how to write a book

How To Write A Book - Some Useful Tips For Internet Marketers If you are reading this article then this must mean you're asking yourself this question: how to write a book that people want to read. Here are some basic guidelines you need to follow: Why Do You Need A Book? If you are a newbie internet marketer - you don't have any authority. It's as simple as that. By putting your content, your ideas out there on the web, you are slowly but steadily building trust with your readers. This is important because in the age of internet scams, people tend to think that all marketers are frauds; but when you write a book that can positively influence readers, you distance yourself from all the scam artists and become an authority figure in your niche.

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How to write a book


Page 1: How to write a book

How To Write A Book - Some Useful Tips For Internet


If you are reading this article then this must mean you're asking yourself

this question: how to write a book that people want to read. Here are some

basic guidelines you need to follow:

Why Do You Need A Book?

If you are a newbie internet marketer - you don't have any authority. It's as

simple as that. By putting your content, your ideas out there on the web,

you are slowly but steadily building trust with your readers. This is

important because in the age of internet scams, people tend to think that all

marketers are frauds; but when you write a book that can positively

influence readers, you distance yourself from all the scam artists and

become an authority figure in your niche.

Page 2: How to write a book

Here is what you need to work on:

The Title and the Pitch

One of the most important parts of a book is the title, because it is what

decides whether your book will be popular or not. Think about it: would

Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" be that popular if its

title was "Rodion Raskolnikov: a Journey Into The Human Conscience." I,

personally, don't think so.

Also, a title sets some constraints on your writing. It is important, because

as people write an article or a book, their mind tends to wander to the

strangest places, and at one point they forget what they were writing about.

Have a Plan

Internet marketing is all about selling something to your potential

customers. A book allows you to take your readers from A to Z, where "A"

is where you explain why people should listen to you and "Z" where you

encourage them to buy your products.

Page 3: How to write a book

That's why you need to decide in advance on how your sales funnel will

look like.

Give Your Readers a Break

Reading is hard, especially if it something about making money. If your

book is just plain text, you will lose the attention of your readers, and they

will stop reading. That's why I recommend you include pictures,

bold/italicize/underline some key phrases, use a lot of bullet points.

Write In A Comfortable Environment

As I'm writing this article, I'm in a very crowded café where people are

constantly talking, yelling, laughing - they do everything to make lose my

concentration. That's why I recommend you go somewhere - like a park - to

let your mind work in peace.

If you want to find out how to write an article without killing yourself visit