how to write, publish, & promote a nonfiction book


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Post on 16-Jan-2015




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This is an online course for aspiring authors—a clear, practical six-step process for taking your book from planning to promotion. Here's what you learn: Do you have a viable concept? What parts of a book will you have to write in addition to the chapters? Why should you get organized before you even begin to write? How do you set realistic deadlines and stick to them? Where do you find the right experts to help you? What does it take to get your manuscript ready for the printer? What are your publishing options, and which one is best for you? If you self-publish, what is this going to cost? If you want a traditional publisher, what should you know about literary agents? How do you let the world know about your book and where to buy it? What are the best ways to establish a presence on the World Wide Web? Why is Amazon so important? Why should you blog? And most important, how do you apply all that you have learned to your book?


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Learning Objectives for Module 1

• At the conclusion of this module, you will be able to:– Describe how the

course is structured– Explain the six steps

involved in writing, publishing, and promoting a nonfiction book

– Prepare to actively participate in the course


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An Overview of the Six Steps

• What follows are the six essential steps covered in this course, presented in order:

1.Planning2.Writing3.Professional Partners4.Production5.Publishing6.Promotion


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Planning• What it is

– Planning is the first and most important step in the process. It forces you to ask yourself many tough questions, including “What is my book about?”

• Why it matters– A plan or proposal – is your thinking document – a work in progress– organizes your thoughts – helps you plan every element of your book– tells you if you have a viable book idea


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The 10 Questions: Why They Are Important, What They Tell You

• Force you to think through every aspect of your book

• Help you determine whether you have a viable book concept

• Form the basis of a formal book proposal

• Are all you need, if you self-publish

• Become the beginning of your marketing plan


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• What it is– The heart of the matter– The content– Most time-consuming step

• Why it matters– Your subject is important to

you.– You want to share it with

others.– You want your readers to

respond.  – You will also write the other

parts of your book: front and back covers and front and back matter.


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Parts of a Book: Why Each Part is Important

• There are four main sections in any nonfiction book, and each section has a specific function.

• Covers must be well designed, eye-catching, and informative.

• Front matter includes the information you want to share with your readers.

• Chapters contain your subject matter—your message.

• Back matter provides another chance to share information.

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Get Organized

As important as planning is before you begin writing, it is equally important to organize every step of the writing process. There are four steps:

1. Set up your book files.2. Organize your files.3. Save your files.4. Create a writing plan.5. Fill in your deadlines

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Fill in Your Deadlines• Today’s date________________________________________• Deadline for first draft of all chapters____________________• Deadline for second draft of all chapters__________________• Deadline for third draft of all chapters____________________• Deadline for preface__________________________________• Deadline for introduction______________________________• Deadline for acknowledgments________________________• Deadline for second draft of front matter_________________• Deadline for references_______________________________• Deadline for bibliography_____________________________• Deadline for appendices______________________________• Deadline for index___________________________________• Deadline for any other back matter______________________• Deadline for second draft of back matter_________________• Deadline for copy-edited manuscript____________________• Deadline for revisions of copy-editing____________________• Deadline for final draft of book_________________________• Deadline for graphic designer__________________________• Deadline for proofreading layout_______________________• Drop-dead deadline for printer__________________________

• How much time do you have?• How are you going to allocate it?• What do you have to write? • What is today’s date? • What is the “drop-dead” date for the printer?

The time between today’s date and the “drop-dead” date is all the time you have!

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Professional Partners• What it is

– All the people who will play a role in your book.

– Whom you choose depends on many factors.

– Think about what you need and what you can’t do on

your own.

• Why it matters– Very few people can or would

even want to do everything that must be done to take a book from concept to completion


Each member of your “team” is an expert who is focused on making your book a success.

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What Are Professional Partners?

• No one is an expert in all aspects of publishing.

• You are going to need some help.

• Professional partners are experts.

• Make a list of – Experts you might need– Referral sources– Experts’ websites – Experts on LinkedIn– Experts in Facebook groups

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• What it is– Between the completed manuscript and the published

book is a series of activities handled by the publisher. – If you self-publish, you make production decisions.– Production details may seem confusing at first, but

many of them are just a matter of preference or fact.

• Why it matters– There are many factors that attract you or leave you

unimpressed. Someone made decisions on every one of those factors.

– No matter how you publish, you will play a role in those decisions.


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Before You Publish

• Manuscript is written, edited, and copyedited.

• One more step: Production

• Depends on the publishing method

• If you self-publish, you must understand production.

• If you publish traditionally, much of the production will be handled for you.

• Become an informed author.

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Module 5


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Publishing• What it is

– Converts digital files into e-books or printed, bound pages or e-books  

• Why it matters– Your book exists to convey a

message.– Your book must be in a form

readers can access. – There are more publishing options

for authors than ever before.– The more you know about those

options, the better equipped you are to

choose. 19

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Why it’s Important to Understand Your Publishing Options

• The publishing world is changing every day.

• The biggest change is in emerging technology.

• The more you understand about this world, the better your choices will be.

• There are five main

publishing options.

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Publishing Options

1. Conventional publishing

2. Independent (“Indie”) publishing

3. Self-publishing4. Print on demand

(POD)5. Electronic (E)


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Costs of Self-Publishing

Professional Partners

Estimated Fee

Administrative Asst $25-$60/hour

Attorney $150-$350/hour

Book Coach $75-$300/ hour

Copy Editor $4-$10/pg, or $18-$35 /hour

Development Editor $10-$12/page or $75-125/hour

Designer (cover) $450-$650

Designer (interior) $5-$15/page

Distributer Nominal registration fee + 55% of profit

Ghostwriter $20,000-$50,000

Professional Partners

Estimated Fee

Illustrator A well-kept secret

Photographer $500-$10,000

Proofreader $2-$3.75/typeset page or $15-$25/hr

Printer 500: $3.65-5.25 each 1,000: $2.36-3.50 each

Proposal Development $3,000-$5,000

Publicist $75-$350+ per hour

Reviewers Free book; no charge

Website Designer $1,500-$5,000

Total $30,900-$82,579

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What You Should Know AboutLiterary Agents

Your agent is a partner who will …– Critique your book proposal before it is submitted– Make suggestions or edits to help you improve proposal– Submit your proposal to interested publishers– Secure advances, settle contract disputes – Review royalty statements – Ensure that publishers meet their contractual

obligations– Become your support system, guide, and cheerleader– Bring a new editor up to date on you and your book– Earn money only when he or she sells your book


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Module 6


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• What it is– Your book has been published. – Now, you must get it into the

hands of readers.

• Why it matters– Many books are vying for

readers’ attention. In nonfiction, there are thousands upon thousands.

– Letting people know is called promotion.

– Promotion is your responsibility.


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Fill in the Boxes of Your Marketing Plan


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Harnessing the Power of the World Wide Web—1

• You must have a presence on the Web. Here are some of the most effective ways to promote your book:

• Website– Doesn’t have to be elaborate

or expensive, but provides a place to make your book easy to order

• Social networking– Connects people and

encourages conversation

• Amazon– Offers numerous

opportunities to sell books and develop an “author presence”

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Why Should You Blog?• To provide value to your

readers Most successful bloggers are generous. They give away lots of information, and it’s all free.

• To inform, teach, guide, entertain, or all of theseContent should relate to the mission of your blog.

• To develop a following of loyal readers One visit to your blog is not enough. You want readers to return, again and again.

• To sell ideas, services, or products Content counts. You have to have something to say, something worth reading.


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Amazon: Where Readers Will Look for Your Book

• If you have a book, potential readers expect it to be on Amazon. • Amazon is much more

than a huge, virtual bookstore. • Its greatest value may be

in the• ways it can sell YOU. • Marketing your book on

Amazon should be the heart of your promotional plan. • There are so many

benefits for authors, it is worth the trouble to learn your way around.


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Congratulations!• You have done what

you set out to do.• It took real

motivation, especially if this is your first online course.

• In this module, we are going to revisit your goals and map out where you go from here.


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Assessing Your Own Progress

• You have learned:• The basics of online

learning • How your own efforts

determine how far you progress in your book

• What you need to know about each of the steps in the process


• How to apply what you know to your own book

• It is time to review what you have accomplished so far and what you still need to do to finish your book.

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Assessing Your Experience

1. Online courses are dynamic; they grow and change based on feedback from participants like you.

2. Your feedback will help me improve this learning experience for those who will follow you.

3. Please take a few minutes to fill out a very brief survey by clicking the link below.

4. Your response is completely anonymous.5. Rate each statement from 1 (strongly

disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).6. Thank you for your participation!


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Next Steps• A private, one-on-one

consultation to discuss your book, answer your questions, and help you determine where you go from here

• A 25 percent discount on my services; offer good for one year

• Please contact me to set up a time to meet by phone, Skype, or FaceTime.


Call 314-968-8661 or email me at [email protected]