i does your baking powder contain alum p look...

THE GAINESVILLE SUN MARCH g r 4 y i I 1 YF p r 819 1F Does your baking powder contain alum Look upon the label Use only a powder whose label shows it to be made with cream of tartar NOTE Safety Iks m buying At Biking Powder which fc the hat cream of tartar blares powder that can be bad I I I y P M CONDENSED KftMarvrf filly IaUrtt Gttk- PtfMONM AND SOCIAL Tads JEsjt Mfta llafawttjsjKtJ Wfcsrt ta tog i Hop JUKI TsjM In StMrt Part aapto the M W Mwy RcacT W TMsjaM 4 Wllleford was a this city yetterda- yOl TBMMM a Micaaew was a TitHer te Gaiamille jester f Attansjy O W fecfeld weal to IfawhtMijy aa prcfccsJoaal bsiae yet PBOaU vf Mao rctaraed of Mn W A McOriff t f Mteaaoey vfeHtoff key Mr aad Mrs P M OatoM ta this city Mr Mrt P D HalleU of 0 M M In the natty gaesta of Mr Mi Mn W N Wife O D Dtaab are glad to Mt tfata miter a slight ladis- HlM T days duration Tvs Mrtoasto f tcrpevtlae mad let to win be M sale at EdwaraV table beHreea 10th Frie 4i fMre8 B Keaaard will ffffet she baa ttrMHni with p nrai bat hp that will reeever W LO wlB f FalrffcM waa la th- ly ynurtay He was ea ret borne Kartk GaraliM wber be was tJIci 9 b alae e several days L W FeiiMll BM her OfcaHaBeaabee where he west ta- sMvry tsj MM M7l a Willies MeKia- ley asa f reeeatly- P B J mrJ J T A Oteaiatoae el Waaa e UM Waaaee MBBelvaaaaseag- MM vkitara this eity yesterday slid at SBB sibs aad renewed Waateef A lamber lasaeater mat a f tlaanry eagiaeer far a aawaaill f fnm If et M 0 MpMity House fsjniMMi far tarried aaaa T J O M Kak4fh Pit Mn K H WMywr sad Mn George DawtecetJaeUMviUe after spend tag a few days aleataatly with Mr sad Mn J P Baacaight returned ta their haaae yesterday W O IHiaiB4er ef William Evlastea Geo Gleason of- Re ky Patat sad H M of- Campv lie were aaaoag those who paid Gainesville a visit yesterday- J T Maaaiag W J Priest Harry Cannoa formerly of this hit aew employed by the Dutton PhMphate Company at Clark spent SaBday among relatives and friend here Warranty deed and mortgage blank for sale at this office the form used in Alaebaa county which saves money in recording 9 per hundred or jOe per dozes by rail Cash must accompany order dawtf Mrs Chat Bcarrett after a pleat visit to Mn R WiUoa infthiseity de- parted for her home in High Point N 0 yesterday Mrs Scarrett re sided a of years and has many friends who were pad to tee US ITY All IIJ Oltfi k kt it eorpl I mae WI three O r Ie lea Ira hell 9 H flu LaO Welsh Moran d ell re r k rrY tx i lime Tk Nuts r 1Is iwdye D San r r La1 sat bid 4 Mtdtil Hag ss kIe Mane sties t nett et a dy M tkl sty 3 sad ettd r Drri set sae teas tweet K asks Match 4th sad Merge her p this eke ip 4tvn ag- es i s es lend hate super tutee I kin ulr dp it e I et k an t 1 Y ker- 1 s > < < μ Torpeatiae leave for tale at this of- fice DOe per dozen 93 rr hundred Cash must accompany order dawtf By careful and deliberate selection of stock we are always in a position to offer the best bargains in Mules and Horse Call oa us and be convinced Crawford Davit LABOR just the thing for farmers tad turpentine men COc per tlosea 12 for 60 or 13 per 100 Cash lit hand with order Address THE BUN Gaiaeaville Fla We are in a position to furnish Ont alas beaaeuke and lettuce hamper aso cabbage and eaataluupe crates promptly at reasonable prices and guarantee prompt shipment on all Ship either A C L or S A railroads WHMtton Manufacturing- Co Wllllstoa Col W W Hampton has returned from a visit to Havana Cuba was accompanied on the visit by Misie Minna zed Catherine daughters and MIn Sophie Grver of Philadelphia but OR the return the former young lady stopped at Tampa while the two latter will spend a few days with friends in Ocala As will be toted elsewhere ic Issue H J Riles of East Galnttville spires to be city marshal and makes hi announcement Mr Riles stands for fair and Impartial government for all and promises if elected to dis- charge the duties of his oflce along these lines He is well known and will ao doubt make a good race G H Seogeld one of the leading citizens and merchants of Bell was in Iowa yesterday tad ride The Sun an agreeable call He reports a great la the sale of fertilizers in sectioB aad says the indications point to an Increase IB the acreage of cotton the preseat season over that of last year aotwitbetaadlng the low price received for the crop of 1908 O L MeLaia and SOB Master John have arrived ia the city from they home at Luraville and their mead here are glad to greet them agate The little couple of years ago had the misfortune to swallow a quan- tity of potash which came near caus- ing his death He was Brought to this city for medical attention and a few oaths treatment resulted in a big isaproveaacBt drat affecting a cure The child will be left here for treat rest for couple of weeks his lathe returning to Luraville While he suffering but little hie throat teens yet to be uahealed sad it was though beet to bring him back for further treatment READ THIS Lexiagtoa Tessa Jaac This is te certify that I have used the Texas Wonder Halls Great Dis- covery for kidney trouble and her been greatly benefited lad cheerfully recommend it to the pub- lic J O COKLTON ExBheriff A TEXAS WONDER- One small bottle of the Texas Woa der Halls Great Discovery cures all kidney and bladder troubles remove gravel cures diabetes seminal emis- sions weak and lame brake rheuma- tism and all irregularities of the kid- neys and bladder in both moss and women regulate bladder troubles in children If not told by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of f 1 One small bottle is two months treat- ment and seldom fails to perfect a tore Dr Ernest W Hall sole rasa fanfares P O box 629 St Louis Mo Send for testimonial Sold by J W McColloaa A Co k COR I rat I I F H hi i 4 1901 leaD con- tracts Chi in- crease boys 7 s e e s s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° From Daily Mm J MTurner Like View was trad- ing in the city yesterday See our u ar twentytro poncd for one dollar W S Dortej v CD late Hodges accepted a position at b CR R niatter on the Atlantic Cot Line High Springs and Rochelle Mi te Melissa and Iickett of N berry aw in the city n a to their sitter Mrs J R Fowler Ea t Gainesville rf L Crews of LaCrosse one of th prosperous farmers of that section in the city yesterday and renewed his subscription to The E Burnett and soo Miller were in the city from their home at Alaehua yesterday They called at The Sun of- fice the former renewing hit lobscrip lion John Otteen of Tyler P B H Dud- ley and Jute Griffin of Joneville F G Sampson of Boardman and J Lee Stoke of Micaaopy were in the city yesterday C W Well Dr K A Catwell and- S C Dell of Alachua T A Gay of Bell and W H Gay of Trenton were among throe who visited the cointy capital yesterday- J L Jameton and Arch Thomas of Bell John A Thoma of Tyler W J Waits of Fairbanks and R J Futch of High Springs among those who vi iud yesterday T M Venable of Arredotilo was in the city yesterday Mr Venable i one 6f the valued member of Stone- wall Camp UC V and came to at tend a meeting of the camp Dr S V Seigler who hat been hero for sometime a a guest of his sister Mrs Dr J H Alderman has to his home in Macon Ga where he enjoy a fine dentist prac- tice The numerous friends in city of Mr J B Cutler will be delighted at the information that lady re- turned to Gaioewille and will sake this ber future home She is located for the present at The Oaks and will be glad to welcome her old friends- J II Knight of LaCrosse was among those who came to Gainesville on bust nose yesterday While here Mr Knight showed appreciation of a good thing j by having the date on hit paper shoved up a notch with the result that The SliD will contiaeu to mater regular its to hit home Send five 2c and a copy of the Industrial Edition of The Sun giving full descrip- tion of the natural advantages com- mercial development and interesting attractions of Gainesville aad Alachua county Handsomely illustrated and of equal interest to former retideBttas well as prospective ones NEW YORK CHEAPEST STORE ON EARTH MILLINERYI- s ladies are now interested in We here received our first lot of new Heat wear for the ladies and children- A great many Readyto Wear Hats from Tide up Black Cat Hosiery- For Men Women and that give satisfaction from luc up to i5c Try them and you will wear no other kind Phifer Corner Gainesville has lam were Ihll ell this teas I 0 C Itam RACKET SPRING Childrenthe BROS Fla- p th l1cdsie days between visit e was Sun- G re- turned this sins what the PAiF1 ¬ > < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ THE POPULAR STORE NECKWEAR in by Eipreit a hi assortment of new Wash Stocks and Leer Collars et 25c 35e 60c 60c and 7 IELTS- AH that sew tad desirable in will be found from lOe to 91 00 each WAISTINGS 80 pieces new Madras Waitting in the laten weaves and designs at 15- LX 25j up to 803 yard SWISSES A line of Imported French Dot- S i tet from 16 to 60c per pard Mr The Name I WILSON on your package ligninVt you have full value for tj money you spent Everything you want r- At all times At the Right Prlss W I L SON nrw SDRIN OOODS ARRIVlnO Just each Belts bag R a Turr over 3c La- dies ban r WILSON + Jtbez Sprigzt of Kantasvilk Wi who own considerable property IB this section and who is a regular win- ter viiitor here arrived in the city yesterday and his numerous friends were glad to greet him Mr Sprigg has been coming o long to this sec- tion that the people feel that he is and parcel of Alachua county ad he I 0 treated The L of Endul building corner of West Main and East Court streets is bring roved to a lot OB North Pleasant street owned by W R Thomas and will be fitted a seat cottage The front of the building- has bees removed to Kortk Oak ave- nue directly north of the Seminary barracks and will be repaired and converted into a Bratclaw dwelling Among the prominent visitors to this city is 1 II Bodiford of Colquitt Ga who is here as the guest of his ton Dr J S Uodifnrd Mr Bodiford paid The Sun a agreeable call yesterday Notwithstanding that he has ruched far above three score and ten be- ing over ninety he is as active as the average man ul halt that age and takes life easy His friends are glad to greet him again Among the recent arrivals here who have decided to make Gainesville their home are R II Kiaaebrew and family- of Oklahoma Mr Kinarbrew is an attorney by profession and hopes to establish a record here which will prove profitable He is a Georgian by birth and naturally teals at hose among our people The family la lo- cated on East Seminary street in the house recently vacated by J B Me Donald C R Hodges formerly of the Eng lish Colony of this county near the Prairie but now residing Is St Ber lade Iile of Jersey has seat his check for ten shillings ia payment for a gal Ion of Florida syrup to M B Saunders which was shipped several months ago The ten shillings amouated to considerably more thaa the value of the syrup but Mr Saunders was la- structed to take the balance and fill up the basket of aa old colored man named Lewis a fisherman oa the Prairie robe was for rang years a faithful employe of Mr Hodges This Mr SauaJen did yesterday and there was never a happier BUM bora Una Cade Lewis who appeared deeply roved whea the letter was read him Uncle Lewis left tows for home in the afternoon rich and happy than Thurndajft Daily Sun When in need of a good Horse or Mule call on frawfersl A Bails l rice is always right Mr C R Carter of Micanopy it vj rung her sitter Mrs J Fletcher Hill Liberty street Mii Laura Strickland of Waldo Wit In the city yesterday on brief viiit to Mr and Mr J E Futch you havent tried Doneyg Delight VV S A Co J R Williams of Nashua one of the leading Of the train 11 was in the city jttterday T 3 Kellum formerly of Hague but mm residing at Arcadia U here on a tn hu titter Mrs E J Baird of Ocala o a but returned to her home I OTHER NEWS ITEMS tho old UPI most 0 hi Wut f CoQrr don I tail to call and a pie can I ors men visit n Will to friend hut for s couple of PAGE a- part his t r get ram business Mr N Ierdnr visit days has ON s u ¬ ¬ ¬ > > THE CABBAGE MOVEMENT Shipment Now Light But WiHbaN in a Few Days The cabbage movement wkfefe bees on in straggling ihipmtfttthj press with an occasional the past days will soon be fall tome as the plant i BM very rapidly in the fields particularly of the territery versed by the Gainesville and from Gainesville south to Fair the acreage is large and the more prolific than for several Captain L E Barker trflt alter of the Gainesville within the next tear the movement in solid earlcaf should be heavy and regularly have already shipped several tal this season he said but tit of the crop is just coming ie maturity and should be an Lively within a week at the The Florida cabbage grown along t e are of exceptional as III teems particularly adapted ta and lettuce culture this section always bring ftp prices in the market TO THE TRUSTEES OP St Johns Methodist Chvre Gentlemen Dont allow your church te teats per pound for wood If they buy 100 pounds of Lead in kegs they get 88 pea White Lead grad 12 pounds of but when they buy L A M Paled get a full gallon of paint that wear oft for 10 or 15 years bed A M Zinc hardens L AM Whit and makes Paint well iron i 4 gallons L A M raized with 3 Ions Linseed Oil will paint aa ate sized heave J L ft M costs only 11 20 per I 0 8 Andrews of DM- Conn writes Palsied boos with L A M Looks tcft Sold by J 0 Bishop Alachat Marriage in North Oainccva Married at the home of M- Mn H C Roth North Otiaef- Wcdatjcday Thoc G Melva E Williams Rev J H of Portland J H Stockey wife of the pastel log the wedding march The f people ore well knows and North Gainesville and friends extend congratnlatioas What It Means Were tired of answering Fewer Gallons Wean means that you dont have to your house to sites and you to use so much paint Cots the Job and you dont have to de job to often The new paint it not uew at aU the biggest ellinff in the ffi States and the firm that stakes 152 year old Ierof Lead and Xine fewer g than mixed paints wear a lead and oil The S J Thomas Co tell it Seaboard Parlor Cars The Seaboard Air Line operatO cars between XVal- iconaects with the morning t car that e oHialit t Gainesville alA flavor Cab L 1 Ore q doe i paint td Tampa on train W lt few true f sd states t i k M Ex Mayor well Mesa tlmd oMeiatig aad popes theirs lest twice M leaving r f1 > °

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Page 1: I Does your baking powder contain alum P Look Cotufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01417/00801.pdfg THE GAINESVILLE SUN MARCH r 4 y i I 1 YF p r 819 1F Does your baking powder



4 y i I1 YF



819 1F

Does your baking powdercontain alum Look uponthe label Use onlya powderwhose label shows it to bemade with cream of tartar

NOTE Safety Iks m buyingAt Biking Powder

which fc the hat cream of tartarblares powder that can be bad







KftMarvrf filly IaUrtt Gttk-

PtfMONM AND SOCIAL TadsJEsjt Mfta llafawttjsjKtJ Wfcsrt ta tog

i HopJUKI TsjM In StMrt Part aapto

the M W Mwy RcacT

W TMsjaM 4 Wllleford was athis city yetterda-

yOl TBMMM a Micaaew was aTitHer te Gaiamille jester

fAttansjy O W fecfeld weal to

IfawhtMijy aa prcfccsJoaal bsiae yet

PBOaU vf Mao rctaraedof

Mn W A McOriff t f MteaaoeyvfeHtoff key Mr aad Mrs PM OatoM ta this city

Mr Mrt P D HalleU of0 M M In the natty gaesta of

Mr Mi Mn W N WifeO D Dtaab are glad to

Mt tfata miter a slight ladis-HlM T days duration

Tvs Mrtoasto f tcrpevtlae mad letto win be M sale at EdwaraV

table beHreea 10th

Frie 4i fMre8 B Keaaard willffffet she baattrMHni with p nrai bat h p that

will reeeverW L O wlB f FalrffcM waa la th-

ly ynurtay He was ea ret borneKartk GaraliM wber be was

tJIci 9 b alae e several daysL W FeiiMll BM

her OfcaHaBeaabee where he west ta-

sMvry tsj MM M7l a Willies MeKia-

ley asa f reeeatly-P BJmrJ J

T A Oteaiatoae el Waaa eUM Waaaee MBBelvaaaaseag-

MM vkitara this eity yesterdayslid at SBB sibs aad renewed

Waateef A lamber lasaeater mat a

f tlaanry eagiaeer far a aawaaill ffnm If et M 0 MpMity HousefsjniMMi far tarried aaaa T JO M Kak4fh Pit

Mn K H WMywr sad Mn GeorgeDawtecetJaeUMviUe after spendtag a few days aleataatly with Mrsad Mn J P Baacaight returned tatheir haaae yesterday

W O IHiaiB4er ef WilliamEvlastea Geo Gleason of-

Re ky Patat sad H M of-

Campv lie were aaaoag those who paidGainesville a visit yesterday-

J T Maaaiag W J PriestHarry Cannoa formerly of thishit aew employed by the DuttonPhMphate Company at Clark spentSaBday among relatives and friendhere

Warranty deed and mortgage blankfor sale at this office the form used inAlaebaa county which saves money inrecording 9 per hundred or jOe perdozes by rail Cash must accompanyorder dawtf

Mrs Chat Bcarrett after a pleatvisit to Mn R WiUoa infthiseity de-

parted for her home in High PointN 0 yesterday Mrs Scarrett resided a of years andhas many friends who were pad to tee


IIJ Oltfi

k kt







O rIe lea










krrY tx i

limeTk Nuts

r 1Is iwdye D Sanr r

La1 sat



ss kIe Mane sties t nett et ady M tkl sty

3 sadettd

rDrri set

sae teas


K asksMatch 4th sad


herp this


ip 4tvnag-


i s eslendhate


Ikin ulr dp it















Torpeatiae leave for tale at this of-

fice DOe per dozen 93 rr hundredCash must accompany order dawtf

By careful and deliberate selectionof stock we are always in a position tooffer the best bargains in Mules andHorse Call oa us and be convincedCrawford Davit

LABOR just the thing forfarmers tad turpentine men COc pertlosea 12 for 60 or 13 per 100 Cashlit hand with order Address THEBUN Gaiaeaville Fla

We are in a position to furnish Ontalas beaaeuke and lettuce hamperaso cabbage and eaataluupe cratespromptly at reasonable prices andguarantee prompt shipment on all

Ship either A C L or S Arailroads WHMtton Manufacturing-Co Wllllstoa

Col W W Hampton has returnedfrom a visit to Havana Cubawas accompanied on the visit by MisieMinna zed Catherine daughters andMIn Sophie Grver of Philadelphia butOR the return the former young ladystopped at Tampa while the two latterwill spend a few days with friends inOcala

As will be toted elsewhere icIssue H J Riles of East Galnttvillespires to be city marshal and makeshi announcement Mr Riles standsfor fair and Impartial government forall and promises if elected to dis-charge the duties of his oflce alongthese lines He is well known and willao doubt make a good race

G H Seogeld one of the leadingcitizens and merchants of Bell was inIowa yesterday tad ride The Sun anagreeable call He reports a great

la the sale of fertilizers insectioB aad says the indications pointto an Increase IB the acreage of cottonthe preseat season over that of lastyear aotwitbetaadlng the low pricereceived for the crop of 1908

O L MeLaia and SOB Master Johnhave arrived ia the city from theyhome at Luraville and their meadhere are glad to greet them agateThe little couple of years agohad the misfortune to swallow a quan-tity of potash which came near caus-ing his death He was Brought to thiscity for medical attention and a few

oaths treatment resulted in a bigisaproveaacBt drat affecting a cureThe child will be left here for treatrest for couple of weeks his lathereturning to Luraville While hesuffering but little hie throat teensyet to be uahealed sad it was thoughbeet to bring him back for furthertreatment

READ THISLexiagtoa Tessa Jaac

This is te certify that I have usedthe Texas Wonder Halls Great Dis-

covery for kidney trouble and herbeen greatly benefited ladcheerfully recommend it to the pub-

lic J O COKLTON ExBheriff


One small bottle of the Texas Woader Halls Great Discovery cures allkidney and bladder troubles removegravel cures diabetes seminal emis-

sions weak and lame brake rheuma-tism and all irregularities of the kid-

neys and bladder in both moss andwomen regulate bladder troubles inchildren If not told by your druggistwill be sent by mail on receipt of f 1

One small bottle is two months treat-ment and seldom fails to perfect atore Dr Ernest W Hall sole rasafanfares P O box 629 St Louis MoSend for testimonial Sold by J WMcColloaa A Co

kCOR Irat I






4 1901

























From Daily MmJ MTurner Like View was trad-

ing in the city yesterdaySee our u ar twentytro poncd

for one dollar W S Dortej v CD

late Hodges accepted a position

at b CR R niatter on the AtlanticCot Line High Springs andRochelle

Mi te Melissa and Iickett ofN berry aw in the city n a totheir sitter Mrs J R Fowler Ea tGainesville

rf L Crews of LaCrosse one of thprosperous farmers of that sectionin the city yesterday and renewed hissubscription to The

E Burnett and soo Miller werein the city from their home at Alaehuayesterday They called at The Sun of-

fice the former renewing hit lobscriplion

John Otteen of Tyler P B H Dud-

ley and Jute Griffin of Joneville FG Sampson of Boardman and J LeeStoke of Micaaopy were in the cityyesterday

C W Well Dr K A Catwell and-S C Dell of Alachua T A Gay ofBell and W H Gay of Trenton wereamong throe who visited the cointycapital yesterday-

J L Jameton and Arch Thomas ofBell John A Thoma of Tyler W JWaits of Fairbanks and R J Futch ofHigh Springs among those whovi iud yesterday

T M Venable of Arredotilo was inthe city yesterday Mr Venable i

one 6f the valued member of Stone-wall Camp U C V and came to attend a meeting of the camp

Dr S V Seigler who hat been herofor sometime a a guest of his sisterMrs Dr J H Alderman has

to his home in Macon Gawhere he enjoy a fine dentist prac-tice

The numerous friends in city ofMr J B Cutler will be delighted atthe information that lady re-

turned to Gaioewille and will sakethis ber future home She is locatedfor the present at The Oaks and willbe glad to welcome her old friends-

J II Knight of LaCrosse was amongthose who came to Gainesville on bustnose yesterday While here Mr Knightshowed appreciation of a good thing

j by having the date on hit paper shovedup a notch with the result that TheSliD will contiaeu to mater regularits to hit home

Send five 2c anda copy of the Industrial

Edition of The Sun giving full descrip-tion of the natural advantages com-mercial development and interestingattractions of Gainesville aad Alachuacounty Handsomely illustrated andof equal interest to former retideBttaswell as prospective ones



MILLINERYI-s ladies are

now interested inWe here received our

first lot of new Heatwear

for the ladies and children-

A great many ReadytoWear Hats from Tide up

Black Cat Hosiery-

For Men Women andthat

give satisfaction from lucup to i5c Try them andyou will wear no other kind

Phifer Corner Gainesville



wereIhll ell

this teas

I 0C Itam





p th

l1cdsie days










what the



> <














in by Eipreit a hi assortmentof new Wash Stocks and

Leer Collars et 25c 35e 60c 60c and


AH that sew tad desirable in

will be found from lOe

to 91 00 each


80 pieces new Madras Waitting in

the laten weaves and designs at 15-

LX 25j up to 803 yard

SWISSESA line of Imported French Dot-

S i tet from 16 to 60c per pard


The Name I

WILSONon your package


you have full value for tj

money you spent

Everything you want r-

At all timesAt the Right Prlss








Turr over



dies ban




Jtbez Sprigzt of Kantasvilk Wi

who own considerable property IB

this section and who is a regular win-

ter viiitor here arrived in the cityyesterday and his numerous friendswere glad to greet him Mr Sprigghas been coming o long to this sec-

tion that the people feel that he isand parcel of Alachua county

ad he I 0 treatedThe L of Endul building

corner of West Main and East Courtstreets is bring roved to a lot OB

North Pleasant street owned by W RThomas and will be fitted a seatcottage The front of the building-has bees removed to Kortk Oak ave-

nue directly north of the Seminarybarracks and will be repaired andconverted into a Bratclaw dwelling

Among the prominent visitors to thiscity is 1 II Bodiford of Colquitt Gawho is here as the guest of his ton DrJ S Uodifnrd Mr Bodiford paid TheSun a agreeable call yesterdayNotwithstanding that he has ruchedfar above three score and ten be-

ing over ninety he is as active as theaverage man ul halt that age andtakes life easy His friends are gladto greet him again

Among the recent arrivals here whohave decided to make Gainesville theirhome are R II Kiaaebrew and family-of Oklahoma Mr Kinarbrew is anattorney by profession and hopes toestablish a record here which willprove profitable He is a Georgian bybirth and naturally teals at hoseamong our people The family la lo-

cated on East Seminary street in thehouse recently vacated by J B MeDonald

C R Hodges formerly of the English Colony of this county near thePrairie but now residing Is St Berlade Iile of Jersey has seat his checkfor ten shillings ia payment for a galIon of Florida syrup to M B Saunderswhich was shipped several monthsago The ten shillings amouated toconsiderably more thaa the value ofthe syrup but Mr Saunders was la-structed to take the balance andfill up the basket of aa old coloredman named Lewis a fisherman oa thePrairie robe was for rang years afaithful employe of Mr Hodges ThisMr SauaJen did yesterday and therewas never a happier BUM bora Una

Cade Lewis who appeared deeplyroved whea the letter was readhim Uncle Lewis left tows forhome in the afternoon rich and happythan Thurndajft Daily Sun

When in need of a good Horse orMule call on frawfersl A Bails l riceis always right

Mr C R Carter of Micanopy it vjrung her sitter Mrs J Fletcher Hill

Liberty streetMii Laura Strickland of Waldo WitIn the city yesterday on brief viiitto Mr and Mr J E Futch

you havent tried Doneyg Delight

VV S A CoJ R Williams of Nashua one ofthe leading Of the train11 was in the city jttterdayT 3 Kellum formerly of Hague butmm residing at Arcadia U here on atn hu titter Mrs E J Baird

of Ocala o a

but returned to her homeI OTHER NEWS ITEMS

tho old






CoQrr don I tail to call and apie can I ors



Willto friend hut for s couple of







get ram


Mr N Ierdnrvisitdays has










Shipment Now Light But WiHbaN

in a Few Days

The cabbage movement wkfefe

bees on in straggling ihipmtfttthjpress with an occasionalthe past days will soon be

fall tome as the plant i BM

very rapidly in the fieldsparticularly of the territeryversed by the Gainesville andfrom Gainesville south to Fairthe acreage is large and themore prolific than for several

Captain L E Barker trfltalter of the Gainesville

within the next tear

the movement in solid earlcafshould be heavy and regularlyhave already shipped several talthis season he said but titof the crop is just coming iematurity and should be anLively within a week at the

The Florida cabbagegrown along t eare of exceptional as IIIteems particularly adapted taand lettuce culturethis section always bring ftpprices in the market


St Johns Methodist ChvreGentlemen

Dont allow your church teteats per pound for wood

If they buy 100 pounds ofLead in kegs they get 88 peaWhite Lead grad 12 pounds ofbut when they buy L A M Paledget a full gallon of paint thatwear oft for 10 or 15 years bedA M Zinc hardens L A M Whitand makes Paint welliron i

4 gallons L A M raized with 3Ions Linseed Oil will paint aaate sized heave J

L ft M costs only 11 20 per I0 8 Andrews of DM-Conn writes

Palsied booswith L A M Looks tcft

Sold by J 0 Bishop Alachat

Marriage in North OainccvaMarried at the home of M-

Mn H C Roth North Otiaef-Wcdatjcday Thoc GMelva E Williams Rev J Hof PortlandJ H Stockey wife of the pastellog the wedding march The fpeople ore well knows andNorth Gainesville andfriends extend congratnlatioas

What It MeansWere tired of answering

Fewer Gallons Weanmeans that you dont have toyour house to sites and youto use so much paint Cotsthe Job and you dont have to dejob to often

The new paint it not uew at aUthe biggest ellinff in the ffi

States and the firm that stakes152 year old

Ierof Lead and Xine fewer gthan mixed paints weara lead and oil

The S J Thomas Co tell it

Seaboard Parlor CarsThe Seaboard Air Line operatO

cars between XVal-

iconaects with the morning t



e oHialitt Gainesville alA








i paint

tdTampa on train W lt







k M

Ex Mayor


Mesa tlmd

oMeiatig aad



twice M



