specific module. If a teacher suspects plagiarism, he will deal with it: it is cheating! He will inform the Exam Board who will then, after providing the student with an opportunity to be heard, determine if plagiarism was indeed committed and if so, determine the appropriate sanction. The Exam Board classifies the observed plagiarism and other irregularities in one of the following categories: 1. Opportunistic cheating. Opportunistic cheating is understood to mean any act or neglect during examinations that includes obtaining or passing information unlawfully, copying, or giving opportunity to copy. The examination (paper) of a student who is found guilty of these practices will be declared null and void.

2. Premeditated cheating and Plagiarism 2a Premeditated cheating Any premeditated act or neglect during an examination to obtain or pass information unlawfully, such as the usage of forbidden aids or crib notes, giving opportunity to use forbidden aids and crib note. The examination (paper) of a student who is found guilty of these practices will be declared null and void and the student will be barred from taking this examination for (up to) a period of one year. 2b Plagiarism The copying of (parts of) texts from others without proper referencing or intentionally pretending the authenticity of fake interviews or false data from research.

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3. Criminal Fraud (theft, embezzlement, forgery) Any act or neglect intended to obtain or pass on information unlawfully, which is based on any form of theft, embezzlement or forgery; the complete copying of documents from others and offering it for evaluation under one’s own name; the forging of a signature from an assessor; wrongfully indicating or making an indication of presence (e.g. on an attendance list); next to anything the student has done or not done at falsifying the submitted work or the awarded grade result. The student will be punished by being barred from taking examinations for a period of one year. Repeated acts of plagiarism can lead the Exam Board to set a higher penalty within the boundaries of the law. 6.2.2 The use of (parts of) assignments for other assessments

Students are not permitted to submit parts or the entire assignment from one assessment of a module to an assessment of another module. This rule applies to all assignments, study reports, Placement reports (whether produced as a project for the Placement company or to satisfy the regulations for completion of a Placement), project reports and/or Graduation Project. For example, parts of a Placement report may not be used in a Graduation Project; parts or the whole of an assignment report from module ‘X’ may not be submitted to obtain a grade for module ‘Y’. 6.3 Rules for the proper conduct of examinations Students must be aware of the rules and regulations laid down in the Examination protocol, which is chapter 5 of the Hanze Student Charter. This Examination protocol is added to this Prospectus in Appendix 1. In addition to this, there are some IBS specific rules:

for multiple choice exams, it is not allowed to write the answers on the exam paper itself. Students are only allowed to circle their answer and use the answer sheet. Not sticking to these rules will lead to an Exam Board case.

It is not permitted to go to the toilet during exams.

6.4 Aanvraagformulier extra voorzieningen Een student met een (officieel erkende) functiebeperking, zoals: dyslexie, zichtproblemen, schrijfbeperking of concentratieproblemen, kan een extra voorziening aanvragen om op een aangepaste wijze schriftelijke tentamens te maken. Voorbeelden van extra voorzieningen zijn: verlenging tijdsduur, vergrote letters of gebruik van een laptop.

Studenten die nog geen extra voorziening hebben. Denk je in aanmerking te komen voor extra voorzieningen bij het maken van schriftelijke tentamens, maak dan een afspraak met een van de studentendecanen (telefoonnummer: 050 595 40 28 of via e-mail: [email protected]). Zij nemen jouw aanvraag in behandeling. Als het decanaat een positief advies geeft, stuurt zij dit advies naar de Examencommissie van jouw opleiding. In de meeste gevallen neemt de Examencommissie het advies van het decanaat over. De Examencommissie bevestigt jou schriftelijk dat je recht hebt op gebruik van extra voorzieningen en stuurt ter informatie een kopie van deze brief naar het Tentamenbureau.

Studenten die toestemming hebben van de Examencommissie voor een extra voorziening.

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Heb je recht op een extra voorziening, vul dan vóór elke tentamenperiode het aanvraagformulier extra voorzieningen bij tentamens in. Dit formulier vind je op Hanze.nl (inloggen) Organisatie Financieel Economische Zaken Producten en Diensten Bijzondere voorzieningen. Vul dit formulier volledig in zodat het Tentamenbureau weet bij welke tentamens ze voor jou extra voorzieningen moeten organiseren. Je kunt het aanvraagformulier persoonlijk langsbrengen of e-mailen (kamer: A019, e-mail: [email protected]). Let op: uiterlijk 10 werkdagen voor het tentamen moet je aanvraagformulier binnen zijn bij het Tentamenbureau. Dit staat ook in hoofdstuk 5 van het tentamenprotocol van het Studentenstatuut. Uiterlijk 5 werkdagen voor de tentamendatum ontvang je vanuit het Tentamenbureau per e-mail bericht over de organisatie van jouw tentamens. In deze mail staan de tentamencodes, de tijdstippen en de locaties waar voor jou de tentamens zullen plaatsvinden. Kijk goed naar de locatie en het tijdstip, want die kunnen afwijken van het reguliere tentamenrooster.

6.5 Voorziening tijdelijke functiebeperking Een student met een tijdelijke functiebeperking, bijvoorbeeld een gebroken arm, kan zich melden bij de Examencommissie voor het regelen van een voorziening.

6.6 Gelijktijdige tentamens Mocht het zo zijn dat je meerdere tentamens (herkansingen) wilt maken die volgens het tentamenrooster op dezelfde dag én tijd staan ingepland, dan kun je je uiterlijk een week voorafgaand aan de tentamendatum melden bij de tentamenplanner het voormalige IBL programma. Dit dien je persoonlijk te doen; er wordt voor jou een oplossing gevonden. Stuur een e-mail met de volgende gegevens naar de tentamenplanner:

vakcode en omschrijving tentamens;

datum en tijdstip tentamens 6.7 Uitslag van tentamen De termijn waarbinnen je de uitslag van een gemaakte toets of beoordeling ontvangt, mag nooit meer dan 15 werkdagen zijn. Zie ook artikel 4.9 van het Studentenstatuut op hanze.nl/studentenstatuut (Hanze.nl (inloggen) Voorzieningen Studentenstatuut). Mocht je onverhoopt toch niet je cijfer binnen 15 werkdagen ontvangen, dan kun je een e-mail sturen naar de teamleider van de opleiding:

International Business -L, Hanneke Barents ([email protected])

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6.8 Inzage van gemaakt schriftelijk tentamen Inzage in gemaakte schriftelijk tentamens is altijd mogelijk. Meestal heeft je eigen docent hiervoor al afspraken gemaakt. Wanneer dit niet het geval is, bijvoorbeeld als je een tentamen maakt uit een vorig jaar of als de docent tijdelijk is aangesteld alleen voor de lessen, is inzage op initiatief van de student. In zo’n geval kun je degene die het cijfer heeft ingevoerd mailen voor een afspraak voor inzage in het tentamen. Je moet je wel melden binnen 6 weken, anders kan het tentamen vernietigd zijn.

6.9 Adressen en bereikbaarheid tentamenlocaties Bereikbaarheid tentamenlocaties met het openbaar vervoer De tentamenlocaties zijn goed bereikbaar met het openbaar vervoer. Kijk voor bustijden op www.qbuzz.nl of www.9292ov.nl.

De adressen en bereikbaarheid van tentamenlocaties zijn te vinden op Hanze.nl > contact > locaties en bereikbaarheid.

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7 Onderwijsprogramma IBL 2018-2019 Het onderwijsprogramma wordt in vaste volgorde aangeboden. Jaar 1 IBL, de blokken 1 t/m 4 worden niet meer aangeboden per 1 september 2018. Blok 5 van het onderwijs valt in periode 1, blok 6 in periode 2, blok 7 in periode 3 en blok 8 in periode 4. Ook de toetsperiodes worden daaropvolgend aangeboden. Deze systematiek geldt ook voor de jaren 3 en 4: blok 9 en 13 van het onderwijs valt in periode 1, blok 10 en 14 in periode 2, blok 11 en 15 in periode 3 en blok 12 en 16 in periode 4. De student volgt regulier onderwijs in de klas waarin hij geplaatst is. Het volgen van onderwijs als voorbereiding op een herkansing kan alleen als de ruimte het toelaat en de docent daartoe toestemming heeft gegeven.


JAAR 2 Blok 5 / Block


Blok 6 / Block


Blok 7 / Block


Blok 8 / Block


JAAR 3 Blok 9 Blok 10 Blok 11 + Blok 12 (Stage of

Studie Buitenland)

JAAR 4 Blok 13 + Blok 14

Studie of Stage Buitenland Blok 15 + Blok 16 (afstuderen)

8 Onderwijsprogramma minoren 2018-2019




English History, Language and Culture - advanced

B2 course X X *

Lengua y Cultura Española - beginners level ** X * X *

X De minor wordt aangeboden in deze periode. * Het gaat alleen door bij voldoende deelnemers in Osiris. ** De minor Lengua y Cultura Espanola is alleen voor studenten die geen Spaans in het curriculum hebben gehad.

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9 Voortgangsnormen gedurende de opleiding 9.1 Vereisten voor het studieadvies De algemene regeling rond het bindend studieadvies (BSA) is opgenomen in het Studentenstatuut, hoofdstuk 4, artikelen 4.14 t/m 4.16. Er zijn geen kwalitatieve vereisten voor het studieadvies in de propedeuse. Als studielast moet de voor de propedeuse geldende studielast worden aangemerkt, verminderd met het totale aantal studiepunten dat door middel van verkregen vrijstellingen voor de propedeutische fase is behaald. Bij de berekening wordt naar beneden afgerond op een geheel getal. Binnen het voormalige IBL programma geldt een brede BSA regeling. Dit betekent dat studenten die een negatief bindend studieadvies hebben gekregen zich niet meer kunnen inschrijven voor de opleidingen in alle varianten van IMM. Voor het studiejaar 2018-2019 kunnen de studenten van CE, SB&RM en IBL met een NBSA zich niet opnieuw inschrijven voor CE en Ondernemerschap & Retail Management (nieuwe naam voor SB&RM). Studenten van IBL met een NBSA kunnen zich niet inschrijven voor het eerste jaar van de nieuwe opleiding International Business (IB) van de International Business School. 9.2 Geldigheid deelresultaten Resultaten die je voor deelopdrachten binnen een studieonderdeel behaald blijven slechts voor één studiejaar geldig.

9.3 Stagerijpheid jaar 3 IBL De student is stagerijp vanaf: 55 EC gehaald in jaar 2; onderwijs blok 9 en 10 jaar 3 gevolgd inclusief toetsing.

Er geldt een bespreekbare zone:

tussen 50 EC en 54 EC in jaar 2. De studie coach bespreekt met de studenten '45-54 EC' de stagerijpheid, en besluit over de stagerijpheid en kan de teamleider daarover consulteren. De student kan hiertegen in beroep gaan bij de examencommissie.

Er moet altijd vervangend onderwijs zijn als de student niet op stage mag. Hiervoor kunnen de keuzeblokken en/of minors dienen. Voor IBL moet de studie buitenland dan voor de stage buitenland komen. Keuzeonderwijs- of minoren buiten het IBL curriculum mogen alleen met toestemming van de studiecoach en teamleider gevolgd worden. Zonder toestemming krijgt de student de rekening.

In de praktijk kunnen studenten elk blok starten met hun stageperiode. Het volgende

stramien wordt toegepast: Stagerijp

per 1 december op stage per februari (periode 3);

per 1 juni op stage per september (periode 1);

per 1 september op stage per november (periode 2).

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Vanaf ongeveer 50 EC behaald in jaar 2 kan worden begonnen met de werving van de stageplek. Het praktijkbureau geeft regelmatig voorlichting over de werving en de start van de stages. In de stagehandleiding staat de beschrijving van de procedures en regelingen omtrent de stage, te weten: inrichting van de stage; begeleiding van de stage; eisen die aan de stageplek gesteld worden in relatie tot de opleiding; wie voor de stageplaats zorgt.

9.4 Toelating tot de afstudeerfase IBL

De student wordt toegelaten tot de afstudeerfase als hij 115 studiepunten uit jaar 2 en 3 heeft behaald én de minor studie buitenland volledig heeft gevolgd.

Hierbij behoren in ieder geval alle SLB-punten én de kernvakken Onderzoek en Strategisch marketing uit jaar 2 en 3 behaald te zijn.

Het studievoortgangsoverzicht is leidend bij het vaststellen van de toelating tot de afstudeerfase.

Voor een uitzondering op de regel kan de student zich wenden tot de examencommissie indien hij/zij een positief advies van de studie coach heeft.

In de afstudeerhandleiding staat alle relevante informatie rond de inhoud en de beoordelingen van het afstudeertraject.

9.5 Toelating tot onderwijseenheden

In de cursusteksten in Osiris staan instapeisen voor de onderwijseenheden.

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10 Studiebegeleiding Elke student krijgt een studieloopbaanbegeleider/studie coach (SC’er toegewezen. De SC’er is voor de student de persoon die hem begeleidt in zijn persoonlijke ontwikkeling (Personal Development) en de keuzes die hij ten aanzien van zijn studie maakt. De studievoortgang van de student is een onderwerp van de gesprekken die de student kan voeren met zijn SC’er. In deze gesprekken kunnen ook problemen in de studievoortgang of persoonlijke problemen worden besproken. De SC’er fungeert voor de student als vertrouwenspersoon. In een aantal gevallen zal de SC’er een student doorverwijzen naar het decanaat, een studieadviseur, of naar specialistische hulp als daar aanleiding voor is. De student ontvangt altijd een afschrift van de afspraken die er met zijn SC’er zijn gemaakt. Studieloopbaanbegeleiding is er in het belang van de student, en in het belang van zijn persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Studieloopbaanbegeleiding is een studieonderdeel waar studiepunten aan zijn verbonden. Indien een student wordt geconfronteerd met een situatie van overmacht, waardoor studieachterstand dreigt, is het in het belang van de student, en met het oog op de procedure rond het afwijzende bindende studieadvies, dit zo spoedig mogelijk te melden aan zijn/haar SC’er en het decanaat. Zie hiervoor ook hoofdstuk 4 van het Studentenstatuut. 11 Cum Laude Artikel 4.13 van het studentenstatuut is van toepassing. 12 Algemene informatie over rechten en plichten In het Studentenstatuut zijn de belangrijkste rechten en plichten van studenten van de Hanzehogeschool Groningen opgenomen. Het gaat zowel om rechten en plichten uit allerlei wettelijke regelingen als om regelingen die de Hanzehogeschool Groningen zelf heeft vastgesteld. De rechten en plichten vloeien voort uit je inschrijving als student aan de HG. Denk aan het collegegeld, de kwaliteit van het onderwijs, studiebegeleiding, de examenregeling, studentenvoorzieningen, gedragsregels, persoonsregistraties en ongewenste omgangsvormen. De bepalingen in het Studentenstatuut zijn op alle studenten van toepassing. Uitzonderingen op die regel staan in de bepalingen zelf aangegeven. Als op basis van het Studentenstatuut voor een opleiding een afwijkende regeling geldt, dan wordt die afwijkende regeling opgenomen in de Onderwijsregeling van de opleiding. Het Studentenstatuut is te vinden op hanze.nl/studentenstatuut (Hanze.nl (inloggen) Voorzieningen Studentenstatuut). Je kunt het Studentenstatuut als bestand downloaden.

In het Studentenstatuut kun je in hoofdstuk 10 (Rechtsbescherming) ook lezen wat je moet doen als je het niet eens bent met een beslissing van de Examencommissie of een beslissing van de dean. 12.1 Huisregels voor studenten IB-L Bij IB-L leiden we je op voor een verantwoordelijke functie in het bedrijfsleven. Daar is de cultuur

resultaatgericht, ben je altijd op tijd, blijf je niet zomaar weg en werk je hard. Je studie is een goede

voorbereiding op dit professionele gedrag. Daarom hanteert IB-L huisregels t.a.v. professioneel

gedrag in het algemeen, de dresscode IB-L, de aanwezigheid, gedrag in de klas, inleveren van

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opdrachten, e-mailverkeer, docentbezoek en ziekte. De docenten van IB-L zien toe op naleving van

de huisregels.

Professioneel gedrag

Onder professioneel gedrag verstaan we dat je:

1) pro-actief werkt*: de lessen voorbereidt, de lesstof wekelijks bijhoudt, in projecten actief

meedoet en een evenredige bijdrage levert, en ook de tentamens voorbereidt; 2) prioriteit geeft aan je studie, voor voltijdstudenten geldt met nadruk: bijbanen, hobby’s, e.d. komen

op de tweede

plaats, d.w.z. na je studie;

3) verantwoordelijk bent voor je eigen gedrag;

4) je houdt aan alle afspraken die je maakt met je studiecoach, binnen het personal development-programma van IB-L.

*Professioneel werken bij IB-L

Om goede afspraken te maken over professioneel gedrag, afwezigheid, samenwerking en andere

aspecten, is een commitment contract gemaakt, dat elke student krijgt uitgedeeld tijdens de start

van blok 1. Het is de bedoeling dat de student dit leest, ondertekent en aan de studiecoach


Dresscode in IB-L

Zorg dat je netjes en representatief gekleed bent. De wijze waarop je je kleedt bijvoorbeeld bij

presentaties en afrondingen van projecten is belangrijk voor je persoonlijke effectiviteit.


1) 100% aanwezigheid is bij IB-L verplicht en vanzelfsprekend: in leerjaar 1 en 2 wordt dit strak

gecontroleerd. Kun je echt niet aanwezig zijn, dan dien je dit vooraf te melden aan de docent

in kwestie met de reden van afwezigheid erbij. Bij afwezigheid geldt het volgende: meer dan

20% afwezig (afgemeld of niet afgemeld) betekent dat de eerste kans voor de toets van het

betreffende vak voor jou vervalt.

Voor jaar 3 en 4 kunnen specifieke aanwezigheidsregels gelden per blok /

studieonderdeel. Deze worden in de betreffende Blackboard course gepubliceerd.

Gedrag in de klas

1) Niet eten/drinken tijdens de les, tenzij daar uitdrukkelijk toestemming voor is gegeven.

2) Alle benodigde boeken of readers meenemen. Niet meegenomen betekent, geen les bijwonen.

3) Schrijfgerei meenemen (laptop of tablet, pen en papier dus). Niet meegenomen, geen les bijwonen.

4) Te laat komen: les niet bijwonen. In bijzondere gevallen (bus of trein zijn verlaat) sms naar

klasgenoot (voor de les!), zodat de docent ervan weet. In dat geval is binnenkomen


5) In de klas jassen uit, petten af, mobiele telefoons uit. Laptop en tablets alleen aan voor

aantekeningen tijdens het college.

Opdrachten inleveren

1) Bij opdrachten die op meer pagina’s zijn geschreven, of wanneer je meer opdrachten tegelijk inlevert, gebruik je een

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nietmachine of snelhechter.

Maak ook gebruik van de “voettekst”. Daarin vermeld je je naam, klas, datum, onderwerp en

het paginanummer. Als het groepswerk is, ook het nummer van de groep. 2) Maak bij alle opdrachten die je inlevert een voorblad waar op staat:

• Studieonderdeel

• Blok

• Nummer van de opdracht

• Je naam (en die van groepsleden bij een groepsopdracht)

• Klas en groepsnumme

3) Bij projectverslagen gelden andere regels, dat leer je bij BCN.

Mail sturen naar docenten

1) Docenten krijgen veel mail. Vaak met vragen die een student zelf op BlackBoard kan

vinden. Daardoor wordt de reactietijd langer dan nodig is. Dus eerst zelf kijken! 2) Je mag alleen je Hanze e-mailadres (st.hanze.nl) gebruiken voor correspondentie.

3) Geen ellenlange verhalen. Kort en bondig je vraag stellen.

4) Vermeld bij onderwerp al duidelijk waar het over gaat. DUS: vraag m.b.t. vak ….. blok …… klas … groep ……

5) Vermeld onder je mail altijd je: naam, studentnummer, klas, projectgroep (indien van

toepassing), optioneel: je telefoonnummer. 6) Maak een handtekening aan in je mailprogramma.

7) Bevestig altijd per mail de afspraken met docenten. Dat geeft duidelijkheid.

8) Gebruik de replyfunctie bij mail alleen als je antwoord gaat over hetzelfde onderwerp!

Outlook herkent na eenmaal gebruik het e-mail adres. Tik de beginletter in en je kunt het

mailadres aanklikken van de betreffende persoon. 9) LEES JE HANZEMAIL ’S AVONDS EN ’S OCHTENDS!

(Evenals de afwezigheids-/ziektemeldingen van docenten op BB en Mijn|Hanze.nl) Bezoek aan een docent

1) Per mail een afspraak maken.

2) Aankloppen.

3) Vragen of de docent tijd heeft.

4) Je naam noemen en als je vragen hebt over onderwijs dan noem je blok, tentamen, onderdeel.

Dus niet: “Hoi ik wil graag weten wat ik fout heb gedaan op het tentamen.” Maar:

“goedemorgen….. ik ben….. uit klas…..


Zie commitment contract.

Bij chronische ziekte altijd je studiecoach informeren. In overleg met je studiecoach kun je bij de

examencommissie vragen om bijzondere voorzieningen, zoals ontheffing van verplichte lessen

bijwonen of toestemming om te eten tijdens de les.

12.2 Studeren met een functiebeperking en als Nederlands niet je moedertaal is De HG biedt voor studeren met een functiebeperking verschillende voorzieningen. Informatie hierover kun je vinden op Hanze.nl (Hanze.nl (inloggen) Voorzieningen Studeren met een functiebeperking).

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Het instituut heeft een aantal personen speciaal belast met de belangenbehartiging voor studenten met een functiebeperking. Heb je ideeën, wensen, problemen met de studie, klachten of wil je gewoon eens een gesprek over de hindernissen die je ondervindt in je studie, dan kun je terecht bij de contactpersoon van jouw opleiding:

- International Business -L, Ellis Wubs [email protected]) Dyslexie

Heb je een ernstig vermoeden dat jouw taalproblemen veroorzaakt worden door dyslexie, maar is dat nog nooit officieel vastgesteld, neem dan contact op met het decanaat, telefoonnummer 050 - 595 4028. De decaan kan je voorlichten over en doorverwijzen naar een instantie, waar tests worden verzorgd. Soms vergoedt de ziektekostenverzekeraar de kosten, maar is dit niet het geval dan kan de student in sommige situaties een deel van de kosten vergoed krijgen vanuit het Noodfonds van de Hanzehogeschool.

Nederlands niet je moedertaal 1. Je komt rechtstreeks van niet-Nederlands voortgezet onderwijs:

je hebt dan het eerste jaar automatisch recht op meer tijd bij schriftelijke tentamens en je mag woordenboeken hierbij gebruiken. Het instituut regelt dit voor jou. Wil je in het tweede jaar ook van deze bijzondere voorzieningen gebruikmaken, dan moet je dit aanvragen bij je studiecoach. Deze legt dit verzoek voor aan de Examencommissie. Over het algemeen wordt dit dan toegestaan.

2. Je hebt het voortgezet onderwijs wel in Nederland gevolgd, maar thuis spreken jullie geen Nederlands: je kunt bij je studiecoach extra tijd en gebruik van woordenboeken bij de schriftelijke tentamens aanvragen. De studiecoach legt dit verzoek voor aan de Examencommissie. Over het algemeen wordt dit dan toegestaan.

Recht op extra voorzieningen bij tentamens Een student met een (officieel erkende) functiebeperking, zoals: dyslexie, zichtproblemen, schrijfbeperking of concentratieproblemen, kan een extra voorziening aanvragen om op een aangepaste wijze schriftelijke tentamens te maken. Deze aanvraag moet je doen bij het studentendecanaat. De aanvraagprocedure voor de extra voorzieningen vind je in paragraaf 6.3. Voorbeelden van extra voorzieningen zijn: verlenging tijdsduur of gebruik van een laptop.

Zijn de bijzondere voorzieningen die het tentamenbureau kan leveren niet toereikend, neem dan contact op met je contactpersoon aanspreekpunt studenten met functiebeperking. Samen met jou (en zo nodig de teamleider en/of Examencommissie) wordt dan naar een alternatieve oplossing gezocht. Bijzondere voorzieningen tijdens het onderwijs Bij allerlei onderwijsdelen is aanwezigheid verplicht of mag je niet meer binnen komen als je te laat bent. Kun je niet altijd aan die verplichtingen voldoen vanwege de aandoening die je hebt (bijvoorbeeld diabetes), neem ook dan contact op met het aanspreekpunt functiebeperking. Via je contactpersoon krijg je dan een brief van de examencommissie, waarmee je je docent op de hoogte kunt brengen dat je permissie hebt in voorkomende gevallen niet aan deze verplichting te voldoen. Cursussen Het decanaat organiseert zélf allerlei cursussen en bemiddelt bij cursussen die elders worden gegeven en van belang zijn voor jou. Meer informatie kun je vinden op Hanze.nl/decanaat (Hanze.nl (inloggen) > Voorzieningen > Studentendecanaat). 12.3 Topsportregeling

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Als je topsporter bent, kun je een topsportregeling krijgen. Zie Hanze.nl/topsport (Hanze.nl (inloggen) > Onderwijs > Topsport). Heb je officieel recht op de topsportregeling, neem dan contact op met de contactpersoon van jouw opleiding om afspraken te maken over eventuele aanpassingen van je onderwijs: International Business -L, Ellis Wubs ([email protected])

Appendix 1 Examination Regulations regarding Bachelor’s Degree Programmes at Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen and Examination Protocol for Students

Once the original Dutch chapters 4 and 5 from the Student charter have been translated. Please refer to the Dutch version in case of queries: https://www.hanze.nl/nld/studiekeuze/hanzehogeschool/studentenstatuut Article 4.1 General Provisions 4.1.1 These Examination Regulations have been drawn up in conformity with Section 7.13 of the WHW

Act (the Higher Education and Research Act) and apply to all Bachelor and Associate degree programmes provided by Hanze UAS.

4.1.2 These Examination Regulations, in conjunction with the Teaching Regulations as published on the intranet of the study programme, form the Teaching and Examination Regulations for the study programme in question, as referred to in Section 7.13 of the WHW Act.

4.1.3 Besides the provisions in these Examination Regulations, the rights and obligations described in the Student Charter and in the Teaching Regulations referred to under article 3.11.1, also apply to enrolment in Bachelor’s or Associate degree programmes offered by Hanze UAS.

4.1.4 In these Regulations, examination means an investigation of the student’s knowledge, understanding and/or skills. Examinations can be in the form of written, oral or computer examinations, interim examinations by means of practicals, practical examinations, in-term assessments, (project) assignments, group assignments, or any other form of assessment approved by the Examining Board. Students are always assessed individually; this includes work which is carried out as a group assignment. Examinations may also be referred to as tests. (NB: ‘Examination’ or ‘interim examination’ (Dutch: tentamen) in this Student Charter means any examination except an examination which concludes a phase of study (examen), i.e. the propaedeutic examination (propedeutisch examen) or the final examination (afsluitend examen.))

4.1.5 For the purposes of these Regulations, a written request or a written communication has the same status as a request or communication made by electronic means.

4.1.6 Where these Examination Regulations refer to credits, European Credits are meant. One credit represents 28 hours of study.

4.1.7 If any serious inequity arises in the application of these Examination Regulations or the Examinations Protocol contained in Chapter 5 of this Charter, the Examining Board may deviate from this rule.

4.1.8 In cases for which the Examination Regulations or the Examinations Protocol contained in Chapter 5 of this Charter do not provide, the Examining Board decides.

Article 4.2 Curriculum 4.2.1 The academic year is comprised of 42 weeks of study, divided into two terms (semesters) which

are each further divided into two study periods. Each study period includes an examination period. The annual timetable for the study programme is published on the University’s intranet and in the Teaching Regulations of the individual programmes. Notwithstanding the provisions

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of the first sentence, the academic year of the Dance, Dance in Education and Design bachelor programmes and the Dance Associate degree programme is divided into five study periods.

4.2.2 ‘Academic year’ means the period starting on 1 September and ending on 31 August of the next calendar year. For students whose enrolment begins in February, however, the academic year starts on 1 February in respect of the binding study advice, which cannot be issued before 31 January of the following calendar year.

4.2.3 Programmes are divided into units of study. The study load of these units is expressed as whole-number credits. The study load of a whole study programme is 240 credits, divided into 60 credits in the propaedeutic phase and 180 credits in the post-propaedeutic phase of the programme. If the total course load is 180 credits, the volume of the post-propaedeutic phase is 120 credits.

4.2.4 Notwithstanding the provisions of article 4.2.3, the study load of Associate degree programmes is 120 credits.

4.2.5 The units of study of a programme are included in a curriculum overview. The number of credits allocated to the units of study in the curriculum overview correspond to the study load of the units. The curriculum overviews are published on the individual programmes’ intranets.

4.2.6 If any prerequisites apply to a unit of study, this is stated in the Teaching Regulations.

Article 4.3 Propaedeutic and Final Examinations 4.3.1 The Bachelor degree programme is divided into a propaedeutic phase and a post-propaedeutic

or main phase, each of which is concluded by an examination. An Associate degree programme does not include a propaedeutic phase.

4.3.2 To pass the propaedeutic examination or the final examination of a Bachelor degree programme, a student has to pass all the interim examinations (Du: tentamens) of each of the units of study that make up the propaedeutic study programme or the complete study programme.

4.3.3 At the written request of a student, the Examining Board may allow a student to take one or more of the examinations that form part of the final examination before the student has passed the propaedeutic examination of the Bachelor study programme in which he/she is enrolled; these examinations to be determined by the Examining Board.

4.3.4 Without prejudice to the provisions of art. 4.14, a student who has achieved 40 credits or more after four study periods of the first year of their enrolment in the propaedeutic phase of their Bachelor study programme including the examination period, is considered to have permission from the Examining Board to take examinations in components that are part of the post-propaedeutic phase unless the Examining Board provides otherwise. In derogation from the provisions of the preceding sentence, the academic year of the Dance, Dance in Education and Design bachelor programmes and the Dance Associate degree programme is divided into five study periods.

Article 4.4 Ordinary Examinations 4.4.1 Each unit of study has one or more examinations attached to it. 4.4.2 Examination results are recorded in Osiris. Credits are awarded each time a student passes an

examination. No compensation is possible between examination results. If a unit of study has more than one examination attached to it, the student must pass all the examinations to complete the unit successfully. The Dean may lay down in the Teaching Regulations that students forfeit their examination results if they do not pass all the examinations attached to the unit by the end of the academic year. The Dean will give an explanation of the educational reasons.

Article 4.5 Resit Examinations 4.5.1 If a student retakes an examination, the highest result achieved is entered into the records.

Resitting an examination after obtaining a pass is allowed once as long as the resit is taken within one calendar year of the date of the pass. For students who are abroad during the year referred to in the previous sentence for reasons connected with their studies, the term within which the

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resit must take place is extended by the time of their stay abroad. No resit can be taken of a passed competence-based test, group test, placement or final thesis. The Dean may include in the Teaching Regulations which units of study this provision applies to. In exceptional cases the Examining Board may, in derogation from the provisions above, allow an additional resit.

4.5.2 If it is decided during an academic year that a certain unit of study, or part of it, will no longer be offered in the following years or will be substantially revised, then the students concerned will be given at least one extra opportunity to take the relevant examination(s) before the academic year in which the unit is no longer offered or is offered in its amended form. Such resit opportunities are announced at least three months before the resit, but no later than by 1 May of the current academic year.

Article 4.6 Exemptions 4.6.1 The Examining Board, on the written application of a student, may grant the student exemption

from one or more (interim) examinations on the grounds of an in-term assessment or a certificate, testimonial, diploma or other document which proves that the student has complied with the requirements of the examination in question. The application may also be submitted electronically. Exemptions are referred to by the abbreviation ‘VR’ (for vrijstelling).

4.6.2 If an Examining Board, after consultation with the examiner concerned, grants the exemption applied for, the Board sends the applicant a certificate of exemption within four weeks of the day that the application was received. The certificate must state the date on which the exemption was granted and the examination(s) to which the exemption applies. The certificate is signed by the Chair of the Examining Board.

4.6.3 The Examining Board has the power to grant exemption from the obligation to participate in practical exercises and may impose other requirements in their place.

4.6.4 No exemptions are possible for any units of study of minors taken outside the study programme in which the student is enrolled.

Article 4.7 Term of Validity 4.7.1 Without prejudice to the provisions of article 4.4.2, the term of validity of examinations and

examination results is unlimited in principle, unless knowledge, attitude and/or skills have demonstrably become outdated in the opinion of the Examining Board. In respect of students who are enrolled in a study programme without interruption, no limitations can be set to the credits awarded or exemptions granted, unless their period of enrolment exceeds the normal length of study plus two years.

Article 4.8 Examination Procedures 4.8.1 The description of the units of a study programme on the intranet of the relevant study

programme also states the form or forms (of those mentioned in article 4.1.4) in which examinations of units of study, or parts of those units, will be conducted, and also by what method the examination result will be expressed, as referred to in article 4.9.4.

4.8.2 There will be the opportunity of taking examinations at least twice a year. The periods in which resits can be taken are announced by the Dean at the beginning of the academic year.

4.8.3 With due observance of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Dean may lay down in the Teaching Regulations that examinations in certain specified units of study may only be taken a certain number of times. Limiting the number of opportunities may not lead to greater severity of the standards that apply to the study advice, as referred to in article 4.14. Further, the provisions of article 5.3.1, relating to circumstances outside the student’s control, remain in full force.

4.8.4 The provisions of article 5.8 apply to participation in examinations by students with functional limitations or a language deficiency.

Article 4.9 Examination Results 4.9.1 Examinations are graded by the examiner(s) who administered the examination. If an

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examination is graded by more than one examiner, the examiners decide on the grade in consultation. The Examining Board shall draw up guidelines for grading if two or more examiners are involved; these guidelines may include rules for the appointment of a third examiner (why/when and how).

4.9.2 Examinations are graded and the results released to students as soon as possible, but no later than fifteen working days after the examination was held, and no later than five working days before any resit examination. The result of an oral examination is announced on the same day as the examination was held, unless the Examining Board decides otherwise.

4.9.3 The results of oral, written or computer examinations are released by electronic means. 4.9.4 The result of an examination is expressed as a number between 1 and 10 with no more than one

decimal after the point, or as ‘pass’ or ‘fail’. A grade of 5.5 or higher is deemed a pass, a grade below 5.5 is deemed a fail. Participation in an examination is awarded a minimum grade of a 1 or a fail.

Article 4.10 Viewing Examination Papers 4.10.1 The Examining Board ensures that students have the opportunity of viewing their examination

papers within twenty working days of the last day of the study period. If a resit is offered, this term is shortened to up to five working days before the resit. Students are also given the opportunity to take cognizance of the exam questions and the assessment standards.

4.10.2 The place and time at which examination papers can be viewed are announced at least five days in advance.

4.10.3 The Examining Board may set further rules such as a prohibition to carry switched-on photographic or recording equipment during the viewing. Violation of these rules will be considered an irregularity as referred to in Article 5.6.

Article 4.11 Recording of Study Progress 4.11.1 Students may view their updated study progress status in the student information system, Osiris,

for up to five working days after an examination result has been released. 4.11.2 If, in a student’s opinion, the study progress status recorded in Osiris does not reflect their

examination results correctly, then the student should communicate this in writing to the examiner concerned within twenty working days of the release of the examination result referred to in article 4.9.2. The examiner then decides as soon as possible, but no later than within ten working days, whether the record in Osiris has to be corrected or not and informs the student accordingly in writing.

4.11.3 If, in the examiner’s opinion, the study progress recorded in Osiris does not reflect the examination results correctly, the examiner should communicate this in writing to the student concerned within twenty working days of the release of the examination result referred to in article 4.9.2. After the student has been given an opportunity to give his/ her views on this, the examiner decides as soon as possible, but no later than within ten working days, whether the record in Osiris has to be corrected or not and informs the student accordingly in writing.

Article 4.11a Provision of Degrees 4.11a.1 Any student who has successfully passed the final examination of a Bachelor’s degree

programme is granted the degree of Bachelor by the Dean. Likewise, a student who has successfully passed the final examination of an Associate degree programme is granted an Associate degree by the Dean. The Executive Board may authorise an officer other than the Dean to award the degree.

4.11a.2 A student to whom a degree has been granted pursuant to Article 4.11a.1, is entitled to add the title associated with the degree to their name.

Article 4.12 Diplomas 4.12.1 The Examining Board determines the result of the final examination on the basis of the records

in the study progress recording system. If the result is positive, the Examining Board awards the diploma. No diploma is awarded if the student has any outstanding debts to Hanze UAS.

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4.12.2 The diploma awarded for passing the final examination must always state: - the name of the study programme; - the examination subjects; - the qualifications attached to the diploma, if applicable; - the degree awarded; - the last date on which the study programme was accredited; - if applicable: the successful completion of an Honours Talent Programme; - if applicable: ‘Cum Laude’, as referred to in article 4.13 below.

4.12.3 The diploma is accompanied by a diploma supplement and a transcript of records. The diploma supplement is drawn up in the English language.

4.12.4 At the student’s request, the Student Administration provides extra copies of the diploma supplement including a transcript of records, and the diploma, for a charge of € 25.

Article 4.13 Cum Laude 4.13.1 The Examining Board awards a student the classification ‘cum laude’ for their propaedeutic or

post-propaedeutic examination if their overall achievement within the examination curriculum meets the following requirements: a. No more than one-third of the total number of examination credits has been obtained in the

form of exemptions; b. All units of study have been completed within the nominal length of time; c. The student has made no more than two attempts at any examination; d. Where a numerical scheme is applied, the average of all the results is at least 8.0, no grade is

below 7.0 and the student has completed their studies within the nominal length of time. The average referred to in the preceding paragraph under (d) is calculated using a Weighted Grade Point Average system, where the weighting factor used in calculating the weighted average is the number of ECTS credits the unit of study is worth.

4.13.2 Supplementary to the preceding paragraph, the Dean may set out in the Teaching Regulations that a final grade of 8.0 or higher is required for a certain unit of study.

4.13.3 A student against whom the Examining Board has taken a measure which deprives him or her of the right to take one or more examinations at Hanze UAS, is not entitled to the classification ‘cum laude’.

4.13.4 In special cases the Examining Board may grant exemption from the provisions of the first paragraph under (b) and/or (c).

Article 4.14 Study Advice in the Propaedeutic Phase 4.14.1 The Examining Board reports to every student in writing on the advisability of continuing their

studies, whether inside or outside their department, no sooner or later than at the end of the student’s first year of enrolment in the propaedeutic phase, or – in the case of an Associate degree programme – for the first 60 credits, of a full-time, part-time or dual study programme, unless it has been laid down in the teaching regulations of a part-time programme that the advice must be given at a time other than at the end of the first year of enrolment.

4.14.2 The Dean can decide to reject a student on the basis of the study advice, but may allow the student a period of time to meet the programme requirements. This recommendation can only be given if the student has not yet passed the propaedeutic examination, or – in the case of an Associate degree programme – the first 60 credits.

4.14.3 A student is rejected if he/she has not yet completed the propaedeutic phase, or – in the case of an Associate degree programme – the first 60 credits, and if he/she, with due consideration to his/her personal circumstances, must be considered unsuitable for the study programme because his/her academic performance does not meet the requirements stated in article 4.14.4. The kinds of personal circumstances that are taken into consideration are described in article 4.16.1.

4.14.4 a. For full-time, dual or bachelor’s programmes – with the exception of the dual programmes in

Healthcare Management and Nursing – that have a total study load of 240 or 180 credits, or

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an Associate degree programme with a total load of 120 credits, the study advice will be negative if the student has achieved fewer than 48 credits after four study periods including the examination period regardless of whether the credits were wholly or partly obtained through exemptions. Without prejudice to the provisions of the first sentence of this paragraph, a negative study advice may be given at any time while the student has not yet completed the propaedeutic programme, or – in the case of an Associate degree programme – the first 60 credits. Notwithstanding the provisions of the first sentence, the academic year of the Dance, Dance in Education and Design bachelor programmes and the Dance Associate degree programme is divided into five study periods.

b. For part-time bachelor’s programmes, including the dual programmes in Healthcare Management and Nursing, that have a total study load of 240 or 180 credits, or a part-time Associate degree programme with a total study load of 120 credits, the study advice will be negative for the reasons set out in the programme’s Teaching Regulations, if applicable. The standard number of credits may not exceed 48.

4.14.5 If, and in so far as a programme offers resits following the last examination period, a student who, in their first year of enrolment, enrolled in the propaedeutic phase, or – in the case of an Associate degree programme – within the first 60 credits, in September of the academic year, and who should be rejected on the grounds of the study advice pursuant to the provisions of article 4.14.4, shall be given the opportunity to take the resit if this could prevent a negative binding study advice, taking into consideration the maximum number of credits the student can achieve in the resit.

4.14.6 No binding study advice can be given to a student who was no longer enrolled on 1 February of his/her first year of enrolment. No binding study advice can be given to a student who enrolled on 1 February, in the first year of his/her enrolment, if the enrolment was terminated before or on 1 September.

4.14.7 Before rejecting a student, the Dean must issue a written warning to the student giving them a reasonable time within which to improve their academic performance.

4.14.8 Before proceeding to reject a student, the Dean must give the student the opportunity to be heard. The Dean may delegate the hearing to an officer or body of the school.

4.14.9 If a student pleads personal circumstances, no negative study advice shall be given until the appropriate student counsellor and/or tutor has been heard. The personal circumstances which are taken into consideration are described in article 4.16.1.

4.14.10 A binding study advice is issued to the student in writing, giving reasons. It shall mention the possibility of lodging an appeal with the Student Appeals Board.

Article 4.15 Qualitative Requirements and the Study Advice Notwithstanding the provisions of article 4.14.4, a study advice may be accompanied by a rejection if the

student’s academic performance does not meet the qualitative requirements stated in the Teaching

Regulations. These requirements may stipulate that one or more examinations or units of study must be

completed before a certain reference date. The qualitative requirements must be published in the

Teaching Regulations of the programme in question and, if applicable, its intranet.

Article 4.16 Personal Circumstances that may affect the Study Advice 4.16.1 Personal circumstances as referred to in article 4.14.3 include:

- illness; - physical, sensory or any other functional disorder; - pregnancy; - exceptional family circumstances; - engaging in top-level sports - membership of the Hanze UAS Representative Council (HMR), a School Representative

Council (SMR) or a Programme Committee; - being an officer of a recognised student organisation, as referred to in Appendices 2a and 2b

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relating to the Joint RUG-HG Fund (Student Officers) Regulations and the Student Assistance Fund II (Student Officer/Representative Bursaries and Fees) Regulations, respectively.

4.16.2 If a student pleads personal circumstances, as referred to in article 5.3.1, he/she must inform the student counsellor or his/her tutor of these circumstances as soon as they arise, if possible, and in any case before the study advice is issued.

4.16.3 The student must communicate the information referred to in article 5.3.2 to the Examining Board in writing in a timely manner.

Article 4.17 Legal Protection (See also chapter 10 Legal Protection.) A student may appeal any decision regarding the implementation of the Examination Regulations with the Student Appeals Board.

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Chapter 5 Examination Protocol for Students

Article 5.1 General 5.1.1 This chapter contains rules for the proper conduct of examinations as referred to in

Section 7.12 of the WHW Act. 5.1.2 The examiner determines:

- the time available for taking the examination or the latest date at which assignments to be assessed must be handed in;

- any aids and materials students may use during examinations. 5.1.3 The examiner prepares the assignments and question papers, draws up assessment

criteria, administers the examination and determines the result. 5.1.4 In principle, no more than five per cent of a text excluding any appendices may

consist of quotations, unless otherwise provided in the assignment. Quotations and paraphrases must be clearly recognizable as such and the source must be referenced correctly.

5.1.5 Oral examinations are open to public attendance. However, the examiner or the Examining Board may, in exceptional circumstances, decide that an oral examination must be held behind closed doors. The Examining Board can also decide that a second examiner be present at an oral examination. Students can request a second examiner to be present at the oral examination as well and, if this request cannot be met, the examination will be recorded on tape. The student must submit such a request to the Examining Board, no later than five working days before the oral examination will be held.

Article 5.2 Examination Sign-up Procedure

5.2.1 For examinations such as those referred to in the second and third paragraphs of article 3.8, students must sign up via Osiris. The sign-up period is announced on the University intranet.

5.2.2 The dates of examinations that are held in the first and second study periods of the academic year are announced at the beginning of the year. The dates of examinations held in the third study period are announced at the beginning of the second period, and those of the fourth period at the beginning of the third period. For the Dance, Dance in Education and Design bachelor programmes and the Dance Associate degree programme, the dates of examinations held in the fifth study period are announced at the start of the fifth period.

5.2.3 The timetable stating the start and finish times and the location of each individual examination is announced by the Dean, no later than ten working days before the examinations begin. A term of at least five working days applies to resits held during a study period.

5.2.4 If a student was unable to register for an examination within the time limit because of circumstances beyond their control, they can ask the Examining Board of their study programme to be placed on the sign-up list stating the circumstances.

5.2.5 A student who has not signed up for an examination in accordance with the provisions of this article is excluded from participating.

5.2.6 If signing up via Osiris is not possible for technical reasons, the student must contact their programme with due observance of the time limits stated in article 5.2.2.

5.2.7 After signing up for an examination, the student may cancel their registration via Osiris up to two days before the examination date.

Article 5.3 Inability to Attend

5.3.1 A student who has the right to take an examination but is unable to attend due to circumstances outside their control, is entitled to an additional opportunity to take

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the examination, which they must apply for, if it would be clearly unfair to reject their application.

5.3.2 To retain this right, the student must submit a written application to the Examining Board, accompanied by evidence if possible. The Examining Board will decide on the application and inform the student of its decision in writing, giving reasons in case of refusal and stating the date, time and place of the examination if the application is granted.

5.3.3 The application referred to in the preceding paragraph must be submitted no later than two weeks after the student was unable to take the original examination because of circumstances outside their control. If these circumstances persist beyond the period stated in the previous sentence, the term of two weeks takes effect from the day that the circumstances no longer apply.

Article 5.4 Procedure

5.4.1 Students are required to be present five minutes before the start of the examination in the examination room and to take their seats. If necessary the invigilator will conduct the student to a seat.

5.4.2 Students are required to follow the instructions of the Examining Board, the examiner or the invigilator, which are made known before the start of the examination, and any other instructions given during or immediately after the examination.

5.4.3 If a student ignores any instructions referred to in the second paragraph of this article, the Examining Board, the examiner or the invigilator may exclude him/her from further participation in the examination. Exclusion entails that no grade is given for the examination. Before a decision to exclude a student is taken, the student will be given the opportunity to be heard by the Examining Board.

5.4.4 In urgent cases the Examining Board may take a provisional decision to exclude a student on the basis of an oral report by the examiner or the invigilator. If possible, the student is heard before the provisional decision to exclude him or her is taken. The Board will ensure that this report is put into writing immediately after the examination and that a copy is sent to the student.

5.4.5 Students are required to display their (valid) Hanze UAS student cards on their desks for inspection by the invigilator. If a student is unable to produce their student card, identification may also take place on the basis of a valid driving licence, passport, identity card, residence permit or personal public transport chip card (OV-chipkaart). A student who is not able to identify him/herself in one of these ways must leave the examination room and is barred from participation in the examination. The invigilator shall note such events in the examination record. If the student refuses to leave the examination room, this will also be recorded by the invigilator. The record is sent to the Examining Board of the study programme in which the student in question is enrolled.

5.4.6 If a student is not in possession of a valid identity card because of circumstances beyond his or her control, a Statement of Loss of the identity card prepared by the municipality will suffice.

5.4.7 Students are required to sign the attendance roll. Digital registration may be used in the case of a computer examination.

5.4.8 When taking a written examination students should check the question paper to see if the copy they have received is correct and complete.

5.4.9 In written examinations, students are required to write the following details on their examination papers: - their name, - their student number, - the code of the unit of study (subject),

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- the name of the lecturer teaching the subject being examined, - the date of participation in the examination.

5.4.10 A student who has received the questions of the written examination or computer examination or has signed the attendance roll, or has registered digitally for a computer examination, is considered to have participated in the examination.

5.4.11 Students are not allowed to leave the examination room during the first thirty minutes of the examination.

5.4.12 Students arriving not more than fifteen minutes after the start of the examination are allowed to participate.

5.4.13 Students must hand in their papers to the invigilator before they leave the examination room. Question papers and rough work must also be handed in before leaving the room if this is stated on the question paper.

5.4.14 At the end of the examination students may only leave the examination room after the invigilators have collected all papers.

5.4.15 For arrangements concerning extra time or extra facilities during examinations, see article 5.8.

Article 5.5 Prohibitions and Disturbances 5.5.1 In written examinations it is prohibited to make the examination on paper other

than that supplied by the invigilator. Students requiring extra paper should make this known to the invigilator by raising their hands. Students are not allowed to fetch extra paper themselves.

5.5.2 Written examinations written in pencil do not qualify for assessment, excepting answer forms for optical readers, which do have to be filled in pencil.

5.5.3 All forms of communication between students are prohibited during examinations. Students are also not permitted to see each other’s work or to talk. Telephone use is not allowed. Mobile telephones must be switched off and kept in a closed bag or case. The ringing of a mobile telephone is regarded as a disturbance and will lead to expulsion from the examination room. Wearing a watch or sound carriers, such as headphones, may be forbidden.

5.5.4 Students are not allowed to borrow books or calculators from each other during examinations. They are allowed to exchange other items but only after consulting the invigilator, whose attention they should attract by raising their hands.

5.5.5 The use of textbooks, law codes, dictionaries, diskettes, electronic calculators, graphic calculators, mini PCs, translation aids, smartwatches, etc., is not permitted in the examination room except as stated on the examination question paper. Students may if they wish inquire, well before the examination, which aids or materials are permitted.

5.5.6 Items not mentioned as aids as referred to in the preceding paragraph, may not lie on the table during the examination, with due observance of the provisions of article 5.8.

5.5.7 A student who causes a disturbance during an examination or is caught cheating, as referred to in article 5.6, will be removed from the examination room. A student who is removed within 15 minutes of the start of the examination will be escorted by the invigilator to a location designated by the Student Administration Department. The invigilator shall note such incidents in the examination record. If a student refuses to leave the examination room, this will also be recorded by the invigilator. The record is sent to the Examining Board of the student’s study programme.

5.5.8 A student who is removed from the examination room will have their completed work collected. The Examining Board may take action and will also take a decision about the collected work. The provisions of articles 5.6.4 up to and including 5.6.9 apply by analogy in such cases.

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Article 5.6 Academic fraud 5.6.1 Academic fraud is defined as any act or omission on the part of a student (or external

student) which is intended to wholly or partly obstruct the proper assessment of the student’s knowledge, understanding or skills; this includes cheating at an examination. It is also considered fraud for a student to act, or desist from acting, with the purpose of partially or wholly obstructing the proper assessment of another student’s knowledge, understanding or skills. A specific form of academic fraud is plagiarism.

5.6.2 Plagiarism is the copying of another person’s work and passing it off as one’s own. In all cases where academic fraud is suspected, the Examining Board is notified.

5.6.3 The Examining Board may take appropriate measures against students who commit academic fraud, including exclusion of the student from participation in examinations at Hanze UAS or any of its departments for a period not exceeding one year.

5.6.4 In the event of repeated cheating or other acts of academic fraud, the Examining Board may take a more severe measure with due observance of the maximum term mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

5.6.5 In serious cases of academic fraud, the Executive Board can terminate the student’s enrolment permanently on the recommendation of the Examining Board.

5.6.6 The Examining Board will give the student the opportunity to be heard before it takes a decision as referred to in the third, fourth or fifth paragraph of this article.

5.6.7 In urgent cases, the Examining Board may take a provisional decision to exclude a student on the basis of the oral account of the examiner or the invigilator. If possible, the student will be heard before the provisional decision to exclude him or her is taken. The Board will ensure that this account is put down in writing immediately following the examination and that a copy is sent tothe student.

5.6.8 If an irregularity is discovered after the end of an examination, the Examining Board may withhold the student’s diploma or decide that the diploma may only be awarded after the student has taken one or more resit examinations, in which case the Board will determine what examinations must be resat and how they will be administered. The Board will give the student or external student the opportunity to be heard before it takes such a decision.

Article 5.7 Examination Room Facilities

5.7.1 Students are allowed to go to the toilet during examinations after notifying an

invigilator who will escort them18. No more than one student at a time may be outside the examination room. Visits to the toilet are not permitted during the first sixty minutes and the last thirty minutes of the examination. Students who are entitled to extra time at examinations are not permitted to go to the toilet during the extra examination time.

5.7.2 The lateral distance between desks used at examinations shall be at least 75 cm. 5.7.3 Eating and drinking are allowed during written examinations provided that the student

does not cause any nuisance. 5.7.4 Any bags or cases brought by a student must remain closed and must be stored at

a place indicated by the invigilator.

Article 5.8 Studying with a Language Deficiency or a Functional Disability

5.8.1 The regulations for written examinations apply in the first place. 5.8.2 Students whose native language is not Dutch, but who meet the NT2 (Dutch as a

second language) admission requirement, have the right to extra time at examinations during their first year of enrolment. Requests for additional time are decided on by the Examining Board, which will send a copy of its written decision to the Examinations

18 Students who take an IBS exam, are not permitted to go to the toilet during examinations (see paragraph 6.3 of this Prospectus)

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Unit of the Student Administration Department. 5.8.3 Students whose native language is not Dutch, but who meet the NT2 (Dutch as a

second language) admission requirement, have the right to use translation dictionaries during examinations. Requests to use translation dictionaries are decided on by the Examining Board, which will send a copy of its written decision to the Examinations Unit of the Student Administration Department.

5.8.4 Students who believe they are entitled to extra examination time or other special facilities at an examination because of a (temporary) functional limitation need to make an appointment with one of the student counsellors.

5.8.5 The student should bring the following document(s) to the appointment: - in case of dyslexia, an official certificate of dyslexia; - in the case of other functional limitations, a medical certificate.

5.8.6 Students with a functional limitation who desire extra time or other special facilities at an examination should send their application to the Examining Board of their study programme no later than 4 weeks before the start of the examination. The Examining Board decides on the application with due observance of the advice given by the student counsellor. Students with chronic functional limitations need to submit an application only once during their studies.

5.8.7 If the student’s application is granted by the Examining Board of his/her study programme, the student will receive a letter from the Examining Board stating his/her right to extra facilities. The Examining Board will send a copy of its decision to the Examinations Unit of the Student Administration Department.

5.8.8 The student must indicate before the start of the examination period, via Osiris, which examinations he/she wants to take.

5.8.9 The registration referred to in the preceding paragraph must be made no later than ten working days before the start of the examination.

Article 5.9 Legal Protection (See also Chapter 10) Students can appeal decisions regarding the implementation of the Examinations Protocol to the Student Appeals Board.

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Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen International Business School Visiting address Zernikeplein 7 Postal address P.O. Box 70030 9704 AA Groningen Telephone: +31 (0) 50-595 2300 Internet: www.hanze.nl