how to build business value through twitter

How to build business value through Twitter By Wired Marketing

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Post on 21-Jun-2015




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Social media is a great tool for businesses to connect with their audience. How can it add value to you business? Here are 10 ways to build business value through Twitter.


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How to build business value through Twitter

By Wired Marketing

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There are over 200 million active Twitter

users world wide.

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That’s a lot of people

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And chances are your customers are on Twitter


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Think about how great it would be to

tap into conversations

happening in the Twitterverse, and use them to your


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Here are 10 quick tips to help you focus your

social media efforts in the right place at the

right time…

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1. React to Twitter users who are interacting with

your content

By paying attention and being polite and gracious you can further your relationships with your followers.

If someone comments on, RTs or shares your content, you should thank them. Keep an eye on your

mentions tab and be friendly.

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2. Say ‘Hello and welcome’ messages to new clients

Marketing doesn’t stop when someone signs up as a client. Nurture them and greet each new client with a

friendly tweet. Try and personalise the tweet if you can. It’s all about

building relationships.

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3. Add a Twitter username field to your forms

Collect social media information when a client signs up. Simply add a new form to your website and

encourage people to interact with you.

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4. Connect with users in a specific location

Twitter tracks users’ geographical locations to help you understand where your followers

are based. This is especially great for local companies looking to target local followers.

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5. Monitor customers who are looking for help

If you’re using a social dashboard to control your accounts, you can set up a keyword stream that helps

you find leads. Search for users who tweet your keyword and ‘help’ or ‘support’ and jump in to save the day with your

superhero powers.

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6. Monitor your successful keywords

Following on from point 5, set up keyword streams for your most

successful keywords. Once these streams are in place, you will see which users are interested in specific topics, even if you

aren’t following them. Follow these individuals to showcase

your brand.

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7. Take a look at your client’s recent tweets

See what your clients were tweeting about before you speak to them. By engaging on a personal level,

you will find it easier to have a conversation with your clients. Did they mention that they were

heading out for lunch? Ask them how it was and if they had a cheeky desert.

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8. Follow people who have interacted on your site

Target users who have interacted with your pricing page or have viewed your products on your website. This may be tricky

without the correct tools, but try using Google Analytics to track where your contacts are based.

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9. Gather positive tweets and use them as testimonials

New clients take on board the opinions of other people, over your own opinion. Favourite your most flattering tweets and consider embedding them on

your website.

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10. Take a nosy at your competitors mentions

Get a leg up on the competition and see how their clients interact with them. Use this information to modify your social media

strategy or follow up with a lead in a different way. And see if there are any types of tweets

that you could start posting.Again, set up a stream on your social

dashboard that includes your competitor’s names.

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These steps should make your social media efforts more

business focused, whilst still remaining social, friendly and


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