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    The doctor started the lecture talking about how important is the previous

    lecture ( oral muscosa) and said that there 's going to be 20% of the final

    exams questions on that topic .And here we start the lecture entitled

    Salivary glands , please read it carefully as many slides are not required .

    Salivary glands :

    Salivary glands are: -

    _ compounds ,which means more than one tubule entering the main duct

    (it's not simple that consists of one duct )

    - Tubuloacinar , we have tubules and acini (singular :acinus ) ; these are

    the areas where saliva is synthesized (saliva is synthesized in acinus and

    secreted into ducts )

    -Merocrine, because only the secretion of the cells is released (y3ne we

    dont have any material from blood that comes into saliva , thats why we

    call saliva as marocrine secretion )

    -Exocrine , secretion into a free surface (opposite to endocrine ;secretion

    into blood )


    we will not mention it as we are going to discuss it in details in oral

    physiology .

    classification of salivary glands :

    we classify salivary glands due to size into :Major and Minor glands .

    _Major salivary glands :Parotid ,Submandibular ,Sublingual . (wealready learnt about that in anatomy )

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    ** just to remember quickly : the parasympathetic

    activity of the parotid gland from glossopharyngeal nerve .

    but the parasympathetic activity of both Submandibular and

    Sublingual glands is from facial nerve through chorda

    tympanie . (thats not important )

    _minor salivary glands :

    They are scattered throughout oral mucosa .

    Labial, buccal, palatoglossal, palatal, and lingual mucosae ; all have

    salivary glands ,

    Its notpresent in in the gingival (important note ) , and also its not

    present in the mid palatine propria ( middle area in the hard palate ) .(Important information for fifth year mshan ma erasebna sani khamse :P )

    Acoording to secretion we classify glands to : mucous , serous and mixed


    If the secretion was mucoid( ) then its mucous .

    If there secretion was watery ()then its serous .

    If mixed ( ) then its mixed . (serous and mucous at the same

    time )

    Saliva & fuction of saliva :

    We will not discuss saliva as we are going to dicuss it in physio .

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    Sali ary glands :

    The mai ti e element in the sali ary gland : any sali ary gland has

    t main elements : glandular secret ry tissue ( the gland itsel ) & the

    surrounding connecti e tissue .

    The glandular connecti e tissue is called parenchyma , and it s ectodermal

    in origin (y3ne da2eman el gland aselha invagination mn el epithelium el

    5areje )

    *** Remember: All major and minor salivary glands originate from oral

    mucosa ::

    Invagination duct form the gland .

    And also the supporting connective tissue here in this picture we see theparenchyma ( the yellow color with blue , this is the glandular part , but

    the whole structure is surrounded by a connective tissue ( the supporting

    connective tissue )

    The supporting is called strome ,and this is mesodermalin origin (not

    ectodermal ).

    -From macro to microscopic level: we have:

    Glands divided into a number of lobes each lobe is a

    number oflobules each lobule we find a number of secretory

    units called Acini (singular:acinus ) .

    -The secretory units in the salivary glands :

    These are A grape-li e cluster of parenchymal cells around a lumen

    ( ) .

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    There are three types of acini : serous , mucous and mi ed (mucous

    covered with serous ) .

    So when we have mi ed acini , the cells that are related to lumen are :

    mucous ; and from outside :serous ( we callit serous semiluned (

    ) .

    In addition to that we have cells that are called myoepithelial cells that

    are located around acini . these cells function in squeezing the contents (

    here saliva is formed and it s collected in lumen so we need a big cellto

    contract and squeeze saliva and getitinside ) .7these are contractile cells

    with several processes ,,, also called basket cells .

    The duct system :

    We have : - Acinus lumen:the place where cells secrete directly and anumber of lumens empty in an Intercalated duct and a number of

    intercalated ducts empty in Striated duct .

    Acinus lumen Intercalated duct Striated

    duct .

    These are called intra-lobular (located within the lobule ) .

    The collecting ducts are located between lobules that s why collecting

    ducts are usually surrounded by connective tissue .

    *The inter-lobular system is inert, the composition of saliva doesn't

    change as soon as it arrives in the collecting duct .

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    As long as saliva is in the lumen , in the intercalated duct , in the striated

    duct ; the composition of saliva can change ,we can have addition or

    absorbtion of electrolytes , proteins . Etc .

    Strome :

    Is a connective tissue that surround the salivary gland , it's mesenchymal

    in origin .

    From Macro-to-Microscopic levels :

    Capsule inter lobar (spaces between lobes ) interlobular

    (spaces between lobules ) inter acinus (between acini ) .

    As any connective tissue it contains : collagen fibers , fibroblasts and fatcells .

    *remember that fat cells increase with age .

    For example : in foreinsic we found only salivary gland that belongs to a

    dead person and we want to know his age ; we take it and examine the

    amount of fat cells , if we found many fat cells then the person is old and

    if we find less he is young .

    Synthesis of saliva :

    Synthesis of saliva is active (it needs energy ) , thats why its not a blood

    ultra filtrate (saliva isn't filtrated blood , its synthesis is active process and

    needs energy ) .

    _serous cells , they actually secrete Watery proteinaceous fluid contains

    Amylase . amylase is an important enzyme that digests starch into

    dissacharide .

    _mucous cells , contains Proteins linked to a greater amount ofcarbohyrates

    _ Plasma cells ,secrete IgA immunoglobulin A for protection .

    Secretion of saliva :

    we will not be asked about it as it is oral physiology topic .

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    we need to know the difference between serous cells and mucous cells

    , if we see serous cell , how can we know that this is a serous or

    mucous cell ?

    In light microscopy : serous cells are basophilic ( they stain dark )

    Mucous cells , pale (almost white ) as they contain


    Second , serous cells contain round prominent nucleus .

    in mucous cells ,flattened .

    ONLY those thing are required to distinguish between them

    SLIDE 14 this picture wasnt discuused .

    , dont worry about it .Myoepithelial Cells

    we have to know one function of it : to squeeze the content ofJust

    acinus to empty the content of acinus into intercalated and striated

    ducts .

    intercalated ducts :The

    .Drainage from several acini.

    _ Compressed between the acini : because they are thin and small .

    _contain Cuboidal epithelial cells : one single layer .

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    Prominent nuclei

    In Parotid, they are long, narrow, and branching .

    (important , at least one question ):Striated ducts

    _Larger and longer than ICD ._ Simple columnar epithelium surround with one layer of cells .

    _Cells have large centrally-located nuclei : nuclei located in the

    middle of the cell .

    Called striated because the basal surfaces of the cell have many

    folding , the folding produce striations .

    _ the luminal part also the cell membrane has folding and

    microvilli to increase the surface area for secretion and absorption .

    _cells are attached by desmosomes .

    _at the level of striated ducts we have much of the change in the

    composition of saliva .

    Collecting ducts :

    Collecting ducts are bilayered .

    **** how can we distinguish between collecting ducts and striated??

    e around the duct and ifif you dont see connective tissu Rule :

    you only see one single layer this is striated .

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    if you see more than one layer and see much connective tissue

    around the duct its collecting .

    its bilayered epithelium , luminar part is columnar epithelium layer

    and basal part is cuboidal .

    the collecting ducts approach to the surface of oralmucosa it becomes more than two layers , the bigger itis , the more connective tissue it has .

    so Terminated as stratified epithelium to merge with the oralmucosa.

    :Parotid gland

    its the largest gland and it contains serous acini .

    Parotid gland only gives watery secretion it doesnt produce mucous .

    * so in the exam if there are glands , and in the glands all the acini arebasophilic (purple in colour ) know that this is a parotid gland , its

    possible that it is von ebners gland .

    *the white parts here are fat cells .

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    Submandibular gland :

    We see light cells and dark cells so its mixed , if theres more mucous its

    submandibular .

    Intercalated ducts are short and difficult to locate_

    Striated ducts are long and obvious

    Although submandibular glands are mixed there is more mucous

    than serous .

    Sublingual glands :

    Are mixed and have more mucous than serous (most of the cells

    are light in colour )

    They lacks striated ducts .

    Minor salivary glands :: are primarily mucous .

    As you go posteriorly there is a tendancy for the glands to become

    mucous ,

    In the picture orange areas glands are mucous , blue area such as

    :tip of the tongue , lips , cheeks are mixed glands .

    We have the only serous minor salivary gland which von ebnergland which is associated with circumvallate papilla .

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    Watch your thoughts; they become words.

    Watch your words; they become actions.

    Watch your actions; they become habits.

    Watch your habits; they become character.

    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. ;)

    Special thanks to my brother saif who helped me a lot , and thanks to my

    friends too

    wish you all good luck in your exams