how to increase pharma field force productivity conference

OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES FIELD FORCE PRODUCTIVITY: The #1 Learning Opportunity for Senior Managers to Enhance Field Force Productivity. FFE 2013 5 x 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 y Date: Saturday, 8th June 2013 Theme: Field Force Productivity Place: Courtyard Marriott, Mumbai INSIDE > AGENDA > OBJECTIVES > FACULTY > INFORMATION > REGISTRATION ' U } @ = A G U z z } 8 ' U } z = A G a 8 MEDICINMAN Field Force excellence Saturday, 8th June 2013 | Courtyard Marriott, Mumbai

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FFE 2013 All Set to be the No.1 Event in Indian Pharma. 10 Top Pharma CEOs and 40 GMs and Above Meet to Deliberate Field Force Productivity - Challenges and Opportunities. Few Seats Left; Register Now. Pharma Field Force Excellence 2013 - Saturday, 8th June 2013


Page 1: How to Increase Pharma Field Force Productivity Conference

OppOrtunities& Challenges

Field Force Productivity:

the #1 learning opportunity for Senior Managers to enhance Field Force Productivity.

FFE 20135


10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60


date: Saturday, 8th June 2013


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Place: courtyard Marriott, Mumbai

iNSide> AgeNdA> obJectiveS> FAculty> iNForMAtioN> regiStrAtioN



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MEDICINMANField Force excellence

Saturday, 8th June 2013 | courtyard Marriott, Mumbai

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AgeNdASAturdAy, JuNe 8, 2013 | courtyArd MArriott, MuMbAi


08.30 - 09.20 Networking Breakfast

09.30 Keynote Address: Shakti Chakraborty, Group President, Lupin

10.00 CEO Roundtable Moderator: Sujay Shetty, Partner & Lead, Pharma & Life Sciences, PwC Panel Members: Shakti Chakraborty - Group President, Lupin Ganesh Nayak - COO & Executive Director, Zydus Cadila Bhaskar Iyer - Divisional VP, India Commercial Operations, Abbott

11.30 Panel Discussion: ‘Business Intelligence for Field Force Productivity’ Moderator: Vikas Dandekar - India Bureau Chief, Elsevier Business Intelligence Panel Members: Ameesh Masurekar - Founder Director, AIOCD Pharmasofttech AWACS Salil Kallianpur - Classical Brands Centre of Excellence, GSK Deepshikha Kiyawat - Business Unit Director, Bristol-Myers Squibb India

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch

14.00 Panel Discussion: ‘Employee Engagement: The New Paradigm in Field Force Productivity’ Moderator: Anup Soans, Editor, MedicinMan Panel Members: Deep Bhandari - Director, Marketing and Sales Excellence, UCB K. Hariram - Former MD (retd.), Galderma Amlesh Ranjan - Assoc. Director, Sanofi

16.00 Power Session 1: ‘PharModeling for Healthcare: KAM & Market Access’ Amlesh Ranjan - Assoc. Director, Sanofi

16.30 Power Session 2: ‘Role Clarity for Field Sales Managers to Enhance Field Force Productivity’ K. Hariram - Former MD (retd.), Galderma

17.00 Closing Remarks








Hosted by organized by Knowledge Media venturz.

Page 3: How to Increase Pharma Field Force Productivity Conference

FFE 2013 is India’s premier event for Field Force Excellence by MEDICINMAN.

The old methods of increasing field force num-bers will only mean increasing inefficiencies. Moreover, arbitrary targets and unachievable incentives has made the field force wary and weary and attrition is at an all time high.

The Challenges faced by Pharma in India is manifold:

• Patent expiration and fewer blockbusters

• Stringent regulatory compliance

• Intense competition and

• Heightened cost pressures

This, coupled with social activism, decreased face-time with Doctors, and commoditization of the market, make questions of Field Force Productivity all the more important.

In these circumstances, the urgent questions for senior pharma managers are:

1. What are Pharma CEOs thinking about the role of Field Force in the changed market sce-nario?

2. What is the role of Business Intelligence in enhancing Field Force Productivity?

3. How to attract and retain Gen-Y talent? What is Employee Engagement?

4. What is PharModeling? How can KAM (Key Account Management) lead to increased Field Force Productivity?

5. How can Role Clarity of Field Sales Manag-ers lead to increased Field Force Productivity?

Every year at FFE, MedicinMan brings togeth-er industry thought-leaders to deliberate on the most pressing issues facing the Pharma Field Force in India.

Join us at FFE 2013 to learn, share and set the agenda on Field Force Excellence for the year ahead.

Who Should AttEnd: Senior Managers in Sales and Marketing, Training, HR, SFE, SFA and other Field Force related functions.

Why AttEnd: Do not miss out on this oppor-tunity to learn about the best practices in Field Force Excellence from industry thought leaders, network with industry peers and pharma deci-sion-makers and take home an action-plan for Field Force Excellence in 2013.

obJectiveSSAturdAy, JuNe 8, 2013 | courtyArd MArriott, MuMbAi

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Hosted by organized by Knowledge Media venturz.

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Page 4: How to Increase Pharma Field Force Productivity Conference

the most exciting part of the conference: FFe 2013 begins with the ceo roundtable. Pharma leaders have the opportunity to interact freely and set the tone of the event. Participants have the opportunity to interact directly with the ceos during Q & A.

FAcult y

Sujay Shetty,Partner & Lead,Pharma & LifeSciences, PwC.

Shakti Chakraborty,

Group President,Lupin.

Ganesh Nayak,COO & Executive

Director,Zydus Cadila.

Bhaskar Iyer,Divisional VP,

India Commercial Operations, Abbott

SAturdAy, JuNe 8, 2013 | courtyArd MArriott, MuMbAi

Hosted by organized by Knowledge Media venturz. CME for Brand Building

Presented by:

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ceo rouNdtAble:Field Force Productivity: oPPortuNitieS & cHAlleNgeS


Page 5: How to Increase Pharma Field Force Productivity Conference

Key Questions for discussion:1. What is the role of business intelligence in enhancing Field Force Productivity?2. can accurate business intelligence lead to an optimized Field Force structure?3. can business intelligence help Field Force optimize physician targeting?

FAcult y

buSiNeSS iNtelligeNce For Field Force Productivity

Vikas Dandekar, India Bureau Chief, Elsevier Business


Salil KallianpurCommercial Head -

Classic Brands Center of Excellence, GSK

Ameesh MasurekarFounder Director - AIOCD Pharmasofttech AWACS

Deepshikha Kiyawat

Business Unit Director, Specialty, Bristol-Myers

Squibb India

SAturdAy, JuNe 8, 2013 | courtyArd MArriott, MuMbAi

' U } z


Hosted by organized by Knowledge Media venturz.

Presented by:

PANel diScuSSioN

Page 6: How to Increase Pharma Field Force Productivity Conference

eMPloyee eNgAgeMeNt:A NeW PArAdigM iN Field Force Productivity

FAcult y

K. Hariram,Former MD (retd.),

Galderma India.

Amlesh RanjanAssociate Director,


Deep BhandariDirector, Marketing and

Sales Excellence, UCB

Anup SoansEditor, MedicinMan

SAturdAy, JuNe 8, 2013 | courtyArd MArriott, MuMbAi

' U } z


Hosted by organized by Knowledge Media venturz.

Pharma’s Premier Branding Event

“Pharmodelling for Healthcare: KAM & Market Access” Session lead: Amlesh Ranjan, Assoc. Director, Sanofi

“role clarity for Field Sales Managers to enhance Field Force Productivity” Session lead: K. Hariram, Former Md (retd.), galderma india

Presented by:

PANel diScuSSioN

Power Session 1

Power Session 2 :


Page 7: How to Increase Pharma Field Force Productivity Conference

SAturdAy, JuNe 8 2013

courtyArd MArriott, ANdHeri KurlA roAd, oPP. SANgAM big ciNeMAS, ANdHeri (e), MuMbAi.

PHArMA delegAteS - iNr 8,500 + 12.36% service tax Service ProviderS - iNr 9,500 + 12.36% service tax [coNtAct uS directly For bulK rAteS] | See Next Page è

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Hosted by organized by Knowledge Media venturz.

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Hosted by organized by Knowledge Media venturz.

DElEgAtE FEE FoR FFE 2013PHArMA delegAteS - iNr 8,500 + 12.36% Service tAx

Service ProviderS - iNr 9,500 + 12.36% Service tAx

register online at or submit the details below to [email protected]/[email protected]

PAy By CHEquEPayment must be made in INR by Cheque / Bank Draft and must be received prior to the conference. Cheques to be issued in the name of “Knowledge Ventures”, payable at Mumbai.

SEnD CHEquES to:ArviNd NAir,tHe eveNt SecretAriAt,b-205, AHiMSA eNclAve,oFF NeW liNK roAd, cHiNcHoli,MAlAd WeSt,MuMbAi - 400064.

PAy By ACCount tRAnSFERNeFt detAilS bANK: ICICI BANK brANcH: MAlAD lINK ROAD BRANCH, 6/7 lINKWAy ESTATE, MAlAD (WEST), MuMBAI - 400064. AccouNt NAMe: KNOWlEDgE VENTuRES AccouNt tyPe: CuRRENT AccouNt No: 122105500002 iFSc code: ICIC0001221

PERSonAl DEtAilS (to BE SEnt Along witH DEtAilS oF PAyMEnt)NAMe:coMPANy:deSigNAtioN:AddreSS: eMAil: Mobile:detAilS oF cHeQue/ NeFt trANSFer: