how the cloud powers enterprise mobility


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Post on 16-Jan-2017




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One of the main things that helps determine whether or not a business succeeds is how well it manages its resources. For many modern businesses, that means saying goodbye to the traditional central office and 9 to 5 workweek. Instead of working from desks in an office, many employees now work offsite on a tablet or remote desktop interface; this decentralization of the workforce is called “enterprise mobility.”

Enterprise mobility is the concept that businesses no longer need a central location or set hours in which work gets done. A mobile workforce using smartphones, tablets, and remote interfaces works on their own time and during their own chosen hours. Instead of holding gatherings in the office conference room or chatting in the breakroom, work teams now meet over Skype and talk over instant messaging, as well as use electronic forms and cloud-based mobile approval workflows to increase efficiency.

For many businesses both big and small, enterprise mobility is too good an opportunity to save resources and improve work output to pass up. By 2018, the global market for enterprise mobility is expected to reach $218 billion.1 As businesses look for ways to work faster and smarter in order to keep up with their competition and please their customer base, enterprise mobility is becoming a necessity for doing business in the 21st century.

Many firms that have embraced enterprise mobility have reported improvements in several vital areas of performance, including:

• Increased operational speed

• Improved efficiency

• Faster data collection and reporting

• Improved resource allocation

• Better collaboration between coworkers

Obviously, businesses can’t just shut down their offices and tell everyone to start working from home without a plan. Enterprise mobility requires a digital infrastructure that supports employees, providing them with the tools they need to perform their jobs, and keeps everyone connected in an efficient and convenient manner. For most businesses, creating this infrastructure means turning to the cloud.

In a recent survey of IT decision makers, more than 50% said that they plan to build between 51% and 100% of their apps with a mobile component.2 Additionally, the survey also revealed that the Mobile Web (60%) and Hybrid Cloud (65%) will be the dominant mobile architectures used for enterprise mobility in the near future.2

So why are Mobile Web and Hybrid Cloud so preferred over native architecture when it comes to building apps that allow for enterprise mobility? The explosion of mobile devices, platforms, and screen sizes means that building and supporting custom native apps for every type of device is too expensive and difficult for most businesses. Cloud-based apps, on the other hand, can be accessed by all devices equally.

Through the use of cloud-based apps, businesses are unshackling themselves from the restrictions of the traditional office. When enterprise mobility apps work, they allow organizations to achieve great gains in productivity and efficiency.

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Enterprise mobility, the use of mobile devices by businesses to do work remotely, is largely powered by custom apps that allow users to perform their essential work functions. Cloud-based apps provide a greater level of flexibility and better overall performance than native architecture.